PKIIIFY THE BLOOD AStil Jittrengthen the Constitution WO TREATMENT nrt REMEDIES be. ever been so TllecexAful in el. gem ually caring disease as etwayite's valuable - liledictiter,” a. remedy fonenah -and every malady, prepared with the greatest ea re,.umilor he.imrsedi me supervision ofm shorough educated Physician. We have eernficates of extraor stinary.cures of diseased lungs, performed by -'‘'.Dr.Swatynes eonapoun4 Syrup of Wild Cherry," .eases where:he le ign were very much disordered, giv .en up to die by physicians tend friends. lithe bowels rare costive or not auffieiently free, use in connexion yn g's Sa pu and Tar Pills" a great pu tidy iimbpurgative. :rho two will cleanse out all dis ordered humors, enric'• and purify the Mood, remove all unliechLy billious accuetions .of the stoartch end bowels causing a :perrect healthy mute of the liver. .11 you have cough, asthma, hemorrhage of spitting of blood, core throat. ob eli actions of the spleen or liver, short breath, pain in the urinary owns, night sweat'. nervous debility, restless males, and symptoms Si ,puletonary consumption. Do not delay, hut procure the above remedies et once. 20 years experience. .proven to the world that they cannot be excelled. ",•vraynes Compound Syr :p Wild Cherry," "Swayne's Compound syrup Wild Cherry," -"Swayttes Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," "Swarm's Compound Syrup Wild Cherry," cures all complaints of a pulmonary nature, stimu lates the secretions of the skin, kidneys, and bron chial mucus membrane, has great influence over the nervous system. This remedy is the result of extensive experience and diver.lfie , l practice or many years. and 11011 C lin. ever obinined a higher or_more deserved reputation. Tinny wonderful cures hove inkets place, after the lungs have been very much disordered. GREAT PURIFYING PURGATIVE! flwayne's Sarrapa a alla and Tar rills—sugar coated Swayne's :Sarsaparilla and Tar Pills -sugar coated. For Headache, FE: M LE Liver Compla int.,' For Headache, COM- Liver Complaints, For Headache, PLAINTS, Liver C omplaint, nocraials 01;pr-remiss and families halve thorouahly dosted.anddried Them for :almost every dire lo.e. end nheytave given their testimony that they are beyond all question the very hem medicine as family playrie. Headache. dimness of vision, palsy, fats. fevers. sick headache, liver complaint. 1054 of appetite. bal ions a fractions. hr., are cared. Female irregulari ties are restored to a healihy condition. Let it be Remembered These are perfect blood purifying pills, compounded with sarsaparilla mid other valuable vegetable ex tracts, and a certain purgative. free from gripiag, cor recting the sumach and bowels into a perfectly heal thy condition. DR. SWAYNE'S BOWEL CORDIAL:. The Ulna;ling Remedy for The Unfailing Remedy for Diarrldea, Dysentery. Cholera hforbus, Diarrhma. Dysentery. Cholera Morhus, Diarrhcea. Dy..entery, Cholera Morhus, Cholera lnfunium or Summer Complaint, Cholera Inflentum or Summer Complaint DR. SWAYNE'S VERMIFUGE. A mire worm killer—an excellent tonic—good for delicate or .ickly child ren—pleatant to the tome. Sway ne'a Blood Purifying Panacee, Swaync'a Wood Purifying Ponacen. Trepared only by Dr. SWANNE & SON. Dr. Swv iyur & Son. No. 330 N. 6th-et, above Vine. Dr. Sway n e & Son, No.:130 N. 0th -et.. shove Vine; Dr.Svroytte & Son, No. 130 N. 6th -.t., above Vine. loatimekrzurt. PUHA DELPIIIA. Col/ by ICILI'DV & CARR and 11.6ILAY lir. CO., Colour bin- Ulna. Heinu•h and 'Win. G. linker, Lnnca•ter 8. hoed and S. Wilkinson. Fairfieni, cud ull the prin cipal storekeepers in Lancaster county. $e I. 20. I Mt. GOD SAVE THE COMMONWEALTH. SH2RIFFS PROCLAMATION. FOR TUE GENRRAG ELRCTION FOR 1862 IN ()evidence of the Mateo imposed by the Elaction law+ of the State of Pt ista.ylvania, I, S. AV. 1' Boyd, IVO Slietift of Lanett-lee county, do heretic pnblioil and give notice to the Qualified cuiicus , elec. tore et(the vend Wa icic and Bo rough. of the City mid County of I.fiffen.ter. lhnt n General Election will be held on TUESDAY. the 141 h clay of °ember neXL. if at ilfe scverifi places bete designated. to Heel by ballot: One ner-on duiy qua Ithed for member of the Th;rly ainth Comnes. 