The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, April 04, 1863, Image 2

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    eslantifia Opt.
Icocrn a •o.
War 2ke atiaation of the redder, it directed
acivert•iseartat Alaridey'e:Fantily
Jkledio' iae.e.ta be towalia another C4azan a)
fait paper. s.
Neer Piiblications
rer.7,TeRI6T:-..-Were' n -far;
crier WC, AN:OW& cot 101 l to take the,..A.gricultst
eist. Pt isithe'veirbeist publication »f its class
en the.conntiy, avid deserves general sappan.
leve-rman can re'arn something for gages
.nr*hts useful monitly- The April number has
been receivete,arta '•ctioek fell of -readable
eurermatiaa, including prize ; essay on the
"ciakiwarion and coring at Tobacco—something
Vint simaid interest the tbricco ,growers of
this region.
IlLwrurn's Bolts NlAnnzust.-The April num
ber rif Aethor" has been received, and is full
rti pleasant reading. This is a thoroughly good
snagazine, ell sbotild be a visitor in• evvy
tanaily. Subscribe for it Inc a year, and you
cannot fail to be pleased with it. -
'his Moe For Sale.
Tre derive to diFipose of the 4py 'Office,
:and offer it "fur sale. It 18 well known as
tone of•tb3 best C entry Offizes in the State.
The .IA/tint arid t..drertisin% custom' is
:first-rate, and irtcreasing. The business of
the town is better today than it has been
;for years, and tlioSpy prospers according.
dy. The'Circulation of the paper is small,
tbut may readily be duo bled-with little effort.
'For information spiel!" at the ...cpy Ofs,ve,
er address SA IstEL Wcionr,
;spy office,
1 Good Hostler Wanted
'General Welsh titsireA to employ n g .totl
Arnim to aeetttnpit• y Woo an Mummy to the
treacly in the eaptteity IJ ',tier. Apply At
d~iase,ilonue in 4lnut Street.
New ilaivertisements
1:10,,X4 a vn SraTvtvt►et•. -pur r friend
'Brilliant U, liess has opened 41 13•tnk and
'Stminncry Store, with a complete stock of
•everything in tbeline of hnsi nes., on Front
Atreet.mext door to Shreiner & Spering's
sewlry Store. Mr. lless is one who has
.g ablated in the amt's ).,osinese, anti will be
'likely to give -entire NetiSnltltien eS a dealer,
..I.le intends to supply everything in hi,.
;at Ore luvrt,st rotes, and we hove no doubt
sill succeed. A g lod II•mk Store is a ne
cessity, and it is Ur. [lces' intention to
.keep one. (live hint encouragement.
Setroxi MAC:TINS:4 —.-Our enterpribing
'telegraphic friend, F. X Ziegler,appreoietes
the relief atTorddl to sutTering humanity by
•th sewing machine—especially Gruver & I
.iitker's—and pots the Case strongly and
-feelingly in our advertising colnntns. lie
-has, ndt of pure philanthropy—and fur A
consideration—accepted the agency for the
sale of Greyer & litker's machine.. '•rho
machine is a tir.t.rate one, n I
, t he %gent well, he will be a smart
man, and rifle early. who hereafter sells any
..ether than Grover it: Baker sewing to .chines
in this territory. Seellic a irartiAement—
than ga see the machines,
SCllool.9.—rail, T. rt. Vi.:kroy advertised
.some %seeks since r. elect cla4sical school,
v) be ()panel on nest Mind tv, in one of the
roomy of the V n 4hin On I esti ta te. lie
'has been disappointed, and cannot procure
that location for his school. • lle accordingly
advertises to-day to upon on Monday in the
Brick School If )eso and Second Street,
opposite tiro Episcopal Church. See his
&Es+ Mary E. Greene will open a Select
.5.:h0 , 4 on nest monlay, in the School
liouse nn Third Street below Perry. her
aclrertiNiernent will be found in to-daye
The Old Culumlii Public Ground Corn
y:thy announce it Free Salo") for the eliil-
Ktsen ckt 001 OolutntAa. contiuencitir.,itit Mon
(1 Ls., ,lyril• lith, in the hit
At/ e.
Itr,ll F. rcmnred
bis place el business friktn the Canal Basin
the eture-room foroserly occupied by Fry &
Uag,raan, npposite the 13 ink, where he will
.c.).ttione his Commission, Cos/ and wh..,le
e rle Produce business in all its Lain :hey.
Ino'cord has removed from the
dl •Itnrac to the American II 'llse. and is now
prepttr.l tie the public ie first
tdss+ mil d rve tbings right, and
ti ably n,iite I by, his M ijor I) on v, the
nil "."on Plannot y," our ni I neighbor
ttra C vatinent.ti. tri will be
-f rend rit - trl Tg.
Pr. •r. z. ii , tim. 111,4 rl-n Evel I.IIA va:e.
ilk :=treer, ween t. must
:trot Walnut S re its, :no dJr, ate iva It
Sit 1110Jrk le, sit fl,e rainDy
Idediciae Store. ham just received a large awl
geleral ni4arttneot of rl.ower awl Q wdoo
Sted, for which FCC advertiseinent. Call at
the !VI TP --y o wiSi fin I everything fresh
And goad.
J'enrc+4l-t:: ti,.—Deeters Watwun and C4t
Irell afftr their Xervicall to the pablie as
Physician+. C•Atreil iy Welt kti,,vrn asa
vrh r, int. just Liken his
degroe at one of the Philatiolphia Ala liatl
rte. 14 1 ,itann, his nos rui.ue i 4 a
frpngt3r to C ,tambia, WT vel.ll them 0 .
