Ctlianatia gp.R. • • - a. 31. E1NPR,.....7 COLUnnI-1. Pt. Sgurday. Dec. 23,. 1865 talenisetnent+, to secure linmed,ate insertion ;11 t.st 1.1.3 itl 011 Ile Tian . Any evening molt ,ieveti. A. short time ago we called upon the houoral.ly discharged Soldiers to form a Soldier's League, so as to cmitie them to tie ma nd what i, justly duo them, that is, that they given tLc luerative r,ositions pow held by MC 11 who ticker went forth 1 to meet as Clemy. As 3ez 0' thing I r las bc.ee. done. •• Individual effort is useless 1.11; a Art . ll ePt:,blishefl e,u binarion. rei.- 02-entinu nearly one million of freemen who bared their bo: , ,,tus to the fi:-e of the cuetny, and ri•-ked their lives that the n,tt;en might love. will he en titled"to con t.l,ll wield an influence that 1% ill be a sun.; that their riL7ho, w ii; re,pe ,, tl.; I aul tiy:r lIIEBIESEMIII meeCrtg of the \\":1:-,11- illB , ton, 1) . the won: ro-.a'7 11Th ttna•ttl • .r t! -to At.ttry ,ttrtt., I,—, =re-= t. 11.1 rsoi.,:e the.: I 1 11111, 10 It— t. :rst' National 10,710. • 01 IVa...111111.:t /1. 11. C.. 1110/w0 0110111 d 1001 .10 10.•••411• 044 0 1.10.1011.t1 1 1 0001111011 01 •0/1.11,••• a.. 1 10,1 th..f cal Lit' length Mand4 epap :Meet:Jar a per m:mem /011.10 11140 tip :a the et:mgr.:lt.... And the lee 'n 1101101 , t w 111-L.•.:.•t 4101114 the 1 ie:•:- once m the 1114.:::11,111/ t 0 100110,10 100. • Its:numbly r •rl ed hlr Ir.•,••oLy /1, •,./' 11 1-:1013•••00111,11, t 0 00u •1.1•,1• 1:10 0.014..1..1111010:01 r• 00: 1.0./01 . 1.0 tr,111.0.0 the 1111:1 C-1 , of solda.:•:-Ild :uld -11011 mitt r 1.T•If10,• at 111.11' h e brmight :::::(hre them. Thr Iln trirt of U:thalibilt, Cmatre , mefal 11141101, .01.1 meet org-inimelint ea:moose:l mairely 01401.1101 -and 4.lnors .Lail I/1• tlnt/t/1 . 1.1 to Une . (h . / eft .. .tt. 12e,olee 1, That :dl papers Pi rolltril oat the e. unury fl,o.fi.‘ 1 • t / 0111'0.1010 Le lopa-sted LI 4:00 tlas pllte he.ty. r•rqati nml ,0"..0rs now tornr...l or f osining, he and the same are ur:en.l • re(' it ictl tii iI 3 theiruno ,qt enaenvorl to •.•• !tire the 1 . :1,0“on of rJpreeentatiN en in their Let tl , e returned ~o :diers of Columbia go to week, organ:ze and I,end a delegate to the Convention to attend to their in terests. It inteiests all, especially those who have been crippled in defence of their country. Other towns arc organiz• ing aad making arrangements to be rep resented and we think Columbia should not he behind, as she his a great many veterans in her midst. Go to work hays, organize and help secure an equalization of the bountie.i. The News , -The credentials of the members elect from Louish.na and or B Johnsen Bar iymr, et' Virginia, were received and re- , furred. resolution in itructing the 1 Will the French Hun From Mexico. The news from Mexico continues to Committee oa Elections ter inquire into be interesting notwithstanding it is in - the case of lienjamiu G. Harris, a mow- definite. The Imperial forces are evacu ber fr. m Maryland, who had been con- ating one State after another, for the vineed and sektmeed by a court martial , purpose of concentrating, for a final de. Tn. aets of disloyalty-, and report what cisive battle. An Imperial defeat would action they think the House should take of course be utterly ruinous to Maxi in the premises, Wafi passe I. A resulu miliau—rendering him unable to retrieve tier instructing the Military and Naval such a disaster. Defeat, however to the Committee to inquire whether any im- Liberals could scarcely be regarded in provements can be made in the course of the same light. The restless spirit of study at West Point and the Naval :le.l - Mexicans would remain, even if eon was also pas-el; a bill authorizing quered. to render Maximilian's occupan- Lily steam railreal company to carry of the throne very unpleasant and un passengers, trooys, mails, 6:r ' from, one , certain. Events are following each oth- State to another. was piv-Quu; a resolution er very closely, in Mexico, and it is not pray:din - 4 proviling rel. a select coot. 1 t unlikely that the effort of the French to mittee of nine on Inhters and mining was sou !tier and hold the Government of a ' l) P ted. " nnillnent3 l that country, will result in a failure as to the resolution providing r " a t, e'r l P" - I sudden as that which attend the efforts rare aljoarnment Nva., not coneurrel in. of the slave-holders of the Southeru The committee on the Judiciary reported j states, to break up the American Union' a resolution prapasing to the State'Le and destroy the National Government laturesan amendment to the Constitution .provitlitiz against the assumption either j thereof: Maximilian in Mexica, in one by the General or the State Government same may be regarded as leading a divi sion of the rebel