defeat "was more decisive than even the Northern accounts had led us to believe," and that "Gen. Crittenden was in full retreat on Knoxville badly wounded." A dispatch, dated at Davisville, Ky., on the 2-1111, state; that Gen. Thomas' force uhich went in pur suit of the routed Rebels had not b een b ear d of, but it was presumed they would occupy Monticello, a village near the Tmine:see The Richmond Examiner accuses Gov. Letcher of coining into the Legislative chamber drunk, with a cigar in his month, and waking him-elf a spee;tv'e to the NI t0,',3 house and a butt for the.j , .ise , , of the gal:t, . Seventeen Rebel I,r,,Cher trio 1 lut.n phrey Mar: ro-, t";r, br,o,l:t K-I:•twky, ti;e -tu:t;11- I`r, a:. , 1 r.t rizif:lnhat: on I , • , .ked sorry cnoogli. 'I ho itish :crew steamship Eal Capt. be Me4surier, arrived at Now T.•rk or. Sunday from Hai alla and Nassau, N. P.. i;ringing ;late: , from the latter• place to the 0 0th inst. The paddle steamer formerly called the Caroline, but now the Kate, tf Charleston, arrived in Nassau on Saturday, the 18th inst., with 303 bales of cotton and eight passengers on board. She flies the Secession flag. She made the run from Charleston in forty-three hours. The Uni ted States steamship Flambeau sailed from Nassau on Sunday, the 19th inst. -From the Upper Potomac there is no re ,port of pay military movement. The late freshet has greatly damaged the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. From Southern papers receives by flag of truce we learn that the Rebel General Beau regard has been transferred from the Poto mac to Columbus, Kentucky, superseding it is presumed, in the command there, the Rev. General Polk. It is announced that in his new position he will he subordinate to no one except General A. S. Johnson.— R. M. T. Hunter has been elected as Sena tor from Virginia to the Rebel Congress, and resigns his psition as Secretary of State in the Richmond Administration. ills elec tion, the Richmond Examiner some time 'since declared would be an expression of Virginia's disapproval of Jefferson Davis' war policy. The Southern papers are dis cussing their late defeat in Kentucky Gen eral Crittenden was not wounded, and is report:ell to be gathering his troops at Mon ticello. Many of the fugitives, however, 'continue to retreat towards Knoxville.— 'Newborn, North Carolina, continued in a ferment of excitement on account of the ex peeted approach of the Burnside Epedition. The Rebel steamer Calhoun, whose arrival at Havana after having run the blockade, was announced, on her way back, with a large and valuable cargo, was chased by a Federal gunboat and abandoned and burnt. The capture of Cedar Keys, Florida, by the Federal fleet is confirmed Gen. Halleck has issued a special order directing the President and other facers of the St. Louis Mercantile Association and the Chamber of Commerce to take the oath of allegience prescribed by law. In case of failure to do so for the space often days, the officer so failing shall be deemed to have re signed; and if he attempts to exercise the 'functions of his office ho shall be arrested for contempt and punished according to the laws of war. A dispatch from Sandy Hook-reports that the Rebels under Gen. -Jackson were con centrating at-Charlestown, eight miles from Harper's Ferry, under the expectation that the whole of Gen: Banks' division was about to move into Virginia. The Rebels made a demonstration at Helper's Ferry on 'rues day, but were soon driven off. The Secretary of 'War has issued orders that no further contracts be made for the purchase abroad of any article that can be produced or manufactured in the United States, and revoking all outstanding orders, agencies, and licenses for the purchase of 'arm., clothing or anything else in foreign countries or of foreign manufacture. The steamer Philadelphia arrived at Phil adelphia brings advises from Key West and Fort Pickens. The troops were well at both places. The Rebels had withdritwn a por tion of their force at Pensacola fur the de fence of Mobile, which they consider to be in danger of attack by the Federal forces. ,The bands of tousle in the army cost the Government in pay alone, besides subsistence and clothing, fi,ye millions of dollars a year. A bill has been intr,dueed u, d:seharge them from service on the lot of March next. A party of 'rt. xan Rangers were surround, ed at a house at the head of Oceequan Bay, below Alexandria, on Tuesday night, by a! detalclunent of the Thir ty•sot roth New York !Regiment. .I`,:ine of the lleboli• we! e killed and one taken pri , oner. Our ttoo).- had one killed and four won , !• 1:1•'1.1 1- unt•twoe,ful and ‘Nalic,l,l 1:$ enemy. A despatch from San Franekeo, dated 21-t, states that the rainy weather continued, and Sacramento was still inundated, and the Legs-lature had adjourned to San Fran cisco. The steamer St. Louis had sailed with $878,000 in treasure. Arrival and Departure of Trains DEDINSYSYLVAN IA RAILROAD. Eastward. Marietta Accommodation arrives, 8.20 A. M Lancaster Train leaves 8.20 c' Harrisburg cc ~ 3.20 P. M Mail Train '‘c 7.22 c, :51.C70 Therein not 1111 . 1iblIFted elan: again rt the company and a small itinoinit due for printing and advern-ing, all of which will not exceed The Company has been 111 operation rit`leriy Ivro vent, ban setiled and paid nevelt 1n5•e4,11.1. a surp ion fund of over tixtren luutdred dallare and has never loved any inx upon its notes. The principle of Mutual Insurance to the tame in al: comp:tine, one is no he Per than uuothca eXeellt 111 ll management. This will vary the rent It as much oolong conipanie: an tudivolunls I NVollid Stale 010-e WhO arc prepidieed ut Civet . 11( comp :men at e a distance or which they know nothing Lxeept thirst they are called upon :11111Ua hp and temp:annually to pay' enonnmts 11,,,,SQITIC1119—that the books and tinniness of this company are at all tone-open in n 1.11,11011 TILE CONFESSION AND EXPERIENCE OF ANI GE.O. YOUNG, Jr, INVALID Co! Ina. Jan. i 5 , -ISal2-if •ziecretary IVestward Mail leaves Harrisburg Accom. /eaves Lancaster Train arrives NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILAyAY Morning train arrives at '7.10 A. N. " leaves . 4 7.20 44 4 . Noon train arrives 12.15 P. M " leaves " 12.50 .. Evening train arrives 5.00 4 . 