isocat - ert-rtitient. yts .Yo Oinint.uvindinnot enn 6e nonfat anlaw aeeom parried by the writer's rent nans, not neeawara for putt but as a guarantor of goodfaith. To Correspanaents. Communieatioac Utters, tontrilmtiom, .leoerairg of merit in termt to Ike rester, will Ge eseceptaLle from friauk from an quarters. , H. S. H.—Yours was received all right, and the receipt goes with this mail. May you never want tar 'the requisite." ,J. H. dc Co. We have taken the adver tisements out. Send balance tine. J. A. R.—Glad to hear from you again. You pay us a great compliment, and we assure you it is kindly appreciated. We will do as you request 'four letters are always welcome. Come again. M. B.—Wo cannot permit anything of theicind. What an elastic conscience you have. MILEEL.—Tho poem you aentus, 'wethink eras published in Godoy's Lady's Book, about four years since. Was it not S. W. M.—We cannot make hood nor tail out of your -ketch ; you must have been drunk when you wrote it. We can't see the point. We will re turn it by express if you say so, as you did not en close stamps to pre-pay postage. ITHSEL.—We have received the MSS— hare not had time to examine it yet. We wondered at your long silence. but we forgive you, of course. DF.CLINED—"To Miss M. E. L." better send to her direct "A Parody'," "Oppression," 'To a Soldier," "Letter from Pittsburgh. WANTED:—An apprentice to the prin ting business. Apply at this Office. CONTINUTAL.—"Bowery" of the old Con tinental has been remodeling his saloon. There is now a vestihnleand private office, and the floor is covered with a rich velvet carpet. Lunch is served up every day at 10 o'clock, and cold lager always on hand. Verbum eapienti. A BIG THING IN THE RAKE Lts.E.—G. W. 'Brandt d Co., Rake manufacturers of this plitee, turned out this season Seven teen Hundred and Eighty-two of their pa tent horse-rakes. This is one of our most enterprising business firms ; next season they expect to do amore extensive business. ItAstmEnatzs.—We have received from Wm. Patton, Esq., some of the finest rasp berries we have ever seen. They are largo in size, of a dark rod color, and exquisite Idavor. Mr. Patton is prepared to supply those who may want this remarkably tine fruit, at his garden, on Second street. /OE CREAM.—The lovers of this luxury will be pleased to learn that Mrs. Shuman, Front street above Walnut, keeps a supe rior ardele—one evidence-of this fact, is, that those who ,buy there once are always sure to go back. She also keeps on hand largo assortment of fine confectionary, fruits, cakes, nuts, 4c. Tun A3tr•.nlct AOUICULTURIAT.—The American Agriculturist for July has just made its appearance. This number is pro fusely illestrated, and contains original matter, Interesting to the husbandman; it also contains a letter from its editor, who is an agent of the B.mitary Commission, at White House, Va. Orange Judd, publish er, 41 Park Row, Sew York. BUSIZANDItY.—Farmers who make the most rapid improvement in husbandry, are likely to be those w•ho rend utoNt on the subject of their vocation. For the limn who.reads little, 110, Mat ter What his voca tion is, will be likely to think little, and net w ith reference to tradition received ISO= former generations, or else in imita onor-...r.w5...4-4..-rt.4.pc....-no,mtAnwsr---nyt icrc is always hope of a man who loves read ing, study and reflection. ATLANTIC MONTH LT. —With this, the Ju ly number of the Atlantic Monthly, begins the fourteenth volume. This is. a superb tnumber, and is an index of what the con +doctors of the Atlantic hope to present con stantly to their readers. We do not hesitate in saying that the Atlantic fs one of the best literary magazines published on this .eautinent, and has the best corp of contrlb attars: The subscription price is $3.00 per year in advance. Ticknor Fields, pub lishers, 133 'Washington street Boston. CHILDREN Dnow's 0.--Two colored girls aged respectively 10 and 11 years, daugh ters of Benj. Jones, and Elizabeth Curter, while playing on the rafts opposite the new rolling mill, on Saturday last, fell into the river and were drowned. Their bodies 'were not recovered till INfonday morning. The coroners jury rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. Errnamin.cron.—We would call espe clot atteationte the advertisement in anoth er column of Sierts' Rut, Miceand Bug Ex terminator. It is now used by all the principal hotels in Philadelphia and New York with decided success; from the testi nasnials of those persons who have used it, we would infer that it is the best article of the kind now in use. It is for sale by all the druggists in Columbia. FIRE.