army which gave our of the contracted to aid the rebel a,overnmeut so touch trouble during the I lion. It Was passe I—yeas 110, nays 1t . last four years, and it is now a question I. A resolution, instructing the same com with Congress whether Grant should be mitten to inquire what legislation was , necessary to enforce the freedom of those I sent to conquer and destroy that force as he did. all other forces of the rebellion. mentioned in the proclamation of March The Mexican people themac i ve3 may 3, 1:3(35, was passed. render such action on the part of our The Ullitel S:ates Senatmon Welnes- • Government unnecessary; but should d ty, passel the 11;m:e resolution fur the the y fail in doing so, the vindication of payment of ;:325.901) to Mrs. Lineuln.l '' Arson; OIL! a principle vitally affecting our national I ctitiml3 presented were existence, trill demand of the National se‘erd from citizen; of Massaelin-etts, • Government some prompt action in the New Yurli, Miss:Airi, Ohio, Indiana, p rutnEEC:.--Ilarristury Targraph uokN(.:37 Jer3cy and aiking fir the appoluttneist of Previsional GYV eruor over the States lately in rebellion. the guarantee of the rights of all loyal citizens of these State;, eafranchisement and elnallty before the law. Thc .: 1, -Ge of against Spain is warmly Nee)nded by other South A.rneri c.‘n • , rnntr.:ut ;. The Clnliaus rep . ulsed a 13:`1•111 b,3 . 7 of Spaniards seeking to land udt., and the 7 laiL:th nierel; Britit , l; aid .s.,;.tin-t Ni,Ce. L. , , -r;, in new exoeeted to second noir. Ties rel,ehieu in Columbia is ended. When the Sheoancloah was R . Lire r1 , 091,f , ..) 77y•Une rontnrs•:;,n, k found OU Ir,th three enerptiuli, thy w , :rc Liverpu und London. Seeraary S.:war,/ aeut to 1 ..; ..pveruur Jolinsoa of Georgia, a letter relinling him from Lfllos, and a nimsage to the new Governor, Loth similar to those ieut to Alabama . California has officially announced its raffle:aim) of the amsoduicut. The town (.1" Thomism - P.le, Georgia has, bean ptut. un ler martial hr.v, the proper antliatit:43 being una,',le to rroteet the ei-irtnm and t, preveut the atsastimition :t iniaraaad Stater- so!dicr.. New Modelif Extinguishing Fires. Even the greatly filar roic4 add highly efficient steam fire engine, which is the most valuable . auxilliary r a tan has yet brought :o his aid in the contest with the devouring flames . , is likely to be su perseeded by a new agent, which is thus described by a foreign print, which also gives the particulars offeveralsearch big trials in which the extinguisher came off victorious.: We hope so valuable an invention will suon find its way to our stores. EDITOR "Tliii. it: nothing 1110ine than the dis. icovers of the fact that the water charged 1 with ten times its weia . h,t of carbonic acid is a complete extinguisher to fire. The compound is cheaply made and used with facility, being put into a s=ll reservoir, which a man carries easily on his back to any place required, without more hinderauce to active exertion than caused by carrying an ordinary knapsack. Ar rived at the place of action, all that the fireman has to do is to turn a cock and direct the jet by means of a flexible tube and mouth piece upon the fire, the ma chinery inside giving the power of a force pump capable of throwing a jet forty feet high. The material is as m les life, health or property as an.or. dinary seidlitz powder,is ready for instant use, and the longer it has been store 1 iu the ves.el th.. were effective it is in ESSE "The idea i. believed to have origins fed with a Mr. An In. of Liverpool, EnglanJ, who has also inveotod the ma• chinos fur rising it otnotually, and insti- tuted numerous experiments with them in the presence of the tlwn authorities of Liverpool, London, and other places." The English papers speak of the in vention as meeting with great favor, the patentee being in receipt of numerous orders. The Oldham Chronic/6 , says : "We understand that several eminent shipping houses have ordered a supply of these portable fire engines fur their vessels. The engines range in price from .f. 2. 12s. Gd. to 1:1- 10s., increasing in price lOs. accordinu to s:ze and pacity ; and the cost of the 'charge' in creases at the rate of Is for c?.AI addition to the size of the engine. It is very clo g:mt in shape, and might easily be man ufactured in styles that would adapt it as an ornament either to the dining or draw ing room, and thus confer upon every private family of moderate means the in estimable blessing of security from one of the greatest calamities that can befall them, a disastrous and fatal fire." Tut: ne - rtvurv, ability and regard for the welfare of the country displayed by Congress from the commencement of the session have favorably impressed the wlmle nation. There is a life, spirit and a desire to accomplish useful endscvinced in the proceedings at the Capitol which every patriotic citizen will readily recog. nize and applaud. The u:ti era, when Ssnamis and Congressmen spout must of their time in discussing new measure.; to rivet the chaints of slavery on four mil lions of 'mutat, Wings, has passel awny forever and the complete establiihnieut of freeflumu throwrilout the Republic, ani the promotion of tLe common welfare •o 1 :tll it , citizens, arc now the great stami..r I considt.