A. mr. RAMBO, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XXXVII, NUMBER 43.1 THE COLUMBIA. SPY, _1 CURVES FAMILY MEL PIIBIO4IEO EVERY SATURDAY IDORMNG, OFFICE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE CoLum MA BASIC -0- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, 200 a year if paid in advance '1,50 " if not paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. No paper will be discontinued until all ar earages are paid unless at the option or the editor gates of Advertising in the Spy. lt. 21. 3t. lm o. 3rne. Om. ly. 1 sq. S lines 75 1,00 1,50 2,00 4,1)0 6,00 10,00 2 " 10" 1,50 2,23 3,00 3,50 6,00 0,00 15,00 3" 24 " 2,25 3,25 4,00 4.30 8,50 13,00 20,00 [Larger advertisements in proportion.] Executors and Administrators' Notices, 3.00 Auditors' and A.3signee Notice., 2,0 U Professional or buisness cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 8,00 Yearly advertisements, not exceeding four squares with occasional changes, 15,00 Special Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line lor one insertion. Yearly advertisers will be charged the same rates as transient advertisers for all inatter:i net relating strictly to their business. All Advertising will be considered casir, after first insertion. BUSINESS CAILDS RE. rte. '®:§3T Es, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Columbia, Pa. Collections promptly InaCle in Lancaster York counties. Cola., July. 2., 1.81;5. 1. W. InglIVEll, ATTOrtNEY AT LAW, Citilett on :Front Strect, between Locust mud Walnut, Columbia, Pa. A J, K. A:Li FP A ATTORNEY AT LAW, COT. LE' 'TEONS Intle, is Lancastor and :adjoining Counties, L'ension , 4. Bounty, b:nd: tray and nil claims against V.,1 , ;; g overnnli , .. promptly 1 . ) roseen cud. 011 ice i. wust Street,bc:tv....en 'Front and n Dcp. I.GI. D. j• 11 LOOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSALOR LW, P.t, okl.l. loollOWti L.' , 'sr OV. 10 13fi1-tf. J. 1 - ..)lNC,A.N" v?IlE'i's LL B .vrror.NE!, - T L.\ NV, 375 P(31171 . a. A Ve1111:_!, 11C111'1:," 01)7C):41te , AV ngt.on . , 1). C. a n'ol thp ovtznmoi epol)ll#.l:y;t4t6ird,ectt,,l; SAMUEL EVANS, ;ff QTE 'II; Ite C OFFICE TN 01>1) FELLOWS' I A LL. CD 1,1) , Ly. .1 it nts IS, 1S(15 J, Z. 114 - .)P F Front Sin c next, t, R. Williams Drup - , liotwcon L9(..1.15t and Walnut Cola., Pa. Dr. S. LINILLIVIE.IIIIIa fVET'ERS irIB PEOFESSTON.VL SEP, vices to the eitiz,:ns 01 Col:111151a curd ykelni ty. Oilice—Locurd St i'ect, LC: Third St recd'. .1 . tine ly FRANITLILI I-101751.1. 1: C T:ST STR E ET, CO L U-11 B Li,-i• rpIEIS is Lt first class Lotul, acid is in ev.n•y re:vect adapted to meet the desires of the traveling public. JACOB S. MI Pfopeie.'or. july, 1 i, '65 Al 18H LER' 8 110'1E1,, EviI.„TAT riasp, :91-0 2 ::::0 . .3-Z. WEST 11_\ SQLJA fl 1.:, RE D 21 cr . A Oct. 7th. 13 GEORGE BOGLE, Dealer in LUMBER OF ALL DICSCRUPTIONS, Also, PLASTERERS HAIR Orrice and Warelion :c—Front fit •cot bo tween Locust and Union. July 8, 1.8(15. Confectionery A"FRUIT OF ALL KINDS IN S EA son. Parties and families supplied with TCE CEMAIVE by the freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ness at GEO. J. SMT.TH'S Adjoining the Franklin House, Locust St P. S. Also a fine assortment of Toys and fancy articles constantly on hand. July 22, COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS, GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. ( HE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for all kinds of Grain. Superfine and Extra Family Flour for " Gale, also mill feed of all kinds. Wheat _ground and packed to order • - 17.. Town and country custom solicited - July 29th 1565. SUPPLEE & BROTIIEII, •iNfanufacturers of S I T E 3 M 3E3 0 ILI= _IR, S._ laN" addition tp our Foundry and Machine work, we are now prepared to manufac ture every variety of Boiler and plate iron 'work, Mending and Reparing Boilers Promptly attended to. Thankful for cast favors, we would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch a our business. SUPPLEE cts BRO., 2d Street, Columbia, jail. 21, SUSQUEILINNI4 IRON CO. Manufacturers of all sizes of Refined Lt . Double Refined -ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL IRON. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. onus, net cash, at Manufacturer's prices, delivered an Cars or Boar. Office at their ROLLING MILL, Col urn hitt, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly •:.!.. • ' 1*; + ... 4 ; 24.115-' 144'":: .. v . iral r 2 i , ',g ' c -4,1e1 fir. ... .44; ;;T4 'di ~,c:: • - -, 6i P. ~,,., , :. A: 4., ( r:v ts t. ,-..z.4.. 0 ~,, .....„ . - ' Ask ik 4--,./ 4 .. sl v,.::, -,, _e , , -.6 , 4 70, ; .7.4 k, ~, \ a, ::,..,,, A: - , -f,' - - , ` - Wief -4,-: •., --. 7 '' .. - , , , ,,..7'" - ."-: 7.) ' s: . 4 . 1 ').. 3' X" 44s it, 7 :: " ill i : v„...„.... . 1 11: 7 : : ' -J V ‘f 1 P .. 6. ,..; ti 4 v l b ''- sa, , „, LA u e.,, ...-: :li i . '. - 1 , 33 c-F- I .i ~....ii, -.,....,...-.-. . .. . -,- . •i . ,'ic.,:‘ c'zl . :alp. I % 1 1 - 9 ,. . ~.., ::,,„ : 1 ,... :„, : :,. ....,. 11 . e, ~/,,,, 4 ...., ,:ff ~-A. ,-..,,, z 1 -f q''A • '3P, • ~.-t," ;,,, i, • N "),„ ~,...„-....,>, gs r ~..„,..„. - f , ), , G ' AI , . g. .! '-'-`'''- 4,,it4 ',...:, lii ." 44,,,, , .',* ,F4k,,,,.:- 0 . 4,- -r:, * iCR . - i ~, - " , •'7.7 --.45i,, _ • Awatill / 4 4*.xfft. . 7 1: Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FRONT Fr. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa. f 71X1; subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advancLxl prices of labor and expellees incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the following are Lime prices for work done at his Mills: For working Flooring per lI• *4.50 do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfacing one side, per .7.11. 2.50 it do two do do 4.50 " Re-sawing White Pine face _ . measure, per :Nf. 5.00 " do Poplar thee rheas. do 6.00 " do Ash, Oak S. Cherry, face meas. per M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 16 ft. .11 4 4 tic S-4 do do a " do Joice do do .11 Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts tor working or dressing lumber will be considered conectable every four months. The subscribe' has on band an assortment of ROUGH' and DRESSED LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOHN L. BACIEMA.N. Columbia,March is. 1801. BRUNER HAS REMOVE ! NEW STOVE AND NEW GOODS; ! Front Street, thut door :Wove Locust, ujißL4 3 Great i Lulucements offored in tho skit WO have fitted up -Taelons :ito re Rooms in IY ,1 1 ,! , i( 1 ?%%.7,4 F3472 , 1.4.D3114, nr,arc en of (•"11,1041t/L•11:. t•:iil II •\V (f:I . 01* itittl it variety 011(110 iziv(tv \yd. give 11 C Imve rottirucA p: 1 :1;t,1,.1 1 ,hE t with a ;CN: t: CC) CS priv,; a .1 w.•;11 I! :5.)1.1 I,olt, • 21) at. al: Tieking-4, )'Pry Mori :Jo • _k paras, and ire,-; (;oods of the latc-st, tits it`s. 11c.siery, Giov(2:4, nrol 11ni.)ral 1,AL...A y Fall of fral BOOTS, :WES AND U VIII is. nia(lo the hu,:t nnn.=rial and warrantotl to gave a,aitiasnavlia,u. Call and see our st Del< before pul- C i l't 1. 0. Ilitijti :qr,Jet, near .1.,(n2w,t Yet:. IT. EW ST VLE WATEEI.FA LI., Corn is _C°l :It 111. 26, .1. F. Cur W. Y. C01"1'1; ELL. J. F. Lii ROT ZIERZ, Siwy(:, ,, ,ws to COYFIZELI., dev:(l, -Ipeolers Yoe:±Egn. Hardware, Bar iron, Steel, Naii•;, (;-12itsti, Paint. , , TUipOntino .11011 Z A 1:11'4'0 Zp-:sortnient of Parlor, Cook and and Stoves always on hand. Tin W:tre manuilaattred lo order at shir:test ;) 2-;i) \VI F,LO'.l" :arLiv and. 01 ev,rs (':>rn Cutter.,, Shovvl,, ('oar,:e and litw S:tit lcr,vest in,erkct, priooA. A. large. a; , sortnion.t of amble nn(.l: - Singie I)arrel(-..1. P.) , .v,ter and Milt.. Oz. R . :as:mg l'owder, shot :In .1 11,121,1i1n11c t tnar:•:•..q ini(f.Q.4 paid .li_n• Tnnithv and Clati sui..6s, large qua.aities or WO have conAtantly on hand the Luhrie.aing, Sperm and ;fish Oi.s, suit able for marinnery. 