_ _ AS.4totunee. Courts for Lancaster -County for 1863. TT ordered by, the Court, that adjourned court. for IRO for the tool and decision of caeca to the Com mon o.ea., Orphans- Command Quarter Sessions, ore MU be held an follow.: - .FOa A ROUMENTS. tone weak commencasag on Monday, the Illah March, •-• 15th Attic, :Do Sept., 'ea nt'Dee. To continue one week front the said days -respect and a• much longer a. tse huni tie ca may require All the canes on the Ihtt for argument w the Orphan.' reoutt.ishall be Wren up on thofiest days of uaid and be proceeded wi.h dosposed of, utalesa con 'blued by consent or CliVwe shown. The cane. on the argument lint in the Quarter Sen :della Mull be taken up on Wednesday of said term. if not prevented by the Orphan" Court. and if so, the -dames in the !Quarter Scanlon. will be commenced on the termination of the Orphan.' Court business. The argument of the canes in the Common Plena to .I..escommenced an Thus-Islay of the week, if not pre -vented by the timbals' Coon or Quarter Sewloll. .cnnes. In shut cline, the argument list of said Court is ,to be taken up at the termination of the eases in the -other comas. mad proe.eded in unlit disposed of unless .1:old:Wed by consent or mune 1: is further ordered that the ;absence of counsel at .the time appointed for nearing the cases mentioned in ohe preceding orders, shalt be no cause for suspending jproceedsigs therein. mile.. by commit, or legal grounds fora continuance be nhown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. Oft is ordered by the Court that unjouni-d court., for ",juay•trials in the Common P.eas, will be held as Mt- Inwc taut week, commend 1.1 Monday, 211 February, 4th grid Ist 22 March, 4th " 25th May, tat " Ist June. sth" 31st A ogust. Yd ' 10th October, 4th 26th n •sth " 30th November And .urh other periods as miry be appointed at the 11Coresaid Courts, or in the reguinr terms The foregoing to be published in all the newspopers the city mid county of Lancaster three successive Alines in cosh ai the expense O. the eauuly. Bull to be presented nt !he Commissioners' office. By order of the Co, 01. ATT.E.T. PETER at it 17.11 N, Pre thonotars . Prathy's Office. Dec, 15,1862. Dec.26.1i2 I-1 )LIDAY PRESENTS. 01IN SIIELFFER, NO. 31 NORTH QUEEN ST., 40 would respeetiully solicit the attention of hi. ,patiotas and the public to his splendid 'assortment of ,}IOLIDAY PRESENTS, 'Prepared and arranged expressly for the Festive Sea-nit. The Siock eompri.eg STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS AND JU- VENIL E BOOKS in many bentnirul and elegant al yles of binding. Library Editions of the best authors. Prayer Soaks and Bibles. English ant' American Editions. We have books for Christmas Presents, books for New Year's Gifts, books for the Old Folks, books for the Young Folks., hooks for the Folks in 'rows. books far Folks n the I cowry. Books for Boys, books for 4:trlg, books tot I over., books of Humor. books of Devotion. bon s• r f History, books of Travel. books of Heroes. books of Patriots. Books about Indian.. books about Hunter.. book. about t.toldters, book. about Statlors, books for Fn rmers. books (or Mechan ics. Splendid Annalist, Beautiful Poets. Handsome Annunk. Irving'.; Works. Chanel ll.cksii. , Wm to. -rir NVailier tr`teort , . W orks. T. S. Ar thur „ tVor .r. ,3 , y111,19 u l tor's WOritg, Mayne Reid's Adventure-. Revolotlo miry Shone,. All the ever) standard mullion in every departure.. of Literal ure, in every style of binding, con be procured ant rublisber', Prices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A new ,mek joet received from Celel.ratrd Mono facto rem 'rue la iire-1 suol le-i u—nrinieni in the city. rouging iv p. ore. irony 75 rte to $20,00; bound in thr very he-t sy l,• with !alien G 1.11,14 A i I/IIM• for the Pocket nod Centre Tattle. ohlonz Albums. Imperial Quazio Album-. New sly le. reeetvrd dully. Tim Amerman 'Sunday sehriiii Union holiday Books, J. 1.1 Published Over WU Now Books—all Juvenile Department. Thus depurtnu•n: cempri-es the most complete and the um•l exlerrove -rock of Hooks suitable for tire Lillie Folks to be found in the city. GAMES! GAMES! or every description it low prices. Tor Books of oil Lim.; \Vetting DeSi.d, Rosewood 511th it); Port Folios. HYMN BOOKS! Sh °dim. Lutheran. Preiapyterion, Reformed, he. re per-oils dri.iring it. ens make their selection' and have .he pieekitgei. laid orate till Chri4mas. said bee for )our.,elf. at _ . SII F,A FFEIVS, 22 Nor:II Qn rn ci.. lamen,lo4 MEI CURISTMAS GOODS. reeeived a large it=gorlinunt nf Goodin suitable •r .0 air- among which are a fine ifeleetiou of Zephyr, ra and shawl% Cup.; Starr., Solt 4aus.itilc mug Coat., Ntiiiia4, llme, Ulovet., Sc Moiaintea,oravut4, Ladies Collura, Sc .with a grew vane's' of oilier good.. ran. :di le fort Itria at ./Lho a la rue addition to ur -lock of littol. mad Sane-. Ca-taineri 'mil lOC of par. lun. ru is te nt,. ea, lyiuvu. d and an CI:111114W too Of good tted. 111.11.T711" &CASE Cale bin, Uer.•mLrr 90 EXCELSIOR GALLERY! PhotographsX, A mbrolypes FUR THE HOLIDAYS. •übscnber .111 open on Monday ucsl, lie rcam•formerly occupied by Jolley and Goodridge Sb a PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, Where he will he ;iterated to tilLe FIRST-CLASS PICTURES, in every loyte of the art. itimiograph. of ell -ire... Ferrotypev, Ambrotype.. Ase.,&e., will be gonsiinteed to give samlitemin 10 ,11101 . 4. d'arileular attention will be given to the EXCCUiIOII of highly fuiptheit ."CARTES HE VISITE," at the most .nii-factory room In. - All Prices Reiormahle: the puttliersher h.. hod many years experience in his saNd tech, roblideto of in. ahiitty to do ja.tice to hi...mem Ile 1.1c4 of the citizen. of 10. autalms and vionmy a mutate of their patmpage CHAR:. Ititt JAMESON Dee. 0.1.962 TIELAINES: DELAINES!!—A beautiful line jug recriv.4l nt giently reduced prices Ludic!" cull and scrum your chrism's+ pre-rut xt - S MACY & lit/WEDS. Dec. Z:l. 1862. cor. :td und Locust SM. lIANOVER Buck Gloves and Gauntlets, just re ceived Ly SYRACY & BOWERS. corner Stroud and I.oeu.t Sts . Dec. 20,1802. Columbia, l'a. 17EPHYR Knit Hoods, Nuidas and Scarfs, at reduced 1.1 prices to close o.tt the stock. STEAtIY & HOWER:4. comer 24 nud 1.0ra.1 Dee 20,1802. Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall. -1017 INItGLAssr.A. Tumblers and Goblet.; beautiful TY 010.3 Mr.': Vul.e., Cream nod Sugar Bowls to /match. Very ue.iranle and suitable for Christmas and .ISew Year Present.. STRACY & BOWERS. Corner of Second sod Itoeu.tt Street-. CoPn. Dec 24. 