M l 4 A9.lVoParLiunber Maxket. -Paid .:Boar4lsinitrrialik, W." Pine, $33.00 Ist Comm, ss ti 2840 2nd. Lg Si " • 1?.00 . . i Coning. " 66 11.00 lorerior " - " gc 8.00 • BillScsritting, .6. 12.00 Joists ssd Scantling, Hemlock 5.50 Boisidi, 66 8.50 . Billtarantling, Ili 10.00 .k.shl Plank, 20.00 a. 25.00 idisig, . $l2 a 15.00 , Long Shingles, 9 a 16.00 ''.l3l3ress " 3.0.00 r y isatoring Lath, 2.25 a 2.0 Talk CONFESSION AND EE.PERIENCE OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a warning and a emoltinn in young men who suffer from Nervous Debili• t'rermoure Decay, ctn.; supplying ut the same time the sneani, of self-cure. by one who cured him.elt, af ter beilig put to great expense through medical impo sition and quackery. Single copies may be had o he author. Nathaniel Mayfair. E-q . , Bedford. King nutty, N. V., by enclosing a prenual addressed ell vise. (March 15, IEO2. CN•utlfilagY Untruams —There 1., perhaps, no depart s:4M of military linsitiess iii which there him been more trio rked iinprovcaimit .111111 in the clothing of sot biers, Not many years sluice officer. stud private - were clad in gi meats which were utmost •kiii tight. ',They wore leather mocks, which were worthy of the -1111.111.1, for they kept the wearer in inhalation; while ••Aliciepadded breasis and tight sleeves mode volition a " molter of great difficulty. Uurbg the present war arch of amr volunteers as procure their uniforms at the '.BDOWIII , SIoIIe Clothing Hullo(' Roe 'hill & Wilson, Noi 14,i03 and 605 Chest out al rem,. above Sixth, Philadelphia (Mutat clothing th at Is perfectly easy..uhstantial and :becoming. The firm named have gone largely into , the business of making Military Clothlimand their ' enable them to fill the largest orders in the ilhOltesl possible time. TO CONSUMPTIVES. .The,Adverdser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered seven) years With a severe lung infection. ' and lhat dream disease, Consumption—ls anxious to mike known to his fellow.sufferers the means of cure. ' To all who desire it, he twill send n copy of the pre scription used (free of cheese), with the directions for preparing and using the some, which they will find a solos CURE FOR CORAUIRPTION. AteTURIA, BRONCHITIS, • &c. The only object of.the udvritiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread in fors:caul.= which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will ' cois them nothing, and may prove a blessing. • Nellie)) vvisbing the prescriplion will please address Dim. EDWARD A. WILSON, Oct. 26,1861:301. Kings County, New York. DIVIDEND. COMM/131A BANK. May 6.102. The Directors of this i agitation have this day de eta red a dtvieend of three per cent.. payable on de mart& SltAluEt. StIOC H. Columbia, May 17, E 162-31. Cushier. NOTICE!. T desire to settle up the old book accounts, of both 1 Stores and request all persons knowing them ',elven indebted to please call and sante the name. IL C. PONDER 11TH. Coltmbia, May 17, ISM. For Sale at a Bargain al'. choice of Two Fire and Berglstr Proof Safett— `•fierring" or -Lillie," Pattern; A no, a Family Hor.e. and u first-rate Carriage and Humes!. Call at the store of . . • H. C. FON DERSAIITII. Colo'. 1116 y 17, 1862. udjolmng Um Butik 017 X. FLAG AGAIN OVCB TECO OLD FORT. IHt Subscriber !myna; Meowed of hi..tock of Dry Good.. he.. et his More. opposite the Odd Fellow. , L!.to Steacy & BOWCCP, begs leave to inform hi. , old .ca.lotriers and the public generally that he l apilli laying in u New sit nek of good., at the Old Nand adorning the Bank where he alit tic plett.ed to roe them and u- .many New oiled a, will favor 11110 with their patronage. Believing that the -Nimble Sixpence is better than the Slow Shilling for the buyer us wen n= the siolvr —he ie determined lo do an circle-live Cash Business, and moos hr. will have u cotaitturnce of the liberal patroange heretofore received at lit. old 81.111.1. H. C. FOND ER.SMITII, adjoining the Bank. Cob... May 17,1862 TO THE LADIES'. urr would call your :pedal attention to a new and VI bewail& line of Diess Goo.:* we have just re ceived, at reduced prices. STEACY & BOWERS, Corner Second and Locu-t sots, Columbia, May 17. IS6II. Coluinhia. TIIST RECEIVD, a• very desirable ty lot of G rey Goods and She phe !We Plaid. for I.ndies' Boosael &MACY h BOWERS, Opp. Odd Fellows , Hall Nay 17, 1E62 Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings. Tuns would day to the gent:mem we have rec. ived TI smother .upply of Cloth.. Ca+timere• and imp, at tow figuree. STV.ACY h LIAINVEIittt, Oppo.ite Odd Fel i(11,5' Columbia, Pa. May 17, IS6t. Tom Thumb About Again! PC9hler's Tin and Honnr.Curti•hinß Store, Lo ving street, oppo.ite the Wink. Th. -Torn Tituml.” Janina are the very Lett Coal Oil Lampu made. Cull and .-2amitie Cusin. frrliest Coal Oil nt 25 eta., per gallon, at Columbia, 3luy 17,1862. P 1 LAGS WANTED. THE Idgheot cash pricc paid for mixed, or white and colored Rage by JNO. D. MARKER, Paper and Rae %Valehou , e • N. E. Corner Falb A. Commeiee street., Phala. Ems. May r n. 1P62 3fn THE MULLET FACTORY AGAIN "I 1 BLAST.” rritiFiNubsersber would reopecifully inform the chi zeta of •'olomb•n and vicinity that he bas just 111" hi+ eeh•brated MULLET FACTORY, et the. I •nlumbia Dam, just below the tomtit, and is pre• pored to aapplY SHAD, MULLETS, SUCKERS, end all Olt, 6•h that swim the SuNuelintina River, in their proper se a son. sti the lowe.l price. He aoliena the custom of his rrir 11111.1 the pnblic generally. SARI DEL ARMS. Colombia. May 3.18C.