THE COLUMBIA SPY. DEPENDENT FEA.BLESS FREE COLU4I3IA, PA., 1.cvt.‘,..54.c..y9, we e. )6S • • 46ir adocrtioing trill be ennsWervt CA Sr/ god eallectatle at clay time after the fil ..eqion. Base The Brooklyn Thigh: philosopher, in his effort to keep up with the amuse ments of tie age; has slipped into base ball sport. Ile thus explains the science of the game: The game is a great inveation. It is easily understood. All you have to do is to—beep Put eye ou the ball. It's all about the ball. They also use a bat. The bat is a club built on the model of the cluh Barnum Wed Captain Cook with. This is why the orgauiz'ition i s called a club. I.) ne fellow takes a c'aio an.l stant',.; on a line, and another stand 6 in front of him and fires the ball back at him. The chap with the club bits back. The ball flies in the other direction The first fellow drops the club as ough he was seared, and runs like a pickpocket with an M. P. after him. Several fellows run after the ball; somebody catches it and fires it at some body else, when the char who hal the club stops running. Another fellow then takes the club, and the same maa, who is called "pitch sr," pitches on him, fires the ball at him and he hits back, knocks the ball, dropa his club and cuts his stick for the first =I Half a dozen fellows out 00 picket duty scramble for the ball. One reliable B. B. is po.ted behind l i the club man, in ease the club man mis ses the ball, to see that it don't go by and hit the Umpire. When one side .is out the other side goes in, and when both sides arc out it is called an innings. lit is quite an intelligent game. de pending entirely on the use of our legs. The firstprinciple of the game is running. When you are "in" you run away from the ball; when you are --out" you run after it. It is spleuded exercise; it keeps you so ?warm; consequently is always placed in summer time " ATTENTION, SOLDIERS OF OU'lt LATE Aumv."—Many Discharged Soldiers have claims of which they have no knowledge. By sending for a Circular to L. Brown & Co., of No. 2 Park 1111 , P, N. V., informa pßti will be furnished which may he val uable. Oct 2.0 66 rpHE CELEBRATED SETA THOMAS CLOCK. E. Spering has just receiv ed from the oil y a eimiee stuck of these eel brated clocks. The best. neatest and prettiest Yankee ('look n arranted for two years. aug. 213, P ODGERS WROTI I FIRS SUPERIOR ..k.V Silver Plated Ware at E. SPE:RING'S Cheap Jewelry Store. A.0 , ;.:..'6, MILE CELEBRATE I) I X L CUTLERY, (i Co. Wostliolm, A. No. I, al E. SPERINWS Jewelry Store. mtg. :2(3 - NT Ely sT LE UPW Elt PALL Co tillp4 .LM at, aug. 24, ALA S 0-1 PEASE & MOORE ! PENNSYLVANIA OIL WORKS. BU RC If, rr•.sx•.E , OWING to extensive improvements and increased facilities, we are now enabled to offer superior indueements to all consumers of Lubricating oils. Oracles, "A, — an extra engine oil. '• '• Ilea% v Luhrieator "C," " do Pittsburgh, Nov. 4th, ISiri Messrs, Mason, Peas• A: Moore Genlentan.—We have been using your Lubricating Oil [(1 in our nail factory, for tithe past, and ling it to answer our purpose as well as ang u ll we have I . 1 using un otu• nail nuii•hines. SHOENBEitiMi: n(%. 25, 'CS MALTBY ,IIOUSE A. B. NHL LER, Proprietor, Tlsis hotel hos ;wen latoly refitted with all the heee.sttry traproientents known to hotel enterpri.e slid therefore atferl ttr-t etas.. stet...tit Modatlutis to strangers and others t kiting Italtastore. Jet 21,16.11 ANG E HOTEL, NIOI , NT JOY. PE NA ALEX. D. REESE, Proprietor PIRST-GLASSA crx - ) mmo Tio Tito Choicest at the Bar. Oct. ith, Jy. No. 23 GooDWIN " low Itaok Chewing Tol).we o in 9'a roll only 67 per tr,ros.4 aL JOI/N No. 2 BEST SWEET Twisl"rollAcco IN Lauenstor County, only 'Jo ets. a lb. at JOHN FENDRICH'S, Front. Street, Cottanbla. I'a. UPITOLSTERING. T ILE UNDER.S/O.N ED HAS TAIU.'.:C Rooms ad,joining the resitlenre of James liarbur, in Walnut street, where he is ut all times prepared to do all kinds of 'work in his line. a 3, Hanging Cur tains, rutting. noticing and laying Carpets. Ihmari nt; Sofas and chairs. spring, ....Ann-husk or :lair mattress e s, C silk low; dc"- CAIITER. D. 2, 100. • lall fine brands of Chewing Tobacco, I all other houses. lly Tobacco's are all warranted Vey of mould; innit, or clisa greeabl,e inixtures, they are all selected with the greatest care by the manufactur em constantly on intend HARDCASTLE, NAVY, Baltimore Spun, Dronoko Twist, Diadem ' Old Dominion, Light Pressed, Sun Cured, Congress, Queen City Fine Cut, iffk,Azc43 rent Fine Cut, Michigan Fine Cut, and different other bras ils A large assortment of Smoking Tobacco's Snail's, Tobacco bags, together with ail the latest improved. pipes known the market. . 