7 62. Cotutnitio, Pa SEFUL PV.E.r.WATtl*:—C.inen and D.arritt-k Ten, Clotho, l uttltus, Voyltes aud Towels, very alma') Ut STEACY 4. SOWERS. Oppotitethld Fellow.' Mull, Dec. 2C,1562. l I 1 0011111EAD'S Magnetic Plaster: a saver sign remedy for burns, arLe puius. &e ,juat le. cerved end for sale by F. WILLI 4.51:„;', Loeu-I sr. I)REINN: AND I - RONEFIELD'S Cultic Powder. ust received and for sale byy I'. %tiLLIAMS' Locu.t et. IURNETT'S Coeuniue for the hair! A fresh article just recegved at the Drug SiOre Or F. WILLIAM4', Lococt a. OUND and Flat Chi.nney's for Coal Oil Lamp. - 11 Per.tnn can procure either kind by caliing at the Drug Store of F. WILLIAMS', Locuet at. Dee. 20. 1.62. HOLIDAY GIFTS JUST RECEI WED! New Dress Goods, Embroideries, At Itedartd Prices Cola. 1 ee, 13, 1902. H. C. FOND) , RAMITII. adjoining the Bank GEORGE! .11. 7XELISATaiIit'S CONTIN 33 TAXI SALOON, N. W. Corner Front and Locust Streets, COLOMBIA, PENNA. T"CONTINENTIL is still kept up in the old aorle. n.nt r Iwamoto will Gad at lb.- ha , the FRESHEST AND BEST LAGER comaamiy on tap. Tba proprietor, during his ab sence. ham pat the estafili•lnnest in efficient bands. and he hopes that the custom berewfons so liberally be+nnwen upon him will he continued. - Oniumbrot, Dee. 11,18114. TEHIL FOR BD!$ CLOTIIII6.-1 full saaottinent, now 'tiling at H. P. BRUNPZILVI. Thi.d and Union me. TEA t' received an extra quality of Imperial, Young tly.on mod Wank 1 '' 0, ." 1 Dec. 13. .11. 11RUNI1R:S. MUSCATEL RAISINS:4 new ',thick in ,he Itui,in line. Cult be 11.0 ai 1N. , . 13. 11. E BRUNER'S. , ORANBFIRRIES ).ND RAISINS. CHOICE Fruit at iSTEACriI & BOWERS', Cob. Dec.ll, 1281. Cor.Yd and Locuot Sts: HO! FOR CHRISTMAS! A . Choice Baking Ale:taws; the hes. in the market at STEAM" & Cnln Dec 6.1862 Cor 2tl and I.twipil Stl. CLOAKING CLOTH. - B EAUTIFUL Black Cg!i . ll7 l / 4 aj7 . l) , Le t ru v l v aAt r,l %clonks Corner S••cond and Loco-I Si reels Coln. Dec 6'52 Oppo,oe Odd Fellows' Hall. NOW OPEN 11111111 111111111111 WHIRRS, 908 & 811 CHESTNUT ST., PUILADELPIIIA., (LATE LEVY & CO.'S DRY ROODS STORE.) GEO. J. ETENICELS, Formerly r,24 Walnut St. VillA BEANS 0 the Best Quality, just , - F. WILLI A M. =I VOR PRESERVING CIDER.---4 Fresh lot of t 4 utpl.ute of Lone bus jut been received by Deo 0;61. F. WILLIAN:i, Locust St. F:W Style Helaine.. Cietsime act, Cloths. Debege. DI Shawls, Fancy Shirting, Fint.nris, Print•. nt lower prices than eon be land elsewhere; Mu•lin+. Ticking's, Cheeks. Cotton B Inantels. all colors; Opera Hoods, etc., etc., just received in store lona for sale by H. F. BRUNER, N0v.19:62 Corner alriatild Unuon •tn. IWINN PEE.-1 new article for mince J H. F. BIC UN , N0v.20.'62 . Comer 3rd nml Uulou .119, 1 S 18E12. The Largest and Most Extensive Stock of LAFI. 86 WINTER DRY Read 3 -Made Clofldng, &c., IN THE BOROUGH OP COLUMBIA. E „! i i A N% ijt JUST v " R E V II R R ii A F D A I L m.VD D „ CLAYTtIINC . . whteis have relettel with great core. We (eel mediae's( of being able to plea-e all who may livor u". with their patronage. Our stock colt...lets w part 114 fellow.: DRESS 43-04ZIS: Black and Plumy Cobra' Silk., French Plaid Saha. Stott- Dentine., GI nghante, Alpaca. and Pt I uli Varieties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Super. Black Fretteh Cloth.. •• Brown and Blue Cloth.. ‘ Much Doe-Skin Ca.sottere., a large variety ot Palmy Cossimeres of ell grade• and pries... Black Grandee., Bunn and Alurseilles Vest ing.. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Bleaelted and utiblettslted of ell q ualities, front (.} to 11l cent., B. tine Good. all quoltite-, Mg., (Meeks, Flannels., Linen Tuttle Cloths, Towel tem &c. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &C., &C., Black a- it Pitney Colored Stella Shawl., Block Cloth Clot k. of lift• otie.t .ty le• and pattern. nod Nieto...a till grade.. quill mo- 110.10 Ski.* of all •••tze4, Bultuot.al ed.trt. REA fly- Nz ADE CLOTHING; Bleck and tie • 'to , • leach and l rr , 117.0ffla 111.11• Ii 81.4.-1. & 1 , ,tel ',11.. it, Clo It & Co-littera Teats. The above eood. ltdoe areally re 'Need moo.. foe o: ASH, ..itd will he -.ad at -tall ittl- Valiee tor the wane, al Ilse ...Dire of hieTACI.II; te CO. lame.' Street. two door. below C 0 .1.111.111 Bank C 041111611, Noy. 21) 1-W C 111:01—Thc best for cooking nu - poses. 11. P. lIIIUN N Corner J u l: and U111..11 CURE ANTS.—New crap currants, a no ki pool 0,10.1 e. If. I , Itlars:Eft. N0v.... , 5/ Corner 31d n 1,11.10100 I, AISINS.—A full assortment of cooking, I Bonet. and 1... y. r IC i jukt n H F. nutINEIC Nov S 'O2 Vorsier3r.l RIO Churns 14-. ']SEAS.—Young Upon of the best quality, owe iul do $ Black do. II F. 13NIIN KR. No ,%2. 3rd and Uo, on sts. B ' KER , S Chocolate, Starch, Corn Starch I: ler. 11:11.111g soon NVariliog SOON. Clierwe. rot. Co-life.Coun..ry. Ilournoo'd aunt Condole. New York Sour. Bueken-. 111 . 00111‘. SW). unoPriove Murk nok.l3ood'r Booont Crackers Aliment our tilling that our eon woln or u-k nor you may Intl 11l U. F. It It UNERY, Nov 29'61. Conner 3rd Unnont TBINIF:DIATRDIr. n %mil! lot of Residing ond.Colum bia Ridßond iegelininie (or good, 11. C. FONDEIBiInITIII, N0v.22, 1162. Adjoining Cul=lia.t Bunk Czo.ll';.: SOAPV--Plain and. Fancy Soaps grail varlet) , at nee 6:51.. V. I,LIA 117 S. Lomist QIIIIC BLUEING the (low or single box J ct e. AV 1:.1.1A WA. Locum mr, i% 21: NI;YDALDVS ..;.7` 4185. ..±CcibClEity STORE, Calk ., ;F:k FkoNT AND UNION SIS. TI11•: I utweeilier hrera roft.ltintly on haqa a large nod good uw+munem of GROCERIES OF EVERY RIND, ronrihting of Coffee. Sugar., Teas, Ilotames, Hams, Drled Beef floor. reed. Ace . Ae lie mane. uneminn so r. lot of fine Eastlikh and nlerieell fickle• in honle, Ks-tants, Prepared Moans rd. Spicer.. and o. her article. in the came which be can recomsnes.d. Ile ha. a general a•hortment of everything in We line, and ash. a cOntlocoutee of the supper hereto fore no liberally etiended to hire by the public. Nov 2:2;64 HEN HY aL Y DAM , SUPPIX ofCrunbernr, jum rereri-ed nt the Gro eery 'zit>, of HENRY 3UVCA hI, Cor *'root and Union sis. VOTICF. is hereby eiren. of on intention to extoblixh 111 st ;Nth of Ductiont. bettom and Cirrulonon. un eer the provioon• of the net eittittet • An Act to ex toliii-11 a PS• em of frtm banking in Peonxvltrottio. lice." and the supplement thereto; said Sauk to be =I Zephyr Goods, "THE MANUFACTURERS , BANK." to be located in the Borough of Columbia. Lattesoter county. Pa , with a capital of Our !Hundred Thnu•rud nether I. to t,e divided jute two thousand shares ol Pict) , each. November 29, 1862.6 m Gloves, fianterchiefs, &c., Trig DWELLING now orrupied by Rev. Dr Dorsey. on ihe corset of Lncu•t and iseemiti . 