-ation.— I p _Printars beat the Dutch and every body else but their wive,. We one in the l'eess olUce wlto.iu the las: twelic months, has practiced law, preached the Gospel, run a side-show to a circus, kept a singing school. ruu away with a man's wife and. two children, practiced utedl. eine, Leen agent for a concert troupc,and I clerk cu a steauthoat. lie has now re ! termed, and settle I down to a legitimat e business—that of sticking type. We'll make a man of hint 5.1t.-11,:m. —An iron-clad fleet is to be construct ed for the Prussian Government. —Good—The Coatesville Station annually yields the Penna. It. It. Cu., the sum of 5173,348,04. —The Fcnians in this country arc getting out bonds; their brethren in Ire land are getting- into bondage. —A good looking female is under ar rest in Parkersburg, l'a., for marrying four military officers. —The French papers tell of the bap tismal dress of an infant iu Paris, on which the embroidery and lace cost $lB,- WU. —The work of reconstruction is going On admirably in Richmond. They have just commenced building au immense lager beer brewery. —ln Sun Francisco there is a large woolen manufactory where all the labor ers employed, excepting the overseers, are Chinese, merchant, who started business a few years ago in New York, with a eapi tal of $169,000, was recently admitted to the almshouse as a pauper. —The physicians of Paris say: that one of the best preventatives of cholera is rum mixed with tea. One house sold no less than 3)0 puncheons of rum in a week. —The 11ev. Wm. 11. Milbourn, a min ister of the Methodist Clhureh,and known as the "blind man eloquent," will soon take Episcopal orders from Bishop Ilop kins, of Vermont. —Eleven thousand dollars have been appropriated by the Boston Common Council, for the erection of a monument to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of that city who died during- the late war. —There nothing left, of the apple. trce under which Gen. Lee surrendered. but a red hole in the ground, and it is feared that unless the hole is fenced in, that also will be removed by curiosity seekers. —The following threat was made use of the other day by an excited pitilist: "I'll twist you round your own throat until there is nothing left of you but the extreme ends of your shirt collar sticking out of your eyes." His opponent left. —The single men iu Elizabeth, N. J., arc each assessed one dollar more than the married men, as poldtax. Consider ing the high price of caliel and baby fixings generally, the bachelors sly)ald not, grumble. iI=ME!! MitariaCand igtiortiptuesqus; Splendid skating on the river. —Snyder says that butchering is dear work, as it costs $8 to slay two hogs. "Merry Christmas" and the Spy for one year, is our greeting to all. i —Speaker Colfax is engaged to marry Miss Bross, of Chicago. --The eTher in tt ciuntry paper in Wisconsin, says that he telt called upon to publish 'Father Lewis' sermon on the "Locality of Hell," as it was a coostion in which nearly ali his readers were deeply interested. —A conductor out West recently do mantled two tickets of the Siamese twins, who were riding on the train, but the twins insisted they were one, and as the conductor could nut eject one witncut the other, he had to let them pass. —The manufacture of silk w•as more than one thousand years in travelling into England from the shores of Bos phorus. It had been practiced four huLdred years in Italy before it crossed the Alps. --The most extensive brewery in the world is at Duldiu,lreland. It employs :PIO men. It turns Out about 15,000 hogsheads of beer per day. Each work man is allowed a quart per day. The brewery was started in 11S9. —The body of Captain Henry Wirz, who was executed in Washington some time ago, arrived in this city by the Richmond, Fredericksburgand Potomac Rti'road, on Monday afternoon on its way South.