=== LIST_ Ol i LETTERS • - jElitillNlNG IN THE COLUMBIA POST OFFICE, March Mic—ltlCl. .Albert Maranda Moyer Jonidan flrooks HocaceL Maurer George• ;Brink John F Miller Wm Burg William 2 - Morgan Christopher tßyerly David'2 Macluen Sallie Bock John • Mulison Nancy ißouerSarah MCGlochlin &man Bare.4osephOgden '-Brubakei'H M R S ''-• -- ,Mathias John . ,Benner August' • • Mullen Jane ' • Chael Harriet'-' • 'Myers'Delina ' Clark J'C ' • " Musser Miry • Collier J F Miller Sarah t Cull Margaret , 'McMin Samuel Colunbia Clarion Maier Howard • Crab• Joseph • Moyer Christian .Croll Geo W Miller Lizzie *Clarke Delilah Morris George Collins Joseph Neff Mary • Cleaver John_ •• • Owen Mariah :Evans Benj Operley Mary Erben Job& - 'Paxton Q T -Free:Yohli' ~ • Reese Mary 'Flind M ' ' .11.eiver Joseph Wile Laura. Robert Margaret • .Waller Andrew ' -Seitz Annie , hFauby Abraham •Steil Elder G eGreen M S V,. - Smith Joseph CGontrier 'Catharine Souder Henry AGrosh Henry Schwarber C C tHriffinan. - James Snyder Catharine 2 Zlilogentozler Sarah Seibert .1 .Hisses M E Sumpman Barney illaileshy t 7 M Sloon Saml ,ißopserl3 M Shed Gabriel .Hayes Esther Scherrtck John 'Harris Mary A, *Stafferd Semi :James Saml Teusinger Michael Koch Adam Thomson Lewisa :Kaufman Reuben M Tooney Sarah Long:Mary J Webster Harriet List Nettie A. Wright Coll A Lee Susannah Witter E Lartz August Yost Fred .Laughard Semi Zanes , H Musser Susan E -Zell Thomas .McGraw James Persons inquiring for letters- ill please men tion if they are advertised.' ' ' Apr. •. •A f • M. FRY, P. M. ' II.iLASSWARE! GLASSWARE!! JUST received ' new and novel siyles vases. Dishes, Goblets, Tumblers. &c" &c. The be-t • cent tumblers In the town, et . _ STF.ACY & BOWERS'. Opposhe Odd FrHowl,' Mill. Colimb's. Pa NEW GOODS. "'EE Eubscriber has now a full line of goods which J.'he offer= for salt at rengonablt_rates. Merrimac. Coeltevo, Dunnell, American. York. Hamilton. Philip. Allen Mints. Cheeks, Hickory • Stripe, Blue Drills, Tiekings. Muslim, Flannels all colors. 811iilleal*, for Boys , and Men's Wear. Black and Blue Clotho. Coosimeres in great variety. Shrunk Coating Linen; elm. Twilled Linen, which can lie used for a great many purprema, as a subcilutr for • cotton. H. F. BRUNER. Corner Third and Union ate., Columbin Clocks, Watches and• Jewelry. PSIIREINEIt & SON having lately re • reived large W . C4 . ..-10111. to !lieu. :alre Id) varied • and beautiful meek. ammunce to their friend. Pup they ore prepared to all article- tat tame line nt -the lowest ea.!. T'leir .tock io veleeted axial the creute-I cure from the brat fuetnrie.. and wart:lat be repre.ctited -We invite .peetal attollaeut to aucitirce 10,-01 . 1111.1112 of • AMERICAN, ENGLISH, ' AND SWISS WATCHES, gold Chitin+, Bream Pin.. Ear Il g. Shrchteles, Isiloorwurr, and Fine Jewelry every der.eriniioo. Pureh wer• will find it to their ailvaittagelo call and examine our fine stock, before making pUrelitme.. CLOCES.—A, complete O.wortincot of cloche! of every 1.1)1e, lit good running order and tnarr.inied I,five cull and we (or vow...lves. Erß i na in rig proorpay auend.d to. SIIIIHINER dr SON Trout meet, above Walnut. Columbia. March :11, 1963' BOARDING. AFIRST CLASS BOARDING rtousE, will be opened by Mery J. Del.eth oe the Fit-t of April IleXI. in the house formerly occupied by Henry Brand., In Walnut Meta, above Prom. For &e., apply to MRS. M. J DEL r, Marclell33 at II 1571.1-on'a. Administ rator2s . Notice. ESTATE of henry Heise, late of Vet Ilempfield townehip. (tree 'sett. etiers of itdmin +motion on said e•tate having heel: granted to the undersigned. all per..ons indebted there. to are requested to male iipmeilinte retilement, and buying claims or demand. ileanel lilt same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in nrOil town•li•p. HANNAH MUSE Ailtniniairairix. lI.IIEISE, Administrant'. Morel flt. 186343 t NOTICE. TITITIERFAS. Leiters Testamentary on the :•Into of T John tVister. late of the ' , enough of Columbiu. county of Istmenster. deceased. have been granted to •the suloseelber; residing In West llempbeld town ship; ull per•nnr indebted to said centre ore requested to make immedonte ;tome'''. and those having rhtims • aguntst the same wit present them duly uulhentreut ed for settlement to March 21.12634 H To the Ladles! r i 11,11 y ill it° your Pally rine ion In our >pring. oriel' o nl &e•. good•—Hogl.-11. Prow) and American Clootaro .filockamf, Mo.lt oft. &c, Stc A kn, new .131 e : 4 rtrot,c 13.11m0ra1., and bargains in ludo, and moss looped Sle, rt. II C. VOVEIEIISMITII. Arljniniar thr Ronk. Nore WALL PAPER "NIOTWrrIiSTANDING the grent advatice in all kinds o Paper, we are nrepare•l to of•r na usual great bargain , in lbw article. Buyers are invited to call and Judge for theni-cires, at hi r 21:0'I EON I)1iR SAI ITH. FEATHERS! FEATHERS!! A lot of Primc White Indiana Feu 11.4, juin received ..t U. C. FONDERS‘IITIVS People'. Ca•ls Sore. INGEIN3 Just Received, CiIIGAR Dean. Tom Thumb Pens. Fairly Warwick, Large White Marrowfut Pea, Extra Eurly May Fenn, for Spring planting; alerh Failp Valentine Peon., Emily Mohawk Keane. Large While Kidney Beall.. Lima Beall. ref .ale iu Luce or PIM quanittieii, to gether will' x large , and well aeleeted sitiownment of 'bash and reliable Garden Sera's, at the Drug Sore of F. WILMA NIS, Locum street. Iktaren U. '63 - - Arch st. Carpet Warehouse, sn ARCH Street, two doors below Ninth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. TRebscriber bat ju+t received for •pring trade J. a well selected aiMM of English and American CA RPETINGS, • embracing all the new styles er the best makes-- bought previous so the late 'advance fur cash, and Will be sold at low price*. Velvets. Brussels. Three•PlT•. Ingrains and Vene tians Carp/llama—with a large stock OIL CLOTHS — DRIIGGETS, ItATTINGS,: &c., &c. 