`-•:. •;.7 • , ttkertare - quilit ; foxp34slll' They e. - took:off their , )11 ' sim tipt„left .'" A great crowd of Norfolk - people.ori:Sun-! .day assembled on shore near Sewall'sßoini,' 'including men,•women and children, eagerly' engaged in watching the Yankees. The Norfolk papers ref this morning con- , ,tain a despatchfrova 11obile, dared the oth. stating that a.goeatiLatle had taken place at Corinth, and that Use Confederates had taken 8 Yejleral batteries and a large num ber of i prisoners, and .it was .expected that the whole Tea:oral uriny would be swept away. ' This,is given as a specimea of the rebel mode of keeping,up the spirits of their people and the courage of their army. [Thc , follovving,Trom the Port Rnyal.Corres pundence of the N. Y. ATM/arra, is, probably, the affair refered to by our correspondent o 15," in his letter in.another column.] REBEL ATTACKS ON PICKETS. Aisattackbas been made by the Rebels upon ..1T portion of the forces stationed at North F.dia rte. information was conveyed to the a ebals.ar the position occupied by three,com,panies of the Fifty-fith Pennsylvania, and admix. capture was attempted by thre.e.batalions r eachifive hundred strong, moving simultaneausl,y last Saturday morning, at daybreak, aptly ,t,heir separate po sitions. ,It , happened dhat•two companies had anov,ed their canlps•tbe day before, and thetwo Rebel battalions in search of them were obliged to retire, having affected nothing. The third was leis fortunate. Thirty men of company F, Captain Bennett, under command of their First-Lieutenant, "were at Rannahan's on Little Edisto, separated Irom the large ' island and the main force by a creek, the ,bridgesver which was destroyed fry the Rebels And their retreat completely cut off. This insignificant force thus attacked by SOO „Beliefs maintained a desperate defence for an 4/our, falling back toward the bridge, of whose destruction they were unaware, availing them selves of the inequalites of the ground as a cover and partially screened by the thick fog, through which, however, the hashes of their guns be trayed them to the enemy. They steadily ,maintained this unequal conflict until within a , hundred yards of the bridge, their ammunition gave out, and no other defence was possible.— Still they would not surrender, but throwing their muskets into the river, sought refuge in •thickets along the banks. Five men escaped by swimming, and were afterwards picked up by one of the Cruhader's boats, rive are known to have been killed during the fight : — The remaining twenty, some cr therm wounded, are missing, and endoebtedly prisoners. The Rebel plansincluded also the capture of Colonel Wkite,.q.f the FAltylifth Pennsylvania. fie had mcmed ' kis headquarters, like the two corn. panics, only the day before, and the Rebels, in their advance, passed unaware by the house in which he and his Adjutant and Quartermaster were sleeping. At the other house they found ,Capt. Waterbury's crunpa.cy, which had beam ,roused by the firing at liannahares, drawn .up ,in line of battle to receive them, and as they ,bad contemplated only a surprise and were pot at all eager fora fight, and oily numbered .about ten to one, they heathy withdrew. In the house occupied by the thirty, a sick man ,was left in an upper room, and, undiscovered by ,the Rebels, beard the address of the Rebel „leader to his men before the attack. The +Rebel hag was afterwards hoisted on the house. ,but remained only a few minutes, their force ,withdrawing to Jehorse island, and making no uhtempt to hold the ground. News of another attack was received last ,night by express, but there are no intelligible ! particulars. Eight of our men were killed or wounded in the rkirmiih, which seems to have ,been, as usual, an affair of pickets. 