THE COLUMBIA SPY. INDEFENWENT, FEARLPSS 4: FREE COLUMBIA, PA.. SattAy6ANNA I 1 1 6, ‘%G oar- All etirertayeleg will be M.tilgred GAS!! COUCCGOAC at ca,y lime offer lbc peel leetv Sorghum in Chester Coun'y lqoked into the Sorghum mill of Messrs. W. & T. neepes, near our bor ough p few days ago, lire found that many of the citizens of West Chester and neighborhood had made the same pilgrimage, and in fact it was a popular resort. Molasses suits the taste, especi ally the yonkers, and we are not surprised that a mill where the delicious fluid is made to order at the rate of twelve to fifteen gallons an hour has strong attrac tions fur thetn. We found half a hun dred of blooming school girls just enter giug front the mill. The mill is situated ina fit/tile vale north of the boroegh,and is gut up by the proprietors, who are gentlemen of mechanical skill, tic:cut-d -ing to their own ideas, and combines all the latest improvements. The building is too small, if we may venture a criti emit, but the works are so compactly ar ranged, as apparently to give ample room. In the lower story is the engine, furnace, boilers, coolers,' &e. A stair way leads to the second story, where arts the heavy jrou rollers, which crush the stalks. The rollers draw in the stalks as they are fed by an attendant, and the sap gushes out and runs into btles, from whence it flows by tubes as it is Medea into the vats or boilers helms:. We do not propose to describe the process of manufacture, further than to state that the boilers consist of large wooden troughs, and the liquid is boiled by means of lairs of tubes at the bottom, which are heated by steam. By this system, the molasses is not scorched—hence the ar ticle made by the Messrs. 11. has no su perior any where. We are glad to announce that notwith standing the large capacity of this mill, it has as much custom engaged as it can possibly execute for this season. At the time we visited the mill, an adjacent field was covered with "stacks" of the raw material—awaiting their turn—re sembling a pity of tents or an Minn vil lage. Two hundred fitrmers had engag , ad the services of the mill, and wagons were hourly arriving laden with the erable outlay in these works; but at a charge of 30 cents a gallon, and 12 or 15 gallons an hour, they are likely to re ceive an appropriate rewat4 for their en terprise. The success of Messrs. U. is an example and encouragement to gentle men in other parts of the country, where there are no mills, but where there should be. They took a practical view of the subject. Last spring when pro posing to erect their mill, they supplied themselves with a lot of superior sorghum seed ; then advertising in the "Record" that Cannes could obtain the seed by call ing upon them, they furnished every farmer who applied; then going to work they had their mill ready for work when the cane was ripe. By thus obtaining the seed, supplying the farmers and en couraging them to plant, they created tee neceosity fury mill, and when a mill was needed it was ready. There is now no article in the market, domestic or im ported, superior to the article made by Messrs. lioopcs—little that is equal to it. We advise all persons who wish to be informed upon this interesting subject, to visit the n.tablishluest3 and if they should happen to have an idle moment, the proprietors will give them much valuable information and a cordial wel game. We have heretofore referred to the popularity and success of the manutltc ture of sorghum iy Chester county, and the rapid growth of its production during the last two years. We present the fol lowing list of mills at this time in "the full tide of successful experiment" in Chester county : Milton Cunard, Londongrove township. Darlington Pyle, do Everett Conant, New London. John Huston, do Wm. Graves, Kennett. Evan Dixon, du Shute. West Marlborough. Aliner Pusey, East Marlborough. Ezra Hull, Newlin. 14:1w , uni Micheneer, New Garden. Henry Walter Poeol:S OIL elittllt`M 1011,1, W 1•4( Pal 1.. w David Evans, Willistown. Fent nom \ ,I ll.londerrv, Joseph Kent Upper Oxford. William Evans, Isaiah Knauer, Vallee Forge. C. At. It. Mentor. London lintatn. et. 4.! Woolens, Ea-t Nottingham. Jesse Mamie, `Vest mariborough. These twenty wills ; each having one hundred customer, would show that two thousand farmers in Mester county, had cultivated sorghum lust year. Some of these mills have two or three hundred customers, aid the whole number of flu men who raise their own molasses is not less than three or four thousand in the county. There is but one mill north of the Lancaster turnpike, but we may ex pect in another year, there will be sev eral established. We gave in the Record, a the Sorghum mill in Chester county, so far as we were able to collect them. We omitted to name that of Jonathan T. Lew is, in East Brandywine, who has already manufactured this season, some 3000 gal lons. There arc probably other mills in the county, Mr. Lewis mentions to us as an instance of the productiveness of the