2 131 y Sognrs cannot be beat for stock in Xbe county. Friends call and try my American Cousin's, Union's, Isabel Culyas, 76's, Grant's, Attillas, ,Cheap Segars constantly on band. Booties is the place. Mind in the. old Post Office Building, Locust Street Col. j une :14., -63 PACIFIC HOTEL. 170.1%, 174 S 171; Greenwich ,Yircel, (Out Square West of Broadway.) Between Cortlandt and Dey Sts , N. Y .1011-V PATTEN, Jr., Propretol rirmE Pacific Hotel is well and widely _IL known ta the traveling public. Tl:e lcation is especially suitable to mer c•hants and business men ; it is ill close proximity to the business part of the City --is On the highway of:Southern and West ern travel—and adjacent to all the princip al llailrt aid ;:nd tit-limbo:O. depots. The Pacific has liberal uccomodation for ale guests . it is well furnished and pos sesses every Modern improvement tbr the comfort and entertainment of its inmat es. The rooms are spacious and well ventila ted : provided with gas and v.:ater ; the attendance is prompt :Ind respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delecacy of the season. The subscrt her, who, for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole pro prietor, and intends to identify himself thoroughly with the interest of his 11011:,e. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate cit:u•ges a.nd a liberal policy i to maintain the favorable reputa tion ut the Pacific Ilotel. J 011.1%;" PArrEN, Jr. rcpt. 2, 'G3. BENJAMIN HERR , HAS JUST OPENED new stock of goods, at TAzirdztaa.ct "G73C1A.0021. Where I Would he pleased to see all my old customers. My stock of goods is full and complete, Comprising DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS. VESTINGS. DELAINS, PRINTS. DOMESTICS Together with as. good a orlmentofriiods as is found in any similar establisbateig. Family Groceries, Coffee, Seq 1)1)0 81100 of till Inumn SUGAR CURED 11A.1IS. FLOUR, _ _ FISH, A - .C. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market rates. I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa tronage. 111.1N.T. Nov - . 19. '6l. Cur. 3rd and Union Sts. P 11 OT OG RAP Hq THE QLI ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has completely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and he hopes by careful personal attention to give the public• better pictures than have here tofore been produced. AM ISROTY PIIOTOG HAPITS, Icorytypes, Melainotypes, Carte de 178ite, and pictures on canvas:. taken in the best style. and at prices which cannot 1)01w:den liar chea 111112.45. 7:_y‘rLikenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated sittings. Ile asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call anti examine speci n.ens at the rooms, northeast corner of h rout and Locust streets. Entrance on 11..1. M. LITTLE. must street. Oct. t:4 .1863 E. SPE - RING'S Jewelry Store ORGANS AND MELODEONS. W. 1 11 ESS INFORM:4IIIS FRIENDS and the ptiblie generally that he will fur nish the hest makes of Pianos to any de sirous of having an instrument of this kind in their home. 11e will will also furnish Melodeons and Organs. These instruments are coming into very general use. 'rho Organ, espec ially, is adapted to the prod twtion of sacred music in the church, the Sunday school room or the parlor. Organs furnished at front one hundred dollars and upwards. The prices liar all instruments Will be the same as in New York or Philadelphia. Satisthetion guaranteed, and all instru ments warranted. ly WINES, LIQUORS, SIMARS, PILE subsoil 'r would invite attention to his larre and tine st , wk of ALL K gllS OF LIQUORS, SEG ARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &C. keeps his stock well tilled up, and believes that he can offer us good an as sortment of everything in his line as can be found in any store in Columbia. lie would direct special attention to his German These are light wines, good in quality, low in price, and a very whole-acne drink either for sick or well. 13:x1 timore, did A. large assortment of XVlceix - issomxxii. 3P-111(21.0 Win attract general notice, and - be found to coailu•ise some of the finest pipes ever offered in Columbia. Conic and ex amine theta. J. C. BUCHER, Cur. Front and Locust Col'a Pu. July 4, 1663. pATENT BACK Alteinns R Cu•ti. Patent, hack Al- Inini,„ the bv,t tllnu. inanle• Call anti ez :nuin,• aL nt1,4.. -0, MACHINES WILSON a , •1 , ...),1,1„ 0 . 