Mi NEW GOODS: !GEV!. IPOODS; Tittdbirdibet hin jasi Waisted frout-the ....tlslll.ltdaiir 'too:Dud WAalizieutur FALL' AND wing:a UDODS; Wit, all wool Ikelciacs—very ions , figure.: Helaine* 10 PU:I noel, mud csera one 'lOO plerg New Sill., Calicoes; lle dras' wirey and glovea—l fall assontoron Children's How, a,.d thorn; ilf.`aliontai Stars for Alisrc-'; • 'Naltrionil Skins; indire FOUltiga and Nair& Lattice' and Children'. Hood.. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: cluit..o.4ojamese+..te., Oen I irmr /soot. and :sanest pentleown'a - under wear, Griallemen s Extra Nod trawls Hroilemen't 0 Wire. Hosiery, h e. GENTS. FIFES OF DIFFERENT STYLES. ARO which be sold at a vrry small profit. ItHUNEIt. Cor, Third and Hearn, t.d•,. cola. _ Pee. 14, 111 STECE.T.V.V.D. LOT of :stew Sugar Currd Wan.. of fir.l rate quad ity. Try them. H Canter Front and Union .tracts. Colusoblo,Feb. 9, NEW FURS Am COST 1 . A IFEW :Dore SA34 of rur. ea o yet be had at CO4l, at FO :more, Atkjoioing 13.t0k- eolsi./Jec. :IL, 1861. ZISSOLMION. Trutt partnership herctofnrc exi-ring bet t, ee n u n- IL derwigneti 111 the Co.aelatuttlltsu u • der iae bins of tarter tic Heelter, Iv , beet. flit. tiny tit,pixed by mitutal eon,ent. Ti e ueetutm• OS 'lie hilt EMI W . II Le seated by Stantiel Corn,. I. whom the int-tires will be eonducted ill the old stnttd, Olt *' - ecouttt atrect, Colt:Atm.. rt . A C ‘llTEtt, EDWIN A. LIECICEIt. -Colombia, Dec. 3, le,' The tubieriber relirisig from the firm of Carter& Oftener, tetariatifg taanl.B to the,i.1,18.. for Dual liberal atraaagetittletet• a colitlaudare of the .unse , lo Mr. •Carter who ii-tumes Me entire ..thkirge of th , -Cola , Dr EDWIN A. DECKER. ME. StrXDALAVS tiROZE Y & PROVISION - STARE, 410011.. FRONT & UNION Tv HK -oh , Oriher Leepa on hand nt hiP.Olll 41mad 31 V.- A. lied Ilid0.1MCI:IL Or aniclt- an la., tau., caua.l.t o, of PRIME GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, PROCkUCE,.vuOUR, FEED, INEENSWIR.E, tLisSSWARE, FRESH A 'CD Dal ED.FILC IT, CON L . lie rION k kV. No r iD V, . &C The bent and eLeupent Tens, :agars, C.Arre4, ol aan, Salt both of all kinds. Hums. tihnulder Potatoes. }leans. liorninaitey, Dried Apple mull. aroaps ,Cangles. Flour, Corn Meal. th ick w heat Floar. Apples, eitllCMell. &C. gueonswnie he nets nod single nicer, G lasowa re of /eye.) ilesareption s Earthenware, Ceder.va.e. greut variety of smatter wares nil Notloll4. In short, a general eeleetiou of over} thing su the hound in establielimeab.. The undersigned is prepared to -ell a i low as the ,invirest, and furnish as good articles for the 'y - aft arks a I.OIIIiTIUSIIICC of the pu him .0 100110 retutore so liberally extended to him. CoM. Nov. 9.3, lOW. 11. it 1D...0.1. ALBERT GRAY di. CO., GOLDEN NORTAR DRUG STORE, FRONT ST., ALWYN LOCUST, COLA. PA. TINE etiliscribere having purchshied from the late pro prieiore, 11. John & CO., the above establishutein. will berenfter conduct the bouitievu at ti.e oul sound Ander the boo of Acarar GRAY h 110. They will keep a regular end large *apply of DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, • FANCY ARTICLES. PER PUM Y. COAL OIL, LAMPS & SHADES, with a general useoroment of everything usually found au similar esiumbh..ltineuni. This store has always done a leading hg, ineaa ill Columbia mid the new firm will epee:odor CO YU-111111 its reputation, hoping to teee ve at fair proportion of public support. klereaßornowntry ph icing,. wltl tind it to their ad vantage to purchuee pt the ultolden Mortar." where their orders will he tilled at eery aligat adt,tec on Phil adelphia wholesale price+. Faitillies cent omen se their mediesiseu ut silt bow. , Statist peitional attention give., 10 the posits of medi poets, and all prevesiptitniu will be care ally com et. DRAY tr. ANEW GOODS. THE undersigned lams returned flout the el:, and 14 prepared to ittrui.h the public with g•. 0.1 lk uud sestp stock of Caltroes.ol the he.' old prier!; bleached and unbleached, a very good 1.11"01VM ,11 CASSIN.ERES, AND CLOTHS, filatinens and Boys weur—u lull stuck and tutees to sea the Eats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all k ludo, Cheap for Cash P. S. Having rorclan.ed mobs ot toy goods from wholesale laosbeb that wore forced to bell Meer stock, / as prepared to sell at reduced praccs 11. F. O. Coluitthaa. Oat. Cheap Books, Cheap Books. D OOXSSELLitiO HIO.OW COST. In order to renew our stock. we offer our entire araironmetit of miscellaneous hooka, at the following greatly reduced prises:- 61.4 Books a: 7 ets. 51.00 Books at GI ets. 75c1. 45 e sOct. 11.5 et. >d ‘l Constantly on band a general assortment of Qebool Book.. paper, pew', en volope• r end all Linde of sin. Louirry us cheap us can be bought in Ihr ray. SAYLOR h 51c HON d 1.1), C.ola. Oet. IV, 'GI. Prom el., 2 door.. Auve THE HEROES OP PEACE. AND W2l.c. 3EXcaroBB car 1 17Critx... 1 , ANTHONY, No. 501 tiroodwtty. New York. i. .11. J• now pottlirlaing. In adtlinott In other ponrotn, itto oeletouted vollecuon know. t. Europe rod Amer ica on Emily's National Photograph it Portrait Gallery whieb .1a included Fantails of nearly r II the prom limit men of !merle& not excepting Jeff. v.. I:eit liliaaaregard. Floyd. and a bnto of Giber confeclPruir• rrirs of Patti:Ms 63(9 per dozen Con be bl ) AWL &IMES OF TRH WAR FOR 'FRE UNION, Are rd size. and in siereowopie farm. AL.°, riirrepseopie Views o rmen.eo in Paris. Lna• iu °lberia...its of England and From e. in :seat. 'sad, ire!und, iValesyitorrassi4zwitzeria nil. Spa in. 011 }bit Mine, in Aliens. the !Icily Lund, Cuba, ke.,4e.: infinitum. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STERIIOsCOPIC FIEWS ItETHEG IMI.TEerr WON DER OF TI I E AO E. TS••• •re talon In the lortteth pan of a seeded, And the :lashing of wenn, the mu•not or e, lortes. or the :ea rub of an army. does not it. she ✓t¢hrr•t degree of {let the tialiiij Of attire %Leo,. The) me vold for 81 Ott per down. fV. have also on band and mattor.“ . ...re .hr I ..rger. Assortment ofettrreutvope•.l t hotoert !Ate Antonin, tool PROTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS =EI Ottalegee•. ronluudug 11.1. of Mil Onr POrIrXIIM. Views. Sierenneepol. &r.. will Le ..eet gee by PH Seralit of a .111101'. E. ANTIIONV :PI Grnndw•r. Nrut at. Ntelttilio. llutel New lurk. Pvt.lo • 614 v Trade Sales; Trade Sales!! Tet: stahowriber haying in..' returned trom the viol. todetplitit Trade Sale, oter.t at the low,. price, all kinds of honk. embracing - Late, F.enote.:lledtert I, $..1 Iltogrank v.iftee ha meal att.' other hind• That •e Boole will all be •o.d at the lowe.l prece, e had the advantage and were tile chit Book-eller frrtge Larietutter,•l the Trade al row, tioettee, qe eau pelt lower than any 7.104 e. A 'cwt of ter. Snake are hare mentioaed: 'Web...loloa Unabridged Dtettongr.y. Worer,ter's Vithlyrittged Dictiona , Y. e , rdrtirea Teat Book, Baeb.ed Army Regalaiiona. Prlreletlan'a Bayonet Exereteee, P. S. Infantry Twin..., Zeus,. Drill Hook. filit.Boota of all Lind... Phatographie A lbonie. Fee Pot set or Centre Table, in *tent variety. The bet Hoek ter the Peat.on. jkisool MENs. Claart. and Cards, Pelgene. 41)0iione Map., clande re' Eloca lions ry Claw rt, It , aluders , eelhool Curd*. ergeani , . :Se lone! Canto., VI ebb'. schoo, rd• Whirs in peat variety teem Twenty•fivr rent. in Twenty-five Del Mrs, some of . them haying the hne.t binderga and plates ever reerata: is, Sunday School tionle-Mci hothat. but hermit, Epaten pa I. P reabyte rise. American Tract tiopety, American I....taday crhool Upton. Ordeal Book.