.goal epartntent. Tu Correspopueuts. Onannuentionn, letters, contributions, merit generttliii erit and interest to the realer, .bc .neceptable rom rlicluis front al/ quarters w. F. C.—A. wise conclusion on your part. Thank you, and may the groat I AM lift upon you the light of Ins countenance and Izeep you from fulling, s, `fir. ;K.—MSS received—Glad to hear from you. Wo will still continue to "cry aloud end :Tare not I'.L. When pro insert your article we will Beal you SZN end copies. L, F. accept our thanks for fa 'core. etc'. S. W.—Sent the arttete to you by a friend who will deliver it in a few days. FMB Jinn or Corm—Nr. Mrry _noise of West Henapfield, sent us an ear of corn fifteen inches in length and con pans eleven hundred and forty grains: Prof. Hall having recovered from his ;law severe indisposition, will resume his classes in vocal music tihis afternoon and ,otec ins at tho usual hour. Henry Harper, 520 Arch St., Phila. 4Ftea3.his Card, in this issue,) keeps a good stock of Vine Tewelry and Silver ware, on hand. Give him a call. " SATURDA.I7 iS the name pia new literary paper Lately started in Philadelphia. It is neatly printed and..tho editorials give evidence .cf ability. it bids fair to become one of tho best pa pers in its line, in the State. It is published weekly 4.y Davis d Elverson, at $3 per annual. $30,000,000 LOAN.—We insert in another part of our paper, the thirty mil lion loan of the Republic of Mexico. Every person favorably disposed to Republican Governments and Institutions should be interested in this loan. TEMPERANCE MEETING.—A temper ance meeting will be held in the Lutheran Church. of this boro', Friday evening 10th inst. Stirring speeches will be made, and the Glee club will favor the audience with some new songs. The public are respect fully invited to attend. W. U. liEsS has just received a large supply of Al i tganacif for 1336 including John Baer S.yrt's Agricultural Almanac. He has also a superior article of carmine ink, together with every other article in the book and stationery line. .T. F. COTTRELL & BRO., have become successors to the estate of J. W. Cottrell deceased. They advertise in to-day' s paper a fine assortment of foreign t domestic hardware, to which they invite the atten tion of the public. BOOTS & J. S. Snyder, one of the most attentive business men in Columbia advevtises in our paper to-day that he lieeps on hand, and manufactures to order, anti styles of boots and shoes. Ile has also received a new assortment of hats caps &e., Call and examine his Stock. Goon S rovE.—'Jne of the best coil: stove.; that W' have seen i 5 "The itarley Sheaf," sold by Will Prdder. It is said that it hakes complete anal has in.my im provement:toyer siulilarstoves,heing more ste l itantld nr. t lalvins at screen in the lararLla seperating the ItAilOS from the coal, • • It. UNNINO ACCWENT. — WW. nogen togler,a soldier latt.ly dkeliarged from the army, rimidime; On Union Street, meL with an tweiden 1 while out gunning on Wednes day licit. tic W.l in the :let or getting over a fence when the trigger or hammer caught on something,and the gun was discharged, the itolltlint4 entering his left hand, lacera ting it in shocking manner. Nt:w Music & STArro EltY STcntE L.l.:VJA.tivr.n.—Prof..T B.Kevinski's ad vertisement will be found in another ei }nom. He has opened a music store in Paine—) street next door to Fulton Hall, Lancaster Pa, He has sent us several piece of beautiful music of recent pnldi cation: "Lights Shadows," "Oil on. the "The Little Tease Polka," " Toll thP idornfully," "Ilijoux de Salon." Prof. K. keeps on hand al large assortment lal'\lnsic, also piano 4, newaumi, Stationery ate., Our citizens visiting Lan caster should call and examine his slot':. A NEW START IN LIFE.—Wc are phased to learn that our old friend and townsman, E. Worrell, Esq., has entered into a co-partnership with one of the most extensive capitalists of Philadelphia, for tile general transaction of the Clothing business. We would advise his former patrons, friends and the public generally, that if they desire a fashionable and well fitting suit of Clothing, at a reasonable Price, they will do well to call on or send their orders to E. Worrell 4; Co,'s one price cast► Clothing House, We know that our friend' W. will constantly keep on hand the latest style of nitako and Material and we confidently predict that his ensL turners will receive geoneral tittisfaction, no matter how fastidious their taste. He can be found at No. 819 Arch street,Phila. HALLow'r.EN.—Op Tuesday evening last, our young folks were out in their glory, distributing corn, removing signs, tearing away streetLerossings, and per forming all sorts of foolish antics. Some Young ladles were promenading the streets with their mouths full of water, hoping to meet their future proteetor,when one with a very large waterfall.was rather surprised by bringing up square against a gentleman of color. She soon emptied her mouth and started home, terribly frightened to think that she was destined to wed an " Ameri can citizen of African descent." Some of the performances were carried to extremes, such ns throwing mud against the doors and windows, and those having the impu dence to engage in it should be punished. RESIGNED.