01 the UIIIIC4 Stama. Four per.ona duly . qualified for members of the House of prpre•rntuuve• of Pemi=ylvaida. One per-on duly qualified lot District Atlorney of the a3ost...r of Isnnea.ter. Otte person duly qualified for ellllllly Coirmissiaaer l'asro persons dal) qualified for Direciors or the Poor to serve for dare year.. Two perowna duly qualified fur Poison Pavers:lN, to serve fur oirre yrur- Ooc peroom duly qualified for County surveyor of the County of Lancaster. °tie 'tenon,' duly qualified for Auditor. Ist Di-trio—Composed of the Four Wards of fon es esouer Cloy The tiontisfirot vou • r, of the Muth Fast Ward will hold their eliedooo at dw publie hoopoe of Anillony betide, no L'a-t King nice:; otiose of the Nora, West IVaid tit the politic lino so oevorind Adorn Trout; tbo•e of the South East Wood at the public houooe meowed by 'Fagot. Miller, on Ea-t Kong .trees; *loose of the South Wept Ward, sit the pubic house of Amos Groff' tosd Di•toet—Drmnore towndiirt, at the No 2 reboot ham, in the vdlase of Chr-lout Level. 3d District—Borough of Elizabethtown. nt Ole public house now occupied by George W. Boyer, in said 113 o• rough. 611 a District-1 1 11,H township nt the public hall hs she •itliage of New I lobrind. nt said township. sth District—Elintibeilt township al the public house now occupied by 011111.1111.211 d Elias Bentz, is; Bricks erville, iii said lownship. Gds Distinct—Borough of Strnsburg at tar public house now occupied by {lrony Mar. in 'aid borough. 7111Dostrict—Itapho township including the Borough slit klarilieun, at the public house KM occupied by Mi chael White. is said borough. knit Dishful—Sulislinry township at the public house now occupied by lobs, Muses, White Horse tavern in said toveoship 9111 township at the public honor now occupied by Widow Fulmer, in the swinge of Beaststown, in said township. 11. Dis 101triet—Beitig part o the township of Kass nosiest's% as she Inll/11C school house in site village of May'owes, in said township. 11th District—Crentarvon township . at the public house now occupied by John fillers,sta the village of Churchiown. in said township. 1211: District—Manic township at the public house now occupied by George ROinll6o.l in said township. 131 h Dostrict—Burl township at the public house now occupied by Edwin Garrett in said township. 14th District —Colernitt iownship at the public house now occupied by in, ti Ilsliebrand ist said township. 15th Distriet..-PUilOll township at the public house sow occupied by Joseph Philips lit said township. 16111 thstriet —Warwick township, at the public Louse RCM occupied by Samuel Isolates, tinder, at the village of horn. in amid township. 1711. District—somixosed of the Borough of Marietta 'slid part of Knit Donegial township, at the public school house in she borough of Inn rietta,ut sold township 18th District—Columbia Borough at the Town Hall, in said borsinch 10th Districi—Sadsbury township, at the public house now neenpied by Abraham Stoop. to said township. 20th Disinct—Lencock toseoship, at the public house now occupied by George Diller, in said township. 21et. District —llreekssock township, at the public house now occupied by Jacob kleaseser, in said town ship. teld District—Mount Joy Borough, at the public school house' n the v Wane of Mount Joy. .143 d Disteici—Being pan of Bast Hempfield township. ■t the public house I ow occupied I.y Jona, Swum an the village of Pet...bury, in 'aid township, 24th Lompeter township. at the pals. lie house now oecuried lay Henry Miller, in the village of Lampeter:S..quare, in said township. 25th Distract—Conestoga town-hap, at the public house now occupied by John G. Preis, in said town stip. . . . 26th District—Being part of Manor township, at the foppe,r scho olhip. house in Inc borough of Washington, in siud towns 2701 Distrust—Ephrata township. at the public house now occupied by John W Grego, in said township. 