13 . tin-et... Columbia. Thin is ■ only desirable loci , thin. and for dwelling rdm.rab le adapted •nr a board ing bouw. liver 811 A. 11 C FUNPERs3IITII. N0v.21; 1668. Adjoining Columbia Bank 1.1 - 00 IND'S tier man Bitten, tan be ob xi. tabled st IP WILLI POUtti, Locest st. CURRANTS. UMW CROP RRAWTS, • inn-rate artinle. for 1.1 made a tLee of . FOCIN RY SUYDAM. Nov.l, , 22 Car. Proud and Mikan HOMMONY, BEANS, &C. WHITE Hamsnion,.. Brims, :Maker Corn. &c_ in Urge or small go amities, at the C watery. Froat and Union rte. HEICRV PIIYII.‘ M. IFEMZEM FOURTH INVOICE OF Wanted, CRAM :ERRI ES. NOIMCZ. FOB. ZIGINT. NEW ORLEANS BARING 1110 LASSES.--The oaiy gcod Molasses for baking. Call at 1)=.13. B. BRUNER'S. Sulphite orLitne. guns preparation.. invaluable for arresting fermen union 111 cider. and preiterving It in it+ original ewertness can now be obtained at the Drug Store of. F. WILLI A ms. Loen , 4 al. • Spices, Spices. PURR Ground Block Pepper. Mace, Nutmeg.. All ..piee. t. gon.iiiioll, Clove,., kinking Soda, Cream of Turinr, Ginger. Ac.. to betted at Nov. tht. F. WiLLIAMS. Locum. et. RAMINS. A rurr.L r.opply of Raisintr—fteedless and I.nyer— .7l will be tound at the Vor. of rrent and Union ma, N0v.22, 7 62. HENRY 51.1Y1M31. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS. We hove opened a hand , ome bnt: of UPW1:125230 Hudson Bay Sable, Mink Sable, Siberian Squirrel, &c., &c. are re.pectfully invited to call before pur ehabing elsewhere. BIM examine our amok. CHARLES OAKFORD & SON, 834 and .536 Chestnut at., Continental Hotel. Mo. Nov 15.1862-3 m OFFICE JAY COOKE, 61.71ISCRIPTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 114 South Tltira2 Street, Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1862. THE undersigned having' been appointed Subscrip tion Agent be the Secretary of the Ti eusury, is now prepared in foret.h. ni one, the NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 PER CT. BONDS of the United *States. de•igualed as -Five•'l'wenties; redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, after five yenta, and authorised by Act of Congress, ap proved February i 5 Ibo 2. The Coupon Bonds are issued in sums of $5O, 510, $5lO SUMO. . . . ••• • • . 'lb.. ter Bon& in sums of $50.5100, $5OO, 61000 tint! .9.10a0. linelet.i at *ix per cent. per annum will commence from date of porein 4e n. 1411 PAYABLE IN GOI D. Semi-Annually. WIVE.h r . nunl nl lln pre,e.ll premium on ;told. to be II bout Eight Per Cent Per Annum. Piwn e r.t, Mareimut4, Cnpaalt•t+, and 0.1 who have any molten to invent. /Mould know null re number !hal linall 4 ate. in effect, n Pll , l Mont• gi.ge upon all Ittinrottin,Cuttuto, Bank Stock= and Sevtiril:rl3. and the Mainelle produet4 of all the Manu facture.. /kr. &t. .in the ertuntry: and Mat the full and ample pravut ttttt mode for the p.tytnent of the in ete-t and hquittainit of principal, by Ca.-10mA Mlle.. tart-e ;quint'. :Ind Internal Revenue, bervea to make lie., bowls lime But, Must Available and Moot Popular favest- ment in the Market Subscriptions received al PA It in Legal Tender Note, or MAC% and 4.10,10 of bank. iti par an Ph ila• de.pliia. t,luboeriners by moil will receive prompt al - and every facility and expliiimiani will be ail forded on sipplieation at this office. A foil .apply of bonds will be kept nil hood for im• medium dvllsory, JAY ethliKt , „ Nov. 8, 1862-Zim Sulemliplion Agent. ZEPHYR GOODS. OPRA naps, Nut., sfravem. Sattraga.Senrfel. Choice coxhin in dcsiediale co.nra open Io•d:ry at Nov. 8,'62. More, 0 d Slam). COAL OIL OP upenor quality, con•iuntly on baud nt Nov.i. F. WiLLIAM*, LJellit at PATENT MEDICINES A LI. the standard preparations. .arch is Ll Jayne'e Kxpectortint Allettative,Snitutive Pills, &c Bum lerieoplieroul. Kennedy , . itledlPlll DideOrrTY • Vet , ia-' VCIIEIIIO Liniment. ilo,tetter 'a tatoinuelt Bit ter=,liart'a Tar Oortlitt I, &e.. 41,e , to hr had at tit Drug Store of F. %VILMA cos, Lace.: .1, Ni*lts. WINSLOW'S Soothing Syrup eau be oht,i.wd w 11.1.1 A htleu-I*t. STOCKING YARN. 100 POUNDS Zrook't celebrated Woolen Stocking Yarns, just received and 'or wle only ut 11 C. FONDPI{S‘IITIPS Det.25112. Store whoining the Uniik. WALL PAPER P have yet nu band n Hale n•eortment or all YY Paper, w•lnch we are aetiiva at Oar u•u.d very loprices. Tilt. w•Ill I.- your Iwo chance to get your "matte) hack" to WWI Paper. - ' 11. C. roNoKß4mrrsi, noplr'o Cash :4torr MEEKS Third Arrival of New Goods. Buy sour SIAM..In nu Bruner'.. Boy your inis-imPreii. and I'n icy. Boy your l'lni.nek. RPd. Yellow,li ray. Barred .0..1 Fan cy Ptiiirttpu Vlopopl. a% fieumit . Calit•Ora built a •Ipzeti differeali prices • • A lot of New s;yle Delnitten will be in snare on Monday evening. ()ember ISOTI and be bold at old price.. the lust of thee rn-on of those prier, H. F. HMS ER, Corner 3rd and Union Streets. T ADIES WllO STUDY ECONOMY will find it . I _4 so their totv.autatte to eon nod Camelot our neat/ 1111 , 1 well wleated stock. before pa retina oar elsewhere, hotwi lastuorlatt.: the great talesman in price of good,. able In otter to.aoy things at old rues. Cull so .' 1, convince .2. of what We stay etTEAtIli & o,t tta. Gatti Fellow.' kluit.Columbin. (71 ENTS we want yon to underetano we kJ h.is.• cm You wilt find on cram , nano we have. u Mei line actual., e11,1111C(Ca• sat. weds and vestings, at the lowest cash futures. STEACY . BOWERS, Stet 2 5. Cor. tlnd and Locust st.,Eolutabta. Shearers Cheap Book Store, O.:G North Quern street, is the place to purchase school hooks and school stationery, comprking oil the various Residing and Books, A ritlime• tic. and A Igettras. Hraminars :sad Etymologies, One. 11.3111 , 1e1i mid Histories. Philosophies, dcc.. dcc. Copy and Compmition Books, Letter. cap and Note Paper. Munk. Hooks, ;Rates, Lead nod Slate Pencils. Pens mid Holders. Ink. Inkstands Rulers, and the beat and most eon...tete assortai,,is of SCHOOL STATIONERY IN THE CITY, IE7 - Liberal discounts made to Teachers , and Mer chants.. at joliN SIIEAVEER'S Clienp Cusk Book Store,32 Nord' Queen lorret I.an caster. Oct.lS,'Og HALDEMAN'S STORE. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! A col her lot of ARMAND FASHIONABLE STYLES just opeucd. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! We hove reeeived a full ay.orlment of Caret, rtetar tte, laud the beet lctuds. We have the largest stock of SHAWLS, 01 la•t f,11•011 . 4 pike., NE TV BROCIIE Slld ;ma. Liodie+ will ple...e ...ramble above Rood•. far Reeo:ire4 the lartp-st assort/neat. latest and must approved sty les. at exceethogly low prices /IALI)CItIAN't.A Nov. 22. 