THE COMMA SPY. r.VDEPENDENT, FEARLESS FREE COL111)10.S, PA . 4 8o,t‘, 0 et. ',l‘, ‘SG-5, dri wirertisetog will he rnagdctr 1 C. 1511 and colleclale a any time. acr the jiehl timt, A BRAVE GIRL.—The St. Maio (France) journals record a:coura*.lus act by a young lady of:that town, 3111, , . U. I". —who was the means of saving the Efe of a lad, the son of M. Iranion, one cf the editors of the Progress. It appears that young Harngn, was bathing oa the beach, got out of Lifi, an I was being carried out to ;sea by the reni fling trace, when the young !Arty heard his cries for help :tad scram She managel to keep hi, I.e. above water for some time, until') the youth, in his terror, clang to her ;:n' ren.!ered her perfectly heiplesq. They- then b.)1.11 sank together. At that moment two of the bathing men arrived in a boat. nee.attl.ti Died by a foreigner, who immeliatriv dived and brought up the tn• ) persons in a state of insensibility. They were however, soot revived by the u),e of the usual nieni:= z... 11 Lave since pet fectly recovere,!.. —The Univu 11.41 k of New Lomiun has a double barrelled, forward anl back action, patent combination, burglar-pro )f look to its safe. The other day locked, and the ra , swurd -sat; ; the consequence was that neither the talker nor any holy else mull open it, an 1 the door had to be eat off —it is statel ea g ) i truth ir . ity 0,1 t the re.;ttlar army will hereal'zur e,risist of fifty thousand men. .I.t least three hundred men mostly discharged soldiers of the volunteer army, arc ,daily the regular army, which will within a few months be incrcare I to th.) m rxiinum mentioned. —Of all cast off articles of waning apparel the hoop skirt is the greate , ,t 13 Ili aanee, to which garrets, allies, coal holes and gutters will attest. The ladies say they cannot burn nor effc;:toullly destroy theta and they would be glad it s_orne• thing was substituted which could be got rid of after it is worn out. FIRST NATIONAL b4NK OF COLUMBIA. IS PREPARED to transact all btysineg. appertaining to at thoroughly organize( bank to • lull ute., DraftN. Exellatvg.u, &f f .., Buy 1(11(1 Gcad-Culipons, Sit rcr, Uneurrent :NEeney, Oze. will be pai oil special dell:1411s, viz: For 12 month.; or over. :1 per rent per annuli:. For i, to It: month.: 41 per rent. per annum. Fora to 1; montits, tier cent. per annum. Although we allow Ito interest for 0 mhotlir time than three month., any m 0110 3 ,101 With iv; for a period of thirty days or lotr.roF, will he refunded in Nation eurreAey. Wo keep on hand and tbr sale, the new 7-30 POPL LAII LOA N, al par Mill hark luleres:t. Weals() furnish till 0110. r 'nit - ernant:la seeurities at market rateS ma hout eharge. pi.iipunt d: 44,ntlays at 10 o'clock A. 31. S. S. DETW Sttly "2. J. RUMPLE & SON, i~ Foreign and Domestic Hardware. A N extensive assortnlept of houm. fur niahint hart,lware, also for earianiters and !ad Ider, use, always (,t1 hand. IRON AND STEEL witwin uutker. :Intl others, forui,heit with till kin 1. tit• iron, nail., .hoe•, enneh trinnithers iind other• go , ,cli in their• line. 11'00D :VD lI7LL W 111 great variety, ...twit as tubs, baskets, wash boards, brooms, washing inaehlues, !raarairza• XIVIPLMIVIEZIVS, Prows,shoveis,b ( o,,, plow et tiugs,seclheg, forks. rakes, :mud all other implements used by the iltruu.r. eSTO 1e s dJ D TIN IV..IIZ'E. Stnvei or every style 'and. pattern, cook. parlor and I,lliee stoves, for coal or wood. A large a , sortment of tin ware always kept on hand or martqfactured to ortb,r. ezo.. (mai nil , lin , eed, ij9ll, sperm and in:whine oils of all Alcohol, benzine, Japan and , alter N,arnish, glass. paints, putty, wbite lead, d:e. Loetl94 St., f • olumbia, I' It, - - FARMERS' MUTUAL, S f 7i , 1 :1 - 47:: COMP-11' r, PIZIT, 1,1 .1 rrn eflqt, 0,rrp7,,, 1 4 .',M5,371,.!) J. . 1.11-1. : 1, P77r .I.\' _\' .! I—'4l'.-1 7 , :.1111'S 7. trt't ,•i' , " " C.-11 " " ;1 A- • I • f A ri e( „C 1601 usi.•rvi'.S-•+r..nn•nt.• l itl o , nrtt duo, 80)/i A , cl.lllli f.i:t 1 .11 Lier,a, • .f 4: yLqr, Thiq f:ompany ,, nitetnt, , , to I.vue Poli ties .yf or persornd Property, it or Country: at UtAde ur mutitut IT D. STlti Kr,nn, St4.•ro Prc , .ident(tarv. 3 = l . l3 c4Dotcax - iis inot EL.I KfNlfur dolls T. tN:n:m. WA 1:,1:1:0. 