I.l.o.lUirnapßlSE SIISEADIEDI. • • • ' t"' 'rER EtIaXER. " • 2 '. "Sa.' TILIONLIPSON. , " • sITK 't (4t egpf = Colombia• Q TY WrighParilleima ..eiclntly,that the neat arrival 'frost We bast, of.the 'Steamer." at the' port or Co. Junibia,inill bring 'as; another .Loire hat ,of Spring %coat), RirlaidikiCstiul Gentlemen. toll worn:tent or Croetery had msksor2re. ' in Teajklittir dad Toilet Seta. la ears to wit pur chaser' and price, to ran the pump. Our Carpet Kama sapptle'd with Cheap Carpet. at• , • jedueeillirires: lingabrad.,.utore thnt,exerllent .}drop hlolaa ' pea at s.ol•liins ;Mr antlan;inn received teem her with tpariapplcipt efiraprEngunt.' prime Colreen•. mid elunraTetol;fideorwhieh we niter al fair p. fees, to all who will teeter unsaid' their patronage: ' The ••New Corner more," apostle the Odd Fellow.. , Entl I. ta.t. Winning its wny into public facer. and Mr Itowent i.aliattys ready to allow his good* without g e to ull'who will favor, him with t. rail. _IA. C. FON DERSAI IT I I, . . People-a Cash Store, ...hamming the Beth. • • • • • COAL' OIL Is/VBCCE'S. GRAY dr. 11 . 0...tn0tt - treetottoect - ALlorp,e eopply of A CoCoat 011 also, Keroeette Vtl and No.I 'Coal Oil, wlticop.re veurrautesl pure. " &..611.&Y & ' Oct 121Ga1. Golden Metror Drug Store. _ _ .7xo XeamspAssmas. fl sub: l criber 'latrine , rented and put under cant , .1. unbolt bath above the bridge. hereby warns all per.ott. again -t I reepttae Its' upon 1%, 0 per-on will Ar.,l4lloyred. to and •u os. thew without upon the Wand- Oil S,siovlay ,IS POSYrIV ELY PIIGIIIBITEP, -Necirsitof Lltie notice and infrincetnent nt the law meet with prompt preset:noon and the enforce „mew of the legal penalty. Cola. Julie 1091 COOL IN T.OlB OF Wl5. natter mere of 'tliocelienutifal french Lawn nt - another Int of thri-e desirable. moiler.. cloth. •lir I ,ndien' at Lilt et,. per yard. will Lc apentitt thin any nt FON !THIS Cola. June t29,1W1. Sioren •f; .XOl3 MT. VEN ETIAN LI N ENT, F, have ;eeeived fre-b -apply it ' .116 Ira ' y cnl- IV ebrnitql :it Ow • July FA SI I 1., it MEDICI e•LT .••• The War Still Goes On! Amfferzra Tun DRY GOODS I ‘ticr:e. , :lll charge is now heiii7, ' madChre. compaily of Coiumbia Volum erg un -4rler the Stripe- „ upon a large unit bey nie. ful lot of mermen I.,stviii- at 14 Ott laud real l'reacli • orea nate% at 20 cm 11141.111 ruler 05 and 37),- cent, ; The ludic: Will please remember .101'40' very cheap good. , Will -non ili,uippeur under ,The enutiaiial cuxtom of our compiiiiy. 'Aldo, TO itlece, , Minre .of flange prelly , Modena., rit , 1:1 emu-. iii•w vo rte-irable for Imdie. and Cuale with falay oilier cry ten at ii;ziey goraii. at re 4 ducedpricea, Just received at C. FONDEIIizNIITiI•S CI,QI, .Inrea I •.• flat :41. I nne 22. 1.61 SILK. MANI I Lt."'S, "TsitENCII soul Chawill-1 IA( e Cures, Prial- d e., at -rume • price.. Ca.l at 11. C. FO:S:DERSSIITIT'S I I • 1 feel e. 5,1661 EINE • cknonam saromaws ~e.ABISET wemEntooms AND D. ANUFACTORN, LOCUST ST., A rep - Dooss De.,Lop , TOMO ST., COLUMBIA, LAN. CO'Y, THE subscriber having purchased front lit. brother. Crisper isribert. the stork non gond w I • 'monist Cabinet Manutnetory. will continue Ilse al the old stand, where he wit keep on ha .d an a.sorintsnt of FURNITURE OF ALL of,she beet quality. style. 400 armor...tore, nod will wnf.e to order. of first-roe mntertni. racer :movie in his li n e. Ile will glee strict tittention io liostries, rind e.ispreifolly ot the politic a share of os p.iirouttee EriiN twit pA Ri Nr. wiil.reeeive the nio-t eat ern' 1101040111: at the shortest notice. GEORG!: SEIBERT. • The •uhrtarlheraivotg oppocett.of In. hastoep+ re tuns fC 111140.10 the public for many 5 ear. ,o 1 ilhatutpatro.inge. Ile re.pre..f.llly übla a Cootow aati• of favor to hot soree..er. Cola. Muir. CASPER 8111 ltlilr'f. JUST received a Fresh, Ilandsam3 and Va ned u*.fortinent or Shah 10( Net pint !to MAN'y.' ear HALDES 'April C'I'.INOLIN I Doz. n. , orled wraliiiea s andl Z Ma-Ace hooped 4 1 4:r. ni re.merd priers Jti-t le c 4 lived nt 11.0 FLEN DEllllll'lll'S Juoe tf.1961. pmmonwealth Fire Insurance Company, .OF the Sure of Peen , t Ivant.t. OlTice. Commit') oreuith Baikling, No. 613 Cheanct Sued, Ptah! elphie. .p e pital, StIM 000—Paid up Cephal, $200,000. .013.3AVIZED ix 1e44. DIRECTORS: fetid Jayne, D. , ;elm M. Butler, , fiektl M. WWINU, ritrpliele Coulter, Ed W runrit C. Knight,r, B 'Tlettune %V. Evaur, itt K, Welkeeing Lew Jr , .11'Itonms S. Stewart. (Merles L. Paltry!. DAVID JAYNE. M. D.. Pre-Went. JOON M. WiIITALL, Vlce Preettl •1.111.7EL5. iN cert.:Se croary. For Insurance .upp 1l tu F. Z. Ziegler. Ace 61.rmIti a. Nov 17 - GOLD PENS, GOLD PENS, yITaT received n Inr;•e and fine n•sortmcnr of Cnid J Pens. of New•iou wut tirrswold'a mnnufnetore, ut 13,1YLOLI McIiONALIPS Boni. Tore, tri 14. FreoL .Irect. illlnve .411.11,1. PROSPECTUS OF TIIF. ATLANTIC MONTHLY, FOR 3. a e . . . eolllietrthe Smith li.vetyrg,,nd .11 ; increasing tareu'ation. t-• a gratifying evade..., of pith ,lie approval, sand no ii.du•try will be •pgred to reinter the fortheorrong volume adequate to the ri more:nein. of tunes to median,* with great event. it. nin, of o• an v. The life of •lie Kee oldie the he , * ottere.t. 01 the "nation, demand of literate in it manly it lad general,. retina, and she roadwork, of thin journal wilt remit no effort. in etde.t mg the beta talent of the country to etrport With vigee until eloqueuee On, Opinr.lix 1111.1 jorlllClplex Which 10.0-e Ike gr.