= FRANKLIN. -HOUSE_ S - T-.A.: - Cf - i : 2-A.; .N . - T . - 1 13 -4TOB S. 1131.142:Et.wrould.respeetfally . e r lef . T - t ilt r ei mr =f4 of o 2:!)3m 4 r s ia. and J o ' s r .. - 117:24L srittit - - ~---:-:, R- - $ 11.4 II R - .A.N,T, re the. ment of , Itte-17tAXICLI1C ROU' S " Locust street% CY.tattinbfre, where , tie- eholo3st _ variety of .edibles . may be found to please the-palate or suit the taste ofthonest.fastidlou.s. , , CHOICE 'WANDS • _ _ ..iertert - u_p in the best-style, at-a moment's /iodise. - Determined to leave nothing un done 'to uecomodate the public, a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Colorable, Dec 5, MS. tf, . . - . NEW FRUIT,. Raisins, Currants, Dried Apples, tc. For sale by HENRY SUYDAM, r• Cor. Front and Union sts. ENDIASII AND AMERICAN PICKLES Also, Sauces, Xetehups. ate. For sale by I:IENRY SUYDAM, Cot. Front arid Union sts, SEEDLESS RAISINS. SElAKERCORN,llommony,Beans,Mae oaroni, Farina, Chocola U te, ke.AM For sale by HENRY SYD, Cor. Front and Union sts. CITRON. CRANBERRIES, Now Orleans Molas ses, Prepared Fruits. Also, Dried Fruit of all kinds. • For se b U y lIENRY aI SYDAM, Car. Front and L'nion . • • SPICES. rartieninc attention is called to our Pure '5V .1 47, 1 • 'P epper, Ginger, Cloves, Mustard, A ce, NUTATIOE'S. &e.,w1010 or ground,. 11E-NRY,S.TYDAM, Co.. Ftnnt and Union sts. Columbia, Dec. 5,:1515. I. SEEZ.VIN.ER. %St SON'S WATCEI, CLOCK AND JEWELRY STORE. WE hare now on hand a most completo and elegant assortment of AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, A large and handsome stork of Breast Pins, Ear-rings, Finger-rings, Pens, Pen cils and fine Jewelry of every kind and variety. SlLlrha AND SILVER PLATT: DWARE Front the best manufacturers, and at rea sonable rates. CLOCKS ! CLOCKS !! CLOCKS !!! All in good order, and warranted accurate time keepers. We have received large ad ditions to our large stock, and Mier the best inducements to those in want of good articles at the cheapest rates. Persons who desire making presents during the holi days, will find it to their advantage to give us a call, Repairing promptly attended to. P. SIIREINER A: SON, Front street, above Walrmt, Col'a Nov. 28, 1803. BOOTS AND SIJOES `DULL assortment of Men's and Boys' 1.2 Calf and Kip Boots, Ba'morals, Bro gans, &e., Ladies', - Misses' and Children's Balmorals, Boots and Gaiters, at the store of M_A.LTI3Y S CASE. Columbia, 800. 19, 1863. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE, 300 SACKS Ground Alum Salt, 100 Bags Largo Dairy t sit, 1110 " Small 50 Sacks Fine :••tilt, and for sale in large or small quantities at APPOLDS. Columbia. Dec. 12, ISC2. cll SENTIMENTAL VALENT6A In great variety, GOLD VALENTINE CARDS, A most beautiful article. COMIC VALENTINES. 32900 KINDS, comprising all shades o character in existence. y.A.UENTINE WRITERS for belles anc beaus. VALENTINE HEA.D QUARTERS, WM. U. HESS' Client) Book Store, Opposite Columbia Bank. Columbia, January 1864. TRADE SALES. 117 ST received from Philadelphian large t 1 and well assorted stock of Stationery, and Miscellaneous Goods. CIIBAP AND GOOD BOOKS, Viz: Books of Travels, Books of History, Books for Devotion, Book, about Patriots, ooks for Mechanics, Books about the Re bellion, Books of B..,auty. IYMN BOOKS FOIL ALL DENOMINA TIONS. PRAYER 11001:9 AND MIMES. All the Writings of Celebrated Authors. Viz: Washington Irving. Mrs. Sonthworth, Charles Dickens, Bayard Taylor, Msyne Reid. Mrs. ITenta. And all the writings of every Standard A uthor in every department of Literature. PHOTOGRA PII ALBUMS Having secured a very large slock at the lowest cash prices, we are determined to sell lower than any other hwtse in' the city. CAP,i) rHoToGRAPHS We hay a very large assortment of Pita) Photographs, Plain and Colored, suitable for Albums, embracing Generals, States men, Relig,iousSubjects, Classical, !Tumor ous, Statuary, cte. STATIONERY DEP.AItTMEN:T We have taken pains to get up n very large and good assurtruent of Stationery o all kinds. Blank. Books of every description, Paper Foolscap, Letter, Note, Billet, Bill, Tis sue. Sermon, Envelopes, .tc. At the lowest prices. Ink. Ink Stands, Pencils, Ruisller, Slats s Rulers, Paper Cutters, Yortf3lios, L•'> velopos, Pocket - Tablets, etc. rocKr.r idles OF EVER); VAKIETT. We would invite all to gin) WI a call oeforo purchasing. JOHN SHEAFFER, 32 North Queen Street. Lo.ucuster, Pa. .Nev. 12., 1863. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS,I ..VERY lino assortment of Ladios' Cloth Sacks and circulars of the latest Ktyles, must recoivod from Now York at reduced prices by MALTBY dt. CASE. o...lumbia, Dec. 5, 1863. FOR 21,E1W I mat desirable Store room in "Odd Fel. lows' Hall." This is ono of the best business sands in the Borough. Apply to R. WILSON. San. 313,-134.