MEM THE COLUNIBIA SPY. rNDF.I;EIN - nEi.:7, FEARLESS FREE COLERMA, • '\l; Any- All adcertiseing spilt be cansi . arrect cdsrf xnd ollataLle at any timeafter,th , Oirst insertion. The Tomato , all rood. A good medical authority ascribes to the tomato the following very important medical qualities: 1. That the tomato is one of the moat pow,erfxil aperients of the liver and Other =gams; :where calomel is indicated, Zit' is, one of the most ,efTective and least harm, ful medical agents known to the' pri.Pres pion. That a ell'emicalex.t . raet he of tamed from"irt yill snrerserl:e the .use `of e.alomel in cure - of disease. : - 3. That hp has successfully treated, with this article alone:, 4..That' when ,used as an article of it is also so vereiga for ilppOs'ia an - ,indigestion.: . 5.• That it liquld he constantly used Ail...daily:food. Either cooked or ruw;or in the,foym of catsup, - it - ,is the most whole „ some article in .as,:e. - . IpiTt They Meaik. Many persons have wondered what was the significatiOn .of the aifForent,vhisties of lecomotives. , The Jollowin 0- 'explains One whistle; "down brakes;" two whistles.- ”off brakes; ';:three whistles,' "i)a.clt.,t4p;",, continuous whistlpi,, , fdangpr;" • a rapid_ succession of short whistlea'i§ _the cattle alarm, at which the•brakes will always lip: put down; a • sweeping parting. of hands on leiel , ofeye is a signal to-"go ahead;". a downward'motion 'of one hand,s,with tended arm,"to stop;" abeckoning motion of one hand to 'back;." a lantern raiSed, and lowered' 'vertically is a signal for. "starting;":swung at right angles :or cress ways, the track l•to stop;' swung _ a circle "back the' train;", a red flag waved upon the track must be regarded . as• signal of ,danger; tsoef , other signals given with energy; boisted-at a station is a signal for a train to 'stop.; stuck up , by the-road side, it•is a signal'of :danger ou the track ahead ;.pairied 'unfurled ,upon an engine , is a warping -that another, • engine or train , is' on its - w - iy., , GRE-fitT _ ZIN*G AIIrT:IBTT i VE It 8. A Sure'l , rtwentative of • os3Cl'LiMit.A. /11111B' 'WONDERFUL REMEDY Was and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. S. ttheopsns, an em inent. Egyptian ,physician. • Tie had long seen and felt the want-of some reme dy which would strike at the - root of disebse, and so prevent much of the suffering which the human family Was fben compelled to endure.- ' r • • . The great :43ne . stionwas .- r resented to his mind every day in vivid colors 45 he moved•amorig the sick and dying. and observed the inefficiency of nearly all the remedies then in nee. Thus Ito was lead to think and experiment; 'and afeer , ten'yeari of htudy and tidier, he presented to - his fellow-man the Wonderful Zingarl Bitters: - The etfect'of'this prep t fixation in the prevention and cure of disease, was 'so marvellous and astonishing, that-the • most flat tering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon hits who discovered it. iris tubne Vas placed upon the Roll of Nobles, and a gold medal with the-fol, lowing inscription—Dr, plreopstut •the Public Bene ractor—was presented to him by ehe Viceroy. • The preparation has been used in several epidem-, ics of cholera, both - as a preventive and curative Measure, and •w,thpuch-great success,' that it has-, been introduced into -nearly all the general hospitals of the old amid. ' , , The old ,saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound orcure, applies with marrelous force to chalets,' and- therefore any-remedy that will pro tect us against this•terribld disease shouldlie freelS?