gilt Cambia „fog. A. M. 1 A3IBO, Editor. Nir i !Mayes Grier, Ass't Editor. COLAI3II3IIA .PA. Saturday , Feb. 24, 1866; „-- Adverttsemeats, to secure Immediate Insertion Anna be handed in un ur belote Thursday evening each week. . . _ Mr. L. C. Okertei a, is our authorized _Agent for West gemnfieta Township. lie will take su6sellEtions advertisements &e., . . for the "giyfj." ' The News. The Ppesideut has.vetoed the freed men's bureau bill. It was returned to the Senate. Monday, afternoon, aeconi- puled by tt tpessage, in which the Presi dent states his objections. The points Iriade by the President are these:—,First. That the, bill gives the executive too pitch power Second. That the mea sures provided for in the bill would en• tail too much expense upon the Govern pent. Third. That the legislation pro vided fur• in the bill is not necessary.— Fourth. That the bill is unconstitu tion al A Ferda,n, c•ongress is now in session in Pittsb‘k . rgh: 4 messenger of the United States Ex press Company was robbed of $40,030 in St. Louis ou Saturday. Gen. Grant has revoked the order for suppression of the lliehmand EN.aminer, 444144 s issued a circular• to department commanders to furnish infurinotion rela tive to papers which utter disloyal seta timents,with a view of their suppression. Cortinas is said to have beaten Canales in Mexico 14tely. The Rio Grande is very unsettled. Sergeant N. Winslow,United States cavalry, was murdered below Brownsville, carrying dispatches TI. J. F. Burg'ester was also killed while going to testify in the Brownsville affair. Es cobedo surrounds Monterey. Ile has not taken it. Gen. Negrete is at Brownsville- Some of Juarez' men.have joined Maxi ruffian. A gentleman having occasion to pass through Arlington at dusk on Saturday, saw a lonely figure standing with folded arms at the foot of a tree. Struck with • the sorrowful, attitude of. the,person, he walked past him, and saw that it was R. E:Lee,standing in the street that passed through the middle of his old estate.. Mr. Lee has applied to the President fix the - restoration of his estate, which has vir f.,44A71.7. veesie ationns - A genera -- that the President will order its restora tion. • • Maximilian's •treasury is empty. His :Ministers say the very existence of his empire, rests on the prOcuring of a loan -of .$100,000,000, negotiations for which are in progrAss in Paris. Bazaine • has recently loaned Maximilian $300,000 out of - the French funds. The- present strength of the French army is 20,000. 'Between 16,000 and 17,000 Mexicans have been executed by the Imperial courts-martial since the Ist, of January. Paring. the past week $300,000 in fractional currency were issued to• na tional banks, and, $57,000 to assistant treasurers and others. There is still an urgent demand for rnore,especially in the south. The Printing Bureau is instruct ed to print $l.OO daily of Ali denomina goxis, until, further osiers, The annual meeting of the stockhold ers 'of tli.e Pennsylvania Railroad 1 , 1119 held on Tuesday. The' reportuf the . di- rectors shows that the nett earnings, dp.ring the Scar 'O5, were $1,189,110 . 95. A rescilutidu approving of the eStabliih-' went by the company of hline of steam ships between Philadelphia and :Liver `pool,in connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad was adopted. • DawsoU, an alleged - defaulter from Illinoisovas arrested in - New Y..rk on ,the,'2sth., '• • . Geo - , li`,,,l3uthr is reported, to have p aid ,s 'lath S Bros., of New Orleans, the $BO,OOO, he.was charged with taking from their .iaults„with interest and damages, making the whole repayment 8150,000. Smith Carr's Kerosene. Oil Wer;:s, ii4j3Fook.:lyn, were harped ,on the 20th. ; Loss i Sso,ooo. 1.3' (..ledar street was burne44.)ie same 4ftp,r,n9oTh., Joss 680,- Q 00: Nessrs. Seward, MeCullouch, Denni; son and Welles sustained the President's veto message in Cabinet meeting. Soldiers for OM ee. It is reported that quite a panic wails among the . dvartmeut clerks at Washington, growing out of the rUnior that it is the intention of, liovernment to noon fill.their "places with the scarred herops of the battle-field: The applica tion •for '"jioniething •do,' 'from this claiS of tiie;'Peeple are; so" numerous - , that it is. felt,' the:dovernment te : in give them employment without causing posi tive distress to those already in employ; thg: it Should' do' The piinciple' ~,old,);c'as correct in itself and as easy of aipli,catipri.tO the , military offices of ,a chapp,cter„.