sorghum, that the crop of John Ma son, grow on the eight of an :ore, yield ed forty-two gallons of molasses. A bottle of Sorghum from C and D Mer cer, of London Britain : also, one from Elwood Michiner, of new Garden, Ches ter county, have been presented to us. These specimens fully come upto the highest standard of exec:mice, and satisfy us that hence forth Chester county will import but little molasses which has conic to be one of the necessaries of life. The Messrs. Mercer had the first steam Mall untetory in the county. Their mill was burnt down last fall ; but they quickly fixed up another by water power and arc now driving a head. In esti:lt:L -O- the skill of the manufacturer, the quality of the cane, which varies very much, is to be taken into consideration. —West Ch seer Hecord. The Washington Star gives the fol lowing account, of the eardure of Roger A. Pryor--Au officer on picket duty noticing ti than prowling in front on the picket line, drew a paper frein his pocket and waved it to the rebel as a sign to 00ine forward and "exchange," not for a moment saspeeting who the individual was. Pryor seeing the officer waving the paper. Lally advanced towards our lines. when the Union officer discovered that he was a ribel of rank, and instead of offering the paper for exchange, drew a pistol and presen:ed it to Roger's head, at the Sallie tine requesting binn to sur render, which he did without resistance, but was evidently it little crestfallen at being "taken in and done fr" by a Van kee. Pryor now belongs to the 7th Vir ginia cavalry, having. been reduced to the ranks, it will be remembered, by court martial for disobedience of orders. At the time or his capture he was at tached to General Lee's headquarters as Lee's chief scout. The official vote of New York fur Gov ernor, foots up as Ulows: Fenton, 369,- 567; Seymour, Union major ity. NEVI STATIONERY, PERIODICAL _AND_ VARIETY NEwspArEits,pEnToDßlALs, mm;AzEcEs. ENVELOPES, sTATIosEitY, ,tze NOVELS, SONGS AND SONU BOOKS, PD"ruit ES, ruoToonArn CARDS, cte., ctc., AN A SSOR TI‘I ENT 01' LADIES' TRI :11 NUN S, AND VARIETIES, &e., ALE AT REASONABLE HATES inr.""a•lt -- 7 -- - - : v: No. 4, Siireiner*:- Row, tibove Sept. 3, '64-3 trio. ut Street ~i ARRIVAL OF NEW Watches, Clocks M 7 •133.c. Xcev.c. lx "sr P. Shreinrr Sc Son. Front St. above Walnut, where we are alwatys prepared to sell goods at the eheape4 rates, :Id guarantee them to he as represented. DO YOU WANT A GOOD GOLD PEN If so, can anti examine oar stock of War ren & 1,11(111il, Ville (1r Pen, the best 110 W in market, and warranted to give satisfaction. Watches and Jetvelry carefully ri paired. W ay 7;64 TIntRIBLE DISCLOSURES --St.crets the million! A most valuable and wonderful publication. A work of .100 pages. and :lit colored lalLtraViaa'S. HUNTER'S VA DE MECUM, an orignal and populax tnatie. On Mini and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and SeXtlal disordets of every kind, with Never- Fail ing Remedies Mr their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is unbounded, but at 1114. earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical useful ness through the 111Millta of his "v A DE. MECUM." It is IL Vataltll• that 5110111 d 130 in the hands of every Mildly in the land, as a preventive or secret vices, or its a gnide Mr the alleviation ofone of the most awful and dest met ve scourges ever visited mankind. 0110 copy, securely enveloped will he forwarded tree or postnge to any part of the United States f.a. 50 (pills in I'. O. stbonim. Address, post paid, Dlt. HUN TER, No. 3 Division Street New York. ' May 28 'll-1 ly JUSTUS GRAY Sz. CO.'S GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE FROYT STREET, COLUMBIA, PA. A In rge stock of new goods just received Such as FREINCII EXTRACTS FOR TH El LAND- FANCY SOAPS, s'rEH LING A VIMOSIA. LONDON 11 A Ilt coLom cm.EnnATED POMADES, FLA VOlt INO EXTRA lypS DRAKE'S PLANT' 'lU\ itirrEhs, Ifttir Itru.lies. Tooth Broslie... Cornl)4. Wisluirt's Dyppop.iii Toilet. Arlirle•c. Ilarri , on's traet.i, tte. All the titiet poleihir 1. - molly :VetHeim, of the awe nre at the (ittI.DEN MOIITAIt Dltt - Ct STORE. Tlio largest, In•at selhedl•ll rind gnntt...t variety of Drugs rind Chemicals in Colum bia always ou hand. Particular attention is paid to filling physicians prescriptions. NVe espeetally invite the attention of the holies to our ex4•tlsiye assortment 41.1* toilet articles at OOLOEIN: MORTAR DRUG. sToNE, Front street, above Lcust. .iY 23 Columbia. Pa. HENRY" WOODS is:EW BOOK. Oswald Cray! Oswald Cray! Oswald Cray. fly Mrs. Henry Wood, author of "Earl's Heirs," "East 'Lynne," "Charm impl." "A Life's Secret," etc., will he pub lished and for sale by all Ipmkmellerm on Saturday, November Ilah complete in 0110 large octavo volume of over live hundred pages, price :31.50 in paper cover. or tt.!.na in cloth. It is published and for Vale at T. H. I'ETERt.S(tN k BROTH ERs, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 12, '6l S T 0 R E. Just received at