MEM ,From atinerafShieldi' ,pgagernent of Erie Advance ,Pnard „pith ,Jacksou'i •Main Body Near Pori Republic; .The Advance Driven ,Back Afier eiTierea .-WASIIIS * GTON, :311ne - 11. — Advicestrocaire4 at the War Department stat that Jackson's j'army attacked „Gen., Shields' advance on c ,Mondo c y morning , near Port Republic—The " coralid is said to have been maintained for four hours by abolut4DC/0 of our men against :Ith!eaailit body of f rackaop..ts,nraty. .irtmesepti.s e foree beqame,tro overwhelm ing in nnasberathat ,rzur otlvAnee virts,com-, ". paled to fall back, whie,b . r .it di,d,lll . good order until it met the 'inapt body of,P.en.! Shields' command, near Cotgad's_store. soon as this was effected Oie v enemy in turn retired. The fighting is said. to have been :very severe, And the loss ,heavy .on both s id e s, panticplars have r reaclod, the De partnient. ' A private letter staLca that peneralShield had previously succeedad ,ip destroying a ,large quantity of supplies belonging 'fillhe "Rebels, found at Milford and ;/t,Cenrad's store. The damage by the recent rains, including, the carrying away of bridges over the South, Allikanch of the Shenandoah river, materially! ,interfered with the commissariat arrange ipents ,ittni the movements of troops. ALTT.ACIC ON CHILBZESTON ,Our Forces Landed on Battery and Johns ./stands.—A Battle Near the City.—lntense t peciteNzent (Tway the Rebels. The follossipg tzjespatoPes, taken from Suptk-gTo papers: "Gp4clAlwr,,June 3.---.The i rederal gun boats are moving up ns if to engage our batteries. The greatest exciterneutyrc rails as the gunboats are in sight at times. Every confidence is expressed in General Gist's ,nbility to drive the invaders off." [SECOND DESPATCH.] •"CHARLESTON, Juno 4, A. hl.—The enemy landed this morning, two thousand strong, at James Island, opposite the city. A battle took ,place. The enemy were repulsed and .twenty men taken prisoners by the forces of ; General gist. 'The prisoners will be sent to 4labama, immediately. There is Apt heavy firing in the direction of James Island, and it is rumored that a Appdred more Yankcts have been cut off and,captur ll[piap DESPATCH.] -9Cu.taixstoN, June 4, P. M.—General Gist's last despatch says: "The prisoners take n this,morning,repo. t that the enemy landed, sev.euteen ,hundred strong, on b.ttery Island and on John Island. The enemy is now in front of me in force, And under cover of his gunboats. An ad vance is imminent." .NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS. Agionsta4aa,.of the Enemy Against Zharles ion, South Carolina—llepulse of the Enemy and ,Capture of !Prisoners. [From the Richmond Examiner June 5] ACUSTA, June .I.—The Savannah Atepub ifeart.ol this morning has despatches trim Charleston, dated yesterday, which state that the enemy landed, about four hundred .strong on James Island, nearly opposite the city, and were repulsed with a loss of ,twenty prisoners. General Gist's despatch says that the prisoners taken this morning report that enemy landed 1,700 strong last night on ,Battery Island, with a like three at 4egare ,ville, Johns Island. -Toe enemy are in grout of me, but under cover of their gunboats.. Fi v e P. M.—Th e , twenty Yankee prisoners captured on Japes Island have just passed on their %say tojail. .t;inety more were cot eE'and will protabily ,fie,captin,ed. Ileavy firing continues in that direction. ATTACK ON FORT PE3IDERTON. [Prom the Cilll rlesion Courier,JUlle 2 ] About two o'clock Friday afternoon one ,of the enemy's gunboats came into Stono ,river and took a position from which they ,opened fire on Furt Pemberton, garrisoned pnder the command of Major J. J. Lucas. he post is under command of Lieutenant Aticppl.C. I{. Huger. 4 brisk engagement pf a half an boar took place, after which Me enemy retired The behavior of the gar rison was admirable. - ,FEpERAL OPERATIONS TN Supra Cgtobtt74. Wroth the L.) Ileilburg Repulthenn, J une 2] CIIARLESTON, May 31.