The Columbia spy. (Columbia, Pa.) 1849-1902, January 24, 1863, Image 2

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    1 , 4141 . 131 P
SATUAD.4I, JAN 24, 1562 .
A'Woshinson Tennsylvani2 Soldiers'
Belief ssociatien."
.4j111.11S Alaloeillton.7l haring opened a t offic. , . No.
Wousbliavo.s iitu!duesi - cornel of ,and
Pennayvanta iteeoitNWrat,ite waif be I -ffi.rraidter
of Pi Or around thlß'rrty in
~,y3fejt4l4t,ipslte,ths,,f2j,r4ttimf_the.signe to,c ac.ur
lai-tbent that - ail•poowelewol Will he v4irtuit dd., find
tug their - 4.4,4.
Nl,r Caws. LZO,V...‘4.9;,the:..Rtgitter, will be found in
the °dice.
The. Ccwre&pond;ng_Seeretary. 11ir. B. lone PERI EV
anaWerr all li•tferiff regard to sick rind wounded
Peen.y vsy raltkiris, to in tzr a round dn. ear.
I "it'"*
',".4451.411Pt11m. Yor or 'New Haven
it'tfillo.;-;eit.e Ito% Wilellidg. on. D
_ear: 74e attention of the reader ix directed
1 , 14 advertiontent elf Dr. Illarkley's famity
Medicine-If to Ge lowa itt another Cdown of
1,;.1. piper.
ere inclebted to the Lion. B.
of`the Aisembly, fur a number
of liegistatire and other documents. Ile
Awill'pleiseicept our thanks.
lELVICTION or Sr.vre `fae+sumra.—•On
Monday last, the 1, eleete I Wd
aiatn V. M'Orath, (llemocrat.)nf Philadel
phia State Treasurer over Henry D.
'hlooreAßepublican) the present incumbent,
kiy. one majority.
~ i Fsttetucit & Bsos.-451e cell attention
do the advertisement of Joo. Fendrich
Bros, which will.bolound in to-day's paper.
'We have only time this week to refer to the
large stock of Tobacco in its various menu
lectuted forms , advertit-ed by ilje:.srs F. &
Bros. Next week we intend mare fully to
,uotice thearery extensive business of this en_
ierprising house. Ilenntime, who wants
tuaythingin the Tobacco line let him cull ut
Fetid rich's.
Tas Oto Fut,s.--1), not forget that the
Folks" will give two of their delight
ful entertainments on next Thursday and
,?May evening's. Thee good p t ,pte paid
3 st+ a.visit halt year, when they were hand
,ttomely received, and liberally patronized-
;Omit Concerts are unique and very pleas
,.ant, and their 1111314113 pupil. The solo perfor
piers whnns They wiLl present on their up
preaching 'init are new to us, but They err
represented al. admirable vocalists. We
need not advise our people to hoar the ".old
Folks." for they fully ap preciate the pleasure
in store fur them awl need no urging to en-
LAnirs' Sotoimts' Ain SOCIETY.—Tho
nest meeting, of the Slciety will be held on
Tuesday cening, the 27th ult., at the house
Of Mrs. Attu L 'wry, L .cult st. The hidies
of Columbia and vicinity are earnestly re
vested to meet with us. and give the bene-
Vt of their labors and sympathy to a cause
in which we are aJI equally interested:
that of contributing our mite towards the
allegation of the hardships Q.Ol sufferings
of our gallant soldiers.
11.ts.N.+Li W. MIFFLIN, SCC'S
,A BCIIGLAIt SUOT.—For some time past
our town has been the field of operation for
,one more skillful burglars. The exploits
have been kept quiet in the hope of securing
the depredators. Among tho sufferers has
been Mr. J. C. Bucher, whose store opposite
the .Spy office has been repeatedly entered
or nttempt,ed• On the morning of the Ist
of December the fcarth raid was made upon
ibis establishment, when his loss was be
tween four and five hundred dollars. On
the same night a number of other places
WWI entered, and since that time there have
been several ,attempp —one a fray nights
since, newly successful, to open the jewelry
store of Messrs. Shreiner ti; Spering. Since
his last loss Mr. Bucher has slept in his
store, keeping strict watch. 04 Friday
morning about P. o'clock he was awakened
by acme one trying the dour. lie heard the
person then walk off, and Lotween that time
and half past two sever.el limes Beard 116
rasps on the pavement. At half p.rst two
It freight train passes down the Penna. 11. K.
and just as the engine passed Locust street,
,t be burglar wrenched the outer lock--a horse
lock—from its fastenings. Nothing more
,was done until the next trnin passed down,
About three o'clock, when the doors were
lifted from below and the bolts forced• The
dor were pertly orened by the
poet us he cruet:lied on the step, and he
eered into the more faintly lighted by the
tiro in the stove. While be was in this rm.
sitiun Mr. Bucher Bred from behind the
pouuter one barrel of a gun loaded with
duck shot. The charge took effect in the
burglar's left arm, n few scattering shot
1 , 14,ing i i his breas.. The wounded man
ron, and Mr. B. not knowing the effect of
his shut extended tiring the the second time
utter him, but found the cap had dropped
from the This probrbly saved the
fellow's life. The man ran up Front Street,
fulling a couple of times. Ho went as far as
C. Hershey's Livery Stable, but in a few
minutes returned to the store and culled,
"Mr. Bucher, fo,r Gud's sake open the door:"
Mr. Bucher went our, and when he dis
covered the condition of the man assisted
him into the store, where he fell exhausted.
