a : U T SPY. ,tNDEPENDENT, FEARLESS &FREE COLIT.4IIIIA, PA.. oivw 4.4;AAN, Dee. IG, *%Gra air All *dna-taring trill be maxi-tern? CASE . and collectable at any time after thejtret pride and Groom a Century Ago. Tu begin with the lady. Her lucks were trained upwards over an iumicase cushion that sat like an incubus on her head, and plastered over with a shower of white powder. The height of this tower was somethiug over a foot. One jingle white rosebud lay on its top like an eagle on a haystack. Over her neck and bosom was folded a laced handker ehief, fastened in front by a bosom-pin larger than a dollar. containing grand mother's miniature set in virgin Her airy form was braced up iu a sUiP dress, the sleeves as tight as the skin of the arm, with a waist formed by a bed 4Mfa, worn outsidefrum whence the skirt flowed off, and was distended at the top by ample hoops. Shoes of white kid with pe.iked toes, and heels of two or three inches of elevation, enclosed her feet, and glittered with spangles, as her little pedal members peered curiously out. Now for the swain. His hair was sleeked back and plenti!nlly berinwelered while his queue projected like the han dle of a skillet. His coat was a sky blue silk, lined yellow; his long vest of white satin embroidered with gold lace; his breeches of the same material, and tied at the knee with a pink ribbon. White silk stockings and pnmps with laces and ties of the same hue completed the habili ments of his nether limbs. Lace ruffles clustered round his wrists, and a porten tious frill, worked in correspondence and bearing of his beloved, finished his truly gentle appearance. tiliST MY LucK. —A passenger swear ing terribly in the cars on the Boston and Providence Railroad, was approached tY a young ininister with more zeal than discretion, vho said to him, abruptly : "My dear sir, do you know where you are going? yog are going straight to Bell :" Equst, toy luck ;" -replied the man, looking the minister in the face with an alarmed air, and suddenly fumbling for his check, "I bought a ticket for Provi dence !" " ATTIINTION, SOLDIERS OP MIR LATE ARNY."—Many Discharged Soldiers have claims of which they have no knowledge. By sending for a Circular to 1.. Brown & Co., of No. 2 Park Place, N. Y., informa tion will be furnished which may be val oct 21 tj 20 00 rPHE CELEBRATED SETH THOMAS CLOCK. E. Spering has just receiv *id from the city u choice stock of these eel brated clocks. The best, neatest and prettiest Yankee Clock warranted for two years. aug. 38, "DODGERS BROTIIERS' SUPERIOR its Silver Plated Ware at E. SPERING'S Cheap Jewelry Store. aug. 26, MITE CELEBRATED IX L CUTLERY, Gee. Wostholot, A. No. 1, at E. SPERI.NG'S Jewelry Store. aug. 26 -NEWST VLE OF WATERFALL Combs at smug. 26, MASON; PEASE & MOORE ! PENNSWL,VANIA LUBRIC OIL •• WORKS. PITTSBURGH, PENN'A. (\WING to extensive improvements V/ and increased facilities, we are now enabled to offer superior inducements to all consumers of Lubricating oils. Grades, "A," an extra engine oil. "B," " " heavy Lubricator "42," " " cheap, do Pittsburgh, Nov. 4111, 184 5. Afe.srs. Mason, Pease at Moore. Gen leinan.—we Imve been using your Lubricating Oil [C) in our nail factory, for some time past, and Lind it to answer our purpose as well as any oil we have l'een using on our nail machines. SHOENLIERGER C CO. ziov. 25, '65 MALTBY HO SL, A. B. MILLER, Proprietor, Thin hotel has been lately refitted with all the fleet... Nary Improvements known to hotel enterpr/ de and th.•refore oilers first elites aecouunudatioun to etrangersi and others visiting uct 2.1, EXCHANGE HOTEL, mot ;NT JOY, 'PEN NA. ALEX. D. REESE, Proprietor .FIRT-C LASS ACCOIf3IO D TIONS. The Choicest Liquors et the Bar. Oct. 7th, No. 23 GOoDWIN etr BROTHERS• yEL -1.14. low Bank Chewing Tobacco in Tin Foil only $7 per gross, a L JOlj FENDRICIrs No. 2 BEST SWEET TWIST TOP.ACCO Lancaster County, only 00 cts. a lb. at JOHN EENDRICH'S. Front Street, Columbia, Pa. UPHOLSTERING. I-IMM UNDERSIGNED HAS TAKEN 1. Rooms adjoining the residence of James Barber, in Walnut street, where he is at all times prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Stich as, Hanging Cur tains, cutting, making and laying Camels. Reparing Sofas and chairs. making spring, corn-husk or n air mattresses, cushions 4te-, 4tc. SAMUEL CARTER. Dec. 2,3 mo. IN all fine brands of Chewing Tobacco, all other houses. My Tobacco's are all warranted free of mould, must, or disa greeable mixtures, they are all selected with the greatest care by the manufactur ers. Constantly on hand HA.RDCASTLE, NAVY, Baltimore Spun, Oronoko Twist, Diadem, Old Dominion, Light Pressed, Sun Cured, Congress, Queen City Fine Cut, Grent Fine Cut, Michigan Fine Cut, and