—The Courier of Allis morning says the enemy, in strong force consisting of infantry, cavalry and artillery, landed at Page Point on Thursday morning ;4 advanced towards Pocotallgo, wlthin two miles of the Charleston and Savannah pailroad. Our forces at that point although ?nferior in numbers, held the enemy in check until reinforcements arrived, when lice enemy retreated to their boats, the Con- federates pursuing them. It was thought the engagement would be resumed last night or this morning. TVP Confederates are reported to have been killed. Col. Walker's horse was shot under him at Secessionville. At Pemberton the,en emy's gunboots threw xi, few ejml) . , but they did' no injury. They olso e)tellad Newtown. The engagement lasted three hours, doing no injury to our side. One Federal gunboat was disabled. The Mercury says the mast was shot away. It was thought the fight would be re awned this morning. Dar When the props are knocked from under a vessel upon the stocks, it elides intp its proper element. Now that wp have kryzejLett away the props of the rebel/ion: it gall no doubt "take water." PIE PONVESSION AND EXPERIENCE OF AN INVALID. ruhli•bed for the benefit and aka arrirning and a unction to young men who auger from Neryookikebili -17, Premature Decay, etr.: supplying ut the !Mee time lee Meithe of self -cure. by one who cured himself, af ter tieing put to great expense through matca) impo sition and quackery. Single ppm* may lie lend o the author, Nathaniel Mail/lir, Bedford. King County, N. Y., by enclosing a prepukt addressed en (March 15.1652. TEE MULLET FACTORY AGAIN "IN ItGAST. 1 ) MUIR subscriber wentld respectfully inform the cid lens of Columbia and vicinity that he has just "blown in' his celebrated -MULLET FACTORY, at the Columbia Dam, just below the town, and is pre pared to supply SHAD, hi471,1..ET5, SUCKERS, and all other fish that swim the Susquehanna River, lielhhir proper season. at the lowest prices. He Pollens the etO1011: of his (view's a n d the pnblie geColuneramb i ll a, June 14, 19:12,2t y. S'AIIIUEL ABIOS. 41 ... . WAJAVITIORCRIt FESTIVAL fill'. Tffs taptitpr; or TpF METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IWILL:BE HELD BY TIDE f.ADIES, IR WEDNESDAY, 711111SDAY IND FRIDAY, lvits 18T1r, 19Tor met) 2,0 . TN, . - RI TUB ODD FELLO*S3 BALL. .. 11. 3 nizens Ire - Invited to extend their tistronare in co Wtieettoton. The [Wen fruit and tielVeu t m. willi. teefte.bitiettlu. will be penvide4, , Indic. 1.,. „urn& uteb, will be in nnendsnee. „ , Colutubla. /ire, 14.186 .1t *Mt Parless Skirt for L:lies,Ats 7 s - as. Daeolito, Lt lC irasd Donbie• another IA 'apply just received—ResnembevoLoodlOWAH H. C. PON DERSIRICCH , d • Womb* June lA, ten. Adjoining the z=v•xureott-,,,5ejr,01,1 • NOTICIL 117I1EflP.Ata, Leiters Testamentary on of V Nicholas Springer, Isle of the borough of COldin" Couuty of t.unett-ter,deecased. have ueen granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted to spin estate nre notified to matte immediate payment, and those Laving claims ore requested toprerent them. duly eta liepticated, for settlement. to ...10j1Rst 10. INDY, Columbia, June 14, 1t.02 (It Usecutor. NEW Am V 4 STABLE 'RECIPES! woamornr or AtMatzos. TO MAHN AN OLD HOUSE LOON NEW. Have it papered thoroughly with the max ram; paper now selling at FONDER6IIIITII'S, Adjoining the Bank. TO MARE AN OLD MAN LOOIC NEW Buy him a suit of thou new and cheap Cloths and CattitzeiCa, and ,get them made by a good tailor.— You can gel tile...MOLElri al C.,.FONDERSMITIPS restple.'s Cash Store. •TO MANE A.YOUNG MAN LOOK OL.D. Buy his Clothe', at u Clothing Store. TO MAKE AN OLD LADY LOOK AMIABLE Buy Ler plain dress goods at FONDERSII,IITH'S TOG MAKE A YOUNG LARY.POOX GAY! By all means select ber dress goods from the new and beautiful clock just received at H. C. FON DERSAIITWS AO. SAVE MONEY TgESE ,ILTAREI Let everytkqdy buy their goody for cash. Bargains la Moline, Calleoes,Goneaades and Dontestie Goods gettetalln can now be Lad at XCINIGERSUIT/1 , 3 ,Golumbia,June 1-I,lsge. .91 , 1 sLuw.t. jritOirEClL, WIIEREAS,-Letteen of Administratipa on the estate' of Isaac Finkbinv, late of the borough of Co lumina, in the county of Imucaster, tleeciii•cd, have been grunted to the undersignerl w all perspos iadelited to said estate are requested to make uainedtate gay meat, and