E~ r ocnz cpartuunt. - To Corcexponaents. CJllinumeations, Utters, confribolions, generany of i orrit and Mitred to the reader, will be axeplablefrona fron44ll.quartors Notice to tialoseribers. i7rThe terms of the Spy are $2.50 per annuli). A reductien of filf cents will be tondo when pad in advance. Subseribers are expected to pay regularly in advance. X.V"::r Ito paper will be discontinued ashen thistltno paid for has expired, except in spe cial eases. TO" mark around this paragraph will w eal:Helen' notie, th It it i 4 time to pay up—or the Awe paid for in ttbJut to expire. 'NOTICES TO TENANTS.—BIank notices to notify tenants to leave, for. sale at this office. HEAVY PORKERS.—On Tuesday last S, Snyder slaughtered n pair of hogs, one weighing 527, and the other 542. Mat. Kline, also killed two, one weighing 473, sod the other 443. Bowery's was killed ,en Thursday last, weighing 575 pounds. CURISTMAS.—A special sermon will be preached on the occasion at the M. E. Church, next Sabbath at 10 A. M., by the the pastor, Rev. Wm. Major. The Sunday School Anniversary will be held in the evening at 51- o'clock. An are invited to attend. ARTHUR'S MAGAZINE.—This excel lent Magazine for January is upon our table. Its contents are unusually inter e,ting. Among the contributions, we no tice a poem by Mr. F. H. Stuutfer of Mt. Joy. The engravings are excellent.— Every lady should have the Home Maga- COMMENCED.—Operations commenced ou Monday last, on the Columbia. & Port npposit R.R. Mr. Harry E. Wolfe,the con tractor, is determined to push along the work at this end as speedily as possible.— It will raise a breeze among the lumber aim as it is passing through their yards, COllluteneing at Bachman's. EviscopAL FMR.—We are glad to learn that the fair and festival of the La dle,. of the above church wit; a suectiss, es pecially on the first evening. On Wed uesday evening the element s opposeil them, hat notwithstanding, nearly all of their tieles were sold. The articles on exhibition were rich and Leautiful. A beautiful Christmas Tree oc cupied the centre of the room. Lout: HERE.—L. C. Oberlein has beedappuinteil Agent to receive subscrip • tions for "our Young Folks." This Mag azine, as its title indicates,is for• the young People. It is devoted solely to their inter ests and should be In every faintly, as we know of no periodical so well calculated to instruct the minds of the young, us " Our Young Folks•" Ho is also Agent for the "North Amerk an Review" and the '• At lantic Monthly." FIR.E.—At Pix o'clock on Wednesday morning, our citizens were startled IT the ringing of bells, tningled with the cries of "Fire, Fire!" Oa procJeding In the direc tion that every one was going, we attempt ed to find out in what part of the borough the disturbance was, when we met several returning, saying "it wits nit over !" It appeared that they were eitsting at St. Charles . -Furnlce, when the establish ment caught tire. hut the flames were soon extinguished, doing but little dam age. The "Old Columbia" was under way, with a heavy three, but fortunately their services were not needod. Howrr wAS GOTTEN UP —The waterfall of the lieautiful and accomplish cd Miss—has long been the wonder, envy and admiration of a large circle of bosom friends, to whom she stubbornly refused to impart the secret of its fiethion ing. For compact solidity of form, and that peculiar beeswaxy glossiness which in irks the dividing line between the artis tic watertall and those weak inventions of than enemy which abound in underbread circles, Miss—'s waterfall was confessed ly the perfection of tonsorial skill. In an evil hour, rho confessed her seerA to a cherished friend. It's at secret no longer. The effect Which set the fashionable world of— street mad with jealously, is pro duced by carefully moulding the hair over a bar of yellow soap. Even Biddy com pete 4 with her mistress now, soap being cheap, but the above has nothing to do Iva Alto Clothing Store of E. Worrell Jr. Co., ii:trlkreh streets, Philadelphia, where all person:desirous of having a good, neat and cheap suit,arc wending their footsteps. eIIaISTMAS.