muary, Inewhich the Mill wsi•ehsfflhy'' d estrnyed. The snots of Mr (Mod was estitnabliddgyque Aparaieers al efivetthousaud , tdollars. threrefourdis of which being •ahreehhourand 'seven hinutred and 'fifty dollaro, was rpaiitity the company. 'NW - cause could he us-igned cr discovered from whence the fire originated. The *fire lirbke outiw the mill room, where fire hod been Dept in a cool stove, andditthts used during the eve clog. as usual, and—probably a spark from one of chose-lotliog on ..dry• combustible matter about the none thciaullers retired, may have caused the cootie %ration. The next file de.troed worthy of notice ie this re-' von was•in•a house of Peter Stauffer's, in Host Lam girder township, on the I: It of August. The -Sec oc curred in day:light. but the summates could give no tic -count of lisengus. The Appraisers laid the damage.. rut fiveltundred dollars, and the company paid three •Suurtlts of that rum, beutg Stl7s. - On the 21st of October u fire occurred in a tenant 'horse ofJohn If iidibrutiil, in Manic twp., try which r the building was entirely consumed. Tim fire ',mote -out in the upper part of the building in day light. nod I...scpposed mnutve caught from the stove pipe. The ugee was laid at three hundred and eighty dollars by the appraisers. and a warn,,,,has been granted ' , by the Directors for dirge'-fourths of that amount, tie ring two•huudrrd and eighty-five dollars. Th e amount ri. MI yet due, and of course has not been pa.d On the firs day of November. a .1 og-weath er-lionril .ed -mith chop owned by Daniel Herr. (Pego••a) ut tsis t e.barg township, was burned down. The .origin eis a nays,ery. It occurred in day light soon , Mier the middle of :be day. The building mood some ^di-tance from the dwelling house, was filled with tobacco huhg up to dry. and had not been used us ' - shop !or mom than a week previous to th fire. Thisi ...circumstance renders It certain thattthe diso-ter was ...not occasioned from Are mere...icily arid properly eased in or abot'the'buildiug, whilst the mlocution of the building being tit 110 great distance from time .duvettiag house, sursouitiled by an open field and in Liu!l view of Me' publierroudAit Len in connection with .the fact th't tme fire occured m broad day I.ght, 1 ,1 ; taunt precinct, the idea of it having been 'he aeon: or' :nu incendiut,, De that us it .intaY, the company, as • well as the proprietor of the premise., made u narrow• •ereape front Rennes loss, for, had the wind blown in mite direction of the other bui'dititys, the flute dwelling thous; burn and other buildings of NI n, Ilerr, murt ie •evitobly /rye become. a prey to the devouring ries mutant. limo "'err's donee. was estimated at filiy do:- The appraisers were satisfied that bir 10-s was mane than thut amount. nut as that wog the sum at .which it was insured, they could not. according to rale Uy-lows of the company, lay the domuge higher than his own valuation. The Directors gave hint w•dnaut for dollars and fifty cents. The last fire which occurred darting the plot year wile in the ice-house of John Weber., in Luncaster township, which took place on tie of the inn. The house at the limo w•us filled, or punt .lly ...filled, with tobacco, hung up to dry. It is supposed abet Ste Wattling was de,ignedly set on fire. The ap praisers awarded damages to the umount of four hut,- .dred dollars, and a warrant bus been issued by the Directors for three-fourths of that amount. -During the past year u numbe r of small fires occur redshat toltl be mentioned in We Treasurers report. .uaticoncerting which ithas deemed unnecessary to enal.e any extended retniirl.s., The whole number of polteiee, lowed during Glie year is 110, covering property to the a of 53. 2 .1,073 She additions made to old policies amounted to 3G 5:4 Making a tom! othlition of The number of policieo l• 11 socellcd t. ems hundred and eighty JISM she salmi of which tunounln•tn itZWS,fI3 The diminutions on old policies amount to '7405 Winking an agregate, -cancelled and with drawn of 6391,050 Whicit exceeds the additions, and exhibiti an twinal derrense of t being dedueted from the amount ex. Libiud by the lust report 4,6:4 7-24 Leaves an.agarmoie of 81.5x4 Ulu as the whole amount ut pre-eat ittrured by the cum pony. To remuserime.the losses above referred to. the Di rectors levied ts o tares, one of orm tenth of one pct rent in February lasi, arid one of one twentieth of one per emit., er fore merasoit the honored dollars, it sepiember. A porticon of this taw is mid uneollecied iturCientes whereof are now in the hands of the col lector•, anti which will, in the jodurnent of the three tors, be suffu•ieot to pay all the liabilities of the corn patty, rXef pt n portion of the amount due to Mr R ohrec, for the ma) meat of Which provision has fee oral tiwerobeen mode. but has always bees absorbet by iub'suaent The follows* abrornet of the Treasurer's aecoms exhibits thelferuticial operations of the company di ring the mast }ear. JACOB GIIIIMIAWALT. Treasurer ado* Farmers' Mule I ram ranee Comparry, in =coats with said Comport: 11.2 DR. j ui c y 6. To crodi received of Peter Johns, former 'Fs ensurer. To amount of tux collected 03444 To annnunt of Premiums and addi tions to Mention's received during the) ear 44.: %YZ,ole amount, CR J feey C. fly ea-b paid Peter Joliet.. Tat, S 17 fly molt paid John Wilmer. " 1(91 4 29. By ca-li paid refer Vetter, per voucher. 375 C Feb. 3. fly ea-la paid Mina Rbadeit, a 105 C Mar 24 Ily en-lt pain Sam', Cramer, a :Ma Apr 14. Ile ca-1. paid Jim Den Jailer," 7' 11 f May 3 By raga p.fid Daniel flood, " 3,7.311 C Aug. 13 By ca-11 pail Jaen'. Semi 4 a 7" Sept I, lip ea-lt mad CI Steraeort a. a 7: ••I, By ea-lf mail /hairy Div. ler i' 2:• " Iti i By en-li prof J C Clair. pax. oeiattab tlf ale v a at ra43. trial II enry Wertz. .. •• 19 lip f•A•b.:(llid 11,411. 1•0,1111, 41 " 213. Ily ea- If paid Poet Stauffer, f• " 21 14'1,101 P:oi. , to Apra Milan., if " 22. By en-11 mod to Dimon". per diem. 4 " fl Ily eit-Is p fift / arab Greenawalf• lab- Fah y 114 Treft•. per Vegaeler. ' 21. By elm-la mod sundry yersona for col:re/big Dec..:* Ily p..i& Peter Stauffer, per vnueher. 