1), P.l:- ERT, U, STrtici: Applieation, for I R , or:Lnee n•iil be madt /t ug- 19 , tt...90, M. S. fii I UM . AN, ColnlmLn N all fine brands of Chewing Tobacco, I nil other houses, My . Tobacco s are all warranted free of mould, ]Rust, or disa greeable mixtures, they are all selected with the greate4 care by . the manufactur ers. con.sta.l4ly ort 11.4.aa HARDOASTLE, NAVY, Baltimore $ pun, Qronoko'rwist, Made:il, • Old Dominion, Light Pressed, au Cured, Congress, Queen City Fine u rta ut,, arent Fine Cat, is.lieldgrin Fine Cat, and different other .1. large assortment of Smoltitig'rotaairo's Snuffs, Tobacco bags, tog,etlicr with all the latest improved pipes known the utarket. My Segars cannot be beg.; .fqr sloe!: in tho e•nulty. Frietals cell :mil try my inerlean I.Tn ion's, Isabel etibas, t;r:int - ,, Clicaps: , gurse.,mitalmtly un hsncl. ilooties is tllO Mi!) , l 11l the old Post Office Building, s:rect. Csit. jut, 2.1, '435 ‘ - .ITC!IES 7 AVAIVIIES, - AT I:EDUCED PRICES. American Watches rplin REST AND MOST DURADLE _l_ W:,1;•11,.., now made, and wan-allied 1)„\- t Aitteri,on Watch Cotiiptuty. Aho the LISH -I.3lEltle.LN taw: thy Ault...tic:tit tlattorn by ThCS!! WatehiM art: .1110:1 t",,r American Les•ers, vo•ll ;tad dur1.:31,... (:' )1.9 .1 - SILVER WATCHES thr all kin Is tlipi 4111:tlitieS 01111 be Itaa at our store, t.,;.:L.:1“,t- FINE l'L-ITED JEwEixY, SIIv Plated Ware , ,l'opli:fq )tiaArs,Faley's ye us a. cull as \Vt.' are :-, 0 .1h2...; I rudil..l•4l I).llVe.s. P. SiIDEI NED A: SON, Ft , hut Strool, item. Old llrolge. Aug. :1, PACIFIC HOTEL, 170,172, 174 Al' 1711 i:reenteich ,Yercef, ((due Square WeAL of Broad Between Cortland, 4: qnd Dey Sts , N. Y JO II .V . TT!. X, Jr., Propref o) rtteitic Hotel Avell and nidely known to the traveling public. Tl.e l ocz apo, F.; e.pedally suitable to Wee htt,inths nten ; it i 4 iu I•lo.e proxtnitty to the ltBiness part or the City ,at the Itlghway ti.stilliernand ern travel—aua adjacent to all 1.4 t, princip al ILL:Ir.:Id and St-ant boat depot... . . The l'acilii2 has I;lieral acronioElat ion for gtteStri . it is \Veit turtli,4lvi ey”ry inodorn improvonns; 11a. the 4.snnfort and enti.rtaininent of its ininatos. The root:IS are :spaviotts and well. • entila ted I)l%W:ilea trill! gilt and n'aler ; atteinnince k prompt and respoctin I ; and the table is provich,.l with over ttl , letlivy "r ilic The sabst:riber,-who, for the pa 4 few veal. has been the lesgee, is now Note pro prietor, and intenck to identify hint:wit' thoroughly with the intarost, of iris house. \Vali long experienee at.. a hotel-keeper. he trusts, Its - nonlerate charges and a liberal pulley, to maintain the favorable ropUttt- Lion of the Pacific Hotel. sept. 2, •65 BENJAMIN HERR, 11.1. S JUST OPENED .1. now stuck of gootb:, at . sot , iny 01 , 1 custoincrs. WIZ of gomiiti ie full compielo, comprising, DRESS GOODS, SSI CLO VESTI NaS, DELA INS. PuINTs. DOMESTICS rogel her with ns good a , :gortment of good Is is Cound in any similar establishment. Family Groceries, CMce, Icp Sltsi' of fig {iloo PRIME SUGAR CUSIEL) r LOU 11, FISII, &C. rotint ry IH ., .111(•e talil.ll goods Ittfirkel I hope L. he Lhe recipient ern libornl po froltagl.. 131.1N.1. 11. ERR. .:Voc.):). 'CI, Cur. 3rd and Union PHOTOG THE OLD 0 IGINAL G.ILL RY The subserihGe has .ompletely re-lith2(l his e , tahlishntent, :ma hip gallery eanhot IK•slirineiseiii by any itl tin i•oiiiity, mid be bolii4 liv earertsl personal attention to give the puhlie Metter than have here tofore heen pn4uvecl. A3II3ItOTYPES, icrrou B.Ap is, Ivorytypes, Melainotypes, C:trte an l pieturvs on f . :IIIV2ISS taken in Ihe hest yle. and at, prices which cannot be beaten for cheapness, .. ; ,?..TlsLikettegsns warranted, and a sails faetory piet tire furnished without repeated sittint , s. Ire asks a eontinuanee of the liberal patronage always extended to this eshinlishment. Call and exionine then , at tin; rooms, Worth.. List corner of I. nail and Locust st reets. Entrance 417) oeted street. It. J. M. 1.1171. E. ovt., :!-1, 1863. Valuable Town. Property AT otThrs the following property at Private Sale : N. I, A don hie Emote hone :mil lot t.; ground, corner of Third mid Perry an. No. 2. A 1 1111iilile hrirk h 0 11. 412, and lot iii . gronnil on Third Ni reef . No. :; A doable frame house, ahut•e Fifth :•treel, in Eibinv Latte. The nliove propt;rl3 , will lie sold low, and en oirolerate p:tyuu•nt.. Those wishing if I exnuii.u•fl:e hrupertt• will l ii . t: b svri her. .I.