.eress. The office in in L roust Street, next
4do rt. lie:chtt Cuttrelrs Ilanitrare P tore.
Mi3CSMANECOV , 4.••••J• it. tazre rare
:hospital to Fortneri or others' desiring to
,build.rehiti adrertisotnent.
..1 110 . A. Br f ith idr%rrise% Setters dr Al
sointstratija ..n the Dstitte Chlorgo Fish
el. Aced.
13 J. 1 .7115.mri, ,r 1G N. si,
adeert.iiteglias,dp stud Shades.
A Pr itstecom fvr the lefties is advertised
Cr.wtetes. WE1.411.---flonernilett bating
ireeetwel on/ere to report to i:ener•l
elite, et Cincionui, evill leers fur Met paint
bleveley. tie will doubtingly be r at in
.oMitnewlof It in nIS brigode—the„3t.l. let
Diiwision, 9,1 i Army Corps—and • willstill
Ibsen soder Ilion his own 4.11,1 regiment, •tte
7:0:0"Oac advertising, locals and Correa
pandenCe ace sOfoll this :reek that we are
coiripelleitc4taleall army news. There is
nothing alp:till-Ig, 'however, Tram any quai
Tae Fortrt--.Ernizt,.—We learn by our/jiet
ter.fram.'"-15'ibat the Forty-fifth Perina.
11,1 , 4 Z-is stationed at Paris, ity. The-bays.
are again - under 'Burnside, the man of Cheer
qhoice, o,nd if they get a elmnee,will repeat
their deeds of South Mounts is and
tarn. -
TuF FIR•4I' tiF APRII,. —The -first was a
11%111 day in C.,lumbia, many flittings taking
place. The bustle of ar, iperolsettling was_
not as great us ordinarily. Money, was
plenty., we i.letieve, anti seeking investment.
We•hope such of our subscribers as have .
changed their re4denees Will notify us of
the iaet, chat their papers delivered
at the right places. '
have received -ft letter from n entre:Napalm:A
in the• r 4.1 regt.. Penna. Reserves which
we publish to-day. We are -glad to hear
from the boys, and hope "45r will keep up
e.wresponatence: lie will always be wel
comele • •
Tus cASALA.—The Tide Water Canal is
now upon for navigation, the water having
been lm in on the Ist inst. Cams announced
that.the water would be let in the same day
to the Pennsylvania Canal, but thus far
there has been na appearance of it. It is
expected daily, when the beating season
tvi•l.cootmenee. There is every probability
of a heavy business this season.
IV,,luinbin, 'Pa
Tice Rtven.—The river hasbeen at n very
higli stage, but has now subsided, and is in
6ret•rate rafting order. The rafts began to
orrice on Thursday, and on Friday the run
ning was toleral,ly lively. The fleet was
by the high winds of the early pert
of the week, hot should tho weather hold
warm and the witjds moderate we may es
fleet to see a heavy of lumber in the
next week or two. The branches uro well
up and there is enough snow above to keep
them at a g..ud stage if gradually //Jolted.
- Array
C.+xt• (% 41;Th Recr. P. T.,
i'Aut ()Roush. Rims. Kr.,
Mare,' 29th, 1863.
Dzatt sent you a brief sketch of
our movements last week, from Baltimore:
I most be equally brief now, as we are but
arrived, with nu lei.uie as yet for corres
piundence. 04r trip bus been a raried one,
and under more favorable circumstances
would doubtless have been delightful; but
I mei not tell you that crowded troop
trains and boats do not include. much en
joyment of travel and scenery in their bills
of fare.
We left Baltimore WI Tuesday, 24th, rite
the Baltimore and Ohio R. R , for the great
west. I will attempt no description of the
notable point 4, and /keener.) , on the line of
this road —let it suffice that we arrived
.afely nt I'•irkesbi;rg, Va., where we took
heat and devectoled the - beautiful river" to
Covington. Ky., opposite Cincinnati. The
arrival of the 9th Army Corps to reinforce
our biethren in the west, was an event, be
lieve,me but I have nu le'sure for details. We
were hero again trans-shiped,and forwarded
by rail to this point where we were glad to
rest last night—our journeying over for a
time, 1 hope,
N6B is in Bourbon county, n fine coun
try—the home of "Old Bourbon." that noble
son of Kentucky; may we drink his blood!
Our stay here will prolmbly depend some
what on the relay. If they become trouble.
some, we shall look after them and pacify
them—if not, we may enjoy the delights Of
Parisian life for en unlimited term. So
mote it be.
Or entrse pent at home knew of our Col
onel's promotion before it Wol9 announced in
camp. I need not tell you how the boys re
gard it. We only ask that he may he put
in 1t , 1.111111111d of the old Brigade.
'rho are all well. Our address is
4:itb Rea. P. V., Ilrie;ade, lsc
9 , h A-my Corp#, Via Cincinnati, Ohio.
I will write more particularly as soon as
we get nub:3 '.
C.vur or 23Kt 14 - ,.r. Ps, VOL S.
SEtlt Y. 1., r
March 27th 1.K3.
