"PploP -frov. New York _., , Ova 1 • RA"'. jail; received at.for Atortx,.grtat , \V ' ininnitut in Clinbs,Cus.itar res. Sasineits, Ve..t ings, Arr, • Z,. '' • -' • “rsAi , ;IC STRICKEN GOODS," Pram ilietiew Vork intskek. trend. uses, pu iieularly s tlsose who have been so insionanaie as in lose gar • meals on the resaji of she elects:al, will bay e an op. ; pos tunny s'es sive.,siS per cent in tipir purchase.. and at , lett4 gel •12 portion 01 . b‘is -inancv,blsk" by aming ,iag itc•ir rio.nirrs at ei•brr of llse,Losoye..gf•the subsers. • twr.-opposise Odd •Fellows' Itua.or usliortirstg the Cc . Sambas Batik. .., • n'• • "- .L.1:i.i.....Y Fellow Cisliens: Conn. nsd Rowners.- 4.7iin at 11. C. PIM Db:KSMEI7III:,S Stores. Nov 3. IPtO !Awn., :4t reef. I: ol amble. egc lk ,; t l; i ,P., " C e I Citiieniv of Columbia n uest muse u vicitlity . we went you to know that Ere/unarm re no. in ,Criarr Square ; • any more: tut oppmate Cooper'n'tlotelOA cat `,meet, and at sigev - • ' Fine 'lntl-I:1H lipor. for slvrcn i Calf.kitt Walking e' L o ci, ', .b.tudies* Heel flinter.,..louble voted, 2.00 Leduc= Morocco Boot., •• 1,62 We have concluder; to make Ilse 'Dot Work. a •rinewitat reduced pr rev; for t bough our profits are erutP. we hope to enlarge our louvitiec- by an doit•g Novie;l,,dizettv of Co umbia. look .11 ille above .e.tle or prier.. u.ttil when you come In Lattet eaer, give . Hent:equic . u - call, and we fern stai•fied 'nu wit: be • preaVii= Word of every r• Mime r for gentletnett, mauler. on lucid. r 5, 1200.11 Padua" FIBS INS lINAN OE COMPANY Or 4 " . 1•7- --,P2MLADELPHIA. CA - 41 • . .• ~„ , a „ iUnexpAreil Temporary remiurc,, 2u9,176 (1.- . .c t i I kTErMENT oftlic Issas of the Company on ,k 7 Junuttry I. I-61. Publi.hrEl w e.onlormli% wit 1 , 1 brilroviQinui o Mee . Zl/1114Cell0110 ft lie Act of .01 A pri Lit 11,1642. moRTGAG On propetty valued 01 over 5.4 COO IWO tir-t mortgagee on real estate, is the City nod Courtly of l'lttholelphin.c.i. rcpt 67G 320.k3 /II the iteagliboting coon 51.'44 I's - J.3 S.; R ESTATE. ,Purebotted nu Sherins' sate., under, ofOitinfte eluttos. Vl7: hou-es and 1nt.70 by 150 feet. el the South.tve.ll•olller 01 elle:611W 11161 Seventeenth A bonne tind 00.1.7 by 71 feet on North side of Spruce street, We et of Etc v entn Street, Two houseeund lote.enele IS by 75 feet. on South aide o i :spruce street, near shxteenth -t reel, bott.es inn 101,e:telt 17f by 901 w feet, Nos. 521, reSl, 525, 5'47 and 5 . -9 Itou.ea and 101.49 by 51 feet. or, • *lust est!, of Seventeenth strect.south 01 Pine et, Hotel nod 10t,50 bySI teet.on t he South. 1 = etust cornerof Chesnut :Ind Bench -1.. 1 At ro=t. .1 7 j.ye boa-r• II Ild 101 .42by et reet.oli he I = $55, 5 13, 35 North side of George street, West of • = k-htott ,itrent. Seven 11011.CS1116,1101.2t; by 117 feet •on mt Ettet -ttle of Beach Street, solidi of Cheanut .treet. r A house nod 101.15 by SII feel. No. Sl7 ' I , ll7water atreet. Nllllll street. ~ grow rid rent of $'01.1.....tat0g out oft. loi I :4. lat by 40 feet. on North -ode nit titter atrect.4ll feet We.o of Lenin, rd reset ey lota of ground in Methc, -If it Quereville avcuur, 11, Ism! A IMO,' 1661 10n. 16 by 106 6 et, not the mouth stile ot cis-1 of I Sixteenth street. A linu-c nod Int, 14 by 33 fret nn the .66.11161 r 0(.1'1,61 SI , north of Chorrl ' e tCeet, Ketivingtutt. LOANS. .Tempornryttortns ,011 Stoeke us Collut. rt.raiSecurtty, STOCKS. Ato,ooo Alra,:liouse Loan .3 per cent . lint. Oil.) .2110 Stitt re,. Bank of Reala y. • 17 •• Northern H.lOl, oilientiteky. 