0 . 1,10! the hest Family Sol, Mdebiae hi use. More than tnrn hatetretl tl.a•1111,1 have alveurly been Flvery Maehin.• wan:anted to give satisfaction, or the ta...n..y ' , funded. For sale at the store of Maltby t Case, I.cetest Street. Columbia. Pd. Get. 21, W. ir. rxrroN, - No. 11 DITPSBURG CONGRESS TOBACCO, mweet 810 sound. onh• 7 el- 44 . It phig at JOHN 1.1 7 .:N0RH 'Ups, Front Street Coluntiqn. I. ...X. Lir (3EO. M. hooTIE POTATOES, PIANOS, \v. 11 ESS - Booli Store, Luc tt,t St E. SI'EI.IING'S Jewelry Store FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COW:MIRA. IS PREPARED to transact nIL business appertaining to a thoroughly organized bank, to Receive Deposits, Make Collections on Discount Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, ac., Buy and sell. Gold-Coupons, Silver, Uncurrent Money, Cc. Interest will be pail on special deposits, viz: For 12 months or over, 5 per cent per annum. For 6to 12 months, 4i per cent. per annum. For 3to 6 months, 3 per cent. per annum. Although we allow no interest for a shorter time than three mouths, any money left with us for a period of thirty days orlonger, will be refunded in Nation al Currency. We keep on hand and for sale, the new 7-30 POPULAR LOAN, at pqr and back interest. Weals° furnish all other government securities at market rates without charge. Discount day: Mondays at 10 o'clock A.M. S. S. DETWILER, Cashier July 22 J. RUMPLE & SON, DE:NIA:us IN Foreign and Domestic gardware. ikN extensive assortment of house fur nishing hardware, also for carpenters and builders use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, Aragon makers and others, furnished With all kinds of hon. nails, horse shoes. eoaelt trimming-4 and other goods in their line. WOOD -LVD WILLOW IVARE In great variety, such as tubs, baskets, wash boards, brooms, washing machines, PARING IMPLEMENTS, Plows,shovels,hoes, plop• eastingvicythes, Lurk', rakes. and all other implements 'Ned by the hauler. NT° .AND 11Ar WA RE. Stoves of every style and pattern, cook, parlor and office stoves, for eoal or wood, A large assortment of tin wo r e :always kept on hand or mantallmtured to order. 011., PAINT'S, acC coal oil, linseed, fish, sperm and maelaine oils of all kinds. Alcohol, benzine, japan and other varnish, glass. paints, putty, white lead, &c. Locust St., Columbia, Pa. aug. 19, TM"'N7%7 - a-oo3Ds QPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED kJ to our New Stock of DRY ttOODS, which has been purchased for cash, and we are determined to sell at the lowest possible price. STEACN I.IOWERS, Corner ot . 2nd Loett.t. Street 0(.1. 14, '65 Pensions and Bounties Widows, Mothers, Minor Children, De pendent Sisters and Disehurged Soldiers, Entitled to Pensions ; Fathers, Mothers,Widows, Children, Brothers and Sister:, Entitled to Bounties ; Soldiers entitled. to Bounties and Pay Ind :ill others who have claims npoll the ;overnment, will 1111 d prompt and faithful dtention given to their chums upon op dicat ion by letter or in person to JAMES BLACK, No. sti East King tit., Lancaster, Pa. Tleferenvos ; lion. Henry (1. Long, lion. L. Hayes, :John 11. Livingston, Esq., 1), W. Patterson, Esq., 1). 'AI Kline, Esq., of Lancaster, Pa. Barr Spangler, Esq., ,Marlotta, Geo. llendriekson, Esq., Mt. Joy, Pa., Col. S. Shoch, Samuel Glove, of Colombia. Pa. Henry Andrews, Esq., Colenianville. Put. I_l.—No charges until claim is collect cal. sept. '05.-ly ,gI7BQUEILLNX.L Ili OX Man uthettirers of all sizes of Refine(' & Double Refined ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND I IMF OVAL IRON. Cur Axles, Shafting and I torso Shoo Bars. lta Orders promptly tilled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net cash, at Mannfacturer's prices, delivered an Cars or &Oil. Office at their ROLL iN(.; MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly PRILAD'A SCALE WORKS. BANKS, DINMORE k t'O. Successors to A. B. Davis W. .RE R 0 0 MS' 417 All CH ;:;treet. rue tory nth mut Avenue. MAX L' F.I CTEJ, Elt.9 UJ•' PATENT STAN DAR]) SCALES, Suitable tin• weigh locks,rail road traeks, depots, coal, hay and live stuck. Patent Parallel Crane Beam, bite weigh ing Boilers, Casting and other heavy Ma chinery. Patent Stork Iloime Scales, for Blasi Fur naces. Hopper Scales, for weighing (,rain, indi cating Bushels and Pounds. Bank's Improved Rolling Mill and Union Scale.v, also, all the various descrip tions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, Counter Scales and. Patent Beams. Every Scale Warranted. Prompt attention given to repairing.