ithr golungria ffpg. _ , „ -r " " • A. M. 11A:MBO, COLUMBIA PA. Saturday; July 29, 1865 Advertiser:4m7, to secure Immediate Loser:lon must bo bastled talon cr-before Tidy evening each week., THE NEWS Ford's theatre in Washington is to be taken possession of by the government. Everything therein is being packed for removal. The government is to pay a certain rent to Mr. Ford till the Ist of February, and if by that time Congress bas not tirade an appropriation for the purchase it will be returned to him. Emerson Etheridge has been refused the benefit of a writ of habeas corpus. GeneralThornas declines to surrender him to the eiyil authwities for the reason that the writ was suspended in the State of Tennessee by President LineJln, and has not been restored. The United States steamer Quinnebang was wrecked on the bar off Morehead City, N. C., on the 21st. About 30 lives are reported lost. The United States iron-clad frigate Danderberg, the greatest in the world was successfully lunnehed ut New York on Saturday- Preliminary measures are in progress for the trial of Captain Wirtz,fornierly in charge of the Andersonville mili4ry pris on. A large number of witnesses have already been summoned. and letters are constantly received from those who pos sess knowledge of the cruelties practiced on Union prismers by the Rebel com mander. Manufactured tobacco, upon which a duty has been paid according to law,may be cut into smoking tobacco or fine cut chewing tob,a,?co, if done intim presence or under the supervision of an inspector without becoming liable to an additional duty. The tobacco must be weighed before Lein cut, and no additions to, or subtractions made from the same. Newborn adrices state that a superior quality of copper is being received there for shipment North, having been ob tained from the mines near Charlottes,by the defunct Rebel Government. There are also large quantities of iron, lead,coal and sulphur to be shipped North. The nogroes are accumulating small fortunes by working the gold and silver mines. Large quantities of Confederate .I.yogr , tal .C•itifiC4B. says Mat GDO native element,ineluding the - aristocracy, is daily growing more defiant, and threat on to hang the Union men as soon as the troops are withdrawn. The One-hundred-and-ninety-fifth and wo-Eundred-and-fourteenth Pennsylva nia Regiments have arrived in Washing ton During the past month fully three thousand promotions by brevet have been made, chiefly, however, in the volunteer rervice, and these cover all ranks, from major-generals to lieutenants. There are yet many more to be conferred. Bishop Andrcws,of the 31. E. Church south, has issued a note for the election of delegates to the General Conference, commencing in April next. Wallace . 11r. Whittlesey, formerly a clerk in the loan office of the Treasury Department, was arrested in New York on Saturday last, upon the charge of baying abstracted one hundred $lOOO bonds in June ISGI. The bonds were not signed, but the conpons, amounting to $lOB,OOO, being stamped, & . c., could be laid. Whittlesey cenfes'ecd his guilt, and told the officers where some of the coupons could be found. He has already realized about $2200. The 7-30 loan has been closed. The notes will be forwarded rapidly. Postmaaters hare been appointed. fur Columbia, S. C., Petersburg, Va., and Augusta, Ga. The Charleston Courier says: "Charles. ton is beginning to rise from the ashes of the late struggle. The streets once more wear a smiling aspect. The Side. walks are crowded with passers-by intent on business and progress. The stores are numerous , and well filled. The factor in his counting room, the merchant in his plate of trade, the professional man on his mission to the or engaged in advising on the cariont intricate legal questions which event!, have ereatel. the mechanic in his ecelipntim t of building or repairing, 411 of every pur-nit, have I returned to this their home 1) . - ; 1 1, e ~a . and the faces once so familiar are linw daily to be seen at their accustomed places of business. All have resumed their or dinary avocations of life." Internal revenue receipts since July Ist already amount to :415,A01,000 The Commissioner of Pensions has de cided that blacksmiths, serving with the cavalry force of the United States, are not entitled to pensions. The same rule applies to sadlers and other artisans pro vided for as part of the cavalry- organiza tion, and to teamsters in general, unless enlisted as privates, and detailed to ser vice as teamsters. 4,14044 and tNiAlettatiitV• —VI, tOiao with the national debt leave it a lOan.