VILE COLUMBIA SPY. 1, ‘" • INDEPEISDENT, FEIiRLESS ity4tEE ~seAxxv a..(A. v „ , . - adeertiseing will be cangidered CASH and oPectable at any time after the first iimserlion. - . A. New to an Old Ton'e. IPublished by request.} John Andy son my Joe John, •• You are a wondrous chid; For sooner- than do what is: right . 'You'd gang unto the dell, YO said you were an hon.., titian', R•e gladly though t you o, - "But soon ne found 'two: all a lie, -Johp Andy sonrAy J. t • John Andy son, my Toe'Jnhn, You learned the tailor nada, ' all your fundamental law ' Froth brebidies that 3, , 01y made; How Wopclerfnl so great, a man FroM little thingz , ~ „TtAT, Eut' c punkins",well a , apples su im, .John Andy son my• Joe. John Andy son, my Joe John •-• You said von were n friend Of all the colored freedmen Adis icouhi their rights defend, But when their rights they 11.1.1:04 fur You did them all fore'ao Ton swora - you meant that they, she'd it,irf John 'Andy son my Joe. JOhn Andy son my Joe JOhn You are na' temperance man, But walk a crack as straight As any other can ; , • • And when you come to make a speech, Or into Oilier go 7611 imitate - the drunkard well .• , John Andy eon my Joe., John Andy on my Joe JOhn • ;low do you like old Thad, , • " Ain't hO himself the very de'il . Whene'er you make him mad ; - Now tell the truth and would not. you That he to 'pot should go, - p6oner than he in Congress be • - "To vex and worry, so. ' John Andy sob my Joe,John - • ' When first you were sworn in- • You said that traitors odious were- And treason wail a sin; - Bat Where's the rope you promised them For pardon's all the go, . • - You'd let them run without the oath John And on my Joe. =I John Andy son my Joe John,: -. ,'• Your Secretary's mad, - - 'And better let - iJill'Setv4rA. slide; ..: Than Irish id fime you 'hod,' ~ For like a millAone round your:neck, - Will to . pe - rdiiim g 0,,., . .Both you and he, unless you stop . John Andy on my Joe. • - "John Andy son lily Joe John . - The people are not slaves .. - They Will not tamely yield their rights • TO those whom they call Arne:yes 'Twere better then that• you should pay ' To Congress what:you owe,- • itdue observance of their acts • • John Andybscn • -my Joe. • - John Andy son,.my Joe John .Teir Davisisihe man Whom you delight to tnpor '' ' .±(l.l4," . Ty.ll9se escape you plan, If VIVA . takes Wee, look on i:for Thad , Who's terrible you know' ' And , eastigates a Seoundrel7ell . John *Andy son my Joe.• The cork Disease. A Western_ letter writeriaig the pork disease fias, appeared in Marion; Linn i3ounty, wholefathily, consist 'fug, of . eight 'or, ten 'person's, was taken ,•. - bick, ' and: after' an investigatiOn 'it - Wa's :found- that they .laid been - eating :dried beef and" SmokOd ham, in its raw' state, as dried heel' is eaten.: • The physicians Who were called in - at once, decided that their illness was clne to • tric'hinoSis. - One-mein . ber of the family' died on Friday and one on 'Satarday;and at the tithe' of writing three more' werein •4 . dapg*oui:stp.tei ;hire thre ti : thers 'were apparently con 'vale'scing: 'Before . - death; the victims became bloated in the limbs, fate and 7 neck, ,They 'would throw up :bloody mucus, and they died delirious'. We see , no evidence in these symptoths; however, that:the parties died Of trichinosis., - the physicians to the contrary notWitlistand ing. The , effect of '.trichinosis - would probably 'be very "slow.'' It' seems more like poisoning from raw end , ' - unwholeithhe meat. . , ; • 7 -At' Austin, Nevada, Haup Wllite; 11aving separated -from his wife; came and stole their. little boy, sixteen months .old, and ,started,off on horseback with ; him, but being pursued, and 4kely„to be over '.taken,. lie deliberately etopped , and. shot ' both the boy, and `himself, through 'the tead, and both died instantly:;. PRIME F, , TC(pCiiFEE at • 1 1 ; eb. 1 i ) 60.4 f. 4A.CRISON"S DuRE GROUN D SP , IPES at - •" .1 • 7.; 1 -;JACIKSON'S. VBA.:NON V-,tVLLEYTIO.NEXJA.T , ;-• JACKSON'S CONCENTRATED - LYE, - OR ' SOAP, - Maker, just received: and • for gait• at elovr„price by, ' B. WILLIAM& 1- , WROUG.I-0 '•SCRAP The Si quehanna • Iron Co. will:psy the highest cashliric;e'for 3vrong4e scrap iron. delivered:itt Lancaster • stpt. 23, ?65=tf. 4 3I_T.NGT01T-S - - Ariny alid" Riavk:Revolver.' . ;Approved. py !hoz Govern riieret: c>f :1M;,O00 fuiiuehed for- the. LT sinee';lB6l:-, Wt ranted su .l.-perior; Wan y ; pther-Pista of the..kincl. -Also Belt „and, Poeket..,Pistots.'-;,Sold- Dealers kricltlie'Tracle.gexlerally...• E. REALLIST,grTOINI cB SON4,' - • - • •• • Y.'1.." ~'Manufacturers of Muskets;: Carbines, ate ;.yolvers,Revplying ltilles;Rifle.Barrels,&e. • • - • - .._ „. , „. 17,1XT.RA..F.X.'Nii r, y F. 'pi 03 ~ i pis° - Corn; r _Ej 4:p - a C - Tiii/a -,- Ni . ir, ' ".651',44/11e.. : ;tit , i • :- ." AA if; ex.'t i e' 4s '•- 's :' , l:4 F.4.ED.xB CIOLIER'§, ~,- -1 jan.23;2t 1_ coi.'4th and - LciduacEit.i'.• , • . Scrofula or,King's Evil, is a constitutional diSease,',a C - Orruption:of the blood, 1337' which this Hold becomes - Vitiated; weak, and poor.' Being in the circulation; it pervades the whole bbdy, and may horst out in - 'disease Mika-11Y Part - of 45 P 'orgarilS free. from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The 'senciftdoui taint is variously paused by mercurial disease, low living, dis prdered, or unhealthy,. food, impure air, filth and tilthylmbits,• the depres'sing vices, and; above all, by the venereal infeetion.