-dm NOTICE! TIME VENN MUTUAL. LIFE INSURANCE having J. d,-elated ot vent, tlividehd of litany per cent. out of the Profit. of the Compan). for 180:4 linage entitled to certiSevrea will Weavr coil at the office of the under eigned wad receive the same. Cohonabia. May 3,1882, F. X. ZIEGLER, Agent Otri. FIRST ARRIVAL. Tr/WING just received our first NEW 16 PRIM.; STOCK. we would announce to the cislaeos of Columbia and vicinity, that it is NOW READY FOR. INSPECTION, to all who may favor us with a call, feeling confident we eau offer goods at such prices as will induce all to parclwae• . _ IeALL AND SEE THEM...OI STEACY & BOWERS, Corner Oppos i te d Locust Street; Cola. Billy 3, '3.2. sOdd Fellows , Ball NOTICE. WHEREAS Letters of Administration on the estate r of Ueorge Fackler, late of the borough of Coluun- Ida, he the county of Lancaster, dece aged. ha ve been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate arc requested to make Immediate payment. stud those haring claims against the same will present them duly authenticated, for tenement. to ULRICH VOGEL. Administrator. Columbia, April 26,'62 Gt Potatoes! Apples!! Oranges!!! ALANGE quantity or VOLIICIeI of the best varieties for ask at NO. 2, ARCADE, 'Llralennt street, adjoining Bellevue Ilou•e. MAO, .APPLES, APPLES, APPLES, By the barrel, bushel or in smaller quantities. FRESH ;ORANGES In nun quantity at the lowest rates. A. H. LOCK MID, .1011 N LONG. Colurtibio, April 26, 1602 1882.1 Third Supply [1862. NEW SPRING GOODS. O:MNG, th is day, another supply of goods, con slanting in part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, . pf the sievreFt styles. 5000 yards of hellish and A marl eau prints, the best In the market far 13 cm. Corn. ride lint of men's and boy's Summer wear. Brown and tahrliehed Ls.heetings and Shadings at old prices. A nether supply of CARPETINGS t 4. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, tc.,&e. Window Shades and Fixtures. All to be sold at the lowest possible pried.. Co. ChapLDF:MAN. 26. 1E62. h Cash store." Intim of Partnership. TH'll,And Gm, it 6s° table heretofore existing between I. G. Hiedhturasit., trading in Coal under the See MITCHELL, has ads day been dis solved .by mutual content. All persons indebted to 601 10 .4 &alma:shot th e some, will pre. smatellosto to 3.0. los settlement. wet. s s. Gls BlBlikkil4 GEO, lITZVICELIn ....APPIPOZIP+, April 0, MU. April la, • To•Destroy r -Rats, Roaches, &c 7b Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants, To Pettroy.Bed-Bugs, To Destroy—Mothis in Fars,-Cioths, &c To Destroy—• Mosquitoes and Fleas, To-Destroy—lnsects ou Flints and Fowls, To 'Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c., To Destroy—Every form and species of Ver min. 1.0=4.01 'Only Infallible Remedies known.' DESTROYS INSTANTLY EVERY FORM & SPECIES OF VERMIN. These preparations (unlike all others) are: "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York City." Used by —the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &e. third by—the City Hospitals, Alm-Houses, &c Used hy—t he City Hotcls—'Astor'—'St. Nich 0105; &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &c., &c Used lay—more than 50,000 Private Families Q 3" - See one or two Specimens of what is Everywhere said by the People—Editors— Dealers, &c. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vemin need be so no longer, if they use "Cosrxres" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Comte's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Bed. Bugs, quicker than we can write of it. It i in great demand all over the couutry.—Medi na (0. Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.—Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. ECKEIZ & STOCITER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c., Ex terminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. In 23c. 50c. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles and Masks. $3 and $5 sizes for Planta. titans, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. CAUTION IT 2 To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bearing a fat simile of the Pro prietor's signature. Examine each box bottle, or flask carefully before purchasing, and take nothing but ~Cosraft's." Ct:rSold Everywhere—by All Wholesale Druggists in large cities some or TUE Wholesale Agents in Near York - City. Shieffelin Bros. & Co, Harrel, Risley BcKitch- B. A. Fahnestock, en, & Co, Bush, Gale & Robinson, A. B. & D. Sands & Co, M. Ward, Close & Co. Wheeler & Hart, McKisson & Robbins, James S. Aspinwall, D. S. Barnes & Co. Morgan & Allen, F. C. Wells & Co. Hall, Ruckel & Co, Lezelle, Marsh &Gard- Thomas & Fuller, ner, P. D. Orvis, Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox. =! Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. Robert Shoemaker & B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Co. French, Richards &Co. I=3 AND BY Druggists Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers generally in all Country Towns and Villages lEEED UNITED STATES. .A.T COLUMBIA, PA. O 7 Sold by DR. W. S. McCORKLE, Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Ball. ALBERT GRAY & Co., Front Street, above Locust, R. WILLIAMS, Front Street, above Locust. And by all Druggists, Storekeepers and Re tailers generally. Mr - Country Dealers can oreder as above. Or address orders direct—[cor if Prices, Terms, &c., is desired, OSS"Send for ['B62] Circular, giving reduced Prices] to ZCEGINDLIC Z. 0015 1 1 1 .41.32., Principal Depot—No. 512 Broadway—(Op posite the St. Nicholas Rotel j ). New York- XV /Op We. • • • DR MARKLEY'S HEALTH fIEALTH HEA LTII HEALTII RESTORATIVE RESTORATI VI.: RESTORATIVE RESTORATIVE BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM BALSAM Is the most a , •rv.in safe and effectual remedy offered te the public for DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, GENERAL DEBILITY, HEADACHE, JAUNDICE, MERCURIAL DISEASES, CANCEROUS AFFECTIONS, SCROFULA, PILES, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, ALL ERUPTIONS OI• THE SKIN, and all diseases originating from an impure condition of the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Experience of over twenty years with this and the other remedies prepared by the proprietor, fully CS lulpluelt the furt Mut they tare dm MONk rebottle, nod will give more general sansfielicou than coy other remedy before the public. Being PURELY VEGETABLE they can be taken by any person and under any cir cur:mance". NO PERSON CAN TAKE THEM NVITIIOUT DERIVING BENEFIT FROM THEIR USE NO FAMILY SIIOULD BE WITHOUT THEM.. Testimonial. are daily received neuter forth their value. V hole. columns of volutanry certificates could be given. but space will ant permit. The intention of the public t. called to the ,•treulnr issued by the subset her and can be obtained a. well nn tall the preparations Item the agents mentioned below. TRY THEM! TRY THEM!! Prepared Daly by DR. G. H. NIARKLEY, Who eon he consulted (obis office or by letter, sold In Columbia by A. GRAY & CO, DruggielQ; and, Mr° in Lanen.ter County, by Jo-Imo Lender Mount Joy; Jaeol.Nbetlev,Springville; Hamel Cohen,: Blue Hall; J. 11 Itletz, Eliraltetblow»; Dr J. R. J obit. New Holland; Hensel St Uhler, (riurr) ville; C. !caul man, Sporting Hill. April 1.6 1562-em P.RA.IVItLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. NOS. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREETS CAPITAL .. 5400,000 1 2 4 ,,tpriu..1 Premium., $324 345 li Le• . rive / * cr . etsit. 46,217 26 Unexpired Temporary Premi 8:103,3:12 03 Le,ts for the portion of time ex• pi red on poiteies over oae year, S2O 033 55 ------$183,34i 40 e 58.341 50 CM@ 5:2,320,005 75 STATEMENT Mho Assets of the Company on January I, le 2. Published in conformity malt It ea rovisinn o (die sixtbiectiono ft he Ay' of Assembly .o fAprilsrlt.l942. MORTGAG On property valued at over e 4.500 000 being first inorigagepon real estate. in the City and County of Phi ludelphia,e, - cepi $68,:129 92 in the neighboring con ties, REAL ESTATE. Purchaset, at eirlieriirs , sales, under' mortgage claims, viz: Eight houses and 10t,7U l.y 150 feet, on the SOUlli-Welnl cot ner of Chesnut ;and Seventeenth streets. A house and lot, 27 by 71 feet. on North side of Spruce etreet, West of Elev enth street. Two housesand lois.enelt IS by 75 feet, on South side o spruce street, near Sixteenth street, Five houses nod lots.euch 171 by On feet, Nos. 0021, 523, 523, 527 and 0211 Oilwyat st., Three houses and 10t.49 by 54 feet,on Easi tido of Se venteentli street.south of Finest, Hotel undlot,so by SI feet.ontlieSouilt ea•l cornerof Chesnut 1.1141 Beach sts , Five houses and 101.42 by SG feet.on the North side of George street, West of Ashton street. Seven houses and I ot. 2G by 1171eet, on the East side of Ileaeli street, south of Chesnut street, A house and lot. IS by SO feet, No. 817 Fitzwater street. East of Ninth street. A ground rent of fllo.issuino out of u lot 114 by 40 feet. on North side of Otter street, 40 feet West of Leopard Street. Si lots of ground in Buckley str_ie and Quereville nveaue. Bristol. A haute and lot, 16 by 100 fret, on the south side of Stiles street, cast of Sixteenth street. A house and lot, 14 by 60 feet on the eu.tsideof Frost St., north of Cherry Street, KeliSillOou. A house and Lot, N. tide Liberty street, Pott-burg. A lot of ground S. side of Penn street, Pits-burg. Two hooves and lots N. side of Filbert sines, we.t of Eighth street. Five buipvs and lot. N. side Datil:sail. street, Cull olCOral street. LOA.NS. TernpornryLoanx .on Stock x n x Collat. ern 1 Security, (valued at lq:17.01.19 SO) 5:3,1313,13 STOCKS. 810.000 Alma Ilouse Loan percent . (Int. on.) 200 Shares Bank o flCentucky. 17t• Northern IltinkofKentucky, 100 .. Union Bank oiTennes.tee. Insurance Company of the State o f Pennsylvania, 200 " Southwark Railroad Co. 37 Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg, 300 " Pennsylvania Rallron d Co., Cl .. Franklin Fire InsuraneeCo, 2 Mercantile Library Co., 24 " Union Canal Company, 2 CoutincistAl llotel Comp'y, 63,000 00 do. do. Bonds. 818,000 N on t of M ay. Penna. S late 0 per cent. 10106. 810 000 North Penlea Railroad Bonds, 81.000 Burlington City Water Loan, 8700 Philadelphia City Lunn, 9723.30 " City Warrants, Notes and Bills receivable. Cush on hand, Cash in hands o fA gent it REAL tsrATE. Market value, Cost, as above, Advnnce in valor. STOChS. Market valve. Loast s as above, Advance In valise Total, AMMO 005 75 LOSSES BY FIRE. Lossespoid duringthe yes' 1964 $72,969 85 By erderofthe Hoard. CHARLES N. RA SCREE . Prestden t Attest: JAYXOII %V. MeStustits.See7 Pro Ton. DIRECTORS. Chat. liancker,Tobla. ‘Vagner. Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Deo. W. Richards, David 14. Broom. laaae Lea. Edward C. Date. Geo. Fakra, Alfred Fitter. CHAS. N. BANCKER, rre EDW'D. C. DALE, Vice President. JAB. W. McALLIPTEE, c'.9 p tem. N. McDONAL Ec D, Age ro nt, Columbia. Match 9,180?. .T" SUBSCRIBER Offers at private sale, the following valuable town property, viz: A Lot of Ground, con,iming of about six acres, situated . n the north side of Mill street, in the borough of Columbia, Lancaster county Pn. adjoining property of the e..tate of James Collins, decd, on the west, and ihe Columbia Roiling Mill properly on the emt, on which circled a good TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE,AL coninining, two rooms and a kitchen on the firi.a floor, tour grams on the second .tort', and two good cellar,. There is n pump with well Of good water in the yard. and an ORCHARD containing an excellent vitriety el YOUNG PRINT n Ens, ntwelied to the prerni-e. The Heading and Columbia' Rail road tia.t.s ou the °rum, te side of the street from the property. j[D — Cor terms apple to Loth. April 26, leki-tf. JOSEPII ULMER. WHEREAS Letters of Administration on the en , - low of Dr. 11 John. late of' the hot:twit of Co lumbia. tu the county of Lancaster, dedrased, have been grunted to the undersigned, all indebted to rind relate alto requee:ed to make immediate pay ment. iintl those harming eloums against the some will present them, duly molten jointed. for settlement to ELIZABETH A JOHN. Columbia, April 12,1662.G1 Administrairix. PAPER YOUR HOUSES NOW! The !net chance, for b rgains. 