—Mra Grundy. —The lateat improvement is a sewing machiUe.with a baby tender attachment. —At the- Handel festival, in London, chorus eon - sided of four thousand voiges. Evrroit . • —Travel between Washington and , Richmond is now accomplished in oigh..t hours. —Worn ont fractional cnrrency,amonn t ing to 550,000,is destroyed daily in Wash ington. The entire amount of currency in circulation is upwards of twenty-one millions. —A " mad-stone" for the cure of hy drophobia, is in the possession of Leonard Evans, of Linn Co., lowa. During the past, eight years he says it has cured 379 eases. The stone acts as a leech, and when applied to the wound absorbs all the poison. —The New York police picked up over ten thousand lost children last year All but two hundred and eleven were re claimed, and these were turned over to the Commissioners of Charities and Cor- rections —The Richmond Republic thinks the stock of leaf tobacco in the hands of plan ters is small, and that tho price is likely to advave, becaipe there will he no crop made in Viiginia this year. —Tho following prescription is said to be unfailing in eases of cliarrhceat "Laudauum, two ounces; spirits of camphor, two ounces ; essente of pepper mint, two ounces; Hoffman's anodyne, two ounces; tincture of cayenne pepper, two drachms ; tincture of ginger, two ounces. Mix all together. Dose—a tea spoonful in a little water, or a half tea spoonful repeated in an hour afterwards iin a teaspoonful of brandy. This prepa karation will check diarrhma in ten min \ utes, and abate other premonitory symp ' tons or cholera immediately. In cases of cholera it has been used with great suc cess, to restore reaction by inward appli cation. Another, and more simple remedy, is the bark of blackberry roots, steeped in hot water and drank freely. This- we are informed is a never-failing cure. —The duty of placing the manacles upon Mrs. Surratt, escorting her to the gallows, and supporting her until the trap fell, devolved upon Lt. Col. W. 11. ILMeCall, (formerly of the sth lleservo of Lewisburg, Pa. When placing the irons upon her wrists, she told him he was no gentleman, or he would not do so. Col. MT. told her that it was his un pleasant duty, in obedience to ordcrs,and - 7 ' were -about the last audible words she ut- terod —Ladies, here is something very nice for you; Fill a wide-mouthed glass jar with ~cater and cover it over with a piece of "foundation" (the ladies will under stand this,) cover that over with a layer or pens,pres:iipg it down so that the peas will lie in the water, they will then swell and sprout, the roots growing down into the water, their fine fibres presenting a beautiful appearance. Set this i i a window and vines will grow up, which can be conducted to any height. The 45th Reg't Pa. V. V. The Harrisburg Patriot & Union has the following in reference to the 45th Reg't Pa. V. V . :— We are glad to be able to announce the arrival of the gallant 45th Reginumt numbering 550 men, which came in un der charge of Lieutenant Colonel Gregg. After nearly three years of active service —sharing the glories as well as the hard ships of the most brilliant campaigns re corded in the annals of military achieve ments during the rebellion, the brave men and their officers are about to return to their families and their friends, to re ceive the rest and quiet incident to home and to mingle once more with their fellow citizens in the pursuits of industry, as private citizens. We cannot better fur nish a history of this regiment, than by giving a sketch of the military service of its commander, Brevet Brig. Gen. J. Ir. yin Curtin, of Centro county Pa. This gallant officer entered the service of Lis country immediately after the fall of Sumpter,and served in the three months' campaign as a non-commissioned officer. At the expiration of the term of service and muster out of the three months' men, he recruited a company in his native county.and was mustered into the service in August, ISOI, as Captain of Company A, 45th Regiment, Penna. Vols. lie was promoted to the majority of his regi ment, and afterwards to the 14ieutmant Coloneley of the same, and at the promo tirm td . Colonel Welsh, he became the Colonel of tl.w 45th. Col. Curtin partici pated in all the battles with, and shared tathliabed. a aew editirm of Dr. Calrettrell's Ate dangers of his gallant regiment, both c 4 , l `,l j' n 'r i r i a l itc. : ";;Vt'o"rr t kr e e.,7 10".;1.;:hrieitrista-Ith4!ettiumnersl;- Involnntary Imradenev, Mental in the East and \Vest. At Buil Ron, and Phy.neal Itu•ainkeity. Impediments t - Marriage. Faedricksburg,Antiet air , nflulgener of sexual extrnvaßane.