nic .g,101),111 li)2, A. 31. ICA2IIpO, ,•••. • . Itayes,'Grier„Ass:l_Elli,itor. pOLUMECIA PAL paturday; May 26,1866. Aciveztisqr;ents, to secnro Imutediate: , tuseraion moat be( Landed in on 01' babi:e ritui.sllity evening . (reek. Issy7-.31r. obertein, is our autitorizecl Agent for West. I-rempfield Toisitsht:p. lle will take suli.r.riptlaUs, -adverti , §einents . The News. Eighty-seven eases of arms belonging to•The 'New York•Feuian Seaato,•have been seized at' Erie, Pa: he health of Jeff Davis is improving: Dr. Wm. Wilson, an enterprb;ing arid• distinguished citizen of Bethlehem., 'died at. his residence on Monday afternoon. At a special election for_menibier of the-City Council, held in the - Thirteenth I lVaid, Baltimore, to-fill'avacaucy, Sam -Wei7Wylie,lndependeet Union - ea' odidate, received 'OB -majority over Colonel Schldy, - the regular nominee. .• - •'lu the United States 'Senate, cn Tbinriday, the Military Committee re: ported a bill to provide for the cqualiia tion of bounties to soldiers in the 'late two; accompanied by 4 report in 'regard to the atimunt of money required, js s'et'ilown-at : ;The West Chester Delrocrat in Gout raenling upon the Stonewall Jackson cel4bration at the South, says, amoni -, the toast ' s drank was One _`•Henry A. lyzise; Prisoner: o 1 war—, un k.,)rgiven, niforgotten" to which this distinrmished , indi~ilual iesPolided'as follows. "I don't know that I am a prisoner.—' hLaughter.] I am bound by no chain. J. ave a pass to go where I please upon the soil of my native laud. At least General Grant says so. I may be arrested but I wanted• he man Hyblg to tell me whither I might gq, [Cheers.] I have the proud satisfaction of saying that I fought until we balwon the privilege of being paroled. TApplaused There is no authorttyher9 or elsewhere to arrest me or to stop my mouth solong as 1 obey the condition of that pa j.olle I shall stand so long as I live. [Alt plituAe.]. You Call me a prisoner of wail - 'I am s not!tr prisoner of war: If a prisoner at edt, lam plisoner of peace. Among the last shots fieed by infantry at Appomattox Were - Pee fired by the tr e ops that I had the r' hono and pride to lead; and :here at Ap pomattox peace was brought about. - - You cad it lost; it is not lost. If it is lost, the cause of civil - liberty is doomed, for it. too, is lost. There was a Paradise lost and a 'Paradise regained, and there will be a Paradise regained in this country. The blood that has boon spilled is too precious. I should not believe in God if I did not be- Ileye that a special providence would yet give victory to and scet-tre the triumph of civil liberty in this country. ;,."One thing can be said, there was one maii who could not be driven to do that ... vhich' het did' not consent to do. As long as one man in this commonwealth—a voice, ['What Commonwealth?'] What Common- Beltith? There never was but one Virginia. ut I tell you Old Virginia is not at holm:. She will come back some of these days,and 'then the devil take the hindmost. I am. .Svatching,and will tell her when: she comes what has been done .in her absence. -if It say, 'Mamma, your children did not do that.' It•was done by int pogtbrs and 'pre teriders.'—Atfain I sa,y, there is- but one Virginia. They have"( then and are wield ing- her powers., If I_ ant a traitor let thdm Make the ium tof it. If lam a traitor why don't .they try, the and hang me? I have lost my.lands and property, but I would. 'clean boots bn your streets sooner titan bow to usurpation. Ifl had tri tun Plied, I should have :favored stripping them all linked— ' , [langhtbr.] Pardon! They might have ap pealed for pardon, but I would have seen .the'm damned before I would have granted It. For my - self,the boot being on the other ]eg,l hike no oaths,l ask 9opardons. (Pro longed Cheers.) • "That is honest and 'outspoken ,to say , the least of it, and in that view we aci- Inirc . it, lifenry A. Wise is a representa tive man e and the sentiments expressed by hini' meets with a hearty response 'from' atm' est; every le iding rebel in Ihe'Solith'. The lenient policy pursued by the President, Ims,made them impu dent amFdefiant. ~. Wise_ was not so bla tant iiiimediately after the surrender of tee. - Then he anticipated • different Treatment both for , himself and his eoln rianions in crime. He expected to be hinged • as'a traitor,' but seeing now that .V4.ere is 'tio danger of that, he again as- , . Sumes the character of the bully and ories- —An invisible ad vertispneat, more • '11 . 1: am a traitor, why don't they • , convincing'th4 printed ' Words, is now try me . • 'andl - Ph:lieu's "Niglit :Moore any me.'?. Were we President of' in' ..., Cereus. In a tholsand fashionable , the, United States, how soon we 79 1 11 d Twines in,the of New York. - that etop,that.eackle. But he has his parole , advertisement is simply the stream 'of -,iti:his pocket, aud as he , dehmtly shout s delightful fragrance' poured from' every- ' 1. --eriii go where-he pleases—tauritinr;.and ' ' -of this famous extract. Sold every• • ' iiisuliiii , " , Northern 17uion Men, and reit' flagon where. , • —The Nztshvil'e Garrotte - -eratincehisitreasonable doctrines with im- -.