— Send fin• en Illustrated Circular. nov. 4, '65.-ly BOOTS at SHOES. FOR tile best Boots, go to Breniquan's, W. King For the best Women's shoes, go to ltrehetrian's. W. King-street For the Chtitlren's shoes ,tro to Itrenetnan's, W. King street For the most comfortable fit go to Breneman's, W. King street For work thnt will not rip, go to Brenennufs, W. King st reel For Boots that will riot let in ester, go to Breneinnn's, W. King street, If in want of Boots and Shoes, go to Breneman's, W. King street Everybody in the country go in IlAnienaan's, opposite Cooper's hotel, Oct. 2s, Lancaster, Pa. REM ErlMTpi4l, 0 EST .1 It isDsi REAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fun Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer et Oreatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of SCIIOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks Geometry and Trigonometry, Rauh's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to our large assortment of - Pil OTOGRA PII A LBUMS, FA m rLY 'BIBLES, AN DIARIES for 18'36 id F. ItCIIA NTS and TEACHERS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at JoHN NHEAFFER'S Cheap ('ash Book Store, No. 3. North Queen st.. Lancaster, . now. 18, '135. No 5 I "INVILLE, VA-, SMOKING Tobaueo in 1 lb. peek:it:m.4 2 only 50 ebt. per lb. at JOIIN FE - NDRICIFS. Front St. Columbia. THE_ UNITED STATES HOTEL! LEARRLSBURG, PA. MID It, HUTCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in aeon dition to 'accommodate the traveling pub lic, affording the most ample conveniences alike for the transient guest and the per =went hoarder. TILE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been en4rely refitted throughout, and now has aceOunuodations equal in extent, comfort, and luxury to any - hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Its locatim is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to ull the railroad depots, and in close proximity to mill the offices and business locadities of the city. It has now all the convotrlenees of A FIkST CLASS HOTEL. and the Proprietors are determined to spare neither expense, time or labor to en sure the comfort of the guests. The patron age of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. November 4. '65-tt. EXCELSIOR GROCERY MEI PROVISION STORE, Cur. of Third owl Locust Street Uolumbia, Pa. Groceries,Provisions,Flour,Grain , Etc We will always keep on hand the very best quality ofguods such as Sugars, Salt CoMe, Fruit, Teas, Soap, Fish, Starch, Hants, Spices. Cheese, Crackers, Lard, Tobacco, 'Molasses, Segurs, also F.A.NCY (;10CF.RIF.S. NOTIONS, DRIED Fnurr, etC. We intend to keep the best 'roods only and to sell us cheap as any siwilar store.— We therefore ask a portion of public pat ronage. Sept. 16, '65.-tf 31 MULLEN 4: BRO CHARTER 1829. PERPETUAL On FIRE IRSERANCE CO, OY Pl t an2D r iai r Pin[l29 11.-iseicrtist 4::23.41 - astam. X. mates. $ . 2,501,297 04. CAPITAL, - - - $ 400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - 071,009 INVESTED PREMIUMS, 1,050,258 UNSEWLED CLAIMS, - 8,410 INCOME': FOII 1594, - :109,000 LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, 5,000,000 Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, X 3EI. . Charles N. Baneker, Isaac Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Fales, .Ines li R. Smith, Alfred Filler, Goo. W. Riehards, Fras. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES BANCKEIC, EW C. DALE, Vice- Pre.sideitt. .TAS. W. MeA LLISTER, Nee- Pro. Tem. 301-11 Y COOPER., Sgt-for Columbia nuir.l2, ly. Cabinet Making and Undertaking THE undersigned would inform hi friends turd the puldie that lie has now in creased facilities tbr turning out work, and his FURNITURE W II E• ROOMS Are now %veil supplied with new and bean tifill 111111 i I ure of the latest it ['proved style.. Ile manufactures to order and will keep konstainly on hand ltre.sing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus. Sid eboards, ziollts, Card Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fan cy and Frenelt I:wish:ads; all of whieh will be sold on the most ren...iimalile term.. A:, Ito mamtfachtrc:4 his own work he i. vim bled to warrant every article to he - t% hut it is represented. ell A I itcz, CIIAI: All I:inds of Chair , kept on nand or 1111:01- utvtureil to order. Cane, \\"1:1(lhor, .\ ruc :111(1 (forking Chairs; Settees, C•:nntt nitd Counter Stools, Sotleg, Squired Se:n tinole to order. 