—The holidays :are upon us. Once more the greetings of 'merry Christmas" pass from lip to lip, and the hours of relaxation front the busy cares of life, and of happy social gather ings, when heart responds to heart, and anal answers soul, in pleasing and happy salutations, is at baud. The "little ones" hang up their stock hurs by the chimney expeeting the early visit of "Old Santa Claus," down his tu..rty path with his little toys and gifts. It is mete that the men of toll should r..st from his labors. The mechanic lay aside his tools—the merchant his ledger and account book—the professional man the perplexities and cares of his profession— the farmer his plow—the student his books, and each choosing such society as suits his taste, make himself gareeable, and mad something to the happiness of others, arhilc ho himself enjoys a merry and Imp- J'Y Christmas. This is the •season when the wanderer, weary with toiling against the hard fate which scents to attend him, far removed from the scenes of other, and perhaps hot ter days, and absent for many years from the society of friends and kindred, sighs for a return to thoMe3lll33 of his childhood that he may once more mingle with those with whom he has spent many ts merry Christmas in former years. It is the season when tho father gathers around hint his little ones, and listens to their innocent prattle, as they exhibit their various Christmas gifts, while the good house-wife attends to culinary affairs — cooking the turkey, and the preparations of tho Christmas dinner. It is the occasion when lovers, youth and beauty, meet, and enjoy a round of "dui pleasure. It is a time when we all should lay aside our prejudices, and Petty ditterences, and unite In rendering everything agreeable and pleasant to all. hoping that tile holidays may be passed P. the satisfaction of every one, we will 4 'hise by wishing everybody "a merry Christman and a happy New Year: SALES Or REAL ESTATE —COL. P. Gossler has purchased the property known us the "Washington House," for t 12,000. The lot of ground situated on Second St., the property oil.. G. liess, containing on said street 100 feet to John Badman for $2.500. Lot of Ground 60 feet, on Cherry St., the property of John Q. Denny t J. &J. Vaughen, for $llll6. Lot of Ground on Front St., 150 feet the property of John B. Bachman, Lot of ground the property of James Burrell 120 feet on Front St., and also a lot of Ground the property of Geo. Bogle, 100 feet on said st., to Col. C. S. 'Kauffman, Pres't Col. & Port Deposit it. 11. Co. Terms private• TRANIKs.—Mrs. Dr. J. 11. Grier, an estimable lady of Jamestown, Lycoming County, Pa., will accept our thanks for a very fine fat Turkey,already dressed. God bless you, it come just in time to make us, and the hearts of our little ones glad on Christmas day. Though we never had the pleasure ofan acquaintance with the donor we love her as the Lord loves a cheerful giver. We also return thanks to our excellent friend, Gen. Wm. Patton of Second Street, for so graciously remembering us. He has made us the recipient of a leg of supe rior venison. May want, sickness or dis tress be strangers in his household. FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Saturday eve ning last, about 101 o'clock, Patrick Finn, (formerly of C3lumbia) of Philadelphia, a brakeman on the Penn'a 11. R. had the misfortune to be mashed while in the act of coupling ears, near the Dispatcher's Of fice. His right arm was broken and con tused, right hand mashed, right hip dislo cated and right ankle joint crushed. He was immediately conveyed to his MAher's residence in this place; and Drs. Hotten stein t Craig were called, and performed all that was in the power of man, but of no avail. Ire died at 5.1 o'clock on Sunday morning. Ile leaves a wife and child to mourn his loss. His remains were con veyed to the cemetery on Tuesday, follow ed by a very large concourse of citizens. PRICES.—The high prices of all the neeesstrries of life finlike the prospect be fore the poor, this winter, a gloomy one. The pleasant weather continuing so late has been fitvorable, rendering a small out lay thus necessary for fuel. Except this however, mid, it may be, the continued out-door einployment which the mild weather perm i ts,t here is little upon which the pour and those of restricted means can felicitate themselves. If it were a year of scarcity, if the crops had been cut olf,there might be an excuse fur the extravagant Prices, and men might be inclined to sub mit to the suffering e):P•equent upon them, without r. p nirg. 11 st there is 110 such eILII , IO. The reason, we believe, is in the mania for speculation and the facilities af forded fur it by the abundance of paper money. A I.lolllge must come some time, and We care not how soon. THE COLUMBIA FIRE COMPANY FAIIt 01/(410.1 on Thursday evening, under favorable auspices. The attendance was large and the Ladies were kept busy wait ing on customers. The "Tea Set," to be presented to the Minister receiving the highest number of votes, is the chief attraction. The follow ing is the vote vast on the first evening ; Cromlish, ; Steck, ; Brown, 22.; and Afajor, A great many articles were 'chanced off' Col. Kauffman draw it splendid Silver Berry Dish..T. J, Wolf. a Masonic Charm, T. 11. Suppler, a barrel of flour. Miss M. 