—Richmond Enquirer. —Fair and fashionable Young Ameri ca has installed l'halun's 'Night Bloom ing Cereus" as a specialty in all its draw ing•ruomis, dressing rooms, and boudoirs. It is well. Beauty should breathe a fta :,rant atmosphere, and Nature, in all her has no richer perfume than this. Sold everywhere. —A tall follow persisted in standing during a performance, much to the an uoyauec of an audience, and was repeat cify requested to sit down, but would not, when a voice from the upper gallery called oat: "Let him alone, honey; he's la tailor and he's restiay himse/i" lle immediately squatted. —Boy with ragged trousers and rim less chip hat, runs into Parry's store with a dipper in his hand: •• Doctor, mother sent me down to this shotteacry pop quickern's blazes, eoz bub's sick as the dickens with the pipen chox, and she wants a 61111)1°11111 of pollygollie in this tipper, coz we bedn't but a Bottle handy, and kiut pup's gut the bine ;Titters in't. Got any?" Duel in Liqierpool. The Liverpool Daily Post vouches for an extraordinary. duel story. An Ameri can, seeing a Liverpool merchant in a public room, with a following piece in his hand, -gue , sed" he was a Fenian.— The Liverpool merchant repliA, "I am a 13yal Irish subject of our gracious Queue, and f despise Fcnianism and Feniars." "Then you despise me," re joined the stranger. "I don't know you sir; but if' you are a Fenian or a Fenian leader, I have no respect for you."— Upon that stranger, stating that he was a Fenian General, very filthily insulted the merchant, and hum diately after ward found himself lying stunned upon the floor, from the effects of a good knock-down' blow. A duel was 1.11% . re sult. It was fought in a field near Liver pool last Thursday—a London merchant actin g as second; and the "Fenian gene , ral" was slightly wounded- Names are given, and Ow Liverpool Po-t aA*ures its readers that it kno..vs the, f• t. , ,ry to be I true. S - OTIOgs, Cqc's Dyspepsia Cure, There is no need of any one's having the dyspep , sin, for it has been demonstrated beyond fear of contmdietion that Coe's' Dy-pepsla Cure will cer tainly cure it. Ctinstipatiou, the most proliflecause unit . health, •is surely cured by the Cure. Sick headache, cramps, pains or cold in eiti4er stomach or bowels, instantly yield to its power. ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH !' Scratch! Scratch Scratch! Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 48 Bonn. Also cures Salt Rheum, lileere„ Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. By sending' t cents to 'WEEfa & POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington St.. liastoli, Nasii., it will be r.mwarded by mall, /1,1, ol postage, to any port al the Unita,' States. 6Cpl. 23, Editor of the Spy, Dear Sir: With your permis• slam. 1 a ish to say to the rea tyre of your p.tper, that Ina! send, by return mail, to all a tto east' it, (flee) a recipe, it all fall directions fir ntaking and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that oat ettectuttlly re move, in ten der., Itanpie.., blotches, tan, freckles. and all impurmes of Ina loving the 5 . 1110 soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. 1 aid also mall tree to a lic-e havintt Bald Heads. rind Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start it foll,growth of Luxur iant Bair, W husk era, or It 3/ tthtticli,inle , :s than thirty days. All applications answeted by rct urn mail without charge. Respect filly yout TllU:s 14 C..IAVMAN, Chemist, 8.11 Broada ay, Now York. a. ct c. no:. 1,-Cm THE MASONS lIAMLIN CABINET Organs, for sootod mid secular tweet:: forty $-Q to :OAP •h. of S.lser Medals, or other tit.t premiums owiirdod them. Illu-trated Catalogues flee. Address. HAMLIN, This.on, or 31.trkiN York. .cpt. 9, lc. - DEAFNESS,.BLINDNESS AND CA.- lair'', treated nail the utmost success, by Dr. J. ISAACS, ucali , t and Auri,i, (Mt teeny of Lyden, Holland,) No 'it) Pine Street, 're,te• menials trail] the nie-t teltub , esource , to the city and o 'Linty set he seen at his Unice. medical faculty are turned to accompany their patients, as lie :• a n no secrets in his pnixtice. Srttdc•t:d eyes, asezted without. pain. No charge made Mr exami nation. mar. 18, '‘.s-ly Whiskers! Whishers! Po you wont Whisker; or Moustaches Our ibireemn COMpOULICI will force them to gime on the smoothest trive or chin, or hair On bald heads, in nix Price, 51.00. Sent by mad anyii here. closely seeled, on ieeeipt of price. .I.l.lless, ‘V.it our en., Dos 1.;:, Ihookl2. n, N. N. Feb. 11, ly. TUE BRIDAL CII‘NIDER, all Essay of Warning and Incts uction for Young b ell—pul,t shed by this How ard As,ociation, and sent frosi of chat ge its sealed envelopes. Ailditr.,4, Houghton,llott at d Assoeiation.Phsindrlphia, l'a. Fobly,. 11, THE GREAT CAUSE OF / 5- -(= 1 47 4 X II LT 3I A N 'MISERY. iltbe rigOliehal in a Scala Encrtope.' Pride Six Crate, Joel Pub, vdcd tot a pare/r./ eat ctv . Price Six Cener. A Lariat e ou tilt. Nature., '1 loannent 41:14.1 Curet of te.t.eritiatocrlio.... ur 'tonal it..dine:4s, 111-1:41114,14.na. 1:41114,14.na. •-..xual 1 /w.ility, awl 11111.4,11- mem, to mat :mire Net votisue•sa, con .411111r:11M. 1::.11.1,y M .111.11 MI I Pii:..,1,444 1 , Invapa.o.y, rem tiling Low ,a.. 11 A1311 , 0*, Sat. reol4l. .1, Cul, oi is all, M. 11„ alltitar 4.1 the ~urld-r5:n0'4,4,1 nuellut:, in this ii.