pal Vtpartment. To Carexpoutionts. Commumentuout, lettere, centribuibuis, semi, of meritemu! intend to Mc reader, wilt be acceptable rum frtemis from all.quariers ,Fags.—Chas. Oakford & Sotis of Phil paaelphin, advertise a large and superb stock of Furs, which they will warrant•to be according to representation. .SENVINO MACIIINES.—Mr. W. G. Patton at Maltby 4; Case's storo adverti ses Wheeler ,Sr. Wilson's Sewing Machines. Uc is the Agent In this_ place for those : popular machines. Call and see them. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-31r. J. •G. Hess advertises in to-day's paper, the splendid dwelling on Front street,in which , he now resides, also the valuable building flot on 2ndjstreet. T. M. Grider, agent for IL W. Gray, also iadvertises valuable real estate in this issue. tS•ALES OP REAL ESTATE.--Mrs. Jacobs sold her residonco on Second street to J. G. Hess, for six thousand one hun dred and fifty dollars. Dr. S. Atlee Backius has sold his resi •donce on Locust, adjoining the Franklin House, to Dr. Joseph Cottrell, for five thousand five hundred dollars. • itatirßY iIoU,SE.—We insert to-day the advertisement of the Maltby- House, Baltimore. It is, without exception the best public house in that City. leis lux uriously furnished throughout, and the itable cannot be excelled for good fare by any hotel in the Union. Our friends stop• ping at this house will Mad the truth of our remarks hilly verified. A SLIP or TUE TONGUE.—llecently a young lady went into a certain book store for the purpose of purchasing. a piece of music entitled "When I sleep I dream of thee" but V one of those ludicrous "mis takes which will sometimes happen in the he.+t families," she astonished the young uuntleman of the store by inquiring if he had the music entitled, "When I dream I sleep with thee!" The tnistake brought' a m-slest blush to the cheek of the fair in lairer—ditto to the young gentleman. HAIL ROAD MAT rEltS.—The diffi culties heretofore existing. between the It ending cf.: Columbia It tilroad Company, and the Pennsylvania Railroad CC/nip:my in reference to the crossing at this place, h ire at last been arnica , h arranged as follows : The Reading& Columbia Railroad Com pany will cniss the Pennsylvania Rail r mil track at Mill street, and take their smth track as far as atchntatis planing mill, for which they trade the s:une length of track on the north side of said road now graded and ballasted by the Reading & Columbia Railroad Company. We hope that this amicable adjustment °Nilo difileulties between the two com panies may, in conjunction with the Co lumbia at Port Deposit 'Railroad CotopanS, lead to the building of a convenient pas.- smger depot in a central part of our town. t 4 ucit an IL Crangetatillt would be ladled with delight by our citizens. Co:A.I3IINA Po:I.T DEPOSIT ItAlL no.u).—Wo learn that through the indefat igable energy and enterprise of Col. C. S. IC talfman - We'sident — oT Ilie - Colutufttia and l'trt Deposit Railroad Company, that said r tad will be put under contract immet Moly. We can conceive of no improvement which will redound to the advancement and development of our town more than the construction and completion of this raid. Columbia being the centre of so malty railroad enterprises, will eventu ally, as it certainly should, attract capital ists to our town. This road will open to railroad communication, vast fields Of iron ore, and carry coal from our Susquehanna c.tal fields direct to the seaboard, cheaper and more direct than by any other route. rte lumber trade is secured to our town from its natural position, and this road will only be another artery of trade for oar merchants. No other location in our State affords better facilities for the inanu ftetare of iron and other products ; and we aspect to chronicle at no distant day, that our importance as a mantlthetaring com munity is excelled by very few towns in Our Commonwealth. -- - Pollee eases before Samuel Evaus,Esq , re• the weak. Assatt and Battery.—Rebecca Fallerton 111 vie, complaint against Joseph Grant), WM. Read and 0. McGl.•tughlin, for assault and battery. Defendants discharged. Drunkenness ate.--Robert (colored) was taken before Justice by Constable 'McGinnis, for being drunk and disturbing the peace, defendant commit, ti•d to Jail for twenty days. . . Mawslaughlar.