-A fire broke out on Tuesday af ternoon last,at the stables belonging to Mr. James Bennett, on the alleyback of Locust 'street leading from Thitsl street to Fourth. The tire had got considerable headway be fore it was discovered. Mr. Bonnets stable was entirely destroyed, together with the slaughter-house and stable of Henry Min- Eek. The fire looked tearful for a time, and but for the timely aid of our firemen, much more damage would have been done. The buildings destroyed were partially in sured. Mr. Bennett desires us to correct the following statement in the Eeprega of Wed nesday last. whiehssays, "The conflagration is supposed to have .miglaated. from the tiring of some crackers and other Are-works, by the son of Mr. Bennett and some other boys, andasyoung Bennett was missing after tile fire had been extinguished, a painful an xiety. and alarm was created for fear the boy might have been burnt to death." Mr. Bennett has no children; neither was there any children near the stable imme diately before or at the time the alarm of fire was given. The fire commenced be tween Minich's and Bennett's stables. The origitkof the fire is unknown. , Rxctrastox.—The Reading and Columbia Railroad will run excursion Using to and fromß3adiug,andall:lnterntedlatestations, on next Monday, the 4th of July. ' This shows a spirit of enterprise on the part of Superintendent:Cita:xi, who always man ifests a willingness to accommodate the public ; and his etTorts we know aro duly appreciated. This excursion will afford our citizens a fine opportunity to go over the new road, and to witness the celebration, tire-works, &c., at the famous Litiz Springs. The grounds will be Illuminated with Three Thousand lights. The Lancaster Cornet jilkenll,;;Will be on band to disootirse, sweck. music. The , prooeeds of the celebration willbedevotetl' to our Pick and wounded soldiers. WOULD CIZALTAMGED. — Mr. Jesse Tioyer has shown us a pair of boots, of his own manufacture which he challenges the world to beat. He says they are made af ter the style of those worn by General Washington. The leather is double-buff kip, finished by Mr. Kline of Marietta, ex pressly for these boots. They are made the most substantial And superior manner, double soled and warranted to turn water. l'tr. Boyer has been at the business six ty one years, and he challenges any man to make a bet:er pair of boots than those described above. We suggest that our borough authorities purchase these boots and send them as a present to Gm. Grant. Any person can have a similar pair made by calling at Mr. Boyer's boot and shoe factory, Front Street, opposite Brandt's Hotel. SOXP.—Mr.Robert A. Young,Coatesville, Chester county, Pa., one of the largest Soap and Candle manufacturers this side of Phi la delphia, has sent us some specimens of soap made at his establishment, which we pronounce the best we have ever used. He makes a Castile soap equal to any impor ted article. Ho also makes a detersive soap which he guarantees will wash in hard or soft water. Our merchants here, we think would do well to purshase at this factory. REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE.—One Of Wil son's Patent Air-circulating Refrigerators is for sale at this office. They are con structed upon an entirely new principle, never before applied to Refrigerating pur poses, by means of which , damp air and moisture are thoroughly excluded from. the preserving chamber. A much greater de gree of cold is obtained, and less Ice con sumed than by any other Refrigerator here tofore manufactured. F11.03i THE ST}T. 'MGT. PIM:A. RES EIW EM —The following persons from this place, who re-enlisted in company "K," Filth Regiment, Penna. Reserves, were killed and wounded, since the army has gone south of the James river.— Killed—Michael Summers, shot through the head whilst on skirmish. Wounded—John Smith, legshot off; Wm. Bostick, In leg, slightly; Lonesome Gude, severely. JUST 11xcErvEn.--Shreiner cC Sporing have just received at their Jewelry store in Front street, the largest and cheapest as sortment of Pocket-books, Ladies' Purses and Traveling Satchels, ever received in Columbia. It. TAKEN PRISONER.— William Gimmell of this town, belonging' to the —Regi ment, P. V. who has been missing since the battle of the "Wilderness," is, we learn a prisoner in Richmond. Susnalt Titmx.—Some of the Reading papers strongly recommend a Sunday train on the Reading and Columbia Rail Road. Wu think it would work admira bly. What say you, Mr. Crane ? Bonn Ills FAR:v.—Mr. John W. elark of Marietta, has soh] his farm, containing two hundred acres, to James, Duffy of thesanie place, for $St,5OO. _ On June Zlth, ult., at the re :Mane.? °Mu) briti - bill, by Rakestraw, 111 r. W. G uern sey, of Franklin, Pa., to Miss Annie 1). R tkestraw, of Lancaster, Pa. At Bridgeport, Corm., by Tiov. J. F.Blase, .Tobn Clark, of Marietta, Pa., and Emilio A. eldest danschter of lliraut formerly of New York. ----- and Marrincoa arc pablkhe.l in 004 paper trithout ehargo. When accompanied by commen whother pr 0..., or !wiry. tire vents per line will be charged. Payable in adranoe. In Columbia on the 27th ult., of heart dis ease, 3ficitAnt. RICKARD, aged 43 years. In Emory Hospital, Washington, D. C., on the Sth of June last, How.utv W.V.ttt of company K, 45th Regiment Penna. Vet. Vol., aged 'A years. At the commencement of the rebellion, It was his great desire to enter the service, being, so young