• •.:. tl.l•4tly I‘.*oVC:a Ira 1 his nun ox l ,t n,•uee that t y.) art fui rownetes 44 ', 4if4A bust: may I.+l. 1,1 -1 9...51.13:1r 14 , 11M...a Walltlllt ni - .4114.1n4., a .41 uitliont op 4r ,tion.4,l44metiesansirtiititint... rung, to po tau a In al • 4.f ...aro at ono, 0..1 nu aiol mu. b.: wllialt ttrory sit 14.1,•''. no !natter 111,111 tits 4. melt:eon In 0.110,111.1 S 121111,111111; ••I I: 1111 s . 'I.E/: 11. la: • I , IZOVE 1100 N lo T11t11',;.x.).1 , 4 AND I'llot7,AND:4. In) i,•i• .cal, in a plain euv.lope, to any at peritl, Oil lec••ipt ut six C 1,111.1. or Iv,u po-t stamp-. .I.ltires, ptMlt•her., I. \S. J. C'. & CO., Er.' Bow,. ScA lulli, P. V. box 1,5 C. Jan, 17, '65. ly To ConstiMpti, es —The unitet signe 1 hiving b2en ro•tor,tl to 11..111111 in n f•w vwck. , hy at yo,ry .111.1, I CIIIVtIy, ot,ol . IN% ret ye.ii., tutui 01 ..Q.Vele l tug alle,t, t, anti [kid Con stung:tun .inc.-0.1, t. 111 al: • 1,.1. , 15 .1 1., 1011 1 11.11 sniteleir. tile 1110.1.., u 1 rnt e. in a tp.+ dv,ir, it, he ,slill,S• 1,1 a , - .61,y ~f th,l lt, , e , lo . ree a • ) a.t It 1,:i• • Volts lot prept. - : ,•41111,( the+ -ale,. 51:11 , 1/ f a C0at.t.:1,03 A-1 :tin I, 1:1.11- “ COttitle e 41111 y Ott). et “I u,losoi. el' 111 lid ilf.z tl,u I l I , to 1,11 the rttitie:4.d.l,l:,', linhtloa a la. h h.• rest 0. , to I. • IIIV:aa.t010. a al In. Itop,“, y r iv II try :It+ as NV. 1 uo•t y u Dot .I{.g way Nov.. a 14.-I.lllg, l',,t 1.1!. t:L.1:1, Nti;/ ;te ar:, •r, 111 D t, ON, k .1 tt 4..:1111, \Vt. f.. 11 Rota th, Ptl dclpLix Ll,tily Psq...f.—(3llf pearl: Nit ing ,r scn tiritY!l . t.) the CAT: Sc Atilt do nc:l t,/a.the of 11'.1N.17,1.1M:11 •f BROW:\ S INE CLOTH INC . ;. Tll:4• , tabiothirit•ut I 4ke:tted at Lit. t o • of NI \th wid :alil I,:ncm la .1.4 •.0,1; Hall, - 'lO l.t I:t•St. 11,1. t . - 1111,:eCI Iteady (Iwlliag ;.ad 111001:lig llon.e in Ile , State. twir :eine:lee style, ex,,•ll,nt workman-hip 01111 1110110I'llt1.111 i I lI.WU m tie tit •Ir In Owl, Cll%tolll /1,1,11 1111 .• .;_ant gar ment. ate lint le co 411 - 01 . , nen; but tL v e ry be.t Arti-t, ale employe 1. :tn.! the lin , .1-sortment MM..' MI , 1 4 1 111.11 1in1.1 , •% el,•1 y Woll 4:Mud. :,k111.01,•4 ‘v.lll. ~ nt 1. mai% :1:1•1 in.tl• tne : istu•mg, tt.trn %11.4tt , •11 for. =BM A Couv,h, Collor Sure Throat. IL. ;I:11:LS 1 , ::11.D117!: 1111.N119X As.ll ' 111.111c.r Tv tt.0.11:51.1.. Irritation of Ilte Loop.g, l'erinanent Throqt ...Ifrection,ur (in Liveattble Lang Disoceso rES rue REM. LT. Brown's Bronchial Troches PlitE4.7 IN I .11 NCI; 70 1 /IL PAL7B, tailV- zr:-Dur lILLJL/. Fur BrOnchitis,A.s!lant ,, ,(lWarai, COlIS111111)- i1t , ..! and 2 7troltt Di4ca4cs. TROCIIE4 Alt I: Ui41:13 wurii ALWAYS °our) SI:N.:GEMS AND PUBLIC SPE-IKEIIS find cc 'es useful In clearing the voice• when taken helot e sing: tiger Swalting, Anil tent!, tug the throat titter an uuuygnl ext. Ilion of the cu••nl ot gam,. 'The Iroenes ate recotnmende•l and pre n•r,bad by rhystinaus, and Lace hail testimonials Irons rllllll,llll men In: onghout tilt eutltln•y. Being :martin, (..1 no In•11t, alit! hat tug pt•aut t!u•lr en, ea by a to-to: many each year Itu•ts theta in new• iosalities 111 5.1151 1 11.1 parts 01 the timid. and the Troth": use natt•ot-ally pronounced Leiter titan utlt•_r avtleles. OWOO4 nu 13. • Bruwn's Bronch ia! ',Cloches," ond do not take 11,,rVite.vs Imattinup.: that na..3* be ,11.1 e'erywinT,:n the Cane I ii;Lites, en! in For 41 Con .41 edits per box. unt No. 7 Llirrsucita, CONGRESS TOBACCO, only 7U els, per lb. at JNO. FENDRICII'S, Front St., Columbia. GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE H. 11. PARRY, Successsor to JUSTUS GRAY & C . FROYT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA, PER I.' ME RYA ND C,' 0 S ACE TICS. EutEx ell Toilet Paste iz Enamel white Vagiti Wax of Antilles, Email be Paris. Also a carefully selected stock of Drugs. iNioilieines, Perfumery. Soaps and Fancy article.; Parr:, - 's ' , Aden Mortar Drug Store, Front St., Columbia, l'a. Parry's Celebr..ted Dentifrice. rooll CIA:ANSI N U and PRESERVING JL the Teeth, hardening the gums, and re moving all Tartar and Scurf from the teeth, completely arresting the progress of decay, am" eleanNing the parts as have al ready became black by &wily. Fur sale at Parry's “91 , 1“ n Mortar Drug Store, Front Si., Columbia, Pa. oct. 11, Boggy For Sale! A Top iLuggy in eon/plot. order /// offer ed ler sitlc by L. t.,OOPER. :` , :ov. V,. REMING-TON'S Army and Navy Revolver. A pprovcl.l by the Government. Lwards of 1t;t7,,t100 furnished for the U. 1.) 