The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, January 27, 1866, Image 2

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A. 211.-BAIUBO,
W. Hayes Grier, Ass't Editor.
Saturday; Jari: 27,-1.868.
Advertisements . ; to secnro Immediate insertion
tnu.‘t be handed in en or before Thursday evening
each we. .
IT will be seen by reference to the
head of our editorial column to-day, that
we Eive called to our aid—in an editorial
capacity—the services of W. '`II.A.v . F.s
43-REER, a young man- familiar . with all
the details of newspaper management. as
well as the various ramifications of a
printing office. lie is a ready Writer,and
we believe the arranL , ement will bc mu
tually. beneficial to ourself and to our
patrons. -11 re hope our friends will ex
fend to him is his new capaaity,courtesy,
C - ncouragerntmt an& support. We can
assure: our readers that no effort on his
part' will be spared to make the Spy a
still more welcome visitor or popular
journal. 'lt will lose none of its origi
n ility, interest or Vigor, and the course
which it has hitherto pursued will not be
We have labored from the grey of
morning till late at "night in order to give
our readers a-paper worthy of their pa
tronage. • But:we have no complaint-to
mike. In oar local &Lira., wz.. , iu
the future as in the past, labor for what
we beleVe to be the best interest of Co
lumbia.' We shall sanction no wrong,
nor wisidc at any injustice, but endeavor
to pursue an impartial course with the
best - good of our people ever in view.—
We hope still to merit that assistance
from' them so necessary to the existence
of a newspaper. Aid us in the exten
sion of our circulation and the advance
ment of our advertising interests. Bler
'Chants, business men and others will find
the Spy arprofitable medium for the dis
semination of business intelligence.
In assuming the clutie's of Assistant
Editor of the Spy, it will be our aim to
make the paper as interesting as we pos
sibly can. To be an editor of a neutral
paper is not an enviable poSition, for it
is almost impo33ilile to article
up )n the affairs cif' Government, at the
present tiine, without being accused of
partiality to' one side or the other. The
ha.s . ,:for z -its motto, Independent,
. Fearless and Free , " and accordingly the
whom it May offend,b - olongs to its editors.
We'shall, at all times, refrain from pub-
Ishing'obnoxious articles, and strive to
make the Spy a farnily paper,that can be
read by persons of all political cliques
and organizations, without giving them
any cause to say that our neutrality is
only a shield whereby we rosy introduce
our paper into families that would' not
otherwise receive it. We desire to make
it a'paper devoted solely to local inter
as we cannot be expected to fill it
up with the news of the outside world,
when daily papers are received here by
hundreds. To do so would be useless,
and would prevent us from bestowing
the attention we should do upon affairs
of local interest.
Hoping that the course laid down by
is will meet the approval of our readers
we make our debiit in the editorial world.
The News
The municipal election in Wheeling,
West 'Virginia, on the 22d, resulted in
the Success of the Democratic: ticket.
'Orders have been promulgated for the
musteringout of twenty-two regiments in
-Titusville, Pa., is greatly excited at
an attempt to btirn the town on Sunday
night. Several blocks were set on fire
at the same time, and a loss of $75,000
*as caused. Three alleged incendiaries
are being tried by a vigilance committee,
and a gallows, to hang them, if found
guilty, has been erected.
It is understood that Gen. Butler's re
ply to Gen: Grant is nearly finished, and
will soon appal- with the imprint of a
New York publishing house It is said
to contain some sharp hits.
Foreign papers say that the penny
subscription originated by iFe Phare de
la'Loire for - the purpose of presenting a'
cbrnmemorative medal to the widow of
Abraham Lincoln, already amounts to
.R.. 1 .59 Gs. 6d., the total offt;rings of 38,-
214 Subscribers:
The horneitead of Tfenry Clay was sold
on the 12th, 'inst. to the Regent of the
Kentucky University, for the :urn of
90,000. It consists of 325' acres, and
will be transformed into the Agricultural
College of that State.
'J. A. Cooke, of the Catskill (N. Y.)
National Bank, is reported a defaulter
for $90,000. Et:il securities cover the
A statement is in preparation at the '
T:oasury Department in answer to a
resolution of the house, which will show
that over 828;000,000 are on deposit with
the States under the act of 1838
_Report .received at the Freedman's
Thireau shcw that the whole number -of
negro schools in the south is si*litindred
and thaggregate' of over
sity.;fivo. th ^ ousan'd
In the Pen'n'a. Senate, on Wednesday,,
a. number of pctitions'on various subjcets• l
were presented.' McConaughy read
a supplement to the election Idws` of the
State, providing for the imposition of a
penalty upon deserters for offering to vote
and upon election officers'whO receive
such votes. Mr. Stambaugh presented a"
bill for the relief of certain citizens of.