175 on '. paid John Strohm. Nonage, 45 a Ily miffli paid " blank book., 95 ' Sy tar refunded to different permits. 273 • Wlie'e amount MAL iledurird train the 41 mount receivrif. lintvoa u balance in Ids hand. of The liabiliiiesof the Company at this time, are as •I lours, viz: Due to John Flildebrotol. for his hon.. s 033 Am Du. to alitki liver. for his Illackwui•h shop :37 00 Due to John %Veber. for hi. lee him... 3110 11.10 ••••• t.. 1 ^ , ...P.hr0r (rzelonive of intereit.) 1.050 00 Doa•Io folio Mem ne; his salary for Iho Mfg ivAot 3•411 Due to John Strohm. hi• salary• ai Secretary for the current year. Due to vendee per•one for printing; Due to Knuffinan & zehoeffer, damage., Whole ow tun: due All at which is reveciiiiily lount tkirokeTikant, ARANtz. DIETRICH. JACOB GREENA%VALT, • SOHN REAM. JOHN STROIIM, The meeting wan organized by ariminting Levi Huber EN. Clitturenan. and Peter H. Sunnily trod 3reierisTl Denßinger. Reeretary. and on rattan:44lg the vote it appeared 141.1 t John Sbrohm. John MeCtirt ney. Peter Johns. A.te. Dietrich and Joint Ream were duly elected direelorr. and John Ifethor,Jateob Rohrer. Christian Ilerr,John Friday. Benjamin stud Jacob Xoltr, jr., were duly elected aponvi.tera. LEVI HUBFAL, Chairman. H. H. 90311/1". 3 os. B. Dimuscßit ercrelar;es At • meeting of the newly elected Smard. Deeemher _7th, 1861. John Met and W. eletted PfrAideill• . olin Strohm, Seerete.y. Peter Johns, Treatorer. J - - r — NO W1: 7 4 - ell t. TIAI 1.: TO At A KR Arts.% s..V - Male and Female Agents wanted in every hewn in the Slate of Penns) !moan to cations.; for Mrs. Stephen. , great work, the Pictorial iiia. tory of the War for the Union It is jut the work far the people. and will sooner or later find its way inir every family. Two Royal Cktavo Vol. nmes. 400 pages each. F:mbellished with over 200 fire - 'elass engraving-. Prier :IA per volume.— lira Volume now ready. Alcestis are meeting with emiraordNary success. Sold only by sub-cription by r.galarly appointed agents,who have the exclusive wale is the tesmory assocusi them. For terms, . Ike, address J. a WELLS,I6S William at., N 1... Publisher of Fuhseriptioi Brinks. Alarmism luring Depot for Omuta wined to the Woes, mod the sales of Agents. COURT PROCLAMATION. WILE'S, the Mea. RONNY G. LONG, Presidio'', Don. A. 1.. Mom and Poetics • micros:. F:,m,. A similar nudges ofthe Court of ()am anon Plea., in and •for the county of Lancaster, and 21,..i.tant Justices of th e CoartofOyerandTennliter, mud General Vail Deliverv, and Quarter Sessions of the Peace. in tied for the 'county of Lancaster, have stemmed their Precept to ale directed, requiring me. among oilier things. to make Public Proclamation chrooghom m Itailiwiek. that a Court of Oyer and irefslallaCt and Distieral Sail Delivery; Also. a Court roftleneral Quarter amnions of the {'case and Jail Delivery, will coarnieweeni the Court the .city ollameastoreits the Commonwealth of Penesyl, sraniaosathe4rd MONDAY in Jasusey. diadiff an par 444444 of which precept. NOTICF. to H MUM GlVlenli,so the Mayor and Aldermen of the city saLaneaster.iiionid comity., mod all alteJus. MOM* of the Peace, the Cominec, and Cemouldes srr .the said city and county of ILancametrottrat :bey be apes a adthere in their own peeper paniotie,with their rolls.records and exemination., non sajUiPilio4ll. and aheir other remembrances, to do those IbiOr• Waite h 40 their offices appertain, in their beitobf to be done; sand alio all those who will prostate* anwiturt the prisoners who are, or then shall be, is ibe leirCof the said county of f.ancaster„are to be than and Mei:ammo proneccreagairest them OP Phil Wan. Dated at Lancaster, arnr.alth. .Dee Site • , r* a. W. P. BOYD, alteriff. tADIES. 'TAKE NOTICE YOUR atientiew 14 *gleefully called to dee verodtand same sad choice incisivea of dry geode we Moe ow received, at very. low =e. MOWE RR: ourself. tit SIIKAFFRIPS, flee 30 3.2 Nanh(to,ollai.. I, tor. EMIE CHRISTMAS GOODS. JUST reeriyed. a large re , tartment ofGoods ruimbre to the .en-on; among which are a fine ,eleeiion of Zephyr, Knit. Operit and Luting t 4 eArr't Snit - COM.. &c Ai-n. Vane> Itteskeit, POl4 nellbaira, Cm vats, Ladies Collar., &c . with a great Yuri.ety of oilier gond. nu:t alrlr tor t hriM mi. Ako. It forge addition to nu r ..inck of Hoot-and Shoe-. Clothing. Ca..mwreg :and Ores. Good. The atieniinn of oureliti,r4 is re -0.1e1.111111y invitt d„ ai.d au eatintinanon of goods soli. cited, 200 67 00 MALTLIV &CAS!. C.dnmbin, Derrml,.•r 20. 18a2 Er] IBEI EXCELSIOR GALLERY! Photographs AL A mbrotypes FOR THE HOLI DAYS. a u ti . Wert o. her s o s e itl up or e eji b) oV e lT u ite d y G l o tr o x d t 4 the ge as,, PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT, Where he will Le prepared to take FIRST-CLASS PICTURES, in every style of the art. Plantogroplic of nil Ferrotypes, Amhrotypes. ace., &c., will be guaranteed to give catistoe.wo to Peltier, Particular m1..111101: will be given to the execution of highly fini.hrd giCARTES DE VISITE," at the moss coti-foriory rates. 1.17.4 II Prices Kett-otadole: subsenber lend many }mars expPrienee in hi. Ituviors., and Irer)• t oltbdent of his ability to its ju-tice to Inc -otter... Ile asks of the eittscua of Cambia avid vittin ty a skate of their pcorocogc. CHAU/ALI IAL b:SON. Dec. o.lNlit. 