—WC understand that Col. C. S. Kauffman has resigned his position ILS ono of tho Board of Directors of the Reading and Columbia Railroad. He has been forced to this step by his increasing duties elsewhere. Cot. K. has been con nected with the R. A: C. R. R., since its infancy, and has been on 1 of its ablest and most efficient Directors, and now since the road is on its high way to become one of the most Important links of our great North-eastern and South-western connec tions, retires from the Board to give the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad, of which he is President, his undivided at tention. Robert Crano,•who WAN former ly Superintendent of the R. Jr: C. R. R. has been electe4 to fill the vancancy, caused by the resignation of Col, K. We congrat ulate the company on their choice, and they have our belt wishes for their sue eel% . • .4.-g*: .6..tauct7t,Turtiwr._publisheia by Orange te Co., 41 cork Row, Y., is always treleoute visitor to our ttauctum. It is one of the most ipsirtictite works for the farmer, gardener, nurseryman and the rpeehasie, publish .:td in this ,eountry. It contaht4 nanny exaellt.nt artieles,besides numeroug eagnaiagg.-e.de.lll,ted to edify and ip struet t!te master. TgrITIS, SLY.° a year. ATLlvrte 3,loxtairx.for :November con tgips Fimonz other ably +written /tritons, an =count of a 'visit to the Ciettysburg blttle•tield by J. T. Trowbridge, also n st..+ry by Hebert Dale three. The article on the progress of the Electric Telegraph contains wsluablo theta and statiiti • s. Every person desiring a good, literary and moral magazine should talm the "Atkin tie.," Terms 'o.l EMS PRANK. LtISLTE.—TIIO November num ber of Frank Leslie's Ladies' 3Lzgazine contains the very latest winter Ltshions. The plates, engravings, designs, etc., zu this n amber are alone worth the price of the book. it is one of the lerxe El and best magazines of its kind published, and is meeli Find by the ladies for the many enchantlng C 18111,1114 it always exiiibity ; and f the cillge3 literature in which it abounds. Terms $3,50 a your.::;? Pearl Bt. Y. Y. IMPROVEMENTS.—The Pennsylvania Railroad Company aro making great im provements to their track in this borough by laying new ties and rails, and making new and convenient sidlings c%c. They are also putting in new and improved scales for weighing ears. They are of Bank's, Dinmore (t.. Co's make who are said to be the best scale makers in the United States. See their advertisement in another column. COUNCIL PROCEEDiNGS.—In another column we publish : the.remainder of the council proceedings, left over from our last issue. The report of the Alley Com mittee will be found in full. The report was accepted and the committee ordered to be continued. What for ?—to report again next August when the stench aris ing from said Alley is enough to sicken all who dwell in the vi inity i t The idea of refering it back to the committee after they have done their duty—made a full and elaborate report; and recommended that immediate action be taken, is simply ridiculous, to say the least of it. We have now substantial proof, in the members of that committee, that the alley in question is a nuisance, and persons j.n. the vicinity should not allow themselves to be "chocked off." Let us have our town cleansed from all impurities—the sooner the better—then if any pestilential disease should break out amongst us, it will be no fault of our un cleanliness. SuccEssrur, SuitnicAr. OrEanTros. —We witnessed a surgical. operation per formed by DM Hottenstein and Craig, on Thursday last, on the left eye of Mr. Al. C. Grier, son of Dr. J. H. Grier, of Nippcnose Valley, Lycoming County, and brother of W. H. Grier, foreman in this office. Mr. G. has suffered for many years the incon vollll'll6o3 of being cross-oyed,so much so, that it has ever been • source of great an noyance to him. He had seen notices of the successful operations performed by the above owned Physicians,in the Aykij,• and concluded to give them. a trial. He re joices now, from the fact tart his eye is straight and natural. The straightening of the one shows a slight defect in the other, which will probably be operated on in a few weeks. The operation was in every way stte.%isiful. It wal performed in a few minutes and without pain. Mr. G. says that he fools him ;elf under many obligations.to Surgeons Mitten:L:ln and Craig for their succuis in his ease. They perforated - it similar operation em two others the saine day. COUNCIL PltOCEEDlNGS.—:_lolltalbia. 2:ith 1:44i. The committe,: appointed. at the last meeting - of Connell, ill pursit olive of the petition of a number of the citizens, with instructions to examine and report the condition of the several slaugn ter-housus, on the alley between Locust 0101 Walnut streets, sufanit the following: In the first place, the alley, between 2il and 4th streets, is In a had condition, and committee recommend that it be properly graded, and paved, with a brick centre, at once. That, Mr. slaughter house is the least exceptionable, and, as such it ap peers t i bu eoudnetud with as much care and cleanliness as would well be ex peeled. The blood is deposited in a pit for the pur pose, and the other ollel removed from the preallSea. That, wirlie Mr. Yeager's buildings are good and substantial, there is evident carelessness about the offal of the slaugh ter-house. Reads and other 130110 S of eat tie are thrown into an open yard partly tilled with stable manure, and. the blood and other offal are also swept into this yard; much of the offal is left exposed.