21. Fine as,ort men t ()I' Coal Oil Lunp. , ,, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp triminin,rs. 'We respectfully solicit, a sham of public patronage. Locust Street, Columbia. Nov. -1, li. Barley Sheaf ! ALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATED C Bal ley Shear Cooking Stove. It costs less and saves more coal than any othe” stove ofeq nal size, at Pl:tiller's, Locust St., opposite Franklin House. oct 7,-tf NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, NO. 3, WOLF'S ROW, Front Street, Columbia, Penna, TILL: Subscriber takes this method to inform the publi,:, that he has op,...ned It Grocery and Provision store, where he will keep constantly on hand a fresh stock of Goods, such as Saga r, Mackerel, Coffee, Herring, Molasses, Cod Fish, Tea, Sugar Cured Hants Spices, Shoulders, Crackes Dried Beef, Soap, Flour, FR U] T (C: C OXF E TIOYERI 7 , Oranges, P 111110.3, Figs, Lemons cee., ,ke., which he will sell as cheap fo ele-11 as any sinfflar store in town. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. apr. 14, tf T. 11. MATEIIOT. DRIE D APPLES, PE AU IT ES, PRUNES at JACKSON'S. N EW SUGAR CURED HAMS at jun. f.'7, T)ODGERS S:BROTIIERS' SUPERIOR Silver Pialea Ware at E. SPERINEVS Cheap Jewelry Store Jr. r. .111.NK.LE. MARI ETTA, PA. ply special request offers his professional _Li services to the citizens of Columbia. lle may , be found at his office at the residence of Mr. B Haldeman on Locust Street ne:u• Presbyterian church on Thursday only, 1 - etween the hours of 12 M. and 5 P. M. ?t3 - He will attend to special cases of chronic diseases of long standing. mar. 10. '6O. rPHE CELEP,RATED I X L CUTLERY, _L Geo. ll'ostliolm, .A. No. 1, at lig. 2( J. C. BUCHER, COLUMBIA, PENN'A, gent for the sale of 1 TISITLER'S - HERB BITTEUS.—BeIow the afflicted \\•iil find a condensed statement of the cures of various individ— uals whose names are herewith appended, whose Certificates can at any time be seen by calling at the Store of the Proprietor, Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. B. MISIILER, Sole Manufacturer. John 0. Walton, Lancaster, cured of Dis ease of Spine and Kidneys, cue., contracted in the Army., James Kennedy, Lancaster, cared of Chronic Diarrhcca and Rheumatism. Daniel Finefroek, Lancaster, cured of Chronic Rheumatism, which he was much afflicted with while in the Army—reccom mends the iNeofthellitters to soldiers and others similarly afflicted. Levi Hart, Sen., Lancaster, cured of Rheumatism occasioned by exposure in the Army. Charles P. Williams, Lancaster, certifies that his clau,2:hter vis cured of a lingering sickness or eight months from various diseases. by Mishicr's tors. henry .Madorc, Lanea,,ter, 1.•. - us en:. of difficulty ill pa-•,,ins his water, hy the. use of the Bitters, untl his wife al-.o relieve° from lilletnipo.tio P1e111) Curerl of nn af feel ion 111 1110 aed liltulder, by the u.,0 of Litter. Daniel i;. Co.. certifies tllel fie w:c4 eure.l :-.:it,•he:4 in the sid which he wa, afflicted ih nu nine Vca 13:t•Itilti2:. P.t., \vat-. cured of a Clironc• 11... 'Watson. Liantiastor, relict -cod oi pi:in-; i,t his , tithpultlers antl. th.a. lie to r s4ctip• Eberly, L.tnt•as . tt2r, (i.toliti—wits -o s.,vero J. Canley, tor, vureil or the pn]it in the li-. l .ll•_q**4 Bitter. V1":1L. IL Jordan, I,:olea4ft.r, r..1;;...v0te ()! .Niorint-; in 10 or 15 .:IlottH I.y L;IL. 11url) .7a:•uli ilaa, son .. .. . . ; au,l. S:1:1111, 0 . Lonca-;ter, I)i of 20 yL•ars :41.tritling by Intlers. <'" • ir: , 01-, - F::e ia - a4;--Iril i.. 1 iie•;•••:, ILie.a"P:'::vntraster, ii'as 6fired=6f a '.st,.vere tittae:R. of 1)1 , ;:lop-dzi, ly,- ti:,. Hitters. iktu'll datigii:Qr ',yds ca rod ui no.t;.a , 2S, p 1 iI &(! IL. 11'.1.)a I;,it,•.ecit,town,Liciica--4. , ...r Co., cared of I I.ll.leunix.h,in of tnt r - ears standing. ilayr.