—Sa tater.',ToWers, Ss racist's. Parker Oa Watson's Meader,. Monteith'., alitrdell's, War. retis.smild's Geograplats. Also. Algebras. Arith irctica, Gretna:tars, Ilitaories. Mel tenant., ike. elta tioneri. Copy mad Compeation Beads. S•an• Note. and Letter Paper, Blank Books, Slates. lead and ;Mate Pencils. revs and Molders. Ink' and ink.lands. Salep.and Envelopes, The bees Ink. in she market are void here,vist Maynard pal Noy,., ill•eaer.. Laughlin* & autthfie'd'., InaekwoodNi, Ott. 43pr Cheop Beek Starr er PailllK V:AFFTR, = = I 11_ 11•31111:1G A' 1/01.11 el a # Pur Sa/r 1.7 It V. ILI.IA 1.1.4 31. ISM r,otti •trrrt. i`ollsnobin WANTED, WANTED. 5, 000 Itr.,Cll74,'"l' d m i d‘rTnnct.".7',Z," , ,T,'"' U. F. A Pros . ..D. em.. 11;.. pos. g 3. Viet. Con•I Ifaxigt. 011511111110 Drams and ApLi . a at S 7*r:re% eaf. 44--XPoIZ WALL lA./ PAPIy Eh:ire thenalance of oa r rock eee.)nieely arranged in our Lower Stole Room. ready for in. ltpainion. ?omit:leers can SAVE SO PIA CENT. in papering their house. by calling enn at the old stand of IL C. FONDERSMITH, Cola. March 8.1%2. 'Adjoining me Bank. SUGARS, SUGARS. CALL mid examine out kzugam. LITILV ,EXTRA ititOWN.ZII A 'MI avionmein of C.:I2OCERIE 4 , wilh u uupply of CONFEZTIONF:RY SUITABLE FOIL THE OOLI DAYS, Al Ihr Corner orThiril and Usdoil St.eetg. (101 a. Dec 14. MI, 11. F. BRIT:V.:Ft Ehrisman Fr. Flannery's CONTINENTAL SALOON, N. W. Corner Front and Locust Streets, COLUMBIA, PENNA. KEE the eelielit and beet Lager al- E. Sr, Tl, r fl ..• W 1.31 on tap. GrODOMCO will find nt lie 6 .C.Agirr tqltliTAX... every ingredieot for a mind. re ireelting. flitr.it-st.enaging draughi, und every tinge.- wry to 41 4 Deriert eido)tacitt. The naloon i large and airy, with a current of air on the holiest day and a CU.reill of Luger every day The CONTINZSTAL is a cmple of' Song—lie.nlquartere of PAM', multi and Ili aoceat a nun:mitt. [Cola, July 13, 'tit. BCGIVN•S EESENCE JAMAICA GINGER. particularly recommended al Met oen.on art TOI.IC to the Ul•prpUt uticl liivuoid, pied is par ocularly efileaciou, ut ,ittruner c . plaint.. For .clt to the FAMILY MELLCINE Cult. duly dO, 1501. OEXP,AXWARE! % - F.-have ar. l a large u-4orunent of CEDAR 11W. ARE of every de•erismun N lurk we. 1,0 sell ul very low J. BC \INA.: &ON. ,Culu. July 6,'01. 1. cu-t Si ,I i lowlSe coml. WRAPPING PA PERI UST received. MU Reims, 01 W11.31)11,4! Piper. al 4.1 er Krum. J. 1113311.1.1; dc SON, Cola. Dm.. 1.1. iced. Loeu-t Street. anziar BOOR STORE, No. d 2, Korth Queen Street, TS the thcapest place in the City to get miseelluiwou- lion Standard every drruirtin..l.l. of Literature: al.°, Sohool 80010, and School Slutionery, e pri.iteg all lire v.ious Rend. log ruin! Spelling Hooka A ndunrtre. A Igebra.. *lll Da:lion:mei.. Ili-tones. Philobo• pile-. rind all the School Honk. lire varioti+ p a w., arid 1.11,11 e Sehook of the Coy and Coulity. together to It Copy and Cottipo•ti.on [took, Letter. cap nod None Paper. Mani. Bonk.. Slaie.: !Aqui and Slate l'enelk.l'ens and Holder...lnk Itt.let. and 16,11111.1 f•illple10. ti—ortinetit Of 51.121101 %II:111011 cry mr 11.11111 and 101 14.11 e at the love-1 prteeri of any plan 111 the oil, . 1./suite. for 1 , 011 Diode. forISIO: very cheap. tor'l3l: Atut.i.elei. for *4/! Aminnat , All kind-! All kood•! All Wail.; Vrlso'e-aleuto: Retail! Er A try article not on leant p.m:11111v I r orsii-hued wrmuut ox tin charge, at .10111 s: SIIA EWER'S Cheap Book Shore No. :31. Nonh (Orme Street. next door to the Exam. ruler and Herald Daiee.Laticuttier. flee. I . I ktiO. The Last Bound for the Season. s Norling r6..ire 101. and al pi ier• murk below I. llie co•t JI iulponn•ion, of those deedrable 171.0. (Inod., Ntodensi Cloth.. illootinitionire. Lo-Ire, &c.. Ac.. have b..eii r ~,,, leech und lire 11011 ready (or the insiieelion of MC Ju lie.. TlinSe Will lAr Ihr 111.1 good- of Ibr kind tire retie und client. bey and COOll/1111Soll. ALSO, 7-4 White and Black Bete gr, for - dies' ehawloonloot received tot the Coo.h soore io nI /I C.FONDERS 111'1'11, Cola July 13,'61. I.ovust ;Orem. 2ri tbarelm No.l Pw.eler for bale. by !Farm. LI hirg. r qua Illy, by Coils. Alloy 14. 'tit. T 3 F A I'POLD COAL OIL LAIWPS. A GRAY k Ulf _have ree.,ord au, ge , upply of 1. Coal oil Lamp.; 1/No. Rem-rue Oil and No.l Coal 021, widen urn warranted puce A. ORA Y le CO.. Ce•ln. Ort li. loll) Golden Mortar Uri% Store. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LININIEINIT. wE have received a fre-h .apply t: his, truly cel -1 r ebrx 1,-(1 !salmon, xl the July 241%1. VA 1.1 NIiDICI GEORGE SEIBERT'S CABINET WAR E BOOMS AND MANUFACTORY, LOCUST ST., A FEW DOoR4 T 11110) ST., cOLUIVI 731 A, LAN- CO , Y, pA• Tm cob -erther having purelin.n4l front Iti. hrnther. Carper :•••••thert. the ..took tend good will of In- to. X . Cabinet 51anulnetory, will eontintoeihe ni the old ,mid, where he will keep on ha al all U.bUrllll.l3l at . _ FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the best quality. style. And strinufacture, and will wake to order. of first-rate material. every iiniteie to to- tire. lie Nirtl , giVe itlleoliott to bu+uq•a•. and ra•pert fully 01 the piddle u chore of its poironace SUN UI•:R PA KIM. will receive the am-t careful aticution, lit the shortest flatlet.. GEORGE SEIBERT. 11. r. nnumut The cuheeriher having of his buslaeim re tort's his •ineere thank'to the public fur many year, of liberal p.oiro rage. Ile re-pee:luny Load nO3llllllO. gime of favor lo his gueeee-or. Coto. NI r. 30.'61. CARPER SEIBERT. Commonwealth Fire Insurance Company, rIF the Sire of Peoci.t !cuing. Office. Common wraith Molding, No. 613 CheAort Socei, Philo dclplon Copitial, &_SO Cepitel.s4oo,ooll. oktiANILI6D tt lefr4. DIRECTORS: David Jayne. M. D ., John M. Roller. John M. Winton, Stephen Coulter, Edwii id C. Kinglit, ThoteuriW. EVAlli, John K. Wilber, Henry Lewni. Jr . Tilo/.111411 S. Slewor2. Mark, 1.. Parma,. DAVI I) JINN M Pre-(dent, JOHN M. WHI rALL, Vice Presid • MUHL. C. MOON, Sr r rrltO ) . For lorrurunec upp 11 to F.l. Ziegler. Akre Stunbio. Nor 17 GOLD PENS, GOLD PENS. it.RT received a large and fine aa , oriment of Cold t/ eel... or nod Griawold'4 11131111.114e11att,111 SA YLOR k McDONALWS n o ok sinr, ig Ili 14 rrelti t. nbove• PROSPECTUS OF TIIE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, 111 , 1 . , . i lum a s o u r ry ih i vt ,c . ll . I l e , o s ti v i i i . n i r r i7 , e riz te i e h .i i . : h in i i ineres,ing eirettiation r. a I; unify lug erotica,r orplob lie approval. and no ii,lo.try .1.1 be 'Tired lo render the fortherinibig volume net .. .41011e 10 Ilse It quirement , of nines so pregnant Willi giro( ayenin on 'hone of to. city. The life ot 'he Republic the iiitere..l4 Oftile , ao(lo,lrlnuild of li.eratore a manly tt d gtiteenua action and the conductor, of thl. iriornal will remit no effort. , in oldialliog tic brat tult . lo 01 rtte country to copporl vvnh. Igor soil eloquirove 000110115 nod prniciplea whiten liraee the creel public heart to %land trio on the -ide of l'ree.toat nail It elo An elevated nations; America. ...mitt will alWa) a he 101110/ 1140— Iniled in three nage.. The AlL.elric 11tovlini• utter nice triter thou the he.l literature. awl It will be the con..tuitt 0101 0( tt•cottduetot. to m o iler n. 0000‘y Ki !Al.