COATI! CO.A.XiI Ttl wA criber - seif continue to supply hi. custom era watt coat of u/t lauds, or the oc.tCh‘thtY, at the lowo.t market nor", - BY TELE CARGO, CAR=LOAD OR TON. He wiligfearraut all coal gold by birn to be the amt. vie repreeettgled, cud of gueit qualgty us he whJii Dt hi tt fur. irrCouldeltvered to all putts of the Itotoulh. EL P. 91.1 . 01.1). Locust gtreet,o,toueite tie Haub. columbiat 1pri1•I:I~.t. CHRISTMAS GOODS. r received. a lorne n-,sornneas nr(oos'e ,r in the sea..on; .00111 t Wialeil or, st hoe -Oa•r non 01 Zephyr, Kl, it, 1 / 4 wrat end 'slats/to Scurf-. SOH • in VI. L-I.:,.ttesg Cont.s, Nubia.. Also, /:love-. ,Sc A leo, Fanny Basels.enss, Post Mosintssesss. Co , surse,,,kv with sigmas cartel) of 0:11,. r good. mitt. assic tor Cho nom .so. a : ry.• to : VaaenN 1,101,11: flirt wee:yeti hr IV3! 01r':og.:•1;Y. %two: ~ tat., ..I(WO.Bugle . %umber:Mice. L tat-L•4 4 lse:t Pal: ILL t-at Brooms, Brooms, Brooms, Poien Good Coanto Br (dm., iti.t received arid iJ far -ale ar .d. 40 per doted Cart, J. It UN I'L E& SON. GIRARD Fire and Ma fine Insurance Cam- pany, Office-114 'Walnut Street. CArl FAL AND SujipiXq GyLit. $300,000 lioN D. W. W( WA RD P14 . '411141 ALVOI.D y. .1 5.1..1.1..,..rr Vi l'n•-ideot nu.l Tr 11.1,rel rh. o,plcr-,4. 4 , w r the 'At know,, j, 11, f orlit •4•:, 1•18111.74 o ul.knotgo o•no. r ..1, k t0v0101ia10 , 1111,..111 I. YIN, .1- love Or, ch.", 1.% thot Company lulnmpilp ood F XI EG1,1•;1. A'grao. nu , ‘ :moo of Illook's llotel, Columbia, I'd COACEEIVIAIXIBTO. SAMUEL CARTER, MAN LT F A CT LT It li',R OP COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C Second Street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church, Columbia, Po. SILVER MEDAL, —lst PR [l:NliONl 1859 BRONZE MEDAL-Ist PREivI(UM-1555 by the Lancaster County Agriculte rai and illechnnicat Society. THE subscriber call attention 1n 11rc fact flint the Fir.; r ;1141, ft salver Nlethil. we au t rl,l him hy the I.nne.i-Ur County Agrien:let .trot veeh.titnu; welt, ShiltingT.,o t) gA hitoteil at the !'air 11111 , 10;•ei .: 4 3: UCIMILki Med„ti—First l'i,omuht—for At It is Coarli and Cnrringe Making Enn!.ll , 4h• mein. lie eontinura to ninhutoeture Coarhe., Cur rinve, 11.10 . .. r• and nil oilier veleele4 In onion n• n workman i• e•. IA1,1141(1.1. n• Ire eau eOltritirlotiy for "b, work the merit+ tithe:oily of . ele•~noer Or 11111 , 11. tool titrettelii of Atrueitore. One of the di.nitgeothing lemur,. of lit• work o. n• dor:thinly: all %eh, Ic. of ho• build ore eon.outited of the he-t ..ea-oued •nte rint. nod nun together firmly arid substantially 111 gives particular uktent:ott to the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and senrrents all his work in title line to give anti' faction. In ntlditton to hip proeticol experience to etc bu• Irl+4 he hog the te , -i4entce of the butt wt I , mel —none other twine employ e•d. The p•.4lte revneetfully invited to call no ri CI. 111(11111C the ' , tool on hand. Columbia. Dec. 7. ISO SIrEAFFF,R , S C 3EZ XII A Boon siroßn, No. 32, IVorth Queen Street, TS the Cheapest place in the City to get :111.eello neon. :F•ta oda rd 1... ill every deparlmeilt of Literature; al4o. PoLool hook.. and hnoi Sintionery. 4.olllCri , llle all Illell:111011, Rrad log:ool'.Felling lino', a rill •tie. A Igebrai, Grain- Mar, n:411.0.041, 111•1011c..1 . 