Xke cantata grE. 43 41 , 4.`11F A. M. 11A.3.180, cqqAminut Satrafda.y, Nov. 4, 1865. A4vmviseaents, to seeure Immediate insertion m_a,t he handy/ iu on or Viefere Thursday evening week: TIRE NEWS. The total majority on the Union ticket ia Philadelphia range from 6900 to 10,000 Jahn Given, Union, for City Comtuis s:nner, %rho was defeated on the home vote, was deelated elected by 322 ma jority. The summing; up of the nceountt of the Postoffice Department fur the fiscal Year ending quite 30, 1365, the excecs of receipts over espenditures is found to be nvire than. $350,030. This - ii the first t:;u3 in the history of that department g.1 41 t so favorable a au:magi:4 exhibit has been made. Joseph E. Worcester, LL. D., author of Worcester's Dietit,uary, died on the 27th, ult, at his residence, in Cambridge, N. The entire governmental expenditure fur the coming year will be $265,030, 000,which, according present appearances will be quite covered by the income from infernal revenue alone. The Veteran Reserve Corpl, it seems to be pretty certain, will be mustered put before the assembling of Congress. Fris excellency President Johnson has appointed Thursday, December 7. coming as a day of national thanksgiving.— "Righteousness exllteth a nation, while sin is a reproach to any people." Gov. Johnson, of Georgia, has been officially informed that the President cannot recognize the people of toy State as having resumed the relations of loy alty to the Union who adhere to as legal the obligations pontracted or debts cre• ated in their name to promote the re bellion. Edward B. Ketchum, the New York gold speculator, pleaded guilty to the charge of forgery on Saturday. The new and splendid Hudson • river steamer St. John exploded a boiler near Twentieth street, New York, on the 29th by which seven were killed, seventeen scalded and one missing. The cause of the explosion is a mystery. The various companies of the 22d Pennsylvania cavalry are concentrating at Cumberland, Md., where the regiment will be mastered out of service in a few days. ONE of tit:: greatest engineering, sei pntiae and mechanical feats in the coun try is now being performed at Llornwall, ir e Lebanon county. It is oo less than the building of a spiritual railway around end to the top of the great Iron ore mountain. It starts from the level of the Cornwall railroad,and evolves around the mountain, at some places over truisel work, at others over high embankments And again at others through ponderous cuts in the solid bodies, of iron ore, until it reaches the very top of the mountain A groat part of the way is completed, greater part is ready for the sills, while The rest is pro,4ressing actively. A powerful locomotive has been obtained to do the work of moving the trains,which is alieatly at Cornwall ready fur work. The spiral railroad proper,when completed will be over two miles in length, and a work the equal of which cannot be found probably in the world. Colonel Julpa If. Taggart has been . appointed Collector or Internal Revenue fir the Ist district of Pennsylvania, vice .1. Barclay Harding, deceased. Mr. E. G. Webb is the newly oppointei Asses• sor of the district. To be Commenecil. if the next score or so of years, our enterprising little neighbor Culuwbia,ftr surpasses our own sleepy city, iu wealth population atil business, no one will be to blame but ourselves. The enterpris ing men of Columbia are sharp, nip-sighted and energetic, with the boldness and brains to plan, and the energy and means to execute enterprises that enrich their tosn, infuse new life and vigor into the eliannels of trade and enhance the value of property. The latest enterprise that promiks to add ma:erially to their means the building of the Columbia and Purt Deposit railroad. Cul. C. S. Kauffman, the President of the Company, with cliaracteristie energy, is about to put this railroad under contract innuediately,thus opening up by rail, an expeditiou s route from the sea board to the coal fields of our State. If the Colombians once become magnanimous enough to spare put of their almnilant means, we hope I.lrat they will build for our eitixons a branch road to connect at some couveni opt point, Ilow is it Colonel ?— Caucus. ler &pi irer. SUSQL;LIIANNA DANIS.—The public movement against the clams in the tiusttuchatina river, ivhieli obstruct the asnent of shad, salmon, awl ether fi.dt in seasm, is assumity• ' considerable im portance. 3!eetitigshave hoc, he!! itt malty of the towns along the banks of the river, and a ituinlicr of deiegote4 have already been elected to the convention, which is to assemble at Hayti . ..burg on the'veond Wednesday of Jauuary. getorial linil Wilisalluite4uo. ....The style—Velvet caps. —Plenty—Butter at 45 cts per pound. —Not so plenty—The stamps to put.