• - What,• OVer, be its origin, it is Ibreditarfin the-con stitution, descending?! from.parents to children into Alio third aiici fOurth, generation"; -it - seems to be the d-o C hJim' gri.YA," , will visit' the iniquities of the fathers upon 'their children." •• • Its effects cemmenee hpdepoSitieri`from the' blood of corruptor ulcerous matter; which, iii the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is-termed tubercles'; in the „glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor.L ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not onlyr.-suffer from scrofulous- com plaints, but they have far less pottertolvithr stand, the attacks of other diseases; conse; quently vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not serofuloos in their nature, are still rendered fatal: 3 .:,y this taint in the system.. Most of the consumption which de e-in-lot& the liutnanfamilyhas its origimdireotly in this scrofulous Contamination; - and many destructis;e diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, 'and, indeed, of-all the organs, ariCe from or arc aggravated by,the same cause. • • r. - One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their:pssons , are , ;inyadcd by thisdurking-in feetion , and "ti milt' faith IS undeinlified 'by it. To &rinse ' t t from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such - . a" Medicine 71:wei,SOnply newe_~n r__ For the AYER'S, . ntract Of ShNaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times •cari - devise for this - every : where prevailing - and fittal malady, It is com bined from the most active remedials that-have been discovered for the - ekpurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, mid the rescue of the system from its . destructive consequences. employckfor.,the care of not onlf*SerOftila,'lmt.alsO those„ other; tions which arise from it, such as Euuerivr, and SKIN Sr.. ANTHONY'S Finni, Rost:, or ERYSIPELAS, PI nVI.ES, PusTur.Es, 33t.orcirEs, I3x.mss and . l3ott.:, Temons,,TmEn and SALT . 'ILHELIIV A ..SCAT7),? ti; 334140 wo RIIEUNIA ' TISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL DIS EASES, 1? , ILOM, PYSPEPSIA,: DuniT.ITY, and, indeed, ati, p(pirLAIFI , s PHOSF. , Olt..l„:slPlSHEillr.o9D.:'4:he popular_ ,belief in .$ impteritii of th e . biod el " is founded in truth; for scrofula is a degetieration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue'of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and„rc,,, , renerate,this vital fluid, without which sound. health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ague intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical-Headache, or Bilious Ileaclache, anti Bilious Fevers; indeed for the whole class .11 iliseqses,oritibint. 'lug 'in bilbiry , 'eeranernent; caused by the Malaria of Miasmatic: Countries. We are enrib e ere-. o olfenill o --commum remedy,whichOvhile-it- ; enres the above complaints with certainty, is — stillTerfectly harmleifs in any quantity.- Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting' disorders prevail. This Curce I' expels the miasmatic poison of FEVER AGIIF from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease,,if taken on the first ap proach of its pienitinitery syniptoms'. It is not only the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of. complaints, but also -the- chcapeit: The large quantity ice supply fora dollar brins it within the of every body ; : and in districts,here 1 prevails,k every bedvshoul d have it and use:itfreely both for - core and protee 7 tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any ,other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittents is, that it contains no Quinine or mineral,. censequen ly it prodspes no quinism or bther injuriobs effects tatereenpon the constitu ' tion.: ThoSe cured hy-lt. are left as licalth'y as if they had never had the disease. , lever and Ague is not ilone, the censeMferiee of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of ders arise from its irritation, among which are - Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal pitation, Pain fat Affeption of the Spleen, ,Hyster ics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis' ancl 2,•eingeinept ,ql,the "Stomach, all. of, - which, when origin ati,ngiipl, this _eaits`e,fput bn :the futermitlent type, or beCome periodical. eunr." expels the poisomfrom-the.blood, amlconsequently cures them all Thiean-inimluabletlMetection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing-in the malariotts districts.' If taken:occa sionally or daily - while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted froimthe,system; , and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis-.! ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion'than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter mittents if they avail themselves of .the protection, this remedy affords. , Prepared. by Dr..Y. C. AYE.R & CO., Lowell, Mass. • - Atl Druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere , ....At. whole:4;110 by, .f. .111. - Maris ct Co., 711 INLlerket'§t., I?hilael.elphiet. • PARRY'S (131clen AlOrtiii . Drtig' , Store, ,FORNT STREET; , coLu..NTBTA, PA. Constantly On hand. . .- .1 PRES 11 0g.1173 TIVERIAM - - -.: - ASSOFaMENT - - - ' . - O.F- DitUgs.,-Bi.,EDICIV:iIiS,O EEID iIkIC ALS; ..,.. - ;... i 1r .......