3tpariattat. Notice to Stalbscribers. , . „V The terns °Me Spy are 2.50 Per ratinnm. A redaction of sOceuts 1611 be made when iproidin advance. Subscribers aro .e.r..peeted to pay rregularly in advance. 00 - , The paper will " . .be discontinued nthen the time paid for has expired, except .in spe cial eases. A mark around this paragraph will Ib4sufficient notice that:it is time to pay up—or the Ante, paid for is about to expire. to Correspondents. Consmunmationn,' contribul tong, encrally of merit and interest ttnlherecalsrooill accelitdble From 'friends front all quarters „ JP3l":—The - tinswer in last week's to • 41' m wns net intended for you. It was to a person roWo.went - "sdklierinpas.a.musilinit"uvitherts down rin Wirginny.r Acergt our thanks,"for_the•valn :able presentteceived albcr 'days ago: Me Will - Wear it next our •kear t and shall ever remember the• gra cious donor. We will call on you soon. - Ti: I.—We received your letter with en .closures and will write vou to-day. Thanks for 'our prompt attention to the matter. J.K.--"The porn munication,or local article ,z - ,Dre refer to was not published. . DIGIM—The article you send us is well AEI:Me n, but Ton havemegleeted one-important mut is.you didmot send .your :name. at is an .established rule with us never to insert an article Iwithout the name of the author. tOQN.FERENCE.—The East Pennsyl6.- erzia. 'Conference of the United Brethren Church, commenced their sessions in this place on Thursday last, TEMPERANCE LECTURE.—There will be a Union Temperance service in the M. ,E. Church on Sabbath afternoon at a 31 ,o'clock. The eminent Dr. Charles Jewett, will lecture. The public aro cordially in- Nited to' attend. s PAPER HANGING.—Orders for hang- - dug Wall Papers of every description faith :fully executed by an experienced city workman. Written notices left at Miller's Franklin House, promptly attended to by VT. H. Bassett. . "Mau , En."—Wpst. U. Hess has just 'received the Harper's Monthly Magazine .for March. It is a capital, number, and iilLustrated with fine engravings. "In and :around Richmond," "The Seven clays' battles on the Peninsula," (k.c., form part .of the table of contents. TLIE RIVER.—The ice is gradually !moving off the river. There is a slight jam towards the York County shore. No doubt in a day or two at least, the Susque hanna will be entirely clear of ice, and the .Steamboat running again. THE BALL.—The ball held In OJd :Fellows l .xwl, on Tuesday evening last, .by the Columbia Fire Company, was a .decided success. Nothing transpired cla ming -the evening to mar the pleasures of :the social party: It broke up about :3 a.in when all returned to their homes highly Teased with the night's enjoyment. Treasurer's Report for the week end ing Feb. 22nd, ISGO ; DR. IL A. Brown, $5,01; Maltby SI . Case, $20,00: Mrs. McCorklek Mrs. Gosslor, S3,CC ; F. S. Blot; $.1,011 ; $. ,no. - CR- Bal. 10,57 ; Geo. Rakogle, 4,00 ; Jno MeTagne,l3,os; Maltby SI Case, 3,15 ; bal. 2,13 ; balance, 35,00. From Mrs. Ann Wright, 1 bag Potatoes, Messrs. Bruner Moore, ton of coal. ' J. C. PE.A.HLEB, Treas. HOTEL CUANOE.—The Green Tree Hotel, for a long time kept by Mrs. Dick inson has been rented to Capt. Geo. H. Erisman of the "Continental," . Our friends find - "flowery" a most agreeable - and obliging landlord, and we have no doubt he will do a thriving business, as ho in tends to make many improvements, and have everything in complete order. He will take - Possession in a few weeks. NEW ENTERPRISE.—We learn there Li a project on foot,and a company already formed for the purpose .of building new Iron Works in our town. It is purposed to.build a Rolling Mill for tho manufacture of sheet and boiler iron,' and also a factory for the manufacture of nails. We have every facility for such manufactures in our midst, and we can see no reason why such a project would not prove eminently successful. Let the good work go on. r/ItE.—Between twelve and one o'clock on the L'. - .2nd inst..a fire broke - outin a brick dwelling situated in an alley; between Lo cust and Walnut. When first discovered the flames were issuing through the roof. It was extinguished.before much damage was done. The tire originated through the carelessness of the children of the occu pants, who.were colored. The building is owned by R. Williams, and insured in the Columbia 'Mutual. The "Old Columbia" was - promptly - on'the spot, but herservi eeS were not required. Da, JENETT'S, LECTOR.E.