- , • • • learns that tfhe prospects of the Iwheat crop in Georgia 'punk:. 'The struggle,,is not yet over .are most tlattering._ From Mr. ,Lollar, .ivithqiim. Ile, still looks forward to: their . who ~ has been , traveliu4 , extensively tiltikate success. ' Had the - ,- : _, ; outh, been throughout Alabam a au'd MissisSiPpi the past few leeks, we ' have a 'successful, he would - have , stripped tite clAr'ng sil - nhir , repeil in regard to the prospects ilrorthe'riz people 'l . ialzet2 4 „Who .ISrorth-': ‘ 1 of the wheat' movie those States, • - ,A face • 06 - tilL much larger atuotiut, o's this maple cereal tern man -doubts) . this, in the .fact.that.thonsands of our ; -brave,' noble has been sown this yearthan ever before, Al t • "Union soldiers were mardered and-stan'•e,-1 and the blades are I.lrel'tly . v•iti feet - high-. :icraiiil'll 'in their Pestileritial prison pens i As.for pardOnin , * them, (the, North), he ' Ge;;;Lt :tris. Gririies, that tine eld dam ,. ' • : Whose form we ofmn meet, I , t l would have seeia them damzed , before he white wandering through the busy town' lye "``l'' upon thustreet;— l. • • •tcould have g' •• Of course lie - "Nirdtild - ;-ancl'yet-in "the - face'. of-- their A'e *. C4l:bfl;al;ba e rtiu.s - ' cruelty. during;the rebellion, and this- frank confessiou., of -one o, their representative men as , -to the treatment they would have admit ikered • ;t6'NortbernPeople had - they.' b'eett':itto ceSSful,"What are we *dsked - to . „ - do '? .Ve ,are,,not . only. , • asked to • forgive , them; .butet&.admie the blood, thirsty; traitorods seoundrelebaek 'into the':halls -o' .f. f Con ,- ,ireigtelegii late for us.' ', ;Let 'us rather 'tielAiiiii, - p'rePa . ritY , " the' llei r ri Peri ;cords AliaPwillB . tro.Pl , tilejr, , toro , less oPek:s.zt,lid . ,de m o nstratetotalt ,- mankind.:thatii t: thei-' e United States, treason is a criMer7sid must and will be punished i : : - editorial nal Illiorrllattrouo. — z ‘qr:ep.,•qc;hn;'offeis:o:ll kii4ds of Vri6k, fa' 'sale. . • -I:: , -The ,salary inr the Gove,inor,tit.-Cal ,iforiiii is 114,0012,•,in '—There:are 37;000.churches_ jck,:;'..tlieT , UnitekSt4tes. - • , - 7 1Ynnted, the receipt w4ichluivert when a ~e ntleman "pays his respects." - - - :-•-•A`witty fellow says tharlinop-Airtsr hanging out , of a ;•croof remind r:bi - n - Cof - peer of belles. —Neither false curls, false teeth, false calves, uor even false eyes, are as bad -Why is a lover like a, dog ? " ; 4 cause he bows•and •'- - . -Whon was beef - steak the highest ? When . the'`e * ow juxuried'oVer the moon. —Which runs the faster, heat or cold? Heat, . se'yoi.i Can' Cateh''a —The property - of Ex-Governor Aiken, of South Carolina', bas . been restored to him,' on therecwnendation of Gea. Sickles. , —Dr. Seago, assistant' editor of the Editor. Atlanta, (Gat)lira • cumulated suicide in St. Louis, last week. —There were 010 civil and 250 Crim inal cases on ,the docket at the • April term ut the Clicuit Court- at Columbus, Miss. . . —There are now two .hundred.,„and seventy four churches hi:New York, and oue hundred a i seventy : ei4ht iu —A letter-froth Madrid, states that ex-President Mi Fi and 'wife arrived there on the 22nd of last month. —The National • Temperance. Society has voted to raise a fund of $1.00,00d._ of whieh''s):9;oco - ti - ;tib: scribed. 2. -; - • • —Hon. George,W.Su,t,nnicrs,is poken of as the cOnserViitiVe'eA:iidale fur next Governor of West Virginic. - =Several of - the Virginia sp,rings'llay . e completed their arrangements to. open the present season. . --A new steam, ;Ixagotl fox ,eoinn.lon roads has just been tried at Quincy, Illi nois, the papers say; with fail promise of , success: • repOrted that 'l5O be discharged from the Treasury Depart ment at,the end: of the month. the roan who has.never.told an, itor how he could better his paper leas gone to INiarief,ta to Tarry a woman that has never lOoked " ' --31 . r.'0. C. Mines offers his vinegar works for sale. • Se,e ads'ertiseinent. - next State Agricultural Fair wiltbe held at-Easton. . —Very magnanimaus— : The Council in not allowing our.batchess to sell veal under threg weeks, old. We contend that there is ne;yeal fit cat at three weeks old, and in nio3t places its sale is prohibited at that age. —For-"pure-unadulterated liquors, go to the. store oi'd". C. Bucher. See his advertisement in another column. —Why are women hard on clothes? Beeause, whe,tl they buy a new suit they wear it out the first day. —Why is a mad bull an' animal of a convivial 'diSpositiOn? Bee:luse he - offers a horn to . dvery'one' he meets.' —Whs is Queen Victoria, just' about now, like a deaf lady? Because