different other brands . large assort men tof Smoking Tobacco's Snuffs, Tobacco bags, together with all the latest improved pipes known the market. My Segars cannot be beat for stock in the county. Friends cull and try my American Cousin's, Union's, Isabel Cubas, 76's, Grunt's, 4.ttillas, dc., ,Cheap Segars constantly on hand. Booties is the place. Mind in the old Post Office Building, Locust Street, Col. june 24, '435 170,172, 174 a; 176 Greenwich Street, (One Square West of Broadway.) Between Cortlandt and Dey Sts., N. Y. .TOILY PATTAY, Jr., Proprctor M TIE Pacific Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is especially suitable to mer chants and business men 1 it is in close proximity to the business part of the City —is on the highway of Southern and West ern travel—and adjacent to all the princip al Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accomodation for 30U guests. it is well furnished and pos sesses every modern iMpreVement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventila ted : provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and respectful j and the table is generously provided with every delecucy of die season. The subscriber, who, for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now solo pro prietor, and intends to identify bimself thoroughly' , with the interest of his house. With long experience as it hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain the favorable reputa tion of the Pacific Hotel. sept. 2, '65 BENJAMIN HERR, .11AR JUST OPENED A. new stock of goods, at 11:73a.105a. Salta. Where I would be pleased to see all my old customers. my s t oc k o f goods is full and complete, ooMprisinll DRESS GOODS, CSSSIMERES, ()Lon's. VESTING S. DELAINS, I'KINTS. DOMESTICS, Together with as good assortment of goods as is found in any similar establishment. Family Groceries, toffee, le4 Buoo of al! L{ina PRIME SUGAR CURED RANI& FLOUR, FISII, &C. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market rates. I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa tronage. BEN J. HEIM N0v.19. '64. Cor. 3rd and Union Sts. THE OLE ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber has completely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and he hopes by careful personal attention to give the public better pictures than have here tofore been produced. AMBROT YPES, PHOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytypes, Melainotypes, Carte de Visite, and pictures on canvass taken in the best style, and at prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness. z..%3"Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished without repeated sittings. Ile asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Cull and examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of I ront and Locust streets. Entrance on ocust street. E. J. M. LITTLE. Oct. 24 ISG3. E. SPERING•S Jewelry Store ORGANS ANO MELODEONS W.U. HESS INFOWNI . SIIIS FRIENDS and the public generally that ho will fur nish the best makes of Pianos to any de sirous of having an instrument of this kind in their home. Ho will l I also furnish Melodeons and Organs. These instruments arc coming into very general use. The Organ, espec ially, is adapted to theproduction of sacred music in the church, the Sunday school room or the parlor. Organs furnished at from one hundred dollars and upwards. The prices for all instruments will he the same as in New York or Philadelphia. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all instru ments warranted. %V. U. 'LESS' Dot* Store, Locust St July 20, 'r :-]y WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c THE subscriber would invite attention to his large and fine stock of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, SEGAItS, TOBACCO, PIPES, S.C. lIE keeps his stock well tilled up, and believes that he can olfrr as good an as sortment of everything in his line as can be found in any store in Columbia. He would direct special attention to his German Wine% These aro light wines, good in quality, low in price, and a very wholesome drink either for sicki or well. A large assortment of 71/Ic, ex- mica:um - um 3Placoong, Will attract general notice, anti will be found to comprise sonic of the finest pipes ever offered in Columbia. Come and ex amine them. J. C. BUCHER, Cor. Front and Locust. ts., Cola Pa. July 4, 1/363. Baltimore, Aid p ATENT HINGE BACK ALBUMS Altemns & Co's. Patent Hinge Ack Al bums, the best album made• Cull and ex amine ut ang. 26 SEWING MACHINES nIIEELER & WILSON I S acknowlt,d ge d to be the hest Family Sewing Machine M use. More than two hundred thowumd have already been sold. Every Machine warranted to give satisfaction, or the money refunded. For