his ntother remonstrated with hint—told him of the uncertainty of life In the field, and that he could not en counter its pri vations,or endure the fatigues incident to the life of a soldier. Allowing no hindrance or persuasion, his mother at length gave her consent, and he volunteered his services, and was mastered into the ranks of Captain Rambo's company on the 7th of October,'6l,which was attached to the 45th Regiment, the history of which all our readers are familiar with. Howard was a noble young man, one of whom any mother may be proud. Had he gone out of battle without one word or blow for truth, and with his standard dishonor ed and trailing, his death would have been a living woe. lie was wounded in the log, In that terri ble battle at Cold Harbor, on the 4th of June, and which was amputated above the knee, on the geld, by Surgeon Crist of his regiment. lie seemed to be getting along finely, and WWI in good spirits. The army changed Its position, and it became neces sary to send the wounded to Washington, where be arrived on the ith of June and died the next day. Wrapped In the folds of the stars and stripes, the glorious emblem of his country, Howard now sleeps in a patriots grave. He yielded up his spirit in the confident hope of getting a better country—so weep not, friends, parents and children, for the deceased. His life was one of uprightness, and he nobly conse crated himselt to his country's cause, and shed his blood on the field of battle for the nations integrity. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LETTEDS REMAINING- lINCLAI3I- ED In the Post Office at Columbia, Pa., Saturday, July :lid, W'To obtain any of those letters, the apprleant must call for 'advertised letters,' give the date of this list, and pity one cent for 'advertising. .. LADIES' LIST. Baight Mrs Jennie Price Nancy Costey Sarah Qat& Eliza Omagh Mrs Orrin Roberson Mary Good Mary 2 Robinson Catharine Mcßride Mary E Rodenbeck Mania GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Brown David Knox Mr Bear Jacob McLane John 2 Coats Den Zer - Rogers Jesse K Devon John Ribby Jefferson Hinkle Joseph M Raub George M }Wanton Dr J S Roland Henry Hutton Mille L Strickler William Harrison William Thomma Henry HogentoglerAJack'nWilson .Lewis 2 Hoarse Conrad June 23th, 1854. ,M. J. FRY. P.M 151)'1 1 ,I,LEs MM. en: N . ~.ttbeCcinfaNDi. 0t05.. , of " • WM. r. 1164. 110 3 OCO ;f:111 The only method for preserving by means of Ice, free from the influence of damp air. IXTIMASCDN'S Po:A:Coast Air C:i.irou.lisit.l.22.A• 11-'1277.,1GaR1i TORS. IT is an acknowledged fact that articles of food placed in a sufficiently cold atmos phere, free from moisture and damp air, cam be effectually preserved for indefinite periods during the warmest weather. These Refrigerators are the onlv ones manufactur ed that can accomplish this object. No air from the ice is admitted to the preserving chamber, but a dry cold atmosphere is cre ated in it, by circulating cold air around and outside of it. MEANS, FISH, MILK, FRUITS, &c., are preserved :in a frayle and natural state for as long as may be required, with a con sumption of ONE THIRD LESS JOE than any other Refrigerator made. They are un doubtedly the best ever introduced._ For I'ARMEITS and FAMILIES resi ding' in cities, villages, or the country, they are Invaluable. Especial attention is called to our DAIRY REFRIGERATORS, made to order expressly for this purpose. Where they are in use they save many times their cost in one season. Send for a CIR CULAR. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. WILSON at GRANT, 498, N. Y. Orders may be sent through the Ameri can Advertising. and Purchasing Agency, 389 Broadway, Ntw York. 1111111100 D: bow LOST, bow RESTORED.. fITUST published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essny on the radical care (without medicine) of Sper matorehma, or seminal weakness, Invol untary Seminal Losses, Impotency,Mental and Physical incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilep sy, and Fits, induced by self indulgence or seXual extravagance. Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly dentonstrate.4„ from a thirty years successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radical ly cured without the dangerous use of in ternal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheap ly, privately, and radically. 2 7. -This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address the publishers, CHAS. .T. C. KLINE ctr. 12.7 Bowery, New York, Post office box4sS6. Sept.lo,'63-Iy. HOW TO PESTROY - ROACHIES,.RATS, !MICE, .X3cscl buses, -43.2 ates, dace. USE BURT'S VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. IT IS XNFALL.LIBIM ! IT is put up in largo boxes fors cents.— Is all lready for use, without mixing with other articles. Does not spoil or get dry and worthless by keeping, like some other preparations. Vermin are extravagantly Mud of it. Rats and Mice die out of their holes. Is not dangerous louse. Gives sat isfaetion to all who use it. Sold by all the Druggists end Dealers throughout tbetini ted States. CAA:MO:I—Bo sure and ask for Burt's Exterminator, in large boxes, with red lahel, and signed by the Proprietor.