\ld ES 13111 i IMIA• ( ' , 11% 3111111(1 Si K, 1 . e•I., anly '6l-tr 7.3 I ,o,:t PIANOS,. CROANS AN!) MELODEONS. w.r. HESS INFORMS FRIENDS and Vat - 1.111,1 w generally tirii he will fa r•- mak,. of 1:w any do- Inn, nit.; ail in....Arnim:W. of ad., kind itl llwir 11 , i1111.. .111• v. ill m 111 furnkh Mekeleong and Orgaii-c Thq-u, con!itn{ into very 4,•ikeral tuie. I)r4 i' adapted to t} o prof Inetion of savred roont o iliteder inthe I he parlor. ellurvh, the sutt.dAyid hlt.d Organs ttlint , llvd at fr , in r,te• hundred dollar:. and upward , . The ',rives lin' all insiraniont. will lip the •cute as in New York or Satistiielion guaranti:tl, and all in.t ttl !twills warm oted. ~,X PS 14101, it July 20, '6::-.3y I. X. 1-4; C:F.O. M. x.OO Ef=l2 PO V ATOES, IV. V. I I ESS* Book: Store, [.oust ;it ItELEVMS FOR the Growth, Beauty and Preserva- Him of the Hair. Reeves' Ambrosia isprepared from valuable Roots a ud Herbs, each and all of which have long enjoyed reputation among eminent physicians, for their Medicinal properties. These Roots are carefully selected and chemically compounded by such a method as to ex tract and combine their medicinal virtues in the most effectual manner. Reeves' Ambrosia—Contains Burdock Root. Thoroughly eradicates Dirt, Scurf and Dandruff. liezvcs' Ambrosia—Contains Witch Ira zel.—Allays all pains in the head; cures sore and diseased Scalps, Salt Rheum, Itching, &e. Removes dull 'u:Alaclic. Reeve; Atabresia—Contains English Garden Sage. Will never fail to stop the hair from tailing out. Reeves Ambrosia—Contains Bay'Rerries —gives vigor and healthy aellou to the roots of the hair —is very cooling to the head. Reeves Ambrosia—Contains Southern Wood. Prevents the hair from turning Prematurely gray. Restores gray hair. 'Reeves' Ambrosia—Contains Itzisetintry Flowers,—Nourishes the root , or the hair, and gives impulst., to its growth—is zt de lightful ingredient. Reeves' Ambrosia—Contains the eelzz hral_iNl. Xamassur oil. Benders the hair sott,sliek and permanently glossy. Noth ing: equals this oil as a dressing. Reeves' Ambrosia—Contains: L—r Leaves. .I\l—s 11—r. E—rn B—k. T—m 11-1 The secret discovery which causes the hair to grow beautiful. thick and long. Ileuves' A inbro,la—is a genuine and re liable preparation. Buy it, try it, and he convinced. For sale by all Drag,o•kb , , at 73 rent, per large bottle. Depot, tr 2. Fulton St rect., Now I",rk. or. 1:1, '64-11 - , " French, Wellara , in Co. of Philadelphia, general :,..z.ent lor Pa." Dll. VELPAIT'S Flt EN C I...allies, fake particular .21011VC. The real Velinut Female Warrant,d French. Thera. pills, Sr, eViebnaCti many years ago ift Parrs, 1 ., w the relict* of female irtrrularities,nnd afterwards so notorious for their criminal employment in the practice Of abortion, are tour offered tits sale for the first time in America. They have been kept in comparative obseurity front the faet that the omzinator, lir. Vol pan, is a physician in Paris, of grca' tt•e.tlt it ancl.triot utt.cieutiunsprinciltlo:•,atttl has 1 withheld them from general use, lest I hey should be employed for unlawful purpos es. In orercotlTm feinale obstruetions they seen; to be truly omnipotent, burst ing:. mien the Ilond gates from whatever canso may have stopped them, but they are offer,l to the milli., only lbr legitimate, and all agent , :Are lin.bidden to them 'When it is understood that the object is unlawful. Sold at the “iildeit Mortar I)rn Store, and It. William,' in Columbia, anti Dr.; F. Mill:le, Mariiittit. (inn proriire a box, ~(..:11.0.1 t'i oat the eyes or the euriouN. enelo , hig unc dollar and six tieneral Wlltert"v• N. V., or to the itliNt• agents. Doe.. ly. NEW t,KIRT FOR 1365-6• The Great Invention of the Age in xrt•i. .T. \V. BRA DLEY'S Ncw Pattoat PI. EX B.I.11"11C (or altatalal(9 SPRING SKI In% rill I IS invention s of Duplex (or wo)Elipliel'itrc I:.•llll(aStuelSpri;v..r.-, braltle,l tightly anti firmly 1 ,, - gotilor, cage inalzing the 1.un410•-) ula,th• ilt.r:thle evi•r belnl li!;:e llte.inglc pre , erve tutor :Lod heatilLi'vd more A\ long u, any skirl that to, er In or rail fort. atio Viloa,lire I o lady NA to A\ ill ht• cxperioliced particularly in all erorded varringes, railroad car., el,tirch arm (-hairs, rou ' , mini:mule and thre•is., tr.; the skirt cat Iw I; , :deti 'Main iu use to oveupy a stimil plave as 1:1V i 11P: ell jOyeli t pleasure, com fort and great ...on% eidetice of tvQiiring the IMple:t Elliptic Steel Sprint: Skirt for a tiiu le ihly 11 ill never atter mints NS, ly dispense with their use. For children, tnis.ies :mil youlig ladies they are far su perior to all tillturs. The hoopA :tre covered with 2 ply (bodily lire.ol and Will LW ICC as long as the single y: u •n vol. eying whieh is used on all single steel hoop skirts. Tie three bottont rods on every skirt are al.o donhie steel, and !wive or double covered t, pre vent the covering front wearing oil' the rods when dangling down snurs, stone which they :u•e eutr-lantly sub ject to when i» use. suld Larded 'rapes, and aro (hc• in every part, giN int; 111 the Wearer the tuna grace ful and perfect ,haler 1;0,4We, !nal are Un tille,tinintlay 1110 ( .01 111;f101111., 1111(1 ecuttutnu•al :•Lint over 1118,1 e. A.: Cary, on; of ow ins -pm jun, Ch;unla • r'.::ad 7!) Vila SI lit•aik! ..