180 51 SGO LI 1: 603 15 00 75 011 1,11 :5 135* BEIM - - - I lEUINES: DELIINERI-A. beautiful line jJ ja 4 fearer, el at greatly r. &seed price.. Ladies call nail eeelSIV your chrianake 111 STIKACY & BOWERS, Dee. 20.1861 cot. ld and Lama Sts. TIANOVER Huck Gloves mud Gountleu, jUili ceivett -sTv&ch — & 110WER13. cantor Second soul Locu-t Sts. Doc ....."41,19Ce2. Columba', Pu. 17E1.11YR Knit Hoods, Nufele. and Scarfs, at reductd LI 'nicer to close out the stork. STEACY & BOWERS. corner 2.1 need lioeu-t Der 20,152. Opposite Odd Fellowee` 117/NEGLASSF, 4 . Tumblers and Gob'ets; beautiful lellu-a Fresh Yu.'e•, Cream and Neater Bowls to sweep. Welty de-if - able nod suitableefor Clerieumus and New rear l'reseuto. • STEACY & BOWERS. Corner of Second and Locum street•. Collie. Dec 24. , G2. Columbia, PJL 51.11.11. PRFASHIcTa:—Linen and DISMIIPik Table U Ciltale, Auplics, Uoylies and Towels, very cheap Dec. 9.1', 1962. OUREIIEMPS Magnetic ?Inter! a sorer- J 1 emit remedy for burns, metre.. Paint.. Ate., just re ceived and for rote by F. AIMS', Locust st. .B RE.INIO AND rflosEnnt.trs Cattle ersoder, just received and fur sal \ e by l/LislAalS' Locust rt. DURNFrIT'S Gwadar for the lasi C A fresh article just received ut tie DrugWll.l. Store sf 1A5121', Loest.t rt. DOVND turd Flat Chimney's for Coal Oil Lampe 1L Per•osio can procure either kited by Callin et the Drug Store of P. WILLZAAJ.I', Locust et. Dee. CO. 1-62. HOLIDAY GIFTS JUST RECEIVED! New Dress Goods, Embroideries, At Reduced Prices. Cala. rec. SO, 186 t. GIKOLGaIit. 3111013111MUrli COVIMXICIII7IMAZ wiz • w, %%CornerFront and Locust Streets, COLUMBIA, PENNA. • TIITCONTIIIENTiIi is snit kept vp in the FRS rainwear. lind ibe - ST - )LIIID BEST" L eciastently on tap. Tba peorrieter, during hie ob scene. bee wit the wiebli.beeteet in Alarm hoed. sad he 4pai , - Om the cream is-nriefele ea, liberally 'best wee wale blot will Wealthier& Cambia, tem t, tel. MATIIIII: FOR BOIS Cifirlllllo.4 tap seTotrs; now Waft at SLAT STEAM' t HOWHAS. Opp**ita Odd Fellows' Hall, 61121 Zephyr Goods, l!lankeacipiefs, Ike., H. C. FOND 1/41 adjoining Inc Bank PiAS. --Jost received an unit quality it l tupe-rad, Young Hyena and Black Tea.. at Dec. 13. IC V. B R'U N REVS. EISCATEL RAISINS:4 .new article in 1,1 ihe Kettle hoe. Cue be had at D 13. H. F. BRUNER'S. CRANBF.RRIES AND RAISINS. violet: Fruit at iSTEACII & BOWERS', Cola. Der. 6, 1564. Cor.2d arid Locupt Sta. HQ! FOR CHRISTMAS! 1, Choice Baking illoMpsess; the hear in the market at STEACY & BO%VERti'. Cob. Dee 6.1:412. CM . ..2111111d 1.04.11. et E; L OTK 1N G CLOTH. 13 EA BTI isu t. Black C! .7 :l4 . .... A stivlle i fig v nize.loaks Corner S , cond and Locu.t Street.; Coln. Dt e '52 Opro.iie Odd Fellows' Hull. NOW OPEN MAIIIII Tiltilfflif HUBEI 908 & 811 CIIESTNUT ST ., Pll4l. IDEILPSI lA., (LATE LEVY & CO.'S DRY GOODS STORE.) GEO. Z. TIENKELS, Formerly 524 Walnut St. Dee O. 1.562-3 m. VIIIA BEANS of the Best Quality, just • tecniv eel) y F. 141L1.1 AIMS, Deermlier rsat Locam.nlreet. pit PRESERVING CIDER.---A Wresk Jot at Sulplime of Lime birsium been received by Dec 0;61. F. WILLIAMt.!, Locust st. ==:=MEI FOURTILI INVOICE OF Go WEW St% le Delaille,Cussime , es. Cloths. Delirge. LI Shawls, Fanny : 4 11irtliig. F1X111.414. Prints. ul lower priers sloth ran be had elsewhere; blushes. Tickiiigr. Cheeks. Count, Elainiel4, all colors; Opera eic just received to stole noel for sale by 11. F. BRUNER. Nov:M.l4 Corner rlrdand i7lllOll T DIU PEE.-1 new article fir mince piea. 11. F. BRUNER, Novv-19..103. entsier Ord 1111411.11111011 I ti 62. The Largest and most Extensive Stock of UR& WINTER DRY Ready-Made Clothing. &c., I NTBE BOROUBB OF COLUMBIA. 'WE HAVE HST OPENED OUR FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, IRIikDY-NIADE CLOTHING, , which we have selemei with great mire. We feel conadeat of being able to plea -e all who may Low tit with heir patronage. Our trot k consent m part us follows: I)3I.ESS GOODS: Black and Fancy Col.tred Silk., French Plaid Geitglownt , , Alpacas cud Pnnt•, in all varieties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Super. Mack Frenc h Clwihß. linamt and Slue Clodra. Black Doe-Skin Ca..iatere• u large variety of Fancy Calaatueres of all grade. and priers. Black Grautfete‘, Sault and Alanseides sag.. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Illearhed avid uololeaclietl 6.U1ii1114 of all qua frconn 14 to 14 cont., White Goods qualdtr-,'Park• jag . ..Cat:eke, Flannels!, I.iiten Table. Clotho, Towel jags, &c. SHAWLS, CLOAKS, &C., kC., Black nod Falvey Colored Stella Shawls, Black Cloth Clo Is of I in. listens styles and patterns Tri FFFFF nags and NO11011.0( all grades. quat• ilk.. heal prices. Hoop Suit ts of till size., Balmoral Sl.irts. Umbrellas, Parnools. READY—MADE CLOTHING; Marls tied Fnttey Cloth Coats, iliac lc mid Pitney Cassimere Coals Mite k nod Taney Cassimere !Mats. 13Iaek & Fancy Silk, Sot i.t, Cloth & Casoimere Vests. The above good., have been bought at greatly re. shooed prices for Cnsill, and will he Nold at small ad -5411CC (or the same, at the store of N. 3.I%IeTAGUP. & CO, Loeuat Street, two doors below Columbia Bang. Commie.. Nov. tn. IN3I CITRON.—The best for cooking pn►poses. ri. 1:. BRUNER, Nov.2'd3. Corner 3rd and Union etc. CIIRRINTS.—New crop chrrants, a very good article. 11. IP N0v.29. 1 62. Corner 3rd and Union at•. 1 AISINS.—A full assortment of cooking, Ls, 6erd ass, Hii,ch and Layer Raki ... Just re ceived. H. F. BRUNER. Nov 29'62 Corner3rd and Union stn. r EAS.—Toung Ilyson of the best quality, imp... oat do, Mack do. II F. BRUNER.. No Mi. 3rd and Ulu ousts. BAKER'S Chocolate, Starch, Corn Star eh 'Baiting and Wrodsing Soda. Citec.e. Toi. loue. Conti. ry. Houadio'd and lialthist , A New Vora Soaps. Kuckt•t.. Brooms, Shoe and Stove Muck ing. Bond'' , 80-ton Crackers Almost anything that one euu wish or ask (or you may find DI 11. I itteuvrays, N0v12112. Carm•r 2rd 'Union at•. We nteil, Al MEDIA TEDY. a 1.1111111 lot of Rending ninkColoal 1 Fla Railroad s_rip io exclianje for good.. FONDEIWAIITIII, Nov. VI, If Adjoining Caturribia Rank. SSOAPS!.SOIPS2—PIain and Fancy Soaps to /treat variety, at Dec.6:52. F. WILLIAMS. Locust at. QHOK BLACKING by the dozen or single box I. „V coin be had at Dec 6'61 F. WILLIAM'S.Locust mj HENRY SUY DAM'S RETAIL GROCERY STORE, CORNER FRONT AND UNION STS rubscriber steeps constantly on band a large I. sad good assortment of GROCERIES OF EVERY KIND, Consisting of Coffee. Sugars„ Teas, Molasses, Bums, Dried Beef Plow. Feed. km, Ne. 111 e invites treleaticut to n lot of fine F.nglish and American Plicate. en bottles. Ketchup. Prepared Mosta NS. Spites. end oilier artiekts in the same line, selsiek be ran recommend. tie has a general nosorustent of eventubi tot in his stud asks a runtittuaorem( Use support hereto. fore so liberally extended to le is by she public. Nov HENRY SCVDAM, CRANBERRIES. ASUPPLY of Cranberries just o'cri , *od of the Ora eery Sonar of lISNRY SUYDAM, Nay. 22. 