'Whether the Rebels mean to attack in considerable force or to pursue here as in Florida, a goer, war fare, seems to he uncertain, The island is oif tin importause. Col. ,l. t 3. Fellows,.cf the New :141asop.ibire, hitherto cconmandant .of khis f post, has been seat to ..apercede Col. Moore, of the Forty•seveLtk Blew Pork, who ;,vas in command pt .Ciietu, and us cousid«red ,responsible for Ihesccohddisaster,on account AI the location of ,the pickets and the insulli giency of their ammunition. Col Williams, of ,the first IVlassachosetts Cavalry, an officer of very great ability, succeeds Cul. Fellows as i'ost Commandant at Port Royal. TILE PIir.SIDENT AND TDE CA , > I3IANDEII. :run extract is from a private letter, ilatel Washititztaa, p is :113 D.ttrait Adverti,ir. It illustrates itta: warm aud ,geocrugs sympa thies of the Presidetitt That night i irZt the fortress and got War den sato h,.,--me in wti o n city. when /eat i,og him .to care of my &rife, I went with the Secretory to the frresident and gave him the particle :4 4 m 4the engagement. As soon as I had done, kfr, Linaula said. "Gen tlemen, I am going to shake bands with that trirtm" and presently Ile waked round with the to our little house. is lad him up stairs ,to the little room where Worden was lying." aditit fresh bandages over his scorched eyes and face, and said. "Jack, here is the President, who has come to see you." Ile raised himself on his elbow, as Mr. Lincoln took him by the hand, and said, "You do me great honor Mr. President, and I am only sorry that I cannot see you." The Presi dent was visibly affected. as with tall frame find earnest gaze he bent over his wounded subordinate; but, after epause he said, with IA quiver in the tone of his voice, "You have done me more honor sir, than I can ever du you," He then sat down while Worden lgave him an account of time battle, and on aving he promised, that if he could legally do so, that he would make him a captain. Columbia Lumber Market. Panel Boards and Plank, IV. Pine, $33.00 }it Comm. , s U .g 28.00 p a d gs It LI Inferior - " it Bill Scantling, Joists and Scantling, Hemlock Boards, Bill Scantling, Ash Plank, iding, Long Shingles, P7ypres! lotaTing Lath, Arrival and Departure of Trains, TVOISYSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Eastiewrd. Marietta Accommodation arrives, 8.20 A. M. Lancaster Train leaves 8.20 "• liarrisburs ft sc 3.20 P. M Mail Truha ii 7.22 " Westward. Mail leaves Harrisburg Aocans. leaves Lancaster Train art ives • NORTHERN CaRTNAL RAILWAY Morning train arrive at 7.10 A. M. " " leaves If 7.20 •• .c Noon train arrives or 12.45 P. M. " 44 leaves t. 12.50 " Evening train arrives 6. 5.00 .4 4% leaves . 4 0.44 it (4 TEE CONFESSION' AND EXPERIViCE or AN INVALID. Tabli-hed for the benefit and an a waraloghnd caution to young men who suffer from Nextrou/ ty, Premsoure Decay, rte.: /applying at the came time the mean. of felf-cure. by one who eared liim/elf, af ter being put to great ex ',came through medical impo elkin and quackery. Single copies may be had u i.e author. Nrolutuiel htoyfittr. r . , Bedford. King aunty, by chef/oiling a prep.