•dod. Va. \V;IS iniroil IZiwttinati-ali by the Bit - ter,—contractrci ill the Army. E. SP E 'LUNG'S Jewel!' Slore Thonpz,nrophy,Lancaster,remveredfrcnn ttt tzwl: or F',"‘ er and Ague, the naters. A. - .. 1 .1.:1•41, - ..c.trit:,-..,Lant•aster, eurea 01 •,•.-;::1t. itaiiiiing _Leg, by app 1 1 ,0 i o n o r the 13itt,,rs. 3 - 0:111 Mite, Laneaster, cured cLI a I;an ninin.4 Leg 012.0 years standing, by M.l-411.- ler's IntLers. 1 , 4;t:t0 Mk•ln:yre, Lamaster, of :t :4: yore pain acrd:,., his kidneys. by the [ell) lid;er,, (!. 11, Mayer, Lancaster, eurod. of a seN - or, I whiell had settled in Lip te‘.4:l, 1)) . litters. FreLlenburg, Lanea-qer, wa.-; efaire ly vtlro," ui a retaarkable the hitters. _floury 6. Nendi:x, (uuip Potonizt.;, was enrol 01 . 1)::trrip,va by the use of ...7111,!i1er.:, A. Foirer, L•uwaster Cu•, e111,.,1 of D i:t Zk I ICI CIISUZNc of Ow =lll Mary Riv,:!:4. ;:ur, rolieved of torrisie vohl. on tilu hru..;:it tl:.re,2 ILL i ILA :standing, by BittQrs. An; \\,'ol4:maii,l.,:tn(!a-Vr, , :ays (hat hi in and Wi rt. bore cure:l of soN - ere Ithetz niatism by 'l!w I.;ittor,;. A Lady of Ifallezt:lturovrites to :\ Ir. Icy, tipo eucott her of of john Lunvastl:r, ettred ease of the I learl and a severe pain in his breast, by the I;iiturs. C. \V. Whitutiehi, Agent. at Altoona, Blair Co. writes of the success he has Ina in selling the _Bitters. Aim; Autnent, of Strary4lutrt.r. Lancas ter Co., used. lire s for a wound in the leg received al the Battle or South Mor Lon, and and ha.; now no more pain. • J. C. It., a member of Co. E, iIIJtL Reg iment, P. V., Nrrites io the Proprietor, that the BAters cared hint of a distressing cold which has unfilled from d Martha Bents, Lancaster, was cured In flammatory Itheumatism, front cold taken to: a oroken arm. John Neidich, Lancaster, was cured 01 Palpitation of the .I.l.eari, which he had for 25 years. John Schock, Peiine-;, Lancaster Co. Was relieved front an attack of the Gravel by the Bitters. Mrs. Drucketuu iller, of - Mount Joy. Lan caster (2(3., Was cured of excruciating pains in her hands and feet by tile use of of Mishler's Bitters. John‘Lesher, of Reamstown, Lancaster was cured era swell in the neck and jaw by the use of Mishler's lferb Bitters. H. U. Ginkinger, Philadelphia, after be ing contined. to (he house for two years,was cured by the use of Mishit:l's Bitters. Geo. W. Killian, Lancaster, was confin ed to the U. S. Hospital tor 10 weeks, Isy prostration, is restored to health by the Herb Bitters. Mrs. Margaret Kirk, Lancaster, was cured of a severe pain in her side and ner vousness, by the use of the Herb Bitters. AD'S. Eliza Wenditz, Lancaster. tray cur ed of Inflammatory Rheumatism by the use of the Bitters. Amos - Groff Lancaster, was relieved of a severe cold in the throat by the use or the Bitters, reit ry 3. Etter, Lancaster, had his sig . ht, r eswred,(which ho had been deprived of for about , 3 years,) by the use of Afishler's Bittters. Charles P. 3.l:itier, Phiin lelphia, ww•rites of a lady in that city having been cured of the Blnt) Ague, by the use ofthe ters. Jl:n•riet Orr, Lancaster, n•as cured of in ward we:dime:4s and pain in the back, by the Herb Bitters. John Kautz, Lancaster, had a slight at tack of Lockjaw, which was cured by the Bitters. SPERING'S Jewelry Store "NO ENTERTAINMENT SO CHEAP AS READING, NOR ANY PLEASURE SO LASTING." COLUMBIA, PENNSYLVANIA. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1866. Thomas Groom, Glen Trope, cured of Disease of the Back and Nervous system. HenryNagle, Lancaster,cured of a stroke of the Palsy, causing the loss of the use of the right arm. Joseph Witmer, Philadelphia, certifies that Miehlcr's Bitters has restored him to health, having been much afflicted with various ailments for a long time• ;!1 [u!ljitU .I.nria4ftr, thlt a or vxtraorainai.2.