‘ and persistently used. - All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on, the excretory organs, and keeps, them in working order, must prevent a sufficient decumula tiom of the poison to exert its terrible effects ou the organism. This is true 'riot-only of cholera, hut of nearly all other maladies, especially the different forms of fever. ' , , The Great Zingari 'Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions 'require. Its acts-on the organs of excretion add secretion,keeping up apex-, feet balance between • them. This Bitters is coin-, posed entirely of roots and herbs. so nicely con cocted that every organ is acted upon dud put 'in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt' and losting. Numerous ,t*qa,,,of the following disease, have been tars , sj,:i3t7tOliolera, Diarrhosa; Dysentery, Ts?r m. I - ever, Fever, itgue, Nervous s : , Aji: 1.. ~, Pinale Irregularities, Dyspep •r - sitnleneilit,olle,Scroftilp, ea. - -,J:- p one donalperquaitTottle„ ... , . 2,a2..dipal Depot at the WalniteXtreet wharf, Ilar rr, g, Pa., •' - .1d by all Druggists, Hotelketipers and Grocers. , ' - .F. RANTER ' Sole Proprietor.. ' ROr sale by :T. C. Bucher, corner of Front and ust Std. Columbia. Pa. - . , at JACKSON'S eb. 10 66.-iP dr+44B,sW.r. - RE G - ROUNDSW at _ *",* JACKSON'S. LEBANON VALLEY' ONEY AT • - TAGKSON'S O . •, . ONCEN;PRA.TED - LYE, - OR, SOAP Maket:o4:zueoiverl; arid` for'sal P at tr low price b.syr • B . WILLIAMS:: • . . • WR00.1:1 T SCRAP IRON. - The'• Su quehanna Iron Co. • Wi . ll pay the highest - cash price fdr wrought' scrap , iron. delivered at 'their nifll, Colnmbia, Lancaster Co:; Pa. . • eept. 23, '6sztf. Praiale ,Sale of Real - E4tate LOT OF GROUND. ON - THE, EAST. side or Front Street, betweea , Loeust grid Union • St.:cets, containingAn front about 25 feet and in depth to the Pennsyl vania Railroall;• With a` TWo anti a Ralf Story Brick Dwelling House' and other improvements tliereon,bnunded south_ by property- of lie°.Bogle and - _north by property of - Mrs, White, now. occupied by Wm. Boyd, is offered at private sale.. For full particulars inquire. of • HENRY SIJYDAAf,'.• • .. Agent , for . Jolui S. Cri yen:. April 14, tf. WHO'? . WHO ? WHO?' „_ OUR AN'Exp Goygßls.o4-- W. E g r h a a p vg c e y , r c c t and - _Z Sylvania, Which wewill send by mail .for 25 ; cents.- If we mistakkc.i/te !man, • the. Money will le,refanded. immediately after election- next • October.. - it , ' Geary:or Clymer?' Write and,-seez.4 Address = ' • d.T CO., „ • ' , - 511',Pheettut Street. jun-2, 2m ' NM nl„ 'A compound remedy, designed to be the most - effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated -extract of Para. Sariaparilla, . combined with Other ' • Substan'cds of ' still 'Areate? alteritive power as to afford an effec tive. antidote for diseases Saisaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed That such a remedy is - -wanted -by ;those ,Who- suffer ; from 'Srrurnous - ebniplaints.i, snit thatione which - will accomplish their cure must prove of , immense 'service to this large class of ouraiiliCted fellow 'citizens. ~Hoy completely, this compound will . do it has` been proven by experiment Ori ' ' of the worst cases to be found of the folloWirig complaints : SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS ANDRUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, 'PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TU3IOICS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD,. SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC. Ay-- rzerroxs, 11uncoltlAr, DISEASE, Duormr,Nuc-: P.ALGIA Olt TIC DOULOUREUX., DEBILITY, DYS- I!EPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE on, Sr. Aivrnoxy's Firm, and indeed the Whole 1 1 class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OF THE 'BLOOD. • This compound will be