her Erin (hearing) is ip a bad condition. —A dentist of our auquaiatance, says It is much easier to take, the "Tartar'a woman's teeth tolip off, her tongne. —The Erin ting bivision of the Treasu ry dailyprints fiactional currency in all denominations anfountinp: to eight thous and dollarss. In.i order, to meet the , , , uni versal demand for small o circulAing notes the 'United States Treasurer issues, trom: fifty to seventy thbaSatid dollars.' • Thesis, are covered •by the redeniptibUs of the ; department. —There - is to Le a . epin,plete reorgani zation of the clerical force of the_Treasu ry licpartment,_and all delinquent or. in cc;qlpotent clerks, will be relieved, dud honorably dis • dliared - soldier's ;Ai& niay be foUnd qualified . 'bi• the treasury lilt: amining:Board to fill the vacancies will be appointed. , • Ti'estcrit Benzisphere,at Tyrone, and the Bpi° limes, have been discon 'tinned, The latter vas under the patron age of Hon. 'Chas: - Y:: 'Culver, and 'is stopped in consequence of his, failure.. It was a very, excellent paper,but published, doubtless,,at,a loss', The re,adinc waiter was disproportionate to s the advertise ments. .. Like bright , st gold her virtues shine. ' She'k kiwi and - good to all, • ' And never takes a glees of wine Or wears a waterfall. • 'She always keep: h i erjoys and cares Within her taitlifal - And when she buys her household wares , Slie always,g,lts t,he hest,. She': known in all the region round ' 'As one of pleasant'moleds, • • Ot purest taste and judgment sound— . At Britner's bays her goods. Good ladies all,`hec counsel keep, And follow it betimes, And buy ybur goods, both nice and cheap, • Like kindly madam Grimes.' her,you then,JoUr frionds.trill greet, :*AVotc you've clone before, ' • And'nrl - • To buy'at !ironer 's Store. A fashlomible assortment of all 'isifids of die - tis' - g&mis; Vo - ois 'shoes, - Ifoop: skirts &e.i''iihyleyS' 'on'• hand - at 0. Bruner'sstore' Front St. above Locust. fiater from 'Washington. Washington, , l!acw 23d, 186 Q -. . „ -i-DEAR SPY was rather clisa.p•pti s .ed / not' finding in your lg;St isSuo a:long article from the Sr. Editor; headed !''.Dot ,tings by the way," or . te,',X. • d j ay . 11041, ' &c. Now 11fr.ilSeniors, - u c ite too modest. No "doubt cl nu merous readers would have beau highly ..ratified with your remarks on the many objects you saw in yogr very bri2f visit `d ne'dt' ,- -Wisli . -"Yot'-llet bored ; both at home ; and, abroad--- . -allow us some time for recreation, won't you? —EDI) As much as I was pleased with your i visit and happy:to havelthe society of 'yourielrafid dstiniable lady, I tell you .I. hoped -of,you; , - , after -the• close in:geptiou z you :z made -of-,Tseasury; hite,il3JQ' War , : .Dep't,. expect of 'the - 15race where MissAliiiris, stooq;serdeinea by the book case and : clock,. when she brought ,"dywn, her. man.", This may . not be of ninch irnPortlince - tO 'Staid' men of your' stamp, but there is deep significance to thus afiascul'ine of tlie'a'ibertine schnol; whecifre'iloirwhannisery they' en'tail,'sb that they may have somewhat of which. they Can boast among animals' (miscalled' men) qf their OW 11 species. While speak • ing Undle 'SaM's:banking estaldish meat, .the '• Cashier's Room" is well worthy of . a• 'few uiomeut's observation. Thc,large burglar Troutsafe is avonder- fal specimen of mechanical ingenuity.— erp,, drafts make id. New York may bC 'obtained fee& of charge. Once n month the Clerks of.Depts., Laving tam flies iu the takeadyantapp of the facilities offered to„ send. money to bhp. loved : ones - at home. The western &mit; of the Treasury Will be, when finiShed, ode of the .plos,LlOgnitioent in the Union. Same " of th - e'stbnes cost ,ti : 1000; "TiS , said the .old State Dept. will betaken down to make room for the northern ex tension of the Treasury. In the event of the State Building being demolished, the White House, after being made lire prbofi appriwylifjpil: §tate pur poses. If this Would take place, it is in conteniplutiou to build an Elecutive Mansion in amore healthy locality : Now Mr. Editor, let us walk . into the White House, to be the occupant of which so many hart spent years of intrigue with cringiiig, unscrupulous ,politicia its. The east, root now denuded c4' its 1;1.e.t3 cur tains; Which Vandal relic ' hunters had clipped anti spoiled, looks quite plain.— Congress has made liberal appropriations to put the -Mansion in proper order. You are well aware no person can see what is worth seeing in this city in Ame day, if the object - is to . see Nil WI ,comfula afid to profit 'thereby. The Smithsonian will give full employment fOr one day. 