those having claims against the same will present Mein duty authenticated for set items lit, so HC&TEIi FINKUINE, Columbia, June 7,1862.6 t Administra PUBLIC SALE Or VALUABLE PROPERTY, El= BOB.O_VGII OF COLUMBIA. TN porroanee of an Order attic Orphans' Court of 0 1. Canotarer county, will be sold at public sale, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 213tb, 1862, ut the Pass:sus ljogrin, Loeu•t street,,in the borough' of Columbia. the following valuable property of the Estate of %Vright,, deed., viz: A Lot of Ground, gloated in the borough of Columbia, fronting on At ill Lane, ntrjoining property of Mrilthy & Case on the Wer.t,lund4 or the Periwylvania Railroad Company on the Smith, arid property late of Andrew Cohn on the En.t, containing Ten Acres, More or Less. This lot offer , a .plendid location for the erection of 11119,4itryturing ebtablivittnenta of every description in .I...),42:vne.mend of the town. It is directly op mite the ..4 , IIANY'NNIC F,III4CACE, and ntljoins the property on which the Cop:aorta Rot.a.tao Iklact.r.tendi. It hun our it altne spring of water, and an exien,lve. from whir)) Ilitollo of the best quality IJUS been inmplied to the ee.ighbpc ing funigeci• ,TJEB IVOINO 11ND tObIIIIDIII FoItiLROAD. runs through die field and quarry, and the railroads of blalthy & Cure and the Cheinnut If Ore Compaity rail wallet a few feet off:; bounds. For LIME KIL:S this would be one of the beat site; in the I. hoOd. The Eastern fide of the t act in othit:rably adapted for building lots. Altogether the of • ,c locality, the ineilitien of communication, trait , - porlation, mike this the moat desirable property ever orated for brae in Co'mettle. Tenant—Ode third of the purchase money to he paid,on the del.very of the dell; ,the bioqueq in two eutisil,gllll4o.l,pitgrieliti; 011 Apia I stA(3a stud A p p,:! till, with tnairem. to be neared by bodd and =art ge,mt the properly. 414 e to commence at 7 o'clock P. M., of said day. SAMUEL WRIGHT, Administrator d. b. u. C. t. a. Columbia, June 7, 1.9:12ed Another New Arrival. INTE are opening this day a beautinil line of Ladies), VT Gents , and nos,' wear, which we are offering ut prices to suit the times. SI'EACY & DOWCR.t, Cola. June 7, IS.G2. Cur. 2d and Locust Ste. Uousekeeper's, a Word! JUitT Received. n full =rockof beached and un bleached 11111.1•Itii, Tiekin o, Cheeks. Giughain. and Prang, in a word. ere . mg perittinir7 to do mcattc.a.o. Co and exat • e for your=elvem. at rIiTHACY & BOVITRitS. Cob. June 7, tEfal. Gor.pd and I.oeu-lSts. COMSSION & FORWARNING. B. P. ALPPOLD, GENERAL Forwarding & Commission Mer -o.a.n. Good- and Lon iorwarded Jill points on the Velma North Branch and Went Branch Canals; 0-ts,•• ~,jlcsr 071.'1 • Ow to all points nlon3 the Penna. Railroad. Gaoler in Einar, Grain, Salt and I"or.zer. Also, dealer in Coal, colt ainti ng Minoru Co., ' , VD Ices. harm l'ottsiown. Lane..Col,liery, Pine Grove, Lykens 7ullcy, Short Mountain, 'fa:vermin and Broad lop. All env •Inate altall lie ptotgptly tittend , gl For fuitkerpa, s ioulorl, ad B. F. APPOLG, Canal Bus/11, COIUITID l'a. M — Coit carefully selected and prepared . •1• nt.y use. will he delive ed to nay part of the tow., in good ordert—Pee from skota or Au .. (May 3 =AMES WANTED IN COLUMBIA., PENNA. TUE bntrintcotient of Common Schools of Is nenster County will exnunne applicants ht las Brick School . Douse. on tkeemod street, in Colum bia, oil WEDN Eg , DAY, JULY 9111. nt 9 o'clock. A. M. Six m•te and six knobs leachers ore required. No ore, not holding a professional certificate, will be em ployed unless examined publicly in the district on that 4iNS. in pre-enhe ad 'lie Directors. It is desisuble r necessary thin npidiennts who lance taught for five yen rs con °calk-el e. without 11 profeskion;tl cAP Meaty, should eXIIIIIIIIOOII. 