sale at, the store of Maltl)y & Case, Locust Street, Columbia. Pa. oct. 21, W. G. PATTON, Agent. - No. 11 PITTSBURG CONGRESS TOBACCO, sweet and sound, only 7 ets. a plug at JOHN VENDRICH'S, Vront Street Colunalsta„ I. X. L. GEO. M. 1300TII PACIFIC ROTEL. JQIIN PATTE:c, Jr POTATOES, PHOTOGRAPHS. PIANOS, E. SPEED:WS Jewelry Store FIRST NATIONAL BE R7l/ OF COLITZBIA. IS PREPARED to transact all business appertaining to a thoroughly organized bank, to Receive Deposits, Make Collections on all Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount Notes, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, 4kc., Buy and sell Gold-Coupons, Silver, Uncurrent Money, ac. • - - Interest will be pai-: on special deposits, viz : For 12 months or over. 5 per cent per annum. For 6to 12 months, 41 per cent. per annum. For 3to 6 months, 3 per out. per annum. Although we allow no interest for tt shorter time than three months, any money left with us for a period of thirty days or longer, will be refunded in Nation al Currency. We keep on hand and for sale, the new 7-30 POPULAR LOAN, at par and back interest. We also furnish all other government securities at market rates without charge. Discount day: Mondays at 10 o'clock A. M. S. S. DETWILER, Cashier. July 2-9 J. RUMPLE & SON , DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware. A N extensive assortment of house fur nishing hardware, also for carpenters and builders use, always on hand. IRON AND STEEL. Blacksmiths, wagon makers and others, furnished with all kinds of iron, nails, horse shoes, coach trimmings and other goods in their line. WOOD AXD 117/3;0 W WARE In great variety, such as tubs, baskets, wash boards, brooms, washing machines, &c. 2 , 49.lX2lffirirG XVIPLEMENTS, Plows,shove/s, hoes, plow castings,scythes, forks, rakes, and all other implements used by the farmer. S7'o VE S AND TIN . WARE. Stoves of every style and pattern, cook. parlor and office stoves, for coal or wood. A large assortment of tin ware always kept on hand or manufactured to order. OIL, PAINTS, e.O - oil, linseed, fish, sperm and machine oils of all kinds. Alcohol, benzine, japan and other varnish, glass. paints, putty, white lead, &e, Locust St.., Columbia, Pa. aug. 19, '(l5. 3N - MW Goons PECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED S to our New Stock of DRY GOODS, which has been purchased for cash, and we are determined to sell at the lowest possible price. STEACY cC BOWlinS, Corner of '2nd 4: Locust Street. Oct. 14, '65 Pensions and Bounties. Widows, Mothers, Minor Children, De pendent Sisters and Discharged Soldiers, lilntitled ix. Pensions Fathers, Mothers, Widows, Children, Brothers and Sisters, Entitled to Bounties ; Soldiers entitled to Bounties mid Pay and all others who have claims upon the Government, will find prompt and faithful attention given to their claims upon ap plication by letter or in person to JAMES BLACK, No. 5d East King st., Laneaster,Wa. References : llon. Henry G. Long, Hon. A. L. Hayes, John B. Livingston, Esq., 1), W. Patterson, Esq., G. M. Kline, Esq., of Lancaster, Pa. Barr Spangler, Esq., Marietta, Pa., Geo. R. Hendrickson, Esq., Mt. Joy, Pa., Col. S. Shoch, Samuel Grove, of Columbia. Pa. Henry Andrews, Esq., Colemanville, Pa. N. 11.—No charges until claim is collect ed. Sept. 23, '65.-ly SUSQUER ANNA IRON CU. Manufacturers of all sizes of Refined Sr., Double Refilled ROUND, SQUARE, FLATS, OVAL, AND HALF OVAL 11:0N. Car Axles, Shafting and Horse Shoe Bars. Ul.- Orders promptly filled from Stock on hand or made to order. Terms, net cash, at 'Manufacturer's prices, delivered au Cars or 73o:it. Office at their ROLLING MILL, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 65 ly PHILAD'A SCALE WORKS. BANKS, DINMORE 4et. CO. Successors to A. B. Davis Lt. Co., WARE ROOJI S' 417 d 1 CII Street Factory IMO and Penn'a Avenue MANUFACTURERS OP - - - PATENT STANDARD SCALES, Suitable for weigh locks,rail road tracks, depots, coal, hay and live stuck. Patent Parallel Crane Beam, for weigh ing Boilers, Casting and other heavy ma chinery. Patent Stocl• House Scales, for Blast Fur naces. Hopper Scales, for weighing Grain, indi cating Bushels and Pounds. Bank's Improved Rolling Mill And Union Scales, also, all the various descrip tions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales. Counter .S'cutes and Patent Beams. Every Scale Warranted. Prompt attention given to repairing.