1104er a web of Muslin and Bremonan it Co., a splendid cake. [:et all turn 0.1 this evenin-z, and en eourage the firemen. They deserve it,and not suppose we have a citizen in this place who will say they do not. Run up the votes on the "rea Set." Let euel) congregation enter the contest and see whether they cannot :mike their Minister the recipient of a splendid Christmas Gift. -4.41•1> Police eases before Samuel Evans, Esq., for the week ; —William Gay urine complaint against Edward and John Aurelius:or committing two assaults upon him. The parties were brought up by old Ironsides. From the evidenee it appears that Gay went into Mack's brewery on Union St.,on Saturday evening where a number of Welshman were drinking beer and some one made the remark `• that. Gay was a good man. Edward Aurelius could not whip Both men are below the medium height and rather delicate looking, but being un der the influence of liquor, they both felt fingerish. The defendant walked up to the complainant and struck him a blow about the head and knocked him down and then commenced beating him with a chair.— Thomas D. Jones then stepped forward and struck the defendant a powerful blow, which made him release Gay, who got up and left the brewery with a broken jaw.— He then went to Lawrence Smith's Tavern to get a drink of brandy, where ho met John Aurelius (brother of said defendant,) I who advanced towards him and dealt him a blow upon the cheek which broke coin ! plai 111 l nt's other jaw. The complainant was otherwise hurt inwardly. Both de fendants were bound over to answer at January session. —Edward Aurelius made complaint against 'flimflam D. Jones tbr as - otalt and battery. This affair grew out of the as sault previously reported. Defendant dis charged upon payment of the costs and two dollars tine for being drunk, which fine goes to the public schools of the Bor ough. —Thomas D. Jones the above defendant I made complaint against John Aurelius for assault and battery. This also grew out of the assault and battery first mentioned whilst Edward Aurelius had Gay down pummeling him with a chair, Jones struck him (B. A.) when John, his brother, i knocked him down and gave him "divers kicks." Defendant discharged upon pay ment of costs, and two dollars fine for be ingdrun k. Fine appropriated as in previ ous case. —William H. liar linen made complaint against John Welsh for obtaining goods under false pretenses. Defendant. was taken before Justlee by Gotistable. From the evidenen it Ippears that the defendant went to the compkintiment store some time in July last, pat{ oNctinud a certain amount of goods, alleging th'at he as working for the borough. *94 ty* it owed him. The evidences showed that he was not working for the Borough, and that it owed him nothing. The defendant deeming discre tion the part of valor, paid eamplainant the amount of his bill and ensty, where upon he was discharged. Fitozr.N Ovr.r..—Thc River between Wrightsville and Coln ni is frozen quite hard end people are now walking- over on the ice. Of course the little steam boat has quit run nlUg for the present.--D,•nc Democrat. The above is slightly . incorrect. People are not walking over, as the boat is still making regular trips. It is partly frozen not sufficient to allow people to travel over, nor does it have any etlect on the ferry. Do not be in a hurry to close us up, Mr. Democrat. A.NOTIIEtt ACCIDENT.—Ou Mon .ay last, as the cars were running from Malt by (1.7 (Use's Rolling Mill to the Lt.& C. R. It., a boy, aged about seven years, son of Mr. Jacob Lutz,attempteci to jump on, but slipped and fell beneath the cars, having his right limb severed below the knee. Dr. Bruner attended the patient and found it necessary to amputate the limb above the knee. From last accounts he was prosper ing finely. This is another warning to boys who are in the habit of jumping upon the trains while moving. AT a meeting of the Stockholders of The Amber Petroleum Company, held on Thursday the 21st inst., the following of ficers were elected to serve the ensuing year: President, Robert Crane.; Treasurer, S. S. Detwiler ; Secretary, A. J. Kauffman, Esq. Directors: Robert Crane, M. M. Strickler, C. S. Kauffman, Win. Patton, John Feudrich, Win. A. Martin, Colum bia, Pa., Amos Briggs, Esq., Philadelphia, Wm. McConkey, Wrightsville, Pa., L. KautTman, Mechanicsburg, Pa., J. J. San derson, Jersey Shore, Pa., Henry Carpen ter, M. D., Lancaster. LADIES' FASH lONs.