— Though there was 110 overflow from this yard into the alley, at the time, the com mittee could see nothing to prevent it in rainy weather. That, from the slaughter house of Mr. Swartz, the blood is washed into a blood • trough in the hog pen, which stands next to the alley, with a floor stooping to the alley. There was blood standing in the trough, and the floor of the pen shows that blood from this trough runs into the alley at times. About other parts of the offal, OW committee are not informed, Mr. Swartz having been absent from home. That, the caul from Mr. Wike's slaugh ter-house was, at this time, thrown into a small pool of standing water, in the open yard, with a darn formed of stable manure next to the alley. Mr. Coley's the same u.s Mr. Wike, using the same place. Most of the owners of the slaughter houses., it seems, are of the impression that, by sprinkling the offal of the slaugh ter-houses over with the manure from the horse stable, it is enough—all that is re quired of them to keep down unwhole sozneness: But the facs,that the neighbor hood must close their doors and windows during, almost sill the Summer and 'Tall' months, 'and osr ! oelmily Tat meal times, against a sickening atmosphere, is the strongest evidence that the stench, of winch they complain, homes front most of the slaughter-house yards and pens. Skeleton heads of cattle were found ly ing in the gutter of the alley, close by the slaughter-houses, and some of the neigh bors assert positively that the entrails of. cattle are often seen scattered along the alley, and even on the pavements, on 2nd street,ntfrontoftheirdoom, in a 'putrid state. This matter there Is no doubt, collies from the sources above mentioned some way or another. The committee conclude that the peti tioners have justground of complaint, and recommend that immediate steps betaken by the Council, to have the cause of the complaint removed, I'. Gossler, D. Mulloa, Hiram Wilson. The Bridge Cummitte having been in structed 0 a spoolal meeting,Oct. 21st inst., of the Town Council, to present to the offi cers of the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany, the resolutions &c., then adopted by the council, in regard to the location, by the Columbia al Port Deposit Railroad Company, of their road Within the limits of borlugh, report that they have attended to the duties assigned thorn, and that the officers of the Pennia. Railroad Company replied that, that was a matter which did not come before their Board for considera tion, that the Columbia & Port Deposit Company was independent of their com pany, that they did not know of any line having . been determined upon by that company, nor did thy know where the llne, within the limits of the borough, would he located by that company. T. R. t4upplee, John B. Raehman, P. flossier. VANDATASSI.—The vandals who de faced-the doors and residences of some,ef our most respectable citizens on Tuesday and Wednesday night last, deserve severe and condign punishment, and we hope they will be brought to justice. Mr. S. S. Detwiler offers $lO reward for information that will lead to the arrest of the person or persons who shamefully besmeared his doors on the evening of the Ist instant. A Vagrant, aged about_ fifty years, dressed in light pantaloons, entered the hotel of Purdy Lockard, a few days ago, and went up stairs and bundled up a lot of clothing with which be was about to de camp. Hearing, some ono coming he made good his escape. He afterward enterer! the Bellevue House and tried a Similar game, but was detected and thrashed by the proprietor. When last seen he was wending his way out the pike in the di rection of Lancaster. We most respect fully commend him to the atttention Philip S. Baker who we trust will keel) his argus eye upon him, DISORDERLY PERSON.—OU Thursday last, Jane Hatch was taken before Justice Evans by Constable McGinnis, upon com plaint made by Jerome Long for entering his house, and in a lawless and boisterous manner abusing him, and disturbing the peace of the neighborhood. When Jane lets loose that woman's weapon, the tongue, she generally makes Rome howl. Defendant was bound over for her good behaviour, and made pay the costs of suit, and discharged. We trust the gentle lesson will admonish her to be more careful about meddling with the af fairs of others, in the future. SI Written for the Columbia Spy Cholera'. MR. EDITOR : I should be sorry to con sider the communication upon the abale ment of the cholera as a jest upon so ser ions and important a matter. Truth is we have become somwhat fluniliar with the announcement of its progress, as heralded in the press, and I fear our alarm or anx iety, and, worse than either, our prepara tions for it have abated or may be deferred —but the epidemic has 'Uot abated in its progress. It has entered a port of England in constant communication with our shores. It is therefore only wise in us to use every precautionary measure to pur ify the atmosphere we breathe, by remov ing the known causes ofgeneral unhealth• fulness—see the