De.IR SPr:—J notice in your isrne of the
I Ith a letter from "47i" in which nfter
`o,,,nroimenting Ili!' regiment on its superior
drill, f., which it ii to be ordered to Fur.
i tress .Munroe, (which is all bosh, but no
&nab , he Braid it) ho inquires after the
j ../.111-Z)134 . ',--80 thinking that the citizens
!of Cilunibia might like to hear from some
of her eons in the 2:3d regiment, I will ad-
I dress them through your columns. Long
before we started upon the memorable Pen
insula campaign the 'indigo blue" was sub
atitutea fur the natty, jaunty, devil-me-care
Zuu-Zou uniform. The bloody Beds of
Fair 0 Ike, Turkey Bend, Malvern Hill,
Chantilly and Fredericksburg, speak louder
than weeds where we have been, and the re
ports of ZtLey. Gen. Keys, and Brig. GenVe
(lunch end Abercrombie will transmit our
name and fame to posterity am endu
ring as t hope the tl.ty., we fought under will
be. Since &maiden last movement we
have lain in camp quietly, picketing the
shore of the It ippahannock from Beep river
to within two miles of the Massepotomix
Creek, every sir days, thus relieving the
dull routine of listless camp duty, by a look
at Joe Keb in ell the beauty of his butter
nut robes, and stump like appearance. Co.
I of this regiment is essentially a Comtnbia
company; Brst••commauded by Captain
Grenello, a man as true as the steel he wore;
then by Capt. Haldeman, and now by Capt.
Harry Marchant, whosegallant conduct and
nod soldier-like henring et the battle of.
FAir Oaks, was the theme of universal ad
miration, and elicited a public compliment
from our commander, Col. 'Nei 11. Ist Litmt i
Adams is now uPon gen. Graham's Staff
the2d Lieut. is 'Jesse S. Williams, and of him
die company ere proud, he having served
as private, eorporal, 'sergeant, then made
ce tee sergeant, ii-post of honor and' dangers
and fir the daatistletswesurage be displayed
as color bearer at, Turkey Bend ansl__Mal-,
wern well earned the , Coarxiesi9zi
received as 2d Lieui:
.For the past two weekit-w•e 'have had daily
Brigade and Bivision drille,„and in the nest
uiovertient on the great cheat; bokrd of 'war,
think the let brigade of f6e I divisiim of
6tharmrcorps - will in point of ilisetpime,. l
anY , ,hore„ i tn• efteriltath!r3lept4
The health efthis . re - gimene - is4reillerit; we
have Inikbnt.onecleatit-in.onr—naidst-frani n
dise as e since we .left Ilarrisen'e Landing.,
last August. Viten:your coirespond en t •t•tis" •
reaches Fortress 111/nrce or any other sea .1
port town, and is comfortable and inng f is-,
hi; new quarters, I hope 'an& trnst: l:e will
be furnished with-a copy•of
he may learn where the "Z na-Zous7, are,
whore they hero been„ and what they are I
doing. But, alas! I fear (or "45," that many.!
days and weeks will elapse before ,you re
ceive a letter from him, written anywhere
else than under a shelter teat, or perhaps
under the broad canopy of a wall tent. -
Lieut.-Col. Olean is at present our com
manding office, during the absence of Col.
Ely. My regards to all the ladies of Co
lumbia. lam Mr, Spy •
March 21st, 1863.
De.ta Sm—ft has been some time since
the ` - happy 'Family" has graced your col
umns, owing to, the scarcity of news in
Washington. We are now in Virginia,
thank Providence, where we have been ana•
ions to be ever since we came out. We left
Washington on the 15th of March, the day
before the 135th left, and proceeded down
the river to Belle Plain landing, where we
left the boat' and marched to our preent
camp about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The .
men soon put up their tents for the night,
an! in two or three days all had co r forta
ble houses built for themselves—the "Hap
py Family" occupying the largest and beat
mansion on the hank.
'We aro so fur well pleased with the Army
of the Potomac. We have plenty of latiomi
of the best qoality, and have no trouble in
getting all the clothing we require on short
notice. We drill ten hours every day, and
150 or 200, of our men go on picket every
four or fire days. We picket the same
ground as the I:nth, but thus far have faile.l
in seeing any of the robs that our long
sighted friends and neiglibJrs are so full of
having made out on the south side of the
Rappahannock. The line is from one•and.
a-half to three miles from the river, which
cannot ho seen from any point on it. Tbere.
ri "vision" fur you! It beats Sam Weller's
We have had several visitors from the
23rd since being here: they all look well and
are anxious for another brush with the rebs.
They seem peaceably disposed towardsjatost
of their neighbor; however, but will tramp
on a nine-montLe' man's toes if be ventures
to count his "weeks" on his angers—a. bad
habit the nine-monther has when he meets
a three years' man of his acquaintance.
Poor devils! they will just make home in
time fur the conscription to snap them up
and send them to all up the "Reserves," or
some other of the old three years' regiments,
We have been over to call no the Bowery
Boys of the 135th, and they hare been to
visit us. Captain Bowery spent an evening
with us, a week or so since, and we escorted
him back to his camp, us the Captain was
afraid of missing his way. Their camp is
about a mile from us. Toe :11rd are camped
near White Oak Church. To-morrow the
"Happy Family" propose going over to
visit them and the 1221, who are at Stun
man's Station.
Last week our Division was reviewed by
Maj. Gen. Dmibleday. Our brigade is the
3d, and is composed of the 143tb.1500 and
143rd regiments, Cul. floy Stone ‘.f the
143 th commanding. 04r regiment was
pronounced the best drilled in the division
by Gen. Doubleday. Mrs. Gen. Doubleday
and Mrs. Col. Stone were present at the re
view, mounted.
We expect to more in a few tlayg, when
I . lope yeti will hear of our new Backtails
iloing something credit:4lde tJ the orgunir.o.-
With kind regards to all at home we re
main mill ti
45.' ,
P. S.—Can you find room for the append•
ed patriotic resolution/9 passed by our regi
ment, in expression of our opinion of 4.Cop
perhead.,?" 11. F.