—Constablo McGinnis ar rested Jacob Harman for committing an asvault upon Susan Kieffer, alias Susan Harman, at her house on Union street, on Saturday evening lust, whereby it is sup posed she came to her death on Monday htst, In default of $.500 bail to answer at November session. Defendant was com mitted to Jail on Tuesday. The facts of the case seem to be as fol lows so far as we have been able to learn them: On Saturday last, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, whilst Henry Niielfer, Fred. Barnhard and one or two other per sons, were drinking beer in Mrs. Kieffer's bar-room, the deceased and defendant , had a dispute about something, when the de fendant went behind the bar ••nd struck the deceased in the face with his fist, and kicked her. They then went into an ad joining room; where lie kicked her twice, when she fell, and was curried up stairs, where she continued to grow worse until she died, on Monday. One of the witnes ses stated that the deceased told her that She would die from the injuries caused by the kicks. NVe refrain from making any comments upon the case, us the filets will be brought before Court, and there determined as they shall appear. It is due to the defendant to state that an inquest was held upon the body of the de ceased. Drs. Bruner, Devlin and Craig, made a post mortem examination and re- Ported that they believed aim died from natant!, causes, and the Jury so returned their verdict. Assault and Battery—Peter Gardner made complaint against Jacob Wolf, for Committing an Assault upon him, by striking him in the face with a club, C. Defendant bound over for his 'appearance at NOystrtber Session to answer. I. 0. Bruner gives - notice that he has just received another stockrof Lew goods. NEW .511LrasEar.--a-Mrs. L. Swartz, will open a largo arta fashionable assort tnen t of new Millinery on Thursday next, 26th in et. BUTTER Ilixson of this pine° +has commenced the manufacture of candy, called Butter Scotch, and we learn, is very successful. OUR MUTUAL FRIEND.—T. B. Peter son & Brothers, Philadelphia, will publish from advance sheets on November 11th, " Our Mutual Friend," Charles Dickens' New Novel, complete and unabridged,with all the illustrations to match their previous editions ofthis popular Author's Writings. We predict for "Our Mutual Friend" a very generous reception, as it is one of his best Books. TUE PAVEMENTs.—It is a very im portant matter that our sidewalks should be attended to before winter sets in. We have before called the attention of the street commissioners to the pavement on the south side of Walnut street above 2nd. The sidewalk in the upper end of Locust street is in a"sorry plight." Also in Front street and numerous other places in our town. Our authorities having the com fort and interest of the people at heart, should see to the repairing of the side walks and street crossings before giving too much attention to other matters of less importance. TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT.— On Saturday afternoon last an accident happened to the Express train east on the l'eun'a Railroad, nearly opposite Mrs. Kantiman's Mill, in a cut on the road, about midway between Lancaster and Landisville, by which nine persons were killed and two or three wounded. Fatal accidents are of such rare oecurrenmon this road,that it seemed to take the people by surprise, and east a gloom over the whole neighborhood. It is said by some that the accident was caused by the break ing of an axle, while others say the flange of one ofthc wheels gave way on the curve. The wheels were all examined before the train left liarrisburg and found to be per fect. The train was on time and running at the usual rate of speed, and the a , cident was one which It was difficult for human foresight to guard against. There Were several persons of this town who got on the train at Landisville, and made the attempt to get into the fatal car but found it too MD, and got into the one ahead, thus, probably saving their lives. Wm. F. Lockard, the Assistant Super intendent, together with other officers of the road were unremitting in their enrts to minister to the comfort of the wounded and to alleviate the distress of the passen gers. They spared no exertions to secure the identitierition of the dead and to have them properly cared for and sent to their friends. CIIOLERA.--Tlie Cholera Huisauce, (not to speak. it profanely) has abated—i. e. the evil of persistent p...pers, deficient in exciting news, of using large "headings," and capital display of type, telling of the ravages of this dreadful pestilence abroad_ ha.; diminished of late. A liremun's pa rade or a good supply of rail-way accidents coming providentially to our relief. Now We arc told that to be forwarned is to be fore-armed, but somLytimes to be foretold 2== death is often mused by apprehension,and in Manning epidendes a great portion of the frightened to death are enrolled among the victims of the peevalent disease. Physicians Welt know this, Mid 1 OM sorry to see any or them encouraging a dispo sition to panic, by prophesying the advent. of Cholera upon this side of tile Atlantic coast. Their admonitions, however, with regard to our suitable and wholesome diet, to the cleanliness :and ventilation of our dwellings, will do us, individually, a great deal of g ,nd ; and it will bit very well it throu.4ll the whole country they eon at traet the attention of eommittees, and of h.n•ough and of city authorities, to the hn portanee and absolute nece.44ity of proper drainage, and every means of preserving a pure atmosphere. To this end wo should all see to it, that gutters. sinks and sewers, as well as back yards and cellars, are kept iu clean condition—for this purpose we used not only our individual care, but, it may be, the visiting or inspection of street or health committees ; but, chiefly we need, some cheap (Usinfeeting ageatd, for gutters, Sze., the usual expedients, Hine, af,e. being almoit entirely inert. Chentists should inform the public aeon this point. "ATTP.XTION, SOLDIERS OF OUR LAU.: Anms."