report of the Board of Health in Philadelphia, just issued—urg ing the removal of all such accumulations in gutters, sinks, cellars, manure heaps, tte. The whitewashing of interiors, as of cellars and back-buildings, :IS well as of chambers, de. Lime may be compara tively inefficient when merely poured into unwashed and still-accumulating sinks or drains, but is useful in our individual premises—and the progressof theepidemic in Europe has in several instances been moderated, and even arrested, by changes in the air of the locality, as, in one Instance by the burning of tarrharrels and in another by a great conflagration. But let our council appoint committees,M time, with true economy of heart and pocket both, to see to the still further cleaning of our town in all streets, lanes and tene ments, and let them invite advice upon the means of effectual correctives for pu trescentedluvia. A faun.—The subs6riber respectfully calls attention of all who use So gars, Tob,,,co,Snutr, &c., to his advertisemeopt ht to-dny's paper. Yon will end them numbered from One to Twenty-Six, and there Is no doubt but what you will find plenty of goods in his line of Intsiness,twenty-nve per cent. cheaper than west of Phila.•ir east of Pittsburg. You will sge many goods 13 his advertiwinent ut his re tail prices. Ile would itko slate to oil aho deal in Tobacco, ,20 gdrz's 4.3,2,13 ; P Se., that it will be to their rei t tirnrwt,tirigtre - tam - u - •-ritt lto 1132 , ;wive.. will be in.nlo .atisfiletory. 111 a motto is aml "iii ll profiM" Since he ha. With ,l awn Irian the firm ~r Pen•lrieli he has in creas. d Ii io st .I • l:,and pledges liiinsafto sell cheap er than the eh , ape-t. Ile into the be-t stock of doubl.-[tipped Virginia Soot Tw:st Tobacco in the inaritet, and I, the only one in the comuy who has it for sale. The old and tin, saying is, "pet son.; wit hay e here they get th • elictdest." All he asks a trial, and his prices will be round the cheapest and his g null will bogy-mut:Jed to, te ••atisfletion .101 IN FE:COMM Wholesale ant Retail Tutticea,Snit't B.•gni• Manu factory, Front :street, 5 doors feint Locust, eo• , / - e• On the 2.2m1 ult., by 11, , v. U. W. Miles Rigor, Mr. .T. Evans Lewis and Miss Mary Jane Hogan, both of Columbia. On the ult., by the ,tune, Mr. It M. Beard of Petersburg, Lancaster Co., to Miss Caroline Snyder of Hopewell, York Co. On the 27th of Sept. ' by the same, Mr. Augustus Wights to Miss :strait Queen, both of Lancaster city. In Philadelphia, Oet. tilh, at the parson age, by Rec. Alfred Coition:tn. Mr. L. P. Metzgar of Philadelphia and Miss Abigail C.only dmighter of Thomas J.l.tishop, Esq., of Columbia, Pa. Y:=)U2. On the 28th ult., Elisabeth, wife of John Boyd of Columbia, aged 54 years. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED.—:I. woman to clean and keep in order two oiftees. For intor motion apply to the (Alice of the Reading & Columbia Railroad Company. now. 4,-3t DOLLII.RS REWARD.—The 1 subscriber offers ten dollars reword for the arrest, or information that will lead. to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons who shamefully and malicious ly defaced the doors of his r(..idetico on the night of the Ist inst. S. S. DETWILER , nov, 4, BURN,SIDE RESTAURANT. — The undersigned bats taken the well known Restaurant in Odd Fellows' 11, which has lately been fixed up in convenient style, where be will keep all kinds of sea sonable refreshments. Oysters for sale by the quart or done up in every style. PETER REISINGER, November 4, (35. Prop'r. GRAND OPENING.—Dirs. Miller .5t Oatintner intend opening their Ladies' Restaurant nud Oyster Ss' doon this evening, at their residenee,one door above the Belteview House,Frontstreet. Oysters will be served in every style, at shortest possible notice. The public are invited to give them a trial. ELIZABETH LER, CATHARINE GAUNTNER, Nov. 4. 3t. tounLic SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Lancaster County will be sold at public sale at the Public House of Jacob S. Miller, in the Il•wough of Columbia on SATURDAY, "Is.:OYEMBER :25th 1865, at 7 o'clock. I'. M. all that valuable tract or piece of gronnd in West Hempfield twp, on the Columbia t Marietta Tempi ke,con tabling one acre more or less, and having thereon n TWO Story frame dwelling House and other improvements. Hydrant in the yard ; also line vineyard, containing a large number of choice grape , vines. This property is now used as a Toll House by the Columbia A: Marietta Turnpike Road Company. ALTTernts•cash April 1, 1866, when deed be made and possession given. E. A. COTTRELL, .1. F. COTTRELL, Ex'rs of J. D. COTTRELL, Nov. 4 41. J.W.Cottrell. JACOB S. SNYDER, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER ZN BOOTS, SHOES, GA.ITEBS, ALL, styles and varieties of Nteres,l3oy's; Ladies, 3,lisses'And Children's wear. WE Ai AisIUF4CTURE TO ORDER, 'and keep constantly on hand, n stock of ready-made work, which we warrant to' give satisfaction. • ' Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, Br.c. A full assortment ofthe latest styles, al ways kept on hand. Our whole time and attention is devoted to our business, hence we are better able to give our customers satisfaction, The public arc respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. Cor. Front and Locust Streets. Cora., nov. 4,'05 . PRILAD'A SCALE WORKS. RANKS, DINMORE d• CO. SUCCOSSOrd to A. B. Davis As Co., WARE ROOMS' 417 AR all -8 tr"cet .31,LVLIF1CTUREES OF - k-ATENT SCALES, Suitable for weigh locks,rail road tracks, depots, coal, hay and live stock. Patent Parole! Crane Beam, for weigh ing BOHers, Casting and other heavy ma chinery. Patent Stock lionso , Scalca, for Blast 'Fur naces. Roper &dies, for weighing Grain, indi cating Bushels and Pounds. Bank's Unproved Rolling. Mill and Union Scales, also, all the various descrip tions of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales. Counter Scales and Patent Beams. Every Scale Warranted: ' Prompt attention given to repairing.