7,tio Union Hank ot r•c, " Iti.uranee Cont pail yof the Stale of Peon:4)l,lM., 200 •• South wal 1. Ituiliond Co. • 37 " Commercial awl Railroad JMn•i Pelt a.) IvnllLe Ra rood Co., ‘.. Franklin Fart') to.tira net Co , 1%1 eretilittle I.ll,rsi ry Co, YI Union Cllll.ll IN.IIII/11115 . " (lot,' I Cot oo'y, 61.00t0 (to Ito. Hood-. Slit too North Peon'. ilrosol 'toads, lk . 2.ol)(ll4urlingtoit CII %Voter Lone, *7llO Plislatle'plita Coy 1.111111, *375 rll Clly W. 1,1111.. Notet. and 13illoreceivable. on 22.252 • :.11,111 o f Igen Ls. 10-fi REM. ESIA T I Zla , kel value, 0 , , U. Ithove, Advance in value, STOCKS ,711ncl.rt v:e!tv.. t,o•1, It. alio% et 1=1111M11!13 Toial, LOSSES BY FIRE lan.•ef , prat' du flag Ihe ye:. S6O, 1 By order of the Doan]. CHARLES N fl NCKER • _Affect tV, A.:STFt.r. See'v Pro 7:7". DI RECTORS. I.LIAS Pre.aodeni, F.:DWI). C. 1)A:.1:. 'Vier N, Ilaneker. Waemer. p. Jacob It. 1 4 1011i1, Geo W :Lew', David S. Itrown,l-aiie Lea, I:d‘v lien Voles. '.V.11 A. STERL.See'r pro tern. T 1 10S. /1 - 1/..% gent, Coluall..a Feb. ISSI. L$ rrceived .Jew •apply (.nmotl Blue O Pepper, Warrant.: al tile Wu,. , i.ar of I= FOR SALE CEP, 50,000 Brick, more or Less. 1 , ...‘mi-vA. TR.Iit:C(VrT, ti--t,;liet uC Alidre,‘ Uuhit :.1 0l I=ll IT, nilla Beans, A I.CIT of Pr me Vaal 'a I;• , ,ia , In ea p resvcd 11 at :11.• drat o'o at It.\ VII., .1 %MS. = )Voolleys All llraling Salve, for sale al 4 , v the G. 1.1 Ml•rt II /)4 II 1 . •111 I. MO= liov. 24. 1.(A) Lumbermen Sr, Manufacturers: • -- if E s Patent Shingle Machine. 2-IDB subserihrr basin! perfected the j s'fliioVG ithiclitite. offer- in -,11 ,ta,e, l-01.111Iy uttal pilight. on rett•ruttiltle , r.ril... ' Toe much... 4 .11 , , , .. allc; ps IIII , • Shingle. In an:: width Of thiclole.,owl tkrollitt ”. a ven 11:1oPnrut :411d elean arliele. ,s!itt.ii li.n given pc! ' ,. 1 . 1 .1111,112:1011 ly:.eyrerrtned. of the r•mrn=ofr. (are—i.e. Feather', Wriiiiiiiiez Puller Articles of EM Class •g• Appleq, Moun•r•, ClieeFe.. Melon, Clover and Gras Seed, Oil ni ra•k• or boxer Crockery, Pub ••r in boat., Candle, Pu4telanird. Cii.kc or I.larrelg, (empty.) Pew.lie, (dried, Grocenes, Printing Paper Guns and Me., Paper I te..ting.., Herring in boxce and keg+. Queen..., ore, !hardware, Sweet l'otaineg, Hot., Tul•aue, 111 1.4'6, I roil. (hoop. baud or rice , )'l'ca. 1 ... , ther, T) pr. =EMI WOOll, Tatis•W, :11sirl)le :•••lal. d 9lnrl,lt. Tt.rproulte. Monument,. .11.11,11 EMU! I= 1'• roilee Tunup. flak. green.) Viaeuur, Lard, 1.,111, 0) ,la,& Chen. (111 1 . 1./1/111.,0, 1./11111111M t..rrd.) Articles of •1111 Class, Tal,s.eco. (leaf,) f ;rain ni all kind., Snub , nail Spike:, Tar. rift It. Whiskey. h.•ter. All Freight., payable on d, hurry II 11. 