—As our fries are all interested in the fashions of the day, we give an article from the Round Table, showing the predominant color which will be worn this winter by the female sex : "The rage this season is for red—so .say the fashion writers. Red dresses, red skirts, red jackets, rod cloaks, red in the helmets, red ribbons to adorn the hair,Lnd, to come to the latesLyarisian innovation, bright red hooped skirts and equally bright scarlet corsets. "What is the ob ject of scarlet corsets and scarlet hooped skirts ?" said a lady to the attendant in a store where these gaudy articles were dis played. "Object," repeated the woman, eyeing her interlocutor contemptuously, "why, they are the lateq style." "This was sufficient. A garment may be opposed to every idea of propriety, good sense and taste ; it may be ugly in itsulf,as well as unbeeoming to the wearer; hut if it is the 'latest style,' that is indorse ment enough ; the must courageous woman would not after that dare to question its claim to respect and admiration. "The reign of scarlet is not incompatible with the reign of gold, which has been in augurated about the same ti ow, and di vides the honors about equally in the world of fashion. But what shall be done with this rage for scarlet mid this rage fur gold, which has broken out like the small pox or erysipelas, and exhibits itself in glaring blotches, in gilt bands and brassy pendants, suitable enough as an adorn ment for window curtains, but, to our crude notion, out of place on the dfilieate and graceful Ihrin of pretty women. "Alen rule the nation, but women matte men. And what sort of men shall these women in scarlet and gold, mid gew-gaws make P Alas ! not men honest, not men true, not incorruptible, but false men, treacherous men, scheming men,men wil ling to sell themselves or their country for that gold and mockery of wealth, the love of which they drank in with their mother's milk." A I 'Alt hubseriber resrwet fully c,ll- utront!on of all wit t use Segovs, Tow :co,snittr, Ac., to his advertisements in to-day's paler. You will find them numbet ed front One to Twenty-Six, and there is no doubt but what you si ill find plenty of goods to his lino of business,tiventy-five per cent. elienper than west of Phils.or east of Pittsburg. You ill set. Many goods iu his advertisement at big` re tail pricer. 110 %lOUId nlBO state to nil aho clod iii Tolateeo, Segal's, Snuff, Pipes, le., that it will ho :o their ad s. atitage to give hint a eallbef ire patrols:l , 4llg, an his prices will be made satisfactory. Ills motto is "Quick sales and small profit..." Since he hat with. (I at% n from the firm of Ft-ndrich a Itros. he lint in creased his stool:01nd pl siges !Unison' to sell cheap er than the cheape.t. lie has tlso best !dorsi{ of d,ssible-dipped i irgtosa Street Twist Tobacco In the market, and iv tint only one in the calmly who has it for sale. The old and Ira• saying iv, "persons ta ill buy a here they get th the spest." All he asks s a trial, and lilt thices will Le fear I t:Ai. rheapent and him glods will Id.ctt non led to giro suci.f salon JOHN rEsDnicii, Wlsole.ale sine Retail Tobacco,Suud S S. gar Mana factory•, Front stlect, Ci doors frosts Isoeust, Co- IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ANO TELEutit.tril INSTITUTE.--F. W. Jenkins. J. C. Smith, A. M., Alex. Cow ley, Principals. First College Building. Curlier Penn and St. Clair Si.s Second College Building. Odd Fellow' Building, Fifth St., Third College Building, :Nos. 28 and 28 St. Cluir St. Arrival for the week ending Dcc. 16, 1861. A. J. Powers, Brookfield, Trumbull co , O. .1. It. Long, Pitt...lA/I'g, Pa. F. Ringloy, Sewickley, Allegheny co. Pu. C. B. Armstrong, Linton, Jetterbon Co.. V. W. IL Wiswoll, Edinboro, Erie co., Pa. A. J. Hooper. liersiottsville, Allegheny co , M. 11. Bluanficl 1, Uniontown, Fayette co., P. Nelson, Moon, Allegheny co 11. Harper, Tareuttun, Allegheny ce., J. I. Cartm, Adiss, Belmont co., O. .1, Edgar. Steubenville, Jerler4on co., .1. W. 13(41, Volley (oive, Ohio co., W. Va. J. W. %Vella. Johnshiwn, Cambria co., W, C. For -1, the, Clnysville,cmernsey co., 0. W. Ulm, kley, Allegheny co., Fin terms and information'soncernlng the College nchlress k Pittsburgh, Pa. I .D,w =-4-1(-4eF,LpP3iv On the 20th inst., in Columbia. by the Rev. Robt. Brown, Mr. John A. Alexan der, of Woodsville, Lancaster Co.. and 3liss Harriet It., daughter of the Into Amos li. Slay maker, Esq. :No cards. On the sth inst., by• Rev. Wm. Major. John W. Zell and Elizabeth Jackson,nll of Columbia. On the 14th inst. by the same, Wm. E. Stiner and Sarah E. Atlee, both of Col utn biot On the 3d inst., by Rev. Wm. IL Steck, Mr. William Hardy and Miss Kate M. Hinkle both of this place. In PhiladelpPla on Th u rsd y, 21st inst., G ford C.,son ofJohn Land Kate Martin, aged about 15 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the fu neral nt the Washington liouse,Colum bin, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon,nt2e'clock. NEW