-.....i: ~ .:!- L .... FANCY SOAPS OF ALL KINDS. - - AIII the most poliular F litil ICY ...'', - EDIC ME S . ' - .,„ .,„ .Arallhe i tisaal ya , rjety . pf 74. . Staple and o:ther Goo 4 s ; : , "lii - .A.i11 fniia ii,; - a - , e R i.";.M. , =' , ,_ -,,,,` 5 :.- 4 . :1 0 i, :,,,..- .-iihZi First OlassDrtfo• Store..‘ . b . I'''..RTltlltraß-cATII‘ENT.To.I+I" :PA:lti ,,o t ' ' . T 9 .„ , COMP,CitIINDINfir PHIYSIT , ". • ' .• - . .:.,. :„- ~ ..s. ...... . . • o . ... ,c• ' : , ..V...,-‘.N* 4 4.:157,1?F.A.;414,7 pAE- ).. .,. ; ,-.,„ SCRIPYIONS ACCFRATE- ;. :ijt i ilelTlS.}q ilielf, Pref,4 - 7 - . , 1 - 7 -, l . zT.p , Ly XNti' - il\ -- k§c.l - I,Pgt - ' '4 '''' •,':.?:, z!'.4:Z afii i ,' l 'a s :.:iik* 1 iAp . 74:,17:7:V.Z., .: .Tirr.`l7 . ,l-if:a ' attr.l MCV:r.C. if........ - . it 1 ............,—, ----Tam?, ITIGITEST - CASH PRICES paid for' OLD NEWSPA PEIL, PAM= PLELETS,BOOKS AND iv - AsT.E. PAPER of every dscription. . • . ,- H. C. MINDY &Co., ' - 4 5±% .a. 4- -couthtthsqreet,4Phil'al4.', -feb:".24', 1866:-1-: •' - ' 4, -... ,14 -'"'d `4--- Treasurer 1866. -• •. . . • , iGarden,: , _.Field.. arid!, Flower .....!S•leat I"xtirrillftigas74:.,Brothers; :ltoChestar;!llS-6,* • rpriE:g- seeds" Whfcb.'inlit'itre- Trn oro- perfectly in the. old "co itiltri Cs. tire imported from the best seed houses ind the ',unce is grown this country; with tbei O :grpatist ..crt re; thergilbre thpsp.,rzhcilpur -chltse then! t- upon getting the \Korb./ utrorti; , F.or.,:idg at -.. _Z-3_7?" "F, "Et S ~~~~ ~ .~ = i - N . A.NNED PI CR:LES'46,SARDENES at - -• , 'SACKSON'S. I-: Y: L IN all fine brands or Chewing - TObacco, all other houes. .I\ , fy - Tobacco's are all warranted tiee of mould, must, , .or disa greeable' inixture§, they are all selected with tbe,greatest care by the niatolfactur ers. Conntayitly . . • - EUADCASTLF," NAVY, Baltitnoie Oronoko Twist, • • . Old.Dornin -• Light Pressed,. .•-• . . Sun ,Cu red, , . - . Congress, Queen -City,.Fine,Cu 'Grant Fine -' • lfichi•ran'Fine Cut, ' • ' • and different other brande. A l rgerissortmentof Smoking Tobacco's Snuffs,. Tobacco bags, tigalier with all the ; ilatest,' - dird&ciVed market. "-- , , My Segars cannot be-.beat for stock in . the county..-Prientls call. and try my American CouSin's;Thrion's;.lsabel Unbas, 76 - s, Grant's, Attillas, Arc., ck.c. ; - " - : Cheap Segars constantly on band.!Dootles isjhe place. T. , • filind in' the old' -Post' Office- building;' Locust, Strpet... . Coljune:24, '65, BEN-JAMIN' - rfflAS JUST OPENED A TICNs - -..stkiol: of gock.lS,Q;ti'...: Witerel would be - iileitsed\ -- tosee all m - old cut;tomers...•:?..Ly stockof goods is .full anti complete, comprislrig DDISS COCA/S. - CASSIALERES, - '.CLOTHS. . VESTING S. DEL :A INS • - , , • ,2 •_• PRTN'TS Together with as good assortment of;goods as is fottad-in,any_siatilar estahlishiuemt. Pali:llg Grocer Coffee,; , Lof PRIME • sqqAii,qttßpprl4.m.s. FLOUR, POTATOES;' , . . , Country pro taken in - exchange for goods at the highest ruai'ket:rittesJ.. - Lhope to be the recipient ota liberal pa tronage. r o- - B . IIIfUJ-1.1E11.1;,.- Cor. 3rd and Union Sts. pATENT ..UING.E BACK ALBUMS Altemns &Co's. Patent -Hinge Back Ai r bums, the best album made• Call and ex amine at aug. 26 PHOTOGRAT-lig: THE OLD' ORIGINAL *GALLERY. , . ..- ':The 'Subsdriber has completely` re - -fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot, be any in, the county, and ,he .1 heilieg by careful Personarattentionto'givb'l the .public better pietures than have ,here,- Wore been produced' _' ~' ': - '' •' :, AMBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS,, , ' , ,- , . . , Ivorytypes, gelainotypes,Gartd"dc'T - Wt, , and pictures 'on - Canvass takeri - in the,' best 'style, ana at'prices which cann6t be - beaten • • • ..- for cheapness: ~ . , .VB-Likenesseg Ivaritihted',' and a stitisi factory,Rictured'arnishgcl.Witlloll repeated sittings. 'Re asks ii eoittli s matice of - the liberal plttrenage t - tlwayS" extended to this 1 establishment. Call -and - examine speci- Imens at. the room s, • northeast corner, of ],root and Locust sirgdtsi Entrance on R. J. ws,LrrTLE. oc - nst street.; Oct. 24 186,' Li.dia.ake Efrarttaular No the The Really,e'.lr,4z! rilhese Pills; so celebrated many years Lingo in Paris for the relief' of femtlle ii-- Vega Intl ties,twe now tit - Vert-ricer sale for the first time in America. They have been kept in comparative oliscinlity from the-fact that the originator. Dr. Vel a PlY4iOni in Auis of gicatiWehitit , nnil eon scieritious princiPles, and lias withheld" ti;enr t t em ,genesal use, lest they . should be employed for un lawful phrpeies. In overcoming female obstruc tions they seem really omnipotent. They are °tier ed to'the pnblic , only forlegitimate put paces, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when is'un derstood that the of is unlawful. Sold. by It. aml Dr. Parry, Columbia. - can procure a box sealed from the eyes of fie ditsbon, r nekosing, zizl'und six stamps to "O. G. Staples, General Agent for us, ,Watertown, N.Y. or to .