4 . " leaves 6.45 " Publl , illed for the behelli and nit a warning and a caution to young men who Fairer from Nervou• Debili ty, Premature Decay. etc.; supply tug lit the same time the mcauv of =elf-cure. by one who eared him-elf, of ler lacing put to great cx ',mem through medical impo -1311.)11 and quackery. Seigle comea may be land o the author. Nathaniel Mu) fair E.g.. Bedford, King County, N. V., by emalosing a prepa,al atildre..ed en vclopc. [October, 20, IE-Gl-3m $25.] EMPLOYMENT. [s7s. AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from Eitiri m (=Wiper month, and al I ex pensee, to active Agent, or gave cemar,.tion. Par sculari tent free. AtitirC... ERIF: ShWING I.IIINI COMPANY, R. JANIFS, General Agent. Ilan, Ohio. TO CONS U M PTI V ES The Polverniter, having been restored to health in is few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several yours wills a severe lung affection. and that dread disease, Consumption—is sinXioUl to make known to his fellow...utterer., the mem, of cute. To all who desire it, he will vend n copy or the pre scription used (free of churns), with the direcunn+ for preparing and using the same, which they will find a ECRU CURE 1100 CON.lnarTioN, Hao:NctifTls. he. The only object of Me adveitiser to rending tile Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and vmead in formation which he eoneelyei to be invidunble. and lie hopes every sufferer %sill try hi, remedy. us it will coat them nothing, and may prove it blessing Panics wishing the prei.erainion will please "dre"' Pm% LIMA KU A. NVII.:,;()N. WM sum -ha Rings County, is::, 2e York. Oct. 2G, ISGI:3m ' - K".EI,LE-3L.5:LV211 , -Q. On the Llth inst.. by ihe Rev. t. Pon,. Jon:: o ELTNOBEIL tO ELIZABETH BROOM, nil of-Colunann. 7.I73IIIUCELTING OIL. THE nutmerther having received the ngeney from the Ithbrte Oil Company. of Piti•burg. in prepared to cell Lubric Oil. for machinery, by the litirrel, at the some price and terms it toll Le p••-cha.rd for from the Company at Pitithu rg. I .NN , Hardy; arc Stole . . Uppcnnte the I:auk. Cola; Ftb. 1, 1561•-lm VI ET o:' L71.1'7."1":11.R.S EMAINING IN THE COLENBIA POST OFFICE, J.A NM' 3L, IST2. Allen Anzinetta T.ntinore 111 A i.une Aiitp•lit.g• It S: Lewis All 1.,11,n lillcn Al Au.titi 1 11 Milt.- - Brel Bond Satn'l B M lloti, Rtelmrd Browl, 11 Q Nor, er. Jaen!, Ilardsvell Ger. A 111..111.1.z.. 5... rah 4 Rollimzer .1 f•: 111i1'er so-dtmn Iton- f l oor AT,,,plo•v M irc IVi , Li.defrrr .4 Son Joh. A Morog KO, .1..111 Pool Pr/ 111•113 1,11-•• r , ;..n • 11, 0 .001 ~i 111 •r. D :v. :t 1• I T P t) I I:.•ITI 051, I, iamb et“. rlllllll.l‘ll , n A IZEISSIM OEM Franeh . Mar y Po.enfie'd I lenry (7l.-rr Mary P. Ii orntn. 2lttry Gnus Martha Riley Jno Creeaawalt Snail It taimall Wrn Gni-liter :Mary Sharer Win Garner Jaro‘r Sly•trer Wm Trei-ler Mary Steer , ' vv 'r 8 lid,Fer Jim Sterrich Devil bidden Manzarett Sin!.lll S.l to2entoqler Mary Srara, Barbra M iarriaatha S .1 Sarver Abr.t.n franrlt•t Jern.ha .Snraell .1 ii Intl George . Sei:nycier Ilarrhor ?airman 15,11e1 Szalorrair Nancy lack Frank `;tort.: Jneeph fey: Meer Mary C Shnefler Jo. it tare ,Tno Stall:min Annie fuller Mary Ann Smrkler Ali:IIII lotFcal Cha , ; R Stewart! John Inheelter Isaac 'rain., Jacob Introar.le rteo \V Taylor linty rwme - Cathmine White Willtarr. nhoITC Winner Antal BIM Jnl'cy )nn Wnlto” Emma Kellam! Dan;ol Nay ism Ernalt Cen•ne 2 WiMehl I f) C Kelley Louisa %Vill,iii.on Norris It - iii.T, 'lorry Wilson NV ICruirr, l'eter NVi'lriattili 17u°, Knil.lll Alury NValSer Mrs Koons Annie Walton F Krusslei Nlaria. Wilit,r Ter stai. Per-c ran culling for !eaters will please mention it ml ver.ised. 11. 11. FRY. I'. M. Columbia, February I, 15132. eveniog.2oili frontbuggy. on line ON Monday road main York in Columlna, or more probably 111 the •1fe.1 . 1 , of Colombia, between the Bridge and Co niobin Mill. a -mall carpet bag cootaining st pair of U is' Army trou-er--dark number or mid whin article:. The find, wilt cooler a In car an a ‘o!ilter by leaving it al tins office. Cola. Jan I-C= () N the 'nein. of the 17th ta.t , lio.lye,tring Whitsßell% w 11 a. stolen from 1 1, sub.(' Whey. Any person returning, the bells will lie .nitalile re warded. G. ii. 11UNII'L.E. Coln. Jon 95.1662 ( - ) N 41=1 Sunday afternonni..trayed Onm the premier. V of the suln.criber a WHITE SO W.winglinirg :ninon one hundred :old -c verity ',Omnii. A cnotabne rowan! will he nand no any one delivering the , ow at the Liv ery Stable, Walnut street. or. for :informal non kinling to her neenvezy. JOS. 1106 EsToGLER. Co:mina:l, Jane) , •23.1=G2-if II; lIEREAS. Letter- of Minim-trillion qo the e=tnte I of I:evjantio liorge.low of In.. borough of Colon,- bill. CO 111 C COCCI!: liCeeCt-ed have Le VII gralCCd to the tioderstgoed all pe, -no. [oaf-Writ Co .•1111 C , CLIC are regth,ted to make. immediate Ito hod 1 1 :00e hat tog minim. again-t 111. s.llThe will present bent duly uotheolti;ited ior ,CIIiCIIICIII. to NI BAncr:. Columbia, Jon'y vu, I f 62 A ,hohustrairix BMW CraWEICEILIZ—NOTICE. 11 - ANY lots in the New Cemetery haring been se• LL leered, and. in sOlll/111.E1.111111 11 6. portly (meowed by i o .r.nnq who have m ade an 11r1,111 1 2 1 ,111, 1 i. with the .111 , eralt 1 t lor CertiGente.... ittr the 'urine, 011. 1 I- 10 re quc.tall such 10 call 00011111 m no nomil y. nr shut par noll 11, lots not actually cecupi,tl will be surd 70 oil", apilltrants, 'llin-e de-tring in engage lot• can Lave them secured mt cc ry accommoclat mg terms. Coln. Jan GA Ir.-(1Q-11 .1 11. )11111.1N. THE Subscriber offers the EXOUSE, 11 now• neettioed by him, Corner of thol nod ‘l"..Low for lent from 11 o day of Aput nom. ni the COUNTRY RESIDENCE. one mile (loin Co! ott lLr Clo•-tt.nt 11111 Tenn pike (ndionnitg the pint,: ofJunte- 1) •. ) Tltt. Itot.ep. , Itu:atetl on .10 eminent,. entinn.ttnltng It he:in itial pro-peel. 1. .hided try..., lin. exeelletit water c 01 1 ,411,11 —a good gattlett o•linit, 6111'. erotic vine...l 11,1 neripz Otellarli—ranV..111,11011I•b:11'd lie, tented ss ell 01 acre, ill more. of grow Int Apioll, In J. II MIrrI.IN Colts.lnn 2.3 I -6:2.•:f nN WEDNESDAY, FEIIIIIJARY 5111, ISO, will k_yhr •••01a at Palllle Sall . .11 1110 1101, , t•I .1,1- .11111 inalt•l. ellil-111•1he Inlh.• g,c 1•1 Ground.alaral ••••1,.. • C 11••• .1111:111 . 1.1 011 111 a 1.11 ! 111 • I 11:I , rolou_h 1111 "Iftrit , on I • n•mny nt ••••,.11,. .t .1 11 1 •- •: xs • .1 .;: , • r, ,•, , t.i Ertl Ltottc.t. I"et. t FRAME I)IVELLING 100111.3 anti It ti 1,11 011 1 Ilf• ilt•or. four 11.1111 4 4/t1 1 he ••••••ottd 'tot,. 11 /41 •NVO tlorott et. till r- Ituto• .1 pump Yri.h , ttll i tt , tt ott •„ a i e r m th • i n n u t until () •IIA tt tt t ' • l• ' t YI /11 ; 11{1 l' 11:1:1:••• An, I: J t tt. - • r••• It. ••,, I ..