15.62. Cheap oilBll more. CIDER FORMINCE PIES, AN extra lot of Raman and White Sugar on band; lieu Rio Corea, for tale by • • - • H r. BRUNER. 3d and Union Street ==l NEW GOODS. 1.7. Rare Just Received out Fall Sieek of DRY I r tiooDd, wh,eh we will aril at the knee-I east figures. STEAM' lc Bow EaS, Corner 2d and Locust Street, Colusal.ia. Fall & Wpniter Goods, AT HALDEMAN'S STORE. OUR STOCK IS AS LARGE, OUR ASSORTMENT AS COMPLETE, As in former years. VI - AVOW made VERY HEAVY PUR. in CHASES FOR CASH more than A MONTH SINCE, we are able to offer all finds of goods at leas than present city prices. Muslins from 12 cts. op. Calicoes " 10 .4 All Wool Flannels 6 . 25 if Canton Flannels re 15 is Satinetts ' " 50 ir Rich Delaines at 25 cents. All the New Dress Goods. Best Kid Gloves. Cloths and Cassimeres at old prices. Super. Hoop Skirts, cheap. We invite oar customers to examine our splendid assortment, and secure the bargains at our present low prices. HALDEMAN'S Cheap Cash Store. Columbia, Oct. 4, 1862. PURIS' TUE BLOOD And Strengthen the Constitution. MO TDEATMENT OR REMEDIES .Mee ever been •so successful in et fectirally curing disease "D". nwayne's valuable ',Medicines," a remedy for each and every malady, prepared with the greatest care, under the imraedi ate nupervielon of a thorough educated Physician. We have certificate.' of causal . - dietary cure• of diseased lungs. performed by "Dr. Swnyneo compound Syrup of Weld Cherry," caeca where :be fungi; were very much de-ordered. giv en up to die by physician. nod friends. lithe bowel.. are costive or not suMcietetly free. u.te in coon...mon SarSapn and Tar Pill." a great papify ing purgative. The two will clean., out all dis ordered humors, enrich and purify the blood, remove all unhealthy billions secretions of the .tomeech nod bowel. cau.irg perfect healthy elute of the liver. If you have cough. asthma. hemorrhage of spittiog of bluod, sore throat. oti eatUetiOns of the spleen or liver. short breath, pain in the urinary organs, night sweat•. nervous debility, restless nights, and symptoms of pulmonary consumption. Do not delay, but procure the above remedies at once. 30 years experience proven to the world that they cannot be excelled --wayne's Cm:wound Syrup Wild Cherry." “Swaynets Compound syrup Wild Cherry.' “Swnyne's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," "Suitytte's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," cures all complaints of a pulmonary nature, stimu lates the secretions of the st.in, kidneys, and btnu chial meat membrane, hue great iuguence over the lICTVOU, system. This remedy it the result of extensive experience and divertified practice of many years. and none hits ever obtained u higher or more deserved reputation. Albany wonderful cures have taken place after the lungs have been very muck disordered. GREAT PURIFYING PURGATIVE! Swayne's Samna' ilia and Tar Pills—sugar coated. elwayne's Sursapari lln and Tar rill. -sugar coated. For Headache, FEMALE Liver Complaints, For Headache. CUM- laver Comphants. For Headache, PLAINTS. laver Complaints. Thousands ot persons and families have thoroughly ruled and tried them for almost every disc a-e, and they have given their testimony that they are beyond all question the very best medicine us family physic. Headache. dimness, of vision, palsy, fits. fevers. sick headache, liver compliant. loss of appetite. bib ions affections. &r.. are cured. Female irregulari ties are restored to a healthy condition. These are prrfect blood purifying pills, rompounded with sarsaparilla and other valuable vegetable ex tracts, and u certain purgative. tree from griping. ear. reeling the .stomach and bowels into u perfectly hint Is thy CollaltiOlT. DR. SW AYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL. The Unialling Remedy for The Unfailing Remedy (or Mira:ea, Dysentery. Cholera dlorhu•, Dlarrlwea. Dysenteiy. Cholera Morhue, Diu rha m. Dysentery, Cholera Ntorbis., Choletu Infuntum or summer Complaint. Cholera Infantum or Summer Complaint. DR. SWAYNE'S A cure worm killer—an excellent tonic—good for delicate or -iekly children—plewtant to the tu.te. Sway nOn Blood Purifying Palmeri., Swayne , e Illo,nl Purifying Punnren. Prepared only bk Dr S%VATNI•: & NON Dr. Sw ynr & son. No :no N. 60.-0., above Vine Dr. Semple. & Son, No.:00 N ;Move Dr. Swnyne & Son, No. 340 N above Vine. PitzLnez.ritz 4. PH/LA t MPH ?A Sold by MALTBY & CAAE end A.GRAY h. Cu.. Colum Ina; Chas. 'lei]) it-II and Win. 0. Baker. La nett-ter. S. Boed and S. Wilkinton, Pairfie.d. mid all the pm eipal storekeepers in Lancaster county. Sept. 20,1862. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST AIMED TO 11 Their already large !lock of goods, nod full w.Aortmeiit of ClOlliR, Cu•pimere, Drea• Goods. Print, Deloilieg, Pueolele. Hats nod Cops. Groceries. Qtwernoworc. tee. They would esperiolly tootle purtieulur utteuuou to their very large i.toeli of READY MADE CLOTHING, AND BOOTS AND SHOES, Our se•ortmeut Leing complete end of the 'beet mule• riot and muttufneittre. nod will be sold at the Inwe•t engh pricrQ. Whig detetmbied to i.e u n d,•r.Old In 11011 , , we believe it will he to the itiu-rest of pure4ll.- ers to examine our meek before making their pur tolmotion Oulu. Oct. IS, h/2. AIALTISY & CASE ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF CII.EA.P DRY GOOD Opened this Week at 11.C.Fondermailh's Old Stand, Alijoining Minh. IvEw style l'erieet.ll slyle Mild Ce. lime" . .. 1ti . .1% Fiy uitil ':wu Rahn NlniA Cs 1. In V tires• i I.l,l+ler Cl,, leo I:my yield Fancy Colcrrd Fieleelee.,, • her i llu•tpr.t Sl,:r:-. tell wn•% A lie I nu.• ell el ur e I OPOilllere..: 4 ,,tiottl. at.AJr.m• flieneileil unit Itrown Clovvls cinch Dill I'hur d.. Ace elm ldx , s. u.artrl prlcc• FOR FARO. 10 which We. r. ISM rifolly wekte the utteletiree of 011 t e11.00n0,4 u.of the puhhe xeurrnily 11. C. l'ONDlilt,‘4llll'S Oct. 4, 1802. Curh ^lore. - EMPTY CASKS. LARGE lot of Iron Hound Clo.o linogh.nd., Ll for .3a.• It .1 HALDEMAN. Oetolaer 4. INW. PICKLES! PICKLES!! TV you want good pirk !PP, In,l limes & Pure 1 Corn Vinegar. " !dunning:tory in Second udjoin lug Odd Fellow,' Hal:. [Oct 4,14. Fancy Furs! Fancy Furs! oly ...Europe, Preview' In the rise an Sterling Exchange. and the New Doty 11,n- Wlved nit all Furs, imported since the first of August I would also l.tote, that us long or my siock luat 6.1 will Mier it at prices proportionate to what the goods coat me; boat. it will be impossible for me to import and manufacture any mote Funs. and sell them a , the same vire., owing to the unsettles. stoma the uffmra of the country. 