— Depot, :No. 139 South Tenth street, above Walnut. Manufactory, Isro. 139 Juvenal street, above Walnut, between Tenth and Eleventh, Philadelphia. - a cobarant"arthe Drug 'Stores cit Dr. W. S. McCorkle, .Justus Gray Co. and R. Williams. July :3'1;4-6111. II M M M I IN CCLVITBIA. THE SUPERINTENDENT or Common Schools of Lancaster county will examine applicants in the Lecture room of the new school house, in Colum bia, on WEDNESDAY the fith day of ILLY 1864, at 9 o'clock, A, M. Six male and six female teachers are required ; one or the males to be Principal. One teacher wanted for Colored school. No ono not holding a professional certificate will be employed, unless examined publicly in the District on that day, in presence of the Directors. No teacher will be allowed to pursue the study of the law, medicine or divinity, (lur ing theschool term. Ti.ose undergoing the best examination will be prefered, and paid according to merit. The term will be from October First to April First, and the High schools may be continued to July First. Samuel Shock Joseph M. Wittig, Edward K. Smith, Columbin, June '2511, 1861.-2 t L J. HALDEMAN, COLI-MBIA, PA. We invite attention to our sleek of STAPLE AND FANCY SILKS AND DILMISS GOODS, Of very recent importation, embracing the most extensive and desirable assortments that.'We have over offered. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING DE PARTMENTS \VELL STOCIsIED FOR TILE SPRING TRADE 1864 • •• CLOAK DEPARTMENT. SILK DEPARTMENT. -SHAWL DEP A RTMENT. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. WHITE-000DS DEPARTMENT, HOISERY DEPARTMENT. MEN'S- ]YEAR DEPARTMENT. HOUSEKEEPING STAPLE GOODS. All of which will be sold at tho LOWEST MARKET PRICES. HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. POCKET BOOK FOUND APOCKET Rook or Purse wag round on Front street that week, containing a sum of money. The owner can have it by applying at this office, and paying for this advertisement. It. S,OST_ AVALUABLE Gold Fob Chain, at the fire on Tuesday last. The tinder will he rewarded by leaving It at this office. - July:VIM-it. EXCELSIOR RAMS 1 AfICITENERS celebrated Sugar Curod 1111 Hams, just received and for sale by HENRY SUYDAM, Cor. Union dc Front St Cora. rupu...W64 17/01P0011LAPIC 41.1431721155. THE Largemt asmortminnt over offered in Columbia, at the cheap book store of W.M. U. HESS. FISIUMBLAI SPRING k Sblllll l 3 CU3THEIG lkA AY be found at the store, of Malhy fi /XI Case, in great variety, and of the best materials and latest styles, also a very large assortmentof Fancy sa d black Case mom. Cloths, fie. • 'MALTBY & CASE. b'ol'a. May 21, 'RI. -sacocysms NEW BOOKS ! Stumbling Blocks, By Gail Hamilton. Poetry of the Age of Fables, Collected by Tlintas Bul finch. Wax Flowers and how to make them. Skeleton Leaves and Phantom Flowers. The Poor White; or, The Rebel Conscript. By nuthor of "The Lamplighter." A new Novel by M. T. Walworth. CHARLOTTE BRONTE and MISS MOLOCH. - Zox\va,.es cx‘N.N. T!laks\tcANN., TIIE BRIDAL ./Er.E By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. Light on shadowed. Paths, EDGAR POE and his CRITICS, StproDePess 4xxxcl. ~.93partisiki.43sso, or Droll Recollections of TOWN AND COUNTRY By henry 31erford. By Prof. Jas. P. Wickersham. THE LITTLE REBEL. SUNBEAM STORIES, Containing the charming bright stories of TRAP TO CATCH A SUNBEAM. CLOUD WITLI SILVER LINING ONLY OLD JOLLIFFE DREAM CHINTZ STAR IN THE DESERT, &c., &c. Six beautiful volumes, illustrated. For sale at 'WM. U. HESS' Cheap Book Store, opposite Cont. Bank lane Is, 1864. A NEWSPAPER FOR TUE FAMILY. Containing Original Stories from the pens of the best American talent. Its first page stories are complete in one number, and it is designed En• all classes of renders. His torical reminiscences, biographical sketch es. Wit, hunter, and poetry, grace its make up. OUR TERMS.—Money fa advance. To single subscribers, $l,OO a year; to clubs, 75 ets, and a copy gratis to any one getting up a chili of five or ten persons• ADVERTISING CHARGES. "Our Directory," 50 cents per line. Outside, 25 " Inside, 25 All communications must be addressed: KATE J. BOYD, F.ditress and Pub'r pf N.Y. Monthly, 83 Nassau Street; New York. Naw.4 dealemsnul /moats, sro; the `4.l.MallteAN Ni A'S COMPANAV 113 Nassau Street, New York. June 18,,'b4. 8150. SEVEN COTAVE $250. ROSEWOOD NANO FORTES, GROVESTEEN & CO., 499 Broadway, N. Y. New enlarged scale PIANO FORTES, with all latest improvements. THIRTY years' experience, with greatly increased thcilities for manufacturing, en ables us to sell for CASH at the above un usually low price. Our Instruments re ceived the highest award at the World's Fair, and thr live successive years at the American Institute. 