1)1.1 Chairs repn tilted and Fel:aired. UNDERTAKING Funerals will be attended to with prompt ness, to which gives his personal atten tion. lie is prepared with ice Nixes and <•uolers to preserve corpse, as :nay he 1 , •- quired. MAIIOG ANY OR WALNUT COFFIN::_'. Furnished plain or I inned :toy style Iha may he required. Ile respectfully solioils a share Of public patronage, as well as 0 Mint illnatlCC of the custom with which lie has loch HI:orally favored. .lUIIN SII EN REM Elt. South Side of 14:(•tist :,t., between Second and Third. _l'E CA /1, R. LLUE M A.:I\TT_TZ'_E:&. C sr 0 ill''Z' SeOOllCl Street, nearly oppos;te LUTIIIMAS CHUIIOII, COLUMBIA. ux itsli: NED HAVINt ; Taken the Shops formerly conducted by Mr. Samuel Carter, would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of ColmithilL and vi cinity that he is 1111,w prepared to manuthe • tore all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Bug gies. Still:lies, and all other vehicles in his line. II is reputation us a workamtn is es tablished, as he can confidently claim for his work the merits of beauty of form, ele gance of finish, and strength of st moth re. One of the distinguishing naktures of his work is its durability ; all vehicles of his build are const minded of the hest seasoned material, and put together• firinlyand sub stantially. lie gives particular attention to the repairing of vehicles, and warrants all work in his line to give satisfaction. In addition to his practical experience in the business, be has the assistance of the best NI orkinvn. Some of them from the celebrated Watson establishment of Phila delphia. A generous public is respectfully invited to give home Ilidust.7 their encourage ment mid support. CHRISTIAN MYERS. Aug. 12, '43.1. 1 f. FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE usuRA.ArcE comp.txr YORR, I'EINN'A., APRIL Ist 1865. Aceloaaated Capital, $ 4 185,370.94. This; Contpanyeontinues to issue Poli cies or liturance. on Iluilding:4 or personal Property, in Town or Country : at Cash or rnnluu(,ert K nAltElt, President D. STE Lun t Secretary. =iiratztczorsi .: 11. K re.umn, TITO:4.ISi GrhAY, ELI KINTILI JOHN WTI. WALL.I.CE,GEO. MER- L:I:1, IL ...iTiticK.Lmt. A ppl ivat ilms for Insurance will be made :NI. S. SHUMAN, mg. 19, I:,n' (' o lti ha - Mull - UE.I HAVE REDUCED THE price F PILES. II n,i to follow:lig 1111141:tvit 14.1,,•tit ~r pii I 11111 . .• 1..,11..1111 . .11,.: I• 1•.: 101 / . .- V••“• yllllll 1.1111.1.1 . I It 11 1. Int.' :111 11111:1111 111,1 N .111 Z 11 . 1 y p.111 , •111.11 . Ii a• 111 :111.1111:1/ I. 1.111 111 V-. •.1/41.`1 . 11“• 111. 111 111 1'1111,1.11411.1 11 toll . • 1••• 11.:4•:0,1• w 4 11.1 111.,- ....•11".1 4011.41 lo 1111 11 111-1 It . -011. 11 . 0 111 111.• 1...4.0.11:11i 1 11111111 .11 11t ' ...1111 • trait I-, I ti :I'l,l 1.11.1 it. 11. , r0011..1 g•,.•% iiii • 1 . 1 •A •1:0 .1:P1111,01011. 1 . 0,1., 1.1 ”..• ‘,l 1.:1 ill :111.! lii • 1 . 11. 1: , 1..t In np., • I ••• %,•• 1:•• • n.ii..1".• .•111..1 p.e, 1 11 , 11 2;.1.1161.41 11 I'l . lll 1111.1 1,11,0 , I, ICC .111. .1 01E , A. 'I 4::•Ar.ER, 1 . 1111:111•Iphin. t n..•. the izti..t.y S . llO tit" hit:. ioti 1/1 II iZh .;d. NI c.' i. i• tio..a Pilo.. tt.• 1.;1, I, lilt (.1 - Ism 1.•,11s1•.11i .1- .lid v.,11§1511•.ir'01 , 4., takle l• I it• .ii• •%,• sl:- Tt le• , (1,111. 111 1 , 111.17. a :Jll.l ”Igle.ll ..iy k I.lphlly ~, 1 -.Au! t I'ri.p.tic.l.iail Lir •:Je hy 1 , . 1 . 1i1:1: \ NVI.•01,11 • lirisgp:l-1.. ;cur}nnl :t I gin•;•. t. Nara 1 , ••‘• •:d In• t%11:1Aill••••, 1',.1 .11114 4lipit•••1•21;,e1::. NEW AMERICAN SHIRT. 1,1 cvc -s as Nfivil must r.:iervieenble LADIES' 1!00P SKIR7, 'NOW IN:NIA UK El 'I his Skirt vonaltilll.4 1111.00 of the xrcat - est inventions known in the 111.11111fretureof Iloolt for which letter. pateut of the llnited Stales have been granted, lat. It has a beautiful Patent tit ielt doubly protect. the culls of the bustle springs, eonslid i lig of heavy Satin neatly botindwith kid. :Ind. \ superior patent cl a sp, used in Joining the springs together. 