ADV ERTISEMENTS ESTATE OF THOMAS LLOYD. LATE of the Borough of Cclumbla, dee'd. The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Samuel Shoal and George Bogle, Executors of the last will of the deceased, above named will sit for that purpose, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th, A.D. 1866, nt Id o'clock n. in., in the library room of the Court House In the city of Lancaster. A. SLAYMA Au N Eitoß, dr. dec. 23,'65. rt 1:771 - 77 '`` - "7`;7177.1 , N. 71 Lk - AL:Labia a: Cllestout Co. will receive proposals for a gate keep er, to serve for one year, trom the Ist of April nest. J. F. COTTRELL, dee, in '65 , • Secretary. OrEW• GOOD. VATS have just received a new stock of V Uoods direct from first hunds,and are enabled to sell them as cheap as any other store in town. Our assortment of PlN]] r Anarar GILOCMILECS Is large and complete, consisting in part of all grade of Su airs, Meat, Teas, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, tt,:: c. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware,Gleon n d Queens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER CHEESE, German traits, (Pe. Enfflish and Lmerican. Pickles. Fresh Peaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertainining to a well regulated gro cery store. lam determined not to be stir- passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub-., lie patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, Agent, Locust street, above 2d. Columbia, Dec. 23, 'GS. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIM ED in the Post Office at Columbia Pa. Saturday, December 23, 1863. taa.."To obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for 'advcrated letters,' give the date of this list, and pay one cent for advertising. LADIES' LIST. Dewoll Elizabeth Ransom Nary Irwin Rebecca CrENTLEMEN"'S LIST. Clintonan John Lantz B. W. Clark Tobias McCarty Tiinothy Edwards Edward Milbin Saml. IL lisrman Jacob Martin J. A. Jamison G. A. Singleton JAITIO9 Johnson Henry L. Wallace Ambit:le (2) Loney James W. Webber C. It. Dec. 23, 1865, M. J. FRY.P. M OYSTERS. OYSTERS. Just received -10(X) Egg Flora and 100 bushels of Cherry Stone Oysters all strictly prime.— For sale by Samuel Lockard, American 'louse, Columbia. Dec 23 READING & COLA:31111.1R. R. Co Secretary's Office. Columbia, Pa., December llth, I8(5. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the stockholders and an election for a President and twelve Directors of The Reading & Columbia Rail Road Company will be held at the °nice of the Company in Columbia, Pa., on Monday the eighth day of January, il; at one o'clock, P. M. The polls will be open at one o'clock, P. M.aud close at three o'clock, P. M. A. J. KAUFFMAN, Sec. Pee. It 3 t m. GIFTS, GIFTS, GIFTS, C PLENDID Christmas gifts at E. Sp..r -)0 ing's Cheap Jewelry Store, consisting GOLD AND SILVER, WATCHES, Gold and Silver Chains, Gold: and Silver Thimbles, Fine Gold Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Plated \Vare, cou,sistiug of Tea setts, DINNER AND TEA CASTORS Magic Butter Dishes, Fruit, Cake, and Card Stands, Ice Pitchers Syrup Pitchers, Spoon Racks, Sugar Baskets, Call Bells, (ioblets. Napkin ~Rings, Sugar Spoons, Pickel Forks, tte. PARES F.A.NC3r _GOODS For Holiday gifts consisting of Fancy Work Boxes Segar Stands, Watch Stands, Vases. fie. Fine Cutlery, Pocket Books, Coinb.i, at E. Spering's Cheap Jewelry Store. AMERICAN WATCHES, rust received tine assortment of theme • justly celebrated Watelles,also the best cheapest and prettiest YANKEE CLOCKS in Columbia at E. Speristg's Cheap Jew elry Store Dee hi, In.. GIFTS FOR HOLIDAYS. In great variety at W. IT. I-TESS' BOOK STORE, Locust street, opposite Colutnbia National Bank. Tho best assortment of Photograph Albums Ever offered for sale outside of Ph call and examine for yourselves. PRAYER BOOKS, A7splendid variety. Presbyterian Psalms and Hymns in every style of Bindit.g. METHODIST HYMNS, LUTHERAN II Y.NI NS. POCKET BIBLES, ANNUALS. INK STANDS, POCKET BOOKS, LADIES' COMPANIONS WRITING DESKS INGREAT VARIETY Port Folios, Chess Boards, Work Boxes, Games, Juvenile Toy Books, and Stationery of all kinds. Pocket Diaries for 1866 at W. U. HESS' Book Storc, Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. Dec. 0, 1865. Wanted. ABOY to learn the Tim:making business. °tie from the Country profered. In quire at this Office. Dec. 2, tf. WROUGHT SCRAP IRON The Suquelumna Iron Co. will pay the highest (ash price for wrought scrap iron. delivered at their mill, Columbia,, Lancaster Co., Pa. i. G. !TESS, Tmrsurer. sept. 23, '035-tr, Pre7.7 tvr. s , arfl StPtittp,77 Stine =I • ••••, ei • Me Public t.iat lie Iluz opened :31.es.e :Lou otauon• ery More at No. :; North