the Store of P. SHREINER A: SON MIMI= Tan peculia . x taint or infection which we Call .SCROFULA lurks n the constitutions of mhitudes of men. It titer produces or is 7calueed by an en., !ebled, vitiated state ?the blood, wherchi %at fluid becomes in impetent to sustain e vital forces in their igorous action, and ayes the system to _ —..l into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is va- Tionsly caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure ,air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, alive all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending, "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to lie the rod of Hint who says, I will visit the iniquities of the litthers upon their children." The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attaeks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tutu-re-es, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and be come ulcerous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous alleetions. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health ; with that "life of the flesh" healthy., you cannot have scrofulous disease. Aymos Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it atrial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it hos made of the following diseases : King• ; :, Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Bose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of theidood. Minute reports of individual eases may be found in Armes ANC/RICAN ALMANAC, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had tidied to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one wit() can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the %ital energies, and thus leaves its victims for more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, tile average duration of human life. The Nast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cane. This we now offer to the public under the name of Avim's Smts.teAut M.A. although it is composed of ingredients, sonic of which eNceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of These disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and foster in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system ur burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by ninny compounds of Sat:sapart , lla, that :ts virtues have been prov;i7 by alntu dant trial, and there remains no qua,tion of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting db.eases it is intended to reach, Although under the saute name, it is a very different medicine front any other tt !dell has been bethre the people, and is far in u re e f. fectual than any other• which has ever been available to them. .4:!."2 - MR'S CII ER 11,17 PECTORAL. Tho World's Groat Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. Thi. has been $o long toed and t.o not ver•:tlly known. that We need 1110 lit more than a,,nre the public that it, quality i , kept up to the 1a.,1 it ever Ira• Leer. :.11.1 that it may he relied 011 to do all it ha, et er Prepared by Int. 3. C. & Co— Pi adieu( and Analytical tlectnistr, 1.m% ell. 11.1a,5. Sold by all druggists every where. ALL DIMUGISTS IN COLUMBIA Life Insurance Agency. rivrE uoder.iowd Late rooently lo,i ) ap pointed Attent for Columbia and vi einity or (:inini Life ill!,llralliCe Com pany of Philadelphia. This company 1. one of the 011;42.411nd 1,0,1 estalplised in the country, witli a ea pat al and aqset , t amount ing to nearly Two Million of Dollars. All the insured partiei pate in the profits of the rompaity. All interested in Life Insurative are invited to call and pnicon‘ Books and Circulars. %Viii. U. 11ESS.Atzent, Opposite Cola. Bank, Locust St. Oct. 1. IStil. NEW STOCK OF GOODS. s a t i ,: 4 e i k a ( r ) . l , enabled to sell theta as eheap as any other store in town. Oar as,,ort mein of PINE PAIV/CI.LIr GROCER LIDS Is large and complete, consisting in part of all grade of Sugars, Teats. Fish, eo Yee, Cheese, . Si 111 . 1.5. HOW', Fronts, .t e. Provi.ioiN or all ttinds, together with Wood and NVillow-ware,laass and Queens ware. SWITZER AND LIMBER C/lEE!.E. ;I..rtiut it fru it., INTIM CS .B.IVD LIQUORS. our Nine: it I,illuors cannot be is, us it is old k nu d of the very host quality. Per vi shim; a intrearliele it will he sold on I:1:1111We*. Call an/1111d 111111 in.poet our sine': whether you Inly or not. A share of pub lie initronage is ....tidied. 1,11.101U11.:: TlLLE,...tgent, 1.'11111.t Union St. Colitinloin..Aug. Li, •64. CARPETS! CARPET.