3rd. The springs uro fastened together In means of this Patent Clasp, which pose. Stie:4 superior strength and finish over all other hist enings heretofore known or used. The combination of illVilitil)llti tIS applied to this, the Floral Ski rl,gives it the advan tage over all olliers,iiithmtbility and style, out-wearing any two coalition skirts. Orders solicited. Skirls Will bedolivered Mammal of any freight in N. Y. city free of charge on receipt of the money. :11 anufactnred exchNively by the AMERICAN SKIRT .101 Orange Street. Bro6klyn, N, Y. For sale by A. Miller at, Co.. 340 Brood way, N. y„ nod by the Trade generally. Dee. 2 J. W. REASIN, ALERCHAXT TAILOR, Street, seven doors above Second, WRIGIITSVILLE, PENN".A. rII.OTIIB, CA SSIMERES AND VEST ings of all styles and suited to any season, kept constantly on hand 1111(11111M- Unwtured to order at short notice,and war ranted to give perfect satisfaction. Aug. in, 18135, No. 8 No. TAR'rs BALTO. RAPPEE SNUFF ki only 70 et.a. per lb. at .rmiN F . Exiticirs Front St. Columbia. MECCA OIL WORKS, (.'o_l/ERFORD ,4 CO., 26 Market street, Pittsburg, Pa. Vr..I.NUFACTURERS OF TIE} BEST quality of oils for machinery, station ery engines, locomotives, Rolling Mills, Railroads, saw mills, flour mills,Ate., also, Illtuninatine Oils, Our long and extensive experience in manutiicturing Machinery oils, enable us to present an article to the public of very superior quality. We guarantee it is without grit, and will not congeal in the coldest weather, gum or heat, and being equal in all its qualities to 1 Lard, or Sperm Oil. Iv... Orders may be left at this office. oct. 7„6.5-tf NOTICE. WE Take pleasure in informing om , friends and patrons wo are now sel ling our stock of DOMESTIC GOODS'. at greatly reduced pricoM. Call and be convinced of what we ea s y STE AC.t, ROWERS, Cor. and Locust Streets, Cf.:mulsia. be-4, 'GS LOCAL LOCAL TRILIGEM NOTICE. GI/LW=IIUELEUTIMARnr, TILE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. zresimamicE c =mum ± ARE now prepared to receive and for- PIIILADELPIIIA. 7 'Ward FREIGHT on the Philadelphia Di vision, to and from all-stations where they m C a rli s tal c e o 2oo .jvc : al,o ooo fdAe• - tNroyonil) S e; e rtio c tikiiy ur ytia i n t atu i n e re s dast 7 lolrl oo .st i euki.licti have agents, at the followingratespi3r hun dred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA , without promptly litigation paid. at a r i n s ; , k • s o t o h n e r g First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th g.. l lAtss ; with prtidence. . , 25 cents. 21 cts. 18 cts. 1.5 eta. ter N s qe s 'i e th s Policies issued for long or short term.. Flour in car loads, 28 cts. per barrel. A or n p: la rtmi s teay us . Pig; Metal, 15 cts. per 10011)8._ or BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. delay. This Company refers to the past its . First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. a guarantee of its Tu,ture conduct. Thos.B. . e(3 ; ll . rl TE Y ß Yl , ire A ces g t e P: t r i Agent 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour, 24 cents per barrel. Fig 31etal, 14 cents per 100 pounds JAS. B. Ar . .vo l A n , .D . . x s , Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations us heretofore. Basement Black's Hotel, Columbia, P. HATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG. Columbia, January 21, 1865.-Iy. 4 First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 71 56 46 2.1 i Flour per barrel, 72 cents. "0 -Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pre paid. Eng Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and WoodenForter Jr, Ale in bot- - _ Ware, ties, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh; Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrapping Paper. Articles of 4d Class. • Apples, Marble Monuments, Cheese, Molasses, Clover .k Grass Seed,Melons, Crockery, Oil in casks or boxes, Candles, Paper in boxes, Casks or Barrels,Pusteboard, (empty,) Peaches, (dated, Groceries,Printing - paper, Guns an Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes andQueensware, kegs, Sweet Potatoes, Hardware, Tobacco in bales, Hops, Tea, iron, (hoop, band orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather, Turpentine, (spts,) Liquor in Wood Varnish. Marble Slabs 4: Mar- e irtielts of ad Closs. Alcohol, tured,) Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Vinegar, Oysters ..t . , Clams, (inWhite Lead, (shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, ( manufae- Articles of dlii Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, ... Tobacco (leaf,) I Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar, Pitch, Whisky, Plaster, All Freight, payable on .14.1 i very. Ir. ii. ilorsTax. • 1 I:Wier:3l Freight Agont, Phila. 1•• r. For furt her inOirtitation, :tiply to I s. B. K En;STuN, Frehzht Azt., l'hila I:. IC. BoICE, Froitrht .1.4 t., Columbia W. 11. M YENS, Fr..ight .\gt., Lan'tr Columbh...lnly I. 1,6.1. t•I it: 2 DEM 1 ' • 7 , •• 111228 EMI 2E,LT...5U,R.21...1 1 .,TC.E CO. L 11" 1 4 ,701 1 ..7.21 4,517184.C.A., I' II I I, \ 1) F. 1, 1' 11 I .k. NCIiItI'ORATED 1,:11. I Caarter p..11.011:11. 