-. heart to ntil nil tins on the tide, of Freedom nail Right. An elevated national American spirit will always hr found than ,rated in Ilorrxe Mtge.. TIM ATLANTIC NIONTHLT oever give colter than the literature. nail it la it lie the Coll.llllllallll al ii• continent, In render it. Vii net)' greater end Ito tar raelian, better 11.11 mouth than the ;aft. t Ara 'mg the Contribution , already in hand for I.ri2. thai wilinetaig wall voinmend thean•elve. u. •nfluvrut inaluremeata for ever) funnily loprirvide then rt team. Ong numaera for hou.eltold reading: J . Nont..on AGA.--.-1Z Will Imelit in Ihr Jmm try M.- Uerri rents 01 HI Ilele• 011 N-1111rial 111.1 i.). and ,tun kindred tapir.. to be continued boot month to mow It throughout the I ear. 411 man of science in ronnertion w lilt thin nnnotior tI oUlliriesil gUnrointy at the greet beach. to lie de• rived Item his monthly contritiunonn A New Romance he NATIIANIFEL. owrilOßNe, will appear in Tile ATLANTIC early in the Sear. A Or.- story by the late TIM/0011R WICrITROP, I4or 1/1 - DreeMe,” win I Lie eoiiiineeeed I. the ,tarnart 1111TrIber, DIL-GTAVIGR. H WIICD.UIP well known for his re. 'mark:able experiment. 1.6) now-art, L.r avri i,ee for Au.obtography 010 Strength t.eek or," giving an Nier...lll of his method of naming for jest, 01" Mr,nclh. ix n 4 advice 011 el Ole, of The nation in the Iran aad "A Sint y of To-U', ,' o ill COlillibule aet rte, of Tate. Hanna; ,}lre year. A pie f e e rgortrxrlß JANTr.. lIC4rELL LoWPLL, 011 topte• nn itailonal interest. Will ripHe•ir to lineal It. ' BATA an r•yr.on lini-lwrirtr-ta a -tor) which will be pro o rd int tile February itunda.r. The Stall of 11'riter4. sat l'lri•e nod Poetry rontrilout , trig regularly 10 tae ATLANTIC itliati solemn In. popular names, the follow tiZr 4 .0110 W Nm.Arll Lowell, Charles Soetnat. limle***llow, (:....Irv* S. 11111upt, H.4lritu ‘V3l*lt) Gite4. Nom.*lie] II It.V. Waiwr 9f rrhrii lit. C. 111.7esve 11. r.. 11. K. S.nwr, T W. 11.ggi...c net Mitileieuu .A nihor 111 '.i.ilre• lb.. I r rnll Clanr.,4 " .k. 'Zito.) us To "I ise Count.; !'anon.'' Pa-. Ten y. • O'tv.•, Wrntlell Ilnlme•, Ilass,l IS I're•entt. Jui. t; W hal.. r, Itra. Rethert 'l'. S I.Ovreil, t•:. e. %V luppk, .1 'l'. Trowbr.dg.•, MIS ard 'l'a) Sur. i,_i, 'Xi .M. Xi 33a la : Three DollistslSer Annum. nr Twrosy f ier Ce nt. a INtsrldser. Upon she leresin of she prier. the I'ubls•hrrs will mall the cork so on) p .11 of ;he goilool :Antes. ',repaid. ysther lhr firsi,or any •übsequeist numb, r of the ATLatelle ore stereot) ped, sand buck ...then, Can be supplied. C übtssity Arrungemen•ii. Suipserilperii to poy shell d'IV/II Imes tge. Two Copies tor Five D 011,4,; pop's. fur ern Donors, Eleven Copies tar TN . ...0) Pit-t0K,36 ei year. lorluaemem. lor ♦ub.eribnig. L.P.t. of Premium., IJrat.br,i Olt soppily:llton In TICZNOIL & PIZILDS, Publisher•, 135 Washington St., Boston. November 30.1411. LADIES' CLAM K C I.OTII S, Avth aJoak,a 4 i Co'll flitel,ratiee tie* greaV vat rirty, it bait the onsirtal A.l.."tiote lite Cola. C1e.!..2t. IKI ; ITARfirNT ED (or relionue the eplan of the Hair from prey to Broorapr Mark.- For .I.ltl at the %Jaly*t,l I. rA 3.11 311;DICINF: sTOR Turnip eed. •Ker.w Crnrs.ll36l. :fat rererveeenri for elate by the cost.uty or •fl& package. A. GR Ali h CO. Ce.e.e.., :Ayr ter Uruy Qt. re. s . " Cd• Lily IZ gt estio_nr4 , 4 the ;best sestained Work of the- kind in the World:" . -- xamputes .- .NE.YetMONTiltif MAGAZINE. Critical Yotices of the - The vo:ames boond constitute 'df titemielyes a 11. !nary of miscelhomors read.ing, such us cant.,not be found in the same compass iu coy other publication shut hug copm under our notice.—Button Courier. The most popular Monthly iu the world.—. New York Obrerrer. We mast refer in terens.Of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Harper 's Magazine. a jour nal with a monthly aireuladotiofabout 170,000 copies in whose pages ade.to be lonud.socue of the choicest light and general Leading oi.the day. We -speak o. this work an evidence of, ile American people, and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each number f. miming fully 144 pages of instructive matter. appropriately . tau-voted wait good wood..eat-; and it e braes in need the earl monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the hest fea ture- oi the daily journal. It hos great power in the creation and di-semenation of a love oh pure Intro- Inre.—Ti.anNaids Guide to American Ll:Malin Lon don No Magazine in Europe ar America to en well known; OOne has OH IC so malty readers; and, we may safely say. twee hue received so large a tritium of ad miration from alas CUIOVEOCOcIugse, that delt r .:ht ta healthy. diver-ified. elevating pet indical ister.doi e.