-! NT Ew and Splendid Style.: Carpet , . and 111 Oil Cloth,. sold nt very Nlnail prOMS, Call and ex; e them at Cornonar.ln-'6l. '3IA T.TBY k CASE. GOT OUR MATCH 'V J. RUMPLE A: SON, hat•u just received TWO HUNDRED GROSS Superior Jtatrhos , m hielt Will he sold wholesale and retail. J. RUMPLE 6z SON. april 2. '4l, Locust street. Cora. PHOTO 011.401-713 ALBUMS. TIE E I L1.41..1 u ,, ortment ever offered In Columbia, at the cheap hook .tore of WM. HESS. LW" OR T4Lilt TO ALI, Z.: 117 IRON IN THE BLOOD, . • It is well known to the medical proles- SlOll tl at IRON is tile vital Principle or Life element of the blood. This is derived chiefly front tltd food we eat; but if the food is not properlfi digested, or if, from any cause whatevei, thef recossitry (mond ty of iron is not taken into tlir eircultdioit, or becomes reduced, the whole system suf fers The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements to all parts of the system, and every one will sutler in whatever organ may be predisposed to dis ete,e. The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medieal tnen. The dillitiulty has been to obtainimeh a preparation of it as will enter the circulation and assimilate ut once with the blood. This point, says Dr. Hayes, Massachusetts State Chemist, lots been at tained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combi nation in a way before unknown. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is n PROTECTED soil' ion of the Pttorosnus ot• IRON. A NEw Dtsc•oVtear IN MEDICINE that strikes at the Root of Disease by sup plying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element—lron. VIE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia,Liver Complaint,Dropsy, fever and ague, Loss of energy, low spirits. TIIE PERUVIAN SYRUP . • Infuses strength, vigor, and t:en• life into the systoul, and, builds up un `•lron Consti tution." THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affections, Female Com plaints, awl all d ketoses of the Kidneys and Bladder. I'IIE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Sl'o2ll'lo ibr till disease.; originating ill sT.N.TE ot"ritE armor), or accom panied by Debility or a. Low State of tho System. Pinupllkt:containing eerti tient es of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent Physi chums, Clergymen and others will be sent J ree to any address. We select it few of the u n ities to show the character of lest ittaaliatls. John E Williams, Esq, Preshleta of the :11et1opolitan Bank, N.Y Rev. Abel Stevens, Late Editor t'itristi . nn .Advo. ate .I . ..Tomlin]. kaV. P. Church, Editor New York Chronicle. tar John Piernonr, 1„,,, NI. I Rev. ‘Varren Barton, K 'awe , Nov At that.. li. Faller, A. K. 1:eallall. 31. 11., Her, (latralon 11"111,itas, W.ll. Clii-la , hat. 31. It, Svl vaunts (3.1,1,. I , raaneas Dann. 31. 11. Ilev. V. Starr King, Jeretatahl•-tone, 31. 1/., 11.. v Ephraim nate. Jr., .I..4,telate Sanehes, 11ev..1,e-enla IL Clinch, .1..3. Ilaye , . 11ev. Ilenre Uphata, Ahrahatin NVetelell. 31. Ilev. P. C. lietelley. .1. 11. Chilton. 11ev. Jelin V. Ulm-tend. it. K. I:.itane.y. 31. 1).. Prepared by N. L. CLARK CO., ex clusively Tor J. I'. DINSMORE, No. •191 Broadway, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Redding's Russia Salve! FORTY YEAR'S EX PERI EN F.' Has fully established the superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing preparations It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Ennis, foils, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Ery sipelas, Sties, Piles, Omits, Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, fie., &v., removing the pain at once, and reducing the most angry looking swellings and inhumation us if by magic. Only 25 cents a Box. li.m. SALE 1Y .1. P. 1)ISSM011E, No. 491, Brothlwa3 New Vork. S. \V. FoWLE A: 0., 'No. IS Tremont street B.stou. And ity Druggists, Ml\. C:) RIT.J "Z./I _ oitizons Columbia-Bnd vicinity, _L are r..Apert nilly invited to enli and VX amine lily largil. and VariOd 114,401*(111PM or trEinrarliva acuas Coinprirsing every variety of TIN W A E, SILVER-PLATED %V .1 RE, TAB LE CUTLERY, FAXi YGU'II)S, PLAN'S!' TIN-WARE, COOKING uTENst Ls, CHAMBER WARE, IN SETS, WILLOW WARY, ENANI LED, COPPER NETTLES, BRASS KETTLES, Chaffin; ICoilers, Britannia Ware, NVititers. ‘Ve. A L.:eller:II a..*11110111 of NValoil and Ware, 'rut's, Yankee Buckets, Wash Boards. Water Cool( rs Ice Crenta Freezers, Tea Kettles, sauce pang, 1.:;4•14 ‘Vhaps, Market Ita.kets, I kinterns, Niamey Boxes. Lard liatitp.i,Toy Tin-ware, Sad Pumps, Slop Coeks, Roa :tors, Coffee Mills, Trays, ke., I.2:ether with on assort wont of.Plaiti, Fancy and C.efill Articles, adapted to the Toilet, Parlor anal Kitchen. SIOVIIS of every Description. GAS Fl'l"l'iNG At PLUM RING Carried on in all it, N . : Whin, ill'ill11 . 110,„ StOVlO4.SllOlla, titled up with unit \\'itti-t• Pipe, , itt the hest litionwr, (Ii 11111141 a good a.sortment of (11:111401101',. lirarkets, Drop LitZillS and Pendants. lihtlN - aitizeil I rain, Lead anal Ter ra Volta Water Iteirtring prottiptly land personally attended to. II I RA NI WILSON, april 2,•64. Cur. I.ovti.l st., Col'aL 110 W TO DEsTlti 111 O.ICIIES, R Airs, ill ICE, ~ocibzzgas .tents, cfcc. USE BURT'S VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. XT IS INFALLIBLE{ I TT is put up in large boxes for :25 vents.— .1 Is all ready for use, without mixing with other ankles. Does not spoil or get dry and I Win isle kopina, like some other preparations. 