-tf Sportsmen Look Here! 100 double and single barrel guns, just received at the Hardware Store of J. Rum ple .1 Son,. Double 'barrel guns from $8 up to $OO. Single - lama from $2 to $2O. We Wave received everything in the gun ning line, such as powder, - Shot, Caps, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Wadding, Game Bags, 4tc., which we offer to sell at very lowvates. J. NIPLE do SON. July 4, '43. VOR. RUNT, STORE and Dv:ening, No. 2, Mechanics Row, opposttettaldernan'e. Store. rOasession, April lat. Apply to G. W .aALDEMAN. Cora., Jan. 16,-'64. LADIES TAKE NOTICE! YOUR attention is specially called to tho very hands mislaid thoice varieties of dry goods we have just received. For sale at very low prices. STEACY a BOWERS Opposite Oild Follows ' Ball, Columbia, lint.thidertathig• THE tuaderiiiru 4 od "would ...infer,* bis friends arid tbibta;iblic Ttitao:o has 11011: in creased facilttaesfor turning outwork, and FITRI;TITURg*ARt : RO9I%IS, I Are now well supplied with . rfesi 'and beau tiralfarnita.re of the latest improved styles. IZtairtasiufactures, - to:ercier -and will keep constantly on hand Drekliag, and Iricifey Bureaus, Sideboards, Sofas, Card, and Centre Tables;-Common, Fan cyjmag French Bedsteads; all of which. will be field on the moskressonable terms. As I he manufactures his-diva work he is ana -1 _bled to warrant every article to be .what it is represented. _ CHAIRS, CHAIRS. All kinds of. Chairs kept on hand or man ulactured to order. Cane, Windsor, Arm • and Rocking Chairs;• Setteos,, Camp and Counter Stools, Sofas, Tete-a-taws, and Stalled Seat Chairs, made to order. Old Chairs repainted and repaired. UNDMITA KING Funerals will be attended to with prompt ness, to which ho gives his personal atten tion. He is prepared with ice boxes and coolers to prc'erve corpse, as may be re quired, 11l A 110 G AN Y OR WALNUT COFFINS' Furnished plain or tinned in any style that may be required. He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as well as a continuance of the custom with which he bus beau liberally favored. JULE!: STIENBEIIGER, South Side of Locust at., between Seconct and Third. [0ct.17,'63. CORN VEVEGAR. CORY VINEGAR, manufactured ac tording to the process patented by Freder wk Michael, of Columbus, Ohio, is now 11, , Eng ex.tent•ively used, and wherever in tr,lauced, has given universal satisfaction, h•,th on account of its purity and its fine •iess for either table or pickling. It has been tested by able and experienced Chemists, who pronounce it pure, and hiztay ri•commcnd Lt 1.; the very best article in the market for PICKLING OR TABLE I7SE. Try it, if you want a pure unadulterated article, and vou will surely never attain want any of the abominable mixtures wild under the false name of Cider Vinegar. We are now working to our utmost capa city in order to supply the increasing de mand for this PL RE VINEGAR. Private Families, Hotels and Re:gan rants aro now using it, and can testify to its :rood qualities. Manufactured and sold only by C. C. 'TIMES, Second st., adjoining o‘ld Fellows' Hall. \'ovembcr 7, 1,381, VAIIIILY GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQtOUS GEORGE TILLE, Agent, has :hist re turned from the city with a new and well selected ascartment of fresh Groceries, which he is enabled to sell as cheap as the cheape.t. All grades of Sugars, Coffee, Meat. Fish, and Provisions generally. Also WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Stt ; lTZEit AND LIAIBURGER CIII7.ESE. together with ail assortment of UF.RM.A.N Ficurrs. WINES AND LIQUORS His stock of \Vines and Liquors will be found worthy the attention of every one, as he will guarantee them to be pure and g:nuine. lie respectfully solicits a call from those who need any articles in his line, feeling satisfied that a trial will verify his word. Call at the old established stand, COIL. OF FIFTH AND UNION STS. Columbia, Oct. 31, "1.6113. GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE Particular attention is called to the fol """~--'—....- sale at A fine assortment o lire o popular perfumery, sold in small quanti ties to suit customers. Alcoa stock of Sturlings Ambrosia for pro moting the growth of the hair, highly re commended. A lot of Chamois Skins and earriage sponge. A large and complete assortment of STA T 1 ONER Y. Comprising letter, cap and note paper, en relopes, Pure whole and ground Spices, strictly pure. CONCENTRATED LTE on SAVO:IIrIM Family Dyo Colon, put up neatly' in I,ackagesripdy for immediate use, without the imull inconvenience and trouble. Particular attention is called to our re ce•nt int•oice of Coal Oil Lamps, our stoek AVM be found varied and complete, com prising all the latest styles. iha best Coal OE silways on hand. to gether with a complete stock of Drugs and Chemicals, at the most reasonable prices. .3.. r H. W. GaIAY. THE OLD ESTABLISHED STATIONERY AND NEWS DEPOT. JOTIN J. FRY would call the attention of the public to hip largo stock and well ',elected aNsortment of Staple and Fancy Stationerv, which he offer.; at the most reasonable rides. PAPEiIt, ENVELOPE% INKS PENS PENCILS, LEDO ERS, JOURNA LS and PAN BOORS of all Sizes. SCHOOL STATIONERY. Every- re quisite for schools. PHOTOGB.A.PII ALBUMS of all styles and sizes. Also, a large assortment of Card Photographs of all distinguished per sonages, both civil and military. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS and PRAYER BOOKS of all denominations. POCKET BOOKS. Pertmonnales, Dia ries for ISA Currency Holders, etc. NEWS! NEWS!! NEWS!!! Tho Philadelph;a and New York Dalies received, and ai says for sale at his coun ter. Mao, Atlantic Monthly, Harper's and Godey's, and all other :Nionthlios re ceivedas noon as published. Together with "ev6r7 - article usually found in a first-class Book and Stationery Store. POST OFFICE, Locust street. Columbia, Nov. NEW 31:1CliEREL JCS r IIk:CEIVED 0 half barrels No. 1, 20. clues. " " 1, 20 0 44 04 20 41 44 20 klta, " 1 and 0tzt.17,433, APPOLD'S Locust st., Columbia EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Forsal» by the barrel, at APPOLD'S SUGAR CURED RAMS. Of Rag Quality, at AP.POLD'e. JUST RECEIVED AND IN STORE. a sacks G. A. Salt. 50 sacks Anhton tine, at 0ct.17,433. APPOLD's. MANURES . 