MOLV,PIA ..S.PY; IZ;TDRE'i'S . DiN""T, r,FAR.LS REF: IJANX N‘t.txj IST 47. Alt adrrraseing will 1 . ronsuirml C.ISO •Iful co:lcetaUe aC any ante aflrr the first inset-Wm. Enoch Arden in row?. An lowa paper has the following story, ,which recalls the incidents of Tennyson'r poem.: ' Thirty'mouths ago a german !living on -White street, in Dubuque, Town, volun teered with the 21st lowa iufluttry and went to the war. We shall call him Schmidt .for short. He left a wife who was rathergood-lookings.quite industrious. very frugal awl chil.lless. Time rolled and Schmidt, says tl.c Dubuque Times, went with his regiment to Vicks burg. There he was shot one day; and left for dead on the Acid. The sad in telligence was sent to his -wife by his captain, and she -immediately obtained the assistance of a lawyer, secured his back pay and a widow's pension. She dreg the la,ttcr regularly, and,with what she earned, managed to live comfortably. In a few months she attracted 'The atteu tiuu pf aue Sehones, a miller by occupa tion. He wooed and won, and for him ehe gave up the pension. They were married last summer. The course of true love ran smooth with them until 1:1g Saturday morning, when, just after they had finished breakfast, Mr.Schinidt ,the first husband, opened the dour mini walked in Here was a fix! Mrs. (what would her name It, in such a case ?) shrieked; Mr. Sehones turned pale and trembled, for Schmidt looked vengeance after he bad urvp3ro the scene a moment and taken all its meaning in. After several min utes of silence, Schones revived, and boldly asked, " What is to be done?"— Schmidt sat down and told his story.— Ile was wounded. nut severely, near Vicksburg, and taken prisoner, and the rebels carried him away with them.— From time to time he had been in the Southern prisons until three weeks since, .wb be }vas exchanged. He came to Dubuque as soon as he could, and hast ened to his home. He received no inti mation of his wife's marriage until he Feuebed the hous.c that morning. As be concluded his story, his feelings over came hint and he wept, and she wept also. But it all ended in the second husband's refusal to give the wife up She, 70 are informed, refused to express preference, anti said the two men might settle the matter between them selves. For four day, both men kept very close to the house_ and Ipol many ardent diseuions over their difficulty. But the 'ratter ended on Wednesday last. The returtted husband offered Seltoucs twenty-five doll ars t o evacuate the premises and leave him in p9ssesion of "Annie." Selna;es accepted the offer pocketed Om money and left. Schmidt is now with his wife. --" Pete, what an) lub ?" asked a sa ble youth of his compamon, a perfect African Plato. `.`-dud you don't know nuflin' 'bout him ?" ." No, Uncle Pete " ." Why, your education is dreadfully imperfect, Don't you feel him in your bussum, to be sure ?" The other inserted his hand beneath his waistcoat. No, I don't, Uncle I't:to." f' Ignorant nigger : It am a strong panioa which rends de soul so setverely dat even time itself can't heal it.' "Den, Uncle Pete, I know aylp be in lub." " Who am it r' ." Dis ole boot ob mine. Its sole am rent so severely, dat Jobnson,de cobbler, utterly refused to mend Idua ; and be Hay dat be is so bad dat de debbie him pelf couldn't lied 'im." STRANGE ANTICS OF Barrons.—We are frequently astonished at the freaks of onr brethren of the quill. They do ?nest " unaccountable" things. One of them recently made the followingstrange ; announcement: "We respectfully de. cline Young INlaiden's Kiss.' " The fellow was crazy no doubt Another nays!. "My Dying Mother cannot be ,adcuitted." A.third makes the following startling announcement : " The Golden Bible is rejected." A fourth, to end this strange catalogue, says : " Mrs. Mullony's Budding shall go in next week !" A fellow of " infinite taste," ,and excellent sense— r " may good diges gag wait on appetite."--/lorky Noun lain Kew. —A celebrated dandy was one even ing i . t o t company with a young lady, and ,obPerYing her' kiss h,er favorite poodle, he advanced and begged the like favor remarking that she ought to have as much charity for him as she had shown the dog. " Sir," said the belle, "-I never kissed my dog when he was a puppy." The fellow took the hint, and was off instant- awarinsEo74o233ll47 - 1,4 MFht my 'F.B4fttutyijind.. ,resOroyar. tOf the ; Hair. yeeeves' Ambrosia is preparid from :valuab e Roots a ndlrerbs, each and'all'orwhich have long enjoyed a reputation among apinent physicians, for their , mhd.icAnal properties. Thes . e Roots '&e., are carefully selected and chemically compounded by -siteh a method- as to ex tract and combine their medicinal virtues in the most effectual manner. Reeves' Ambrbaht—Contains Burdock Root. frhoz!ou,gltly eradicates Scull And dandruff. - . Reeves' Ainbrosia—Contains Witch Ha ' zel.—Alloyieull pains. pl . - the head; cures sore" and diseased_ Sealp4. Salt Rheum, 'ltching, etc. Rennv6s dull headache. Reeves' Ainbro,ia—Contains English Qarden Sage. Will nevei'll.lil,to st.,p the hair from sidling snit.. Reeves' Allibru•si a —Contains Bay Berries . - - - —gives vigor and healthy ;lotion to the roots or-the hair.—is verzt,cooliug to the heed. Reeves"- Ambrosia—Cnntains Southern Wood. Prevents the hair from turning prematurely gray: Ite4ores gray hair. Ileeves"•Ambrosia—Contilins It.osem:tr.x- Flinvers.