\;01\ \O 1:. .I' . ol. Vity, ant! 112) . 1,i4g110III the I:tilted SIMI••: mill Cailaihi, 1!..11):a, Anierie:t, ;Int! the 11 . < ,, t I tithe,. r• luTl. l'harle, N. I; tnr•lcer, I,aar Lea, Tabun, Wagner, Eilwar•L C. Ualr•, :-;;Linne) ( • Fates, .1;tvol., Stitit I:, Alfred Filler, lien, \V. ltil.llllr , /-. Frit , . Lewis, 1). Cii.kit LES N. I:A :NCI\ EH. Pre,leleni. E\11). C. 112 , 0,E, JAS. .Pro. JOIIN COOPER Ark,t- for Columbia mar.l:l, is. Ual.inet ialkinz and Undertaking 'nth: wutticl ciiriti hi the tin hitt. ha-; now in ow-A.!i lot' 111 k/Ilt FURNITURE WAllr, AN• \\ t`11 , 11 , ..14; , • , 1 \\ ;al lIC \V anti 1)..3.11- 1:1(... , 1 1f11111i11.1 , 1111%. , 1 , ) 01'1101' uuti it ill !.t.1.11 ~. .11, 1 :111tIy I)ro,t,hl. f'l a 'n alit SL,nl,:, curd :kll, , .nttak•-„ vumnion. Fnu ,•y and 11eikteuil,; ; , I • hi e ; i ~ e lll ~,1, 1 1, 1 1 111 e swe.t tertie, An 1:e nutllttf.tettive, ~W ll Wl,li 1.,.(.11:t -1)11.11 artick to IJQ tint it is IVill'eSelat2(l . . 1.11. hairs kept on hand or min. In'ae!nred 10 oil r. Cane . Wind,or, Arm and 1:()eliilux (11:11r..; Settee , , Camp and Colimer 81111 stuff e d sold Chairs, 111a1k. t, order. Old Chairs repainted and repairecl. UN DE:rrAti ING ‘N ill be nt 1v1141t.(1 to 'Wit prompt in.., to N% Ito givos his tinn. lie i, prepared I%llh it e Luxes anti cOolerS to pteser‘e corpse, as ntny lie re- M A 110 G .1 NY OR IV I,NIJ COFFINS I , tirni , ll , .1 plain in• tinned in nnystylelltn innyhe 11.. re ,, pil-thilly "i• pdtrulla g v. il. %Nell an n cl.ntiutn , ta•e trip %vim which lie Ints been liberally ravon.d. Jail X SIII:Nlant(1,1.:11, South Sidi.. of 1,0 , 11,1 St., h(4 ,. .v.,11 Sovon,l and Third. Ichd.l7,l;:t. AMERICAN Lila Ins - arance Company. uprircE, xv.t.l.Ni - 1' sT" S. 11 COIL OF 10()I-RTII, Pil ILA DELPIII.I locorporalea Periwt filo DI - irk:id or Is;;: and I sol WAS 50 Prat. czuv. ASSETS J NLTAItY 1 - 1 N , :" , - NJ:NRLY 1,0 0 0,0 0 0. j' 111: Ili% iele•txl of ['runts toaile in Jon i nary ofearit year. It is allowed alum every payment or Premium mime, and it tome (iliumt of the Polley. In ease of the (le:lth or lite pally . 11 /iNI/reli, it able top, - elher ‘vith alai in addi to the amount paid 1., the Cootpatty to he tilOoper annum, :11111 III" ,11V1411.1111 4.,jll:ll,fiff.ypePiTiii. the !mirth year, the party ill pay the Compatty, for the tieNt year, only pr..tuittio on his ill•a/rata..e. Alter the fourth year, the Poliey_liolder revel% es Who the ' , remittal atiamols to fifty dollars tr otortyitinually,otle-111111* ions he p.titl nl a hole at tAvelVi. 1» 0 311.1/S With i11i,•11...t. i,•11...t. Cl/111 pally retains the hat there is eoprespotliting of dividends sti.htlittg to the eretiii of th e polity, and Iho ehci,leuiiv %ill he paid ill said notes. • This plan ettahles the insured to realize his protits, it/clinic, atilt thih is notch to lie pretereti 10 the sy , lent ot tad to It ;11 0 111 . .tirk and the eon lion:tore °me 111211 rate or ',rennin!' ( 1 .1- ru t the %%hob. lilt,. Fi‘r further int•irmationapply to the aLtent. .1. Iv. sTEAry, .i1dy.1;71.-1/.. 0.411111 _ _ xi; 11- M A.I\TUP'-9_CTOR.Y" Blreel, nearly opposile LUTIIEItAN COLUM rpm: ('ADEINI(:NED IIAvING Taken tiv• Shop. torsilt.ily contltieted .:11r. Stlllll. cat 5 , .••, Would re-Te%-ttully noun,. t" Ha, commim, and ti run! i• now prepar, , ,l lu maniirac • tur , all !.nu!.,:: Carriae,o-, an.; .111 of y , •!lien, in M. 1 :1t , •• : p:Ration • a‘\ orim: 111 1 , 0t.:•-1. , .1. :( tp• ,•,(11, cla!lii lo: 1 11 , a „ ;;; (r,‘• tiP,7ll: tor 1,..011ty I”rai, ele emll,•.• of hai,!;. and .4trenglll I.truetare. thit• loattir4 , s of wort: i , it, ; all vc•llides IT 2314 build :a... eon , traet:-il of t soasoned material, anti pia toe , :et her tirinly and •iil)- .talitial:y. giye.i I:art:et:111r intention to tino r.l , :th - z:,7..; eft' . .• 4 qiieieq, and \yammer; all 1.3 "0...0kt:11'11On. /II ;.,141111,11 4•Xilt`rielll:l2 (110 111/./3:',,, the of the Loa /, 3 kw, I). Smile thom fr om eta? celeia . a... .1 \V;;;,fm eitabli,Linent. l'hint (loll.l,ia. A to gtt,.! 111,!ir enemerage men!. untl ,upport. Aug. 12, cuRrsTuNM YElt.