1 MANURES I I rarm4ii 'tease take Notice TASKER & CLARK, are still muratiteratins • - - PH0r7.13.8.T10 rurrAr.rzre, from m =burnt - Donee. Peruvian Guano, sad other Fertilizbigntaterialet thus famishing for Omar and Gluts one of the most reliable manure* In market. SS. All wo hair is a. fair trial I Price $17.60 pot ton, for MOO the. Ouß EAT AND BONE COMPOST; made from refine Meat and - Bone; from the Slaugh ter Houma, la well adapted to promote the Oros% of C 0.,, PcrurouTlNlXlPl4 to., to. Price $3O per ice-. - HAIR MAlttrltE cheap and strong Fertilizer for the soot ova- - Price tiro per ton. Call on ar addreu TASKER lit Ca.A RE; W. Cbe.Stis WasereproeSt.,,Park4hica . ,geb.battitut. 'WRAPPING PAPER TCST received, 100 ROAMS of VirtliPPirkg Paper, at 35 eta. por Roam. J. RI/81P= & 901 , T, Cola. July 4, 1863. Locust Street, rer Bats. Mc's. Rosa r ies; Anal.' Bed Bugs, Moths In Furs,. Woolens. &c. L.sonts -on Plants. nr Fowls. Anlds, &c. - Put up in 25r. 60c.: and $1 Boicit, Bottles and Flasks. 33 and $.5 sizes for Roux, Panic Ittewntatorzs, 0 Only infallible remedieskiiown." ' - "Free from Poisons." Not dangerous to the Unman FiunHY." "lints comb out of their holes to die. Ca Sold Wholesale in all large eines. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers wrer.rwhere. , c7,*.• ! I : BE\IARE!II of all worthless imitations.—: thst Coer•a•aname is on eae.b Box, Bottle and Flask., before you buy. " Addrrxa TIENRY R. COSTAR, PRINCIPAL Di rox 482 BawlwAs. Sold by all trhotmte and Petail Driiggiats in Cu tglaka,• Pa. DON'T fAIL TO READ THI3 1 COFFEE:COFFEE:COFFEE,: EAST Es.ZDI-k: COFFEE COMPANY, 154 Reade Street, (three doors from Green wich Street.) New York, call universal at tention to their KEN rs EAST INDIA COFFEE only 2'5 cents per pound. ==o has all the flavor of OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, and is but half the price. KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE has twice the strength of Jaya, or any other Coffee whatever, and wherever used by our tirst-class hotels and steamboats, the stewards say there is a saving of 50 per cent. KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE is the linu,t healthy beverage known, and is very nutritious. The weak and infirm may use it at all times with impunity. The wife of the Rev. W. Eases, local min ister f the M. E. Church, Jersey City, who has not been able to use any Coffee for lir teen years, can use *KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE three times a day without injury, it being entirely free from those properties that produce nervous excitement. KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE. Dr. JAMES BOYLE, of 156 Chambers Street, says: " I have never known any Coffee so healthful, nutritious and free from all injurious qualities as KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE. I advise my patients to drink it univer sally, even those to whom I have hitherto prolti dted the ti , o of Coffee:' THE PItINCIPAIT, OF THE NEW YORK EYE INFIRMAIIY says.. (li me•t all the patients of our Institution to use exelli si vely }ENT's EAST INDIA COFFEE. and would not be without it on any ac count." Tho Hey. C. LARITE, an eminent cler gyman of the N. E. Chitral, now stationed at Halsey Street, Newark., says of KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE : "I have used it nearly a year in my family, and find it prodnces no ache of the head or nervons irritation, as is the ease of all other Coffees. It is exceedingly' sant, and I cordially recommend it to all clergymen and their fatuities." KENT'S EAbT 1N1) A COFFEE is used daily 1.”,- the families of Bishop Ames, Bishop taker, and many of the most distinguished clergymen and. pro fessional men in the country. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! And be sure that the packages are labeled KENT'SEast IN IA COFFEE: 1161 Betide street, New York, r roit4 miont Coffee,' "Original - EasT " lnaia Coffee: — etc., put furth by imposters to deceive the unwary. In lib. ixtekrtgen, and in boxes of al, 00 and 300 lbs., for Grocers and large c.,n sumers. Sold by Grocers generally. Orders from country Grocer, %,o1 leiter to whom a liberal discount will be made. December 20, 1s0:;.-: mos. BALTIMORE & OHII RAIL- ROA D, X 7 l-`lO C:b.W'MZSM:3=> This Great National Thoroughfare is again open for lIMEIGHTS and TILS.VML. The cars and machinery destroyed are be ing replaced by new running stock, with all recent improvements; and as the bridges and track are again in substantial eondition, Thl , Well-earned reputation of this Road for SPEED, SECU It TY NI) COM MKT, Will be more than sustained under the re organization of its business. In addition to the unequalled attention of National Scenery heretofore conceded to this route, the recent trembles upon the bor der have associated nmnorously points on the t :mil, between the Ohio river and Har per's Tarry, with painful but instructive interest,. COIVNMCTIONS At the Ohio river, with Cleveland and Pitts burg, Central Ohio, and Marietta and Cin cinnati Railroads; and, through them with the whole Railway System of the North west, Central 'West and Southwest—At Washington Junctiqn, with the Washing ton Branch for Washington City and the Lower Potomac—At Baltimore with four daily trains for Philadelphia and New York. Two Dollars additional on through tick ets to Baltimore or the Northern cities, give the privilege of visiting Washington City en route. This is the only route by which pas4son gers can procure through tickets end to Washington City. 3. 