62 Cor. Front and Union sts. T.OT C E is hereby given. of an intention to establish a Bank of Diveount. Deposit and Circulation, un der the provisions of the act entitle I •An Act to ea tstili-h a omens of free banking in Pennsylvania. ." and the supplement thereto; slid Bank to be called “TSE FACT Cr R ERB' BANK.” to be located in the Iternagb of Columbia. Lancaster county. Pa t with at capital of One Illandired Tbno•and ballot t. se be divided into two shoosoad •bates of y Yoliat. each. Piovembet fa, ItOttala row. worm rpn E DWELLING new oreapied by Rev. Dr i g i k . 1 Dorsey. ea tbe.eaener ot . Loos4 and &sand .beet., Columbia. This is a very desirable las- Sea. and the dwelling adaiirabty adapted- ter a board. lag Mw-e. Rear DIU. II C.FIIN PERANi me. sev.s4 MIL Asfisiaing Colombia. Dank. Floor - on 4;ermaa Dieters, au be ob _ taiused ut , CURRANTS. NW cn el BRAINIT'S, a Gtort-tnie article. fin area at ilea of 2 1 1.11111/tAt. Nov. t, Cot. Front and Ueda,' me, 110MAIONY, BEANS, &C. • UrprrE nonnimmr. Brorni, Maker , Core; ice- in lame er troull seautitio, at the rlmeery, Prom laud thion'ets. lIIKINRYVIUTDAI4.I NEW °RCVS TAKING NOLASSES.—The only gcod 111olastes•fot baking Cnll nt Dee.l3. H. B111.1NE:11'S. Selphite or Lime. TMIS preparation. iqvaluuble for arresting fermen-1 lotion In eider. and preserving It in it. original sweetness can now be obtained at the Drug Seore of.l Nov. 22. F. WILLIAMS. 4,lellni Spices, Spices. DucF:Grouud Black Pepper. Muer. Nutmeg*. All .1. •piee. ttumuutott, Cloves, Mu•iard. Batons Soda Cretan of Tartar, Ginger, Ate.. to lie bud at Nov. t2l. F. WIL.I.IAAIS.Locu.t ft. RAISINS. A FULL anpply of Reigns—Set die.. and Lnyrr 4 - 1 will lie found ill the Cor. oh Erre; nee Uflioll He. Nov. V, - C.?. HENRY SUII./ANI. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS. We have opened it hand-owe stock of zw`c - rDalm. Hudson Bay Sable, Mink Sable, Siberian Squirrel, Oro. • Lod iea are respectfully invited to call before pur attains' elsewhere. and examine our ntock. CHARLES OAKFORD, & SON, 834 and RIG Chestnut at., Continental Hotel, rikiia. Nov 14. 1t431-3w OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 114 South Third Street Philadelphia. Nov. 1, INEtt miw. undersigned having been apporn•ed Subserips 1, tir. Agent by the Secretary of the Treasury. lb now prepared in fireni-h. at once. lire NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 PER CT. BONDS of the 'Jailed States, designated es redeemable at the pleasure of the Government. afier five year', arid authorised by Act of Congress, ap proved February .9.5. Tire Coupon floods are issued in sums of $5O, el ta, ssto 81000. . 9 hr Rrigis ter Ikutdp in sums of .5:J . 0.8100.5:i1k, 81000 and SUMO. Interest al aim per amt. per annum will commence Crow dale of p,orrhr•e, n. 1.1 IF PAYABLE IN GOI D. nnuntly, which is eosin!. at the'presentipremiam an gait. to be shout right Ter Cent. 'Per Antrum. Farmers, MerChnlltS AfreilillliCS.Cimit.tlists. and nil who have any money to invest, should know nod re memh.•r that these bonds ate. in effect. a First Mort gage upon all, Canals, Hank Stocks nod Sec:mit:eh stud the immense products of all the Manu factures, &c ,&e , in the country: end that the full and simple provision mode for the p..yment of the in etest and lig uida 101 l of principol. by Customs Duties. Esetse Stomps and Internal Reuniter, server to "nuke hroe 1.01.11. tile &at, Most Available and Most Popular fabeirt. ineni in the Market Sulaireptione received ai PA It in Legal Tendrr Noie,oi ante, and elsecks of book, at par to Phil. delpido. Subecribers by toad will receive prompt ni %refl... and every facility and exploration will be af forded on applierttiois ot ibis once. A full supply alum& will be kepi no baud for int inedisve delivery. JAY COOK Pl. Nov. et, 1E6241in Sub-eiipticia Agent. 1802. ZEPHYR GOODS. ()PIMA Cap•. Nebo., Weaver,. Soothe , . Srnrfw, &c Choice gotoloinodcsiral.lo. c0 , ..0 Opesi in.ds.V a, 'IIA VONDIiItS,III !WS Nov. 13, 7 4.. CatAl ',tote, 0 d •Cana OIL O Supenoroanat:ty, ocn.nantiv on hand m NovA. IV. WILLIAM*, Lueu•l-A PATENT MEDICINES A LI. the standard tvrepuratiottn. •nrh na J..yne.E.xpectorunt. A ItemliVe,Satiativn Pi Hy& e Hurry', rricophrroui.Kennetly'a Aledera I Dipeovery Tehkta' Venetian Littlnteut, floatetter's Sou:nark Ha tara, Wi-itart'a Tar Hardin I, &r.. &c , to he laid at th Drug Store of R W 11.1.1 A IDS. Imett-tt MILS. WINSLOW'S Soothing Syrup can he olituined ut F. WILLIA S'. .t. STOCKING YARN. A n POUNDS' Zook's delebraied Woolen Stockiii: !LIU Varsis,juq received and !or sale only at 11 C. FONDERSIIITWS 0rt.9.5'62. Store adJoiniog the Dank. VirS'istrve get nn band n fine stvvoviment of WuII VT Paper, wheel• we are nelang nt our noon! very 4ow TO, w•i(I Ile your Tait chance to get your "money buck - ma WWI Paper. 11. C. FONDRII.IMITII. net fiS. , dl.. P. °pie.. Cnvls Third Arrival of New Goods. BV„s s oyaorul:l:74 l m4. B .rie.B:ll4.7:4l;nd Plumy. Buy your Red, Yellow,Grey, Barred nn d Fahey Shirting rlnnnel. nt CEUMIEME=== A lot of New Style ()01d.... will lie in more nn NOII.ISIV rveufntr. °ember 27. is 62 nod will b« told uit oid !wives. Are instoi the ern•on ut thew prier.. 11. F. 11111.1NER. 0e..25:62. Corner 3rd unit 'lllllOll Streets. ADIES 14110 STUDY ECONOMY will find it ID their io eon stud eXunoine•anc new an well eelemed stock. before pureli..srnir el,ew here, notwi len•lndom die great advane , In one,. of good-. we are mill able in offer many :longs at old raies. Cu4l and be convieee.l °I what we sae & BOWERS; Oct2s. Opposite Odd Fellows' Mal, Co web at. GENTS we want you to understand we have not forgotten sou. You will find on exam ination we have a Mee line of cloth.. eit...imeres, tut Mears and vesting.. at the lowest cash figure.. stTgACY he. BOWERS, Oct 2%. Cor. 2iid and Locust st., Colutnbta. Sheaffers Cheap Book Store, 0. 