found a great pro moter of health,'When taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. - . By the-tithe -4y expulsion of them many rankling . disorders 'are' nipped - in the 'fiti,L: multitudes - can; t:by ' the aid of thisi 'remedy', spire themsellieifitom xlae;_endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the. system will strive to rid: itself of corruptions, if not , assistetlAo. do `thiS through the natural channels of the body by: . an alte*tive• medicine. - .. Cleanse,,,out.... the ' yitiated blOod ivh - orieier - Ydif find itiiiiithirities bursting through the skin in pimples. eruptions, dr:sores ;- cleanse it when you find it is ob structed, Inid,sluggish in the veins ; ~cleanse it .whenever‘it-m 7 foul;:aid yriiii:Seeline.Will fell ' you when. 4ven where no particular disorder is felt, people .enjoy better health,;. and. live - longer, for elesinsinikthe„,:blooil.; - .lCl;*..the 1 blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life- disordered, there can be no lasting health, Sooner or. latef • something 'must go wrong, and the great machinery of .life is disordered - ofOverthrciwit. ' Sarsaparilla liai o and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the 'world has been egregiously deceived by :preparations, partly because: ,the drug alone',lla. not all. ,t)ipt !tip 'Claimed -for it, but . more because many prepa'ration's, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, - contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, 'or, any thing else., . ' • During late, yea* thpublie' l liaye'beeinis led by large bottles, pretending to give' a'qiiart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. : Most of these have been - nrion' the` Sick - , • fur they ,not, only .contain„littleoE.any, ,Sarsapa. 7 , hilt often - 31'o' Cilia:the . properties: whatev er.. Hence, bitter 'and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of 'Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has be - come Synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound,Sarsaparilla; , and intend to supply 'such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy - which rests. Upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible 335 , : the oirThiarfriiriof.The diZeaSeS:ifis:intend.;;; ecl to cure. In order to secure their complete' eradication from the system, the remedy should ,be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle, PREPARED BY Dn. ,:4c CO. _tONVELt, 'MASS. -- price, $1 per Bottle;,, ' , Ayer's:Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Thraitand Lung Complaint, that it. is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence • of - its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has _long .been- in constant use ,throughout this section, weneed . not'do more than assure the people:its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that , it !may be relied on to ,do for their relief all it has ever been found to do, Ayers- . • • , `- Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and - eminent' • parse - CI - ages; have lent:their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space herfrwill • not: Permit the insertion of them. The Agents below naiad fur nish gratis our AMERICAN Arat&NAC in which they • are given; with elSo full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowedfor their'eure Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make. Moro • i profit ;on. Dement]. AYitt's; and take' ho others. • The sick want the best aidthere is for them, and they should, have it. All our remedies are for sale by All Druggists' and dealers in medicine everywhere. At wholesale by J. M. Maris . & Co., 711 Market St., Philadelphia. Golden 111Ottar ?Drag rBi6re, FORNT