1101.:STOV. General rn•ipht Agent, Pin it. I;_, — r - l'or further 111r0111111.11011. apply 'o S It. k1N1...14 l\. 11,1 On K Fr..ight W I 1..‘1 1:111,. Freight Agent, lanteante. Colotahin, her. FOR ittrii - • T.. MEIN liiii =1 .; 21,0 171; 0 S. 106,723 I: , Pre Hien t =lll nmm•l Grunt,, Monter:li D. •are C. J)ale, 11'nrchot.e: l.oru-t •Ire.• oppo-ne the How,. Co'. Jail 1:161-if JON AS N. VI .Rtzi I V ' 11, ontne et nu. Pinpliet -ittplV or new I , t;t-tu-t te,eitrul ut II I.r •;) 1-to Le. t'or From uud I.ut u-‘ "44. Nov '2l 1,4.11 IL WIII LA VS ['rout Sit ert Crakttultat Ala rze copply of l're.lt 11/roe.l Apple- nod .1. of 111,4.1.11 e tolulivy,oo %moil at t;rore•y Stare. Cot Moot anal Loco , ' Ist, Nne..ll I ~1•11. BUCKWHEAT MEAL. reiv. fir-t 13ucklybeat Deal or Ow ,n.e.n, pl-1 re a; r IlltE/t1 net 21.1-60. Grneery Store. Locu,t :41reet THOMAS WELSH, Esq., has brrn appointril I Avltt of Alum it Ltie 1,1-iir tt, pan}'. Cl I . ll.l.ttlelitoot tor Coltitoltio 10. n oett.tilte, Itnnit Thot. o.iabil`beli 1,1 ty. l't tow, ‘st It •to pro, itie lop their fait. iti .1-e ro death :111 !wel call n the to.teot and get 111-iire,l, Co:11.1141,July IC, I,:et-If I:I wiolltt.l It. Vk II I ron: coLunixaa IRON FOUNDBAr OPPOSITE Tri CANAL BASIN, COLUMBIA, PA. T P:E subscrilipr Ims rcmotird lo 1:1( rater 1.1.1/11.4 4 . 1/111111 , 1 . 1i %.1 /111 Ole r.... 0dry..11..11 Ino• 1111 In e• -I.nn 111411'111.1 rs.lnn! I manulae,un• Sn•inn 1. 111 4 144 111 t• 5 1 . 1 .% 41.. ..•npnon, 11•1 Cunt.t:r•-, I r•tenn C r NV., .11- . 11 1 411 • d 14111:4:1•r 1/1 GJ•Kr•P.❑ rim: I ...t,•"*., in J()11 . 1 I/ :tr . +. 1.; A. Coliteill , n, Jul} 1. THE undersipird ImvinT. removed his JL lot ore %% l ore ItJed °olio," .to ei Jet. IM• .(.41 . 41 tor., lie Sertilla Mill 11/1,1 ...ill, 11 .1i Itllll friend- 101 l ll.' public tome Mill A losi, ...Mermf n( JA BIN l'-WAIZP: A Nl)eliA of krrt COll-4/11,3 4. 4 . . 1•• itl Will lie no IIII• 1110-1 I ..41 ....aide 1,111%. A- 111' ananallacture- /11. 0 i.• i= voalileil to Nenrrnut every ..rte, j, to 1.• . ill-rep, -enteil , and to licit- ger' , •I I I 111- V 4 r lit tIC Ito 1.14 11el 0 el, ...I I .1111, 1111, SO . .11 1 V,11.1...110 1, o Mt al TA Cooloien l'reiteh oilier 111.1 t) , 111 l 1.111 :11,11 1 . 4111 NI: I ME:. of evers t) tnc• the. 4. 4eisol a a , -on meo of oi •.. - I'urr•;alr vt !, dtel nn •ltnr.nottrr and al hie, •ittcatto. gsseti t l'N 01:11TA I: I Nl', i ! ale rr.pyrtfully ~'in re or plaid.• pair/111,g, .144 wt.!i a- x roollnuattry 01 the eu,,olts a Itil Vlhlt It lit ha. brrn Itberstllv 1.4 vorrtl. !nlum'nn, 4 prri 11.1,57 %MOLES ILE and Relail timid and Cake Bnkrr—Conatadly on hand n varlet) tif Colt, .two:roils to 01011:1011. V. 0.. :•••••trAr ColliCelloll , ll. 0: ever) 110.41 . 41113011 :le, a... i.o. usr :-rftEET. 3..5!1 Betwe-en the Ralik and Franklnt I louPe. ft I.A R r.aterti Prne.l ror mark in C Int Ace., for pule I.y R. 1.V11.11.1 WA I lei %/:. 