--LThe Tem perance Lecture on• Wednesday evening • last, in the M. E. Church was attended by large and appreciativeaudience: The 1)r. entered • into a scientific examination of 'the intoxicating principle of all liquors, beers and wines and denfon strated very clearly that alcohol was not nutritious, as all our food is the product of growth, alcohol being the product of de corriPosition, and that as a medicine it could onlY be used with effect and safety in very extreme cases. At the conclusion of the services a pub lic temperance society was formedof about fifty members:: • iIiaBISON'S NEw TIJEAT4E LAN VASTER, will be seen by *n adyer-, tiseTent in another column that Harrison, phellgssee and manager of the new :Lan caster Theatre presents a Progranime that cannot fail to draw a crowded house. This great theatrical combination has become one of the, ind . ;spensablo institutions . of I.,aneastbr,4o their great success is owing to the gentlemanly and. talented manager, in drawing around' hiin one of the best companies of popular performers in the state. dur citizens visiting Lancaster, should by means, avail themselves 'of the::opportunity of hearing this splendid company. _ THE ; lIUTCIIINSONS. Oa Monday evening next the celebrated Hutchinson Family will appear in ,Cdd FelloWs' Hall. They have 'establiShed a',wopl . d . zwidp rep utation, and the - simple announcement that they are coming will be sufficient, to create afuror in the musical world : W. Milten Clarke, 'Basso, cannot be surpassed. A few .years ago-weheard him•sing" to an audiejlce of over one thousand of his fel low citizens, in Akron, Ohio, showing that his talents were appreciated at home. A rare treat awaits all who are fond Of excel lent music.: They, have lately returned from thq capitol;• where they met *ith unprocodontod success; 'OUR YOUNG eras.—The March number ollthiS unrivalled :Youth's Maga zine . luts :been .recoived, and. is as usual, filled with interesting -reading mattm— " The.l3attle,Eield•of Fredericksburg" 'by P. T. Trowbridge, we know will be read with.interest. .Published at _*2 a,yoar by Ticknontt.Pi-elds, Boston. L. cs-Gberloin takes subscriptions. 11/.3iRTINE'S:SENSZBLEIJETTEA - WRITER —lt is .a.book of more than 200 pages, ttnd is a guide and assistant for those who de sire to carry on an epistolary correspon dence. This .woh. is a complete .book of etiquette. •Eublished , byThek &Fitzgerald, 18 Ann St., N. Y. Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents. NV. IL Iless.has it for sale. DAY'S AMERICAN READY RECKON-ER. —This is a book containing 'tables ,for rapid calculations. To any ono not quic - k. at figures this .book is.invaluable e as:3ran can see at a glance any calculation you w•isit'to make, and it is easily understood. Published uy 31ck Fitzgerald, 18 Aun Street, N.. Y., at 50 , cents cloth : gilt back, 75 cents. Sent by mail to any address.— Hess has them for sale. EMBEZZLEMENT.--Margaret Lloyd was arrested by Constable McGinnis, and taken before Samuel Evans, Esq., on Sat urday last, upon complaint of Stephen Miller. The facts of the case are the following.— A year or more ago, Chas. Stotts, (colored) enlisted soldier, went with the defendant to the Columbia Bank and deposited in her name a sum of money supposed to be ,5250,00. It was understood that said Mar garet was to forward money in such sums and as often as needed to said Stotts. Af ter sending $1.5, Stotts died, leaving two or more children. The co - .)Tlitinent was ap pointed guardian for said children and advised to take this mode to recover what sum or sums of money were in the bands of defendant. The testimony%was macle up principally of a.rehash 3f several conversations had with the defendant. As the prosecution failed 'x) show that there ever was more than 5200,00 in said Bank,. belonging to said Stotts or his heirs, and that the money was there yet, the Justice after several exhaustive arguments from counsel, dis charged the defendant. Gossip.—This is alt indispensable ar tangement in every community. The tongues of some persons would cleave to the roof of their mouths if they had not daily opportunities to discuss the merits and demerits of their fellow-beings. Every town or village has its "clique" of gossip pars, who daily throw on their outer gar ments, and stroll out to meet their affinity, and rehetirse the latest, or receive what said affinity has to impart, then away they go, and scatter broadcast over tl.e land, all they have acquired, making such ad ditions as they think the case requires,— Such beings are it nuisance and well de serve the title ot "gossippem" They are always very careful not to look at their own antecedents, and never think of the old adage, that "those who live in glass houses should never throw stones," but despite everything, they have their say.— We have no doubt that after their shallow brains are emptied of the load that they carried, that for a few minutes, they feel relieved, but 'tis only a respite, for if they do not hear, it is easy for them to "manu facture to order" anything that will tend to keep their glib tongues in motion. They will make visits of condolence—to all ap pearance—but in reality only to see and hear anything that would keep the 'clique' in sorts. Such is a description of shallow beings with which every community is burdened. They should always remem ber that "those that are without sin should east the first stone," and by so doing we know that they would not throw one. WASHINGTON'S BIRTIIDAY IN CO LUMBlA.—Wednesday last being the 134th anniversary of the birth of Washington, it was observed in a becoming manner. The day was ushered in by the ringing of bells, and tiring a salute on Institute Hill. All places of business were closed, and every one remembered the day and hallowed it. The sun never shone brighter; the citi zens never in a gayer mood,for all remem bered that on the last anniversary a differ ent state of affairs existed in the country. Now all is peace ; loved ones then absent are now restored and happiness is vouch safed to all, There was no parade or pomp, but each celebrated the day in their own manner.