Mr. Allen Richards was called op who took
charge of the wounded burglar whtle Mr.
Bucher roused Mr. Albert Gray nod Dr
Rutgers. The physician sent for Dr. Bru
'per to assist, and gave the man every erten
: erm. Ile wee taken to lir. Rutgers' office,
aciiere he remained until Friday af;ernooo,
— n",144 , Ate was taken to tit. Town llnll , where
- bed mita prepared for him, Ilia condition
edmittinr file ,remnral to Lancaster.
Cinstabto IL:Ginnie hod been sent fur boon
efterthe occurrence.and &be prienner placed
his hands. He left him in the Doctor's
eharg e k, the man being, eridentlf WO badly
Al attempt an escape. Justice
Huntor,visitetl the burglar nod gave lrint a
i,estring. sax . i, we presume. comm:tted him.
We 40 not 'know whether or not the arm is
eo serinuely it:iwrad tbat amputation will be
Th. tuul. need is the burglary were ft
uarrying drill and a ahiael„ths latter stolen
7i'rnta Simpson's ‘at-yard s , ,nte seals since.
llee man had OU One of Mr.Xucliessbirts,
/01 , 1 en 4 .1011. 1 t!set nOnturnal Fish twatestort.
Several other places were entered on Friday
.morning, including Black's cellar and Clog
gett's barber Mop. The latter place was
cleared of razors. The prisoner says thiti
he had an accomplice, who got clear, but re
fuses to reveal his name. The name of the
wounded pan is John Frederick Maier; he
is a German, living in Marietta.
It has been'a pesuliar feature of the sasPr
late burglaries - arid attempts in town; that
they have all been in 'Front street. They
have all undoubtedly been the work of the
same hands, and the reason fur the selection
of Front street housoa is now plain. The
thunder of the T.assing trains drowns all
minor noises, and the rascals hays been
able to force bolts and bars without giving
the alarm. Mr. Bucher says that listening
iutently as he did, he could barely distin- i
guish the noise of the burglar from the rum-
hie and rattle of the trains.
On Friday afternoon Mr. Bucher went to
Lancaster to place himself at the disposal
of the District Attorney, although there is
scarcely danger of any fatal result to the
shooting. He certainly deserves, in any
case, the thanks of the community for rid
ding us of so dangerous a visitant. - With
the capture of one of the gang (if there be
a number employed in the bad work) we
hope,operalions may be effectually stopped.
1803.-oouncil met; the roll was called
and Messrs. Appold, Herr, Hook and Shu
man reported absent. The minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
The road committee reported the expenses
since last stated meeting, $161,18.
The finance auminittee reported a balance
of $3lO in the treasury.
The following bills were read and ordered
to be paid:
D. S. Chalfant, $26.25; Samuel Waite.:s,
411,70; Felix Eyde. 24,5 J; George Weller,
$8,80; Samuel llogentugler, $19.75: C.
Bowers, $17,45; Emanuel Will. $,1,42: F.
S. Bletx, $1,14: P. Gardner, 50 ots : Samuel
Hogentogler, 31,00; 11. Binkley,.sll.7s; W.
Timmy, 30.62.
The President announced the following
standing cummittees for the ensuing year:
Road—Geo. Bogle, John A Ifook, Benj.
'Paving—M. S. Shuman, 11. S .urbeer,
Juhn Q. Denny.
Etent and Repairs—B. F. Appold, M. S.
Shuman, S. F. Eberlein.
Finance—Juu. 4.. Houk, B. F. Appold,
M. S. Shuman..
Gas—B. Herr, 11. Sourbeer, Ono Bogle.
Market—S. F. Eberlein, B. Herr, John
Q. Denny.
Fire Department—ll. Sourbeer, B. F.
Appold, Juhn Q. Denny.
On motion of Mr. Eberlein the Treasurer
was allowed 2 per cent. commission on all
monies paid out.
On motion, the salaries of the High Con
stable and Clerk of Market, were fixed the
same same as last year: Iligh Constable,
$5O, and Market Clerk $32.
Mr. Bogle moved that the Supervisor be
employed by the month at $25.
Mr. Eberlein moved to amend by striking
out $25 and inserting $3O per month; disa
greed to; the original motion was then
On motion the Lamp Lighter was allowed
$5O per year. the Clerk $4O and the Street
Regulator $lO.
Mr. Eberlein moved that at the next
stated meeting Council go into an election
for Tax Collector; agreed to.
Mr. Bogle moved that the rate of assess
ment for borough taxes fur 1863 be 35 cts.
on every hundred dollars valuation, and
that an abatement of 5 per cent. be allowed
on all taxes paid on or before the let day
of •June next; agreed to.
Oa motion. Council adjourned.
For the Cwuutbi•t Sp)
Is it Right?