- chase it. —Earthquakes are active in Califoreia. —Anti-butter c:iting lenues aro ex tending. EDITOR -77--1. few mare left-4.isa.ssinatlou trials at Hess' took store. —Nice fit—Those ,convict cats vor3 by some of our sports: —Liitle pictures—those Takeu by R. T. N. —Rondo w SurAq is the name or fashionable color. —how to discorcr your real worth— BecJine .I.ldlerily poor. you hear a man publicly boasting of 14/.$ piety, look out fur a hypocrite. —Wirz's trial will cut the country a million of dollars —What min wants--7 All he can get. What woman wants—All she can't get. —The chief secretary of Ireland, Sir Robert Peel, been sutuinoned bef.ire a magistrate for assaulting. a Dublin bankei. := Nearhuna' is aboat c e rgau4inu elistaber of CUIUIIIC rec. - Tlinuks- ° iving D.l;, in :iia.:sachasetts will be 011Tliur,(iziy, Nev. 30. pod—Sour Kroup ; Lunch at Bo‘yery's. gentleman and a scholar—J:kip dm:tor ',Jeffries ()Utile Phila & Eric liAt, Western Touch—To cat salt cakes and retire backward on Hallow'een. —Chaste--That very beatitiful Photo swtto,7 by eur friend K. --I.or flue flavored bivalves or an die gam, stew—Go to Vete Iteis:nger's, Odd Fellows 11011. —Sever.tl houses were recently de stroyed in Santa Uruz, by the shuck of au earthquake —When a wife hugs her husbanl, it is always becanse she wishes ty get "around him." —Funny—For young gentlemen and ladies out of their teens, to'run around town with their packeta full of corn. —A. person expressed his uratitude that ho did not come under the $3d;000 clause. Wonld'ut like to hare $20,000 under his claws. —There has been no account of any fresh railroad nussacre fur over half-a day. It is proposed to appoint new non conductors on-all the lines. —The widow of Col. Kuitt, of SJuth Carolina, is reJaceil to poverty. ller plantation is in the hands of her former IMEM —Genuine—The Scotch Ale and Lon don Brown Stout at Christ. Bucher's Store. Persons wishing to get the pure article should go them —A breeze-kissed honeysuckle dif fuses a pleasant fragrance, but its aroma has not the tropical richne2s of Phalon's "Night Blooming Cerens." That mar vellous scent, voluptuons yet not too powerful, seems closely akin to the fra grant charm with which Nourmahal en chanted her liege lord in "The Light of thu Harem." Sold everywhere. Mr. & Mrs. Barney William; arc uow playing at Mrs. John Drew's Now Areh Street Theatra Philadelphia, to crowded houses. They have a formidable phalanx. of admirers in all parts of the country, and their appearance at any theatre, is considered a guarantee to perfect success. They have produced a series of their familiar pieces, Irish and Protean, to dis ' play the brogue blarney, red waistcoat and shil'elah or Mr. Williams, and the vorsmility of his handsome wife. Mrs. Drew's new company works well. The geniu; of S.O rt Robson, the polish o f O ven Marlowe the c tre of Mr Mackay and the agreeable presence of Mr. James render the representations more than ac ceptable; particularly when aided by the unsurpasscl huutar of Mrs. Th /pr. Th.! Arch is one of the best theatres in Philad:lphia and is always crowded with the eclat and fashionable of' the city. Eptrott.—Your correspondent "Plus," after laboring lung but nit 'pal, to prove that variety is fimd,witich accord ing to his taste, appears to consist of quails, partridges and fish, instead of p irk, beef and mutteo, -tvuold save the fires of iglorfreClS of po Jple every year, like the cow that kicks over her owe milk, scams to doubt whether the lives he r ropo -es to save arc worth saving. .t.s these are in titers of taste and among the inalienable, rights, I do not propose to take issue with hint nor any other per.sm, about what they cat or drink. I am not prepared to endorse an of his philosephical reasoning about the effect of fvo lon lice Ultlies. Ido not belimm that the presence of pork or corned beef in a person's stomach, would prevent him from wr;ting poetry,nor that sausage would mak.cThis productions kindred to r 1 0 .7 Ilerel, 'unless such sausage torts 'twat: o roppir s, ;Neither do I believe that a poet fe I on quails, partridges or ducks would from that cause necessarily write about the habits.dwelling places or ele ments of such birds. If the statement be admitted it proves too much, and dis proves his own assertions. If food con trolls the muse in one ease it most in ail eases. Pork would produce a groveling and muddy verse; beef the be4uties of the lawn, and veal a kind of surk-r ar rangement; tuatton would produce deci dedly a woolly affair, fish, a scaly compo sition, rats would undermine all creation, and a minstrel who