(' addre+wed en ayc.• (March 15. 190. sas.l 311 . 211EPLOW:1XCISUITT. Cs7s. AGENTS WANTED VVo Mill pay from *Coto 874 per gannh. and al 1 ex- Perowl.lo *Cove Aff.Mg. or give a commiroion. Par r:44mm wen free. Added.* Late rS aurtio lklAeuner. Cvssnor, it. Lows, General Agent, 3111 a n, Ohio. WWI , : ttira3Kurfirrx..-11tese. poristipa, no fiepari ment of military In.c.ities in,whiell there 11/114. been moremal.ked improwenmil.o.4ll ill the rlolLing al-sol ider.. Not many ye:l I'd tiltee nerer. rlud in gi (111C1111. 141i1:11 NVCI , I I / 1 111111.111 I r.1:111. tight. rimy arorealeatliermtauJot, which were mouthy of the for.titey, loud, the weurerin trilmintiom while their padded breu-is und tight sit eves mode volition 11 Irl IltetVflert.SCßl/frICUIIy. Durlig the present war "aril of our volumeer. na weare their uniform.; at the Drown Stone Clothing !fella Ittiethill 611 , 1 and MIS Clie.oino -tree:. shove :Saab . Phi lade elethilag lint per teeny ea •y. wh.uurtiol 111111 becoming. The firm ponied have gone largely non the bu-ines• of oink mg al di Lary Cloth itur.al 1 / 1 1 11ir facduirs 1•11,0ile them to till the turge..torgeti du the ..M.rtest pot:iule time. The Advetsl•er, lisoantabeett re-tored to health iu a few wetks by a wear t.i.uole reutegi. after havook •ullered frvqratl years will, n severe-Inag ItTectiott, Sod that drawl Contstontaino—ir attxsou4 to snake know n to Id, fell° w-•uO rer+the al OSHA Presto. • To who desire it, he will Fend a copy of the pre sc•iptiott tired (free of etterec), wolf the, direettote• for preporteg end uthett the same. which they will find ecio: CUM von il:oN.t.t.litTlON, BiltuNentriit. .Ye. The Only: object of the tinlveitoirr tit tit:whi. the Prescription is to benefit the stillieted, Bad 4preail no- formation which Ice ettocietee4 to he Ili alllalile. and lie tapes every sulteter w ill try ht- remedy. as it well con Went clothing, raid natty prove a hte,,,,g. rlrtlen the iiri , c,chiton wilt ptra,e nthlre-s Or•v• LUIVARD A. W11.17.:0N. Willi.on‘loomie. • Oct. 2G, ISGI :2m. iSti , .,.g...Couttly, New )(oak. AJK) CANAL BOATMEN. I, llp, toolortigned warn M ourclot.r or biro At nil, seja-wortiy CANAL. rut avid rarry from eighty to WIC hundred Apply by latter or otherwi-e to I'. J Cowl RA X A Co, 13a S. F.,*Tair,:Sirmn. Iliittimore, April V:, *G2 JBOARDISTG. 11111E,Andemilcood arepared to accommodate a few lo per-an- woo !manful; on re ttztotrib.e Coln, /06112, 'O2 It 1112-1 MANY 01{111i11 TrIIIMPAS ti.mtere of Admlnktratimt en the e+- 1 V tote of qr. id John. late o: the baronet. of ce. Ittenbio. in the county of Lancaster, dere:a-sea, have been grunted to 1110,111111er‘illittli, till permtot to aaid estate are reatte•Htil to .tt:arice tramerlialr PHY meld, and thoae Monne elem. tagun4 the rame will present them, duly an hem Tented. for •C1114c11%.14. 1 :LIZABETII A JOHN. Columbia, April 12,180 Lb Admintatrotrix. THE Blighters heretofore eotulachu.l of the Columbia _L Iron Foundry, for the 1 7 .