74ril ..tgiatnitia a - of.ummx: SATURDAY, JUNE% 1862. giarlhe attention of the reader is direetid to the advertisement of Dr. illarkley's Family 11rdicines to be /mend in anc ,4, - , Cduinn of this parr. • • • •- ••- - • New Books, PeiiO - goals, &e L08E 45 14 808 Wirtz By Mr, Eotma D E. S. South s' worth. , Phi/tole/oin: B Peter--on 800-. We have he, the Low• 1 production of our ino-t pro Atnerienn otortrite. , -; null a. far I. Out s itidgment one whirl will rink with the hen oilier work: or fieiion, Mr.. Souti.worth in perfeette 4: home timotinvt Vir.oltiiht lilt, mmin era anti ne."110.1 . V. atilt lie en .1., SVOTiri. GO 1 the plot of her story. tvery tatter of her prevtoua tale, will make a point. of coppte, of pro ( tore+, ..i.ON" L . . LABOR WOR,.. a, nu ifiam ire 1•11 CIA, • 1), In ereured to this hook, wit:qh Ie rot op tit Petor • „0ri:1,....1 'tile, uniform Saw . ), ...word:- work,. it «elk lip Ate to and port ru the I'lo:NS:uteri free Of port.ige.. on the t. req. 01 Pte. prce 7 —*l.:ll. THE ril Ha. CAR 41iG Ea . ] X rite Tien OF a r/14TIIONA - • in. 7;!/ Mrt. (;rep Phi arielplun: 'l'. H. te.or-on • tr-f. Grey. the awhore-v of "Tun' rz.ttrr." ha= pro- ...reel a tong . 11.4 of novel+ of ion Lily which rook Amm; the best of their bind tzhe Is seri oily at h.iine . incite ire rloon of people -he 11.• light. to sir iw. there foto her sestiohs ore to Ilie life. and not al•.ord o IHlrle.lo'e'—eHrlC.lllll . C. VOHS Is SO 'vit . The 0 0 01':IOW ,41011:11CC ielere-l• ea O ir e -I • to the cudtiritrifilericg Au," anti .Teciihition read., The dealcirTil.le I.ces of a reel:le-4 thrtnuon ft•H ro tkrif.'l•ll point n moral. an Ilse Lip rites! par ic44 l rri , of the .;r.ubiily proccrtlioc . 1 se: I aerial .1j wins ISO Very gnoil tot°. This work, with the alawe. 5051 re• velvet' through Me-er‘ Saylor& Me Doit.ilil e our is• liar.. over Ilao s,ito Ilona eve.ry outer hew hook—for FRANK I.K.stittfA ftloNrat.r —Fro.‘r I.ez'ie for .filly. w .1t tt• toterr•t•n; 1.1.4-. rpattr.ttl etelte, pi oto., • 1)1 h tod-once 14u-tro!ioor mot I t..t y.ft-Ittorn,lipr the ..-teltultt- of the I.atite.t, been rreetve I rho nuna hcr t- fir , t rate told line prqr.strote i