STREET, COLUMRIA, PA. , ' - Constantly• on hand • • - *cal razie..EflAcie,.,,ti L - 41 - ASSORTMENT bRUGS T iNEDICINES;OHEUIPALS, P,edaDary 'FANCY SOAPS - OF ALL may• 26: '66.1y . And the usual variety of Staple' aiid "otlitiji-Gobds 3 Alsually fotincl7ftia First StOte. CIANS' AND PRE -7,5, c;iitiT?oNg .AcrainATELr. WM. P'ATTON,- • ' Treiisnrer.. --THE HIGHEST-CASH-PRICES paid for OLD NE\VSPAPERS, PAM . - PHLETS,BOOKS AND WASTE PAPER of every description. s66* - - 1866 'Garden, ,PAd:And Flower From - Briggs ;it - Brothel* ROCiallter; NeNI: mEESE k.inds - -of • seeds' which mature _LP more perfectlrin the-old =countries - imported from the best seed liouses , 'and the balance is grown in this country; with the greatest care, therefore those who pm-- chase theinedan. dkpen.thulioh getting the best the world affords. For sale at ' Mar.. 3., ~ - - J.A.CKSON:S.- =I - 171,17. mar, , ~.rte Or Costiveiiesi; - Jaundice,'lDYspepSia, - Indigestion,' Dyseiitern, Foul Stomach,-Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheranativn, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, - ,DroPsy, Tetter, 'Honors and Salt 'Merin:, Trorins'i ' Glint; Neuralgia,' as Dinner Pill, and for Purifying elie - BloOd. - " They are 'sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive, can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the pnrposes of a furdly physic. Price 25 (setae per Boa • PARiLY'S Alll tho most popular TAMMY HEDICE NES; PARTICULAR. ATTENTION PAID TO OOMPOUNDWi. 'PHYSI- Itr,4llD>T: , k t• sthEy_ • • • Tan. 21,, „„, ' . C. LUNDY & Co. • ,142 south 4th street , .feb. 2i;'16116-. rIA:NisTED P.ICIMES*&.SA.II,DINES at N../ • - • - . . , • -. T.S.C.U.SON'S: • • •I - , :77 K-Z N all fine-brandsof Chewing Tobacco, I another boases:My ,Tobacco'S are all warrantedrfrde'of. . -must, or. disa:-- greeable mixtures;,-they are al selected with tbe greatest care by the taatiufaCtur , „ -. • Constantly on ha,,nd , , , : HA:abOASTLE 'NAVY ' ' • - . . ... Baltimore Spun,. . •'--. :•: ,• . • ,Oroffoko -Twist,, - Diadem; Old Dominion, .• . - , Light Pressed, . . ' Sun Cured, • Congress, ey,ueen' City : T4-ine Cu • ‘, t9 Grant, Fine - Cut, Michigtin Fine Cut, and different other brand A large aSsortm ont of Smoking Tobacco's Snuffs; Tobacco bags, together with all the latest -improved' pipes known the market. - ' • ' • • M Segal's cannot be beat; for stock in the county. 'Friends call -and try my Am eri cau - Cousi n' s, Un ion's. Isabel , Callas, TG's,tGrAnt:s; Attillas, &c., ' ' • !Cheap Segars Constantly on hand. Booties is the place. - - Mind in' the old • Post :Office• Locust Street CoLlmief24;:6s EMT Bp7DIIN HERR, • .EIAB JUST OPENED A new stock of goods, a,t •1 2 .1b.1." Where I would be pleased to see all trry 'old customers: My stock of goods is 'full .ancl 'CoMplete; comprising • - - • DI?.ESS,GPODS, • CSSSIMERES,' ' • -• ; •:‘ . - VESTINGS. , .DELAINS, ' • 'PRINTS, - • .. ‘" • • DOMESTICS, . Together as good assOrtinent;of goods as is ibtmd'in any similar establishment. Elll I'"!aznify - COffeilSo 8.4 y,- - of . i ) Rligt SU GrAI3;6ORF,D I.IA , MS: FLbtlll; . POTATOES, ;FISII, Cchintry prod - rice taken in e. -- .cliange• goods at the highest market rates. I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa trotinge. • • - BENJ. HERR , . Iciv : .l9. '64. • ger. 317(1. and. - Union Sts. piATE S NT, HINGE.I3ACK ALBETAI Altemns cC Co'.s 'Patent Hinge 13nek-Al bums, the best album made• _ find ex amine at -* , 26 011 G 1) -‘ 1) - T 11.4 G 1.1,LE-11Y. The iZompletely Are 7 4tted his establishment, and his gallerY cannot be surpassed by any in the comity, and he hopes by careful personal attention to give the public better nictures than have here tofore been produced. AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, IvorYtyPes, Melainotypes, Carte dc Visite, and pictures on canvass taken in the best style, and:at prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness. , _gn-Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated sittings. He ' asks continuance mf the liberal patronage alWays extended to this establishment: calr and examine :speci mens at• the 'rooms, - northeast corner of .T.ront and Locust streets. Entrance nn oust street. R. J. M. LITTLE. 