Commonwealth Fire Insurance 1 1 Nl7 !Panto Goods' from New York. an ... . . Compy, E have jest received at "Ma atom, great Ft the 'slice of Penni-% Irani,. Cl9sae. Common 1 I V I...argatits in Cfrith-s,Cawstineres,Sutinctis, Vest.: wraim ktaliding, N0.6/3 - 1. Slteet, Phil, 1 up , E., , clphi a •;PANIC STRICKEN GOODS," copi•toz, 8•250' 600-ralil an Capital. 5.K1.4110C1. 1 , Os.aan2tr.h t:1 l•ato" • i. 1 from the New York market. Gentlemen. pa o cu l ar ly more who have been so unfortunate as to lose gar DI RECTORS': • mac, on the result of the elections. wort bay e an op -13.3,,a Jaene. M. D., John M. Buller, ' ponaiiiiy .0 save 1/5 per cent in these purchiote, and at Jain M. Wv. tall. Stephen Co.iitor, I coat ger a roman of thra • money I..rt. V' by honing- Edward C. ?.gigot, Ti:aOrhee W.; their Inviter- at ei'ner of' the Store , attic %Miser'. John K. Waller, • Henry Leari-. Jr . 1 I her-opporne 0e...1 Fellows' Hall. or toljoirung the CO. .11101C1S S. Sicwor.. Charles L. l'aw's I :amble iloitr. DAVID JAYNE. M. H.. Fre-1,1"e - Th's way ruby Citirons., Conn' naa Iloonere.- imitN M. wHITALL, v:....te 1',..,...1 ; Call at H C. I'ONDERSM l l'lt'S Slam.. ; Vrzt. X Al nos. se cretai y. 1 Nov :I. Itio. Locust sireet. Columbia. Far I.,µrance :NT II is F. X. Ziegler. Ace j - -- Stianna. Nov it/ • I rat.r.rirms.azar , c.:Tii.t.m ow ut..K.rr AN I) SHOE It --I. I-. ia GOLD rENS, GOLD PENS. 1 1..3 with the finert ...tore 111 latneastee ea .)ilicT received a large and floe neyoriarjent o f Ged I :ens of cotomhio mid Vicinity ore oei-iar Prarn. 01 Newton and (..risehold'- , mannfacture to 1 you to I ." sv Chat '7l3'entma. IS me iii Centre Square• SA. VLOlt 3 McOUNALD'S liom. Stare,' j any more. Lit opm.”itc Cooper's Hotel, ‘N ant King . .t . i . ... :La..._ Frorrt atret.t. a Love l a ii o iat I -to 1,1 , aiol neat,' - - I nor Calf-Lin Boots for 8-1 50 PROSPECTUS OF TILE il, c.. - .L.,. .., Shoe... 2.25 L ir f i gs• Heel Gaiter+, double soled, 200 k ril L k - NTIC ITONTIILY iO2 ' I. \ Ve ' ltU. l ve m e c o ' n ° e l l 3 Ze i tt *' to ;:otke the ihst %York. 'tl .... r ....-.• - , , . 1. 5 Ws 4Cb x=c. i. re 6 sag , „,,i.... reduced or rest for, tholiffli our prohns era 1 Ifiall.Vae hone to enlarge our businete by i-o dmag. TIM January number will commence Me Ni•illi I :,,,,,, e . ~,,,n , o t - cc,funiiiin. lot;1„ at s' .i e above ecule 4. Yu'u me of tine 3ing.r:Me. 1.5 ar 63 lar,{ aaa .J;11 I „r w ive-. nod when aria Conic 10 loiliOn.ter. give I it re:agog cirea'ol4oll 1• L Israillyl3l.4 eVialioo, of pall • 3,...em a n n mill. unit we feel sirteMed }on will he a ., m ip, al' no iodd-tre , i Ihe -limed to renuer , i .j,, 0 ,e 0 .troll of every e hit rae,er fur gellilcalleii, T.' , Ciliiieoliiiiig volume aiiectiale In lie 2.. Yuan men, 1 , n , j ,... ae _ o hnil i cit. a lo.ift> 4 rot hand. ~,r;loo..;•0 oregl..llo with Ctiret oV• lit. a. lief, 01 to- i ...woe ether 15. lehlt-11 'rite 104 of •Ite Itecoh:te the be-t adore-t. of ;--- -- -..fionAcinaild Of litergime 0 manly, Li zee. ruin. ' e o linti nod Lite roadueiro. of i'll. 1 marital anhl retell i a -.Jon- la Ceti-1111g the 1.....11.41. a: 01 liie • ounir) 10 iieplafit with algor Sea r ler; lien,. too, ti;elliaiii. end ivionople. Ise test brio, the Sr, at p•ilil a.: hear/ 10 -Wild hen on the vide of l'rcedom a n d it j ,hj. Al , j .;,....,,,,t hmtonal Ann-lama ...piett will al o iiii, i.e (loud ;Po-- iro,o In the, page- The AMA , : Pt. MuSilli.S. in 01 serer Sive ii hi r tit.-. 11• iii.-t hit... Mire. 11 0 .1 it 4,111, Ili„ t ru c foo . nit . ill i f .. f .a.iiil f ro a, IC rend., it. variety if ielltCr Ulla 1, at En i.lloa • better each 11101011 than the 13.4. El ffm,n: the cootrilition , already in hand for ISO 2. e following will COO/1114 4 0.1 41.4 • 1.11r14 . 0•11 1 3 ..1.3t1111441141 forever)luind y 10 prOVldo the big nuumer- for Ifou.enold reuthog: 3.330gg..0r. Seth I trio rol ILr Jotoulry non 'born ...rrieWordo r N.41114,,1 11,1141:, 110 d n 111, 'o v a,. to or c00t033331 tonoth Ti 111101111 irougliono Ow r T 11 44 11 1111 4. of -0 11,1110/ 0,1001 .4 "u m „r •10 4401110 1 01100 WOlllll, 0110014 W 11/001 -tiff. lout pu.ofooly of the greot barn li. to Ito al, from fol. monthly efooffloofroot A Now In oi.111Ce• Ifo :s.n 71/ n*.ff W.I! 1090 Lir rat rm.!. ILANIIC «art 01 the .1.1.1.• ,111, 11.0 ! 4 •,. Tiff:onto.t. I 1110 1 Vior ••Cetri:Dicolff.f.' . I 1.0: 1,1101.0.0 t. i to to g a .1111:11.4 fa- titiffilfor. On. C Eoloi e It WIN V- son ~r.ll ..10011 for 1.1. 1 1 re. 111O1kIsille ..311.•111iirol- 1.1 C., 001 it rolett ft. 1 . 10:ATI..k:S11 , 1110 .1114.:/.10.1 irlta of It , r 4 .1.0/. fof •W(0000 0 0 ei •• a 11001 01 Oa 01 a 1.2 (Or 0,0. raja/10 otr.lll. • 01;1. 11.:7 1 0.1 tf,•fffor of flelfh. Tl.e Infant . 01-1..:•• i•t 11.41 \'.i oo,•• 7'o-14.1' ,:ftf, OS ' Elie. dufollf tar ) :Croat', l'tt , f it, —yr T.• tupte• 1,1 ,10 10010 ?II t.(1,II I, /IATAI.I) l'ANt•lr 11 1/ , 11 a .111) ,11. Il Ite ittitited t I lit , titowttitt, llitt Stall ttf 11 r.l r- It. P.g regulttr'y r./ Hitt -1,, •l) PL N.,1111 1 ,trtatig II- paptt •tr n tit,. 11, I, n.t.v . lstnettt I 1• /. Henry IN Lou .10 I..•.) , ;,•• .• (11C. Noth l ../01 If Al'., C.C. 11.t.ceAvrII., Mr-. II 11...1A. 'l' W. H 011 Nl.Ol, 11110,0 in( 11...0.. M & • 01 'l'. • it, '0111',) Co-r'l', r Wr.•0 , 1 lA, I: Joho %Viol,. r, It.•••• 1:010•11 T•••• Lowcll L I'. T. inrn Da) • , x. Xt. IVX sS. : Three Dr,ll:;rs p,•l. Allllll.l. Of TA vv../ Number l'poit the It, ...1.1 of flee. the l'obl.•hel., troth 10 atty p.t. 14 .1 0 Wet. a. ' , W.,. ivo -111.15 1.• gs.l si is Is ralsrr the firm.oe ao s e lie p lee.- ..1 the itit.,.:eltc all: eiroLot)pe4l, tiacl. usont.els can be eupplzet]. C Sols..f.rslier• n p gy Iht If own Po.veg , Ts , . Col le , tor Five Dn's,sr-: I sic Cop•em for 'reit 10.1,..n.. I. eVell COVIO, f'or Po-tags3o a all- m t rur leJucemeol.. for sg 1..• t-of lsentsussl. etz..Niss,l"l n. •t•nst In • T.ICIEBTOR. & rrarms, Publishers, 135 %Vas:Anglo:l S'.„ Boston. Nnvemiier an. letil linquestionr.hly the best sustained Work of the bind in the World." 33.11.11.PER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critical Notice.; of the Press The volume. bound roieoilair I „ at , re. ..I.g. 'Lull luau 1.. itti io the ••ame e 0111,111 ., 1 .011: 01 11,r 110hhe.11101 thatt ha, ram.. flit& r allr 11011er —1;.4V0.1 111 the .1.10111. ler; °burn r olusi re: . er lu term- at eulogy no tlie tow and eat nal ext elleace- 1;.11 pc: . foot latl v.tlll a 111001111, cirri/I.llloa 0r.1.. 