March 12, 1863. j
A meeting of the officers and soldiers
of the 150 II llegt. Penna. V01.,A was held
at the regimental headquarters on the llth
day of March, ISf3, it) pursuance of the
following call, signed by all the officers of
the regiment:
The undersigned, officers of the 150th
Itegt. P. V., respectfully request Col. Wis.
tor, commanding the regiment, to call a
meeting for the purpose of expressing our
earnest loyalty and devotion to our country;
and our detestation of the Northern traitors,
now endeavoring to paralyze the ell is of
the army in the field, and insidiously to
overthrow their country's; cause.
Lieut. Col. llnidekoper was called to the
chair, and Adjt. Aslthurst appointed See'y.
The oltject of the meeting; baying been
stated by Major Chamberlin. after appro
priate and patriotic remarks by Col. Winter,
Lieut. Col. Iluidekoper, Adjt. 12. L, Ash.
burst, Quartermaster A. S. Vourhes, Lieut.
Wen. P. .I),Mgall, CO. 1), and private Phil.
throttler, Co. A, the following preamble
and resolutions offered by Major Chamber
lin, were unanimously adopted, amid great I
WIIRREAS, After two years of the most
patriotic sacrifices on the part of the people.
and the most desperate trials and struggles
on the part of the army, to restore our
shattered Union and maintain our national
honor, our Government finds itself assailed
by a class of persons at home • who troo/d
yield it, Judas•like into the hands of the
enemy or miliy it by a dishonorable compro
mise with the hosts of treason and who are
even now trying to induce the masses to
resist its lawful authority in order the soon
er to grain their hellish ends; therefore -
liese&vd, That we hereby riprews Itu'r
firm and unalterable devotion to our Gov
ernment and its laws, and declare our de
termination to stand by it nt :ID hazards,
pledging to the resteratiod l of its entire au
thority "our,linea, ewe -fortunes, and our
?mired honey." ;' l ;•';,
:7. ; ~„
3 Resolved;': That We loOlilepori'All propo
lials leninirhatelver source,-. - tu grin up this
terns ...
'Struggle on an y other then the on.
:Conditional subinission id the tniaitors in
arms Egainst Ifii'courilrY, an idiPglneeful
la thossethe ertginate, and tothose. , who
fur a utomentlend an evir*tbem. ,- t'ii
- contlein e epre*
ititi'di univortbltbits of their" try thcliir
. whu,..Attl-3113,1C-.tit—hogne..ixiAle....north„,,,are.
striving to cripple the hands of their coun
try's defenders; who Antder,-, thtr. garb of; 11.''
false patriotism, and an assumed zeal for
the Constitution, cavil at all measures cal
.eulated to,proetrate tbe.rebellion, and-who
endeavor ..1.0 held back . and paralyze. the.
I strong arm efilie,rig outstretched ht, now outstreteh_to
crush tlie" fi"iiil — treiiii4h - 'livhi - cih ' sitterekrilie'
life or the nation, ,: :.. , .:, .' '-:.. -,--:
Resolved, Shut we have no
_sympathy , or
feeling in common with those whe,•kol:l,l a
re - ial dr "pretended'adiniratiiim,uf'ittiy:iiilin", or
General, would make-their - eUrnestfiesil. in
their country's cause, perhaps their royalty..
dependent on. or subordinate to,, their per-,
sonal feelings; that we,aro ready araci..anr7
ions to fight Itii,, Our country raider 'what
.over cominanderl'ive mity"be''plaelid,'and
under none with greater'alaerity , than -our
present Commander-in-chief.
Resolved, That as we believe that "fight
ing for Southern rights", means nothing
more than warring for the extension of ela
veryrwhich we regard alike as a curie to
the land, and a great moral, wrong, we hail
with joy . the President's proclamation doing
away with that institution_ in every State
in which rebellion es.ista, and hope soon -to
see it forever bli;tted from our eel!. ' '
Itesolred, That our feeling toward trai-.
tore, both north and south is one -of impla
cable hatred, and that while this army has
bullets for those at the south, ir has also
heels broad enough and heavy enough to
crush the vile - Copperheads" of the , north,
if they persist in the insidious attempts to
weaken and overthrow the Government.
Major Chamberlin, Capt. Widens, Co. A.
Capt. Risinger, Co. IT, Adjt. ,Ashburet and
Q. M. Voorhes were Appointed a-committee
for the publication of the these resolutions.
On motion adjourned. '
11. S. ni77DEROPER,
Lt. Col. 150th P. V., Chairman.
R. L. Asuttuitsr,Adit.lsoth P. V. See'y.
Yours &e.,
Air DEAR Srr.—l stumbled a day or two
three on the following picture—for pkurc
it is—of the right kind of an officer, and it
struck me at once as fatting to a hair "Our
Toni." Everybody—that is anybody who
has brains—can "see it," though "Tom,"
bless his good natured soul, would blush
like a Miss of sixteen, on having it applied
to him. But it is true —ho deserves it.—
But it through.
March 30th, ISG3.