1110 SC undergoing the heel examination will be pre ferred and paid • -pectively necordir to merit, the principal 94 and the riCiers from SI to O. each, pcy month. SAMUEL. SIIOC4, M. NORTIL JOSErti M. WAWA. WILLIAM A. McCOELELE; M p nov CEOP,CiE UOULE, Columbia, May 31, 1962-6 t Directors. TUE OrrICIAL WAR Vr.A.P. HAZARD'S RAILROAD AND MILITARY MAP OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. TpROM the most authentic sources, and the Coe.. r Survey, engraved in the finest style of Map It gives so recent and such valuable fact eoncerning all the limit - ands, that the War Department immedi ately nuthoriz— its pi.blication, and di-tributed ONE Tiiol,lAl;tD t JPXES among the Emigrate anu Co to nets of the Army. As it is THE oxf.y MAP :hat is authorized as OF FICIAL tit; the most Fratable and Authentic-u.l from its large eve,-32 by 33 inclies--showe at it glance the Prineepa I Mires and all the Strategic Poiuts. Gas Mt..L►LWO has acknowledged the great Importance G ilt to his n nvenrienis. DEA trr 1:1.1.1 - COLORED, PRICE ONLY ONE DOLL R. to compete with inferior maim In cloth (live ; $ Dissected and ?ileums, on Mush t,RY.SO Mounted on Muslin. with Rollers and Varnished, e 2.50. Sent Free by Mail ou receipt of Pric P e. WILLIS . fIAZARD t N 0.721. Chestnut Street, u:rAs every intelligent mail volute THE isEtt.r and oNt.yOFFICI AL MAP, Agetai call make money rapidly Jr selling this. 117 - Newspapers inserting this three times shall re ceive a copy by Mita. IMay *A, teavat.. NOTICIB. TvIIEREAS Letters or Adminigtration on the relate VT or William S. Given, late ol Baltimore County. .11 the State of Marylend,deceaed, have beep granted to the undersigned, rending in Baltimore County. Maryland. all persons in Lune:vier County, Pa in drbied to said !Slate are requested to make payment to Henry Suydatn, residing itt Columhls, Lance-ter Comity. Pa, and those hams eletms will present themto him duly authenticated, for SclUelfle S. ttl. JOHN GIVEN, J. .1. GIVEN, Columbia, May 24, 15fa2 -41 Administrators. NOWIC3L TrEIRRRAS Letters of Administration on the estate VT of John Felix. late of the bm'ough of Colombia, in the county of Laneartcr.deceased, hare peen grant ed the under.igned, all persons indeb,ed tu said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same will pizeerlithent CLOY authenticated. for settlement, M so SAUEL. TRUSCOTT. Columbia, May V. tElf*-Gt Administrator. Attention Gentlemen! ACHOICE Lot of blew Style Spring Csuitimerea and Maple French Cloths, will be opened this day; and will lie sold cheap for cash, at the *ix RTAXII. IL C. FONDVIrAdrnf, Cola. Mffy'zi, le ft Adjoining the Bank, • OR ! IVA Supply of New Spring Goods. IS6I. °Prange, MIMS 111/ OCR FIFTH Supiti yof Naafi:Siete Goo. atsrestl 'edam! prised. Our friend/mud eistomem are or meetfistly Mulled to eon and ezmulse air nem, va ried Rad amp stack of nods ' • • " Cola. May 21,1661} cralarhAws.. v:.T'P ._! .ZZr . s.,U t: L 'w.r To -/)xtiro 1-*ats, liCatches iec.; To.Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants, To Dastroy—Bed-Bus; To Destroy-444,12s int s'lgrai Clottspiac. 1 To Dottrqy—Mo.lquitoes and Fleas, To Dcarsy-dosects on Plants and Fowl 9, To Destroy—l.seets.on Animnls, &e., To Destroy—Every 'lona nod species ehVer-: le %J. =-* •",OnlyAnDallible Remedies known." DESTKO • YS ,INSTANinar ,EVERY FORM & SPECtIES OFD VERMIN. These preparations (unlike all others) are: ' "Free f om Poisons." "Not ea •••erous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die 1m the premises." "They come out of their boles to die." ":11ey are the only infallible remedies known." •€‘l2,years end more established in New York City:" Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station houses Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &e 'Taut by—the City Hospitals, Alm-Houses, &c Used 11—the City Hotels—'Astor'—cSt. Nich etas, 4-. c. Used by—Abe ,Boarding bosses, &c. eseadiy—more ,than 50,000 Rrivate Families Og — See one or two Specimens of what is Everywb - e said by the :: , ople—Editors— Dealers.....e. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vemin need be so no longer, if they use COSTAR'S" Ex.te,minators. We ve used it to our satis faction, P id if a box cost $5 we would have it. We hrd tried poisons, but they affected nothlet ; u.t "Cosm:r's" article 'knocks the bre. th out of, Rats, 11. ice,, Roaches, r id Bed- Bu s, quicker ddian we can w ite of , It is in great deao . d all dhe.couutry.—llledi no