11. SULLIVAN, General Western Agent, Bellaire, 0. I. M. COLE, Gen. Ticket ..tg't, Baltr ' - W. P. SMITH* Ma , ter of Transportation, halt. Oct. 3,...7z-Gino. INSURANCE CO. OP IVOR= P lI.ADE I. PH lA. T NCO FO .A.T ED 1724. Assets $1,330,000, I Charter perpetual. Insurance against loss or damage by tire on Buildings, ,'N.Ler chandize, Furniture, &e., for long or short periods, or ioernumently on Building, by depoSit of Premium. The prompt pay tuont of? oases for a period of seventy years, aflbrds guarantee of claim upon public 00TVICIOICO. A RTlllllt G. Corn's, Pratt. CuAaLgs PLATY, Secretary. F. X. ZIEGLF.II, Agent. Basotnont. Black's Hotel, Columbia, Pa. Columbia, January 23, 1364.-ly. isTertr.sr ON DEPOSITS. TniE Columbia flank will receive money 00 deposit. and pay interest therefor, at the rata of 0.1 per cent. for six months, and 5 per coat. for twelve months. BA.3IITEL SELOCII, Jan. 30, Cashler. WEIGHING 1 WEIGHING Il A T Appold'elVeigh Scales, on Commerce Cistreet, such as Hay, Coal, Iron, ttc., at the very lowest rotas. Persona wishing articles weighed, will mapply to Mrs: Win. Long, opposite the iss to N0v.21, - 1363. - • STONE CHINA. QUEENsW - ARE AND tiLASbWAltkl. • WV have recelyed a largo stock of Din ner, Ten and Toilet Setts, in great variety. Having• made large purchases kw- Clash prior to the late advance on Gold arid Me e/imam we currentbled to offer goodslinich below Me rates they are held at in thla market. Please give in a call before purchasing elsewhere, se we know we ems offer you soma Real Bargains. STEACY SOWERS, Corner of Second and Locust streets, Cora, 3im 23, 1884, Colorable, Pa., itiont •1711' RITIBUOITI -DR. ATART T,EY'S . • Fainiilk:ltemedles Triumpluoit, They parforrathentostsstoimaing READ I 11218.1)33 - Br, PERMANENTLY CUBED 1, TRE great superiority of Dr. liiirklay's popular and well tried family medicines is traced to the fact that they search out and eradicate the cause of disease, and hence novel' fair to effect a permanent duke. ' They not only restore_tone to the'. digestive or gans, 'imparting. a :healthy - action to the stomach, liver, and bowels, but they thor oughly purify.the bXio thus permanently curing the disease by - d&VOying the Bann-. dation. On the - 27th of Junuary, 1800, Mr. D. .S. Moore,.of _Grampian Hills; _Clearfield co., Pa., wrote that. lie was induced by the numerous testimonials he had• seen of the cures etTected by Dr. Markley's medicines, to apply in behalf oca sister, whose case ho thus described: • * "l?or the last six years she has been suffering from Scrofula and White Swelling. in 1854 she suffered se vere pain in ono of-her legs, attended with swelling, which extended from the knee to the hip. In about two months it broke out and discharged, and has continued to do so until the present time. On one occasion a piece of bone three inches in length, and at another time one of a smaller size, came out. Her knee has been stiff for three years, and at times the pain is very se vere. * * Feb. 6, IS6I-Cm AN ENTIitE CITRE EFFECTED The medicinos—the health restorative balsam and blood searcher, the Febrifuge and the Black Ointment were furnished, and the result of their use is announced in the following lette i r.:, ' Grc.ii.mrtA:sr Huts, Pa., Aug. 14 '63. Dn. Mannia. - x—Dear Sir: T am happy to inform you that the medicines received from you some three years since have effected an entire cure in the case of my sister, who, you will remember, was suf fering from Scrofula and White Swelling. Most respectfully, &a, D. S. MOORE. Certificate of Mr. Abner D Campbell, of the firm of C.arripben'tt Marshall, bout and shoe dealers, Centre Square, Lancaster: LANCASTER, Pa., March 4, 186:1. DR. G. H. "..‘. LUMLEY—Dear Sir: It af fords me much pleasure to have an oppor- I tunity to add--any_testimony in fityor of your popular family medicines, especially I as my knowledge of their efficacy is based upon personal experience in my own case and observation of my neighbors. Vor many years I was the victim of Dyspepsia in its most aggra , mted form ' - my system ' havino. become so deranged and aebili tated,that I was unable to perform any kind of labor. I had resorted to the best doctors within reach, without relief. I i used some of the muse popular remedies of the day, recommended for that disease, but none of them did me any good. My slit] tering can be understood by any one snf fering from the same disease, but they could not be described in words. I was then living at Hopewell, Chester county, and in 1517, fts a last resort, I commenced the use of your medicines. They soon of- I forded me relief from the most painful 1 symptoms, which I had scarcely hoped to obtain ; and in a surpassingly short time I was completely restored to health, and I I have enjoyed the best of health ever since —not a symptom of my - old complaint re maining. Since then I. have always kept your medicines in my family, mid would not be without them upon any consid eration, as they InNe never failed to do, what you claim for vitem. Wldle still living et Hopewell, I because agent for your father, and sold a large quantity of the inedtkine for him, and all 1 1„ who used them wer loud in their praise. A child of Mr. Pi kering, of HupeWeD, - -.411 ie ed with 1 'site Se ening in the 1 your a saki_ •0 WI age n .. meat, •which effecte 1a po feet onto. :Nu merous other criFost of cures etrected by your valuable rern4lies in that