‘through the country; filled - by abla hodied *iej;t. from civil life; as to the'cleparimeafsnd ape hope that the:Teported,iritention of the government as to.this"deserving,class!of. - ;inisp will, be tarried to its extent. - - ;-• • Odiforial pixel flortiltuttono. funeral of John R. Beatty, foi merly a resident of Columbia, took: place on Monday last. He dies' suddenly at Harrisburg, —The ;amount of reyeuue:paid by Benjamin Mishler, Proprietor of the cel ebrated MUler's Bitters, in the month of January last, was three thousand,niue hundred and eighty dollars and, fifty-two cents. —The case of - j. Becker and others fur making frandulent : whisky ,retnrns has been settled by paying $42.216,w•ith all the coats attending the vase, and pay ing a portion to Geo, li. little, the in former. —Bill and Letter Heads, 'Circulars, Envelopes, Business, Wedding, and Vis iting Cards, Sale Bills, Posters, &e. &c., neatly printed at the "Spy" Office.— Also bound Check Books printed in any style or color desired: • —Reinernber the Sale of Personal Property at the 'Washington Rouse, at noon to-day. —A coquette is said to be a perfelt in carnation of Cupid, ,as she keeps her beau in a quiver. —Why should, every lamplighter be named William ? Because Bills run up so quickly. Oh, why your cheeks become so pile, Your eyes sulfuseti with tears' And why do you look so sad, my wife It fills my heart with fears. Dear,hushand, the cause tell to you, For indeed it is se strange, Ever since wa have been wed Your looks have been so (ragged! Then do not grieve again dear wife, For now I'll colieltiv And get the clothes 1 niwnys got, Front EDWARD WORRELL CO. • Fashionable, one price clothing house, 819 A?ch street, Philadelphia. —Most of the miseries of life result from our straying frOm the path which leads to content: ' —"One bumper at parting," as the man said when he run against a post. —Joe and Bill Benton went to New Orleans with a flatboat of corn. Joe wrote to his father thus : "No ORLEANS ; G uue s.—Dear Dad markit is dull and corn is mighty lo and Bills dead.? —What is the difference between a tunnel and a speaking-trumpet ? One is hollowed out and the other is hollowed iu. —"Come, rest in this bosom," as the I turkey said to the stuffing. —Josh Billings says :—" There is 2 things in this life for which wo are never prepared, and that iz twins." —A little Girl of three, very fond of her boy-playmates, was repea:ing her •prayer after her aunt, When she came to the close,she exclaimed, "Auntic,don't say 'A -men ;' say 1-boys !' " —A captaiu,who had a sound-sleeping mate; caught an Irish boy in the middle watch frying some pork and eggs he had stolen from the ship's stores, to whom be called out, "You lubber, you; I'll have none of that." "Faith , captain, rye got none for ye,",replied the boy. futher,and . l want to see if there are any hairs in the lather as yet." --A Paris butcher has obtained au thority, to open a.. shop for the sale of horse flesh, on the condition that he will construct a•special slaughter house for the horses, the ' flesh of which is to be sad for food, —Every bear should be made to dance, for what is the use of Bruin without hops. —When is Echo like a visiting acquain tance? When she returns your call. —A new novel by Bayard Taylor is now passing through the press and will be before the public very soo 3. It is named "The Story of Kennett," the scene being land about the village of Kennett Square, Chester couuty—the author's native place. —National refinement is indicated, to uo small extent, by a delicate apprecia tion of the comparative merits of per fumes; and it is a proof:of the critical taste of the American public in toilet luxuries, that they have, adopted as, the standard article of its class, Phaton's, "Night Blooming Cereus." Sold every where. —The Grand Masonic Lodge of Penn sylvania, has authorized M. Grand Master Orr to draw_upou their treasurer for the sum of one. thousand dollars, in aid of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina: In addition to this, considerable stuns have been donated by the New York and Pennsylvania Lodges iu behalf of local lodges in Columbia, S. C., and elsewhere. —A widow lady named Mrs.,llenrietta Watts, from Dayton, Ohio, accompanied •by her children, arriVed in Chicago 'on Wednesday. On the cars she - formed .the a:cquaintance of a man, who, after many enquiries as to her lustory,proposed to marry her. To this she cortseuted,and