( anal 11001 (110110116 Letter each month thou the Am me the contribution , already in Mold for ISASS, the milovetog will coonmeml them-rive. a• .ofrieleut ladiseearelart for evert (musty of provide the 4.1'1.100111- lag in ilinder- for 1m0...H.01d rendloge writ I emit nl the Janney 110 T. • eor a refire or stitches. Oa Ntolunol and oilier luolred topic., to he enutoeurel (none mouth to mouth throughout the yew, 'Eke flame -o al-litigulaired a ten or -richer Sin ...flow. iron vetill tiff. 33333 an/erne/II wait lent glen relay of the greet beurftt to Inc de ,red iron, lon aanordri) enalrlharroire A titYA Romance ley NaTuaten mt. Haw - moat% will appear tunee ATLANTIC earls lit me ) ear. A new story Iry the late •I'usoDneg IVtaTIISOP. RR 'liar of el:red Dreeme." will be commeaced in the Immure number, Ds. Geese. B tVtao•nte. well known for his re 1....A..4We ezpenmetn• 03 rints-i ie.. has written for rug ATLANTIC •' A wolnogret phi of a Siren gilt •Aer k ;thing an account al bees method of Hawing for teat• of Aree e c eh, IA 1115 advice on matter• of Health. The author 01 eii the I tlls "R lid "A Stot t' of To Dr: will coati ibutee scenes of Tales dating the )-ear Antelee 1, pannt.rox J•nsas BCOIRLL LOWELL, 011 lopiea of national iestereat. will appear trrquenely. BA YARD TAYLOR has Tr riIICD a etory VlhlCll 1/1111 be pained in the February number. 'the Steed of %ruler...in Pto•e and Poetry contribut ing regolarly 10111 e ATLANTIC MONTIILY,COMPITAeR. ronong n• popular names, the co/low:um ••tee. rtuaeelt Inwrll r Charles h.: Norton, Henry W Longfellow, George Hillard, Ralph Waldo Lme-attet, Henry Clle•. Naileaneel Hawthorne, Rev Walter 3litehell, C C. Ilazaarell, Alto. 11. It. Seowe, T. W. Iligginaon. Harriett Altetanseau. Author of •.Life in the Iron Charles Heade. Mon.." k —Story of To ..The Country Parson." Bay." Ro-r Tr r. y. Wirrr Wendell Ilolraes, tta. nes Ii rr..,,,1t. /oho G Whitlicr, Rev. Robert T .e. Lowell, E. P. Whipple, J. T. T, owbudge. Bayard Taylor. Three Dollar. per Annum. or Tweiny rive Cent. ■ Number. noon the ...relyt of the .uli.eription price. the Pal.ll•ber. will roan the work to any p irt of the Caned Slates- Prr•Putil. rwuh.rnprtott• may begin with either the fir.t.or nay oranegneto siumber. Theme. of tke A/LA wrre are hterech)pedothtl bark namben rail be 'applied. C alibtsig Arrangement.. Fohsertlterii to pay their own poitime. Two C.opira tor Five Dol/arvt live Cornea (or Fen Dollars; Eleven Copies air Twenty IVG.tage 4 , 111.. • year. Inducement, (or vobieribiuti. Livli of Pretninms, Eitt melted on application to ' TICIMITOR. do 111:11=3, Vlsblietteri 135 Wastieres 9t., Booted. MIEAFFEWS Notice to Farmers. X" 0 X:t. 180 a. el" 3M Xt. MIX ZS s "Unquestionably the best anstnined Work of the kind in the World." EULRIMB.'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critical Aro lice; of the Press. The volumes bound constitute of themselves a H illary of miscellaneous reading, such as con not tic found in the tame compass In lane other Publication that has coma under our notice.—Bastoot Couriar. The most popular Monthly in the world.e-ffew York Observer. We must refer in terms or eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine. iljour• nal with a monthly circulation °reboot 1'20,000 copie in whose pages a re to be toiled some of the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak oi this work as an evidence of the Amesieun people, and the popularity it hug acquired is merited. Each number 7,0111111111 S fully 144 pages of instruetivc metier. appropriately tliu•trated with good wood -cut.; and it coinbiaes in itself the racy monthly aid the more philosophical quarterly, blended. will, the. best fea ture- co the daily journal. It tins greut power in the creation and diesrmination of a love of OWE Intro. ture.—Tratasmen Guide to An :Wean Ll:nature Lan do. Islo Magazine in Europe or Am-rtes •n well "mown; none ha. Mills° malty residers; and, we nun) safely say. trout has received so large a tribute of ad miration from the cultivated ctu•se.. that delt,;lit rut a healthy, elevazine periodical literature.— lt is the foretne.t 111uvazino of the day. The fireside never had a more delightful cnin; a tunn.nor the mil lion a more entertaining friend. than Harper's Naga zaue.—Metkocti.te Protestant (Baltimore). T E RIIS The Magazine may lie obbrined of flookrrller.. Pe riodical Agents or from 111 C Pub at Tunes Dot.- cans a year. or TweszY FIVE Cheers a Number. The SeMI-uunoul Volume+, u+ completed, orally bound lit Cloth. are ioid at Two Dollen- each; mid Manila Con er- are furnished to ilior.e who wi-Ir their buck Num her, tout - molly bound. at Twenty-five Cents each.— 'l'weirty-two Volumes arc now ready, bound in Cloth. and also in Half Cull. The Pub will supply Specimen Numbers grata hourly to Agent. sad Po.ena-ten., and will ulnae liberal arrangement- with them for ctrculatiag the blugazitte. hey will supply . Club. of Two 1...11,011. :it nee Dollars a year, or I'IVY Perron. at Teti Dollar-. Clergymen and Teachers supplied un Two Uoll. r. a year. Number. float the commence teem eau 110 w lie supplied. Al-,,, the bound Volimie-. The Magazine Welglif: over r•tiVell 01111 tot over rig lit ounce.. 'rule Po-inge upon crick Number. which rou.r be mod qmolerly lu 1011.01111• C ill the oilier where the Al agazine s- is . 1•1111,:i: 11A111 . 1.:It & Square, New York. Dec.l4, 1561. SILANZEILU ; IV A R RENT for I N I a t' l A I rtr1 1 :1 1 11t" j: ' S J F . Turnip eed. VV.NV Crop.ll3ol. ln•t reeeivral and for Janie by the 1. cpwooty or HOaII p.okage. A.OItAr & CO., anklen AlO, nr Drua SP re, July 13.'61 TO TICESPAr..:SIOD.S. VIE sah-crit‘er having rented end put under rulfr vntion lion. Wend. 1,1,000 ileleby warns ell per4ooe neoxesl 0p.., ...aid [Wand+ M. person will be :allowed to leml opoo them ornhoul pelll/1•4 , 1011. All Inomee upon the on Sunday IS POSITIVELY PROHIBITER Neglect of ling notice and incrimzemeni of the law w,ll meet with prompt proeccutiou and the Cl4/01Ce -111C111 rlf 111 e legal penally. Coln .1 one I. al. SAMUEL WAI r ES. ' ~}~ TI LT. in the trotyr AND ts 1101.: itZ.:•-tNESCI with the tine-I .tore of I.uncuster C. lc L I I Citizens of Column.. and vtenotty we wt.. you to know nun Brenrtnon Is 110 t ill Critics Square any more. Inn oppo-tie Cooper's Hotel, %% VOL Kunz street. nod sot hi , Fine Coll-km Honig for $4 51, Cul&kin lkotte Ladies' Heel Gat eler+, double wed, Ludie4' Morocco Boots, •• ‘Ve have concluded to ntal:e the Bat Work. a - - - MtWM.: reduced preys; for. though our profits UN MI.! I, we hope to enlarge our bUISItttA by 1..0 doing Now, mitoms of Colwnl.nr, look at the above Or Mitt, and when von entne• to latoetoicr. goo Wei/emote a call, and we feel sativfied on will b. pleased Work of every character for gentlemell ladies all, children. always on hand. September 15, COAL OIL, &C. 1 VST received a fre4li i.upply of the be=t Kero-ene od. Burning Fluio and A .eoliol. and. un ul wayu be WW at the ()olden :Mortar lli ug 16.'61. tl li eel. YRIC E REDUCED DOR ty.lterom Lamp- to bolo Colt% rhi. We will al U ter al* rodiodr) or 0I I pln Nolo Co.. 00. Vlottio..y ‘t,o•h mot oil ocompleoe, for SO el- jut tu. 001 21) I-110,1 ORTA It I.' ll l. STI )1i I To Lumbermen & Manufacturers 11.1110EY , s Patent Shin -1e Machine. subseriber having perfeetcd tin above rnaelune. otter". to -ell Si.ate. Luunty atit. t , hop HichP% on rea-onahle The mm•lnue .aw% and plane% Shingle% 10 1..11 width or thick nem.. and produce- a very unian at 111111 clean timely. which has given pervert wherever tried. One of the workmen and =penmen,: On , work en., ELI nern 0? - le Sur , quelsanna Plonnig Mill. Colun. Lna to, ror runner 1111011n.111011,11:10,, WM. IIUI:Y. Columbia. Lafleurler Co., Pa.