'Warranted five years. TERMS NET CASH. Call or send for &scrip five circular. Juno 18,'64-3m SOMETHING NEW AT P. SHREINER AND SON'S. E. B. ZEWIS' PATENT IMPROVED PERPETUAL CAWOOD, CLOCKS, STIOWING the day of the week, day of the month, and month of the year ; in Parlor, Bank or Office styles. Call and Q.llllllllille them. P. sfritErNEß 4; SON, Agents. fiw Cont. and vicinity, Front street above Walnut. June 18;61-tr. Salami Grove, Joseph 11. Black, James Barber. LIEUT. GENERAL UNITED STATES GRAM, x 5VZ.421.2%7* TO THRASH THE REBELS, AND THE STORE OF STEACY and BOWERS is the Mee to buy your Goods. W.l)re h m il 's v (Cl L u dt ' , received iil)es,C g ass f a l cr s e tock o s- f tines, and Domestic Goods in great variety. Thankful for past favors, we respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. STE.X.CY 47, DOWERS, mity'AT4. Opposite 0. F. Hull. Dissolution of Partnership. I'll II E firm under the name of Joshua J Vaughen ct Co., has been, on the '_3rd of tune, 1514, by mutual consent, dissolved. All persons who aro indebted to the 11,:m aro notified to make settlement, and those having claims against said firm will pre sent them immediately for payment. The firm will hereafter be carried en by Joshua Vaughen James Vaughen. A continua tion of liberal patronage is respectfully so licited. JOHN VAC:MIEN, JOSHUA VAUGHEN, June '23, '64. JAMES VAUGLIEN. GLASS FRUIT JARS. T_TAVING secured the exclusive sale of .1.1 Griffin's Glass Jars. for this place, we are now prepared to offer them to the pub lic at very low rates. These jars are easily sealed and require no cement or patty to make them air tight. Every jar warranted perfect.. Call and examine them at COTTRELL'S Hardware Store, Juno 18, 'tit Locust St., Columbia, Pa. \W HEELER 4tic WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES ..A...ta.331171WJEtarf7.121,-Tari.LIEIT/ For Sale by W. G. PATTON, June 11;61. Locust St., Columbia, Pa. SAMUEL EVANS, JUSTICE of the PEJCE. OFFICE ON FRONT STREET, Between LOCIIST & UNION, Cora., Po. Tune 18, BM ly.' POCKET BOOKS 1 POCKET BOOKS I 1 TZT Groat Variety. from Fifteen Cents up I. to Five Doliarg, at WM. Ti. TIESS* Cheap 1.1.r,1t Slew. Haunted Hearts, By Mrs. Mary 3. Holmes By T. S. Arthur By Sarah 11. Whitman School Economy, HOUSE ON VIE ROCK MERRY CLIRISTM.AS The New York Monthly. PIILSIC.EIL CULTURE. The "NowtAm , INSTITUTE FOR PrtvicAL EDUCATION." incorporated in 1860, and un der the management of DR. Dm LEwts, will open its Seventh Session on the Fifth of July next,-1864, Tito demand for. teachers of the New Gymnastics has become such, that the two classes of Graduates, consisting of about ninety ladies and gentleman, and were at once engaged; and hundreds more might find profitable employment. Well-known medical men assist in pre paring the pupils to act as guides in Phys ical Culture. In the departmentof (ilyinnastiess. Dr. Lewis personally trains. every candidate for the New Protession. Irony - reader would know more of this pioneer institution in new and noble pro fession, let hint or her send fur a full circu lar to Dr. Dio Lewis, Boston. "To Dr. Dio Lewis, more than to any other men,is the country indebted for the present deep, practical interest in physical culture. lie bus done a noble work.— Muss. Teacher. "We look upon Dr. Lewim as one of the benefactors of his reee."- Grace Ureentrowl. "Sueress to Dr. Lewis's Gymnasium.— No better Institution exists."—Knieker boater. "Dr. Lewis's honk is the most practical, sensible work on this subject. extant in any lauguags."—aiatiscatat Monthly. "Dr. Lewis has given us far the best and practical 01'011 public•ctions 00 the subject, of Physical Culture."—X. Tudepesdent. JllllO 11. Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON noNTs . r. A ND PENN. It.-1.1L11.0.11) 0,1111314 in, Lancastor County, Pa. TTIF, subscriber would respectfully mi nounce to the patrons of his Mill, that the advanced prices of labor and expemles incident to carrying on the business of his establishment compels hint to charge his customers an advance on former rates, and takes this method to inform them that the following are the prices for work done at his Mills: For working Flooring per M " do Weatherboards " " Surfacing ono side, do two do do " Re-sawing White Pine thee measure, per M. " (10 rtlpit 1r face mews. (10 " do Ash, Oak et. Cherry, face meas. per M. 8.00 " Ripping 4-4 per line, in ft, 11 " do 8-4 do 21 " do Sole° do do 4 ,All- Lumber lauded to the M l and re turned to Yard without extra charge. Accounts for working or dressing lumber will be considered collectable every four months. The subse rlbet ba.s on hand an assortment of ROUGH and DRESSED' LUMBER, which is for sale at Market Prices, and so licits a continuation of public custom. JOHN B. BACH3IAN. Columbia, June 11, 1864. A NEW AREIVAL OF Watches, Clocks .7 • ..ankamci, N'isso Xeolvcrear-sr, Just received at the Store of P, Shreiner .1c Sou, Front St. above Walnut, where we are always prepared to sell goods Lathe cheapest rates, and guarantee them to be as represented. DO YOU WANT A GOOD GOLD PEN 1 If so, call and examine our stock of 'War ren & huddles Fine Gold Pon, the best now in market, and warranted to give