'Vermin Aire extravagantly Ana! of il. Bats:and Mice die out of their In des. Is not dangerous to use. Gives sat kthetion to all who use it. Sold by nll the I truggists and Dealers throughout the Uni ted Stales. C'Airruis—lle sure and ask for Burt's Exterminator, in large boxes, with rod label. Had signed by the Proprietor.— Depot, No. 130 South Tenth street. above Walnut. :Manufactory, No. 130 Juvenal st reel, above Walnut, between Tenth and Eleventh, Philadelphia. Sold in Columbia at the Drum Stores o f 1 Ir. W. S. MeCorkle, .1 ust Us ,% CO. and It. Williams. July 2'64611i-. IRON AND STIIML rillinE subscribers have received a new a d large stock of all kinds and sizes of Barlron and Steel. They are constant ly supplied with stock in this brunch of his business, and ean furnish it to ens toineri in largeor small gnantil ie.. at the lowest rates J. It UM PLE ,t Sox, Locu.4 St., belowSecoml, Cora., .1;:i July 4, 14& t. WIIEI3I4EII & WILSON'S SEW] NG MACH [NE'S LIFILM 11:7-N3FLX1:7.4LX-OLIM X:, For by O. PATTON, June 11;61. - Locust St., Columbia, Pa II'ANTED, r i t VERY ON 1: to know that the way to is:tve money. is to buy your gmxisiti the Cheap .Vorc or Maltby t A general assortment of Spring' Gooas lust received. Coramittr.lo, :% 'ALT!) A: CASH. G74R7E4 1829• PEL3PETI , IL FUME fin INBAR! CO, PiDgIIaDrEIPMIIIAa .4b.misiertEs c.x3..Taraam. 1. 1.83e04. $2,457,349 95. cAT , ItAit, - . - - $ 4tin i ooo ACCRUED SultrrUs, .. 071,000 INVESTED PREMIUMS ; 1 1 086,288 UNSETTLED CLAIM'S, - 8,410 INCOME FOR 1804, - 300,000 LOSS PAID SINCE IS2O, 5,000,000 Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms TYMPLM iC"X.C)3E{. la_ Charles N. Bancker, Isaac Lea, Tobias Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Grant, Geo. Vales, Jacob R. Smith, Alfred Eider, Geo. W. Richards, bras. W. Lewis, M. D. CHARLES N. BANCKER, President. EWD. C. DALE, Viee-President. JAS. W. MuALLISTER, Bcc. Pro. Tem. JOHN coorEn, Ant. for Columbia. mar.l2, ly. GEORGE SEIBERT'S CABINET WAR EIIOOIIIS AND RI tNEFACTORV, LOCUST ST., A rim' BOOBS BELOW 3rd St., COLUMBIA, LAN. CO'Y, PA. THE subscriber liming purchased from lii. brother, Casper Seibert, the slue]: and good will of his extensive Cabinet Mann- Metory, will continue the business at the old stand, where he will keep on hand an assortment or TURN rrunE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality, style, and Mann filet re and will make to order, of tin,t-rate mate rial, every article in his line. Ile will give strict attention to Lusiaess, and respectful ly asks of the public a share of its patron age. 74Y-UNDERTAKING will receive the most careful attention, at the shortest notice. GEORGE SEII3EItT. Cola. July 4, '6:l JUST OPENED AT THE FAIILY WED' HIE STORE, gal FiLLOWS' HALL ; COLUMBIA, PA. AFIRESII supply of Drugs and Medi eines. Pure Ground Spices, Flavoring . Extracts, Itice Flour, Farina, Corn Starch, ctze_ all of the New Preparations, and PATENT MEDICINES, Castile, Palm and Failey Soaps. Tooth Powders and Tooth I':tste, (one in pa rticu lar. toe best ever offered in Columbia,) I fair Dye, Indellible ink, Cologne, Bay num, Perfumery, TOILET ARTiCLES IN GREAT VARIETY, and everything usually kept in a Good Drug Store. Strict attention given to Physician's Prescript ions. CARD.—Dr. W. S. MeCottur,E, at his ()thee in the Drug Store, Odd Fellows daily, from twelve to one o'clock. Cora., Feb li, 1811-1. A 3 -* COACH MAKING. Coach, Carriage A+ Buggy - M.A..NT3 - P_A.O 'l' Co FLY - Second street, nearly opposite LUTHERAN CllCl[C7l, COLUMBLI, PA SILVInt MEDAY,SandPremininstiwurd ell at the Agricultural and Mc.ehanical Society of Lancaster county, and also at the different Fairs, for the best Shifting Top Buggies. The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he still continues to Malin- j3ll li4 -ly reputation as a workman is faintly estab lished, as ho can confidennv claim for his work the merits of laatuty oftbrniAlegance of finish, and Si rength of structure. One of the distinguishing features of- his work is its durability; all vehicles of his build are constructed oft he best seasoned mate rial, and put together firmly and substan tially. Ile giVi..4 particular attention to the REPAIRING' OF VEHICLES, aus;l, , ,warrants all his work in his line to give fle:tsfactiont n addition to his practical experienvein t business, he has the assistance of the best work men—none ot her he! ng enit toyed. The public is respeetfally invited to call and examine the stock on hand. SA MU EL CARTER, .AUT Cora.may7'6l,t 1". FISII ! FISH 1! FISH!!! .m, A .ty.e i Vil l t l .t; I t : j . :i i t ii th .s s 4n i, r , t i. 4 , ...d olr 'iteka g es, fur MALTBY ,c 7 CASE. '44 Locust St., Cola. The New York Monthly =39 Containing Original Stories from the pens of the best American talent. Its first page stories are complete in one noinber, and it is designed for all classes of readers. His torical reminiscences, hiographical sketch es. wit, humor. and poetry, grace its make lm. OUlt TEIOIS.