2500 Pieces Wall Paper, OF our be- t etOes and quality, yet on band, whic h we are clo-wg out utSO percent. lower them delphia %Wholesale Prices. Call coon as we are sell ing oil rapidly 11. C. FONDERSNIITII, itiljohling the C. 11.1: Co!umbia. Marti) 29, 1262. House-Furnishing Goods and Queens ware. 1 NOTIIER lot of climee White Granite Ten, Dinner and Toilet tiets, of the very be-t together With a full line of good. for "Young Folk." about commencing Ifou.rtierpnig,; at FUNDED:SMITH'S New Store, Cola. Mali. 8, '62. Opporite Odd Fellows' Hull. IN TIME OF WAR PREPARE FOR PEACE!! JUST ARRIVED, NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE Subscriber has just returned front Philddelphla and Ne Voi:. with n large and well oeleeled blued of goods coadr.ltng in part rob fuhows: Mark nail Panay Col3red Silk., ' , reach Maki Silk., tVarped Plaid FoulJrd, Lterege A ogl.es, Mauled and Plod I Leerlla., ftlotanibique , and aequard Chanties. Liwilt.Cilighann,, Alpacas and Penn., in all viiriatie. CLOTHS, CASSIMEIZES AND VESTINGS, Super. Blnel; French Cloth.. •• fit OWII a nd Blue Mack Doe-Ski,, (`n-sitnere , t, a large variety al Fancy Cast.iineres of all grotto• and wives. Black Grande,,., Sam, and Marseilles Vicet tags. Blenebed and unbleached b. usling of all from Of lo eenu:, While Goods all mistime, l'lrk ing, Check:, Flanne:s, Linen Table Cloth", ToeScl logs, Se. rn.ck a d Pitney Colored Stella Shawls,lll: , ek Silk Du-t•rs hod Montillu.. _ llo:ntry.Tomonnv,: and Notions of stl! gradvs, qual. ill, and once , . !loop Skirts of all *tees Balmoral Skirts. Umbrellas, Para-ols. READY-111A.DE CLOTIIING; Black aad Furey Cloth Coats. Blurb nod Fancy Can-tonere. Coat:. Muck nod Pastry Ca:sitnere Paton:. Black & Fancy Silk, Simla, Cloth & Cas-imere Vests. The above good: have been houtt,ht at RI-rally re duced priers for CASII, and will he -old at *mall ad. sauce for the alone, ut the store of 0 . S. bIitTAG CB & CO, Locust Street, two doors below Columbia Batik. Columbus, March ilk, PAIL 1862.] Second Spring Arrival. 11862. nPENING this day a Splendid Assortment of \.../ New spring Goods, bought very low for cash. one will be sold at u very small ;advance on cost. NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS: Sprung St) les Cha Hies and Delaines, Brocade Oltalites, PI i tiled Organdies. Priteed ['reach Lawns, 25111( and Wool Valentias, 11100. miny ues, Mot:airs, LANCASTIR, PA Shepherd Plaid. Black and White roil de Clievree. All-Wool DeMines, Best Brands of Glossy Black Silks. New Si} Is Fancy Dre-s f . &c. Merrimac and other beet make of pints, Idt cents; Bre** Gnigliarn--124. Ala-ins. at the old !wiles CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. A full line of Cloths. Cassiineres and Ve.titics. , A fall line of desirable goods kw BOYS' REAR; cArtyrriNGs AND FLOOR OD.CLOTDS: Second supply this Sprang. 11ALDEAI AN', Uoluttibm, April 5, Cheap Ca-hSmre. FOR RENT OR SALE. ALarge TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL LING HOUSE, fronting on Locust street, above Fourth. formerly occupied by Wm. COwDEN. Willi a Rune Mirk Stable and Carpenter Shop. roe-e--ion given fir.e day of Apia. leGd. Apply to Nltorell y li , (P). If 111erlIE,.:\ .5.78,127 85 THE Brick Dwelling House, Two Stories mid Attic, +binned in Union xtroet Mince S:coult, oppopite the Coition,. Church. The building. hes it bnek•vord. with water mirodueed. Lutely occupied by William I.urlier. For term+ apply to H. B. ES9ICK. COlUillblll, Altirch 8, 1962:tf 1569.] SPRING. [lBO2. 1,001,570 74 NOW OPENING A LARGE STOCK OP GOOD CARPETINGS AND OIL CLOTHS, at very low prices to suit the times, all o: !Lk Springs newest style.: Bra -sels. Superinr Three Ply, Superior I ileum. ks... FLOOR MATTINGS-4.4 TO 6-4 WIDE; FLOOR 011. CLOTIi-l--4.4 TO 4 YDS. W Stair 011 Cloth.. Stair Cra-he.. Furniture Oil Cloth., DIIIIGRT:. 4 FROM 4.4 TO4 YARDS WIDE . ; ELEGANT RUGS AND DOOR MATS; ' - At co.?, t 03,001 33 r WINDOW SHADES OF NEW DESIGNS; Looking Glasses, tilt and Mahogany Frames; CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, full stock, Including latest mylea or Wiliw Granite Dinner and Tea Sets. SOUSILEBEIDING GOODS: Blenched and Brown 10-4 and 12-4 Shreiongs, Bleached 5-4 and t 4-4 Pillow ease biotin', Vivra Bed Ticking. Toweling" ntid Crasher, Woolen 'Nude Covers, Bureau Covers. Marseilles Quills, IVoolen Coverlets-he-he. CARPET CHAIN: Wooten, Linen and Conon—all Color'. EXTRA QUALITY LIVE GEESE FEATEERS. Columbio. Morel: 15,1%2 'I KE SUBSCRIBER HAYING ACCEPTED THE Agency for the sole of OILITELIKLENTAIN CAS TIN 0, SUCH AS IRON RAILING, FENCING, VERANDAS, a C 0.,. 2#53,t71 10 Cellar Gratings. Tree Boxes, Hitching Posts, SETTEES, TABLES, CLIAIRS, EAT RACKS, FLOWER STANDS, &c., &c.. Offers to the public a selection from the mock of the ben emablushments in the Untied States Design• can he exam, lied. and pricer ateennined on a:linea tion to the undcrsigned. Ile is also prepared to supply !Kill Gearing di. Turner.° Castings, HAVING A LARGECATALOGUE OF MILL GEARING PATTERNS, of all sizes, and of every kind; all of which will be contracted for at the lowest rule. and guaranteed. Apply to :SAMUEL TRuSUOTP, Cherry &treed. CA'umbia. March, 1.1802, COlutellia. Pa. s►.ass 30 21 MS • 6,545 1 MEM 52 0.041.t.11 30 81:13630 16 111311911 X 1 15'21,839 83 VALUABLE PROPERTY. TrILL be sold at private sale, all that tract or piece 11 aground situated in West Hempfield township, Lancaster COT, half a mile from Columbia. known as g'COWDEN'S BRIGS. YARD,” containing 9 acres and upwards, on whirls is erected A ONErAND-ArIIALF STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 11. Frame Barn and Brick Kiln. There is, also. a Young Orchard on the premises. The land is Ma high state of cultivation and under good fence. The property will be sold low and on moderate payments; those *shins to examine the property will please call Oct WILIAAIII hIcCIIKSNEY„ re siding in Columbia. who will give them all necessary inlormation. Possession given the Ist day of April next. 1E99. Fetel Id, 1ea2.11 WILLULDI COWDVir SEBS33 03 t 3,173 10 $3 WM S 6 PRIVATE SALM. NOTICE. DRESS GM/DS: HOUSEKEEPING GOODS SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, FOR RENT. Coma and APican Door plots HA I.D•nl ANS , Clirmp ensh sinre 'ANON CASTINGS! PRIVATE SALE OF NEW GOODS! JUST RECEIVING, AVery Large and well-asserled supply of F.H.B. AND S. KAI O:CABLE DHES9 (.100Di1 SILKS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, And