Chambersburg, sufferers by the destruc
tion of property by the rebels. Mr. Davis
;introduce 1 a bill relative to the Catawissa
Railroad,repealing the act of 1860,which
excnipts the stock from tax.ati or until
the earnings of the Company realize six
par cent. Mr. Quay,an act incorpotating
the Susquehanna and Ohio Railroad,
which is intended to run from Lewisburg
to the Ohio State line.
Jan. 22d. 1860.
MR. EDITOM—The bill striking out
the word "white" friim the electicln laws
of this District; and Thus confering the
right of suffrage upbn all tic negroes here
without any qualification, has passed- the
House of Representatives, b' a tote of
116 against 54. Several amendments
were • offered, •Suoli as " the rioperty
clause ;" requiring ,them so be able to
read the constitution; to have served in
the artily for a certain period, &c.. &,c.,
but all were rejected. Great variety of
opinion exists here as to whether it will
receive the President's sanction in case
it should pass the Senate. Many of the
inhabitants predict that he will veto the
bill, and in consequence of this belief
do not express much chagrin at its pas-
'ter. Byron Sunderland, pastor of the
First Presbyterian church of this place,
who for the last eighteen months has
been living in France fur the benefit of
his health, returned last week, and met
with a cordial reception from his people
in his church, on 4i street.
Speaker Uolfat delivered his celebrated
lecture "Across the Continent" in the
New York Avenue Presbyterian church
last Wednescky evening. The house was
crowded and every one was delighted with
the beautiful and graphic descriptions of
the scenery on the Rocky mountains;
the interesting_ account of his visit to the
Mormons, their social and religious insti
tutions and the descriptions of the gold
and silver mines in Colorado,Nevada and
California. The gross proceeds of this
lecture was given to the North Presby
terian church, a new enterprise which
has recently been started in the Northern
part of the city with Rev. Lewis Fox as
their pastor.
We had the pleas — ure'of listening to an
able discourse last evening in the Capitol
Hill Presbyterian church delivered by
"Father" Hunt.. 3rany of your readers
doubtless remember liiui in connection
with the Temperance cause as one of its
most zealous advocates. For the last
four years he has been laboring as chap
lain in the army and is now on his way
to Philadelphia with his regimen t,where
he expects to be mustered out.
Frequent applications have recently
been made to the War Department by
soldiers who have lost their discharges to
have now ones issued, but all such ap
plications have been refused, as contrary
to the orders received on that subject.
It would be well for those who have been
discharged from the army to be careful
of their papers that they may share in
any appropriation which Congress may
The snow which fell, last week, and
which for two days afforded excellent
sleighing for those who owned sleighs or
could afford to.hiro,them at $2O per hour,
has almost entirely' disappeared. W!
it lasted, Penu'i Avenue was literally
thronged with sleiglis, the drivers of
which seemed to be actuated by but one
motive, viz; "to go as fast as possible in
the hour allotted to them. Horses driven
at full speed, the merry jingle of the
bell's, the happy laugh of the ladies, the
shouts of the drivers, the cracking of
whips all served to impress the seene
upon the minds of those who lined the
sidewalks witnessing the sport, and en-
joying it nhatost as much as those who
participated in it.
The scaffolding which has covered-the
base of the dome of., : tbe Capitol, giving
it . , an unfinished appearance has within
the last few days bein - remored,antl: now
as you enter the rotunda gazing upwards
several hundred feet'the eye beholds one
of the finest specimens of art this country
has ever produccd,,the painting Li truly
beautiful and as you gaze you a'smoir.t
imagine that you have been allovrrA
glimpse into the mytholc,g',cal heavens of,
the ancient Greeks and Romans. We
may perhaps attempt to describe itin our
' next, though to be fully apprceiated it
ought to be seen,and-the sight of it alone
iS`worth a trip to Washington.
Receptions are held — at the White
Rouse and by nearly all the members of
the Cabinet every Week, to which are in
vited a fair representation of the talent
and beauty of the country.
The boys of the 195th, regiment ex
pect to be, mustered out shortly, and arc
rejoicing at the prospect of a speedy re
, turn home.
= Sweet Potatoes—How are you
—Aiwn Here—" Some o(theni
Columby Boys."
—Coming home—The_ 195th P, V.
—When ?—Probably,villen their time
expires. •
—Splendid—To go skating minus the
-Very tall—Our high Constable.
"That last cigar"—Gue§s you' have
not visited Fendrieh's.
—Read P. Fralev's advertisement. He
will give you •fits.'-'
—Clean the sidewalks or pay your fine.
—Reaa the dialogue on . our first page.
- - -Jackson advertises in the Spy, and
ells coffee at-25 cents per pound.
—Attend the meeting at the Town
Hall to-night, to devise means to assist
the suffering in our midst.
--Who dressed in the Lady's fixings
at Mount ; Toy ? Echo answers, who ?