—Xotir;shes the roots of the hair, and give , impulse to its growth—is a de lightful ingredient. Reeve: . Alnbroslit—Contains the cely brited Aineeas , :ir oil.. Renders the hair .4011, stick and permanently glossy. Noth in equals this oil ati a dres-am.r. Reeves' Ambrosia—Cant:this: L—r Leaves. M—s 11—r. I•;—tin 11—k. T-111 R-t The secret discovery which causes the hair to grow beautiful, thick and long., Ituorr..,e A tabro•lia—is a genuine and re liable pr,Taration, Buy it, try it, end be conrineed. For sale by all Druggigtst, at 73 cent.. per large bottle. Depot, 62 Fultonribvt,;:s.:"ew York. ov. 19. '64-Iy. "Mc- , Nr•s. Franc-11, Richards and Co. of General Ag •IltS ,P 0.." 11. E A 1.3•8 FM:Sea PILLS.— if 1. %dies, take particular notice. The real Velpan Foinale. Pill, Warranted French. pills, so celebrated ninny years ago in Paris, for the relief of female irre , tilaritics,and afterwards so notorious for 'their criminal employment in the practice of abortion, are now offered for sale for the first time in Anierica: They have been kept in comparative obscurity from the fact that the on Dr. Vel pau, is a physician in Paris, of great wealth and strict conscientious principlesoind has withheld them from general use, lest they should be employed for unlawful purpos es. In overcoming female obstructions they seem to be truly omnipotent, burst ing open the flood gates front whatever cause may halve stopped thein,.but they are offereci to the public emly tier logitinaate uses, and all agents are forbidden to sell them when it is understood that the object is unlawful. Sold at the Go'dew Mortar Drug Store, and R. Williams in Columbia, and Dr. J. F. I tinkle, Marietta. eon proetulf a . box, sealed from the eyes of the curious, by enclosing one dollar and six postage stamps to O.G.STA -PLlts, General Agent for us, Watertown, N. Y. , or to the above agents. Dec. 24, E. & U.T. A INTIIIONY atii7. Manufacturers of Photographic Mater ials. WROT,ESA7.I3 Ani Itlt:TA 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. In addition to our main ho , :iness PHOTOGRAPAIO MATERIA IN, we are Headquarters tnr the following, : smatEoscorEs AND STEROSCOPIC VIWS, Ot• these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Poreitrn Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, Ae., Also, Revolving Ster coseopes, for public or private ex hinitton. Our entotogue will be sent to any athleess on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. 11 - e were the lima twin troduve these into Oa United Stales, and we manufiaiture iminense qualities in Variety, raging in price from 50 rents .$5O each. Our AL 13UMS have the reputation of being super ior in beaty and durability to any otherq. They will be seas by mail, free, on receipt or price. Fine mrlde to order. " '3;7, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. our Cutolcuzne now embrace over FIVE THOUSAND different subjeets tin 'which tid(litions :tre constantly heing matte) of Portraits of eminent Anierienns, &e., viz; 100 Generals, 200 Brig. Generals. :17, Colonels, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 250 I niter Offieers, 7J Navy Officers, 5. - ,4) Statesmen, 130 Divines, 12. i A ntlairs, .10 Artists, 125 Stage, sti Prominent. women, 100 !foreign Portraits. louo COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most (tele- Inatteil Engravings, Paint ing,s,Statttes,&e. Catalog -tuts sent on receipt of Stamp. An o rd e r fur (me Dozen Pictures from our Catalogues Nvill he tilled on the receipt of $1.&40, 1111(1 Slllll. 1,3 - mail, free. Thoueerapher.:nnt 1 ot hers orderi air goods C. 0. D. will please remit twenty-five per cent Of the 1111/1/11111 with 111141 . order. E. ft - 11. T. A N TIT ON I' 4.t, CO., Manutheturers of Photographic :Materials, 501 Broadway, N. Y. ,741"•-The prices and quality or our goods cannot fit il to satisfy. Nov. 12,-13". TOY AND CONFECTIONERY JUST received, a larger and liner stock of Toys and limey goods than ever before. Illy friends and others are invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing cagey here, as they will here lind an un limited assort mein, suitable for presents to persons of every age and taste. An im mense assortment of Portmonnaies, Pock et Books. ,ke., China and other fancy articles, ton mint erons to - mention, for sale by t. 4.3. SNI 11'11, Locust street, between the Plank and Franklin Rouse. Columbia, Dcc. 3, •tti., CHANGE OF BASE. I 1 ta e removed my Store from Fifth and Union Street to Locust Street, between tad and 3rd Street, north side and WYE .have just received a new stock of t..odals direet front first hanclq,and are enabled to sell them as elteap as any other store in town. Our assortment of WINE PArearac GROCERIES Is largo and complete, consisting in part of ail grade of Sugars, Meat, Teas, Fish, - . Collet+, Cheese, Spices, Flour, Fruits, Ar.e. Provisions of all kinds, together with Woad uud Wit low-wa re,t •tud Queens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER CHEESE, German fruits, Al f end .7...mcricart Pickles Fresh Peaches, and nil the fancy grocer ies pertainining W a Well regulated gro cery store. I am determined not to be sur passed in cheapness and in the excellent quality of my