„ ,LOOkOnt Noun. r"n'inni'lic"El4l-PV. wont Fitz. indma'd WO, Vicksburg, Jac.ltso .11 "'3.* l'r4".1""'"I'mvel‘""'""-'ints trti e,and all the Thl• a•ed author of this admltilfe eximr other engagements in which the 9th t in 'i g nY :aucepe es of Corps participated. For his indomitable' ;e . t r t:a=mu n i t ,e r rs 'eat iy nlnr . , 7l :(tr.4l Him y 1011fC-vNi ntZg 17r.l.ftlinio'lec'r,rur44":11Itcsn= bravery and heroic courage at the hard . fought battle of Cold Harbor, he was b re _ ,": I,', V‘tiVr4:."ln , :t ff tr;4.l;,t . " 07, : " n vetted by the President as Brigadier tt General. After such an t+ any ad record,Gencral Curtin may well be proudi"'PL al:ZeXtTr:;:t7r4'.rm,'"*""' or e x" l " 3 "` : CH AS. C. f.INE k of his laurels. 127 ly Mwory, New Mr*. P. b.nx 1 .5t5. .1119. _ o Columbia Bridge Eprrou am not familiar vwith the ,chartered rights of the Columbia - Bridge Company, and will not ~attempt ; to say whether they are complying with the - requirements of said in t,he course they are pursuing b ut one thing is certain, they are not accommodating rti).6 public from whom they have receiv led their charter, nor - making any effort to do so. The business of Columbia re quires a bridge at this point, and the parties interested should move immedi ately in the matter; it is useless for the present company to claim exclusive priv ileges, and playdn-in the-manger ; com mon law and common sense presume re ciprocity in all public grants; exclusive rights to accommodate the public for pay presume that the public is to be accom modated, otherwise a forfeiture, for non use. It is piecing the inhabitants of Lancaster and York counties in an awkward and humble position, if their vital interests are to ba blockaded for years, by the acts of rival Railroads that pass through said counties, and it is time that some movement was made by them, which will place them beyond the con trol of outside influences. The inhabi tants of York and Lancaster counties,are abundantly able to build arid maintain all the roads and bridges necessary for their own accommodation. Toll gates arc shunned by everybody, and operate as a direct barrier to trade, and yet we have not a single public road leading into town, except through a toll gate ; and the only chance for leaving town without paying toll, is on a raft. We appear to be a free people, free to stay at home, or, to leave town by paying the toll, or fare; provided, always, that the boat is iii or• der- A carriage road on a railroad bridge would afford only a dangerous transit; we want a bridge. exclusively for a wagon road and other travel ; a free bridge to be built by the two counties,so as to make this the principal thorough fare from the west, for cattle, sheep and horses; thereby making Lancaster coun ty the principal depot for stock, that re quires to be fed and fattened. Every farmer in the country, partieulary those in the lower part, would be benefited, more or less, by the stock trade; both counties would be benefited by a recip rocal trade, carried on free of expense, and real estate is always increased in value, along thoroughfares, and at all points where any kind of business cen tres. A free bridge can be built by a tat on the two counties, to be apportion 'cd on the townships and boroughl, in proportion to the benefits to be deriver: therefrom. The expense would be trifling , 2 , :tlytti‘ts small corporations. Let us have a free ThtoGnEss bridge —The Cabinet Organ bt Mason and Hamlin 'inv., for so small an instrument, wonderful volume and power, and a va riety of expression that is cpalled only by a costly pipe organ, while its purity and sweetness of tone arc truly charming. It is most admirably circulated to meet the wants of families and sandrchurebes. It can be transported with safety, takes up no more room than a melodeon, does not soon get out of order, and mtkes an elegant article of furniture for the parlor. We are but doing a favor to our readers by calling their attention to the Cabinet Organ.