THE COLUMBIA SPY. INDEPENDENT, FEARLESS kt FREE - COLUMBIA, PA., /Kir dll advert i.;ei ng will be comidered CASH and olleetable at any ti an after the first inset lion. Hints to Skaters. As the season for skating is at hand, the following excellent advice to those who indulge iu the inspiriting recreation, from a wise authority in such - matters, will be found worthy of attention. The preservation of health is an art of great er importance than the restoration of health ; yet few take the necessary pre cautions iu keeping well ; Skating is one of the most exhilara tiog of all pastimes, whether on the ice or o'er our parlor or ,ball Roots, with rOlie - r — sl -- alg.:: --- A7liiiiliber Of lives have been lost in connection with skating, the following suggestions are made: 1. Avoid skates which arc strapped on the feet as they prevent the circula. tion, and the foot becomes frozen before the skater is aware of it; be - eauso the tight strapping benumbs the foot and deprives it of feeling. A young lady in Boston lost a foot in this way; allot lier,in New York, her life, by endeavoring to thaw her feet in warm water,after taking off her skates. The safest kind are those which receive the forepart of the foot in a — kind of toe, and stout leather around the heel, buckling in front of the ankle only, thus keeping the heel in place without spikes or screws, and aiding greatly iu supporting the ankle. 2.• It is not the object so much to skate fast as to skate gracefully; and this is sooner and more easily learned by Skating with deliberation; while it pre: vents over heating, and diminishes the chanCes of taking cold by cooling off too soon afterward. 3. If the wind is blowing, a veil should he worn over the face, at least by ladies and by children, otherwise, fatal inflamation of the lungs., 'pneumonia,' may take place. . 4. Do not sit down to rest a single half minute; nor duinotstsud still if there is any wind; nor stop a moment after the "skates are taken off;but walk about so as to restore the circulation about the feet and toes and to prevent being chilled. 5. It is safer to 'walk home thanto ride the latter is almost certain to give a cold. 6. Never carry anything in the mouth while skating. nor . any hard subseince in the hand, nor thriiio anything on the ice; none but a careless,reckless fellow would thus endanger a fellow skater a fall. '7. If the thermometer is below thirty, • aod. the win t is blowing, no lady or child shOuld be skating. 8. Always keep your eyes about you, liOking ahead and upward,not on the ice that you may not run against some lady, or learner. 9. Arrange to ;Lave an extra garment, thick and heavy, to throw over your shoulders the moment you cease skating, and then walk Arne, or at least half a mile, with your mouth closed, SJ that the lungs may not be quickly chilled by the by the cold. air dashing upon them through the open mouth, if it passes pi:dough the nose and head, it is warmed "before it gets - to the lungs. 10. It would be a safe rule for no child or lady to be on skates longer than an hour at a time.—:7la/i's Journal of Health. —Don't.bc foolish."—You cau make- Six Dollars from Fifty Centi Call - and examine an invention urgently need ed by everybody. Or a sample sent-tree by mail for 50c. that retails easily for 56 by IL L. Wolcott; 111/Chatham Square, New York. !'ATTENTION, SOLDIERS .OF OUR LATE ARMY."—Many Discharged Soldiers have claims of which they have no knowledge. :By-sending for a Circular to L. Brown '` Co., 'of No. 2 Park Place. N. Y., informa "•tion will be furnished which may be Val _ Pit opt 21 tj 20 66 MEXICO! MEXICO ! 030,000,000 LOAN - of tho - REPUBLIC OF MEXICO rilwentv year Coupon Bonds in sums of 450 WOO $5OO and $1 . ,000. Interest 7 per cent. payable in Um city of Now York. Principal and Interest payable in. 4,-I:pojr_33E:). $10,000,030 to be sold at SIXTY CENTS on the Dollar in U. S. Currency. thus yielding au interest of 1 0 :per cent. in Cold. , or 17 per cent. in Currency, at the preqent rate' of premium on gold. The ilrst years Interest alroady provided ,-•The most Desirable Investment ever oirereil Immense Tracts of in fining and agricultural lands; fle - per cent. of Port Dues, Imposts and Taxes. in the States - of Tamaulipas and San Luis Peiosi; and the plighted faith of the said States and the General Government are all pledged for the re..etription of these Bonds and payment of interest. TILE SECURITY IS AMPLE fG~iU.S. Currency will buy a 7 per et. Sold bond Si'io " " - 100 • ..00 10.0 ,GOO "14 every lover of aopublican Institution burat least ,cJ . MC.M "JEAC:O:2•73Z!. Circulars forcrardad and subscriptions received by JOHN w.c04.1E.5 CO.,and • • .1. N: TlFFT,`Fionneial Agent of tlio Republi%; of 31 =too, 57 Broadway,N. Y. • Subscriptions also received b Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States Nov. tf. COLUMBIA DRUGGIST COLUMN GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE 11. B. PARRY, Sucoosssor to JUSTUS GRAY & CO. FRON?T STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. PE RF UMER Y AND COSiITETICS. EIRENCH Toilet Paste as Enamel white 12 Virgin Wax of Antilles, Email De Paris. Also a carefully selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery. Soaps and Fancy articles at Parry's Golden Ithirtar Drug Store, Front St., Columbia, Pa. - Parry's Celebrated Dentifrice. FOR LEANSING and PRESERVING C 'Teeth, eeth, hardening the gums, and re moving all Tartar and Scarf from t the teeth, completely arresting the progress of decay, and cicansbig the parts as have al ready became black by decay. For sale at• Parry's Golden : 'Mortar 7 brug Store, Front St., Columbia, Pa. Oct. 14, 'O5. TIIE Subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia with a large and well select ed stock of DRUGS, MEDICi\ ES, DYE STUFFS, PER FUMERY, • - FANCY ARTICLES. to which he Nrould call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and vicinity. His stock of - PATENT MEDICINES, will be found equal, if not superior, to any in the place, embracing all the standard remedies, together :with several, newer be lbre in troduced 'to the people of Columbia. Among his list of rarircriz Z.8.710.L.MS will be found all the latest novelties, in his line of business. Ile has also renewed his stock of COAL OIL LAMPS and. fixtures at the lowest market prices, to which he would call the especial at tention of the The attention 01 houskeepers is called to a fresh lot of pure and reliable S : 1 E S, Flavorino• Extracts, Corn Starch, Farina, Soda ' and anumber of other iirticles used for culinary purposes. f^C ail and see, before purchasing else where, at , TIIEFILMILY MEDICINE STORE ODD FELLOWS" .11ALL: S_ .A__ "M. .P. ""Y It S successor to' Dr. W. S. McCORKLE, HAS just received a full and fresh stock of Pure Drugs, Genuine Patent Med ic,nies, pure spices, whole and ground, and a choice supply of fancy goods, perfumer ies and fancy soaps, and a general stock in his line, these goods were all seleceed per sonally in Philadelphia,and may be relied upon as ger Mile. 13URE PEPPER. Those in - want of this aaticle for butchering or table use, can obtain it of our own grinding, either coarse or tine, in large or small quantities. SACHET POWDERS, Of assorted odors, French Sachets of a now and novel style. Fine Ereneh and English Glycerine, 'Honey and loilet Soaps. Genuine Old Brown 'Windsor, made by Low 6: Son, London. American, En glish and French Tooth and Hair Brushos in every variety. The Latest Arrival. R. wILLIAms, Front Street. aug. 20, 'O5 G UM GOODS. Such as Combs, Balls, Fi»ger Stalls and Pencil Erasers. MBE CELEBRATED TAYLOR 1. Cologn, in bulk by the quantity to suit purchasers. OSBORNES WALTER• COLORS. The best American mnufacture, in various styles of boxes or loose, just what the Boys and Girls require. pOCKET BOOKS. A stock of these that cannot be excelled if equalled in tho county, care fully selected from Manuthetnrcr's stock. an examination of both quality and prices is invited. PURE 3IEDICINAL LIQUORS. Uroarantied. French Brandy, Pale and Dark Sherry and Port Wines. Old Rye Whiskey. Thankful for the generous support thus far extended him,the subscriber hopes that by strict attention to the wants of his cus tomers and the public generally he may continue to merit the same. All are invit ed to examine his stock as to quality and. prices before purchasing elsewhere. His aim is an honest and reliable business. nov. IS, '65. . J. A. -I.%I.EYERS. ANDY'S NEW RESTAURANT. FRONT STREET - ABOVE WALNUT. COLUMBIA. PA. The subscriber has opened a first class Eating House and Restaurant, where may be Led at all times Oysters in every style, Hot coffee and all othor refresdiments cal culated to please the tastes of the most fastidious epicurean. Ettuers' Ale, and Frank's Lager beer, always on draught, also the bust wines. .A.NDREW ZELLER. Nov. 23, 'GS BURNSI3EII3;.: nEsTALURANT.—The undersigned has taken the well known Restaurant in Odd Fellows' Hall, which has lately been fixed up in convenient style, where he will keep all kiiids of sea sonable refreshments. Oysters for sale by the quart or done up in every style. PETER REISINGER., November 4, 65. Prop' r. JACOB S. SIIIYDER, M-11 , 7TJ.1`1CTURER. ALND . DIALER ROOTS, -SHOES,- GAITERS, ate ALL styles And varieties of Men's,Boy's Ladies; Misses". and Cbildicafs--li'ear WE SIANTIFACTLTRE TO ORDER, and:keep constantly on hand,, a. stock of ready-made work, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Hate,'Caps„ Straw . Goods, &c,. . A full ai>sortment of the latest styles, al ways kept on hand. Our whole time and attention is devoted to our business, hence we aro better able to give our customers satisfaction, The public are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. Cot. Front and Locust Street. Cora., nor. 4, '63 ,MASOJ\r PEASE (t MOORE ! PENNSYLVANIA. LITBRIC OIL WORKS. PITTS.EURGH, PENN'A. OWING to 'extensive -improvements and increased facilities, we are now enabled to offer superior inducements to all consumers Of Lubricating oils. Grades,' "A," an e . i:tra engine oil. "13," " " heavy Lubricator "C," :" cheap, do, Pittsburgh Nov. -Ith, - .1.8 . 