— It as the foremost 31uldizitio of the day. The hresitle never had a more delightful roam anion, nor me mil lion a Caere entertaining friend. tbau Ilarper'a Alitga zitie.—Methodisi Protostaul(Ualtimore). The Mazazate may he olas,lned floek=•llrr=. Ire r•odical Agento, or from the l'uhli.hem Dort- LAn- a year. or TWEN ry VIVI; CENT.; a Number. 'l•he Seall•LIIMUill Volume'., a. tannieled, neatly hound to Cloth, are -cal at Two Dollar. cavil; Mal unto Cov ,r. are furai.lted to the-e who wi-ls 'het, 'pack No•n ltar. unitoratleltound. sit Twettly•five Cell it , coill,— Tweal?•-IWo Volumes ore How ready, hound in Cloth, end alms La Half Colt = The l'unlidier- will mapply Spemmen Numbers gratuilously ic. Age.... and Yo-tuna-leis, arid well make Ither..l arringeinent. with them for euren'atiog the Magazine. 'Hwy wtll ohm ...Luny of 'I w•u I'.•rsun- al Five Dolkr.. a e.n; or Ville I', 50011 , ‘ at Ten Dollar.. Clergymen arid T. arhers supplied a. Two Doll, r- a year. Number- Sum the eo tttttt eat,- anent rail now• he supplied At-o, die !mama Volume., The Magazine weaglis over ~even nail owl over eight nunr•e-. The l'o-nage upon. eueli Number. which mu-t be paid quarterly in advance at the afire where the Magazine I- receweil,i- Tanga Ill(01111 , .%'S. ras tllw Square, New York. Dec. 14, 1961. The Last Round for the Season. NOTIIER choke 101. laid at price. miteh below CI. the cost at Illiporluipit, Of 1110 Se desirable Gm} Goods, Modena Cloths, Alossimbiguev. Hymnlit I.u-are=. &c., ac., have heel received, raid are Imo ,ready for the ilmilec.loie of the lacitrq. 'l'll. be will ix lite la-t good. of ihe kind Ihis are plebe and eitcop beyond comparison ALSO, 7.4 White and Black Bere -gP. for - d•es',li.twlslu-t rtceivrd tit tile 'io•re. of 11 C. FIYN In:Iti.111•I'l1. Colo Jul}• 13, 'CI Leen.. eswei. Barrels No. I Plaster for side, by lure. Ittrgyrquattly. by Coin Itluy 14, 13 F APP(II.O phase Calicoes, Twit received naollier.lot of4lirme Pi Irani Print. la r.l a -Pip" n . ard.ot which We I,•„ getierull) di-iribated over Tell tiltnitUtid yard April la. 1 . ,61. r ALDENIAN,% VT ETICII i= mph:stirs:lly the wP•h-womur•e friend, the hest :sod ehrupe•l u-hing ..oup in the x °slit. eon now In• 1t.5.1 regt s.trly all the 'sore of the -uls.erolser. 81 the low strive of It cue. Per poloist or 5 pounds for 'rite elm hew ems be wunired in cold or worm water, v, shout Isollsotr. 11. C Coln. July 20,1 , 41. People'. Cu..llSt..re. HESS & MITCHELL. rp II E under-tenet' in vetet..or . iated them.elve. in the 1. to 1110 Coal trade. The buffo.... w4ll be email/Cleft here•lnforr. ivlsole.rile and rotml, at the old stand, font of Canal Brod 11, C01“111111U. ra. A general clock of coal of the brpt qualittea, wig be to l o o n hued. COAL .41D IRON re eived on rontmtenton and chipped to all points nn ill Ha 1111X:11 Xe. the public to gi.re t.n cull before pur ti mot elsewhere. April 1. I SG.t. mrreitELL. the undersigned return. tnanks to Inn friend. and it e public for the genetous ralrenage extended to m m the above an. toe pa-i eleven yearn and solicits a couttnal.llloll of the mane to the new firm. HESS. Coln. March 30. I‘ol. order rhat our friend. soul all others who rosy TN have hole '-'ll'lDli WATMR CANA I. AION El" on hand, may be relieved of ohl ...ticking-pi is lets," we give *ioilee that a nri.l pottier, will he hi. ken in tzelinhge for goods at wilier of the entree of the subwriber. 11. C. PON DERSM 1 rst. Dec. b. IWO. Peepl4lo Cool' tttore. "Panic Gaods' from New York.' WE have jest received at oar stores, great b.trgoinat to Clothe, Cuittt Inc reit, Su tinet ts, VCa tog., &e. "'PANIC STRICKEN GOODS," from the New Vorl. market. Gentlemen. pit Ocularly those wino have been so unfortunate as to lose gar menus on tine result of the electrons. will him e on op portunity .4, save 2.5 per cent in their purcinones, and ut Inn-1 get it portion of their '•money back" by arrang ing their matters it eerier of the Stores of the suborn her--oppo..ite Odd rellows' Hall. or adjoining tire Co lumbia Bunk. This wuy Fellow Slitiv..ns; Conn. mi l l Ropatprg, Cull tit B. C. FO:s;DERSMITH'S Fiore... Nov. 3.15C0. Locust Street. Crohlmiliß. $I .ILLY larassai °TILL in the ButuT AN DS1101.; ilLit- , INESS. 0 with ilk: faucet -tore in Idalensteeci. entente; of Coldon , lia nod Viclinly we w,.. ynal to know that Brrnemart in sio. in Crate, Square any more, Intl opposite Cooper's Hotel. 11 cet King -tree'. and mak,. Fine Calf-km Bunts for tValliticz Shore. Lathe.' Heel (inner+, double noted, Lathes' Morocco Soots, `. We huve concluded to make Ilse Eat Work. ta • inewhat reduced pr err; for. though our profil• are mall. we hope to entaige our bevinese by vo doing. Now. citizen• of COlOlllllll.. lout at Me above of price-. and Wbeill VOU come io I.liiien-ier. give kA enermin n call. and we feel vni.Ged )00 will b pleased. Wont or every e tunneler toe genticmru, II ellndlethulwaya on hand. September 15, 1...760-11_ COAL OIL, &C. ece,tved fre.da ..tarattly the hem Kero'ene d 0.1 harm ug Fluid and A.colanl. tool run zalwoy It be land at the Golden Mortar Di ug Store. Colt. Joll'l 19, IN. l'nont Street. T2OR alienate latop4 Intro COIII I We will RI. ter any ottltuart Plaid or 0.1 lamp to barn Coal