'T s now undergoing the necessary repairs after thilt destructive fire of January, 1865:. Of course the splendid Gallery of Indian paintings can never be restored. Another interesting place to visit is the liateut office, You are aware a spa cious, wing of this bu'ilding — has beeri set aprt far. models. The statues and busts of the iihis'tricius dead; Washington, Lin- coln"andlYcbster, arrest the attention of the passer by. The cloflies worn by Wiishingtm, with his camp equipage. The coat , iy.orn b .. y Jackson at Ne:w qrle ansi, witl; many precOus relics, merit a close inspection, If any of 3\our young frieeds wiqh to spend a ple,asalAt . flay they can find- place and opportunity in this buildin If not fully satisfied either in the Smithsonian, Or Patent Office, by taking advanta2e of the P. St. cars they can; reach the, Capitol in a few minutes, after• a preliminary _view of the Eastern front of the nation's forum,let them enter the Senate 'Chamber, and "a view from the Galleries" will add zest to what has been already seen. Here sit the Sonators .of-the United 'States. Perhhps you may liear'the Hon: Howe of Wis., telling of the. adran Cages , arising from Sanitary measures to be enacted for the prevention of cholera' to .dup• shOres. There is Fes. sgnden, Harris, Conness, Wilson, .Salis bury. arid our Senator, - Cowan;. on whom 'Partingtoti . it, :the mantle piece: of pai k iel Webster fell. „ • A page.. hands a photograph of that noble Woking man to. your left that he may'Wrife Beneath" in a - MAt unre.aVable scrawl the name, Chas. Sumner. On kaving this Chamber we find ourselves in the midst of the Lobbies, who are always busy., with theni we' have no business. As INT. proceed •we find on either hand, stands covered With photo graphs, paper i n!eig.Vs . &c. On reaching' the Rotunda, yourfind '`(here mawr like yourself,: citizens of the States-intent in seeing all that can be seen in the shortest time L imaginable. •Of coiii•Se - You, -don't exPect me to describe thepaintings by which we are surrounded' I Cenfess my rinibi it3r:, flinch less, to describe tit e' life- M:figures looling i doWn froth their lofty eininende the ,llonie. A' graphic ketch - of the overhanging Group (if' I mistake not) ,has. appeared in a , letter from " Correspondent" to 'the (Spy. - I have admired the research or plagiarism which gavOi - ie s 6 much' - ififor !nation.— As the Rouse iS . - in:geOion, We had Vetter take a peePleg . 'ltepresenta. I.lfes. Vbt . eq - tai'jttis been tiiken,' , and the_ widech . iyaka 'Speaker is: putting' the qii - ?stiotitcoll.* rueinb'ers - - whose 'names have been called tiqt no reply "Were - you the' roll was called?":If the .ineinhers'reply..tif firmatively they are at li`berty 'to To.a stranger: there is a seeming.. confli smn and 4nateptition to huSiness:* Pot so for keene:eyi.' and' thtluilitful'brains, are found intent-on-the. question ,b_:fore the House. , Speaker Colfax rules impartially wiquppea`sing Watchfulness ~.Here the American leople .rule througl their people . rule ,through 'Representatives. , ' •Icas 'been re• rwarked,t4t .:more intellectual Congress, nor one better adapted . t 6 any eruergency has never sat in this - or the old ball. _ - Before I r liiil.- 7 YO - tii s iiareu;-:permit me to change the scene,•and.introduce ,you . to a smaller.and less-preten'tibus'libuse,'the liamlin'N. E. Cliurch: On Sunday laSt the Rev.. Jesse T. Peck from California dedicated this hbUse,` to the and worship•of Almighty God..nt'which time he preached a,moit clicellent 'sermOn.— Upwards - "o'f' - $2,00b • ere' subscribed towards paying off the debt incurred in erecting of tbeliotise. At -3 *hick the -Rev. Mi. McAlfiiter ...of - New York,' preached and-it o',efock.p. in. the Rev. 13,,r0n SundaTafid, lha first •Presby •A. terian Ch urch 'Of'i City; preached One' :of soul.stirriiig''Se'rinims, so closes the exercises of the day.' On Monday eve.,`irtst., at 8 o'clock P. M in Wesley', Chapel, a centenary, meeting , :was-'held,' S . ,cey, - 11 - arla. - ia -- in the ehair.7 r eAses ; lyere Rifefa4d, brsingißt wd,:pray;' nti:eranepte °Re' of: `'the Most Stiblim - d',: dciMpreliAsiy9 - ; pod, spirltuaLpetitiortsl:l ever heard - offered to", the majesty of heaven. On the right of the char satßishop Ames, on the left Bishop Simpson, and near the Bist4op sat Senator Willey, from. West - Va.,- ti - Sliiiir-AniciS in his qUialacid WayspOke of the occasion, the .oriOn, , and growth of Methodism, he gaVe statistics of the number Of churches, of miuisters, trus tees,:stewarts, and members belonging to the Melbodist connection itithe s United 'States. -_ -Senator , - Willey-addressed' the meeting briefly, showing a willingness to give way to Bishop Simpson. The Bishops address was unusually brip,Opt . t sdefned to take - in every Mart of the - 1;0: ceedinoS, Bething was lacking,-it had , no fault but its , brevity.' The pastor : Dellaas, :mowed the plan of raising' funds for the purposps tiesigpat.ed, be said -he was authorized to say, a gentle-. wan in Baltimore had given 55.000 in General Qran't , 's name.' Twenty-four thousand and three - hundred was sub scribed towards the building of the Met ripolitan MI, E. Church in this city $2,- 050, Dickenson College ; $1,200 for general purposes. Pardon my long rambling: totter, and believe we Sincerely Yours .NOT.IOII§ Something Nell' and Novel for .