'Persons who are about furiaishinvara requested to make an examination of the above goods previous to making their eCiectimiA, an such inducements will be held out as cannot fail to please.. • JOS. BLACK'VOOU ECM Arch street. Plidad'a. MEMO! !Millinery and Straw Goods. 11111! INN have the, pleaure of informing on that we are now prepared to offrr at our :Ad Stood Non. 103.105, and 107, North Second et Philada.. a well tele^ ted shwa . or ' MILLINERY AND STRAW , GOODS. in every variety, of the Wee importations. and of the newest and MC34t fashionable styles. OUR-STRAW -DEPARTMENT. will, comprise every v . Bonnet., Hats and Trio:twins:a to be found .... . oe. of the latest and most approved shapes and at, le•. Solieitinn an early call. I remain • Yours, Respectful' March 14. 1P63-tt yi WARD. Pitnnom. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration d s be via non. • mon - teslantento annum, on the estate of Atuchael D. Wader, lute of the harsugh of Colambfa. County or Lancaster, deceased, have been gr.toted to the sub scriber, residing in West iletandeld totsmoloy; all per-one Ladebtod to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, avid those having eleants agatnat the same. will present them duly an th•-nneated for seldernent. to' HEN WY CV-ISL ER. Mardi 21, 1813 GI Adm. d. b. n. c. t. a. • Dissoltlio ! UWE pattnersliV oUthe tioderslgWoLOOder the firm of Haldeman & Jackson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Jobe 'A. Joe MO will continue the lowliness at the old stated, and will settle the ho.tness of theism., firm. R. J. I.IALDEIJAN. JOHN A. JACKRON. Columbia, Matti% 1 0 , 186:1. Mardi ,'63.tf ~.,:111ONF;Y! MONEY!! , -S 1.006 WANTED b 7 'be ant of ihtsy .ormer. co Columbia proprn y, worth MANI.— Emillirc al th. oak,. alclies, Jesselry mall Sliver- ai'The undersigned - would retpretfully invite your attention to ble well.veleeted stock - of Fine Gold and Silver Watches,' Fine Hold Jewetry.of every Stud and ye:trim of flyinz• COM' Prill illg all of the newest and mo,t luautiful devigeay. Al-o. Soled Silver- Ware, equal to Colll— the' bed =eke of Silver' Plated Ware.--= Hsieh article is warreliited'to - be as repretented r r lVatedee and Jewelry carefully repaeredsand 'malefaction guaranteed.. JACOB HARLEY, (Succesvor to Smaller & Harley.) Mar 7,'63,3m ' ' N0.6:42 Market :ft., Phil:a HAVING setured'a job' lot at old priees,we will sell much lower than is usually si.ked for the same quality anywhere else. Ladies secure a bargain hefote they are all disposed of. STEADY ar. COWERS, • Corner'of Reclnd awl Locust streets. Columbia, VEITHERS: FELTIIERM duet received a _L supply of Live Geese Feathers, pm nP in c'enn white huge ill-quantities to vuit purchasers. We war rant them free from dust or vied. STEACY it BOWERS. Corner of Second and Locust streets, Co amble. • COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CIEEIRRY, Always on band and for sale by F. WILLIAMS, Mar.21,'63. Locust, at. a d Fresh Supply of Garden and Tobacco Seeds, !UST :receired A.' Gray's Golden Mortar Drag Stare. consisting of a complein aomriment of iu men., of garden •teed.t. Connecticut fieed Leaf To • bane(' in papers; Pea,, Extra Early. Toni!'rhumb and Idurrowrai in quantities to suit purchasers. Country. Stores will be supplied on liberal terms. March 21,186341 WI: have iust rtecived our first supply of new style ing Cussimerct, to which we respectfully call the uttetvton of all who desire n handsome pair of punts nod vest to match. or a full cult. {lease give us a call. IL C. FONDERSMITH'S March 21.'63 Cash Store, adjoining the Bank. :FOR RENT. . THE. Store Room in the Odd• Fallow Ilnll, on Lo mitt street, formerly occupied by A hl Rambo. Colu 'Apply to 24,18634 f HIRAM WILSON, mbm, Jun. THE SUBSCRIBER Offers at private sale, the Lot of Ground with VALUABLE STORE STAND AND ink DWELLING, at the come- of Third and Union streets, now occur pled by 11. P. Bruner. This is n commodious store room, and an a business 'land is second to no other in the borough of Columbia. The building is of brick. two-and-a-half stories high, with back yard extending to an alley. Thi. property W situated in the Improving quarter of We town, and in increasing in valise every year.— For terms address I. t 3 nittNER. Box 21. Columbia P. 0 Or apply to B.F. BRUNER, Columbia. Morrill 21.'63 61 On the Premises LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO., 56 WALL AND 61 PINE STREETS, NEW YORK. CASK Capital and Reserv•4lFuntPx, *5.204,125 InVeMett In the Unwed tihate-t, over 1,t01.0420 Dail) Rearnae. 7 3(Ill Sincklio!dci- nerzonally re-powoble for 01l engage- Tents of the company. - - . , DIRECTOR. IN NEW YORK. Frnieir Pourer'. !leery S;riunell. Erg °rimy ilha:rman, M Arelubsild. If B. M. Consul. Jo Guitlard.jr.. E-q A Hamilton. jr.. Erg, George G. 110,.0n, E F. Sunderreti, E -g., Iteritlenrelerreiary. Alfred Pell. EN., Collll.el, A lex 11511,7,1t0n. jr., Esq.. Phenix Runk. Cumsneite & CO. LOCAL lIOARD IN PHILADELPHIA. C. L. Rorie. E q . C. et. Smith, Esq., R. Smethurst. Esq.. L. Coffitt, Esq., Joseph W. Lewis, EN. RICRARDS SMITE! Agent, N. E Coiner 'Third and tt alum streets. Philo, P. X ZI iiXiLER. Agent, Columbia, Pei. Jon 17ely Hn•ement Mark , . Hotel. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Cc. Of Philadelphia. f TAVI NG declared a acrip dividend of FORTY PER IL CIA!' upon the C 311.1/ prelllll4ol4 received in lOW. ,11111:ell 10 -or!. certificatc4 wi II please call at toe office of the uthiel signed. to receive the same The tinpleeedented .411 Ces.. and good management or the attars of this Company. should induce all who here the we,iare of their rainiliett, or friends at heart, to he tin•tired. l'or a tintemornt of the business of the Contrisany, cr other ilifortnoilon apply to, -F. \. ZIEGLER, Agent. Feb 23*(13 31 Oilier. 