goods, Cali around and inspect our stock whether you luny or not. A share of pub he patronage is`soliened. (;EcilWii TILLE, Agent, Locust Ltreet, above 2d. Columbia. April 1, BLINDS & B. J. WILLIAMS, North Sixth street, rhiladel Man atheturer of VEXITIAN BLINDS A N . • . WINDOW sir Anns. The largest anil finest assortment in the city at the.lowest cash prices, STORE SIIADES Made and LETTERED April L 2mo* - THE sonts's GETAT Rumor TOE Scrofula and. Scroftilous Diseases Fraz Xotery Ettes,:trefell;LTown: merchant of Oz, • ' ford, Maine. "I have sold large quantities of your SAnSArA RILLA, but -never yet one bottle which fulled of the desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took it. As fast as our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before in our community." Druptiontr;Biniples Blotches, Pristtiles,l7l- cers, Sores, Wad all Diseases of the Skin. Front nee. Robe; Stratton, 17ristol, Englatul. " I only do - ray.duty to you aud the public, when I add any testimony to tht you publish of the md dielnal virtuetrof your SAIMA 311 y daugh ter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor In her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until we ;tried your SAILSAVAIU.LL.t. sho has been well ibr some mouths." From Mrs. Jane a well-known and much esteemed latlyof Dennitrilte,Capt Mity Co., N.J. .3ly daughter has suffered for a year past with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we. tried your SARsAPArtiLLA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the wide7g-Immon Gage, Murray Os Co., manufacturers of enamelled papers in Nashua, N. if. "I had for several years a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intol erable affliction. I tried almost every thing at man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SAT:a.% mut LLA. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and con tinued until my face is as smooth as any body's. and I am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your SARSAPARILLA." Erysipelas General Dobility—Purify the Blood From Dr. Dad. Stash?, llonsfon St., rem York . . 4 . Dn. At tot. I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrqralous Sores bythe perseveringuseof your SA RtiAPARILLA, and I have just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No alterative we possess equals the SA RSA rARILT.A. you have sup plied to the profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Eeq.. Trakenuat, Ohio. For twelve yours, I had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took lion dreds of dollars worth of niedicines. The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPAItiLI.t. Took two bot tles, and some of your Together they have cured me. lam now as well and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my ease Is known to every body iu this community, mid excites the wonder of all." I•'rort Ron. henry 3fonro, AI. P. P., of Xerreastle, C. Ir., a leading member of the Canadian Parlia ment. I have used your SARAAPAIIILLA in ray family, for general debintp, and for pn rifging the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel coulideuce iu commending It to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Bose, Salt Rheum, Scald Bead, Sore Ryes. From 'Torrey Maier, Esq., the ale editor of the , • Tankkiinnoel: I.lWljc‘iiii, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed ii loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some clays. A sldiful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the fes tering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. (laving tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your SARSAPAII/LLA, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we find finished the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. 'f he whole neighborhood predicted that the child must ,tie." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease, From Dr. Hiram Stoat, of St. Louis, Missouri. " I find your SARSAPARILLA- a more effectual reined) , for the secondary symptoms of and for syplillitie disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebted to you for sons of the beat tnedielnes we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of - - the Legislature of Massachusetts. Du. AYER:. My dear Sir: 1 have found Your SAusAr.tutt.L.t an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary cud secondary type, 111111 effec tual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lira., of Xew Brunswick, Y. J., 11:1d dreadful ulcers on Ids legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of AVERS SANS/MAMMA relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, and It took several dozen bottles to cure him Leueorrheea, 17Thitos, Female Weakness, arc generally produced by internal 'Scrofulous Ul ceration, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SARSAPARILLA. Some cases require, however, in Mil of the SARSAPARILLA, the Shliftli epplieetio/1 of local remedies. From the well-insult and widely-celcbratcd Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. T have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Many eases of lrre.