— Send for an Illustrated Circular. nov. 4, '6's,ly BOOTS it SHOES. F Olt tlw Itost, 'toots, go to Bronentan's, W. King For the hest Woinen's shoes, go to Breiteinan's. W. King street For the bast shoes go to Breneinaufs, W. King street For the most comfortable fit . go to Breneman's, W. King street For work that will not rip, go to lirenonann's, W. King strcipi, For Boots flint will not let in water, go to Breneman's, W. King street If in want of Boots and Shoes, go to Itreneinan's, W. King street Everybody in the country go to lirenenaties, opposite Cooper's hotel, Oct. :tB, Lancaster, Pa REMEMBER THE OLD ESTAB LISHED STAND. unEAT BARGAINS AT THE CHEAP CASH BOOK STORE. We have just received from the Fall Trade Sale a selected stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Which we now offer at Greatly Reduced Rates. A large assortment of SCHOOL MERCHANDISE Constantly on hand. Also, STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS. Brooks' Normal Elementary Arithmetic, Brooks' Geometry and Trigonometry, haul's Normal Speller, Sanders' Union Readers. We call special attention to our large assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, AND DIARIES for 1800 'II RCIIANTS and TEACIIEBS Supplied at Wholesale rates, at 1011 SHEAFFER'S Cheap Cash Book 5i0r4..., No. 32 North Queen Mt, Lancaster, P.r. nov. 18, '65. - No. 5 DANVILLE, VA., SMOKING Tobacco in lb. prickages, onl7 50 els. per lb. at JOHN FENDItIOLVS Front St. Columbia. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL HARRD3BUAG, PA. . . • DAVID B. HUTCHISON, Proprietor. THIS well known Hotel is now in aeon dition to accommodate the traveling pub lic, atibrding the most ampleconveniences alike for the transient guest and the per manent boarder. TILE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has accommodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Its locati,si is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to all the offices and business localities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL. and the Proprietors are determined tc spare neither expense, time or labor to en sure the comfort of the guests. The patron age of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. ' November 4. '65-tf. EXCELSIOR GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Cor. of Third and Locust Street Columbia, Pa. Groceries,Provisions,Flourprain,fic We will always keep on hand the very best quality of goods such as Sugars, Salt Coffee, Fruit, Teas, Soap, Fish, Starch, Hams, Spices. • Cheese, Crackers, Lard, Tobacco, Molasses, Segars, also FANCY GROCERIES. NOTIONS, DRIED FRUIT, &C. We intend to keep the best foods only and to sell as cheap as any similar store.— We therefore ask a portiun of public patr ronage. Sept. 16, '65.-If IL :MULLEN& BRO CHARTER 1829. PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE lISIIRAIICE CO, Ort PRILIADMMIgn , * ...9-isissoatos c)33. wzman.. 1. mess. $2,501,207 04. CAPITAL, - -- $ 400,000 ACCRUED SURPLUS, - 971,000 INVESTED PREMIUMS, 1,080,288 UNSETTLED CLAIMS, - 8,416 INCOME FOR 1864, - 300,000 LOSS PAID SINCE 1829, 5,000,000 Perpetual end Temporary Folic4s on Liberal Terms. X, X FILM CUD CZI , R . Charles N. Danaher, Isaac Lou, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Vales, Jacob lt. Smith, Alfred Filler, Geo. W. Richards, Fries. W. Lewis, M. 1). CHARLES N. BANCICER, President. EW D. C. DALE, Vice-President. me,‘LbisTEß, ,Yee. Pro. Ton. JOHN COOPER, .gt- for Columbia mar.l2, ly. JAS. W Cabinet Making and Undertaking THE undersigned would inform lii friends and the puldie that he has now in creased facilities for turning out work, and his FURNITURE W A R E•ROOMS Are now well supplied with new and beau tiful furniture of the latest improved styles. lle planttiactures to order and will keep constantly on hand Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Signs, Card Dining and Centre 'fables, Onnmon, Fan cy and French Bedsteads; all of it'll will he sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures, his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CHAIRS, MIMI' All kinds of Chairs kept on nand or man uthetured to order. Cane, Windsor, A rni and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp alai Counter Stools, Sofia:, Tete-a-t-Lites, and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old Chairs repainted and repaired. UN DE RTA K I NG beattended towith prompt ness, to which he gives his personal :Mill thni. Jle is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as 'nay be re quired. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS Furnished plain or tinned in any style tha may be required. Ile respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well ;is a continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally thvored. .1011 N SI IHNIIERGER. South Side of Locust t.t., between Seyonct and Third. (C1et.17,'03. NEW CARR I _IG E M A_NlTE'Acrrort-Y- Second Street, nearly opposite LUTHERAN CHURCH, COLUMBIA. UNDERSION ED HAVING Taken J. the Shops formyrly conducted by Mr. Samuel Carter, would respectfully an nounce to the citizens of Columbia and vi cinity that he is now prepared to montane. Lure all kinds of Coaches, Carriages, Bug gies, Sulkies, and all other vehicles In his line. His reputation as a workman is es tablished, as he can confidently claim liar his work the merits of beauty of font], ele gance of finish, and strength of structure, Ono of the distinguishing features of his work is lis durability ; all vehicles of his build are constructed of tho best seasoned material, and put together firmlyand sub stantially. Ile gives particular attention to the repairing of vehicles, and Iv:frt.:MN all work in his line to give satisthetion. in ndilitiOU to his practical experience in the business, he has the assistance of the best workmen. Some of them from the celebrated Watson establishment of Phi la dolphin. A generouspublic is respectfully invited to give home industry their encourage ment and support. CHRISTIAN MYERS. Aug. 12, Ttl. tf. FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE MS &RANCE COJIPAN ANY, YORK, PENN'A., APRIL Ist LSIA A ce•ewidated Capital, $3133,370.94. This Company continues to issue Poll (nem of Insurance on Buildings or personal Property, in Town or Country: at af.9il. or mutual rates. nn ' President D, Wrinentain, tiocrNetaAry, 3:0.1. - racz.toz-ass s IL KRA111:12, TISOMAS GRAY, ELI KINDICI JOHN LANDES. W.M. WALLACE,GIiO. D. EB ERT, 11. STI:ICHLEIt. Applications for Insurance will be made M. S. snrum AN, ang. 19, tf,L.V Coluimba No. 18. MOTICE—I. HAVE REDUCED THE 11 price of all Pipes, such as Rosewood, Sweet Briar, Patent and Fancy Pipes, twenty per cent., at JOHN FENDRICIFS Front St., Celunabia. No. 13 VinGINIA. CAVENDISH TOBACCO, sweet and sound only Go els per Ib. at JOHN FENDBICII-S, Front Street, Columbia. No. 16. 101 c ING TOBACCO 1N BARRELS 1.7 or half Murcia at old prices, at JOHN Front St., Columbia. FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. ASample of which can be seen at tli office of BRUNER S MOORV, Columbia, Dec. 3d, 1W4.-tf. CABINET WV UFACTOPM,AIIEB OOMIS AND IN AN LocusT ST., A. PEW DOORS Bx• Low 3rd St., COLUMBIA, LAN. coly, PA• THE subscriber having purchased from his brother, Casper Seibert, the stock and good will of his extensive Cabinet Manu factory, will continue the business at the old stand, where be will keep on hand an assortment of FUhNITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality, style, and manufacture and will make to order, of first-rate mate rial, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectful ly asks of the public a share of its patron age, UNDERTAKING will receive the mosteareful attention, at the shortest notleft GEORGE SEIBERT. Cola. July 4, 'O3. " SECURE THE SHADOW E'ER THE SUBJECT FADES." EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD should have their picture taken—per fect life-like pictures—guaranteed. They are taken in all kinds of weather at the PHOTOG RAPHIC GALLERY, Front Street, above Locust, where he is now prepared to do all kinds of Photo graphing. Ambrotypes, got up in good style. copying and enlarging of strain Pictures done with neatness and accuracy, PICTURES COLORED In Oil or Water Colors. Orders for Pictures from old Negatives will be promptly tilled, -Special attention paid to Cartes Do- Visites. Hoping by a strict attention to business to share the liberal patronage heretofore extended by the citizens. Call at Rooms and examine Specimens. Remember the place, Front Street, above Locust. Gl4O. A. .11YERS. Sept. 30,4 f. c\UARTERLY REPORT OF TUE CON dition of the Columbia National Bank on the morning of the first Monday of Oct, 1565. RE S 0 UR CE S. Notes and $701,277,28 U. S, bonds deposited for circulation, 500,000,00 Bonds and other V. B,,,kiecprl's, I 5 ,9tnl,on 1365,277,28 Cash in notes of other Niti.Wks 10,125,00 " State 7,857.00 nomittances,other cash items, 12,2e0,57 Specie, 2110.00 Legal tenders and noinpouial aotc•Q. 95,015,01 Due front National Banks, 104,545,11 110 other Banks, 2,11.s1,11; 2'24,155,44 Banking Bone, Con enc. expenses 3,485,71 Taxes paid, 5,4t.,74 8.528.45 LJdJ3IL 1 TJI: S. CAPital. Mi.loppoy, 9 Stirpli. Nina, L,343,91 PI nlit and La9,+, 14 :' 1 : 1 ,' 1 nsentinni. .23,9:41 r.:i I.:Xvinunte. • 1,572.i1 1 6.11117 S Divi,it.n.l , my aid, 107, " In! 141 National entnk., 9.712 . 2 1 lin, 141nttn r limks. 1. , :, .71 Circ.'lall..ll ill i %Omni, a Bank. 37..1 ,9 J., 9 0 1 lit P 011 :t Nwitinal 1;.43“. -s .7s ,I)II /11 , 111. , 11141 dolf .1,1-, • __,+l,; 11 98101:11,1.1 Ind, lif I.in , otor, .117,221. Sworn mitt to by ti.k.Al l; El, tillot il, Cashier A vAxitra.mxt ar.xvicraysr. l'ltreaPer . s lehoArntors will La.ratio .1),71v, -Lion Tin , : CUM , : OF PILES. Itvad the 32 w lug ailitlitylt For (I 11,1w:it of IVrltitas- ith I ake the ht.lott mg. ,itttettlesit ; I hat- been, ,Itiritig tin Lt-. ltr..lvo $ .