Cholloey and ill entnplete. for 50 et- at the tet tilt. 1-004 (00.1)E5. Ott EA It 0 0 111: S rultp: To Lumbermen Sc Manufacturers! ripllE subscriber having pericele4l the •Hmve roach:lie. offer. to •ell State, County and Shop Itorlll4 nu retp,nnttl,le The snu•• :+:l4 plane. Shingle• in any width nr thlek,‘,..and prOlillePP a very unti+rm in id clean article. which hum given perfect suns:at:lion wherever trued. One °fine marhmr•°nd •prrimen• elite work ran $l, .ern pi t Ir Suorynehrinnx Pinning Al LIJ, Columbia, to. rot tardier jai...rotation, uddrr.4. W.M. !IVEY. Col ton , ti a. La Iwo sier co., Pa. r Tile eons, roelloo ai tile 1.11. , and frame, admit• nt u.e..rparu,e from Ike Wiener, in -owing , sill kind., of mr.licht and bevelled work, ouch no Flooring Clapbouttling. Columbia, Alny 91,1.5.57. NO ilio.ecommenein¢ hon.-14,1.mA.. will find • toll 11..toelt of mi,iina, checti, linen and Cotton dt.ionis. &,.. I loin rand aib.e Utl Cloth?, Looking Gin.,ie., Chinn, Glas• and ttneeisaa nre. rnme Feather.. &e . er FONDFAISMITII'S Tcla'y 16, Icol. Stores. I.Orli+l mulireiiirer would invite the nitention or house U keepers to his variety and esten•ive ,lock of ALL KIND)t , . OF G neltoling Tea.. Coff , es.Sugar•, Molas.es, Ilnms, &r. with a general a s.ort•nent of lootaselwepolg ueces•a Ile, lie sells at the lowest rates. EITECEI3 NEW STOCK OF COAL OIL LAMPS. PRICES reduced since CURTIN'S ELECTION G't..• Stand at 62 ets foratelly kt 3 el Nlarbte Stnnd at v.t.l. •• 4111.•2 Marla.- Stand at SI 15 SI.S l'lultl :1' art.le Sla oil at 61.77 44 Si 6 Cull Si% le 111nr..le Stand nt *1 46 $1 4 4:iohr ..I) le A4P rill.. Stmt.! at *I G 2 " 111 !.... lira. , Hum! sit ;It rt. " .44' 1140.7.4 ,, C 14.41 . 41 P. 111 SI .n; SI 7 Z.f.tdel.imtp. at lj 44•1.47 • 01 7 Coil and eZiLithlod our stork before purehmoung eke Mu . ,,-. .1 S. DELLETT.k. Co , Ott. 20. 3.60. Golden Moms Drug Store. NyEST Branch Insurance Company, o Lock Haven. Pa . eontinaeato innate building atio per.onal property on ns reamnable terms as any oilier good Company Premium Notes in force—Slre3M9 G. C. Heaver. 13......wrzet.5x J. N. C W. Pre %Of. TrelllKlrer. AM:Meal ICITI• received by Wm, NicOult•rricr,.lgent. Ceifilltl , lllll. at Geo. Bogle'. Lament Office, 1. ryvt *lmo. nib Id. teal. T E K.IIS Notice to Farm That Washing Soap! COAL: COAL! COAL: Relief for the "Crisis." PRICE REDUCED 12 U EYES Patent Shingle Machine, LIOUSEKELIPERS. FRESH GROCERIES. 11. SUYDAM, Cot. From •nd Unto.; Sia. Brooms,...Drooras,:.Broorns. t Marti Good Confory Broonr , ,jcuivrereived and Z.el for ' , ale au ad per... Warn. „Cola March 2.3, 'lSt. J. RCM P LEat 3ONT. ,GIRARFr Fire and Marine Insurance Com- pany, Philadelphia. ontee—sin Walnul 'Stret. • . . CAPITAL S.151:1 SURPLUS 'OVER $300,000. ' Bon. G. W. WOODWA RD Piesident. JAR. B. At.votto,Secretary. ' A. S. G it.mtrr, Vice President sod Trrosurer. The undersietied.ogent for the above well known Institution, is prepared to issue iii policies, insuring against loss or damage by fire, property of all kinds, to town unit country, on terms as low as are cnu=i•t ent with security. All claims on policies i-•ued by this Company promptly and equitably oiljusted. F . X. ZIEGLER. Anew, Basement of Black's hotel, Columbia, Pa. Stoves! Stoves! Jusrr received .t large lot of STOVF.F rr v style-. which we can ofi er at very low pr All cloves will lie warrante d to give/4111.111P 10 and exit' 1111 l e nor stock. .1. 111.1fill'Ll, A101.21.'61 Lora 017crl. It low t- LIQUORS. iii?uSr.ee received a lf 9 ki l ic ( % ) Nflii.„-, Old Port Wine, - - which we Offer for side tot Medicinal purpose•. n. char a. CO. Coln. July 6.'61. Golden Mortar Drug store Pure Coal Oil, No. 1. COA Oil at fourteen yenta per quart; verirrruved as l/ purr in. o) in mai knl. at A. U HAY A. CO Col., Nov. 2,'6L. Golden 51 oriur Drug 61core. Jut Opened. r..ii line or domoqic ,, ,m Pliot=..Sliiring.. Sheet mgft•ke . de. The la.gr,t Nnrk ow, rl..•nor•l mire- m ihe lourkel, ul 11A LVE:II A '.S. Coln. Aim Q 4. 1861. DRESS GOO VS, .rk slit, Sark Flannel. Tieksig-, Clive zqtertitipr. Elmok Cle c.. of Cola. Oct 27.18110 WALL PAPER! PAPE . B. CHEAPER THAN WHITEWASH IV : lieve Jo-t received a Ivrle lot of NVIIII Paper. tbe itewewsty 1,11114 be-t go o dy, w i t ,t, we will tell at priced to,•tot lie 111110-. SAYLOkt k NICMONA:.I). - Book Store, Free; above Locu,t,Cotuutobto. Nidrrli 2. 'tit, NOW FO BARGAINS! UPdczacta= Various Styles and Qualities WALL PAPER, are tatw ready at the Store of the subccrtlier. rig the Coalmine. Baal.; and for the purpose of ele,ais , out the entire Int room d ey will La fold Without Regard to Original Cost it. C. VON DIiIISM 1111, Mar 9,111. Penewa Cncl. Qi"e• .Y - ER's Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the ;peedy cure of the following complainte: Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections,s itch as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blaine, and all Skin Diseases. OAKLAND, Intl., 6th .lone, lilt. J. C. ATM & Co. Gouts: 1 feel it my duty to ar k ledge utast your t 4 ismapiii ilia has done mr rite. Having unlimited a Scrofulous Inn:Won, 1 base sullereit flout it in various ways for ,ears. Semetinien It burst out in Ulcers on my hands unit arms; sometime% it t urued Inward suit distressed inc lit the stomach. 