. - • - • . • . • A. M RAMBO, Eiaor and Publisher. VOLUME XXXVII, NUMBER 11.1 THE COLUMBIA SPY, MISELLAIEIIIS FAMILY 101111 AL• PUIILISIIED 'EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. ijrrie,s,,, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE, COLUIL. ILIA BANK. -0- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. year it paid in advance •,54 '• if not paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. Ne paper will be discontinued until all sr ..arages are paid unless nt the option of the editor. Rates of Advertising in the Spy. It. 2t. 3L. Imo. 3mo. Cm. Pi. S lines 75 1,00 1,50 2011, 4,0% 6,110 10,00 !..1G •• 1,50 2,2: 3,00 8,50 6,00 0,00 15,00 2.4 a 2,25 2,25 4,00 4,50 8,50 13,00 20,00 ;Larger ad veitisements in proportion.] Ex..cutlr., and Administrators' Notices, 3,00 Auditors' and Aasignee Notices,_ 2 , o o Professional or buisuess cards, not xceeding 5 lines, per year, ' 8,00 yearly adv,rtiseinents, not, exceeding four squares ‘‘all occasional changes, including subscrip. year,ls,oo :Notices, as reading matter, 10 cents a line Sra One insertion. YeArlY advertisers will be charged the, same rates transient advertisers for all matters- not rehabs", fellst to their business. .tti Advertising will be considered CASH; after first BUSINESS CARDS. D. 3. 111 LOOP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, * ;.c-Columbia, Pa. Office in Odd Fellows Ban. Nov. 19 1864-1 f. ------------ H. ESSICK, irTuRNEA AND COLINSELLIIII AT LAW, c.i.o nut.. P.. t: WE. NOICTEL, I bti T 1 E 1 AND COUNSELLOR AT LAI% " culanibia, Pa. at pr,:inpay nvide in Lancaster comities. 1 •:,18, July 2, 1533. -------- A. 3. KAUFFMAN', ATTORNEY AT LAW. r():s;s Mode in Lauen.ter and 6 : ' Counties. Pen...lons. Bounty, burl: ply anti all 4.1.11 in, nt.211[1.4 , the gOVertiment proisptly olin•e—Lleast. Street,between Front and Dow re I. SAMUEL EVANS, e?aiST If 'E of lite 2° 13. 1 1 CE. IN 01)1.) FELLOWS' HALL. COLL: M 8t.% , l'A. .tune IS, 1561. - J, Z. iIOFFER, grout Street next (lone 1.1 t Willi:mi.,' Drilt; Store, between sts, Pa. • D_.3. LINEAWEAVER, I, 51 , .1t, ‘,/ vivo: i t LIW Col LAO, :111li \ wino P. SI reel, between Second tt:. .1::no 17 1•." - - qt.A.SIIINGTON H'. I .USE HOTEL. Fr •nt Street, rbluntlii. , Pa. DA NI MI. 11 Mita, Proprietor. FRANKLIN HOUSE. E"l', u A I • ' a CI rst class Lotel, and is in every •t adapteilto meet the wis'aes owl t he traveling public. JACOB S. MIL - LEP, 1:i, 'O5 Proprietor. M i S HOTEL, EVAN' DIMMER, Proprietor. WEST MARKET SQUARE , E. tD IX .PEAVA".A. o.A. 7th. ly. WASHINGTON HOUSE RESTAURANT, w If ERE may be found Oysters alway I V on hand, of the best quality served a l , in every style, Ms° a room fin• the tteeinnodation of la dle: or fainilieg. Oysters call be had by the quart or hundred. Dee. r GEORGE BOGLE, Dealer in LLT:d BER OF ALL DESCRIPTION'S, Also, PLASTERER'S HAIR °thee and Warehouse—Front be tween Locust and Union. July 5, tStis. Confectionery 3 NI, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS I' SEA , 1 SOll. Parties and families supplied with XCE CEILELX/I by the. freezer, or in moulds, with prompt ne,s SMITH'S kdjoinin g the Franklin Ilouse, Locust St P. S. Also a fine assortment of Toys uul limey articles constantly on hand. July 22, COLUMBIA FLOUR MILLS. GEORGE BOGLE, Proprietor. 