--.lloneg is advance. si ogle saLceri hers, $l,OO a year; to el ohs, 75 its, :Ind a copy gratis to any one getting up a Club of hive or ten persons• ADVERTISING CHARGES "Our Directory," 50 cents per line. ()Inside, or " All communications must be addressed: KATE J. BOYD, Editress and Ptilir of N. Y. Monthly, NUS.2III Street, New York. New , : dvalersand agents, supplied by the "-km nitic Nnws COMPANY." 113 N: scan Street, New York. June IS, '64. PRICES REDUCE!). sort ilient of g(smis, iuuludiug cr.o.kK . s. CI iteur,s, Rs, SHAW[.S. FURS, CLOTH, CAssrm - ER,. SATINTTS, FLANNELS, READY MA DE C LOT] I INO, BOOTS .V SIIOES, W 0 )1, K NIT GOODS, CARPETS, MI. CLOTI I, fie. Also Qt eenswarc and Groceries, with a great variety of fall nail winter goods.— We are now selling them all, including our former stork. at G CATLIZ REDVCEA PRICES corresponding , with the Deeline in hold. Prints and Muslins red need 10 to :20 ets. per yard ; mid other goads in proportion. Please mil and examine, at our store op Lovost st., Columbia. Pa. cora Oet. 2R,-13•. MALTHY CASE. T RIMMINGS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, 'WILLIAM MENCRE k BROTHER, No. SO4. Areh Street, Phila. A foil assort ment of Ladies' Dress & Cloak Trimmings, Bogle Gimps. Shawl Borders. etc. Lopor term of real Berlin, Zephyrs. Enthrdideries, Saxony Yarns, Knit Goods, Fancy Goods, ate., at the lowest prices Sept. 111,-:linos. BOOTS AND SHOES lort.i, a5:40,1,1,n or :sto r es and Boys Ji2 Call and Kip Boots, nalmorals, 13ro alms, ke., Lalie4, Misses' and Children's Baltuorals, 'on.; and Gaiters, at the store T. Tlll. - fi. c.tag. unlsia, 1)ee.19, 186:1. IJoMILES AROUND RICHMOND Price Pity Cents. At the ellestphook Store of WM. U. LIENS. Lomax. =Exam. NOTICE. Tllll CENIMLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ARE now prepared to receive and for ward FREIGHT on the Philadelphia Di vision, to and from all stations where they have agents, at the following rates per hun dred pounds' BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA, First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 25 cents. 21 cts. 18 cts. 15 cts. Plcrur in car loads, 25 ets. per barrel, Pig Metal, 10 cis. per 100 lbs. BE I'WEEN PIMA. AND LANCASTER. Virst, Class, 2d Class, 3rd Class. 4th Class. 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour, :IA cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 12 cents per 100 pounds Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations as heretolbre. RATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG. First Class. 2cl Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class. 90 75 00 40 Flour per barrel, SO cents.. r.d.y• Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pr.i paid. Articles of Ist Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and Wooden Porter Li: Ale in hot- Ware, ties, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh, Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrapping Paper. Articles of 2d Class. Apples, We Monuments. Cheese, Molasses, Clover it . Grass Seed,Melons, Crockery, Oil in casks or boxes, Candles, Paper in boxes, Casks or Barrels,Pasteboard, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries ' Printing paper, Guns and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes andqueensware, kegs, Sweet Potatoes, Hardware, 'Tobacco in bales, llops, Tea, Iron. (hoop, band orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather,. Turpentine, (sets,) Liquor 131 IVood, Varnish. Marble Slabs ,t. Mar- Articles of 3d Class. Al,OllOl, tuned,) Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Vinegar, Oysters t Clams, (in\Vhite Lead, (shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, ( mann fac- Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, Tobacco, (leaf,) Gratin ()fall kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, 'Par, Pitch, Whisky, Plaster, All Freights payable on delivery. It. 11. itousToN, General Freight Agent, Phila. ,7.45 - For further information, apply to S. B. i'mco,s-roN., Freight Aut.:Phil:l E. K. BOICE, Agi., Columbia MYERS, Freight Agt., Lan'tr Columbia. July -1, 1S11:1. PORTLBLE PRINTING OFFICES For the use of 111er -1101010 eltants, Druggists, t.nd all Ipti-i gess and pt °les -111011,1%110 tt i.4lk to • do their ,vii printing, neatly and the .. Adapted U. the print mg ,f CartlN 11.11.1 fiumll NPWKrtp ,. l, *". Full Instructions Itegotti my Clltti ) I itig ft Lop ten years old So work them , nteeessfoilly. Orman', sent free.— specimen meets or Typ• , , Cuts, &c., 0 cents. Athlre.s ADAMS' PriESS 31 Perri: Row, N. F. and 35 Liecotit nuatet Masa. BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS. WARRANTED IN ALL CASES CAN bo relied on! Never fail to cure Do not nauseate! Are speedy in action ! No change of diet required! not inter l'ere with business pursuits! Can he used without detention! Upwar,l of 200 cures the past month—some of them vet y severe eases. Ovor one hundred physieians have used them in their practice, and all speak \y ell of their etlielicy, and approve of their eoillP" ,., o^o-whieli is entirely vegetable, and harmless on the system. hundreds of certificates eau be shown. 