• luny , • i:•, i. • • 1130L1T1VT312.. INS 13112 . ..11C . :::: COMP Y (0011E4 Ell" piEEEEIt•EEI E IEI .1 0it)))}. 111 0 . 0 . 11 ) E . Hr. I Ito.telv, ;11•• 101 I,‘VIIIEt -LEII,II,IIt to ILe at O A • CrElllll4llll oloonnt of proper's. I o-ure 1, 87.11157 :11 Wl,o c :111011111 of pnnuum nito. taken. 74.1:31 70 CASIL PIZEMIUM ACCOUNT, A SSF,TS. Hulls receivable Obis item eon•i-t= or tundry Loven Lv tueollo.r. for co;11 ptcwiumc and oil pay 3114 f a stall. $1.095 53 ill lLr It I of ageni , due to the Coln- Ily 1%111. 571 N Agents' neenurts overpaid, 1 PI 13ahnice of Cash premiums unexpended, 1.604 57 11.57 cc 6.40 P. M. 8.20 " LOST OR STOLER Tim 4 loot a tine New 1i1,11 . 11111.11111 Pup. alien. five month. , obi, block aVlill %Vitae 11•12. Mill 11 little ...hoe 1111 :he lire..n.t lie of avell LZFOSVII for lo age—nn,ver, to the Toone "Vie-ron:' A suitable reward null be rant for the return of the Pup, or tofJr. matron concerning his whercabout. AI. Al. STRICKLER, Jan. IC', I SC:I. NVe•i A ECTION SALE! r rilE SUBSCRIBED WI f l DISPOSE OF lIIS 1..rg...000k of Vone3 zr.taple Dry l :oatl, Car peting. and (tileen.Wllle. and 5Wp piece. of Wall l'aper nl Public. Auelloa, at las •tore, adjuilithg the Colombia Ralik SALE TIES AFTERNOON & EVENING. Regular Sale, in the afternoon and evraiag of each neck ant.' the entire stock i= e'o-ell Turais CAvit, or approved note. an tlarty daps lon all su al. over tf Uu. 11. C FUN uLic*Ail • SAM. M. PRIDY, A uctioneer. The patronage of !Lk numerou. cu-Comers at the old , anint i± reveetta Hy ..oneited to lila New Store, Opposite Odd Fellows' Hall. Golurniaa. Janata) . 1., 1:762. , T a meeting of the man Agri. of the Columbia Conirun.i., held (lily. a illtideAli of I'lFri - CENIS per shale WA, declared. on) ati le on demand «'M. F. LLOYD. .Tanuary 16.1-62. Sec'y and Treat 'r Cola. Jan. 1,62 11 Now is the time for Bargains . COAL OIL LAMPS, &C., CHEAPER TITAN EVER!! t NEN n lot of hump' direct from the 111.111ufuetnn aeloOs elan lie ,old tit gritty ri thrived priee-i A 1,0. Fature- for altering Lard and Float LIMON , In liar. Coal Oil; COI.I tall Burner- a 11110111 C 11111111 ( • ) ,; the he, Coaled in the market and a •upertor article of Lulirie Oil far gresanig wagons and machtnerv. ,nt-a reeeivea unilfor 'ale cheap at PVAIILEft'S Coln. lau . 15i. !cat. nonce rural -long Since. WANTED. 1.5 000 nu•i„, OA. antl Corn (or which Market ~Pruccwil; he Pahl APP:Y IL F. APVOLIL Columbia, Dec. 29, 1501 =Ern 1111Z=1 ME= MIUBECiII Xi OST STOLEN. V•f-- - -104;1F<4 1 iN ttc , it it a'o B.E1V11" PUBLIC SALE 110 • i ' , 11119.1111119 IMEMEI LIABILITIES DIVIDEND! Cup E:Liii:;ESS STANDS FOR RENT N. 1, MECHANICS' ROW, now occupied by it Nunn given April No. 4, MECHANICS' Row, possession given ly Elqutre of San'y PETER lIA Mat IGENSE' ' `IIE Sobseriber offers for Rent the two / Ilrtr k sil.:1.11.1 on Ike Co .ll LI Ir. ,-n•,till 'pike. in I,orntiOl 01 (70- eLi 1,1-' S,l Itilfs. Tho how, 011i1 1:1111 , •31 V '1 I if de•-.11,1. 1.1 , nco•- of " 1, 1 , 6'2 l'or 1.., lll`O'v .101 IN ICA 1111 . ‘1 AN. II 01 i'nor s'• LADIES, SOMETHING NEW! EITIEK.I SKELETON t j .• 4 1,, n. -I,elemo 1:11•erto Jod..t• -.I ~ t• lot ett lewtelle) to 11-f to front tt -ol I eltoml. %%hen rt.itttllt•-....1 th, to the at I 01 - -ittottg I I he is t'ltl It A ATTA lIMEAT tt , tllll,l, t•I typtifit method wttltottt eltangott; th.• 10141 or thlthiltz lc, the vt•thglii or expo -e. 1' 111 1 , •1) .11,viate- the, Ilt.rt.hh . o'c tthj.rt onalth• ir.tltitthtt. ott tt t to WI in en-y' nod gruee iul not for •“1, .11 Col.t.Jun. 1. 1b62. Oppoitte (hld Pcllno•~ hall • ron sax.2l, I. 5 0 r t i. i . : .e.::= G. .1.• sal', it. ziack , A,hinu Salt. A p ‘, 1!., ,It A I'III.IrS Warehouse, Canal lh-ni. Columbia, Dee. t 29, ISGI. Christmas ! Christmas ! ! CALL and G, t our for the holidays at BRISNI.:ir. N e 3 OUT Crap; a coleadal araa!e. of S v eel Cider, Cumuli...Cdr.°, Craillit•l I le, 0 “11.Z ,•- • Dried Peach e-, Drled A idde-. ones nand Bak lig and 1:,1111;4 pp:e., l're-11 rfc4ll Pick'es , Ste..&e. 1C0,,t I)ac I-61. FOR NOLIDATZWIFTS! BUY THEM AT H. C. FONDERSMETIPS, A !MINING THE BANK. TILE ENTIRE STOCK . L . A . 1:001JS AT CO-' In lin. ireoul :d -ot all 1:111.1. ni gcrol. w 100 Ea-lelo COM., flit. opporloolly lo get good, at old prices. Co'a. NEW rugs AT COST ! A rim - inure -et. of For. ea. vet ti, huu :t1 Co-:. at I'ONDERSnITI I'S stow. Cola. Due. 21, ISO!. .1, 1 20t.i111.4 the Bank C F RANBERRIES 0 ragne.3 and A ppfes, .al, 11. .WM Coln Doe. It '6l. Cor Thud SUGARS, 5T1G11.713. cAr,r• exariim , our SM.! tr-. ia - AN EXTIt A r o ll ~, t nriiiient of ROC I:S. with a -apply of CON 111.3TIUN surrABLE FOR THE HOLIDAYS, At On tier of Tlnrd and Union Stieet- Cola. Dec 11.1,61. Ii I' CIII7NER DISSOLUTION. rpm: parbaer , ha.l.rt•tofore exi-iltlg between 11. i. Cnachmakme; wider firm of Cnruer & ha. breb rhw lev dr , ..olved by mutual vonscort. ae•counic 01 tile halt 111 fa will 5:.m0,1 Can,. by ..•110111 lire all , larFA will Irr condoned a- aelalofOre, 111 the ,rl.l •lewd, em secuud etthallbat SA NIVEL, CA RTMR, 1:1)1\'I\ A. HECKER. Colombia. Dee.. 7., The, coh-eribr•r nqtritig him the firm or ('actor & Ilt•ekur, rethroolv. thank.: In public tor pn..l hhrnl t•nlitlltn.lit('e of 1 1 01 .010111110 ‘lr. C.l lA., who as-011110A 1 . 11.1 t our, elturg.• 01111 , • Cola 1). e 7. 1-10 EDWIN: .\ C 0./IC =MAMMY G. SAMUEL (k- : 7 9 2r." C zat. = _ COACHES, CA It RIA G ES, BUGG I ES, &C., Second Street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church, Columbia, Pa. SILVER .N 1 EDA L— Ist U BRONZE NI E.DAL—lst PIZEAI —lS:i9. Awarded by the Lancaster County Agricultu• reel and Ilfeckanical Societe,. rI'VE subseribrr ran allnition lo the fart I h.ll II Feet l'r . .nlown. a Stluer Methil. woo 111:11 Co.lllly „,i 11.13 ho• the be-It-hill tog l'op 11..; ;Iv. S. el, ty 111 ()cloher.l , :.). nl-0..1 lit out, Aledul —Fir , : POI/Ilte In —tor the Lc-t ~lc At hi , . Ormelt tend ettrtia•ze Makinz men', he enttlitose. , to 111.1,atioett.. Cotte:l3 , -. tritl3;e.u. 811,21 e. r , olkte, nod all whet. II I.•• In 11,11111' repot:tin,. tl-1 •I 3.60r1it. tit taus I. :13. he eau c0tt1,14.. , 1, el., or 11, , 0.13 11,e rte to- of 11. ,nn 3 0 ,- to m, ,•• ~, , 11,,1.11, atul • ot stritetaTe. 1111, 0, Ihr 14~ti loam .hate IC.IIIII , - ear 111. U 4, k 1- it- thi.atttl:l3 All•ehtele- ot ht. .itt. coteot to 1, .1.1 the -,1,111/.1 tow 1111111 N .1..11 1111 01 130 .r11,•141.1 went oil . o REPA R !NU: (IF VEIIIer.F,S, 11//11 N5.,11 1. 1.1 41.' BEI Colton), 1. Dep. 7.1,61 5 1 247 1 1:Z C I • . 111111..1 , o. , • I: %PAN-, CITRON, PRUNES, CURRAN rs-„ ' ' •1. 