—Many Discharged Soldiers have claims of which they have no knowledge. By sending for a Circular to L. Brown t Co., of No. 2 Park Place, N. Y., informa tion will be furnished whichmay b e val uable. oct 21 tj 06 CARD.—The subscriber respectfully calls attention of all who use Segars, Tobaeco,Snutf, &c., to his utitertisements in tosiny's paper. You will find them numbered. from One to Twenty-Six, and there is no doubt but what you will find plenty of goods in his line of businese,taenty-fivo per cent. cheaper than west of Philn.or east of Pittsburg. You will see many goods in his advertisement at his re tail prices. Ile would also state to all who deal in Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Pipes, Le., that It will be to their ad vantage to give him a call before purelmsing, as his prices will be made satisfactory, Ills MOW) is stiles mid small profits.. Since be has wi th di au n front the link) of Fendrich k pros. ho has In creased his steel:olml pledges himself to sell cheap er than the cheapest. Ile has the beg stock of double -dipped Virginia Sweet Twist Tobacco in the market, and is the only one in the county who has it for sale. The old and true saying Is, "persons will buy where they get thu cheapest." All he asks is a trial, and his prices will be found the cheapest and his goods will be guarantied HN to give FEN b It satisfaction, JO' ICU, Wholesale tutu Beloit Tobacco,Snnit & Seger Maim ' factory, Front Street, 5 doors from Locust, Co .. ~ ~. , }~z}~-~~~~ Dentin. and lilarringe are publillied In thls paper without charge. When accompanied by coinmen bides whether prn~o or poe t ry. live coots per line win be charged. Funeral .11011 COS ten cents per line. Payable in advance. - _ In this place, October 19th 1865, by Bev. Wm. Steck, Mr. Benjamin Nuitamuker and Miss Maggio Lillie, both of Chigoes. L:DU'Z I --' . In this place, on Wednesday afternoon, 18 inst., :Ars. Mary Rakestraw, aged 60 years. The funeral will take place from the residence of Samuel Truseolt. in Cherry street above Third, on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, In this place. October 9th, Anna, wife of Jacob Itathiot, itt the 67th year of her age. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MALTBY HOUSE, A.. B. MILLER, Proprietor, Bal tim ore, Md. This hotel has boon lately refitted with all the necreetiry Improvements known to hotel enterprise and therefore °demi first class accommodations to strangers and others visiting Baltimore. Oct 21, le 5. Notice to Trespassers • A LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOR -1-- bidden to trespass upon the Grounds of the subscriber, in West Hemptield township. Lancaster County, for the pur pose of shooting birds or any ether game, or taking fruit &0., as / inn determined to prosecute to the utmost rigor of the law, every one so offending, who is found upon my premises, without express permission. JOHN STERLINE, Sr. JOHN STERLINE, Jr. oct. 21,-3t. SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON IS acknowledged to be the best Family Seeing Machine in use. More than two hundred thousand have already been sold. Every Machine warranted to give satisfaetion, or the money refunded. For sale at the store of Maltby & Case, Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. oct. 21, _ W. G. PATTON, Agent. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE_ THESubscriber offers at private sale the two and a half story brick dwelling house which he now occupies, situated on Front Street between Locust and Union Streets, fronting •t 7 feet on Front Street and running back to Penn'a Railroad. The property is in the most complete repair, having all the modern imnrovements,gas, water, cooking range, dm. There are nine rooms divided:lnto convenient sizes, with entry, largo attic, &c. Tho property is beautifully located,has a lot of choice fruit trees in yard, and is well worth the atten tion of any one wishing to purchase a resi dence which is in complete order. The undersigned also offers a fine build ing lot on the south side of Second street, adjoining property of Mrs Wright and Joshua Vaughen, containing one hundred feet on 2nd street mind extending in depth two hundred and twenty-one feet more or less. This is ono of the most desirable lots in Columbia and will be sold at a bargain. If not sold by the 11th of November, the above properties will be offered at Public Sale. For particulars apply to Oct 31 4w. J. G. HESS. GREAT CHANCE FOR AG-I•TTS.. WHAT TILE PEOPLE WANT; TttE .ALINT 713 Ft. 7ZI History of the War, Complete in one very large Volume of over 1000 Pages- This work hits no rival as a candid, lucid, eompletemuthentic