— Send for an Illustrated Circular. now. 4, New music and Stationery Store TB. KEVINSKI, t) . Bogs leave to Inform his Friends and the Public that he has opened a Music and Station ery Store at No. 3 North Prince Street, nest door to Fulton Hall, Lanea , ter, Pa., Where he has on hand n large assortment of Music, Musical In,truments and Stationery, such as Sneht Music, Blank 4lu,.ic Books and In.tructiou Books, PIANOS, MELODEONS, VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars, Banjo., Tiunborincs, Fifes, Flageo lets, A qe. triloon., Triangles, Mouth Harnioneons,etc. Also Violin, Guitar, Banjo and . Violincollo striuss. Bridges, Pieces, Scren;Wiuitar e t Pegs, Rosin, Finscr Boards, Music Desks, bruin Sticks, etc. STATIO*IY Foolscap, Letter, Note, Writhji , ind Billet Papers, Envelopes, Pens, I nk,lnkstands,Pert Holders,Paper Folders. Pencil Sharpeners, Xrasstrs., Letter Bill Files, Portfolios, Tottriss,.Vting Deslcsi Osborn% Water Colors, etc. r - ' Agent for Steinwring colebrato4-Pianos. 111a.?ical In- troments neatly repaired. 'A f u4e orde.cal twice a week Music sent by maltlAnywhare, free of pait . age, on receipt of pi icc. E 5215311 J. F. COTTRELL. P:.COTTRELL. J. F. COTTRELL A: AROTILER, Successors to J. W. corrn.44 Dealers in Foreign di; Domestic 1.1 Hardware, Bar irony Steel, Wass, Vaints, Oils,Varlsties, Turpentine, Benz no 'cc., q. large assortment of a;ior, Cook and: and (Mice Stoves silways on hand. Tin Ware mantilbetured to order at shortest notice. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, in i large quantities and of Overy varioty, Plows, Corn Shelters, Fe.d.Cutters, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, &e. Coarse and Fine Salt at lowest market prices. A large assortmentof Double and Single. barreled Guns, Powder Flasks, (lame Bags and shot pouches. Rifle & Blasting Powder f shot and caps. Highest market prices paid for Clover, Timothy and flax seeds, large quitatities of which we have constantly on hand and oiler at the lowest rates. Lubricating, Sperm nod Fish Oi.s, suit abio ma , inactia -.A.T 0.61.1 Y •• - - Coal Oil Lamps, Shad s. Lantcrns, and Lamp trimmings. - We respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Locust Greet, Columbia. Nov. 4, 65 tr. DUBLIC SALE ofREAL ESTATE. The undersigned, will expose to Pub lic Sale, at the Public House of .Taeob in the borough of Columbia, at 7 o'clock I'. M., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. ISOS, the following real estate, situated in said borough : No. I. A piece of ground fronting on the Columbia anti Washington Turnpike road, and extending back to the middle of the original trucks of the Philadelphia and Columbia,now the Pennsylvania Railroad, on which there is a two-story Brick Dwell ing House, Smoke House, Frame Stable, Wood I louse and other improvements, bounded North by property of the Chest nut 11111 Iron Ore Company, East by the Pennsylv win, Railroad, South by prop erty of the P. R. R. Co., on which stands their stationery engine to pump water,and West by the middle of the Columbia and Washington Turnpike road. It is now occupied by B. 11,. Mayer. and is general ly known as the Charles N. Wright prop erty. No. 2. All that wharf lot fronting on the, Susquehanna River and extending back to the middle of the Columbia and Wash inton Turnpike road, bounded North by property of Righter. ; Sutton, East by the middle of said turnpike, South by an al ley and West by the River, containing in front on the river 194 feet and in depth-192 _ feet more or less, and is just below the Columbia Gas Works. The river track of REAL ESTATE SALE! the Pinnsylvania railroad passes through By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF OR the property. phan's Courtot Lancaster County, the A considerable portion of the purchase undersigned executrix of Frank Stein, money msy remain in the property. A ded'd , will sell at public sale, at the public draf of the property will be exhibited nt of Jacob S. Miller,in the Borough of onle. WM. A. MARTIN, !ol amble, at 7 o'clock P. AL, on Saturday, Executor of Rhoda Wright, dec'd. I'm - ember 18th 1315, the following real es - sAmuEL WRIGHT, ate: 'WM. A. MARTIN, . A lot of ground on the North side of Executors of Robert IL Wright, dec'd. , Valnut Street, between Second and Third l ELIZABETH WRIGHT. trects, in the Borough of Columbia, f t ~ounded by property of Sam B. Heise, the estate of Geo. W. Barrack. dee'd., and John Varney, dee'd., containing in front forty feet and extending buck 200 feet, more or leas, to property of Mr. Heise.