Tim orricercwno is A SOLDIER AND A GENTLE
IN person he is manly; there is nothing
prelty about him; he is no petit maitre; he
does not look like a lady's-man; but he looks
like a man to whom a woman might trust
her honor, her, fortune, and !tar life, rind be
sure that he would be faithful in all. Ills
bearing is as manly as his person; there is
no affectation of military precision about it
atilt less of swagger. fps step is firm, hie .
head erect, his eye steady, clear and calm;
it neither outfaces nor avoids you. It is an
eye that speaks era constant mind and a
brave heart. It is no eye that a woman
would confide in in lore, and that his soldiers
look into to draw from it confidence in peril,
manner he is polite, but decided; to his
superior officers he is respectful, and by his
exact obedience to orders,and strict perform
! ante of his duty, sets an example of the die
cipline which he himself elects from those
below him. Ile is neither a bully nor a
martinet, Ile is strict, but not fidgety; he
' insists on perfect drill, but does not worry
his subordinates, torment his sergeant, end
fret his men by perpetual earplugs on petty
minutia. Ile is proud of his regiment, and
nets alwnys in such a manner that his regi
ment shill he proud of him. !lin country
first; her honor, her glory, above all! After
that, the honor ()this regimen t. Ife attends
to the comfort of his 3.01110r51, 39 wall .as to
their discipline; he knows that their ellicieti
ey in the field depends on their comfort in
the tent. It, is ansious that they should
be well tts), well ciethed,.and, as far as duty
will permit eniey therosehree. Ile knows
that an ill-fed man makes it bad fighter:
and that discontent ttelerls, lie looks on a
private as the son, not the &nye, of the
State, lie therefore treats him as ft brother,
not as a drudge; and (meets nothing from
him which, in his place, he would not be
willing to perform himself. Ito neither
swears at, nor hobnobs with his men; he is
neither brutal nor familiar. Ile will share
his crust with a comrade, but he never for
gets that he is an officer. Hence, they love
him, confide in him, respect him in camp,
and in the field will follow him to death or
"Rear? FAMIIx:"
In battle ho is calm, self-possessed, obe
dient to cornminl; anxious first to carry Oa t
his general's plan; next, eager that his regi•
ment shall he distinguished above others ,
thinking of himselflast, 'nit acting as brave
ly an las boldly as if his solo object were
his .3 , .vn promotion, lie le a d s vi e men, an d
they follow him fearlessly, because they
know he will take then nowhere when) ho
will not go himself; they know, too, that
his head is to) cool, and his heart too good,
to risk their lives unnecessarily, in the
fight he is found in the thickest: wherever
he sees an advantage to he gained, he is
there; wherever he sees an error to repair;
or a were place to support, his cheering
voice is heart—hie vigorous arm is fe t; and
he never believes a battle to he lost till he
is ordered to retreat. In that necessity
ha is still cool and self possessed, and keeps
his men together and in good order; is care-'
fu! of his wounded and his dead: eaves all
he can. and brings Ids tilde land with.koner
fro,n rli.e field—au I ready for dm morrow.
In vintory he remembers mercy, and casts
no blot on his' eiantry's triumph by cruelty
or o%l:ass. lie knows that the victor of to
,' day in ty be the rattle ished of to-morrow,
and that a good soldier's award ahnuke hare
.no 11,11 skin umn it. Therefore, tea fallen
foe fie is merciful, at he is terrible is the
heu of tttle.., , f/e alleys .no plunder; as he
is sober ito I temperittehit , mself. he reer,sties
e tin p lice tse and discourages excess. Ilie
soldiers 470 his children, anti lib admonish°,
ror the Columbia Spy
"fir is a soldier, fit to Flood by Cwanr
And give Ilirectioti."—Shakespeare.
and corrects them only (or their own good,
the; honor of thelServiceAnd the glory of
their common 'country. If wounded danger
ously, and sent howe,he leaves his post with
regret. In the city he is modest in his de
portment; seldom speaks of Mit own :lotions
lacier boasts of his own services, and, above
all, - riererfin4ffitait 'with the actions of hie
vniperior tecersi r kndera that in - a wee t
army, 4 discipline and obedience to orders aro
the-hinges -of -suocess; —and -that- .Therisites
Leonid ridicule Ajas,and mock at Achilles !
On'sick leave, his great anxiety is to get welt
and join his regiment in service; he does not
believe in drawing his , pay and not doing his
I - work; so te`i'esilieike bar-rooms; is not to be
I tieefi loufigintori'tat'bre steps,' "cigar '
mouth and regimentals on-back; but, being
on JCIAIIe, he drosses in mufti, .( military for
plain clot/143.0 and drops camp talk; lends a
quiet life, and, as seen as he is firm on his
legs, reports himself well, and is on - duty,
again. His soldiers cheer him when he ap
pears, and there is not a man' in his com
pany thatvronld net risk his life fcr him.
If ho falls, they make a rampart roundhis
body and bear him from the field. If hie
wound be mortal, every man feels that 'he
has lost a friend; ,and when his regiment
follow his-body to its last ,resting-place, the
,sternest eye is moist, and his • country has
lost a bravo officer and'a good soldier. Re
quiescat.—Rome Journal. '
TEM POSTAL. CEltitESCY.—There is popu
lar error in reference to the postal currency.
Some of the notes have on the lower right
band corner of the back the letters "A. B.
C 0.," and those not thus stamped are
supposed to be spurious. The- contract for
printing these notes was originally given to
the National Bank NOte Company, whose
signature in small letters appeared on the
face. When the demand became urgent,
the National Bank Note Company printed
the face and the American Bank Note Com
pany the hacks, honce those which were
printed by the American Bank Note Com
pany have their signature upon the bock;
bat the absence of this signature is no evi
dence of spuriousness.