'run y rase ago it broke out on my head mid Nut red my stain I ears with nue sore, was 1)1111111d 111111 11,11111..1111e 'bey I dunce iptlon. I tried ninny inedlehies and novelist physicians. but without much relief from tiny thing. In tact, the illsoider grew NW... A t 'length I nns t ejoiced In read It the (Impel leerenger that you laid prelim ed au altos:Mit e (: , arnapiti ilia), for 1 knew ft out your levet:L IM. that ;my thing you made toilet be good. I nent Ge eillelll 44444 illllllgot it, 111111 meal It till it cured me. I bath it, its y on advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over it unman, and used ishuipst three bottles. New 111111 healthy skin soon 104,7111 to fent, nutter the bulb. which after a while fell jr." My skin In new elem., nod 1 know by my feelings that the dewiest, lists guns limn my system. You call well believe that 1 feel what I suit k1t31114 when I tell yew. that I Hull 3on to be sow of the apostles of the age, And lelllAlll ever gratefully. Touts, ALFRED IL TALLEY. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Trtter anal Saltn.lie..tin, Maid Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Itolu M. Pteble writes from. Salm, S. Y.,l2th Sept" 1{59. that ho hue cured an imetotnto ca. of Piterv.th which threatened to tertnitante fatally, by the jot severing two of our eanutparilla, and al.o a tittugennts Malignant Erysipelas be large doses or the same; says to cures the common E.rnplions by It constantly. Bronehotiele, Goitre or Swelled )Seek. Zeiralon Sloan ^r onto•; ' Tltna lola- Jet or your Sarwtianilln cured tan I ~,,, n (A 44, a lint bus swelling on the tuck, which 1 bad muttered Dow 'Ter two 3 eters." Let's...refuels or'Wlailes,Orarinsi Tumor, Vterisie Ulceration, Female Diseases. It. S. Cl ing, of New Yin It City, writeti "I must them fully comply with the request of 3 our ogent. In "'while. I have found your Sarsaparilla a most excellent Mei:dive in the 1111111,011 A compliiints for witch wo employ such a teineily, lint especially in I.l.maTe Diseases tf tlie Scrofulous diailienln. I have cured ninny Inreter- UP ranee of ',neon limn by it, and nouns where the com plaint wan canned by Wand of the uterus. The ulcer ation Steen' won noon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge equals it filr theme female derangements." Edivard S. Mut I ow, of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A don proms oration tumor on one of the female., In my funnily, which bad defied 01l the remedies we could employ. lion et length been completely cored by your Extract of Sat , 011 r physician thought nothing Litt extirpa tion could tam .1 relief, but lie adt/sed the trial of your Sernoperills es the Ink renal, t n tntre cutting. mid it proved eflectind. After takhigyeun remedy eight weeks no symptom of the eller:we teninhie Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. NPR' 0111.FANR, A nowt 94 50 2 25 200 I 02 PM J. V. Arra : Sir. I them fully comply 'akin lite re ellen( of stir scoot, and repent to you some of the effect. 1 lon,p. ;vilized with y • Sat saw ilia. I have claret wills it, In my ptactlce, meat or the com plaint. for Isiphip it IN teeentuo•eitled. nod Motu tenet its effects truly wonderful in the cute or Vermin.: and curia literate. One of too ptitienn , lind Syphilitic iilrers In hie Hannah wl.iah nese romunting Lis palate and the top of his month. Your Saisaparillit, rdendily token, cured hint in Ipso neck.. ,ItlititlWY ails nlhwke.t Ly Men on,lnry nvitiplmitemi Ili LI. nine, 101.1 the had eaten Reny n enesklentlile part or 11. 1.0 Wiene the dennilen mould seen Minh hle belie mild till line. lint It yielded In inn 114111111 d 1111 l non of your Sarsaparilla: the haled. lied lie In cccli ugaiu, not of n.OO witlluut to his face. A .o,lullll nl.O 1.1 twell II eland Inc filo mini, then tier by Illerrilry ens eillTeting 1./111 I himls gal tut •her knew. They had become to nen -111., It, the menthe,' th.li Mind:olln Play elle Knife: ed ea• op int lily pain oat her joints and bonen. le 0, wen cured Cell ely tip your rviistiput ilia ht /I few Werke. 1 I:110w t its fornutia, which your agent gore me, that this Plepatotion fp your hd.nn , tot y must be a 'vent emetly ; rnusequeHllp, these In lily tcanarkable t exults with it hare lint Pun.; /evil tile. Frates flatly y:urs, G. V I.AItIMETi, M. D. like 'venation., Gout, Liver Complaint. lAbfr , In ore, fill .1 ely, Pt. .1. C. Avon: Sir • I have been Minded with a pnin• 6, 1 rlunmc meeteemaa , fore long time, m filch battled the of Mel Fillet tin tee Lt Fillte of all the reniellien I eeehl fie& Iliad I ti lent 3 41111 . 5111,44111110... One Ingle Vilna ate /in tun weeks, and repdoted my general health en murk that I ant tor Netter than beton, I WOO attacked. I think It n woutlet rill mellichle. .1. FREAII. .lelee 'a'. fietelet•ll, of Ft. hells. write.: "I have teen unlit led for years with nn affection Ito )arty, which dean rayed uy !Width. 