—Amcrican Baptist. —Quarantine of thirty days has been established at Charleston, on all vessels I having on hoard cases of yellow fever, cholera, or other infectious diseases ; also on all vessels from the West Indies. SPECIAL NOTICES There is nothing Ulm Dr. Valpau's Frenell Pills tr keeping the eetrtplexmn frese rust entirely free pimple. Tbe cues, of s limb is, that it regulates the eat Ire female sy-tem. :bid by Druggiets. )nly 1, fin. TO WIIONI IT CONCEItNs. Gran , ' V::: EVery, .aid 1 111 t(Irit.l. tttiß Continues to satisfy thousands of her 1111,11ity to p:o -duce the likeness of then. furore I , ,,rtuer ; gives the date of morn Ise. number 01 enll.lren, (Y.l. Den, %%bother rich er poor. P. 0, ncldre.s, a nd a l{ luformution rendire t • the tutu enelo-e One Dellar and ...tamp,' envelope, addres , ed nth a full diseription of your-elf, to GRACE VAN Evatr, Deholt, Mich, P. O. Drawer, Gin. Pro 21,118 DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA, tre.ited with the utmost NUCeI•QP. by Dr. J. I-AACS, ue,111 , 2 and (f... 1 :1)1.11y Lplen, It4 , llturl,l Smsd, Philsdolphia. In finials iroin the in,,t ndiatdr• in time city and r- .untv ran bn s een flt °Wee. 'fhe med tenl in , tzliy:tro in nn , / to iiee 'mpany their paunnts, as he Pas no seeress in hls pra•tiee. Artitiend• eyes, mussed without sun. cbarEN made fur exaini alai ion star. IS, ttoahi-kersl Bo yon want Whiskers or rrehes rust toren 'r.nifi Ow, rinnu will force them to -rw n th e smoothest or chin, or lour nn b a ld heads, to ax Week., price, ;61,00, Sent by mail anve here. cloudy sealed, on receipt of price. dddre~~, Milrocr & Co., Box 13+, Brooklyn, N. Feb. 11, ly. TttE * nu 1:soly of 'X'orning nnd In‘truction fox Young moo—puNo.b e d by the li.,n•- nrd As.ociatfon.nnd sent fr-e of charge in scaled envelopes. Address, Lr. J. SUillrn .I.loughlon, flow nrd A qsooint ion, Pin ladelph in, I's. reply., 31, 4 Manhood; how lon, haw Restored. F-RANKLIN ROUSE. I.OOUST STREET.- COLOMBIA, rti - ±l. is a fiTSiCiaESS Lotel,arei . iaitt every 1. respect ailipted to meet the wisheicaud desires of th e traveling public. , " • JACOB S. MILLER., - Col.. julc, 15 'GS Proprietor. For tho 1.) OCKINGHAIVE: JARS! WE HAVE AA) now on hand this CELEBRATED FRUIT JARS Housekeepers secure them early as we are selling them rapidly and the supply is limited. STE ACY &. BOWERS, Corner of Sad & Locust Street. July 15th. A UDITOR'S NOTICF,--ESTATE OF 1 - 9. CHRISTIAN MAY ER, of Washing ton Borough : . Lancaster county, .deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Barnherd Mann, executor of the above decedent, to and among those legal ly entitled to the settle, will sit for that purpose on FRIDAY AUGUST 4th, 1865, at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Library Room of the Court House. in the city of Lancas ter, where till persons interested in said distribution may attend. H. B. SWARR, Auditor. july 15'55. Valuable Town Property PRIVATE SALE 1 ' THE Subscriber offers the following property at Private Sale : No. 1, A double frame house and lot of ground. corner of Third and Perry sts. No. Y. A double brick house, and lot of ground on Third street. No. 3 A double frame house, above Fifth street, in Elbow Lane. The above property will be sold low, and on moderate payments. Those wishing to examine the property - will call on the sub scriber. JAMES BURRELL, Cur. 3d and Perry , sts. Col., July 15, '55-tf CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELR,-Y-• SILVER and Siren• plated wale, Cutlery and fancy articles. EDIVIUND SIVEkiaNCI. Front Street, Columbia, Pa., John Felix's old established stand. Having retitled thestoro and laid in a choice-stock of new styled goods, at the lowest prices. 'would invite the public to call and examine, before purchasing else where. ..:1-11R171C.1X irA TOITE.Y. ITe would call the Mention of persons wishing a good time piece, to the Ameri can Wateh. These %viihilies have now been in the market nearly fifteen years during which time they have been tested as to cc- CUracy, durability and reliability in every eonclevable manner, and have proved t hems-elves to lie the most satisfactory timepiece ever offered to the pa bile. This result has been brought about by a strict application or mechanical science to to the construction of the watell from its very inception, rendering, it when finish ed mathimatieally correct in all propor tions, and necessarily as perfect a time keeper as it is possible to make. Repairing ot all kinds personally attend ed to. july E . &it_mi a Alas WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, Sl:reiner's Bow, Front Street, Columbia. ME SUBSCII HIER HAS JUST OPEN ed an allure now stock of goods, con sisting of Cloth, Satinetts, Cas-irneres, Flannels, YeStings, Jenna, Drillings, Cheeks, Tiekings, Tick ings Mumlins, Gin hams, Calicoes, Delaines, Alpacas, Ilona:es. Condoles, lirilli nits, Dairnoraks, l loop skirts, Handkerchiefs. . Cloves, Diaper Damasks, Crash Towels, Crapes, Ribbons, Comb, Bair toils. Belts,Buckles, Braids ' Trimmings, Ruffling 4. Buttons, Pocket Books, Sowing Silks• Spool Cotton .Cc., d'e.