•ularity, Leueorritrea, Internal Ulceration, and local - debility, arising front the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not. when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwitting to allow the pub/ication of her name,writes, My daughter mut myself have been cured of a very debilitating . Leucorrlura of long standing, by two bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Serafirla in tlie• system, are rapidly cured by this EX.r. SARSAPARILLA. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market. and their superior virtues are so universally known. that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended un to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYE% M. ])., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by ALL DRUGGISTS IN COLUMBIA PHOTOGRAPHS. TILE OLD ORIGINAL GALLERY. The subscriber tins completely re-fitted his establishment, and his gallery cannot be surpassed by any in the county, and he hopes by careful personal attention to rice the publie butter pieturs than have here tofore been produced. AmimoTyrEs, PUOTOGRAPHS, Ivorytypes, :Nfelainolypeq, C.trte dr Visite, and pictures un ranvas•s tal;en in the best style, and, at prices n Liel cannot be beaten for cheapness. ,T.•:-'Likenesses warranted, and a satis factory picture furnished wit hoot repented sittings. He asks a continuance of the liberal patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and examine speci mens at the rooms, northeast corner of ront and Locust streets. Entrance on ocust street. H. J. M. Lrrn,E. Oct. 24 1863. BE NOPTII QUEEN STREET, ITENDQuARTERS FOR SCTIOOLS, Academies, erellants, School Teat.hors, And the Ptiblie generally. sciroor, BooKB. BINC:ING BOOKS MANIC BOOKS, STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS. ENVELOPES, POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES. itc., Hymn lloolis and Prayer lioooks for all denominations. Photograph Albums. • We eau supply everythingin.our nu° at tho shortest possible time, at reasonable prices. All inquiries about prices will be attended to without We defy competition in any branch of our L usiu eNs. neutkful for the past patronago,we respectfully ask a emit in mince of the same .1011:k7 SILEAITPER, 32. North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Nov. 19, Isl.ll. NOTXCII. WE 'rave pleasure in informing our friends and patrons wo are /1014" 'sel ling our stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. at greatly , reduced pricgs. Call and he convinced of what we say STEACY L BOWERS. Cor. of 2d and -Locust Street!., feb-4, Columbia, Pa. 3X7X5!NAL3L 9 51143.458.1VX W.: C. 1 7 1 -E R .R.-Y ONE•vI`TILE.OLDE-1 AND MOsy•ILE LIABLE-REMEDIES IN THE WORLD For Coughs„ Colds,' Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Difficulty ,or Breathing, Ar,thnu.,, lioarsenumy, Soso lhrout,:Croup, untl ercry Affection, of ' the Throat, Lungsanti Cheat, - INCLUDING EVEN CONaIIMPTION IVISTAWS BALSA OF MO CURRY.- So general has the use of this remedy be come, and so popular is it everywhere,that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues.— Iterworks speak for it, and find utterance 'in-the abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and settled disease have, by its use, been re stored to. pristine vigor and health. We can present a muss of evidence in proof of our assertion, that VANNO r liE DISCREDITED. The Rec. Jacob Seehler, Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes the follouing statement for the ben efit of the afflicted: fit:vireo. Pa., Feb.. 16,1839. Dear Si) : Having realized in my family impor fain IteneUts from the nee of your valuable prepara tionWistur's Balsam of %Wel Cherrv—it nflords me pleasure to recommend it to the nubile. Some eight years agerque of my daughters seemed to be to it decline, and little hopea of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balaton, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the battle there min a great improve ment in her health. I have, in toy individual ease, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have also been benetitted by it. JCAOB SECHLER. From Jessie Smith, Esq., President of the :Morris County Dank, Morristown, New Jersey. '• Daring used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for all/Mt fifteen years, and haring rcalirefl its ben etimal results in unify, it affords nee {treat pleas ure in reconemendiffif It to the public• us it rellloliy ill eases of seal: lung., et lds. eotighs, te, and a remedy r ompider to be entirely illllll,- (21,11 t. and' inny he taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health." =llll A di.dingtffithed lawyer in Westminster, Maryland. I have on several oeffit.slons used Dr. Wistar's Bal sam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. I know curio preparation that is more efficacious or more deserving of general The Thi alsn been treed with excellent r pet liy J. It Elliot, Merchant, cropim Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. ;Tone genuine unless signed L. BUTTS, on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY S. W. Fowle cC 0., Propr et And by all Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Heal O 1 Sores, REDDING'S ALVE tires Dame, S 5:11(14, aul elltA REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures wounds, Bruises, Sprains nEI)DING'S .11USSIA SALVE u res Boils, Ulcers, Cancers, Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. REDDINaI' RUSSIA