-the above agents. . -•- , • :Jan. 6,1 y- . ~... •„ . - 14A(ifiriN,Q-E .I.IO.TEL , ‘- ' i\,•l Ql - 3 Nri. JOY - 1 -11? -E: N'il - A ALF74.':D. REpSE Propritor.. li , i i6T 7 C.T.,4,5 A day_3l3ioDA .71TONS. - Thd Choicest Liquors` aet ! lie" :bar, Oct. ttli•, - iy:: •=i :• '' •''• - - ' -- - ' ' '- , COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. *532,210,j9 This Co inpanycontinues to insufeßuild ifigs, Alz-irchanclise, :and-- ether' property, against-loss and damage' by- lire, on :the anutuat plan, either for a cash premium' or premium note. ' SLUTTI.IA':ArAT4 . I., IiEPORT: Whole amount i tsnred,- 5,!301,9.95,51. - •. • • Less ain't expired in '0.5, 2.12,33Q,00::, 8,061,959,51 • CAPITAL AND , vicidOME. Amt. of prem immnotes,.Tam 426,9' 39,69 - Le.., - 8 premium notes exp'cLin '65, 16,073,45,410017,91 or,keminm mites received in '65,,115,584;13 Baluneeofpremis)in+,.Tan.4:'Ga i • - •.4,5;0,14 cash !Teeeii.44e,6 eoniinisionsln '65, .40,760,89 ;:,..570,398;37, LOR§ . CS and extiense. 37,987,8& BalanceUtipital and I , s'ets' Jan ;1 38GG ..„• - - • tZ: -; • .5 70 ; 1 1)8, 3 'i t- , A: S. GREEN; Prpsideiit. •_X. , zoi - taEilrouN•G;+.4r.; Secretn, - .111.r.cmvEr,:$:.Srill>rxx; Treasltter.''. • ' — . , t3:33c^..eXMC'Erisgp9Ft.„....:=•-• : , - • Sininiel;Sho.oh, a m tto . Ryon: ',• 'John 11 1• .'SiOneN'',' John IL. - Geo.,Younr,,,J H. G. Alinich. • • Nicholas - Ml'Donald, Ssan'l F Eberlein ? " 'Alicluml S. Sinumm: Amos S Green;V,..; Edmund Sp9ring,„ • Jah.,l3, "" • ' 2 . • ••, i‘rt • 1.1 , :;c, • MELBDEONS:.• - TY, EFss - .1.1.gpi3, is PRif;isibs and flie`PUbtfegenerallkttliat•he''*ill' fur :bestlmakestb.!.anyi, de sirous,of, having.. an •••instrnment - of _kind in. their .horne...,- • .1 • - 11,wil furnish: Melodeons and Organs: These s tru ments-ia re 2- corn i into; very general use. 7- ,,, The ,OrgantesPee ially, is adapted to the.productOn of sacred music in the-elmrch, l ,Lhe, Sunday school roomor the, parlor.) • ' Organs furnished at from - one bundred. dollars and ; upwarcls.:,, •; •; •L ,„ The'prices for all' instrument§ ' will be the.ganie. as in •New`Yo rk or 'Ph elphi a. •Satisfactio , gtlai•ante'ed . ,•- . a - nct , all . iustrti-- , rnentswarranted. , • ,` • • • '• ••• ' Store,l,betisr'St.' julrzNU3s.-17 ' r.- - • ITEEIOX.STERINOI3t. ME • .. rpra: -1 0'."Sr - DERSIC.&ED HAS •TAKEN I. Rooms adjoining' the resiileuce 'of James B a rber n:Wal out street; where he is ut all;times:puptirecttoalo;zall,?kiyids of Work 5u6 . 11 as; irauging ,Cur- Mins; . imurtifi, mEtkingaAt) Juyit4Clarixits:. • RePtirillg. S'eAlis mi eor u-hugk.oria air mattresses; eu ehio sl.te., • " CARTER. mar. 10,'66. - • "- @MI 19iiiii GEO. = M BOOTH SEIB MIMI DOMESTICS, ••• E. 'SPERING'S . Jewelry Store E=ll23=tiM Pensions and Bounties Widows, Mothers, Minor. Children, Do: pendent Sisters and Discharged Soidiers,!PensionS; ".' • •Fathers, Mothers,:WiclowsiCbildrem ' Brothers and Sistergi • • Entitled - to Bounties; _SOldiers,e,l,oitled to Bounties and Pay and - all Others upori 'the Government; will find prompt and ibitbful attention given to tlieit, claims upon ap plication by letter in person - to _- • • - :JAM.ES BLACK; ' • ' 56 East King st.,, Lancaster, , • : References Hon. Henry G.' Long, HOn. A. 'Hayes, J Olin B. Livingston, Lsq., D, Pattetson , Esq., G. M' Kline. Esq., of Lancaster, Pu. Bari Spangler, liit;cl.; Marietta, Pa., G6o. IL r llondrickson Esq., Mt. Jo-v, - I'a., Col; S. Sliocli stimitel Grove, 01 Ctilumbia. Pa t Colcmanville; Pa. charges until claim is collect • -- sept. 123, r.f ~ b - • . -• • PEILAIP - SCALE WORKS.. • .wNittoircE 00 : • • • Siled 4 sorsl6 I)a.v is Si 031S' 417 A R (ill Street. "F:1 - Ct,6 - fy 13th ,andPonn' . a Avenue. • :iII.LYUFACTURE,RS,OF PATENT STANDARD SCALES, Suitable for . weigh locks, rail road tracks, depots, coal,,hay and live stock. Patent Parallel'Crano Beam, for weigh ing Boilers, Casting and other heavy ma chinery. ' Patent ,3tock House Scales, for Blast Fur naeds.' - Hopper ,Scales, for weighing Grain, indi cating Bushels and Pounds. Bank's improved Rolling Mill and Union &ales, also, all the various descrip lions 'of 'Dormant mid Portable Platform oounter ;S!,h'ies tind. Patent - Beams. Every - Scale %Warranted. Prompt attention given to repttiring.— Send for an /Unstinted . Circular; no v . . 4, OPENING of T.IIE GAMPAIGN for 186 G 1866 4 . 911\ A. J&CKSON, 1866 - Locust Street, Colutithia, Penn'a. hlts just received a new and fresh _LJL supply- of Groceries, also NEW DRIED FRUIT, 1\ EW SUGAR CURED lIAMS, No. 1,-Shore Mackerel and , Labrador-Her ring; itaisins; Currants,Prudes. Pickles, Cranberries, Hominy, Sweiit Corn, *c Our, stork of Groceries is 'full we are, dhily receiving adilitilous. Give us a call. Jan. 20. 1860,1 f. PIANO-S FOR SALE. rpwo Pianos are of for sale, I , oth of zwhieh are in; good order and \will -be "sold at a bargain.: Enrfuire at this °Mee:. apr. 44 - .SCJAZI - Eik.l GTON ,:kitGVET:mII NO. 709 Chestnut Strcet,abo • Ve ith,• .„„ _P./LILA D.ELPPIA. THIS OLD AND ' POPUL:IIi. HOTEL tis,:tituatcaltu,tho , vc.-ry,eentre , of busi ness.'and4is convenient 19: the - Steiunboat and B. H. Depots, access irom Hotel., is attainable at all 1 roles. The house has been thJrongbly'renovated and newly furnished,and in every respect ren dered to meet - the wishes and desires of the traveling public. The reputation the manager fenjoyed in the coliquetofthe: other Hotels - will be a sufficitint gnitianty that - no effort - on his part %%7111 be.sparedcte make the '.`WASH ING-TON'? 4first 'house.