• I offer my goods ni a very small ad vance, and for CASH, only. Thankful for past favors, I ask a por tion of public patronage. July I. 0. BRUNEIL FIRST N ATIONAL ilk.Nli OF IS PREPARED to transact all business appertaining to a thoroughly organized bank, to Receiti•e Deposits, Make Collections on all Accessible Points on Liberal Terms, Discount Notes, Drafts, I kW' Exchange, &e., Buy and sell Gold-Coupons, Silver, 'Linen rron t Money, &c. Interest will be pai . on special deposits, viz: For 12 months or over% 5 per cent per annum. For oto 12 months, 4 per cent. per annum. For to 0 months, 3 per cent. per annum. Although WO allow no interest for a shorter time than three tnonths, any money left with us for a period of thirty days or longer, will be refunded in Nation al Currency. We keep On hand and for sale, the new 7-30 POPULAR LOAN, at par and back interest. Weals() fnruish all other government securities at market rates without charge. Discount day Memlays at 10 o'clock, A. M. Jul) AUDITOR'S NOTICE - . r.state ofneholas Conklin, Into of West nempileld township Lan'e. Co.,decensed. rrum undersigned Auditor,.: appointed to JL distribute the balance remaing in the hands of .Toim K. Smith,exectdr of the last will of the above named decedent, to and among those legally entitled to the same. will sit for that put pose on Monday, the 7th day of August next at le o'clock, ' a, m., in the Library ROOM. of the Court House in the City of LFlneastor, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. A. fif..t.i'MAKER, July 4t. Auditor. r, F. GRIFFITH', has opened a coal yard on the eorner of Front and Wal nut streetq. Columbia, and intends keep ing a pencrnt assortment of S'ebuylkill County eon' at 11'11 OLES A LE AND RETAIL, warranted the best and cleanest famil3 ; coal t Irat COIIIQ9 to this place. C SELVIZ AND .ZZATIOCZ or von reel VC.% • Sulea C. 1. 41 011 delivery. A liberal share of public patronag e is solicited. mar. IR, '65. D. F. GRIFFITH. I , I7MBEIT OF ALL Dr.scnirrroys, Also, PLAS'TEITS HAIR Office end Warehouse—Front Street be tween Locust and Union. July g, 1,4;1, Watchmaker & Jeweler, No. 118 North SECOND Street, corner of Quarry, PI IILA DELPDIA. An I ssortinent of Watches, Jewelry Plated Ware Cinstantly on Hand, of 11 - 2.ttelte.4 and .TeNvolry prmliptly utt”,uted Lee., G enuine French Enamel Tor the Skin at PARRY'S Gold4m Mortar Drug Store Front Street. above Loruet. C MUMMA S. S. DETWILF.R, Cashic:r CO&L I. COAL! GEORGE BOGLE, Dealer in I. K. STATIFFER, .„_ AMERICIOPI Life Insuranbe Ooxnpaay. Mina, WA'prO'T §T., S. E2COR. FIGITIPPEE, PITMADELPHIA. lacorporatedlBs9.--Charter Perpetual. The Dividend of 1863 and 1864 WAS 50 PER CENT. ASSETS , JANUARY 1, 1885, NEASLY e o 0,0 o O. THE Dividend of Profits is made in Jan uary of each year. It is allowed upon every payment or Premium made, and it is placed to the credit of the Policy. In Of the death of the party insured, it will be payable together with and inaddi tion to the amount insured. For instance, suppose the premium paid to the be sloo,per annum, and the dividend equalsfifty percent. Af ter the fourth year, the party insured will pay the Company, for the next year, only mon his insurance. After the fourth year, the Policy,holder receives his dividends annually. When the premium amounts to fifty dollars or more, anually, one-half may be paid in a note at twelve months with in terest. In such cases the Company retains four notes against the policy, but there is a corresponding number of dividends standing to the credit of the -policy, and the dividends will be paid in said notes. This plan enables the insured to realize his profits, during lifetime, and this is much to be prefered to the system of ad cling to the amount insured, and the con tintadee of the high rate of premium du,- ring the whole life. For further information apply to the agent. J. W. STEACY, July 1, '65.-tf. Columbia, Pa. BENJAMIN HERR, rrAs JUST OPENED A new stock of goods, at "Cf.= lox'. t5 - trei. Where I would be pleased to see all my old customers. My stock of goods is full and complete, comprising DRESS GOODS, CASSIaIIaIES, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, DELAINS, PRINTS, DOMESTICS, Together with as good assortment of goods as is !build in any similar establishment.' Family GroceriCS, eoffec, Sol Stigoh of fill PRDIE SUGAIt CURED HAMS. FLOUR, POTATOES, FISH, 6:C. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest niarket rates. I hope to be the recipient of a liberal pa tronago. BENJ. IIEt H. Nov.W. Cot'. :ird and Union Sts. - - SUPPLEE & BROTHER , Manufacturers of ST-ES M 320ii--APJYtr.zz,N -TN addition is Foundry and Maeldne 1. work, we are now prepared to inanutlte tore every variety of Boiler and plate iron work, Mending and Reposing Boilers Promptly attenclea to. Thankful for rtst favors, we would invite the attention of our friends anti patrons to this new branch of Our business. SUPPLEF: 8p.0., ~fhllluilil OD FiLLOWS' HAIL, J. Alfred Meyers, Successor to DR. Wm. S. McCORKLE, OFFERS TO THE OITTZENS or Co lumbia and vicinity,a complete assort ment of Pare and. Fresh Drag,s,Moiliti»es, PATE T 1111131DICINES, Toilet Articles and tine Hair Tooth and Shaving Brushes, &e. These articles are all of my own solection in the Philadelphia iharkels and will Lo sold at reasonable rates for cash. persons are requested to give us a trial before going further: Particular per sonal attention will hogiven to contoound ing of physicians' prescriptions. I4y perionce in one of the best Philadelphia Dispensaries gives rue the assurance that in this portion of my business there Will be no fault in accuracy or promptness. Country physicians furnished with all requisite medicines at lowest wholesale rates. • July alit IS')3 IRON STONE CHINA AVE HAVE just Fee° I ved our firstspring V elivaiee of Stone China an 1 Qat ens ware, whieh we invite the early attention of purchasers to, as we will sell them at the right figure. STE.I.CV 1301 VIMS. Opposite Old Fellows` fall, eolumbia, P fr.b. 4, 'fis Divint,ND THE Odd Fellows' 11:111 As4m-infirm, have declared n semi-ttrinual dividend of 3 per emit. ptyable on, And after this date. Col., Jul..; 'mum WILSON, Treasurer A trnrroirs NOTICE.—ESTATE OF A Jas. Collins,laterleolumbin Borough, dec'cl.—The undersigned Auditor,appoint ed to distritinte the balance remaining in the hands of John E. Collins and Wm. A. Martin. Executors, to and among those legally entitled in the samcorill sit for that purpose on MONDAY. the 14th day of AUG UST, 1:SIM, at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Literary Room of the ("owl noose, in the City of _Lancaster, Where all persons inlet-- es:ea in said distribution may attend. GEO. M. K.LINE, Auditor. July }3 EST IN MUM WORLD : John Foley's Celebrated GOLD PENS!! rpuE7 are the best, as well as the cheap est, in the market, and are warranted to give satisfaction. "i27-&-.. i—IMSS offers them :or sale. All qualities, sizes and prices. Cull and examine them at his store in Locust Street, opposite Colum bia National liank. Col. July 22, MASON, PEASE & CO., LOAN OIL .WORKS. PITTSBURG, P.A. A. N'o 1 Lubric oil equal to best sperm,LiXl B. 2 do lard, 95 C. 3 good heavy oil, 60e Nos. 1 and 2Lard Oil, extra qualities at market rates. Best Carbon Oil and 'Benzine. MASON, PEASE & Co. Box 1409, Pittsburg, Pai. Orders received at this office. Feb 18.3 m. --- SAMUEL EVANS,_ J 17.% Tick; of Me PEciscE. OFFICE IN ODD FELLOWS' lIALL. COLUMBIA, PA. :Tune lA, 11364. w" MALTBY & A ioMpg 2 0 t 4ro now receiving their ' SPRING -.S T 0 0 BOVIIIT FOR OASIT At the present' [PA" N nI vtill be sold C I tin) C - ES. A CHEAPEST IN convin THE ced - MARKET, To EXAMINE THEM. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ItEADYMADE CLOTHING We especially invite the attention of TI-IE: LAID LES To our fine assortment of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS,& GLOTTIS & CASSIMERES, For all regular goods And hope by n persistent course of Just and FAIR DEALINU To ensure a continuance of public favor March 16th, '65 HOOP SKIRTS gooBALMORAL and White hoop Skirts for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren, just, received from the 'manufactur ers, at reduced prices. MALTBY & CASE, Coca., May 13, '6.5 To The Ladies!! ,STRING SCAIMER • DRESS GOODS WE HAVE NOW OPEN, A VERY largo assortment of DRESS GOODS, in great variety of fabrics, styles, und prices, which we are selling 11111(.11 below the usual rates. UALTny CASE. Col'a., May 13. '65. tirMlit N all line brands of Chewing Tobacco, I all other houses. My Tobneco's areal! warranted free of mould, must, or disa greeable mixtures, they are all selected with the greatest care by the manufactur ers. s~~~~, Constantly on hand HARDCASTLE, NAVY, Baltimore Spun, Oronoko Twist, Diadem, Old Dominion, Light Pro , :seel, Sun Cured, Oongrogß, Queen City Fine Cut, and diftPrent other brands. A large assortment of Smoking Toltacep's Snail's, Tobacco bags, together with all the latest improved pipes known the market, My Segars cannot be bent for stack in the county. Friends