Ma. Eorron:-1 hare been for some time
past waiting for some abler pen than mine
to notice the indifference and thoughtless
ness of our citizens to the interests and
wants of the families of our patriotic citi•
zens, who have left their business and homes
through pure and disinterested patriotism
and love of our rights and libertio:, and .6,1
the protection of their and uur firesides have
entered the service of country to sus
min the "best Government the world ever
saw," and who had every promise when
they joined the army of our beloved coon
try, and the assurance given by us at our
public meetings, that they should be sus
tained and cared fur during their absence in
the service of their and our common Coun
try. Why ebould these promises be so soon
forgotten, and many worthy families be left
to suffer, while their support is away fight
ing the battles of the Nation, fur us, who
remain at borne enjoying its comforts? had
some of your readers, as I have, mixed
among thorn during this severe campaign,
and spoken of the dear ones at home, seen
and heard the eurpressed sighs and tears
give unmistakable utterance to their feel
ings, it would remind us of our promises and
duties to them and theirs, while sacrificing
their lives and means for us at home; and
to promptly pay up our subscriptions, and
the committee appointed at our public meet
ings to collect the atnounta subscribed in
good faith and be paid to the suffering fami
lies of our patriotic soldiers who left them
to our promised tender mercies. Many of
them hate now been in the service of their
country five r six months, and have not yet
recei% ad the first cent. Be it remembered
that many of these are laboring men, who
depended upon their hard earned wages fur
support, and are now deprived both of that
means and the money due them by the Gov
ernment: How then. I would ask, are they
to be able to support their families at home?
I would particularly call the attention of
our citizens to those who would cot ask the
cold charities of the world, and who have
left their homes and business to the care of
their gives fur the support of themselves
and children. Why should they be aban
doned by their former eastom•-rs and friends?
I will take the liberty of referring the pub
lic to one of a Rpather of cases: It is that
of our fellow citizen, Capt. Geo. IL Eris
man, who being always!, brave and loyal
Democrat. (and a warmer hes,rtatul nobler
nature does not preyed, the ?wear!, soul,)
left his business and friend to respond to
the call of his inspairilethcau4iy, asking
only those at home should aid infitustaining
hie family while he waeangaged in his
country's service. 1 know* that` loyal
Democrat would withdraw his custom on
that sicconn t,,and su reix no true Republican
oan,do it . WhileJte-has a high rent to pay :
and a faMily-to -iiapport, I am -ciedibly in
formed that his business, since be -has en
tered his country's service, does not more
than pt,y the gas, while - many loyal Demo
crats and Republicans crowd the houses, in
the same business, to excess, of many of
doubtful loyalty. Why should those who
are worthy and deserving be neglected,
while others are liberally patronized who
ACE less worthy? Let those who are accus
tomed to patronize our different saloons,
think of this matter, and ask themselves:
"Is it MAI."
Army Correspondence
January 13th, 1863.
WAR. Ser:—Camp life in the barrens of
Virginia bas become tame, stale, and mo
notonous; no excitement in the way of hen
roosts, pig pens, or even fair maidens; to do
up the romantic in the life of the poor
"three-years-or-during-the-war" volunteer.
In our buts we endeavor to kill tine, by
building castles in the air, longing fur some
thit.g, good to eat or drink, or fur a sight at,
or a squeze of, the pretty girls we left at
home. In the language of Ward. "a gal is
a good egg," especially if she loves us and
ignores the rascals called Hume Guards.
I have no news worth communicating. I
hare seen nothing indicative of future oper
ation; in fact, this great army seems to be
hibernating—sucking its paws like the
bears. Richmond in front, IVashington in
rear. it is a difficult problem as to which
contains the largest number of enemies to
our cause. A mighty earthquake, that
would engulf both the Sodom rindGumorrali
and all the residents thereof, might do more
towards restoring peace and happines tu our
distracted and unhappy country than the
efforts c.f our armies combined.
Our regiment is now well fed, comfortably
hutted, genteelly clad, and in good health.
Jacob Breneman, of Co. B. arrived on Satur
day, looking pale, but 6t for duty. We hare
not yet received orders fur Washington, and
perhaps won't. Sorry that we cant go
there and permit our "Bowery" friends to
go to the country. I know it would please
them; us ditto.
We are expecting the pay-mas'er in a
few days; until then, my married Mends,
claim the indulgence of their friends towards
their families. Rumor says, that a few
hard-hearted landlords are distressing the
families of some of our men, who have not
been prompt in paying rent. I can scarcely
believe that such barbarism exists in Cu
lumbilt, and will not name the savages now,
for fear the good citizens might exterminate
the rLce before we return. No, I won't bc•
Here there are such in Columbia.
We receive the Spy regularly, about one
week after date. Glad to learn that the
Columbia and Reading R. R. is fin opera
tion; it seems odd to us to read the schedule.
Du the trains halt for passengers at Dry
Unless something transpires in the way of
news, I won't write to you next week. I
have quit speculating on army movements;
I find that I do not know any more about
tactics and strategy. than do our Generals.
If they expose ignorance. I won't. I can
drill nod manage my squad, and that is
more than most of our Generals can do.
They exceed me in using the ardent; 'cause
they can get it, and I can't.
In Litercvling and Detailed Account—Des
perate Fighting—Our Soldiers and Siilors
Cut to Pieces—The Occasion of Our De
Nun* ORLEAna, January 8, 1833
That we met with a serious disaster nt
Galveston cannot be denied. The following
aro briefly the facts:
Nearly three months since we sent a
naval force to Texas, with the intention of
taking and holding as much of the coast of
that State as practicable. We succeeded in
reducing Galveston to submission ufter but
slight resistance.
In order, however, to effectually hold the
city, it was necessary to have a land force.