26th Di.trici—Conoy township, at the public school house in the villsse of Bainbridge. in said township. 26th Distriet—Mainheim township, at the public house now occupied by Charles H. 'Crider, in Moult loge of Ne(ravine. in said township. 30th DlPlllpet—Doing part of Manor township. at the public. house new occupied by George Bomberger, in illiderstown lit said township. Slet District—West Earl township. at the public bouise now occupied by Grabill G. Forney, in Kansale In said downs/lip. ?del District—West Hempfield township, at the pub lic louse pow occupied by John Kendig, to said town ship . . 33d District —Ptrasbure township. at the public house DOw crecapied by James Curran, In the borough of Diresborg. mai Utstrict—Deing part of Manor township. com monly celled Indiantown disiviet, at the public house of nemerd Stoner. in said townsb.p. QJth District—West Cecelia° township, at the public house Dow occupied by John W. Mentzer, in the of Stioeneetr. to said township. 70th District—East Earl township, at the public house new ownship. occupied by Henry Yendt. Moe Ball , in said t• • ' 27thDistrict—Parsdise township, at the public house sow occupied by James Frew,in said township. Dismiet—Heipg a part of Sam Hempficld town ship, at the public school house is the village of Hemp in said tosnuthip. • Bilth District—Lancaster township. at the nubile house nowimoupied byr-H said township. oth District,-Bast Latencies township. at the public hpase . now occupied by Leary Beneagy,ita said town ships alin District—Link Britain township. at the hbuse at Same Bevan dr. Co, in said township. Chi District—Upper Les7li township, at the public house et hlichael Bender , i said townsittp. did Distrim—Penn :owns ip, at the public house of C. Illershce.ln said township. 44th District—Beensight of .hdassitown, at the school hoses in said horosgb. 44th DieHnist—Clay township. si the house of George W. Steinmetz, (formerly John gib's) in said township. UM District—Pepe. township. at the public house of Benjamin Rowe,in said township. Diseictie-Providence township, at the house now aticosiest by Daniel Haber. m said township. 49th District—Eden township. at the public house of Witham .I.llm'. in said township. oth District—Being that past abloom toy township heretofore included to the 9d district, at Lehman's school house, in said towniltip. Minh Distinct —Wee Donegal township. heretofore Metalled in the ad election district, at Butt's school boweiin mid township. Slat District—That part of Mount Joy township heretofore included 10 the 22d district. at Benjamin Bresanan't school house, in said township. ; 52d District—That part of frapho township herein ' f ore i.c tided in the 22.1 dietrich at Strickler's seho 4 • bou..e.rr r said township. filbl Di-tlict—That part of Eng and West Donegal Ova hip., heretofore ineluded in die 22d di-trice. at he tai •I a hoot bootee. it tire village of Springvi le, in • -aid town-top. The General Election in all the Wr rd., Tereetioltins. I i .t. acts nod Bosough- °lithe eounty,• I be openiel between ,he hour- of e gh. and ten 0% lock in the , 1 forenoon, nail shall rent iiiii c without hum iota..., . r .Idionritnient. until Seven O'clock ill the evening. when all the polls shall lie cloord. Every per-on. excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment or profit or trust under the Government of the United States. or of ild s State, or el tiny co yor incerpormed dish' let. whether n eommoionerloffieer or otherwise. it subnr iiiitate officer Or sigma, who i or ...hall Ire intipleqed Under the Legislative, Executive or Judiciary de pertinent. ethic State or ;he United Slates or 01 any city oritecorporatei dt-trich nod Mon that ever) mem ber or Congress, or of the Slate Let:Limn re, and of die Sclem and Common Councils of any . citeor Com mi--ion or o any illeCii penned district, is, by law, in /mambo, ot holdiog or exhrei-ing or the s a me omit the office or iippoullinent of Judge. hopector or clerk of gny eleetiOil of this Commonwealth. arid no lit.r,e tor. judge or other