Dry Goods Generally. ALSO, CLOTHING, HATS 4• CAPS, BOOTS & SHOPS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, to which We invite the attention or purchaser., feeling confident that tin examiiianon of our goods and prier 4 will sourly any one that litre is the place to get good goods, and the worth of their money ill 11:1 AIALTWir 4 CASE. Cola. April:V.lE62. LOPLIIn Sc., Columbia, Pri. HOOPED SKIRTS. NEW and splendid style of !looped ju-t a. received; Also, a full Issottinent of oilier fityles, very cheap. AIALTHY S. CASE, Coltaintliu. Apr. 126,1262. Loeu-t FOR SALI3, 5 0 s p n ry k C. A. Salt, lOU Sucks A at . :114,41 . = A p- Warehouse, Canal Columbia, Dec. 29, 1901. BUSINESS STANDS FOR RENT. No. 1, MECHANICS' ROIV, now occupied by R. lii.gon, po.m,sion given April 1,1802. No. 4, MECHANICS' Row, possession given Enquire of /airy 18, 18.82.. PETER 11A LREATA S. JUST RECEIVED, A LOT of New sugar Cured Ilum•. of 6r-t rote quul CI. ity. Try them. II sI7YDAM, Corner rront and Union ntreelA • Columbia, Feb. 6, lead. NEW FURS AT COST A FEY more sets. of Furs eon yet be had at Coq, at FONDERSAIITI I'S Stoi c, Cola. Dee. 21,1861. Adjoining the Batik. DXSSOLtTTION. T"F'partnership heretofore exi-zing between the an der-iglu:al in the Coaebinak ing buninels, under the filen of Caner & Recker, Ilan been this day di, , olved by mutant von6C.lt. The accounts of the late firm w.ll be stilted by Samuel Carter, by suborn the bu-bieits will be conducted an heretofore. at the old unpaid. on Second street, Coluatbu.. SANICEI, CARTER, EDWIN A. in:clinic. coi.nnbia, Dec. 3, ISGI The subscriber retiring from the firm of Carter de Decker, returning thantis to the public tor past liberal iiironage. requests a continuance of the same to Air. Carter w•ho a-comes the entire I:111k rge or the 7n.ntosi. Cola Dec. 7, ISO!. EDWIN A. BECHEIL COACECIVULUING. SAMUEL , - 1 • 14 . CARTER, ,J t*J 1!k 1 ' ' COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Second Street, nearly opposite the Lutheran +Ourch, Columbia, Pa. SILVER MEDAL —lst PREMIUM-1859 BRONZE MEDAL-Ist PREMIUM-1859 Awarded by the Lancaster County Agricultu ral and Mechanical Society. TEE subscriber call attention to the fact that the Firrt Premium, n Silver Medal, was nwardcd lion by the Lancaster County Agricultural and Mechanics; Society for the bestsi t tfting Top Bug gy exhibited at the Fair ofthe Socirty in octobero 8. 1 97 also, 11 Bronze Medal—First Premium—for the best Sleigh.' At his Conch and Carriage Making li•!nblish• meat, he continues to manufacture Conciles, Cur. Buggies, Sulkies, and till other vehicles in hits reputation us a workman is fairly en. tabliAted, as he can confidently clai-sz for his work the merits of beauty of form, elegance of finish, and strength of structure. One of the dt.tingui•hing features of his work is its durability; all VCIIieICA or his build are constructed of the Lest iCUSOIIeiI unite nal, and put together firmly ned substantially. He gives particular attention to the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and warrants all his work in this HOC to give satis (action. In addition to his practical experience in the lIU. nessn Ile hits the ussi.tance of the beat workmen —none other being employed. The puttlte Is respectfully invited to call and ex amine Mean:re': on baud. Columbia, Dec. 7,1E61 SWEET CIDER. r RAVE jii4t received a cheap article of Cider—Roil I aide for Mince Pic•. kc. RAISINS, CITRON, PRUNES, CURRANTS &e.. to be had cheap, at Coil!. Nov. SO, ISM. IL F. BRUNER'S. PURE SPICES. F ; ; 0 , 1V w, CO .;rl, baud e , oi n ol , for a ii r.r. a , s t - tir i t; y l'inegar, the Ire,t in Coln. Nov. 30, 1601. U. F. BR UNF.II. CRANBERRIES! ELY Crop Cron barrio. on band, and cheap, at SUY DAIWA r; roc°, eqnrc. Cola Nov. Z 3.1861. Cor. Front and Ullioe SI APPLES! APPLES!! A SUPPLY of Prime Am,lett just received at the 1. ear. rlolll and Untou etteets. Coeu Nov 23, 1561. IT. StrYDAIII. H. StrirD/LACEIS GROERY 8c PROVISION swim, COR. FRONT S; UNION STS., COLUMBIA, PA. T.ulo4criber keepe on hand n: old ' , Wald vll- .1- unsonmect of article- in hog line, convinnung of PRIME GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, FLOUR, FEED, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CEDARWARE, FRESH A:CD DRIED FRUIT, CONVEC K RY. NOTIOV.. &C. The best and cheapect Teas, :Fevre, Coffees, Molds ee•, &c. Salt Fish of all hands. Dom.. Shoulders, Potatoes. Deans, I lommoney. Dried Apples. Dotter. Egsp.. Sad!. Soup, Candles, Flour, C'orn Neal. Duck wheat Flour. Apple.,Cranberries, Fe , dee. Queeosware In vein and single pieces, Glassware of every deseripnon, Eartheaware, Cedarwore. A great variety of ,miller Warev and Notions. In whorl, a general selertion of everything to be found in simolur ernabli.lunents. The undersigned ii prepared to sell at tow as the lowest, and furnish as good amides for the money tie mk• n 1,01,111111:111CC nr the public cu-.tom heretofore so Itheruhy extended to him. Co:it. Nov. 23, 1821. 11. S YDA:II. NEW GOODS: NEW GOODS: THE Sobseriber has just returned from the c.lies"id, ill; t•CC011.1111.101111C111 of FALL AND WINTER GOODS: Ladies' all wool Delnincs—very neat figure•; " Delollies in awn each nod every one; 100 pieces New Style Calicoes; Ladle.' 110-iery and Gloves—a full °Astir:mem; Ladies', NI i.ses' and Children's Boots and Shoe.; Balmoral Shoes for hlisseo; Balmoral .kiri , ; ladies' Aonings nod Nabir-s; Ladies' nod Children's Hoods. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR: Cloths, O•isstmrre.,hc., Gent linnest , s 130014 and Slineg; Gentlemen's under wear, Getitlrmstrs Extra Knit Coats. Gentlemen's Gloves, Hosiery, ex. GENTS. PIPES OF DIFFERENT STYLES. All of which will be sold at a very smell profit. F. 11111:NER. Dec. 14, '6l. Cor, Third and Union as„ Cola. The Best, Cheapest, and most Success ful Family Paper in the Union. A Complete Pictorial history of the Times. Iit.A.ILPIIIL'S WZIEIELTZ', SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. PriCD Six ecru II number; :MAO per Tsar CH:(cal NOiILCI of the Prrsr. We would not so often call attention to Hasyses Irerkly it we were not well PAti*fird that It is the fain tly paper published in the United States. and for that reason, and that alone, we devi re to see it undermine and root out a certain loud of literature too prevalent. which blunts the moral, of its read ers. vitiates their taste for sensible rending, and is altogether bad iu its effects —Neon London Asirsniser. Its fresh leave,. its c:ear type, its entertaining va riety. its severe bat just criticisms noon the lollies of the ttmes.its elegantly venue:. and instructive anieles, and its able correspondence. all combine to make it the model newspaper of our country, and one mat every family morgprise. Its condensed weekly PPM mary of Foreif 1 Ind Domestic Intelligence is alto• gee ber superior no that contained In any otberjoa nig Being published too, in a form for preservation and binding. if taken care of as it deserves to lee, it will be found in future years as welcome a companion for the foully and fireside an the day on which it was first perused.—N. r..Etcning Post. TERMS. One Copy for One Vent, LSO. One Copy for Two Year.. 4.00. Ten Copien for One Year, 10.00. An Extra Copy will be allowed for every Club of Tior Seneca:ones. Harper's Weekly is eleetrotyped.and neck num. hers van be furnished at any time. Yaw. 1. , 11.11.1. and IV. for the Veer. 1P57. MB. and leen, of -HARPER'S IVERKI.X.” hand. 'tamely based In Cloth extra, Price, 8310 each, are now reedy. HARPER 4k. DROTITER, rnuthlin Square, New Yolk. Dec. 141, UHL BJ. WILLIAbIS, N 0.16 North Sixth Street, Philo . dolphin, Mauutacturer of The larF,est and finest awortment in the city, et the 'owest prices. Blinds pained and trimmed equal to new. Store Shades made and lettered. Columbia, April 12, 1h62-2m. BEAUTIFUL ORGANDIE A ND Pacific Lnarnu—Grazelles and Modena Cloth , . FL —desirable goods for dresses. coats and dusters, u full line, elo.,ing out rtt very low prier.. 01 11. C. FONDER*MITI PS Stores, Cola. June 9,1E61. Locust Street. 50 PACKAGES Assorted Sizes No. 1, 2 and 3 ititlekerel end Pont. lierring. put up exprev-/1 for family use,ju < t received or 11. C. FO:s:DERSMITIPS Coln, June 21,'C1. Curl: Siorcx, Locust St,• Dress Silks, French LI erines, DR' NTED c done., Wool Delo' nes, Pa ratneon A. Fee gobjcct to Ito IlVe to riff are now 7 .1 hug 01 CO-t, I Cola. Pee. 21. 11. C. roN DERSAI ITJ i'S, Adjotniht... the Moth Trade Sales! Trade Sales!! mite: subscriber having just returned Irma the Phil udelphia Trade Salt,. oilers at the lowe-i priecf all Wads of books embracing Law, Fietion,Medical. Rel glow,. Biography. Mechanical um' other kind• The -e hooks will all be poid at the lowe.a prices a. we had the advantage nod were :be only Book-eller from Lauca•ter, at the Trade Sales, mid eon-, guelice, we can sell lower than any Store. A few of the nook.. are here men tinned: Wel...toes Unabridged Dictionary. Woree.ter's 1111:11.1idged Dictionary, Soldier's Text Book, Itevi-rd Army Regulations. ItleClellait',. Bayonet Exercises, U.S. Infantry 'Parties, Zottave Drill Book, bits Books of all kind., Photographic Albums. I'or the Pocket orCentre Tattle, in great variety. The Gift Book tor the sea-on. School Mops. Chart a and Cards, Triton's Outli or. Map•, :Sunder.' Elocutioho ry Churl, ah.fere' School Cards, eri:cunt': Schap! Cant.. tble,.. school Culd• Bibles in great variety treto Twetity•five cent% to Twenty-live Dollar., some of them having the lu men binthegs and pliancy ever veer*" eil ni toss u. Sam.lay School hunk , -M Itoth-t,Luthera it, Epi.ece pal. l're..b) tenant. American Tract Society, American Sunday selmol Union. School Ifoolo.—Simder , ',Tower4,Stt rgent , + , .Pocket W.t , son'. , %Var• Salith's Geograptin.r. Al+o, Algebra+. Anil, tnetica, Grammar , . 111-torteo. Dtetionorte.,..c. lionery.Copy. nail Composition Books. Cap .:Sole. ntid Letter Paper, Blank Cooks, Slates. Lena and Slate Pencol-. retti and llolder4. link and Ink-tend-, Ituler••antlornvelopes. The beet tall.e market nre cold byre, viz: Mn 3 north owl I minl.l*-, lloover`.. Latb2.lllms Illackvtomre etc. At the Cheap Cook Store of lnnK 5F1E.11 , 1 , 1:13, Nov. 1 9.'61. N Queen Street, I.n.lenpArr. SLIAWLS AT COST. T ON G and :Fquare, llgnehe and n 14 fine anicie lug a Cliris.inns Gift. ltn - Ttlrvz ST C 0.1: at VONDERSNIITII'S Co'a. Dec.f2l, IEGI. ddlouuug rite 11.11,k. TUE Subscribers to the Stock of the Read .,,,- ..i.d Columbia Railroad Company are hereby notified that in ialment4 of free dollars earl, 011 runt tin re sob-cubed ore required to he pnid to Samuel Shook, Treasurer, COll.llll/110, Pa„ us follows:- 1.4 luotrlment, November S. 1861. 2nd '• December ID, 1861. 3rd '• January 211, 1862 41It o Fel,st.ttry 20, 1862. 5111 .4 111111",11 2.1, 1802. Gilt 0. April 23, 1862. illo :I May 24, 1862. Blt '. .11111 C 24, 1852. 0:11 •I July 25, 18112. 10111 ••• Au4ti-t 23, 1062. 13y order of the Douro of Director,.. W. It. nAsc, Coln.Nov.2, '6l. Prest. It & C. R. R. Co. Tho MECC3X•OO Mit ANTHONY, No. 501 Brundway , Now York, i . now publishing. in addition in other port, 11-, the celebrated collection known /II Europe and Amer ica Its Brady's National Pholographie Portrait Gallery in which is included Portraits of nearly nII the prom inent inen of America not excepting Jed . . Duel... Gen. Iteuuregual,Floyd. and a host of oilier confederate.. Price of Purtruitt 83,C9 per dozen. Gun be cant by SAMUEL CARTER, SCENES OF THE WAR. roil 'rue UNION, are pilldi•lted, card iize. and in etereo , core form. AL , O, Ntereoecopie Views o - euier.e, in Paw, Lou don, and in other part. of England and France. in Scot land. Ireland, Wale.; Holland. Sang/a-Hand. Spain. on the Itlilite, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey. the Holy Laud China. India, Cuba, he., An.; ad inilisitunt. OUR INSTA NTA NEOUS STER EOSCOPIC VIEWSARETHEGREATEST WO:s:DER. OP THE These nre inl,en !n the fortieth port of n second, nod the rushing of water, the moving of vehicles. or the march of till nuns'. does not in the sligide-t degree of sect the talsang o(there VICW.I. rile) are sold fur 83,00 per doter. IVe have Men on Imml and manufacture the largest ossoriment oft.itereu-cope-,l'isrubgrapltic Anton's, and PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS in the United State•. and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, coalitional; iris of all our Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes, &e., wall he bent free by mail, on receipt of a blame. ANTIIONY. LOl Broadwav, Near St. Nicholas I lotel New VOrk. Bet. IP, y ripitr. undersigned would give nolice that be intend+ hereafter to don rash busine-', and will sell unoo4 at reduced pricer.. Railroad rnen and milers who re ceive their pay muddy, veal be allowed u credit of duys. 11. t•'. 