11,,emelit orliistek 7 . Hotel. Fresh Drugs and Medicines. Toilet and Fancy Articles. Extracts for the Handkerchief. Patent Medicineg. Table, Cloth, Hair, Flesh and Tooth Brushes Golden and Flower Seeds. Wines and Brandies. Jnst received and for sale at the • FAMILY MEDICINE STORE, Odd Fellows' Hall. HENRI' WISF.ER. Executor The sobseritter a tinnuarea that be has just received I a full a.soriment of fre•lt and remble Garden ...cede, at Me Drug *tort., in Locust Street. Feb tit. %lb F. WILLIA:IIS. B° wERS' INFANT CORDIAL. for yieldinr re lirl in children, teething; also, Alen. Soothing ts.rop, fee the same purpose. run !ways be oblained nt F. WILLIAM: 4 . Cola. Feb 21,'6.1* Locust Street. NO . THER I.li of Soda Ash has jiye WlLLlAMS' rer i •ised !* Cola. Feb. 21. ISIi,I, RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES: PULMONIC WAFERS! Thrl7ll”trestain and spredy remedy teer discovered for ali diseases of Mg Chest and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Influenza, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, &c., &e. 'Meyer Willem give the moct.instantaneous and per fect reliefoind when persevered with aerording to directions never fail to effect a rapid and lasting cure. Thousands have been restored to perfeet health, who have tried other menus in vain. "To all classes and constitutions they are a bleach% and a eure—none need despair, to matter how long the disease may have existed, or however severe it may be, provided the organic structure of vital organs Is not hope les.ly decayed. Every one afflicted should give them an impartial trial. TO VOCALISTS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS there Wafers ate peculiarly valuable. They will in oar DAY remove the 0304 severe occasional hoarse ness; and their regular age for a few days will, at all times, 'acreage the power and flexibility of the voice, greatly improving its tone, comp ins and clearness, for which purpose they are regularly used bg many professional Toad Mts. JOB MOSES, Sole Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y. Price 25 cents per box. Vocalists and Public Speakers Vets Brie end Patine Speakers Vocalists and •Public Speakers Will find Brion's Wafer, Will find Bryan's 'Wafers - wilt find Bryan% Wafers Invaluable to remove involciAtrtelp remove Invaluable to.reniore tioarsenepa and Sore Throat Hoarrenets and Throat floarreneas and Sore Throat And give clearness' to the Voice A ittrgloe cleernedo to the Voice And givealea roes' to the Voice They relive in ten minrte• They relieve in ten white. Thee relieve in tensninutes Meets. Colds, and all diseases Coughs, Colds. and all dteeases Cloaghs,Colds; and >tll disease" Of the Chest and Liner - -Of the Chest tad Longs Of the Chest so Lump Fold by all Drumlat. . ' • . ftld 1, 7 x, ma . 11D r u .,. 0 g 9" . gold trf I. -..--/ . ." • At 25 rent, per box ' - '''',..' ... ,! . •, • " AIMS cent, per boa Al 2$ rentA Pry tar reb• 14, 10413 Ware. Hoop Skirts DR. H:- SWAYNE'S Original Attention, Gentlemen: raxv43.1.,E1 -SALE. , 2,TASLI.IIEIS IS3 NOTICE. GARDEN SEEDS THE FENDRICH BROS. JOHN FENDEICtiIe . BROS.,ICeIambia, Pa. Established, 11356. F. FENDRICH & BROS., Evansville, Tad., Establiibetl, -1856 , BIiANCHEr OP TUE BALTIMORE HOUSE, Established is 1848, JOS• FENDRICH & BROS. JOHN MDR 1 WE would respectfully inform the citizens of Columbia and vicinity that we are manufacturing all kinds of CHEWING TOBACCO, At our Tobacco Factory, EVANSVILLE, [ND This Tobacco FaCtorT is thi Largest in the State, and we will pledge ourselves to sell at COLUMBIA, PA., MEM LOWEST MANUFACTURING PRICES One thing we wish to state: all Chewing Tobacco manufactured by us will be made EXCLUSIVELY OF OLD LEAF We have now now on bands 353 BOXES OF TOBACCO which cannot be eunpaseed in •quality in any of the cities We also 'beg leave to say that we are man ufacturing SEGARS AND SNUFFS OF ALL KINDS We have on hands the following brands of SWEET TOBACCOS SO Boxes aßen Frank/in," (I lbs.) 40 ge giNavy." 17 , e "Congress," (runs 10 plugs to lb.) 20 '' "1011." 55 Caddy Boxes, (1 lbs.) NATURAL TOBACCOS Bb* Boxes "Nelson's," (} lbs.) 54 gg F. F. & Bros.' ig El Dorado,"(i lbs.) 33 .i . “Frank's Orange" (i lbs.) PIPES 1^2:1 German Smoking Tobaccos OF ALL KINDS. STOREKEEPERS AND SUTLERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS Before iserebuiag elsewbere please examine our large assortment, which wit .pledge our- selves to sell at tits LOWEST MANUFACTURING .PRIOES, U)EMI All we ask is that you shall call and judge for yourselves. We offer any of the above goods at wholesale or retail. JOHN FENDRIII & BROS., 'Wholesale and Retail Tobacco, Sane and Segar Hanaketaresv, Front street, Five Doors above Imtwt, Jan. it, 16153. Colombia, Pa. DR. .ILARKLEY'S , HEALTH HEALTH SEA LTH ' 41EALTH. RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVIC. RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM 1 Is the most eerMin safe and effectual remedy ode red to the pmblic for DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, _CONSTIPATION, , GENERAL DEBILITY, HEADACHE, JAUNDICE, MERCURIAL DISEASES, CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS, SCROFULA, PILES, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, ALL ERUPTIONS OF THE SHIN, and all disease. originating from an impure condition of the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Experience of over twenty years with this and the other remedies prepared by the proprietor, fully es tablish the fart that