—Not the clean thing-For young
men, wishing to be called Gentlemen, to
be skating on the Sabbath Day. •
—Read the advertisement of Parry's
Golden Mortar Drug Store, in another
—Will the Trumpet please give the
remedy in regard to a wife occupying the
centre of the bed ?
-Water, when converted into steam,
increases iii bulk eighteen thousand
—Curious anomaly—Tliat the grave
accent should be used in any but the
dead languages.
—The Legtslature of Florida have
ratified the constitutional amendment. In
the Senate it went through by a unani
mous vote—in the House by a vote of
36 to 2.
—Mushroom Perfumes.--Of the swarm
of inferior perfumes gut up to compete
with Phalon's "Night Blooming Cereus,"
slarcely even the memory remains. They
arc literally forgotten, while the sales of
that ne plus 'ultra of all fragrance con
stantly increases. Sold everywhere.
—Query—What has become of the
telegraph enterprise between Columbia
and Reading ? We made the announce
ment a month ago or more that the line
would be open for business in a week.—
We believe that the wire is all up, but
why the enterprise remains at a stand
still we are unable to state. •
—A marriage is thus noticed by one
of our cotemporaries: "ffarried,last week
John Cobb to Miss Kate Webb. Look
out for little spiders."
—A young lady who was rebuked by
her mother fbr kissing her lover, justified
the act by quotin ,, the passage, '• What
soever ye would that men should do unto
you, do ye even 'so to them."
—What paper has the largest circula
tion? Counterfeit fifty-cent currency.
—An old lady being asked to subscribe
to a newspaper, declined on the ground
that when she wanted news she manu•
--Manners are more esteemed in soci
ety than virtues; though the one is arti
ficial, like false brilliants—and the other
pure, like real jewels.
—Wanted—Several large-sized hay
scales to " weigh all the circumstances"
that produced the rebellion.
—A Mr. Neald has bequeathed his
fortune of 51,250,000 to Queen Victoria.
—Pew are less happy than those who
have ambition without industry;-,who
would win the prize, but will not run
the race.
—The abolition of the income tax
actually seems to .be a possibility.
—Why is rheumatism like a glutton?
Because it attacks the joints.
—A Western editor says that the
making of the earth "was a great and
valuable enterprise."
—Wisdom is the mind's health; and
this depends on the health of the body.
• —A cotemporary says "the hope of a
re-union of the Presbyterian Church,
North and South—at least for the pres
ent—is gone." Where?
—Why is President Johnson like
Chimborazo? Because he's the great
est of all the Andies.
—Look to your interest—Messrs. E.
Worrell & Co. Sl9 Arch street Philadel
phia still continues to receive orders for
those handsome business suits. They
are made up in the latest style of fashion
and art, and give complete satisfaction
to every purchaser. Look to your inter.
est, and when you go to the city don't
fail to call and examine their goody and
prices whether you purchase or not, as
they will be pleased to show their stock
to all who favor them with a call.
—Tn describing n reeept'ott at the
117 h ito Ifounc , the Womb itik,tem ,slur
says: "A peculiar ittyki of I"..veatifig the
hair Tait el:el/1r% attiong ttia Tort!,;
fist* t rrftnach erluirrterit,arid re:a Ark=,
were, for the.' rum:. part ; altogether iat
1 fa7or t ;IA a beeoinit4.s
waterfall, The hair vif.owe.l
len; f s - tii, wntioon.t 4e:041 tteir . 1 . V7V4
any flf.. , ,e'rOptifiti, Zll4 7; ( 4. , 6 1 1 ",, V
: ; triArAy 61: ( 9
'7 Ef: rftrae4 - Ir4.f.
pra9se....ateil to iiai,ll;':ete
'3 Fib
grwalgia e patirdey.s -3 ttd: l / 2 -Pii6 , --
rarny fpgiiNg,
having tktt tlo) . 611tive
12214 Leff:re two ftinuf
Tr;ditorlitt Ana ViledTann*:
—How' was it that Noah did not
emerge first from the ark ? Because he
came forth.
—ldleness travels very leisurely, and
poverty soon overtakes it.
—The streams of small pleasures fill
the lake of happiness and the deepest
wretchedness of life is the continuance of
petty pains.
Hon. G. W. juriAirortricliaqw,A4ciscil
at Waaltimelon, dating . the
. 14.4- *wak,
inclossed in a thritatening letter,
piece of a negro xeilp with the fruit Set=
Gov. Curtin sent a me.vage to ate
Legislature thanking them for their cour
tesy during his absence, and stating that
he would have his regular annual message
ready next Tuesday.
Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION' TO
YOUNG fs,' EN and others, who suffer from Nervous
Debility,premature deem). of llliinhood, fie., supply
ing at the same time The Moans of Self Cure. By
one who has 'cured himself after undergoing con
siderable quackery, By enclosing a postpaid m. 1.•
dressed envelope, smgle copies, free of charge, may
be had of the author. •
NATGANIBL MAYFAIR, .gsq., Brooklyn, Kings
Co., N. Y.
rc The , January thaw is a "Capital institution"
for producing Colds, Coughs, and kindred ailments
—much worse than severe cold weather, and we ad -
VISO our renders, particularly those predispo.ted to
any pulmonary weakness, to see to it they are well
shod, and allow no change of clothing. If any one
is ;.so unfortunate as to contract a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness, or other pulmonary disorder, we know
of nothing so etbeientas Coe s'Cough Balsam. Our
advise is, take littleand often.
To those who have been living on the fat of the
land through the holidays, and have got their
stomachs out of order, the would prescribe Coe's
Dyspepsia Coro; it has cured some very bad cases of
Do you know that a cold is a dangeroaq thing! If
bon do, get a box of Bryan's Pulmunie tVafers, Tint
a few wafers in your• mouth, amt cure your sore
throat. eoegh, hoarseness, ete„ in a few houre.
Jan. 43,
There is nothing more certain ro prevent female
irregularities than Dr. Velpau's Female pills. Sold
by Dr. Parry and R. Williams, Columbia. Jan, 0 lin
"Into the Valley of Detail
Rode the Six Haudr•ed,"
And into this Valley of Death arc treading - thous
ands of young men, who from a certain secret vice
arc approaching a suicidal death. The great boon
for such, and the only safe, sure and positive cure,
is Dr. Juan Dellitimtres celebrated specific pill, the
discovery of one of the most eminent physicians of
modern times. By its use melancholy g:ves way for
joy, mourning_ is exchanged for happiness, and
hopes that were crushed, revive again, o.lld as you
wall: the pathway of life, with the vigor of manhood
restored and the world before you again bright,you
will not fail to remember him in all your prayers,
woo placed new strength in your enfeebled frame,
and caused to bloom on your pallid cheek, the glow
of health, which water cannot wash away,—naught
but time destroy." Jan. 6 6w.
f2i;rors of Youth.
A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Prematute Deeay, an I all the effects of
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering'
humanity, semi free to all as he need it, the reeeipe
mut directions for malting the simple remedy by
wit leis he was cured.- Sufferers wishing to pi•olit by
the advertiser's experien ce,ean do so by addressing
Dec. 30 '33 ly, No. 10,0tamber , rt.. S. V.
Strange, but Trzae.
Every young lady and gentleman in the United
States can hear something very much to their ad
vantage by return It'l - cc of (charge) by adtiQss
ing the undersigned, Those having fvars of bent:-
humbuggectwill oblige by not this,
All others will please addre ,, their obedient servant
Dec. CO ly. 831. IttuaclWay, New York'.
Whiskers! 'Whiskers! Do you want Whiskers or
Moustache,' Our Grecian Compound 1611 force
them to grow on the smoothest la ,:e or chin, or
hair on ]saki heads, in Six Weeks. Price, ..31.00.
Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of
price. Address, I.Vianer Co., BUN 133, Lirooklyn,
S. N.
Feb. 11, ly
A Cough, Coldo:• Sore 'aE:n•cras7,
irritation. of the Lungs, l'ermalient Throat
..4.ffectiou,or a inevaable Lung Disease
Brawn's BlrannCh la Troches
MI:PIAI 7 n 1:1:1.1t:P.
FOr Catarrh, Consump-
tine coul l'broat I)
will Sind Troches aseful nt clearing the void• when
taken before zdnging €.r Speaking, an 1 relieving
the throat after an unusual exertion of the vo.ial
organs. The Trociiem are r.icoininended and pre
scribed by Physicians, uuil hate had testimonials
from eminent men throughout the country. Being
an article of true merit ,inal having proic./ their effi
cacy by a teat of many years, each year nods them
in new localities in various pa:•ts of the wet Id, and
the Trochee are universally pronounced beater than
other to tick's.
Obtain only "Brown's Brbnehial Troches," and tie
not take any or the 11 - or' ' Imitations that witly be
onered. e ^ -
Sold everywhera in th .Tinited StMe-:, and in For
eign Counfrie4 ul;scentsperbox.
Scratch! Scratch ! Scratch
Wiaeaton 7 s Ointment.
Will Curc the Itch in 4S Hours.
Also cores Salt Rheum, Chilblein , , and all
Eruptions of too
Be sending to cents to NVEEKS S poTTER, Sole
Agents, 170 Washington St.. litx-aon, Bits., it will
Uc forn•arded by mail, free ufpostage, to any part of
the linite.l States,
sep:. 23, 61114-
THE BIUDAL Camannat, an F.s..ay of Warning and
Instruction fur Young inen—publ Sinai by the How
ard As,ociation,and.ent tree of charge, in sealed
envelopes. Add! ens , Dr. .1. Ski hi a Houghton, How
ard Asoeiation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Febly.. 11,
Ja'. Pat.llaked is a &alOl Enrdope Pride Six Ccitts.