- Ng•l'e y tl.t .1 I It tt .• Inv.! ail 611.44, any pill t witiar I. •ii ati.l lleitt.ly 1.111 1rt.11.1.•r 11,4111..1i - 1110111 111 • Pallladvilliirt ; i.ut II 1e1i..1 014:1111- tql. I ill my t r Ltip, It •••.17:t1 Lt.) .i• 1 et/ 11.) . - t 4,1111 Illicit tit mt...•rv. n I.i,t 1r•-arc, roeu.nmetitlati..it smek II le.l /t111. a.ul Lase iVi• Sov , tal arplical 1011. i• I me "I all 1.1j11• h .p;111,11011 111,s , r, ir•,• 'rely ,•lure,l MO. I atlt glad dare L , b.it•li :1 IClllody. /111.1 11. I. let: Mi ll:L.11.1 it. .I.IM KS .1. 'I t% et. $t e, I.Pniiit le whin. s worn : ,,,t hof..re the 121 h 11 11.—c .1.,1 S;jive illtlo.lllell , ll ti. tiltNt 11:tV1• 101,•1%(.1111.11/1e10:, I!:1 1 , 1 . 111 g t. :01111.41i.11- :110 1,111111,41 , :liti , .11.• of it. ; thvial 11,0 nli .v.. n tidar.l •1111111.. TH•3.I-r, his IPl`ilig 4o1"1.og 7.ii 4,1 great svv.•lity. 'I k topialy ptitinig at'entimi 14.4 41/11St lie 0.4:110%%1 •Q;;.41 th • -1, 4, ..y;11ludo: for th, ali"se tt,e. a•hil -.h. hy 1 , . I are alloyal 303 ;via 311 N. :1 I Sat, t For , aa• 11., 11;1.11t,, Cut 11111. i I. .111}11•[ 6111. NEW FLORAL Slllia S OTIS"S New, N ivt.l and .3.1 ost . !..,ervievahic DIE S' 11 00 1' 8KI1? 7' , NOW IN MA. It 1:1•1 '1 iiis Skirt cowhiur.Owe.? or IL. a:roat owt itivoutionsknom nini mm 1 1 11, 011 1,, of 11001) 1 . 111 - which ti.111`1 , 4 1.:Itellt of the United State , : have been granted, I.t. It has a heatiticul Patent %Illicit cloudily proteels the ends of the Im:4 le springs, consisting of heavy Satin .Tuatts, 'neatly hotindwith A superioi• potent elie4p, used in joining IIIL• springs together. ltrd. The springs are fastened together Ity means of this Patent Clasp, whioll pos sesses superior strength nod finish over all other fastenings heretothre known or used. The cam binal ion of inventions as applied to this, the Floral Skirt,gives it the advan tage over alt others,in durability and etyle, nut-wearing any two common ski its. Orders solicited. Skirts will bedelivered abroad ofany freight in N. Y. city free of charge on receipt of the money. Manufactured exclu,/vely by the AMERICAN' SKIRT CO., 100 Orange Street. Brooklyn, N, Y. For sale by A. Miller A; Co.. 340 Broad way, N. Y., and by the Trade generally. lice. 2 J. W. REASIN, 111ERCHAXT TAILOR, Helium Street, seven doors above Second, WRIGHTSVILLE, PENN'A. C LOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VEST- ings of all styles and suited to any season, kept constantly on band and man ufactured to order at short notice,and war ranted :o give perfect satisfaction. Aug. 19, 1565, No. S °TARR'S BALM RAPPEE SNUFF LD only 7U eta. per lb. nt JOHN FEN DRICH'S Front St. Columbia. MECCA OIL WORKS , . COMERFORD & CO.; • gd Market street, Pittsburg, Pa. M` NUFACTURERS OF THE BEST quality of uils for machinery, station ery engines, locomotives, Rolling Mills, Railroads, saw mills, dour millsoke., also, Illuminating Oils, Our long and extensive experience in manufacturing Machinery oils, enable qs to present an article to the public of very superior quality'. We guarantee it is without grit, and will not congeal in the coldest weather, gum or heat, and being equal in all its qualities to No. 1 Lard, or Sperm Oil. ).V../-Orders may beleft at this office. oct. 7„65-tf NOTICE, Wg Take pleasure in informing our friends and patrons we are now sel ling our stock of . - L) 0 M.ESTIC GOODS. at greatly reduced prices. Cull and be convinced of what we say STEACY d BOWERS, Cor, of 2d and Locust Streets, Columbia, razaanis NOTICE. ItEI'EIINSYLYII , III RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ARE now prepared to receive and for ward FREIGHT on the Philadelphia Di vision, to and from all stations where they have agents, at the following rates per hari: dyed pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 25 cents. 21 cts. 18 ets. 15 ets. Flour in car loads, 28 ets. per barrel. Pig Metal, 15 cts. per 100 lbs. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour, 24' cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 14 cents per 100 pounds Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations as heretofore. RATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 71 56 46 36 Flour per barrel, 72 cents. -Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pre paid. Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and Wooden Porter dr. Ale in hot- Ware, ties, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh, Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrapping Paper. Articles of id Class. ' Apples, Marble Monuments, Cheese, Molasses, Clover dr Grass Seed,Melons, ' Crockery, Oil in casks or boxes, Candles, Paper in boxes, Casks or Barrels,Pasteboard, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing paper, Guns an Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes andQueensware, kegs, Sweet Potatoes, Hardware, Tobacco in bales, Hops, Tea, Iron, (hoop, band orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather, Turpentine, (spts,) Liquor in Wood, Varnish. Marble Slabs tit Mar- Articles of 3d elms. Alcohol, turedo Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Viziep,nr, Oysters dr Clams, (inWhite Lead, (shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, (manatee- Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin, cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, Tobaitaeo (leaf,) . Grain of all kinds, Tin, .Nails and Spikes, Tar, Piteli, Whisky, Plaster, All Freights payable on ileliverv, IL R. 1101 - STON, eneral Freight Agent, Phila. ,“? - I'n• t•tirthor inlbarninlion, :apply to S. 11. KINGSTON, Freight Agt., Philo. E. IC. 1101('E, Freight Columbia W. U. MYERS, Freight .\ ;41., Laii'lr 1. 1,45. =ZEN LLlSu.s.iiirr cc. or NOIA.T.Ia ALTZ.P.:IO.I. IT I i, .\ 13 El, l' 11 T A. z-:.o, 7, ,1 17 I.NCORPORATI•II) ;" - z 1,35 u, tgri, Charter perbetual. Isisurance against loss or damage by fire till Buildings, Mer chandize, Furniture, .17. e., for lime or short periods, or permanently on ltuililines, by It deposit of Premium. The pru u tpt pay ment of ''uses tbr a period of sereatu years, affords L. guarantee of claim upon public confidenve. Alrrill'lt G. COFFIN, Presi. C II .s.nr.,Es PLATT, Secretary. F. X. ZIEt f Len, Agent, Basement Black's ILotcl, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, January :21, POCBT BOOKS ALA.,: and won moh.„tod ~,wk of docket Hooks, has just beef' received, til high we will sell at reduced prices. Call and see our stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS A ia,r g p stock just, received frritt New York, they arc offered at prices to stiff evelV OHO. leinnel's Patent Th 3 mometers. .I.large B ,, :ortment just received, oncl selling ut very low prices. No pen-on Nhottlol IJo vvltlona one. TIN . 0 FLUID. The yen taw artfrie—plartA, plias, hull pints and 1 oz. stands. Everytnlng nsu:ll - kept in the Stutteme•ry liuc, wi I be found at \V• U. HESS' slum, St., oppisite CJlitinnia National I nk. lone 10, '6's. WILSITINGTON HousE \u. 709 Chi-thint Street,ahove 71.1 t, I'll IL:1 DE LIVI lA. TrIIIIS OLD AND POPULAIt ()TEL 1 is slid:ilea in the very centre Of busi ness, and is convenient. to the Steamboat and It. It. Depots, :I( . (l . otis frOin Wilieh to the hotel., att.-linable al all times. The hones as been lit wottchly reloivated anti newly furnished,anti in every respect ren dered to meet the wishes and desires of the traveling public. The reputation the manager enjoyed in the conduct of the other Ilotels will be a so Melvin guaranty that no ettlirt on his part will he spored to make the "WASH INGTON" (vin./ o ss house. The larder will be unexceptionable in every respect. The Manager will be pleased 01 see his old friends and former patrons of the "Statekt Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome many new ones. CIIAS. M. ALLMOND. jail, 21, GI Manager CIIANGE OF BASE. T Have removed my Store from Filth and J. Union Street to Locust Street, between 2nd and 3rd Street, north side and Nx7E have just received a new stock of VII' Goods direct from tirst hands,and are enabled to sell them as cheap as any other store in town. Our assortment of PINE FAMILY GROCERIES Is large and complete, consisting in part of all grade of Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, d:c. Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Willow-ware,Gliw. , , Ind Queens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER CHEESE, German fruits, dm. Eno'Usk and Lmerican Pickles. Fresh Peaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertainining to a well regulated gro cery store. I am determined not to be sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Call around and inspect our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub lic patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, Agent, Locust street, above 2d. Columbia, April 1, '65. T HE POPULAR HATS of the SEASON Gentlemen's Dress Silk Hat, Cassimere Dress Hats, PATENT RESORT _EATS, The Dasher Hat, The Faust Hat, The Rusher Hat, The Easton Hat, THE DUNDREARY HAT, A large and splendid assortment of all the above Now and Popular Styles, in Cloth, Cassimere and Felt, together with a full line of r *~ T v Also, all the new styles of Fall and 'WU= ter Caps for Gentlemen, Youth's and Children's Wear. SHULTZ .Ir, BRO. , Ratters, No. 20, North Queen street, Lancaste r, Oct. 21 18Q;, GpLaiLDFERNALINDAmousztra XrirSllltBri'CZll C =PANT., ' PHILADELPHIA. Capital $200,000 : Securities $.300,000, J.HIS CQHFANT continues to take riaks on good property at rates as low as any other safe Compuuy t and consistent with prudence. • • .7 , Policies issued for long or short terms, or permanently. Losses promptly paid, All claims adjusted without litigation or delay. This Copaparty refers to the past as a guarantee of its future Conduct. • ' • Trros. CRAVEN, Prest. A. S. GILLETT, Vice Pres. JAB. B. Ar.vonn, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement Black's Hotel, Columbia, Pu Columbia, January 21, 1 865.