- J. 1,. ILiker, th•r, eertiti,?.; (lent 1:i ri11111:, - tt.t. heo:t ill l /Cll 1 ti `V 'd t1t,113, - ; I lie I:itien:. by (.1112 .1:::tton; :174 READING BAIL ROAD SUNDIER ARRARIGEDMIVT, GREAT TRUNK JANE FROM the North and Nurth-We...t for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Lebanon, Allentown. Easton. 4,0.. &e.. Trams leave Ilarri9burg for New York. as follows At 3-00 7,40 and 0.05 A. 31., and 2.09 and t.. 70 P. M. connecting with vitiator Trains on the Pennsylvania Pail Road, and arm lug at Neva York at ; - ,,-to and 10,00 A. M., and 3.40 and 10.35 P. M. Cars ac.mmpanying the 3.00 A. 31. and 020 A. M. 'Prams, Ivithout change. Leave Ilarn , hurg for Pending. Pot t wine, 'Carla qua. 3linersville, .I , ldand, Pine (;l ove, .kllentown and Philadelphin.at 7.40 A. Sl..:utd 2.0 n and 9.20 stopping at Lebanon and principle lk ay Stations; the 9._01'. Al. Train molting no connection.; forPottsville nor Philadelphia. For ille,Seltuyl kill Haven end Aubdrn, via Solmylkil! and smeme hanna Rail Road, leave Bat rislairg at 1.15 P. 31. Returning, Leave ven. York at 9.0 n A. 31., 12.00 m, and 9.110 v. nt. ; at 0,00 a.m. and 3.39 p. m. and Po/sera/eat 9.31) a.m. and 2.4 A.,111:(11(1130./ 11.13 A. 31. and 1.95 P. 31., Tamaqua at 9.45 A. Al. and 1 00 nod 11.23 I'. 31. Leave P 11arrip , 'Ilrg, Vi..l S. d S. 11. R. at 7.0 u a. m. All .Ir•commodation Pa- , enger trAin I,‘ave. 13rad inn il.no A.M., and return, froln Phil.:4l•‘lplita. at 300 P. 1 . Columbia Railroad 'l'rains . leave 11e.tding at A. 6.13 p.m.for F.:pinata. Luiz. 0)1111111 , w. On Sunday,: leave Nun lurk :it :;;) P. M.. Phila delphia smo A. 51. and 3.15 31.. the •.1 OA. :V. Train running only to liondin•_ ,. . Pott,ville 8.00 a. in.:raffia qua 7.30 a. I n., ‘.1., 031. In. an,l 1.30 a. in. for Ilarri , lpnrg. and 10.32 a. or. fur Nett York, and 1.2.5 p. in. fur liliiladelphia. Comtniantion. Soa,f , t). anti Ev.ottr,ion Tiekot , ai re(l.u•ed nat., to ariti froln :A point,. Putenci, liaggaga afluwed (.1. A. N Stwerintrwient apr fn NSFs 1:A ILV .1 1 A AIL ROA D TRAIYS 'frain loaves Vcashinxion !rouse tiLttiva every ta.wning except :-:::111,1:ty, ut 6.(i0, tirri‘ - ing in Phila delphia :it Lanca , ter Train ar rive,: iwt: f,• , :1 IlarrisThurg tit 5.:2.5 a. in., and li•aves s.:::):+.linni.ia.\econi mdalion at 1.40 t. .;:irrives 3,anr:tstet' al 2.20 p. ut., conw.z•tinix kvitlil...lxpre-s for Plansiciphia :a. 3.10 I'. "AI. A.,•roinin as usual :Lap p. r —AI ail 'Fra:a arrives al 11..11 a. In. Culanthia pai.seng( . - 'Philadelphia at :;.4.1 p. rg inod:ition :,1•1 ivu, at {;.:;:, : i...ama,ter Train ar : ve:-.; at Tr!. -1. :).S'II•;;;LETSVILLE, R. R and - York ft)ltto.V:.llal.l further ordors: 1.r:1%e 7 00 A. M 1 20 P. M S 00 P. Al Y(n 0 hi A. I\E L•' 10 .N 1 3 00 P.AI a!parlN3 and iNival of tiro Passengotu rit TO:C . 1" " • - 71):•:PAR T i ES FfO\Irov.eeding to I Inrri.::•ufs4. ISt: Cr. 18(3C), DITEL.VDELPILIA. AND ERIE U.\EL ROAD.—Thi, iine 1%1 Ver,,i2S I.IIU Ortil,'lll aril NOri.llWo4l. Counties of Penn sylvania 10 the vor Erie on Lake Erie. It ha, heel) loa-4..1 and i-; oporateil I) GIP I;a: , .roati. Company. Tittle lif •11.4 :it StovOi.11110,T1:411,i, Lis\ \\.\kU. PAi • ::I Eno I•:pre , -• MAI; I', All A. AI.: C.ST \ I%ll'W. Ei 1..t1.: NI Expre- , ; 'Praia 4 - :;1 t.. \ I.; d: , l 4 '1•1 t Erio Nail aria Es:ltlt•t—t . l'l NW , t Ilt NI:1V ‘ . 4).: CO,...s.rtt"rtl)N. vorlz 1. N., a:1 Ivo :C. Erit` :I.:: I A. !, at 1.13 .New Vol I; I...letrant ar-. on trains. ( • :tot I: ❑ i I: .1 oet,, I'll :Lido! r Ft .• t.t orth,• Company . - Atrt.tas IMin===E DEMMIIIIM \V 111 lao.t 11. \,,-nt. c. U. It., Ilallimoro. li. H. tit )I:STON. (;,•11. I';tii t. H. IV. C.,NNEE, A. L. TY EN, Erie 5t.E.t72.3.1N;44 c CLLOIAIT3ErnIA till , 1.4.1 rllll by tt n;e11 t, i.;11 fa-ter dial: that t,f lA•t.int ON AND AL. - mu NVEz,s7E.