32 North Queen street, is Ih• place to purchase i school books and school stationery. CU1111113.1112 all the various Readttor sod Spellii.g Books, A Won, ties and A Igrlan., Grammars and litytnoloxics, the tinnaries and litstories. Philosophies, kr.. he. Copy and Cotnpo•itioll Books, Letter. Cap and Note roper Blank Books, Slates. Lead and Susie Pencils, Pen• and Holders. Ink. Inkstands Rulers, and the best and most comnletr assortment of SCHOOL STATIONERY IN THE CITY, gy'Liberai diaeouats made to Tenehera and MCC dotage at JOHN Siii:AFFEWS Chomp Curb Book Store ' 32 North Quern street, Lan curter. OctlO,Ykt HALDEMAN'S STORE. CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! Anotbf lot or NEW AND FASHIONASLX STYLES just opened. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! We home rersived • cull •ssonment or Copts. Via:w ines, Mkfe, ke , in a tl the best kind.. We have the largest stock of SHAWLS, SHAWLS, at I.loi season's pike!. NNW BROCHE SWAIM.% Ladles will please examine above good, izr Reconeet, the largest as.ortment, latest and moat approved sty les. at exceedingly low prices. HALONMAN'.I Nov. 22.1E62. Cheap Oash :gore. CIDER FORM INCE PIES. A N extra lot of Brown and White Sugar on band; 11 Vest Rio Coffee, for laic bY N0v.134862. H. P. BRILTNRR. 3d and Union Street. E; r ►. .:4 •'T tux Dove Jest Received oor Fall Since of DRY E r GOMM, which we will cell en *he love-I cash figures. STEAM'h BOW V.R.S Comes Ski acid Locos, Arco, Coheruhia. Fall & Winter Goods 411:1' HALIDE:MAWS STORE. I OUR. STOQE IS AS LARGE, OUR ASSORTMENT AS COMPLETE, As is, former years. UTAVING made VERY HEAVY PUR CHASES FOR CASH more than A TH SINCE, we ate able to offeraildrinda of goods at Ica than present city prices. Simian from 12 cts. Calicoes gi 10 '4 All Wool Flannels ir 25 44 Canton Flannels " 15 &dinette dC 50 IC Rich Helaine' at 25 cents. All the New Dress Goods. Best Kid Gloves. Cloths sod Cassia:era at old price-s. Soper. Hoop Skirts. cheap. We invite oar customers to examine oar splendid assortment, and semen the batgains at our mascot dew prices. .11.ALDEMANS - Cheap Cash Store. Columbia, Oct. 4, la 2. • „ WALL PAPER PURIFY THE BLOOD Audi 4ttrengthen the Constitution. NO TREATMENT OR REMEDIES lies ever been so successful in ef fectually curing disease as trwayne's valauble - dkledietnes," a remedy for each toil every malady, prepared with the greatest earn, under the immedi ate .upervi-ion of a thorough cdoented Physician. We have certificates of exterior. , denary cures of diseased lungs, performed by "Dr. Swayiteg con:pan:el Syrup of Wild Cherry," MOO., where :he luo,:s were very intief: d;sdratcreil, giv en op to die by phy.ieians antrfrietods. If the bowels UM Costive Or HO! sufEeiently free. it.e to connexion. -Switynes Sarsapo and Tar Pill." a great pupify hie purgative. The two will cleanse out all dis ordered humors, enrich and purify the blood, remove till unhealthy billious ocesetions of the stomach end bowels causing it per'ect healthy state of the fiver. If you have rough. A sthma, hemorrhage of spitting of blood, sore throat. ob. satuctiotis of the spleen or liver. 41011 breath. pain in the urinary of guns, night FWOlit.r. Ile(O0Us delnhiy. renless MOM. mid symptoms of puhnomery consumption. Do not delay, but procure the above remedies ca Mite SO years experience proven to the world that they eanstot bvexcelled Compound Syr p Wild Cherry." “Swaynen Compound Syrup Wild Cherry." -Swaristi l / 4 Compoune Syrup Wild Cherry," . "Svogyni's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," curry all complaintssof a pulanomary nature, stimu lates tl e secretions of the stirs, kidneys, and Won tidal mucus membraor, has great influence over the nervous system. Tub remedy is the result of extensive experience and diver-;6.d pt.:mire ot many years. and tame has ever OlittoOl+.lii I.llOiler or more deserved reputation. Minty wonderful torts hove tobeis place, after the lungs hove been very much di-ordered. GREAT PURIFYING PURGATIVE! Sava 5 nr's Sllr.attoao 111 it and Tar Psll.---ugar entitled. Swat ate+ sarsaparilla and tar Pills sugar coated. 1•or I leada site, ALF: Liver Complaints, For Ileadaclie, C 4 1\I• Liver Completes's. For Headache, PI.A I NTS. Liver Coat plaint+. Thou.:lnds of person-tad families have. Iltnraueltly eased stud tried them for s,lrno.t every di-e n•e, um, they have given attest teiatistotty dual they are lieynad all quesania the very hest medicine as family phy•ic. Headache. disinter.- of viriols, palsy. fits fever, •irk headache, liver carnal:dna. loss of appetite. hit• lOU'S affet•umw. sr., are eared. Female rrritiosturi lie.l art restored ho a healthy cant:Moe. Let it be Remembered There are perfect blood way, ng pills. compounded •araaparillu and other valuable vegetable ex tnimr. and u cerudort purgative. free from griping. ear rectiag the stoubreh and bowels into u perfectly !real hy condition. DR. SWAYNE'S COWEL CORDIAL. The Unfurling Remedy for Tile Unfailing Remedy for Dinrrimen, Dyeemery. Cholera Mnrhun, Difforrlfeen.'Dyeentery. Chi:leen Marline, Dinertnen. Dyeenlery, Cholera Morbu•, Cholera Infant= or .ummer Complaint. Cholera haunt= or Summer Complaint. DR. SWAYNE'S VERMIFOGE. A sure worm killer—nil excellent tonic—good for delicute or viekly chi Idren—plentaiii to the tante. Swa)lie. Blood Purifying Palmeri., Swayite , i Klo,d Purilyina Pinineen. Prepared only by Dr. SWATNK & SON. Dr. Sw •yue &Son. No :MO N. 6th.el , above Vine. Dr. Swayne A. Son, No. rcu) N above Vine; Dr. Swuym• & Son, No. XXI N. Gth.rt., above Vine. Pliibrircbrint. Prin.angbrina. S.obl by MALTBY & CAPIR and A.GRAY &Co., Colum bin; Chas. lieiniith and Win. Iff linker. Luaea•ler- S llov3 and S. Wilk in f on, Fuirfie.d, and all the pent eior•-keeperr. is Luneutter couniy. Sept. 20, I tkila. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS, SUBSCRIBERS HAVE JUST ADDED TO Thcirulniuly !urge slack of good+, u sploolitl nod 11•KOrtItICIII of Cloilit:Cll.llßera•. Ve-ougA. tires, Good.. Pron., De loom., Punnet. lllnokem. Hies mood Cop.. ltlot•erico.'Qureopoore. ato. they wmttcl everinlsy insole puitteulor twootion to their vcsy lurge tquek of IRE ADY MADE CLOT DING, AND SOOTS AND SLIDES. Our nesorment Leung complete and of the :beg male. nal and Inuoafticlure. and will be sold ut the • lowe.t cool, l rice.. Being d. telobilled to he undersold by 11011•. we believe it will be .0 the ieterest of per:hat er.; to examine our Imicre oinking Haw put char••. leepeetinit panelled. Coin. Oct. IS, 'W. MALTBY & CASE. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF CHEAP DRY GOODS. Opened this Week at li. C.Fondersroith's Old Stand, Adjoining Bank, PAY oyle Priottell nelnitie*. new aisle algrinons 1.1 and Ca , litnere.. High Figured mad Plait, Poplin., Plnid Good+ in vitriedy, New Color. in Water Cloth., ' Gray mad Fancy Colcred Moire liubnnrull rt.! llooped SI. tags. all amen. A fu.l line of ehotge glgtittett4 utulJenn• Illenelied and Mown Atimion.. Checks. Gingham.. Dril,o, , at the lowest moil,' prier. Vag CAPII. to which we re. st.lgs the °tumbriu of our en.ininee. and the public generally 11. C. FON DERSAIErfiN Ont. 4,1E69, Cupli Store. EMPTY CASES. - ALAr.V.. I' L lot of Ironllouud Cake and floandrndr, OetoUrr 4. 1562. PICKLES! PICKLES!! it' you want gisral pickles. use I limes & Co's Pure I Corn Vinegar." la unufsetory ?Second .4 adjoin- Mg l ald ['allows' !kali. [Oct. 'tit. Fancy Fars! Fancy Furs! TORN FMLWRA,No. ZIS Arch tst . Cmporter and 'sinufiicturer of, and ora'cr in all kinds of nary Vurs. for ladies irl children's wear. I desire to say so my tends of Lancuster and io surrounding coun try that I have now so torn. one of dm largest ,iiil most beautiful as augments of all kinds Ind qualities of FAIWY 'ors, for ladies' and hildren.' wenr strut di be worn during this My Furs were put in Europe, previous to the rise sit Stelling Exchange. end the New Duly an nil For, imported •inee the first of Augu.l I would +Also «Inte, t lint ns long us my stock lu.ts.l will offer it at priers proportion, to to wind the good. cost me; bit. it will he impossible for me to import stud mu etufucture: ally more Furs. and sell them at the -nme p -ice.. to the unsettfet Mate of the affairs of the country. in'Remember the mime, number and sttvet— JOIIN FAREIKA, 4.1'01.20.'625m :IS Arch St, Philsda. TILE SECOND INVOICE OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, Now 01.ENIXO AT H. F. HRUNERS Cheap Cash Dry Goods nod Grocery Store, Corner of Third and Union' Streets. TOE under.isteed having just returned from Phila. dolphin vrith hi. second invoice of Fall Gored.. here !erne to call the ntienteun of Ike citizens of Columbia and vtemity. to hi. ezten.ive and varied n.conment of Enemy nod Steeple Dry (food., Groceries, &c.; en part of Minium., Coburga, Calicoes, Tocki ,g.. Cheek.. Ranieri, Cloths, Ca.mmereo, Vect. Mao, bloom nod shoes. Coffee, sugar linen., he.. Ho hopes by eln-ce intention to 'molars* and %trice iittegrily to comiaue to ieceave a chore of public poi tromege. II F. BRUNER.. Columbia. October 4 1862 Drugs and Medicines. TAB undersigned would announce to the 1 citizens of coluitelsia and vicinity that he has opened in the room recently occupied by Mr. R. Nixon. A DRUG ANA, CHEMICAL STORE, where will be found a full assortment or thole zoo& w hi c h arc included in this line of bu.ities.i. The Stork wel be found to conotot of Drub., Chem ical., rye Sluff., Perfumery and Fancy A circle.. ouch a. Brooke+, Combo. Tooth Powder.. and other article+ too nomerooo to mention; all of which will be found fre.h and of the I.e.' guiltily. frrFreeeriptioun compounded with care and de patch. F. WILLIAMS, iSept. 6,'84. $5O REWARD! 111 F: Colombia Inelegance Company will pay Fitt) T Dollar* reward for the screw and roevietion of the person or persons +r ho eel the fire wisseh destroyed she Church and Prbool.boome. in 'Wariest*. on the morning of the 7th hot. To be paid on conviction of such pony or C. S. gAurrmAN, Presider's. Cms,cx Tovsa, ]r, rrna 6l 7/. Columbia, Augaet 16, 107. WINOS, LIQUORS, SEGARS, Lc. gum subscriber would write attention to bis large and lime stock of ALL LINOS OF lIQUORS, SEGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, &e. Ile beembi. OM* well filled tep, and believe. that be can oßcr *. gondola meantime% of ever) thing in bis line an ern Unabated in ally More in Columbia. He would duets special attention to his 121.31EIBLIMEAL-N 10172MT1R031. Throe are Nein twines. good in ,inolity. low in price, sod very wholeionne think either ft/emelt or well. A lame A.famst of 11•X00acisca1ahuatas IP'3l7elats, will 'vitriol general aotiee.'stitif Wilt he hood 101 e... Pri'e 4 . l rthe hoe** ritpentenerolliened in Colotnilia. OW sod rotunda(' Sew. , J. C. nummt. EaNia4MOGM TUE ATLANTIC moirritinx. BEGINNING OF A NIEW''PO'•L'OME. THE Number for January, IN:, begins the Ig.eventh Volume of the Allamic ?densely. Prom the commencement.tu 1E157. the Atlantic has rapidly increased in circulation. mid it now has the target class of readers since its beginning, five years ago. lie proverby steadily augments. and it contin ues, timid all the fluctuations and dangers ineid-mt to our tuitional crisis, to gain grout d iu the Cflill2lßlion of the public. At a time no premium with everts which touch the future destinies of America in every vital particular, the Publishers and Editors do not deem it iteces-ary to promise that it. page. will never swerve from tbe•!mne•t pa It , of loyal patriotism mid maser sal freedom. it. arii MOM have always beett oil the -ide of Liherty. Pr. - sires...and Right • aud the course it first adopted tin its wily career, will ever be Lattlifully maintained. The Sind ol Writer.. regeraty 4 , olltribllling to Ilse Atlantic Monthly. embrace. all the be-t known author,. in American literature stud warrants the rublielteet in pronniaing to it, rendere, The Best Essays, The Best Stories, The Best Poems, [Which American talent MI furnish. l:i•r CM RWILA R CONTRIBUTORS In Nom and Poetry the Shelf of Writer. unequalled. The following authors is eull among the regular eoutubutors: 'omen Duerell Lowell, George 11, Henry W Longfellow, Henry Cite.. Loam A Rev. Wolter Mitehrill, Eolith Waßo Eine-ma, Henry I'. Tuekerman, Nothuniel Ilotirthbrue, Sotto C.C. 