8. Service since 1851. Warranted su perior to any otl . s.r Pistol of thu kind. Also Belt and Poritct Pistils. Sold by Gun Bender~ and the 'Tradu xenerailly. E. It E:\11 SGTrON 4.• SONS, , Unnunicturers of Muskets, C llion ar/Jim:, Ite volvers,l;tr•volving lb tl(s4,ltitle I.; tf. Ladies' Fancy Furs ! JOHN FARIERA I S OLD ISSTABLISEIED FUR IiANUFAC TORY, 718 Arch Street, above 7th, Phila. HAVE NOW IN STORE OF 31Y own Importation and Manufactum, one of the largest and most beautiful seelections of FANCY FURS for Ladies' and Children's Wear, In the City. Also a line assortment or Bent's fur GLOVES AND COLLARS. I ant enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices,and I would solicit a call from my friendsof Lancaster county and Remember the name,number and street. JOHN FARIERA, 718 Arch street, above 7th, south side, Philadelphia. I have no Partner nor connection with any other Store in Philadelphia. Sept. 30 4m. FURS. FURS. FURS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKFORD & SON'S CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Have ::on • open their large and splendid stock of Ladies' Fur Capes, Collin s, Muffs, Cuin, Gloves, And Hoods. Also the finest assort rent of Fancy Fur Robes, Caps, Multlers,and Gloves ever ba tbre offered by them, all of which are war ranted to be as represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. Oct. 21, t f. LADIES' SHOE MANUFACTORY. Having increased my facilities for turn ing out superior work I would an nounce to my old customers and all new ones that may favor me with a. call, that I am trotter prepard now to manufacture all kinds of Z. DIES' roiassms , And Childrt:i's Shoes* & Gaiterg, Than ever before. I employ nom, bitt the be , t workmen ancl am always certain of giving satistaketion. I keep on hand a gen eral assortment of ready made work tal of whioh is Manni - neinred on the Premises. I ke„ip no in.i,tict np xvork of other parties, My . werk is made exclusively for home tr".,ie Mid is solii as such. CASI I e sell as cheap as a*.ty other establish ment, ant' ask a share of public patronage. ,vNI Stilllt'DEDZlt. Lew:lst sheet, I wtween Front and Semitic]. Columbia, No vet ober 11, ISUS. ly A N ESL' STOCK 01 DRY GOODS at I: NOTWEI, .111 the Old S:ivings llystionion oornor of W. King and Prim e sty., Lan easter lots just recoived trout Now York and Philadelphia it large anti splendid as sortment. of I 'reign and domestic IVINTEIt DRY GOODS, A full line of Dress Goods, such :t.4 rANCIE ALL WOOL ?LAIRS. wo(a Doi:linos, all shade:, Froneli Merinoes, all shades, Ali t.was, all shades, Paromottas, M.thair Luster, stripod Poplins, Bombazines, tic., Valitstes front '23 to 15 c., Mutlitt Boni Pie up, Cheeks, Tick ings, Cauton Flannels, all gratll,l, Collar . i, L.11)1 IDS' C.l. (-I -! XL! /... 8".7...5• Breakfast Shawls, Bowls, Nit Scarfs, 11.dp.mrals, and Hooped skirts, Hosiery, ttloves,Nots,Collars iti all sorts and styles, ett's eNt ra 11 eavy Woolen I fuse '.2.5 colds a p tit. Also a full lino of MEN'S BOY'S WEAN. JOS. k NOTW ELL, Lancaster, Pa. MIME! 96-TAKE-143N-AOTlft-478. \V INTER & Sr•RING OPERATIONS =I FAN :Y (.01)11S. W.J1.1) el :7:11.1 - 1::: W PHOTOGRAPHS, Watelit.4, Jewcgry, AT 0 NAS9.II: STREET ,145 . 3 . nn , ! 3 , 1./ , •11di.1 1.11.01 y of thi• c'Lto'eu-t ..11(11)1.-I good+. utt I.•i ii Ilia intl.! and ‘,lll 141. II 31 . " not fair a. 1 ,1 .111.1 } , Ik'r..IIIIII-; .111111 f .012. g0..11 • All• • owl it.l: rh op.! th• n•i J. I= 'I .iity tlitaisatal article. of gaol,irc eta- at •10 , "fla e•ielt—c4..s.f,ofq of PIANOS. ELODI %NS, Dia wend Jewelry, GOLD WATC:IES, SILVER WITCHES SILVER 'WA]; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. .1,1,1 a graft &arid!, of fancy goo i t mu dr.rtGy. These goods are unutinr• d iron, one to to enty thou•aud, :sod t stenty thousand notices an, ntunnered from one to two thou.and. and 1).11 into setdcd olive!- •• e.tt•h number co) ret— pon/ling %salt mottle airtio•le of g00d... joy pereon auto} wits lot•:m oil colored photograph hid I e1 . .V.,111., 01 these notices moth each photograph I.AL:tug, where an agent sends, live pladoglaphs and t •u noncee f d• wee oonsir. the extrd photogimpli and too 21 Awes tree to th • d4ent. The art ode or goods eon eqdnaling ttli the 1111)1111er on the notice, no matter who: as value, *till ha tout on the receipt of Teo II the good- when receited do not gne,atodd_al al, total n them and oe a ill refund the looney. Solid thirty cont.; for nn oil colored Photograph, wane. of 2:10-y,:: ud txo notice 3. 