1.41, l'rnnt COIR • n.r BUCKWHEAT J. - LOUR. ,p 0 REEF' Buckwheat Flour, in lawqr or •nrel quanti r tire, for ' , ale 41 /I. :•/71 11.00 4 Utocery t.tore,Corrter Frout and Union sta. Nor. SA, Lef SiOCAL PREICF/T NOTICE Articles of itl Class. FIGS! FIGS; FIGS! Dyf LTPJ:: ViStlrt 31117W10V.A.5. OP JOHN SHEN lIERC4 WS FURNITURE WARE ROOIYIS. GEult.c. - 1; J. s. 11111•11, MARK THESE ,IFACX.S. The Testimony of the Whole World HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Bad Breasiss,Sores and Ulcers. All description of .oresare remediable by the proper and diligent one of slits tisesdimith le p lege ra I ion- To anempi to cure bad legit by pla•lrriug she edges or the wound together i• fully; for should the Akin anise. a boggy di-esteed condition remain. unsferneuth ho tweak out with len fold fury in a few dsiy.. The only rational and .nrressful treutmeul. ac indicated by n num, I. to reduce the 111fiJ2121112i02 in and about the wound and to 'soothe the nelahnoring purt+ by riddling in plenty of the Ointment an butt in forced into meat, Dipthes ia, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Scarlet and Other Fevers Any of the clove dieernwe may lie cured by well rulthing the thitunent three it day into the chest, th and neek of the patient; n will moon ',emirate and give immediate relief. Alediettie fustiest by the month operate upon the whole system ere it• influence Call be (Cil m tiny loettl part. where n. the (Hutment well do its: wort. at mice. IVlinever urea ihe unguent in the above manner for the die t-uses Emoted, or an y Sunda r di-order. ent•rnu• , the elie4t on throat, will fled theinselve. relieved ae by charm. Pars, FistuluB, Stricturts The alitve cla., of complaint,. will be removed by Raul tly ft,nenting, the purl• v.tilt warm water. and then by Ino.n effertually rubbing ill the Ointment re rAnte.t -offernig f the:, direful cotoplaint -hould la=e not u nymient ni line -sing their progre-c. It -1100111 be under-rood that it i- not -.flu lent merely to Amcor the tlitilinetit Olt the effet•ted purl., hut II tnti-4 be well mob., in for slime con-iderable time IWO Of litre/. t/ .11int n fogy he taken into the -Writs. whence it will remove any oore or wound us effectually u. though pourable to the eve rhere again hired and wooer e, after Mr rublinig of the Ointment. vent ...melee IS the orr'y cure treatmeto l or Ittlif•des co s , of calmer in tire tgoithieb, or where there Icily be ti gen eral bearing down. Indiscietions of Youth; Sores and Ulcers 1110100... 0= tr.n er it. wall errituti!y. be raille•ilI) eon,' it the 01101111'111 be u-.•d lie , y. rout al.. I'd,. t.rk.•n nuhl 11.11 itioriting II- rerouun. aided to the printed 11 hru irelited w :illy o her y they only dry tip w One tinter to Itreuk out 1,1 ono her; wiwrea. I lianarai will remove the Inttuol from the e}-Lett, ruul leave ILe pailletli a v orou- vott 11.1 . 11P4 It well rt,pare time won the it, of the PIP. lo est-lire air Iti-toig cure. Dropsicol Swellings, furalpsis rind Stiff Jo int s Ifoug,la tln•ubuve cum • duan- dnti•r wnlrl7 t ts their onion Auld it:liar...yr% tie) 101 requtre local t•eatinettt I:ltty (Alike wor-1 eu.r.. of -u.•h dl.rn will )11.1.1 to it coniptirotively t.hort +pm, of tone when 11u thuunrut I generally mit Ule 11111 IS ti flee P 4 tl. I.n 316. r ever) nil. r tto,ttl , h..ve 11.1 t. 1. In 01l se ttesilocto.. -hookl he 1.i1..