Pr' ace Street, next door to Fulton Ball, Lancaster, Po., Where he ha- , on hand a large assortment of Music, Musical insti unmans and Stationery, such as Sheet Music, Blank Music Books and Instruction Books, PIANOS, MELODEONS, VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars, Banjos, Tamborincs. Fifes, I lageo lets, Aecordoons, Triangles, Month II arm oneons,etc. Also Violin, Guitar, Banjo and Viol Merit° Strings, Bridges, Tail Pieees, Serel4d, Guitars Pegs, Rosin, Finger 13o.trds, Music Desks, Drum Sticks, etc. STATIONERY : Foolscap, Letter, Note, Writin—, and Billet Papers, Envelopes, Pens, oh, inkstands,Pen liolders,Paper Folders, Pencil Slut:posers, Eraers. Letter Clips, Bill Files, Portfolios, Tourist Cases, \Writing Desks, Osborit's Water Colors, etc. Agent for Steinwav,9 Celebrated Pianos. Musical Instruments nottlirep.dred. Music orde ed twice a week. Music sent by Mail :anywhere, free of postap, on ree . eipt of price. MaMlll New Goods for the Holidays P. SHREINER A: SONS. Witlyial returned and o p ened i l e r ti n n e e d st f u r n o d i tr t g l e l L e t stock of Goods ever offered to tho citizens of Columbia, at greatly reduced prices.— Our stock consists of AMERICAN ENGLISH, SWISS WATCHES. GOLD & PLATED CHAINS FINGER AND EAR RI NOz, BREAST PINS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, And Fine Jewelry of every style and de scription. We would call special attention to our large stock of SILVER PLATED WARES, CASTORS. REVOLVING BUTTER DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, BERRY STANDS. 10E PITCHERS. SPOON VASES SUGAR BASKETS, SYRUP PITCHERS, SPOONS, KMI VES, FORKS, ETC., We have the largest stock of these goods now in the market which we are selling at. a very small profit. The goods are just fresh from the Manufacturers, and are warranted to be of the best qual. ity of Plated Ware. Call and see these goods before purchasing elsewhere. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We also call attention to our large stock of thocks,consisting of all the latest patterns we arc selling at considerally re duced prices. Thankful for past favors, we solicit a continuance of your patron- P. SIIfIEINER :SON, Front Street, mar Old Bridge. Dee. 9, 'O. SEMI:KING ACCIDENTS. MANY KILLED AND A LARGE NUM BER WOUNDED. Ovet• two hundred accidents from kick ing and running away of horses occurred during the past year, in Lancaster county alone nearly all of which resulted in inju ring the drivers, killing some, maitning and wounding others, and in most cases, breaking costly carriages and hurting the horses. or the above, nine-tenths were tame family horses. The safety bridle will put an end to all such needless Accidents, and with the Safety Lines the speed of every horse is easily much increased. At the special meeting of the Saddlers of Lancaster city, Nov. 27, 1865, the following resolutions were unanitnously adopted: Witnitmts,. The usefulness. power and safety of Dr. Hartman's Safety Bridle and Lines have been publicly demonstrated demonstrated in the presence of from one thousand to fifteen hundred persons to their entire satisfaction; and since it was proven at the Millersville horse exhibition on four of the most vicious and confirmed kickers and runaways, that with the Safety and Lines; it is utterly impossible for a horse either to kick or runaway; therefore - - _Resolved, That we the Saddlers of Lan ettster county, Pa., believe that the Safety Bridle and Lines accomplish all and even more, than is claimed by the patentee, in preventing horses from kicking and run ning away. lie„soiecd, that itt view of the above facts we deent it our legitimate duty, both indi vidually and collectively, to exert all hon orable means to at once introduce the Bridle and Lines, because in doing so we in a very great measure prevent all acci dents with horses, while with the old and defective bridle we put in great jeopardy both life and limb. Resolved, That hereafter we menu facture no other but Safety Bridles, unless especi ally ordered. The price ofindividual Itigt ts is $5 each; County Bights, from 100.00 to 500.00 accor ding to population—these containing large cities excepted. No other investment before the public presents such inducements of making money. In every county there are at least twenty townships, and in each township at least one hundred persons who drive horses—which at rive dollars for an indi vidual right will amount to $5OO per town ship, and ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each county nt the rate of twenty townsnips at five hundred dollars each! I have not the least doubt but that amount of money can be made out of a county with proper business tact and energy. The price of