produces machine Poetry, would have to bo fed on Jews hArps. Tim song of the muse would so a, be lust in animate nature, even the flesh of eagles could not inspire a celes I tial thought, the heavenly influence ofd Cupid would cease to exist, love's charm would become mulish nod love itself long•eared. It' the theory of "Plus" is correct he is the philosoph er of the , nineteenth century, and may yet discover I something better than !bre:: to eontroll I human dispositions, so a.h to prevent cur- ta] let:tures:lml other domestic lie may be able to show that the ma. gician performs on natural principles, and that, the operations of the magic w.tud, may bo taught as a science. IViitten t e• the C(Au.nI,LL Spy Loc.tt _ Written for the Columbia Spy. Cemeteries, No. 1. Do not suppose that I intend, Mr. Ed itor, to deliver a course of lectures upon the subject of Cemeteries, because I call this paper No. 1, of the series ; but in .consideration of your valuable space, and the brevity of my time, I propose to say but little in this number. From time immemorial, in all . ages and in all countries, the repositories of the dead have been honored if not sacred places ; so that the neglect or abandon ment of them can hardly be considered a mere want of civilization or refinement —a lapse into barbarism—for savage tribes, themselves, our own Aborigines particularly—honor the graves of their kindred and reverence the ground where their fathers are buried. To mast places of burial there is a way—a path or road, and to most of them in the neighbor hood of towns or cities ; at any rate, some entrance, usually this a gate. These vales are often of beautiful and expen sive constrnetions, between columns or walls of stone,and arc frequently of iron —their permanence and strength giving evidence of the enduring regard of those who erected them—it was therefore no improper criticism ofiViss Kein'de which slighted, and considered slight,the skanc entrance to all the beauty, - and =gni& cdnee of Laurel Hill ; its 'wooden walls being an unworthy intitation, only, of stone at the front. Now, before, we, go further, be it known that the citizens of Columbia have a burial-place, and for more than a century, they have borne the de-td of this early settlement, and since, pros perous borough, up . the same road to Said burial place. It must have an en trance? Yes, from the public street.—, And a•gale ? no, look at it would any .of our poorest farmers suffer so mean an exhibition of their want of thrift, as to let such a broken thing hang against the fence, near• their uianure•pile, while the cows and hogs that strayed by entered freely through their lanes into their Gelds? Every stranger that passes, sees this broken gate; unhinged and leaned against the fence, and judges of our roverence for the dead, our respect for ourselves—our decency, I had almost said—thereby. Now, consideration for appearances aside, who are intcrestod in this gate, and upon whom should devolve the care and expense of replacing it with a cred itable one ? Every citizen of Columbia is int:rest ed, as no one long resident here has not some relation, frlond or friend of his friends buried in the grounds to which it opens the way. Every member of any congregation in the town, for most all have separate grounds aijoining,is interested—a) of so cieties of several kin is. The old Public (3 round Clompany, or otherwise, the beautiful sohoul house Up• on the hill—fur they use it as a road—a back door to their coal yard and kitchen —and the daily entrance fur a I u•ge por tion of the pupils of the same. The Councils of our Borough, as the representatives of the interests of what atl of us are interested in, irrespective of our regarA for character—a public way fur all the residents of Columbia, and the only entrance to the graveyard of the borough appropriated to those wit) have no means of selecting another—the Putter's &'ll. Now, therefore, Town Council, please sec to it that this gate is not to be replaced by a pitiful penny collection in our streets, but done worth ily of yourselves, and at once. Now, haying got throujh the gate, I may be expoetel to be o•a tics road to the cemeteries in next number. SPECIAL :NOTICES Coe's Dyspepsia Care. Tit^ ably r unerly eNcr rli•c n•ered that will surely imiutly cure dy.pepul:t. ibnlig soon, sit•k- II tuh , . and .at hearty thud without tear of distresa, out hi obtained at all oar drug stoics. Editor of that iteier, Dear Sir: With your permis ion, I nisi' to stiy to the lere of your p.ip..,1%, that 1 Will send, Ly :octant Inatl. to all elin it, (free) reeipo, a ith fall threetion+ f in kiting rind using a .dropk. Vege:,,ble ilia is ill effectually re move, in ten day., ii:nipl e s, blotches. tan, freckles, unit all Imp with:+ or :he skin, leaving the 5.41111.1 sort, 4.1....r,5t,t,...11 I will alio) until fr.. to those haring )hl ltl Benda, and Itare simple dtn•etion+ and information th it will enabh• them to start 0 full of l.uxur tint K • hialiera, or 0 Ic3> than thirty All sipplieatlon4ml4.4.l44l be re tlrti qhltrge. IU-4w:4:trolly yourt T 111.:.: 1 0 . 