1 1 1 01171 11 11 11 . , ‘ 01,e. 11,1ge.1 It re 10 be 10111111 .0111 y of the t flail es light and geoce.ii •ra.i.laig of - the 0.1 \V, &la* SOO , O a. all ev,.l ~,,,,, • lip• 111,10.01 1100111 e and II h 11.• 01,11,1. 1:110t1 -10.1a1.0, I.llly 14 1•.51,1 , live,a.tter I.l9roPrialelo 1:111.1.1. 8 1.1 W.IO garal told 11 rOlll 6,1 e. 111 11. 0, 1 111 e 1 11,0110 . , „ail 1110 more .y. 11, a hal with the lieLi fen. atd iI aie t. 1, , Orval pa, rf ll.e ,eatiall d .1 I'oo 10411 01 ,1 1070, to:Lrlun AIL LOrtfarll, Lots. don No Magazine in Europe - 4 . Ar,non t= Ln we: 1.110 1 ../1; 1100 e ha. 11.11: en 111.10 y 1,01. r., -are ly cap. 1 tilt Lie- s • ce1c ,. 4.1 n Illoutr of ILO ntiroliun flout uln cu lnl n1rJ 1•14... , •. 111,11 alelt,:11 1 11 healthy. rut V. 010.2 i1e,.04..11 ateratitra flie foreato-t Ala ..1 /lila 01 1 11011.1 y. The hr..h 11l hover had n more a 1 1:41.11.41 e. ml .1111011 ror 11.0 m 11011 a rmir, I nl r,riniulnC 1, 1 01 1 11 • 111 . 10 Hari. 414.e.-47,elhoda.S: PWl,,tant NI S. • The ITaeaTtlle m 61' 1/lit r, r o.,fica) an•. or !MIDI lilt . 111,1. Len, a leer. or T.rsr. IV 111nt s :1,1• st ,s , • 11, 11041 Volume-, 9,,,IIIPTI •1 1 • 11, llt /100.1 gps riutri., are . - ..d .51 Two Doll sr- ( . .11 • 1/, • nl.l Uo*lllll . lo, •r• ore is. :- 1..11 Nil n. StliVeS. ?tOVeS! wiliorinly bound,. at I .c.ov•five .•ss,•:,,— •rsrsos,,,l :01 s , cf ..11 in Vu'aiste. ate Ili C:ulis.,ss. isssi .res ,sss • r • 1... , • Shirso it: IL I!, e- 1., t•Aris ti ; • Tar 1'u . .11..t.,. A1:14 • •••.ra s.N.lll,te• 1111 r k .1 1.1,'%1 N. gratalion4ly 1.1 •, ~1 • ‘i. !sews, s. Is •Its , s .• make I ther..l air •vt,',. .. 1,, ti.• - - - PoluJazin.• v i.l '1 7..1. Q. Li .1?- „• . •,. T E Nave rrrrilcil a Supply c 1 i in. it • ni ai 1)011,• a - sti.ii,.•t• nil 1.5. • • 0111111 0 , •• y Lir anal, I) si ts,s • ms.sss s . • li-o rl Visss,ll,- 1110 Vs ,. Vt , st sin t ,1111111 `.••• I f. - . 01 I. Mt1.1.1 .. .1 it Wl' . • 0.11,1, TS, PO. , I NllllO, I' Ilitt•I tic plissi I. sits .11 in: VkLiCrs: list Mar:llls, - 5- • is es s, 11 ss s s • I ss .. II! I t VI .1 1.1 1 1.1 rsx , D., 1 1, I,GI LADIES' C LOA K C LOTUS, ‘.N D Clonh- (Ni,p i t , great hall the Gm:m..l r 0.1. at yoN nrn4 rm. , 1;oudi;;to I.J• C 403. I=ll SIL4IVIraI.I7 ; AIIRENTr.I) (r•r tl o • rotor or the 11. tram ZI gray tit UMW. 01 ror it 'Jul) 211, MI.DICINI: Turnip eed a 1 rr. e. • el for •alc 1:Alr Crop 1-;1 cruuzl:l:l . A crt co. Te ••nin. 1111 y 11 'Of The Last Round for the Season. ANoTii um 10,Und :16l11•1, /11 Oi , •11 , .Jit, A' I .•••• I . Nurlt •• C.• ~ • A•e• aoaep fir me. • I e .1. • 111 I 4,,d,hrtlilt,e).lll I en I , ALSO, 7.4 White I3lark Get, re. , IcT d .t or , of II —llllll. 1.e.••:•: ot en:a lu'q 13,'x1 Notice to Farnr , ,rs 200 largrr rinaroy. , OW_ :On) 11 Those Calicoes. / Just rer•r.- rd tarinl!”, n' 2 P. O • n .a,•l .1 v.5.,11 " C I `4,1•.1 ,1 A pr.; Tlint "IVrtiril rrlipil t:4 , 44 Y. - 4 •-• the be -I d ..•1 Mmtd. can 1.4•• 1...: , it'} .11 • r.:I 111 :.142, e , rs-r. nr ..1. n r.o.tritlq, for 2' t•ls. •.-101'C' (.11 4, 1 4,1 ru , d wurin .ater, 1.11-4JI • 4 L. C -• - t GOODR.LIIGE'S COAL. 1..q.114 COAL: 0 AMEItICAN S.KI7 LIGHT GALLERY. HESS & MITCHELL., OF 1"110TOGRAPIIIS, 7111 E oioler.lifiteri int.e.u..oe laird tia.....elve. to the AN/BIZOriPi . : AND SEL.AINO'rYP I. to tate Coal The 1n...te... VI 111 tor roodoiviro V. heretofore. witole•nienitat r......t. ni tiar raid ...ter! 1.1 KEN Essr.s. fawn of esinal lia•fti.Colorttau. Pu. A eeeenfl ~ oe .. ET ..'.I'..:2VE LOUST , of coal of the heat quoi... will be kepi on Lad n. ST ET • ' • COAL .4:CID 111110 N COLLMBES, .I'A., re rived on e0.11113./...011 .1A OA -itnyutt t, all ; o,Ft. 0, A 1131 G SAYLOR. & M. - ). LD'S 1304..:: ,F,110L:::, la Itatirmad A • . A r oie. tile pulthe to gi‘e rat 1 fa:Wl...fore per I Third eitox-y*. •I ISlliseuvilet, J 1;• /11;.•_ , .. r"-Qattia•arteto rolo ~ INua. 41 io al.p c.c•,or no ell arge ;Ina. Apr:ll. tbEit. 61:0 311 re HELL. / ....iurnialm. Mal ell C.. "lal. _ -- - n ,..,,,,,,,;,.,, t ret.,,,s tont,.. to ht. fri,S.D. rani 1 3t7S 1 1 1 ILECMIVEID il v. pail...• for Ihr gr•sciOl• ria:rcs.q.r, r ileilth d tt - • L to 1.. Ow .01.1,5 , t0,:r....... 10 , tor pa - I eft . serf ear ! I , ND ior antle. 'a:: lit. laaaer..l Cr " . .r.,:. r ~,tatt pie., 1 0 C WO ....p.0., . ,0,..t0.G.,;,,,, ...; , Lc • In .D r i f.'s' 1 . 1.0rt..14 3lonottol.r'...t Witi-I, al Ars, J I. 11r.:... .1.11 . 0; It.. Nt"...ehnit.e. . _ . . . I I •,/ ILA, Cola .11Py. MI!=11 Ir 4 r rerrlvr.l Ire .apply of 11i• br-11C•ro-ene t) u•I Hurntit.g Ciotti amt A cohnl. and rau 141WAIS be i,a‘i at 111.• oJ:den Morton On nag "'MISC. .try 19,'61 Ert oit mreet. PRICEI i REDUCED FOR altering lump , in Guru Conl OIL W . , ter any oidinary Fluid or 0.1 lamp io burn Cool 20. until 011 arm:plow, UK 50 al- at the Icoo.l 11.01. DE Olt rA iwi:l; sTOHE To Lumbermen & Manufacturers! TO subscriber Ilariug perfected the above machine. offer-la . -C - 11 swte, L9u. , ty and ren.untilde Term, lir niaelrine Shingle. to any . Nhith or thickhe.-.:411 , 1 produce:. a volt undwrin and ,le;in melt, ,Ahich hat given petit:dt. taii,action wherever 1111,1, Ont. glr 11/0 111.1ellille% 111111 , preimeiro nuir. work run ;0 • In r`ll-,111,11.1111111 Planing Al 111. COlllll/1•141, I a rot :llrtitcrllllo(alat loll , 4 thill.l .s. %V5l ur.y. %tr.' ,;) 1 . 11. j The roit.lroctionol the and 1t.111.e. 41111- a I u..C. • 1101,1 the plait. r, n 1.2 all knitl4 and bevelled wel, such a, Flout tag Ciaph , no ding. ter "1:0•01i1 1 / 1 I, MO} 9'1,157. hou•••keor.i , ,a, as II fin , l o f„lff -14.•1. 1,1 11111 , iill , 3,11 . 1 II at: , CS, ISlltil cmtl, L.:4., lu i ictect,. 3r e. eatile7-. 1 - ;.• :store- I 0,1/.1 IiESH GROCI:RIES. is -GI BEM I: ,ottld u rtl titvitti on of how, keci,t, to ~.rt-L I .411.1 A Lt. 41 D , (I lajog Tea, Cull Aloht•a••• 11 "011 .1 uelte r.d nem of eviktog . Ile •1:11.• at list 101Netl ratC4 Nov 21.1,P i NEW STOCK OF COM, 0,11. LAMPS. ! IMUCES reduced since CURTIN'S ELECTION i ~.. (v.k...5.,.d :It U 2 CI, 121:12411y • - ‘1,14.1412 "41.124 nl.l. :%14411414% Stai! it% ...-% 11" , l'ltitt d . .t . ..d44 b 1.44141 ai $1.21 I Bell St% le 5121%%1e .i. 14141 21 40 In .101, .i) I. !. .1.4113 .11 'Si kit! 1t1.44. I! 4211 It 7114 . 4. . 11 4414ziont 1..4121.4% 2% .1.37 •I .17 .n.le 1. 41.114 .11 Si .7 .. 81 e:iii 111 2. amine our •10.4. 1,(01 , 7,11,11:1 , i ,1,. e. N hew .1 24. 