counties is so small as to place the invest- mentjn the hands of every one, for few are so poor as to be unable to raise one hun dred dollars. Another feature about this invention is that the proprietor of the territory need not manufaeture the bridleti and lines as the ordinary bridle can be easily altered into a Safety. The lines only require to be made to order, and these can be made by any saddler for a trifle more than the ordinary lines. Hence, unlike other patents, the right to use it only is sold. No man need wish for a greater fortune than right of a State. To show the confi dence the patentee has in his invention,ho offers to pay 1,000 dollars for any horse that can either kick or run away when under the influence of the Safety Bridle and Lines. For County and State rights address for circular, and for Individual Rights, enclose five dollars to S. B. Hart man, Millersville, Lancaster co., Pa. dee. 9 if PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TRE Undersigned will expose to Public Sale at the Franklin House in the Borough of Columbia at 7 o'clock, P. M. on SATURDAY, December lid, 1665, the following rent estate situated on the corner of Fifth and Cherry Street in said borough. A lot of ground 00 feet front. on Cherry Street and extending in depth 140 foet,more or less, on Fifth Street on which is erected a Two Story Brick Dwelling House, t 2 ft. front and 61 feet deep, built in the most substantial manner with all the modern improvements. Kitchen, Wash House, Smoke House, Hog Pen and other out buildings. It adjoins the property ofJohn Hippy and others. Conditions macro known at sale. ROBERT M. HARRY. Columbia, Dee. ROBERT NOVEMBER, 25TH! NEW BRIVII, OF FURS! SABLES. FITC 11, MARTINS. And extra handsome SIBERIA.` SQIIIRRELS, at Nov. tf. ALDEM.AN'S ' OYE P ifl - .o l ' l rPb RE. MALTBY & CASE Are now opening the LARGEST STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOODS In Columbia. Our Stock of Dress Goods comprises all the LATEST AND MOST DL•SIRABLE Fabrics, Styles and To be found in the markets cf NEST YORK & PHILAD'A, consisting in part of Dress Silks, Plain and Figured, French Merinos, •' All Wool Delnins, English Merinos, French Cassimeres, All Wool Plaids, All Wool Poplins, Mixed Poplins, Wool Plaids, Alpacas, De!sins, dec., d. c., With a groat variety of other SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS. Also for rEI3E7, LADIES Embroidered Hem Stictched Kerchiefs, Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, Hemstitched and plain Handkerchiefs louvines best kid gloves, Silk Thread and Silk Gloves, Kid finished Silk Gloves, Balmoral Skirts, CaSSilklere Vests, Cloaking Cloths, White Goods, Knit Goods, Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Cloaks, Shawls, .lc. .Sc And for GI-MINTTI-IMMMINT Plain and Fancy Cassimeres French and English Cloths Ready made Clothing, Knit-Shirts,Drawers, Shirting Flannel, Flannel Shirts, Glazed Paper Collars, Plain Paper Collars, Linen Collars, Butterfly Ties, Fancy CrnvaLs, Plain Cravats, Boots &Shoes, Hats 6: Caps, etc., etc. WITH .1 FULL ASSORTMENT OF CII/LDRENS' WEAR, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, CA R PETS, ES il o lA..l!)juil m L. = OUR GOODS EMI OUGHT FOR CASH, And mold at SMALL PROFITS. Though we do not profess RETAIL GOODS At Wholesale Prices, Wear° ready to prove to the satisfaction of any one who will favor. OH with an EXAMINATION That we do soli Wiens as cheap, or CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. Our motto Is FAIR DEALING Hoping thereby to cnn vitpe our elastomers that ft is to their ailynatage to purchase of .A..n examination of our Goods most re spectfully solicited. MALTBY & CASE, Locust Street,Colutabia. Pa Sept. 9th, 1865. CLOAKS, COATS, &Z. HAYING FITTED ITP ar_.ciAcoEr.. ROOM We are now prepared to offer Ladles Cloaks, Coats and Sacks, of every style awl quality, at very low prices DY . MA LTtt oot. 1 I, 'SI J. F. Carrm:Lr.. IV. P. COTTITELL Tir,f,to3l.lll:ll, t .s;„d, Dealers in Foreign S Domestic Hardware, Bar iron, Sled, :Nails, Glass, Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Turpentine Benz ne 6:e., A large assortment of Parlor, Cook and and Mice Stoves always on band. Tin Ware manufactured to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW WARIg, in large quantities and of every variety Plows, Corn Shellers, Feed Cutters, Shovels, I toes, Forks, Rakes, &e. Coarse and Fine Salt at loweeit market ES= A large assortment of Double and Single barreled Guns, Powder Flasks, Game Bagg and shot pouches. Bide tt . Blasting. Powder, shot and cups. llighe.t market prices paid for Clover, Timothy and Flax seeds, large quantities of which we have constantly on hand and oiler at the loweat rates. Lubricating, Sperm and Fish Oi.s, suit-. able for machinery. A. Fine assortment of Coal Oil Lamps, Shades. Lanterns, and Lamp trimmings. We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Street, Columbia. Nov. 4, 65 tf. BURNSIDE RESTAURANT.