1 Oct. 24 18G3. Ladle- Take ParucalarNotice, The Real I Velgrdai Vemale [Warranted F:nnoli.] rrhese PILI., so celebrated _many years ago in Paris for the relief of female ir regularitieg,iwe now offered for iale for the'llrst time in America. They have been kept in cmpparative obscurity.from the fact that the originator,...Dr:Vel pan, is ti physieiiimin Paris of geeatiwcalth and con scientious principles, and has withheld them t tom genesal use, lest they should be employed for un- Inwful purposes. In overcoming female obstruc tions they seem really omnipotent. They are offer ed to the public only for legitimate Purposes, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is un derstood, that the object is unlawful. Sold by R. Williams' and Dr. Parry, Columbia. Ladies, can procure a box settled from the eyes of cusbon,he r nclosing $1 and six stamps to 0. G. Staples, General Agent for us; Watertown, N. Y. or to the, abovettgents. Jan: 6,1 y- . MIMI=MI MO( INT JOY,' PENNA ALEX: a RETEE fl roprister .1%1.2?5T-G L S ACCOMMODATIO2S: The Choicest Liquors at the Bar. Oct. 7th, ly. • COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. p.4E:ITAL. AND ASSETS, 15532,210,4 g This Coiupai coast noes archanclise,' - *and " other property, against loss andidumage by fire ; on. the mutual plan; either for a cash premium or premium note. " .- • . A.Y.NDAI REPORT. Wh6 i,t104-49.5,51 Les's ain't 'expired in '65,' 212;Z:3G,00 8,091,939,51 CAPTT 4L AND :C.N COME Aurt.of premiumo ~ 1.;(1:?; 4211,60,66 Less premihm - notes bxp'ci in 'O5, 113,073.45 410,017,21 Amt. , of premium - notes received'in '65,' , n 15,554,13 Bala:lee of premiums, Jan.q. '65 ? 3,Ki0,14 Cash raceipoi,less pornmissions,to :05, , „ 46,760,80 . . - 54p,198,37 . . .. , ' —CONTRA:. - ' -- ' .- . . .. . , Losses and expenses paid ii) - '0, ,, ,. , li:l - ,9S7,88 .13alance Capital and Assets, Jan. 1;1866, - 531421 0,49 .. . , . . 570 i 9 s • , " S:REEN.,'Presidenti: GMORGE MICHAEL S. Sittru.A.2g,Treasnrer.. CrV.C30178... SainueiStoch," ZVilliaih Patton, R. T. Ryon. *.Tolin W. Steacy, John Fendrich. Geo. Young, Jr., H. G. Minich. Nicholas 1 4 ,i'Dona Id, Stun'l F Eberloin, Michael S. Shuman. Amos S Green e S. C. Slay maker, Edmund Sgoring, - ; • Jan. 13. 130 , .:2;',L , UPHOLSTERING; rpEEEitr,yI)ER,S. Tc.:-.NED „HAS, VPATZEN J.. 'Rooms' -adjoining UM residence of James Barber;lin Walnut , street, where be is at all times • do , all kinds of work in • Suc as; Hanging Cur cutting, makir , and layitfg Carpets: Repiariug Sofit's and chairs, making spring, corn-husk or I.air mattresses, cd - shions Ltc., -•—• _SAMUEL CAUTEII. , . mar. 10,.'66 - C . . SIGN, PAINTILN; G M UT: undersigned would call the alien :l- tion - of business men, and the public,, generally, his'• rooms' in: 'York, Pa., where. Sign and Ornamental Painting and • PHOTOGRAPH doLoßrivq‘ is executed iri the best manner, and low eSt rates. - . 5110177 ClinDS • • _ made to order at from 25 t 0,70 cents a piece. Orders solicited, and Terms C. - 0. D. .alooms-next to P. S. Small's. store, Centre Squaie,- '-" • • : D. F. YOST. •, . ft NTrIcE, ,BI3ILPEP /1111 E Old, •well4tnown Abm. , Myers' ,Quarry,•ithicli.lies.. been •in operation for two yeu twand a = half, are prepared to furnish. all kinds' build in,,m'slone, nor;'only eheit . p, brit better Monti than ,atui be pro' - Charles , N. Eanclser ' Isaac Lea, Tobias, Wagner, Edward C. Dale, _Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales, Jacob R. Smith' Alfred Fitler, Geo. NAT Richards; Fra§..W. Lewis, M.