— The Fair of the German Reformed Church was the attraction in the evening. —We were handed a copy of the "Ulster County Gazette," published at Kingston, N. Y., Jan. 4th, 1800, which is in mourn ing for Washington and contains a full account of his death and funeral. The paper has been carefully preserved in the family of E. K. Smith, Esq. We extract front its columns the following : "On Wednesday last, (Dee. 14th,) the mortal part of Washington the Great—the Father of his country and friend of man, was consigned to the tomb, with solemn honor and funeral pomp. "A multitude of persons assembled ,from many miles around, at Mount Vernon, the choice abode and last residence of the il lustrious chief. There were the groves— the spacious avenues, the beautiful and sublime scenes, the noble mansion—but alas !• the august inhabitant was now no more. That - great soul was gone. His mortal part was there indeed; but, ah how affecting ! how awful the spectacle of such worth and greatness, thus; to mortal oyes fallen,!—Yes, fallen ! fallen !" +. l Tn 1751 ho took, part in the war with France; married in 1759 ; way ap pointed a delegate from- Virginia to . the first general Congress in 1774 ; was appoint ed General in June, 3775 ; resigned his commission,after endorsing it with victory at the close of 1783; was inaugurated the first President, April 30, 1789; retired front public life in 1796, and died on the 14th of December, 1799, aged 67 years. THE 'ANNIVERSARY SUPPER..--The annual supper of Shawnee Encampment, I. 0. 010. F., which took place in their room in Odd Fellows' Hall, on the evening of the 22nd,—well, to say that it was a splendid success would not half express it. It did credit to all concerned, and gave great satisfaction to the "aching void" of hungry guests. Too much praise cannot be given to the caterers, Messrs. Bruner, Tille, §hrgedop and Humble, for the labor and etiention they bestowed in their ar rangements of the nifair which shows conclusively that they are eminently quali fied "to keep a hotel." They were deter mined that their follow-opaiftsmim nnd guests should enjoy them§OVes to their heart's content,and they succeeded admira bly. The "bill ot: hire" presented many rareluxuriesAnd they were supplied in great abundance, had were done up in such a manor that the most fastidious epicure could not rind fault. Evextything which the inner man could desire%was'there "enough and to spare." .As an illustra tion of the tenacity With which some of the "PatriarchB" , lingered around .the fes tive board—we are:told ant one,a Captain, eat three distinct times ;before he could finally make up ills-mind to leave-oysters, ice cream, peaches, coffee, cake and other et ceteras, disappeared with a gusto won derful to behold. We deoline to -refer to the consequences which probably ensued from his hearty meal. .All were highly pleased with .the ban quet, and.the whole affair winking be re membered by the craft. Such. entertain ments.tend to bind the brotherhood togeth er more strongly and exert a beneficial in fluence. After the supper, Gen. J. W. Fisher delivered a stirring address,su Rabic lo 'the occasion, which was fi ecolved with great favor. We regret that time and space forbids noticing this sumptuous affair at length. We will, however state that one pleasing incident transpired.— About the time the guests were in the midst of their festivities, a raid was made on the Encampment by the ladies—wives of the members of the patriarchal order.— About twelve or fifteen in number "as sailed the camp," and applied ;or admis sion. They wero,of course "taken in," and an idea suggested itself that the REBECCA. DEGREE should be conferred upon the un expected visitors; which was done by J. Westhaeffer of Lancaster, assisted by Philip Shreiner. After which the "lady Odd Fellows" set down to partake of the hospitalities of the Patriarchs. MEETING OF COUNCIL.—Met Febru ary 16th. A. Bruner, Jr., in the chair.— Present, Messrs. Bruner, Bachman, Goss ler, Green, Mullen, Supplee, Wilson. and Wike. Minutes of Jan. 19th and Feb. 7th, were read and approved. Finance Committee reported ~12 collected and paid to the Treasurer by C. A. Hook, for rent of Ball to Welsh Baptists ; also the following statement of Borough Fi nances : Receipts to date, Orders paid, The following report of the Sanitary Committee was then read, and on motion of Mr. Gossler was accepted : To the Town Council of the Borough of Columbia, The Sanitary Committee would respect fully report that they have examined a large portion of the Borough, and Lind that its sanitary condition in many places is not such as the natural location or site of the town warrants, and, in consideration of the fear of an epidemic during the coin season, think that every precaution should be used by our citizens to avoid such a calamity. We would therefore suggest that your body recommend to the citizens to have their houses, yards, cellars and alleys well cleansed as early as possible, and kept in such order during the Summer season. Many houses at this season of the year have water in the cellars," particularly those in the vicinity