call guy], try my American Cousin's, Union's, Isabel Calms, 765, Grant's, Attillas, ehertp Sc.trars constantly on hand. Booties is the place. Mild in tlio old Post 011100 Building, Locust Strout, Col. june 24, '6,1 LJARTEWLY REPORT OF THE CON k:I7, (Mali of the Columbia Is:nth:mai Bunk of the morning of the first, Monday of July, Mr,. R.E S' 0 UR OE& Notes and hills 4 i.e,t, V. 111,0210 t United States, ba7.950a0 1018,074,04 ltemittstnees,other cash Hems. 15.157,2 S Due by National Banks, 121,915,02 do other Banks, 12,077,54 Specie and other lan tut money, 05,r,54,00 0„.1.1,715,01 I.ltaklb2 klotiQe, 8000") Current expenses, 802,04 Taxes paid, 7..A,76 1.647,76 LIABILITIE --- 87614,337,08 S'. Capital, non,ooom stirpis find, 75.543.55 Profit and Loss. 6,41060 11h-counts, 0,1:12,82 Exellanges, 071.53 85.567.00 Dividends imral,l, 1,211,00 Dito to National Bank's. 28,8.13,45 do to Columbias. .1,935,77 Circulation of Bank, 420.685,01 do Cora National Hank, 260.200,00 Individual deposits, :97,853,4G 1027,558,c9 Sworn and subscribed to by $1614;1371.8 SANIUEL SILOCII, Cashier. July 8 um. 8111110:INISTR4TOR'S woman. wzruntus letters of administration in the estate of Milton D. Wilson. late of the Borough of Columbia, Lantrsster Co, de ceased, having been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, anti those having claims or demands against the same will present them with out delay for settlement to the undersigned residing in said Borough. JOHN FENDRICII, Col', July 2 Administrator. , YOS-Gt. NEW YORK SILVER MINING CO., or NEVADA. Office. No. 80, Broadway, New York. OAPITAL. $10500,000; Stock for sale at $4O per Share-000 par value. We are erecting our mill at the mine.— We know positively that we have a more will Mine. A few thousand dollars more will bring us into position that we shall pay monthly dividends. Call early ; take advantage of present low rates. A few good Agente wanted. Julyls at. DIVIDEND NOTICE I FIRST National Bank of Columbia. July 10th, WM. The Directors have this day declared a dividend for the past six months,of ilve per cent., clear of U. S. tax, payable on demand. "sly 15,-St S• S• Dr;rW/LER, Cashier. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, GROCERIES, HOSIERY, GLOVES 121 LE and of tho GENTLEMEN To our full lino of We still adhere to the principle of One Price, DL~LTf3Y It' CASE Grunt Finc Cut, Michigan Fine Cat, CEO, M. BOOTH FIRE BRICK FOR SALE. ASample of which can be seen at office of BRUNER dc.bioOßE; 7 Columbia, Doc. 3d, 3344.-tf. • CASE St9Fe ? - INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, TE Columbia Bankwill receive money on deposit, and pay interest' therefor, at the' rate of 4/ per cent. for six mo n th s ? And 5 por cent. for twelve months. SAMUEL SHOOT'', Cashier. Jan. 30, '64.-tf. I.ON AND STEEL. mIIIIE subscribers have • received a new a d large stock of all kinds and sizes of Barlron and. Steel. They are constant ly supplied with stock in this branch ()flak; business, and can furnish it to ens Miners in largeor small quantities, at the lowest rates J. R UMPLI & sag, Locust st., below Second, Col'a., Pa. July. 4, 1803. HENRYSUYDAM'S, Corner - of-From 11 and Union stree tis the place to get your FAMILY GROCERIES. - • Ho .keepS the vest stock to be found in this market, and prices reasonable. Fancy groceries, vegetables, ctc., in season. July9'64. GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORI H. B. PARRY, Succoessor to JUSTUS GRAY & CO. FRO:FT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA FINE Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, Toilet Articles sold at PARRY'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. Front Street,above Genuine Patent Medicines, Dye Stui, Garden Seeds, at PARRY'S Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front Street above Locust, Hunt's White Virgin Wax of Antlll4 for the complexion at PADEN'S Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front Street, above Locust. flontbs, Brushes and a great variety of Toilet articles at PAIMY'S Golden Mortar Drug Store, Front Street, above I.,oNist. Physician's Prescriptions compounded with great care, and at short notice at PARRY'S Golden Mortar Drug Store. April Ist D OBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP WITHOUT RUBBING, AID in one-tenth Part of the time usual lyy required. Warranted not to injure the finest fab ric, and has a tendency to soften thehruals. This Soap is especially reccouttnended for Chapped Hands and Diseases of the Skin, as it heals and softens; it, is nig() m excellent Shaving Soup. For cleaning Paint, it will leave it bright and uninjured; the repeated use of it on painted wood tends to make it glossy. For retnovhig Paint, Grease Spots, b., from Clot!dug it is invaluable. :\louselain cle Laincs, Cashmeres ; Wool ers, Flannels, ev., are, rendered soft and smooth, but shoul, not be boiled. All . :1A colors nre 11131110 bright and clear with this Soap. Dresses eau be washed without sip ping. Full directions for using it :awne partying each pound. Manufact tired only by J. B. 1/0.13111N1. 