-D.ll - , M t" • 66, 1 . ;t111. t , f tht. roil tv,ll rou :L. SUM3lEiit ILNT. ti.•kt c , ~del r •coil u• titan, to paint, of Y• 7 or ritort.,t., .oldisr4):11 1101•1(.., .%pply to C . olll' . ,bia at, 8.1.1 a. !IL:001:1111V , 10.111/ ... 111. Leave Iteidlaz,nt ?.5 a m.. n a l an Ive ut Colatalaa I'uA Wolin p. tinclay 'w'n•:ai us: . r p I,,tves 7..;1/ n. a. •t/1./.11 rive: at Reuling 3.4(1.1. nn. I:e.turn.n . ..;. 6.05 p. In. and 1111 ire , .11( olutulr.o at 1.1. p. 11. Thi. 1111111 e Ite.t.ling Art . NOW V.,1•11 :10.1 11 1 . 1..111 ;Ilan. LI IZ SUN ..P.I 11. N S..gi a. nt.:lad.u' uteU Lit:z9. :n 111., n. 0111111.1, 1...11e, LILLIS .1;40 p. in. as l at. 11,- :It It.• ,itin; :It n. 13 1•. 111. The 5 13 :I. 11..01 euinni:‘l.l make; ch-,,e C011sl•CL14 , 11 unh eApi en , 1.11111- at rm. ivnig; :it :LI I Ir. 111. and Philadelphia 1,1:0 p. in.; 111.0 fur full-; tlla awl tint Lunation VKI- Pasewtern ]'ark at 7.11) a in. and .113.111 a. M., 04111, , t With tr.lllll leaving Ileading :it noun 1r... Cohittibia, 'York. and Northern Central It. I livonz:: ticket, to Now Yotk. Philadelphia and at prim:ll...l and Baggago 1"r'•! ht :'•d with the urino,t and rlhpateii. th. 1111.11 In .1i Wall 1,•,•.ar.1 to Fi.,.ight or 1,,11 to itr..y b..... obt hued I - 1001 OW o:,;ents of the company. GEO. F. G .1. GE, S u pt. E. F. KEEVER, Gen. Frcl,ht and'l'tcket .tgt. Na',' ENE'?InER THE •91,11) EsTA,R. E) AND. GREAT 11.11“:.17\.S AT TH E ell EA I? CASH I;( )O1i: STORE. We have ja,t. reveived Irani the Fall Trade Sale a solectekl stock of BOOKS AN DSTATIONERY. Whiolt we now ()fro!. aI Creatly Rvtitteetl Rates. A large assort ntvnt, of :"3(.71[001, EIitUAN DISE Constant.: V 4)I ha !It I. !so, riTANDILD EDtxxvoNAL woitEs. Brooks' Normal Elementary A iithuwtl Brooks' Geoinet ry and TrigonotnetPv, MM'S NO1111:11 SPoller, Sunders' liniun Readers. We call ,pecial :Mention to our large at,:sorttuout I'IIOTOUI APII ALBUMS, FA:m.ll:x 818 LEs, AND DIARI Es for Isilq MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Whole-ale rates, at .10IE.s; Sll EAPFER'S Chvap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, P. nov. IS, '65. FEND RICH BROS., Columbia, Pa. Established in 1535 DEALERS 1N AND MANUFACTU RERS OF _ TOBACCO, SNUFF, SECS of all kivas. We have just received the best stock of CIIEWING TOBACCO that we have offered for sale for the last EyGHT7. 7 ._EL EtS_ Tobacco that we can guarantee, in every respect to give satisfaction or no sale. STOREKEEPERS, :.)IERC , and all others who use or sell Tobacco in any shape or form call iu and Examine, our Large Stock Before purchasing elsewhere - as you will End it to your interest. The old saying is, persons will buy where they get the Best and Cheapest Goods After you examine our stock and find we have not the CHEAPEST and the BEST, w•e do not ASK YOU TO BUY We al,o pledge ourselves to sell at PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE WESTERN PRICES tVe have mad m - e arranqients with a .n -fittn in llielimend, Va., to sell their FLOC N DER, NAVY, and SWEET SPUN ROLL TOI3_VCCO At their Factory Prices. All we make is a small commission Von. will flnii that Tobacco the best awl cheapest in market. If any Tobacco bought of us should not TUR OUT AS REPRESENTED We will take it back and REFUND THE MONEY, The following braMk of CIIENVLNG TOBACCO, SNIiVE we will keep constantly . on hand. Virginia To Intrw , .. Extra '..\ - avy, the host in the marl:et. Tho Idavl; Crow \:t vv Tobacco, „Lotter , Excel,ior 61.veet .Spun Ln IL, Va. rto , :e pltuy,•4, Va. Cavendish .1 Ih plug , . Va. Natural Cavetnll,ll. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore Tolitteeo. SWVVI „;alto. spun Roll. 12 plugs to 11, Nature Diamond Twist, 23 pines: , to lb 3lanns ttronoko, we will sell at Factory rates. lulu Toll:loco, 22 plugs; to Floutule:s and Saulis.ll, 2:1 gs to H. _Navy awl liaw Twist. SEG-.A_RS We have all Brands and Styles, and the quailty in Market. We defy any Factory in the State to produce BETTER sToCK than we are now working into Sugars. \Ve have sugars as cheap as $l.OO and .51.2.5 per hundred, all WarrallWil to snieke tree F INE CUT C IIF WING TO 13 A.CCO iu tin foil. Solace, Amulet Yellow Bank, Plantation, illy Barta lity4a, Celebrated Cornish. Fine Cut Chewing tobacco Loose in Bbls antl Barrels, is,tID.'LIDLILLEB InDTS.2sfiri2i:D) Big Lick, .1 11). and 1 11) bales, Uncle San). lb and Ilb bales, Danville,Va.. 1. 1 :.nil 10 lb bales, Lynchburg, Va., in 10 lb bales, Turkish. 1,1., and llb drums, Cat and Dry.in papers,by the Joz. 4.5 cts. Also loose in 1.2 Bbls and Barrels. 10.110 1".!.1 .11,111 ~.,-. ~ p. u i / /.. p. 111 PIPES OF ALL KINDS. Rosewood Pipes.plain fluted and fancy, Sweet Briar, ditto, of different styles, Double Tube Pipes, six differeni. sizes Guru Pipes, do do Indian Pipes,and - French Clay Face pipes Clay pipes for sale by the box or dozen. Pipe Stems,and Match Boxes of all sizes, FIVE DIFFERENT KINDS OF' SEGAR CASES. All styles and shapes of SNUFF BOXES. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco Bags, GUM, LEATHER AND BLADDER. S_l\l - T_TE''_ STARES, RA PEE, CONGRESS, SCOTCH - , ,R, We %rant you to cull and examine our stock. You will find all -tared to flu, ti-ement correut and no 1111110,u:4% You will find no une-horSe, huww, bra :1 111%-4 ,Tub:u•co 110t1..e. FENDII IC II BROTHERS, Whole,rdo and Tobareo. Snuff and Scgar Mauut.l,•tury, Street, 3 door- above Loeurt. Feb. 3, 11031 rpHE best and chelpest article for mak -1 int; soap, just received, and for sale by It.WILLIAMS. Soda Ash ! $2.00 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE!: ; 52.50 IF NoT PAID IN ADVANCE. ~s~t ~~'villitiCpli"~. E.E . Z.:7;_til). Few who make any prolonged stay at Spa fail to visit the gr.tto of Reinoa champs. On the roadside, about hair a mile beyond the grotto. may he seen the church of I)i3upart, the architecture of which is superior to that of nn, ~t of tlie country churehe.: in that district. The followin;: legend is conneete. I with its. erection,about five hundred years At, that time there steo:l upon a hialit. about where the church is now -o,:a. chateau, the lord of which, at the dd.,. of our story, was a bold and wicke 1 man, the terror of the neiehhorhood. Ile had lived there for l‘bout fifteen years with his wife, who had borne hill no oflspring, and who has come with hint from sumo foKe.ign land. where he had spent his youth, rumor said, in most disreputable manner. - Oae day there came to the gate of the chateau a yuathild .)linnesinger, , one or those anastrels who passed from tuwa town, 11'0111 eastie to ea , ,1:40, lightin the cars of their denizeit I with romantic ballads, suag to the accompani ment of the barp.and receiving in return bed and board for a short time, and wherewithal to support them on the jour ney to tite neat halting place. Ile was ad witted to the presence of the lord and I lady or the castle, and forthwith lie.,Lan hi, lay A.t, the first stan7at a de olly pallor overspread the features or the ivir (mess, and with a trembliv voice she le manded viienee he came, fr..an whom he had learned the ballad. "I cum() from TiTve:' ,- ," tv:1;-4 the reply. "and the ballad was taught tut, by an aged inan with idiom 1 thvelt, :rid who, when won skilled in the art ur tna ie. sent forth, and bade sin:: it in every towii tittl antic \Odell .should enter.