they proceeded to a hotel for that purpose. While there the Man; by the practice of strategy, got possession of two 'hundred and fifty dollars belonging to Mrs. Watts, and absconded, leaving .her entirely des titute in a strange city. . . —A negro woman of St. Louis, being taken with cholera, sent fOr a doeter,who ivrote'a prescription' and laid a weight upon it in the shape of a piece of coal, and ,told ,the messenger to take it to the apothecaries and have, it pounded and given in' three doses. On calling next day, lie found hiS patient well, and fbund that she had taken the coal instead of.the prescription.. Elow, „1:4001' UP DitEssEs.,The is: . managed thus; ;Si strips of broad black braid is' sewn at equal distance's and in straight lines down the skirt; - each is sewn to` within - fourteen inches of the :of the skirt; a hook . • - • - is attached _to the en,c(of the braid,•ancl an 'eye . is' added .. i aside the skirt; • eighteen 'inches - from the bottom of IL When it is desirable to shorten the dress, the braid is . looped over and fastened' to the inside;" but when . the skirt is to hang doWn - ,the braid can be fastened t‘'o a small loop whipli is sewn outside the skirt, and at the extreme edge of it; the braid will then. - ferna . straightlinesal).' around it.-;• Buttoni and loop - S may katiSed ifiirefer red, instead of hOoks auk:eyes. , /pie braid shottld be taco inches' wide: What Newspoiters Itio for Nothing. The following should be read and pondered well by every Man . who taki....s newspaper without paying for it. - My ok:szrvation enables me to s4tn, a fact, that publishers of newspapers, arn: more s poorly rewarded',,than;:anY ,other.- class of men in the United 'States who invest an equal amount of capital, labor, and thought. They are expected to do more.serviee ,for 'less -pay, to stand "more sponging and deadheading, to puff and defend more people without fee or hope of reward, than any other class. They credit wider and longer, get oftener, eheated,suffer more pecnniary loss are oftener the yictinis of misplaced con fidence, than' any other calling is the community. People pay a printer's bill with : much more reluctance, than 'n . ny other. It goes harder with them to spend a dollar in a valuable newspaper, than ten in a needless gewgaw; yet every body avails himself of the editor's pen and the printer's ink. How many professional and political reputations and fortunes have been made and sustained by the friendly though unrequited pen of the editor ? How em bryo towns and cities have been brought into notice and puffed into prosperity by the press? How many railroads now in successful operation, would have found ered but for the' " lever that moves the world?" In, short,what branch of indus try or activity has not been promoted, stimulated and defended by the press? And who has tendered it more flan a miserable pittance for ii's mighty services? Phe bazaars of fashion and the haunts of dissipation and appetite are thronged with an eager crowd, bearing gold iu their palms and the commodities there needed are sold at enormous profits, though in trinsically worthless, and paid fur with scrupulous punctuality; while the count ing room of the newspaper is the seat of jewing, cheapening trade, orders and pennies. It is made a point of honor to liquidate a grog bill, but not of dishonor to repudiate a printer's bill. • Railroad Rules of Travel. The following "rules of the road" are based upon legal decisions, and ought to be universally madAnown. The courts have decided that applicants for tickets on railroads can be ejected from the ears if they do not offer the exact amount of fare. Conductors are not bound to make change. All railroad tickets are good until used; conditions "good fur this day only," or otherwise admitting time of genuineness, are of no account: Pas sengers -who lose - their - tickets can' be ejected from , the ear's -unless they pur chase a- second one. abseril, rum in the cars, and are obliged to com ply with all reasonable demands to show their tickets. Standing on the platform, or., otherwise violating the rules of the company, renders a person liable to be put from the train. No -person 'has a right to monopolize more seats' than he has paid for; and any article left in a seat while the owner is temporarily absent entitles him to the place upon-his return A RUNAWAY LOCO M OT tv.E.