'Remember the name, number and attest— JOHN FARE( RA. ept. 20, 4124 m 7tB Arch St.. Phi lada THE SECOND INVOICE OP FALL & WINTER GOODS, Now OPENING AT H. F. BRUNER'S Cheap Cash Dry Goodi aad Grocery Store, Corner of Third and Union Streets under•ivned havingju.l returned frorn PUR- L delpli fit with iseCOnd invoice of Fall Gond., her , leave to call the attention of the citizens of Colunthia and vicinity, to hi. exten.ive and varied ao.ortrucni of Fancy mid Staple Dry Bonds Grocrrie., ac.; eon-W -ing in part of Del ll ill et, Coliurgu, Calieoe., Tieki .g., Check•. Flannel., Clothr, Ca•nlmeres, Ve.t ing., fools and Shoes. Coffee, Sugar II toinu, ae., he. lie hopes by close attention to bolniiir. and won integrity to COntilitie to receive a share of piddle pin, 1101 We. H. F. Bite:VEIL Columbia, October 4,1862 S If AWLS, Drugs and Medicines. TDB undersigned would announce in the citizens of Columbia and victui.p glint lie opened in the room recently occupied by Mr. R. Mixon .4. DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, where will be found a full assortment of those omits which are included in thin line of bui.incio. The !Mock will be found to cannot of Drop , . Chem. ical•, Pye Staff•. Pei fumery and Fancy All lete...in•h as Brusher , ' Comb•. Tooth Powder.. and oilier aTo too numerous to mention; all of which will he found (troll and of the best quality. MrPrescriptions compounded with care and de spatch. F. WILLIAMS, Sept. 6,'62. ISO REWARD! THn Colombia Insurance Company will pay Silly Dollars reward tot the arrest and convirtioti of the person or permus who set the fire which destio}ed the Church and School-house. in Marietta, on the morning of the 7th inst. To be paid on conviction uf such party or patties. C. S. KAUFFMAN, Prior',fear. Gamma Yoram, Jr, ecretrary. Columbia, August 16, hbOL WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &c. HE ,ul•.eriber would invite attention to his large 1 and fine .I*(4 of ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, SEGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &e. He keeps his stock well filled up, awl believe. that he can offer us good an astortment of everyihtitg to his line a. can he found in any wore in CoNsabw lie would dtseet epeeist attention to his GirIEICELXIACALN 11773:N1-332181. There are light WllieP. good in .laalny. low in once, and very whotewitne drink either for suck or well. A large Awortment of ~ttoorl.llvh will nurser general notice. nod will be found to cow: prere *owe of Ibis goer% pipe. ever offered in oiowLie. Call and e.tainiue them. 1. 5.1. utx.H oat. Cor. Front and Locust stmsts;Colmoloa, Ea Columbia, A afoot 0.1962. Let it be Remembered TORNFAREIA,No. 7ItS Arch Si &lidos.. Importer 111111 Alunulhourer of rm rl Dets'er in all kith's of Fancy Pure. for ladies a gat old 111 ren's wrar. I desire In may to my fiends ol Lancaster awl he aurrnumlitm coun ties that I have stow in fore.otte of the largest nun TOO Leaman' an rortmrntr of all Linda slid qualities of FICACY FUR!, for ladies. , and children. , wear tb•tt vilt be worn during this r.:l 11,,T L 1 Nine MO 7.17.: BEGINNING OF ANEW \VOLT:IIE. rflitE Number for January, 1863, begins the Eleventh Valuate < f z tie Atiltolle Monthly. From the commencement. in 1557. the Atlantic has rapidly increased in circulation. and it now has the largest class of readers since its beginning, five years ago. Its pro.perito steadily augments. aid it coital,- tier, amid all the fluctuations and dangers int-ideal to nut national ertsis in gain grourd in the estimation of ibr public At u time so pregnant with everts which touch the future de-times of A inertia in every vital pan ,cu'ur, the Midi-her- and Editor+ do not deem it neee , ,kr, to prom', that it. nage+ will never swerve from the hottest paths of loyal patrintism and univer sal freedom. Its °Milians have always been on the -ideal I.siterty. Progress, and Bight, and the retiree it first adopted in its ea ly career, will ever be 111411141 W maintained. . . • • The Stu( of Willem regularly contributing to the Attitude hlotithly.einttruce4 all the beet k outwit authors in American Itierstsure and vrarratat the Publithere in protni.ine to it' reader', The Best Essays, The Best Stories, The Best Poems, Which Arnerician Went can furnish. Li -t Op [SECULAR CONTRIBUTORS in Pref"e mid Poetry the “Atlantic" Staff of Writer! is unequalled. The slowing authors is bull among the regular contrbutors: •amen Ruifaell Lowell, George R. flillant, floury W Longfellow, Henry Cites. Look Agra4riz. Hey %%Niter Mitchell. Ralph Wuldo Eme-enn, Ileur) T. Tut:kerma/4 Nathaniel Hawthorne, Joint Wei., C C. tilattetwoll, Mr.. H. IL Stowe, W. Iligginson. Harriet Mut tinenu. Awhne ^Marrr•t /lowa'," (linnet Repde. Mr.. Julio %V Howe, -The Country Parson.” Mr-. A. DT. Whitney, Ito-e Terry. D'icer Wendell Holmes, 1111,11 CI R John II Whittier, Rev. Robert P.S. Lowell. R. P. Whipple, J. T. Trowbridge, lin) nrd To) for. Edward Eve reit, Charlea E Norton. Prole.or A. ii White. The foregoang I let of' contrtbutore ECrTIIE LEADING WRITERS OD AMERICA . Txasits —The Miskolc is for sale by all Book and Periods. ad Dealers. Price di ceinii u number. Sub. .ierspiimi for the year, SIM poetage. paid. Yearly stilisciipiimie received. or angle numbers supplied by alit deader, or by the Publisher, Specimen slumber, sent gratis on application to the • irr I noucem , bot. for Sul.eril.-rs Lists of premiums him Wied sippticutio. to , the Pub li-hers. TicErrort.ar. FIELDS, Publishers 135 Washington St., Boston. 111; NCII MEIIINIIISS, in all colors, at last F " m...: 011 . $ prices. Call aad See larnl at :aI . :ACV k 114. AVERS. 0ct.15. Coy 21;1.1 and I.ovu‘i FIRST Arrival of New Full Goods. ADO yards j2leimial Plea, Will be opened :hi- yut 11. C. run DEfNit I I 1111'S Sept. 6,1369. Adjoining the Bank. I'RAVELING Dress Goods of roam fabriques and pieces, just received Ilia day ut 11. C. FON bIi:IISMITIPS Sept. CI, lEGiI. Old Sawa. BAKER'S PATENT FRIIIT JARS. TEE most simple and rapid in mm9llollll and reliable In result. A turd on the clump malt% Ilse jut' air tight. The above invalunbie I'l.ol Jars—the moo complete patent out—cult be.bn l nt Loeu-t rireri. opposite the Hunk. N. B —Their jars have beell tested. and may be ex amined with the Ault 11l them—al PlSlifer's. They are per reedy :11f-tlej11.1111:i the 'rouble of seating. i• entirely avoided They ate generally acittuwlrdged us the very hem in use. Colombia. Augnst 0. 