satisfaction. ♦Vutche% cad Jewelry carefully re paired. may 7,'44:' mo TX CB. RFADING AND COLUMBIA TELEGRAPH CO. rpriE BOOR'S for subscription to the Cap ital Stock of the Reading and Columbia Telegraph Co lima a c•, WAS opened on the 2Sth stgreeable to public notice, and will continue open at the odic° of the Ecading and Columbia R. R. CO.. in Columbia, and on and after the Ist of J uno next, at the Farmers' Bunk of Reading, until the whole amount of two hundred shares shall be subscri bed. otice is herebygiven to the Stockholders to the capital stock of the Reading and Co hunbia Telegraph Company, that an in stalment of 1 , iv Dollars per shareis caned in, avid payment is required to be made to the Treasurer at his (Mice in Columbia, on or before the 15111 ofJrily next. I{OIIICIIT CRANE. Seey. A: Treas. R. ct C. Telegraph CO Cura..lllBy2titli, 1804-2 m. U. F. BRAJNER BRUNER & MOORE, =I COA L 9 Wholesale and Retail, In the Co:L1 Ynrd formerly occupied by J. G. Ifesg. April :4.3, la, NEW SUMMER GOODS. MALT BY tt CAS& 11AVE again tilled their store with n new Ilstock of goods, suitable to the season. Parliciclar rale:Won is invited to their choice selection of line dress goods, includ ing Si] k, silk Challies, Poplins, Crepe Mar etz„ Mozanadvites. Grenadines, - French Organdies, Chintz,Challies, De Lanes, Val envies. Atm., Also Ladies Lace Points and circulars. Silk and Cloth Sucques soul Circulars, Parasols, Sun Shades, thuhrel lasote.,ate. MALTBY& CASE. Cora. May 21'61 X3CA.RIPM.R. 4 . No. 520 BRCS St., PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER & DEALER IN WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SOLID SILVER-WARE & ROGER'S Superior PLATED WARE. Arr-All kinds of Silver-Al - are, made on the promises. Watch Repairing carefully done! mar-W,-amos. PRIVATE SALM. THE undersigned having an established Corn Vinegar manufactory in Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., and desires to re tire from the badness, therefore offers the entire fixtures for manufiteturing Vinegar at private stile, such as tanks, boilers, bar rels, stoves, &v., &c. Alao, the right for Lancaster county, Any person wishing to see the manufactory will call on Pierce Lundy, residing in Columbia, opposite the Episcopal church. For further informa tion direct to C. C. lIIMES. JUnts Iv,L Wrightsville, York Co., Pa.. CANES I CANES AZEItY Lame Alteortment of every de ription, Jost ri3Nived—olso, GENUINE MEERSCHAUM. PIPES. Tube., of the yet" , best kind made—also, Fancy Goods, Toys, Novelties,d..e., in great variety. OEO. DOLL it CO.. Important, may26'64,lm No. 14. North 6th lit.„ GOT OUR MATCH 8T Xa Ll•;f3~.'. J. RUMPLE &SON, bay* plat received TWO HUNDRED GROSS of Superior Matches, which will be sold wholesale and retail. J. 'RUMPLE S: SON, spril =,'Gl. Leetist entire, On a. • M• XIE4 MC g3' LAEP BEATING APPARATUS BOILING- FRYING-STEWINO-STErTING By Om flame of a eommon lamp, at the coact of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable breakfast ean be cool:ed.—N. Y. Tribune. Simple in construction, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment convenient to have on hand.—Draggises arculur. _ Fish's Lamp is one of the most pop ular novelties of the day. the utility of it is unquestionable, IL great saving is made in heating and enokingsmall articles, and 11111 1)0 Imido to cool: meals for a great many persons, which is actually done on the anibulanee cars which carry the HiCK SaldierS.—Srienlific American. -- For family use, hospital tent, bar rack, pienies, fishing, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comtbrt beyond all proportion lo its eost.—llall's Journal of .ffe,(llh. I have tried the apparatus and Inv wife and I proelahn the same a most va n:dile and indispensable artiele, and we now wonder how we meld have so long done withi.nt thal Oil Oreular. vontrivotre for get ting up bout ad short not iee fOr nursery iind general household one int port ant point is the saving in eos.l over coal lires.—X.. Errniug I'o4. PRICES FROM TWO TO SIX DOLLARS OAF %CITY FROM ONE TO FOUR QUARTS. THREE ARTICLES COOKED AT ONE TIME wan ONE BURNER. Arranged for Kerosene or Coal, or tbas. A. descriptive pamphlet of I lii rty pages fu r imbed gratis. Also THE UNION ATTACHMENT, Price 50 cents To lie attached to a mummy,. Kerosene Lam P or Gas-Burner, by which Water may be Boiled, mid Food cooked ; also arranged to support a abode. EVERY FAMILY NEEDS ONE WM..D. RUSSELL, Agent, No. 200 Pearl St., New York. lENTS WAZ,ZTEI). Apr. fl, 'O4 SI.ZO 4.00 First National Bank of Columbia GSM Capi 100,1101), wit It privilogvofin ereasi sumo to .3,1,200,000. E. ITemhey, Vint. t:. Case. P. a, trig ler, C. S. Kniiinitelii, J. G. Hess, Weshitigt,m Righter, ..i. limner, j. B. Shuman, Justus (}raw. 01.1,31;v:us; E. Hersho3-, Pres. A. Bruner, Vivo Prev S. S. Detwiler, Cushier. This Bank, having been authorized to commence business; under the National Currency Act, is now duly organized and prepared to receive deposits, make collections on all accessible points on liberal terms, din count notes, drafts, dc., boy and sell gold, silver and domestic exchange, and transact all business appertaining to a thoroughly organized Bank. ttp._lnterest paid on special deposits for 6 months or longer. ing hours: from 9 a. tn. to 3 p.m. , 14.1.. Discount day: Monday, 10 a. tn. of each week. 