'farewell, Mrs. E. D. Stowe. T. W. Iliggittron. Harriet Aluttineou. Author ....Alargret Howth," Charles Retitle. Dr, Julio W Howe. ...The Country Pormo." A. D. T. Maury, Rom Tvlry. Myer flutnet E Premott. John ti IVhititer, Rev. Rotten T. S. Lowell. E. P. Whipple, .1. T. Trowbridge. lloyard Taylor. Edward Everett, Charlet. E Norton. Prot - en:tor A. V White. The foregoing liar orcontributor# LI T HE LEADING WRITERS GP AMERICA.,aI Teams—The Atlantic is for sale by all Book sped Period,. al Drillers. Price 91 rents a number. Subs fermium, fur Me year, 63.00, po-rage paid. '5 - early subscription. 'teemed. or siegle plumbers supplied by all) deader, or by the Publishers. epecometi ipumbers bent gratis or application to the rubbahers. iry—twfuremrett. for Sobreriltern. Liots of premium. kn., lurn6led on np;O:ention to the Pub Hebei, TICZNOB.Sr. MM:II.S, Publishers 133 Wastihrgton'St.;l3osten. ..MEBINDES,art in sall!h colors, at last VC13.011 prices. Cull a ee ero at BOWER .1.. Cor. 2nd and Loran ft.. Coln robin, FIRST Arrival of New Fall Goods. 600 yards Shepard Plaids will be opened this day at B. C. FONDERSAII I'IPS Sept. 6. 1512. Adjoining the Bank. TRAVELING Dress Goods of various tabriqats and pi. ces. just received this day at 11. C. FON VERSII.IITIPS Sept. 6, IFO2. Old :timid. BAKER'S PATENT MIT JAI - 13: THE moat simple and rapid in operation and reliable in • esult. A tura 0111 the clamp males ire air tight. The above invaluable Fruit Jaza—Me most eomplete paten: out—lran be.had at PFAHLF:IFS, Locust street. opposite the Bank. N. II —Thescrjars have her,' tested, and may be ex amined with the fruit in them—al Pfahlerlo. They are perfeetly an-hula. sod the trouble of sealing in , entirely avoid. d They use generally acknowledged on the very best in use. Colombia, August O. 15d2. Greatest Variety of Photograph Albums. `V E vrou!d con the uttention orpersous to our huge eluel of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. We hove the 'argon and hest stock ever brought In the ritv. over 100 differrtit orylro, veiling in prove from . seeur , tOZNA 410 dens,. 4•nll and ore for °emelt 13011 N 11F.AFNI. , 1R‘Nrelip Curb Hoon•torr. Oe:.18;61. ikeNorthquern cl. r Luerusicr. NEW MiIrIMITALIC STOfIE, P•or.i , Siret, above Ira/fait, COI.I3II3M,ILANCASTER COUNTY, PA. TOE subscriber, having returned to Oo!mists, after an absence of seven years, spilt oSers his sera. ices in 1111.1 line of business. Ile tins opened in the stove formerly occupied by Mrs John Martin, in Front street above Walnut, u complete assortment of new nud nundsome J . NAT MI Xa IL'', Is VA MIMI STYLI& CLOCKS, WATCHES, FANCY ARTICLES, kc.., dm., to which he invites the attention of the pub lic. Hi+ prices wiil he ea low as any. mid he can warrant his stock as good in every respect. He refers with confidence to part hu•tuers career in VIM place. and asks a return or the liberal custom formerly extended to him. Repairing ht all its various branches promptly and caretully executed. CHARLES ZEITLER. Cola., July 0:1, 1862. DR MARKLEY'S BEALTH HEALTH HEALTH HEALTH. RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE BALSAM -" BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM Is th e most cereds safe arid effectual mewed y offered w the public for DYSPEPSIA, LI VER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, GENERAL DEBILITY, HEADACHE, JAUNDICE, MERCURIAL DISEASES, CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS, SCROFULA, PILES, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, PA kffb ai Ali :if 4(OL t- - X') A 4 :8 41,1:1101 and all diorama originating from on impure condition of the Stomach, Liver dad Blood. P.gperienee of over twenty years with this and the other remedies prepared by the proprietor, fully e. tablish the fast that they ■re the most reliable, and will give more general satisfaction than say other remedy before the public. Being 's ober can be Galen by stay perroa and ander any cir canisaanees. NO PERSON CAN TAKE THEM WITUOIIT DERIV3II3 BENEFIT FROM TIIEIR .lISE. RO FAMILY INOULD BE WIIIIOII7 I'll L Testimonial. are daily received settler forth their v aloe. Whole colorants of vele eta ry certificates could be Risen. bat sparewill am permit. The anemias of the mobile rs called In the ...treater inmed by the sab.eriber and can be obtained es well as an the preparation. tram the agents mentioned below. TRY THEM! TRY THEM!! Prepared ouly by DR. G. H. MARELEY. LANCASTER, PA. Who eon be consolted at hi. oars or by letter, Sold la Columbia by L. DRAT & CEL, +tS and. also in Laneaster Countli, LT Jo•ltua Slosset Jeri Jacob Pliouleu,Pgalogrille; 411 1 113blaret: Sloe Calk J U Me m, Saisabeablosr* Dr. 3. Ildialluss, New liollsod; Houn dUtskerilasarrysille; C. Ralf amaaahowsiog • • • 11 , Nov. 1. MIAs I _ ICU Plaiirdnd Plain Taloan and Poplint, high colored •Wool Debibles. twat pr . d all wool niennoe.: for Misses, &c; beautiful goods flora the estatbliehtnent ofltos. W. Rents.. & Co.. Philadel phia. now opening at ft. C:VONDRIIS 31ITIVrt dept. a . I Wt. Paned... Cash Store. Cola. • .ARGLAMEWS ZN or/mem:zee, RICE% 'CHEAP CLOTHING SVOILE, Igo. 1 Wolf's Row, Front Si., (near CoWallin Bridge,' COLUMBIA, PA. 'IF yo u want - to buy CHEAP CLOTHING. and I Good. go to Riee'e. ffe !saga large Steck °free/T -oning on hi. line of botoomone,whie% he sell- at the eery lowest rate.. A Soot* of BOOTS AND SHOES:HATS AND cAPS, GENTLEMFN'S FOKNISH !NG GOODS, ,TRUNKS, Sce., 4 &Cl, Can alwaya be found at Rice' HENRI' RICE, Sideman Columbia, July 26, letitt.-tim. FOR MAKING SOAI". SA ASH. one of the bee: :wide.. In :be .to ran be bud in large or nojel! the Drug Slore of F. WILLIAMS, Locto.t street. LAMPS! LAMPS!! TOE uubwriber will keep enustunily On bond a full asgortmesii of Coul Oil Lumps. lo wbirb ke suvite• M=2== the ic-pa.tion dl the public, neys. &c.. for rule chrup. Scpi.l7:62. v. Lnet.xt Start , Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. SIIREINVA. & SPEROM, lAVING trkeu 411 e. old etoubliolted Pit itd of idltu refl.:. num street, Ca.b2'4u, respectfully foul c pu'Ate to cull and exult:tine Orem large us-ortosrets CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER and SILVER-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, COMBS . , PISTOLS, ACCORDEONS, and FANCY ARTICLES, Such-as are usually kept in a firrit-elass Jewelry- Store. We will keep constantly on hand a large stock of .9.3:101.