1)1:1.1.171' I. N. Co . qv t 411.1-011. G0:414 n Mom , L), 02 . ..WI . , . - xwsur...a.nrdt. -- - , 1 \\ EST liranch Insurance Company, o 1.0,-k Haven. 1...e0,111.11.1e , 10 111.111 e 1.'611111g I and pes,lti:ll property out U, I,l,ollAde term, u, .suy Sher good ('oinputly . Pr.•olaitun Now. in Col ec—SinE , .o.s- , 00. 1 C. 1 1/I.ItNOW. l'rt,t, 5). D. -ATI.t.V.I.E:F V.1',61. N. VII/LeNtsl.,er.%, W. n.AtiON. l'ren-lir. r. A1,1,11 , 4:101'. 'revived by Wti Met:.lll •Nl , t, V.lellt. Wisdom. nt (..w.1111g1e...1., (niter, I 1,..i.i 'Strc:t. -I, 111,1,61 NOW FOR BARGAINS: Various Styles Styles and Qualitt” 1 WALL PAPER, oia 1111 w teacly ni the , 00re •ir the r.olo.enher. otitoi `I I log 11., erouu. , ool Rapti.; owl for the porpo., lb, Coll, lot &ono. svc I t e .ot.l litthout Ile;lari.l to Oei 01:gioal Cost ILS 111 . 11. Cir•li Store. IBM PAPER CHEAPER THAN WHITEW_ASH • W TI.: have jo't received a I:lr2e lot of l% Al P211p,. t,l' Ibe newest , :y es liod he-t ,:oud-, , oo ~.% e I.vill ted at prisc.lo-,01 t ',,e tones 1 , ,'.1 - 1.1):: etr. 7AICIit'INA: , I ) . - llonl. t,•nre. l'lJut , . :010% 0 I,ot ust.e.Hoono , ta. . NiNro•::ti sell. !TN nv'el that nor frotto . - atol all nth , aat nta) 1 lt.tve — 1 /MI CANAL Nlt • 011 II 11141. In., lit ittlit ‘lttlot t.l.otte 1• tor- o aut to; 111111 .10 pliol:0:1 10- kell 1.1 •xt Isat,ge it, gun l- •tl tit • lot ,111,•••t C I 0 I 11. (1A1.1 ,,. at foart• •.1 I ~111- ,V.11T1.111.1 rd rElre• 5.. 13, 111 111 tlh..i. :is A ( .tIA A . t .4. l.u. •II ,are 01 11% I'l WI, hrrx. 11. g% 31.0 c W... I 1.1,111,0 $ll flit. iii 10,4`1 I .%r• D Fnil A • r .. /.I • 1 I . - . 1) Cl-1 1:t.00•L. r. , 111. , Park rlant,l- Ttl•ki.l.. ^•• Co:a 41,t 1 , 411 Co, Th I I'll e un I rnn_ Susquehanna Planing Mill. F itoN f ST., AND PENNA. RAILROAD, i;a:.c>: LAX( r Cu'r. PEN:. s. 1/•. , vit i-ed 1: it Ile ILrei. 4.1,‘ ... 2. .7. the .Ikl ..r L. r.v li. ae .e 1.. Lve.l DEIMMIII Office--414 slrect. (. PITA!. CVL7Z. COAL OIL, EX IIUEV 2 S Patent Shintle Machine. 110 U S E. EIV3, 11. SUVR.OI. Cor. rtOit% ritiosn WALL PAPER! Relief for the "Crisis." MIME= Pure Coal Oil, No. I Just Opened. 1)11EnS (ODDS, Broorns, Brooms, Brooms. (~,r1 11,,, r. .1' o t Vi .11 I. II I'll ,ros: tilh.liin Fire and Marine Insurance Corn limy, Philadelphia. 11.,. G. WOODWitit D e -I.k At" ' • I're.ol"l,l:ii,d •I , urer I.or toe alcove 1.1 OA II e . p .1 :0 /I SOrlng tr. ,•• 0 1 ,11t1 ., plorwry of oil kmd •• •, •••• ., .tr; ~.rti.- losell. ore C 011. 1 ., .1 • .. .1 IV A ol to. o Act : . 10111. 1 . I 11'1: f k• , 14 1 u . 1 ,1 I X ZIEGI.I.H. Act•ial. 11.1.cmont of rilark'4 Coltort , on. tan e., 'Nt GEORGE J. MITI', WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cate _ Baker.—Constant,} on hand a variety of Cakes o numerous to mention; Cracker* Soda, IN me, Serra and Sue*: litscatt; Ci.luiectionery, of every description be LOCUST SrRLEI, Pet1..3,1:9 Between the Bank and Franklin Howie. coLtrivama =Lox akotrrardor OPPOSITE THEOLUMBIA PA L CA BASIN, C, TEE subscriber has' removed to the extcn sive c hop, connected with the Columbia Iron Foundry. which be has thoroughly fatted up.with new and bist•rnte machinery. and is now prepared to manufacture Steam Eggt,to ac r d Q. mps or every de. serlption. Machinery for Formates. Forges, Mills, raemi icy. Work. &c. Iron and ilia, Cf•tmgs furnished to order. Bridge Botts and Illarit.tnithilia in genervi. 1.,r" Rep:Li ring promptly out-ode.' to. J OLIN Q DENNEY en!umb;a, .I,ly xtraviovisza OF JOHN SHEN BERGER'S FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. TIM undersigned having removed his Fur. attore Ware Rooms mutt Altana - act°, y. to hie brick building , on the “...Ith.ide of Loeu.t turret 14:- tween Second and Third .treel.. re , peetfully inform ht. Ronal. and the puttlte to gt. e Imo a call. A farce and amwrior ....WI: of CAM . E r -WA Rb: AND CHAIR-WORK, of all Le-ertp , ion., will be kept enu-tansy opt hand, which Atli be sold on the eno.t rest .onabletertnl. As he heath ufariure, Isis otiu molrk he is enabled to w•nrrtit t every atm— e to hoe +rbatil ,repiente:d ;until° bea•guot.a-lii-ellettp. very large .and its part einllrttees fine rang, lilittitt alai I.IIIIC y Card. End ...E.ofa .Cent re ~Dret..itig,Dieti ne a int Ilreat Also TA ISLES; Common. French and other IttE.l s'rEA DSi Common and Fancy CHAIRS:II.d SE'S TEES of every tttt yle.together whit a genioro 'assort mt.ntot ullk iads o f FURNITURE. Funerals evil Ibe Ittentied with a Snlendid near, on shortnotiee t and al Itteuessary Attenttot glsett UN DERTAEING. Ilere=peelfully aolieita a . ..:ltare of paltl.e patronane a. well Hs eolllllilla are nl lye cu,.ow a nth a Web lit has been Itherallv . turd. I. BUCK WilE \T FLOUR. p1:-11 Buck, h.•at Flour. in lulgn 0. -in CI qunnt 1: In•-, 11 -110 .It (i .......)' Store Corner From um.] Nov ti. I •all SUGAR CURED HIAIS TW. sule.l WI,. .apply of New sugar Cured Ham-. voitell lie edu I CLIOIIIIIIL SUY DA M.•ry S'nore,eornel front and :14 Prof. Gardner's Soap 11711 bow. 14.. N.,v 1.:112 1 .11;11 11 01 010.t10 It 1 - .0111 the )1:111; 11 I. 1111 .0 line -1.10. 0:01 will Loh- from Gond, 11 iz .4erefoleo I.loo'olz. :10- 3 011 orilt of }our tilat,ry lie 1 .0:01; Aleds00:0 $lOl2 Colu 10100. June 11, i kis v 7 : l , i r 'rE CATHARTIC faQ--fr _ . I LJ 3 riz 7il A:. ../ti. f.• .0,1 100 111 111 011 1 111.1 ,4 10.1 0 1. 11 11 /I 1•111 •1 1 111 1 0, - 44;1. • 1 /1 1 1.11"1..111 1 1 1011 1 1 10111 g. 1111 c /..00414.10/ 1 .1 4,. ' llO OO st Put , olt/.. the 1111 111:LII• Irt yv • .4 :". , 1.• of 1./ 4.1110, 1/1 , 0 1 /1/0/0.1 . 41 4 .0 .1 n lllito 01•tne / Lt I. 1111 'l' e.\)•l., ,TT,T • .•••••,:•,!,. ,te( t:.`,,..•.11 , 1 TIT • •11 4 k•i•IT•lo /111 E;ty/ *--o. _ on 7 ' N/ :,„ ' l l, / t Om,. 1100/01 PE , r ^ ti 10 14 • 4104 .0. 101 1", 'll,, ~111111.,1, • /In 1/11/4/1 0 0 - t/t11).1.01/1111// 41 •44 11,411 1110 01011 10 1101.4 0111 it 1 1 i 0 1 / 1 1 4..1 0 1 8 L . 1111 • 111 11 10 1.1 till . II • , 1 :TT, I T.T T•t , TI• tiit , ktTlini 11111 1 11 0 11 , 1 . 10 10,i 1 art I111.•1 TA, 111.0.1 upon 1111111 , 111, 1.01 tl/ 4 4 -014 tonto/liogL.llll, 111 •11/1•1111: genetnl .11.111.1, mull,/ tug,. .11/ 17 di- , tutu in 111i-/1111110••+•0.1 11116.4 •1 0 1.0n,11/ 1110/ At el', an 4 s..e 10o1' /11/0/./It 1110114 .1 1. , 1- 10 181 01.11 it ' 4 00/11. awl nil)/ 1110 L 11.1.1111 1 - TTTTTITT, i•TT.lltis it 1. II IT.T TT! ITT 111141111111 TITT.I 1 0111111 11 11 COllll ll / 1 101. 1 , 01• Le 111. • 111 11 1 "1 1 1110.10. 