•1, ucenlihllg to the pr.uled lllreetom-vevottomoyttignrl, bOX. Guth the Ointinrni and fills should be us( d in the fulluwing cusrs Rod Leg., Corn (Qui.) Brest-ti, 4 .;a111.1. n, Huron. Colors...lei and :sore Nipple:, Versson, sior .10111 t, Sore Throat., l;uc,o1 Eleplosollusiss, nen aim] 8... id Scurvy, Fore Ileatl4, Glaodulor Swell- 'Tumors, go tool, 1..5501000, ;sped 1•11,• , Vow., U I USN'—Noise are geounie 01/11 1 • 1 1 the word. 0101.3a3 . Ness , . Vol 1, ono Loialr.n." are tle.tiel 'Mae it 3...1er-mark 111 1 1 1,1 1 1 . ) 1001 of the book of 111101, • iliotilitt ett. 111101 01 00X1 the -aloe may 1,1. plum •t 1.3 Ilipliatig Iho let 1111 he I A I..ssot•orne . es• as, .I. lie wet, ill as 3 0110 ~ -will 11111100 0- MS . 11,111 10 Illy ilvieelitia el ;tit) p..t . i3 I aliiiiii :Hag Ike ltielliviate e 1 / 1 110 1 10g 1111 01 111111 . 1 1 111 1 10“ , ... 1 1 1 1111111/lilie illar.ui.ielt.r3 col l'reies..or Ilnllmt ay. 1.0111111., 1..... e. New V 0.1... and by al, sr-itiren.boe vg:- 131.11 ., •r. lit :be iv v. d world, Iu box,. at 1!5 cern-, leJ cent:, and SI 1.11 tr - c-'rhere eim-iilerable sun ing 11,y taking the :111( 1 1111.1 11.—II•••ection0 for the golds...re Cl patient.; is. vltry 11 ~ o ra • I are lo cacti I,OX "Unquestionv.bly the best sustained Work of the kind in the World." HARPER'S AIAGAZINE. 111 1110.1 popular Altmthly in the world. —2Ve IV York I 01..rrri. No Mug...tine in I:nrope x Amer. :I 1.4 no Wri: !tone lin- loll! -4, nuurc reader-. and. we IF.) .1111.1 .ay. t 0... lot- u•retved Fit larg.• ntt tltnie n 6 zttl no ration no. than dclp;hl ,„ healthy drvnr-ifie••h. elevating pet•ntlteal ineroittre It is 'lie foremost of the dap. 'l • he fireside never had :t morn de hght6J corn; annist, nor uu• 61..1141.111.m Aloga ltw.—.ll.thorlist TWelll3 -flee yen. 1..) eloupeo, riche -t, net! 100..1 Inostur luxury for Ole money Una We know. liner dollar. -er tre: n fo- one y enr.und wino thrl e /14,11er. ever Weill -0 for! I'l.ll the •:111:e 1110011111 111 1101 hc•a, canna. furontne. , otd hots' umril of .1 1.1.1”.11.11:11.1 11111. g 1. ohrunied:' If oleu., nail ....matros , have a moner.l 1) vn ler—ahoy all. 11 the leerier I lin I reire.ll, she pleleeielr,e. Pee 1 ,1 11,1 aeul.e .41111 lotillnen the pa.-ace DI sr Huth 10 3,npr lefile, 111111 1,1/e Ileppe er1111 , 111,01011 of rime real sold inusteturotee. without wleola no one 1 . 1111 Ilve a life above Ile aeneel. toe 11l le' pl.l 111111 the •eil'e oppo•ite O dolho• unit ceillf. I lie, you 11013 he •er1:1 11,, 111111 it 1 lalper ttere !liner Or four Itlll,. e• deur. It WOl.llll eel ly n pee PS prlee. II I. :1 Niue:utile proper. woh !he s .e.I and purpo-e of n Nleen,llll.-1101 it 1010 k. Me selvellhe pertruite.il, nor let .1 ..uppiler of 113111 ,eO-- 111 end 1.11.111 y neelelOre , l-1011 1 11 Al•ILe1/111e 11.11 ilikerg eery horn of Intere.noz. utirstenve 11t.•rotIu ti 111 rs graap.—Suro/orn The solrsose. hound con.untite al :herncelve4 a ll lo.rrt, of ito.o. ellaneon- resontig. na elm 1101 he 1 , 4111111 111 :lie ...le eennive-- in 1,111, 01 le , . Ile h'ieei 100 IP it Ile- eintle ueder Cortrirr I:1111 W.. 110110.13 It I- the he-I -a-t toted *sort. of the &toil to the hi! ..41.14t-t that i- m :toy 111 th e wp, I.t . Th e • in ow I.lr trout the Lootte a line, pr lee.