they are the most reliable, and wilt give more general satisfaction than any, other remedy before the public. Being PI7REST V - MGETA.BLM • they cai be taken by any person and under any eir- CUMIIIIItIOES. NO PERSON CAN TAKE THEM WITHOUT DERIVING BENEFIT FROM THEIR USE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT THEM. Testimonials arc daily received senior: forth their value. Whole columns of voluntary certifieuteecould be Riven. but space will not permit. The attention of the public is culled to the circular issued by the subscriber and can be obtained ns well as all the preparations from the agents mentioned below. TRY THEM! TRY THEM !! Prepured only ivy • DR. G. H. MARICLEY, Who can be consulted at his office or by letter, Bold In Columbia by _ A. GRAY & CO, DruggiAs; and, also in Lanraster County, by Joshua Leader, Mould IdYi Jncoh Ni es Iry Sari acvi le; Daniel Goheer. Blue Ball; J. H. Blom, Elizabethtown; Dr. J. B. Johns, New Holland; Hensel & Uhler, Querryville; C. Kau( man, Bporling Nov. 1.1P9t-em OUSEKEErERR—For pure white, Ochly embos-ed. new styles. white granite, ten. dui ner, and toilet .etts,lo. low prise.., purehasera should not Intl to examtne our stock before porch:vans clue- Wllelne. 11. C. FON ll.tiftSMITH. Feb. 29. Adjoining. the Bonk. igniar ZEVI7EraIirSTRORE. Front Street above Walnut, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. THE subscriber, having returned no Columbia after an absence of seven years, usnin sa,Ters Lie ter. vices in his line of business. He has opened in the store formerly occupied by Mrs, John Alarlin.in front street, above Walnut, complete assortment of nt w and handsome 33VIGVT XIL I= CLOCKS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ice &c.. to which he invites the uttentlon of the public. Ills pricer will be as low um any. end he can warrant hr rock a, good in every relfect He re fers with confidence to his past husiness career in this place. and arks a return of the !Arend custom formerly extended to him. Repairing in all its various brunches promptly and careiully executed Cola. July 26, 1662 CRA RLSS ZEITLER. Nousekeeper's, a Word! TUFT Received. a full stock of blenched and un vf bleached Muslim, Tickings, Cheeks. Gingham , and Prints, in a word, everything pertaining to do• vee•te In. Call and examine for yourselves. at STRACV& BOWERS. June 1,1662. cor. 2d and Locust Sts. BITSTWECEIV=I. lVE ci fin e ze .n re d eV a 7 c d y n e i n ninl es tsujp t i . . Fa of mily hie li t t e g d „ i t: Store. and are prepared to pimply our eu•tornere with tiny articles in our line that they may cirmre. feb. 'AdZ ODD FELLOWS' HALL. NOTICII. ATOTICE is hereby given, of an intention to establi4h .1.1 a Bank of Discount, Deposit and Circulation, un der the provisions of the set emitted °An Act to es tablish a eye em of free banking in Pennsylvantn, &e.,'• and the supplement thereto; said Bank to be called "THE MANUFA.CTITRERS , BANS." to be located in the Borough of Columbia. Lancaster county, Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Thoo•and Dollar% to be divided into two thousand shares of Fifty Dollar. each. November 29,91802-0 m fOOFLIND'S German Bitters, can be ob talned at t WILLI tsfilW, Locust at. H )LIDAY PRESENTS. TOON SHEIFFER, NO. n NORIO QUEEN ST., would respectfully tallest the attention of his patrons and the public to his splendid assomnent of HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Prepared and arranged expressly for the Festive Se■•on. The Stock compritep STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS AND JU- VEN ILE BOOKS. in many beating's' and elegant styles of bindin g Library FAilions of the hest authors. Prayer BOSIM and Bibles. linglish mule American Bdittons. We hove books for Christina* Presents, books for New Year's Gifts. books for the Old Folks, boots for the Toone Folks, books for the Folks in Town. books for Folks In the 0. I anti. Books for Boys, books for Olds, books to , I ovens, book. df Humor, books of Devotion. boon. , filistorY. books of Tame!, books of Heroes, books of Patriots. Books about Indian.. books about Hooters, books about Soldier., books ■bout Sailors, books for Fanners, hooks for Mechan ics. Splendid Annelle, Beautiful Poets. Handsome Albums. Washington Irring's Works. Charges Dickens' Works. :Sir Walter Scott's orks. T. S. Ar thur's Works. Bayard Taylor's Works, Mayne Reid'. Adventures, Revolutionary Stories. AU the whines of every standard author in every department of Lnerature, in every aryls+ of binding. can be procured at Publisher's Prices. PNIOTOGRAPIII ALBUMS. A new stock lint recetted from Celebrated ... Man ufacturers. . • The larger( and !ivy a•aenment in the pity'. flinging in ureter trom 75 et. to 1120,00; bound in the very 1.f.11 toq le. with Linen Guards. Album• for the Pueltet • and Centre Table. Hbionir Album., Imperial Qua:to I-Album., New style. received daily The American Sunday tlehool Union Holiday Books, Jon Published. Ofer 100 New Hooke—all illustrated! Juvenile Department. This department notarises ihrmost complete and the most extensive stark or Rooks suitableThr.ttie Little Folks to be found in the city. GAMES GAMES ofeoery description at low places. To Roolltit oi ail kinds; riling Pesky, Rosewood and Mahogany; Port Folios. HYMN BOONS! els °dist, Laiberan, Presbyterian, Reforeard, kr. se permed desiring is. tan snobs their seleetions and bane porn agea laid aside Olt Christiana. and ease far yourself, at ' • sßvArrF.n...4, the • 22 Nardi green se.. Lane...v.ler. Tut: cley.irable more room lately occupied by Sn)lor 2c McDonald, Front street. Fecond door tram Lo cust at. The room has 'men completely refitted, mud the Mention for businmee. cannot be. aurpeeeed in the borough.