• Tbe•larder will be unexceptionable - in every respect. The*Xanagelwillbe.;pliiasect to see - lus old friends and flarmer patrons of- the `.':-States Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome many new ones. CISAS. M. ALLMOND. Jan, 21, G 4 M anager EMEI EMPIRE OIL WORKS, 0 31 B 2 IA-NUFA-C:TUREAS TILE BEST gull:MN - or of fora utcLinw v, ~l:ction= ers- ongiio;;, locortoti , 4s, Bollfitg Al ills. Railroads; .a - Nv . hiills,eze., also, Innmtlatiwz Oils, Our long mul extensive experience in 2.lachinery oils, enable us to present au article to the puhlic of very squerioi quality. We - ' , ruaranteo it is willioqt•gr4, and will -pot-congeal in -the Ewen th Kuril or boaVaii rl Irciug equal in all its itutilitips,t6:2•.i - 0,-, ILartl, or Sperm Oil: „ „ oct. • • cAi§N s MAINUFACTORIY, - LOCUST Sr.; A TRW DOORS 'BELOW 3rd St., THE.subsctiher,having purchased from lus brother, C,a:iper Seibert, the stock and good will of his extensive, Cabinet,Mann factorA-Will continue the business at the old stand; where he will . keep on hand ar teisortr.•;)..ent of tr) . F. ALL KINDS,. . of the best quality, style, and manufacture and will make to order; of • first-rate mate rial;:oyery article, line:,•' Jig:will give strict aittention, to.husiness, and respectful lytsikA of the tublicsintie - of its-patron age. jrAT - UNDEI3.TAK,ING will receive the most, Careful attention, at the shortest notice:' ' GEORGE SEIBEItT. Cola. July 4, 'G3 E' 0 Tr..= a" 800 S •A' LA.RGE and well selected stock of Pocket Books, hasjust been received, which We'Will-soLtatTreduded:iirices. Call and see'roier stbek"-ce" PNOTOGRAPH ALBUMS." stock just t ree:eived frrxn'Newlrcirlc', they are 617rered eV' prices to snit every one. ' Otent :The 7 ram:titters. A large agsortment. just xpeei wed, and selling very prices. ,No person be without one: --• ' • ARNOLD'S. WR.I.77NG FLUID. quarts, pints, , half al ly,kopt in theSlationCry , lino, hq-IC.Rinl W.• 'U: TlESS' . l3doli Loctist — SG., opposite Columbia'' National Bank." ' ;pub 10, '65. • =EI } bl BUILDING , LOTS rpnE subscriber will sell at• Private Sale, '21,:!43143 - I.IILDING LOTS, ;• „ situated on the Lancaster Pike and•• Mill Road, in:tho,Aoroug,ll of col umbia,.,Lan caker 'Each lot contains .in front twenty feet, the price 'ram t , , ro 'from sixtdelyttriftcrettio :hundred , and twenty dollars per lot: Tlie terms are twenty 'doll:il l s:at:the' 'Mile; of rsdie; the - 13111tince will b'e iddeiirod ininatnount atictk iiny lirpc;:•biit'thOvliolo inn btint most t-h be . paid kiq the of U . un e '1,367'.."Appl to, • • - WILLIAM ROCTIONV.'*- ,-.,-; - .Cherry - street an& Lancaster Pik-e.. : a pr: 28;:-3in .C 1 . THE best - assortment and largest stock iri thil,plaop;tanatit greatly.reclaced prices, 'A.' . , • v •Front Street. A LSO,_a, general assortment of fresh and ~• • „.. z- - Stull's; ' - , ' . - • • • • Perfumery,, • - • • • Garden Seeds, ce,c. selected with. great ea - re - mid - bought at the present.,,dAelintalp:price.s:lbr sale by r. ap.2l, . WILLIAMS. .p . .RAND .FLol.7ll: . at 76.ARC0., BUCKWHEAT FLOUR at • JACKSON'S rAELKI342:`ED YEAST obisrPou'Np' V at ' JACKSON'S. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL . , HARRISBURG-,P.A.. _ DAVID 1,11.11,TC11.0.0)/;.:,PFoptiq.qr:. , . . ~. ip , is TUIS'NVeII lineivi Hotel nOlvinacn 4ition to - accommodate the, traveling- pub- . lie, affording the mostllinpleconveniences• alike for the,transient guest, and the per • - nlzinent. hoarder.' " - 'l`llE UNITED TA ' 'rl'Es' 'HOTEL -'' ' • - has been entirely refitted-throughout, and now has.accoinmodatiOns:equal , in extent, comfort and_luxury,to any, hotel ; ,between Philafielp,hia and Pittsburg. — lts loctitkat is tne . bestin the State Capital; bbing'in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to , a.ll ,the otlices,and business localities ofthe city., . It, has 'now all the convenience ' s of " • • " _ A rnisT'CLASS •HOTEL, - 'and- the -Proprietors are . determined - te spare neither expense,-time or labor,to.en 7 sure tlie.opmfort ofthe guests.. ; The patron age of the traveling public is iespeatfull, solicited. _' -" November- 4. '65-tr. , , FIRE BRICK 'FOR „SALE., - .. , . -A Saiiiisle of which- can be seen 'at VI office of -:BRUNER. &- RE. , f . Columbia, .'Dec. 3d, 1.86-1.-tf. , —. , - • W: .111ASIN •-- • - AIER CHANT TAILOR, Itellhm Street, seven' doors aboveCC,oiad; • WRIGHT,S;VILLE, PENN''A: ' CCi LOTUS, ASSTMERES - AND' TEST ings of all styles and suited - to any? season, 'kept constantly on hand and man ufactured to ,order at short, notice,and War ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Aug. 19, 1865, ly. fiIHE CELEBRATED SETH •THOMAS I. CLOCK. E. Speriug has justreceiv 7 ed from the city a choice stock of these eel brated. clocks: The best, neatest and p,rettiest 7 -`, , Titukce Clock warranted• for two years: • j, aug. 26,, j LAPIES' SEIOJE _MANUFACTORY:. Tjaving.inCreased my facilities for turn ll oat" superior work I would an nounce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a call, that I :tin hotter prepard nocv to manufacture.all kinds of • Pa...ATE:4 7 TVLISSMS' And Chihlron's Shoes Gaiters, Than ever before. • I eniplOy none but the best ,workmen and am always certain of giving satistactirM. I keeli on hand . a gen eral assortment of ready made work all of - MANUF A.CTURED on the Premises Ice - tp -no made up Nvoik. of other parties, My - work is Made excluively ibr .home trade and is Sold as stich. TERM'S - CASLI We sell as cheap as any other establish ment, an ask a share man hlicvatronage. J.A:mr,s Sou ROED 111 R. ' - Locust street. - between Front and Second, Columbia, November 11.1805, ly' REMOVAL OF mur,LEN & lIROTIIETCS TO ODD FELLOWS HALL • Columbia, Pa. - Grceeries,ProviE,Enis,Flou.r,C..:-Kain.,EK.c . .. We killalways keep on hand,the very best quality ofgoods such as Sugars, ' • Sell ' Coffee, ' ' 'Fruit, , . . Teas;-, , - Soap, ', ' Starch, fish,Hams, , - Spices. . • Clieunc, Crackers, ' Lard, Tobac'ep, - , ... ' Molasses, Segars,_ ' , , . also - . ,• -..