•D: • CHARLES N..BANCKER, President. EW.D: C. DALE, .Vice-President. JAS. W. McALLISTER, Sec. Pro. Tem. JOHN COOPER t ligt-for Columbia mar. 12,1866, NEWCARRIAGE A:. - NT_TP.:49OrTOMIY" Second Street, nearly opposite LUTHERAN CHURCH, COLUMBIA. rinHE UNDERSIGNED H..A.VEStG• Taken 1 the Shops formerly, conducted by Mr. Samuel Carter, would respectfully an nounce to the eitizeits'of Columbia and vi cinity that he is now prepared to manuffic • ture all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Bug gies. Sul ales, and all • other vehicle e s in his line. His reputation as a workman is es tablished, as he can confidently claim for his work the merits of-beauty of form, ele gance of finish, and strength of structure. One of the distinguishing features of his work is its durability;' all vehicles of his build are constructed of the best seasoned material, and put together firmly and sub stantially. He gives particular attention to tho repairing of vOhicles, and warrants all work in his line to give satisfaction. In addition to his practical experience in the business. helms the assistance of the best worlimen. Some ,of them from the celebrated Watson establishment of Philn dolphin. • . - A generous public is respectfully invited to give haute indust-y their encourage ment and support. CHRISTIAN MYERS. Ang. 12, '65. tf REDUCTION 41: , 7 COAZ Arrivals of Cargoes at the Coal Depot of Bruner (S.:; Moore; wh ieh are now offer ed for sale by the.Bashel,Ton,Car or Boat; April 13, Boat Enuna, with Lyken's Valley Stove. " 20, " W. ff. Ranch with Ly ken's Valley Nutt. " - 20, " • Bart Co. No. 158, Balto. Co. No. 5.. • Balt Co. N"o. 12S, Balto Co. No. 3. • " 27, " " 2S,' Wall, • Lyken's • Valley Nutt. May 2nd, " C. C. - Co. No.. 72. Gray - Extra No. 4. "' 4, "C C Co, No, 15, Gray extra No. 5. and Shamokin coal on hand. More orthe celebrated Gray coal, and the Baltimore Comtiany on the. wad•. All coal sent in good order: BET_TNER Sr, 1%10011,E mpy 5, '66, Jersey liqamis. A . Fine let of elegant "Quaker direct from the,Jarsies, and are super ior to any heretofore offered in this mark et, as a trial will suffite. For 'sale only by JOIIN,A. JACKSON. may 2G, 'GG-tf . , • DRY QOODS STORE - REMOVED. ripHE subscriber has removed his store 1 from West Ring to - No. 29 North Queen Street—Union League 'Building'Lancas ter, Pe., which has been: refitted, aucl is now one of the • HANDSOMEST STODES I 9 TDB CRY, where he now invites his friends and cus tomers to call and examine his large and , Cll6l p , Stock: ofGoods, which has just come.from the city,. bought _atthe present tow prices, which will en able him to - SELL;AT LOWER RATES • . then those who laid in their stock early, when Good were high. JOEPI-1. ICNOTWELL; ' NO. 29 North Queen st., Lancaster, Ea. mar. 31,-tf , -THE - -EiffIIPRISE - 11 1 31111111 Ca.. No. 40 , - ti \Vatlna 5t., Philadelphia ,C.IST/ ASSETS, JANUARY 1, - IS6G,, $37,0, ; 765..4S The investments of this-Company ai.e. in First Mortgages . on Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia, and in other 'Securities carefully selected by the Directors. Perpetual and Term Insurances effected by : this Company at as, low rates of pre mium as safety to the Company and to the - - • • • 3:33[....30. CT' CIOEL . F:Ratchloid Starr,. 3. Erringer, Nalbro' -Frasier, Geo. 'W. Falinestock, -John M. Atwood, • JameS' L. Plagliern, Benj. T..Tredick., 'William G. Bolton, George H. Stuart, Charles 'Wheeler, - .lohnli. BroWn, T. .4. - Montgomery. F. RATCHFORD'STARR, -THOMAS H. MONTGOIIf,ERY, .