— There is a 'Two-Story Frame Dwelling House and other improvements on the lot. Terms Will cATbe made known by uARINE STEIN, Executrix of „Frank Stein, deed. oct. 21, is nov. 4,4 t DIEXICO•! , MEXICO ! 't.30,000,000 LOAN of the REPUBLIC OF MEXICO Tyear Coupon 'Bonds in sums of J_ $5O ;31.00 $5OO and $l,OOO. Interest 7 per cent. payable in the city of New York. Principal anti Intereg payable In fa.C1i0x..331. $10,0(X1,0;0 to be cold at SIXTY CENTS on the Dollnr in 'V. S. Currency. thus yleldtng an interest of 12 per cent. in cold. or IT p•r cent. in Currency, at tila present rota of premium on gold. The yenrq intrromt Already provided The most. Deqirabln Inveqtment ever offered Immense Tracts oral Ming and agricultural land.; Co per cent. of Port Intes, I in pnats and Taxes, in the Slates of Tanruilipas and San Luis Paiosi; and the plighted faith of the said Staten and the General Government are all pledged fur the reoetnption of these Bonds 111111 payment of interest. THE SEt3URITY IS AMPLE o U. 9. Carreney will bay a 7 per et. Gobi bend $-,0 Mon GOO " " _"- . " lo_o Lot every 1 over of Republican Institution boy at least C:ri•TM 3Er.CsIVX:a. Cirealarx forwarded and so timeripAiona received by JOIIN W.CORLIES d CO.oind TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Bepablii or M exioo, 57 Broadway, N. Y. Snisteription4 also received by Bank,' awl Tl:tekers generally threnghotit the Unitetil ^ nw _4 tf. HENRY HARPER 520 AB CH STREET,h t PHILADELPIII4., ',Watches, Fine Jewelry, • Solid Silver Wetre, and superior Silver Plated Visi.re, Nov. 4 6 rriAVEBN STAND AT PCISILIC A Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court the undersigned will expose at pub lic sale on the premises on SATURDAY, November 25th, 1865, all that valuable Tavern Stand, known as the SHAWNEE HOUSE" _ - - - - - situated on Union Street, between Fourth & Fifth streets, in the Borough of Colum bia, frothing on said Union street, 22 feet, eight inches,. and extending in depth 12:2 feet, having thereon erected a two-story frame building with the necessary out houses, &c. This is a regularly licensed tavern stand and the bar, shelving, sign, d;c., will go with the house. Possession given immediately. Terms cash on the confirmation of the sale by the Orphan's Court. ADAM LAUL.A.. Guardian of the minor children of Susan Harmon, deceased. CATHARINE BANGERT. Not•. 4,3 t A NEW STOCK OF DDY GOODS at KNOTWELVS, In the Old Savings Institution Building, corner of W. King and Prince sts., Lan caster has just .received from New York and Philadelphia a large and splendid as sortment of foreign and domestic WINTER DRY-GOODS, A fuil line of Dress Goods, such as FANCY ALI WOOL PLAZDS O Wool Delaines, all aliades;;- . • French Merinoek all shades, • Alpacas, all shades, Paramettai; Mohair Luster, Silk striped Poplins, Bombazines, &v., Calicoes from 23 to -3.5' c., Muslin from 18c lip, Cheeks. Canton Flannels, Flannels, all grades, collgrs„ ' • LADIES' CLOAKS . ..A..ND..7II4.OAZINES Breakfast Shawls, Hoods,, Nubies, Scarfs, Dalmorals, and Hboped skirts, Hosiery, Glovs,Nets,Collars of all sorts and styles, Men's extra Heavy Woolen liesa 23 cents a pair. Also a. fall lineof '• MEN'S & BOY'S) WEAR. • JOS. KNOT WELL, N0y..4, 135: • 'Lancaster, Pa. LETTERS REMAINING UNCLAI3I- ED in the Post Odle° at Columbia, Pa. Saturday, November-4; 1865...- tti.."To obtain any of these" letters, the applicant must call for 'advertised letters,' give the date of this list, and pay.one cent for advertising, -LADIES' LIST. Adam Ana JoneA Cathefine • Burkins silly Thompson X. N. 3frs. • • . • •GENTLEMEN'S ,LIST. Bean Benj. Muller George-(21. Fleury° - Munroe Samuel Carter Benjamin raiselike John F Fisher Samuel L. (2) Ramey Samuel Frie William Seibert John Basilan Bennett T Trodeniek Lewis Johnsoa John TavloOlobert F. Larkin Samuel Wirson Lewis MeCanna Henry Nov. 4, 18G5. 11. J. - FRY.P, GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE H. B. PARRY, Successsor to JUSTUS GRAY & CO.. FROST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA PERFUMERY A.ArD CO S RENCII Toilet-Paste as Enainel. white Virgin Wax of Antilles, Email Do Paris. Also a carefully selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery. Soaps and Fancy articles at Parry's Golden Mortar Drug Store; Iront St., Columbia, Pu. Parry's Celebr_ted Dentifrice. 12 t VO he Teeth, R CLEANSII dening h ,ZG andthe PRESERV gums, an d rING are moving, all Tartar uud Scurf from the temadAlt...l,7„..ecto tho progrocis of decay, and eleansi ng-the parts as have al ready became black by decay. For sale at Parry's Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front St., Columbia, Pa. oat. 14, '65. Barley Sheaf ! CALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATED Batley Sheaf Cooking Stove. It costs less and saves more coal than any other stove of ery nal size, at Filthier's, Lounst St., opposite Franklin House. oet. 7,41' No. 9 DITTSBURG TWIST, WARRANTED 1. sound and sweet, only S as. a plug at JOHN FEN DRICH'S. Front Street, Columbia. No. 10 WARRANTED TILE BEST SWEET Twist Tobacco in Lancaster County. Plugs very large, only lit cts. a plug at .1011 N FENDRICIL Front Street, Columbia. No. 17. DOUI3LE-DIPPED, VIRGINIA sweet Twist Tobacco, the best in market, only 10 cents plug. Try it at JOHN FENDRICITS, Front St., Columbia. No. G CUT