A. M.' 11411180, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XXXVIL NUMBER 61.1 THE COLUDIBIEA SPY, MISEHEMIS FAMILY JOBIAL ',PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. OFFICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE COI.U3I'• BIA BANK. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. AN a year if paid in advance :!,30 " if net paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. No paper will be di , .eontinued until all ar arages are paid unless at the option of the editor. Batts of Advertising in the Spy. lt. 2t. 3t. Imo. oino. 6m. ly. sq. S lines 7.5 1;10 1,5) 2,90 4,00 6,00 10,00 Lii " 1,50 2,25 :1,00 3,50 0,00 0,00 15,00 " 2,25 3,25 4.01 4,50 8,50 13,00 20,00 Larger idvertisements in proportion.] Executors and Administrators' Notices, 3.00 Auditors' and A.isignee isiotices, 2,00 Professional or buisuess cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 8,00 Yearly adv ;rtisern wits, not exceeding, four squares with occasional changes, 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates as transient advertisers for all matters not relating strictly to their business. All Advertising will be considered CASH", after first iltbertton. BUSINESS CALtOS Sl.. 11fg 14143 , L 1 Columbia, Pa. Collections oraniptly made. in T.ancaster counties. Cola., July 2., 1865. .1. W. FILMIER, • AT EY AT LAW, Office on Front Street, between Locust Ind Walnut, Coltuntna. Pa. feb. 10, -60. A. J. ATTORNI.,Y AT LAIY. COLLECTIONS Male in Lancaster and adjoining Counties. Pensions. Bounty, back pay and all claims against the government promptly prosecuted. Office—Locust Street,between Front and Second. Dee. D. LOOP, ATTORNEY AND 110111StALOR AT LAW, -cotumbia,Pu. oiriee in Odd Fellows Flail. Nov. 19 180-1-lf. SAMUEL - EVANS, JUN' TA 4 •of the I' BLii OFFICE iN ODD FELLOWS' LIMA, 00Lu3[BIA, PA. June.lB, 18G5. ly. J, Z. !HOFFER, TENTIST.--OFFICE, Front Street next thin'. to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut sts, Cola., Pa. „,- YRAKKVOLHOUSE. -- LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, rA. rytars is a first class Lotel, and is in every 1 respect adapted to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. JACOB S. MILLER, 001.. july, 15, '65 Proprietor. MISII LER' S II oTE 11, EVAN DTISHLER, Proprietor. WEST MARKET SQUARE, READ IN u, PE.NYA. Oct. 7th. 33% GEORGE BOGLE, Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR Office and Warehouse—Front Street be tween Locust and Union. July S, 1865. DR. J.... E. REED, MOUNT VILL F., LA NOAST EH, COUNTY. A SHARE OF PUBLIC; PATRONAGE 1 - 1 is solicited. Patients entrusted to nay care will receive careful and prompt at tention. June 30, tf.4 Confectionery A ND FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN SEA ..ekson. Parties and families supplied with ICE CiMara by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at GEO. J. SMITH'S Adjoining the Franklin House; Locust St P. S. Also a fine assortment of Toys and fancy articles constantly on hand. • July COLUMBIA FLOUR. LLS. GEORGE 130GLE, Proprietor. TAE HIGHEST CASII PRICES PAID for all kinds of Grain. ' Superfine end Extra Family Flour for sale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat ground and packed to order tak.. Town and country custom solicited July 29111 1565. SUPPLER & BUTIIIM, '4,\frinufacturers of STEAM JE3 0 IX,/ -TN addition OILY Foundry and Machine 1 work, wo are now prepared to manurae cure every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, Mending and Reparing Boilers I'roinptly attended to.. Thankful for List favors, wo would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. - SUPPLER Lir, BRO., 2d Street, Columbia jan. 21, SUSQUELMNIVA IRON ,CO: Manufacturers of all sizes of Refined Double Refined. ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, - AND HALF OVAL IRON, Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. tze.. Orders promptly filled from Stock • . on hand or made to order. reins, net cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered ad Cars or Boat,. Office at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly EDWARD SEARS, RICHD. F. BUTT E. SEARS & CO. . Engravers, Designers and Photogra phers ON WOOD. No. 4S BEEN.M.A.N STREET, New York. Orders solicited and promptly attended to June 23 tf • i:iJ '` : .-....-..' . ~ t ~ -i i:' 7N,•:, ' ,.,- 7,.5,.-,'., : , 1 - • - is r .:;r„ 4 ~,,..'.,e.,„-„..,,.1:..•..7:. ' . .:."tl.: • 3 .N,.g.•." . . " .:': ,7 .. 4 - . ',,-.T .... :. - -,. .'l.: . - - i5'..'1,•-_ i .•--.;__.-•'. ' _. . • .: ,- _I1"::. : • „::. z........;,:... ~.:.± - ' i.. ..,,, . . • _. ... :„.,.;-,,1: - ...1:•. :.::- ', _- .- - . • 7 - , , , s 1 ~.-:.1 • • . . . : . • - 4 - 1 ‘ l ' , ‘ ' ..i.'2. -.‘... .v -...• : , f , • .:',9...,.T..,.....'1,. -. ',..7c.,._. ~ ' •; , •- '7 k 3 : ,:..•.. ....:. ~ . 1- •, .. , 1 . . .'., . x . i '' " : 7 . : + . • •. , .