Commodore Renshaw, commanding the Beet,
not having any troops at his disposal, was
compelled to let everything on shore go
pretty much as though his presence was of
no consequence. Matters went on after this
fashion until the constant arrival of Union
men at New Crleans, who had been driven
from Galveston by infuriate Rebel mobs.
led to an investigation on the part of Gov
ernment officials in this department, which
resulted in the steamer Saxton being sent
from here with three companies of the 42d
Massachusetts, under command of Colonel
Burrill. These men reached Galveston last
Christmaq. The Saxton drawing too much
water to go over the bar, the troops were
landed in small boats, and took a church
for their quarters in the southern portion of
the city.
Soon it became apparent that the Rebels
intended to make an attempt to recapture
the city. Our Government was informeil
of this fact, and, on the 28th of December
last, sent oat an expedition, consisting of
the steamers Cumbria, Mary Rotrclumn,
and two or three other smaller vessels,
loaded wilh troops, stores Sco., to perman
ently hold Galveston.
The sequel _will show this movement was
too late.
On the evening of the 31. t ult. the Board
man arrived off the bar, in eight of Galves
ton, and signaled for a pilot. Previous to
this it was observed that the light house and
buildings surrounding it hum' been burned:
and this was the Brst intimation the officers
of the Boardman had of the presence of the
Rebels on snare. -
Very soon after the signal for a pilot was
hoisted, the Ling.:ship Vestfield steamed out
and took ,the Boardman oaer the bar, where
she anctiored fo?the night, expecting to go
op to the city in the morning. Scarcely had
she dropped her anchor before the-Westfield
signaled four Rebel gunboats coining down
the bay, and immediately started to engage
them; but the wind and tide being stronger
than usaal, she was, unfortunately carried
on to Pelican Spit. The Clifton, one of our
gunboats in the harbor, seeing the condition
of affairs, went to the assistance of the West
The tide WAR fulling too fast to make her
services aviluble, but before she bad given
up thu task, the Mario, Lane, then lying
near the city, signaled an attack on the
sown. Although it was night, a beautiful
moon plainly revealed everything for miles,
and the course of the Rebel gunboats could
de distinctly seen. Very soon the Harriet
Lane opened her guns upon them, but be
fore many discharges, the Rebels had closed
in with her and poured upon her decks
hundreds of drunken soldiers. The scene
is described as terrible. Out of a crew of
130 men, only ten, it is beleived, are now
The gunboat Owasco, although lying at
one of the warves, in a disabled condition,
managed to get out to the scone of action
but not before the Harriet Lane had sur
rendered. As soon as the Owasco came
within gun-shot, the Rebels opened their
batteries on her, striking her several ti as,
and carrying away a portion of her rigging.
The officers of the Owasso were not aware
of the en attire of the Harrier Lane, until
the guns of that vessel were turned,on her.
The Owasco finding out the true state of af
fairs, sent a ten-inch shell through the
machinery tf the Harriet Lane, and saved
herself by that means, it is believed, from
About nino o'clock in the morning. a
boat was sent from tho Harriet Lane with
flag of truce in the hands of her only re
maining officer, to the Clifton. The officer,
who was accompanied by two Rebels, stated
that the crew, sorviviug the fight, were
placed on the deck in such a position t h at
any further firing nt the Harriet Lune
wou4l, in all probability, do them more
harm than the Rebels. Upon the receipt of
this statement, there was no further firing
on the Harriet Lane. About this time it
boat was sent from the shore to the Clifton,
with a message from General Magruder de
manding the surrender oldie fleet, and gave
them until 10 o'clock to answer.
A. Hag of truce was immediatly hoisted on
all of our vessels, when Commodore llennhaw
upon consultation with his officers, deter
mined to blow up his ship, as she was hope
lessly aground. It was further understood
that after the Westfield had been destroyed,
all vessels that could escape should at mace
be put to sea.
At half•past nine o'clock in the morning,
on New Year's day, the order was given to
all aboard the 'Westfield to leave her within
fifteen minutes. The B.mrdomo, that had
some moments before come up to render
assistance, if possible, was selected to take
the crew of the flag-ship. A seeno of grunt
confusion followed, but in the time given
all had left the Westfield but the Com
modore. Lieutenant Green, Chief Engineer
Zimmerman and tho crew of theCommudure's
The ship had been saturated with turpen
tine, the magazine opened and the safety
valve of the engine chained down. Every
thing being in readiness, the remaining
officers and crew, the Commodore standing.
at the gang-way, applied the match and
stepped into his gig. Scarcely had he
done so before a premature explo•ion took
place, cotneletely destroying the Westfield
and the boat and its inmates by her. Thus
perished three as brave laic:ars as ever trod
the deck of any vessel in our navy.
The ill-fated flag-ship Westfield has been
very favorably known since the war. She
has been used successfully for blockading
purposes, and was in the ught at Vica.hurg
where she distinguished
. 15. ,,
Our men on shore were attacked immedi
atly after the moon went down, which was,
about two o'clock A. N. The darkness at
that hour was intense, favorable, of course,
to the Rebels, who numbered about three
thousand, and had fourteen peices of light
artillery, which they effectively used on our
brave troops until, it is said, nearly every
man was slaughtered et his post.
During the night the Rebels erected a
battery of siege guns on Pelican Island,
which they used on our gunboats as they
went to the assistance of the Harriet Lane,
If report be true. we lost three hundred
killed, wounded and taken prisoners. At
least one hundred tre,.e killed on the Harriet
Lane, and thirty taken prisoners; one killed
on the ()wow, and eighteen wounded, and
thirteen killed by the explosion of the %Vent
geld. Total list of casualties, four hundred
and sixty-two.