1saleso /doe, trod oh lire SCharli ROOk. nerd in ihe public and PrlVirir School. of I:le Cily and Comity logrthcr ti oh Cony nod Compo.ii.o. Book., Letler. Cap nod Note Paper. Blank. Book., bend nod :slate Procll4.l.en. and (folder- 1111,1 lik.taild, fiLles• arid the mo , t complete n-sortment of school ttiatlo.l err CM ;laud and (co sale at the lowe.t prices orally place /II i.el cliv Dome. for :NM DIA rie. for 1561! very cheap. Alma-acs for 'fill Almanac. iora3l! All kind.; All 1.1 ad•! All ',b011 , : Whole4aleangl rrAny whale not on hand partatotly forna.hed wauout extra eharge, at JOHN SILAEITER'S tTheup Honk sat, ttl. North Queen Street. next door to the Exam iner and Herald Offtee.Latteastet. The Last Round for the Season. A NOTHER choler and nt brices mach brio, •it the co-t or trtiportn.ion, or those des:rade (,av Good., Alndann Goth.. Istosarahigues, Flyanslit I.u.tres, &e., he.. have been reeeteed,Lnd are now for the instwelion of the lathes. These will w the last good. or the kind tl season—they are grebe and vbesp beyond comp.trison. COLEMBII AGENC Y for ltliabler's Celebrated Herb °num ;a at the more of the anbseriber, adjoinsad the bank, Call and aer the certificates of whet n has done. H. C. FONDDRSMITII. Feb rl c 4,1. - --t s-t. x- ne er_-.s>- = r~- BEIM It :ca u\ Pot. n•ltoi SAMUEL CAR" ER, I=ll2 ' WRAPPING PAPER! ITST received,loo Ratans of tVrapping Paper, at tf 35 e 1..; er Ream. J. RUSII.LE & SON, Cola. Dec. :M. IEOD. Locuat. Saari. BIIIVIOVAM OF JOHN SHENHERGER'S FURNITURE WARE ROMS. THE undersigned having removed his Fur niiiire Ware Rooms and his new briek buildings, on the south side of Locust street be tween Second und Third streets, respectfully inform his friends and the public to give hint u cull. A large mid superior snick of t;ABINET - WARE ANDCHAIR-WORK, o f be kep' constantly on band, which will be sold on the IllOst rea sonableterms. As he manufactures his own work lie is enabled to warrant every nitre! e to be what itisrepiesentedaindto beat goodasitischeap. Hissiock is vers. I arge.anui n pars embraces Dres sing, l'lnin,and Fancy Bureaus ;Sideboards, :Sofa: Card.F.nd, ofa .Centre,Dres-ing,Diningand Brea} fast TA ti .! - S; Common French and other TAUS; c ommon and Fancy CHM ILS.and SE'I TEES of el ery style .together with ugettaru 'assort memo fall kinds° rEunsyrunE. Funerals wi I ;he attended with a Splendid Hearse on shor•notice.-and al laccessaryattenitongiven UNDERTAKING. He respecifullysolicits n share of public patronage as well as a Collitlltlltllee oldie custom with which tie been I berally favored. Colurral7a, April tt, Co partnership. HAVE th i- day 'associated with myself in homes. I. my -on. George 11. Rump coparmershiP with whom COlllillUe the Hardware 1311-ines.4. at ILe old stand nt l.oeu-t street below Second, under the firm of J. Rumple & Son. 1 return sincere to the public for past liberal patronage, and respectfully ark a eontiouance to the new firm. • JONAS RUAIPLIii. Columbia , April 26th, ISGO. The cu'3 , eribers s•ould call the anemia!' of :the publie to the LARGE STOCK of HARDWARE, iu-L meet veil Ivy them. They cue... der a complete 10.+01111 , 11l of evervihing, in their line of Liminet.s minor Whole-ale or'Retat 1. Bar, 'loop and 13and Iron, Steel. 