—Tho undersigned has taken the well known Restaurant in Odd Fellows' Hall, which has lately been fixed up in convenient style, where ho will keep all kinds of sea sonable refreshments. Oysters for sale by the quart or dune up in every style. PETER REISINGER, November '35. Prop'r. Colors, No. 22 (OLIN ANDERSON Ji CO'S SOLACE el Chewing Tobtteen,very cheap by gross at JOHN FENDRICIVS, Front Street, Columbia. No. 9 PITTSDURG TWIST, WARRANTED sound and sweet, only S ets. a plug at JOHN FENDRICLUS. • Front Street, Columbia. No- 10 AVAIIRANTED 111 E BEST SWEET V 1 wist Tobacco in Lancaster County. Plugs very large, only 10 eta. a plug at JuliN FENDltiCif, Front. Street, Columbia. No. 25. NO. COIINISH'S FINE CUT CHEW ing Tobacco in Tin foil, only 07 per gross, at 9NDY'S NEW RESTAURANT. FRONT STREET ABOVE WALNUT. COLOMBIA. PA. The subscriber has opened a first class Eating, llouse and Restaurant, utter° may be ban at all times Oysters in every style, Hot codhe and all other refreshments cal culated to please the tastes of the most fastidious epicurean. Linters" Ale, and Frank's Lager beer, always on draught, also the best wines. Nov. 23, 'G3 DRY GOODS AT A BARGAIN. We have determined to reduce our stock between this and the Ist ofJanuary, and will sell Dry Goods at greatly reduced prices without regard to cost. STEACY & BOWERS, Corner or 2nd and Locust, Columula, Dec. t!, No. 17. DDOUBLE:-DIPPED, VIRGINIA sweet Twist Tobacco, the best in market, only 10 cents plug. Try it at JOHN VENDRICH'S, Front St., Columbia. THE FAMILY MEDICINE STORE ODD FELLOWS" HALL A_ successor to Dr. W. S. McCORKLE, 11 - AS just received a full and fresh stock 1.1 of Pure Drugs, Genuine Patent Med icines, pure spices, whole and ground, and a choice supply of fancy goods, perfumer. ies and fancy soaps, and a general stock in his line, these goods were ail seleeeed per sonally in Philadelphia,and may be retied upon as ger nine. Hosiery, Gloves. PURE PEPPER., Those in want of this cuticle for butchering or table use, ran obtain it of our own grinding, either coarse or rine, in large or small quantities. SACHET POWDERS, Ut• assorted odors, french Sachets of a new and novel. style. Fino French and English Glycerine, Roney and roilet. Soaps. Gen rthic Old Brown Windsor, made by Low 1. Sou, London. American, En glish and 'French Tooth and Hair Brushos in every variety. G UM GOODS. Such us Combs, Balls, Finger Stalls and Pencil Erasers. rvilE CELEBRATED TAYLOR. Colog,n, tu bulk by the quantity to suit purchasers. OSBORNES WATER COLORS. The best American manufacture, in VUHOUS StyieS or boxes or loose, just what the Boys and Girls;requiro. 130(K ET BOOKS. A stock of these that cannot be execlled:if equal/eel in tile county, care fully selectee from manufacturer's stock. an examination of both quality and prices is invited. PURE MEDICINAL LIQUORS. Our.rantied. French. Brandy, Pale and Dark Sherry :and Port Wines. Old nye Whiskey. Thankful for the generous support thus fitr extended him,the subscriber hopes that by strict attention to the wants of his cus tomers and the public generally ho may continue to merit the same. All nre invit ed to examine his stock us to quality and p r ices beibre purchasing, elsewhere. His aim is an honest and reliable business. not•. 15,'65. J. A. MEYERS• LiOR RENT.—The dwelling portion of Three Story Brick House ou Front St. For further particulars inquire at Parry's Drug Store, Front street. Columbia, Dee. 9, 1865 G. W. RRANDT 41: CO. .41.6 BICULTURAL WORKS, Commerce Street, Columbia, Pa. Manufacturers of Pratte Celebrated Steel Tooth Horse Rakes, Corn Planters, Clothes Wringers, Washing Machines, Becker's celebrated Sausage Cutters, &e. Haying one of Sellers' celebrated Bolt Machines, we are prepared to furnialf Bolts of all sizes at short notice. We are alas prepared for hawing and plaining ' lumber, and turning wood or iron, in all its branches. AGILICULTL'AIs IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY REPAIRED. ~30 cords Hickory and Oak Wood for sale by the cord or smaller quantitiea. Cue Wood for kindling, by the barrak always on hand. dee..lll,4tat SKATES I SKATE ; -wE have received a large awl 1)0 Z4P1 4 61 , assorttnent of Ladies' sod 4.3lristirr men's skates, which we offer st:love Woes. Please Call and exatnino thenif b,eger= chasing elsewhere, as vt . 's feel, of giving satirisation. J. F. COTTRP.I4I4 Q =O. Deo. 16, tf JOHN FENDRICH'S, Front St., Columbia. ANDREW ZELLER. I\a_Pi - Y - MRS,