AND DRY SMOKING TOBACCO only 45 cts. a doz. et JOlll , l FEN DRICII'S, Front Street, Columbia. Real Estate for Sale. .BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF TILE Orplunf's Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned Administrator of Jacob Hogentogler, dec'd., will sell at public sale, on the premises ate o'clock P. M., on Saturday, November 18th 1865, the follow ing real estate : A Piece of Land containing Ono Acre and One Hundred and Filtv-two Perches, with a Two-Story Frame Ihvelling House, Frame Stable and other improvements, !diorite on the Columbia 6; Marietta turn pike, in West Hemptield Township, hounded by lands of John Kline, Mary I fogentogler and others. Terms will be made know by lIENRY HOGENTOGLER, Administrator of Jacob Ilogentogler. oct, 21, is No. 22 • J ANDERSoN ,x.. CO'S SOLA.C.r. a Chewing Tobacco,very cheap by gross at JOIIN FENDRICII'S Front Street, Columbia. FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. ASa tnple of which can be seen at th °thee or BRUNER & MOORE. Columbia, Dec. :M, Diat.-t.f. No. 5 T 1 ANVIL - LE, VA., SMOKING Tobacco LAI in 1 lb• inuckngws only ro eta. per lb. at. JOHN VEN'IMICI - I'S. Front St. Columbia. ONE PRICE STORE. IYIALTBY & CASE Are now opening the LARGEST STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOODS t. Columbia Our Stock of Press Goods comprises alI the LATEST AND MOST DESIRABLE Fabrics, Styles and To be found in the markets of NEW. YORK & PIJILAD'A, consisting in part of - Dress Silks, Plain and Figured, French Mdrinos, ~ All Wool Dehung, s , English Merinos, French Cassimeres, All Wool Plaids, All Wool Poplins, Mixed Poplins, Wool Plaids, • Alpacas, Delains; tc., AC., &c With a great variety of other SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS. Also for THE LADIES Embroidered Hem Stietched Kerchiefs, ... Embroidered Collars and Cuffs, ' Hemstitched and. plain Handkorehiefs • , Jouvines-best kicl,gloves, Sithllireral and Silk Gloves, • Kid finished Silk Gloves, • ' - Balmoral Skirts. Casslmere - Vests, Cloaking Cloths, White Goods, .Knit Goods, Hoop Skirts;' - Hosiery, Cloaks, • Shawls, &a. &c Anil for tirN z.. c.llOl 0 lig aliMail mis.z. 4 Plain and Fancy Casshneres. French and English Cloths Ready made Clothing, • Knit-ShirtS,brawers, Shirting Flannel, Flannel Shirts, Glazed Paper Collars, Plain Paper Collars, Lilian Collars, • • Buttertiy Ties, • - - - Fancy Cravats, Plain Cravats, Boots d: Shoes, flats & Caps, EMI WITIT A FULL ASSORTMENT OF C[IILDRENS• WEAR, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, CM En NEW GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY OUR GOODS Are OUGHT FOR CASH, And sold at SMALL PROFITS. Though' we do not profess RETAIL GOODS At Wholesale Prices, Wo are rendy t 4 prove to the satisfaction of any one who will Gavot us with an ENAMIN'ATIQN do sell 'thein as cheap, or CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER STORE OUTSIDE OF PIIILADELPHIA. PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL Property. The subscriber residing at Cordelia Fur nace, will sell at public sale, on WEDS ESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1865. The following described personal property: One Cow, four fat Hogs, one Rockaway, [bur Stoves with fixtures, Tables, Chairs, Settees, Mirrors, Six Octave Piano Beds and Bedsteads, 3 Clocks,Large Iron Kettle, Bureau, Clothes Press, about 300 Yards of Carpet, 30 bushels of Potatoes, lot of Sweet Potatoes. Also Earthen and Queens ware, with many other things too numer ous to mention. Terms--all sums over 85, a credit of four months will be given the purchaser, giv ing their note with approved security, be fore the goods are removed. Sale to corn ?pence at 12 o'clock, M. MALTBY R CASE, oct. ]lf. A. MED. Our motto is FAIR DEALING Hoping thereby to convince our cu 'dowers that it is to their advantagn to purchase of An examination of our Goods most re speetfull y Locust Street,Colutnbis. Pa. Sept. 9th, 18(13. - - - CLOAKS COATS, &O. HAVING FITTED UP We are now prepared to offer Ladies and qua Cloaks, lity, Coats at very and Sack lows, of every style prices. .1t ALTRY et CASE. ori. 14, 'al. WHEREAS, Letters of Admittissra tion to the estate of Susan Harman,late of the Borough of Columbia, Pa., dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to moke immediate payment, and those hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent, will make known the same without delay to the subscriber resi, ding in said borough. JACOB BANGERT. Columbia, Oct. 19, A, D. 1865. Oet 2.1 6t Treasurer's of ice of The Cora, and Port Deposit E. R. Co. ICotiee 1, hereby- given to the-stockhold ers of the Columbia & Port Deposit Rail-- road Company, that the fourth install ment on the capital stock of said company of five dollars per share, will be' duet and payable at the office of the Treasurer in Columbiana., on the 12111 day ofNcreernber 180. By order of the Board of Directors- A. J. KAUFFMAIV,- Treasurer. oct. 7,1 t No. 25. NO. CORN FINE CUT CHEW jug gTobacco in Tin. foil, only per gross,. at AN Election for President, 5 Managers and Treasurer to manage the affairs of the Columbia A: Marietta Turnpike Co., for the term of one year then next ensuing, will be held at the Public House of Jacob S. Millet, in the Borough of Columbia, Nov. 6th, 16'63. between the hours of 2 and 41, M. Colors, oet. 7, -4t. D AN qn: G Aezt D.E"MY Prof. P. Slouch. has the Pleasure Of ett , .. nouncing to his former parents, 5414-7;the citizens of Columbia, that he Willltpen ri Dancing Academy at Odd F's Hall,orf-the 20th inst., and respectfully solicits their patronage. He will be assisted by an ac complished instructor, and will introduce the latest Quadrilles, Sc. Hours of Distruction.