Those who are not noquointed with Gal
veston must be told, in order to understand
bow our defeat was brought about, that the
city stands on an island. and is connected
with the shore, a distance of nearly Are
miles, by one of the most magnificent
bridges in the country. When the Rebels.
who have always been in strong love at
Virginia Point. found that it was the inten
tion ore .mmuJore t., vratr..y t h,
bridge. they bold a parley with huts nod
agree I t it should be use 1 for mu cob
tratatit i ptirp but strictly to pass trains
of ears too kJ only with citizens.
Toe C .ininodore. as it proved, unfortun
ately consented to this arrangement. The
Rebels therefore planted a battery at the
Virginia Point end of the bridge, and the
Harriet Lane was send to gaurd the Gal.
veston terminus. Trains of cars were allowed
to pass at any hour of day or night, and,
of coarse the llarriet Lane could know
7/IE ,1-I,cllT
nothing of what was going over at night.—
On the night of the 31st ult. the Rebels
broke their faith. sent their aokliors and
guns over, and in *hie way on.e of the
greatest disasters that has happen(' to us
during the war occurred.
A TOUGH STORT.—Bathing in Borneo is
attended by its little embarrassments. A
traveler tells a story which beats the last
sensations of Paris and New York. lie says:
A monstrous female ourang.oa tang, taking
a fancy to a poor Murett gentleman whom
she saw bathing, dragged him by force to a
tree, which she compelled him to climb,
lodged him in a warm nest, watched him
with a feminine jealousy, fed him with
fruit and palm cabbage, and forced him to
travel from one branch to another instead
of treading on the ground. The tale is a
tragedy—for the ungreateful Murett not
only ran away at the first opportunity, but
afterwards shot the forest syren with a
poisoned arrow.
A Reverend Gentlemen having been restored to
health in it few days, after undergoing all the u-uul
routine and irregular expen.ive modes of treuitnent,
without success, considers it his stirred duty' to Corns
municute to his of Meted fellow creatures the means
of cure. Hence. on the receipt of an addressed envel.
one, he will send (tree) annoy of the prom rtpuiott used
Direct to Dr. John M. Dagnall, tEett Fulton street
Brooklyn, N. Y. Jun. 17.1b63.
The advertiser having been restored to Lenlth in a
tew weeks. by a very simnle remedy, after having
suf•red Fe vrra I year. with n revere lung affection.
and thus dread dwease commotion—is anxious to
make known to Ida fellow sufferers the mean• of eure.
. .
To all who de.ire it. he will send a copy of the pre.
seripelon u•ed (free or - charge.) with the directioo. for
preparing cud teeing the sumo. which they %vitt find a
sure e ro for conaumprion. tperhenn, hronehi+i•,
Tree Daly object of the adeertbor in Lendieg the pre
scription 1.. to benefit the Mitten... and spread info, en.
mini, which he codeeives in he involueible; and he
lioPe+ every sufterer will ire his remedy. sic et will
coat therallOilienig, and may proven
Parties wishing the pro•-erep inn will pren•e Address
Kiser. county, New York.
Dee. 20. '0241m
To the Suffering.
The Rev. I%*illimin Co-grove. while laboring na n
i-eioniiry in inpito no. cured of 0011-01.1011011. 0 hen
nil other mean- had by n recipe twin
n !enrol,: phy.leinn re-tdiin: in ohe grail City
rill.. recipe hay cured 01 . 011 041111,014 who are -oller
wg ( 1 011.1011/11i011. humor 1.1.1•, cure tliornit erweb
ecilds. and lie debility said nervous deprev.,ton
Can-ell by these disorders
DeAtrou. of beiteriitriel nther.l.l will send thie recipe.
Wil Ili/ 1 hove 111 . 011 grill home with true, lu all who need
It, tree oh charge Addle... ,
Rev. WM COSI:Ri PVI::.
Dec 8:62. , 439 Fulton Avenue, Blooklyo, N. Y.
n•ror unwn nix of veoi , Swoyile'li
beau g. 1 . 01 .11 y wow", join
public favor Their eoirion.:taia i.jlie Imar,
exorrienee. nod -aii-I:.cuory 111 . 00, , t,e Tar of „
Goo-cirolioug pay-lei 111.
Compoil oil Sjrop of Cherry "
"Swa Coosilosioil .yo op of trol l I ry."
Cotouotool run of
I. l. l vva)ne'. CO111;101111E1 $) rap of %V.1..' Clocsry."
"My esatalla was- I.l'issaz to- la, mess., "hundred.
aar. • 1111:11 / u.rd Ur. saunt lis a COIOIIOIOIEI rap of
Cherry'' No e, am...y Ito -s •I , It luny he.
eau prelehal to upprovell ill tr. avolal'ou, Malloy to
n 5.1.0411. Pure' II eO.ll . nJ Hr. , molly eXPeI
complaint. Of the •lirn. . s.l and Wog-,
invaluable treadmee la ev.•ly
RacNikmOls.R: la the en-tive or not :tat
cleolly tree. u.t. colitea lon Iv. II llrr $.4111 rises ry,
ay our-a a n d Tar I'lll- a• 1 4 Fat - ally Illy -le.