13km.'s Senci Fie PILL,. are the original and only genuine Specific Pill. They are adapted Mr male and female, old or young, mid the only reliable remedy for etlecting at permanent and speedy enre in all oases of Spermatorthea ' or Seminal IVcak !less, with all its train of evils, such as Urethral and Vaginal Discharges, Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involuntary Emissions, Incon tinence, Genial Debility and I rrilidillity, Impotence, Weakness or Loss of Power, Nervous Debility, &v., fie., 2111 of which arise principally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or some eonstitutionat de rangement, and incapacitates the sufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, as Gonorrhea, Gleet, and Strictures, and in Diseases of the Blad der and. Kidney, thee net as a charm ! Re lief is experienced liy taking a single box. Sold by all the principal druggists. Price $l. They will be sent by mail,. securely sealed, and confidentially, on receipt of the money, by BRYAN, • No. 1i Cedar street, New York, Consulting Physician for the treat meat of Stllltlllll, Urinary, Sexual. and Nervous Diseases, who will send, frt..e to all, the Mllowing valuable work, in sealed en- velope : Tor; Fivrt TitousAND—Docrott BELLS TREATISE on Self-Abuse, Pre mature Decay, Impotence and Loss of Power. Sexual Diseases, Seminal Weak ness, Nightly Emissions, General Debility, ftc., a pamphlet of (14 pages. contain ing important advice to the afflicted, and wltieh should be read by every sufferer, as the means of rare in the severest stages is plainly set forth. Two stamps required to pay postage. December It, 1863.-ly. POCKET BOOKS ! POCK ET BOOKS ! 'Us: Great Variety, from Fifteen Cents up 1 to Five Dollars, at WM. IT. HESS' Cheap Book Store IMPORTANT TO LAntEs.—D liA HVEy'S FEM.% Ptms have never yet failed in removing difficulties arising from obstruc tion, or stoppage of nature, or in restoring the sp-tcni to perfect health when suffer ing from Spinal Adeetions, Prolapsus, Uteri, the Whites, or other weaknessof the Uterine Organs. The Pills are perfectly harmless on the constitution, and nmy be taken by the most delicate t, females without causing distress—the same time they act like a charm by strengthening, invigorat ing, and restoring the system to a healthy condition, and by bringingon the monthly period with regularity, no matter from what causes the obstruction may arise.— They should, however, NOT be taiken dur ing the first three or tour months of preg nancy, though safe at any other time, as miscarriage would be the result. Each box contains 60 Pills. Price $l. flu. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Dis eases of Females, Pregnancy, Miscarriage. Barrenness, Sterility, Reproduction, and Abuses of Nature, and emphatically the Ladies Private Medical Adviser, apam phlet of 64 pages, sent free to any address. Six cents required to par postage. The Pills and book will be sent by mail when desired, securely sealed, and prepaid, by .1. BRY AN. M. D., General Agt, No. 76 Cedar st., New York. Sold by all the principal druggists. December, 16, '63.-ly rwEinv GOODS. JTTST R EC EI WED a splendid assortment of French and English merinos, plain and plaid Poplins, ''alours ; plain and figured Reps., ValencisS and z great variety of oilier dress goodmoihnwlm, cloaks, furs, ,te„ I,ought at the recent great dcsdlne o gold. and Will he sold very cheap, at the ONE PRICE STORE of tCol'a MALTBY ,t CASE Silks! Silks Y. A FULL line of Black and Panes. Dress Challies,Moliairs, and otter fine Dress Goods„lust received at the store of Cora,mar,lU-'6l. MALTBY & CASR THE COL I i MOOT M NOE STORE. R EMOVED to the corner of l*runt an 4 Locust Street; i where s Kept eonstantly on hand a full and complete assortment of Eoors SHOES, GAITERS, &C., All styles and varieties of Men's, Boy's, Lathes, Misses' and Children's wear. WE REANUFACTITRE TO ORDER, and keep constantly on hand, a stock of ready-mrde work. Repairing promptly attended to. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, &o. A full assortment of Hats and. Caps of the latest styles, always kept on hand. Our whole time and attention is devoted to our business, hence Ave , are better able to give our customers satisfaction. The puplic are respectfully invited to call and examine our stock. J. S. SNYDER, Cor. Front and Locust Streets, Cola, April 9, 'tti, TEE COT INSURANCE COMPANY 3 OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA, FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT, Whole amount luso red. 0'1,001435 60 Whole amount of Premium :Notes, 23,031 40 Balance Cash Premiums, Jan um,. 1,1683, $2,120 31 Reciit for Prem. less Agent's commissions in 18131 Receipts for Assessments less Agent's Coilthilseion m 18183. 2,385 02 .