Just Publi.shcd in a scalcd cacchg, . Price Six Censt-
A Lecture on the _Nature, Treatment and lliali.eal
Cure s,permatorrinna or bt.minal e kness, in
voluntary Euusstor,s, i Ghnitl Deniitty, and .inipettl
inent4 to ntatrutge generally. Nervousness, Con
stimption, Epilepsy and Yung; Mental and Physical
Incapacity. resulting from Sett Abuse, Ac. 13y Robt.
J, Culvertrell, AI. 14 anther of the -Ureett 130,k, 'An.
The world-reneweed :victim., in this admirable
Lecture, clearly pi OVIII rrolll his own experience
that, the awful con,ogitenCe, of Self . .. Abuse inay be
effectually remorod wlthoot Hoqiicone, gold without
duogerowqvitrgowl opertittons,botigics,instraments,
ring 4, or cord tails, potnting out a mode of curet of
once colt:an ;and tafec.nal, by which every suffer cr,
no inatlet what his condition may bo,intay cure him_
self one/arty, privately, turd rto I !COM
Sent, uieler iu a plain envelopr, to any ad
dress, post paid, rect•gpt of six cents, or two post
stamps. Address ti. publi•.hers,
CHAS..). C. 'KLINE & CO.,
127 11ow2ry, New Yurk, P.O. box 4.,;;5t).
June 17, 'l;5, ly
Editor of tho Spy, Dear Sir: With your permis
sion, I wish to J. 41 3, to the readers of your paper, that
will scud, by return mail, to all who wish it, (free)
u with full di:l:tams for tn.tlcing and using
simple V,;,:f1:11,14 that will viler:coldly
to ton days, pimples. blotches, tan, freckles,
nun all bripuritl•o. of uto nlnn, touting the
slat, vicar, smooth and beautiful.
w al :u mall rre,. t. 9 11,0.96 haring Ttni d Heads,
rind Mtn, F;Ill:01,1, snarl , : directions ana information
that will vaahl.• than to start a full,growth of Luxur
stint flair, less,thau thirty
tll appl letikti.. answered by return mail without
lea , ils- , :tfidly joins
'l' 1;9,4 P. (.:.1 A PillAN, Chemist,
sal liroatiway, New York.
tt WO - , 4/4r/
;t4 Qs. 11/01141N CAIIINPrr
4,t,4 music; forty dilfer
;r);o/,r Flax-one Uold or
iirht premiums awarded
tikuto , fr... Address.
4:0 );,, soon , or
P:491 TILERS:, New York.
Pg . 131 ,$:; 1) I ADD CA
f04,;,11,,tY,00.4k•ii 4.tliqp.t. success, by Dr. J.
i 441, if.4rmerly of Lyden,
=:lfvor, Philadelp!lia. Testa
)4lo,lo sourees in the city
..,athls Vtlicc. The medical
,111(1 my their patients, as
4..q./au. Artificial eye,
i 4:14,4rZe made for emarni
,l tnar. 18, '4.5-1y
s;:, , Mtk.2 SI 110 dives. - -
'.115 . i) , ; it I IA VING BEEN
. 1 t 1,02+1.,ip.,4.v p4s,. 4,4, F=w wtorit.l. by a very simple
so..liefe4l several years, with
.s4tt , 44vit.r.o, awl that dread disease. C0n
.:444c-..4444; 4 , 4 Mak if known to his fellow
'Ft 01 , eg o.
/Ay Will 10,1111 n co of the
h rgo,) with toe diroc
ft,otv•e„.?:.ti.4.i,o4g 504 iltfit:g the same, which they
i11i t 1iiifi44:,444.041, - . A . 4 1, !Jr C 041.-4 44ption, Asthma, "iron
!, •.
etc. the Only object of the
t ht,u4iing the prescription is to beneti
tii , el• affr - S4vN:veg,, •V 44 , 1 ,14 4 ,40 information which ho con
e0V,N6.41 , 44' Nov ,0,11404th.c.41e,a40l 1443 hoks every suifeicr
tr.V . 1 4 4 P•
"" 'e t . ,,,, /Y: as at Yllll CcIA y.O nothing, and
•»";:iOPOZ W.l.4r.seription, will please aci:
go:Y. gliWAltf) A. 'WILSON,
Miass34l/u g, Kitign County.
F)oVr, ~, , V44/1 Now Yurk
.rirmt Notional I:atilt
J., bass cif:clay:A tr. rii-viihoirt r,r filo. per
cent, tree of LaXtr4, is=ttfit tvi
S. S. ot.crvil
Treasurer!' office of The Co,' tt,
and Pert Deposit R.• R: 'Co.