(301"./S2401.3. "li7Ci r tlMO/A-Cants In Gold and Silver Cares—Appleton, Tracy & Co . P. S Hurtle :A and Wm IKllery movements—vrltich ab will offer to the plablie at prices to stet the times. A continuance of the fil:mer patronage is respect fully solicited. " tErßerataiso OF ALL KINDS tfILDMYSLY ADIKAY.DV - SO. Collintbla. July 1!1. INII2. treatfters: reatherg! Feathers!! WA% RANTED, A No. I, 'free from 'davit or wocill VT put up in email white bag. of from It 'me 30 the. thereby avoidiiin the trouble of handling 111.111. A pet•on wanting a bed, holiaers and pillow: ran purchnee one of nor •Mtill 'melte jut the wcicht they wont each pillow. another for the bohder, nod if large one for the bed nod empty them into the lick without any inconvenienee whatever, and they um reedy f..r u-e. We nuke no therice forwwk, nud will mull them nt the lowest market price. for prime %'eetern Lave (teen renthere. STHACY de. 110% Oppmite Odd Fellow a' Hull, Columbia, Pa Aug. 9, For Sale at a Bargain. MITE choice of Two Vtre ana Burglar Pmof Safer , - ••Illerring" or men. Patent; Also. a Pamtly Hone. and a first-rule Carriage and Harness. Calrat the more of 11. C. FONDERSMITII. Coln. Mai• 17. I PO. adjoining the Bank 4 juivvr , ,vi T-SA.PI T • IN SUBSCRIBER Offers at private salt, the following "valuable town Ipreperty„ tritg A Lot of Uround,.cors-t.iing Orabeln nix acres , situated on the nonh s ide of Mill street, in the borough off Columbia, Lancaster county Pa. adjoining property of the cantle of James Collins, deed, on the west, and the Columbia Rolling Mill properly on the ea.t, OW 1/111 ieil I. erected a good TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HODE,E,A containing two rooms and a kitchen on the first floor, (our rooms on the second *tory. and two good cellar:, There Is n pump wills well of good vrater.Jii the yard. and an ORCHARD containing an excellent barly of YOUNG FRUIT TREI.S. ut..ciwa to the mem taws. The Rending mid Columbia !tuitional pussas on the opoci.iie nude of the sweet from the property "For term. apple to cum. Aim! 05,..1ea1r-tf. 11111 COLVIZZIAL 4NSURANCE COMPANY,, OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, AM CITA RTER PERPETVA4ft TIIIS Company continues to insure Buildings. Met , chataltse . , and other property, ngraitt-t loss and damage 1.5- fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. The success of the Company has far exceeded the roost sanguine expectations oldie Directors. and it will be noticed by the -following tantement that it 4 afinirs are in a healthy and flourishing condition. Whole Arnow:alum:wed $772,707 34. Balance or Cash Premium, unex pended. Pen. 1,41E01. S9G.S IS Cash Premium. received during llre the last year, less agents' coin mimeos, 03,313 Interest received on money loaned lust year, ----Si 810 07 Losses 'sad Espenses paid the last year, 22,701 2t Balance of Cash Premiums unex pended, Feb. Ist, liW2. 1.025 It will be seen from the above that the money pant in adviinee (or policies has been sufficient to pny all i11...C.111mi ranee-es and kayo a ampler fond of over Fifuen ittindred Dollen. and that the Directors have never levied tiny to upon the members of the Cont. patty C. s: KAIrrFMAN, Presidont. GIWRGI6 Vorso. Jf., Secretary. AltetrAsc. S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. 3=I3CELMICITOJ3: C. S. KAUFFMAN, EPHRAIM lIIERSRIEV, ABRAHAM BRIINER, I'iIICHA EL H. AMORY; JOHN FENDRICIL GEO. YOUNG. Jr., IL G. MINICH. NICHOLAS M'DONALD, SAMUEL. F. EBERLIGN,AALLIS S. GREEN. MICHAEL S SHUMAN. Cetuinhiu. June tH. 1,61 NIIIISSION & FORWA DING. 17: B. 7. 81 , 1 , 01.71, • aENELIL Forwarding & lier- Goode and Iron forranrded to all points on the retina ,North Branch and Wert flntneWitlanolr; • ail points along 1114 Penna. Railroad. Devi .r in limn, Airs*" salt sad Player. Also, dealer vn Coal, cionsimingmf: Elaltireenre 13m,Withee iivIve, Pirt•slown. Eng Dlonninin. Irtrue:Collterw, Pine Drove. I.yheris Valley, Short dloatitaln, Treverlop rad Broad l op. All enmegnmenie ahall be promptly amended 110.— F.r rul rbu partieu'orl, address 41. V. A P POLD, Canal Basin, Columbia, Pa. inpronl eared:lll7 veleciltd and prepared for gamily ow, will be delivered to any part of the town in good order—free Troia Mate or dam. (May 31, laW. NEW AND 'VALUABLE REIPE3: WORTIZY OF d TMT , TO MAKE AN OLD NOME LOOX mew. - Have It papemd thoroughly with th e HALF MIME paper now Bening at FONDERISIIIITIVS, Adjoining the Hank. TO MANE AN OLT. NAN LOON NEW. Boy him a suit of those new and cheap Cloths and Cassumeres, and yet them made by a good tailor.— You can get the 11/(XICDTat H. C. FON DRRSMITITS Teeple's Cash Stone. TO SAKE A YOCKG MAN LOOK OLD. Di Ina Clothes at st Clothing . Store. TO MAKS AN OLD LADY LOOK AMIAILS. Day bee plain dress goods at_ONDERSMITIII TO MAKS A 'COMM LADY LOOK GAY! Cy all means select bier dre•a reeds hula the new and beauuful stock just received at N. C. FONDERSMIMS. TO SATZ MONET Til t • iSTIZIF.: Let ereql. body bay *belt earn. Barrios In Al nal ins . Ca Iscoes.Onalabii42l and DOZlestie Ceded' geuentilY""r" tad , Fcrawasurrum Old Stand. Cishrabwarar 14.1edt WINES, GROCERIES, &c. GEO. TILLS, ear., most - respeclisity Mires the public Mot be ka• added to bpi stock o(bbro• eerier, he.. a Gee asoonment of pure NUMPirElli "*. The... Wines are parr—no a/inherited cask—ius4 are wined able to the sick land thelre vireo", and the weak. lie respires/ally volweer from lease who need an article of the Lind, otusSed th at a t. 1.1 will 'reify hip ao.d. Ile. ' GrRICI.CnEEDMICENS.': baying betel work? the sensioa of everybody—sod bii vrik,—wiko! ovo, Jo dirk eadiest oomosoirmiro. cuunacit *DID UNION SM. Cotombio. Avg. t—lx. , to 'A FOR RENT OR 16114 kirbs' ALV IH 7 II44 , * "117 .4 111 :, - above Poosib. *vowel' 'oveaplofbeiVienefil: with a line Wirt Mabte and Carpettlantro r t i • Paveavviav guava rapt day of Apri A' I 0.41 f Cola. ilageb tt, tbfat-tf . t • •JOSEPH: V LAlR'ft TIZZI FTEnlrrrl