4 0-. • 00.14111.1 .L6lllOOlll, 11141011 y, ". i i ill l • ILLI 1101,11110 01r" 1 1,0 1 1• 1 11 0 0 , C 111 . ... 111 .• 1 d 1 mullllo 4 11.1111.11 111 . 11 • 1 1 1 11 , 11. lIINLL • 11 11 111111111..014 111 toy 01 11/. 111 . 11 1 . • .01 • 1ILL• " Llll • 111 • 111- • 0110 0 1000 111 • 10,1. , 01 " tto 111{.1.,) • 111,111 I. 11 , 0 1 1 OiIL 1 0 1, 1 1.1 I.l l l l e . 111 , 111. 11 1 111 11., 1 11 L Olt "I LIOI / 1 / el ../.1 .141.5 St (I SI 5 1 10/1 n L.,.,.• 1' ' Da. Aggrtt• Vgggir Pill. nre ilog itistugg g • • raw, I:: :1,1. 'fury ::: • • : 1: I liar u,a gag ,. g • u-ly gg I %gill. I.l..gtclge4 aga I ptiggig,•— g. g. • • hog i/ 111. .Ittg.L our 1.1111.1 1r g .0— • •...a Lire I 1,, I A , l •I. As n. Thrtinfly Ph) Y. 411 Pg.• tlgg. gr i n ;111. ••• • • I, • .• nt tl II .11 I I , IS .I, uLl'u l..ll I I 114.11,1 1..,.. 1 11..11,:'1 Lt./ 111 111 I .1 1,1 licnttz eh c.Sit kit end n tit e :Foul St emuch /5-., Pr i:do• II d ) D• ,111111•1 I I,lflll 01. .111..A1..11 1(11, • Wry! In tlft •:•,t t 3,11 1•1:1, lo•ir••1 tut tut (.. ••• it • ' • te, •f t t' t ittti if tit', Itiethettte. 1 Ida. •0.1 I' • ot t• tit, rot r•:;• trial ..111i :it' in in, .1 tut • •tt•••-t 1•••••• 1••• lit., h t .; I it., Ilia St,. Ps'l..ll:J• .1 ll• lf 1.1i11.• 1 .11,111 Pn .7 P. lrr. .. T 1. t‘.• • ~.311 •• It ¶,/ • 5N . ,...11 111••• .I• liMony I)3.4oriter• —7.111 r I •• I:. :I 11 IV t 1 . 1 •tt I 1:n 1 , 6. • .1. ) .1; I Li. 1.1 nit. a it 1 IF, I.i i n 1 rz W/1 • ,..1 11 . 13 1..1/ 11 ,1 11 t:.. 1.1 I C: tur. 1,11 ... _ Slrti 11.. P •ti. I .1: 11..-ot lA, • 1,1 • .1., 1,. t 5.13 Mkt OW 1.1`.4 1.111..1111 %I k• I /1,1 I. 1:11'11 1.01 1.1 pit.l , i 1•• ...•11th lit.) Ulu lut :ut 4.11 tint °lg.., I.: , 111 1 .cio.l ••• biloars ••,,, that It 111 , 1 1.4 ivolily t 1.11t1.31..111.1 I.t )14') 11 iott 113 y scan ery.,, Din rrltrrn, Itelnx, (trot,. =I 1'.114 laud tt lung los lo sul Loki them in cc% our the .1 fill raw found. lboor qUentliso all etc nl (ill Ili •L , I [Mita MI t,lO/ 1. 1.i 11,11/1.11,. 1011.11 II1•1 Ll'I••11$ 1 , ,1 ,1 411 • • li• .1 1 1, .1.• ,4 ws .kess4 tits In s s ss s • l 1 ti U: WO. II ;11/1/ Dyspopoin, nalporlt3 , of tl.c Proof I:fr. J. I: .1.7, , cl , Tin All ft: I 1.1,11...0 •'ll . P.", st. oil 4 1/.1., /II 11/10 , (111 , 1 .I'll II: • • .11. 1 .11.41.2.... th.. ~11 Om 1.1 • .1, Ow •.1 t• 1 .. tanl,l. t. wr ri iN/111.1. %. 1 ~km.ll- p .ming V. V.I. I` T•of• orIII iIC 111 , 11\1 A\. ln Si:: . 1 'MI C.111141'1, ! • I1:4 1,11 1!t. .111.1 Li. I i 11... ttti pa.,, ,e vler,lt'l,lll% 01, JvIIN u. Comfit limilovi.Cortti - elle.•. Stit,prr., ton. In...marktloDaa. (-nytt, :lettrult;ta, Purulyrloo..7ells, vtc. r, IMDr. J. 111 :770 I I 4 r: tonolt (Innot do. :( t n hi of 'oe : ohe .11,0 of r en , ••• D . (411.1.1(4' not Ti Met tine Imso 1.. ( n o ! •„ ••tito they jont :no to tog it for tde benefit Of the untli and, wile .W 1( : n 0 that r nhnh, although had (..tool,oll , 1002 , .1t0r nt talwn 1111.1 I 1 o•lo.r.. el - zinate ) out tills .IfLut tio. orzan aoU cud tlietlll,l,.. nr , m V•yaicum and 21/,,7<,:r... I ,Ind rine n hen large dn.', of 3 ['lir Pill , tal.iia at t, < pi., to... liOII.ERS. :+ll I , ri I . I * I.LEYS, 1 . 11 . 5, :VIAtttIINERV roit BLAST I'LIINACI:S ROLLING MILLS. ANIJI:LOUR NULL , . had every variety of Alueluoert. In the iiiii .1 iliorouala nod IHipIOVVAI 31,1/I.ller. Irvin anal Bra, Ca.stalas On every de-ell plum, made to order. Itepuiriog pi July at tended to. Cmli i.31.11;113 Old Iron. Ilra“.. and miler 1113.th1. c),th.,, nm 31.430,13,1 13, ntldrv-ted to •• 513.11,113.C1U11113' Cnmpang. C 041111144, 1 . U." • 9.. SC PPLI:r., T Sunerintendents J. I..LFAVIII.LVN. Colnrobin.June FRANKLIN rum, INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILLIDELPII/A CAPITAL . , l'e.petuol Prennum.. ......-1:-.4.11/ Al 1...111.1p.r.1 Temporary rienuonoz, 21,0512 at ziorp.u, .r. 1,0 :2:24 Al 0,. ScITATEM ENT o A>aicti, of tlit Company on t• J(111E1111 3 1.1 - 111. 111 C011101111l1) t,nbt row-t O ll Of tile SIVIIIeCIIOI.OIO..I Act ul 1,4,10.1) u I Ap41,:01,142. 3/ 0 IrtGAG On oi one ill valued to oSer 000011 , being (trot tilt', tgageson real e-tate.ili OIL Cii} nod ("Mont 01 l'hil.olelphi.,,ex• cent 5705:0 05111 tile tio,thloolitig coon -IM%, I: EAL ESTATE. rureh..e.. at &Mende' hale.: under i mortgage claim., ow. Eir,ht hou-r,. and 10t.70 try 1511 leei or 010 :300110W0.1 00111 e 1' ull.:11,111.1l 11101 SI'VCIIIOO.IIOI Streol•• A how, and lot. 27 by 71 feet .on North 0010 of Spruce sti eel. Neel of 1;lev-, 011111 Two lieu-I-unit lot-, :tell la by 75feet. nn emtitil -Me a :spruce .11,C1,11," S:txtee nth street. rive hou-e- and tots... melt 17i I.y 00 I 7. feet. Noe. 521,52,3, 55.5, Z.J27 :1110 522 E*, II 01. Three hou-r• 11101 Int 49 by 51 En...l.le.,..ufr,evelitceutli street south of rote -I. Hotel hyet feet.on the South em,tcorlierou Cile•not .111 e! 80.100 1 Men.. rive hou-r, until 101.12 by et, feet.on the 1 5e3,3124r. North , ide oilin•orge .treet.NN ' e.t ut 441101, -Alt. t,t , rell 11011-Cu .1011 10t.26 by 117 leet.on I 0 the Eitel .tde of 11.0.02i1 Street, south of Cite-nut gteet. A house and lo; by Plt feet. No SI7 Pinvl ale r blrel7. En-I of Noith street. I ". A ground rein of S ill. is-4.11011W 0101ot (t 1 try 40 feet. oil NOIIO ...le of iter 01... et, 40 feet \‘' r,l ul 1.060110.1 t 7 lot. of groul.d to Harlotry erne I owl Qom , t Ole :v. 1 / 1 ,1411 'mu,. 10111 la. 11l I.) (($1 fret, on lire FOOlll .010 of L . -110, :11011, 14,1 (.1I kl°ool. I A 1m0..• and lot. II by r,6 tel on the rot-t e•ole of Frota .1 . nunb of Clitxr} street, Ket.singtou. - Temporen Loons on &lock , . u.s.. COll7l teraiSeeurtly STOCKS. MmE:ilout.e Loan.e ucr een . 2 :1 Ont. on.) 200 *harca Bank 0 (Kentucky. 17 t• Northern think of Kentucky. n 11/11 • UlllOll Munk oiTenne.,:ce. 13 " 1 asiounce Company of the 'State of I'es/11 , y 1, am... 200 ••• ii/x i tiltwark Rutlrnad Co. 37 •• Coinineretul and Railroad 1. C 1.2. k ilk .I:icle/0uie.1267;v:47 07 315,• RatlrnailCo., I ' 2 7 0 , 4 , y r ,,,,10 Virclif,nrunceCO, 17; " Nen/au/Ile 1./nr.r) 2) •• Union Cal,.'l Company. 2 / 4 C011,311V10.11 IlatelCorna'y, :17 3,,r0 on n" co. Bound- It intru Serill 12 It :r n... 1 Itnr.d., I Cu) Lou./, 2 2 2/0 Paulade Ono 1.n../.. ti:l73 d •• Cut Nt or,/ lit; Nu/c.f./id Ca.:bon 11.1110. Coi of/keel/I, ELAI. 1.51*A1 1 YI:111,e1 I,ooe. C 0.., is :ibOVC = , 31(,CKS N1.,1,1 value. l.0•I, a, oIoCIVI Advance 111 vatLt , Total LOSSES By FIRE Loa,. en id donne the t .1550. J. 31 orderott he Doan!. CHARLES N n.