'l ,- .Q..l'our patronage is respectfully %Me ted. S. S. DETWILER" Cashier. May 21, 1864.-2 m. HOUSE FURNISHING F., NEP Co MVITY TFEE citizens <4 Columbia and vicinity, are respectfully invited to call and ex.- Mini= Jin-Y n, •t ~^ ,awry.... . 13017SILUZIEDING GOODS, Comprising every variety of TIN WARE, SILVER-PLATED WARE, TABLE CUTLERY, FANCY GOIAS. PLANISUED TIN-WARE COOKING UTENSILS, CHAMBER WARE. IN SETS HOLLOW wAltr, EN A M LED, COPPER KETTLES, BRASS KETTLES, Chafing Dishes, Egg Boilers, Britannia Ware, Waiters, &c., A general assortment of Wood lid Willow Ware, Tubs, Yankee Buckets, Wash Boards, Brushes, Water Coolers Ice Cream Freezers, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Egg Whips, Market Baskets, Lanterns, Money Boxes, Lard Lamps, Toy Tin-ware, Sad front., Cistern Pumps, Stop Cocks, Coffee Roasters, Col The Mills, Trays, together with an assortmen t of Plain, Fancy and Useful Articles, adapted to the Toilet, Parlor and Kitchen. Storrs of every Wuriplia. GAS FITTING PLUMBING Carried on in all its various branches. Stoves,Shola, D well ing.R..te., tit tcsl up with Gas and AN'ater Pipes, in the best manner. On hand a good assortment of Chandeliers, Brackets, Drop Lights and Pendant., Galvanized Iron, Lead and Ter ra Cotta Water Pipes. .4ts.S- Repining promptly and personally attended to, JOHN 11. MOORE lIIR A NE WILSON, qui] 2,'61. Car. Locust (t- 2nd hi., Cora. THE COL Iu lIANOTIIDEIII lx:movlm to the earner of _Front and I LOC` Sincelx, where la kept comeantly on hand a fall and complete st,iortment of Boors, SHOES, GAITERS, &0., All styles and yowl/Ales of Alen's, Boy's Ladles, Stisses' and Children wear. WE MIANUFACTITILE,TO ORDER, and keep constantly on Inuttl, a stock of resttly-mrde work. Repairing promptly attended to. Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, &c. A ruin assortment of Hats and Caps of the latest styles, always kept On hand. Our whole time and attention is devoted to our nod 110:414, /11.11CP we are better able to give our customers satistitetion. The puplie are respeetrally invited to cull end examine our stork. J. S.. 5:%.:1 - DEE, Com Front and Locust Streets. Cora, April 9, 'M. Grocery, Salt, Provision ANL QUEENSWARE, STORE. TUE nndersigned bus just opened nt his Store in Locust street, opposite the Colum bia hank, an entire new stock of goods in his line, consisting in part of Sugarsof all gratlm, Mackerel oral! grades Swaps, S. C. Hams, l !erring, Ntolasse., PL do I'l west., Coffee, Shoutl"rs. Fruits, Tem., Side... Spices, Chocolate, Dried Beef, Tolkneeo, Dried Apples and Poaches, Brooms, Cedar-ware, Baskets,Brushes, ke. Together with a full and complete assort moat of Itareaswarr, Glassware and Reekiaghaotware, Ten and Dinner Seta, andall.nrtteleain that Itre. or the latest styles and dastans. 'laving pnrchaseil all theabovegoodsfor mush, he flattens himself that las can sell them at the rery 103vesst. Market Prices.— A call from the polslte rempectfully B. F. APPOLD. Lneust st.. opposite Corn. Itorti June 11;4.1. I= (Siweossors to Detwiler A: Bro.) Cor. SeconA and Locust Sts, CorAT3rinA, L.l.xv.tsTnit P.% 13(1AITT or I)in mrron.4 REWWEOLESILE AND RETAIL ronsisting of DYSPEPSIA; Disuses resulting from Disorders of the Lir er and Dlgestig HO,O Argars, 7 1 S re) 330 CiMpo io 1/21-kl TELE GREAT VERENGTENING - 2 1 _I•T Therm Itinere have performed more Ceres:- • RAVE AND DO GIVE BETTS& SATISFACTION! Have more testimony I have more respec table people to vouch for them than any other in the market. • We defy any one to con t ra di et" thisitssert ion Anil) WILL PAY $lOOO - To :my one that will produce a"Certifieate published by tat,"tlit gennine.„.. Hooflarid's German Bitters I=l3 Chronic nr Nerenns Debility, Disease,' of the Kidneys, and Disease 4 arising from. a disordered AS:touroeh. Observe the following symptoms resulting froa at disorders; of the digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness nf, Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stein awl], Nausea, Heartburn ' Disgust liar - Food, fullness or weight In the shun :telt, sour eructations. sinking. or fluttering at 10 pit of ihe stom ach,SWillllningof the head, hur ried anti diflieult breathing, llutter'g of the heart, chok ing, or HUtilleatillg 5e111.41, titlll% when in at lying posture, dimness of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the head, deticieney of perspirst yellowness of the sk in /11111 °Yes, 11:011 in tile (11014 . 111111ki. ate., K 1111411.11 11118110 S of heat . , hunting in the flesh, constant huagm ings of Evil, and great depression Wt. IVX 3:11 Me& 33. IEI IEIL. TILA1"1111s HITTERS is Bar lr ta T,r I . IIDI LI a, Omit:1111c 110 Ruin or Whiskey., and eon' make drtitilziirils, Intl is I lie Best TONIC in the 'WORLD. RE kI) WHO SAY SO: From the 111 , .