1....0 Us no trial and wu knave you will send rain. Athliess al: orders— KENNEDY 6: CO., P.ox 51os, NEW YORK nov. 25 No.: ri UT AND DRY SMOKING TOBACCO lJ only ..50 ete. per lb., warranted cut of all leaf at JO II N FEN MUCH'S, Frunt Street, Columbia, Pa. Barley Sheaf ! eIALL, AND SEE THE CELEBRATED V Bailey Sheaf Cooking, Stove. It costs less and saves more coal than any other stovu of ey nal size, at Filthier's, Locust St., opposite Franklin House. oct 7,-tf ~IN ELECTION for Mini Directors of Um Columbia National Bank, will be held at the flanking House thereof in Columbia, on the Seeoral Tuevilay of Jan uary between the hours of ten and four o'eloek, SA.:4I.7EL SIIOCII, Cash. Doe. 9, st. OTICE is hereby given to the Stocx• .1.11 holders of the First National ltank of Columbia, that thu annual Election for nine Directors of this Lank, will bo held at their Banking House, on Tuesday Jan uary nth 18na, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. Dec.o, 'la S. S. DE•rwtt.En, Cash. --------- - - - --• --- FARDI FOR. RENT. AFA lot of eighty-nine acres near Sil ver Spring, in We.-1. Itemptleld Town ship, Lancaster County is altered for rent from the Ist 'lay of April next. For fur ther information apply to C. Et). 11. P L Dee. 10 tr. Columbia, Pa. FRENCH'S HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Opposite City frail nu(l Park, corner of Frankfort St.. New York. 641ni9'1% Refectory, Bath Rooms and Barber Shop. Seicaut. not allotrcd Vi receise perqui.itea. Do net 1 ...1!ev0 rtnr.cr , 11.4r2:01 . 1AI1 Vlhrt !NW Re are •cinter ty 1865. 1865. FALL SEASON, HALDEMAN'S STORE, Established 1815 OLD STAND. NEW ATTRACTIONS WE HAVE NOW DISPLAYED, AND offer to our customers rid the public, u very extensive assortment of choice fab rics In Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND Our Departments are all full, and wo will offer throughout the season , a choice variety in each, at, and under market MEE As our stock will be constantly replen ished with the most desirable offerings of the Philadelphia and New York markets, it will always prove worthy of inspection, and we think a visit to our establishment will result to the advantage of our patrons. It. J. HALDEMAN, Locust Street. above Front. Elegant Designs and Choice Makes in Im ported Staple DRESS GOODS. Exmnine and price our FRENCH M ER 'NOES. A beautiful stock to select from At II ALDEMANS' ' CLOAKS, We shall continue to make our Cloak Department the most attractive luffillia. Our new Whiter Cloaks, SACQUES AND CIRCULARS, Drum low priced to some very handsaw:: goods, arc now• ready for the inspection of . t lie public v a visit t-) tht• cloak ramt at lIALDEMANS' 11AL I) EllA S Ilave 110 W displayed mid roady for inspec tion FALL STOCA. visit to tln•ir estalilishment is invittsl CLOTHS C CASSIMERES, Min Men and Boys, Our stock of these gooils cull names all the well kno‘‘ u S beat makes. Wel I selected STY LE AND V .Utl ETV, To gether with all the desireable medium grades which we are deteratine•d to sell at pride.. the vote luwcu,t at HALDEMAN'S GENTS' PUNISHING GOODS. To this Ilepnrtment we have paid es pecial attention this season and believe we can show our customers the most hand some line of GENTS' FURNISHING Goomi, than ever before kept in Columbia. For new and pretty goods call at HALDEMAN'S 11002 SKIRTS, The greatest invention of the age in Hoop Skirts. BRADLEY'S Duplex Elliptic Spring SKIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when in use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale in all sizes only at II A LD ENEANa• lIALDEHAN'S Having reduced their stock to tho very lowest point during the past season, their PRESENT PURCHASES Enable them to offer an entire new stock of goods. REMEMBER TELE PLACE. MILDEW'S ! Locust Street, Above Front, COLUMBIA, PENN'A: rrbe Latest Arri.val. THE Subscriber has j nst returned from Philadelphia with, a, large and. well select. ed stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS; PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES: to which he would call the attention oldie. citizens of Columbia and vicinity. Ills stock of PATENT MEDICINES, will be found equal, if not superior, to tiny in the place, embracing all pie standard remedies, together with several, never be fore introduced to the people of Columbia. Among his list of FANCY .ARTICLES will be found all the latest, novelties, in, his line of business. He has ulso renewed his stock of COAL OIL LAMPS' and fixtures at the lowest market prices, to which he would call the especial at tention of the public. The attention of houskeopers is called to, a fresh lot of pure and reliable SPICES z Flavoring Extracts, Corn Starch, Pitrin% Baking. Soda and a n um her of other anklet used for culinary purposes. 