1311U.NElt. Oct 12,1961. IUST received by the ..olowriber, ut their s tore in J Loco it street below Second. 100 Bags Ground Alum Salt, whirl will he sold nt the lowest market Driers. Coln. July 6. '6l. J. KU N 11.1,13 &SON 1861.] FOI7IITH ARRIVAL [lB6l. Or AUTUDIN GOODS. OPENING MS DA YA NEW ASSORTIENT OF FALL GOODS. at the very lowest ma r ket prices. Shawls Clou Ls, Crest Shawls, Flit eine M Tic Wags. Cisopetiaga, Ott Cloth... &..,&c., and every seasonable article now wonted, at HALD) N'S Cola. Nov. 2 Is6l Cheap CUSiI NEW GOODS. rp g undersigned has returned from Ore city and i 4 prepared to furiti•M the public wnh a good nod t. heap stock cf Calicoes. of the 11,4 Myles, at old prices; Mut hits, bleached and unbleached; a very good assortment of CASSIMERES, AND CLOTHS, Fatinetts and Boys wear—a full block and 'nice.; to suit the times. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries of all kinds, Cheap for Cash. It. F. SOUNF.R. P. S. Having rarchased most of my goods from wholesale houses that were forted to sell their clock, I art prepared to sell at reduced prices 11. F. B. Columbia, Oct. YO. MR. 'BOOKS SELLA NG I3ELOW COST. In order to renew our stock, we offer our entire assortment of miscellaneous book., at the following greatly reduced prices:- 61.0 Books at 75 CPI. sum Books at Cl et*. 75 et. 43 ":Act. " 34) i3el. " 111 t. Constantly on band n general atvortment of School Boolir, trnper pens, en velve4, and slit kind.; of sin tionery no client no can be bought in the nay. SAYI,O it h 111cDON A 1.13, Cola. Oct. 10,'G1. Front St., 2 door,. above Locust. "WOODWORTH'S PATENT CHEMICAL WASHING SOAP." TUE subscriber having purchased the untent.right (or the menu f.cture, sale, dm., of s.t%oodworth's Patent Chemical Soup," in the county of Lanenoer, (excepting Eadt Donegal tarp CAUTION* nll per.on• Irons trafficiag in this as stele in itiks . vay whatever. in said territory—unless having I i .n cured ihnt right from him. H. C. F fl'M lT}i. July :10,1M. Columbia, Pa Inow in store and am still adding a to a Lane stock of all Loud,' of coal that toy rtmomers mar wish, suck as Baltimore Co. lamp, No's 2, 2 4 and 5' Gray CO'y. Shamokin Big Mountain." " Shamokin Lane. Cahery," " " Shamokin Retlaslt, Ly kens Valley, Short Mammon, s. GALL iiSb ing• LI a. .41 Vino Grose. Ls LA • I •• 'rids Coal is all kept under eover—frre frrm dir and elate.. 31y old anti new customers a.. scbcited to call and satisfy themselves that my stock is Ike coal they ere Moiling tor. Delivered to any part of town by ton or la rger quantity. at as low a rate as any other parties. ;- era will find it to theicadv antage to cal: and examine my stock before pricks/dug elsewhere- B. P. AVPOLD. Canal ttasi n. P. S. X would respectfully inform my customer• that la consequence of the unsettled condition of aP tilts, and the general curtailment of cloddy t feel obliged to cote my books, and from Sept. Dtth. will conduct my basinees on the Cush *yawns. Cola. Baps. D. F. A. BLINDS AND SMCADES. VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES NOTIE. THE HEROES OF PEACE BM LIM2 NOTICE. SALT! SALT! Cheap Books, Cheap Books. COAL, COAL, COAL. • LADIES, SOMETHING 'NEWT EUREKA ATTACHMENT SKELETON .EMITS. T"E great objections to all skeleton ileitis 4titherto introduced bare been the tendency to rise In front and get entangled behind, when compressed by the wearer in the acted" sitting. The Etrants. Ammar:et by a sinipie yet scientific method, without .ehanglag the form or adding to the weight or expense, - eattrely obviates these beretofb.e object.onable features, and nowsthe dress to full in a perfectly easy and utter-- rut position. For sale only at _ _ FONDERSMITH'S C01a..1/111 4 1Q6..E. OppoAtie Odd Fellows , Hall WALL PAPER! C have the lutlance of our work 111000 peen.) ititel V Y :Arranged in our Lower Store Room. ready for it:- =peel Purrlahers eon SAVE 511 PER CENT. in entering then. houhes none at the old stand of 11. C. FONDERSMITR. COISI. March 9,1E62. Adinuting the Brink. jornivuus , thith, of a tliouband flowerP. For Sale. by R. WILLIAMS, his C 31. lebl Front street. Columbia W 4.151 1 113 D, VIZELNTEID. nn n nod Cons or %Villa) MIA et CI, V Li Paces will be Paid ui Cat.h. APPIY U. F. AP1'01.1), Coosa Rosin. CRANBERRIES Gravies and Apples, at 11. F. at UFIRIVii, Coln. Dee. 14.'61. Cot. Third and Union Si. SUGARS, SUGARS. CALL mid examine our Sugar.. IU—AN EXTRA lIROW:sI._O7 A 4111 n..norimeur of GROCERIES., with r oupply of coN FEt.:TIONER SUITABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Al the Coiner of Third and Union Streets. Colo. Dec 114.. JERI, H. E. BRUNER. Ehrisman & Flannery's CONTINENTAL SALOON, N. W. Corner Front and Locust Strtets, COLUMBIA, PENNA. er 17 KEEP the freshest and hest Leer DI- D. (-V Way, Oil tap. Gentlemen will find at tlra “CONT.:II{NTAL" every ingredient for a cool, re fre-lottg. thlrtitmiisitte.ting drsailit, and every acres -, y ha perfect ciOnyta mu. 