91 r 1 lIIGIIEST CASH_ PRICES PAID fmr all kinds of twain. -:ilportine and Extra Family Flour for al,o mill feed of all kinds. Wheat and packed to order Town and country custom solicited July 2ikli 180. SIIPPLEE BROTHE Manufacturers of STEA • Dg 330.1.T—M-ELS IN addition ID oar Foundry and Machine work, we are now prepared to man lithe., tare every variety of Boiler and plate iron work', Mending and. Reparing Boilers Promptly attended to. Thankful for raid favors, wo would invite the attention of our friends and patrons to this new branch of our business. SUPPLEtr F, 6: B Co RO., Seet, lumbia, jan. 21, ,G 5 American House. AND SAMUEL H. LOCKARD, Proprietor, Prod se ., betivecu Locust d• Walnut Ms., COLUMBIA. PA. The Proprietor will spare no pains to make his bottso equal to may in the bor ough. If is* bar will always be stocked with the bast liquors, and restaurant with all the good things of the season. Oysters for sale at all trines by the bushel, gallon or quart. sept. 2, 'OS.. ..iiiiiii7•..r..... - '' .._ _.:. - - --....... (! ): ..i. - .:....i.,..:......',. ' ...- ::: (11. i L.t :.i:- 1u t i 1 1.... 1:: .../i ( . : - 7.0t ... : .. ...- : . 7,:....,..-...,.._._ : .•:.... :: ti . i :: : . : -:: : - r -- •/--titiF) 4:.: &ROVESTEEN & Co PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. TLIE attention of the , public and the trade is invitell to our NEW Sew: 7 06- PAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume and 'Purity- of tone are unrivalled ; by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern im provements, French, Grand •Action, - Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung and each instrument being made under the personal_ supervision of Air. T. IL GnovEs'rpx, who has had - a practical ex perience of over 35 years in their thcir manniac lure, is fully warranted in every particu lar. • • , • • • • • - The '• Groresteen Piano Fortes" have received the award of merit over rdl otherszt the celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris, Ger many, . Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and New York ; and also at the American List i tate tint live snecessive years,the gold and silver medals from both of which can 1.113 seen at ourware-rooirt. 11y the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte.,and by Inanufact tiring largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these in struments at. e. price which will preelude alt compel iti on. Farces—No. 1, Seven Octave, round cor ners, Rosewood plain case,s27s. No. 2. Seven Octave,round corners Rosewood, heavy moulding, $360. No. 3, Seven Octave, round corners Rosewood Louis XIV style $325, Terms-Net Cash in current Funds. DESCRIPTIVE 'CIRCULARS SENT FREE. • - . uly. 20, Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FIZONT ST. AND PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, lan:aster County, Pa. rim F. sub seriber would respectfully an n‘itinctii to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expellees incident to carrying on the business of his estattlislitnent compels hint to charge his customers an adranee on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the ing are the prices for work dune at hi -1 Mills: . .. For working. Flooring per M. (,5-1.50 I, do Weatherboards " 4.30 " Sart:wing one side, Per M. '..2.30 (. (I() two do do 4.30 " Ile-sawlng Wldre Pine face naunsure, Par \l. 71.00 " do Popinr row merit, do 13.00 " do .N.... 1), 0:1k ,t.: Cnerry^, Cave inea... per :VE. 8..00 Ripping 4-1 per line, 16 it. 13 '' do 8-1 do do do Joie° , do do -13 Li:tabor hauled to the Atilt and re turned to Yard without extra charl.te. Accounts for work ing . or d I.es:dug lumber will he considered collectable every four 111011. MM. The 11:t4 0111V1111.1 an assortment aEt and DRESSEIJ I..ti 1%1 13.1.:11t, which is for sale at :Market Prices,. and so licits a emit I nuation 01 public custom. .1011.1' B. 13A.1.111.M.X.X. Coluinhia,March IS, 1511-1. w. NV. Fur. Mans A. Nuirrz FRY" c3z; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS 11131114 Y, &Ma MEM Allll 'ANDY GOODS, ARCH STREET, PTTI LADE LPI LTA. Jan. 21, 61. 