6:e. They have collt-iiintly on hand an a,ortment of I roll and &irel tn . all loat.; Paint— GM-, Varni-he... Cedar ware. &e ; a large -toek of Guru and Ilemp Pitching, 6m.ket- of all ,i/eq. large ,upply of Coal Oil !dim,. and Shade. of va riou- I. lad, Re to-era Oil of the very be.d qua:ll. Agems far-F,airell S Ileriing's Paient Champion Pim and Barglig Proof Sufi, J. 11 UM V Lr. S SON. Loeng greet below Second, Columbia. Ca April 28, Innn. .A_ . Y . l R'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Awl for the fipectly cure of the following epniplaintn: Scrofula and Scrofulous Affeetions.s tick as 'T umors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, 'Blotches, Bolls, Mains, and all Skin _Diseases. OAKLAND, I od., nth .tune, 1559. J. C. An•a .L• CO. Gent,: I fool it my duty to ft,. kIIOIVICtigO slot your l , atsarat ills has dune' fur me. Dos log mien lied o Scrofulous infection, I litre tittered float it in various ways for ye.rra. Ilomethnes it burnt out in Ulcers on my hands and him ier tIOUIetIMOS it t tuned inward and distressed sue at the btOthilell. Two yawn ego It broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears w jilt 'rile sore. which sills paiielel and loatiomme beyond dead iplion. 1 tried 1111153 medicines mid several physicians, but without much relief from any thine. In tart, the di•Ordei grew nurse. At length 1 ma, rejuired to read in the Grolrel lle•.eoger that 3ou bad prepared rui ald•t at he (Sarsaparilla), for I knew titan your reputa tion that any thing you wade turret be good. I sent to Cineirinatl awl gut It. road used It till it crud me. I tools it, Ile you nth in small d o •ce of a tco•puobfut over is mouth. arid uncrealmoNt. three bottles. <,w and healthy skia noon b.•gea to folio under the scab, which after a a, bile fell 011. 31y is now Oval-, and I know by my feelings that the didea•c has gut.) 11 OM my system. You Can well believe that 1 feel what I rim saying when I tell yon. that 1 bold 3 on to he one of the apostles of the ago, and letuultt Over giamtully. Your., ALFRED B. TAT.I.ET. St. Anthony's Vlre. Rollo or Erysipelas, 'Fetter and Salt lthaaan. Scald head, Ringworm, Sore Eycs, Dropsy. Dr. Rht,•it ii. Pt ebb, writes from Salem. N. V.. Ilth fo r k 18, - 0. that he tots cured an ins iterate rase of it, op./. a hivil threatened to tel initiate Litany, by the vet oling Item, ONJOI and at,/ Si dengerotte .3/1,/,z,umut Erylielag I,y largo dosed of the P 31110; says to ours s the common .Errridions by it constantly. Bronehoeele, Goitre or Swelled Neck Sloali P 101. 1 ,1,1, Te'..oll. 1110, .11,0 1.41 t .- our Sursapmlll,, cured in,. it 0111 ft OPP, 11 tud- Uui 011 1110 until, UtPcll 1 /lad eutYercd houl woe tan Le ta 0rr1t....11 or WM( en. Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, 'Female Uiaeaeen. .T 11. S. Chnoniuti, of Nett' Yolk City, vanes , "I most eheei luny comply via, the request of your agent in son nig 1 triton :only! your ;3:1yr:11.11MA n meet eseellent 111 lhu mililetoiis uanpinntis fur a,iu ii too einplrout, n leeesiy. het c.perinlly In /I• uu dc it/retires tf thtf 1 torte clued mate• inveter tie ease% f.mworlbova by it. and ...nee where the vont phalli or VI tire uterus. ulcer atesu itself mas i+loll clued. Nothina within Toy Ji.uoirl- Ohre Oitiolk it for the, female derangements:' I.:,luni $. Mgm ow. of Nem bury. .11n., writes, "A don, AWL (10101 . 011 one or t h•• thy family, n luol (lolled nll the remedies INC CUllid has nt Length been ronipletoly cured 1y your Extract of Far gal. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion rani l allout teller. but he stiviood the flint of your Sargtpazilla us the tart resin t heron, cutting.. and it pored effectual. After talking:your teutetly eight v eels no symptom of the digenge teninlng." Syphilis anti Plercsirial Disease. mt. J. C. Anal: Sir, I diem fully comply mint the re gn••st of your agent. and report to you some of the effects I biter renlired mill) your Sars'aporillo. 1 hoer cured still, it, in ro3 pwietice, nowt of the ento plahils for which It 111 1 ecominewletl, and hate (hood ire ellests truly woudeiful In the clue of T% - nr , val and Alec turret Dise,Re. Our of toy patients hail Syphilitic ulcers In bin fluent, ulna mere C011SUIlling: 1111 111111110 and the top of his month. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured hla In hen necks. Another tray attlickeel by sec ond.). ig) niptunts in bin nose. awl the ideerntign had eaten tinny n considerable part 01 It, 00 1111 d I heliese the dwni der w ' 1 maul "awl. lain lento and hill hint. Itnt It yieni.••l to my otiministiatlen of )our Sarroporilla: the ml..•t ben loot. Mid he famelt again. not of cool se without 1 1 0.11 , dtotigwn.tbn. In I,i l o face. A MOIIIAT. mime laud I t, umlaut (or the 10011110 timni dor by mm utry was sußet hag h o p, thin pi•t-nit in her bones. 'they had became so Sell ,tive to the ...thy, flint en a damp day she suffered ex a•rucinting pain in her joints and bones. She, too, was cored I'llllloy by 3011 e 1,1 , 11111111 ilia lo at few stocks. know from its Lnwuhy match our agent PICO me, that this lhopowilion hum ) otir in bin ntoi nov4 ben great remedy: consequently. these truly remarkable results milli It h.t.e not , ttrio nod ytuns, C. Y LATIMER, N. D. libieuinatisra, Gout, Liver Complaint.. Ista.pi.stu.ser, Preston Co., Yo.. 6th July, 180. Dit..T. C. dm it: Sir. I mate been aftlioted wlifn a pain ful oloonic Jeneumotrson for in long time. en lash Wined the t-lull el phy.leinne. and mail: to MA in opito of nil the remedies 1 could find, until I tried your Sannaparilla. One bottle cured too in two meolot, and rowered my general health no m u sh that 1 am tar better than before I WAR nttaehod. 1 alio!: It o tt.mdetful medicine. J. MEd M. :Toles Y. Ooteholl. of ed. Louis, NS I : "I have been tan tod for )eats nob ml o . flieflon of the Liner, which e de: in 3 of. health. It, ted every thing, and every thing Pallid tat aloe me; and I hate been a brokemdown man Fa 'vino yeera unn other game than derangement of the My h b obo, m ton-ha . tine v. Mr. Vvpy,adriwol Inn 1.1 t t y your Cu antenna. bemuse lie mid he knew you, and any thing Sou tondo was won lb trying. 11; the Moos h.caroa tort and lona vii pm hied In 3 blond no to nnaldi it new man of ern. 1 young again. The hat that car. Le said ape is not half good enough." Seliirrne.Cancor Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and lii.xfolliation of the Bones. A grunt Tetley of bare Istun reported to newborn cores o f th,e formidable complaints truce resulted from she too of tide I. medy, but one epacu heron-Ili not admit Some 41 them may he found in our Amea lean Almanac, which the agent% below named are pleaded to flu uish gratis to all elm colt for them. Dyspepria. Heart Direare, File, Eviler'. sr, liltlanelioly, Neuralgia. Many :mall/able curve of there affections base been made by the nit...tabs power of this medicine. It stimu late• the chat fnnetion• into .Irroroni action, and than or et comer tisoidei . width would be supposed beyond Its 1,01. Nut b u remedy La, tog been required by the no. cersi tits of the