1 tried every thing, and every thing failed to !The,t me; null I have been a Iproltete,lowit nom fur rape 3. ore fr om nn ether reline that deron,yenteld the taint. lily bele. iii pastor, the lien. MI, Espy. ads twat inn to try neer Sion/WM . llln, heenefie Ile said he krew you, and an, titter 3/vlllllOO .1, ninth trying. fly the blew leg or I:01 it hues filled inc. 111111 has sa pprined lily It. le 111711, n Hest nine er tee. I pat s tt agnin. The In-it that car. lrn amid 004111 ho Hilt half goini ehongls." Felt irrna.Caneer Tuatara, Enlargement, ' Ulceration, Cartes omit Exfoliation of the Unites. A rrent variety of Cawa low.. been reportell to vta where rm.•r a 11144. hwlul.inl•l.. complaint. have resulted from 14e emeoiy. Lit slur apace here lOU lint admit th. nr them may lie f lin our Anierkno %Intim le. v. Melt the agent. *char immed are rimmed to ro, oldh wait. In all .1.1, call for theta. Dyspepaln. Menet DI , Fits, Epilep ity, Melaneholy, Illenralgla ITIItIV tirs, of theme affections bore been insole 11 the alteration unser of thin medicine. it eliinu- Intes the itel fotte-iirno into vigorous action, and thus n,er,on,eo d deco in latch .twist fee atipro.ed be:iond Its leech. Such a rented,. lion long been required by the oleo ecnoltien of the people, and we are confident that this will for them sill that inediclue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOlt TUB RAPID CORE OF Coughs, Colda,lntittensa, hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis. Incipient Con, •umption, and for the Relief oC Consumptive Patients In advanced Stages of the Disease. Tide is e remedy en universally itturgn to attrpses any other for the rare of throat and lung complaints, that it ie towhee here to publish the evidence of its virtues. its unrivalled excellence for toughs and golds. and its truly wmuk.rful curet of pulmonary disease, here mule it known thmeglmtat the cleillaed nation' a the earth. Few are the mummities, or even families, among them who hare not nano personal experience of its effects @time living trophy in their midst of its victory over the public and dangerous disorders of the throat and lung. to all know the dreadful Wanly of time ,hrordens,2lll.l me they know, too, the effects of thin remedy. we need not do mote than to swore them that i t hap now ell the vir tue* that it did have when making the mute whirls have won Do strongly upon the ormadenee of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Zan. Sold by IL John it Co.: and Ur. S. 'McCort le. Colom bia. Dr. M'olf„ WrialitAville Dr Drove. Slarimm Jletintseh, Lancaster, ated sle.tierl every where. . ,NOTZCZIL : AA IL persons indebted, on the . Boolandi the Liiery Stable, from the Ist ot April. ten, talk, undersigned, are requested to make Immediate pay mem, and Loose having claims will present them for Ilettletnent,USke is desirous of closing-his butmeis without delay. 0ct.:413574f THOMAS GROOM. LOCAL PREICCILV ZirOTIECZI. TUE PENItTfIiYANIA RAILROAD CU PAM 1E BM .prepared to teltilre and forwaed FREW ur no the Philadelphia Drvision, to an rom all station.. where they tave agents, ut the follow ing.mtes per bundred pounds: BETWEEN PlirLA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Sect:red Class. Third Class. Founh Class 5.5 cents. St cents. 16 cents. 15 cents. Flour in car loads, 9.3 cents per barrel. Pig Mont, 10 cents per 100 pounds BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Clues. 23 cents. tb.) cents. 17 cents. 14 cents. Flour, 11 4 cents per barrel. Pig Metal, 12 cents per 100 pounds. Shipments rands to Pittsburg and all intermediate sintions nc heremfare. RATES FROM COL'A TO PITTSBURG. First Ghats. Second C lues. Third Class. Fourth Clues. 00 75 60 40 Flour p..er barrel. SO cents, IL7 - Freight consigned to stations whine the Com pany has no agents 1111111.11 be pre-paid. Articles of st Class. Books, Fresh Fish, Hoots ans. Shoes. Nuts in bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles Dry Goods, Puultrr it corpse En": Pork. (fresh, Furniture, Poultry. (dresses Feathers, Wrapping Paper Articles of 2d Class Apples, Molasses, Cheelse,'Melons, Clover andrGrass Seed, 'Oil m casks or boxes. Crockery, Paper in boxes, Candles. Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried, Groceries. ' Printing Paper Gulls and Rifles, Paper Hangings. Hering in boxes and kegs, Queensware, Ilardware, Sweet Potatoes, flops. 'POIHICC) 111 bales, Iron. (hoop. band or Rhein ) Tea, i -sober, Type, iquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs & Marble Turpentine, (spts.,',' Monument, Varnish. Articles of 3a Class. A.c0h0... Potatoes BRUNER , ' Cor. Third and Ullifln Coffee Turnips, green,) Vinegar, Larti, White Lend, Oysters & plume. (in shell,) Window Glass. Tobacco, (-nanufacti.red,) Articles of 4th Class. Codfish, Rosin, Cotton, Sall, Flab, salted, Tobacco (leafg Grain of alt kinds, Tin, Nails mid Spikes, Tar. Pitch, Whiskey. • hotter, All Freights payable on delivery. 11. 11. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Plta:a. [Tor further information, apply to S. B. EINGs•TON, Frtinin ' pre Chile E. K. BOIOE, Freight Agit... Columbia W. H. MYERS, Freight Agent, Lament:. Columbia, Dec. S. len°. 