% I.evi Hark, Pastor of the Baptist Chat-eh, Pemberton, N. X., formerly of tlie North Baptist ehttrelr, Philadelphia. I have known ltoollandm's (lemma 'tit ters avoraldy for a n mutter of 'ream t have used them iu my own family, and havtt been so pleased with their effoeb4 that I was induced to reconintend them to Wally others, and know that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaim .lllg this fact, and calling the attention to those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended to these Bitters knowing from experience that my recom-• men:aton will be sustained. Ido this cheerfully as HOOnittlii'S Hitters is intend ed to benefit the Winded, ".u.,t 4/ runt drink," From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Edi torofthe Encyclopedia of Religious Knowl edge and Christian Chronicle Philadelphia. Although not disposed to favor or mcom mend Patent :Medicines in general, through distrust of ti air ingredients.end effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why man may not testify to the benefits he be lieves himself to have received from alw simple preparation, in the hope that lie may thus contribute to the benefit of oth ers. I do this more readily in rejoin]. to Hoof land's German Bitters, prepared by Br. C Jackson, this city, because I \VIM preju diced against them for many years, under the impression that they were' chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebtedto my friend • •., forleneourageznent to try them when suffer ing from great andlongeontlrtued debility The use of three bottles of these bitters at the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six rnont hsbefore,and had tnost despal rod of regaining. I therelbre thank God and may friend for directing me to use them, J NEWTON I3ROWN, PlilLA. From the Rev. Jos. I 3 Kennard, Pastor of the 10th Baptist Church Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sirt—l have been frequently resquested to connect my name ' with commendations of different kinds of mod ici nes but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 have in all cases declined ; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly In my ftuntly. of the usefulness of Dr. Iloolland's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full con vialott that, for genera l debilit y of the sys tem end expecialWor Liver Complain, it is a safe a,ut valuble jwcparation. In some it may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suf fer from the above cause. Yours, very respeetfullv. J. If KENNARD • Eighth below CoateStreet, Philadelphia. From 'Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist. Germantown, Penn. 1)r. U. Al -Jackson :—Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters prep:me by you As most excellent inedielne. In cases of se vere eel( and general debility I have been greatly benefited by the Übe of the Ditters, soul doubt not they will produce similar uirms on others. Yours, truly. 'WARREN RANDOLPII. Gertmentown, From Rev. J. II Turner, Pastor of Red ding, M. E, Church, Phila. Ur. nl :—.llear tart—Having used you r Gernttut Bitters in mythin I ly frequent ly I tun prepared to say that it has been of great. service. I believe that in most cases of general debility of the system it Is the safest •and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. sours, Respectfully, J. 11. TURNER, No. 28 N. Nineteenth Street. From the Rev. Thos. Whiter, Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Pr. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—l feel it due to your excellent preparation. Ilootiand Ger man Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtabacil. I have for years ethnics, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German When+. I did so and have experienced great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially beue fitted. I confidently reeo 1111 l tend the ar ticle where I meet with eases similar to my own, and have been assured by many of their good effects. ltmpectnilly yours., T. WINTER, Roxborongli. Va. From fey. J. R. llerman, of the German Reformed Chard), Kutztown, Berks Co. Dr. C. M. Jackson :—Respected have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as Hoodand's Bitters. lam very much im proved in health, after having taken live bottles, lours, with :espcct .1. 8. LIERMAN. 3P rtl:3olMi Large Size, (holding nearly double queer tity,) • ttl per botlie—balfdos..lls. Small Site-75 ets. " 4.1 ► BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS,. See that the signature of "C. M. JACK SON" la on the WItAPPRII orcach bottle. Should your nom-at Dru=ist not have the article, do not be put car by any of the intoxicating pmutrattons that may be of fered In Its plum, but send to ns. and Are will forward, securely packed, by express Prim-Spat (Wee awl Mnsinjfarrery, No. 631 Aral St., P1u1a.d.4.. JONES & EVANS, PROD RI ETC'S* Pow *'h ItY Ditntatitiss andttealera in ',M ere te.wn in the Unifed. State*. LEVI G. BECK.