- n'The constract ion 01 Ilie r• ow and Mose. soilalos of use, ~parute (rain the planer. m ....IWlimg all 1.11,11- of straight and bevelled work, such us Flooring Clapboa Wing, dcc. Columbia, May 91,1557. FRESH GROCERIES.) VI% subscriber would theltueation rif house 1...) keepers to his variety arid eatettiiive stock of ALL 61N DS OF GILOCKIIIF:S. scluJing Tens, ColTerP. !augers, Moles-es. linms. kr with a georral as-orthiehl of houselzeptsg titer--a rtes. He sells el the lowest rules. StrVDANI, for. Front and Union Si' I= NEW STOCK OF COAL OIL LAMPS. PRICES reduced since CURTIN'S ELECTION aluand tot 62 tqo lorinerly to ci Nloorble. :gaud at .Sl. *I 2 Dlnrhle cocatiol at SI 1.5 $1.5 I 'hoed 5' arole Stand at 51.25 • SI 6 Bell So yle Marble Sisoal at 81.90 $1 . ..I lolobe Style ll,arlole Stand at 6 1 42 " 61 Bra , * natal at 70 cla • 1 , Wowing Lamp. at 1.37 S 1 7 Sale I..attipo al $1.57 81 7 Coll mud examine our Mork before Tabooing else where. J S. DI3I.I.ETI', 8. Co , Ort. 20. IF-60. Goltlett olartur Drug Store. INSURANCE!. \A7EST Branch Insurance Company, o y Lock Illavell. . co:M.1.0 , 10 to I . built:tog Roo per.onal properly as al icanotrable terra% as an) 016rr good Company Picini!um Nolen In farce—.S.RnS.o.lFi 00. G. C. n Prest.; (1. D. •- •ATThat.Fig V. Pr66l. J. N. CiineMAN.Sre'); iv. FEA has. I rell-Utcr. Appheanon. received by Wm. Ilceilaima,.lgent. Cotaele.in, at Coo. 13agle , 'cumber (ace. Po 01,1 inireet. Feb 16.1611 Brooms, Brooms, Brooms. Qra no irn Geoff Como r) Ilroom•ju+t ercived and for pule at $2 ,ii ti dOLvit. Lots Murri.:43. 'tit J. IieNII'I.I::3:SCIN. GIRARD Fire and ma rine Insurance Com pany, PhiladelpUa. 01111ce-41b Walnut Street. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER $300,000. nos (I. W. WOODWA RD President Jas. B. A t.votia. Drrrelary. A.S. I,ll.Liirr, Vice President and Treasurer. The uurlersigtied. agent for the above well Mimeo lama at.oa. l• prepared to 1-stte Ile politic-, ipso nag oattlitat lone Or d Re by fire, properly of nil kinds. in town a n d country. on term., a• low a• ere erimist eut with securely. All claims oil policies i.sued by this Company promptly and equitably adtu-led. F X. ZIEGI.Ett. Agent. _Bailment of BMWs lintel, Columbia, Pa. LIQUORS. WE have received n Supply Of Pure Mundy, • Old Rye Whloky, Old Port Wine, which are:offer for rale fot Medicinal purpose•. A. GRAY Cola, July 6, %I. Golden Mortar Drug Store Pure Coal 011, No. 1. COAL Oil at fourteen rent. per quart• vrarrnived as pure :la any in Mai kei. at A. GRA Y A. CO Cola. N0v.:4111.. - Golden Mortar Drug More DRESS GOODS, Delitines„Caginnereg. Black :talks. sack Ftnnnelg Tickingg, Clieckg, Muslin*, Ebcctingg. Blankcig at 111tUri Cola. Oct 27,1%0. Cor. Third and Union. WALL PAZZIRI PAPER CHEAPER THAN WHITEWASH. WE have just received a huge lot of Well Paper, IT all the newest sly es sod heal goods, which we will sell at prices twilit the times. SAYLOR lk Itlfrlhfri A LAI Book 9 , ore, Eros, St., above Locast,Coisornbia. ITarch 'GI. NOW FO BARGAIATS: a.ci) . Cf:) CI) CD 2P .1 aso (soap= Various Styles and Qualities WALL PAPER, are now ready ■t the More of the aoh.e n t, „d jo t. i . 11111 X the Calvados Bank; and for the purpose of eloawg OW the entire tot soon, A ey will re told Without Regard to Original Cost. 31.0 rolNDEltsalltTH. INsr.6;lll. Nettles cast More• AYEI~'S Sarsaparilla PIYBEEMNG TEE BLOOD. And fur the speedy cure or the fullowing cotspnitats: Scrofula and Scrofed o ua Affections ' s nob as Tumors, IT/cars, Sores, Eruptions, Plumles, P'ustules, Blotches, Bolls, Xtlalus, and all Skin Diseases. WIELAND, Ind" 6th June, 1650. J. C.. Atka tlt Co. Gents : 1 feel it my duty to ao knowledge what your Sarsatiarllla .has dons for me. Moving inherited a Scroll:dime Infection, 1 hare suffered firmu it In various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Illcers on my hand. ant arms; sometime* it turned Inward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my head and revered say smlp and ears with one sore, which salt painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried ninny medicines and several physicians, but without much relief from any till% In fact, the disorder grew worse. At iength I ass rejoiced to toad in the Gospel Idestsenger that )ou had prepared an al teratit o (Samaparilla), for I knew from your reputa tion that any thing you Made Minr be geed. 1 bkit. to (Indllunii and got it, and toted It tilt it cured me. I book it, no yen advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a mouth, and used almost three bottles. New and healthy akin soon 1....g.50 to forts under the scab, which after s while fell off. My akin is now clear, and I know by my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. Yon can well lwlieve that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I bold you to be one of the amities of the ago, and tosualn ever gratefully. Yours. • ALISED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony , . Piro. novo or Erysipelas, 'Vetter and Salt 11.11 cant, Scald Head, ILlngsvorni, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., 1039, that lie has cured an ineetentte case of Prom which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dengerons Langhorne Erysipelas by large doses of the same; says to cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Broitehocele, Goitre or Swelled( Neck. Zebulou Sloan of Prosiiect, Texas, a rites: "Three lad les of your Sarsaparilla cured :no from a Goitre—a ha lms swelling on tie neck, ohich 1 lad 'offered from Oyer tau years." - Lencorrlacra orVirlaites.Ovarinas Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, 'Female Disease'. Dr. J. It. S. Channlng;of New York City, writes I most cheerfully comply with the request ofyour agent in saying 1 hare found your Sample Ilia a most excellent alterative in the numerous complainto for which we employ sock a remedy, but especially iu Fivaate Diseases the Scrofulous diathesis. 1 hare cured metry inveter ate cases of Lencorrlseca by It, a n d 1.01118 where the corn. plaint wax caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer ation itself was noon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge equate it for these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, Ala., writes," A dan gerous ornrian tanner on one of the females in my family, which Mid defied all the remedies on could employ. boa at length been completely cured by your Extract of Sar saparilla. Our 'physician thought nothing but extlrpa• Ma iambi afford relief, hut he whined the trial of your &realm ills no the last resort before cutting, and It proved effectual. Altar taking your remedy night weeks IMO symptom of the disease remains." Syphilis and Idercnraal Disease. New Onixtss, 25th Aug 110,1859 Di. J. C. Area: Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re gnant arrow agent. and report to you NOOIIO Or the elects I have realized with your Sarsaratailla. - I have cored with it, in my prastire, moat of the com plaints for which It la recommended. and here Coma Its effects truly wondorfol In the erne of Venereal and Mer curial Disease. One of toy patients had Syphilitic ulcers In hie throat, which weru consuming Ills palate and the top of lain mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured ldm lu taro weeks. Another woo attackei by sec ondary xylophone In his nose, mad the ulceration had eaten away n comilderablo part of it, so that I believe the disorder would onto mach Ids brain mad kill 111111. lint it yielded to toy administration 01 your litarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, mid Ito Is well gigolo, Clint or fOlll%O borne dhaligianatlon to Ills face. A woman who had been treated fur OW Motes disinder by men carry vies indicting from this ill her bonen. '1 hey bad become so map sat I a u to tire wluat her that on a anerrp day ale sulfured ex cruciating pain in bor joints and bones. She, too ' WOO Cured etatnely by your Xiarsapat ilia ion at few weeks. I know from Its formulas, which your agent gave one, that this humiliation from your hien atmy most ben great remedy; consequently, theno truly remarkable molts with it hove trot surpt hied me. rotes nally yours, G. V LARDIER, Ithennuttlasn, Gout, LAwer Complaint. Intifirctioxxica, Freston Co., Va.. Ctla July, Da. J. C. AIMIlt: Sir, I have Won afflicted with a pain ful chronic Ithrumatim for a long time, which Willed the skill of pli)eichins, and Milli, to the in spite of all the remedies I could fled, mall I trial your Sarsaparilla. One Walt:cured me 111 two weeks, mud autos ed my general health so 11111011 that I an, far better then Ixbibre I was attacked. 