- Alm the peeped :gory room ei now occupied by J.Z. Hoffer. Apply - to • - 9areF/163 wiLSON. Sick and .A.filibted' Everywhere. Sick and Afflicted :Everywhere. " .4 11:nytie'd Conipound Synyi Wild Cherry,', 'Olwaynels Compound nyrop Wild Cherry,' The Great Remedy •fer - • Cough!, Colds. Croup, Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma. Coughs, Cold., Croup, Bronchitis. Asthma. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma Sore Throat. Hoarseness, Blood Spitting, Sore 'lrmo, Hoarseness, Ellasid Sate Throat. lioavettess. sore Throat, Hoarseness, COil•Unlpli3O, Consumption ; Con•umpt Con -umpl.:0111. Coil•orrini ion. Consumption, All ortolan- Throat. 1L.t.m.1. and breast. All uffectons Throat, Lungs and Breast. All affect on. 11. roll'. Lune.. end Brent. 50,000 DEATHS BY CONSUMPTION Would perhaps be a mmall emainsite for the ravage+ of this dreadful disease iu U mingie year. In there no remedy to arrest its fatal progress? 'flubs point ham been attained. We allude pa rtieularly to l•flir. Smayhe's Compound S, *up of Wild Cherry. The most Inveterate cases yield to this greet Vegetable remedy. Have you meal: Nerves. Disturbed Sleep? Have you Liver Complaint. Blood Spittitig? Have you Pains. side, b reami. dec.? Have you any *symptoms of Consumption? Clergymen, Physicians, All Public Speakers., nay •Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry" gives hat vigor to the voice whim's cannot be obtained from any other remedy. For all Pulmonary Complaiins, the aged stud debilitated, it is truly valuable. Thirty yearn' experience, and its increasing populariiy, are con vliselog NIGHT SWEATS, GREAT DEBILITY, Sca. We think there never has been a medicine' which has given smelt universal .nit-fuelion nv "lii. Sway Iles Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry" , It ha= stopped night sweats. checked deep-vented ulcers of the :wigs, raked those who were fast declining with greet weakness, when all other means Frayed una vailing. Sardivrts's Pmts.- SWAYNE'S PILLS. ARE YOU SICK? Is YOUR SYSTEM DERANGED? TAKE DR. SWAYNE'S SARSAPALIELA AND TAR PILLS. They cleanse out the disordered humors. enrich sod purify the blood, remove all unhealthy bilious secretions of the stomach and bowels, causing a per fect healthy stale of the liver. They ore a prompt. reliable and purifying purgative., entirely free from Mercury and all deleterious substance. Prepared from purely vegetable remedies, under the immediate supervision ofiDR. H. 94VAYNF. They are covered with a coating of sugar, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly. They are oadoultiedly the best enthaw is and anti-bilious medicine thin ham ever been discovered They cure Nervous and Sick. Headache Costiveness or Constipation, Liver Complaints, Un ions diseases, Jaundice. Fits. Fevers, Dimness of Vision, Female Irregularities. Sac. We feel .saiisfted all who give these Pills a trial will never use any other. r: irreeparen only by DR. SWAVNE & SON, 330 Noah Sixth -Ifert. above Vine, Philadelphia. Sold by nil Urungt•tts and Denlera in Al edieine .in town and eonntry. Sold by MALTAT & CAO and A. GMT & ro., Coltn. bin. Feb. 7.'62. FOR RENT OR SAGE. ALarge TWO-STORY BRICK MEL- ft . LING lintiSti, fronting on Locupa etrecieligi idiotic Fount,. formerly occupied by %V.v. Coteume, %van n fine lirirk Stable Hind Carpenter Shop. given first day of April. 1.112. Apply to March d, :H ESN EY. is NEW GOODS. ' l \ E . Dave .. Junt . Recei red our Full Stock of DRY °De, which we at Lh i e i Aw .4 eiedi figure l f Corner 2d and Locust Street, 1862. 1562. The Largest and 11lost Extensive Stock of Fall & Winter Dry Goods, • . Ready-Made Clothing. INTHE BOROUGH OF COLUMBIA WE EAU JUST OPENED OUR FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. BEA DY-MA Dk CLOTHING. he , which we have roleatei with great care. We l'erl confident ot being able to please all who may . favor us with their patronage. Our slack consist.s in part a, follows: DaEsS GOGDS: Black and Fancy Colored Silks, French Plaid Silks, Moue. Detainee, Gingham., A Ipuctis and Polar, is all varieties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Super. Block French Cloths, • Brown and Blue Cloths. ti Black Doe-Skin Cu-sirneres a large variety of Fancy C.... Amen-it of nB grader and prices. Black Grandens.Saim and Marseilles Vest tags. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Bleached and unbleached louslins of ell qunlities, from 61 to 16 cents, White Goods all gruilitter, Tick ing., Checks, Flannels, Linen Table Cloths, Towel logs, &c. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &C., &C., Black attd Fancy Colored Stella Shawls, Black Cloth Cloaks of the latest styles and patients. Hosiery. Trimmings nod Nowlin: of all grades, qual ities aid prices. Hoop Skirts of all sizes, Balmoral Skirts 'umbrellas, Parasols. READY-MADE CLOTHING; Black tmd Fancy Cloth Coats. Block mid Fancy Ctivsimere Coats. Meek and Fancy Casaimere Black & Fancy Silk, Sinth, Cloth & Cassimere Yeats. The above goods have been bought at greatly re duced prieeslor CASH. and wtll be sold at small ad vance for the same, at the store of ". B. bIeTACUE & Cfl, Locust Street, Iwo doors below Columbia Bank. Columbia. Noy. 20.1e62. LANCASTP.R, PA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS Company continue! to inrure and oilier properly, again!t lost nod damage by fire, on the mutual plan, emitter for a cash premium or premium note. The large end inerea.ing capital of She Company, emptiating of protium notes given by its member., and based upon $1,475.789 35, Insured on the mutual plan, atiords a reliable ;lonian tee equal to ten lime, the average io•s on I he amount insured; and the Directors pledge them.elve• In deal as liberally with those who may low , or dam age a. the cave will admit or, consistent With Justice to all pi:lilies concerned. Amount of Premium Notes, $155,620 49 Balanen of Cash Premiums airier- pended. Jan.lin. leB2, . $1,663 57 Cas. tempts during the year 1882. (ewe agente? COITIMISCOgi.. 