= Mil 'A. ice- WILED, Editor and Publisher. WO LIMY tER 4 THE COLUZBI:&- SPY, I ESCEIBIEOE HEY JOBE RUBLISSED EVERY SATURDAY• MORNING. 44oFFRIE, IN LOCUST ST., OPPOSITE C 01.1.731. DIA BANK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. • .42,0 a year if paid in advance 2,50 " if uot paid until the expiration of the year FIVE CENTS A COPY. paper will be discontinued until all nr .rearages is paid unless at the option of the editor. Batts of Advertising in the Spy. 2t. 3t. Inio u 3mo. tint. ,1 sq. 8 lines 73 1,00 1,50 2,00 4.00 6.00 10,00 2 ~ 1 6 " 1,50 2,23 3,00 3,50 0,00 9,00 15,00 "24 " 2,25 3,25 00 4,50 8,50 13,00 20,00 (Larger advertisements in proportion.) Executors and Administrators' N'otices, 3.00 Auditors' and Assignee Notices, 3o2 , Professional or buisness cards, not exceeding 5 lines, per year, 8.00 Special Nutters, as reading matter, 10 cents a line for one insertion. Yearly advertisers will he charged the same rates AM transient advertisers fur all matters not relating strictly to their business. Yearly advertisements. not exceeding four a pares with occasional changes, including thin, 1 year, 15,00 AU Advertising wilt be considered CASH; after first insertion. JOB WORK, Having jugt added to our ogee one of rtonnon's IN. moves Jon PREWIES, WO are enabled to ezarnct is a auperior manner. at the very tweet prices, every de azription of printing kuown to the art. Our assort ment of JOB TYPE is Large and fashionable. Give us a unit and our work shall speak for itself. READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRAN G EIENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Aes Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, !Wailing, Pottsville. and all intertnediate Sta. thins. at a A. M.. and 2 P. M. New York Express leaves llarrisburgat 13.10 A. M., arriving at New York at 1.15 the same morning. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading. at 7.15 A, M., and returns (ruin Harrisburg P. M. Fares from Harrisburg • to New York $5 15: to Philadelphia $3 35 and $2 60. Baggage checked through. Returning leave New York at 6 A. M.. 12 noon and 7 P. St., (Pittsburg Express arriving at Ilarrlsburg, at 2A. 31.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 31., and 3.30 P. M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg, without chance. Passengersby the Calawissa Railroad leave Tat magus at 8.50 A. M.. and 2.10 P. M. for Philadelphia, New York, and all WM' ['units. Trains leave Pottsville at 5.15 A. M.. and 2.30 P. 31 , for Piillaielphia, Harrisburg and New York. an Aecommodation Passenger train leaves Read ing at 6.00 A.M., and returns front Philadelphia at 5.18.1 P. 51. tit-1.11 the :Move trains run daily, Sundays ex e• ;PIM. E. 4 11:11 - iy train leaves Pottsville nt 7.30 A. 31., land Pail .1 , 11dd% at 3.15 P. M. contamtation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tirkets sit red teen rides to and from all points, 0 , 1 P.. , Ll.ig2^.3e allowed eattli pa.,nw.or. Clem:rid Superintendent. Imam • i?..4 DING AND C‘II.UMDLA:- K.. R. '1 his new ltea I is Isosr An•i•ln genii tttttt Lige ••rtler., with An.teoln Pt...ewer Care.oted I,lt.l,lKlmvid,..,lirraugempayi- w;lll,gtintitipona.ttlyr#, • . rencet tel H ,eth, n?-r4 to the travellintt '1,1114. t - p• Caren rh route, frontWASH . ! Tos and Vak 4:eve. 'ehteih: t ,e'l It et Inn;; {';.roan. SE'S ILI It K. xhteh r.el . Surn•lp..r Itesot t • •1,,eu•1 he tried to lie",;:t,preetqled. ‘tTiitieS-N ,tilt Lowe Ct,l:l4ll,in ar Aee. .I.la p, tn. Fled. •• Arrive tit U :t•t•linn• nt a. in. It., •• 4..X1 p. a. Faq. ireinnSintli leave Reading nt n.:1:1 a. in. .tot'. 11.10 a. In. Fn.t. Arrive at Columbia at ft.tßl a. in. Aee. 1.30 P, m. Fast. The River Susquehanna at Columbia IA erossed a Steam Ferry. aN EW 'BOAT awaits the arrival of the trains to convey the passengers over, the ehanne being delightful. "Passengers by the fast line will dine at C.•lumbia. F. W. NORTHROP. ROBERT CRANE, General Ticket Agent. General Sverintendent. PEINSICLVAII7IA RAILROAD. Trains leave Columbia going -cast, Columbia Latin, 8 15 A. M. Corn. - Accommodation, 1 11 P. M. (to connect, with Fast Mail east, at La1101151 . r) Ilat•risburg Accommodation. 656 P. M. Trains - leave west, Mail term, 11 .15 A. M. Ilarrisburg. Accomodation, 6 601'. M. Columbia train arrives, 820 " E. IC. 110 ICE, Ticket Agent. W. 0. RAILWAY. ' YORK AND WRIGHTSVILLE R. R The trains from Wrightsville and York will run as follows, until further orders Leave Wrightsville, 7 30 A. M. 100 P. M. Leavo York,. Departnye.%and Arrival ,of the Passenger Traits at Tint - DEPARTURES FROM YORK. For BALTIMOUE, 4.15 A. M.,. 8.30 A. M., and 2.50 p. M. For HAnntsErrno, 11.55 A. M.:6.19 I'. M. and 1.2.25 A. M. ARRIVALS AT YORK. From BALTIMORE, 11.50 A. M., 6.15 P. M. and 12.