`i GEORGE SZIEDE:R'X'S CABINET WAREROOIIIS - - AND DIANtrFA.CTOILY, Locysy ST., A. FEW DOORS BELOW 3rd St., e:CiL11111,131A, LAN. CO , Y, PA. TILE subscriber buying purchased from his brother, Casper •Seibert, the stock and good will of his extensive Cabinet Manu tiactort•, will continue the business at the old stand, where he will keep on hand as assortment of PORN Fru RE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality, style, and manufacture and will make to order, of first-rate mate rial, every article in Ins line. Ile will give strict attention to business, and respectful ly asks of the public a share of its patron age. ;Lir -UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at' the shortest notice. GEORGE SEIBERT. Cola. July 4, 'O3. BRENEMANS' LADIES. GENTLEMANS.:BOYS. GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and best assortment of La dies and Gent lemnns wear in the C XTit or LAZTCASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites the citizens Of Columbia and vicinity, to his large stock of LADIES" BOOTS AIVD SHOES Such as womens Kid and French Morocco Boots, Balmoral, Continental and other PASELTODMEILM sysmr.s. We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every kind of ladies and gen tlemans wear known in this market, and at as cheap rates as any similar estab lishment call and examine our stock. A. N. BRENEMAN, Opposite Cooper's lintel, \Vc.t King St., Laiwaster. Sept. 24, '64. COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. CAPiTAL AND ASS ETs, i:4-129,5)20,50 This company continues to insure Build lugs, 1112rehandise, and other property, against loss and damage by tire, on the mutual plan, either ibr it cash premium or premium note. FIFTH _t NW (AL BEPOII 'whole amount insured, ti.5,027,020,6S Ain't of premium Motes, s;a_li,lla(l,(ili Bal. cash proini tan,.lan Cash receipts in 186.1, lk,s and commis hions, 22,:;7a,:e; * on,ono 97],m0 '',IIC 800,000 5,000,000 Ltri.,es cep use:; 22,794,89 lam, a Capital and an,tv2i1,1,0 A. S. C;111 , 1EN, Onottot: You:go, s t . t •ret a ry. - M wit Atlt. S. Sttu l'rett•Autvr. 2:1 1 X 3111.3 E C"X'O l Samuel Sliw.ll, Patton, It. 'l'. I:yoti. W. Stettey, .1.1111 1:tt1.111,1. 4 ; , •o. IJ. t;. Nit-holivi Donald, S:int'l 1' I , ll)prklti, :%11,11:1t.1 S. Shuman. Autos S c;rt•on, S. e. S;:ty111:11:er, .I.l.ttann , l St.2t•ttlp:, IK, :UST RECEIVED fiARDNAN'Si:3; GROCERY r I I 1.1.; in•-• 1. .o ti, in tht wortil, ;NtielmoCK .1 , ; ( •,. ( 1.(.1( ( r hao(-, plain an ( - any:l , g, ( old 11/V•1. :in 1 Eh( grevit and ron , t(.(l ( lot of Ton, Extro I tn:o((l-litl, Young l } •-,on, Finglhh, :(1(:1 Hack 'l`l , (t. Vim( 1 4 ,31( oil ni(l's )-4 - con Farina, 1111:1 Cl'llt . kt.l , . 1 1 1'4.'11 1 1 1111 , •11 T0111;1100 4.1';1!" 'o'l'l' /y,I.A.S, 111 jlll , , 11 11114 1 1111111 . :• 111.111.:;(42ar, 300 1 1 ,4,vvr!ng'1 1,0,1 ...a ,-. 7CMAT;N : fthe'Vt.,ll . .fifc l 6s' 9 renti berry's, Fro,n ;I , itit(l :Thwo, NJ/imp:2 . , A go,„1 Went thre,yl 1,1'114, v,111!", Awe 11:0:11 ',al I :41 inn. 7 'li:~ NORTH QUEEN STREET, UE. ( It: A LIT MIS 'Ft 111 S:11001,S, SrL , ,: , lTo:tritrr., Y:tl,lir genurally. SCIIOOI, SINi LOOKS, N BOOKS, STITIONEIa KIMIS. EN V E LOPES, PO(' N. ET BO( )1:S, Iff.lltlES, Ifyint: Books 811:1 Prnyer Iloooks fi:r I'llotograph We r•eut slipply 4•N - t rytilitl:r in our line :it ilu• silorlo• • 1 possilllt• :it prices will I,r wk.:lard to wilt: oil: We (Ivry nn:rp,)eini;n: in :my branv:: o our luo.ine,o4. fll' till , past patrolla.:4o, l * C•speCtrally ”olltimuille, .1( it IN I 2 North (./..11.Po Lao-a-.ti•r, Pa. 1:n•. PI, ISIN. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Hanafactureta of Photographic Material,, WOOLILIMLi A.n 1.04.14 501. BROADWAY, N. Y. to addlfion to our malt; I.l.lnameof PHOTOGRAIIM, TER:ALS, we are heoutquutters for the followirm, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Of them yr hgro au Ignmerme itssollnulu . 4 Including WEWS bliaillWi.iC OhlaUsed ett co...lienae and forming • coleplela lelleTlei HAP/1110 111,0111 W Or rim GRMAT lINION COMIC Bull Run, Dutch Gap, Yorktown, Pontoon Trains. Gettysburgh Hanover Junction. Fair Oaks, Lookout 'Mountain, Savage Station, Chickahominy, Fredericksburgh, City Point. Fairfax, Nashville, Richmond, Petersbugh, Deep Bottom, Bello Plain, Monitors, Chattanooga, Fort Morgan, Atlanta, Charleston, Mobile, Florida. Strawberry Plains, Ac. &c. Atnerican soil fotrfort Cltlea and Landscapes, ry. kr , .. A.c. Alen 11... 01, Jog , tereostoper, for public of prin. eshltillion Our Catalogue sill Le aent to .7 Add... receipt If Stamp, Photographic Albums. We were the first to intoklitoe thew into the United Stab. and Ire ne.p.fectere Isnmence .4 lent.tres in groat varlet; rang ing in price limn So cenir to Ito. (Or Al.lll, 111 , 3 have die repu tation of hewn In to.out• tot durability to any *there-. Tbey .111 bo atot by mall, 1 , 10,3...., en receopt of Nita. Mr'llilig A LIM./ 31A DE To 01101111,4111 The Trade will find our Albums the most Saleable tLey can bay. CAM/ PllO fOORAPIIS. Cur Cataio.