—N V. Chriittan Advocate a.o/ .Tournal. \Vr ono-1 reter in Irani of eulogy to the logh lone mint vans-' ex....hem:rt.: of llntrper'. iMago7coe. II tour mil Wok It monthly etreutottoo of altnot 1711000coptr m 0 hoar toga ore to he toot.' color of the I. holt et 4 10.1 it lid general rendloo. of the ninny We •tpttok o. ill,. wins k'tot euttlenee of the ittne , ll.llll people, 1,11 Ilse otti.ularlty It lett. o.lllt rya mertted. Etoth wool. r -outwits folly 144 pine. of 1:.4i ttetive mover. 11; ;triton:o(.ls tllu-troted Wills enrol wooll.cola; nod it untan,-. 111 o.. e if the, t ‘ey monthly tool the more phitoe...phlt.,l goarterly, Itleotletl wlth the he-t hen 111re- et line tinily tooroul. It lot+ green power In the reninnt mod n .....nninalion of 11 Is! pun; Inera -1.0.- nohll',. 6 414,1 e to -Intrfie in Lm rttittre EMIECI The din-nztne ma) hr otal.tttett of rod.. nl Auvillo. or trout tile otTitio+K. 5 el,. or TWKNIY FIVK (71.:STs :I Nlltllbe r. hir 7 . ..v111.11111015i Volume.... a- complot4/1, t0...i1y hootol Cseed 411 Two lLdlnr each; mot Mu-In.:Co, at, (oral-hell to tlio, w Inn WI-il 11111' back Nu 11111fOrMly 100t111.1. ul Tweloy•live Volume.. nary ones resod), Wood no Cloth, and 111 11.11 C Colt. 'l•h, %%I/ .opp:y SPerun , u rainimm.ly in Ageso. and Mill Will m ake hlreral itlrangentem. for eure•iltititO4 Ilie :1111•Ailfille They %ill al-o Club- of INn sit Five DO:10, n )tar: ur five Teo Do:lar.. Clerg) until and Teachers supplied tit Two Poll. a )ear. glom lint rommenee mem van AI-n. Me Imam! Volume-. The Ma WIZ..• o‘er amd at over ... a l 1 oe , we ... :tell Number, tehl h am. 4 I.r pond litiValwe ill Ilie cave t• lir re the Nhigii /Mr 1. Is eeiVeil.l- I =l2 ====3 The Best, Cheapest, and most Snccess tul Family Paper in the Union. W 1 3EILLH, Pll/24 . I Ice rem- 6'.2.50 per year riittE v aru ly, 0.• pill Ihe value of the J, etetieet. le r.. ott n compleie h .harp ri nettrls .111 the inaltlet es eto• et the vent—there ore ;Ample eit.llloll. till we leadael: tire the tritlirat. leo! metal. 1101.V5 . V1 . 1% .11,1.1i'll) 1,11.5. II V.) uflhr I strIIIIL:t I's—theft' lire nle laao. doll -toile- Rolwer. 110 holo. Thookeroy, tve. --wow zoo t'n • 111iilld (111!--Mitli...linvool I, 'here Hr.. ff .•.,1 of ,rmicalpn . f,.11.41 11/1110, no re.ll/..* mill of . ...ill. •11111 .•0111• 1 111I. I/ tulaw I. • 11:1•11•1. • :1111! IC be ior It It l-Tralol pip 1.01. (11 lilt. 110131 so oil. 01 die coolurv. in , all it. pl. i-e•-. .111 • Il /WI, ri) I 1 onto., Ent r 3 l.s.- of road. wolorort r. may In folorr•tod ley is— tOo old owl thw031.14/1. 3 golog troll gll3. 11, - 111.111 ,, 1111.1111,5, theehl. ml awl the Erl,llllg. e• trould 110111 :Mervin, 'n TI tte ttelr n l lnl ts ell -alissliest I. see isssios r Ille ("Aloes! ossi.sie-, us 11..11 mud Ile-Ire lAe it U./v.IIIIM sIII! rom nut .1 eer..illt Auul 0(110.'1 . .110re -r 100 preesslesis •Wont, suns .I- or 11.1 ead yr, volo olts, o.s -se for ssAlsiss reed,,:. and allogelbes toast in it- Ti,-.!- ssoi Loorde. .1./f H.srper . .. Alosszssissis L... dune 'noels In drive out Iss• el'sswseoverest Ister ,•• •11001,1 Ise 1.1 E, a• ohs- new IVet•Lly osslse Ilse plass. 