mut reliable history of the "great confliet." It contains reading 'natter equal to three large royal octavo volumes, s lendhlly illustrated with over Iso line portraits of 'Generals, battle scenes, maps and diagrams. Returned and disabled officers and en ergetic young men in want of profitable employment will find this at rare chance to make money. We have Agents clear ing. $250 pet month, which we will prove ' to any doubting applk' ant ; for proof of the above send for circulars and see our terms. Address, JON E 5 BROTHERS fi. CO., oct. Philadelphia, Pa. For die Sp, F t 1 RS. FURS. I? 13 ltS w t) LES A. LE tiNv CHARLES OA. Ii.V0111) & SON'S UOPITADIENTAL I'ITIL.DELPIII.I. lave -ow open their large and splendid stork of Ladies Fur Capes, Collets, tiff 4, Cu Mg, Woves, And Hoods. Also the finest assort, - f.ent of Fancy Fur .Itobus, t; lows ever 1),!- fore offered by them, :ill of which are Witr ranted lobe as representea. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. Oct. tr. rill 1E Pi.)l;i7 r.A.11 ii.vrs or the sp.:Aso:: (4entlemen's Dress Silk Rat, Cassimere Dress Hats, P.I.TENT RESORT ILL 7'S', The Dasher Hat, The Faust Ilat, The Rusher Hat, The Easton Hat, THE DUNDREARY HAT, A large and splendid assortment of all the above yew and Popular Styles, in Cloth, Casslinere and Felt, together with a full line of PLAIN . HATS Also, all the new styles or Fall and Win ter Caps for Gentlemen, Youth's and Children's Wear. SHULTZ it BRO., Hatters, No. 20, North Qu street, Lancaster, een Pa. Oct. 21 1.835. Court Proclamation. NVHEREAs. the Hon. Henry G. Long President., Hon. A. L. .Haves and Ferree Brintsa, Associate Judges attic Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, and Assist ant Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for said county of Lancaster. have issued their precept to ors directed, requiring tae, 11111°11g other things, to mak,. public Proclamation hroughout B the aiwick that a Court of Oyer Co Terminer and a Gen li eral Delivery; Also, a Court of Genera. Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery will cominenee in the Court, !louse, in the city . of Lancaster, in the (intuition wealth of Pent.syl- Yenta, en the 3.1 Monday iu November. (20to 18n5: In pursuance of which precept, Public Notice is hereby given. to the Mayor nits( Aldermen of the city of La:waster, in the said county, and all the Justices of t • retICO. the Coroner. any C, instable". of the said City and county of Lancaster, that they be then and therein their own proper persons, with their rolls, records and exam inati•in s, end inquisi tions. anti their other remembrances, to do hose things which to their offices appertain, in their be. half to be done,nndsilso all Dios., who mill prosecute against the prisoner , . who J 1. 1 .0 or then shall be, in the Jail of the said county of 'Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be j Dated at Lancaster, the 10111 day of October. MI:, Ogt, 21 te. _ _ ARCANA WATCH. An Elegant Novelty in Watches. The cases of this watch are a new invention' com posed of several different metals combined, roll. I together mad planislied, producing an exact intim. aloe of 1a caret gold, called Arcane, They era as beautiful as solid gold, and afforded at one-eighth the co-t. The eit•eii are beautifully designed end are mint. Leven, the exoetstylo of tile celebrated G o ld minting Levers, and so exact an Imitation of gold Co defy detection. 'Cite movements are mannfactured by the weft—known Jimer Watch Company of Europe and are superbly shed. ing engraved pallets, fattey curved bridges, adjusting regulator, line dial and skelleton hands, These watches are all Hunting Cases and of three sizes, the timeliest tieing for ladies. A coon Of nix will be sent by Mail or li.:xpros fordl2s. ThaY will readily sell for three times their cost. We a lso import a vary superior fati.lied and elegant weigh which we can sell for $3O eaeli, or Wolper case ofsix. These areal also bunting canes and for Ladies and Heats. Wow sole agents for this Watch in the United States. and none MC gannine which do oat bear our Trade Mark. Feraons ordering watohos C. 0. U , will please remit 21 pereent. of the amount withtheir order. Orders for any kind of watches promptly , and faithfully iulailed. Address A MASA WATCH CO.. No. 1112 FULTON ST., New York City, Importers & Dealers in Watches of every descrip tion. Successor to Girard W. Devaugh it Co. 04. 21. Us 1, OPENING OF Fall and Winter Millinery ! MRS-. L, SWARTZ, Will open on Thursday next, October .25th, n large and fashionable assort ment of Fall and Winter Millinery, to which the attention of her friends in Co lumbia and vicinity are invited, It. NOTICE! Treasurer's office of The Col'a, and Port Deposit R. R. Co. Notice is hereby given to the stockhold ers of the Columbia (it Port Deposit Rail road Company, that the fourth install ment on the capital stock of said company of five dollars per share, will be due and payable at the office of the Treasurer in Coln inhia,Pa., on the 12th day of November 1865. By order of the Board of Directors. A. J. ICAUFFAI AN, oct. 7, It Treasurer. FETTERS REMAINING UNCLAIM LA Ell in the Post Office at Columbia, Pa. Saturday, October, 14, 1865. , X..5.."T0 obtain any of these letters, the applicant must call for 'advertised Zellers,' give the date of this list, and pay one cent for advertising. LADIES' LIST. Hark Elizabeth Kendrick Catharine Hein/man Martha • Mellinger Martha IC. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. &rter NVm. Honey B. F. Cramer Michael McGraw Thomas Collins Jar. Ore Harry Coleman F. is:aut.:on S. G. Ervin George N. Weis Bernhard Barris Frank FOREIGN LETTERS. Heinr Steno OA. 21,1865. FRY.P.M. NOTICE WHEREAS, Letters of Adminissra tion to the estate of Susan Harman late of the Borough of Columbia, Pa., dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to woke immediate payment, and those hav ing claims or demands against the estate of the said decedent; will snake known the same without delay to the subscriber resi ding in said borough. - JACOB BANGERT. Columbia, Oct. 19, A, D. 1865 Oct 21 Gt. Real Estate for Sale. By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE Orphan's Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned Administrator of Jacob logentogler, 4lee'd., will sell at public sale, on the premises at 2 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, November 18th 1865, the follow ing real estate A Piece of Land contalming Ono Acre and One Hundred and Fifty-two Perches, with a Two-Story Frame Dwelling House, Frame Stable and other improvements, situ.ttc on the Columbia cf.• Marietta turn pike, in West Hemplield Township, bounded by lands of John Kline, Mary Hogentogler and others. Terms will be madetknow by HENRY HOGEINITOGLER, Admlnistrator of Jacob IlogentoTler. Ott. 21, to REAL ESTATE SALE! 11Q VIRTUE. OF AN - ORDER OF OR LI VIRTUE Court ot Lancaster County, the undersigned executrix of Frank' Stein, dec'd., will sell at public sale, at the public house of Jacob S. Miller,in the Borough of Columbia, at 7 o'clock P. M., on Saturday, 'ovember 18th lStla, the following real es tate : A. lot of ground on the North side of ‘Vitinut Street, between Second and,Third Streets, in the Borough of Columbia, bounded by property ofSamuel B. Heise, the-estate of Geo. W. Barrack, deed., and John Enney, dee'd., containing in front forty feet and extending back 200 feet, more or less, to property of Mr. Heise.— There is a Two-Story Panne Dwelling !Louse and other improvements on the lot. Terms will be made known by CA.TI tAnixEsruax, Executrix of Frank Stein, dee'd. oct. 21, is PJ1,1314 " 11 - au e fotiko or P1y21 7 . D. (1 it tkli it 110 I•el in i',1111111,14 L 111Ca.tvr CO tiny, Pa. the fnll.niing iZt.lll E4t:l( We-t ill-Id ut p., eatinty, viz: No. 1-2. S .1 C121 , :,.3 103 .PILIteIIES of 1, 44 4141, Iyin4 on the Cadmobia S Chestnut Loin!, a !joining So. and No. J, and lands of Ja 4414 Sehentrely, the Chestnut 11111 Iron Ore Co., Levi Rhoads, John sterling. Sr., Samuel Ol.orline, John Clark and other.. The improvements thereon ar,' ti Two—tory BHA Duelling ROUSE, a Bank 13NRS, ti irmoo !torso stahle—sutlietenlly largo for IY lnst , , a Sommer house Smoke house, nod all other outbuildings necessary to a convenient and Cianfortahl,i reetdetico. buildings nre nil well halt fur the moat part nearly now. Thu land in under good letwes, nod in a high aline of cultiva tion, running water near the Kitchen door. mid in the tronyard• well of excellent eater near the lunwe it all a pump in it. au Orchard or choke fruit tree., mien app'es, p..tenes, pears and Mier ail ut haring condition wall an abundance of grain, easplt , rrm a t te., ' to , alone vromo ty Is also an el •glot situation for any kind 01 tiontafitetury, us it has a btreasn of rim eaux. water throughgood roan is anti close to the Reading and Columbia Railroad, about one tittle from Columbia, end 1 1 % miles front the well lowan Clomitot Hal Iron U.O Banks. ,t portion of it tvattld be execllently troll adapted for it vineyard. No. '2-7 ACHES O.; Zif PE/WILES Of load I 01 the smith side of the Columbia and Chest nut 1101 Turnpike, and orav , ed by the Howling and Columbia itnilroad. RIP I 1111jOilling No, I,and !aside of Joiner, Rudolph Herr, Seltnavely and othere, the Land le twat high state of cultivation and part emered with timber. prineipally lootrd and eliestntn, welt adapted for building lots along Die turnpike. No. 3—A TWO STORY FRANIE ROUSE and out buildings, a good lot of Ground fronting on Ott the turnpike, containing 7.1 Perches, adjoining No, 1, and lattde of the Chestnut Hill lion Ore Co., and Daniel linger. No. 4-3 Acres and 133 Peroll..s. of land, near No 1, part in n high state of caltivat ion and part cot•cred into heavy rtit•stnttt timber, lit to cat for rails, adjoining lands of the Chestnut Intl Iron Vre Co., Christ. S. kr/varmint, Abraham I. Grain, Nicholas llogendrigler mal Henry Laken. No. 5—A Two-Stsry Frame lionse. on said turnpike, and 31 Perches of Land, lying be tween said tarttpike, and the Ileadina and Columbia Railroad. adjoining property of Christian S. Knell. ntau liu d Benj. Billet No. 6.