Thou-a nd. , mil•eo have thoroughly
to-led and 'llea them ,or r loon-1 ever) awl
have given nowt...moony saws They art. beyond nil
doubt, Ille very !seat mealeine IS a family phy-1,
nea.luelle. Sick liesuLtehe Pout skasnatels. lislisoU•
Da-carder-, Laver Cutuplottl, and TIII"
Preononl only by Dr. SwAYNE: & So', Philuda
Sold br AIALT.v &CA...FL I:nny R co., Go
luothiu, %wall all good Male 6reperi (t7.7en Adv )
sepl 29,
.1'..a,._--...,1 - .-e'rMi - .-Dc,
ihet , by the Rev. Dor , eit, Mr.
CIVSITAU YEAGIIT to Dace 811NIS I'KW4II", all of this
In thr+ place on Decrin .2.511 i, 1902 Itv
R. Mottattx. Iht H AV Allan, to Alta+ Auer. 1.011.4
SAMPI.4„ b, tit of HarrsAbtal g, Pu.
' ;',,, n ,„ s
i :ri l '...?u ri p 4 w l ;i e . l . l ,r.!; -' ,PV. 1 ..m70 1 : °-
Collllllb.ll. ICJ 34 1533-Ii
mum mu.: Pop.t:lr in lire weed,
ill towed Anmeni Co -tunic-, will give two of
At Odd Fellow.?
On Thursday and Friday Evenings, Jan.
29 and 30, 1863,
The OM Polke will be alsiated by the highly me-
Mr. JA %ins T GULICK the great American Harem;
111110 1 . 1111.01.
"Granny Slocum" and "Cousin Reuben,"
will lie he pre-en: at WI the Concerts of the Old Folks
and will "Jme sr, al" '`IOLV.O"
Twenty•fire Cent, Poor open at 7.
Colleen mamma,• pirei , ely at 7 3.4 o'clock.
Col urnhin, H 13.1
nELAINBS, DELA' NES.--We are receiving
th 11. x•cek u very deeirulde flue of Spriou Gls In
I),.lwitlec cm curly exurnlou nn le re•pertful!y soli.
Oppo-ue Odd rrllowc'
frlESTlCS,Notwithstanding the advahre
rn Ihe pace of (Mod, p emu!. will find It to their
anon stage to cull and examine our t.toelt ol new
Prints. Itlualigta.Goigharna. Check.. Tickmg..
in fort every ebtaa of goods suitable for new
nr_nnner. nt houaekeenum. and old .•ne. ton
t."I 7 I.:ACV & MAYERS, ()promle Odd Fellevvß 7 Hall
nUEENSIVAIIE.--A very brantiful line of
Fen. Dooter and Toilet f‘ebs, Co eered
Steak PIMP , &e., jaa received, and will be sold
at rhr lowest pos.di.le pmem.
STEACV t HO W FM*, Oppo-ite Odd Fellows' Hall.
Days of Appeal for 1863!
PLCI)SANT to the rroei.ion. of the laws of
m U monwealth-the wider-mord Cammtwioners of
Latien•ter county. hereby give h elm th C it y ,e ble lubith11(1110.. Haulm the te.p.rtivt.Borough.
wad Town.ltip. of the said county. that the Mr. of
Appeal fr-m the A tent. of Iha.l. will he at the
COIIIIIII.I. Doer.' Offier In tl.c City of Lancaster, on
the day. following. to wit:
Adnm.cown Borough
Bart Township,
floret:not k,
("neatly° Weal,
ttolamltio Borough,
0. amore,
Ear .
Rad FAO,
Earl %Ve-t,
E , ll,llMlh.
Eltrabetltiown Dor .
tlempfiettl %Vest,
Lamp stet r... 11,
I.attreter ,Vest,
I .euro..k.
1,,,,r001. tipper.
Little Itritutia,
1 4011.11 Jai.
Mount Jny Borough
Marietta horaugh.
Ahnheim Batough,
It 1,1110.
Monday, February 47.1963
Tuesday, February 2{. 1563
Wedues day, February 45,'63
Thured 6 9. February 23,1968
....4•horr, Borough,
~,r o.lastioron Bor.
I\ aril. Wen add Sou
Al , rrelo 24
North Kaat cud Pout
Murrit 31, JAII
Friday, rebruary 4:,1363.
West Wards, (City) Monday,
tr. fast Wards, (city) Tuesday,
SPENCER. IComts'es.
Ja n. 24.113 DA
A Tams matt Dwelling Notre sod Lot, WA .
Wuinui .reset. iu yowl (woke. Apply to
.0 17, Ti.; It 11. F„APPOLD.
Established, 1856
F. FENDRICii & BROS., Evansville, Ind.,
Established, 1.856
Established in 1848,
respectfully inform the citizens
V of Colunthia and vicinity that we are
manufacturing all kinds of
At our Tobacco Factory, EVANSVILLE, IND
This Tobacco Factory is the
Largest in the State,
aad we will pledge ourhelves at
One thing we wish to state: all Chewing
Tobacco manufactured by us will be made
We have now no'. on hands
which cannot be surpassed in quality in any
of the cities
We also beg leave to say that we are man-
We have on bands the following brands of
LO Boxes "Ben Franklin," a lbs.)
40 cc ccNavy."
17 " "Congress," (runs 10 plugs to lb.)
20 $, 10s."
55 Caddy Sous, 6 lbs.)
85 Boxes "Nelson's," (I, lbs.)
54 " F. F. & Bros.' r( EA Dorador"(l lbs.)
33 4 ' ...Frank's Orange" a lbs.)