of the canal basin, and on an alley running from 2nd to Front streets, at a point where said alley crosses an extension of the Reading 4.t. Columbia Railroad. The parties owning and living in said houses should be notified to remedy the evil as soon as possible. We would recommend that arrange ments be made with the Columbia Water Co., to obtain a supply of water for . wash ing out gutters and alleys, and for other sanitary purposes. Your committee would also recommend an ordinance prohibiting the erection of dwellings on alleys, as we kind many ten ements in such locations which cannot be otherwise than pestilential in case of an epidemic. We would also recommend the appoint ment of sub-committees of citizens to ex amine all houses, buildings, yards, cellars, .Cc., early in the spring months, and re port any nuisances or offending matter that may cause pestilence. . S. J. GRE N 1 E", t Sanitary B. BAcumAN, Committee. T. IL SUPPLEE. On motion of Mr. Supplee, the following resolutions were adopted : Re.Nolve:cl, That the Market Committee be authorized to rent the Butcher Stalls at $7.50 per stall. Resolved, That the renting of market benches be referred to the Market Com mittee. that action to be final, without fur ther reference to Council. On motion of Mr. Supplee, the Bounty Committee was instructed to have ready by next meeting a report of the condition of the Bounty Fund, On motion of Mr. flossier, it was unani mously Resolved, That time thanks of this Council be tendered to Henry Breneman, lisq., late President of Council, for the faithful and satisfactory manner in which he ful filled the duties of the office. On motion of Mr. Green the rent of the Town Hall to the Welsh Baptist's was fixed at c-112 per quarter. Bills to the amount 0f561.66 were ordered to be paid. On motion of Mr. Green, it was Resolved, That the Sanitary Committee be and are hereby authorized to direct the Supervisor Lo remove promptly any nui sances they may find in their examina through the Borough On motion adjourned. Gko. H. RreuAnos, Clerk. PIANO FOR SALE.—We offer for sale a handsome, new and improved Piano.— Seven octavo, beautiful mottled rosewood, extra mouldings and carved legs. It is a splendid instrument, in perfect order, and for volume and purity of tone it is un rivalled. Ais guaranteed for live years and will be sold: PI it great bargain. .4pply at this ()ince. A CARD.—We respectfully call atten tion of all who use or sell Segars, Tobacco,Snufroke, to our advertisement in to-day's paper, and there is no doubt by giving us a call you will Lind plenty of goods in our line front twenty five to f;fty per cent. cheaper titan west of Phila., or east of Pitts burnh.— We arc retailing No. 1, Cut and Dry Smoking Tobac co at 40 cents per lb., and to-day you could not buy this Tpbacco from the Factories under 75 ets.whole sale ; bought before the 40 cts, tax. We also sell liilliclauiek in lb package.s,.at GO ets per lb, worth at the Factory, sl,os per lb. No. 1, Fine Cut Chew ing Tobacco by the 1-2 barrel, $1,05 worth at the fac tory.sl,sl per lb. Call and we will Show you the fac tory- price list. These goods were bought before the Government tax was levied. In the lino of Pipes we have reduced the .prices twenty-five per cent. We further slate to all'who deul in Tobacco Segars, Snuff, Pipes, Sc., that it will be to their ad, vantage to give us a call before purchasing, as oqr prices will be made satisfitetery. Onr motto is qUiek sales and small [herds. We have the beat stock or double-dipped Virginia Sweet Twist Tobacco in the market and are the only one in the county who hats it for sale. The old and trite sayizig is, persons will buy where they get the cheapest. All wo ask is a trial and you will find our goods the cheapest and will give satisfifetioh. FENDRICII BROS. 'Wholesale and Retail Tobacco, Sinai and Sogar Manufactory. Front St., t doors from Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. tm3l E~*r;~~~~~~Et~~ Deaths and Marriages are published in this paper •Without charge. When accompanied by commen taries, whether prose or poetry, five cents .per lino be charged. Funeral notices , ten.ceats.penline. irayable in advance. February 22nd, by Roy. Win. IL Stock, Mr. Lewis Patterson of Paoli, and Miss. Hannah M. Hoffman, of Morgantown, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS mar. UNDERSIGNED, HAVING been :appointed Agent in Columbia and cinity for Mrs. Toy's celebrated " Corset Skirt Supporters," she would respectfully invite the Ladies to call and cxamine this truly-superior article. .She may be found at the Post °Met, REBECCA. C. FISIIEII. .. - feb 24 0 THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for OLD NEWSPAPERS ' PAM PHLETS,BOOKS AND WASTE PA PER of every description. U. C. LUNDY, 143 south 4th street, PtiiPa. feb. 24, ISG6. uncE.