- 'FA. - s"CY GROCERIES. ~. -. ' . NoTra.S, DRIED FRUIT, &C. ' ' ' We'hitend to keep the best goods nr,AY and to sell as cheap as any similar store:— _We therefore ask: a portion of, public pat konal, - r,e • ' • H. 1:11J Lta EN ez 1313: 0 April 7, 0,0-t2 LES II E ft' .4 . WIL LL‘MS', The well known Photographers, COLUMBIA, PA., DEG leave to inform the citizens- of Co lumbia and vi'dnity, that -they !have taken and refitted DIE , rooms Ibrinerly oc cupied by Gen. A. llyers i on Front street, above Locust. - - - - • ff.a;a••• Wl•erU they are prepared, to ' take Photographs in all styles: • - Particular attention paid •in making Large Photographs,Carta-de-Visites,lvory Types, .Ambrotypes, it - ,c. Copying ',and . en larging of sdiall Pictures.- „ -- PICTURES COLORED in Oil or 'Water Colors, in a style superior to any takeriln this county and equal to any in the cities. Particulitr.attention paid to taking pie tures'of Children. ...Pictures taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather: .• .- Orders for Pietnrrs -from old Negatives proMptly f Led. The art :will be taught to those desirous to learn at a reasonable rate. 'Call at the Robms and examine our large collection of Speteim id . L ES,II. WILLIA IN S, art..6,. 7 66; • - =• • Photographers. N. B. We hope by strict, attention to business, and desire 16 - please, te' Merit a liberal share of patronaLi:q.. LIT P .011 7P. D. - 'FRENC:I, ENGLISH AND GERMAN Flower Ornamental 'Grass , Seeds,- Among 'which' are the Everlastlite. Flo*- er'sceds, a new article iii this inaritet, up in meat papers ,With descriptions of flowers sic., Junt directions forcultiN=aliinl printed on each. Just received ; through r mail, and I:or .sale at • „ . ZACKSONS: Siaptit.74',s7,- flat I§tore, . • . • ESTABLISHED 1529: Ni. 20 North Qtteon , 4 St. Lappaster Pa.. INittrathetnre_o.ur Own good,, thus _,171. to,sell at 7 .„ . ' -, OLD:t1.111t r..1,1 - I:CES., . . . .. . The largest - , be and rnbse COmpleto stock- 4 and at lower ,prices than any house in the country. ' • --- '•' ''', ' , ': •, . . Silt l: immense stook.Of Spiting ana-Snm mer Goods consist:3.of all the novelties of the seasons; nt least fifty-different , styles,' the most popular of which_are the - CAVALIER, • CAVALIER D'ORSA.y,: INDICATOR,' (very iiew;) „ • - FULTON, ' •-• • • • , : ;MORTON PETO:t. -,• _BRIG - I•lTON,,(nobby,) • '•• TYROL: A SPLPNDID SILK HAT PPR $5,0,0. .•„•••• • (Mealier thm:cunbe hrid pl . 9lv4re, n. Our business connectio,witb our patiOns for a period of nearly,forty ,years is suffi cient guarantee of out ability to plea'se all who may .tivoius - WWI a call. m ay42. tf „ . ;;BarSoTsze sagors. . .• tho best Bbots, go to 13.renotroa,l's, King • For the hest W.ornen's shoes, ^ - . • • Brenetnan's.'W.% street •._. Por tlq4st Children's shoeS go to .. --Plretle.ll;:tn.'s, W. 4ang s,tT.eot For the most . Oomfoitablelifizo to - Breneinan's, W. King street _ ..... FRe s ,Nro,:k,giat notriip", go to Eireueman's W. Kireg-streAt For Boots pip.t tivill.notletin viater r go to . " , , - .l3roneirittn''s,..W. • liling•stree. 3itint ofts 11.- 1 ; t -; `9 •• Bronen26.ns, *.W.,KirigStr.eet. BveryUodin the country itek to - Breneme,n' s s, opposite Cooper'g Oct. ' , " T.a,a.11-caster, INSUIIANC.I3. CO: OP • NORTH - ',• " ' P H IzA: • TI7CORPpRATE,I3 1794, :Assets $1,350,900, JL Charter perpetual. . Insurance against loss or damage by fire on Buildings;Mer chandize,- Furniture;• - -for long or-short periods,. or permanently,. on Buildings,- by a deposit of Premium.. The prompt pay- Ment ofl oases for a period of seventy years; affords a guarantee - of claim UpOn- public confidence. ARTHUR G. COTTIN, Prest. -- C.IEA.B.LES PLATT Secretary. _ , ' • . F.X. ZIEGLER, Agent; Baieinent BlaCk'a Miter; Columbia, Columbia; 'January 21, 18C5,-Iy.' 't crrtii~r , _ lB 2 , 9 p.ppE. ! [ { Az, C.E - CO . ; 54/ 1,2 9 7 - 0 4.: CAPITAL, f -- - ' 400,000, ACCR UED• SURPLUS, 971,000. INVESTED PREMIUMS; , - ' r 1,086,288 UNSETTLED , 8416., INCOME FUR 1864 ; . ' ' 300,000 LOSS'PAID SINCE 1820 -• •5,000,000 Perpetual and • Temporary:POlidies 'on " Liberal Terms.' • 31Dxm=ipotorzycli' * - 7i..;• • Charles N. Manchef ' ','lsatic. Lea, TObiaa Wagner ; 'Edm'ard C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Pales, Jacob R. Srnith, Alfred Fitler, Geo. W. Richards, Pres. W. Lewis, M. D: CHARLES N. BANCKER, _president. EWD. C. DALE, Trice-President. JAS. W. McALLISTER, Se'c.--;Pro. Tem. JOHN COOPER, Sgt- for Columbia mar.12,1f596, A_NT....TP_EN_CM" CD MR, - SZ. Second Street, nearly opposite LUTHERAN CHURCH-; COLUMBIA.. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING Taken - I the Shops formerly conducted by Mr. Samuel. Carter, wouldrespectfully an riOunce to the citizens of Columbia and vi cinity that he is now prepared to manufae, titre all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Bug; gibs. Sulkies, and all other vehicles in his line. His reputation as a workman is es tablished, as he can confidently claim for his work the merits of beauty of lbrin', ganee.of finish, and strength - of structure.' One of the distinguishing features of his work is. its durability ; all vehicles of his wild are constructed of the beA seasoned material, and •put together firmly:ma sub stantially. I le , gives, particular attention to the repairing of vehicles, and warrants all work in' his - lino to give sat isfinition. - ' . In addition to his practical experience in the business, he hits the assistance .of the best workmen. Some- of them from - the eelcibrated Watson establishment of ' • A generous public is respectfully invited to giyp home Ihclust7y their -encourage, merit and support. _ _ _ -The investments o fthis - Co mpany are in First MOrtgages On Real Estate in the City of 'Philadelphia, arid• s in'iither'Securities carefully selected by•the ^ DirectOrs.• " , • Perpetual and ,Term - Insurances effedted 'by, this Company, at .as rates of pre miutnits'Scifety to the Company and to the insured • ' • d!'1 1 C1.1: , . :.• • , • „ . .F'.-Ratchford_Starr, L:•Erriliger,'• ;."-'- -Nalbro' Frazier, • Ged: Fahnestechi,, John BL,Atwood; • ChighOrni ;Benj.. T Trediek, .•••- William - G. 'Bolton; •georgelEr. , •Stuart -, •CharteS Wheele‘r; • - •Johni H: Bromin; T. lE . Wonegotriery'.. • i-• RATCHFORD', STARR;:•PnthIDENT. THOMAS 31.•11.toi , rrobiNi*us; - Vio-PreSt. , WISTER , I Seerettirsi; ' • •.•B asement,- Bla ck' Hotel,. Ccilunibi*t, Pa: ..Feb: 4 lo,- • • • :; SUIJI,TZ *ie:;BEo NEW CARRIAGE MYERS Aug. 12, 'O5. 11; ' 17111 ST . P.. 3" L.T.1.2.1VAL .uat NH .OF ... COLUMBIA . 'Receives 'Deposits„ Make Collections on all 4cecssibip' Points, On Liberal Terms, Discount, Notes, Drafts. Bills of Exchange, A•.c. - ' B ny-and sell Gold-Coupons, . Silver, Gold, &c., etc. . . . . Interest will be pal l on special deposits, . - viz: , . . ' For 12'rrionths; 51 per cent:, for G ; months, 41 per cent., for 3 months, 3 pe.;.• cent. per annum.. •,- . - - , ,We also' furnish all United ; states Secu 7 rities and other Bond Saud 'Stocks, charg ing the Broker's -commission only. . Discount day: •Mondays at 10 o'clock, S. S. DETWILER, Cashier f01>..10, 'OO L'II=DUCT.IOIIiT Z.Zet COA.Z2 ArrivtiTh of Carrots at the CoalDepkt - of _ Bruner Moore, which are now oder ed for sale by the Bushel,Ton,Car or Boat. April 13, Boat Emma, with Byken's Valley Stove. •- . " 20, " -W. Fl. -Ranch with Ly ken's Valley :Nutt. " 26, " Bait Co. No. 158, Ballo. Co. No. - 5. 14 ry- 0 ...I, Balt Co. NO.- 12S, 11:11to Co. O. 3.. - . _ " 2S, El is V. Wall, . Lykea's Valley Nutt. M:ay2t_al, " C. C.. Co: No. 72 ; @ay Extra No. 4. 2 _ , " 4, "C C Co, No, 15; Gray extra No. 5. Schuylkill and Shamokin coal on hand. _More of the celebrated Gray•coah and the Baltimore c , )nri)any_ on the way. All coarsont in'go3d order: - • 1312,LT - NTR & MOORE: - may. 5; '66. • • • • o.ert§e:a: Esaen.§. A Pine lot of elegant '"quaker Rams;" direct from. the Jarsies, and aresuper ior,to any heretolbre ollbred in this mark et, as a trial will: suffice. Por sale only by ' JOLLY A. JACKSO-n. may 20, - 60-ti DRY GOPpg' STORE REMOVED. !THE subscriber has removed, his store front West King to No. 29 North Queen Street—Union League Building, Lancas .ter,-Pt., -which has- been' refitted, and is now on,e of the, - . .• -11INDSOMEST-STORES IN THIS CRT ' where he , now invites his friendg and cus tomers to call,and examine his large _and Cheap tocliz , ' of Goods; -Which has just demo from the'eity; 13 - Ought at,the present low prices,- . which.will en able,him to,. . , . SELL AT LOWER RATES then those who laid in their stock. early, when Good swereAlig,ll. JOSEPH, KNOTWELL,,: ; No. 29 North Queen st., Lancaster, Pa., mar. 31,-tf • - TRE EIMPRISE 1121111 HE C. No. 400 Walnut, SE. ; Philadelphia. ,CASETASSETS,,VANUA/?,Y . 1; 1366, $379,V765. 48 —.3Get , the Best. TH KEYS : TO TE; =LININENT. ' TS heknowledge .by — all :W ho' ,use,it - Ao . be UTE VERY BEST:article of. the kind tlitit'they, ever trjed'for`: Chronic:RliehmLi tism,'- Totter, :Whitering,woru,', Sprains, Burns, SWellingg,Frostecl Poet,. Toothache Sore . Throat;" Poi Son, Bite or - , sting of 'ln. 'sects, and in fact:all complaints c requiring an outwa id applicatfeli, - that asked for it is a fair triaro-If there is no . relief the money-ovill:be , refunded. Good for men or beast. :•Briutod:.directions accompany each, '.bottle„ Athriufactured- and sold Avl-101 an&retail. by, - ,-„_ &BRO.- "'-` • Coat.viile, Chester Co. „ a., Wholesale departi:nento. 825 Market street, Philadelphia. • ' -‘ itpr. 21, tf, . . - J; A, Moyers. Agent for Columbia. GIRARD PIREAND INSURANCE , COIVIIANir L. • - P L I A. D. E .P:11 . . $200,000.... Securities .$300,000. - HISt - COMPAINTY - continues to ' take J. risks . on good property at rates -as loNsk as any other safe Company, and consistent with prudence. - '•-• • ' • - Policies issued for long _or short terms," or - permanently.. Losses promptly Paid:, All — cialms adjusted without litigation or delay. - This Company refers to the past as a 'guarantee of its future conduet."-• Tiros. CRAVEIiy Prost. . _ •A. S:GILLETT, Vice Pres JAS. .'R A i.vonD, Secretary. • F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement Black's'Hotel, Columbia,-pa -Columbiay•January 241865.-Iy. eatimbiai Oil Works. .a -'..&..