1 think it m wonderful niedkino. .1. FREAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. !Ands, utiles: u I have been afflict.' for 3 rem with en affection rf the Liter, which drat i‘w ed my hrnilh. / tried every thing. end every thing failed to 101 /CVO me; end) have been at In olsemdown nun for nom.. yens Ono 1111 tither Canine 001.1 derangement of the Laver. My Indus,4l pastor. the Rev. Mr. Espy, advJoed tee to try• your lmmaparilla, became. lie mid he knew you, tint nay 3.1 ntmhu tine 1...U1113111g. Ity the We*. log ni thni it has cured me. anti line RO purilletl my Wood so 10 11114. it 110 W mull of me. I feel :toting again. The bent that car. IA 00111 Or 3 011 in Rat buff good enough." Selairrna.Conerr 'Panora, Enlargement, Ularroli tttt t Curios rand Exfoliation of the Ronan. A g: Qat tot lety of caner leave been reported to ua where emend 1110 , 0 Ca addable con:Odor Inane resulted Gem the lion 01 thin tea:444, but our apace lot, will not adroit them. tame ai them way ha bound In our Amer Iran filisaeoec, m !rich Om agents bele% unwed are pleased to furniell gratis to all I, he call fur them. Dyspepsia. Heart Disease, Plts, Epilep sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. Many reintli kills w us of these streellous liars been nude by ihe alter:dile power of this medicine. It stimu• lutes the s ital fouoliotot into vigorous action, and thus use. ..omen ddurdula a hirli would be supposed Ire and its rearh. Smell a teinetly tins loam bean required by tho ne cessities 01 the penjole, and we are rentitleat that this will du fur them all that inedlclue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, = Cough., Colds, Influenza, Iloarzences, Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient Con, aumptlon, and for the Helfer, of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease. This le a remedy so universally known to mimes any other for tine cure of throat and lung complaints, that It is useless tats to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its *intimated excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cores of pulmonary disease. here made it known thusughout the civilized nations of the earth. Fey. me the communities, or even fandliee, among them who hate not some personal expel fence of ite effects.-- some living trophy in their midst of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful fatality of these disorders, end as they know, too, the effects or this lemeily, we need nut du nines than to assure them that it has now all the vir tues that it dint inane when mating the cures which hare won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Mau. mould 1,111 J oho & Co.. nod W. S. Mc 'ork le. Colton 1.. 11,. oil. 1%r0115...v.1/r I)r. Grove. Mwrirtm— IMOTICE ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the hiveryStable, from the of April. les7,tothet utider.mtied. are requested to make immediate. pay metti. arid ino, 6uvina elm", will preetit them tot settlement. a- be is desirous of elit-trig his Ltu-iitee.s without delni. Oct. 3. 1:737•I( THOMAS GROOM. 1 ,0 1• 1 4 76 ,v , k , q1=31.4P4• 1 ' t 4.1.11 TIIE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY A RR now prepared to receive and forward (trimic 111'ml the i'lliI:0.11411a DIVIIODII. In ae rate all &tattoo. where they have ugeots, at the follow ing rater. per hundred pound., BETWEEN Pll ILA. AND COLUMBIA. - - Firm Chun Nerm•d Thord C:aint. Fourth Chins 211 crate 21 cents. 1 , cents. 15 tanits. Flour in ear loads, 2i Cents per barrel. pir Metal. 10 cents per 101) pounds BETWEEN PIIILA. AND LANCASTER. Fuse Class. Second Clus, Third Close. Fourth Clara. 23 cents. 20 cents. 17 emits. 14 cents. Flour. 24 cents per barrel. Pie Metal, 12 CCIIIS per 100 pounds. Shipment , . made :0 Pittsburg and all intermediate •talmn. RATES FROM COL'A. TO PITTSBURG. First Glass. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth loess. tio 75 00 40 Floor I. zr bitrrel, 00 cents, Ip"Freiglit consigned to 1.1311i0.1.1 whoa the Com pany has no seems 11113•1 be pre-punt. Articles of st Class. books, Fresh Fish, 110011. an... Shoes boo in bag*. Cedar mid Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, Pewits- , it many Ego. Pork. (fresh, Furniture, __. Poultry. (dressed. Feathers, Wrapping Payee Articles of 2d Class Apples, Molasses, Cheese, Melons, Clover and Grass geed, Oil 111 CRAP or bores. Crockery, Pag-r in boxes, Cs tidies. Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (mem.) Peaches, (dried; Groceries, Printing Paper Gun,. and Rifles, Paper Illognigs. _ Herring iu boxes and kegs, Queensware, Hardware, Sunset Potatoes, Hops, 'Tobacco in bales, Iron. (hoop, band or sheet ) Tea, 1.-saber, Type, ssiquor in wood, Tallow. Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (spo.4" Monuments. Varnish. Articles' of 311 Class. . . A.coho- ' Paratows, ' Coffee . Turnip.. I lido. green,) Vinegar Lora. White L ead, Oyster,. & Clams_ (in shell.,),Wiullow Glass. Tobacco, gnanufacttuted,) Articles of 4th Class. cods.b, Roam, Cotton, Salt, Fob, salted, Tobacco Beata Gnon of all kinds, Tin, Mal. and *Ditto, Tor, Pilch, ' laster. . All Freight, payable pn delivery. 11. 11. FIOUBTON, General Freight Agent, Phile. 117• For anther Informer/orb apply . to 5. B. KINGSTON. Frerght - Phila. WF.- K. BOICF.. Freight Agti... ' Uoiniria .H. MYERS, Freight Brei t Ltuleoeatra. Columbia, Dee. 1 1910. VIE COLUMBIA. UHF/CTIMIN 0011P/H, Second St, below Union, Columbia, Pa., IS prepared to execute 'ad orders Icor STEAM EN GINES, BOILERS. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, PUMPS, AtACIIINERT FOR ca.Asr FURNACES. ROLLING MILLS, '6/LW AND FLOUR MILLS, and every variety of Alaehinery. in the ron.4. thorough and improved mumier. Iron and Brae Caotingsoof every deeeripi ion, made to order. Repairing promptly at tended to. Cash paid for OIJ Iron. Brags, and other metal. • Order. by mail should be addressed to ..Columbia Manufacturing Company. Columbia, Pa." 2. suPrLF:e. T. B. t‘UPPLP.E, ISuncrintendents J. LLEWELLYN, Columbia—hire 19. 18.57.tt GEORGE J. MIMI, WIIOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Courtuntiy on hand It variety of Cakes oo numerous to mention. Crackers; Soda, NS the, Scroll and S,uror Biscuit; ConFectionery, of every description u.e ' LOCUST'STREET, Dee.3,'49 Between thelihndr. and Franklin Howie. . coLuattema. -- ,X . .113.0BVIVITIMMIRIZ .• • OPPOSITE T CA.NAL:,IIIASIN, C gL . O MBIA, '";r•-• ' TIE subscilberhas removed.toAket txten sive shops connected with she Colundita Iron Foundry. which he han thorongli!yßited ap,with new and Boat-rate maeltinery, and is now prepared to manufacture Steam E'nkines and Pu nips or every de ,.cription. Machinery for-.Faniates., Forges, •Mills, Factor mg, C.'r Work, lee. Iron and 811++ Castings furnished to order. Bridge and Blael.