•Irice-Prest. ALEX. W. SISTER, Secretary. F. - X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement, Black's Hotel, Columbia, Pa. -Feb. 10, '66, - • • - . . , Buy yout.. Cl(lilting of, IE3 R I a M., rp ELF. - SUBSCRIBER 'WOULD Ball the attention of the •citizens of Co luinbitt and. vicinity to his-large stock of • Xtr.4I.DYBIE D • - °TEEING • • -• Embracing every variety of style a nd terial • suitable • or the seqson.• They are made of the best material and in the most fashionable style. „ . • ' ..4 . 'Gentlemen's, Eurnislipw, Goods, Shirts,. Scarfs, Neck - ,Ties,, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,' Ltc. A splendid line-orthese good always - kept ,on 'hand: AlSo, 4BootS; • Shoes. Hats and Caps, 01 which , we .havo a•wellfselected- stock. of Whichwe ; otter' rates. • • •'IIRIJNKS CARPETBAGS, and ValiseS,of all. styles,. are sold cheaper than City prices.. My.goods are all bought for-cash and I offeethem at cheaper rates, forcaSh,than any other store. Call and see. • ' RICK, No. 1, Wolf's Row, Front St.• Columbia.:._ • Columbia, April 14, 1566,' Bu,i4er:s ,Take Notfce . • -The old 'Quarry:known as A. E. Wolfe's below th Eidam,.is again in full They arntaking out • • - • • • Fii.AL_Cliagatuldrag Stono and alse,Large stone, suitable foy, culverts, bridges, &c.,which they will guarentee to deliyer ay n,Point as cheap as the cheap . , ..... . • ' JAMES i. wciLP.E.—. 3 un=2, Sm. GIRARD FIRILANDRIARINE - INSURANCE CORIP.ANY, • PHIL - A.DELPIII A. Capital $2.00,000. - Securities *300,000. THIS COMPANY continues to take risks on good property at rates as low as any other safe Company, and consistent with prudence. . Policies issued for long or short terms, or permanently. Losses promptly paid. All claims , adjusted -without litigation or delay. This Company refers to the past as . guarantee of its future conduct. - -Thos. CRAVEN, Prest. A. S. GILLETT, Vice pres-, B ALVOnD, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Walnut St.,'abovo Front, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, January.2l, 1865.-Iy. . Columbia Oil Works., - & ,Guernsey,, • . , PROPRIETORS. COLU.VBIA, PENN' A. • • REFINES AND WHOLESALE Deal ers in Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine Lu brie Oil, Lice. —o— lately put up a refinery with all the necessary improvements. We offer to the,public a pure article of - _DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light at less expense than the most of ' oils now ip market, and is perfectly non-explosive, We manufacture exclusively for home trade, and guarantee our oil to be of the best quality. Orders solicited. Address as above. ' • • Columbia,Aup,.. 12. P. JUST RECEIVED AT HARDMAN'S. GR . OCEY ?ME best •Hams in the world, Michner's 1 Excelsior hams, plain and canvass,, Old Java. Lagrina and Rio Coffee, green ana roasted Browning's Excelsior Coffee, a choice lot of Tea, Extra Imperial, Young Hyson, English, Breakfast and black Tea, Fine Coal Oil latups,Bond's Boston Butter, Farina, Trentan and Family Crackers. Fresh caned Tomatoes,Fine Cove Oysters; in Jars, a nice lot of cheap Sugar, fiUO gal, lons Lovering's best Syrup. • . • - New Orleans Baking Molases, Pure Flour of Riee,Maccarom,Split Peas, Layer Raisons, Apples, Cranberry's, Fresh Can Peaches, Ground Mace, Ground Nutmeg, A good assortment of notion such as threat! Needles, pins, combs, whalebones, shoe Laces, buttons, Balmoral Hose, at HARDMAN S• Cor. of Thircland Cherry St jail. 7 '65 MRY OUR BRg4KFAST AND' DlN ner Coffee. only 2 cents per pound at JACRSON'S. ettloDzi ! , For li.olitlay gilts i•onsisting or Fancy Work Boxes Segar Stands, Watch Stancisf Vases. tte. Fine Cutlery, Pocket Books, Cain bs, d c., at E. Spering's"Cheap Jewelry Store. _ ANDY'S NEW RESTAWDANT. FRONT STREET ABOVE WALNUT. 