EDITOR:I4I'V Dear your permission
wig it to say to the readers of your paper that I will
send by return mall to all who wt'h it, (free) /1 YeCipe,
full direenons for muffing and using n simp'e
Vegetable 13:thri, that will effectually remove, in 10
dnyn• Pimple', Mon lies. Tun, Foeckiev, unit all i m .
filtrate, of the Skin. le•avutg the same two, clear,
seawall N.V.Ci
f wilt al.O mail free Io Blom. haying Bald Ileada or
Bare Faces. •wtple direction , . maid al,formution thin
wgl enabie them to mart a frill growth of limo Hata
hair, whiekers, or a moo-tactic, in leas than
All apphcalions anmvered by return mail without
charge. Respectfully your-:
Chemist, No. Eat Broadway, New 'Vila:.
rebruhry 2e•Jm
11Ue!: you itrOtteinti4,
Dave you weak Nerves., Di-turfed Sleep?
'lave you Myer, Shod 4pltsine
Iltive you Pains, side, Drenat tion.
Intim you any vytnioinv of Convompoinit?
No remedy has ever been Co iiurtietivniO
An Dr tiwnyitrOe Compound Syrup a IVild Cherry.
Quick rebel is au re to nn obtained mid permanent
cures ofteitiiirnm, where patient. had been given up
to die by plititicinnit nail friend•.
Bow tnitoy die of Co , , ,, lmpbon from neglect ID em
ploy the proper rezoicily! oz,yttylie*, , Compound t....7vtup
of %vita t 7 berry, eine., all tbrnal brroxt, lung com
plaints Thouy yeors' experience basprovenitsgreut
.uperiarity over oft other remr,lle..
q r U l q •Cltq'qqll'l;ql4l
A 44".1. of Dr. Swn yoe'- Sarsatmrilln Nod 'Per Pills.
mire Or t s i we it week, will core Site most ol,Qljoetle
hemlnehe t Foyer, dtwodiee. Liver Complaint Corove-
Ile -S, iiaIOOFIIeFS FetIIOIP Dieeri , ee, are 'rimy nit 11
great hlowl7purilyg curg?rive. Where there I>
heertrwlte, pain Or SOrelle , s of the body necoMpau) inn
your cold or couch take a dose or two of throe rills,
in enniteelion will. the Wild Cherry. I 1 will seniors
the otitlie.ultr.
IN'opored only by Dz. SWA yNE & Sox, Shilzolo.
Sob , by & CA 4 K, lipid A GRAY & CO, co
lomt,to. oil good *tot elieepers. (See Adv.)
Feb. 7, I
The adVPrnSer /111Ving been restored to ',data, in a
few week.. by n very *brittle remedy, after 'havnvg
suffered several t rut. with a severe tang affection,
and that dread da. , e.n.e enn‘urnmion—i. wnziouc to
ITMLe. koew o to hi. (et tow -uTtlers the mean. of core.
To all who desire it. he will .end a ewe of the pre
oefipilon uttiell (free ofeharge.) wet, Ilrr ilireetion, for
preps row 0114 tocing foe? will find
Pule cure for reitsurription. p-dona. I,rourliti etc.—
The only object or the IldVertISCC ur ..epittsta the pre
veription it. to benefit the nalieled, and spread inform
• loku which he enneeive. to Ire lovaltialde; nod he
love: every .afTerer wilt 'lry tlit remedy-. as n will
cost them Pothole,. arid any prove a hi.,..1,11eT.
Ihe pre-erlplion will Addreeii
Run EMI( %RD A XU.nOV,
XV ill lain,burgh, King, euinily, New 'York.
Dee. 20,'G2 3m
To the Suffering.
The Rev. CoNircive, while )aboring al a
M .
ry ‘elio eure/I at eell-uninlieit, when
all other Trie,,n• had halod. by x rrciP ,. •Altakit;' ,l (mai
:I iennied fin) re^l.llne dn. veni ell yOl Jeddo.
11.1. recipe hinnenled erten% inilld,e, , ;xho um -otter-
Idlg (Min rough
told told.. and the (1..1 , day and ilerVOn-
Vol , .ed by the-c di-ordern
11e , iroo. or belle!, iI ve,ll Rend Oil- retire.
wiwo•lt I have home with att . . to all who need
it, tree cd charge. addle .
lice. WM".
Dec 6:02. 4 - 73 Vahan AN time, tlrooklya, N. V.
A nevcrend Gentlemen huring Item, restored in
health in n few days, after undergoing all the usual
remote 01141 irregular exnennve 10011 en 01 Ire,*lntent,
without carer•.. considers it his sacred dui.: to eenl•
munteute to his tallirted fellow creatures the mean.
of cn re. limner. on the receipt of tut ntitlre....edenect.
opt., tie sum -end (tree% Acorry of the preser•ptinfl rcu'U
Direct to Dr..l elm 31. Lingual!, I:11 FUIIOO nTeed
Urooklyti. N. V. Jatt.17.1:43.
WlLlir. SCIX4:IO'LI,
un Tr,,, , ,ter, of Old Columbia Po Ground Co.
propose opening it belmol, free for the children
or °la cotonthut, to the Wn-hingtoth 1:1•1111/1e.corn.
meneing hitt/COAT. April 12, to Al The
tro deportment urat ito uncle the C.30 . C. of ate-,Ch.
Peer and Flioltur‘tu, loth the ferovde department wider
Mat John-on.