01 Iless-r 11 IN., Ira-11) motel. .\.u• Yon/. Cr not,•lt•t. 'per' , I t- the proper .../e fpr Ls...beg .1:1 1 Xel 01 nl (11 1 1. , 11i,11.!. I , dt!..r.11.11 for ..,1% 11114 . 1.0 II) pre.. re.• it.• I r.lnn of Ihl t ots.ll, eti.tde. In Itoso I.‘ fi•tt.:.; I larper•s 11. Jitel; 11. 11,01 Ir. 11. • timr tyre it. v:i . riety.i . ..l4 vie lint pi. , vein, 1-111. .1;4111 the NMI.. iii net rine- elextmiti) ...lel iii.tructinicarnele. nil ii... 1,11. 1.01,1,1•11•1111.111 e.end combine In coke 11 it. , uloArl hen of our rountr). and meet mat retry 1.11111) 114 i roniten.rd rreridy .11111. 11111 r) on Morel, Ihritierlie Inielimenee t• .4etlier imreritir i.c that emininied Ile :en) other journui. I 11. Wg publi.iied 1110.11111 form for peritermilion and if taken rinie or r n it de..ertice it. lie, 41 wilt j hr lomld in (inhere sear... welcome n companion for ilie fin me tin) ii which it svir. ;11n1 --.:alreulioalZogrrt", (0) logv, Itarpe NVrekly I< rirrtrnty pcd. autl bac!. null, be lurainliol at ally TENNIS. One Copy for Taeoly Week.. SEW. 1 (foe f ,opy ler 4 hie le..r. V.:A% 'hie Cop) for Too Year., 4.111/ Five Colic. for tin,. y"... !ma% Twelve Copier for One Year, vo iol. Tweisty-five Copse. for one Year, 4a lal. An Extra Copy will be allowed tor every Cmt, of Twelve our Twenty-fire 5ub...11/err. l' , Volv. 1.. II . and 11l . for Pp. VearalSs7, 14.1 4 , aril 21„ of -HARPER'S WEF.ELY." hand.omely boom! Cloth rasa, Price, E.l.fill comb...ore now reat.ly. HARPER & itanTIIIERS, From.. in Si,uare. New York. FOR SELLA. o.oooQ.Buthel. Slack 1 ime from .tital quality ,of litoroilite: init. Lime I. worth twenty persoat. more Inuit ;ha Liine faint common lispe.lone. Sold mlOl4 from 1110 Mititels to lOW. Apply to B F. A prot.D. Cola. Jan'y 19, '6l. Canal Basin RAISINS! ftArgINS . ! RINIE fresh Lnyer, Bunch, Seedlet. and Valenta P lull supply at H. SU Y DAM' Bravery since, Car. Front and Loolnd Sta. Nov. 24. ISM NEW GROCERY STORE. 1 1 11 E subscriber invites the attention of the J public to thr NEW GROCERY, FLOUR, FEED AND VARIETY STORE, rust spared by him at N 0.71, Locust street. between Second arid Third. Ile will keep uu hand a complete stock of all kinds of Groceries, Queenswarc. Se.. &c., awl insures everything in be good of its Lind and price. He will furnish HIMA I) from the Philadelphia Me chanical Bakery, fresh every evening; ako. Ten Bis suit. Crackers, Aee., ace '1 hose dents ing it can be nerved in the houses He will give the bosinesis Iris strict attention, and lay foreseeing and promptly supply nig the Wallll4 of CIIiF.CII2I hopes to deserve and receive a liberal share of their support. SA MI. 1".1.:13unr.r.0r, Oct 5,'59. N 0.71 Locust street. Columbia. Pa. COATI! COAL! ri`IIE subscriber is now receiving and offers tor ~ .11u a large -toer: of all k led, of o[lll, pie pared expre..,:ly for !amity aze, by Ilu• too or in :anger gunwale., and .111 dell, Cr it to slay part of Ike town. :nuch Itallitonre Company, No= 3. 1 and 3, 1,3110 rt 111olonesto, N0..1,2.3 mid I, • I. ken . - Vollel rge and Solve, Sililta , V in. No.. 1. 2..1 and 4. So al•ury Red .k-II Egz and Stove, 1'uo• Grove Egg end Stove, I'lt.