-Iv. ' The Place to get Your Dloney's WORTH IS AT HENRY SU Y Diars 00R. FRONT & UNION ST. He has just received a large supply of new and fresh groceries, also NEW DRIED FRUIT, NEW SUGAR CURED RAMS, NEW NO. 1, MACKEREL, NEW SEEDLES and LA.TERR4TSINS. NEW CITRON AND Clilinkyks . ENGLISH PICKLES, CRANBERRIES, d:c. Also now Fruit of all kinds. Our stook of staple and fancy groceries is full and compiete and we intend keeping it fresh by almost daily additions. Give us a call, corner Front tit Union Street, Columbia. HENRY SUYDAM. Nov. 5, 1864. Columbia Oil Works. Truscott & Guernsey, PROPRIETORS. COLUMBIA, PENN'A. REFINERS AND WHOLESALE Deal. ers in Refined Carbon Oil, Benzine, Lu brie Oil, Sic. • =I Having lately put up a refinery with all the necessary improvements. We oiler to the public a pure article of DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light at less expense than the most of oils non• it; market, and is perfectly non-explosive,— We manufacture exclusively for home trade, and guarantee our oil to be of the best quality. Orders solicited. Address as Ilbovt. Columbia,Aug. 12. if. JUST THE PLACE HFi. FLY SUYDAM'S, Corner of Front. and U n iOlt :Amyl hstheplaeologetyour l'.lM I LY I Ic keeps; the best :400: to la. found market, anti !wives reasonable. hairs gm-cries, vegetables, itt., in 5v.,1„„,5,, JUST RECEiIiEI) EIN HARDMAN'S G.:13 ! pH Mons in the world. 11 Miner's Eseelsbor n am! mini', OleldaN a. Lagrina and ltio coffee, green_ and roasted Browning's I , , , ceeisior vodee, /Alnico lot of Ton, tra loqu•r;:d, 1' , 11111'4 yson, I:real:fast and huh Tea. Fine Coal Oil holips, Bond's 11 es, Baiter, Farina, Trentan and Family l'r4elier•-. Fresh united 'Foundoes,Fino Cove Or,ter., in Jars, a ni..e lot of chesip Sugar, 50U gal lons LoYering's best Syrup. New Orleans Baking Molases, Pure Flour of Riee,:\ 1 awearoni,Split Peas, Layer liaisons, Apples ' Cranberry's, Fresh Om Peaches, Ground Mu ee, Ground Nanne::, A good assortment ornothm such as thread Need k-s, pins, (sun IN, whalebones, shoe Lnees, buttons, Bahian al !lose , at Cur. of Third and Cherry St. inn. 7 'l;5. Prepare for Winter rrinE ell zees of Columbia and virinnYt are respeetrolly invited to rall and ex amine my largo oral varied assortntrat of sousr nrinrc curs Comprising every %timely of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED M ACE, TABLE CUTLERY. 00 'DS, P LA N I SUED TIN-WARE. COOK INO UTENSI LS. CIIAM PER. ‘VAEE, IN SETS, HOLLOW WAR: , EXAM LED. COPPER RE l' I LES, BRASS REV LES Charing Di sh. - ,s, Egg Boners, Britannia Ware, Wafters, (e,, Stoves of every Drscription. ItILLIANT AND Are two of tlte Ite,4 stoves in the Itirltet. They are guarantied to give satisfuelion., GAS .F1:1"I'l N I'LL/111 1,1 SG Carried on in all its various brandies. Stoves,Shopa, e., tittedupwith Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendants. lialvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta IVater Pipes. 7.:4Y- Repining promptly and personally attended to. HIRAM WILSON, Cor. Locust cf.: :2nd sL, Conl Sept. 26 18G5 STOVES ! Are sold cheaper than they have been for tour years, at 1 2 ' M . " 110 USE FUIi.N.ISHING STORE, Locust Street, opposite Franklin House, COL UMBIA, rA A large assortment of Stoves, Tin Ware, - Spoons„ Baskes, Lamps, Tubs, Coal Oil, Brooms, Lanterns, Knives and Forks, Brass Kettles, Olce., Ste. ALWAYS ON 'SAND. te u -Plumblng, Gas fitting, Spouting.. Rooting, Bell Hanging, Copper Work and Repairing Stoves attended to proinptly. 50pt..16, • DOBBINS' ELECTRIC! SOAP , SAVES LABOR, SAVES TIME, SAVES MONEY' SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES SOAP, AND SAVES WOMEN. It's the Soap Tor every r ain" Sold by grocers storekeepers throughout city and country. :NLA.NUFACITIRED ONLY BY J. B. DOBBINS it CO.. tnut, 1O South Furrx street, belowD Ches PHILABIZ IIA. Nov. 11th '65. 2m. No. 21 GOODWIN & BROS. PLANTATIOS E. Chewing Tobacoo, in tin foil, only fr per gross at JOHN FENDracir s, Front Street, Columbia. No. 15. SMOKING TURKISH TOBACCO, ye', ebenp, at JOHN FENDRICIT S, Front St., cohunbis.