0.1.11 . 31.0 i, Chtnt::,4l4 d 3 Broadway, :siew York c, not. 4,-'7ln To Conietom iteh—The nn.te higne . l hm ing liven restored to !weft It in a weekv hy it very uupto reitie•ly, idea letving-inttereil .everul years, With a severe long gihietio h JO, I [hid dread di v,14. , . 'on sumption —lt an utiti4 t Ittema to his f:Ilow biglerers the nteitori of cure. To all who ale.tre it, lio toitiseii a copy of tho pre-cription med (free of charge.' with tao tiona for preparing and lining they will tittil a sure acre f ir Con•wnptiou, .t•thm r , Broil chitin. cough., Cal.., eta. The only object of the sithorti.or la -enQ:n" lit a pre,cripuon i. ti benefit the afflicted, and .proigi information which he eun ceive°to be area Ito hope. oven• loilicrer tval try hi. remedy, in, It Will cost p.m nothing:gad nun • prove a blo•nntg, Vartica gi.bing the periirription, will ploaitte tlrc,a Itvr. EDWAItI) A. WII.FON, 11 Ellaso-butg. Hcng• (*minty. tEc. nor. New York 711 • la lies of Aineriiiit, from their poculiAr habit•, bre said to to. the mo•t unhealthy in tho world. Dr. Vellum's Pitt. are a great hicAsing to all ladies. its they regattio and assist nature. :told by drusgists. out., 7.110 t TIIE MASON C lIANII,IN CABINET Organs. fur ere.red and .eenlar eunde: ftirt). differ ent ..tyl.•4, 3•V to 51;110 each. ;old or Iver 31edula, or other first promo le,. rinind e d thein. 11ln-trate/ t'ut free. Addiess 31 %SON .t 1 MIA S, Huston, or )1 1311 U r HEM+, Derr York. tele. T, 1). 71E,..1,FNEsS, .1:1-1N.DNE'sS ANI) CA- It emeil with the ut JJJJj -t .11040,3, by Dr. .1. 1.1 % l A,and Aurtst. It. of Lydon, fionlvoi.) No (•• to lute Str(o.t, l'hiladolphio. Ii1041:1i.troill the most reboblo soorees In the city 011,1 I . t . l, n Wee, The Ifte , llC.ll 1. 4,, 1ity ore invited to sueoomrny their patients, SS he nos Ito seerots un his prastuee. Artnioiol oyes, jut.orbol without pain. :Co charges mo.to ("or exami nation. tutor.l‘(,•,,isly ITCH ! ITCH ! ITCH ! Scratch: Scratch l Scratch Wheaton's Ointment Will Cure he Itch in 98 Hours, Al-4o cures Salt Monti, tilcers„Clulblnins, and all Eruptions of the Skin. By sending LO cents to WEEKS S POTTER, Sole Agent..., 170 Washingto'n St- lioston, be fora at•ded by imml, free'e t to any part of the UnitoLi States. - sept. 23,6 m. Whibkers! AVlii.hers! Do you want Whit,kers or Moastachos I Our txrecinn ecnnpoutuj wilt force them to grow on the butoothest Ince or chin, or 12,13 r on bold IteaJ•a, in :-.tx Price, i -1 . 0(1 . sent by mull anywhere, clobele sealed, oat receipt of price. Address, Warner .1. Co., Box 135, InuOklyn, Feb. 11, ly. • ----- THE Warm. CH.tatcrn, au ES , fIY of Warning and Instruction for Young Hoot—puld'alied by the now' aril Anbociation.atut eons lb, of charge in t-eafed ein elopes. Addres., Dr. J. Shill in 11 ought on, How ard An,ociatzon.Philadelplaa, Pa. Febly.. 11, • if, Jart Pablildora in n wain! evrdop . Prier, u' Coast A Lecture on the Suture, Treatment and Malicia Core of SperlllatOrrilo, or ;-..:1:111i111a e vuk11 , ,, , L, In voluntary 1 ia.ions, Sexed tool P"Ped/ - inent, to marriage generally Nervonstie ,4 , eOll - Epilepsy nnd FIN' Mental and Physical incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, de. By IB.bt. 3, Ctilierwell, M. author of the *Guam Book, 'Ae. The celeb wed author of this raimirable essay clearly demon-trues,(out a thirty years' bUCee ba- NI practice, Om: the alarming con-iquenCes 0- f ...elf-alai., may be radically cured without the dan gentile of internal iiieLieine or the application of the knit, —pointing nut a anode of cure at once simple, cettam, nod elf...teal, by 111,111 4 of which every =utterer, no matter what, his coinlitLui man- be, n lay ~(lre frheaply, prir.(1 , 13".. 2 01 ,. . 11, i1ig TA:cTritn fLL PllovE .t BOON 'RI Thou; \ Nl,-; ANU T.I.IOUSANDA. Sent, under ,e 114,411 a Plaid erlVolo} lo , to any 01- dresi.,l4.4 pap!, 011 receipt of hix cents, or two poet atartip.. Addre,, the prifile•herq, CHAS. J. C. KI.INE t CO., • UT Bowery, New York, P.O. box June 17,'n5. ly Cough, Col 4 or Sore Throat, ne.4I;TREs 1$1311:DI VIE ATTENTION AND 51101.71. D JIE CHECKED Jr ALIA - MED 10 CoNTINCE, Irritation of the Lungs, Permanent Throat :Weetion,or an Inevaitble Lung Disease Brown's Bronchial Troches IRVING A 1741LECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, GIVE IM- 11ZDIATE RELIEF. EU/ . Bronchitis,..lsthata, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Discuses. TROCUES ARE USED WITH ALWAYS 000 D SUCCESS. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS wilt find Troches useful in clearing the volec when taken before :-Ingipg or Sp. , aksiur, And relieving the throat after an unusual exec tam of the roeal organs. Thu Triaic-4 are recommended and pre scribed by Physicians. and has e bad testimonials from eminent men throughout Ow country. Being an :n•ticlo of true merit, and having proced their etll caey by a te-t of many year., each year limbs them in new localities in %%mons harts of the woe Id, and the Trodive tire inlivetrtally pronounced better than other articles. (Afton only “Brown's Bronchial Troches,' • and ale liot take any of the 11'orthh.5.1 imitations that may he offered. Sold everyishere hi the ilnite , l St.ttes, and hi For eign Commie. at :15 cents per bus. LIM)=I VALUABLE RE:AL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE_ THE Subscriber offers at private sale 1 the two and a half story brick dwelling house which he now . oecupics, situated on Front Street between Locust and Union stree...4, fronting 27 feet on Front Street and running hack to Penn'a Railroad. The property is in the most complete.repair, having all the modern improvements,gas, water, cooking range, &c. There tire nine rooms divided into eonvenient sizes, with entry, large attic, at:. The properly is beautifully loented,has a lot of choice iruit trees in yard, and is well worth the atten tion of tiny one we.hing, to purchase a real . deuce Willell is in complete order. The undersigned allo otters a line build ing lo un the south side of Second street, mijnin'inp; pa-ilk-Hy ox Mrs Wright and JoshuaVaagtten, containing one hundred feet on 2nd ,tr, , ct and extending ill depth two hundred and twenty-one feet more or leis. This iv ouu of the most de,iralile lots in Columbia awl will be solil nt a bargain. It' not sohl by the 11th or November, the airwe propertmi will be oll'ered at Public Sale. For particulars apply . to Oct 21 4w. J. O. I LESS. SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON TS acknowledged to be the best Family 1 Sec ing Machine in use. More than two hundred thousand have already been blvery Machine warranted to give satisfaction, or the nu any refunded, For vile at the store of :Ataltliy & Case, Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. out. 2J, GREAT 01.1 NCE _EN? Cr.M'.NTS WHA'I".I.I E PEOPLE W.A.NT; iii WVALIN.I =....f2L2E7.3:10 History of the War, Complete in one very - large Volume of over 1000 Pages. This work has no rival as a candid, lucid, complete,authentie and reliable history of the "great conflict." It contains reading matter equal to three largo royal octavo volumes, s lendidly illustrated with over 150 tine portraits of Generals, battle scenes, maps and diagrams. Retarned and disabled ){]leers and en ergetic young men in want of profitable employment will tint this a rare chance , 1 to make money. We have Agents clear ,in $;'2.50 pet month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant ; flw proof of the above send for circulars and see our terms. Address, JONES BROTHERS A; CO, oct. Philadelphia, Pa. G IL-.V ELY ARCANA WATCH. An Elegatiat Nowolty in IVat4...lies The eases of ifils watch aro a new Invention corm posed of several different metals combined, milel together and plot abed, pro toeing an exam imita tion .it is carat gold, veiled Arrant,. They are as lea miff/ I as solid. gold, and afforded at one-eighth the eost. The i'isimss are beautifully designed and are engraved In the extort style of the celebrated Geld Ifunting Levers, and so exert an imitation of gold as to defy detection. The mot enionts are mantic setureil by the well—known St, inner Watch Ciao party of Eat-ripe and are superbly finished, Inn g esarraved pallets, fancy earvcillmilges,adjuSting tee threat, late dial and NllOlOllll hands. These watches are all Mooning Cams and of three the smallest tieing for ladies, A C1:1100 Of six w ill he silt by Mail or Express fer:lte.s. They will readily s. II for three times their cost. We also impo r t a terystaperlor and elegant watoli w duel! %teem, sell for Sine:tell, or per ease of Thmot are also !muting C/1.0.1 111111 for ladies and It'e are sole agents tor this Watch in the Patted States. and none are genuine which do nof. bear our 'I ride Marl:. Persons ordering watehex r.to. please remit 2.1 percent. of the amount with their order. Orders fur any kind of watches; promptly and faithfully fulfilled. • address ARZANA U.vrun G 2 FI:I,TON :1T„ New Turk City, linnortei v in Watches of every dtscrilr to Girard W. Dalaugh & .t.::t in 1. ][3l.t.NO FOR SALE. A first rate second hand Piano Forte is - elfered for sate. Cut.when new :Igoe. For partieulars, enquire at at thi•, Oct. ti. OP.