-milliine in gene rel. Repairing promptly iateniled to, JOHN Q.DENNEY. Crilumbia, July 3,1.5.5 t. ILIEIVIONTILL OF JOHN SHEN BERGER'S FURNITURE W .LE RO CMS. 9 1 11 E undersigned having removed his Fur -1 mime 1,%11.1, ROME and Alanufactory.ta his new .1 tek I•uildings. on the swath side of Locust street be ern ',coed and Third streets, respectfully inform hi- wends and the public to give hint a cull. A large mo superior -nick at OABINET-WA RE ANDCHAIR-WORK, of all Ce , cripions, wdl lie kept constantly on hand, which will be sold oil the most rea sonable terms. As be man ufuctures his own work lie is enabled to warrant every attic, to be what itisrepiesented iandto beasgooclaritiseheap. !Restock is very large .andi it part embraces Dress sing, Plltilt and Fancy Bureaus ;Sideboards SOL: Curd. h:nil .Sofu.Centre.Dressing,Diningaidareal fast TA I3LES ; Compton. French and other BEE STEADS; Common and Fancy CHAIRS. and SE"' TF:ES of every style together with agenara 'assort meat ofal I kinds o I FURNITURE. Funerals wil ibeattended with a Solendid Hearse on shor notiee.andallitecessaryatteuttoi given tr UNDERTAKING. . . He respectfully solicits az share of public pntronnge ns welt uw a continuance °film custom with winch he has been liberally favorer,. f..:oluanizia, April 1.1.1637. GOODR/TIGM'S AMERICAN SKY LIGHT GALLERY. OF rnoroGnArals, - AMBROTYPE AND MELAINOTYPE LIKENESSES, FRONT STREET L OUST COLUMBIA, PA., ABOVE SAYLOR & MCDoNALD'S BOOK. STORE •X•22.31x-cli. Story UrSatig faction warranted in ulli,o•eb, or 00 charge Columbia, ALirch 30, ul. ZUST RECEIVED A ND for sale, by the lams' or larger quantities, 100 .I.'k. barrels 111onoligaliella tVl•i.ky. at A PPOLD'S Warehouse, Cola. May 14. '6l. Cavnl Ba-i Susquehanna Planing Mill ON FRONT ST., AND PENNA. RAILROAD, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Cu'l!, PENNA. I. 11E sub.eriber hnving purelitt.ed the machinery in the Slosqueltanno Planing Mill belonging lode...ph Posey, nod the good will 01 the busine.., will en too tle to the old e.dulthslintent to Mine oil kind+ of Lum ber. munuftwiore Door.. %Vienfow Blinds, and curry out the bu•iiie-s Ili nil its brunette.. Ile respectfully toulteht , u contietounec of public eu-torn. JNO. IL BACIIM AN. Columbia, Vel•ly 14,1661. [Attach 2. lit6l. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. RESti Buckwheat Flour, in taiga or = mall guano F ties, for -ale at 11. ...LJVIJAAPS Grocery titorc,Corner Front and Union us. Nov. k . 4. nau. SUGAR CURED HAMS 'pun culmeriber Ines a supply of New Sugar Cured Aron-, which lie can recommend. 11. SUYDAM, Grocery Store, corner Front and Ullioll ftl , •-• 124,1,00 FIGS! FIGS! FIGS! TN th name el Prophet Fig.. A supply of new Iropee Fig-ju.t leenved at H. SUVCANCS t.rocery Stoie.Cor. Front and Locust Sr.a Nor. 24.1P60. DRIED FRUIT! A large supply of Fresh Dried Apples and reaches, of brat rate quality, 011 hand at SUYDAM'S Grocery Store, Cor. Front and Locust Ste. N0v.24. 1N14). That Washing Soap! WHIM' is emphatically the wads-women's friend; 'l' the best uud ehrupc•t wn•hutg ronp in the world, can now he had rem. itirly at the more of the •uhacrther, at the low price of 6 cm. per pound or 5 pounds for 25 et, 'rite clothe• can be washed in cold or warm water, without boiling. 11. C P. SHREINER & SON, Front et., below the Bridge, Columbia, Pa. E just returned from .7 , ‘-„i11p,. 7 ; the coy with it complete a.sortment of Goods. i.eleeted with - great rare from the hest factories in the country.— Our Stork now err) large, ern-isting of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverware. Plated %Var.., Brooches, Sets of Coml. MO-Me. Cameo, LIVII and Jet. Ear Mug-. hunger Rings, Medallions, Gold Pew.. Pelimia, Chain, 511.141.. tdeClie .13181011±. x.peetaeles, Poekei Hook, de.. de.. &e. ‘Ve invite the public. In give us n call and examine our large stock. mpecially of Clocks, which sure in grind working order mid well regulated, and will he sold at the lowest prices. I'. SIIRE!NRR & SON. Columbia. April 2 4 , 1860. Co partnership. T HAVE thl+ day n.-oenited with myself in tontine.. A. my -nn. George. II Hump zn. nt copiirmern,htp with whom I will ennoinue tine Hardware Hu-line... at the old =land in nireet below Second, under the film of .1. Humph. & San. I return ...were thank• to the public for pant liberal patromoge, and re-pretfully aek a enoitionineee to the ue•o hrin. JONA . d. Columbia , April tlfoth, le6o. The gu'ii , cribers would cull the attention of the public to the LARGE STOCK OF lIARDWARE, ion received by diem. They can tire, n complete aa-orunent of everything, in their line of butduebs tinier 1111°1e...tile or Retail. . . Bar. llonp and Hand Iron, Steel. clke. They have conga ntly on hand no Bestirs meal of Iron nod :Heel of all kinds.; rains, Hasa. Oilcl, Vara-het. Cedar warn, Ac.; a large .tuck of Gum and Hemp Packing, Ga.kete of all sines. - - A large uppty of Coal Oil I.amp• and ShadeP of va rioup Kero-eue Oil of the very heti quality. Avea.P far Farrell & Ilerring's Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. .1. RUMPLE At SON. Locum ptreet below Second, Columbia. Pa April 28,1860. Farmers Give this Your Attention! 50( \JAMMU Pure Ground .No.l Plaster, white us I.IIOW, for snit, at APPOI.D'S h1ay.3,•60. Warehouse, Canut Burin. Cloths, Cassimores & Vestings. TAJE would say to the gent:emen. we have received V V another .upply,ol Cloth.. CA44014100 and Vest ing*, at low figurer. STEACY h BOWSRS. Or/Posits Odd Fellows! /tall. May 17, 1951. Columbia, Pa. IRON AND STIIIIITA! fpflE Subveriber. have received mi New nsd Large J. lock of all kind. and sire. of BAR IRON - AND STEEL! They are constantly supplied with stock in this branch of his Madeira. sod can funirh it to eusiontersjo larie or small guanuties, at the lowest sate. J RUMPLE& SON. ' Lora.' street below Second, Columbia: Pa. April2ll.le6o. NOTICE. T . . . HE Subsertbero to th e S t oc k of the &ad ing and Columbia Railroad Company are hereby notified don in 'alumni. of five dollars each on each *hare subscribed are required to he paid to e.agauci Shoe'. Treasurer, Columbia. PE.. as follows:- 1.1 instalment, November 1.9„ 961. thid .. December 19, 961. nrdanuary s• .20, KM 4b' " ' J 1 7 efirt.ary 110, MY 6th r. - Alareh - • 3.12, M. , 6ilt -. " . Aprd - ~tn, OM B:ih . May . .., 114,. 669.. h - " ' - 'Jose , - " 114,s MM. Mil *. July 25, 11641.` JOrla• ", — Ancurst - " , 7111111, 669. By oriterortiajr,o9 °linkman< - - I. - W . ...G. iliac,. Prioli-lkinAllge .... : ) ' ' ' i k trig& 2 . L'0 , 11 4 14. CO.', FOR SALE, 100.000 Plastering - I:allt,, 50.000 Palings--4 f let, 60,000 do. 3 Jane 9. 1860 Woolleys All healing Salve, for sale at the Golden Mortar Drug Store. LZ;42=l Hunnewell% Tolu Anodyne. io the great Neuralgia remedy and perfect cur J. for all the minor nervou+ complaint!, For Pale t the ....FAAIILY MEDICINE STORE. July 20, ISM. Odd FeUowt' Prof. Gardner's Soap WE have the New England Soap for those who die not obtain it from the Soap Plan; it in pleanant to the nliin.und will take grease vow from Woolen Good., it is theiefore no humbug. for you get the worth of your money at Me Family Medicine Store. Columbia, June £1159. SPALDING'S CEPIIALCI PILLS. FOR sale sit the Golden Mortar Drug Store. Cola.-Juit. 11.1861. Front Street School Books, School Books. ) Texclisq.3 AND PARENTS. ure now r.vaily to •apply Teachers and Parents YV with Sargent'. Readers and Spellers, ut intro duction prices AI-n. alt School Books used in town and country, rattle very lowest prices SAYI.OII & McDONA LD, Front street, between Lucas and Walnut. cent R. 1 S 411). CRAN BERRIES! T UE subscriber ha- oa Loud .t eurply or Cratitterries sound fruit.. lI.SUYDA Al, Nov 2.1,1b60 Cor. Front kart V111011t;IX GEORGE BOGLE, OKA LIM IN Every Des criptin of Lumber, DINE and Cypress Shingles, Dressed Flooring. 