61n. _ . COAL ! COAL! DF. GRIFFITH, has opened a coal . yard on the corner of Front and Wal nut streets, Columbia, and intends keep ing a general assortment of Schuylkill County coal at WROLESALE AArD RETAIL, warranted the best and cleanest family coal tli - A comes to this place. VOW]] AND EXAMILIND or yourselves. Sales cash on delivery. A liberal share of public patronage is solicited. mar. 18, 'll5. D. F. GRIFFITH.. BOSTOY ! WHavejust received 700 pounds best ce,ton Linen Carpet Chain, in all colors which we will sell at a reduced price. STFACY A: BOWERS, Opposite Odd Fellow's Hall, 11Iny 0, Columbia, Pa. TO TOBACCO GROWERS ! IHAVE constantly on hand at niv Pita:dug Mills, ToL,aeco cases, and will furnish theta at reasonable prices, to those who desire to puck their Tobacco. 0 IIN B. BACHMAN, Susquehanna Planting Mills. May 13, '63. CO.A.L ! COAL! COAL Baltimore Co. Lump for melting Iron. No. 1, for Heaters, ate. 11 u 2, for Cannon Stoves, • 3,for Parlor Stoves,atc 4, for Ranges, ate. 14 3, for Nanor Grates at Lime Burner. Shamokin Stove at Nut, a meduitim burn ing coal Pine Grove, " LYkeil V a ll e y , 1 free burning coal. Parties wishing to buy Coal by the car load. which comes via Wading Ar. Colum bia R. 11., can be accommodated at mine prices, the undersigned having made ar rangements so that effect. Coal cleaned before leaving the yard. Our office has been moved south 200 from the old place. Sept 9. BRUNER at MOORE. IRON ,STONE CHINA. WE mivg juAtracclved oar first spring envolce of Stone China and Queens ware, which we invite the early attention of purchasers to, as we will sell them at the right figure. STEACY BOWERS. Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, fob, 4, '65 Columbia, Pa. NO 'ENTERTAINMENT SO-CHEAP AS READINIJ, NOB ANY PLEA.SURE SO LASTING." COLUSIBIA, ,PENNSYLVANIA, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1865. M - ISHLEWSHERBBITTERS.—BeIow the afflicted .will find a condensed I statement, of the cures of various individ uals whose names are herewith appended, whose Certificates can at any time be seen by calling at the Store of the Proprietor, Centre Square; Lancaster, - Pa. 8., MISHLER, Solo Manufacturer. John C. Walton, Lancaster, cured of Dis ease OfSpine - and Kidneys, etc., contracted in the Army. Thomas Groom, Glen Hope, -cured of Disease of the Back and Nervous systems HenryNagle,rLancaster,cured of a stroke of the Palsy, causing the loss of the use of the right f 12112. Joseph Witmer, Philadelphia, certifies that Mishler's Bitters has restored him to health. having been much afflicted with various ailments for a long time• • Jairies Kennedy, Lancaster, cured of Chronic Diarrhoea and Rheumatism. • Daniel Finefrock, Lancaster, cured -of Chronic Rheumatism, which he was much afflicted with while in the Army—reccom- Men ds the use of the Bitters to soldiers and others similarly afflicted. Levi, Hart, Sen., La.....ster, ,cured of Rheuirtat;sm occasionetrby exposure in the Army. Charles B. Williams, Lancaster, certifies thnt his daughter was cured of a lingering sickness of , eight months from various diseases, by Mishler's Bitters, henry Maderf, Lancaster, was cured of difficulty in passing his water, by the use ()Nile Bitters , and his wife also' relieve° from Bheumatic pains, Philip Bonce, Lancaster, Cured of an af fection of the ICidneysited Bladder, by the use of Mishler's Herb Bitter. Daniel Herr, Holtrerstown, Lancaster Co., certifies that he was cured of severe stitches in the side which he