111.411:1111(q. against 11).45 or damage by lire on lluildingN, Ft1:11:1.111"0, ,c:( . ., for long or :AtorL periods, or permanently :Lai clepe4il . .I';te prompt pay -111..nt ' few It porital of .erentti afforlt: p;normitee of 'lain* upon public 0011:itle1vo. A:n*111:n Pres'. cIIARLE, Sevretary. F. X. 'AID T.EP, Agent, A:meat 1 Iliv•k's hotel, Colutti Ilia, Pa. Coilonb!a, .I.untary 21, 150.5.-Iy. i = Q s B S , ..% :ZS I 9 I A L kilt; and %yell selected stock of Pocket has just been revel veil, %vtitelt NV111`44•11 at reditocti prices. (all .111.1 see Our duel. of Y.HOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A,tv and fl't `4ll stock j tug reveivea frritt New Vor:t, they :try offered at prices to suit pvc.r... on:. Patent Tha mometers. .‘ ;:u. 4 ,-....u.,:ort.ment just reedvott, fflui sewin g at very tow prices. No pers•on should lie without one. 1? V 01, ..S . 11'1? I TING Fh I" D. 'lii' yetteilite urti , le—gliarts pints, half pints tool oz. shoots. I.:V(4'3:111121w usual ly kept in the Stationery title, wil Iw found )01: Store, -4 opiy);:te C.Autithia Nlttional Bank, julie 10, 'ILI. FWD.; OLD AND POPULAR OTEL is sit auted in the very centre or 1,11.4- ness, loin is convenient to the Steamboat and It. It. Depots, access from which to the is attainable at all times. The house has le•en 111 'roughly renovated and newly furnished,and in every respect ren dered to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. The reputation the manager enjoyed in the conduct °Mae other Hotels will lie a sffilivient guaranty that no effort on his part will be Apr ye,/ to Make the "W AS II INI:T1 IN" a flex, eta.l4 /I‘,l6Ne. Tile larder will be unexceptionable in every respect. The Manager will lie pleased to see has old friends and fernier patrons of the "State% Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome 111.•t11y new OneS. jam, 21, 64 tlanufactwes a of Photographic Materiabh 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. 11110.116111 to our taunt busing/es of I . IIOTOURAPMG A. TLIt A Ls,. e are boolquaron for the following, %W.; Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. of Otto* ate tat e nA Iningenue suagortntent, Including VIEWS OF THE WAR, Obt.inryi At Veal .Vol w 81101 foraging a complete or TIO: It ttEAT UNION COMMIT Ball Run. Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburat Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Fredericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Potersburgh, Deep Bottom, Bello Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida, Strawberry Plains, tec. Atneriran Anti Foreign Chloe and Lon er pes, ftenttpe, Statn ra g dm, do: nen olg lege Steretooopea, for puldle or private/ eighth:Ll/go Our I. at.tlogue %111 be sent to any sadreo en receip% • ,f Stump. Photographic Albums. We were Ma Mut to Intnalure these Intro the United States ant we manufacture immense quantities la great variety. ramp Ina Ili price faun h. rents I. t'ut. Our 4 JAW MS hare tbe mt. Whaler WIN: superior is beeuty and durability to say °Om,— Tlw, will L. seat by mall. FREI.% on receipt et prier OVINE /11.1117 Mil MADE TO / 1 111 , 611...„413 The Trade will find our Albums the most Ba:ouble they can buy. CARD PHOTOGRA PSIS. . . • • On Cstalrev. 3. • nor embraces over Yeses Tnnussen differs:eh cahoots wi n ch 114.11 ii ti•NO• er. contbs wily being made) of Esule bent Amer'. so, •ke,, : nlemt 100 Maj-leens. 100 I,leist•ents 656Ststearnen, 100 Brig 1:50 other Oliel•rs. 1:10 115 Colonels, 15 Nem, 0111•er, 115 Authors, 40 Artists. 105 Stem ales Possolrent Copies of 'Worts of Art, incleding merviectivas of the .110•5 eclat...NA Fonretnet, Yeintings Mater, A,. es Catalogu seat on receipt off Stamp. An order foe Oise Down ?Hurls frees our Cstalogne, will he 1111.1 en receipt of $l5O, and sent by mall, rses. Photographers and others entering gavels C. 0. D., willplasm* /mak twenty-bra per rest ••f the sineemt with th eir emigre Cr naPdoe• sad iussity of our vette MUMS fan SO Matig:.% TUE POPULAR RATS of the SEA.SON Gentlemen's Dress Silk Hat, Cru4simere Dress Hats, PATENT RESORT HATS, The Dasher Hat, The Faust Hat, The Rusher Hat, The Easton Hat, THE DUNDREARY HAT, A. large and splendid assortment of all the above New and Popular Styles, in Cloth, Cassitnere and Felt, together with a full line of Also, ell the nen- styles of Fall and Win ter Caps for Gentlemen, Youth's and Children's Wear. SIIULTZ & BRO., Hatters, No. 20, North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. 