‘gems, Paddlers' Country stores, Dr4ggists, and all seekthg afilonorahle'and profitable business. Free by mail for 65 etc., wholceale $a per duz. Canvas.- ars realize.. $6 to $l2 per day profit. All BOrf S. DOWD, !Manufactures, 196 Water at., Neil , York. PATENT MEDICINES. If faith would cure disease, _our physicians' ocen pation would be gone: the afflicted nteid oftly read the advertkements in the papers to be madd whole;" but the nostrum:lp,reparecfdy thAn pseudo doctors does not often "Lack up" the fitith impired by their advertisements. We do not mean to' con demn all so-called patent medicines, for some have been foantr to be very valuable. In thi= class we wonld'iddlßcle 4 1Gligli Balsam, for coughs, crotifi,"l)oarsneSS, ;te. and - Co es D:spcp.iia CoVe,for indigestion, dyspepsia, and all troubles of the stom ach or bowels—they have been tested in thobsnnds GS cases. Our dealers all sell them. ' Volpe:111's Remedy for ebo`lera. The iiivoilte retnedy of this successful •practition er [See Velpeau on Cholera.] Its small bulk, energy and reliability corn Mend it to residents in the 9ountry,tr:tvelers aid prudent people everywhere. A single thise iii the incipiency, of cholera symptons yoes more thap, the most treatment can ac complish:ln hour later, Price .50c. Sold by Ilubbell,Apo,thcettry, No.lllo Chesnut St., ' may 10 tf-T,OI Ladies can receive a box of Dr, Velpatrs Pills by mail,sealed (chin the eyes ofthe publie,by enclosing one dollar and six postage stamps to 0. G. Staples, General Agent fur us at Watertown, N. V. ;nay-12-Imo, may marry hapily, irrespective of we.llth, agq or licadty: Act the love of the opposite Se 4: can be gained' by the fdlkoving sialple Bond a di rected envelope and gtaalp to .:11toAlt,: LLICILLZ DE.11.1.111 , : :Ration D,Bible House, New Yol',l;:eity.• - ' • The glory of inamis strength—A gentleman who suffered for year; Iron nervous and ticitai'Debility Nig ltly Enn-sions', Mid Sent inal Weakness, the re sult of yonthfol indb;&etion;and came near ending Ids days in hopeless misery, will for the salve of sith.tring man, send to any one afflicted, the simple u.:411' by him. which effected a cure in a few weeks dftet the!' fliShwe of numerous medicines.— Send a diractc:d envelope and stamp and it ni I cost you not h AVdt . ess EDGAR TrtEMA IN, 12,3 th St. N. Y. Ciiliy? Lovely girls and fes!ive boy,L—.end nn addressed envel,me and 25 cents, and I m ill send yon some yalltal is information that Will please von. Address MARY .NOU RE, SA. nroadway,Now York. may 12 ly. LOVE AND Ladies and gentlemen. if you wish to marry, ad dress the undersigood, who will send you without money and without price, talnable information that , 11:113YO,f013, to 'marry happily find speethly, ir re;speetive of- no n'eAlth, or beauty. This infornm ;fon will co.t you nothing, and if you wish to marry, it will dheartully assist yon. All letters strictly con fidential. The desired information sent by retmn nail, and on reward wilted. Address SARAH If. LAmnErrr, Greenpoint,Kings Co., New York. apr. 28,-3m.* DEAFNESS, .BLINDNESS . AND CA tarrh, treated with the utmost suceeqs, by Dr. 1. IsAADS, oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lyden, Holland,) No 110 Pine Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in the city and ....ounty . crul be seen at his Office. The medical faculty arc Invited to accompany their patients.. he pas no secrets in his pra,tiee. Artificial, eyq, inserted without pain. No chayge made for exam:, nation. . mar. :24, METE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI ENCE OL ,I.N INVALID. -Published for rho benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG' ;111.i.N Stud 'oflieis, who suffer from Nervous baiility,prenutun'e decay' of Manhood, ,cc., supply big at the same tune 'the 31eatl, of self Cure. By one who has cured himself 'after undergoing con siderable quaeliery. Liy enclbsing a postpaid ad dressed en velooe single copies, free of charge, may be had of the ailtlior.. Kings Co., N. V. jam. 27, - . -' • • To Consunwtives. THE AD VERTISEit, *HAVING BEER restorbiluo'heutt h iu Afety wicks by a very • firnplil remedy, alter having stifle:eV seTeitil years, wit'ho'n severe lung infection, mid that dread 'disease. Con sumption—is anxious to nuke known to Mei telloW sufferers the weans of enre. " " ' " - . - - •To oil who desire it, lie trill send a copy of. the prescription used (free of charge) the direc tions-fur preparing and using the sawte,Nvhick ti.X•y find a,are rere fir Consumption, Asthma, Brun chitis,'Coughs, Colds, etc: Tile only object of tho tpdvertiser int -ending the.preseription-ts to bench' the afflicted, and spread info. motion which he cot, ceives:to invaluable, and he hopes every sutterce 11;1 II 'ay' his remedy,lis it will cost yi.o uotning, and may prove a blessing, Parties wishing the perseription, will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, . 