was afflicted with fin nine wears. Jas. Theking, Litiz, Pa., 'was cured of a severe attack of Chronic lthwanuaisin. .Tos. IT. Watson, Laneaster relieved oi pains in his shoulders and !Itiibs, that he was unable to sleep. Andrew Eberly, Lancaster, Cured of Cramp Cholic—was No Severe that he be came apprehensive of Rupture. Mary J. Carney, Lancaster, cured of weakenss of the breast and pain in the side by Mishler's Bitters. Win. H. Jordan, Lancaster, relieved of Cholera Nimbus in 10 or 3.1 minutes, by the Herb Bitters. Jacob liaag, Lancaster, says that his son was relieved of extraordinary pains in his arms and logs. Samuel MoDonnel, Lancaster, cured of Dispepsia 01'20 years standing by Misbler's Bitters. II G. Kenaig, Farmer, near Lancaster, was cured of a severe attack of Dispepsia, by the Bitters. Hugh Don4herty, Lancaster, says his (laughter ‘vas cured of weaknes, phthisie sore throat, (te. 7. L. Baker, Lancaster, eerti tics that his cannily has been nitwit t ii +v , dfrom t ion by the Bitters. , E. it. Itho.uls,lteitinstinvit,Laneaster Co., cured of Inflammatory Ithetunittiwn seine year. standing. e Jonathan Styer, of Llaywoott - it,ispital Va. seas cured of illieuittatisnt I fthe Bit ter.4—Cl3ll traeted in the Army - .' Thomas B rophy,La muster, recovered from attack of Fever and Ague, by tile use of .Mislder's linters. A. Musltetnnss,Laneaster, cured of what is called n Running Leg, by applimaion of the Bitters. John Rule, Lancaster, cured of Run nining Leg 0120 years' :standing, by :Kish lur's Bitters. Isaac Mclntyre, Lancaster, relieved of a severe pain across his kidneys. by the Herb linters. C. 13, !slayer, Lancaster, eared of severe cold which had settled in his teeth, by Mishler's Bitters. .T. F. Fredenherg, Lancaster, vas entire ly eared or a renuirliable dir,tressing Ab seec; by the Ilitterh. Jenry Cant") Potonw, NVZIS cured L,Ltharrhu.:LL Uy Lhe use ur 31Lshler's Bitters. F.tirer, Lawaster Co., Poorhouse, cured of lAspepsia and disease or the Kid neys, by the Bitters. Alary Rives. Lancaster, relieved of terrible cold on the breast of three months standing, by the Bitters. John Weidinan,Lainiaster,says that him self and wile were cured of severe Rheu matism by the Bitters. A Lady of Laneaster,writes to Mr. M ish ler, that the Bitters eared hot of riles of a year's standing. John Gilman, u i mired of Dis ease of the Heart anti a severe pain in his breast, by the Bitters. G. W. Whitetield, Agent at Altoona, Blair Co. writes of the success he has met in selling the Bitters. Amos Aumcnt, of Strausburg, Lancas ter Co., used the Bitters for a wound in the leg received at the Battle of South Mor a lma, and and has now no 11101 V pain. .1. C. IL, a member of Co. B, 195th Reg - - intent, P. :V., writes to the Proprietor, that the Bitters cured hint of a distressing cold which has unfitted hint from duty. Martha Bents, Lancaster, was cured In flammatory Rheumatism, from cold taken by a broken arm. John Neidich Lancaster , teas cured of Palpitation of die Heart, 'Which lie had for 25 veers. John Schoch, Peques, Lancaster Co. WIILS relieved front an attack of the Gravel by the Bitters. Mrs. Bracken in flier, of Mount Joy, Lan caster Co., was cured of excruciating pains in her hands and feet by the use of of Mishler's Bit tors. John. Lesher, of Reamstown, Lancaster co., was cured of a swell in the neck and jaw by the use of Mishler's Herb Bitters. H. C. (inkinger, Philadelphia, after be ing confined to the house for two years,was cured by the use of Mishler's Bitters. Geo. W. Killian, Lancaster, was confin ed to the B. S. Hospital for 10 weeks, by prostration, is restored to health by the