—Ladies, Misses and Masters on Fridays from 3to 5 P. M. For Gentlemen,from 8 to 10 in the evening TERNIS.-Six Dollais for a course of thir teen lessons. Those desiring to take lessons willpleaso call at Odd Fellows' Hall on the 20th, the afternoon. Oct. 14. EXCHANGE HOTEL - MO UNT4OY. PENNA. ALEX. D. REESE, Proprietor. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMOD.ATIONS. The Choicest Liquors at the Bar. Oct. 7th; . • ON SATURD-1.17, November 11, 1865 at the Public 11ouie of Jacob Miller (Franklin House) in Columbia Lancaster county, Pa. the following Iteul.Kstate, altuatod in West Hemp field twp., Lancaster:flaunty, via; No. 1.-- ACRES Jr. 168 PERCHES of Land, lying on the Columbia k Chestnut Hill Turnpike road, adjoining No. 2 and N 0.3, and lands of Jacob Selinavely, the Chestnut 11tH iron Ore Co., Levi Rhoads, John sterling. Sr., Samuel ()twain), John Clark and others. The improvernenta thereon are a Two-i-tory Brick Dwelling HOUSE, a Bank BARN, a frame Horse Stable—sufficiently large for 12 horses, n Summer house, Smoke house, and all other outbuildings necessary to a convenient and comfortable residence. 'The buildings are all well built and for the most part nearly new. The land is tinder good lences, and in a high state of cultiva tion, - running water near the Kitchen door, and in the barnyard. A well of excellent water near the house null a pump in it, An Orchard of choice fruit trees, such as fipples, pooches, pours and char rise, all in bearing conditiun with au abundance of grapes raspberries etc., lie above property is also an elegant situation for any kind of manufactory, as it has a stream of run ning water through it, good roads and close to the Reading and Coltunbia Railroad, about one mile from Columbia, and t miles from the well known • Chestnut 11111 Iron Ore Brinks. A portion of it would be excellently well adapted fur a vineyard. Aoollll2o 1'11334:31".#7- of land on the wrath side °film Columbia and Cheat nti t 11111 Turnpike, and crossed by the Reading and' Columbia Railroad, and adjoining No. Land lauds of Jaines Erwin, Rudolph Herr, Jacob Schnavely and others, the bind is fa a high state of cultivation and part covered with young timber, principally locust and chestnut, well adapted for building Jots along the turnpike. No. 3—A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE and out buildings, a good lot of Ground fronting on on tho turnpike, containing 74 Perches, adjoining No. 1, and lands of the Chestnut 11111 Iron Ore Co., and Daniel Singer. No. 4-5 Acres and 133 Perches. of land, near No. 1, part in a high state of cultivation and part covered with heavy chestnut timber, tit to cm for rails, adjoining lands of the Chestnut Hid iron Ore Co., Christ. b. Kauffman, Abrahath I. Gram, Nicholas Ilogendogler and Henry Luken. Hosiery, Gloves, ME No. 5—A Two-Stsry Frame House. on said turnpike. and 31 Perches of Land, lying be tween said turnpike, and the Reading and Columbia Railroad, adjoining property of Christian B. Kauff man and Beni. Billet. lying between the It. and C. 11_ and a public road ad joining lands of Henry Eslichnan and Hiram Lock art, it is well adapted for a building lot. The above property is located near good markets for any productions and convenient to sehools,milbs stores and churches. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of sale, sill roll on Daniel 1 inger, the tenant residing on No. 1, or on cho subscriber at Mount- L:ineaster county, Pa. One-half of the purchase money may remain on the premises, secured by mortgage for one, two, or three years, if desired by the purchaser, at . s per cent. per annum interest. Solo to commence at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day of sale, and further terms made known by JOHN M. GR. I DER, Agent fur Henry W. Gray.• oct 210. John Brody Auctioneer Aro sold cheaper than they have been for , four years, at F l ' LIM F.'S 110 USE FURNISHING STORE, Locust Street, opposite Franklin House, COLUMBIA, PA. A large assortment of Stoves, Tin Ware, Spoons, Baskets, Lamps, Tubs, Cord gall, Brooms, Lanterns, Knives nail Forks, Brass Kettles, &e., Sc. AMWAY BON EICAND. x.. Plumbing, Gas fitting, _spooting. Rooting, Bell flanging . Copper Work and Repairing Stoves attended to promptly. Sept.. 10, Oi. - The Suquehanna Iron Co. will pay the highest cash price for wrought scrap iron, delivered at their mill, Columbia. Lancaster Co., ra. J. G. HESS, Treasurer. sept. 21, '65-tf. INTERIEST ON DEPOSITS. MILE Columbia liankwill receive money JL on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate of 41 per cent. for six months, and 51 per cent, for twelve months. SAMUEL SIIOCIK, Cashier. Oct. 14, 'M.-tr. NOTICE h oTWJ JOHN FENDRICH'S, Front St., Columbia. ELECTION. J. DUNCAN COTTRELL, • Secretory. • - . PUBLIC SALE. No. 6.-83 Perches of Land. STOVES I l'hiaGllT SCRAP IRON