—S3Perclies of Land. lying between the It. and C. It.. and a public road ad joining lands of Henry Eshelman and Hiram Lock art, it is well adapted for a building lot. The ebOVe propetty is located near good markets for any prodnetions and coca ement to schools, mills :tures mid churches. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of a i de, will a all on Daniel V hitter, the tenant teddin , Lancag on ster Na rounty l. or on the subscriber at :Mount rifle i , Pa. Une-haff of the pareliam• money may remain on the premise, secured by mortgaga for one. two, or Circe years. s if do n tug the purchaser, at per rent. per annum interest. te eominenee sit 2 Ale dop. in. of said day of sale, and further tel made known by JUIi~ 11. C . :WIDER, Agent for Henry W. Gray. oct 21 ts. John Brady Auctioneer INTEREST ON DEPOSITS. MLIE Columbia Bank will receive money on deposit, and pay interest therefor, at the rate of 4i per cent. for six months, and 51 per cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL SHOCII, Cushier. Oct. 14, 'fls.-tf. c ma N Election for President, 5 Managers Aand Treasurer to servo us a Board of Directors, to manage the affairs of the Coltuubla and Chestnut Hill Turnpike Co., for the term of one year then next en suing, will be held at the Public House of Jacob S. Miller, in the Borough of Colum. his. November fi 1805, between, the hours 2 and 4 P. M. J. DUNCAN COTTRELL, Secretary. oct 7,4 t. No. 22 OLIN ANDERSON CO'S SOLACE JChewing Totteeo,very cheap by gross ab JOHN FENDRICH'S Front Street, Cohan bin. T -------- FIRE ];RICK FOR SALE. A°FM mple of which can be seen nt Mee or BRUNER er, MOORE Columbia. Dee. :3(1, No 5 DANVILLE, VA.. SMOKING T er obacco ;la # lb. packaggea. °my 50 0 eta. p lb. JOHN- FE - NPW LOS, Front St. Columbia. GOLDEN W.OFITAII RN STORE IL B. PARRY, Succe.sor to JUSTUS GRAY CO. PROIsIT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. PER i' 11.11 ER A.I.NrD CO,SWETICS. FRlp.Zert Toilet Pasto us Enamel white Virgin Wax of Antilles, Email De Paris. ‘LIso a carefully selected stock of Drugs, Medicines, Pe-rfumery. Soaps and Fancy articles at Parry's Golden Mortar Drug Store. Front St., Columbia, Pa. _ Parry's Celebrated.. Dentifrice. 16 . lOR CLEANSING and PRESERVING the Teeth, hardening the gums, and re moving all Tartar and Scurf from the teeth, completely arresting the progress of decay, and cleansing the parts as have al ready became black by decay. For sale at Parry's Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front St., Columbia, Pa. oct. 14, '65. .41.X-ii` 1 01;7.13. - lirei • TIM Lowest possible prices for stand ard Domestics at HALDEMAN'S oct. 7, tf, Barley Sheat! ALL AND SEE' THE CELEBRATED C Barley Sheaf Cooking Stove. It costs less and saves more coal than any othe” stove awl ual size, at Miller's, Locust St., opposite Franklin House. oat 7,-tf MECCA OIL WORKS, CaMERFORD & 26 Market street, Pittsburg. Pa. M.NUFACTURERS OF THE BEST quality of oils fir machin”ry, station ery engines, locomotives, Rolling Railroads, saw mills, flour also, IlluminatinE Oils, Our long MO extensive experience in manufacturing Machinery oils, enable us to present an article to the public of very superior quality. We guarantee it is without grit, and will not congeal in the coldest weather, gum or heat, and being equal in all its qualities to No. 1 Lard, or Sperm Oil. :I:II-Orders may beleft at this office. Oct. 7„65-tf New and Cheap Goods Shreiner's Row, Front Street, Columbia. MITE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST OPEN ed an entire new 'stock of goods, con sisting of Cloth, Satinetts, Cassimeres, Flannels, Vest ings, Jeans, Checks, Tiekings, Tick ings Mush us, Gi nglatms, Calicoes, Dethines, Al paces, Boreges. Calabries t Dal morals, Hoop skirts, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Hosiery, Shirt Fronts, Suspenth'irs, Neck Ties, Veils, Diaper Damasks, Crash Towels, Crepes, Ribbons, Combs Hair foils, Belts,Buck les, Braids, Tri in I» gs, 11 nillings, Buttons, Pocket Books, Sewing Silks' Spool Cotton I offer my goods at a very small ad vance, and lbr CASH, only. Thankfallor past favors , I ask a por tion of public patronage. oct. 7, '65. I. 0. BRUNER. No. 9 100.11"rSBURG TWIST, WARRANTED and sweet, only R ets. n plug at JOHN FENDRICH'S. Front. Street, Columbia. No. 10 WARRANTED rHE Ift SWEET Twist To bal:CO in Lancaster County. Plugs very Jarge,;ni . lyJO . s . ttl,d ) ::tAiltyf f at -I -r v. tv No. 17. DOUBLE -DIPPED, VIRGINIA sweet Twist Tobacco, the bei,t in -market, only In mints plug. Try it at JOHN DRICII'S, Vroii St., Columbia. GooDwiN 4 BROTHER'S YEE,- .111. low Bank Chewing Tobacco in Tin Foil only :3i per gros , i, at JOHN FENDRICITS No. 7 I)rrrsnu no* CONGRESS TOBACCO, only 70 eth. per lb, at JNO. FENDRICI Front St., Columbia. No. 8 TARR'S BALTO. ItAPPEF: SNUFF 10 only 70 cis. Per Ib. sit JOHN FENDRICIFS Front St. Columbia. STOVES ! Aro sold