16'61.. Greatest Variety of Photograph Albums. I'V E would cull the utteulion orperrons to our urge rturk PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. We have the large.' nod hest stock ever brottglit tw tine • inn. Over 1011 differ. of st) lee, vain log In price from so till 10 dollar:, Call und for %ourself. JOIIN Onenno Co , I. nook-tore. Oct. , 6,4. 3t2 North Queen .t..l.ltueu.der. NEW SEWELTALT STORM, Front Street, above Walnut. )L17)41111., LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. H 1•: -uu.cnher. having returned to I. C o o' c u .r .:l l .! i n. a n t ß r e e r t . in hi- hale cif tic int.:opened ot lie more formerly occupied by Mr. 3trlitt Martin or Front streo above complete 11%-0111 , 14 . 111 Of 111111de01110 lacr - am X- -sr-, IN VA SUOMI liTYLKIS. CLOCKS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES, Are . &e.. to which he invites Ike attention of the pub• If,. lit- prime. Wl.l lye It. low ue any. mid hr e 111 WCTIIIIaI lilt+ stock it. good in every re•prei tie refer+ Wt:h confidence to hi , pant 143-itte.. c 11 . 0.• C is late ohtee. and a.akn a return of Ilse IlliCrial Clo.lolo Soritterl3 emended to loot. Rep..16 . 1.1g, mnl tot varion% branehe. promptly and euretully executed. CIiARLExt Cola July 20, 1202 DA. MAI{KLEY'S lIEALTH HEALTH R EA LTI{ HEALTII RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM Is the most cort..in safe and efleetaa I fettled y etre red lc the public fur DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, GENERAL DEBILITY, HEADACHE, JAUNDICE, MERCURIAL DIcEASES, CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS, SCROFULA, PILES, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, ALL ERUPTIONS OI• THE SKIN, and all di seases originating from an impure condition of the Stomach, Liver and Blood, Experience of over twenty yearn with this and the other remedies prepared by the proprietor, roily es ittith-h the razt that they use Ike mo-t Trimble, end will Five mere general satisfaction that. any other remedy before the public. Being ~ they con be taken by any person and under any eh etlenSlantel. NO PERSON CAN TARE THEM WITUOCT DtRIVINGI BENEFIT FROM THEIR USE. NO FAMILY SUOMI) BB WITHOUT Till. Testimonials are daily received senior forth their value. Whole columns of voluntary certificates could be given'. hutopare will not permit. The attention of the public is celled to the emitter issued by the subscriber and can be obtained se well an all the preparations tram the egrets usentioued below. TRY THEM ! TRY THEM ! ! Prepared only by DR. G. H. MARKLEY, LANCASTEM, PA. Wien can be eoitsalted at bis office or by letter, Sold In Columbia by A.O RAY & Druelmve sad, also in Lanru•wr County, by Ja.llsa Lender, 31 'unn 'neer. Nia,ter 4tpriotrvulte; Da: le I Gebein. ma. ball': .1 H Stets. inizsbetlnown; Dr. J. 11.30 bas, New tioNsnd: Hensel & Uhler, Qvarryville; C:Xassf man. tsporunit HIM . tWerAns ft.CCIVC O 7I . • 1,-1:114 c:ol,lUlti , -. r lre..feties a. 1, • 1 b,.L'L 41,11.011 . APrnl.t. Columluu, July 4, 1.z.V.,2. Cumu• Attention Gentlemen: A .CIIO.ICE. Lot of New Style 5,w1:,, , . Cus.-imeros and LI Block French Cloths, will be opened 0,1. day MU be fold cheap for cash, at tfw , oLularamo. IL C. FONDER:4IITH, Cola. May 24,1852. Adjoining she Dant, On to Midirtotond. arnica of French and Chant!lla Late PointSi, d Mantillas, justreceiced and will be wild at' nee low pncca. A call will co °Clare all IL C. FONDERSMITH, umbra July S IBM Peoples' Ca4t Note, RICII Plaid and Plain Talonrs and Poplins, high colored Wool DeWines,. twat printed all wool titeruute.. for Al S. Ac; beautiful goods from the estabb,lprient of Thos. W. Ryan. & Co, now opening at H. C. FONDER/3611141'S Sept. 6, lOW. People's Cali Store. Cola. FOR MAKING SOAP! QOL'A ASH. one of the beat articles in the market, S can be bud in large or mall quantities, at the Drug Store of F. WILLIAMS, Locust Street. LAMPS! LAMPS!! THE: subscriber will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Coal 011 Lamps. to vain+ he utvite► the in-proton of the public. Coal Oil Wiwi, Chim neys. Cre.. for tale cheap. by Sept:27:6d. l WILLI' A Mg. Looost street. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. SHREINER & SPERING, ITA ViPtiC taken the old ettablished stand of Joltu 1 Felix. Piont •arect. Columbia, respectfully invite the public to call and examine their large us-ortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and MO/Ell-PLATED W ARE, CUTLERY, COMBS, PISTOLS, ACCORDEONS, and FANCY Aaricces, Much as are ritually kept in a first-class Jewelry :Fiore. We will keep constantly oil hand a large stock or .411.333.ericl.exaa. 12117civectizemet, In Gold and :Silver Ca.es—Appleton, Tracy & Co , P. S Barden nod Vm Tillery inovrmciits—which will Mkt to the public. at pricesra suit tllo times. A continuance of tlic former pationage is respect fully 00)ielieti. 11:7REPAIMAG 01' ALL autos ciroutcri.2 ATTCCZED t.tolumbla. July 19. 1562. Feathers! Feathers! Feathers!! "W ARRANTED, A No. 1, tree from dart or smell put op in small white bags of from 11. to 30 this thereby avoiding the trouble of handling them. A petiOn wantilig a bed. boinfeis and pillows can purchase one of our small socks must the weight they wain eur6 pilMw. another for the bolster, and n large one tor the lied nod empty them into the tick without tiny inconvenience whatever, and they are ready fur use. We make no charge for sack. and will sell them at the lowest intalet prices for prime tVestern Live Ufeese Profilers. STNACY dr, HOWNRS. Opposite Odd Fellows' Hull, Columbia, Pa. Columbia. Aug. 9, load. For Salea Bargain. 1111118 choice of Two Fire and Burglar Proof Safes— J. “Herring" or -Lilites'l Patent: Also, a Faintly !torte. and u first-rate Crrriuge und Harness. Cull at the store of C. FONDFAISMITII, Cola. May 17, I 6:2. adjoimng the Bank -. THE SUBSCRIBER Offers nt private sale, the following valuable town properly, viz: A Lot of Ground, of about six acres. shunted on the north tide of Mill tweet, is the borough of Colondua, Ltlltellnictf county Pa.. adjoining property of the estate of James Cobh's, deed, oil the weft, and the Columbia Rolling Nil/ property on the ea.t. or, which It erected a gooJ TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE,A, emit:tilling two rooms and a kits hen on the fir.' Boor, !bur imams oar the second .tory. ond two good cellars. There is n pump with well of good water m the yard. and an OIRCIIA Ft contoining WI excellent variety ef YOUNG I , RUIT Tlt KES. nutty:tied to the piem item. The Reading and Columbia Ituil,ond passes on the opposite aide of the Street from the property. 