% NCIZER I Attest W. A. zeTPV.I. See', Pro Ton.: DI RECTORS. CHAS. N. BAN( Pre-ideot, ELIWI.). C. DA:..1:.„ Vre-rteot. i Ches. N, IFThrwher..ret9l:l4 Wtlgler. 2,4r11111 . 1 J ;Brut. U. r‘rnoiti. Gro. W. fitei4ords. Mordee.o U. I Lem, Davit] re. Brome,l•aae Loa, Ealware C. Dale, Gen WM A. sTEr.r..See'v pro THUS. LLOVILAgent, ColumW.a. 1 , ..h IFC.I FOIL 'RENT 44 siote nraan.32 fretft y 21 feet. with conv'elp drew fl.raand Shelvitac,a, pont up !to , . g.aal Celle, and Warrhou•e; .1',234ed Locust Creel, 01 The • rfnuLlin now. , • 'nix Jo.. FIGS! FIGS: FIGS! T Nth raMeet tnc l'rnylret F g.. A .unplv of ne w A-t.:01..R.J041 H. r4:l - IDA brocery =tore. Cur I rvlrl end I.L.Cust N.e 24.1 40. DRIED FRUIT! A ' 0 2 ;1 ` ,.7r1; ' ‘. 5 ., 0 ,r.t.., ` , 1,,",',',...',1dAhi'" and Ii st4IJ Vws. Slere Cot Front Nov t't F. SHIMMER ir• 15.Q1F, • Front et., below the Bridge, Columbia, Pa. WE just returned from the city with a_ assortment of Goods, selected with ~--•..- • - great core from the best factories In the couutry.— Our Stock is now very large, consisting of WATCEIE, PLUCKS, s'ilverware, Plated Ware, Bracelets. Brooches, Sets of Coral. Movaie. Cameo, Lava ana Jet. ringer Rings, Medallions, Gold Pen'. Pencils. Chain' Studs. Sleeve Buttons, Spectacles, Pocket Books. &e.. &c.. &c. We invite the pulslic to give us a call mai examine our !urge cock, cs.petnally of Clock., which are in good working order and well regulated, and will be - sold at the lowest prices. Columbia. Apii: :P t 1200. HAVE this dayus , ociated with anysenn business my soti.Heorge II Rump in cop.:men:hip with whom I will continue the Hardware Ru-iue•e, at the old stand in Losii..t street below Second,uuder the firm of J. Rumple ex Son. I tenant wu•ere 11PliIlis to the public for past liberal patronage, and respectfully ask a sominiomeeto the ue•n• Stun. JONAS AU AIPLE. Columbia' April 2001,1.'150.; The u't.eriber3 would call the attenuant or the public LO the LARGE STOCK OF HARDWARE, 41-1. rcrewcp by them. They min - idler a complete I,..nriment of everything; to their hue of business tither Whole-ale or Retail. (loop and Band Iron, Steel. &c. They have entiwintly oil lialltl uu astOrll.lCll , of Iron and :nee] of all kind.; Pllllllz, Glltc, Vars.-he,. Cedar ware. Ac ; as large stock of Gum and Ileum Packing, Ga.liet= of all .Iz,, A :urge -apply plena' Oil laimpa and Shmles of cu. riou Kera-etie 011 of the very be-tquality. Aireais far Farrell S. II erritig's Patent Champion me and Burglar PFoof J. & SON. Loenzt at rem below. Second, Columbia. ea Aprd lean. FORSALE. 100.000 Pla , lrqn.z {Att 50000 ok, ;1 .50.11,0 do. 3 •• .rune 9 1-CO Farmers Give this Your Attention! r ( (1 BARRELS Pure Ground No.l Plaster, elite as CHOW, for save ut Ain} 5 TO WATCHMAKER Sc JEWELER. Front Sti cct, between Locust and lirdnut, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber invites attention to his:very huge oud cloPoo xtot: of WATCHES' & JEWELRY, which lilrp.rreJ to y ell l• 11 1 . 111,C I ben they can be bought. .11 au) °Owl;:-buient. pre pared to.ntlerereutharguiu. and bere,pcetiull}ta vue,thc.tttcuuou otputeha,cr....tobi•-toel.,,hich embinee. • GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ofevery kind; al It. Inds o CLlJCKS.rroarSl.noiip. wa rd -.lie e lioannen toitisl urge s i o o, of IA:VI:It BOAT et OCKttsti o 1 Ear I`,:nis-, ring:, It inn , . Brea. and Teo Spoons ['or's , Se. is Inch a r warianted to wearne•trty etitta I to .rilver. Golthviitl Silver Pen ;l dsvvv.:pcv.)a...le•; ingethei with the greatest variety of Cl` A Wie:CLE:.; ever before nanreil CUTLER tt .ulterior tecontnent o C Re volvers and other Pit - tots and al I killl.l' a KIIIVLS, of the nest inkn,l,.Letti re. Strici u..en: .1, wit 11,c4 - ivc3l, the teptnrinr 01 venteites nttdf ewc 11) awl all ,Aork vvtil b lVallunted. .. - A cnntin once of u rifle •=pest son..i JOUN Columbia 11, I 'ca. H. C. I? 0I%I) E S 311 T s NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., WILL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, On Monday, October Ist. IS6O. Jr W. BOWERS, Fuperintendent. nUITE as important is tha arrival of New Dre••••(.;ootl tat the old -rand. ;idiot nine 111.• Columbia Bank. whet e the stile serrLer will be iniapy to •-re all hie old eu•tome, nod r a many new one- nill flavor him with their pa trovitee. and tit ilie .came tune •olleits a libel •Inrre or cht.01111 , 2 , iltria in the new cane rprem, oppo-ite the Ode I ellon For the vt eneauragement heretofore re nom Ihr p,•-p le 01 Columbia rid rind the plum nenoly. during lo- re-sdeuee w Colum bia. Lr IC , OIII- , 111,21 V 1110111,.. and 110111... to 040111. and fl I rive a COIIIIIIIIUII ,, 0: .1111:e. and good pattnular, Lereafier. 11 C. FON Sept. 29 'GO People's Cash Store, Co:online, - TLT.P. PEOPLE: 'rule Ilas opened A. NEW TIN SHOP. lb- Ilnrdware ..tore or 3 Rump'r & San, where Ini intend- inundarturreg till kind of Tiii and Iron ‘V“ro, M la prepared at rite •ItOrte..l no. !tree to do all Lund- 1 of lim, linofing.c.pouting I pairing. Ae. 1111 55 nrk exionmed brio, leaving the wart:oiled. Ity •triet 11114 . 0101•1 10.141,11 C.. • he trope- to reeerve a -Lure or public p.firovage. itt•atullaule. on, Y, feta. GEORGE H. RUMPLE. ViToolleys All Ilealiag Salve, for sale at v the Golden Mortar Dom I.lore. Cola. Jan'y 19 'Gt. rrotit c•ireet. $400,000 The Testimony of the Whole World HOLLOWAIr'S Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, So.ea and Ulcers. All ilr,eriTtien of -ale-nu e remediable by the proper and u-e of ill, 3 ne , iimala Jr preparation. To 111101113/I 10 rule plastering the edge. of the 'Armin: 'Treiber I- fol for .liould the ,1.01 unite. .1,-r 4st Ull , lllOll rt 311131111333 underneath to tire '7, ow lib len ruld Cu, yul a fox The only rational litt(j sure:- . lu l treatment. :n+ ntdleu:rd I,) a 1101 3 e. Is 10 3,011,0 1110 11311.1001001011111 call 31110Ut 00 3 . 