6,000 Yards rip Calico. OTENING this thy WO Cnikoes, at eents—renlly worth 10 cents—from New York nue.ioos.nt Cola. March 10, I£6l TIIE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, econd St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., I s prepared to execute all orders for STEAM EN GIN ES BOILF.RS. SHAFTING, PUMPS, MACHINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES ROLLING MILLS, SAW ANI) FLOUR A111.1... 4 , and every variety of Machinery, in themog thorough and improved manlier. Iron and Brass Oman 45, of every description, made to order. Repairing promptly at tended to. Cu•h [mid for Ohl Iron. Bra.s, aud oilier mewl Ordms by mail should lie addressed to••Culmnb:a Stunufaciurnis Cornpnny. Columbia, Pu. ll L. ri UPPLPIE, T. R. SUPPLER. liunerinienderns J. I.I.EVVELLYN, Columbia. Jure 19. 18.57-tt WROLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Baker.—Constantiy on hand a variety of CnkeA rxlliumerous to mention; Craters; Soda, NN ii.e, Scroll lad s ‘ ivir Benoit; Confectionery, of every description tke I.of 'UST STREET, Dec. 3,'09 Between the Bank and Franklin I loose. COLUMBIA. IRON FOUNDRY OPPOSITE TILE, CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. 1 1 1 H subscriber has removed to the' exten rive shops confirmed with the Columbia Iron Foundry. whieli he line thorough!) fined up. wok new •tnd fit st•rate machinery. and is now prepared to manufacture Steam raigiaes and Pu tops of every de seription, Alnehinery for Furnittes . Vora., :Mills. Factories, C.., Work, 3.e. . Iron and Blass Castings furnished to order. Bridge Bolts and 131acksmithing in Generel. tu- Repairing promptly amended to. JOHN Q.DENNEY. Columbia, July 3,185 P FURNITURE WAE ROOMS. THE undersigned having removed his hr nitrite Ware Rooms and Manufactory. to his new brick buildings. on the south side of street be tween Second and Third streets, respectfully inform his friends and the public to give bun a cal:. A large nail superior ninth of CABINET-W A RE ANDCHAIR-WORK, • oteiteescririons. will be kept constantly on I band, which will be sold on the most sea sonableterms. An he manufactures his non work he is enabled to warrant every nines to be what ills repnesented;undto beasgondasitischrup. Dissitock is vt.ry large .and in part embraces Dres sing. Plain and Fancy Bureau :Sidebonrils, Sirit• Curd. End .Sof .Centre, Dressing, Dining a nil Brent :nisi TABLES; Common. French and other 111.:1 STEADS; Common and Fancy C lIA I IRS. and SRI TEES of everystyle.together with agenara 'assort mentorall kinds of FURNITURE. Funerals aril the attended wit It a Snlendid Hearse nn shorinotieettud al litecessar) anemic,' given it UNDERTAKING. lie re•peerfullyrolleit• 11 Share of public patronage aa well uo , a continuance ante enatow with winch he ha. beet, liberally favored. o :oluininit, April 11. I 557. AMERICAN SKY LIGHT G ALLEILY OF PHOTOGRAPHS, ASIBROTYPE AND MELAINOTY PE LI KENESSF:S, FRONT STRFET .1.221 TE LOtIST , ABOVE SATIAIR & MCDONALD'S BOCK. STORE, , Thirci Saitox - 37. ID - Snli•ilaciton vcarranicd in all once., or no charge Columbia, March 00.'61. JUST RECEIVED Al D tric n r4Ti l Liolg t a l raet ir ;v -I h n ifiru r 100 A PPOLD'S Warehouea, Cola. May 14. MI. Canal IJa.i ON FRONT ST., AND PENNA. RAILROAD, COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO'Y, I'ENNA. THE subscriler having purchased alit morlimery in 111 C 4u urbmum planing Mill belong:Jo to Jn.el'h Posey, and the good will to the !amine-, will crostin iue at the old e-intilistiment to Plum. ull knot. or Lum ber. monumeture Doors. IVintlnw Blinds, and curry on the in ail ins branches. Ile reppactfully solicits a contilitianee of public COCO'''. JNO. 11. BACIIM AN. Columbia, Feli'y 14,tECI. LAlarch 2.1.111. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. FRpm' Buckwheat Flour, in loupe or rmll quanti. tier, for Ante at H UYUA '$ Giocrry Store,Corner Frollt and Union els. Nov. 24, I'i6o. Pew niter Imp ■ pimply of New Sugar Cored J. 11111111 t, winch he Coll recommend. H. SUYDAM, Grocery Store, corner Front and Vision Pt. 24, INGO. 7tt have the 7ew England Soap for !hose o•ho dice TS not obtain it from the Soap Main; it le pleasant .0 the skin. and wilt take grease 'Tole from Woolen Goods, it is therefore no humbug. for you get the worth of your money at the Family Medicine Store. Columbia, June 11, 1.9411. AFiore Room. ad (entity 11 feet, will. eniiirdew draw era and Flitelving, a own up stairs. good Celler and Warehower shunted Locust street, oppo-ale the Franklin HOll.O. coin. Jan IW6I-tf JONAS hITERSi n FIGS! FIGS: FIGS! TNth name el th e Prophet Fags. A svo p ly of wow iropec Pientjuet received at H. SUYDAM'S Grocery Store, Ccor. Front and Locust Ste. Nov. 24, ISM Alarge *apply or Fresh Dried Apples and Peaches, of hrst•rate quality, on hand at H SUTDA3II4 Crneery stiorr,Cor. Frost and Locust Lit.. N0v.14. (man IIALDENIAN'S Cheep Cunt, Store GEORGE J. surrn, R.EDIOVAZI OF JOHN SHEN BERGER'S GOODILLTICtrErS COLUMBIA, PA., Susquehanna Planing Mill SUGAR CURED HAMS. Prof. Gardner's Soap FOB. M, DRIED FRUIT! P.:SHBEIITER tc:SON, • „Front .at., below the 'Bridge, Columbia, itot returned from the city with a complete . aveortment of Goods, selected witi great cure from the best factories la the couutry.