SALVE are' orn, NO FAMILUGULD BE WITHOUT IT. ilcit..Ontll 25 cent. , s a no.r-PRIf =IS J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491, Broadway New York. S. W. FOWLE & 0., No. IS Tremont street, Boston. And by till Druggists. y 9 'GI -1 rp ERIUBLE DISCLOSURES—Secrets _L fin• the million l A most valuable and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and 80 colored engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an orignal and popular treaties on Alan and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never- Fail ing Remedies ibr their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical ti , eful- MSS through the medium of his "VA DE MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices. or :IS a guide fin• the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped will be forwarded free or po,,tage to any part of the United States Inc 50 cents in P. O. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. HUN TER, No. :1 Division Street New York. May 28'0-1 Iv ARRIVAL OF NEW Watches, Clocks -41.3a.ct Pizzo ar -, 017:74:3 try Just received at Om Store of P. Shreiner & Son. Front St. above Walnut, whore we are always prepared to sell goods at the el teapest rates, and guarantee them to be :Ls represented. DO YOU WANT A GOOD GOLD PEN? If so, C:111 and examine our stock of War- Luddies PlllO Gold Pen, the best, now in market, and warranted to give satisfavtion. Watches and Jewelry carefully re paired. may 7;64. P SHREINER At SON. THE UNITED STATES lICTEL ! ITARRISBURG, PA. COVERLY & 11111311 SON, Proprietors. THIS well known Hotel is 110 W in neon (lition to neecaninotlitte the traveling pub lic, atrortling the most tillipleeenveitionees alike for the transient guest and the per manent boarder. TILE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has aecommodations erjual in extent, einnfort and luxury tu any hotel between Philadelphia and Pittsburg,. Its loentlm is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in elose proximity to all the offices and business localities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A PI !AST CLASS HOTEL, Rua the Proprietors are determined tc spire neither expense, time or labor to en sure the com fort oftlie guests. The patron age of the traveling public is respectfully solicited. November 5 '63.-tf. RE-OPENED! (71 EOlitlE A. IL YERS would respectful ly intbrnt the citizens of Columbia and vicinity that he has returned to Col, tunbia, and re-opened his PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, Front Street, above Locust, where ho is 110 W prepared to do all kinds of Photo graphing'. Antbrotypes, got up in good style. Copying and enlarging of small Pictures done With neatness and nccurat•y. PICTCRES COLORED In Oil or Winor Colors orders for Pictures from old Xegatives wilt lie promptly tilled. 2cf .- Special attention paid to Cartes De- Vi hoping by n strict attention to business to share the liberal patronage heretofore extended by the eitizeus. at Rooms and examine Specimens. Remember the plaec, Front Street, above Loety4t. GEO. A. lIYERS. :Nov. :2G,-If. Another Arirval Of Goods at Hardman's. corner of 3d mut Cherry Street, - 1 - 4 AV IN G Purchased Goods et gold pri ces since the fall of Charleston, we are prepared to sell 1U per. cent cheaper than me could ten days at m. We are now sell log /mod sugar at IS, 20, 24, and 26 ctn. per lb. and good white sugar for LOL A lot of choice syrup very low,it line lot of white mercer potatocs,3ersey sugar cured Hams Dried Beef,English 13reakfast Ten,a choice lot of ctried appl 7, Harley, a new lot of fresh Can Peaches, Tomatoes, rte, Feb • • W. 11,,HADDMAX. , 0219,111.0mG.5igg#134" . CABINET , WAIIEROOMS ANI11.1! Bpl - IVErAkcTluty, Lam-sr 82:„ A ,FEW p00A117i4411,•31:4 St.o COLUMBIA, I. 41.01.: com,tlA. TIiL subscriber haiing purchased from his brother Casper Seibert, k' the stuck and good will of • his' C extensive abinet, .Manu factory, *ill continue the business at the old stand, whore he will keep on; hand as assortment of FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality, style, and manufacture and will make to order, of first-rate mate rial, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and revectfill ly asks of the public a share of its patron age. ." - -UNDERTAKE` , .7G will receive the most careful attention, the shortest notice. GEORGE SEIIIERT. Cola. July 4, '63. JUST OPENED AT TIIERMILY MBIEINE STORE, 001 FELLOWS' HALL ; COLUMBIA, PA. A7RESII supply of Drugs and Medi cines. Pure Ground Spices, Flavoring Extracts; Rice Flour, Farina, Corn Starch, ac.. all of the New Preparations, and PATENT MEDICINES, Castile, Palm and Fancy Soaps. Tooth Powders and Tooth Paste, (one in particu lar. tne best ever offered in Columbia,) Hair Dye, Indeßible Ink, Cologne, Bay Ruin, Ferftimery, TOILET ARTICLES IN GREAT VARIETY. and everything usually kept in a Good Drug Store. J.. Strict attention given to Physician's Prescriptions. CARD.