• now OTIIIvr., 0., Five 7 . . 1 1M1LM1, infr....01 subjerta (to which stlJit ion. air routittually being ovate) of &AI, nett Maori. au, dr , viz i la,Mel...ann. 1 . 0 1.1.1-Cola SW Statimonen, 110, itriz o 2,1 nth, I elicers, 13.. Di ch... 73 Ceinnolc, 30 r•er, hinters, 120 Aniben‘ 40 Arica.. f ~,,,.. I,l Prosoltteat Wu... 6 1 , ,,,,,, (..1.1, et Works of Art, including repro , l.ece ..111 of the u.,tst .10..1 Calf.,,ogot l'alating., Slotoo. At. Cal•lottioa ne at on Neely.% of Stamp. An onler for 0 Lot Mon ye Nrer fr.ot our Catalogue, will ba 17144 on orrelpt or ill iot, •,,,t an., by ,tion, eJeee. Photok-ropiirs a.ol .ehere e . .ierler C. 0 1 1 , will pie., (reit /err, t yr i•-.• rr. t • I ea. am , ont with %MT mato. re - Itte prkee a..... 1 .t.4.,..t) ...I non gouda ...fall losatlaqk J. AV.Pt E.l S N, T. 1.1 (VA Stro,t, dot.rA above Second, PE).Z.VA oLoTris, cAssrArnicns AND VEST ings .pc r-tylcr4 and suited to any setwort, kept con , tantly an ham m ham] oral an t„ order wairo,and war ranted t ;; 1 porreet sttZ kfact •, 0T,1 r ., % C 0 40.1.1 N ' y t Irom St. Columbia. *t5.2,71: - MIME ItILNIA.NS. Ow. ('hurry St 3.1 XI OCAZ 1 - NOTWE. ME PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ARE now prepared to receive and. for ward FREIGHT on the Philadelphia Di vision, to and from all stations where they have agents, at the following rates per hun dred pounds: BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd. Class. 4th Class. 25 cents. 21 cts. IS eta. 15 et.. Flour in car loads, 25 cts. per barrel. Pig; Metal, 10 ets. per 100 Has. BE I' W LEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour, 21 cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 12 cents per 100 pounds Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations as heretofore. RATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 15) 75 GO 40 Flour per barrel, SO cents. ...gSP - Freiglit consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pre paid. Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and Wooden Porter & Ale in bot- Wu ro, tics, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh, Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrappmg Paper. Articles of td Class. Apples, ble Monuments, Cheese, .I%lohisses, Clover ct; Grass Seed,Melons, Crockery, Oil in-casks or boxes, Candles, Paper in boxes, Casks or Barrels,Pasteboard, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries, Printing paper, Guns and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes tindQueensware, kegs, Sweet Potatoes, Hardware, Tobacco in bales, Hops, Tea, Iron, (hoop, band orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather, Turpentine, (spts,) Liquor in 'Wood, Varnish. Marble Slabs At Mar- Articles of 3d Class. Alcohol, la red,) Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Vinegar, Oysters ..t Clams, (inWhite Lead, (shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, ( mannfac- Articla of 41h Class. Rosin, ECM Cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, Tointeeo (leac,) (:irain (Wall kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar, Whisky, Plaster, All Freights payable on .leli very. 11. 11. 1101.TSTON, General Freight Agent, 5.1?' For further information, apply to S. 11. I'EN . (ISTON, Preight A.A., Phila. E. K. 11011 . 1:1, Freit:lit Agt., Columbia. W. 11. MYERS, Freight Agt., Lan'tr. Columbia, July I, 151;5. ITZSURANCEI CO. Or NORTH Amr.raca, P 111 LA D7.L P TS CORPORA TED 1791.,3so,ooo, Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by lire on Buildings, Mer elunidize, Furniture, ke., ror long or short periods, or perninnently on Buildings, by a deposit of Preininin. Th.. , prompt pay -1110111 lit for a period or Nereiag years, allinds .. guarantee or elaiin upon public onitidtinee. A writ tin G. CinuuN, CU.\ RIX:, PLAT r, Secretary. F. N. Y. Agent, Basement illlnek's I tote], 0.111011.1 a, Pa. Columbia, January 21, 18115.-ly. — Ls_ I-CS I A ' ,,ill;l; :intl seleenal stoek of Pocket Books, ha, 11.4. 