— Our Stock is sow very large, consisting of WATCHES_, CLOCKS, Silverware, Plated Ware, Braeeleto, Brooches, Sets of Coral, Mosaic, Cameo, Lava and Jet. Ear Rings. Finger Ringo, Medallions, Gold Pena. Pencils. Chains, Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Spectacles, Pocket Books. &e.. &c., ire. We invite the public to give us a call and examine nor large stock. especially of Clocks, which are in gond werking order imil well .regulated, and will be sold at the lowest prices. P. SIIREINER & SON. Columbia, Apti: 29., 1860. Co partnership. r HAVE this day associated with myself in hurine.. toy sou. George li. Hump:. in copartnership with whom I will continue the Hardware Hu=ine-•. nt the old stand in Locust street below Second, under the firm of J. Rumple & Son. 1 return sincere thanks to the public for past liberal patronage. and respectfully u.. 1: a enitiintiatiee to the tie,. firm. JON AS RR Columbia , April t2Gth, The su l v , eriLers would cull the attention of :the public to the LARGE STOCK OF lIARDWARE, lust received by them. They can'vlli•r n complete u=-ortmont of everything, in them line of 'Joltiness either Whole file or Reboil. Bar, Hoop and Band Iron, Steel. &r. They hove con.tounly on hand not a•=ornneut of Iron and Sorel of nll Lando; (Ha., Vann-hes. Cedar ware. Act a large ...tack of Gum and Hemp Packing, Ga-ken. on all Size•. A :arge Supply of Coal Oil Lamps and Shade• of Va. Hour Lind, Kero.ene Oil of the vet y quality. Aty.e.nr far Farrell & Ilerrnies Patent Champion Fire and Burglar Proof Safe. • J. RUMPLE S. SON. Locur.l inreet below linen:id, Columbia. Pa April 2.4, 1660. FOR SALE. 100.000 Plastering Lads • 50.1100 Prding--4 10,1'00 do. 3 B. P.APPOLD. Jane 9.1,60 Farmers Give this Your Attention! In BARRELS Pare Ground h.l Plaster, c„.7 Vk Ina: as snow, for at A P POI. MI ny.S.'6o. arebouoe, Canal Ito-in. 3011 EN FELIX, WATCHMAKER gr. JEWELER, Front Street, between Locust and Walnut, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber invites attention to his:very large unit chore oink of WATCHES. CLOCKS, Sr. JEWELRY, which lie I- prepared to .ell chenperthan they can he bought at any oilier e.lll6l,lnment. Ile Ia pre pared scoffer greattiargitin..und he respectfully in vitc‘theattention olouichimer,tollic,tock.which embrace. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o (every kind; al Mind , of CLOClCS.fromBl.soup. wards heinvite•t he mention of lioatmen Inhislarge stock of LEYlift LIOAT CI,OCKS;J MVP:I.R Y.eop. o f T ri n ger Ring. Brea.] Pins. &c. al lkind.olSilverSpoon,;PluieeSoupLatiles,Tahle and Tea Sooons.Forks which are warrnmedlo wearneyriy , equalto Silver Goldaiid Silver Pen. cileandPens; Gold a niNilveT.lpectaele r u og,eihey with the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLI'S ever b efore oTered . CUTLERY.—AIg , a a eperiorA..ortment of Re volvere and other Pistols.and al l k utile o f Knivt.r, of !he bestmnatuacture. Strieiattent in wil I be Oven A. heretolore,t 0 the repairing ol,iocke.watches .und rwelry and all work will be warranted. continr.ance o forme r p atro Inag ere.ficet fully aodcited. FHLI Columbia :April 14,1 FM H. C. FONDERSIIIITH'S NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS , HALL, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, On Monday, October Ist. ISGO. J. W. BOWE S, Superintendent. QUITE as important is the arrival of New and Beautiful Drees Goode at the old established stand. adjoining the Columbia Bank, where the sulo seribvr will he !nippy to 1111 his old 01.1001 , 1'F and as many new ones as will favor him with their pa tronage, and ut the same tone solicits o liberal share 01 encouragement 10 the new enterprise, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall. For the very liberal encouragement heretofore re ceived from the pe.ple of Columbia and v icily. and the pa rlie geactally . , during Inc remlenee in Colum bia. be fetUrn• tqaerre ill:nil , . and hopes to merit and ft ertve a emilintaince 0: their cmt:e, and good wtalte.. Further pa rtiettla r. 1,1,111:rr IL C. FiriNDERSNITII'S People', C. 1411 Sore, Columbia qept ftfl 'GO. Woolleys All Healing Salve, for sale at Gulden Mortar Drug More. Coln. Jun'y 19 'GI MARK THESE FACTS The Testimony of the Whole World HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Sores end Ulcers. All deacripiira of •ore•nrc remediable,' y the proper arid diligent use oft his ure•um.dr le preparation. To ntiemp lln cute bad le g. li plo •tering tire edge• of the wound together is fol ly; for I.ltould the skin unite. a boggy tii.e.v.ed condition remainc underiamilt to break 0111 will, ten fold fa, y in a few days. The only rational nod •ureesaful treatment. an indicated by nature, i• to reduce the nitil.rinmation In arid about ihe wound and In 1100010 the 11010111 nrmg )art- by rubbing in plenty of the thattneat as ',all forced into meal. Diptheria, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet and Other Fevers Any of the al•ove dresses may he cured Ity well rubbing the