ICI. CLIO' rlil,)'reaiilent
J. C. rfAItLER, See re iury.
Co miihs 4. A mil 4 1:43;.3t
.ththtetilter will open n neteet school in
/,Lein K SCHOOL. 1/01J:fE,optineite the Eliiecopte
Church. in Cofumbin, to commence on
tastraction elven In coy of the broaches which ron
stitate a gotta Engtisb or Clarsierl education, hie:
common and higher Vogt Mathematics. Alontal
and Vtly..icat ri•crence, and the Vivalr. Loan, Aerator',
French or t..;paaish languages, Tztove—Frour •4 to
SS pc:coroner.
A full ermine of !instruction itt Theoretical and Prat.
tieal tonk Seeping wilt be given ea clustneo or'individ•
dal, (nut of renuol butte). Tim course will include
in.truminit to single or epuble entry bank kcepttig
adapted to soy benne... inetutting thoremuti &Ma to
per ertifare. itrrat. d(. nuns. exchange, Commercial
Corms. commercial malcutolione. the opening and
etc-lug of mcal.r. declaring dividend!. here" dec.
rat further pnetteubwa APAIY to
Pane 11106. IMES: VICKISOY. A.
Front •treet. throe doors below Perry.
cif' Yon r potro wage ie reopen:tinny solicited.
Commit's, April 4. 1.1.:a.0t-
Select School.
11 ARV CItIMNE w i7l epee a .9.e7r .ebno), in
the upper loom' a the &trick Ple! . hoot limo., on
Thud blow Perry. on. Al0:110.1. I% Apra Gil.
1943. Thankful for the lateral shoe of patronage
with Wile ; She has beep favored in the peat,
endeavor to mem its coatinvance. ruthas .ArasouslAt.
April 4, Osett-14 ' •
Tim rubreriber he% removed Ms vrare.rooro to the
Fiore formerly or.eacled hr Fry flaormarl,
reescr. orr , arric Gra 14s*. where he wal cor k .
done has Forwardiort, Corormv , don. Goal and Whole.
sale Produce and Grocery LiOlabell• is nods branches.
A large stock of Bxll, Bacon, Plaster, ke" always
on hand.
April 4. lafel.
_ IL F. A PPOf.D.
top... no.Ovrat i
, 2:.,„,
bESTIST,;-OFFICE, ?rout Stnet_ant dem
I. W.llinme Drug store, between Locos and
iValnut tweet., Col tabu., 1.4. Apr. I, 163.
li4.4llgs.:ANl:s_olT4 - tckstij'.o ORE,
CO LV4131.A.,:,,,P;A:ii..-p)7
QuEENs virA
Our Assortment is as Large, Varied and
Complete, as any Former Season, "
We are now offering'many Goods
To which we invite the SPECIAL ATTENTION' of
N. B.—We are prepared to supply COUNTRY STORES with
the BEST MAKES of Cotton Goods
Columbia, March 21, 1863
iTAVING .theiaselve4 in the praintre of
}J Medicine nod Surgery. offer their proles-mint
ser vies , to the citizens of Columbia nod vicinity.
Office in locust htrevt, one door below Cottrell's
Hn filWltro Store.'
Dr. R. 14.11rAvnx. Dr. Jos. F. Corratt.t..
April 4, 1803 On
lIVIMAS, Letters of Administration on the es.
rate of George tote of the borough of
Washington. in the County of Luneuster. deceased.
hove been grinds.' In the subscriber. residing . in said
borough of Washington. oil persons illdri,led to sold
mate ore requested to mnke immediate payment. and
ilso-e having claims against the some wilt pre4ent
them duly authenticated for seutement . in
JOf IN A. tIfiCSII, Mimi tawnier.
Wuehington, April 4,1.463,6 t
To Farmers Building . Barns, Stables,
or Tobacco Sheds.
D AUG ALSS in I imb r rP. j111 4, 1..0, rvnerc. ronfing, went),
er-boording. nll of the tnaterinl.. or n whole wnre•
bonne. ut the hacm., where the Wnrelmocel , ore
now• being removed. Enquire urn , ' Ute 0 P.4 0110 .
I.iphort, who will chow and .ell them right.
April 4. IeGZI , It J . 11. 11111.171.1 N
riaanga i .
From weary chime to *chime;
A. prowler- •scalc crime!
Bend, turd glrcwt, nu 1,
tar•onri, and end hand.•
T e ll ,l, heat .• Nlctt, nod the I rein benne boa,
.A.t well 01.4 the wary
r , oriyi - ii - R .,,,- 3d---
, tl ..
- i ‘,;---
. , e
; .
;, s .
o 47-
r,_. ..,.„
. twiN
ntdruction ✓riven to pvrchn•er+ of above, frac or
%Amiga, ley a ealapeleat opernior.
Apr.4:63. Lta.esnent Black's Hotel.
Ng= Dona TO SEIO/SINSR & SITXI2IO . II 'tummy
prim •obrerib..s ha• Just opened the above store. and
storked it with so assortment of
Stationery in Great Variety, &c., &e.
He will keep n good and fall mock of everything, la
bpc fine or inj.lne.s, and Buying Cheap for Cash can
sell at the yeas I..owrer Wang
He will ~ upoly lo + l llb.c , ihers all the Periodical.,
sod the' rflurtrated and Weekly Papers, regularly CB
. 0 0 0 e• ldutrecripnon. taken for all the mood).
It and weeklies. anal lot the dalles— '
trrifdeelrrd he the aubarrihira. the paper a twill
he delivered neeru/arly at reiideace or placu of tura'
137 All New Publication, promptly sorplied ppo4
flaying several years' eeperience In the hu.ioes.
the subscriber believes himself competent to cony it
on •ucrc.efullp, and .mt.factorily to ei4 eu.somers
He will purehusehis voile irs the very best add cheap.