Notice is hereby gi-Ven to the stockhold
ers of the Columbia ctf, Tort Deposit Rail
road Company, that the seventh install
ment on the capital stock ofsaid company
of five dollars per share, will be due and
payable at the Wilco of tile Treasurer in
Columbia,Pit., on the 13th day of February
1866. By order of the Board Of Directors.
jan. 13, Treasurer.
Buy Your Clothing of
1•1" - Y' RICE,
_I call the attention of the citizens of Co
lumbia and vicinity to his large stock of
Embracing every variety of style and ma
terial suitable mr the se4son. They are
made of the best material and in the most
fashionable style. •
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods,
Shirts, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Suspenders,
.11anderchiels, Hosiery, tt.c. A splendid
line of these goods always kept on hand.
Also, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
which we have a well selected stock of
which we offer at cheap rates.
and Valises of all styles, are sold cheaper
than city prices. My goods are all bought
for cash and I offer them at cheaper rates,
for cash,than any other store. Call and see.
No. 1, Wolf's Row Front St.. Columbia.
Columbia, Nov.ll, 18'65, ly.
Barley Sheat! •
Baxley Sheaf Cooking Stove. It costs
less and saves inure coal than any other
stove of equal size, at Miller's, Locust St.,
opposite Franklin House. oct 7,-tf
Tjaving resumed the practice of medicine
11. respectfully offers his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Columbia. 01lice
and residence in Waliant street, bet
Front and Second Dec. 9, 1865
The well known. Photographers,
BEG leave to intbrni the citizens' of Co
hnhia and vi , inity, that they have
mken and refitted the rooms formerly oc
cupied by Geo. A. Flyers, on Front street,
above Locifst.
Where they are prepared to take
Photographs in all styles.
Particular attention paid io making
Large Photographs,Carta-de-Visites,lvory
Types, Ambrotypes, &c. Copying and en
larging of small fietures.
PICT - URI:I6 COLORED in Oil or Water
Colors, in a style superior to any taken in
this county mid equal to any in the cities.
Particular attention paid to taking pic
tures of Children.
ti€A, Pictures taken in cloudy as well as
in clear weather.
Orders for Picturrs from old Negatives
promptly tilled.
The art wilt be taught to those desirous
to learn at a reasonable rate.
Call at the Rooms and examine our large
collection of Specimens.
jail. G, '66. Photographers.
B. We hope by strict attention to
business, and desire to please, to merit a
liberal share of patronage.
- ..a.mraraysr.
Phreancr's Rhoidwm ors and Laxative
itillowing affidavit :
For the Benefit of Porsons suffering with Piie., I
make the following statement ;
I have been, during the last ten or twelve years se
verely afflicted wall pile -% I have tried remedies of
all kinds, without deriving. any - pat tieular benefit
and finally pm myself t.mtcr the bbsc medteal treat:-
ment in Ptilazlelphia ; but no relief aas obtnin
eomidered my Cat , e hopelessand believed my
self d , •orned to lid-m. 3% As a last resort. upon the
recommendation of some friends, I tried Phreanar'.
lthoidu•nwrs and Laxative Pills. 'rills remedy gat vo
tue Several application., relieved me 01 all
' pain, and the regular application of the "Ithoidw
mars" far three Nv,:ek., entirely cured Inc. I tun
glad tin-re is such a remedy, and earnestly recom
2.2 t Beaver Street, Philadelphia.
Sworn and subscribed bef,re me. the 12fli day of
July, rstis. WILSON KEIIJI, Alderman.
S;nce the introduction of the Ilhohhernors for the
olive of Piles, We have received mune' ous flattering
testimonial, and commendation, of its %attic ;
among them i. the above affidavit of Mr- James A.
Trexler, his ease being of long standing and of great
Thi.iimnedy is rapidly gaining public attention
and lutist be acknowledged the ,overcign habit for
the above disca,e. Prepared and far , ale by
1 1 . I'll REANE'II,
Care of Royal fi Royer. IV hole:4del/rogg.i.,ts,
3ou and 311 N. 3 , 1 Street, L'hil'a
For sale by R. \V illiuwS, Cultmlbia.
August 2b,
Celebrated Specific Pills,
Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan
Delmmure, Chief Physiei:tn to the
llospiral do Nord on Lam boisiere of Paris
This invaluable medicine i. no imposition, but is
tinfoil Mg in the cure of Spermatorrlue or z-einittal
weakness. Every species of Genital or Urinary
Irritability, Involuntary or nightly Senttnal Emis
sions front whatever cause produced, or however
severe, will bo Speedily re lief ed and tne organ:: re:
stored to healthy action.
Read the following opinions of eminent French
havo used the Specific Pills prepared by Car
anciere .tt Whom - , No. 214 Rue Lombard, from the
pn.scriptlOn an.. Juan Delarnarr,, in our private
practice with uniform suceess,and we believe there
to no other medieine so well calculated to cure all
pot eons storming from „Involuntary Emissions or
tmy other weakness of tho Sexti..l Organs, whether
caused by a sedentary mode of living, excesses, or
J.-14x Ll:cellar, 141. D.