0ct.21 IV; Z wAsnarTaToN UOUSZ No. 7(19 chest null St root, tli9v4.. 7th, 1'1111,11)1: 11'111A. CHAS. :.*I. ALLMOND. Manager Z. & B. T. ANTHONY & CO., I=l PiT_i_AaisT HATS The Place to get Your Money's WORTH IS AT HENRY SU Y DAM'S u o FJJOiVT & UN.lO.llr Ire has Just received a large supply 4 , new and fresh groceries, also NEW DRIED FRUIT, NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS, NEW NO. 1, MACKEREL, NEW SEEDLES and LAYER RAISINS, NEWT CITRON AND CURRANTg: ENGLISH PICKLES, CRANBERRIES, 4:e. Also new Fruit of all kinds. Our stock of staple and fancy groceries is full and complete and we intend keeping it fresh by almost daily additions. Give us a call, corner Front dr, Union Street, Columbia. HENRY SUYDAM. Nov. 5, IS&4. Columbia Oil Works. Truscott & Guernsey, PROPRIETORS. COLUMBIA, PENN'A. REFINERS A3.ZD WHOLESALE Deal. era in Relined Carbon Oil, Benzine, Lu brie Oil, fie. ==l Having lately put up a refinery with aft the necessary improvements. IVe offer to the public a pure article of DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, whieh gives a. more brilliant light at lesti expense than the most of oils now in market, and is perfectly non-explosive.— We manuracture exclusively for Moue trade, and guarantee our oil to be of the best quality. Orders solicited. Addrt as about.. Columbia,Aug. 12. tc. 3UST TILE PLACE I EMI SI7YI).INrs, Corner of From, 11 anti Union street istliepinee logo your I.\ 31 ILY t:ItOt2EIt llc keeps the best ~took to be found in !Inv markvi, ;Intl prices reasonable. laiwy vegetable', ape. , in st.:thn. JUST RECEIVE!) iriARDIVIAN - S C-ElO - _,ERY frit he, ii:wis ill III(' W(11'ill. :N11 , 111111 . 4 EXVt•ki , li . 11111115, Illitiri :nut Old lot a. Lagrina and Ili , : given and tot ltiotviting's outer, it c hoirr lot of Pra, Extra I mprrittl, Young ly s on. Itreniirasl mid hawk Tea. Vine (.!0:11 Oil lamps, Ittatirs II edell Butler, Farina, Trrtatan 111111 CrnOter, Fresh vaned To nin I ors, Frate Coi I` oyster., ill Jars, a iderlllot of rhea it tingstr, :illll gal lons Lovering s best Syr up. :s.; ow Orleans I laking :tiohise., Pure Flour of Ttier,Marenron i,Spl it Peas, Layer Raisons, Apples, Cranberry's, Frost' ran Peaches, throunti Mare, (;rutted Nulnisg, A good assortment 41'ntitiun such as thread Needles, pins, el)111111,4, W11:11014)11(1 4 , :4 , 1; Litres, buttons, llosc. itt 11.1.1t1/31ANS . Cor. of Third and Cherry St. jail. Prepare for Winter. 911 IE citizens of Columbia and vicinity, _L arc , respect-111111y invitee t to eall and ex :intim ins !aryl. and varied assortment or ISCOUS7E 11 1.111 1 : G CC CIS Comprising every N - uriety of TIN WARE, SILYEIt-PLA TED W A RE, TABLE CUTLERY, Y 'DS, PLAN ISUED COOKING UTENSILS. CHAMBER WA RE. IN SETS, UOLLOW WAR.. EXAM LED. COPPER KM' I LES, BIIA :".S LES Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, lliitannia Ware, \Villiers, at..c., cC e. Stoves of every Destriplion. BRILLIANT AN]) NI. OARA, Are two of the hest stoves in the Market. They are guarantied to give tqUislitetion., GAS .14'1'1".BING IIII , INO Carried on ill all its various branches,. Stoves,Shop.4, Dwellings, fie., titled up n ith Oas and Water Pipes, in the hest manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers,. Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendants, Onlvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. Reparing promptly and personally attended to. HIRAM Cor. Locust ,t 2nd Cola Sept. 23 114;:i STO VES ! Aro sold cheaper than they hare been for four years, at PFAMII M 110 USE FURNISHING STORE, Locust Street, opposite Franklin lionse, COLUMBIA, PA A large mssortment of Stoves, Tin Ware, Spoons, Baskets,Lamp s, Tubs, Coal Oil, Brooms, Lanterns, Knives and Forks, Brass Kettles, ate., fie. Avorairs ore mum 'UL.Plumbing, Gas tilting, Spouting,. Rooting, Bell Hanging, Copper 'Work ru Repairing Stoves attended to promptl: , . sopt. la, '65. DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP• SAVES LABOR, SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY' SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES SOAP, AND SAVES WOMEN IVe4 the Soap for every Falai! Sold by grocers storekeepers throughout city end country. MANUFACTURED ONLY RT J. B. DOBBII".7S R Co., 107 South FIFTH street, below Chestnut, RHILADELP III.%. Nov. 11th No. 21 T. GOODWIN .t BROS. PLANTATION Chewing Tobaew, in tin foil, only per gross at JOUN FENDICF S, Front Street, Colmbia. No. 15. Q :WOKING TURKISH TOBACCO, yery cheap, sic JOHN ontSt FENDRICII.S, Fr ~ Colulibm• N