people, and no are confident that this will ds for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roa THE RAPID cram or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis. Ineintent Con, sninotion, ana for the Relief / of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease. Thin is a remedy PO universally known to enrptias any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it is isselese here to publish the evidence of its virtues. its um Nulled excellence for coughs and rolds, and its truly nonderfol cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilized nations of the earth. Few are the immninnities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of ita effect:s— enior lis tog trophy in their midst of its Victory os er the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat end lungs. As all know the dreadful fidelity of these disorders, and es they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do More than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the corm which have vrott eo strongly upon the ainfidenco of mankind. Prepared by Dr. IC. LU & CO., Lowell, Masa. II) II J. 4111 & GA,, and W.B. McCork , 'olam Ina Dr. "• off, Wii,gleaville. Dr. Grove, NEW GOODS. Tlf and a•isned ha• returned from the city and prepare to forni•h the public with a good a cheap roi•k rf Calicoes, of the best styles, at o priers; %tu•ltna, bleached and unbleached; a vet good as•ottment ril CASSIMERES, AND CLOTHS, snucetl• and Boys wear—a full stock and prices to eon the times. Buts and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries oral' kinds, Cheap for Cash.' F. 1113ITNER. P. 8 . Hating rerchased most of my go whole ate houses Mitt were forced to sell tk I an Prepared to sell at redum-d Pricrs rolsoubm., Oct. 24, FOR .113,112 M, • , 1 ,7, •-• A Store 1100m..T.: fealty Si feet, whit complete draw- Item and Shelving, oom up stairs; good Caller and Warehouse; -situated Locust street, °Nasty:libel: Franklin House. 'Cola. Jun. /9131-lf Speer's 'Sambriei Wine, TIOR S.acrame . rdal and Family and Medicinal r purposeF; du- is a pure unadulterated wide from the Portugal Eider-berry, containing no ?minis excopt by its own fermentation. For ,ale at the •- July 20, , 61. FA M I LY fil EDICINE STORE.— HILLSIDE NURSERY Br. GARDEN! HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the `'Hillside Nursery and Gorden," offers for 'sole. at , his emigeQ. a acneral assortment of RUIT, sil ADE & ORNAMENTAL TREES: of the Looicest via netlcs, a rare collection of lardy Ornamental Shrubbery—evergreen aud deciduous the Guest climblon plants or every description rOe Mandell in 11113 market—all hardy, many monthly, of perpetual bloomers, . the standard varieties r .. 6? e & s • CRAPE VINES, 70 Y..S,TZ4 1,. .., NATIVE & EXOTIC, _ 'r.157:',.. , . . „ . ....:7 small fruits of nearly „ t . / . - :V,f; , . , :.1.,;', ' every variety worthy .esn " of cultivation in this climate. Gooseberries OW trill not mildew; also, the finest collection o hardy roses ever offered for sale in Columbia, and, after inspection of other gardens, he thinks he may safely assert, the finest grown and best assortment now in the county Ile calls attention to the Green 'House, which Is crowded with the rn rest and most songht for Tonle lies of Ornamental and glowering Plants, and chal lenges Lancaster and York Counties to produce a choicer or better grown collection of Green and Hot liouse Plantsolian