1112011 rVlPiVeti, hie!! we trill cull at red tied prices. Call and soo our stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM A large an 1 fre sh stock ju a reeeived Crete New York, they are tdrered ft jtriee. to nett every one, rinii , ,FLPAtent. ThR mometers. A large lissort moot just received. mid itt very low prices. :No persoii nhunitlll wit hoot wit% RAT S 117?I7i_va FLI7I). The genre/11e ( I 'lWe—tin:iris, joints, luilf hint. , mut 2 OZ. Sin/11/4. EV( 1 1 . Y111 1144 usual ly k 1 111 t he Stutionery nee, Neil lie found at W• U. TIT SS' nook' Store, Trx•u.t ovp.riite Cultnnbia National Bank. 10; WASZILIVGTON 11073533 N. 70I.ICItqSiallt Street, above 7th, PH/h. i 11EL Pll lA. • rultris OLD AND P 1 1P121..11t. OTEL is situated in the very centre or host convenient to the SteallliMat 111111 H. R. Dolmas, nee-ems front which to /he Hotel. attainable at till limes. The house Itn. been th maighly renovated and newly fornishedoind to every respeet ren dered trVit wet the wishe..and desire. , :. or the traveling The reputation the manager enjoyed in the I.olld not of the tither I lotek will he 11 snilielem guaranty that no effort on his part will he Nparril to inn ke the "WASII- N t 1ToN" e ((el r(u.s.vt hfmtNe. The larder will he nnexcepth/nable in every respect. The Manager will be pleased to See /11S old cri•2ll,kned r•winer patrons of the ':states union," Piffladopitilt, anti to welcome many new ones. CHAS. M. ALLMOND. 318nager jam, ::1, 1;11] Cll 'INGE OF _BASE. r 1 Live removed my Store from Fifth and Union :Street to I.oettst Street, between luul and ;rd Street, north side and N/A7 E have just reeeived a new stock of thaabs direct from first hands,and are enabled to sell thew as ellen') as any other store in town. Our assortment of , rima rAlvzzzle co:Loom:2ms Is large and complete, consisting in part of all grade of Sugars, Teas,[eat, Fish, Coffee, Cheese, Spices, Flour, FritA: Provisions of all kinds, together with Wood and Will ow-wa mil Queens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER CZIEESE, Cerman fruits, see. Encrash and .13nerican Pickles. Fresh reaches, and all the fancy grocer ies pertaiuininty, to a well regalate, I gro cery store. J am determined nal to be stir passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of in goods, Call around and inspect, our stock whether you buy or not. A share of pub lic patronage is solicited. GEORGE TILLE, Agent, I.,o,atst Ureet, above 2d. Columbia, April 1, THE COLEBiIIEOOT MO SHOE STORE. on Innui nna complete assortm en t of SOOPS sli OES, GAITERS, &Mt An •;tvi,.:tnti varieties of Men's, Boy's, :tnci Children's 'wear. WE NANUFACTURE TO ORDER, and keep constantly on hand, a stock of ready-made work, which tvo warrent to give satisfaction. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, &c, the A full assortment of Hats and aps latest styles, always kept on band.. Our whole time and. attention is devoted to our busineFet, hence We are better able to nive our customers satisfaction. The puplie are respectfully invited to cull and examine our stock. J. S. SNYDER, Cor. Front and Inmast Streets Col's, April 9, 'lll. READING IUI t ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, GREAT TRUNK LINE FRO! tho No r th and N'orth-West for NAN,Iow a 4t New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ac., Le„ Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows: At 5-00 7,26 and 5.15 A. 31., and 1.45 P. sync. ingatlslew York ai 10 A. M. and 3,ooand 10.20 p, 31. The above connect wttli similar Trains or. the p oinisy m o it a RSII Road, and Sleeping. Curs accom pany- the 3.00 and 8,15 trains, witliout-ehange. L eave for Reading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, miners. Bill. Allentown, ued Philadelphia at 3.b A. 31. and 1.46 P. 31. stopping at Lebanon and prine/gat sty lions only. Way Trains stopping at all points at 7.23 A. 31. and 4.40 P. M. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Read, mg at 5.00 A. 31., and returns from Philadelphia at 50a P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave readinc at and 111.55 A. 31.6.15 p.m for Epht mu, Linz, Cull inhat On Sunday; Leavt New York at a P. 31 ., Philadel phia :3,15 P. 31., and Reading at LW A. Ai- tor ILr. risburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, awl E.:tem:dna Tickets at reduced rates to and from nil poi n t s. SO Pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. G. A. 3;ICOLL9, General flaucrisltendeni July. _V,* e 3 PEINAISVLVAIVIA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Columbia going east, Columbia train, 8.0;) A, m, Harrisburg Accomodation, 430 P. M. Trains leave west, Mail trian, 11 lOA.M. Harrisburg Accomodation, 625 P. M. Columbia train arrives, SlO .# Columbia Accommodation. Leave Columbia for Lancaster, 1.40p.m, Arrive at Lancaoter 2.20 Leave Lancaster at 2.40 " Arrive at .Columbia 3.20 '; E. K. BOICE, Ticket Agent. N. C. ItAILVTAL3r. YORK. AND IVRIGHTSVILLE R. R The trains front Wrightsville and York will ran as follows, until further orders; Leave Wrightsville, 8 00 A. M. 41. 