—Dr. W. S. McCommE, at his Office in the Drug Store, Odd Fellows' Hall, daily, from twelve to one o'clock. Col'a., Feb d, 1:561. GOT OUR VEATCH J. RUMPLE ,t 7; SON, have just received TWO HUNDRED GROSS Superior lintelies, NN Le sole] wholesale and retail. J. RUMPLE &SON, npril 2, 'O. Locust street, Con', BRENEDIANS' LADIES GENT LEMA NS,• BOYS, G IRLS AND CH ILDREN'S SHOE STORE. The largest and hest assortment of La dies and Oentlemans wear in the CITE or LA CASTER. The undersigned respectfully invites the citizens of Columbia and vicinity, to his large stock of LADIES' BOOTS AND SHOES Such as «•0111011 . s Kid and Vreneh Moroce3 Roots, Ral moral, Continental and other STY i . We are prepared to manufacture at short notice every kind of ladies and gen tlemans wear known in this market, and at as cheap rates as any similar estab lishment call and examine our stock. A. N. BR ENEMAN, Opposite Omper's We-a King St., Lancaster. Sept. 24, NA. PIOTZCM The partnership heretofore existing un der the name, style and title of the Sus quelin met r!ompany, is this Clay dissolved by mutual consent. All claituS aLutinst said firm will be presented to J. U. Iless for settlement and payment. C. S. hi.ArFFNIAN, E. I.IERSIIY. M. sTracKLEN, 04:4). Boc4 LE. itoBT. citA:s:E, J. E. RICH Alt DS. .1. U. 111155. I'. ttOSSLEIt coltitiibitt, Jim. 18, BUSINESS C'ONTINVED The manufactune of Merchant liar Iron will be continued at the same place by the "Susquehanna Iron Company" incorpor ated miler the laws of PentriylVAllia. and the business of the Company will be man aged by 3. 4 J. HESS, Treasurer Jan. 21, 1865,tf COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO. CAPITAL A . 1): I) ASSETS, :3429,:r20,130 This Company tsmlinues to insure Build logs, M2rehandise, and other property, against loss and damage by lire, on the mutual plan, either Jim a cash premium or prOlniltln note. 1 , 711'.7'11 AXX 1,7:1L BL'I'01?.1'. Whole amount insured, Ain't of premium notes, $.426,090,0; Bal. cash premi uni,Jan 1,'64, :1,75-1,47 Cush receipts in less fees and commis sions, 22,870,54 ---- .$-152,71_:i 3 0 Losses & expenses paid in '6-1. :;$ 22,794,59 'Balance of Capital and Assets J an Ist. ltitis, 429,tY-20,50 -- $452,715,60 A. S. GREEN, President. GEORGE YOU NO, Jr., Seeretary. :MainEL S. Situ:WAN, Treasurer. 7Z7OX - JELMC`X•OEIL Samuel Shoal, Patton, 11. P. 113-on. .Tolui IV. Sleacy, John Fenclrich. Geo. Young, Jr., 11. Nicholas i‘rnonald, Sani'l Elio..loin, Michael S. Shunt:pi. Antos S (been, S. C. Slavin:o:er, Edmund Sporing, Cora. ifeb. 18, 1865 HASHEE id CANDY TIM GREAT ORIENTAL NER VLVE 0 0.311'0 CND lIJOY and BEAUTY gladden the heart, a blessing to the nervous and debilitated of all classes, and human ity should dictate its universal use. It is a thousand fold better than Quinine for Gen eral Debility, Chills and Fever. TRUE SECRET of YOUT I I st, BEAUTY. It is a remedy that ought to be in every house on account of its harmlessness and potency. and above all, because of its ex ceeding cheapness. It is the cheapest rem edy lathe world. Colds readily yield to it In the short space ofa single night the se verest cold has passed away, and the Ha sheesh, acting 41.4 a stimulant on the suffer er, enables him to rise in the morning fresh and renewed. Its effects are won derful. It quickly annihilates Pain and Suffering, and alleviates human misery. We here present a few of the diseases that we warrant it to cure if persevered in other remedies seldom being required : It is a sure cure for Fever and Ague. Sure cure for Nervous Debility and Wast ing Away. For all Nervous and Billions Affections. For Torpidity of the Llver.For Quinsy, Group and Hives, Coughs Cold .t.• Asthma, Incipient Consumption, Insanity and Mental Derangement. It is sure to preserve the Complexion and Skin in/parts the bloom of perfect health and vigor to those who use it. Sold by Druggists everywhere, Price 50 ets turd $1 per box. Postage on $1 box neents. Imported by the Outdid' Wallah Co. Ge0..1. Smith, Sole Agent for Columbia. April 8 timo. - -• • CO. SUSQL - E.I.M.N.NA .1.R0.1' C coLumiiiA, i:ANcAA•fr.n. co., P.A. MANUFACTURERS of the best Baffin et/ and Double-refined Merchant how Iron, and Flat Rails ' Rounds of all SiZOS from / to 41 , inches; ; Squares of all sizes from 3to 2fr 'inches; and - Pints of nil - sizes and thickness front- .to 43 ineles wide. Frau. J..G. ILES.% .E.JIERSILEY, C. S. K A UFF'.‘l, R. CRANE, GEO. BOGLE, M.. M. STItICKLEII, OS, J. G. lIESS, Tecasurgr. Feb. tr LOCAL_ FRELT,GMLI ZEOMICEL I TIIE.PENIISTLYANIA 'RAlli.11011) COMPANY. AltEvo* 'vi pip reltred t43'receiva and ;for ward ...14'.12.F.II0Ert` :cm - the sion, to and frop;t 11 statiorks-wherp,they have agents, at the following rates per hun dred pounds: " • BETWEEN NUL& AND COLUMBIA. First Class. 2d Class3ad.Clasi3. 4th Class. 2.5 cents. 21 ets. 18 eta. 15 ets. Flour in. mr loads; 25 cts.per barrel.' Pig Metal, 10 cts. per 100 lbs. BETWEEN PHILA.. AND LANCASTER. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 23 cents. 20" cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. , Flour 24 cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 12 cents per 100 pounds Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations as heretofore. RATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG." First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 00 75 60 40 Flour per barrel, 80 cents. . . Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pr.i paid. Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and Wooden Porter & Ale in bot- Ware, ties, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh, Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrapping Paper. Articles of N Class. Apples, bin Monuments, Cheese, Molasses, Clover A: Grass Seed,Melons, Crockery, 011 in casks or boxes, Candles, Paper in boxes, Casks or I3arrels,Pasteboard, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries,Printing paper, Guns an Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes andqueensware, kegs, Sweet Potatoes, Hardware, Tobacco in bales, Hops, Tea, Iron, (hoop, band orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather, Turpentine, (sptso Liquor in Wood, Varnish. Marble Slabs & Mar- Artielts of Stl Class. Alcohol, tared,) Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Vinegar, Oysters & Clams, (inWhite Lead, (shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, ( manufac- Articles of 4th Class, Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish. salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar t Pilch, Whisky, Plaster, All Freights payable on delivery. • 11. 41. noustoN, General Freight Agent, Phila. .7.2 r. For further information, apply to S. 13. KINGSTON, Freight Agt.,Phila. E. E. liOI(E, Freight Agt., Columbia. W. IL MYERS, Freight, Agt., Lon' tr. Columbia. July •1, ISM. INSUZIANCE. CO. Or ATORTZI 111ViZ+i►3CA, PHILADELPHIA. T.Neo R POR D 1791. Ascots $1,350,900, .1 Charter perFetual. Insurance against loss or damage by Ilre on Buildings, 'Ater ehanciize. Furniture, fie., for long or short periods, or permanently on Buildings, by It deposit or Premium. 'The prompt pay- MOIL of Ihr a period ()I' seven tu years, uffords t. guarantee of elaim upon public? confidence. A TIT I ITT E-G. COFFIN, frost. Cu...)tuALs P1.1,71', Secretary. P. X. ZIEGLE:II., Agent, Basement ltlack's hotel, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, 11415.-Iy. FRANKLIN HOUSE s T_T 1•1" Aron S. Ai ILLEE would respertroly in flint' the citizens of Columbia and tl}yf, just opened ids W AND SPACIOUS REST4. I ORANT, In the basement of the FRANKLIN' HOUSE, Loenst street, Coin whe , v the choicest variety of edibles tuay Le found to please the palate or snit the taste of the most ra,thli c ills. CI lOICE VIANDS Served np in the host style, at it moment's notice. Determined to leave nothing un done to accomodate the pnblie, a share of public , patronage in respectfully solieitated Columbia, Dee. 5, 15lia. tr. GREAT IMPROVER ENTS IN SEWING MACHINE. EDIPIRE SHUTTLE DIACRIDIES ! Pal •nted February 14th, ISM S.~LI Mrtx,M , .l:la BIWA DWA YJ 2:12 Washington ;:t., Boston, Mass. 7:20 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Stein Bros Pi 1 1 rg,, Pa. rimus Machine is constructed on entire ly new principals of nitwlistilisin. pos sessing many rare and valuable improve ments, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be ;simplicity mid perfection combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the Lock or Shuttle stitch, which will neither rip or ravel, and is like on both-sides.; performs perfect sewing on every discript ion of material, front Leath er to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cot ton, linen or silk thread, front the coars est to the finest number. Having neither CUM nor Cog wheel,and the leastpossible frietion, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE! It requires fifty per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market• A girl twelve years of age eon work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. IM strength And wonderful simplicity of construction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is guaranteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully inviteall those who may desire to supply themselves with a super ior article, to come and examine this tut rivalled Machine. Bat in a more especial manner down so licite the patronages of Merchant Tailors, Comb Makers, Hoop Manufacturers, Shirt and Bosom Makers, Dress Makers, Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Shoe Binders, Vest and Pantaloon Makers. Religious and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Prices of Machines complete;— \o.l, Family Muebine; with Hemmer, Feller and Braidersoo. No. 2, Small Man ufacturing, with Extension Table $75.--. No. Large Mannfactoring. with Exten sion Table .$B5. No. 4. Large Manufactur ing. for Leather, with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup 1,4100. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this Machine to their entire satisfaction. Agents :vanted for all towns in the Uni ted States, where Agents are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Cen tral and South America, to whom a liber al discount will beigiven. •TEnNs invariably Cash on delivery. Sitrudento, AleGratli .1: Co., Agentre t Philadelphia. T. J. MeARTIIIIR & CO, Dee. 10, 'fa tf 530 Broadway. Anicrican House. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I! BY THE BUSHEL, GALLON, or qt. Continually on hand and for sale BALTIMORE AND PIIILA. OYSTERS • TIME BEST 713 E 11 /MEET' AFFORDS. Come all you hungry, thinaty souls, Come down to my saloon, And eat and drink and quaff and smoke Prom supper hour till noon. ' PARDY - LOCK ARD, • Anaerican.llouse, Fron St. Oet. 24. 113a3-. 