Herb Bitters. Mrs. Margaret Kirk, Lancaster, war eared of a severe pain in her side :m(1 ner vousness, by the use of the Herb Bitters. Mrs. Eliza \Venditz. Lanctuder. was cur ed of Inflammatory Rheumatism by the use of the liitters. Aino GrOn; LIITICaSter, WWI relieved of a severe cold in the throat by the use of the Bitters. I lenry.J. Etter, Lancaster, had his sight restored,(which he hit(} been deprived of for about 5 years,) by the use of Idishler's 13ittters. Charles P. Philadelphia, writes of a lady in that city having been cured of the Dumb Ague, by the use ofthe Bitters. - Harriet Orr, Lancaster, was cured of in ward weakness and pain in the back, by the Herb Bitters. John Kautz, Lancaster, had u slight at tack. of Lockjaw, which was cured by the Bitters. Theodore Wenditz of, Pa. Reserves was shot in the arm at the battle of Fredericks burg. By using the Bitters he was soon relieved from pain in the arm. `grietrl. Written for the Columbia spy. ' Gems' from Poets. ...SELECTED BY LII,pkiHT In studying the works of a favorite au thor, we often meet with choice quotations or passages of exquisite beauty, which we not only enjoy ourselves, but feel that we would wish others to enjoy with us. a ,It is pleasant, after thus reading a book, to compare notes with some friend who has perused it in like manner, to discover what beauties you have perceived in com -111011 with each other, and .:what different interpretations may be gWen to the same language. As I love to read those parts and parcels of an author's productions which are ad mired by others, I doubt not your readers will be interested in the perusal of a few short quotations of my selection. The first are from Gerald Massey, and show more than ordinary poetical talent and great clearness of conception. Sonic of his short poems are very beautiful and the follow ing is the most pleasing alliterave verse I ever read : "Ana rosy recollections rise around !" Mrs. Browning sh%ws more originality in her ideas,but i 4 less happy in her choice of words. Her poems are mines which re quric digging to obtain the precious ore. Mrs. Helium's poems are always good. My first quotations are selected from a volume of Clem Id Massey's poems; elleri.d. God's best gis!..:ng, Falling from above! Life wero'not ivorth living Were it nut for lure. And there's nothing so dainty-sweet in life As to kiss the maid glowing and tender. With a t ipe tiu , h itijiis warm face, the Dawn Uplifts the veil of dew mist from the shape Of Beauty sleeping, on the lap of garth. As earliest Flowers; he sweet first-love of Spring Arc tenderest i.fir . their fragrance, saintliest pure, Love's firstliaga, budding in the heart,unfoid , Most preebitis sweet of all the lu , ty year. Love's his 44 itireet, but Death's cloth make immor tat. t .,,, She mho had only look'd On life thro' colured windows of her dreams! All in Jhe scitest, sweetest breath 06.,d T:.o bud of her dear beauty semitoto have blown rone year darling who but spr g and died, . Xen di Ancr let the fragrance of her mom , 5, ' Able: sod 11luIll wy and a blessed hppe l. And is hen your voice broke up think fir mmic. So memory maketh :10 the home oflife, %Vilely stir great moments come as gell geous ?nests; At Funey'4 touch the alias wiii p!Cates bloom, And ro,y recolleilii us Ilse around. , Blythe wind Its bubblitig laughter,—%t liking gem like eyes, And leaps up at di. , beak'er like red lip W 11 0 ,32 hisses storm the 'inner gates of ltliss. Each I.y his face grew .thiunor. fled stleter,sdint lier grew; Ind day IT day they aaw the soul fait burning into . And higher, eaelt day higher, did the life-flame htnt•entr.u4