- The seigneur of Monjarilin, observing that his wile's"einticton* was" - Wet:smug more and umre anti intensc,ortlered the minstrel to quit the chamber. but to await in the castle his Curtlier orde:'s -- when .he was gone, the baroness ex claimed : ittetit,,,ttt they t,) NII , I to my Illin:.trJ is Nvitlhot; ,1,,111,:. a ,p; t..11;.1 the sor-pieiotts baron, i s to t li ! .. c over oar elude, au,l ion ,r Illation thereof to s;:lect enclitics ; tott In. shall not return to frive intellittettee to those who state :,ent 0 ,111 , ,, said the add wit Ow manicr td • th:s youth to a li-qufer;inc,:li.ru.piy "Well, well," answcre(l the Itt:r tn. •• I shall not deprive him or in'e, but ii acre tht•tgorons to give hint his liberty: 1 will confine hint in one or the chattiltet•t. the castle" So saying, he went 01 to execute his design, but the )linne,,,im , .,..er had dis appeared, and could nut be found. A few days elaped. :tad the young tninsirel again appeared at the castle. llu WAS taken by the baron to a secret chamber known only to itiut eii,in :t remote tower far from the inhabited portion of the chateau. Now t " a:...ke:l the i,dm. — 4.11 me I.vhercfurc thou h.e...t come to thi, L i,now well that thou art lit.'rc uu :=c)lne secret erranii, hot re - scaled thy dayzi are annihet •T I it art Le, t . 1k well thou shwth.l-t Itutr.v the puui-huicat th.it ziwaits thc.e; neither C• 10 I um- dri.tk, -1,111 pass thy hp= until thug shalt to!1 we all f. tles,ire to Enure. The phtt..e where. thou eomerit, the halt.; I th,la t,,kens that 'tis Inv th,,11 thee here; retusn t ono more ch:noxt ro• if,: nr, :Ant ob,tinato. tu ;:tri,ll." The baron then ,1•,21):n zed., e.:n.lo111, fastening. the door as lie HL tl t t•ii tin'oer. The next day foun•l tho brave ioni,trel as determined as lrelare• to make no Cur- Cher revelations. and so the erne! baron left him to his dreadful fate. inrorming his wife that he NV.V., him in eit,todyats he was icier,' than evor 0,00 : vineed that the minstrel plor:e Ind-'hie!: Three days had elai,e,l :-inee he wa prisuned, when an aged man arrived at the chateau, weary alal foots 11 , .!, and having craved and obtained an audlencel of the baron, dein:andel if he knew nu` la of a youthful minstrel, who.he had heard was last seen at the castle "Thou dust not rememl,er wt, e filmed the strauger; ••I a thy wilV, father. Thou dith,t carry eff.at the head of thy robber band,lay daughter from her home at Treves, and ever since I have made fruitless etiort to discover thine At length 1 bethought me of a I MI EIITIIOLE i\'l1 I JIBE.P. 1,915 means which has proved sucees,ful; I knew a sweet ballad which my daughter had composed in her youth; this I taught to a boy, who neglected from his infancy by his own relatives, lived under my care. 1 I),t de a Vora', and sing this lay in every town and castle until be should full my daughter' and then scull me in t,:iligenee where she lived, that I might see her ere I die. This youth came here; thou didst not reeoL , :nize him, doubtless; lie i. thy bro:he--" The kin o, St,r . el 10 hear no more; be hanteneA in an agony of terror to the secret chamber, tiling open the their : and beheld extentle,l on the ground the life , less boar of his brother. He caught up the mot itmlefs form h 111-; nrm-,,lntending to convey it whexcerelnedies might be ap pFed: but—horrdr---in his confusion lie elosod the door fru:u tiEidiiu, and it Could not be opened but i'VOLIS without.— fis cries were unavailin; none knew of the c:h.onlier but himself. h't. some time the disnripearanee of the barull cdusod the groate:,t eXeitertient; but at length. while :•,,lau repalrs were beiu4 ex .ate in the lan , ..onry of the work :lieu dit;covere,l the seerez ch.tmber, the hall woem c.iten, yet still reen[4nizable,corpses of the two brothers, all n w r itten d o cument containing the confession of the baron. The lady of :struck with horror, eat:L.-sod the. ch.cedu to be pullol down, and the pre:ent church of Llicupart to be built witii its sLtlit.S. 82ttl E're• 71.. k• r.! _ever