11J-For terms apply to Lula. April 26, lead-tfi JOSEPH ULMER. TUE COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER. COUNTY, P. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Tins Company column,. to ill.llll . Ituiktimrs, Mer atm:lnes and other property, : fitibist und damage by fire, on the mutual 1311.11, either for a cash premium or premium hole. The sueeess oh the Company hie. f•ir exeisetled tho most outaguilte expeeration- of the three:, amd ii will lie tio•terti by he folios. irio shale:nem thin ti sifintr. WC is o healthy said iiol/11 rOlllll , lOll. Whole Amount,lnsured $772,707 34. Whiner. or C.c.::: Premiums mute: minded. Pen. 1.4. i .t-tH, SPSS Di Cash l'remlum. reeeived during the the last } ear, ;e-s agents' cern al Isstaaa, :53.3 1 5 54 Isitere.t leeeivell on money loaned lent year 29 3.; *1.910 07 LO5BOl , and Expenses paid the lam y eZ7O4 2t Bahmee of Ca.h Premiums user. • ',ended, Pcb. Ist, teas. 1.505 :FS It will be •een from the above that the molly pant in OdVMare tor policies has been ,uffletent to pay all to- es and exnen.ev and leave a surplu. fund of over Fifum Hundred Dollars. nod thin the Dirt ClOl , l have never levied uny tux upon the members of the Com pany C: S. K AO FFAIAN, President. Cnonna Wend. Jr.. Secretary. AIICHAEL 8. SIIIIMAN, rfral!Ufer. 3Z1A1Xt.33:1 Want: P. KAUFFMAN. EPHRAIM mutstwar, ABRAHAM flimsy:a, micliA El. H. MOORE, JOHN FENDRICH, GF.O YOUNG. Jr.. H. fl; NICHOLAS 111*DONALD, SAMUEL, F EBERLEIN,AMOS S. GREEN. bII.IIIA EL. S. SOH Al A N. Culutobia. June 21.. leG2 DI BUNION & F ORWADING. - 23. X% APPOLD, GENERAL Forwarding k Commission Her -0.. G.14.,.01:011 lOrwordcd to au poinll on Ike PVIIIIII ,North Brunch and Went Bruno h CAIIIIII4 oleo. to all point. along uLa Perna Railroad. Realer in flour, Brain. halt and Plwrrer. .AlOO. deafer in Coal, con.i..‘ing 131.11111T10T. CO. Wilke .- burre, l'onialown Big Nlointiaiii. Lanc. Colliery, fine Grove. 14 Lens V liey, Short Mountain, TreVerlell •rud Woad lop. All voneignmenta lie promptly attendod to.— For iurtitei particular•, uddresa R. r. APPOLD, Canal Basin. Columbia. Pa. ll'Cool carefully selected and prepared for gamily use. will be delivered to arty partof the town in good order—free from elate or dual. [May 31. lao2. NEW AND VALUABLE REIPE3: WORTIEM OF A TR76.11. TO MAKE AD OLD 111011156 LOOK MEW. Ilave it papered thoroughly with the BALI" PILICt paper now selling at FONDER'S:4IIIII's, Adjointag the itaah. TO MALI AN OLL MAN LOOIC NNW Bay him a suit of those new and cheap Cloth. and Castuneres, and pet them made by a good tsiiur You eau get the JIGYILDT at H. C. FONDEFSBITH'S People's Cash Store. TO MAKS A KOVNO YAK LOOK OW. Buy his Clodiee at a Clothing 'Store. TO ?WIC AD OLD LADY WOK AIKVAISIX. Buy her plain dress goods al FOX DERSMITH'S TO K•tt • TOCNO LAD? LOOK a•x! llly all means select her dee.. coeds from the aew and beautiful stockiest received at H. C. EON DERSMIT li*S. TO lILVK MO' ET TOXIC DIAItD Tian!. Let everybody buy their goods for ea.b. Barrain. in luslins.Calieoea.CouenudesandDomesticGoods generally, can now be bad at IFCNDF:RtnifTII4 Columbia, Jane 14.16671. Old Stand. WINES, GROCERIES, kc. GTILLB, neat respectfully notifies kA the public that he baa added to hr. *tact of Gras cedes, ice., & Am assortment of pore GMLIMISF W:111. These Nines are pore—no wholterated trash—soil are *sited alike to the tuck and the swell, the stoma and the weak. He respectfully solicit., a eat( (room tunic who need an aettele of the bind. sittofied that *chit will verify hi. wo.d. His stock of 421-FILO lELIELMICAS having been replenished. will be *awl worthy the at 'elution of everchntly— sad Ids wife—who will, of comm.. nail Montt him at their OSTlkat conveoistme. CORNER OF FIFTH AND COON ST. Colombia. A og. y -I y. FOR RENT OR SALE. A large TWO-STORT LANG flout... u. frouung on Le, drone Fourth. (col-matt, wwww,l • . , "y wink a Sae Brick Stable wuJ CA'w( e.l • Powwwies pitra Jay A .tort Z.. ta. Cole March 1!..1 - 1tf IV N . it 1t'3. 1 " . 22:'-a l l:kit i ri Are on Rolle, and eumpladclugt Atetymeoutof order, with yutlr erste.% go. tamped. and ,lour kelloga On. ontakniable These ever , toms are often the preinde to serious Some I".t sickness la cracru.u..p. - _ , .. cud ekenli bc• by e thuely too ely. Take Ayer r. On • cleanse tmt the die....Jc ..1• mars— purly the SC mollsdds more ta; user structul In /Acith Obey stimulate The aeoetleh. 6 Oflhe body Into Agave , r• purify the -plyt•to Itlo tip obetrucUons to. I, c...• dlsesee. A cold settles autiteWliere to the Italy, /col of • streets lie untond fmactiotec Theo, it r react upon thettuadves and the sawromoll I. Aiming general aggravation, elstferm nr K. to. While In thin condition, opt:preheat uy the dermigro.. we, take Ayer's V 111... and owe rota directly thee tvlittO•• natural setiou of the system. awl with .1 the %,..••. eta feeling of health agall What Is 14 mm. /e • app.. , nt o. this tririal and common COltat•hallsit. 1. oko lotto to lo,••• of the deetameated and &ingenue. Theo., • plargoliko effect expels timm. Cooled he e1e..1.., dons nod deningtucents of Ito mound . Ettoo , o•ott Ph— trwly they ere rapidly, and rwasy them knietlS,_f os.• by the same mane. N one who know the vino.. of thee• will neglect to employ them when auffeUng Am disorders they cure. Statements front leading phyaklans iu .onm of the principal eitlee, and from ether wall ...mu.. puhin 4,1- .01111. r(0114 a Fbrumnling literchunt Louie, t'.•t+. SMArd. De. Arne: Tour Pitis are the leung•u. nil Watt 4 , great lu medicine. They here mired my little Minghi, of uleerotri sores import her hands and to a that lvel Incurable for years. tier mother line been hie: misty afflicted with bletthee and pimplmlen her Aldo .a ber heir. After oar child was aired, elm u;• , your Pills, ned they hare cured h.•r. ASA NO IZG It IV; I:. As a Family rhyale. F•mu De. i.. Ir. Oartavrifibt,.A'ent Ghterni*. Yanr rifle are the prince of faargee. annilthes serpent any cathartic we imemeam. They hat very certain and effectual in thel: that the towels. which :slake,. them Invaluable to c., 5,0 LI, tieatatettt of disease. kleadacke,SUcklieadache,Fotil r>tcanncle .Torroni Dr. Edward Floyd, 11.411i.unre DrAlt Mo. Arm: I cannot answer ion rat.d vomvisiots lattv carat with your Pale hettor than to any e,l t', erer treat with a pargative medmine. I r er.t. deuce aa au rtroctuni cathartic in my daily variant nit:, .11setaa, awl ballerina am I du that your rill, Ma heat we two, 1 of mune, value them Twriannia, ra., 'tar!, tar t. C. AVM. T here been ieweritealy ern,' et the word keterfach. any body ran brio 1. Pt Awn , Or your It womic to arise Linn a. t,ul btoircic: . Which they elnallee NO ono, Your., with greet ieerect, T.D. Tr. PREM.', CI. 0 . .1 Steirriler I I v. , rt. Hiltons Dlsordern—Llver COM lil% o. "mu Pr. 27endfire r ! f" S. ie. pal. Cr, Not only nre your PUN soltninthly.alunte4l la their t$ pone as nu Ht.:lent but 1 thultht•lr heetheltt! ..T..rtt. Ont./. the Liver very flunked Indeed. Tiny lama in my pro: - tic° proved tunru effectunl for the Corn of DJimre c • points than toy run nonaily 1 can noottiao. 