0,781 47 Cash receipts in January, 1603, 814 88 —.----80 345 84 Lo.nes and Expenses paid during the year 1t94. 6.329 73 Balance unexpended, Feb. std, 1963..11.016 11 Qy 345 84 A. S ORRIEN, President. C►nscz Torso, Jr.. Secretary. bile/11MS. SNQYAn. Trensurer. 7:31X1.33•3•0 R f 3: R. T. RYON, EPHRAIM HERSHEY, ABRAHAM BRITNER, MICHAEL H.AMOORE, JOHN PENDRICIL CEO. YOUNG. Jr.. 11. O. MINICH. NICHOLAS WOONALD, SA1111.71:1. ERRRLEIN,AMOS S. GREEN. MICHAEL S.:OH-NAN Columbia, Fes. 14. 1C63. Insurance Co. of North America, OF PHILADELPHIA. TIIIS Comp ny.was masked in 1794 its Capital Stock fa eSnomo. and - lift as ia as per mama:tent of January. 19n1, were in Mortgartaa, Loan Salida, Stocks and Cash, e1A2{,7111 PI Arthur C. Coffin, Chsrlc• Tiarlor; le. N. Pinkmn, Sam'l W. Joneo.„ Auihrone %%him, Aiernfl John A Brown, John R. Neff, John Als•or, r. Sarolti, 7 Ricked U. Wood, Witham AVelm, Wm. E. Bowen,' G. L Harnivon, Francis R.Copc, Edward 11.Trounr. ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, President. • CHARLES PLATT. Seermnfl. These resources and the high character and +need ing of the Company, Ors the assur■nee of full prolee- Oma to owners of propene ogninst the hazards of fire, and enable one to eoncii with eon fidenee any ba its:sal on may have it in your power In bestow. P X. ZIEGLER, Agent, Colombin • Jan.17,110-1y Office, basement Bloc a;a• Sheaffers Cheap Book Store, lei 0. 22 North Queen !nivel, io the place to purchase 111 helmet hooka and , fteheal andatoterr, enhopritiftg oil the ' ' , mime Rending nml Spetttor Book., A rithme. tie. and A.lirelatt.toGrattimar. and I2Tmedeith"Ps tionarrett and If Warta.. Phi:atrophic!, &e.. be. Copy and Compuylden Moho, Letter. Cap cod Note Paper. Stank Boehm, telerire, Lead ,and State Teneiln, Pen. end Ilebiere. Ink—balmniadicßidert, anti Use beet and moot earonlete apartment of =ld*. STATIONERY LN ZEE sliorauts wide teilreephet. *ad )per elsonlih at ' ' ' SIICAFVEIIII 117bettp trioth Salt Store IC Net It queen otreet, lan Oetlits'4ll FOR RENT; losi:0.1*-1.).101 , DI R F.:CTO RS COLEMBIA. AGENCY for lakes Celebrated Herb Bitters. le at the Store or the subscriber. udieining the bank. Call and see the certificates of what it has done. H. C. VON ODItSIOIII, Feb. 2:I. People's Cash :Rote. Firm monthly mktallment of New Good this sea eon. Thly sour Cloths and Casaimerea at Jan.;.3.tlenta. . 14: P. BRUNER'S A Lagr,re u-sonmeirt arrows, delaioes, drill tick - tugs EL in store and for tale ,y 11. F. 111113111::11. BROTHER FIDDI"S 'Note lloldera just received ut Jau. 3,15132 11111JNER'S IDINGLI3I-1 Dud Amerioan pieclev fresh grapes and LI guntdropt; idea guru ships.. ouit•tandy no wand ut BRUNE3'S INDELL1111,1: INK—Jos. F. Hoover , , lndoLLle Ink, wilit the prepattniou to wet.csn be ltd ut Jan 3. 11 F.I3BI.:NEWS. 119MESTICS.—Notwithstanding the advance to ;he price of Unods, persons will find n to their udvantage to call and examine our .stock of new Prints, Al u &Ulm Gingltams, Cbeeks, Ticking's, Crash, dm- gm., in fact net. ry HUSE of goods suitable for new beginners at houseLeeping. and old ones too- STEACY & 110 WEICS, Opposite Odd renews' Ilall. nEkAINES, DELAINES.--We are receiving slur wrel. a vrry dcs:ralde line of Spriars Siyle Delatilter: all CMS ly examinalins is reepecilit2y soli cited STEACV k ItOWERS, Jun. 24 lEG:J. Opposite Udd 111 01. CIDEENSIVARE.--A very beautiful Hue of Test. Utilizer Hod Toilet Sets, Covered Dishes Stet& Plate, dm. &c.. just reveived, end will be told Ht the lawert 00.4.10 CNA prices. STEACY & HO WERS. Ottpo-its Odd Fellows' Hall, CR PRESERVING CIDER.---A Fro& lot of F SoliAule of Lune liosju.4 been received by ' Dee 6;01. E. Lit Ame, Lorna Ft. ,ADZES, TAKE NOTICE YOl.lll t ',engin. iv .preially called to the very hand acme rhoiet.^-vvrteites ot" dry good. we have 0,1 rtcci at very low price.. & BOWERS, •Opposite Odd Fellowv` Cora., ec. it IGG2, Columbia, Pa Third Arrival of New Goods. BrY your Saiinciiset Moier' s. Huy your Cas•lmeres, Plain and Fancy. Roy your Flai.nels. White, Red. Yellow,Grek,Barred and Fancy S6trti.o I•lunnet. trt Bruner's. Calicoes at half st dozen different prices A lover New Style De;nines wlll be in store an Monthly evening. October :V. 1662. and will be sold at old prices, the last of the season at those prices. 11. F. 13RUNKR, Corner 3rd nod Onion tureen. LADIES WHO STUDY ECONOMY will nal to their udvalituge to cull uud sgsmine our new nod well selected stock, before pnrclutsmq•elsewhere, notwi 6nuutding the great Rib/31110E m price of good we ore RIM able to oiler many things at old rates. Cull nod be convinced of wind on say. IaTfiIACY & BOWERS. 00.25. Opporlie Odd Fellow.' Hull, Co'umbiu. - - GENE'S we west you to tuuleretona we have not fotretten you You wilt find on tram tnuuon have a nice line of elnths.cu-sintetcs, sat hiatus and vesting., at the lowest cash fi_ur•. taTEACY et BOWERS, Oct 25. Cor. 2nd and Locu-t at.. C01111111fin: CRANBERRIES. SUMPLY of Cranberriea jo•t rpeeived nt the Gro a eery Score of 1-ISNRY SUIrDA Cor Front and Union sta. Wanted, TAINIEDIATEDY. a moll lot of Reading andSolum bia Railroad ritzrip Lt exchange for good.. 11.0. FONDF.RSMITII, Nov. 2 . 2.lcati. Adjoining Columbia Ronk SOAPS: SOAPS:I.