= A. M. - From IlAuntsnuan, 4.10 A. M., 8.25 A. M., and 2.45 I'. M. On Sunday. the only trains running are the one from Harrisburg - at 8.2.5 in the plum ing, proceeding to Baltimore, and the one from Baltimore at 12.•22 A. M., proceeding to Harrisburg. DR. HOFFER. TVITIST.—OFFICS, Front Street next dont LI to R. Williams' Drug Store, between Locust and Walnut sts, Coln., Pa. Apr. U. B. ESSICK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, CuLumau. P. LADIESrDRESS-GO-6DY: NEW Stock just received. We have some cheap bargains. STEACY & DOWERS, Opposite Odd Follows' Hall, Col's, Pa. November 28, 1863. R. IL S. SCCIMMER, URGEOIC DENTIST, offers him •profes -1,3 atonal services to the citizens of Cohan. bla and vicinity. OFFICE on Front street, fourth &sir baovo Locust, office formerly occupied by J. U. Zoffer. Columbia, Dec. 19, 1883.-Iy. 8. lIAL NORMS. ATTOINBY 1110 . COUNSELLOR AT LAN Columbia, Pa.. • Collection* promptly made In Lancaster York mantles. - Cota.;4nly ISM .SAVE. YOUR MONEY. lIY" purchasing the best 13oots stett'Shoes 1.1 at the lowest cash prices. at'the Now Store bt C0ra.mar.19,•64. MALTBY & CASE. FINE FAMILY GROCERIES. EFINED Sugars and Syrups. Feline - .natio Coffee. Tens. Spirts, Dried Fruit, •Englids and American Pickets. dec., tto. ;-.lnst-reeived-by HENRY-SU YDAN'," ('or. or Union ettraMittat. Cora: -Triar.d- (it . -.- -- *.- ..__ __ ~ +... ._- . . 4rw ., , 5 -_... _... .... ...-_, •-•....." . .-..._.. .- ~- ''''*--,....,....>. - '- -, - - -- ', --, '- ..---*-: ' - - . , ', '. 1 - , ... ._:4 , . •••(!....____ "ft .U14:11114 1. . .1 .• Lk.. . . . .2. ..,, . ~., .1 y . ...., ..?....>:.. , . .., . i..,... .....t. t)t . ..•.,... .. , ~ ~ . . 3:31 - 3rSESX 3O .M.F O f3X.,ei.: -A CURE WZ.RRANTED. • Dymeeptria has the following 8 - gnip . Ist. A constant pain or uneasiness at the pit of Vim stomach. 2d. Flatulency and Acidity. 3d. Costiveness and LO4s of Appetite. 4th. Gloom and Depression of Spirits. sth. Diarriana with griping. 6th. Pain in all parts of the System. ith. Consumptive Symptoms and Palpi tation of the 'Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlegm in the Throat. 6th. Nervous Affection, and want of Sleep at night. 10th. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting,. 11th. Dizziness, Dimness of Vision, and Loss of Sight. 12th. Headache and staggering in walk ing, with great Weakness. Out of the thousands of vases of Dyspep sia that have used Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills, not one of them has failed of a perfect cure. We warrant a cure in every ease, no matter if of twenty years' standing. Sold by all druggists everywhere, and at Dr. NVishart's Odice, No. 10 N. Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. All extuninations and consultations free of charge. Send for a circular. Price $1 per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of money. Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Dy-pepsia I, Elizabeth Branson, of Brandywine, Del., formerly or Old Chester, Del., do eertify that, for one year and a half, I suf. Pared everything but death from that awful disease called Dyspepsia. My whole sys tem was prostrated with weakness and nervous debility ; I could not digest my food; if I ate even a cracker or the small est amount of food, it would return just as 'swallowed it; I became so costive in my bowels that I would not have a passage in less than from 4 and often S days; under this immense suffering, my mind scented entirely to give way. I had dreadful hor ror anti evil forbodings. I thought every body hated Ille, and I hated everybody; I could not bear my husband nor my own children ; everything appeared to be hor ror stricken to me; I had no ambition to do anything; I lost all my love of family and home; I would ramble and wander front place to place, but could not be con tented ; I telt that I was doomed to hell, atini.that there was no heaven lhr me, and was often tempted to commit suicide, so near was my whole nervous system de stroyed, and also tray mind, from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have 11111 placed in. Dr. iCirkbride's Hospital, West Philadelphia ; I remained there nine weeks, and thought I was a little better, but in a few days lay dreadful complaint was raging as bad as ever. llcaring or the won.lerfal cures per formed by Dr. Wishart's Great Atnerican Daspepsia Pills. and his treatment for Dys pepsia, my husband called on Dr. Wishart and stated my ease to him. Ile said he had no doubt he could cure me. So in three days after I called and planed myself under the DOetar's treatment, and in two weeks I began to digest my food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and I continued to recover for about three' months, and at the present time I enjoy nerCeet, health of body and mind, and I most sincerely return any thanks to a ,mereihtl