—Being desirous to settle up the CN.— , Estate of the fate .T. W. Cottrell, dee'd, at as f , krly a date as possible. it request ed that all persons nuleliteit to the same shall niiihe immediate payment,ritin those lla vi tiz cla inns against said estate shall pre sent them for settlement to .J. OCNCAN COTTII ELL, Ex'r. ()A. !LS •21. No. 23 1141 thionwrs• TatoTlll , :ltfi. YEI- 1_.4. low Bunk Chewing Tobiteco in Tin Foil only Ki per groms.nt JOHN FE.NIOII.ICII'S A LECTURE TO YoUNG MEN I=2 W. G. PATTON, Agent MILE CELEBRATED SETH THOMAS 1. CLOCK. E. Spering has just receiv ed from the city a choice stock of these cel brated clocks. The best, neatest and prettiest Yankee clock warranted for two years. stag. 26, TllO ODGERS ct BROTHERS' SUPERIOR IL Silver Plated Ware at . SPERING'S Cheap Store. aug 29, HIRE CELEBRA.TED I 1 L CUTLERY, 1 G'eo. Wostholm, A. No. 2, tit E. SPERIXG'S Jewelry Store. aug. 23 P- ATENT HINGE BACK ALBUMS ` Altemns d Co's. Patent Hinge Back Al bums, the best album made• Caßand ex amine at E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store aug. 26 NT EW STYLE OF WATERFALL Combs E. SPERING'S Jewelry Store aug. 20, BOOTS 4.1.• SHOES. F°l the best Boots, go to Brenentan's, W. King. For the best Women's shoes, go to Brenentan's. W. King street. Far the bast Ciliidron's shoes go to Itroneinates, W. King street For the most comfortable fit go to Breneman's, W. King street. For work that will not rip, go to Brenonmo's, W. King street For Boots that will not let in %inter, go to Broneirian's, NV, King street If in want of Boots and Shoes, go to Brenetnan's, W. King street Everybody in the country go to Brenernan's, opposite °doper's Hotel, Oct. 28, Lancaster, Pa PBIIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE Wharf Property. THE Subscriber offers at Private Sale, the valuable wharf property, belonging to estates of John L. Wright and William Wright, deed., situated in the Borough of Col uin bin, adjoining lot of Jno. IT. Bach man and Reading Columbia Railroad Co., having a front eighty (SO) feet on the Susquehanna river, and extending in depth two hundred (200) feet, more or less, to Front Street. The river track of the Pennsylvania rail road runs through the property, and there is every advantage of location to make it one of the most availa ble business places on the river, lbr deal ers in either lumber or coal. Apply to ANN E. WRIGHT, for heirs of John L. Wright and William Wright. Oct. 29, 4t. Irish Linens, Table, Diap:ar. Damask, Toweling, (Vc., a good assort oleo t at low prices, at 1. 0. Bruner's. heetings all widths and heavy unbloach ed one yd wide at 40 ets , also CLeeks, Tieltings, de., for sale by I. 0. Bruner, Front st. All Wool Delaines, French Merenoes, Ladies Cloaking, all colors at Bruner's New Store. A Ip:teas. good quality at 50 ets. and new _CI style Delaines, from 31 to 40 ets- at I. 0. Bruner's. fiancees from 20 to 35 ets. of all the ferent makes, and Lancaster Ging hams for 37 els. at limner's. Oil Cloths, 'ruble Covers, Windows .lc., for sale eheap at Bruner's, Erma tut,* Brmwr's best quality Bality-ral skirts at $3,75, a 150 good Balmoral skirts 211 , and hoop skirts of all kinds at Bruner's - - led, yellow, white and blue mixed 10 .b Manch; from 4 to 60 ets., ut lirtiner'u new store. Tiidersliirts, Drawer:4, )11ankots, very cheap, at Bruner's, F..ont street. ----- Mew Goods of all the latest stylus 1V cd daily . , and sold at small profits, fur cash only, at 1. 0. ]honor's. English, French and American cloths and elp,minters of all qualities, also Tweeds, Kentucky JUMIS and Satinetts, at Ilruner's new More. ReillellibUr the place for the best goods at the lowest, prices is -tirlAttor's IteW store, Front street. act. 2S, Nis, FURS. FUItS. VUItS. WIIOLESALV, AND 'RETAIL. CHARLES OAKFORD & SON'S CONTINENTAL IiOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their large and splendid stock of Ladies' Fur Capes, Col l:n s, lAutl;>, Cuff:,Goves. And Hoods. Also the finest assort _cent of Fancy Fur Robes, Caps, Alufilers,and (.loves over ha ti re offered by them, all of which are war ranted to be as represented. sjilpFING FURS BOUCUIT. (let. 21, tf. Court Proclamation. AV I T REAS. the Hon. Henry G. Long ..stinlent„ Hon. A. L. Have 4 and Ferree Brint ~,,, Esq. Assoeinte Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, and Assist ant JO-dices of the Courts of Oyer and 'fermi 111 l and tieeoral Jail Delivery and quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for said county of Lancaster, have