cheaper than they have been for four years, at 7' X' AM-1 IL,MR.'S HO USE FURNISHING SPORE, Locust Street, opposite Franklin house, COLUMBIA, P. 4. A large assortment of Stoves, Tiu Wore, Spoons, Baskets, La 1111)8, Tubs, Coal Oil, Brooms, Lanterns, Knives sad Forks, Brass Kettles, fie., ALWAYS ON SAND. '...S..Plumbing, Gas fitting, Spouting. Rooting, 801 l Banging . , Copper Work and Repairing Stoves attended to promptly. Sept. IG, 'es. Agents Wanted For vrEsEcito E r SERVIC,THE T The Dungeon, and the Escape, by AII.I3EDT D. RECII.MDSON. N. Y. Tribune - Corresponndent. The most interest ng and exciting . book over published, embracing* Mr. Richard -5011.8 unparalleled experience for four years ; traveling through -the South in secret service of the "Tribune" at the out break awe war, with our armies and fleets, both East mid West. daring the first two years of the Rebellion ; his thrill ing capture ; his confinement for twenty the in seven different rebel prisons ; his escape and almost miraculous journey by night of nearly 400 miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and romance of the war than any other work published. Horace (lively says: "A great many books will yet be writ ten concerning this War, in addition to the many already in print ; but not one of them will give within n similar compass a clearer, faller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the nature, animus, purposes, tendencies and instrumentalities of the Slaveliolders' re bellion than does the unpretending narra tive of Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men. and especially returned and. disaliksi of ficers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will find it peculiarly ndapt ed to their condition. We have agents clearing $(.75 per month, which -we will prove to nay doubting applicant- Send for circulars. Address JON LS BROS. CO., N. N. corner 6th and :kilned Sts. sept. SO, Jan "' Philadelphia. No. GUT AND DRY SMOKING TOI3ACCO only 4. ta. a doz. nt JOHN FENDRICII'S, Front Streot, Columbia. o.l ' \ 7 h l t iuL STOPLI/L' MALTBY & CASE Are now opening tLe LARGEST STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOODS in Columbia Oar Stock of Dress Goods comprises all tlio LATEST A'S I) MOST DESIRABLE Fabrics, Styles To be found in the ihnrkets cf NEW YORK &PHILAD'A, consisting in part of = Freneh Merinos, All Wool Delains, English Merinos, French CaS4lineres, All Wool Plaids, All Wool Poplins, Mixed Poplins. Wool Plaids, Alpacas, Delains, ttc., With n great ilnriety of other SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS Also for THE LADIES Embroidered Item Stictched Kerchiefs, Embroidered Collars and Cull's, Hemstitched and plain I landkerchiefs 'bovines best kid gloves, Silk Thread and Silk Gloves, Kid finished Silk Gloves, Balmoral Skirts. Cassitnere Vests, Cloaking Cloths, White Goods, Knit Goods, Boor) Skirts, Cloaks, Shawls, etc. And for G-_Tir_r_,MM.P,N - Plain and Fancy Cnssimeres French and English Cloths Ready made Clothing, Knit-Shirts,Drawers, Shirting Flannel, Flannel Shirts, Glazed Paper Collars, Plain Paper Collars, Linea Collars, Butterfly Ties, Crrixnts._ Boots & Shoes. I Eats Capq, ME Wait A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CHILDRENS' WEAR, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, CO NEW. GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY OUR GOODS A ro OUGHT FOR CASH, And sold at DULL PROFITS. Though wo do not profess RETAIL GOODS At Wholesale Prices, Weere ready to provo to the satisfaction of any ono who will favor us with an EXAMINATION That we 110 ucll them as cheap, or CHEAPER. THAN ANY OTHER STORE OUTSIDE OF PHILADELPHIA. Our motto is FAIR DEALING Hoping thereby to convince our customers that it is to their advantage to purchase *f An examination of our Goods most re spectfully solicited. MALTBY & CASE, Locust Street,Columbift. Pa. Sept. Dill, 1865. CLOAKS, COATS, ACC. HAVING FITTED UP CT-4 4 0.A.1it ROOM, We are now prepared to offer Ladies Cloaks, Coats and Saeks, of every style and quality, at very lowpri OM, MALTBY & CASE. oct. 11, G. /- \ 1 720 , 1,1' E.3.'.1.Y REPORT OF Tit FICON- C...„ ,ti,. ,, :. of tn.: , Co! La ni b.e.. Nat '...ifial Bank i"., ttii..- morning, er the first 111.W/clay or i Oct, Itti3. RESOURCES. Nate. and hills dia'd, ;701,377,98 V'. :-. 4 . howls d..poaited for eircidation, 569,000.00 Donds and other 11. S, securfs,lss.9oo,oo 3565, 2 77, 26 I cash in notes of other 1a.t..81r.a 70,125,00 State " '7,857,00 Ilemittnneen,other cash items, 2,906,67 Specie, 900,00 Legal tendert , and compound int. note., 95 015,03 line Item ::ntiottal Saul:a, 1e4,r45,11 do other lianka, 3,096,78 224,15545 rardring Ifoti-c, 8,000,00 Current eapms....l 1 Te'vea paid, . Capital, Surplus fund. Profit and Loss, Discounts, Exchanges, Dividends unfold, Due to National !sank. do to other fl..nks. /,051.1,71 Circulation. of Coltanbin Bank, 377.002,:9 do Cora National Unnk, '22,1.785,00 Ind irtdual doposi Is, 9.49.034,30 Indebtedness of Directors. 3 . 