—THE PUBLIC ARE HEE 1.1- 1- 1 4 by notified not fo take up, or in any way interfere with saw logs found afloat on the Susquehanna River below William sport, in the ensuing spring freshet, or at any time during the present year, as all the logs in the river below that point are intended to be driven to Havre-De-Grace, Md. A. G. P. DODGE, DUDLEY BLANCHARD, Williamsport, Feb. 15, '66. Committee. feb. 24, 3t. COUGH CURE! 19 YEAR'S REPUTATION has proved DR. EDWARD'S Tar, Wild Cherry tk, Naptha Cough Syrup, The most successful medicine in use for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, In fluenza, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Inflammation of the Lungs,and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Sold at Parry's Golden Afortar Drug Store, R. Williams and by medicine deal ers generally. feb. 24 2111 POUDRETTE (Sixteen Years Fair Trial !) A PE YSSON, PEILADELPIA 5371,51 337,6:3 Poudrette, t 5,20,00 per ton, taken from the Factory - loose, or 50 cents per bushel, and .520,00 per ton in bags, delivered et Steam boat and R. R. Depots, in Philadelphia.— Man arta:tory, Gray's Ferry Road above the Arsenal, Phdad'a Depot, PCyBSOII . S Farm, Gloucester, N. J., Woodbury road. 011ice,--Library Street, No. 420 back of the New Po st 011 ice. Philadelphia. Deal ers FRENCH, RICEIARDS & CO., 4th c.C.: Sts.,Philadelphia. feb. 24th 3in ;;;,33.58 LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIM ED in the Post 011ie° at Columbia Pa., Saturday, February 24, 1866. \' ,- to.-"To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for 'advertised Zellers,' give the date of,this list, and pay one cent for advertising. LADIES' LIST. Albright Mi 4; Kline Emma Mi.s. Ashley 11. MI,. Moone Ca-,ie Brubaker Kate Misq. Penre Abbie J. Mi.,s Burhart Lizzie 13. Mi.t.s Ricks Barbara Miss Beane 11. A. 31 rs. Hands Lucretia Iltulden Sarah Mrs. Smith Loui sa GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Attie William Lewis Joseph E. Buell Lyd McCormick William 11. Brink taco. W. Mclntire George F. Bowman Andrew McFall .John Campbell Ed. D. :Newton John D. Free Jul I n P. Dr. /Nelson William Gorner Louis Sultzbaeli Win. H. Gracey James Capt. Thomson jiam'l Hess Harrison Fob. 24, MG. II: J. FPY,P.M. Cottage Hill College. (MALE AN,., FEMALE.) rpms INSTITUTION IS LOCATED AT 1. York la. The first Session, under,the new proprietorship, will begin on the sth, day of April, MUG, and continue three months. The building, which is large and commodious will be furnished in the best style with new furnitureoiew bedding. &c. A corps of able and experienced teachers will have charge of the different depart ments. Instruction will be given in all of the branches usually taught in Colleges: and excellent advantages will be afforded those who wish to take lessons in vocal and instrumental music. For circulars giving full information address, Ilev. D. 1:1111;13LY, York, Pa. fel). 21, 111-0 We have come from the Mountains of the Old (iranite State THE ORIGINAL HUTCHINSON FAMILY ON T.n.lnn Twentv-Sixth Annual Tour—Re-organ ' ized and Reinforced, consisting of JOHN W. HUTCHINSON, Tenor. 'FANNIE B. HUTCHINSON, Contralto, VIOLA G. HUTCHINSON, Soprano, Mast. JUDSON lIUTCHINSON, Alto, and W. MILTON CLARKE, Basso. Will give ono GRAND CONCERT, at Odd Fellows's Hall,on Monday evening., February 26th, 1566, On which occasion they will sing songs of Victory, Peace, Preedorr and Fraternity. Admission, 35 Cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Concert to commence at quarter before 8. For particulars see small bills. feb. :!.4, It HARRISON'S NEW THEATRE FULTON IIALL, LANCASTER. Lessee and Manager, Mr. G. W. Harrison. Acting &Stage Manager, Mr• S. ELHeinple Treas.& Box Book Keeper, Mr, A.Mishler. Leader of Orchestra, Prof. W. H. Keller. :NOW IN FULL TIDE OF SUCCESS. The Theatre is Regularly Established for the Season. Houses crowded to excess nightly. Hundreds turned away nightly unable to gain Admission to witness the petter inanccs of this Talented Company. The Largest and Best Company that ever visited Lancaster. SATURDAY, _FEBRUARY 24, 1806. The performances will commence with the celebrated Indian Dramma, written expressly for Mr. J. T. Fannin, by Mr. P. A. Fitzgerald, entitled the War Eagle, Mr. J. T. Fannin. Sampson Sledge, Mr, S. H. Homple. ()maul, Mrs. Alice A. Harrison. Characters by the Entire Company. Grand Fancy Dance, mile Do Leom. The performance will conclude with the serio-comic Drama of DICK TURPIN & TOM KING. Dick Turpin Z Mr. J. T. Tannin. Tom King. j Mr. J. Ferris. Jackey Goosegreon, Mr. S.ll. llemple. Betty. Annie Fannin. An entire change of Programme every eventhi. ..I\or.rcr..—Porsons of art imp' oper character positively not admitted. Prices of Admission : Orchestra Chairs, 75 cts., Parquette, 50 cts., Raised seats &ns. Opera Glasses for hire by applying to the Ushers. Orchestra chairs and Parquette seats se (wed at the Box Office from 10 o'clock 4, M, until 1 o'clock P. M. Tickets for sale at the principal liotels. season Tickets can be obtained on appli cation at the RoIN; ()Mee. Doors open At , 7 o'clack, Perfornianco to commence at 8. RODGERS & BROTHERS' SUPERIOR Silver Plated Ware at E. SPERING'S Cheap Jewelry Store, D. W. SMITH, J. F. COTTRELL. ' W. -P. COTTRELL J. JP,. COTTRELL & BROTHER; .Successors to .7. IV. COTTRELL, dee'd, J)ealers in Foreign Domestic ..1-7 Hardware, Bur Aron, Steel, LNails, Glass, Patitit,,Wils,Ararnislies, Turpentine Benz ne.ctc., A large assortment of Parlor, Cook and ,and Office Stoves always on hand. Tin Ware manufactured to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW \\r M, in large quantities and' of every variety Plows, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, 11.1.kes, &c. Coarse zma Fine Salt at lowest market prices. - A large'assortmentof Double and Single barreled Guns, Powder Flasks, Game Bags and shot pouches. Ride ti Blasting Powder, shot and caps. 1.