neighbor hood, could be enumerated if desired. I have seen enough them to, s j nstify me in saying, that your family medicines are the best ever presented to the public, of which I have had any knowledge ; and it is no less toy pleasure than my duty to recom mend them to all who me the victims at disease. Respectfully yours - D. C.A.Mi'I3ELL. This case is one of thousands which might be published. All who value their health and life, should use these standard remedies, and their cure Will be complete and permanent. Prepared only by D. G. - 11. MARKLEY, at his drug and medicine store, 23 East King street, Lancaster, Pa., to whom all letters and orders should be addressed. July For sale in Columbia by J. mid 11. IV. Gray, druggists, also by IL S. ItoSs, and S. It. Gish, Elizabethtown; Samuel Ens ager. 11176111 ; Joshua Leader. Mllu tit Joy; Jacob 3i , 441ey, Springville. .September la, .1663.:6:rn05. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL ITAIMISBURG, I:OVERLY Proprietors. TIIIS well known Hotel is now in aeon di tion to accommodate the traveling pub lic, afforaing the most ampleconveidences alike for the transient guest and the per manen7 boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refitted throughout, and now has accOmmodations equal in extent, comfort and luxury to any hotel bctwee. Philadelphia and 'Pittsburg. Its location is the best in the State Capital, being in easy access to all the railroad depots, and in close proximity to all the offices and business localities of the city. It has now all the conveniences of A FIRST CLASS TIOTEL, and the Proprietors are determined tc spare nest r expense, time or labor to en sure the* fort of the Roosts. The patron age of theYYrraveling public is respectfull y solicited. Oct. 31st, '03.-tf. TO THE LOTERS OF THE FR'BGRANT'VS7'EIfa. D E it ittniwn throughout the lenFth and „LI breadth of Columbia and vicinity', that GEORGE; 11. BOOTH, Locust street, next dour to the Post °Mee, has tho finest and most varied aFsorruent of TOBACCO AN D SEGARS In the Zorough of Columbia. Fine flavored Havanna and Yarn Segars together with all the favorite brands known in the inarket. For sale by the box or thousand. CIIEWMG TOBACCO. The choicest brands in the market. The Old Virginia and - homd manufactured, "or any other man." 5140111..NG TOBACCO. Turkey, Lynch burg, Anti-nervous, fie., dc. PIPES of sal qualities, sizes and pat- Come a limning. Everybody is buying their Tobacco, Sugars, Pipes, &c. at .BOOTIES. Colnlibfa,lsrov. 21, qi3.-tt". PHOTOGRAPHS. THE ... 0 1 4 D ORIGINAL GALLERY. Tho subscriber has completely re-iltted his establishment and lite gallery. cannot be sefleke pod - by any in the oonnty,- and be hopes by careful personal attention to give tof the ore pu baeu produced:blie'bettor piures:than have here ct AIIBROTYPES.PHOTOGRAPIIS, Ivorytypesk hEelaknotypee, _Carte de Viaite, and pictuttes on canvass taken In the best style; and at prices which cannot be beaten for cheap mss. Likenessis ,; trarrauted, awls, *atilt factcempictuteed withontrepeated R Ile asks' a ; continnanee of -the lit alt = 3.- nOsonageralwayto icstended3o_this establishment. - Ce/1' examine speci mens as .the yotnOs, Margissast loProar of I , rant end Locust streets. tri r twe amp Locust Meet. Ft. J. M. Oct. 94 MS, A -CASE IN POINT SPEPSI A CURED OYSTERS I t OYSTERS 1 . 1 . dAL . LON, or qt. Continually on hand and for sale. BALTIMORE AND PIIIi.A. OYSTERS Tim BEST TpE4.ILRKEE ATFORDS. Come pll you hungry, thirsty souls, . . Come down to my saloon, And-eat and drink and quaff and smoke From Suppor hour till noon. TARDY LOCKARD, . American House, Front St. Oct. 24. 083. For Rent A Rboni in the Blue Front, formerly oc cupied by Thomas Welsh,Esq.; also, several houses: Apply to WM. WHIPPER. - July 4„63. - • , S. T. 1800, X._ Drake's Plantation Bitters can always be obtained at the Drug store of , R. WILLIAMS, Front street. SWEET'S LINIMENT. This popular medicine is now on hand and for sale b It. WILLIAMS, Front st. HALDEMAN'S STORE. CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS ! ! CLOAKS 1!I Another lot of NEW AND FASHIO:s.TA 13LE STYLES just opened. FURS! FURS!! FURS!! We have received a full assortment of Capes, Victorines, Muffs, &c., in all the best kinds. We have the largest stock of SHAW LS, SHAWLS, at last season's prices. New Broche S hawls. Ladies will please examine above goods. 'ygl-Recollect, the largest assortment, latest and most approved styles, at exceett ingly low prices. HALDEMAN'S July 4, 1533. Cheap Cash Store. GEORGE SMISERT'S CABINET AVA.BEROOMS AND MANIJFACTORY, LOCUST ST., A FEW Boons BELOW 3rd St., COLUMBIA, LAN- CO , Y, PA• THE subscriber having purchased from his brother, Casper Seibert, the stock and good will of his extensive Cabinet Manu factory., will continue the business at the old stand, where he will keep on hand an assortment of FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality, style, and manufaetn — re and will make to order, of first-rate mate rial, every article in his line. He will give strict attention to business, and respectful ly asks of the public a share of its patron age. UNDERTAKT.Nr4 will receive the tdost careful attention, at the shortest notice. OEORGE SIIIIIEI P: Cola. July 4, Wt. pAIYZILIr DVIII COLORS. BM DarA Blge, Light!gr. Blue, (vnr•nt .11) gun D•IrA /flown, g, Snge Moult, Crimson, Park Prnb. L , ght Drnb, Dark G rcc.i, Li:, Urce For Dyeing Sills, v • • nn,..11 alit.l mixed coeds, shawls, Sears, Dresses, Gloves. 