3 0010 i 11301 30 000iiie ilie iteirlorrirmg Sart- ri) rubbing of the Oil.tunnt ae •.41; Inroad 1/110 meat. Dipthclia, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet - 571 '37 Any of the al tire cnrrd lay we l l rubbing the r /lll:Meta I'l fee Line it day , nio the elie , i• thinat and lied. of patient; n w.. 11 Foos penetrate and gi sr immediate relivi. :11eilieiz,e 'oaken by illy mouth mint operate upon the whole system err ii- influence can be telt in aid tonal part.where id. the t )/11IMelll Will It() It. Wort. id on, e. Whoever tries die unguent in the above manner foe the dis ea-us minted. or tilt unv smill.l r di:orders nfrertinno the elie.i of throat, a ill find them=e) ye , relieved an by a charm. The e in— of r mnpl:noh will Ire removed by mat II) intociintitr the part. [lli SV:irrli ac t ier hurl Oleo by trio•l eirectu.s Ily rubbing In the I isotin-itt Pt •ufrei log films illrefui complain!. In.e not n missient so urre•ting their progre-u. It -Imolai It under-toed that ti i- not .siffieiri.l mr,i) to .risear the oil the . etlei•teti path, 1.01 II 11111 , 1 lie well willed in for ...WM,. C011.0.4.001e tone too or three toile. ri ) it it trntv Le u.4rn solo the -).11111. vdiesiee 11 ,V , lt 1,1106, (ill) bidd-n roe' or .osinal elirrluall; • a. ..1101101pI.11131.:, to tllc ,ye. Theretiginit Isread (11111 r poulto L Ille . 11, I ell GI( at ,-CINI( 11u) 1 the -are 1ee,1114,1.1 or 1.11131 t•-, case, of cancer 111 thehtoninel., or where there may tic a gen era! heori...4 EIEIII9 ty 4 ; MEMEI SEERS' Indtect;tionn of Youth; Sores and Mors Moieties, :14 e. n. with e.:11/ft li). be writ is lie. (liniment be eiee. 6,11. ~,e1 the 1411, Inc s Waal and a•OTillaZ at r, , e,,inoiend,d in the 1 , 11.11,1 1.....141e1101, %%1100 trraird in any oilier too!, tie) up iii one pater to tirent: oul 111 anomer, 33int PC.I. 1111. thalaiCal will remove the lallllol front the .3 lemon the paueni a v and 11001111 y Ireilitg It will require time oval, tie a.e of the hi', no en-are a l.t.tingcure. Dropsicql Swellings, l'aralysis and Stiff Jain:s Al:hough ilie .11,01 r eumplais,t• dater tt ieel7 f n their ongin nod ounureo Cl Vie) rer„uire local t•raiinent Mary atl.e wo;-t rn al ouch will yield 111 1 mann.l roo v 1 1t el or -once of tone when ce,...;ft f oniird Iwo if, potro.. t.. 111 1111 inert oth.iu 5 heir:. ill all me rino- inolisilie• the Mil- he nteording tonic prinird dl re: tton,aceontrlaltl im; each ho.X. Both the Oinina , nt and Piils should be used in the following eases: 91111 . -99 49 ••••5 3 3, IMMO c iorp 27 7..107 17 I= e =ME Bad Lec •, Curl, i , 1111) Htteurnalt,tn, Had lift.apta, Canteen., Scald.. Hun.•. Con'rtrtei and Sore Ntrple.t. Wanton• • sof * .totett, Sore Throat,. line:of Mo•el.e• I:terhouttu.t.s. Shot Unease-, oes atilt Saud I t•lul.s+, •urvy, rife., Guilt. Sore Iteutl... r - tudoty. Glandular Swcll. Tumor!, glvl. 01, log-. Ileertt. Idoor•. Lumbago, Wooods, '''.. pprd Vaud-. Pile-, Yaw, AGI 14" . .—Notte ore genutnr ordew the word• ollow ort. New Yot I: Zino Looell.o. - are dt,reemthte a watir•mark /II r♦ try :e:• fof the book of direr ht, around each poi or nay. the %a:nr may be plum 1.,11 by Itoldrou the leaf to the l gilt. A hand-amt :VI bre tt Ili i n g.tro to sty omit ra - MlCrax “ . .tcis an )1111.111CIII a• m• .. /fled to the dr•terutvt of any p.ari). ,:purr) 'rout. ,1 , lung the rued tether. or V.?...,:::ing Inc AMC. A:towing mem lobe ,patica, JoNAs.:Nlyrnsi „ Aladdin ter Nuoutnetcry Proieesp: Hallow:1y, Aludito Lane. Ned+ Veal, end by ea oe•peciable Turg”de and Deafer. in :Vedic:lie. Iluoughout :he 1,1 Iced world, w bozee at item., G. eeude and SI .rll I.G"Thcre a con.aderanle saving ;by taking the arge f li.—Lir•cbon& for lloe guidance of plaiiencs in Merl dioortit r ate affixed to cart. box P. SHREINER & SON Co partnership. B. r. A PI'OLD, Cuird Ilahl n A P POL NVarchou.e, Canul 3"0,111T FELIX, MARK TUESE FACTS. ntitt Other Ferern Mies, Fistulas, Sirietures p.pALDINws tEPLIALIC PILLS. FOR O . C le J a ta t a l . h t,lB6l Gol"ar'l". PrrurognTririe, School Books, School Books. TOTRIC REELS AND PARENTS. 11TE ale now randy to supply Teachers and Parents I' with Sarsent'o Readers and *petit's, at intro duction prices Al.o. all School Books used in town and country, at the very lowest prices. SAYLOR dr. McDONALD. Front !tree, between Locust and Walnut. Sept A. , fro. C • AN • EMU ,SI Tqui E sub.criber ha. on band a sandy of Cranberries —fre-b..nund trail. H.sUTDA\i, Nov. 21. 1:2CO. Cor. rront and Union St.. GEORGE BOGLE, DEALER IN Every Des eriptin of Lumber, DINE mid C 5 press Slunglev, Dre..ed Flooring., Window tia-h, Piekete, and everything in h u ts lisle of -sotto, lie ju-t recety .ng hi. Spring Stork of Lusnlier, and bun on hand a large and complete it--orutteen of DRY LIJIVIBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Office unit lVarehott , e In From street, Letweenl.o - and Union, Columbia. l'a Columbia. Mare' film—led/ BROWN'S BRONCIIIAL TROCIIES.--We have been selling the above Cough I.ozenges at the Fatally Medicine Store all winter. arid they have elven genclul satisfaction to kll that have used theta. The Rev. Hei.ry %Turd Iteeeher far an he has bad an onto many of comput,oll. Brown'. Troche. urn! pre•enuntally the first of the great Logiinge School. 0011 L Oria! T-u'..enber. keep a enn.innt -upplv of the Bes 1 lien:sent Oil: a I-o. Cunt Oil Lamm, of every vati elf and :ate. shade. of anirerea; pane' a., &c. J. It U & SON, L00t.% street beloss t...Secoad, Columbia, Pa April 2.1, 1e4.10.; BELLEVUE HOUSE. tsL E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS. Columbia Penna. THE althSerlher :announce. that he ha• rented the above e-tiablisheil and well-known /fowl, nod has opened it for the ticeminnoitat inn of the public. Ile lins furnished tire house and is prepared to enter tain travelers and boarders. His table will be %sell furnished with ever thong the market stfrord+. At beo liar will be tonna tiae Cost hi ands of al/ binds of Li quors. Connected with the Hotel. in the linemen: is a FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, where oyster , in every ..1) le, rind Other reirefhineillS, are creed up In good 1.131 e. I . atnil.e- supplked with tirL.l-1/kle oysters, in larga or -.mull quunlitres ul rear-onithle r,„! e-. • The $lOll of the pull respecifully solieited. SAM:. it. LOCKAItII. Coluinhin, Apill 1560—tf. FOR RENT. THE LUMBEFI•YAIID AND OFFICE, formerly hoad, o,c low er rod ii(Citiuittliitti it will In. rented 'very lose, and in such -iced Int- a- will null per-0.1 , wt-lung In rent. For term- enquire of 1:. W, Jan 2-. 611.1( Val renew :11 ills. CUT rIY Celli I'u•turu 4ug.l Lookillg Frame,..N.e. un n-.mtnu•u. al & 3/C DONA I. D'S. !April 11. Cofuwbm, Pa. LIME! .LIXVIE The Qttle•erilier !m !. ein rented the Lillie Kiln. and QuArty at the Canal Begin, n p r ,p a r,d to supply THE BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for Mukha.; cr MAntolocz parpo-r-,ia !urge or -mall guanine;. t1.,6et1 Lace t...r :11.katirs, ,o r p.tr4l at rca,oable Tale, r. irhi). Cosa. April 1 . 