1 20 P. M. P. M Leave York 7 00 6 43 A. M. M. 12 10 P. M. 44 3 13 P.M. Departure and Arrival or the Passenger Trains at York. DEPARTURES FROM YORK. For BA urimoni. , , 4.13 A. M. 9.20 A. M. and 2.50 For IlAnzusnuna, ;1.57 A. M. G. 15 M mid 11.25 A. M, and 12,50 A. M. . ARRIVALS AT YORK. From RALT/MORE, 11.57 A. M. 6.15 P. 11, and 11_20 P. M. and 12.45 P.M. From 1 EM1111511.1711.0, 4.10 A. M., 9.15 A. Sr., mid 2.45 P. M. 0118tItithty, the only trains tannin nru the one iron I I rarrisim rp; at9.lolb the mom ing, proeeeding to Balt intore, awl Me one trom 'Haiti more at proeeedir.g o Reading 4 Columbia Railroad. titha road run by lien ling IL at. tint, which is tato itattano., foster than that of rem..., O .t II A PrI;IC NO DAY, W.:I'M:ER Ist trains of 11. lo+ road wall rain at laaltom : •- • • Leavin g c01.1.,.bim 7.00 A. . Jig i/ .1 'a sr flog, rrilin lot lttadin¢ mid intornoroliiito big , at 1 .: 111 .11 .1 ill • ylailly,-Xek.).t !111..;41.1y,g;t1. Ira Isxpro Of Vl l {lll . a 11.a1, 0. to :it 7.41. 7.atm at 7 .I, Eplir.ila :,t 5.21, 11tbilawah.rale at h.:O, 1,i131:1I4; Sp. big. at 4.1 C, 011 , 1111:1, ing at It. a,ttax at 11. 1 .1 a. in. At Itetoling oioinuction ino.lo itl. ro%t Expro.o tulip I. rea..1.111;.: Nett . Yin kat tt p. In. w 11,11 Ito:Ain:4 11.11.. re ii , pi. a at 12.1:. p. In.. Si t.II ailia is i i 1, 150.1.. for VI la, Va ;Lie 1.1.1010.01 11311 . 1.4111 , ..... 2. lal P. 19 '/'lO ;11 /br 14.00 ling and into. inioli.Ele nt Loiolo.‘ illo iit . 2.511 p. 1.1. ii/th %%10— , Lao.- 05 11 ' 0.11.11.. bath 1. tux 11 1/7< min' :I:N.,,‘ 4.i1, Erl.itt'N 11 .„ ithittt; S,/11.1gt•.1 1 ./ • rit at I' l . in. At P. is. loallo ro:1- , •1 c .1.1 illo 1,140 v 11 Va'l...y. I.:: - . 6.10 A. ITO. I f. , Colitiltle..k toot :111..1 it.• t putt :4,1. Vein , • at • • • • (Tat:, • H -r .3 ',A. Lit 12.31/ 3, 1 . .5.111.: C 8.11111 0 ,1, ...'• and tlieletuntle4.:lntz 1,,1 • Hlllt Mita J'enti'.:. I:, .. 6.1 P. 11. ..71,1/ ".;, rind .t. „ I.•:11,111; 1:41, a: it ;I:.1 .1.11.111:e at 3.3,1 I. to h.... 1% NV11111..1.1.1 .3k It! • :0 7.4... I : • Ydi" "it/. nu hair: 111 the l'1:1111.1 I: r Au! / . /taadolibli la. is.•it at - living .It 11:11: 1.1 p. iLt The 'navel to Ephrata:lnd Lku, , pr,,-. from :s:rir York, Philadelphia, ik.iiimor.• ppintv, thi. 11‘.4.4,111111.1a1e.i. 1111Wq perthiy, Exo trrift, ruum rung dlteet:oo, Throug' t tkket. to New Volk', P1111:1.1C11011:1 /it 1,111 at )11 11.111,11 is:1112011, PM) Pap . 6,1( tin oottli. Flt•ight carried It ith the 111111w1 [l/1111.,1 .11 . 1.:111111, lin. 101 , 1• Ne ono tt ith rtgard to Mreield 1.11 ,1 ,11).. 11111' 1 / 1 1 k/ 1 / 1 111111111 1 . 1 . 0111 1110 11, 1. 11t14 dm 001113.1,1);. EN DES Calf EN, Supt, F. I: EF.I - Et:. tie:l. Froglit Ttelket Cult ten bi:y t let. G IZtIiIkKtE'XIIMANXitIVIARINE IBTSITRANCII C TVIZELNY, I' II IL.I D E L II A, Capital :5200,000. Securities t l 3oo,oOtt COMPA.N Y continues to tako rklzsi ou good property at rates as low as any other safe Cowpony, and eunsiquit wit II iirudelwe. l'olieles issued for long or short terum, or permanently. Losses promptly All claims adjusted without litigation Or clolay. This Company- rel . erti to OIC past as a giutrantee of - its future conduct. TILOS. CRAVEN, Prest A. S. GILLETT, Vice Tres B. ALvoitu, Secretary. P. X. ZIEGLER. Agent, Basement 11Istek's Hotel, Columbia, Pa Columbia, January 21, 1W:1y. • Th t Place to get Your Money's HENRY WORTH SU iS4 DAM'S uoR. FRoxr & UNION Sr. lie bas :lust received n large supply of new and fresh groceries, also NEW DRIED FRUIT, NEW SUGAR CURED HAMS, NEW NO. 1, MACKEREL, NEW SEEDLES and LAYER RAISINS , NEW CITRON AND CURRANTS. ENGLISH PICKLES, CRANBERRIES, etc. ANo new Fruit of all kinds. Our steel. of staple and limey groceries is full unit eonkthete and we intend keeping it fresh a call, corner by altnost daily additions. Gave ut Columbia. HENRY SUYDAM. Nov. 1804. Front & 'Union Street, Columbia Oil Works- Truscott (Sr, Guernsey, PROPRIETORS. • COLUMBIA, PENN' A. EFINERS AND WHOLESALE D9al ors in Relined Carbon Oil, Benzine, Lti brie Oil, cte. - 0 _ 'laving lately put up a refinery with, alI the 111.4ft!ssury improvements. We oiler to the public a pure article of DOUBLE REFINED CARBON OIL, which gives a more brilliant light at less expense than the most of oils now in market, and is perfectly non-explosh'er" We manufacture exclusively for home trade, and guarantee our oil to be of the best quality. Orders solicited. Address as above. Columbla,Aug. 12. t 1 JUST THE PLACE H EN RY ST.YYDA'M'S, Corner of Finest und jets St reet is the place toget.r" FAMILY GROCERIES. lie keeps the best stock to be found inthts market, and prices reasonable. Fatie J groceries, vq:cetables, die., in season. julytr64,