1\ illiamsbuig, Kings County. Dec. 20, 'O3„-13tn , New York. Errors of Youth. . . A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, fur the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipe directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured. hicers wishing to prohl by thelidvertiser's experionce,can do so by addressing JOHN B, OGDEN • Doc. 30 'efi"..l:, No. 13, Chambers sr.! ..NYY.: HOW LOST p 4;,;t *Olv -RESTORED. Just publisitedra new edition of Dr. Culverwell's -Celebrated lf,ssay - onAlte raiiiend dure (without Med icine) of Spermatorrkiett, or seminal .Weakness, In .voluntary Seminal Losses,linpoteiicy, Mental and' ' Pllysieal Incapacity, lin pecleintlitts to Marfirgd, ed.( also, consuruptson,Eptlepsy„ and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or seated extravimauee, •11-Ib. Price, in n settled envelope; o'lity ¢s. Tee celebrated author in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years suceoSe ful practice, that - the alarming consequences abuse in,iy be radicallycure withdut the dangertals: use of internal medecine or the application •or•thb• knife—pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, -certain, and effectual, by means of which _every:suf ferer, tio matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Lecture should be in the hands of eyery yOutKaud every man in thelauti, - ; " ' • bent, under seal, in a plain, envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the - publishers, • . -•i ••, , ' CIIAS. J. C. KLINE it CO., - 127 Bowery, New-York, P. 0. box 4,556. June 17,'6d. ly , • , • , tint True. Eycry young laayand gentleman in - Ilte United Stateg'enn licar something very much to their ad vantage by return mail free of charge) by address inglete‘fitd6rsigireir, Those having fears of being brunkaggca , will,oblig9 by; not noticing this.tcard, All ottibrs will please address their obedient servant THOS.I O . CHAPNIAII: Un:10 'O5 ly: . al Broadway, New York. . . . A Card to A Clergyntani, While -resicring'in . !Sondi America{ as a inissiosaly, discovered a safe and simple , reme dy for the cure of - Nervous Weakness, EaelS ) DeelV. Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organg;'aitel, the whole,traiti of disorders brought on by baniet'uf and' vicious' habits - . 'Great' - nizinbors have'been already eured.tly this noble remedy. Prompted by a. desire to benefit , the aillictedittal Unfortunate, I will send the 'recipe for, preparing and using thi ,medicinoin a , sealocienvelopo,to any ono who noed.3. it, Free of t.'harge:. rleaoc i nclowg a postpaid envelope, addressed to Yourself. , : • • , , JOSEPII. T. INMAN. . Station I), GibleAguse, New York mar. 17 anio.* nit . OU% I non 1,800 SPR.TW . OF 1866 • , a.. •.• At HALDEMAN'S, • Locust .Street. .above Front. , . "•-'-- • , . _ • :; We would call the attention of oar .12s_ T. = t, • and the • - ...M I. TO OUR 'STOCK. OF GENEII.4,L PRY- G4D qP§i PARBET.TNgS, - QTJEENSWARE. Nis i r opeßinfg and being replenished almost daily throughout the season. it, will be :infli i embered the inducements offered at our establishment L.A_Bl -1 FALL, in presenting an almost ENTIRE NEW STO,CK. THIS sr.I3ING our §Tqct.E . is §NWVI:IJI7 Thereby giving to our Patrons the advan tage of 44 late decline hf all FOREIGN 'iND DOMESTIC LINUFAXTURES. NO OLD GOODS ''-Vl l O,ll LAST SEASON,CONSEQUENTLX IN - 0 LAST SEASON'S _ PRICES_ PATCEp _ j 0 of all Imported Fabrics based upon the late,de cline in Gold. All under, cost of Impor tation and many goods at old prices. PRICE S of,all stan4avit: l / 4 0 domestitA 101*3 I?lX pst possible; • "A 7 :e. solicit an examination of our Stock, ulways to show our Goods At 11A.LDE M ANS' Locus, aboye .. , . . • REMEMBER THE PLACE. • HALDEMAN'S f • Lociist - _Abc)ve'Front, • COLUMBIA; • PENNIA: •, , _ March 31, 1860. $9O A °NTH* r-- 2 A.GENTS wanted for ..six entirely new cirticEes; just out.— Address 0. T. GABBY; City Building, 'Biddleford, num 2.0,-'oCely* OUR BANNER ONCE Mal?E triVF ,U:RL El) TO THE I?_ , . .. - , .::-. : . • A i it ' S'ial i TE4': 4 S P Y . ',?F• F - order ~±,fl ~ *:th"s ' Store: 4, : 'S'A!Fr'.v , .OLN* , iT,TIOT . '' ,: ,.. • I[N 7 COEU/7-r 4 GREAT BARGAINS ARRIVING daily from New York and Philadelphia. Our Stock is not surpassed by any other establishment in Columbia, and in Selections, Quality and Elge74§_, r WE CHALLENGE A COAIPAMISON FULL LINE OF DOMESTIC QOODS I A: Choice Selection Of Ladies' Dre6s•Goods, • • Aid ]En tire New Stock or - S - 117 ir i f .1 SHAWLS; F.,AcTis,:ss. SACKINGS Our is k 'ey, , York gooll Skirt, bquids the Skirt" in finality and shape, and 25 PER CENT. LESS IN PRICES ! A full stock always on hand for Ladies and Misses. BALMORAL SKIRTS OF EVERY STILE TTrIIITE GOODS! WHITE' GOODS! SWISSES, NAINSOOKS, TARIETON§,,TAQIWETS, 9 , ,ur.sto,ck of caoths,Cassimexes, an,d.:Mep, and Boy's ivear ge:nerally, is of this sea t son s puichasing, and consecrpotly Ca?'t be deal'! /4- Carpets, Oil Cloths,Window Shades, Groceries, 4ueen . sware,. Wall Papers, Sc.z IN CON PETITION- WITH PHILA. V.II ICES, WE STUDYTO,P4EASE. apr. AIs.TTED—AGEN"TS—To canvass for. yr the "Soldier'Slndividnal Memorial." GreatEr inducements Ofthred than by Ariz other publishers. Ageiits have an entire. monopoly in the territory assigriild them, as there ha.