C4t market.. ond Ntrrefore expects to sell at reasons.
tue rat e s. tk wilt give the business the striee.t per
meal attention, son hopes to deserve and obtain his
lair share ai public Cll/10M.
Apr. f. IEM)
, • . coax! COAL!
'rUE pah.criber w4l rontinine so supply, his customer
er. coal of all kinds, of the ben goalsty, at
the Joevem stitches sate.,
He will warn»t all coal cold 1.7 biro to be the ani
cls sod tot sett swath, as 'be OW sell
it kw.
ID ceal delivered to 101 podia the imentildh.
R. P. A ri•OL D.
Local' street, opposite the Bank.
Colombia, Aptit 4. ten.
DAY:, : oips,
our customers.
• r
1) J. WILMA:OS Nn. to Nnyth street, ihtil-
JO • ndelphin. Mom facture' , of
r.l3' The largest and finest assortment in, the city,
nt tar lowest prices ttlotds painted :alinfr.lrimoleti
coital to 'tow. Store Sbades made and lettered.. , • >
April 4. ts63-2m I
es.NT rafts of cakuots. '
Address P , PROBLEAI,"„Boa p 4 P. 0,
,Apr.4,"63-3t Philadelphia, Pa
r tliE subscriber bns•oPeno lii., 01,1
lately kept' by J. K. %Vali. lie has kie:a it up.
thoroughly for the reception tit regular or tine
s trot boarders, su•a expect. , to render it fir.t•c'n.+ in
all in eivernmetliaten.. The ruble will be 'wowed
with the best the market tiffOrae.hOth as regards v*.
new sod quality. sod the bar will be iturniilied with
liquors of all kind. of the, choicest. brand.,
in the basement ila4 been remodeled and renewed in
all its fittings. and i. at every rethect Dim eating
same of the borough. Here will always be found
to 111..:5T OTSTEIts, good cooking and rival and
obliging attendance. The bill of lure will suclode
every seasonable &dimity.; ) '
Returning hi. sine-re titanics far time very Mime
custom hethiweil neon him at the Bellevue House,
the thicthrther net eetfully invite, tts - tontlnu:
ante at :he AMERMAIkr.
Golumbia. April 7.1963
33. ?. Aprort
GENERAL - Forwarding 6i Cainmision, Mer
chant. Good, andiron torwa rdcd to all Point,
on the ,Nords Brooch and West UrtanslsCaasJli,
0t14.. to 101 polling along Ilia Penna. Railroad. ' '
Dealer in Flour, Drain, Salt and Plaster. • Ali*,
dealer in Cool, conalstlng of: flakilttere Co., Wilkes
o rre, Pot tato wn:Rig Mountain. Lanc. Coll iery, Pine
Grove, hykens Valley, Short Aloannilif, Treirerel
and &endless.
All consignments shrill lie prOmptly,altend•d axe,—
For further particulars, address
Locust street. Columbia, Pa., opposite she Bank.
cr Co at carefully selected and prepared for leanly
age, will be delivered to any pan of the town in good,
order—(see from slate or duet. [April 4, 1603.%
Fresh Garden rid Flower,: eeds. just received at the 'Family ,Aledieiee
Fiore. a iarxe supply of treat mats among rebid/
are to he found:
/Gamin , PM. Extra Rariv, Meat"
D'A'alli s -arlY• Tom Tlinandi, Early Kent, Zurly Wash
_ _
fngto t.
'Kidney Dwarf. Ckirrilßed Eye,.
Early &x Week*, Red Valentine, Large .Wtstte
Large Rutter Ream
newts Scgo.i.—Gerrnan Quilled Aster..
Portalacca. Sweet ltlianonette, Variegated Ralnaasa.
Mixed Petunia Pinreet Pea, Rocky gnarly Tait. Afri
can Itildeette t Golden Coreroyisia, Globe .116acciaraurtba
Mired Vesiwria, Carnation Pude..
Titans.—tasveet Fennell, Surname Savorr - . Sage,
Caraway, larrioraat,Thyrae: Artiae minden:lei/order.
April 4,150.2.
I lit ~10
'WILL open a Select litehnol. in the upper ,rogai.
of the Brick **cool House. en kterond'street. ote,
MONDIY., Aplll ißb. 11903. where sal the English
Branches will he faithfattr '
tt:Trerrns 0200 pPr Gen.t.r.
Colautbuk, Ninth - VAS tt
nalrgailh)l47 iriltiiff ID!. , ---
r 11) BLEIER 1 1 110,111041 ' diesitir than adi-
Coca 55 Per cent. lees than e woolly asked
or the same good. elsewhere. Ladies Call wont woor
them sad be convinced of whet we say.
Corner Seennd and Locust sic. Cannabis Pa. .
Nvat. U. lIESS
lIA% Dried Bed, Dried ; Prerisajtonest
fturoresum Dried Apples, Raker!, Ch 00 01 0104!
an extra &wale of Green and Black -TIM!, CO4SIIIIO' S .
Mutuard. Lemons, Oranges, Caearing Tabora°. Rt.o l " ,
Inn Tobacco. Rye. Wheat and Centine-Colfee;
Turkey Coffee. Coal Oil. hart STrap and Rakitqf me"
limes. A lane *teak of geeetre ware,- - -
`44,F4tRUNFIRt g,
1101 alnd Uttion Wat.
31. 'Waal
[lvk br H. r ORC ty
11 •
"/ -;
. -...~ ...... .T«
1 . 1