21. Canal avlivxr.s SCX3ROMITER, =I Ladies' and Children's Bts and Shoes, Locust Street apposite the Franklin House, Columbia, Pa. I"'E .üb , rribrr lIIV lie, the nitention tae public to kits Hoot e hoe Store a• 111 Alrinuf.t story. wh e re h e in prepared to ...imply or make to order CV( I) Ylll iety of kr.ts' SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, SLIP PERS, ft Scc. li e one' n o ne but the be-t innteritil,'nud his work is done try g ood workmen; Le turn. out no other thou good work, which I.e , lib WA rant a- ,:iti-nicio ry in -I) It', ill. anal every other it:tweed.... Ile tender- It, , thanks for it ge.aly mid liberal l otto:wage mid -olicits it. continuance JAMES Columbal. July :21. 'GO MUMM MMEEMMJ Pit. Office in Northern Central Railway Depot Building. foot of Walnut at., Land a UCl:eral _.,•ortorent at White Pine and Remick Lumber, WHITE P NEsums, PLASTERING LATH, &c. Good Qi ahties, at the Lowest Nlarket Rates- Vs7'alere Columbia Insurance Company. rIIIS CCinpany is ahtharizcil by its charter 10 111.11, In the et:town , or in 1,01 . 000, Rgult,l 10-6 or 111111111:cf, lay iirr, 0,, the 0101001 plait. (or :10V jemol, 01 . 100,100.0,1 or perpetual, oilier 10f 11 CUsli lIICIIIIIIIII or pi coouna moo. PREMIUNI NOTE '6YSTESI. Tho+e vklio ir.urr for a premium note wOl Le in -tired Gir fi‘e 5 ear-, an •übleet to a.--esameuts 131 C XSII. SY STEM. Those who in.dre for a cash nr,tnium will be in ,ur..d for 1111.) ICIIOIIOI excertitog live yr.or%, and WI to our :tk-e%-utent-. Ode per cent. premium wdi I,e eharce.l 0111111111 property fat the ILI al at live !.00,1•1. DEPOSIT SYSTEM( rarm property mill be 1,41,d :or the term of ten .01100 tor lif•,0001 01 shire per 00111. Of the 011100111 1111,11, 1 1:0 whole amount of die premium note 10 lie returned ut 1110 expiration of the policy. without 10- u-test. Of the policy to be reneoed for len ears.o lilt- GUI ail . eXII , OI-t :1111.0 option of the in , Airer. The. Company vimll to employ 0 number of enoil Alzents who will be form-11,1 with the nece•-ttry itportlel:OH , by culling • t the otlive (lithe Clammily. in lLe flo;ouqh of Columlnu, Venus} lesuint, or .tildt.,titAg the Seeirtary by mad it. S. N. Pie-illent, El. II NIQUIZE, Voce Pretinlent, 4.1:o. voySt; • Sec ,curry. Al. NI. sl'ltlelil.l.3. Trevt=Lltert .:A1;0.3 WVAI"I . HENRY 11. IiNtiTWELI., A1'0111 , 1.11 - 4. 11EN N% 01.1 7 . Golumbitt, Loue.t-ter cu., l'enlea, Nittrcl..l3.lto March 17. trite ran SALE. 1 o.nno 11.ashrl- Limo. Born quality of htnellloll, il.ts Lome 14,vonli ttronty per cent. Inure than lb. I.ane from common I me•lone Sokl in lots from lOU huroel• to IttlO. Apply In (7011 Jo it'y 1:), lit COAT,: COAL! THE subscriber is now retching and offers for rile a largr.ror.,,, or all Mod, of Coal. pfe• rra-r.O exp.!. 41) fo'rt amily u-e. by Inc Wu oriel Nike, .400010401, and reed drii , of it loony jrart Of :be town. Il.illimnre Company, Dingy 4 . 3, 4 and 5, sit.. t 111corotaiti. N ,11.11 4, • 1.3 1.v0% Volley 1 , .g.r; rind 24ove t . ....lnnloo. No. , 1.2.3 and 4. suol.or) Heil A.ll EZ2 nod Stove, Pole Grove Egg and $1 0 ,,,e, 1 . 111-ton Egg . sold Iltlnoro*, 10.. 1.2,3 nod 4. The a.ove Cool t, all kept under cover, clear from dart u;o! 11.1 7 . A P iio• I 2 3.1. 5. 6. 7 and r. Canal Ita-in. pmehasne; Coal by tile ed.go and ear !oad a in bad a In iheir lot:11111,44e 10 - 1,11 arid eXam.• toe toy 1, ..f0rc purFLa=iig elsewhere. .4. 7 .. ;5.1.-bn a .. _1; ORZIELT vulaizanz STOZt33. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock of Toys and Ito oley . gooti+ !hall •jeer before. hly trtend• and others are invited to call an 4 examine she slack before Pusehasinc, elsewhere. as they will here find an auhmued 114,,lynent. •unable t or ciii. to prr•on- sit every .111 , .t t,d t tots. All immense a-soca/lent of I'OYIII2OII,IIIIC, Pocket {!rook., CHINA and nine, Fa: .y;.lrturlr•, too 1111,11,0111$ to ineotioti. tor ...tie I.e J. :ilk, I TII. LOCI.Pst ass en betty ten the Mauk oard I'r:tenth's Haute. ColUild... nee. 3. 1,30. RAISINS! RAISINSI DRIMI: fresh Layer, !lunch, Senates• and Valene:T. 1. Raisin.. a lull aupidy nt 11.SUYDANPS i;roeery ifiture, Cor. rrolit and Loc.u.tSt.s. Nor. :24, ISGO CAULPETINGSI E Lvejta.t added to lazr already handrome .lock . It a vesli tif the .6 1 April 13.1%1. HALDEMAN'S. Soap and Vinegar. hiICXES. of Dutry'r• Brown Soap; 20 barrel of yin. egar, wholcsale ar.d retail, at Cotner if' 11)4 .1. 1 Ju”r HILLSIDE NURSERY ti. GARDEN! HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. BS subscriber, Proprietor of the 11111 side T Nurvcry and Garden," oilers for'sale: sit Lis emi.ev. a general Ti.sortment of FRUIT, :WADE & ORNAMENTAL TREES, of the c,ipleest varieties, a rare collection of Hardy Ornamental Shrubbery—evergreen and deeiduouc, the finest climbing plants of every description de mended in this market—all hardy, many monthly, of perpetual bloomers, the standard varieties PIMYER NATIVE & EXOTIC, small fruits of nearly every canny worthy of cultivation in this climate. Gooseberries that will not mildew; also, the finest collection o hardy roses ever of for suite In Columbia, and. after inspection of other gardens, he thinks he may safely assert, the finett grown and beat ustortment now in the county Ile calls intention to the Green House, which is crowded with the rarest mid moo sought for wok lien of Ornamental and Flowering Plants, and chats lenges I.mteaster and York Counties to produce a choicer or bettr grown collection of reen and Hot House Plains, e than now on hand tit tne 11 Gar.ten,” in order for Spring Trade. He offers them cheaper than they can lie bought tit any oilier cttab h-hment in the above counties or in the shale. lie keeps eoictantly on hand at his Hxteicsion Nur sery and Carden, or can furnish at short notice, every tree, shrill, or flower. connected with the butt 'ne-s,otTea ed for sale to Philadelphia. In connection wide the Nursery and Garden. the proprietor will underint,e tl•rcuch the agency oh ‘Vtiliam Statford,a seiesinfic Lundsenge Gardener and Nurser)111:111.CtilleOlOd in IiOSOGrO. to plan and lay out Pleasure Grounds. Gardens, kc to tiC geneialjolthing 111 lOU. line of business. fancy and jobbing work will he warranted to give satisfaction to the most tasteful and fastidious, and will be done at reasoar.t. c rates S. 11. PURPLE. ' Columbia. April lg. h Set Tin Ware, Gas Fixture, Etc. ECZBafiIVE WILSON, . E. Corner Second and Locust Streeta. 