§lieen riot hi ng 13.'e kind yet introduced.. Meets with universal approv :,l,t," 6,l;;Uatirsientill;: also ti'recoi.d . of vain° to, .those Id their country's, dOeAse;and toAleudsOf'deceo c scki soldiers. itc.,address, enclosing stamp',l3. - 6. BARER, - Box i)7B. apr. AGENTS IYANTEII 1 rpo sell-the Great, American Puzzles ,the 1 cheapest and most wonderful puzzles of the age. Agents can readily make li;ow $lO to $:2O per day, I will give any agent $lOO if he will sell 30,000. .Send 30 couts faset of Puzzles. All orders sent by mail free.'PEITLIP HILL, Importer of Fancy Goods:, 250 ]Nlti.rkel St., Philadelphia, Pa.- i59-Ladies' Needle Book, containing 100 of the bi-st Needles. Sent by on re ceipt of 50 cents. apr. 21, lm THE SALM LEG. Under the Patronage of the Unit mi l States Government. Models of this super:. for leg may be seen at the Agency of th`e. SALEM LE( COMPANY, No 33 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia: Call and.see them, or send for circular containing full infbrination. apr. 21,1 m -WANTED ! - Agents. Male and Female V at t;75 to $1.50 per month, to sell the Celebrated COMMON SENSE:_,FAIIIILY:.SEINING Price SIS.OO _ This - Machine will do all kinds of work equal to the high 'priced Machines, and is the only practical and reliable Cheap Sew ing Machihe in 'the world. Sendfor de- Abpptive Circulars. 'Address— SECOMB CO.,Chicagolll., or Cleveland, apr.'2l, lm V,IRELED MEN; ATTENTION I aAVAICTED, one or two men, in Colum- I WA. lt t;tl vicinity, who have lost either arm of leg, to sell Wadsworth's Water Proof Arnica Healing Plaster, the best and cheapest Court Plaster in the market.— V.rouAVs' ta. pi per day can be made. 'Ad dress, with 25 cents for sample and fußin tormatiati, :A. F. BELCHER, . Box 45, Blilladelplia, r,a. . Y. B.—All agents and peddlers would find'it to their interests to answer the above: ': ! ! • . apr. 21, 3m. BJ. WILLIAMS,.-, . . No. -1G North -Sixth • Manufacturer of • • VENETIAN - BLINDS -AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest ariafinest a:s'Sortiri • dii;t - ' in' , the city at'the Lowest'Ciiali prices. STORE SHADES MADE (k, LETTERED,. May ;`)ra. , • • • ItATANTED, AGE NT,5.7.5. to. ki:2.(10, per month for Gentlemen and ; $35 to, $7 5 to;- allies, overwhere,- to introduce the Cs*lokkon Sense _Family Sewing- Machine, isa(pfeved and perfected, It Avill hem, fell, stittih, quilt, bind. brade and embroider beautlfaßy. Price only only $2O; making the elastic lock stitch, and fully warranted .for, three years. We_ pay the above wanes era commission;,from which twice ,that amount can be ntade. Address or call on C. BOWERS tit CO., Office, No 255 S. Fifth street, Thiladelpia,'Fa. , -Ofr• All letters answered promptly with circulars and terms. ' • may 5,-1m ' 'REMINGTON'S', . • .Army 'and.. Navy. Revolver. , m „Approve( y. e Government; 0. Upwards of 125,000 furnished for the ,U: .8; Service since 1861. Warranted Su-: perior to any other Pistol of the' kind. /Use Belt. and Pocket .Pistols..7Sold , by, Gun Dealers andthe Trade f.tenerally; E. REMINGTON d SONS ' • Manufacturers of Muskets, Carbines; Re- volvers,Revolving Rifles,Rifle Barrels,&c. Dec. 10 tf. .• HOUSE FORNISIIING STORE. CALL at Pfahlor's House Furnishing Store, Locust, opposite the Franklin ',House, and examine his new assortment Stoves, Tin Ware, 'Wood and Willow Ware. Having secured the services of one ot the best mechanics in tlic country, he is, prepared to do all kinds.of COPPIEIt, TIN AND Gas, and Stearn pipe fitting, ,Hydraut work:, "and' Vell'hariging,; at'The• 'shortest"' initice . and most reasonable terms. P . PF• _ . Stop .liut gem.“ THE - Subscriber _would-respectfully: in form _his. customers and the generally. that he has just . ..receist.e4 oral assortment of- GROCERIES PROVISIONS, TEAS AND SPICE ,; Michener's celebrated sugar cured. bards. No: 1 'and mess -mackerel: 'Extra fine, syrups. Refined sugars of all kinds. Old Rio and Java Coffee : ,English and Amer ican Pickles. . ' Dried" and' Canned:R[3ll4s t Raisins, Currants, Prunes Prepared Mus-, tard. Our stock of staple and - fancy, groceriek is full and complete and wo intend keep ing it fresh, by almost daily additions.