-tate of Geo. Wotf. doa d, under the 01510o:101w A. /look .l• irrrnrafat,, thu day. JOHN .1. HOOK. Colnml•in. April 11, 1562. April 12, 1. trfi2 BLINDS AND SECAMMS. .13 j. 1111.1.1 A NIS. N 0.16 North Sixth Street, l'hi:a . delphia, Illanuldeturrr of VENITIAN BLINDS and WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest o=FG:iffiest in :lie ci:y, lit the lowest pt lees. 1111104 twined and trimmed equal new. Since Shade-made und lettered. cownluo, April The Very latest News at Columbia IS that CABLE & BRO., of Lantaitar, 1 4 a., have estal•lir.hed a branch of their rt heap Boot and Shoe stoma t Ifet,' old 'oath!, Vrolut Flreet. Columbia. Pa. They offer the lurgeg as-ortrneat of Ifoot. and Shoes...3U per cent cheaper than they can be purcha-ed el.rewitele—the very low price alone induce's:cut to boy. Cnh ooll exam ote for yourrelres. nolote m,,le rdal Mots for 84.110. Alen'. Coen re.“ Gaiter-. only St 50. Women's. Calf. Reel Luce Bunt, for $l.OO. Lactue,' Heel Galieee. nitly fins to six en.tunlin. Apuilrej4t.! ICILISIiERT, STRAW GOODS, &e. WE have the plen.tice of itltOClghlt: YOU that we arc now prepared to offer,ut our old mond. NOS, 703,105, & 107, NORTH SECOND ST., Above Arch, Philadelphia, w ,. 1 ; ...lucked Stock of AIII.I.ISEIIV ANC. w 1:U013S. in errry Imply, of 01.1 1.111,t. rIOPOrOII,OII±. 4111li of the tievec.t and pipet f.pdttconalde all Our Straw Department will cot:thrive every variety of lloothet., Hat. and Tr' to he found ;a that late.of the likle.11111(1 1110. i limismlMl eltulree Mid aide S. curly mill, I remujii Itetpeetfully, Aprds.lv72•lm 1 1. WA ITD. FOR THE SEASON! ( 'QNST, BETN,EIt, win open for the season, Solooos.. qn .I",roNt Sirori ottiove lVolout, cu SATL - 4.1,41 , A I . ft Ir, 1:111, for the le of xcß CILEIELIVZ, "RESIT AND COLD SPARKLING SODA WATER. Ile lia• criseo wally cm Mond at hi- adinaliag.ii a large ao.or rapid of FINK CONCKC -Ij,:iN ti.e.friAin. and American Ciiketi I roil-, Ike 11,4‘41.1 •ersie lae.d rp,adity at Cream to his cio anitei.. onA ‘‘4,,ti -pap• a° pap.- lOC I.l4ltt . l . ,,lfiliiS hi 11:1 .or,patifin , p,,trom.,e 011110111.1 a, 1862. j Second grin; Arrival. [1.802. day a Spleeidid Abible eery convenient on the prenn.e.. The properti'eom pritc• the ewer right or tiliawnee Run, with atiout, lour nrrr• of meadow Mod. No. 2. A Lot of Ground, situate at the L C eOrner of From and LaLlreits Streel, haVinf !runt or HI feet, more or leso,On the Correct etreet, and eXtConling bock lAI Let, it the l'eon,ylvatiou Railroad on which is erected a commodious taco-story ERICK DWELLING HOUSE; The gne is carried through the hotte. nod evattriniiof duced in the bae building. and With house. A forgo garden turd nu archon! or chow. fruit trees in mg Ins. No. 3. A Lot or Ground situate at :tie 'N. W. earner of Second and Laurens streets, having It t ! front of 55 feet on the Wier reei and ogieudnig Lac t 34 1 . 4 , 10 all alley, on which it Ita..a.Ltee of 121* feet on which is erected a two-story Stonn at! lines Itoning. divided into two Dwellings There is ulster on the pr. ntl-es. A large earliest a• 'ached. • l'or lidaossialioeisrely to = CHAR.) 1 . 1.7: 4 1:T. ltader:4, ar.rfiold 1'• er lo 11 M. NORTH, Columba, l's aolinlon. May 25. I Kt-1f CIIEAP PACIFIC CHALLIES. Q 0 piroes more of those cheap rat-4 4 66 - 111lies, , nt Iti rent--u•ual price 2.1 resit.—rail nod sr. 