—Yester-„ day morning owing to the switch switch at the Relay ma the Northern Central Railway not been properly fixed, the locomotive with the passenger train, which left Cal- vert Station, at 9- o'clock, ,ran on the track of the Western Maryland railroad. A locom'otiVe of the latter company, was waiting the arrival of the train, a short distance frOM the track of the Northern Central. Observing the approach of the ‘ othei locomotive, the Engineer of the Western Maryland, desiring to prevent his engine from being demolished, start ed it and juinpepoff but in a,few min utes the Northern Central locomotive ran into and damaged, it considerably.— The' • Platforma of several of the, passenger cars were broken somewhat by, the colli sion that ensued. The engines Were not stopped' until they had, reached Brook landville, a distance of three miles.— Bet:la . /more Telegram, 20th, TILE BURNIN6 WELL—The burning well, twelve miles below Franklin,ou the Allegheny, still attracts a good deal of atteution:' -It continues to burn with abated fury, lighting• up the country for many miles. Each night its - 'brilliance is noticed at Franklin, Reno,. Oil City; Clarion, and all the• neighboring towns. Tbc steady heat which it produces bas produced singular effects in .rits immedi ate-vicinity. At the distance- when the temperature is suitable, a circle of green and beautiful'grass has rapidly grown up, and is from two to four inches high.— ome. hickory. Arecs, standing within its range, have commenced budding o• out in all the luxuriance of slimmer. The sceneis one of the most magnificent; and' at the same time must 'interesting which' can be eoneeived.Reito Times , --The completion-of the,double, track through the Howard' Tunnel, Noithern Central Railway; (six miles from town,) on the gist ultl, :filled up- the only re a:mining., gap between this place and Baltimore, , and since ,then ,trains bare been running the entire:distance on the dotible• track. ' 'Another Unfinished, Por tion-at' the GdOpowder Creok had previ onsly;been put in running - order by the completion .of a magnificent iron -bridge across that stream.—York. Ogzeite. —The proprietors of a large distillery iii Canada, are on trial for swindling flip governmorit !ant of $lBO,OOO, liy .st4ug gling: whisky i4to the'States. . • . SPECIAL NOTICES. • Small oftriantity One teaspoonful, Okiliat 'Nvofld renowned remedy, Coe's Dyspepsia , Cure, taken after meals;will emit. le the most conamed dyspeptic: to dat 'anything he chooses, without fear of an,l%.‘ distressing effects. It is a blessing 0 , 1111 who are troubled. With diseases 'pertaining to thd stomach and bowels. The proprietors dfCee'S Cough lialsain say, take littlo and o ‘ fifin. IJ:outer the throat and bronchial topes not the's,temitell'. This is the secret of its suc cess: pot harm you to take it often, and every thrill,S:oft take it, you will see its beneficial effects. There is nothing like Dr. Velpan's French Pills for keepingb• the complexion fresh and entirely free frotn punplcs, The (-awe or which is that it regu the entire female , system. Sold by all Drug- . gist.. Feb.lo Dn. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI -I:NCE OF AN INVALID. - rubltshed for the benefit, and as' a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, premature decay of Manhood, Se„ supply ing at the snipe mire The Means of- tilt* Cure. By one who has cured himself atter undergoing con siderable quackery. Ity enclosing a postpaid ad dressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the mullet. ,NATUANIEL it AI:FAIN, Esq., 13roolilyn, Kings Co., N. Y. ' Iy, . • • To Consumptives. ' THE ADVERTISER HAVING BEEN restored to health in a few weeks by a very : ample. reliantly, after having sutlei ed several years, u severe lung affection, and that dread .Theage, Con sumption—is anxious to make known to Isis fellow sufferers the means of cure. . . . To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with tne direc tions for preparing sod using the same, which they will find a sure cure fur Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, etc. The only object of the udvertiser in sending the prescription is to beueti the afflicted, mid spread informition which lie con i ceivcs to be nvaluable, and he hopes or cry . suiferer will try his remedy, as it will cost yr.o nothing, and may prove a blessing, Parties %visiting the perseription, will please ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, illiamsburg, Kings County. '65„-18m New York Errors of. Youth. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervomi Debility, Premature Decay, mid all the effects of youthful indiscretion, trill, for the sake of suffering .111111130ily, send free to all Who need it, the receipe wad directions for making the simple remedy by which he was eared. 3.t erers wishing to proh tby the advertiser's experience,can do so by addressing JOHN B, OGDEN, Dee. 30'65 ly, No. 13, Chambers st.. N. Y. Strange, but True. Every young ladyand gentleman in the United States eau hear something very much to their ad vantage by return mail (free of charge) by address ing toe undersigned, Those having tears of being illllllbugged will oblige by not noticing this card, All others will please address them obedient servant T 110 S. F. CB A P ,N 1 N , Dec.:lo'6Z, ly. SU Broadway. New York. A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat, Ib:QUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AND SHOULD DE CHECKED. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of the Lungs, Permanent Throat .l fection,oranliteoctitbla Lang rs orrEN THE ra.stri.T. BrOwnls Bronchial Troches CAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, GM 131- 311.:DIATE RELIEF. • For Bronchitis,..-Isthnia, Catarrh, Consump- tine and Throat Discuses TROCJIJ S ARE USED wrrn ALWAYS 000 D suceEss. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS mill tind Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing sw Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches arc recommended and pre scribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. heing an article of true merit , and having proved their ern.. racy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Trochee are universally pronounced better than °that. articles. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchia: Troches," mid do not take any of the Wortideb's /milt/Gem that may be otrered. . Sdd everywhere in the United Stites, and in For ciao Commie.: at t. 15 cents per boy. MMEMI " -?. '. - THE GREAT CAUSE OF ... .f . , .--11-.UX AN MISERY. • ? - , .That Publii/e - Cd inn Scaled Envelope' Pride Six Cents. Just Pnbli.;kal in a sealed envelop . Piste Six'Const A Lecture on the Nature, 'Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrlana or Seminal %se:tic:toss, In voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and impedi ments to marriage generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fits• ' Mental and Physical Incapacity, reSUlting from Self Abuse, de. By Robt. J, ettlycrwell, M. D„ author of die "Green Book, 'ac. The world-renowned author, in this inimitable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful censequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerou,ystu:gical operations,bougies,instmments, rings, or cordials, penning . out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, oy which every, sutler, er, no matter what his condition may be, nay cure nun self cheaply, privately, and radically. THIS LEGTUEE WILL PROVE A BOOS TO 'Mot/SANDS AND TuousAiNws. RE Sent, under seal, in a plain euvolope, to any ad dress, poet paid, on receipt or six cents, or two poet stamps. Address the publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE fi CO., 127 Bowery, New York, I'. 0. box 4,506. June 17,'6.1. ly THE MASON tt HAMLIN CABINET Organs, fur sacred and secular music; forty dater 'cm styles, S.SO to .Slitin each. I , litty-ouu Gold or Silver Medals, or other first premiums awarded theist. illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON .1: 11. E ML IN, Boston, or MASON 131tOMERS, New York. Sept. 9,1 y DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA tarrh, treated with the utmost success, be Dr. J. ISAACS, Oculist and Aerial, (formerly oi Holland,) No 519 Pine' Street, Philadelphia. Testi monials from the most reliable sources in the city and county can be seen at his Unice- The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he etas no secrets in his practice. Artificial eyes, inserted without pain. No charge made fur exami nation. mar. IS, 'r Sly V EST BRAND FAMILY. FLOUR at' JACKSON'S. yORK CO., BUCKWHEAT FLOUR at JACKSON'S CELEBRATE]) YEAST COMPOUND at JACKSON'S. CANNED PICKLES kt, SARDINES at JACKSON'S. CIDER VINEGAR at JACKSON'S. puRE GROUND SPICES at JACKSON'S. n EST SYRUP AIOLASSES at JACKSON'S. PRIME 'ix) COFFEE at JACKSON'S. - Feb.lo MAE Mason, Pease & Moore. PITTSBURGH, PA. IMPORTANT TO MANUFACTURERS Superior Lard to 011. , Extra No. 1, Engine Oil, at 1,60 do 2, do ,1,30 do 3, do 