2737 - Call and see, before purchasing else where, at QUEENSWARE ang. 2.6, '65 No. 26 --- Ci EGARS CALLED SPANISH SIXERS 17 warranted to be made of Cuba Ha vana scraps, only $lOO per hundred, JNO. FENDRICH, Front << eet, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 6b. - No. 1 VERY CHEAP GOOD NAVYTOBAC eo at 75 ets. per lb at lOIIN FENDRICIPS, Front St., Columbia, Pa. - --• No. CUTAND DRY No. 2 SMOKING To bacco, -10 els. per lb. This is only what the Government tax is. Bought beton, April Ist, lin3, at ROOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, afge. 1.1. styles and varieties of Men's,lloys, Lathes, Misses' and ebildren'm ivear. WE MANUFACTURE TO ORDER, and keep constantly on hand, a stock of ready-made work, which we warrant to give salb,taetion. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, &e. A Cull assortment of the latest styles, al ways kept on hand: ()air Wiwi° tune and attention is devoted to our hence We lure better ably to give our customer.; siatisfaetion, 'Hs 'mime sire respeettully invited to eiol nwd examine imr stock. Cur. Front and L , wlist street, Cora., nut•. Notice is hereby given to the Mini:hold ers ci 1111 4 ColllliiJttt ty rOll, 1.10140 , 11 Rail road Company, that the si ilt itistalb mead on the capital dock or said company of live dollars per share, will be due sad payable at the °Mee of the 'l'rtiasticer 111 4:0/11111 bizt,ra.., on the I=l.ll day of January Ity order of the !Marti of Director:, A ..T. KA. F.F.M AN, Treasurer. = .tio. 14. AIL & .—"X'S, BIG LICK SMOKING G Tobamo, very cheap, only eents . ll , . at Jolt N EN DRAM'S, Front St., Columbia. Buy Your Clothing of M INT IR, • -7 `Z' RI CE, H E SUBSCRIBER WOULD. I. call the . attentuni Of the citizens of co• lumina and vicinity to hi., large stock of READY-IV ADM L a ZING, Embracing every variety of style aad nue terial suitable; Joy the : wisoa. '1 hey ate made of the beNt material and in the niu.t fashiona Inc a-t vie. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Scarfs, Ncek Ties, Suspender, Handkerchicis, Hosiery, &.e. A. splendid line or the:w goods always kept on hand. Also, Boins, Shoes, Hats and Caps, ai . which we !dive a well selected shad: al which We offer at cheap rates. TRUNKS, C.LRPET ILtGS. and Valises of a.! styles, are sold cheaper than city pri.•es. ..‘ly goods are all bought fin• cash anti I otli•r them at cheaper rah•%,. for eash,than any other store. Call and see. HENR' RICE, No. 1, Wolf's Row, Front St. Columbia. Columbia, \off•. 11, IStl5, ly. No. 6 CUT AND SMOKING TOI1.10:"..)) only 4.1 CtS. n (107. at .1011 N FENDRICIFS, Front Street, Cohn; Irish Linens, Table, Diaper. Dminsk, 1. Toweling, &e., a good assortment at low prices, at 1. 0. Bruner's. Qheetingsaii widths and heavy nnbicach ed one yd wide at 40 ets.,also. Cl.eeks, 'Pickings, fir sale by .1.• Bruner, Front St, 11 Wool De!nines, French Merenees, -41 4 : Ladies Cloaking„ all colors at Bruner's Now Store. Alpacas. good at 50 cts. and new Ntylu I/081ms, from 31 to 40 els. at I. 0. Bruner's. lalieoes from 20 to J 5 cts. of all the dih ferent 'flakes, and Lancaster oing harnm for 37./ cts. at Bruner's. il Cloths, Table Covers, 'Windows O Blinds ke., for sale cheap at Blllner'S, ):'runt street- pruner's best quality Balnu.ral skirts at -1-4 7 $3.73,a150 good Balmoral skirts at p.ou and hoop skirts of all kinds at Bruner's - - 1_)e(.1, yellow , Avbito and blue mime 1 1 1 u Flannels from 45 to liO cts., ut Bruner's new Wore Undershirts, Drawers, Blankets, very cheap, at Bruner's, Front street. ------- ------- New Goods of all the latest stylas re ceiv ed daily, and sold at small profits, for cash only, at 1. 0. Bruner's. --- - Vaglish, French and American cloths _La and eassimers of all qualities, also Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans and Satinetts, at Bruner's new store. R • - -- - - - - - - °member the place for the best goods at the lowest prices is Bruiser's noir store, Front street. oct. 28, INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. gibe &alum hitt Bank will receive money on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate 41;41 per cent. for RIX 1110310 1% , and 01 per cent. tbr twelve months. SA\iUI LSIIOCII, Cashier. Oct, 14, '65.-tf. DR,. DAVID MELLINGER. Husing resumed the practice of medicine respectfully offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Columbia. Offic e and residence in Walnut street, bet ,* Pen Front and Second. Dec. 9, 1t365 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BASIL!. Columbia, Nov. 28th 1885.1 The Directors of this institution have this day declared a dividend of six per ant .clear of all taxes,payable on demand Thu dividends of this Bank will ba de clared on the last Tuesdays of flay nna . November. SAMUEL 811061 1 dec. 2,-3t Cashier. R. 'WILLIAMS, Front Street J OLIN FENDRICIFS, Front St., Columbia.. JAG B S, S NYDER, mysevAcTrunrt AND DEALER 1N NOTICE! Treasurer's (Alive of The Con', and Port Deposit IL IL ro_