'ern St H. C. FO.SLIBRSMITIII.3 c 0.1.1 Juno. S. ISfi. Cs -h : 4 101a a. ALBERT GRAS * ac CO., GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STOM . FRONT ST., AC.ITE LOCCST, COLA. PA: sultseritters basins , putrhasell from the tettojteg / pt jetties, 11. John .11: Co.. the übove will herr:titer conduct the business at the unA«rte Olin of A.l.oicltT !MUT 1< Co. At.Dl•;:t7 AN'S cheap cu.li Sim. They w.ll keep et regular and Lirge supply of , 60 2 DRUGS, MEDICINRS, OALS, PA INTg, EIiI'ANCV A irrici.r.23-minevAn:n v, COAL OIL, Limpsliti with% general u•.ortment of eveilthotausuohy fount: ~mi,nr eetablohtnent, rni.,*nre ha. Worry. done a leading Ins.ine... in Col unable and the new Min will endeavor to in -win its intoantiou. Loping ,tu•seet-ve a Aar propa: ~,,, nn I,oin:support. - Hereafter country ph icicle...rill tind it to their a l . vantage to purehior in the . .Golileir tsl•rrn ;heir toilers wail 1.. e tilled a t ears/ JligA t adrnc. ova l'hi:- rilelphia whole...tie price.. ramifies can procure their medicine.n* all lintir....- Snrwt personnl nnennon given to the pal it.. of sae nava, as all prescriptions will be enree L ully re tat• GRAY %AAP. It. F. IiBCNI:R D It. ['OFFER, DENTIST. --OFFICE, Front Street, 4th door km Locust. nverr4.ylor &Inenswiald'Alli...nk ~tors Colutni It. I's- 10 - 1114rtukce, aulaba Vll9- ogrvifl3 Gallery, jArptat V, 19:1.1. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. - Calf/1111.in. l'u . Cullectiduit I mainly made u LAucta.te nal Vo!li =E= EDNVARD REILLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MS REMOVED MS DP- No. I I.Nonla Duko strrca• orpoonc tLa Cow Lunen-ter. (Aar 24;V1-ly. Harrison's Colunbian'lnk- K ru n i 42 ll 4lo i t' :1:e he r 1 1:4; P t e w r i ni i InelDtfir Lltt k, }w auv watlity, at liar l'us.iily Alcdacine Sorc, ash4l t el I.; that Eagli.lo Columhin..l..tir 9.1949 MMIIIM A. CUTTER'S Improved Chest Expanding su-prtitler and Shoulder Braces for ttendetti:n, and Patent Slirt Suppnrter and littlee . for Dlan, Joni the article tbmt i. W:1111ed at thin titer.- cont.. and .ce them at rutnily Medicine Store. Odd Fe'low.• (April 9.18:19 (1111111 AM, or, Bond's Boston Criekrrs, fer tryr , pepticr, told Arrow Root Critetter., for;u•- valide rind eltildtett—new articles in Culotta . ..Loot& We ramify Medicine Store. April la. 1819. PILEP4III6II GLCE.--The want of •13C11 an ..rluele it Oh in every fietnig.eiw it nag' lon for mending twanure t wairr.aniameistal work, lays. Jrea t share b neth...K A uporiat. W have found II umerui is repairing many Wirie4 Which hare Leen 111Cieit tar wealth.. Yoe Jon 2ant it at the t•• 013111 A a r tLY 1111 CM STORE, - _ IRON .A.ND STXIMELI ltr:Subacrther.have rercived a New t,.41 I.apz, T ;lock of all 4i ,1. mad site. at BAR IRON AND STEEL! They ►re coo-tangy Pupptird with stork in this 'Amp'. or his busi larks. and Can fauisb rt IQ 011.10faCts in :‘,11.3 or email co:tattles, tit the looses Wes J. RUM PI.O k SON. imeost street below Second, Columbia, Pr • A pelt tes. 11.0. ITTER'S Compound Syrup of gar ono LIU Wthl Cherry, fort:au/ch... Coht..&c. IKr •al. 6.1 , 41cii Mom, Propq.sre. Prom at. • 10, LT°N'S POSH 01110 CdTAWBA 86,1ND1 WINES. Prperiarr AJlediritlrs d 6aerarneatat porpo , e*...t the lanai& FAMILY AIEDTCRINTESTOUE PCK: -ET • I • AND - P. RS S. A. L .„A.,1 4 1.',;;VA',.°•.7,1'.'crs" 4 ,411,71:4°.1:: n "X. It ithtourters sind..Netro Depot. Colombia. April 14. BIM morn at thou beantilni :Mats wi„eu wilth• rold cheap. at SAYLOR tit 311:DON A LIPS Columbia. UM 1500 SACKS Ground Alum Salt, la Me or swan tom:title% at * PPOLO'S wmiqnstros - : - rikNin •rii. I S. 11.1 COLD CREAM OF CLTCERINL—For ihetgre f.. 'mowed imooti.. fee. roi ea gess • muirrn It DR VC; s'rf .• I . toin s.rer4.Cot•a,...• 111= Valuable Real Estate U:DI. - NORTII, We Have ust Receive