1 •,•,1 repine thnt tae have at length n innuntive u huh a, i - thy the notaideueu of the prat...stun owl the re,yl,. DLPARTMENT o 1• Tile I: , rrllee. Washington, 1), C.. 7111 81isT harr Wled your Pills In my rent .t.i nu 4 Lu•l„t.,l prettier ever since yet. suede thorn. Mu' c.thiuk/ 10q..4.1115 to Buy they u,r him best ratite' tie 'so „•gu bulug tutiuu tat the liver is gniri. rtud drei•:rd, c••Ju+• ottently they am au uklutirublu ientelly fur de..t.tessene. of that organ. Indeed, 1 bore seldom 141011410.0 .4 Otherts tluetisc no obstinate that It did hut reml:ly kid to them. I internally .you re, A IN: , ie.ll 11.11.1" :1. 1), Physician of toe Alai ill 1 14 , 14:.% Draeutery. Dlarrlicea. Bclnz r NVornis. Pions Lsr.J. C. 0h.., qjr..ltrev's Your PIM loom had a long trim lo my pnwrre., and hold them in waxen as one or the beat nye, e.l. in i lime ever tumid. Their alterative MUM limns the lb., thou au excellent remedy, when gixen io linr.lll deer. U•r batons dysentery WWI 1140.0 - 11.70. .111C11 . .11;n11.e.:1111.4 maims them eery acceptable 1111 d i.ul4lellivitt I .r nee of women and children. Dyspepsia. Impurity of the Mond. Foot Rm. J. r. Riau, ltistor ,„ DR. Ann: I bore *teed yonr Pint telitt e.tree,,nou , nice em ha nay fondly and among these I tam ha diotretot. To regulate the prism of 0.. d purify the blood, they are the very Lent tented t t, t, s eve r kneem, and 1 cut Collildentir rein ,a them u. my iriuudr. Ytwro, J. V. “”1.: IVAssia, `Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. ::!, DRAB Ste: I tun indent your Colborne lo toy tic., mei and thou so sertellont ',organ% i 344, at. system au4.l petrify I.c foooduitts of the 4011.4 Coot stipatlon. Costiveness*, iluppry Yilletissustisisa, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop - ay . , Paralysis, Fit., ate. P•wpi Dr.J. Jt rongin, Xootroll, arnoci3. Too much anomie be said of your Pills for the cora or costin , nrss. If others of our fraternity lutee foutol thou nn rilliesclotts as I lime, they should pits too Its prat, it., - lug it Ow the benefit of the multitudes who slater fro u dint cosnolnint, which, although bad enough to 11,14 la tin• progenitor of others (het arc. worse. I teller° st .• iircriax to originate its the liver, hot your PIM tatzt organ and cure the allee.see. From Atm P gnarl, P.:yekian and .7Jetire:re, Dest.m. T fled one or two largo doses of your Pills,tal.en ut 11.* proper time, are excellent promotive, of the sash/rut to (Inn w hen wholly or pu•tialty import...l, and oleo vary effectual to tfrinexm the stomach nod erpet uen :as. The, are en much the best physic ou hum that I recomuier..l no other to lily patients. A. the L'cr..Dr. Ilatches, If the Nethotnet reir. Pciesitt horse. Poeltrttkoh,On.. :lan. TONMOD Pm: I shonl.l bo ungrateful for limo relivf tour skill has brought me if I &I net report my atm to you. A cold settled in my limbo mud brought on excru ciating rentrolgie mica, which, ended in threads Limn. Notwillistanding I hod the beet of phyeninus, the disease grew worse and worse, until by time edsioe of yons exerliont agent in thdtintore, Dr. liaeltenale, I tried your Pill*. 7 heir *Meta were slow, but sure. 115 porst7..rlt In the use of them. I tun now entirely well. Snit= CnawintS, Baton rouge, Lie., I Der. ISf.!.. Do. Assn: I hare been entirely client by 3 rely P 111... e f Rheostat.* Goat—s poluAll clieesse that i e vi mllirt...l 1.. e for years. ye, TINCENT Sl.ll/711.L. MIX] as-Most of t h e Pub morket eentain Merrire. which, although a ♦alneble remedy in al.ilful Mulch. J. danprona in a public pill, from tie dreadful r..m , gumtree that fommontly follow Its incaution. we. tannin no memory or mineral mbstanco whatever. Price, 25 cents per Dos, or 5 Doren for $l. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AIIM de CO, Lave”. Nam SPALDINE'S PREPARED ELPE.—Tbt scant of retell an article is felt in every fusnitp, and t.o.s tt can be 'applied; for mending fun insure. china WPM, 011101112e111111 work, toys. ate., there .4 not king superior. We have found te u-.(nl in replinftg 1111.. arttele. whisk loose been wolesr for mood.. V. Jan 2Citt it at the la.oattA t Fhlll.Y 4111:11C1N "I STY Rl' POCKET BOOKS AND PURSE:S. lot 'l bud . o.i or T roai cet me enont. to Iwo iw on o rri . He Mummer. mod Negri. C. pm. Columbia. April 14. 1 O. Om =um ammurvsn. Havow just received our first It EtV PRING STOCK.vre %voted S.IIIOII.ICP . the citizen. of Columbia mid vicinity. that it I• NOW READY FOR INSPECTION, to .11 who may favor us with ■ eatl. feeling cerficent we con offer goals at suck prices as will hide. purchase. irrcAu. ANDS UE THEM ..Ca TISIEI PISS! mACKEafas by the barrel. heir bane' mud celt , t,t berg el, of the best qualities. Apply to IL P. A 'VOLD. Columbia. July H. IEBI. Canal Ruin. CORN VINEGAR! TVS very hest article of Vinegars,' the minket h MIMES .11. ccrs PUBS CORN YINSOAR,' , which may be had at the hilonelathect.h bissewOO at, slitissatiat hd.l Fellows , Hall. C. C. ilk 00.. ITALDEMARPS STORE. Amy Blanketa. Gum Riankeia, *key. Red and Mee FMose U. Striped and Plaid MamalN Soldier.. Woolen Id Inv. Ural' Undatahind and Drawn. at km paled*. at Ind LDl6llln3li'd taTallnE Columbia, Ociobet 43 lEnt. pOra Pen oeUreffiwirtiaNDl and mom WINKS. papering!? for ♦tleette'ttra ad nneramenial parpo.ea, al the Jan.ta. r %%ilex NE:WINS aITOII Tout Thumb About Agoir.l A T Praha. es Tin and Illearetra mufti.* •-' t., to c op weer, appetite the Hank. 7 "rot lamp+ are the very Inept Coal Oil Lawn , tn. and PiIUOINIO OMR. 107 Bea Cnal 0.1 ni Wets., per calker, tt Columbia. Nay 17. reit. Pit Ail l.na 4 rases vomit. staumpe VOW; 'The last chasm for Jortgo.i.f. WA. Pieces WWI Purer, oF our be-t style. end Gaddy. yel os 4.40. maid. o we ow ekoirg oat otfoperooot. lower r..is utd:ak aelphio Wboleoilm PIMPS& Coll 000 rt es .re gra reu rapidly. IL C FONICEIMIWITH. Arljoks. - it dm At. Colombia. Sarah Ilk ' 'fl :fl DiICIRTUI butpweed issiiidisi l'4ll.llwiNd*r wad %two Moe Woe?. SrR ...d FwMxl AI up.pfrrt.y kt 11.44. rut ',Abate, nrilefie Met b wowed it 11... t.lu. Come ,ce Lbws Fdasiiy hatibriudiellOr. Odd re.o.r. , ‘r,ila,l.ll