1 I. C • V :;(1, I CURL YOU/. Z-I.ArEt! I; U.NU IFY YOU Rs LF, BY USING GI-lAPPELL'S I-LYPERICri rc:itz curra.:NG TES EC At C2i. ,:ovtmtp t 114,, 1411, , P4 CIIA 1'1'1:1 !. 111'1•1:1:1i)N. I. til.e. 11111 Ge111. , C1111 . 111 ,111 1 1 , 1,111111 ", 1,1..1,1- 0 1, , - .1 (IL\ PP1:1.11.'. 4 111 . 1 . 1:1ZION: IS THE ONLY ARTICLE IN "I'llE WORLD: thut will Curl or.wzi.t II ur 'I o 4 Iv that 111:111 - 111 I:at . ..WIWI CLIC.' lu (lm—v Iu : , alkera C .rl-1 to Floa,at Curl-! 111 nowitig ha W'avat, Cunt-. hr I.LAitrl..2o It inallrs she .oft It the It hcautlfieQ elean , ••• (lair II ha:4ll.'o , i It Pr, veffik the lla r a rollng nil; it ra.len. ti to the It ouly :Illicit, ever et th.cov. Hint WO earl •tralitlit Hair to be.1111:11.11 cud-, WIIIIOL r itwiry II:11r or , e.lli , Tar 111 - 1.1:11.10N doe- not in any manner interfere ovih 1111 Natural Softness of the Hair. neither .teorelte. per art , - it The 111 - 11 - .1310S can he err appliet as 10 Caton Ine 11..1110 1,11 Ori one day. Or fur our week, or for one month or all) longer period de-trell. Ti...nrPinnox i- the only article in tl r world Inn what ean hr count...felted or mutated l,v uertatt• culled per-on. To prevent 110 , . we do not offer it lot 'ale at :my l'lrpg,fti•t* , in the Unit. d 11. 1 1111 e. Therefore. ant Lad) or Gentleman ;VIM do-In, to be:tinny thern&elve4 loy n -tub the 113 pet .011. 0111 , 1 close me PRI CI:, ONE 1/01,1.A It. ill AI leltel. mid Addre—t, W. CIIA PP NM, d CO, 110 x 54. Porl.lll.lll.oenng, Cll.OlOO. And it will he raretullj sent It) return ortd. Nov. t'to PURE SPICES. - nociV Vinegar, tile be-t in 1) tow. on hand acid tor mile by Coht. Nov - An, Lt, I. II P. urtuNEn. CRA N BERRIES! Ew Crop Crioili i e i rzi T, ,..ly3r , l. ( T r n o d e e e i;z . .s ,. . o a r t e. Cola Nov vl. trial. Cor. Front unit Union St APPLES! APPLES!! SUPPLV .1 Apples .112. it received at the A Car Prom nod Unmit •11 eels. Cola N0v.).2 PAIL H. 'St:YHA:M. s. SUIrDAIIIIVS GROCERY & PROVISION STORE, COIL FRONT & UNIoN STS., COLUMBIA, PA, Tim ..critter keep. no hand at his old .taind a en ied as.ornmentt of artneles in his line. een.isting of PRIYIE GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, PRODUCE, FLOUR, FEED, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CEDIRWARE, AND DIVED FILLIT, CoNVECTIONEaV- NoTaINI,ScC. The beet nod cheapen lens. t.uear... Coliees. Moja.- oc, 14, Sah r of all hied.. Iltam-. Sinnuide,, Frnatm.s. Gear, I loimnonry. Dried Apples, Gotten- Etu.; , . Suit. Fluor. Conn \I ea I. Buck. bent Flour. Apple,Crantternes. Sc , Se 141,1•11 ,, Ire 311 -rt. owl , tintele pneres. Glasswa re of e veryde.crrptmn. Ttarthennware, Ced irwu ,r A en...nt var.el Vof •Ina!ler ware. anal Notinn• in short. a ceneral ‘e'ectoon on everything . , no he bound in .•uhliOnnuent, The nouter.nenned Is prepared to tell si , low a. the fanuah Da good prise lee for the money— lie a.l.g• a conliounnee of the public eu,totro heretofore so laterally extended to luta. Cola :5.0v.:2:3, I9bl. H. :.4.UYDANI. LONG and Sluare, Brodie and Blanket Sanwl, n fine ankle for a C611,:111:1 , Gift. Pus; T 11 1 ,31 AT Co r! a Cola. Dec. 21, 1 EGI NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • THE Sobsrriber ha% just returned from the Noh 111. -ceoitti lit- In Intent of FALL AND WINTER GOODS: Ladies' all wool Delumes—very 11Cal figures; I)eluows In .u.t each lind every WIC; 100 P;ee,' Net,' it; Conroe.; L: die 11,0 it and full ;inaor,rnenl; Cliintreo's Boots and bhoc-; Kilmoral :- , 110, s for Mlt-C- . ; M 1.1110 1 ,1 ,L,l-; ;old Nithie4; nod I loldtro . - I lend.. GEN TLEM mcs wEA R: 0 re.. Caron. 800 , and Sloe.; 1:',.;1,:lion". to ,11., ,C3l, (i.• 11142.111., • Edna I\ 1111 1:4•1111etliela . . GioVe A. I lt.aier y, he GENTS. PIPES OF DIFFERENT STYLES. All of which will Ire -old iit v.•re -mall profit. 11. "r• I:I;LNEii, Dee. Cor, Third and UlllOl. , t." I 01... The Best, Cheapest, and most Success ful Family Paper in the Union. A Complctz Pictorial History of the Tim's. n .a. arz n. , s w z - E. ML"X , We would not :n often roll attention to Harper . .., IVerkly II we were noi well , ati , heil that it the fain tly paper pi:hit-lied m the Uhhrd Stole , and for tuat CVO .00. II 11,1 .1 nolo. wt. de-I re to -.a I 1 i:lnieronor and roil outs kind of litetature ion prey:dell!. tv Inch I,llllll.nie loo:.: of 1% ro.ol Vl'l 111.•11 fur reniline, and t. altogether had 111 ll elrrel% —.NOV LOndoll AdVerti.ter. Its fre•li leave-. Ira ekiar type, entertriinirte vn riety. it...cycle Ju-t ei anon the lollirc 01 the t:lneL. it. elegant') wrille_ sod rind its tilde eortelioodenee. all COl:thine to make Ille model 11e,v , p.:111, al nil( eolllllry, nail one into every family inLi.ittirtz, Its cobilest-rd we...kly sum 'nary of 1 , ..re1L and Horne•ite gether :••11111,111:r i.i 111:11 coniI•111101 in oily' utherinunml Being rdilt-ned too; ut It form tor pri,ervititoo and binding. lit:llin ear:, :11adeLervi.- to hr, 11. will lit Ibuilti 111(1111,e 1e:11 , :A, Weroale a entllll.lllloll for the tautly tad Pio day au v.hieh tt wan hill pelll-1111.—N Y Strafing Pon. One Copy ror One Year, 9.10. o.e. Cope !or T..vt, VI . 11., 1 Mi. /) Cl 0/11 . Yr..r, Copy will I,e a:lowed Cor every tLub or Try IL,rprl • - Wenkly Is elnelratynea. and bark nuts '', r. Inriti..llnd at any :ally. Vol,. 1 .11, 111 , and IV. for tlo. p. 57, 1-1,9 nor) 1-60, of -OAP:PEWS %V1:1 1C.1,1".” haud u•le lan:nd al C10:11 extra, Pr tee, Si .50 corn, are euv: I cod). 111EZPIVI & 1.11101'11E12. , ‘, Fianh!to Square. Kee• Yo•k n,r 11.1'01. Dress Silks, French llerinoes, 1)11INTED Nlottooe... Woo! Delaittt, Par:m.l , , . P.olojLet to no la., lar , fr tire nosy .1 lltog lit C. I. ; osprxzAirrir,, Coln. Pee 21, lECI. Aejoilling the 110,1 k. i 111111 Ilrge.t,be-t nod Cheap ,o. •t=-orttnent ill the L coy. col,,liog of Sable. NI lob S:tla:g.,,Siborlatt, Squirrel, &v.. &c. Sete front •=5 opwanl4. Fur. al. berchl, el,otte.l and repairo I. Latlic- WI I plot-c nod examine our shock. and .orteity crotiolailted. ...Gl-31=OYM..' '-'M'''..ti::>=".L4.-_'::, or ...Very variety, selling nir at east. Cents' & Youths* ZESTS daND cArs. Chi'dren% Faitey Ilats and Caps of the late•t fa-hion. GP.NTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS and Ilatery. Shirt. tnade to order, wan anted to lit ARltli AND NAVY GOODS. (lfficer. of the Army and Navy TZetilati ii liat. tsvoris Itrth. Sa•iles. F.atl,roiderte, &v., AC a, the ye, y lowe-t pike-. A large a,zortalent u:tva) _ _ C11A111.1 , ,f 4 om:Torm &SONS', S2ll suld Cheqiial IsTov. 