%.5),.. Highest martet prices paid for Clover, Timothy and Flax seeds, large quantities of which we have constantly on hand and. offer at the lowest rates, Lubricating:, Sperm and Fish 01. s, suit able for machinery. A Fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Street, Columbia. Nov. 4, 63 IL FREN C S HOTEL, ON 'THE EUROPEAN PL AN. Opposite City Hall and Park, corner of Frankfort. St. New York. Spacious Refectory. Bath Itooins and Barber Shop. Servants not allowed to tooeive perqui-dtes. Do not beheve runners or haeltmrn who say we are December 16 ly THE EITERPRHE lIHRIIAIa U. No. 400 Walnut St., Philadelphia. CASH ASSETS, JA:TUARI - 1, ISGG, $379, 705. 18 The investments of this Company are in First Mortgages on Real Estate in tho City of Philadelphia, and in other securities carefully selected by the Directors. Perpetual and Term Insurances effected by this Company at us low rates of pre mium tts safety to the Company and to the insured win admit. 3=l, X 31=t3' C=lo.7Ft. . F. Ratchford Starr, J. L. Erringer, Nalbro' Frazier, • Geo.. Fabnestock, John M. Atwood, James L. Claghorn, Benj. T. Tredink ' William G. Bolton, ' Georre Stuart, Charles Wheeler, John 11. Brown, T. H. Montgomery. F. RATCIIFORD STARR, PnlisinExT. ThomAs 11. MONTGOMERY, Vice -Prest. Ar.nx. Wis Tint, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement, Black's hotel, Columbia, Pa. Feb. 10, 'GU. INTEREST ON DEPOSIT S, r Ilse .Columbia Bank will receive money _L on deposit, and pad• interest therefor, at the rate of 44 per cent. for six months, and 31 per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL SIIOCH, Oct. 14, '65.-tf. Cashier. WILCOX & GIBBS' L NOISELI;SS FAMILY SEWING MACIIEN.TE. The most simple. complete, and easily managed Sewing Machine now in use. It does every description of work, never stops at or needs to be helped over seams, but does all its work rapidly and well. The needle requires no adjustment, you cannot got it in wrong ; it makes any width of hem you wish, and does braiding beauti fully. The braider is in the foot of every machine and is part of it ; is always ad justed, never gets out of place. Call amid examine them before buying any other,at IL L. fi E. J. ZAHMS, Sole agents ibr Lancaster County, Cor. N Queen st. Centre Square, Lou t caster, - Pa. feb. BRUNER HAS REMOVED ! 1%.7EW STORE AND NEW GOODS Front Street, 2nd door above Locust, COL C.:111311.4, Great inducements offered in the DRY GOODS LINO. We have fitted up spacious Store Rooms in 111 7 1114!i_i0EVS Miff D 1111 on Front Street, where we are enabled to keep a large stock of all kinds of goods, consequently we can now offer to our cus tomers and the public generally a greater variety and at prices which we know will give satisfaction. We have just returned from Philadelphia with a COMPLETE STOGY of DRY GOODS purchased at low prices and will be sold AT SMALL PROFITS, FOR CASEI. Good Calicoes at 20 cents. Miislins:nid Sheetings at all prices. Ginghams, Checks, Tiekings, Flannels, ,Szc., -very cheap. Merinoes, Alpacas, Delaines, and other Dress Goods of the latest Stvles. 11.6siery, Gloves, Trimmings, &e. Hoop Skirts and Balmoral Skirts, Latest Styles. Full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMITH ES, TWEF I DS, &c. Also a full stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, made of tbe best material and warranted to give satisfitction. Cull and see our stock before pur, chasing. I. 0. BRUNER, Front street, near Locust Feb. 17 DRY GOODS AT A BARGAIN. We have determined to reduce our stock between this and the ]tit orJanuary, and will sell Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices without regard to cost. STE A CY ,t BOWERS, Corner of 2nd and Locust, Coluingia, Dec. 2, '65. H. L. cf: E. J. ZAITM, JL it' L , Corner North Queen St. and Centre Square, Lancaster, s Pa. We are prepared to ell AMIIh.ICAN and SWISS W.A.TCIIES, of good quality at the loweNt cash rates. _.\Ve buy directly front the Manufacturers and Importers, and can, and do, sell our Watches as low as they can be bought in Philadelphia or New York. A Fine Stock of CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SPECTACLES, Silver and Silverplated WARE, constantly on hand. Every ar ticle fairly represented. E. L. ,t; E. J. ZAJIM, Cor. N Queen Centre Square, Lane., Pa. A:b. 17, :it ArO .77 C 1,7 Treasurer's office of The Cora, and Port Deposit It. It. Co. Notice is hereby given to the stockhold ers of the Colum Port Deposit Rail road Company, that the eighth install ment on the capital stock of said company of iiVe dollars per share, will be due and payable at the office of the Treasurer in eolumbia,Pa., on the lsth day of March 1566. By order of the Board of I)ireetors. ,1..7. K.A.UFFMAN, kb. 17, Treasurer. CROSS TIES! MILE READING & COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD Company arc pi epared to ro ceiyo proposals for furnishing . twenty-five thousand Cross Ties of win.T.4 OAK and ROCK OAK TIMBER, eight feet long, seven inches thick and seven inches face. Delivery upon the Company's \Vharf at Columbia must commence immediate': upon the opening of canal navigation and must be completed by July Ist, ISGti. Parties desiring to contract can address :NIENDES COHEN, tinperintendent, Columbia, Pa, Vet?. 17 t 1 ONE PRICE STORE MALTBY 8z CASE Aro now opening the LARGEST STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOODS in Columbia. Our Stock of Dress Goods comprises all the LATEST AND MOST DESIRABLE Fabrics, Styles To be found in the markets cf NEW YORK & PHILAD'A, consisting in part of Dress Silks, Plain and Figured, French Merinos, All Wool Dolmas, English Merinos, French Cassimeres, All Wool Plaids, All Wool Poplins, Mixed Poplins. Wool Piaids. 