— Give us a call, corner Front and Union streets, _Columbia. HENRY S UYDAM. apr. 14, '66 MILLENERY AND STRAW GOODS. J W. CA LVER ccCO., - - Have opened and are receiving week ly a fine assortment of Straw Hats, Bon nets, Silks, Ribbons, Flowers, Franies,&c. Wholesale and Retail. Farley and Straw Milleriery. Pattern gorweN on hand. 40IIN W. CALVEII, & Co., No. 61, North Second St., blow Arch, March 24 2m Philadelphia. Dress Making. mHE Undersigned teach. the art of cutting Dresses, Basques, Sacques, .Jackets, Carib:lid:ls, Children's Garments, (Cie., on a new scale.. Any lady can be taught in three hours to be her own dress maker, where, on the old plan it usually takes six months to learn. Apply to B. A. KIAIBURG, 3rd Street, below Locust. may 12,-2mo . Private .Sale of Real Estate A LOT OF GROUND ON, r l -k .t:l E EAST side of Front Street, bet \well, Locust, and Union St-Teta, cpkitaining ali frput about' 5 feet and in depth to the Perityl vania Railroad; a - Two and a Half Story Brick Dwelling House and other iniKo7Cinents thereon, bounded south by property' of Geo. Bogle and. north by propirty of Mrs. White, now occupied by Win. Boyd, is offered at private sale. For full particulars inquire of HENRY SUYDAM, Agent for John S. Given. April 14, guy yocar ellealhEg or E3ENR.Y ;SCE, rnH E sußscruritEß WOULD. call the attention of the citizens of Co lumbia and - *vicinity to his large stock of ILE .8:3131!" - 'MAIM CLCTZING Embracing every variety of style and ma terial suitable for the season. They are made of the best material and in the most, fashionable style. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Scarfs, IsTeck. Suspenders, Hariakerchiefs, Hosiery, de. A splendidl line of these-goods : always kept on hand.. . , Also, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, of igi \ whye have a Wall selected stock or which we offer at cheap rates. TRUNKS,- CARPET BAGS, yali§"es of all styles, are sold cheaper than city prices. My goods arc all bought fol. cash, and I otter them at cheaper rafr_v,, , for ciAsli,than any Other store. Call and sc t e„ . HENRY RICE, No. 1, Wolf's Row Front St. Columbia.. Quhun,bia, April 14, 1866, ly. BRICK FOR SALE TiIHE undersigned having leased W I_ Brick Yard, would offer to the Public, building brick of the very best quality. Orders may be left at his residence,Locust street above Second. MICHAEL LIP.IIIIIT. Mar. 10, CO tf. HOUSr'EKEEPERS ATTENTION. rpriE eitizens,of Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my large and varied 'assortment of 110USDNEMPI1TG GOODS • - - • Comi3i•isilig every variety of TIN WARE, . SA LITE R-P LT D itE, • TOLE..O UT EERY, • FANCY 00')DS, PLANISLIED TIN-WARE, COOKING UTENSILS, • CIIAMBER AARE, IN HOLLOW WARE ENAMLED, • - • ' ' CC/PPE R KETTLES, , - • - • BRASS KETTLES, Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, Brhannh , . _ „ ..... Ware, Waiters, cte., ,Sze. Stoves of every lleseriptien. BRILLIANT AND NIAGARA, Are two of the best stoyes in, the INlarket t. They are guarantied to give"Aatisfaction. GAS • FITT G- P.IpV M, IN - Carried ont.a. a,l ; lAt i s varloas brit - itches. Stoves,Shops, &e., fitted up - with Gas and Water Pipe's - in - the beAt manner.: On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and. Pendants, Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter-! ra Cottal\rater Pipes. ' • 2 7:g. Repaving promptly and perse4olx . , attended: to. . HIRAM WILSON. Cor. Locust d: 2nd St., Corar V.33E§UCTION XITCOALICs. Arrivals of,Cargoes at the Coal Depot of Bruner ct; Moore, whicli are now offer ed for sale by.the Bushel;Ton,Car,or Boat. April 13, Boat Emma, with Lyken's Valley Stove. " W. H. Ranch with By ken's Valley Nutt. "' - Bait Co: No. 158, Balto. Co. No. 5. " 20, " 26, Dalt Co. No. 128, Ballo. : 0 - ;,, C0.,L.N0. 3. • i • '.!i1.1; 28; ;:t Elvia,J V. , Valley Nutt. " • 'C. C. Co. No. 72, Gray, " "C C Co, No, 15, Gray' ekt:rtt , No. J. ' a May 2nd . . .,Shaniokin coal on More hand". orthe celebrated Gray coal, and " the Baltimore Company on. the way.. 'All coliPsent in.zood "order. ' - . • , BRUNER & MOORE may '5, '66 DR.TEBBETT'S PHYSIOLOGICAL 'Hair "Regenerator.—The wonderful popultirity of this-Preparation is unprecedented.— It is becoming the standard article over everything of the kind, and is the only unobjectionable Hair Preparation in jisef„wit heat totletis complete; if once used it never will lie dispensed with. It positively restores ..Whito, Gray, or fittled Hair, to its original with', lustre and beauty. It often ; produces a new growth of beautiful Hair onibald heads, ttattl'afways swim its falling,,otf. It frees' the head 'front 'all - dandruff; nehing - 'and Immo • Has no 'dirty, sticky sediments or. unpleasant ltis neat, does not soil the finest fabric cr skin. ...Asa dressing,lt itituiriyaled, delightful. Isio other,preparation either.tho morit,or popu larity; wherever it grfe:Ni" . 'Evory bottle warranted. . J. A: MEYERS, Apothecary, : General agent, Odd Venoms' Hall Columbia. mar. tl4 , em.+; • • • . CELEBRATED I X L CUTLERY, 1 Geo. Wostholm, A. No. 1, at E. SPERINWS Jewelry Store. tig. 26. 0