16, IS6I- . .2m Uuder Cone ucnuti l lotel rfli Stli,PC•ber Iron the Phil adriphia Trade SAle... oll'er.3 at the lowe-i FriceL all kinds of book. 1.1111,1,1e1114 I.IIVV, neli011.):‘•111.11, R.. 1 gnat., Biography. Meehinlical t.n other kind. , The-e book- will all he cold at the lowt,t pr 7,4 we hod the advanaqe and were i.e only Book-eller i;m LAMM-ter. at Trade 11 , :11•011,- mienve, e eon Kt'il boner than any *ore. ...A few of for me heir ineolooledi Wel. , ter's Unahrikeil Dictionary. Do:poultry, Book. Reti-ed Anny Iteeolnand-.. /Li., town Exercises, U S.111111111') . Tantic, ZOllllVe Di nil 11ouk. tha Bonk. of .11 l'ltotogroploo l'or II a PooLot ot l'ettire gloat variety. l ' he Gat littott lOr \ lop, I 'loot , tool CorJo, Potion'. (tallow Mop., nand, ry Serrotoo s • Sely - tol Oettool I i,'. • • , careroot "I'weitlytlts er ot. t .. • (II them liaVoig Illy 114u..1 1 i•:. . t r• 1.1 1 1 t•t•I'l 1•11 iliVt 11. .` r. 11.1114. , a• 11.1.: A.:le:Wall 1 . 1111,1 t`OClellr Antt. rte.lll tt oy loot; noon 11 :11otttettld, Nlttettoll [WIC , (itrot , in. It • • pt . ottnit:r , . to, 1)1ot tott.trto... . I,t No • .1 n• "moo Bonk,"lnt td • , ..•tt , tt .1 I loldto dittl Ink -.lnd ttt• ,t It• t., tyro. Tlitt 14 HI irt hit : . Al.:, 1)::n1 •••:. A / it .... ..1.. • In t .t t fit.tta 1,, At Itt , tt tut littokStow nt .1 , lIIN Nov 1,1 41 Ntt N (ore, Hi rrrt. Littletvdt•r. S.IN =1 4 Diss3lotion of Partnership. .1.1 : ui I ; 11101111 0.1 !..1 .I°. I'l r.. 111 1 .. 1 ot l- • 111,1 1iI. • 1.0. 1 0101 1111, w lil l llllnr i• :I.:11..111 /Id 110-1 . II lit ott 1,411, Nig .1 1., MIL Li' Inl po, I he liereultee trill be eot.ditete I I. _ . H. F. .1'11.176in for the patronage heretofure rx -1 lelltit d o',l CMm. I Wol.•I1 pubile la‘or ooi tor lie,. lino. Cola. Oct CI, 1-1,1-61 I. 0. 131:12;s:E12. TIIE Subscribers to thy Stock of lite Rimil. ..,, .1. ~,..,.,..” II I ~,,,..,. ,:.,,,,, .i iI. betel, ,tti,.•,l 11„I 111 :I111111 . 11;• 4.1 it% O• 110• i•I, Vileil (111 . lie ii -1,11 V sni ',• 1,1 ,II are refit,. il In be p ..d i n ~,,,,.L i 5.1, 0 1•11.."1',.• ~ 1 /1. r. l'olooit.“1. I' i.. ne follows.— I-t 111-ialment, No, t•mber 1-. I-61. ..2.1 Peet miner 10. 1.4;1. ' 1". I .1 I nu,ry Vil. ,' 1-1,1. 4 , 11 rel•ri.ary so, 1 , -1;2 '• 51h '• Ile!, :2:1, 1•4e2. •• C.ll Ai :,1 12:1, 1,61. - ?ill May .:11, l•-le..t. b 14 - J 110, til., Vela! $.11 , 1 .` JelY :15. 1'1,2. 10111 :111211 1 12.1, 1,62 I;y or der of Ilit . llMlfili Oi I ii,e , 01 . , %V. (i. r:v=r., Cola N0v.2.'111. l'req IC It 1; It. It. ro. •X'l3.cs 730x-caasi •=or NATca.x - . ANTIIONY. No. all Broadway. New York. 1. • no, in addition in oilier portrait+. :lie call retina known in Europe and Amer+ ten i lira dy'N National Photographic Portrait Gallery in which i+ weloiled Portrait+ of 11,11rly a ll the ;twin. went awn of A111,1‘,1 IVA rXcelllll.4 Beam . ..a:lrd. Floyd, and a !trait of of her ettailiderate•. Prtee of Portrait+ SitIII per do/en Can be •cnt by SCENEq OF TILE. roil Tllll UNION, are can. , ize. rind in Or reorennie form. Steirraermie \ - lev,,':.. 4 eet,e4 ut l'arer. Lon don. and in other part. nt Kurland and I:r.niee. r3ral.. land. Iremand, NViile-; I lon arid, Switrer:and. Spain, 011 the Mane. /II All.ens, Egypt. Turkey. the Ilo!y Lund, Chinn, India. Cuba, ke., Ste.; ad ialinomm. OUR INSTANTANI:OIiS S-TIIREOSCOPIC VIEWS A IMTHEGREATEsT WON DER or Tin ACM Theme are taken In the fortieth part of a •rcond, and the rn•hflte of water. the moving of vehicle,, or the rnnreh of lilt army. doer not in the s'tghte•t degree of tem t he taking of there views. They arc •old fur $.1,110 per 6r/eft. We have tiro on hand and manufacture the lagre•t assortment of Stercu•eopc•.l'kotagrlPht• Albums, and in the Hinted estates. and parboils in the world. Catalogue•, containing h•t+ of all our Portraits, View, Siereoseopea,&e., will be 'tent tree by limit, on receipt of a .Inn p. ANTIIONV.SOI Broadarar, Neer !tit. Nieholaa Hotel. New Yiark. Oct 19, T 111: undersigned would give tiotice that he intend. hereafter to don rail, bust ne.., and will sell goons at reduced prtee.. Patin:tad men and nit:et . .who re reier their pay monthly, wt:l be allowed a credit of Mt II.), It. F. BRUNER. Oct 12.1,61. tjITST tereiced by the ..tthoertiner, et 111(4 r store in Loco•t .trees below Second. 100 Bags Ground Alum Salt, whirl will be ,nld at the lowest ennrkei prier, Col.t. July 6, '6l. J. 11U:1111.11 s SON SHAVVLS AT COST. I.I:INDERS.7t I ITLVs I..djoinitig {6: I;u nk :31•LUNDIDLI' .11.1.1:STRATED. Price Six vein. a null - awl; 5!, 50 per year Criticol Notices of the .1,7,5, LADIES' FUlit§. Trade Sales! Trade Sales!! NOTICE. THE HEROES OF PEACE PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS NOTICE. SALT! SALT! 1861. j FOURTH' ARRIVAL [nal O. ATlTTrivize GOODS VPENING THIS DAY A NEW ASSURIIIENT lIP FALL GilUlizt, at the very 10,...,4 niallset p r•llawk, Dre- Gorl4, o.4pvtintt , .. 011 Clothe. &e., ,Cc., and every.,,m;oval,:r at tic le now wanted. at lIALDENI N•it Coll. Nov.:2 I Cheap IVEW GOODS. Tim uncier•i•r 4 ”ed Lac returned from the city and propmtd to li.i 111.31 the public ',llll tt good and t. lump .teck of Cahoot., of the he-t lr , . ut old iintet“.; aclitO and untJlettehed; a S cry gond u...ortateol C., 1 -6SI3IERES, AND CLOTHS, • Sail leit. and Boy-. 0, ear—:t full mut pi ice , : to ,u.i utc times. Bats and Caps. Boots and Shors , Groccries o1:d Ult,ip for Ca-h. II I'. nnum:a. ,P., 11 : 1, 1 ,1 7. ;arch:-rd tnn , t 01 my g00‘1• glum - i6nt nv cr for,ed 10 , eq tier .lock. I 101 prorar t ..l ...011 reduced price, IL F. 13. Columbia. Om 41; 1,1:1. Cheap Epics, Cheap Books. I) " offer nor ell'io• o....ortroent of toi.eelJotteouc I,ouk-, at the fol co.vitt4 grvotlyt 1,1(11,li I;uak.. at 75 t.. iioOk. at GI el, 75 et. 23 et. lit • Coat-tautly en band a w.nir•rll a•,altnent of +e1.0,1 Hook...paper, pro-. eovehp....otol all 1.1”.'. of zia• turnery as cheap a- can lie hottOtt to the ray'. SA I . l.(itt Colt. Om. 19. IA . Front SI , door- above Loeu-t. "WOODWORTH'S PATENT CHEMICAL %WASHING SOAP." rril.orr , 11 ... , 1• , 1 , 1 1 12 .”11, 1 , 11 0 1 , et , 1 . t , -li .r :O1 .. 1 . :11.•Ill1011/0•.11 the oitniy of I itnev. , cr Lit-t .1 C.nurh , :s- :111 per-ml trout tralliotmt In till- VII 111,4' 111 M.! WZ‘r ill it•rritury—unit-s huvtuq fir-t •e•eliied hint right iri.lll )11111. tl. C. nlat7 4l l Fri . .1111 y :ID, I 'ill'. Colionl , l2, Pa. Now Opening a Large and fall Assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Wool, AND ZEPHYR KNIT GOcD,, 511.111'1.5.k. HATS & Ladies' Cloth Cloaks, Qaeonsvrare, BOOTS, SHOES, C.IIIPETS, GROCERIE.S, &C., A 1.1. el -oli! ,u:: the uon•. Cimino}•t! ni All Lin!.