now on hand at the •4i i!leide. GaMen," in order for Spring 'grade. Ile offers them cheaper thin they east be bought at any other estab lishment in the above counties or in the .tate, Ile keep- constantly on hand at his Extensive Nur sery and Carden, or can furnish at short noliee, every tree, shrub or flower. connected with the bust offered for yule in Philadelphia. In connection with the Nursery and Carder., the proprietor will undertake tbreugh die agency, of Vt'sliisissi Stafford. a scientific Landscape. tlordeber and Nur-crynion, educated in England, to plan and lay out Pleasure Grounds. Garden“. tk.c., and to do mern I jobbing iii this line of business. - 11 fancy and jobbing work will be warranted to give satisfaction to the most tasteful and fastidious, and will be done ut reasonal e rates S. Fl.:PtiltPLE: - Columbia. Apri11(1.1,55... ES Tin Gifixture, UIRILIVZ WILSON, . E. Corner Second and Locust Streeta. r II subscriber having entirely refitted his store nod Mal in a complete new stock of every th nig, in his line. invites the attention of the public to :l,,Ortfilt•lll ne STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. thz Flock is very large and complete, eon casting of RoYal Cook, William Perm. Noble, N'attonsl. Voting Atnerien, Morning Slur, Complete Cook, Cool. mg Itottgr-, lon Cook. four patterns. Parlor Net es of every ntal,s, •ire, style and variety, Bar Boons and (aye Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. inr g t, -tool, of articles on the above line of he.' nes-, youipri..aimeveo Ming Mims manufactu:edot 'rm.:Meet lion fir , for Household nu rposes. His stock is of his own manufacture, and ' he can vouch for its ezkellenee and durability. , Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c.. AL. Hind complete ii , .ortinerit of elegant Gas Fixture, of iti-ieful of six, lutll, three nod two burlier Cil•lnoleliers, single burner !lull Pentium.. tilde Light , plum and ornumetlistl, Prop utways on bond. CAS Fl in all tt, brunette, attended to militipromptite,s. House Roofing, Spouting, Etc.. nous!: ittywiNG und put up in the ino•tiolpaiintati in:sillier; Plumbing, 13c1' Hang mg and NI., I. t one/IOS Of lire carried on us iteretcaore : ini the most reo-oind Ic terin.. !IMAM WILSON, • Corner of Seenall Locu.t-treeis. Columba, Sepiraibur 5, 1557. rO& ZiEI~TT. rOl l Oll 111 110: inUe r(0.11, 110 W occupied 'I Lam:, IVckII, t}y.; al-o, ,e•vel A II 10 I'YEH. n'ucn bra. I'r•brn:vp C.. It 53 Plural SPICES 11:1V Or' VIIt-gar. the bc , i In J.N latt 11, MI :1.1•101.11.d Jul Ly tTh , . ^.uv 11 F 111113NFAI FIR :1) (.1...1.1.ine for in the Go'Aro A;L j .l..r. filiUsE; .H.D.FT.4.T.TI-{,ANT UNDER '1 HE FRAN N LIN it , ;USI:, J.fIG("S7' S 1 El:7', C01,1%11111_1, 1 1 . 11 1. . 1 7 : 1 :" vhete ptep,,rod ,o mot .3.11.• , Rr tre..ittio•th , to the Or -I e..1,0,11.1oto•ol has !Well IIe.VV;Y 111101111;1 , 11111 r , .1.1.1 . to Ow Iteeolll oindutioo of 111 , (.13..:411111.1.. 11111 no eflOrt will :to .pared to properly 0101 ploinvtly' 10 11101 f /11.141., 111111 appeote, The o)rti•rq, it . . provided will ['co! 1111 . bedt qu4. 'but they trot be tve)l conked end '4'0,11011 t•Apt,fll..lll , o per-on trout one of the be-t. 111 • hit- been eileoged to ud.e eltarge of the coot, log department. The -üb~tq fiber .1 ~hr of lib. triende anal the public a rhu re off 1.0-tuns. :11 11E11. 