'COLUMBIA, P. The subscriber has opened a firs!, class Eating House and Restaurant, where mad* be had at all times Oysters brewery s/yle, liot coffee and all other refreshments cal culated to please the tastes of the most fastidious epicurean, Lances' Ale, and 'Frank's Lager beer, always on draught, also the best wines. ANDREW ZELLER Nor. 25, '65 FLOUR AND FEED. ifIiOLESILE & , T EIE subscriber would respectfully form the public, that, lie hab opened a NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE, on Locust street, three'doors above Fourth street, where he is prepared to accommo date all who, may favor him with their patronage. He will take particular pains to have al ways on hand, the very best Flour and Feed that can be procured. His - WRITE WHEA T FL 0 CR, is made expressly for him, and cannot be excelled. For the convenience of those living at a distance from the store, orders may be left at the Book Store. of W. 13. Hess, and will receive prompt attention. • Flour will be delivered in all parts of the town, free of charge. lle will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by always having on band a a superior article, to merit a liberal share of patronage. A trial of his White Wheat Flour is solicited. TERMS CASH. GEORGE BRA2s:DT. Col., mar. 10,-ly • J. RUMPLE & SON, .DEALERS IN Fereiga and Domestic gardware .AN extensive assortment of house fur nishing hardware, also for carpenters and builders use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL Blacksmiths, wagon makers and others, furnished with all kinds of iron, nails, horse shoes, coach trimmings and other goods in their line. - WO OD AND WILL OIF 'WARE In great variety, such as tubs, baskets, wash boaras, brooms, washing machines, &c., 31111CPLZINZENTS, Plows,shovels,hoes, plow castings,scythes, forks, rakes, .and all other implements used by ,the farmer. STOVES AND TIN WARE. toves of every style and pattern ; cook, .darlor and office stoves, for coal - or wood. A large assortment of. tin ware always kept on hand or manufactured to order. OIL, PA2N TS, c9Za Ccial oil, linseed, fish, sperm and machine oils of all kinds. Alcohol, benzine, japan and other varnish, glass. paints, putty white lead,"&c. Locust St., Columbia, Pa. aug. 19, ,65 Cabinet Making and Undertaking THE undersigned would inform hi friends and the public that he has now in creased facilities for turning out work, and his " • ' FURNITURE WAR;-ROOMS, Are now well supplied with new and beau tiful furniture of the latest improved styles. He manufactures to order sand will keep constantly on hand Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fan cy and French Bedsteads; all of which will he sold on the most reasonable terms: As he iminniaCtures his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be - what it is represented. . . • CHAIRS, CHAN' • - All kinds of Chairs kepi on nand or man ufactured to order: Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, ' Camp and Counter Stools, Sofas, Tete-a-tetes; and Stuffed ..Seat Chairs, made to, order. old Chairs repainted and repaired. , , UNDERTAKING Funerals will be attended to:with prompt ness, to which he'gives his personal atten tion:- ~.11e is prepared with , boxes and coolers - to preserve_ corpse, as may be re- , quired. MAIIOGANY OR WALNUT COPFINS Purnished'pinin or thinea in any style tha may 'hji 7 TequAred. Ile "respectfully solicits a share of: public patronage, as well as a continuance of, the custom wiih which be has been liberally favored: • • • JOHNSHENBERG.ER. South, Side, of Locust: st., between Second and Third. -