% won ed. The atten tion 111 p , te-pet..itt;ly Coin N0v....!. 1-rl. I.oco-I Si 1.1.1 a, liallll of :t thou-ionl 110., 1. rm rI y ‘‘ 1 1.1.1.\ Mae 31. 1t.61 Flom t In 1851. THIRD AREIVAL 1861, Or.-' X'.aLL CrOODS. tA :I eCillnle!r •./ ,301- :II 11/ell/V..1 . ..4 110,1 ' 01. • gund. In Isl/' • 111 . 1:1:1g1 . 1 11/1I line. 111. , !1 • 1 . 11/.111,r1 y:: CC. %lige and varied 11 . ..41 , 101f 111 Or = F:cornud • l'able I, C 111,61, “1,,-.11,t1 Quern= ;lac t.. , tt II ALM:NM:VS Cob,. t."),‘l. 6, Cheap C.. I, Store. COAL, COAL, COAL. I BAIT, now in star:, end am still mlilimt to a lure 5 to. k of all 6 uiwr or coil that toy els-tome, not I.lillionore Co. lump, No :1.11..1 nod Z; r; rny ('o'y. Meninillll •• '• " Sh.nn:ikw I. mu " : 4 h:111101,1n I.) Moti Main, Pine Crewe. Tile Coal ji nil kept nitrh,cover—frr frr , in air and -late My nil nod 11,v eartolliel • ilt'd 10 Cell aid , 1111-fy 111••111-el ye- that my -lock the do:11111,y looLinv. far. Delivered to any part of trlwn by ton or lurzer ounntii y. us. In, a rate a.. al,' Whet ',trite-. Mo. , luv mill find it to their ttil . a..7a . 10 Cal: and r cannne toy -acrek before pur , ka-tag d II APPOI.D. P. r In) ett-tolovr 4 tlint rott-erptenee of theeillo o o of I!- :ma the goo. :II I .11.11111.1 M of credit- I feel to elo.e my hook-, told %root Sept. Chili, will onhoto l my lot 0.1 the Ca-h stem. Cola. Sept 7. 'dl. Ti I'. A. Hunr.ewell's Tolu ArloElyno. remedy mild perfect cure 1411 it " 0,11111:0mt.. f• 1 Filp:./1111 , r r the F.:\11 1 11'1 .0 1:1 1 . Jul} :20, 1-01. (lid Speer's Sambuei Wine, 11. l t. 11, 11,. :11,1 put;... , ••, I- .1 I,r • o I r lit .1 now". II GIII ••••;„ 0111111.11 M: l .P/11/, , Pi L,t II ./VII 11 . 1 s 0111:1;1.11 1•..1-WO 'II 11. i. 1 . .) %W.) .1/1:131C11:41-1)::17. Ehriciman £:. Flarsr_cry's CON TXWB LT TALL Sala 0 0 17, N. W. Corner Front and Locust Sheets, COLUMBIA, PENNA. p a•I.I 114••1 1.:‘,o,III. 1• A , %sal , on top. (;..w.vlgo, 111.1 111 I't NrNTAL'' every 11174e.1•1•111 lc, ~01. re. everV :I4 ..... I.• nit ...Irviti lare 11. 11 y. m'llll a cr44.4.4 oir 114,te.-1 in) 444111 II lii 1, tger tta, X l4l. 4 O%IISI-.NTA I. I , II fe wpt, 0.111 , re• I I intiiii 511.41 4444. 44444 144.4 .4 a u., - 1444.14: .141 , y 13 'Ol. BIZOWN'S Er!SENCE J.I.IIAICA GINGI.I2. Is r3.ii.•,.!•..1y d :kis DS TDnln to tin: Di sV TID• and /Ns.. 'l4, am/ I- par .l.wy nine, I.l 111 .1.111111, otala a p I,la aa a, say:, all tal Cad a Jill) . 20. Nail. 11131MEME rrElinvel ti qt , artzt. CED2.II - NVAIZI: cat .:t. t.ell .1 ttry lost pf 11:17111 . :.1-1& ••••()V. Col. Jul St , below S,seuncl, Real Englizh Ginghams. 1 rgillgzo of ih o.rgl.•IITII. Colt luly 511, Icll . Prople..4 Co..h rmre. Valuable Real Estate AT PitIIVATE SALE. T HU .1.111.1•11ber Offer• at private .ale the following fiI.:AL ESTATE..., sttuated in ihe linrco37.l) 01 C 0 No. 1. The well.knovro Columbia Mill prop. erty. tho properly IC erected, ut the curlier 01 rrcult flint I.:lllreu.•lfeeta. the "COLUMBIA. FLOUR MILL.- The building, I. of !trick, in ennui ('0(1)10 mil. comma thou.. with two riot of burin. It tiown l's 1.111 •lenln. Item hnr•e.•neuic havitog h•rn odder! in the mill willon the pn•a tw•n vac•. The wilier power arill• the Mill Aunn^ tine treater rano(' Ise ear. There I. It new• hrn•ic ?try eolleenlelli on Ihe ;Ireful .e.. The prop.tty eon.- pri.e. the saw.•r Mkt. ot• 'Shawnee Itan, WWI about intle art,. pf meadow No. 2. A Lot of Ground, situate at the N. I.l' corner of Front nail Lauren. ntrect, 6awuC n (roust of 04.) feet, more or 1i..,0n the former nireel.atal exteinlim; back the I'rnn-y - tt•nmrr Railroad on which in erected a commodioil. two-stirs' BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, The gag I. earned through the lino,. and water 'MM. dared in the tiara building. nod hail. lion.r. A large garden and an orchard of choice fruit tree, in Itle. 101 No. i. A Lot of Ground situate at the N. W. corner of Second tied Loureaft -ireet., having a front of Feet nil :ho lane, etreet and event:tog tines 132 fret to an alley, on which it ha- n fair flu 1727 feet 011 which is erreted 11 IWO-.loty *lone and Itnel, lanhling, divided nun two Dwelling. l'here is Haler on the _renal..., A !true garden rilvelied For incerniatton apply 10 CHM'.I rustiv. Madera. Clearfield Co', P., or to 11 M. NOR 111, Columbia, l'u Columbia. Ma) 2,, I t1;1 NMIXT GOODS! SEIAWLS of all kinds, C r, D-S 7, V.i7.4i11.:t11 = That Washing Sovp! COAL OIL LAMPS. A GRAY & CO.lave recelvect *I :a•g„ , .: -apply co :3,.. Coal Oa L:imps; ako, Kern..-Im 110 ~,, I No 1 CO • I Oil I , V,.:11 pre wurrated ii putt A 111.11" 3: e(), CPII 0 , 1 I:2, ' , IL (ol.lon Drug ....tcrc. _.. _ TO 121ELESP.S.SSMRS T: cub-caber having rented and pin' under rulu nation both lola lid- alcove the in idp..l.,,by ail per-on- agnaea upon N. per -011 Will be allowed to land 111.111 111...11 Without ileirin,bloll. All landang - upon the 1.:411111- on Sun dad IS POSITIVELY PIZOIIIBITEP. Nertleet of tla. hone , • ni.4l infringement of Ito- law will mooi tenth 1 , 1,1111.1 pi . ..Oz.:WIC/A and the esaoreu meta of the legal penally. Co;a. June 1. 'di. SA111.71:1. WA ITI:S LADIES, KEEP CLIDL IN TEIIE OF WAR. n C.; Akira 4. La, a: a 1 ‘‘1.13 apo.ta, 1.4 of t lio, mot!er,‘ elot - •air Ludo , ' , t4:t , . all at I• 0 ct-. rwr rd. .v I, c elsenc.l OH- day a.t FON 131.:IiSMI i 11'-; rk,l t. Juno :29, . HOME ENTEIZLIZISE :SUSTAINED! I= “S. EaG:trt TI103IPS0117.” 7y-1: hotr ;rave to Itl , ortn our nit-. 1. of Colutnlqn 10 WI doaremOv. itint I and th, 1 ti , t el • Ste:in , r." at Ow Not ,or Co ,111 hvl.r lA , aoollo e . IOIVC kg of Spero, lor 1-o.:1 full nii•nritnein of . in Tea, Dion. r Totiiii to put. :1111 . :n t)i.r o.iroct -i•p2tieti w till Clinap Carpet-, :II reduced 101104. , 11,111- !note of 111.0 eTeelletit n 4, 1.1.!•,.: at Su t ci ii•eol-•itl t 1 _ it full ,(7..6 of elle:w prim , Coil, r.. non .111 of wineli ,:ler • ic n•pli tip•.r pazionage. t svaj pinilie qv:tr.:mil Mr 14, ,er. nis% ay. re:loy in ...Ai,: lingo to all wi.o utll tnvor Ltri with ILC I , OND r:It:-‘11111. Sinre, Al:J.111.11g CII.ILIIES. Iron, rI 11,-e r110:11) P. di, 21 , ...t1 -Le MIIIIMMiI 43.3,131.1E.W . Gl7-1,21-7 a: ca., GOLDEN MORTAR DRUG STORE, FIZON r Sr., CGLA. rp111: ri tliii pro. pll-1,-. 11. Jolt. A C.).1 ..• tviil lit to Ow 01.1 it iir L i op 4:1 .11 I,iii DRUGS, M ES, GI LS, INTS, r.‘Ney . . .coAL OIL, .7:1 PS!6.-.. jr-tier.ll iiQi•ortint Ll of et r 05.11,1 in t•• 1 T:o• • ; J.• h :•• .1 Irn•ine , 4 in a a •,1 at ilie• alas ! end , Is, 11 ; II: , 1011. 