Paris, May sth, 1803.
beware of Counterfeits.
The Genuine Pills aro sold by all the principal
Druggists throughout the world, price One Dollar
per Sox, or six Boxes for live dollars.
liaataxcriats A. Davos; Sole Proprietors,
isZo. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris.
Ono dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will
insure a box by return mail, securely sealed from
all observation, six boxes for five dollars.
Solo Geeeral Agents for America,
°S CA G.MOSES A CO., 27 Courtalant 3t.,15.:.
N. B.—French, German, Spanish and English
Parnphlets,containing full particulars and directions
for use, sent free loony address.
Sold in Columbia, by all Druggists.
Jan. u, ly.
dition of the Columbia National Bank
on the morning of the first 1 1 .1onday of
Jan. 1866.
Notes and bills dis'd. ;G65,044,01
U.S. bonds deposited for
circulation, 500,000,00
U. S. bonds on hand, 174,1e0,00 $ 1 349,044,01
Cash in nJtes of other Nat.B'ks ],050,00
" Stale " 17,784,00
Specie, 058,00
Legal tenders and compound .
int. notes. 50,255,03 100,057,00
Remittances,other cash items. 0,307,10
Due front Phila.. and New York
Nat. Banks, $137,721,19
Duo front other Nat. Banks, 40,432,7 n
Due front liztolc4 and Bankers, 1,8.12,23 780,047.12
Banking House, 10,000,00
Current - expenses 1,205,13
Taxes paid, 43:1,20 1,659,81
- -
Capital, paid In 500,000,00
Surplus lunch 01,281,57
Discount and Exchange' 5,3:45,5L 07,113,58
Dividends unpaid, • ' 3,221,00
DUO t 4 , 111 t tonal Hanks. 20,734,74
.do to other Bnko, 13,803,70
Circillatlon or col u bid Bank, 305.089,00
do Cola National Honk, 288,120,00
Indtvlduul dopositB, 358,397,31 1095,840,75
$lOl7 0.76 ;13
I tithilAtd ress of Directors, £1
Sworn to mid subscribed by
.Iss. Oars
1865. 1865.
offer to our customers and the public, a
very extensivelassortment of choice fab
rics in Foreign and Domestic
Our Departments aro all full, and we
will offer throughout the season a choice
variety in each, at, and under market
As our stock will be constantly replen
ished with the most desirable offerings of
the Philadelphia and, Nov York markets,
it will always prove worthy of inspection,
and we think a visit to our establishment
will result to the advantage of our patrons.
Locust Street. above Front.
Elegant Designs and Choice MakPs in Im
ported Star,lo
Examine and price our FREN - cm mER
INOES. A beautiful stock to select from
We shall continue to make our Cloak
Department th most att,•active iu Co
lumbia. Our new
Fall & Winter Cloaks,
From low priced to some very handsome
goods, are now ready for the inspection
of the public.
Pay a visit t-) the cloak room at
'lava now displayed and ready for inspec
tion their
A visit to their establishment is invited.
Iten and Boys,
Our stock of these goods embraces all the
well known 4.; best makes. \Vell selected
To tether with all the desireahle medium
grades which we are determined to sell at
prices the very lowest at
To this department we have paid es
pecial attention this season and believe we
can show our customers the most hand
some line of '
than ever before kept in Columbia. For
new and pretty goods call at
The greatest
_invention of the age in
Hop Skirts.
Duplex Elliptic Spring SKIRT,
Very flexible, folded easily when in use
to occupy a small space, making the most
agreeable skirt worn. •
For sale in all sizes only at
Having .reduced their stock to the very
lowest point during the past season, their
Enable them to offer an entire new stock of
Locust Street,
Above Front,'
Established 1815
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
compound remedy, designed to be the most
effectual Alterative that can be made. It is
a concentmtecl extract of Para Sarsaparilla'
so , combined with other substances of still
greater alterative power as to afford an effec
tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is
reputed to cure. It is believed that such O.
remedy is wanted by those who. suffer from
Strumous complaints, and that one which will.
accomplish their cure must prove of immense
service to this large class of our afflicted fellow
citizens. • How completely this compound will
do it has been proven by experiment on many
of the worst cases to be found of the following
complaints : • •,
FECTIONS, I.l.nucunrAr. DisnAsn j DROPSY, NELT
OR ST. ANTHONY'S EIRE, and indeed the whold
class of complaints arising from IMPURITY or: ,
This compound will be found a great.pxo
moter of health, when' taken 'in the spring, to
expel the foul humors which' fester in the,
blood at that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by.