-'. • ~-2 r . t. ' ;,k w 4 -4i:, 4: .. .- •i ..,O lk: _ . :.• ..•'. , A.iV..: m . .. .; Im.I„ .;; "•,:I: •_.. b_1.: : 1 .i .. 1h. .„ :W 1 ., .••.„_i7-,-... ,-..,,.: -'.-.: . i - : .-,'. :::I'' , . .'.” ' .- :::: • -. ~.-. • 7 , • , " -- . ,-. . .„,. . .. I , ,:-.;.-.. '•'.:,-' 't•C. yam.:'._... :7:: . . .. . " '-.'..: .. 1 ..,,,,..- •---...-. ~ . L . 1..„....., ........ ...• .11 • 'Z"::::? ; ::',.",'; ..." _. : '-::. J '-''-: - • .•'; :1... .., . ~.....: - -"....,,,-- - .- *: .--.::.• t • . ~.........---::- ' .. . , • . . . . - • • .... ,•E , • 4 ..-' • . .....w, ME ON FRONT ST. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County,. Pa. rpLIE subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and oxpences incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on former rates, and takes this method to inform tnem that the following are the prices for work done at his Mills: For working Flooring per - M do Weatherboards " " Surfacing one side, per 1E do two do do " Re-sawing White Pine face measure, per M. 5.00 do Poplar thee meas. do 6.00 " do Ash,"Oak. Sz: Cherry, face meas. per M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 16 ft. 14 " do S-4 do do 3 " do Joice do do ) - 4 - "t"- Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts for working or dressing lumber will be considered collectable every four moutlig. The s abscribm has on hail d an assortment of ROUGE and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOHN B. BACUMAN. Columbia,March Id. 1864 _A CC IT) -I:NrTS 1. The Original T;7.ltJ'i.liCll3 . Ins _trance Company, Capital all paid in, Net Cash Assets, $610,000 TNSURES against Accid.~nts of Ali Kinds causing Bodily Injury or Loss of Life. IT IS CHEAP! IT IS UNIVERSAL! IT IS RE LIABLE! Policies issue , ' from One year to Five years front **,oo, to $50,020. Ercr,y information given at the office of the Agent, F. X. ZEIGLER. Basement of Muck's Ilotel. may may 19,4 f 'EW ST 57 LE OF WATERFALL Combs J. F. COTTRELL (17:LITTICEI.T.a iutoTranit; Successors to T. W. COTTIZELL, dec'd, Dealers in Foreign . Domestic llardware, Bac iron, Steel, Nails, Giusti, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine Benz ne A. large assortment of Parlor, Cook and and Office Stoves always on hand. Tin Ware manufactured to order at shortest notice. iii large quantities :Ind of every variety Plows, Corn Spellers, t etAl Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Portc.s, Rakes, &e. Coar6e uid. Fine Salt at loweat market prices. A. large as of Double and Single barreled U uns, Powder Flasks, Game Bags and shot pouches. Rule A7, - Blasting Powder, shot and caps. Highest market prices paid liar Clover, Timothy and Iflax seeds, large qua.itities or which we have constantly on halal and oiler at the lowe,t rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish Oi s, suit able for machinery. A Fin() assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Strout, Columbia. Nov. 4, tf. D RIED APPLES,PEA.CH ES,P.R U N ES at JAC iCSOZ , V.S. 2,:q - ENIT SUGAR CURED HAMS at JACKSON'S. - DODGERS &BROTH ERS' SUPERIOR Jai Silver Plated Ware at E. SPERING'S Cheap .Jewelry Store. NtRIETTA, PA. B y special request offers his professional services to the citizens of Columbia. He in a y be found at his office at the residence or Mr. 13 ,Ilaidentan 'on Locust Street near. Presb. terion church on Thursday only, 1 - etween the hours of 12 M. and 5 P. M. ./44.1 — .1.1e will attend to special cases of chronic discage.s of long standing. • 10. '143. REMEMBER THE OLD ESTA.B. LISHEif ST AND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS ANDSTATIONERY, Which We now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of . SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, ,STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Ranh's -Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to - our large assortment of L'IIOTOGRAPTI ALBUMS, FAMILY pTBLEs, AND DIARIES for 1866 MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JOHN SHEAF PER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, NQ. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, Pa. nov. 18, '63. • The Celebrated Rooster Whiskey can be had only at the corner of Walnut and Conamerce Streets.- - ' ror quality, flavor and purity, it cannot be beat.•,'sllso Bourbon Whiskey from :Bourbon County. Kentucky, war ranted to'betho pure'rrticle, or no sale.— We have Wines, Brandies, Gins, 'Cordials, Old Monongahela of all grades. Give us a call and examine for yourself. CHARLES GROVE, 'Corner of Cbmmerco and Walnut Sts., Oolumbio, Pa, muy Snsqnehanna or• ilartford, Connecticut. NO L EX.! NINA TIDY' REQUII?EDI' 1F.141. El ft* ;SiTTE Sold only by J. C. BUCHER, Corner of Front, and 'Locust streets, - Columbia. Ptt. aug. 243, IVOOD AND WILLOW WARE, jan, 27, '6O Dr. F. lIINIII.E. ROOSTER! • The two heroes •before their tent plan ning a bahle—Grant smoking. A beau tiful steel engraving by Win. Sartain.