1. Weatherboarding. Window Su•h, Piekeis, and everything in his line of bu•incns. tic js Just receiv -ng bis Spring Stock of Lumber. and has on band a large and complete assortment of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Office nml Warehouse in Front street, L eiween Lo cunt iind Union, Columbia. Pu. Columbia, Mare . ffIst.ISGO BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.--We have been selling the above Cough Lozenges at the Fatally Medicine Store ull winter, and they have given general satisfaction to that hove used them. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher snye.so or as he has bad an opporttnity of compart.ott.Browid., Troches are pre•esumently the first of the great Lozenge School. Patt.2S. COAL OIL! THE subscribers keep it C 01 1 4111,11 supply of the Bo Kerosene Oil; ul•o. Coal Oil Lamps, of every vaii eV and size, cliuJee 01 different punerns, &c.. &c. J. f111111PLI.: & SON, Locust street below Second, Columbia, Pa. April 28, lead. BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS Columbia Penna Tnun; subscriber announces that be has rented the above mdlublisheil a lid well known lintel, and has opened it for the accommodation of the public. Ile hats furnished the house and is prepared to enter tain travelers and boarders. Ilia titbie will be well furnished with everything the market affords. At his Liar will be found the bent Mande of all kinds of Li ge ,4 Cunected with the Ilotel, in the basement is a FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, where oysters in every style, end other refreshments, are served up in good style. numbes supplied WWI first-rate oysters, in larga or sista!l gunwale.. at rea.onable rates. "The support of the pub! c is respectfully solicited. SaltlL. H. LOCKARD. Columbia, April 21, 1560-tr. CUT Fly PurierA, for Ceiling., Picture and Looking Glues ' , reface, &c.. ou u.nrunerm nt SAYLOR & AIcDONALD'S. Columbia, Pa. EIMI LIME! LIME ! The suli•erilier 21111,111 g the I,lnte Kiln, and Quarry ea the Caual Basin, is prepared to supply THE BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for Building or Nlanuling purposes, in large or small gamin: Ma, Slaked Lime for Manure supplied at reasonable rules. B.F. APPOLD. Canal Basm. Coia. April 21. '59 GAMS AND SHOULDERS, V.XCELSIOR Sellers , Celebraied LI Porenidn't. Sugar Cured Ilanis in siore rind for sale by 11. F. BRUNER. Columbia. March 15, 190.1. Now is the time fr Bargains COAL OIL LAMPS, AC., CIICAPER THAN EVER!! NEW lot of Lumps direct from the manufactory ft which con lie sold ot greatly reduced prices. A 12.0. Fixiurev for altering Lard nod Fluid Lamps to horn Coal Coal Oil ',turners without Chimneys; the heat Coal Oil in the urarkei mod it superior article of Lubrie Oil for greasing Wat:011.• and machinery, Just reeeivea and for sale cheap tic FFALI I. ER'S Cola...fan. 18. 1862. house Furnishing Store. COAL, COAL, COAL. T BATE now in store and am still adding to a large s lock of all kinds of coal taut toy essiomers Ina) Wi4ll, Sad, as linliiinore Co. lump, " NoZt 2, Gray Co'y. Shamokin Big Mountain, " " AS Shams kin Lone. Coliery," " " " Shainnkin Itedosli, 66 66 144 1.4 Ly kens Halley, 6.4. 64. 44 44 64 Short Mountuta, o is is LI4 .6 441 44.4 Pine Grove. 44, 44 4. .64 This Coal is all kept undercover—free (rem dirt and rime. My old and new customers a. .r. PG!leited to call and -ori-fy illemselves that say stock as the coal They arc loolsmg for. ['cheered so any port of lowa by lon or larger quantity. at u• low a rate as any otherpanies. Slay ers wall find it to their advantage to cull and examine nay stoeL before purehu.,ing B. F. APPOLD, Canal Basin. P. S. I wonid re•peetfolly inform my customers faun con-eque nee of the unsettled eonchimn of of ir, Ono the general etirmilmaan of re run- L feel hhced to elo-e my lmnl. and from tiept. 21.Itth untl °nutlet my hu-iness on the Cush sistent. Cola. eept 7.101. FOR SALE 1 0.000 uwoog Slack - Lime. from beet quality of limesions: ilos lame is asp, th twenty per cent. mote 111911111 e lame from common limestone. Sold in lots from Intl busies's to 1000. Apply 10 13 r. APPOI.D. Cola. lats'y 10.'61. Canal Basin COAX': COALL! THE subscriber is now receiving and offers for vale a large vtoec of all ktnd. or Coal. pre pared exprevaly fart unal y u..e, by the toll or w larger and will deliver it loony part of the town. Such u. Baltimore Company, No. 2. 3.4 and 5, Short Mountain. N0v.1.2.3 and 4, •• Ly hole.. Valley Egg and Stove, Shamokin. Nov.l, 2.3 nod 4. Sunbury Bed Ptah Egg and Stove, Nile Grove Egg and Stove, Pitivton Egg and Stove, 1.2,3 mad 4. The above Coal ma all kept under cover, clear from dirt and abate. B.F. A ?POLO. N0•.1.2. 3.6.5, 6.7 and 9, Canal Basin. QJ'Pnrties purchasing Coal by the eurgo and car oath will find o to their advantage to call and exam ne my stock before purchasing elsewhere. rs.ept. 15,196 U. B. F. A. GREAT VARIETY STORE. IDST RECEIVED, a larger and 'finer Mack of Toys and fancy . goods than ever before. My inetids and others are invited to call and examine the clock before purchasing elsewhere, as they will here find an unlimited assonme lit, suitable for pres ents to persons ofevery age asd taste. An immense assonment of Portmosinalei, Pocket Books, &c., &c. CHINA and other Fancy.Anseler, too numerous to mention, for sale by G. J. Shinn. LOCURL street between the Hank and Fraulrhu House, Columbia, Dec. 3, IMO. RAISINS! RAISINS! PIRINIE fresh Layer, Bunch, Seedless and iralenel, Rlll5lll, a lull supply at H. SUYDAM'S Grocery Satre, Crir From. ud Locust Sta. Noy. V. IMO diWOODWORTH'S PATENT CHEMICAL WASHING SOAP." TflE subscriber baying purchasedlhe patent-right 1 for the ma nal ctu re. sale, Ac.. of ••%% oodworties Patent Chemieal tili'artp," in the county of Lancaster, (excepting East Donegal imp ,) Caortogs all persons from trarEcing to this article to any way whatever, in raid territory—unless having first secured that right from him. I. C. FONDER-011TH. Jolt :10. 18111. - • Columbia. P 3=9- 404:025! JITST RECEIVING, A very Large and well-assorted supply of Salo:CAl' Lit •IV /Saki OXAMILZ DIMS GOOD., SILKS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, And Dry Goods Generally. ALSO, CLOTHING, HATS 4- CAPS, HOOTS k SHOES, GROCERIES, ONEENSWARE, &c., to Witich tne Invite the attention of parehasep, reeling confidant that an azanneation Over roods and prices will satiety any one that here is the place to got good goodyand the worth of their monut t all times MAL: Cola.. April .11, Cbta:bia,}Po. Asio. Room. 32 feetßy 21 feet, with complete draw era and Shelving, a oom up stairs, good Caller and Warehouse; situated Locust street, opposite the Franklin House. Cola. Jan. 18'21-tf B. F. A PPOLD, Canal Basin FOR Sacramental and Family u.4e. and Medicinal purpo — sm.; a pure unadulterated wink from the Portugal Elder-berry, containing 110 spirds excopt by its own fermentation. For Paifillt the July - FAMILY hIEDICINESTORE. MIIM=I :ittloololoiint:Milviiirttigt934di HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA LANCASTER CO., PA. TUE subscriber, Proprietor of the "'Hillside Nurcery and Garden," offers for sale. at his p.rmlCe•. a general a , ,ortment of FRUIT,: DADE& ORNAMENTAL TREES of the cooicest %toilette% a rare collection of Hardy Ornamental Shrubbery—evergreen and deciduous %be fine.