German Smoking Tobaccos
Before purchasing elsewhere please examine
our large assortment, which we pledge our-
selves to sell at the
All we ask is that you shall call and judge
for yourselves. We offer any of the above
goods at wholesale or retail.
Wholesale and Retail Tobacco,
Suntand Segar Manufacturers,
Front street, Five Doors above Locust,
Jan. 24, 1983, Colombia, Pa
storelli t inr o a n r:Tat! oc e 1 b Tli , rsr:ocof: doo r
CUM pt. The room hao been completely refitted, mat
the location for bueitices cannot be surpusped its
borough. Apply to
Jon 17. 'fa if hT . n. I.Qnv
VOTIVE; in hervhy given, that th e nnnuni election
1 1, of Eri rector. of Coluthhin Vontrunce Company, ol
he held sgl the office of the Coethlany. Jn Gad Fellnwv
hull, Colombia- Pa.. on MON DA Y. Februrry
ut gfo'rtheir in the ufternono of ..aid day.
Ju1t.1.7.133 QED. YOUNG. Jr.. secy.
Tr, 17FiftEAS. Lettert Testamentary on the :gate of
I'V Joi.epli W. Cottrell, late of Columbia. ',uneasi er
county. deeebsed, brave been granted to the sub.cri
berm; all person• indebted to said music are requested
to make iminedints payment. and Mote hayin g d am .
owning the unnse w.II present them duly authenticated
for settlement to
Jun 17, '63.6t DON CAN COTTRELL,
IN the mutter of the application of Laurence Smith,
of Columbia. to the Court of Quarter Sessions of
Lancaster county. ut January Seo.ions, Ibo 3. for
cense to seep u Lotel. Inn or tavern in the Lower
Ward of Columbia „aforesaid, in outd county
that depo.itions of witnesses to be read on the hearing
of said untideatlon. on the part of the 'IL primaivi.
he taken before Davies E. Bruner, Eurt ,at hi. office,
in Second street. Columbia, on Arid ty. the Z3rd day o f
Januaty, ISG3, between the hour. 01 7 and 10 o'clock
P. ht. [Columbia, January 17. 166.3-1 t
I ~EIV Sugar Cured Hams are new offered for salei
Owe are from J. 11. Alichnerer IL Co.. PM lode
Jour 17,'63 11. F. munvEa.
C ASH Capital and Reserv'd Fund's, SO 3n4,125 Invmqed In the United States, over 1,000,000
Daily Revenue. 7.500
Smekholder. perionully responsible (or all engage
ments of the company.
Franck Cotu-nel. P:•.g.. Chairman,
I I.•ory Grtone 11. r Deputy 01J/rain:l,
E. M. Arr.:1111.11d. II 13. M. Consul.
Jos. Gollltird jr., FJ.g A. Hamilton. jr., E‘q ,
i.eorgt G. liotr-on, E F.Sam/rr.on, E.q.,
It e•,drnt Secretory, Alfred Pell, I: q.,
Counsel, Alex Hamilton. jr., E.g.,
Bunkers, rheum think, Cannon:in x Co.
C. L. Rorie, E q . C. S. Smith. Esq.,
R. Smethurpi, E q.. L. Coffin, Esq..
Joseph W. Lewis, Erg.
N. E. Corner Third and Vt ohm t Street.. Phila,
P. X. ZIe:GLER, Agent, Columbia, Pa.
Jan 17,-ly Basement 131nek,..
Insurance Co, of North America,
rrililS Comp ny was organized in 1794; its
S oek 1- $.500 610 and its tw per
reetemeet of Janunry, ISM., were in
Morgorze,r, Loan Bond, Slacks and
Ca,h, ir1,254,719 01
. _
Arthur Q. Coffin, Charles Taylor, Jre N Itirk•oh,
Sain't W Jones, A mbro.!..S Morris Moo,
Joh. .% ntown, Joh" S. Nt•tr, %lissom.
,on , l If I) Wood IVel.ll,
%Vin. E. dowe”, ( Pi won- It Cu/Pe,
Edward II T,,mirr
Aftrt I (.Ift. tl COFFIN. Prrsident.
CH A It I,n^ . Pi. I', 'rrre
l'orsr resources and the 11141 i efts cacti, anti siond
ii.g or dn. comp.ny. the a—urnorr or lull pits•ee
it..r u. owitrrs of propene nu•iiind the hazards of
and enable me io -Gulch with eotifi.leore any. nu
ate se; nu riv,r have. it 1,1 your power to 6.'00,,
ir X. 71 liG 1.511.
Jari.l7:63-1y Ini.votient Black's Hotel.
Columbia Insurance Comfy.
zrA•rmut•nrr of the finitorial eonitilion of the Co
lionhoi Insurance Cottioinv,l4‘teary, lot, 1r63,
Amount insured. 81,393.783 34
Pretnie•ot Note., 145,66, 9a
Italaiwe Cia.ll Premium Jan 1,1962, 1.669 57
Receipts awing. the year, •• 6 7.6 47
--SAS 04
Losses and expenses paid during 111.0
Veur. 03$ 72
Md. of Premium Account. January
Int, 1,56r3,' 2,110.31
- -SAS Ot.
1111 k roceivrthle. (this i:,•m n for nun.
dry ncue. giv..o hp iltr insured
for ru•h premium) 1,77.5 71
13,1:1,nice due from Agent., 403 10
nti”lo nirertilr. d A geol.,
lialdilice of preoll iiiii
--- -- 2 yen ..i1)
G 1 0 YtniN(;,Jr., Sex').