1.7,2 Z Sworn and subscribed to by SA.II.ITEL SHOCII, Cashier. Oct. 7,31 u. TATI?..MENT SHOWING THE CON kJ (taloa of t Ito First National Bank, of Columbia, for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1865. Colors, Bonds deposited to secure Circulation, $150,000.00 Loans and Dislounts, 154,293,0 Furniture and Fixtures, 1,205,03 Taxes paid. 1,629,71 Current Expense :Kw Over drafts, 3117,04 Interest on Depo.dtA, =Jot Remittances and other cash items, 3,125,85 Due from Banks, . 8,580,42 U.S. 11 0 2 m. and other sseurf ties on hand, $16,400.00 Notes of other Nstioual Banks, 910,00 Note./ of St:lto Banks, 5,197,00 Specie and Legal Tender notes, 31,312,00 VSM 5374,044,48 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, $150,001,00 etreulatton, 152,000,til Deposas. 73,821,15 Duo Banks and Bunkers, 0,492,25 Profit and Loss, 0.170 09 Surplus Fund, 2,500,09 Di videnus unpaid 100,00 $374,0E0,48 Sworn to and subscribed by S. S.DETWILER, Cashier• Oct. 7,3 t. No. 25. TNO. CO.RNISIPS PINE CUT CREW- E, i:ig Tobacco in Tin foil, only $7 per gross, at A Election for President, 5 Managers A and Treasurer to manage the affairs of the Columbia & Marietta Turnpike Co., for the term of oneearthen next ensuing, will be held at the Public House of Jacob S. Millet, in tho Borough of Columbia, Gth, 1505. between the hours of '2 and 4 P. M. oct. 7, •9t E. MATLACK & SON'S FINE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, No. 904 'Market Street, Philadelphia. E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL your attention to our Large Stock of and Boys Clothing now on hand Ready-Made, embracing every variety of Style and Material suitable for the season. W have also on hand a full assortment of Fall 4: Winter Goods adapted to Mon and Boy's Wear, and would invite your early attention therto. These Goods have been purchased. for Cush and will be sold at. a small advanee for Cash. Particular attention paid to all orders,so as to instue satisfaction to the purchaser. E. MATLACK & SON'S,. 004 Market Street, Phil's. Oct. 11, PUBLIC SALE Of Houses and Lots- in Columbia, on aur 1565, all o'clock P. M., tho following real, estate in Columbia ; A two story frame dwelling; and lot of ground on tile north side of Cherry Street, betAreen 3d St 4th Sts., bonded east by pro perty of lleury Long, and west by proper ty of Joseph Ilogentegler," containing 191. test, more or less, on Cherry Street and ex tending back to alley. There is a two story brick dwelling house on the alley.— It will be offered as one property and also as two as now divided, to suit purchasers. Terms will be made known at sale by SAMUEL TRUSCOTT, Executor of Geo. W. Derrick, deLed. Columbia. Oct. 14, D ANCING ACADEMY. hosiery G loves, Prof. F. Stouch, has tho pleasurg b of an nouncing to his former patrons, and tho citizens of Columbia, that ha will open a Dancing Academy at Odd F's Ilnll,on tho 20th inst., and respectfully solicits their patronage. lie will he assisted by an ac complished instructor, and will introduce the latest Quadrilles, .1:e. hours of Instructlon.—Ladies, Misses and Masters on Fridays from 3 to .5 P. M. For Gentlemen,from to 10 in tho evening Tlat.slS.—. 4 4ix Dolhircfor a course of thir teen lest .tons. Those desiring to taikelessons will pleas° e.:111 nt Udd FOlows• Hall on the 20th, tiro afternoon. Oct. 14. Town Property AT PUBLIC SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER WILL OFFER AT public sale at the Public House of Jacob S, Miller, on Saturday, October 25th, 1885, at 7 P. M., Four frame n story dwelling houses and lots of ground, situated on the north side of Cherry street, above Fourth, and now occupied by John 11. Corrigan, Daniel Campbell, Uriah Finley and Geo. F. Murdock. Terms;—Ono half cash on the first day of April, when possession will be given, and the balance in equal payments, in ono and two years secured on .the property. SAMUEL TR usecyrr. Oct 14 ts JUST OPENED 1 A NOTHER line of handsome Dross silks la.Zollti Colors. Plain and .gitred, froni low cost to superb qualities STOCK FULL MAKES THE BES' PRICES,TLIE LOWEST at lIALDEMAN'IS oct. 7. tf - EXCHANGE HOTEL, mot; NT JOY, PENNA. ALEX. D. REESE, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONe. The Choicest Liquors at the Bar. act. 7th, lc. No. 21 EGOODWIN & BROS. PLANTATION . Chewing Tobamo, in tin foil, only $7 per gross at, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL at the Public House of Jacob S. Miller, in Columbia on dATUHDAy, OCTOBER 03th, 1885, at 7 o'clock P. M., Three Brick Dwelling Houses on Commerce and Walnut streeta, in Columbia. The buildings are Two and a Half Stories, and have fine cellars and the corner building a large store room. P EMIT SHREINER, H. M. NORTH. Cot, Oct. 14th. 495.7 t :,Al",7{ ZLIBILITIES. 76,343,95 4,991,92 334159,55 1,872.29 189,169,78 4817,90 MEM R.ESOURCES. JOHN FENDRICEPS, Front St., Columbia. ELECTION. J. DUNCAN COTTRELL, Secrotury , :x .CJTOII of JOHN FENDRICH'S, Front Street, Columbia. Houses for Sale. DEM t/607,261,17 ✓.10,000,0) $16,4,261,17