1.50 X IcLe Store of CULL 1 1111 A 11 001111.40120111. _ RW°NrcEsgrilh„e,h-eLT ii.eopftro;ittag i ady on hand a full and complete assortment of _ BOOTS SHOES, •GATERS, Ete , All styles and varieties of Men'N Ladies, Misses' and Children's wear. ' I WE TEATiIIFACTURE 'TO:ORDER, - and keep constantly on hand, a stock ox ready-made work. Repairing promptly attended to. . • Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, tkc. A full assortment of Hats and Caps o r the latest styles, always kept on hand. Our whole time and attention is devoted to our business, hence we are better able to give our customers satisfaction. The puplic are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. J. S. SNYDER, Cor. Front and Locust Streets Col'a, April 9,'94. cabinet REakineand Undertaking THE undersigned would inform hi friends and the public that he has 110 W in, creased facilities for turning out work, and his FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, Are now well supplied with new and beau, tiful furniture of the latest improved styles, He manufactures to order and will keep constantly on hand Dressing, Plain and Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre Tables, Common, Fan. c 2 ., and French Bedsteads; all of which wiU be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be what if is represented. CHAIRS, CHAIRS. All kinds of Chairs kept on hand or man. ufactured to order. Cane, Windsor, Ann and "Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Counter Stools, Sofas, Tete-a-tetes, and Stuffed Seat Chairs made to order. Old Chairs repainted and repaired. UN DERTA KING. Funerals will be attended to with prompt ness, to which he gives his personal atten tion: He is prepared with nee boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be re quired. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS Furnished plain or tinned in any style ilia may be required. He respectfully soliciis a share of public patronage, as well mu continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. acillN SHENTIERGER, South Side of Locust St., lx , tween Second and Third. [0ct...17;63. GIB. A. R. 33 FIRIIANDRIARINEI INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 11 1 1. A 1) E I. P 11 I A. Capital ;3200,000. Securities; t"; 4100,000. com pA A Y continues to take risks on good property at, rates it., /OM 11$ any Other &tie eOiliptiny,ll3oll.ol)&iStelit with prudence. Policies issued for long or short terur., or permanently. Losses promptly pod. All claims adjusted without litiatatiim or delay. This Company refers to the past a 4 at guarantee of its Altura:a conduct. Tiros. CRAVEN, Prest. A. S. (si.LnT•r, Vice West JAS. 11. ALvolt.D, Secretary. F. X. ZIFX;LER, Agent, 11:1;;ement, Blaek's Hotel, Colman:l, Pa Col um bia, January 21, Sportsmen Look Here! WO double and single barrel guns, just received at the I lardwurc Store of J, Rum ple && Son. Double barrel guns from SO up to P. Single barrel from ,412 to i..`20. We hove received everything in thegun ning line, such as powder, Shot, Caps, Powder Masks, Shot roadies, \Vaultling. amine Bags, le., \\idyll we offer to sell at vory low rates. J LE a: NON. July 4, Duplex Elliptic Spring SKI T, E 1 - .I 4 MANCE, Lightni , s Conlibrt eennuiny and unquestionably The Mist Desiratle Article Blade, FOR SALE ONLY BY R. J. HALDEMAN. Jan. 65. The Place to get Your money's H ENRY S WORTiI U IS A AT' D M'S COR. FRONT & ITXION sr. lie has just received a large supply of new and fresh groceries, also NEW MATED FRUIT, NEW SUOAR CURED HAMS, NEW NO. I, MACKEREL., NEW SF:MYLES and LAYER RAISINS, NEW cITICON AND CURRANTS. PIcELES, CRANBERRIES, Also new Fruit of all kinds. Our stork of staple and Taney groeeries is full and eompane and Ave intend keeping it fresh by almost daily additions. (lire us a call, corner Front I.7 . niott Street, Columbia. lIENKY SUYDA)I. Noy. 3, 'Sat. HOUSE FURNISHING MI\&'OI:LIT_TM. ITITIE citizens of Columbia and vieinilY. 1 are respectfully invited to call and ef• amine my large and varied assortment of MLOVSEBMXIYIIVG. amps Comprising every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY GOIDS. PLANISHED - TIN-WARE , COOKING UTENSILS. CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, HOLLOW I,VARX, ENAMED, COPPER KETTLES, BRASS BET] LES Chafingßiaies„ . EFg Boilers, Britannia Ware, \Vtutera, ae. Stoves of every Bescriptioo. GAS FITTING 45:: PLUMBING Carried on in an its various branches. Stoves,Shops, D well i rigs o fce., fitted Up with Gas and Water Pipes, in the best manner, On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, l3rackets Drop Lights and Pendant., Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. at tended to. Beparing promptly and personally HIRAM WILSON, fob 11, '65. Cor. Locust & 2nd ed., Col's. IL F. "BRUNER BRUNER & INOORE, DEALEES IN ALL KINDS OF COAL I COAL ! COAL I We have still A supply °Moat on hap.- Coal emaned and screened before leaving the yard. Some Coal damaged by the late freebl will be sold accordingly low. All C 0 sold by Weight. . Col. own, Dr. J. A. E., REED Late Surgeon F of the I.ssth,Refet P.V., Etas again ' resumed the practice of now icfne in Ilfountville Lancaster Co. A -share ofpublic patronage 'is nAt . et Patients entrusted to my care will recene careful and prompt attention. Feb 18 J. Z. IZOFFER, TIVIIST.-OFFICE, Front Street next del .I.J to IL Williams' Drug Store, lists-oo Locust and Walnut ste, Cola., Pa. 14PT JOHN 11. MOORE