1. •, , 5c ti Llr proportaria of p ; pout. 1;, 1) 14.r.t.t..,•.:1 ;tad i; to thvir a,l - rc pu. La.., .11 Ow Alorlar. m I:ere Urn(.11..1. vt .it I rn. ../i ii(adrrcem:PLd od..!plu t n ho e : e price , tl , Ptr loccheim. , :tt all hour. to 1,0, polite of mud,. :111 p re,ei 114: lu,. Clil be c•ae'oly scot !)1 r k. CO TonlAs' VENETIAN LINIMENT re,ived a Ire-h supply truly ccl eh,•ited :1111nivill,Nt the .11th FA.IIIIX :11VDTCI ST _ _ • Siair Ni.lll E4oes 4") n: .11.7.13:0ri5c- CMOITS I A "1`1',',1"1 , .: '' '''''''''''''''''''''''' •e r, 1111- llte ,r- up m n and IrrJUV nd at of .Inernalt 'Joan- Itl 12, el- and real I', curl inninne , :it CO en: , I ion e inel :17! ecn, The In no, 3.N 111 plenoe n inculloor Ilnil ices beton, fal heap nm,ll. -onn dl , nppenr Under the ronlinual C`..lll.Nr; 01 0,r1.01111211y, AI-n. In piece' mem, of pi•l.y tilodeno nt 1111 vein- en-ImM.. Cum, wnll in uII i r ni grey :one., in re duced linnet. Ju.i. nt C. Fr)NDEI:iz \ !ITN'S Cola. June .22, 1 , 01 Co-In I neon .t. RICH. BLACK SILK AIANTILLA'S, FRENCII Claavilla La( a Copt:4, Printq Sc., nt ••Panic" pncce. Ca'l al 11. C. rON DER 4, 7,11T1TS Cala. 3 taw.. 1,61. I Is.1.•01 - - G-80RG.7.1 SraM7637...T'S aVir Wit it ratOONIS AND M.INUFACTORT, LOCUST Sr., .t mt . no. , n , THIRD Sr., r:OLUII;;IA, LAN. CO'Y, 11 111 ii i i -1;711 , , v r .. 1',0,1 it. 31..1.1. . 1.• .71 onotliii.t. the ill . • --nl IU, rid ,N..hore 1, .11p on 11/I,llnn 1,4.0 rit.a.-ott Of FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, of the cinitlit,..ot le. 41111 til lour:woo,. and will itio/..• to older of Ile-to to..ti.riol. ever\' 111116,. II; lit- live. Ile give...lllot TO „.1111 1 1 r,iivetiolo n. 11.1.1 OW pill.lll . a -lin:el/I IIS1.111 , 11:11:_e Nvol r•ei No the . 0.,.1 catt•ttil itt the bill)rie.l 111• I lee. The •.11.-erther Cl•po-vd of Ito: h0.t0,0: rr lot ill+ .111,•r , tito,ll.- to t for mutt) epr .o,rr i I 11.1tra lii re-pr c•it11!) . asl,..oommu -11., 1 I.", I to In- ~ect•-•or. .r..“ 1 : 4 1:1131 , -11T. JI . ST uve:led a l'ees'a, Handsome and la nett ur io. drii 41,1 Rn, at N'S IMMO CIZINOLIN 1 (11 :11111 , 11.10:ir ••• :11 1,7 rd :rt /LC FON.CEiiSAI : , 1111 . 1 •, , CO! itriloln. WRAPP I NG PAPER! 1 lOU UCrappio Poper. ut el. 1.1 Itrum. J. RU, ll' Wi & CIO . Locu-1 saihAr C I? 2300 ZZ. T C , 2corth queen Sfrcet, S the ('itentieNt pinre itt lite t to 5t:,ua.,..1‘%-.1.... e 1) derrrlaleot of Sol,ool FOoI t. nro: soationer,, r 01111pri-inz all the vortou, eg. iol +per palottet .11gelrra,..1:r..oi oldr,. Ili-lon,. paw-, :oral n:I 11. e School 1:oa4- 1e.c.1 in the ap:ou po..:o. Prl% •tic (lily rim: l oultly ,%1 II Copyl.[•.l* r. I :111t1 Nr.l,• at Lend and nod 110'der,111k and the 111 .41 roin, , :/•te On 1...,111,1.1101 11/11 laws-1 price , of all) plat • 1,1 113 t• ••I'V juo.e. tor 1 , 61' UI ~ie, for *GI! very e11 ,, r. A'lll I. lor . 111! Ai, mut.- 1 , ,r CO' A:11.1.10.! l o l,ld-' \l'ho . c..ale.lial Re t.•ll' oy :srlo to rot nit 1::i0c1 1 , 1 , 1111 , 11 , extia r lt.o ge.:l t JOHN ;7 1 $0;l , I o; 7 , 1 o; No. No.tlt tloto t , nest auto to the ,;. Clan. int r rued ; lu; aid Wier. 112111211 ElL.a.r./7.7111.T.T ; WM:RENT:A) for rotor of il l " ;1;‘:, tn i :bra} In ft, or Jul) 20. FA ‘111,1" Turnip e ed. EW Crop. GI. )n•t rt•relst d and for cnk by the or •ninth pAI. bide. _ A .(:P.AY C Co. c.0:,0 Mort. Drug' Sir rc I=l The Last Round for the Season. nIER. chosee 105. pit.l at pnlet , mssely L. low cu-t 01 swims la iost.of these (lists Good:, N. de:sa Cloth+, Moiastsll.qlo.. Hy maul . hove :tress re,eseed,:. , d tutu for tile 11,pee of sky Till se 15111 a she 1:1•I good. n 1 ill, Li,' 11,15 season--; ht.) aic p.m!, e•lm.p bey o,ul eomp.o 1.5055. ALSO, 7-4 White and 131ack here Fe, lor - d C.O Z.11..wl- 3114 received at the C.. 1. :store. of C.rON 1)1:11,4')Hril, Coln ittYy 'O. Loco.: :meet. Notice to Farmers 2 nn irrel4 No I PAatier for oalc, 14. burr, u , , :orgergo.oo.l.}- = Thcse Calicoes, rinnther 141 at !hear 1'.,. emu Pm!, n; •) 31 -I , tr a yard. Of wlnell v hn•• rru)• generally de,rincited over ten Lhowa yard rt rd is. IStil. t /thinNAN,: COAL! COAL! COAL! HESS & MITCHELL. pill": molt r•ognrd Imo!. n••oeinted 11,111,1% 11. !lir 1 in the Con: trade. The uvlo h.• P0111:1,e11 . 111 heretofore. as hole.nleood reins!. tit the 0.1 entaid foot of Cootul Ito-ot. CcSanaor. A Se"er..! of coal of the (M.O. Illl.llllt, Wit be kept no laud COAL. AND IRON - re eived cot Comioi••innnnd •hipped to all points on th It.olretol noun the pnl,:te to give lla n col; Irelbre pair. el ...Inc elsewher•. .1.1:- :1- , %L. April 1, le•it. rrc HELL. 11. n,r n. ti rrraru. thus 1.• to In- friend.. and p„tdic for thr Frnetna. patrcon...r extended to It In u.tar above for toe pa-t el e v e n ' , ern and ...Awns a C 0111111141110.1 of 8m g a me to the new arts. rola Mar. h' o , I - . I. tinquestlonably the best sustained Work of the kind in the World." NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Critical .\ , liers Plc Press. TI.I• 0011.111 We :,1;11 , , 1.1 "1. -1, 11.11100 U. le.tlllllg. arch not he 1.11 11. :he -.lie /I 141), pubJicniion tonic owl, nor 11 0110e-114510n Courier The II:13- 1 1 1 11`111.1r .‘lolllhiy utl,o Vet,el4l.—.NClC rOtk Otlkeeer, tVe ntu t pert, il•ser• of ealn; - y to I:a2 Inch lore ,1 varied exE , l.eaces I:arper • M.1,111,...,204.1, 111.1 al. a ul , attl'o. , Ireulaaoa ut ,L!IVInt 17110416 Cip.e4 tii W 1.. . -. 11 .•r• i••• tuaad , ran•• th of .• chain,tut haint am! 4.•az E.nt r• • ha.; •-• d y \Vv. . • 10.‘ NVO.i• a- an cele.••1•1•e of the penpl, aaid lh , 1•••,• att••;u:r.l.l Inetard. Erie a .1.a01.4•F 1 aas- loN) i i•a4t•-• tivt•trtat,cr. appram a1••7,J1 ly %sal] Coo.lwood-,il-; and a n•onnannnn• - Inn ,I-ed the .oey 111.1.'tIllturt ti.... 111 t the Inc.! te. on Ihr danny ~onnennal It ha- glean power •Ite Old d:--••1111,•:111011 Of a ar:e or N.«. laet.l - Guide tu Lizieraisere Lou iluit No in I:•irnpr nr .n «•e. , 1 Lunn n: 11011 e Ita• .11 mt..) tetsiter 4 ; Nye un v -ay. Lone ha- leet.iv. so It filth . , uf a• - tutrttllnti Iron, the cultisnted (hot dell;h: in diver-14,1. p , nod,cal nier.olit, It is the fort•ino., Ma_ ,one 01 I day. The fir-so',; utter 11,41 a more, tit li,luli,l ertni nor hell Et twat- Phtertaltinitt! friend. that. li., pt•r's ••ant (13,1:tql101e). ATaT:rnae may he nl.u.eteellf Poelv , ell. - N. Pe r (Ail OT (rein the 11L I). T.. 1.% ) or TWI'N VIVI: CLNr. a n..311,1wr. :1•!. 1(11,11111(1:11 Iron nil in Viso ir- ••••••h: irrit,lLed to 011.-e wit,/ .'l.}ll OW.'" I,loi Nu ru ai 1 wit s7etsi • ea.. 13.