4.lpae,as, Delains, Sc.,L .le., With a great variety of other SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS. Also for TI-IE3 I.i.A_DTI-11S Embroidered Ilene Stietched Kerchief's, Embroidered Collars and Oran, hemstitched and plain handkerchiefs louvines best kid gloves, Silk Thread and Silk Gloves, Kid finished Silk Gloves, Balmoral Skirts. Cassi mere Vests, Cloaking Cloths, Mille, Goods, Knit Goods, Hoop Skirts, Ilosiery, Cloaks, ;Shawls, iSze. tte Raid Ce.r GENTLEM'~~T Plain and Fancy Casisimerps,. _French and English Cloths Ready made Clothing, Knit-Shirtq,Drawers, Shirting Flannel, Flannel. Shirts, Cllazed Paper Collars, Plain Paper Collars, Linen Collars, Butterfly Ties, Fancy Cravats, PJain Crayats, Boots &Shoes, hats .Sz, Caps, EMI WITH A. FULL ASSORTMENT OF CUiLDRENS' WEAR, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, Erg EU NEW GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY CUR, GOODS MI OUGHT Mil CASH, And sold at SMALL PROFITS. Though we do not profess RETAIL GO ODS At Wholesale Prices, We are ready to prove to the satisfaction of any one who will favor us with au EXAMINATION That we do sell them as cheap, or CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA Our motto is FAIR DEALING Hoping thereby to eon vince (Nivel/Am-nem that it is to their advantage to purchase of An examination of our Goods most, re spectfully solicited. MALTBY 4: OASE, Locust St ree.t ,Golumbia. Pa Sept ; 901, IRIS CLOAKS COATS, &C. HAVING FITTED UP C1...0.A.33. ROOM We are now prepared to offer Ladies Cloaks, Coats and Sacks, of every style and quality, at very low prices. MALTBY& CASE. EMS Colors, Hosiery, Gloves, o te. LIFE T EC; T,T PE -11E A LTH-STREN G T 11, LFE-HE A.LTII-STRENGTH. 'TUE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY; DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S • Celebrated Specific Pills; Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief Physician to the ilospiral du Nordou Lariboisiere.of Paris This invaluable medicine is no imposition, but is unfailing in the cure of Spermatorrhie or seminal weakness. Every species of Genital ,or Urinary Irritability, Involuntary or nightly Seminal _Emis sions frinn whatever cause produced, or however severe, will be Speedily relieved mid tne organs .re: stored to healthy action. - - Read the folluiving, opinions of eminent. French ••We have used the Specific Pill-4 prepared by Car :lndere S Whom., No. :a4 Rue Lombard, front the prescription of Dr•. Juan Delamarre, in our private practice with uniform success,and we believe there is no other medi.fine so well calculated to cure .211 persons suffering from thivaluntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sexual Urgans, %vim' her caused by a sedentary mode of living, excesses, or Paris, 'May 3tll, 1S 'al Beware of Counterfeits. The Genuine Pills are sold by all the principal Druggists throughout the world, price Ono Dollar per Box, or six Boxes for live dollars. Deroav, Sole Proprietors, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris. One dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a box by return molt, ,ceurely sealed from all ohsery.ttion, six boxes for lire dollars. Sole tjeceral Agents for Ai/aerie:l, OSeA It U..:%IoSES J: C 0.., 27 t.Murtlilaut. 5t.,1%.:. Y. N. 13.—n.0.1101.1, German, Spanish and English Pamphlets,contattung lull partleulars.aud directions for use, stall free to arty address. Agent for Columbia, J. A. Meyer. ly. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. AG-The origin Medicine established ill Itia;,.and first made of the Kind ever introduced under the name of "Pa Imonic War:rs," in till, or any other country ; all other Puhnonie Wafers are counter• felts. 'file genuine can be known by the mune BRYAN being suunped on earl? Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public fur nearly thirty years, and the irillilenSe sale attained, nut only in America but in foreign countries. fully attest their intrinsic worth. The medical proper. ties are superior to any other articles offered for the cure et Pulmonary or Bronchial .atlectious, and the ytnuitity contained in each box. is nearly dou ble that of that of the teeny tubes imitations advertised. _ Bryaies Pub:lonic Wafers cure Cougns, Colds, Sore Throat, Iluat iPUOS*, latb -11114, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Difficult lit catbitig, Spit nag Blood, rains in the Chest. Incipient Consump tion and all diseases of the lungs. Not only affin-d -i»g temporary relief, hut (-greeting a rapid and last ing cure and are warranted to give :mist - nett:in in c‘ery instance. They do not nauseate like acoholic compounds, and the medical properties are com bined in a form so agreeable and pleasant to the taste, that any child will readily eat thew. Ono dose will always afford Belief in Ten Minutes. Vocalb.ts and Public Speakers, these Wafers are peculiarly valuable: they will In one day re move the must severe occasional hoarseness : and their regular use for a few days will, at all times, Increase the power tied flexibility of the voice, Fireatly itnproN big its tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used by many professional vocalists. The very great celebrity of this invaluable rem edy has induced unprincipled persons to prepare base imitations, which disappoint the just expecta tions of the purchaser, and injure the character of the genuine medicine. See that the word, "3 RYAN," is stamped on each %Yam., and also observe the foe simile of the sig nature of the Proprietor "JOl3 :%10.5):3.5" .04 ,each wrapper, to counterfeit which is fOrfitlem/. LL,t-"Qtreh ding parties will be dealt with to the full extent of the law. Bryanslmonie Wafers are fur sale by all Drug , giats. 3013 MOSES, Sole Proprietor,27 Curtlaudt St., N. V. Jan. 0, ly Dr. MARSEIALL'S CATARRH SNUFF. This Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Ilead and Headache. It - has been found an ex cellent remedy in many cases of core Eyes. Deaf ness has been reinuvea by it, and Hearing has often been greatly improved by its use, It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Rell.z.f To tkle dull heavy pains eauscd by disuses of the head. The sensations after using it are delightful and invigorating. It open,. ant.: purges out all ob stria:thins, strengthens the glatak, and gives a healthy action to the parts ar'.ected. More than Thirty Years' Of Sale and of 1)r. INlar.shall's Patarrh and Headache Snutt; ha , proved ipt great value Mr all 1 he common diseases 01 the Ilead, a.3.d let this moment it stands liigher than ever before. .1c is recommended by many of the hest physicians and is used wall great a and tatt±fa cavil every%t here. Read the Certificates of NVhoje sale Druggists fn 1564. Tha undersigned, having for many years been ac quainted with lir. Marshall's "Catari'll and Ileadaelio and sold In our Wil o Jesaie Mule, cheerfully state, that. we believe it in be equal. Ju every respect to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections. and that it is decidedly thin best article we have ever known for all common discuses of the !lead. itOrrs: Perry, Bobton, Barnes k Flak, New York need, Anton 4: Co., " .t. B' D.Sands, Brown,Laniz•on C 0.," Stephen Patti d- Co. " Reed, CUL.IOI' . Co., " Israel Minor .1• Co., •' Seth W. Fowle, " .sleriesson .1' Robbins, •' Wikon, Co. A. L. Seuvili d.• Cu,, Ilen.liatr,Ed wands G.); )I, Ward, Clue 11. 11. Hay. Poi t hind, Mu. Fur Sale by nil Druggist , . TRY IT. Jon. 6, 't;6.ly A NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS at KNOT WE LL'S, In the Old Savings Institution corner of W. King and Prince sts., Lan caster has just received from New York and Philadelphia a large and splendid as sort tnent of foreign and domestic WINTEIt DRY GOODS, A full line of Dress Goods, such as rArmsr Arai WOOL PLAIDS, Wool DeMines, all shades, French Merinoes. all shades, Alpacas, all shades, Patamettas, Mohair Luster, Silk striped Poplins, Bombazines, kc., Calicoes from 23 to 3.5 c., Muslin from ISe up, Checks, Ticking - s, Canton Flannels, Flannels, all grades, Collars, LA ES" CL OA .71 - 8 .4 ND 5.(1.4 11"L8 Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Xubics, Scarfs, Balmorals, and Hooped skirts, Hosiery, tiloves,Nets,Collars of all sorts and styles, :11 en 's extra Heavy Woolen 1105e25 cents a pair. Also a full line of MEN'S & BOY'S WEAR, J OS. KNOTWELL, Lancaster, Pit. Nov. 4, 63 ,XElll' GOODS. E have just received a new stock of V Ooods direct from first hands,and aro enabled to sell them as cheap as any other store in town. Our assortment of PINE rAwaviz GROCERIES Is large and complete, consisting in part of all grade of Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, &c. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware,O "Ji Queens wa re. SWITZER AND LIMBER °D ES}, German fruits, cf-c. Enolish and American, Pickles. Fresh Ponchos, rind all the fancy grocer les pertninining to a weir i-otrulnied gro cery store, I ant deterininett not to be Stir passed in cheapies'n - nd in the excellent quality of toy goods, Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of tuz b ffc ladroll:Age is solicited. GEOR(fE TILLE, Agent, Locust .trect.., above 2d, Columbia, 'Dec. 23, 'GS. OPENING of THE CAMPAIGN tier isca 1.866 JOHN A. JACKSON, 1.366 Locust Street, Columbia, remits. Hhas just received a new and fresh 11, supply of Groceries, also NEW DRIED FRUIT, NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS, No. 1, Shore Mackerel and Labrador Her ring, Raisins, Currants,Prunes, Piekles, . Cranberries, _Hominy, Sweet Corn, fir. Our stock of Groceries is full awl we are daily receiving additions. Give us a call. Jan. 20. 1860,tf. EL BEArnEtAurf:. G. I). pc) 1.;k: LEtxunt,