1 . ,11111.111 1101.1ne• I=l Hams. WI: linen open Clinton lot of ongar onio‘t Ikons. L. it. /:lcilN IZ IC= PaII:PARE FOR COLD VJEAT f ll' VT: jog rettiri:rl 'rein the lily' i• 11 L :1,1,$1: 01 .1:I Itit• .111 d I PrOt .t COOK, PARLOR, STORE AND OFFICE STOVES, s.vhiell I (eel -an-tied s, ili ennworp wtilt ant . oilier , nd•li•liment Ih.. -We of l'inlantipina Can and es. &mine nay ttot.V. .ohl :it a :=ntall .tdvanc.e. 111 It.l'l VII.SON, N. W. Cor. , *econil and Lta mit tirtieln, Columbia, at-pt. I l -60. portsmen Look Here! I OP doub.e. and -mgle barrel jubt received at 1 the I lardware !...:lore of J II amp le A. Son. Double. Irul re] guile front SO. up to :NU Single bar red from to 520 ‘Ve lift V" reecrled everything; in the gunning 11,11". -ugh a= Powiler. Shah. Cnpu. Powder 1:111-k-, IVtiil6:llg.Garne Bag-, vvllich we offer to -el I at very low rate, Colombia, Aug.tii '6O BED BUG DESTROYER. ADE by .1. Ilmnp:e. No humbug. It mute in ill a powder. mid As ill HOI -oil the bed clot hug. - I it does no! {not, ,Ids•fisetoiy the money wilt be ye funded. For ~.ile at the alma or NOi•E AND LETTER PAPER, • UNION ENVELOPES: largest and best a•aoriincnt m the. City, 'whack Iwe %ell die lowt , i prier.. Can and eXuarlrne 101 IN nay . 'RI. No th!, V. Queer. Sired. laueoeier SKY-LIGHT PICTURES TEE ORIGINAL GILIMERY, IN IS' EW BANDS. • THE subscriber has taken the Old Gallery and i. prepared to tike troller thu be. cheap net pictures ever taken an Coluinbta- lie has ridded to the fat:itches of the roomy . - A SKYK LiGRT, • and bac completely refitted the establislimenhand is prepared to take Ivorytypes, Phologr.plis, Metro types, Asitbro4 pc., Itleiamotypes and Pictures on Canvas to the best style, aim at prices winch ore unheard or for cheapness. Likenesses warranted, and it pritiqactOir picture iernithed without repealed sittings. lie Saks a clots tinunnee of the libera. patronage always extended to this establishment. Call and ex u rrene specimens'a the room., Pi. E. Corner Pront and Locust streets laird ..tort'. Entrance on Locus' street. Ort. 20.1660 R.. 1. Nlt LITTLE: HENRY SUYDAM'S - RETAIL. GROCERY STORE, CORNER FRONT AND UNION STN. Ht: rubscriber Xecpm comstaudy . on baud a large T and good a..oftment of GROCERIES OF EVERY KIND, cornii.ting of Coffee, Sugnre, Teas, ftfola.aes, Hams, Dried Beef Plour.Feed;ke., &c. invite• attention to r, lot of fine Engli.b and American Pickles in bottle.. Ketchup, Prepared u.tit rd. Spices. and other articles In the same hue, which he can recommend. He ha. a general u.sortment of everything in Iva line, and aska a continuance of the support beret°. fore 40 liberally extended to bum by the public. NOV 2X,'62. HENRY SUYDAM, Woolley% All Healing Salve, for sale at the. Golden Mortar Dreg tgiore. Cola. Jan'y 19 '6l. Front Street. Hannewelrs Tolu Anodyne. rpms the preot Neuralgia remedy . an.l perfect cut for all the miller cervouo compla i n t. per ...Ile 1 th J ' FAhIILY hIEDIrI ald Fh•TORE. uly 20, 1261 c Nl: ellows' flan. Prof. Gardner's Soap. ritfE have she New England Seep for those who die 11 , not °Main It from the Paso Men; It in plea-ant to the skin, and will take grease smcis'from Woolen Coodn, it Is therefore no burnhog. for you get the worth of your money at the Family Medicine [Store. Columbia. June 11.18511. -- re It A t N SOAP: COLA ASH. one of the best articles inthe market., esnlie bad in serge or mall quaritidele, et the Dr u g t , ttors of F. WILLIAM., Locos , Street JONAS ATVERSi 3. II 13:%1P & J. RUMPLE ic 3 ON.