-' & Guernsey , PROPRIETORS, , ' lO 'COL UMBIA, PENN'A. ' EFINERS AND WHOLESALE Peal. ers' 'in' Refined'. Cai:beti - Oil, Benzine; Lubric,Oil, &c. . _ -Having lately put up a refinery with all the necessary improvements. We otter td the public a pure article of-- • •-- - - • DOUBLEREFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light at less( expense Allan the. most of oils now in' market; rind is perfectly non-explosive, We manufacture 'exclusively for home' trade, and guarantee our oil to be of the best •- Orders solicited. Addresg as above.. • . Columbia Alin. 12. tf. JUST RECEIVED 110 HARD MAN'S- MEE hest Hams in the world, Michner's. Excelsior hams, plain and canvass,' Old Java. Lagrina and Rio Coffee, green' LIMO roasted Browning's Excelsior Coffee, fichoice lot of Tea r Extra Imperial, 'Young Hyson',EnglTsh, Breakfast and black Tea: Find Coal 011iamps,Bond's Boston Butter,' FaHria,' Trentun and Family Crackers,' Fresh "caned Tomatoes,Fine Cove Oysters; in Jars, a nice lot of cheap Sugar, 500 gal-: tons Loverings best Syrup. New Orlcians Baking i\lolases, Pure, Flour of Rice,Maccarom,Split Peas, Layer. Raisons, _ Apples, Cranberry's, Fresh Gan Feuelics, Ground :thee, Ground Nutmeg, A good assortment ofnotion such as thread - Needles, pins, combs, whalebones, shoe Laces, buttons, Balmoral Hose, at _HARDMAN'S-. Cor. of Third and Cherry St. 7 '65 ITIRY our BREAKFAST AND DIN, ner Coffee. only 25 cents per pound at JACKSON'S. yanxs ralcusr prqoxls For Holiday gifts consisting of Fancy Work Boxes Scgar Stands, Watch Stands, Vases. ' Fine Cutlery, Pocket Bdoks, Combs"; &0.,' at B. SPering's Cheap Jewelry Store. • . /2:11i/9 ' RESTAURANT. FRONT STREET ABOVE WALNUT. 'COLUMBIA. PA, The Subscriber has opened a . first clas's I.;:din n ,4 l-lonse and 'Restaurant, -- where may lie had at all times' ' Oysters every style, Hot coffee, and. • all other refreshments cal culated to please the tastes of Lilo, most fastidious, eirieu roan. , - ,Itaanei.s' Ale, and Frank's - Lager h.eer, always on draught, also the hest wines. , . ANDREW ZEL LER, Nov. 25, '65 FLOUR AND FEED. 1110LESALE• & RETAIL,. Obseriber: woulcLrespectfully - in _ . form the public, that be has opened NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE, • on Locust street, three doors above Fourth :Area, where he is prepared to acconno- : date all who may favor him with their: patronage, He will lake particular pains to haye al ways on hand, the very best Flour and Feud that can be procured. Els W HITE WHEA T FLOUR is made expressly for him, and cannot be excelled. 'For the ecinveniendo of those living at a distance from the store, orders may be left at the Book Store of W. U. Hess, and will reef:ifs:, prompt attention.. Flour will be delivered in all parts of the town, free of charge. lie - will endeavor by strict attention to business, and by always'having bn hand a a superior article, to merit a liberal share. of patronage. A trial of his White:Wheat Flour is solicited: TElims CASU. GEORGE BRAN DT- Col., mar. 10,-ly j. FilliYiPLE & SON, , - -- . DEALERS IN Fereign and -Domestic Hardware. A, , ,N extensive assortment 'of house fur _n_.- nishing hardware, also for carpenters and builders' use, always on hand. . ' IRON - AND STEEL. BfackSmiths, wagon makers and others, furnished.with .all kinds of iron, nails, horse shoes, • coach trimmings and other goods in their Due. WOOD' 4.21 7 1 D WILL 0 Trr- WARE In great variety, such tubs, baskets, wash bpards, brooms, washing machines, , X'.43.711.417Nar ZALIVICENTS, - • • I"lows,§bovels,hoes, plow , eastings,seythes, farks rakes,' and all other implements theTaraier., )STO PES A.11 7.. 1) ;TIN WARE. • , tomes , of every style and pattern, cook, .darlor, and Once stoves, for ,coal or wood. A large assortment of tin ware always kblit'on' hand ;or mannfaiitured to order. Pv.A.I.IN - rES eca - Coal oil„linseed, .lisb, sperm and . machine, oils of all kinds... '..A.lcohol, z benzine, japan. and oilier varnish , " - lass. paints, putty Whitelead; 6tc:• ‘ 1 • ,' • - •. Locust St.; Columbia, 'Pa. , , . 0 met Flaking and Undertaking „THE : undersigned would friends'and the public that he has now,in "ei-eaSed facilities for turninn• P tou work ? and. :FURNITURE 'WAR E-ROOMS;- • ; • Are_now Well supplied with new and beau tiful iiirniture of the latestimproved styles. lie manufactures' 6' order and will keep' IconstantlyJon thiina Bi.eSsiug,";Plain - and Fancy, Bureaus,? Sidebba - rds, Sofas, - Card Dining . and Centre ; Tables, „Common, Fan ey-and French - Bedsteads; all of whica will be s'old'orr the rrist - reasonable terms. ' As, he manufactures` his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be. what it, represented. • • ' - 11 A d ILA 1.11.•• • Lill kind'S of Chairs kept on nand or man rd'act,ured to 'order. Cane,' Windsor;.-Arm Sand- Rocking: , Chairs. Settees:, - Camp and ,Counter Stools, : •Soais,- Tete-a-tetes, • and. Stuffed Seat -.Chairs, , roado to . order. • Old Chairs iepainted 'and. yePaixed:, Funeral ssWill be attended to With prOnipt ness,-to which-he gives - his'perSonal i Eaten - , ,tion.ljziezis prepared. wth ice.boses and .coolers preserye,porpse, as may -be re . - WALIWT COFFINS Faiiiished Plain Or tinned in•any style the, may be'required: -, :1r..e - iespecifully solicits a . share . public :patronage, as - as . 'cOntiiniance,of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. - •' South Side of Locust St., between. Second and Third. -• [0ct.17,'63. GROCERY!