85 do 4, do 50 The above mentioned grades of oils aro guarantied as follows ; No. 1, for Locomotives and Engines su• perior to Lard Oil. No. 2, do equal to Lard Oil. No. kan extra oil suitable for blast furnaces, heavy machinery, now be ing used with much satisthetion by Grove Bros. Danville, Pa. No. 4, a heavy oil for Rolling Mill work, pronounced by Messrs. Shoenberger t.t Co. for useon their nail cutting machines equal to best Lard Oil at 50 cents. Also, Carbon Oil, supplied at lowest rates. - Orders may be left at this office. Jan, 27,1666, ly. ' REMINGTON'S' Army and Navy Revolver. Approvedliy.tlio Government. , UAwards of 125,000 furnished for the U. S. Service since 1861. Warranted su perior to any other Pistotof the kind. Also 'Belt and Pocket Pistols. Sold by "gun Dealers and the Trade generally. • E. 141.‘11.Nt3,,TON'tf: SONS ,= ' - Ilion; N. Y.,' Uanufaeturer* 9f MusketS, Carbines Re- Volvers,Revofmog Barrelsote. Dee. 16 tf. rilgl." OUP_ ,RREAE.FA.ST AND bi-N -1. mi. 'Cotreo: onl . t !.., , ,i) c.piats pier pdund :it, • • .lIICKSON'S. • vAT',L - gy HONEY AT I[ 4 l ;113ANQN . ~ JACKSON'S. SWFt4T CORN, HOMINY And BEANS at JAORSON'S IJ ESHER & WILLIAMS, The well known Photographers, COLUMBIA PA., B E'r leave to inform the citizens of Co lumbia and vicinity, hat they have taken and refitted the rooms formerly oc cupied by Geo. A. Ayers, on Front street, above Locust. Wbere they are • prepared to take Photographs in all styles. Particular attention paid io making Large Photographs,Carta-de-Visites,lvory Typos, Ambrotypes, &c. Copying and en larging of small Pictures. .0•-- .• - PICTURES COLORED in Oil or Water Colors, in a style superior to any taken in this county and equal to any in the cities. Particular attention paid to taking pic tures of Children. Pictures taken in cloudy as well as in clear weather. Orders for Picturrs from old Negatives promptly tilled. The art will be taught to those desirous to learn at a reasonable rate, • • Call at the' Rooms and examine our large collection of Specimens. LESIIER 'cc:WILLIAMS; jan. G, '66, . Photoreraphers. Wo hope by strict attention to business, and desire to please,- to merit a liberal share of patronage. R EMEMBER THE OLD ESTAB LISUED STAND. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to our large assortment of PHOTOGRAPIT ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for ISGG. MERCHANTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JOHN SHEAFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, No. 32 North Queen st.. Lancaster, I'd. nov ; IS, PUBLIC SAID ! ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th. 186E3. The undersigned will sell at Public Sale, at his residence, one mile from Columbia, on the Columbia and Lancas ter Turnpike, the following, described Per sonal Property : SIX FIRST CLASS MULES. Twenty-five Fat Cattle, seven Cows, eight heacl grass cattle, one Ball, ten Fat Hogs, 17 Chester County Pigs, 2 Chester County breeding Sows, 3 Calves, 13 Sheep, (Cutts well,) Pennock's Reaper tt Mower, 1 grain Separator, 1 Lancaster Threshing Machine and Shaker, 1 six-horse Power, 2 Corn Planters, 1 Corn Plow, Plows, three-horse Cultivator, 3 Shovel Harrows, 3 slat Har rows, Dril, 2 Rollers, Brandt's Steel Tooth Rake, Wind Mill, 1 Family Carriage, Sleigh, 1 Ore Wagon, 2 Broad Wheel Farm Wagons, 1 Farmm - Wagob with Bed, 2 sets of Hay Ladders, 1 one-horse Wagon, G sets Mu' ',.% Harness, 40 Cow Chains, hay Fork, 2 Bag Wagons, Log Chains, Corn Cutters, Grain Cradles, Scythes, Rough Lock, three-horse Double Trees, Swingle Trees, Fifth Chain, Spreads. Jockey Sticks, and. other !arming utensils not necessary to enumerate. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of said day, when at tendance will be given and Terms made Know by fob. 3, M. M. STRICKLER. LADIES' SELOE MANUFACTORY. H aving increased my ibeilities for turn= i ing out . superior \V rk I would an nounce toany.-old custoi ers and all new ones that may favor me \ 'ith a call, that I am setter prepard now toimanufacture all kinds of , is . LADIES' IiIIISSES' And Children's Shoes tc: Gaiters, Than ever before. I employ none but the best workmen and ;1131 always certain of giving satistaction. I keep on hand a gen eral assortment of ready made work all of which is MANUFACTURED on the Premises. I ke 3p no made up work of other parties, My work is made exclusively for home trade and is sold as such. TERMS CASH We sell as cheap as any other establish ment, am' ask a share of nublie.patronage. JAMES SCHROEDER. Locust street, between Front and Second. Columbia, November 11.,1865, ly J. RUMPLE & SON, =I Fcreign and. Domestic Hardware. A N extensive assortment of house fur- LA. Dishing hardware, also for carpenters and builders use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL Blacksmiths, wagon makers and others, furnished with all kinds, of iron, nails, horse shoes, coach trimmings and other goods in their line. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE In great variety, such is tubs, baskets, wash boards, brooms, washing maChines, &c., FAILIVIING Plows,shovels,hoes, plow castings,scythes, forks, rakes, and all other implements' used by the farmer. , • STOVES A/ VD TIN IVARE. Stoves of; every style and pattern, cook, parlor and otlice :,toves, for - coal or wood. A large assortment of tin 'ware always kept on hand or manutactured to order. c3Z - 0- Coal oil, linseed, fish, sw , rtn and machine oils of all kinds.' Alcohol, benzine, japan and other varnish,- glass: paints, putty, white lead, Ike. Locust St., Columbia, Pa. aug. 19, '65. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF - COLUMBIA . Receives Deposits, Make Collections on all Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount Notes, DraftS, Bills of Exchange, itc,, Buy and' sell Gold-Coupons, Silver, Gold, &c., ctc. Interest will be pal..? on special deposits, viz For 12 months, , 5 V percent., for - 6 mouths, 4 per cent., for 3 months,.3 per cent. per annum. • We also famish all United States-Secu rities and other Bonds and . Stocks, charg ing the Broker's_ coin mission ,only. Discount ,day: Mondays at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. S. DETWILER ; • Cushier feb. 10, '6O - S TAND.ARD IVORKS. ..„ 911-IP, undersigned having received. the agency' for the ''"Atlantic Monthly," ; "ti Drib American Review," "Every SL unlay," "Our Young Folks," and' the "School.Yisitor," . is ,prepared to receive , subscriptions at, the lowest rates. jan. 20, lin L. C. OBERLIN- NOVEMBER,' 2511111•!' NEW IRRIVIL OF 'FURS! , • • , . .IcIAATINS. - • And extra. liandsouio • . - SIBERIAN SQUIRRE LS, • Nov. 25,.t f. • EA:LPENIAN'S. DR • lED ...I.VP.I:4 • ES:,PEA nt ?y i Sa i NgES NEW SUciAlt PURER HAMS at km, 27, '66. 1865. 1865, FALL SEASON, HALDEMAN'S STORE; Established 181'5 - OLD STAND. NEW ATTRACTIONS- WE HAVE NOW DISPLAYED, AND offer to our customers and the public; a very extensive assortment of choice fab rics in Foreign and Domestic IBY GOODS, C.A.RPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND Our Departments are all full, and we will offer . throughout the season a choice variety in each, at, and under market prices As our stock will be constantly replen ished with the most desirable offerings of the Philadelphia and New York markets, it will always prove worthy of inspection, and we think a visit to our establishment will result to the advantage of our patrons. R. J. HALDE MAN, Locust Street. above Front. Elegant Designs and Choice Makes in Im ported Staple DRESS GOODS. Examine and price ourFRENCH MER INOES. A beautiful stock to select from At lIALDEMANS' CLOAKS, We shall continue to make our Cloak Department the most attractive in Co lumbia. Our new Fall & Winter Cloaks ; SACQUES A TirD CLRCULARS, From low priced to some very handsome goods, are now-ready for the inspection of the public. Pay a visit to the cloak room at 'ILIALDEMANS' - IiALDPIAN'S Have now displayed and ready for inspec tion their FALL STOCZ. A visit to their establishment is invited. CLOTHS CASSIMERES, FOR men and Boys, Our stock of these goods embraces all the well known & best makes. Well selected in STYLE AND VARIETY, -To gether with all the desireable medium grades which we arc determined to sell at prices the very lowest at HALDEMAN'S. Cr M S FUNISHING GOODS.. To this department we have paid es pecial attention this season and believe we can show our customers the most hand some line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, than ever before'kopt in Coltunbta. For new and pretty-goods call at, • HALDEMAN'S 110 OP SKIRTS, The greatest ;invention of the age in Hoop 'Skirts BRADLEY'S Duplex Elliptic Spting SHIRT, ' Very•flexib]e, folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn: " • Fel. sale in 'all sizes only at LDEMANS' - - . ^ :.HALDEMAN'S- HaVing, reduced their stock to the very lowest-point during the past season; their , PRESENT PURCHASES • • Enable thenuo oiteran entire item . ' stock of goods. TaiIEMBER THE P4ACE: . ---,HALDEMAN'S* ,Locust Street:, Above Front, COLUMBIA; Columbia, Pa. Establi3l:ed in 1855 DEALERS 1N AND MANUFACTU RERS OF TOBACCO,, SNUFF, SEGARS, of all kinds. We have just received the best stool: of, CHEWING - TOBACCO- .r. that we have °lrma far sale•for the lastk • 4'17 Tobabeothat we can gliaianiee,...reM respect_to.'give. sale, STOREKEEPERS, MERCILYNTS;,.;: and all others who use or: sell;,,TobaccoN in' any sliapo or . tor . call in. and, Examine our Large Stock, QUEEN'SWARIi3 Before . purchasing elsewhere as you will, find it to your interest. The old saying is, petions will buy where: they get the Best and Cheap3st Goods: After you examine our stock and ftnct we have not the CHEAPEST and the, BEST, we do not PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE & We have made arrangements witk,a. firm in Richmond, Va., to sell.their FLOUNDER, NAVY. and SWEET At their Factory Prices. All-we mak'n is a small commission. You will find that Tobacco the best and. cheapest in market. If any Tobacco bought of us 'should not The following branch of CHEWING TOBACCO, SEG ARS & SNUFF, we will keep constantly on hand. Virginia Tobucens. Extra Navy, the best in the market: The black Crow Navy Tobacco, Lotters Congress, Excelsior Sweet Spun.R.ollll , plugs to lb. "Va. Rose Budd lb plugs, 'Va. Cavendish # lb plugs. Va. Natural Cavendish. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore Tobacco: " Sweet Balta. Spun Roll. 12 pluf4N to ft, Nature Diamond Twist, 2.3 plugs to lb Manus Oronoko, we will Sell at Factory rates. Date Tobacco, 22 plugs to lb. Flounders and Sunfish, 23 Plugs to lb.- • Navy and Raw Twi;t:. We liave Brands and Style'S'', and tho best quality in Market. We defy any. Factory in the State to produce BETTER,. STOCK than we , are now working , into.; Segars. We have segars" as cheap as $1.00: and $1.25 per hundred, all warranted, lo' smoke free. Solace, Amulet, Yellow Bank, Plantation, Billy Barta RoQa,, Celebrated Cornish,- Fine Cut Chewing tobacco, Loose in 4 Bbls and Barre's, - 5.11 P ,, IE3 - UT11)2T2% Big Lick, h lb, and 1 lb bales, • Uncle Sam, k lb and 1 lb bales,. Dauville,Ara., 1,1, 1 and 10 lb hales, Lynchburg, Va., in 1Q lb bales,-: Turkish, 1,1, and lib dt:ums, Cut and Dry,in papers,by the doz. 45 ets. Also 1-2 Bbls and Barrels. OF ALL KINDS. Rosewood Pipes;plain ' fluted andliney, Sweet Billy, ditto, of differeiit styles, Double Tube Pipes, six different sizes' Gum Pipes, "do do , „ Indian Pipes,aud French Clay Face pipes Clay pipes for .sale by the box or'..dozen. Pipe Stems,and Match , Boxes of allsizes, FIVE' DIFFERENT KINDS SEGAR CASES.. All styles and shapes of SNUFF BOXES. • Chewing and Smoking Tobacco Bags,' UM,'LEATHER AND 'BLADDER: STARRS, 'IIAPEE; • 'CONGRESS, SCOTCH,,‘ We want you to call and examine our stock. Sots will find all stated in thiq advertiseinent correct, and no humbug. You wilt find no one-horse house„ but a first class Tobacco House. - FENDRICII 13ROTHERS, - Wholesale and Retail -Tobacco, Snuff: nird Segitt. Manufaettiry, Front 'Street, 5 'doors' above: Locttise. Columbia, Pu. Feb: it, tin :11 ..ItOurClOthing of = • iv R. 91111 E • ..SUBSCRIBER WOULD 1. call the attention of the - citizens'of Co lumbia and N',.icinity to his large stock.ofm: B.EAD*7IVIBDV °TIEING, Embracing every•variety'of style and ma terial suitable Aor, the seqson. They'ard made of the best material and in the most th.sitionable'style. - • ' • Gentlemen's Furnishing . GootlLs, Shirts, Searfs,, ,Neek - Ties,, Suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Hosiery,' kte.. — - A splendid line of these goods always. kept,. on hand. , . • Also, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, of , whieh,lye have solectpd sipelF oY which we' offer at ohehp rates: -' TBATAKS,,VARrET BAGS; and Valises okall. styles,. 'are sold elie§pen than city prices. Alv goods are all bight for cash and I otter them at cheaper" titles, for eash,than any other store. Call and see: HENRY RICE,.. , —* No. 1, Wolfs Row,. Front St. : ColvAnDitv, Columbia;: Nov. -11; 180, ly. • ,:_ • . rp . rcE -Fir'st National Bank fel pplapft), .11, has clficlared a dividend. p a f. ii,vp ppi cept. free of taxes, payable op deplane'. S.S. DETWILER, Cash. FENDRICH BROS., ASK YOU TO BUY We also pledge ourselves to sell at - WESTERN PRICES SPUN ROLL TOBACCO TURN OUT AS REPRESENTED We will take it back and REFUND THE MONEY SEG-A_EtS. FINE CUT- CHEIVING TOBACCO in tin nil S 3 tIFF;