— Ts , ea') wo are /11'," ready, bound 111 Cloth, .1110 .:1-o to Calf 'l . ll. PIO/ :1 -11 1 r. 1 1 .11 .11q , :113: S;...111,11 Nl.lll l C l ' , •.:1 1 111111011: 1 1y In A 1 1.1 •311.• 111 1 4: l'o•tioa-ler 4, awl vell :„r ntg meet, Cs 1111 11.111 rr/r 1 1 11,1 . 11t1i,g l'lre. nil! :11-n .111.; , , 4711.i.+4 (.1 'l', 0 I'. 1.011- .t 1 ;1./: . .r• .1 ), 1 11. l ' lve r... 11 .1 I. 1 .1 11 DCIIIIII . - r 7,111111 and Tench,. ..eppl.ecl rat rts.> :I - 11 )1.11 1 . C. Ilont lLc eolemei,e meet veil /lulu r d .%)-(1.11.• bOllllll VGII/11/1"-- 111 C ~ 1 11:!:17.111e ‘ ,. 1,11ft .Wl,ll and lIPt r t 011. Ir t•• • 1 • I12 urn,: 11,11 Number, Itt• rm.! tSIIIII It ll} 111 thlvdoer 11. the neaer: re lie It 1 . ... rod. I- nil,. t.II (31 NT-. I1A1t1'1:1: 111 111:111,:qtthie, New Tod:. 11, 1: 1 1. ..t E ES' C LOA K C LOT [IS, kN ..1 ) 1. C . : i 0;: , k „. ... 0 :IL i Co-t; r a c t iri dec c in p. rent crawly, 11 C. roNnr.mqmiTril - 4. A 0 . 1011111 14 the Bank. MEE PROSPECTUS OF THE ITL NNTIC MONTE LY 'VIII: .7 1: 1: try 1.,41,- v6lll erountence lire firth N'ahtme of a"- ‘la.„;attne. I vory large and Fit't t Walton 1 n gr.itti3 evt.lenr, ofpull lr• ,:p.ll, 11. and 1,1;1.10-try u 1 I le . •pared to render Ih.' :ortavonun..; votuine uth.qtalte to Il.,• n yuurmrnt• of I nrex,,•uu a•i;ll groat event. a. tho-c or 1e d.11•. 'Litllh• •Ilt• 1:4 . 1.L11111c thcbret totereft- oithu nit mt drmor.d of li , r.ONre II milady n cl tellohl, unit the comincror- of 1:11... Journal will remit no rt - g Ihe• be-t I,,ltatl J 1 the rou•ltry wttl, tuor and e'oquettee Op 111101". amid die• gr. ui puhh.i ilt,lllo •l:ut.l Zinn on the-air of Fr,•rdnul and fltelit• An elevnted aatioa.l'..latel Ica -print wai ußr.tye he found Irak tl no the., ra,, , e4. 'Tile• :110VIIILY 7.": aerie .1c r n'ht r 111 tli the h,••t rdt.tre. umd it will One eau-taut .t of it- euachtl'or , to :ender it, variety it- ut I JeLlOll, better aach month than the aTreaily hi hand for If,E2, :I,e iollowitii.; will vain:avail Ilirrui , tui.• no eve rN taloa} to pre.vt.latllC fen waw lag 1111111•.,•1. CO/ . lion.olwid VIO AGA , -17. Win bet!,ll nt I lie laininty norn• Cr,, article oti N tteutl 111.4. y. anti Wit, 1.,10,red tniucn, Ia Lc Continued from moat) to tumult iltrougheut tie y••tlf. in,m , al -o di-I,.,,aaa , aed a inan or iiiiiinci•tion 111{1101.11111,111COL ry 0 -odic:, ut guaranty of 1110 griint henelit to be de (NMI Utoullily coati i1.w,0w4 A New Itmenuee 1,, SATaIANIrI. HAAVTlfori:\t, will appear th !Irk - :n Ole yrnr A. lit,: ,1013 1,3 the laze 0 “ - illy: of .. reell DreeSile." wlit tO, COMO:V."1,1 O. Joena • ttt Vrlvn-itte. known for hi, re markahle experiment. tit(lymttn•tite., I, in written for NT1C“ . 1 . 111,AU.01,107,C.11113y 010 Si reorth Seek -r.'- giving ail overt:tot of run method of triottimr for bent 4 of , itet.gth. ‘Ntitt ;idea, on matter- of /lettlitt 'l ire author m the Trott 31111,” and 4 .1 Flo,y of To. I) t. ," will croitt Mute aet rtes of T., le , : dosing the year A ritele2 ton 101E4 Loud T., on lopte' Of Ila:1011U1 witl appear irequeut 131tvAxit TAvhon ha. 'Wry Wln hr pritice.l ill the February number. The Staff of Writer-. to Pto+c and Pofttry routri,l4t lax ergot only to the ATLANTIC I‘iONT an ttt ig it- popular oath, the followinll .;:nr:Je.llll4 , ell Lmirell, Chnrlei 1 Ilenry Lollar,.linty, lien rye S. Ilillartt, ILL/ph Waldo Erne - .4,1, henry o,tec, 11..wiLorne, Rev. C.C. 11.... w. 11. 11 r+. H 11. Sso‘vv, MUM= lIMCMEI==EMIHM= Alz a- • awry of To "The Country Pat-on Ro, T.. rty. eviver Wendell 11olole=, 11,110.1 E I're4rott. Jolt. Rev Robert T. S Lowell I:. P. NVll;pple, .1. T. T.o‘s t fge, Ilnyar.l Toy lor. Three Do!lar, per Annum, or Turs•ray•l'ste Coat. a san'our. Uposs slus tempt of the -ts's•seripszon prier, tllr l'lstsli-her. will mall the work to :my p art of the Csnsissi prepuhl. tissb,esipison,.aust} bryln with elm,. the Crater soty.ols,equesat slumber. Ti.e passe.. of Ilas, Alt,".llC Ole :4011:014 itetlotod tack manbers coo tie t.ttitplit•ti. C oiling A traileettielllti. Stal , orilter 4 to Day their Po -I, z^. Twe Copses tor nue Dollar-; live Copt,. lor Dop.rsi Eleven Copses fur Twetsty er sit- a year. Ihth.veme.t. tor ,tlh-t•iihing.. List. of Premiums, itsrauda,'. no app.sention to Et= rit7.C.II:IVOZ. di =nuns, Publishers, 133' Washlngton St., Boston D::. tiorpErt, nENTIST.--OFFICE, Front Street 40 dcor Iron: I.neti , t. ovrrSa,lor L Mc Dona ItOrk .tore Cnlni,d~ua Yu E=l - I:lltralice, Salle Jolle3* , GaNcry. ugn,l Vtizi.. - 11:11: A T TOIINEY A 11 :1T L.IIL ND CaNSELLO Collection, I. runiptlymatle i ❑Lativa,temzul York Columbia,Mny EDWARD R U ILLY, A TTORNEY AT LAW 9 HAS REMOVED BIS Or lo No. 1: ".',.r.11 Vake CO4, t 11.,,e, I. ".t C 3. 'tll.l v. r2 , nr i l , n e ts i n , 1 1, : nu e u k ,: I`,” ;•101(., , 110(li =I Wa. Have Just rteceivcd - nil. CUTTER'S Inipraved Cncst Expanding or and 1 . -iii•nt rAirirNtipporli, anal Vim, for Is., si this I :Ise. Cum. •ce ti,, ?.I edit lice I , tors,Otlit 11,11. P1,1:0,17.59 r 111211,1, or, ilanWs Boston Crackers, for An CltV flout COWL r foro.- va:ids and elliodi it—rein a rtlclus an Culum bau, at tLr l'am‘ly Vediciac :sturc. M==l PREPARED GLUE.--The rant cf iir:„.;e is lett in Ivory flmiiy. nod paw it can lie for Men:l4llg 0,11:11,1e111.11 Woo 0. ~y,. .111,1111, r ha.r loam! 0511 run paiiino• loony. urt ,:olel. It .ve Leen u+efess for month.. You .1.111`1.1 it “I Inc el 0ne.. ! % I FAII IX V1:73.1 4 :17 , :g STOR I:. rn • rt evived a New ai.d Large of :19 Ai. da n it •," of B.IR IRON AND STEEL I 111 , t nre• ewt.tantly ..tipplied with itool. in Thin hrxnrh of Li , a nil can it to eu,lutilt C- w (urge f.I at lire 1u0t,4 rrlor• .1. I:I:NI & •Irret A prOt.N, 1,(a). Compourd Syrup of lor and lard Chrrry, rnr Cou;th., ,ale n th...:ca SWr nr Drugt9or4. Front L. I =1 LION'S PURE HU H ) C,ITAIVB.I BILINDY it trd I'URP: WI NP:z , ially for .11el1Jcior • ua :7 4 5 . r.1:1101210 I ptirpn•e, :I , 111 , J I' 1.1111.1' POCKET BOOKS AND PURSES. lot of Fmr ond Crbm worm kel new); and moor I. r^ul-1n lego dolinga reel. lit Ow. rirra and New- Depot. of.'er-0 , ,, A gr.l 74 1 4[ll - - A_ Era more of those beautiful Prints lei:. W'lle:1 WC/ •o:d client,. ill *A. VLO II & IIcUON %T. 0,4 Just Received and For Sale. ACIiS GraEtnii Alain Salt, In largc tsm...lquattatk,., ul b A P POLD'S OVI•41 Claingt MEMO COLD CREAM OF GLYCEIME.—For the curs and prevention fn c 1 , 1 , 04 , 1 to Pd.. &e. E.r vole GOLDEN 3:()RTN it DRUG STORE. ict t Weet.Columbia. EIZI 11.;" nARPME.'S ELSIEIC MEE 2T. c.=". , M' - - 3_ Ei C 3 la . M=T;E=2 ri" M" 7..."?..' na !S : Harrison's Counabian Ink 1110/7 AND ST:c3LIL! In