'Rib bons, Thntacts, nuts, Feathers, R - bi Gloves, Children's Clothing. and all kinds of wearing apparel. - ,7 . 24 - A SAVING OF SO PER CEXT. -1 M 117.,w0r s Various shades can be rrodueed front the same Dye. The process is simple, and :my one can use the Dye with perfect :success. Directions in English, French and. Ger man. inside (Wench package. For farther information in Dyeing, mid giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over mhers.(with many valuable, recipes,)purchase Ilowe &Ste phens` Treaties on Dyeing and Coloring.— Sent by mail on receipt of price,-10 cents. Manufactured by 110 WE ‘t STEVEN'S, .200 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Druggists and Dealers gen erally. Orr. 24, 1863.-6 mos. ISAAC A. STA.LIPVIEB, Watch IVlalter and jeweler, surAcatritnn SILVER-WARE and hnportrr of WATCHES, No 1-Is North Seeond .street, Corner Quarry Philadelphia. 11 is has constantly on hand on assort ment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever leinne and plain Watches; tine gold chains, seals and keys, breast pins, ear rings, lin ger rings, bracelets, miniature eases, me dallions, lockets, pencils, thimbles, spec tacles, silver table, desert, tea, salt and mustard spoons; sugar spoons, cups, nap kin rings, fruit and butter knives, shields, coin Is, diamond pointed pens, etc., ill of which will be sold jaw for cash. M. I. TorirAs & Co's best quality full jew eled patent lever movements constantly on hand; also other makers fsuperior N. B. —olcl Gold and Silver bought for cash. ENV AND FASHIONABLE STYLES. MITE largest and best assortment of lluots and Shoes in the city of Lancas ter, embrateintr always the newest styles worn by LABIaS AND GENTLEMEN, Boys, G . irls and Children. As I manufac ture the best finality of the aboyftoods at the very lowest rates, (lower than any others,Yl respectfully invite the public to my establishment. NEW STYLES OF RUBBERS, And German Woollen Shoes with felt or leather soles, Just received. Every kind manuthetured at short no tice. Every kind of 'Worked Slippers for Ladies and Gentlemen made handsomely* to order A. N. 131tENEMAN, Opposite Cooper's notel, Dec. 12;63.1y. West King st., Lancaster. 3331.VT1WS znamtir, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABLES, Locust st., between Second and Third sts. 111 A su R r T .T. Informing ;i A rfn4Jnttsketismi)lft; public generally, that he has purchased the entire stock and good-will of the Livery Stable recently kept by Christian Hershey, Esq., and having removed it to the LARGE AND COMMODIOUS STABLES belonging to the " Lamb Hotel," ho hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. GOOD TEAMS WITH" CAREFUL DRIVERS, can be had at all hours of the day or night. Horses kept by the day or month. All at the lowe.st,eash prices; and on no other terms. Columbia, Dec, 19, 1803.-Grnos. FARM FOR SALIM. Rail- SITUATED on the Pennsylvania road, 28 miles west of Harrisburg, con taining about 170 ACRES,"nearly two thirds of which is bottom land.the balance good up-land. The land is all well watered and in a high state - of cultivation, well clovered, good fences. There is n largo BANE BARN, and DWELLING with out-houses, all partly new, Ap ple Orchard and other fruit trees with large BARN and-good DWELLING on another part of the farm. The property will divide conveniently, is in sight of the Railroad Depot at Newport, arida most de sirable thrsn for grass 'and - all kinds-of For .partkurla.vsseaW. FL Tocany, 4.CrTrart, Perry county, Pa.- or address the subscribers at PittsburgiP_ a. - - R. ROBISON do CO. - dumbia, .Tan, 2, 1863,-3ro• : , -Z.oolLia ;- - THE FENNSYINANIA-RAILBOAD = CORM ARE now jorepm . ed to receive and • for= ward FREIGHT on the Phi Aelphis, Di vision, to and from all stations whore they have agents, at the following rates per hun dred pounds: . . BETWEEN PLEILA.*ANB COLUMBIA. First Class. 2d Class. Srd Clasi. 4th Class. 25 cents. 21 cis. 18 eta. 15:cts. Flourincar loads, 25 cts. per barrel Pig. Metal, 10 cts. per 100 lbs. BETIVEEN PIMA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. 2d Class. 3rd Class.. 4th Class. 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour 24. cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 12 cents per 100 pounds Shipments made to Pittsburg and all in termediate stations as heretofore. RATES FROM COLA. TO PITTSBURG. First Class. 2d Class': 3rd Class. 4th-Class. 00 .75 . 60 40 , ' Flour per barrel , 80 cents. 0-Freight consigned to stations where the Company has no agents must be pm paid. Articles of Ist Class. Books, • Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in bags, Cedar and Woodenrorter cStAle in bot- Ware, ties, Dry Goods, Poultry in coups, Eggs, Pork, (fresh, Furniture, Poultry, (dressed, Feathers, Wrapping Paper. Articles of Ed Class. Apples, ,' ble Monuments, Cheese, Molasses, Clover & Grass Seed,Melons, Crockery, . b Oil in casks or boxes, Candles, - Paper in boxes, Casks or Barrels,Pasteboard, (empty,) 1 Peaches, (dried, Groceries, . Printing paper, Guns and Rifles, ..,-- Paper Hangings, Herring in boxes andQueensware, kegs,Sweet Potatoes, Hardware,_ ; * Tobacco in bales, Hops, Tea, Iron, (hoop, hand orType, sheet,) Tallow, Leather, - _ Turpentine, (spts,) Liquor in Wood, Varnish. Marble Slabs & Mar- Articles of Sd Class. Alcohol, tared,) Coffee, Potatoes, Hides, (green,) Turnips, Lard, Vinegar, Oysters & Clams, (inWhite Lead, (shell,), Window Glass. Tobacco, ( =muffle- Articles of 4111 Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Salt, Fish, salted, ' Tobacco, (loaf,) Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and Spikes, Tar, Pitch, Whisky, Plaster, All Freights payable on delivery. H. 11. 'HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phila. .7.Re•For further information, apply to S. B. KINGSTON, Freight Agt.,Philit. E. K. BOICE, Freight Apt., Colmnbin W. H. MYERS, Freight Agt., Lan'tr Columbia, July 4, 1:363. MEDICINES FOR THE SEASON Wistar's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Schenck's Pulmonic Syr np, Jayne's Expectorant, Wistar's Cough Lozenges, Brown's Bronchial Troches, Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, Swayne's Syr up of Wild Cherry, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ritter's Syrup of Tar, fie. All the above medicines kept constantly on hand by It. WII.LIAMS, Front st. HAIR TONICS. • 3lngrnt Mal ton, Orange, Pod.. Ihmal Purl) Salmon, Scarlet, te. Sol fcrino, rtlttar, Jaync's Hair Tonic, Wood's Hair Re storative, BorneWs Cocortine. Roby's Hair Curling Lignid, Barry's Tricopherous, Sterling's Ambrosia, Wright's Kat Moron, Burnett's ludliston, .rules Hauel's ]lair Restorative. Also, a large stock of Philo eiane and Potnatum, constantly on bind at It. WILLIAMS' Drug Store. PATENT MEDICINES. Dr. Sw•aync's Sarsaparilla and Extract of Tar Pills. 1)r. Gallugher's (sugar frosted) Sarsapn- Wars( e Ts --w c:ge a 3: Dr. Ik•rnart - s'Picant Root Pills. Genuine German Blond Purifring Pills. Far sale by IL WILLIAMS, Vrntit st. Pall & Winter Goods, AT HALDEMAN'S STORE. OUR STOCK IS AS LARGE, OUR ASSORTMENT AS COMPLETE, lIANING made VER'): - 'HEAVY PVT CHASES FOR CASH more than A MONTH SINCE, we are able to offe.r nil kinds of goods at less than present city prices. Muslins from 12 cts. up. Calicoes " 10 " All Wool Flannels " 25 " Canton Flannels " 15 " Satinet ts • " 50 " Rich Delaines at 25 cents. All the New Dress T4oods. Best Kid Gloves. Cloths and Cassimeres nt old prices. Super. Hoop Skirts, cheap. We invite our customers to examine our splendid assortment, and secure the bar loins at our present low prices. HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. Columbia. July 4, 18113. Susquehanna Planing Mill, ON FRONT ST. AND PENN, RAILROAD Columbia, Lancaster County, 1.7 a. THE subscriber having purchased the machinery in the Susquehanna Planing Mill, belonging to Joseph Pusey, and t i he good will of the business, will continue at the old establishment to plane all kinds of lumber, manufacture Sash, Doors, Win dow Minds, and carry on the business in all its branches. lie respectfully solicits a continuance of public custom. JOHN 13, BACHMAN Columbia July 4, 18G3. WINES, LIQUORS. sEGARS, &c. TIIE subscriber would invite attention to his largo rind tine stock of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, SEG A RS, TOBACCO. PIPES. &C HE keeps his stock well filled up, mid believes that he can offer as good an as sortment of everything in his line as can be found in any store in Columbia. He would direct special attention to his Gertrian 'Wines. These are light wines, „Tied in 'totally, low in price mid 4 very wholesome drink either for sick or A largo assortment of 2i24aeirx-er.o3l34socasica Will attract general notice, and will will be found to comprise some of the linest pipes ever offered in Columbia. Como and ex- amine them. J. C. 13UCHER, Car. Front and Locust sts., Col'a Pa. July 4, 1863. GRTLELT VAILI33TV 5T03133. JUST received, a larger and finer stock of Toys and fancy goods than ever before. My friends and others are Invited to call and examine the stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will hero find an un limited assortment, suitable for presents to persons of every age and taste. An im mense assortment of Portmonnales, Pock et Books, ezeWece. China and other fancy articles, too num erous to mention, for sale by G. J. SMITH, Locust "street, I.)etween the Bank and Franklin House. Columbia, July 4, 1863. E: Worrell, No 604 market st.,lla. EQUALITY TO ALL. THE LOWEST HEELING PRICE 18 MARKED IN flaunts-ON saca A RTICLE AND NEVES - • --- VARIED MIN, • AT 301 IS'. CREVENT ONE PRICE CLOTHING • WORE,. NO 004 Market street above Sixth Phila. Whore Z. Worrell will behappy to via no an his old patrons from Leacastar oonnty. willjarniab, Val With the ea*" bass zaturaup *ark cfr , tuttatillbatztra It. to order, 'rop flatlands and look around, Oct, 17, 1.763-1 t As in farmer years NIALTBY &CASE Hays,-now opened their New Store on Locust street, Columbia, Pa., and tilled it with a choice selection of seasonable 1911137 GOODS, Pought for cash before the late advance in prices. DRESS GOODS - • Of every style and fabric. * HOSIERY, - , GLOVES, NOTIONS, Ladies', :misses' and ehildien's fleece-lined cotton, milt and wool hose, Ladies' merino vests, BALMORAL HOOP SKIRTS Of the best manufacture, at old prices, ladies' cloth sacks and circulars, best styles and very cheap. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies', - misses' and children's gaiters,- bl - dmorals, boots, &a., names, boys' and youth's calf and kip boots, brogans hal morals and gaiters, in great variety, of Philadelphia manufacture, warranted. GENTS' GENTS' FURNIMING GOODS. Cloths, cassimereS, vestings, sattinets, purchased directly from the•manufactnrer, which we are able to sell at very nearly, old prices. Hosiery, gloves, under-cloth-. ing, cravats, collars, &c. READY-MADE CLOTHING Of every style and quality, warranted per fect in fabric and manufacture. GROCERIES, QUEENSWA RE, CAR pets, oil cloths, etc., to which we invite. particular attention. We make no idle boasts, but will take pleasure in showing our goods to all who may . favor us with a call, that they may convince themselves that our goods are the cheapest in the market. We wish our goods to recommend themselves, and fear no competition. Our plan of buSiness is O.7TE PRICE for all 'regular goods. All goods warranted, as represented. Our aim is not only to please our customers, but by selling , them the best goods at the lowest prices, make It their interest to continue their liberal pa tronage. New goods are being constantivreceived. Cora Oct. 17,'e3. MALTBY ac. CASE. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY WILL be sold at private sale, till that tract or piece of ground situated in West Hempfield township, Lancaster 00'y, half a mile from Columbia, known as "COWDEN'S MUCK YARD,' containing 9 acres and upwards on which is erected A ONE-AND-A HALF STORY ft FRAME DWFLLING HOUSe, Frame Bnrn, and Brick Kiln. There is t also, a Young Orchard on the prmiseti; The land is in a high state of cultivation and under good tense. The property will be sold low and on moderate payments; those wishing to ex amine the property will please call on WILLIAM MeCHVSNEY, residing in Co lumbia, who will give them all necessary information. Possession given the Ist day of April next, 1861 WILLIAM COWDE,:s.,. July 4,18634 f. Stove, Tin and Sheet•lron Wat Manufactory, AND HOUSEKEEPERS EMPOBTE3f, The undersigned keeps constantly on band a large variety of titst-class COOE ING STOVES, for woorl or coal, the best in the market, with a general assortment of heating Stoves, Five Plate Stoves, Store. Office, Bar-room and Chamber Stoves. I would especially end the attention of pur chasers to a new Stove called ANT, Oil ANTI-DUSTER, Which is, now the hvst Parlor Sinve in use. l:nrnaees, Grates, 13.rieks, Pipes, Also, COPPER FETTLES Made to order, of tiny size desired. A great variQty of 1101/:•II FURNISHING GOODS. Silver Plated and ltrittnnia Ware; Till. Copper, null Sheet-Iron Ware; Meek-Tin and Japan Ware; Wood and Willow Ironi;, Coffee... Mills, Sauce Pans, Preserilriffltettles, Puking Pans, Knives and Forks,lus, Waiters, (ix A great variety of OIL LAMPS And Lamp goods of till kinds, Kerosene Lanterns and Chimneys, 4:e. I I.la p3,pared to offer grout induce ments to purchasers, and illVilo the atten tion of the public to my large and well as, , orted stoeP. 1111t.1 'IVILk‘ON, Corner of Second and Locust sta. November 7, GREAT_ DISCOVERY. A • KUN KE L'S BITTER WINE OF IRON. For the cure of weak stomachs. erer.d de bility, indigestion, disease of` the nor, volts sy , ,tetn, constipation, acidity of the stonateh, and for all dig, eases requiring a tonic. This wine includes the most agreeable and efficient salt of iron we possess. Oi- I rate of Magnetic Oxide combined with he most energetic of vegetable tonics, Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite and general prostation, suit iron, com bined with our valuable nerve tonic is most happy. It augments the appetite, raises the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the pallor of debility, and gives a florid vigor to the countenance. , Do you want somethingio strengthen you? Do you want a good appetite? Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well? Do you want to get rid of nervousness? Do you want energy? Do you want to sleep well? Do you want a brisk and vigorous feeling? ii you do, try K UNKEL'S RITTER WINE OF IRON. This truiy valuable tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the eom munity, that it is now deemed indispensa ble as a tonic mixture. It costs but little, gives tone to the stomach, renovates the system, and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable tonic. COUNTERFEITS. Beware of counterfeits.—As Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron is the onlysuro and effectual remedy in the known ,world for the peritiaiihrrrelffre . of . Dia and bility, and as there are a nunther of imita tions offered to the public, we would cau tion the community to purchase none but the genuine articleonanufactured . by S. A, Kunkel, and has his stamp on the top of the tsprk of every bottle. The very fact that others aro attempting to imitate this valuable remedy, proves its worth and speaks volumes in its favor. The Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $l,OO bottles, and sold by alLre spectable druggists th'rofighout the coun try. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac simile of theproprietor's signature. General Depot, No. 118 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ut.For sale by J. & tf. W. Gray, and W. S. MeCorkle, Colturthim and all re spectable dealers throughout the country October 17, 1883-8 m JUST OPENED AT Till lialltY Mill Clii STIR 003 FILLOWS , HALL, COLI72IIIIIIIA. PAL. A FRESH sup pay of Drugs and Medi- Xi_ cines, Pure Ground Spices, Flavoring Extructs, Rice Flour. Farina; Corn Stara, ac., all of the New Preparations, and • PATENT MEDICINES, Castile, Palm and Fancy Soaps. Tooth Powders and Tooth Paste. (one in jpatticit lar. tae best ever offer e d in Columbia,) Hair Dye, Indellibleerfumer Ink, Cologne, Bay Ram, Py, TOILET ARTICIES IN - GREAT VARIETY. and everything asually,kept in a Good DrugStoro. Prescriptions Allr•Strict attention given to Physician's CARD.L-Dr. W. S. l&feCoutux, at his Office is the Drug tore, Oditrellows'll4ll, daily, from twelve tootle - Col a., Feb 8, 1884,