63.".. 'Messrs. illtison,'Pease ASS Moore. ' - Gentleman._ We- have been'-using your Lubricating.oll.[O] in our, nail factory, for scitne•time past, and find it, to answer' our purpose as well, as ,ank oil 'we ,are teenusing on ' our nail machines. -- SIIOENBERGE,R, 4: CO. nor. 25, '63. I. X. IL. TN fine brands of Chewing Tobacco, IN all other houses. My Tobacco's are all warranted free of mould, must, or disa greeable mixtures, they are all selected with the greatest care by - the manufactur ers. _ , . Constantly on hand_ HARDCASTLEi NAVY, Baltimore Simin, Oronoko Twist, • Diadem, Old Dominion, Light Pressed, Sun Cured, Congress, Queen City Fine Cut, Grant Fine Cut, Michigan Fine Cut, and different other brands A. large assortment of Smoking Tobacco's Snuffs; --Tobacco bags, together with all the late.qt improved pipes known -the market. My Segars cannot be beat for stock in the county. Friends call and try my American Cousin's, Union's, Isabel Calms, 70's, Grant's, Attillas, &e. ;Cheap Segars constantly on hand. Booties is the place. Mind in the old Post Office Locust Street. Col. june 24, 'GS BENJAMIN HERR, HAS JUST OPENED A new stock of goods, at T.7.7cLac>=l. Where I would be pleased to see all my old customers. My stock of goods is full and complete, comprising DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS. VESTING S, DEL AINS, PRINTS, DOMESTICS, Together with as good assortment of goods as is found in any similar establishment. Family Groceries, toffee, lei rho Stioas- of PRIME SUGAR CURED HAMS. FLOUR, POTATOES, PISIT, &C. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market rates. I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa tronag,e. BEN.T. HERR. N0N;.1.9. Gl. Cor. 3rd and Lnion Sts. PHOTOGRAPHS. THE OLD ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has completely re-fitted his establishment, and. his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and he hopes by careful persoual attention to give the public better pictures than have here tofore been produced. AaLBROTYPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytypes, Melainotypes, Carte de Visite, and pictures en canvass taken in the best style, and. at prices \ vhich cannot be beaten for cheapness. f7O-, Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated . sittings. He asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of rout and Locust streets. Entrance on ocust street. 11. J. M. LITTLE. Oct. 24 ISO 3. .PIA_OS, ORGANS AND MELODEONS. W. U. HESS INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the public generally that he will fur nish the best makes of Pianos to any de sirous of having an instrument of this kind in their home. He will will also tarnish Melodeons and Organs. These instruments arc coining into very general use. The Organ, espec ially, is adapted to the production of sacred music in the church, the Sunday school roomer the parlor. Organs furnished at from one hundred dollars and upwards. The prices for all instruments will lie the seine as in New York or Philadelphia. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all histru ments'warranted. W. LT. HESS' Book Store, Locust St july 29, '65-ly WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c. THE subscriber would invite attention to his large and tine stock of ALL KINDS OP LIQUORS, SEC AILS, TOBACCO. PIPES. &C. TIE keeps his, stock well filled up, and believes that he can offer as good an as sortment of everything, hi his line as can be found in any store ii Columbia. He would direct special attention to his German Wine. These are light wines, good in quality, low in price, and it very wholesome drink either for sick or well. A large assortment of M =° s-11510 Q 5., Will attract general notice, and Will he found. to comprise some of the iinest pipes ever offered in Columbia. Come and ex amine them_ J. C. BUCHER, Cor. Front and Locust sts., Cola Pa. July 4, 1863. FIAT= HINGE BACK ALBUMS Altemus tt Co's. Patent Hinge Back Al bums, the best album made- Call and ex amine at auk. 20 SEWING MACHINES WEHEELEIC & WILSON TS acknowledged to be the best Family Sewing Machine in use. •More than two hundred thousand have already been sold. Every Machine warranted to give satisthetion, or the money refunded. For sale at the store of Maltby