'I he 11:110011 is large and airy, with a current of air on the hottest day and a current of Luger every day. The CosTitiasersd. is :emple of Song—headquarters of joliiy, mirth and in at/Celli amusement. [Cola, July 13,'61. BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. rs particularly recommended this season as • 1 Team: to the Dyspeptic and Invalid, and is par uenlurly edieuriou• ui sianiner complaints. For salt :mho FAMILY .MEDI.CINE sToar.:. Cola July 00, ISO!. CILIDARIZTARE! WE have ion laiel in a large a‘tionment ofCEVAR 11 %VALLI: of ce el y cleocripi ion. which "•e Cali *ell :II very lOW .1. It MI PLR & SON. Coln. July 6,'61. Locu.l. St., lielovv Se COll gi. Real English Ginghams. Full en.c of those desirable apron checks al a -levy;" jut ree..ivtal ut Cola. attar. W. 1851 Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE.. TIME Dubarriher otters ni privnlo *ale the following PALUAULIi REAL ESTATC, -iiuqued in lh, borough at ColumIllu: No. 1. The well known Columbia M ill prop. erty. On 1110 properly is erected, at the earner of Prom ant I.n recta. the • "COLUMBIA FLOUR MILL. , " The building In of brick, in good condition, commo dious, with two run of burrs. It is driven by both water and steam, a new 30 horse engine having been Added to the mill within the past two years. The muter power is sufficient to drive the mill during the neuter part of the year. There Ma new brick stable rep convenient on the premises. The property com prises the water right on Shawnee Run, with about to erre+ of meadow Inual. No. 2. A Lot of Ground, situate at the N. Ii earner of From and Laurens streets, having n 11 - 0111 of CO fact, more or less, on the former erred, and extending buck ISO Let, tr the Pennsylvania Railroad on which is erected a commodious twastory BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, "" The gms in carried through the hortse. and water intro dliCed 11l the butt's buildings and bath house. A large garden and au orchard of choice fruit trees in the lot. No. 3. A Lot of Ground situate at the N. %V. corner of Second and Laurens streets, having a Croat of 51 feet on the latter street sad extending back 13! fret t•r an alley, on which it hat. a face of 1271501 on %%Ich is erected a two-story Slone atd Brick but [thug, divided into two Dwelling.; There Is wince on the premi-on. A large garden a 'itched. For information apply to CHAS." VUSEY. Madera. Clearfield Co`y, Pa., or to H M. NORTH, Columbia, Ps Columbus. May 25. ISOI-if CHEAP PACIFIC CHALLIES. Pacificp i i .ri e ,l,l n is ore .. n u c l h p ol n e cc el y . s up c,,oi Eh:Tr :e a; 'hem at 11. C. FONDERSMITH'S Cola. June S t ISM. Cash Stores. A.L.1333111M G11.41.1r dt. CO., ' GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE, FRONT ST., ABOVE LOCUST, COLA. PA. TII t: Fuli.erilter4 having purchased from the Inte pro prie,or, 11. John & Co., the above establishment. will here:titer conduct the bwtines% at the old bland !miler the him of ALBERT GNAT St. CO. They will keep a regular and huge supply of ea DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS, FANCY ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, kg, COAL OIL, LAMPS.I.L. 811A.DES, mill n general nesonmeni of everything usually found eAtabli.lrmenig. Tbio• store hag olwnyv done a leading business in Columbia and the new firm will endeavor to towns itv repot:llion, hoping to tece've a fair proportion of public 'support. Herrn ner country ph will find it to their ad vmntige purehipie at the “Golden Itlormr,"where their older, will be filled at term slight advice on Phil adelphia whole-ale price.. Families etill procure their medicines at all henry- Swirl personal nitemion given to the purity of rnad.- clam., and nil proteriptions wall be carefully coin pi GRAY t CU. DR. HOFFER, DENTiST.—OFFICE, Front Street 4th door trout Locust. over Soylor fr..lllcDousid's Hook store Columl n, I.."l.lutrance, barne as Mk) tobo °graph Liallery. [August 21, 1858. 11. N. NORTII, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Columbi a .Pa . COIICCUOII4 rollli. made A nLuneasteiand Yore 'ouutiefk. Columbia ,May. 1,1950. EDWARD REILLY ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAS REMOVED MIS OF VICE to No. 1 i. North Duke Street, opposite tith Court tiou•e, Lunea-ter. [Aug. .24.1314 y. Harrison's Conmbian Ink griticti i% a ..uperier article, permaneothr black, 1 1 and not corroding the pen, can be bud in am ,imitity. at the Flintily Medicine Store, and blacLet ,et in that Dont Poli.h. Columbia. loon 9, 1.5.59 e : ave est ; ece ve 1 - )R, CUTTER'S Improved Chest Expanding Su•neuder and Shoulder Braces for Gentlemen, and Patent Skirt Supporter and Brace for Ladle., I si the article thut is wanted at this time. Come and pee them at Family Medicine Store, Odd Farms' Hat]. [April 9, 18:ao GRAHAM, or, Bond's Boston Crackers, for ftycpeptiel, mid Arrow Root Cambers, cor:iao solids and rhildien—new articles in Colombia, at the Family Medicine Store, April 10, QPALDING'S PREPARED CIAIL—The want of Each nit artiste is felt in every family. and now ,1 call be supplied; for mending furniture. chino. ware,o,namentul work, toys, he., there to nothing sulwrior. We have found it men' in repairing many wattles which Novo been useless for months. To Jon -'in it at the in on. A IPNItLY ktr.DICINF. fiTORt. IRON .iIIV TflESuni,cribeeiliave received a New and Large :Roca of ail knideandaize• kit ,• BAR IRON AND STEEL !• They are court:m*ly supplied with situ* In this !wane h of his business. and can fuuiab it lo customers In lane or small quantities, at the lowest rates J. RUhIPLE Jr PON. Lornat street below Second, Columbia. l'a • April 24. I MM. pITTER'S Compound Syrup of Tar Lt, Wild Cherry, for Coeeer,llokts,&c. Fu ttal, a Goldcit Mortar Protttiote. Front it. r LTON'S PURE 0010 CAT/WEI BRANDY and PURE WINES ecnecially (or Mediclnes nd Sacramental purno.e , at the FAMILYAIEDICINESTORS. POCRET BOORS AND PUBS R. LARGE tot of Fine and Common Pock.el Donna rl and Purses, at from 15 rents to two donors sank. .dquarters and Nears Depot. oril 14.1 U. TIM A SSW more of thole beautiful Prints leo, which will he mid cheap, at SAYLOR ia MeDONALIPS Columbia, lra, MB Just Received and For Sale:..: 1500 SACKS Ground ilant . 1414'41'114e or small quantities's , APJPOLb'S Warehouse . Canal Buis. EMU COLD CREAM OP OLYCERIN3,44 tie eiie ■od prevention fa chipped bawd& ike.TIA. sale at the GOLDEN MORTAR DRDODTIORE t Dce.3,15.70. Front street, (kilaolle• lIALDENTA Fan,i” , .,01