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions • and uleerouq
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not .assisted to do
this through the natural channels of the body
by an alterative medicine. Malik omit" the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples. 6ruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish in the veins ;cleanse it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings - will tell:
you when. even where no particular disorder,
is felt, people enjoy better health, and 'live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the'
blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there can be no'
lasting health. sooner or later something'
must go wrong, and the great machinery of,
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation of accomplishing these ends. But'
the world has been egregiously deceived by'
preparations of it, partly because the drug,
alone has not all the virtue that is claimed
for it, but more beanie many preparations,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,'
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most'
of these have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of th, various extracts or
Sarsaparilla -which flood the market, until the,
name itself is justly despised, and has become,
synonymous with imposition and cheat. ,Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend .
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rests•
upon it. And we think we have gronnd for
believing it has - virtue; which are irresistible
by the ordinary'run of the diseases it is intend—
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should:
be judiciously taken according to directions on.
the bottle.
Price, $1 per Bottle ;
Ayer ' s Cherry Pectoral
has son for itself such a renown for the cure of
every variety of Throat and Lung Coutplaint, that
it is entirely =necessary for us , to recount the•
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em—
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to,
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Costiveness, Dyspepsia, indigestion.
Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Ery7inclas, lead. w.'..9‘.
Piles, Rheumatism, Ernigions:and:S4Va .Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, 'Tumors and
Salt Rheum, IVonnir, Gout, Neuralgia, as a.
Dinner Pill, mayor Purifying the Blood.
• They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi—
tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the.
best aperient in the world fur all the plir`Foses of a.
family physic.
Pricy 25 cents per fez
Great numbersofClergymen, Physicians, S tato.-
men, and eminent personages, have lent their.
names to certify the unparalleled nsefulne:.s of these.
remedies, but our space here will not permit the.
insertion of them. The Agents below named fur
nish gratis our AmraucAN ATx ANAG in which they
are given ; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not be pnt off by unprincipled dealers pith
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand Avrac's. and take no others. The sick
want the best aid there is for them, and they should
have it.
All our remedies are for sale by
All lira *gists arid do:tiers in ine(lieint
everywhere. AL - wholesale by J. 2,1. Maris
Lf*:. Co., 711 'Aral-I:et St., Philadelphia.
Trish Linens, Table, Diap:, , r, Damask,
TowelinLr, &e., a good as6ortinent at low
prices, at I. 0. Bruner's.
0 neetings all widths and lic•;n•y unbleaeli
ed Muslins, one yd wido at 40 cis , also.
01-eelcs, Tiekings, cCc., lor sale by S. 0_
Bruner, Front st.
11 Wool Delathes, French Merenoes,
Ladies Cloaltbltz, all color:: at Bruner's.
New Store.
Alpacas. good quality at 50 et s . and new
style Deluines, from 31 to 40 ets. al 1_
0. 13runer's.
C alicoes
from 20 to :35 cts. of all the dif-
Cferent makes, and Lancaster Ging
hams for 371 et:4. at Bruner's.
nil Cloths, Table CoN'ers, Windows
‘...1 Blinds ctc., for sale cheap at Bruner's,
Front street. _ -
runer's best quality Balmoral skirts at
$3.75,a150 good Balmoral skirts at 0.00
and hoop skirts of all kinds at Bruner's
ed, yellow, white and blue mixed
it) Flannels from 45 to 60 ets., at Bruner's
now store
Undershirts, Drawers, Blankets, very
cheap, at Bruner's, Front street. -•
New Goods of all the latest styles receiv
ed daily, and sold at small - profits, for
cash only, ta 1. 0. Bruner's.
English, French and American cloths
and cassimers of all qualities, :Lisa
Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans and Satinetts, at
Bruner 's new store.
10 °member the place for the best goods
IL at the lowest prices is Bruner's new
store, Front street.
oct. 2S, 'GI
Ladle., Take Particular Notice.
The Real - ire/pan. Female Pills.
[Warranted French.)
rilhese Pills, so celebrated any years
_Lago in Paris for the relief of female
regularitiesatre now offered for sale fur the first timo
in America. They have been kept in comparative
obscurity from the fact that the originator, Or. \'el
pan, is a physician in -finis of great wealth and con- ,
scientious principles, and bus withheld them t tom:
gencsal use, lest they should be employed for un
lawful purposes. In overcoming iemale obstrue- -
tions they scent really omnipotent. They are offer
ed to the public only for legitimate purposes, and
all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is un
derstood that the object is unlawful. Sold by ft;
Williams and Dr. Parry, Columbia.
Ladies can procure a box sealed front the eyes of
the curions by enclosing and six stamps to 0. 0.
Staples, General Agent for us, IVatertown, N. Y. or to.
the above agents. Jan. 6,1 y. •
undersigned having received the
1 agency for the "Atlantic Monthly,":
"North American Review," "Every. Sat
urday," "Our Young Folks," and the;
"School Visitor,"
" is prepared to receive
subscriptions at the lowest rates.
jan. 20, lm 1.. C. OBERLIN.