—PIain and Fancy Soaps L.) ill great cartels', at Dee WILLIAMS, Loreat SHOE BLACKING by the dozen or single box eon be had at Dee. 6 r. WILLIAM'S. T•OeUM 'HENRY SUYDAM'S RETAIL GROCERY STORE, CoRNRIt FRONT AND UNION Sts• THE rubseriber veep. eoestaully on band a large and good ur.ortment of GROCERIES OF EVERY KIND, Conef•Qng of Coffee, Sugar", Teo., Mola+se•, Hams, Dried Beef Flour. Feed, are., &e. lie inviter, nitention to n lot of fine ErieHA and American Pickle• in hottlee. Ketchup, Prepared Mu•uird. Spices, and other oraclee in the came line, which he ran recommend. lie has a general ii6sailmeill of everything in Ws line, and asks a continuance of the support hereto fore so liberally extended to him by the public. N0v.::2;62. HENRY:II:YUAN, FOIURVEI INVOICE OF \-"Se C •_C32>CI - .;o' xi: Ay Stt ie Delnines.Cassimevez. Cloths. Debege, -LI sshnwls, Fancy Shilling, Ftat.ncls, Print, at lower prices than ran he hod elsewhere; hiu•lins, Tie k inns. Checks. Cotton rtatinctg, all enlace; Opera floods. etc, etc.. just received zn store and for sn le by IL F. BRUNER. Nov.2p; fit Corner arkand Union sta. PATENT MEDICINES. A LI. the ei endued preparation. !rich na Jnyne , s Expecte runt. A lterntive.Su native Pills, ate Harry rricnpherau•. Kennedy's , Me diva! Di-etitery Tel, Venetian Litilineut, Hostetter 'a Stontuelt Itn ter., \Vi•luin'a Tur Oordin I. he.. he , io lie hod nt lb Drug Store of F. WILMA 3IS, Lec mkt at . STOCKING YARN 100 POUNDS ZooLls eelebrnied Woolen Stocking Ydrllir,itift received and !Or rule only 11l IL C. For; DER,SNIITH'S 0e12.7 U 2. lore adjoining Ilie Bank. MRS. WINSLOW'S Soothing Sirup can be obtained ci F ‘VII.II.IA ott. I‘l.lll RIX! Val ti li - ur have yet on hard a Otte zurtronnpnit or wan 11' Paper, schwa we are railing at our usual vet' , low pne.. Tin. lour last chance to get your ••muue) brick" m Wull Pappet•r. rON HER M ITH. ‘rti2Zi people•r c 0.4, Sto2 We Rave Just Received R. CUTTER'S Improved Chest Expanding _LI Suspender and Shoulder Bruer. for Gentlemen, and Patent Skirt Supporter nod Grime for LHlllftf., lost the article dint is warned of this time. Come end see them nt ramify Medicine Store, Odd Peilows , h all. [April 9,16139 CASKS. 1./tROS lot of Iron Bound Ca.)ca and llortlicad., CI for gale by It. J . October 4. 1962. L p l ie M .. UN PEE—Anew article for mince U. F. lIRUNIKR, Nov.V.'ol. Cnrner 3rd Dud Union pi.. HOMMONY, BEANS, &C. rATHITE liommony. Beans, Shaker Corn. ke.. in Ilarge or mull quantities, at the Gowen.. roam nd Union MP. 101 RY mrenAm. Just Recivcd AND for mile. in large or .maliquanlities,ooo tacks D. A. Sull,loo arias Ashton Salt. D. F APPOL.D. Colombia, July 5, 106•?. Cutial Navin. Attention Gentlemen! ACHOICE Lot of New Style Spring Ca..dala•ree and Black Pretich Cloths. will be opened thil day; aad will be .o.d cheap for mill. at the atm vrrAgo. 11. C. FONDER:OIIITM Cola. !tiny 24. 186 d. Adjoining the Bonk, FOR MAKING SOAP! SODA ASH. one of the bent article. in the market, eanbe bad is large or 'loan goaktinen,ai the Drug Sinra of 1 7 . WILLIAMS, Loca•t Street. nELAINES: DELAINES2-1 beautiful lice jug received at ;many reduced moos Lad.es call and„reoure your eliminate. preaent• at STEACY &I.IOWRISA 2 , Der. 20. I'G2. roe. 2d and Loeuat 1.1 TjANOVER Mack G:oves and Gauntlets, just re eeived by STEAM' & DOWERS. corner Second and Locust sr.. Dee 4 211.119 M. • rolutabia, l'a. Z1•11VR KII4I Hondo. Nubia. and Scarfs, ut reduced pacer to clozc out ihe • $.l LACIr h ROW Mtg. crtherttl and L0c...11 Ver:V.ISM. Oppo-Ite Odd Fellow.' Doll. INEGLASSF: I . Tumbler. mid Goblet.; besoefid 11 Fruit YONG., Cream and eager Bowl. to novel. Very de.irnble and suitable for,Cbriatozos and ;Sew Year Fretentir- ". - ECTE&Cir & BOWEI - C 4 .1 Corner of Second and Locum 'Street!. Con., Dee $t. 1 1111. • . Columbia, Fa TRESENTiz— Limn, and Dama.k Table lJ Ctotho, Pawl. 11.1101 lies-and Tearer', very cheap St "MACY t HOW SRS, Omarhe Odd rellogre Hall, Pee CIDER FORM INCE PIES, A 74 extra lot of Brown sod White Seger en ►end; It Wet Rio coiree., for Nee by Nov. 13-1102. n. r. RRVNER. 3d end Boron SUM. PICKLES! PICKLES!! Tr roil wa mond pick !ea, aretlinK. & Co's rare 1. Corn Vinegar." ManuferiorT in :Second . adjnhr Ong Odd Venire& U.U. fOri.4:lll. rto AISIM-1 fall usortmeat of cooking; LL, aced eni, hooch and Laver Rad•in• in.* ft envend• II F. BRI;NER. 2i0.,19 '62 Corner .ird •11.1 Moon Pt.. melved „an atm , d rd Impersakiroarg Hymn and Else* TeaA at e. la. H. P:1381:1TIB8 - CITRON.—The best foreopk. =Z=Z - Nov:4;0 ptiritANTS.—New &crop ltaraeh t , s• 'ray good article. 14. N. I.lRECigB.' - 1400.0/,'02. Corncr 3rd arid Maim obl. CHRISTMAS GOOD/C - 17, - 1 TVs r received. a large a‘sorttrient of Goods stial . J to the acaaoin among which ate a ,e.ne'selectiaa of Zephyr. Knit. Opera and Sl:suing - likm tage,24:uung Coat 4, Nubia.. Mitts, Gloveatitic:Ato- A 1 - -o, Fancy Bast:eta. Port Monnaies.Claystr:liatdies Collars, &c wall a great variety of other:goats suit able for Chrtrim.“ Presents. Alai a Im=l , gt to oar stock of Boot. and Shoe.. Clothing. and Ore. Good. , The attention of purchasers is fut iy men. d. ;tad au exanunatscus of goods soli cited. AI AL,TEIY k CAST:. Columbia, Derembrr 'JO. I sne. BIREIVS Chocolate, Stareb, Corn,Starrk Bice, Baking and Wu.hing Soda., Chrote...loi• nue. Castile, Coon' ry. linosehokt and Babbitt's Nr w York Soups. Buekniu, Brocounirentent.ornPStove'lllark iim% Bond's 80-ton Corchent Almost anything that one run with or ark theyou may. P. I butt llittr at- ' B Pt Corner 3rd %Tidos, irts. IkkovA9Z2. HA•LDEM STR B. Army Ulan km . . Gum Blankets ' Grey. Red and Blete'llarnre;•. :Striped end Maki Flannels, Soldier+ , Woolen Minn, Urry Under.hirts vial at lour prsera. at 1111141DIEBLAN'SS.CUILk: Columbia, October 23. Tom Thumb About Again! AT Mahler's Tin sad House.furntAna Ida cust street. opposite the Bank. 7!e' Volt. Thumb. lamps are the very best