officer of any such election shall be eligible there to he voted for. n ; The inspectors nod Judges of the cite lions shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding. Um election in the r l i-tort. to whieh they revpectively belong, before none o'clock in the looming. and each of said in-pectors Ara II tippoim Otte clerk who shall be a ritialificd voter of ouch ilmoart. • In care the person who v. halt have received the rec. Ond liighe.l number of votes for in-inetor shall not at terra on the day of tray election, tiler, the per-on who shall have received the second highest number of voles for judge at the next preceding eleCtiOn shall net as inspector to his place. Aid in ease the per son wino .11.11 have received the lit- best number of vote. for i n spector shall not attend, r e person elected jadge -ball lippolel an inspector iii tins pinee -nod in ease the perm. elected a judge shall not intend, then the inspector who received the highest :lumber of votes shall appoint a judge in his place—or if any so money shall continue in the hoard for the son cc of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening . of the &colon. the qualtfted voter* of the lawn-h ip, ward or di.triei for which such officer. shall Imve been elected prevent at such election, shall elect Due of thri r number to fill suer vacancy. II shall be Pm duty of the -event assessors of eneli ili-itici to ritienthat the ',Mee of holding every general, special, or town-hip election. during the whole time mod eleetton iv Lein open. (or the purpo-r Of gluing information In the inspeetors road judger, when called On, in relation to die right of silty person us-es-ed oy iliem to vote at such elemient, or such oilier matters i t relation to the 11.,•.itiesits of voters run the said in spectors or tidier of ,hem shutl from time to time re quite. No person shrill be permitted to vote nt any etre Inn. as aforesaid, other than a white freeman of the age of twenty-one years or more, who , lii.ll have le sided ill the Stole at least one year, r u ed in the election di-trust where he otT•rs nth vole at least ten tiny= mi. medtaiely preceding smelt election, mad within two years paid a State or Comity tax, which shall have been a-sessed tit len-i ten Jays before the eleetiote But a citizen of the Untied Slates who has previously hero a qualified voter of this Shire, and removed there. from and re.unted, and who id - all have resided in the election dotrict and paid Irises tis oforeraid. shalt lie entitled to vote after resitting in this State-six mouth.: Provided. that the white freemen, citizens of the Uni ted States, between live arty - one and I,Velity-two years, who have resided ill an election district as aforesaid. shall be entitled to vote although they shalt not have paid taxes. Na person shall he permitted to vote whore name in no: contained in the 11-t of torible inhabitants fur. nigher' by the Commissioner-. unless first, he produce a receipt for the payment 'middle t xo yems of a Suite or county mg assessed agreeably to the Coll,lliltilioll mid give satodamory evidence culler on his oath or affirmation. or the 011111 Or affirmation of sittother. that he has poid such rr tux. or on failure to produce Stith receipt Alan make °nth to the payment thereof. See oath if he Munn the right to vote by tieing an elector be weer, the urge of twetity-mie and twenty-two years. lie shall depose on oath or affirm:lvo a 0 it he leis re. shied in ilti. Slate al Ica-1 DIX Veils next before hie application, and make suet moor of residence ton the dot nit as is required by tins rich:trot that he doe verily believe frorn:lhe riCeOilill given Trim, Hint lie i. of eve oforesued told Filch other evidence as is re- Oilfired Is; chi- act, WheielipOil ihe none of rite persoo thus :trimmed to vote rholl;b0 inserted in the alpha, helical leg lay the inspectors, and a note made oppo - thereto by wriiiite, the word ihax," if he than be autmitted to vote by reason of hay to:zooid tog., or the word *.ace." if he -hull be admitted to vole by reason of age,