issued their precept to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make public Proclam.stion throughout the Bailie lek, that a Court of Oyer and Tartniner and a gomeral Jnil Delivery: Also, a Court of Genera+ quarter Sessions of the lknce and Deliver/ will commence in the Court house, In the city of I,Thenster, in the Common wealth of Penbsyl rania. on the lid Monday in raiovessiber, ( 20111 / 1 8 65 in pursuance ; of which precept, Public. Notice is hereby giycri, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the City or Lancaster, its the said county, and all the Justiees+ of Peace- the Coroner, tiny Constables of tho said City and county of Lancaster, that they be then 1111f1 there in their own primer persons, with their rolls, records and exinnits mons, and Monist. lions, and their other remembrances, to du those thing+ which to their oilier, appertain, in their be half to be +lisne,and also all thu-o who is ill prosecute against the prisoner+ who aro, or thou shall be, in Use Jail of the said comity of Lancaster, are to IA then and thole to prosecute again , t them as shall he just. Dated at Laucastcr, trio 10th day of Octobor. 1852. F. SMITH, fi!m•itf, Oat, 21 tr. rll T EMP E RA SCE MEETINGS The third regular public, meeting will be held in connection with the Good Templar County Convention, in tl'e Lutheran Church, Friday evening, the 10th proximo, Several lecturers from a distance will be present, and the Glee Club Will sing some new Temperance odes. Turn out friends, and we will promise you a treat (not of alcoliolo of truth and eloquence. On behalfot Committee, THOS. It. VICKHOY, tft Chairman. No. 14. AIL AX'S, BIG LICK SMOKING `Of Tobacco, very cheap, only 75 cents lb. at JOHN FENDRICH'S, Front St., Columbia, No. 13 VC.A.VELNDISII TOBACCO, V sweet mid sound, only 0; ets per lb. at JOILN FEN DRICII'S, Front Street, Columbia. No. 7 DITTSRURG CONGRESS TOBACCO I_ only 70 cto. per lb. at 3 NO. FEN PRICIT'S, Front St., Coln In bla. 1865. 1865. 1865. SEASON, HALDEMAN'S STORE, Establisked 1815 OLD STAND. NEW ITTRACTIONS WE HAVE NOW DISPLAYED, AND offer to 04r customers and the public, a very extensive assortment of choice tab rieg in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS AND Our Departments are all full, and we will offer throughout the season a choice variety in each, at, and under market prices. As our stock will be constantly replen ished with the most desirable offerings of the y. biladelphia and :New York markets, it will always prove worthy of inspection, and we think O yisitto our establishment. will result to the advantage °four patrons. R. J. HALDEMAN, Locust Street. above Front. Elegant Designs and Choice Makes in Im ported Staple DRESS GOODS. Examine and price our FRENCH MER INOES. A beautiful stock to select from At HALDEMAN'S' CLOAKS, We shall continue to make our Cloak Department the most attractive in Co lumbia. Our new Fall & Winter Cloaks, sAcQuzia AND CIRCULARS, From low priced to some very handsome goods, are now ready for the inspection of the public. Pay a visit to the cloak room at lIALIYEATAN'S • Ir v now displayed and ready for inspec tion their PALL STOCK. A visit to their estahlisinnent is invited. CLOTHS & CISSIMERES, FOR Bien and Boys, Our stork of these goods embraces all the well known & best makes. Well selected in STYLE AND _VARIETY, To ;tether with all tho desireablo medium grades which we nre tleterminca to sell at prices the very lowest at HALDEMAN'S. GENTS' FUNISHING GOODS. To this department we have paid es pecial attention this season and believe we can show our customers the most hand some line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, than ever before kept in Columbta. For flew and pretty goods call at HALDEMAN'S HOOP 'SKIRTS / The greatest invention of the age in Hoop Skirts. BRADLEY'S Duplex. Elliptic Spring SHIRT, Very flexible, folded easily when In use to occupy a small space, making the most agreeable skirt worn. For sale in all sizes only at U A LDEMANS' HALDEMAN'S Having roduced their stock to the very lowest point during the past season, their PRESENT PURCHASES Enable them to . offer an entire now stock of goods. REUEIIIItEIt THE PLACE HiLDEMANT, Locust Street, Abpvo Front, COLUMBIA, PENN'A. The Last _ -THE Subscriber has just. relµrnecl Iron?. Philadelphiu44 a large and well select: ed steck'of 'MUGS, 11I,EDICTNES, DYE 4TUFFS, rEItPUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, to which he would call the attention of the citizens of Columbia and Vicinity. iii s 1 4 . 