coal Oil Lstro• and examine them. Mr - Best Coal Oil at 23 els., per iralloo. at • • Columbin • lyuy 17,1E61. PI MILER'S. ItAIMEIL 3r017.8. .1101Mie VOW{ The tartish/wee for bargaiho. • Sasoo Pieces Wall Paper, • OF our be•t styles aitd quality. yet oh bead, whirl. are are elo•irtt out at 50 percent. lower 11111411 ?hide delphla Wholesale Prices. Cull thou as nett we aril ng ott - rapidly. H. C. roNDEßsiumt, .11d.lain.hg the Ptak. Columbia. Man.h 29, 1922. CORN .VINEGAR: THE vrry beat oracle of Vinegar tn . the Ernirkirt I'ILMES CO'S PURE COSA VINEGAR.. Which may be had at the Manufactory, in Second it., adjoining WI rettow•i' 'WOVLTN 'IIOSE TVE naves large tot of knit 1.2 11rwe. +retie+ , ire TV will .ell fur ) - 012 Call laity the yarn STElAt.l'l* do IftOWfift.l l . • Corner S'ocond and Lacq../ Oita. Columbia, Dee. d. C 412 Coduinliinfrat VI All t r a [Mfelili I OPF:R Ar; np, c ul,i Kira vet , . Sontag t. Boned:4r. Choice g.0.1a iu dt cr.ildr color. open to-day. 41: 11A von: rnmsAir rirei Carte Store, OA Stand. Nov, 8,'62 FRENCH MERINOES, In all colors, at last ses.,thi's prices. Call rad sere them at STF:ACY & 001173t5. Cor.2nd and Locust rt.,Columbia,• 1:3:0! FIRST Arrival of New Fall Goods. 600 yards Shepard Plaids will be opened day-at 11.0. PON Dl-11131111711, 1 _ • A djeleting the'Boult. sc;pt. 4.1862 lllf OUREMEAD% Magnetic Plaster! . a sorer :li e, g n reinedy for burns, neltea, mans. Av., Just re ceived and for sale by I"„„WIL.LIAMS!akteuet 1)R El N 11: AND 1' RON ErIELD'S Cattle Powder, just received and fur ,ale by F. WILLIAMS' Loma sl. DURNETT'S Cacao ine for the hair! A fresh 1/ just. rat cited in the Drug Store of l'. WILLIAMS', Loelot it. ROUND and Fiat ellimney'a for Coal Oil Lamps.— lb rernona can procure either kind by calling at Oa Drug Store of F. WILLIAMS', Locust st. Dee. '2O, TRAVELING Dress Goods of various fabrlques stud pieces, just received this day at . 11. C. FON DERSMITHIS Old Stand. Sept. 0, ism 111 EW ()ELEA, S BA&thl NOLUSES.--- 000ly gcod Malawi for baking. Call at • Dec ►3. 11. BINUNER'S GEORGE J. snmi, VOLESILE and Retail Bread and Cake i 9l ßaker.—ConstiuMy on hand a sarie_ty /*numerous to mention; Crackers; Soda, IFian, Scroll led Sonar Biscuit; Contecdotiery, of every dew:Arden ke., be LOCUST SIIMET Dee. 3.'50 ReturnerNSru}xr, the Bank and Franklin FlouLe..‘ SUGAR CURED HAMS. 11F,ubscriber ham a *apply of New Sugar Cured / I a, which be can recowancad. S. SUYDAM, Grocery Siore v cornet Fmnt sad UIIIIOIIaL N^— 2i Imao. . FIGS! FIGS! FIGS! th name et the Prophet Pip. A 'apply of new I.ropee Pigetn•t meelved et 11. SUYDA ti rarefy Store, Cor. Pima and LOCUM 800- Not. 24. IWO. DRIED FRUIT! A large .npply of !mat Dried Andel Mod Feather, 11. of Bret-rate quality., on hind it II SUYDAM'S .• Grorery Store, Cot Front and Loom Su.' Nov. 2t. tmco. That Washing Soaj! is emphalically the arnsh-woman's friend; V the best and t:heopest wo*ltlon soup iu the orld. ra n now be had real:ltaly at the stereo( the subscriber, et the low price of 6 cut. per . potrad 'of 4' pounds for Y., ets. The elolhes con be washed i* cold or worms water, al:hont 11. C. FONDERSIIITII, Cloths, Cassimeres & IR:stings: - VITE would my to the gent:eaten, we have teeeived YY unother enpply of Cloth.. Catt•lateree and Vomi tus., at low figure.. rericAcyJk BOWERS. Oppo4or„Odd Falba& Volt. Colombia, Po. May tr, Ini A- " um subse.tbrs,.lsave reeeivrd s - New dud LaryT Stock of .11 kind. nod gin.. 41,r BAR IRON AND STEEL ! Tiwr rtm.tamly atippietl lElM - iuthi• of bottglopos. otigi Cl.ll n,bb it to evlraurr. in tams erwfts./11 otukutstirs, al the toweAt r•teo J RUAITLEtic PON.' Coetbti forret below tkvonil, Ccetwobia, Aright., Iraqi "Corso" is Inisg." A NOTlflßß'nehranre. In the pries of talon, eon's quelYl7:: re °n tilr "i neS We have fiom rho city wall wnolher -apply orrwe.ep Mo.lin", 'a irons, !gingham'. te; at ilia old pr.ees. An early Ca. • "aliened. If. C . 1. --a.m.:115. 1 .mm'. ,11362. Adjelm.. 'kr Gelambia,Jely arraannitaar ; 7 ~TARRENTED (or roootiog the cob: of Ilse Hair TT from a gray to Brown or Blselr. For note at 'Me July 2U, FAMILY MI DICIIVE STORM' V KTIII DUNS' Dam of a thatimiad 11lowero, Ear Male I.y R. 111. C 31. Il , al nom otertmt. Celefalata. CRANBERRIES Oregon nd ipplery at 11. R. MM. EMPe. Co' .r. Dee. 1 . Car. Thad and Oboes sm., WA LL PA PK: ITT:have the On!anee of nor 'Kook flOOO pores) /44 e TV mammon in our howorltions ROOM, loner for in spection rurob.soors can AAVE 40 PIA CENT on papering their !mouses by rolling soon at the old stand of n. c. &MN DERSUITIL Cola. Match S, 11M1. Adjoining the Bank. THE COLIHIBILZIEHILENHING MINT, Second St, below Union, Columbia, Pa.,- preposellAr_ ._ele.all , orderiliffr small roc. DI Pi EN. BoiLrits, stiArritia. PULLETS. PCAliori, AS ACIII NER V POR BLAST FORNACIM - ROLLING MILLS, &A FT AND FLOE:111111114A and Avery variety of Maeldnery. In the own altaiesib Unproved meaner. Dow mid Dram Cauctstim.ogemeeT dearript foe, ade to order. Depairicilerampaly ar tended to. Capa paid for Old I rec. Draaa, and arbor metal Orde•• by mall should be *droved Is :Velmaidima Manufaetoriltie Cowpony. Cobalt* r 114" - Z. ti V PI'LIEF.. T. R. BU MUM, leeenniMendenterer J. I.l.nsyst.s.Tx. • • ..• c01...1b....hire 19. =MAX" cALILIted curative bar Name. , , OPT: AN EXTRA 11ROWIL.C11 p fp? r . A kit lifotoosont of 61190E11.11!?1, satiley cum'ommorr SUITABLE FOR THE Al the Corner of Tleal awl Miler "Mete- GRA. Dm 14, itlfg r Y. "IrririNkr BROWN'S EESSNCE JAKAW,JII: paelkeeadi esesearievaded at skis isaaabeirel .l:lll,me I. the DT9PeTila mei levalid, awl s. par deals rry dandies fa .011M0.1 4411411101411 K. jivar qN , o the FAMILY SIEIMCIINIt t 4 TII4IE. Cale. atT ^.0,1x1. C: C. II IM Ita & Co