% climbing plants of every description de minded in nits market—all hardy, many monthly, of perpetual bloomer,. the ~tandard varieties of CRAPE NUM IL, EXOTIC,' small fruits of nearly every variety worthy of cultivation in ibis Goo,elierries that will not mildew; also, the finest collection of hardy roses ever offered for sale in Columbia, and . after in-Erection of other gardens, he thinks he may safely assert,the finest grown unit best assortment now in the county lie culls ;Mention to the Green House, which la crowded with the rarest and most sought for varic ties of Ornamental and Flowering Plants, and chal lenges Lancaster and York Counties to produce a ehoieer or better grown eottectina of Green and fiat Hou-e Plunts, than now on band at the sllillside Gar.ter.," in order for Spring Trade. He offers them clasper t hint they can be bought at any other estab -11-1 tht In the slow counties or in the state Ile keeps con-tautly ou hand al Its Hatensive Nur sery and Garden. or eon furnish lit shoo notiee• every tree. shrub or flower.. connected with the busi ness offered for suit lll l'hiludelphut. In connection with ripe Nursery and Garden. the proprietor will Ilodertuke threugh the agency of. Wiltitun Stallard, a, seientifit. Landscape Gardener' and Nurseryman, educated in Englnnd,ro plan unit lay out Pleasure Grounds, Gardens.ace-, and to do generaljobbing in tloi- litre of leu•itir..tret. IrrAll fancy 31111 jobbing work will he warranted , to give satisfaction to the most tasteful and fastidious, and will be done at reasonal c rates . Columbia. April 16.15ri.9 h S Tin Ware, Gas Fixture, &c • . E. Corner Second and Locust Streets. 9111 subscribes' having entirely refitted his .1 More and laul in a complete new stock of every thing in his line. invites the inICIIIIIIII of the public to his assommeni Of STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. llis stock is very large and complete, con sisting of Royal Cook, William Penn, Noble, National. Young America,slorning star, Complete Cook, Cooking Ranges. Parlor Cook, four patterns. Parlor :Stoves of ever• make, size, style and variety, Bar Room and Office Stoves. fke. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. Alarge stock of ar inks iu the above line of bust ne.s,comprisingeverytliingthat is manufactured or Tin, Sheet I ron. £c, for Hou4eliold purposes. His stock is of his own manufacture, and lie can vouch for its excellence and durability. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. AI.A ItGI: and complete assortment of elegant Gas Fixtures at tasteful design•. consisting of six. four, three and two burner Chu tidal iers.singl e burner Hall Pendants. Side Lights plain and ornamental, Drop Burma rs, Ac., always on hand. GAS FITTING all tts brattehes attended to with promptness. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. HOUSE ROOFING and SPOUTING put up in the moot substantial manner; Plumbing, Hell Hang ing and other branches of the busine=s, carried on as lteretothre, ou the most reasonable term.. lIIRAM WILSON, Corner of Secoad and Locust streets. Columbia. Sep ember 5. 1837. 17111E1 room in the Blue Front, now oecu pied b Tlionina F,,q.; nlao, erveral bou.e=. Ap ply to IVII. Columbia, February 21, 185 D EW Orleans Molar-es; 'titter Visiogar. the best in 11 town. no hand nod for !gal: by Cots. nor. au, thin. 11. F. BRUNER. SIIRED Sparkling Gelatine for rale at the Golden 1110.1 o r 11. .g store, Front strt•et. FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT. UNDER THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST STREPT, COLUMBIA, PA. aril sub-criber has opened in the Int...mem of :ho hotel, the Franklin iron -e, a RESFAUI(AIST, whete he Is prepared .0 .1 fee OyS•trl and other He fieshment> in the be-t slyle. rqubli-liment has been newly fitted tip with r i.tew to the he-t o ream escalation of Iris e 115101111,1,, sod 110 effort will he soured to properly and promptly carer to their wants mill appetites The 0) -tere,he.. pretended will be of the be-t aux.- y, and that they may tir well cooked 11114 served ate experienced per-on aroma 011 C of the heat ebaublielt ments in l'lnindelpttia, bra. been engaged to take charge of the cooking ctcpar ttttt Ihe eubscriber arks of his (fiends and elm public a share oe cu-tote. .1. S. M II l,Jt. krau.ur CMtmhin. Oct. tri, 1 SO TI3E Books of the subscriber have been platea in th e hands John Eddy, with itatlimily to collect all accounts. PerSo4ls Ilideblrd will make payment to those Loving claims will please present them for settlement. L S. FILBERT, October 15. 1559-If. WE have open a choice lot of sugar eared I. 0. dr. 11.1. BRUNER ]One 2, ISGO. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER lIAVIi just returned from the city with a splendid I st , sortinento( MI the new sod proved patterns. amt- n Iv, or COOK, PARLOR, STORE AND OFFICE STOVES, whirl, I reel satiidied will compare with any tuber t etabliAiment this ride of Philadelphia. Call and ex amine my stock which will be sold at a small advance. HIRAM WILSON, IC W. C 0,.. Second tied Locust streets. Cotteebia. Sept.lss IRPidoult.e and single barrel gun., just received at 1 the flunky:lse State of J Rumple & Son. Donnie barrel cults from SS. up to $6O. Single bur rel from *t.t. to &JR • ‘We have received everything in the grinning line, such n• l'nert:er, Snnt. Caps. Powder Finak-, Silo; l'nuehes, udtraig .Gnrse Bag-, ace., which we offer to -el I in very low rale, Cohnnbin, BED BUG DESTROYER. ApE lf: Rple. ° !fT bu t . jr Mapowe and NOl)ihee is doe- ant prove sali-fortory the motley will be re funded. For rule at She *tote of -1,30;00 'J. RUMPLE& 40101. UNION NOTE AND LETTER. PAPE% UNION ENVELOPES. THE lamest and beet a••onment in the City, whick we eel! t t the levemi poet:r. Call and examine JOHN SOCA May IS. 4111. N 0.32, N. Queer. Street, Lanciattet. 'IIEI onzancazi GAT LED IN NEW HANDS. THE subscriber has taken the Old Gallery and is prepared to take rather the be.., and cheap en picture• ever taken in Columbia. He has added. to the facilities °film room. A SKY LIGHT, and has completely refined' the establishment, and is prepared to take ivoryinies, Photogesphs, Mezzo types, Ambrot, pen, Itlelamotypes and Piekarea on Canvas in she best style, alto as, prices, which are, unheard of for cheapness. Likenesses warranted, and ■ satisfactory meters ft rnished without repealed - siodags. lie asks a con tinuance or she libere patronage tows) s extended to thin establishment. Call and examine specimens a the rooms, N. E. Cotner Front and Locust meets third story. Entrance on LOCUM direct. Oct. 90. ISOM. IL J. 31 LITTLE. Johnson's P Hr- Johnson's Patent Hog Trough. mu E subacribers baying purchased the right to mar u facture and sell thin invention in Lancaster comet), desire to introduce it to general use It le a cut iron troughwhh a shifting top. of 'efficient capacity to hold the feed of one hog. It is r constructed that the ani mal cannot get Al feet into ft: tad 'mast aallth its feed without the usual scrambling and splashing. By the arrangement of the loPthe.hog is prevented from feed me until the trough it 6tredrwileti the up can be shifted at will: The trough will be foetid • great eon venienee in feeding. and 'mule, when known. become popular. The trough.' are for sale at the chops in tiecond *tree below Union, Columbia, Pa. _ purruee & nifri Columbia . 1.:19607 r ' ' ELME NEW SPRING GOODS. OPKNING. this day, another sapp:y of goods, goo slating in part of LADIES'IDRESS GOODS, of the newest styles. 5000 yards of English and Amer can prima, the best in the market for 115 ets. Cent pieta lint of men's and hey's Summer wear. BMW/ and bleached bheetings and Sheeting' at old price Another supply of CARPETINGS la FLOOR OILiCLOTHS, age. Window nodes end Fixtures. Akio - b sold eagle !meets possible prie+es. IiALDFJEAN. cyeep Cods StOr".• Can. April X; 1904 1 1 033. - 11.21.N1", JONES DIYERSs Speer's Saml?nei Wine, _ '-`'mo t 0 21_ . , t.U. - • . -4 " e `O4.1 7 " 1 /4 s-40 ' ••••• S. 11.,PURPLE UIRELAT INILSON, i[IY:. 4 .;/0 SF k:'inlq PURL SPICES. r 4. 1 , 4 4 iq Al portsmen Look Here! J. RUMPLE fr. S tyri SKY-LIGHT PICTURES! Third Supply b=3