11 1 ,1 1)1 e • 7 11; • .. • • .• .r • „z SAMUEL WRIGHT, Editor and Pro,prietor. VOLUME XXXIV, NUMBER 21.1 krUBLISRED, EVERY.SITURDAY MORNING. Office in Carpet Hall, North-westeorner of Frani and ;Locust streets. Terms of Subscription. axe Copyperrtnnato,i f paidin advance, 4 ir no paid within three .moniltsfromeommeneemen ialthe year, 11 00 9. Claim:Ma A. ocop3r. 1 ,, 104 uhwerapiton received lora ICS. time than .Ix. 0/0".011tillf;:lIld no paper wil I be di.continued mill: all 0 pree,r4vesarepatd,unleatat the optiono fthe hor!_ ici-Money rts ybe•amittedb F, risk. . Rates of Advertising. ' quart ines3one week. at three weelrp. eachwhitequeniineertion, 10 (12 ineF Jonemeek. 50 three weeks. I on eachiutmequentinsertion. 25 bareeralvertitementiin proportion A libera I i iACOI2IIIWi .0.1.30 to quarterly, heir ni e a r l ttivertkere,.no ore striell)eonfined dn Omar bueinesp H. N. NORTH, A TTOENEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Columbia,Pn. Collections.r.romptlymade,i nLancasteinnd Yorl ,!,[•nuke'. Columbin,May 4,1850. DR. HOFFER, DENTIST.--OFFICE, Front Street 4th dorn. Irom Locust, over Saylor & McDonald's Hook too e •Columt a, Pa- !ErEntrance, bathe •a. JoHey's Ph neraph Gallery, • 21. Harrison's Cournbian Ink orrincti a superior article, permanently black, WV Ind not corroding the pen, can be had in any .anttly. at the Family Medicine Store, and blacker yeti is Mat English Boot Polish. Columbia, June 9.18.59 Another New Arrival. IXTE are opening this day a beautiful line of Ladies', VT Gents' and Hors' wear, which we are offering •ipricei to suit the times. 91 .3ACY & BOWERS, cor. tttl and Locust Sot June 7,1562 Sousekeeper's, a Word! TV : 4 T Received, n full •rock of bleached nod un tit bleached Martin.. Ticking•, Cheeks. Gingham.. i.nd Print+, to a word, every wing peril:train to do 'aerie ate. Call and examine for yourrrlves. at STRA.CY fc HOWERS. eor.ld 'ti! Loeust June 7. 1R7.2 Lawns, Lawns, Lawns. T A DIK'S enli and tter. our ;want itul cent I.nsvni, f.t , t rwlor,, ot el I %CY h WAVERS, Jgme, 28. I:812 Orpo-ac Odd Fellow. , Halt. r t c-fil ANEW and fplendid style of !looped Skirts, j1:14 meet vett; Also, a full wannest of other style., very cheap AlitUrßli dr, CASE, Columbia, Apr:l 26,1662. Locust Firm:. FOR SALMI, 1500 7,,, ; !, :t 6. A. Salt, 100 Saeks Aj ,i sli t lt i rgad! B Ap- WareltouPe, Canal Sabin. Columbia Dec. 29. 1961. SCOW FAIR BARGAINS. just seceived another Jai of MI•wool De- TY 'Rill!, and plaid Mocamhiques. which we offer at reduced price.. IST.filitiC & HOW Efts. Cola. Awe 29, !Sat Cur. 2d and Locurt Sta. T 01,1) CREAM OF GLYCERINE.--For the tarr and preve"lion In chopped !intuit, ate. Vol Pal t at the )LDEN MORTAR DRUG SF' ) Dee.3.195A Front street. Ca 'amine NOTICE. Hr. and- eXtellell would give notice that lie inlentle T nc real.. udo a rush btl.llll,A, and will nett gonna ai reduced puree. Ituitreinu wen Mid others whei r-- c rive their pay monthly, will be allowed ■ credit .‘l* 30 days. 11. F. URI NKR. Oct. 12,1901. SALT! SALT! 1 UST received by vhe .übscriber, ut their sore 8J Locust street beim, Second. 100 Bags Ground Alum Salt, h •11.Nti h • at the 'ow•e