107 S. Fifth St., below Chestnut, Phil'a. J, Alfred Meyers, Aget.t for Columbia juno 3 if. GOLD SEL D EN & CA. MAIUMNING JEWELLERS, 27 COURTLANDT ST., NEW YORK 100,000 IVA TCITES. CHAINS, GOLD PENS, PENCILS, .P."1"1-1. $5O 0,000! TO BEZ SOLD AT QV] DOLLAR EACH WITEIOUT REGARD TO VALUE. NOT TO 11.1 t: 1 D us - nra 3:OU li:NOW , Vptended List of articles, All to I,c sold for One Dollar Each 3 , 0 ti:ni's 11o'01 11 tuttimr, (A.O Watches, L/5.., to 0120 ;,, 0 1 4 ,1,,,, , (4,,01 0 ,„) E O .,J f:„„ w,0 0 3,,,, 3; a •;i 4al 1 tont'', limning t.11.-e istlver Watches, $5" 7 1 420 i In a ' nands Ring. 10" lot 3,4001:01,1 Vest ntid S eek Chains, 15" al :mini 4, ..4" 1 ; ;Y 044 ( :old Oval Band lireeolels, 4" 8 4,1.10 t li./sed 1:01.1 linieelet, 5" 10 2 (CO I 1ii1111.411 - 1e Chal Us and Guard Chains a" 21 606,0 St 6 Jt al ru 611 , 1 (fold Brooches, 4. 1 11l 2,0 0 barn and Fteretiiine kroo-hos, 4 " 6 2,0011 l'ar.d, Upal, 41114 Emerald litooehrot 4 " 8 2.0 (I Mosaic, Elva, .7. I lorentine Ear Drops, 4 " 5 4,00 Coral, ()pal and Emerald Enr Drop+, 4 " 5 4,0 II .'altlorniti Diamond breast Pais, 250" li 3.01111/0W Fob nad Vest Watch Keys, 2 51" 8 40 0 Eol, and Vest Eibl.r,n siDiez, 3 " pi 4p.0 Set. Sleove lint tons, Muds, otc, . 3" 8 3,0001.01/1 'fliittililes Pt:netts eta. 4 " o.lio I Alinntare boolt.e.t.e, 0" 8 4,11110 s itniattiro Loekets—Magic Spring, 3" 20 1.011 Gela Toothpicks.; Crosser, vie.. • 2" 8 3.41011 HAI% (told kings, 4•• It 5,401.4 Clinic(' (.01,1 kings. 4" 11 ;Po , :keno Oct and Ltgnet Ring., 250" I , I , oo . l California Diamond flings, 2" la 7..',00 Sets Lacties'.fetrolry—Jet and Gold, 5" 1 , 5 OM -letslaidies' liewelry•-•i'iuneo, Pearl eto.4 " ~ s,euiltald Pon., Niver Eatension,lioldern and Pet/L.1.1.5. -4" 10 (4.000 Cold Pea., (1.1141(1ot4 Mounted Holders, 3 " 8 3,0130 (told Peks and Ex ten•thnellelders, a" " 5 4 0 00 Silver Copidots and, Drinking Cups, 5" 51 1.000 Sifter (.3..terA, 15" 00 2,1/00 Silver Fruit and, Coke na.kete; 10" 50 g no 2.07.0 Dozen Silver Ten Spnon., m 310 t o ry $2O 4.0 , 0 " " Tattle spoons sad Forks, 20 " / 80 .: .. . .. Manner of distribution. Certificates naming each article and its Value, are placed In Sealed Envelopes, which are well mixed. One of these F.:n- Velopes,containing the Certificate or Order Tor some Article, (worth at least one dol lar at retail,) will be sent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on re ceipt of 25 Cents. The purchaser will see what Article it draws, and its value, which may be from One to Five Hundred Dol lars, and can then send One:Dollar entire cei ve the Article named, or any other on the list of the same value and after seeing the article, i fit does not give perfect sans- Mutton, we desire it to be /immediately re turned and the amount paid will be re funded. By this mode we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of the best make and latest styles and of intrinsic. worth, at a nominal price, while all have a chance of securing articles of the highest value, • In all cases•wo charge forwarding tiro Certitimtes, postage and doing the busi ness, the sum of Twenty-five cent 3, which must he enelosed in theorder. Five Cer tificates will he sent for $1 ; eleven for t; ; thirty forSi; sixty-live for $10; one- hun dred for $l5. :I:It-Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to any ad dress by return mail or express. Entire satisfaction Guaranteed in all eases. Write your name, Town, C,onnty Ana State plumly, and addresB. SELDEN A: CO. 27 Caurtlandt Street, may 20, 6m, - Nov York CII.A.NCEY JEROME, EX-MAYOR OF New Haven and inventor albs: cele brated Jerome Clock says "I have used Ransom's Tonic mixtures" for pains in the Bowels, Diurrimea,Dymentery and Cholera I have no hesitation in pronouncing it in my opinion, to be the best and most etll - preventative and cure for the abov!! complaint that has come to my knowledge Sent safely by mail on receipt of $1 by, DAY dt SON, 78 Church St., New Haven, Conn. June 24 3m JUST-113, E .P.L A CE. Front Street, Columbia EXTACITS THE DIRT WIT AT YOU wtr.,..r. rtrxrdvD.