'II subscriber haying entirely refitted his store mind hod Mil n complete new stock of ever•- thatg in his lira•. invites the I.IIICI/11011 of the public to l ii ' ,-nrlmetit of STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. clar.k. t very large and complete, cou sin nig of Nu) ul Cook, William Penn. Nohle.Noitonal. Young America, Al orlon Ste r, Complete Cook, Cooking Ranges. Parlor Cook. Iliur pattern• Parlor NOVe, of every• make, size, style and variety, Bar Bonin and Office Stove , Ac. Tin and Sheet Iron Were, A large stock of armoire in time above laic of Luri al noes, comprising ever) thing that is manure ct used Tin. Sheet Iron. Ac.. for Household purposes. Ilis stock is of his OVVII indinifaciore, and he can vouch fora, ~xeelienee and durability. Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, Fee. A LA kW] and complete aseortment of elegant Ga• /1 Fixtures of tasteful designs. consisting of six,. four, three and tw•o burner Clonileliers.single burner (tall Pendants. turle laghti plain and ornamental, Drop But tiers...A...always en baud. GAS FITTING II all Its brunettes attended to with promptness. House Roofing, Spouting, &o. II OUSE ROOFING dud zzl'OliTING put up Itl tLu 11 1110.1 uht.itoittol manner; Plumbing, Bel' Hang ing and other branches of the but. 111,4, carried on as heretolbre, oil the most reasonable term, • reas onabl e WILSON. Corner of Second and Locat.t streets. rolumbto September 5, 1557. DRSONS desiring Pure Articles in the Gro, cry late all cull at Nu.7l l.ocu-t .erect. Just received a fre4.ll Lupply of the followalg arti cle 0011.00011 pure mid New (Wean. ',agar Syrup-. of all kind., lie. Da kind Nlold , ,e,Cidree-, Ted., spires. Truit—ease a- Dried l'eaclita, Curt aaba, lia loin. &.c.—.‘ lot 0, S. P•. SEER LINN. No. 71 Locust ti cet : Columbia, Pa. December 3. rpiin room io I:1 nom. now occupied b 1 Thomo- NVeka, Iltri.; alto. tr vend 11011,4. Ap. ply II) WM. %\ Pvlntory .41. Split Peas! Supply of Dried Pi. ua lust reeelved and for =ale very .71 cheap. at Lssitt.Eus; , s Nov. No.: g Ggsiune for Mann: Lru_ more, front lr et FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT., UNDER IHE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST S7BEE7', COLUMBIA, PA. ss brie Lot- .0 s.rve Olsr.irs and other He • AC-11111CM , 111 the he-I sty!, The r-talili-litnent host been new:y fitted up withmow to the 11,1 31CCOM• 1110d:1:IOU at Li, I.llldOilico. sod 110 eirt/rl Will ho -pored t. propel ly and puttiptly cater to their scolds nod appetite. The oyster-, &c ,provided will be of the lie•I qu-.- ity, and Mat the) may fir weed irl/Oked and -erved nn experwia Pit 111:1 , 011 110111 line of Uit, first ,1,.b!,.h• meats in Phi:A.l..lpin., Ima been engaged to take. I clitir r w of the cooking department. sub-either arks of In- (item!. and the public a -ham o' co-tom. .1 NI 1 I ER, Co:untbin. Oct 29 t- hl 1 11110,11 i101.1 , e. liVria E. fr ❑r Rooks of TL,s,,L."'N'vrt'tterulaksql.teolli7ntSjaccol.tlesi•it"uhrl account.. Persons Indebted will make imyinetit In tho-e1110:1111: lianas lu ll please present them for settlement. 1, S. rimnar, .lEr ams. w t: have open a vhs . we s a, ag i rt i r ;:; . tr i T i l t arn . June 2. 1,-GU. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER.. lIIAVE just returned from the city with a eplendatt. u-sortmeni of all the new um% cd patterns. n)1 , 1 vlo• of COOK, PARLOR, STORE AND OFFICE STOVES, which I feel satisfied will compare with one other rstablishment this side of Philadelphia. Cali and ex amine. my Hoch IA Melt will Lc sold ut U WWI) 11111%1111er. HIRAM WILSON. N W. ror Cecottd sod Locust streets. Columbia. Sept. 15. t-co. Sportsmen Look Here! oo Math e and single harrel gaits, just received at the 11,11 ware More, tit J Rumple Y sea Double bon el R00t,..5.G up to t, - -.GU Swgle bar re! front .fe.!. to 20. We have received evetyatinir in the gunning line. such its Powder. Soot. Calm, Powder Isla-ks, Shot ouches, wailMeg.G.nne Bags. &c., which we offer. to -el I nt very low rote,. Columbia, Aug 25 *do. J. 11UN114.1 7 . &SON The first Raft of the Season. - E. K. Will b 3 receiving during the piing. 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4,000,000 " " boat. 2,000,(0o " Hemlock" " 1,000,000 Plastering Lash. 500,000 White Pine Shingles. 250,00 Cypress Shingles. g l iy--A General Assortment of Worked. Ficoriog, [onar.3. Et I'. A Pl'Ol.ll, C.irm) BED BUG DESTROYER. - - 31AnDplolvitjr:nr4nnFlrl. NONtocollrilbetedl: in it doe. not prove .ntl-f.n.tory the tnoney will be re.; funded. rot Qhle on the stoic of J.31.4'60 J ttGytPl.F.k•4oN. UNION NOTE AND LETTER PAPER, UNION ENVELOPES. Tr III: large,t and best a••orttucitm the Cily. which A we sell t t the lotve=t 1m0... Call mid ...smolt.: JOHN SIII:AI'FEIVS, slay '6l. No 32. N. Quern Street. I.nuellster. TEEM OILIGLINTA.Ia CLELIaIsERY., 1N :NENV HANDS. TEE subscriber has taken the Old Caller}; -L. und t. prepared to mkt: rattle: the lat4t and e.t picture. ever taken in Colombia. Jic bus added to the tdointes oldie room. A SKI LiGHT, and ha. completely relined the establi.limentond is prepared to take Jeorytypeb, Photoge.r.ll.,. hl erne type., Ambroc, pc., Melainotypes and ,on Canva• in the hers style, anti at prices which arc. unheard of for eke:time.. Ltkrnes•e• warranted, stud a •nti.factory: picture fernt•hed without repeated .ituites. Ile asks a roil tinutince of the libera' pntronnec elves). emended lo t. Cal: and exiirnine specimen• the town.. N. Corner l'rout and Locust Streets; third story. Viltrdnec on Locust week Oct. ItCh. R. J. NI LrITLC:.'L Jahn3)a'a Patent I Trovr soifccrinerp having puretra.ett the tight to'enart of Net ure and sell tin. Invention in LUllCialef nanny: de.Lre to introduce it to gener..l use It Ctl.t troughsci Ii ii shirinip, top, of fullitgatit rapacity to hold the feed of one hog. It is • constructed shot thelort. mil cannot get it. feet t.. to mould ma-. tate its feed svithont the 11Y11.1i *eramirling, and qpnot.ine. By the arrangement of the lop the hug is prevellp d from feed tug mint the trough iefined;www.tbeAnoe.. , he gigg. at %vitt. Thrum:lol - 10r be reanOt•grnutton ye in feeding. sod must.•witen'attourit.tee popular. Time trough. are for sale at the *hops in t...ecotid ntiet below Moon, Colombia, Pa. tSVITLE.E. & BRO. Coluntltia, lICA. I r•• • • ' • - K - :744 ,v•-• - for. '041,-fOt GROCERIES roz, RENT MIMII=E SIFT-LIGHT PICTURES! 3