0* pr PATENT MEDICINES will be foundequal, if not superior, to any in dm place, emttracing all the standard remedies, together with several, never be_ fore introduced to the people of Columbia, Among his list of raNgir 4atexaTms will be found all the latest mwelties, in bis lige of business. Ilehas also renewed his stock of CU'AI, OIL LAMPS And fixtures at the lowest market prices, to which_ he would call the estiecial at;' lention of the public. Tile attention of houskeepers is called tq A fresh lot of pure and reliable, SPIC S, Flavoring Extracts, Corn Starch, Farina, Baking Soda and a n umber of other articles used for culinary purposes, Call and see, before purcha.si ng else: where, at . QUEENSWA.RE aug. 26, '65 • PH 4EANERS RHOID2E3IO.IIB ! T"" preparation, used in connection with Phreaner's Laxative Pills, as specific for that distressing disease—the Piles has just boon received at the Drug §tore,of No. 20 EG ARS - CALLE]) SPANISH SIXERS warranted to be made of Cuba Ha vana scraps, only $lOO per hundred, JO. FEND - RICH, front.::: eet, Columbia, Pa. Sept. 23, 6b. No. 1. VERY CHEAP GOOD NAVYTOBA.C-: co at 75 ells. per lb at JOHN FENDRIMS, Front St., Columbia, Pa: No. 2 BEST SWEET TWIST TOBACCO IN Lancaster County, only 90 cts, a lb, a t JOIE!: FENDRICIPS, Front Street, Columbia, No. 3 CUT AND DRY SNIONIND TOBACCO only 50 ets. per lb., Warranted cut of all leaf at No. 4 CUT AND DRY No. 2 SMOKING TO baceo, 40 as. per lb. This is only what the Government tax is. Bought before April Ist, ut JOHN FENDRICICS, Front St., Columbia. No. 21 GooDWIN &BROS. Pt,ANTATION Chewing Tobae,o, in tin only $7 per gross at JOHN FENDRICH'S., Front Street, Columbia, No. 24 11°'• BARBOURS A; CO.'S SUNNI' Side Tobacco. very (Melly by gross at JOAN FEN DRICII'B, Friuli Street, Columbia. No. 11 PITTSBURG CONGRESS Toluca), sweat and, sound, Only 7 els. a plug 4 ;TORN FEN DitICITS, Vitiut Street Colon'Ha, No. .110 K ING T U TOII-WCO, very clictiv, at JOHN FEN MUCH'S, Front St., columbin, A T.T. NONS ARE HER EltY Mi ll_ hidden to trespass upon the ()round.; or tho subscriber, in West Ilemplirld towns/Li 2. Lancrt.ter County, for the pur pose of shooting birds or tiny other game, or taking fruit us I all/ dellllllllloll to pro:geoid@ to the utmost rigor o 1 bite law, every one so offtmding, who is found upon my premises, without express .101 I :ST'Ell I.i,Sr. STERLINE ,Jr. oet. Agents Wantad For flillil: SECRET S ERV E,TIIE FIELD, 1 The Dungeon, and the Escape, by A 1,11(111' 1). 111CLIMADSON, N. Y. Tribune Corresponndent. The most interesting and exciting book ever published, embriicing Mr. Richard son's unparalleled experience for lion . years ; traveling through the South in secret service of the "'Tribune" at the out break. °rule war, with our armies and fleets, both East and West. during the first two years of the Itebellirm ; his thrill ing capture : his confinement for twenty months in seven different rebel prisons; his escape and almost miraculous journq by night of nearly 400 miles. It wdl abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and romance of the war thou any other work published. Horace Greely says : "A great many books will yet be writ ten concerning this War, in addition to the many already M print ; but not oneof them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies and instrumentalities of the Slaveholders' re hellion than does the unpretending narra tive of Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladles, energetic young men.. and especially returned and disabled el . titers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it-peculiarly tidal"' ed to their condition. We have ftg en l clearing 15175 per month, which we AM, prove to any doubting applicant. Send Mr circulars. Address JONES BROS.& CO., N. N. corner oth and Wan Sts. Sept, 30, 3m* Philadelphia. SOMETHING NEW! RETROUVEY'S TURKISH BANDO• 'lonian Hair Tonic, Beautifier and Re . sterer, the moat complete Hair Dressing extant, especially designed to meet Ow_ wants of the Ladles in the present style oi wearing the hair. Just received and fet sale at MEYERS' Family Medicine Stoll. Odd Fellows' OA L OIL LAMPS, SHA.PES, BUR Cera and ehimnies, a full assortmen t. Also the justly celebrated TRUSCOTT COAL OIL, giving stalsfat, Lion to all who use it. J. sale by . A. MEYE Druggist, Odd Follows' HaRS/1. ADD FAMILY DYES, ALL STIA.DES varieties. Extract of 1..0gw0c 4, ponafier, Soda Ash, old fashioned potaSsh. 11 genuine imported Castile Sosp, slicer ° hand at the Family Medicine Store, Odd Follows' Hall oct. 14th, ',63 No. 16. RELS MOKING Tomicco BA/ {- 1..., or half Barrels, nt old prlces,nt JOHN FHNDRICII 0c Front St., Columbis* No. 20. SCOTCH SNUFF,SOUND AND GOO 9 only 70 cents; lb at JOHN FENDS: IV : Front St, Columbia. R. 'WILLIAMS, Front Street rim..,LlANrs JOHN FENDRECIPS, Front Street, Columbia, Pa Notice to Trespassers