Jun I;,'G3
N eXerlient Brick lion., oil%Volum gircct
PL. above Second. Po--t--ion Ap•il 1-1. Ica ta
App l y to .1 11. MIEFLIN
Columbia ..Innoary 10.1103,21
GII.I3KRT will re-opeii hp , select •eh a .l. le
H• the borough of Columbia, nu SW N D.l I'. the 1511 e
of January. In nibtitiou to a very thorough your-.
in Faigliall. the siudelit will !nice un gr i o,,,,itiy Al
nursuilig the imply of arithmetic, geometry, getwila I
himory. mirieth and modem geography, mid the I,an
in. Franc h. and German languages.
Columbia, Dee. 10.1e0341t
fllllF.6rm oIAlbeU Gray & Co. having been diootlved,
JL l,le 'tool nest will hereafter be e.1“1,4,,,ed l. y iun
onderAtteed, at the old Pound. The 1.1.011111% or oho
old firm will be tettled by ALUERT GRAY.
Columbia, January 10, 1563.
Estate of Augustus Wagner.
LETTERS of Ada:tints:m.lon on tho Estate of Au
gum P ‘Veigiscr, lute of the Borough of Colummt.
dee'd,ll ving been grunted to the vubse rater. retfding
in void borough; all person. indebted to mid 11 , ...utte
are rrquevted . .ennmediatv. pnymeat. 'and th ct-e
having claim; top. prevent Mom, without delay s
properly nuthenticeted for settlement.
Jun. 10411. A. M. RAMBO.
FIFTH monthly in.tallment of New Goods this sea
son. Buy your Cloths and Ca , ..tmere% at
Jan. 3, Ittia. H. V. BRUNER'S
A' Argo a-soriment of pains, delaines, drill Ilichilogs
in rune and for sale 5y 11. P. RICIUNER.
DROTHER EDBY'S Note Holders just received at
I) lad 3.1%2 BRUNER'S
E N gu G m Llg o lil p. ln . d ia tm g e . r .n ic e a l t r i! p l e ic ., lr c le o l i. t.A . grstrea
d ond t
Jan 3 1 , 63
. . 1/RnONAng'S
TNDELLI BIM INK. --Joe. E. Hoover's Indelible
I Ink, with the preparettou to wet, eel; be het et
Jen 3. 1861. H F. Binus:Enl4.
Male aud Female Agents wonted to every
own in the Stale of Penns) Ivanin to crow:ins
Mr Mos. Stephen. , great work, the Pictorial Ilia
tory of the tWur for the Milos It is ju..t the
work fir the people nod will sooner or lutes find
n. way intr every family. Two Royal Octavo Vol.
sone.. CM pages each. Emhelli•hed with over iiOO
fir.l•ehaa cognivotg--. Price 8_.50 per volume.—
First Volume now ready. Agents are met:slots with
evraordmary +epees.. Sold only by .üb•criptinn by
regularly appointed sligestsa. who have the exelu-ivy
•alc in the te•ritnry a..ignt•d them. For tyrant..
Are., neldre.s .1. CZ IVIIImm pl.. N
l'ubliaher of Sah•criphni Books Nattitiftic
Wing berm for GOotlt suited to the utne.s t
and the roles of Agruts.
President, Hon. A. 1.. Hittite and ryttlimi;
BRlNT.l.l.E.q"Astorigaie Judges elite Court al Galli
mon Pleal. sir and for the county of Istiticaster. nd
Assistant Justices of the Court of Oyer a nil Terminer.
and General Jail Delivery, rind Qnsrter Sessions of
the Peace. In trod for the county of Lancaster. hare
issued their Precept to me directed. requiring me.
among other thing.. to make Public Proclamation
throughout my BuiliWiel, sisal a Coast of Oyer and
Terminer und General Julll Deliver
V; Also. a Court
of General Quarter Session• of the Pence and Jul!
Delivery, will commence at lice Court Ihnose. In the
city of Lancaster. in the. Cormnonu rey id,
vaptn.o,,the3rd MONDAY in January. 0910 1181
In pursuance of which precept. PUBLIC NOTWIE
IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Alnyor and Aldermen of
the city oflantearter. in said county, and all the
site+nr the Peace. the Coroner, and Constable. o r
the said city and county of Lancaster. that they be
then and there In their own proper Perrroehlw2blbell;
rolls,7ccorits andegaminationtrotedermaisiiiens.ane
theirother remembrances. so do those *bongo which
to ahem offices appertain, in their behalf to be done;
and also all those who will prosecute fig... 1101 the
prisoner. who are,or then shall he. is the Jett of the
stud ecunty of Isuncaster.nre to he then and thereto
, coseczneagainsithem as shall bejusr.
Dated at Lalleallief : Nov. 1414. 1182.
Dec 26.1 c S. W. P. BOYD, Sheriff.
YOUR attention k specially called to the very hant
some end choice vineries or dry goody We ha ve
15."' S P I=It it !POWERS.
Opposite Odd Felf o oLie h i l f: 1,
c0p.... Doe. e
TUT: have • lance 10l of ken 1-2 How. which we
Tr Xlll welt for law than you elm bay the yam
Corner Seeped and Lamm our
,Polombils, pee. 5, IEO3. Colombia, Po.
-----.2,150 M
flO 49
-.121 11