$13,887 7 . _ . la,ses and expenses paid in 1563, $10,133 32 Md. of Premiums Jan. 1, 1564 3,754 47 -- $13,887 79 A. S. GREEN, President. GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MicitA Et. S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DX:ELM C r rCIOI=ILIEI: It. T. Ryon. John W. Sleacy, John Fentirieh. Geo. Young, Jr., 11. C. Minch. :Nicholas M'Donialci, Sani'l F Eberlein, :Michael S. Shuman. Antos S Green, S. C. Slayniaker, Elinund Spering, Cora. Feb. 13, 1864 Cabinet Making and Undertaking THE undersigned would inform hi friends and the public that he has non• in creased facilities fur turning out work, and his FURNITURE' WA El h'• 110011,1 S Are now well supplied with new and bean. tiful furnit are of the latest improved styles, lle manufactures to order and will keep constantly on hand Dressing, Plain and. Fancy Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, Dining and Centre 'Tables, Common, Fun. cy and French Bedsteads; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. As he manufactures his own work he is ena bled to warrant every article to be what it is represented. CIIAIRc, CHAIRS. All kinds of Chairs kept on hand or man ufitetured to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm and Rocking Chairs; Settees, Camp and Counter Stools, Sofas, Tete-a-totes, and Stuffed Seat Chairs, made to order. Old Chairs repainted and repaired. UN DE RTA K I NG FuneralsNvill beattended towith prompt ness, to which he gives his personal atten tion, He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to preserve corpse, as may be re quired. MAHOGANY OR WALNUT COFFINS Furnished plain or tinned in nil style that may be required. kle respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a. continuance of the custom with which he has been liberally favored. JOHN SHEN - DEW; En, South Side of Locust st., between Second and Third. [0ct.17,'63. GIRARD FIRM AND IMULRINZI INSURA.NCIS Capital $200,000. Securities ,5300,0acr. r com PA .\ Y continues to take _L risks on good property at rates us low as any other Attie Company, and consistent with prudence. Policies issued fur long or short terms, or permanently. Losses promptly paid. All claims outlasted withont litogation or delay. This Company refers to the past as a guarantee of its future conduct. THOS. CRAVEN, Prest. A. S. GILLETT, Vice Prest s T.As. B. ALVIMR, Secretary. P. X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Basement Blacks Hotel, Columbia, Pa Columbia, January 23, TO THE LOYERS C 1' THE FRBGItIIII'!'T WIIMD. E it known throughout tine length and .1) breadth of Columbia and vicinity, that GEORGE M. BOOTH, Locust street, next= door to the Post Otlice, has the finest mut most varied assorment of TOBACCO AND SEG ARS In the Borough of Columbia. Fine flavored I lavanna and Yam Segars together with all the favorite brands known in the market. For satie by the box or thousand. CIIEWM(3 TOBACCO. The choicest brands in the market. The Old Virginia and Imine manufitetured, •'or any other non).•, SMOKLNO TOBACCO. Turkey, Lynch burg, Anti-nervous, .h c., PIPES of all qualities, sizes and pat terns. Come et running. Everybody is buying their Tuhaveo, Segars, Pipes, &v.., nt Columbia, Nov. 19, '91.-tf, Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FRONT ST. AN D PENN. RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County-,'l'a filliE subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expen4es incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels him to charge his customers an advance on formerratem, and takes this method to inform them that the tbllowing are the prices fur work done at Iris Mills: For working Flooring per I%E. 84.50 " do Weatherboards " 4.50 " Surfacing ono side, per I'd% 2.50 do two do do 4.00 " Re-sawing White Pine face Measure, per M. 5.00 " do Poplar face meas. do 0.00 " do Ash, Oak A; Cherry, face meas. per M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, 101 t. 1* do 5-4 do do 24 " do Joie do do 4 .*".. , b - Lumber hauled to the Mill and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Amounts for working ordresaing lumber will be considered collectable every four months. Thestthscribei basun !landau assortment of BOUtIII and DRESSED LUMBER, which is tor sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JoIIN B. BAUILMAN. Columbia. Juno IL 18a4. I DRIVATE SA LE.—The subscriber oilers 1. a desirable bui It li tor lot at plicate sale, fronting 22 feet, 6 inches on Fourth street, and extendtng in depth. 216 feet to a four teen foot alley. It adjoins the properties ofJacob Tyler. on one side und John Leb rigen on the other. For further particu lars inquire of JOHN A. JORDAN, Oct. Agent. Sportsmen Look Here! 160 double and single barrel guns,just received at the Hardware Store of J. Hum ph. atSon. Double barrel guns from 160 up to 1.110. Single barrel from t...! to r.M. We have received everythinftin The gun ning line, such as powder, Shot, Caps, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Wadding, Game Bags, 4tc,, which wo offer to sell at vary low ?Mc*, J RUMPLE &SON. July 4,'113, 9,383 40 =