— Agents wanted everwhere. Sample sent by mail for 50 cents. Agents make 50 per cent. Address A Small Terrier Dog came to my premi ti se. during the week. The owner will come forward, pay charges and taxe him away. FREDERICK RUC HE R. Fourth 4k, Locust St., Columbia. June 23 If. $1.50 4.50 2.50 4.50 A Superior article of Bark is now ready Thr delivery, at the new yard adjoin ing the Columbia Nursery. Persons de siring to purchase, will find it to their ad vantage to call at the Yard, or address the subscriber. Price $9 per thousand from run of Kiln ; $1.3 for Paving Brick. S. H. PURPLE. Col., jun. 16,'66 HOUSEKEEPERS 'ATTENTION. TTHEcitizens of Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large and varied assortment of r.OUSITUMIZITLV G OIIS Coniprhihig every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED \V ARE, TABLE .CUTLERY, Y GO 'DS, PLAN I SEIED TIN-WARE, COOKING oTENsi LS, CU.A.III3ER W ARE. IN SETS, lIOELOW WAR , ENAMLED, COPPER KE I' LES, 13 NAP'S KETTLES Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, Britannia Ware, Waiters, rte., die. - $500,000 Stars of-occry Description. BRILLIANT AND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoves in the Market They are guarantied to give satisfaction. LK; PLUM. LNG Carried on in all its various branches. Stoyos,tiliopA, Dwellings, &e., fitted up with Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendants, Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. iteparing promptly and personally attended to. PER YEAR! We want agents $1,500 everywhere to sell our improv ed S:!.0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under am!upper feed. Witrranted rive years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The only machines sold in United States for less than S-10, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler. di Wilson, Grover d Baker, Singer and Co., ancy?ack.- elder. All other cheap inachines,,ai'e in fringments and the Seller or user 'z'ire'?tiabie to-, I rreradine,,zod i??prisol.Ant C7l t ted circulars sent f. cc. Address; or call upon Shaw Lt. Clark, Biddleford, Maine, or Chicago, mar. 10, '06.-1y? E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store W. P. COTTRELL wE are daily receiving additions to our stock of Groceries, Provisions and Queensware, which we are selling at ex tremely low figures. The best syrup molasses the world affords at J AC IiSON'S. TAS. K. SIMON, 33. South. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, is agent for the AA lowing valuable books : Appleton's New American Cyclopedia— El Vols. History of the Rebellion—l large Vol. It Dictionary of Mechanics-2 Vols. Rebellion record, by Frank Moore-9 Vols. Washington Irvilo's works, 22 .. Cooper's Novels. lickens' works Merivale 6i; Gibbonis Rome. Ai ttea ut e y s . s. wor k,. Ure's Dtetionory of Arts and Manufactur ers. Banderoil's United States—S Vols. Inc I furnish all books published, for public and tnd private libraries. at wholesale prices. Send a list of any Books wanted, with a stamp, for prices, which will lie sent by return mail. j n n-2,L3m UNPARALEILLED ATTRACTIONS ! T S. SNYDER announces to the citizens . of cot umbia and vicinity that ho has opened at his ROOM, on the Corner of Front A: Locu:it, a Fir,t Class stock of DRY GOODS, consisting of :La the latest styles of Dress Goods, Ctotias, Cassi ores, Linen ,t; Cotton Goods, together with a rail supply or Sheetings, . . Shirtings, • Tickings, tte of the best quality. His stock or Bleached ()wow, Flanuels, Balniurals, Houp'Skirts, cannot be surpassed In addition to the Dry Clood's depart ment, he has the most. carefully selected stock of BOOTS .86 SHOES - ever brought to this place, consisting of Ladies' Gaiters, Baimorals, Children's and Misses' Wear of all sizes and descriptions. Men and - Boy's Boots of all kinds, sizes and styles, A share of_ public - patronage is solicited J. S. SNYDER, Cor. of Locust & Front. April 28th ly. MALTBY HOUSE. • A. B. MILLER, .Proprietor, Baltimorp, Md. f his hotel has been !ably refitted with all the necessary Improvements known co hotel enterprise and therefore infers first class accommodations to tar mgers and others visiting Baltimore.. Oct 21, 1863. PROPERTY owners are requested to call at Ptahlees, and examine FLIN'S PATENT HYDRANT. - It can be repelled at any time without the expense or trouble of digging it up. 411 kinds of Plumbing attkinded to promptly, and at reaeonablo rates. jun. 80, "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO ASIIEADING, NOR ANY PLE.I.SURE SO LASTING." COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA., SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1866 Grant and Sherman ! BARTLESON ct, CO., 611 Chestnut Steeet Philadelphia jun-2, 2w STRAY DOG 131-tICK: ! HIRAM WILSON, Cor. Locust