•lnn ICgg allil WO/. 1..,:3 111111 4. Tin• tdmvc Caul I. all kepi under cover,. !ear hon. 111111111 e -.lot, B. F. I' 1.01.0. / , :n. 1 4. 5,5 ; 7 and r, I anal 11 7 rttate- Puleltt. , tog Coal by the entgo :tool ear !God vt 1.1 find It to their tolvstoittge to tall nod exatti toty -rock before fOOCII:1•113g :twin . 13, I , ,tit 11. I A. GREAT VILRIIrr Y STORE: UST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock Of To), nod nutty g ... 1- it on Oyer before. My b tends OHO others:llC 111Viird 10 euil Aid eXatnotte lOC beiore [1111'0110•111a 01•04Vilefe. t“ they Wiii here lion no ulthontell lissollllll.ol..tolintle tor pre.- . 411 ' 10 Per -00- o ieverY .rite 0..1 to-te. All influent, 10,0110114 g of I'm 1,11110,1311 et; Poe 1 3001 .-. &e., Ac. CIIINA nod other Ftt ) .Artteie., 100 01101e100. 10 111011000, for ..tt le by 1: J. rttAt 1111. Loeu,l between t be 11:111k and Frit old to 'lout,. Colutolo a, Dee. J, 1,39. P. SHREINER & SON, Front st., below the Bridge, Colittnbia, W E just returned Crum ,„r the 4t) Wldi complete y of . Good, %elected witi• gth: cure 111,111 111.• 111,1 Ideloriv. in th e euunify Our a 1141 w very bilge, WATCH ES. CLOCKS, , 4 tlverwore. Wm, Ili .14.01•,.. SOS 111 t:111,11. Nlo-ate. 14.1,1 .1111 i Jvi. Itomt, l'inger Alt•olttltiott-t, Gold I hoot., Mu.l- .I.•eve 81111011, Ir -I'orArl Ac.. {‘ i• lova, ihe pid.lle It. L!ive• I, a nor 'a•g , r> , l:4. Which n, woo:ao 6n , q ord., nd V, II r•-•• • rrioied, “,oi will ur mold :1t the nowt SII HEINER SON Coln mLin. .4p~i: _', IFfiO Cop nag ni r if A VI.: t hi- 11.ty11--111011110 1 N 103..011 in hucno.. L Illy ken. heel e. U...u.P 111t . 1.1,41111 . 1 Wi whom I will 1.01111111/1• the Ilurdwure Iht the old stunt! in 1..1,i .0 . 00, Viol, /51-ltolll.l, muter the Linn of J. it umpee & Sin. I teuu n •1131 err 11.ok- to the puhhe for pair/long, atel ir-jut • 01111/1110111, 10 1111 . ee Vllllll. Jit /NA:" ItUAIN.E. Columlna , .1.1,111,2(411.1-60 , o'o.enher. ‘vou .1 rail the nnrntio•t of thr infloho to 110 LARGE STOCK t;1II A R DIV A R recelvetl I,y 'I hey e . 1 •11 r ugpropleir u-sortirt-111 eve•rplattltz 1 line of Oto•itto,4 tither NVOolo-ole nr Itotall. 13n r, Moo and Moat lien, Sa,l. A... "Fla v have Con.aaa.ly tat hand un le.-cpe l Inc..' of I.oa awl Steel or an kook: Vona-. (:1“ , -. r hl., Vorai-he, Cedar wn re, A e ; a la rz, .tack or Goa. .11141 !lentil Pack mg. ali A :al ge sorp.) or Cool Oil r.:arrip.a .1, 4 1 of vii. Krn.-1 • uo 1( Ih. • very be-1111111'11)• Aires 1,,r Pair:it Champion Mae Proon,itie .1. 121.:N11.1.1 , .S QOV. f,nro.l greet be!cw r3V1 . 111111, COI.IIIII I IO. I'a April 2.. 1.1i11.:j LARGE LOT OE FRESH GRoccRIES IAIII.IF.L F. EBEIILEIN invites the attention ► of 111- frie1td....,..1 toe potlite geeerelly. to to. of rote (iron el ie.: V(1.141111* of: N.nr Green and 111.1ek 11. a•: Ita ~J.\, looroa re al .1 Tu. key Col te..t, Heti iwol. Pulver:teal. laud Lool, rola, Stoop. ~ ai6 every other lame e 111 . 1•1•...” V 10 I, ronialele line L . ... 011111011101 :a rar-t I Wl.l 141. r i6r 11 . 111 V I: 701,11 , at :It Ina • a puce e.tti I. riwit A:IN. Sept. 29.'1,11. N.. 71, aiact. FOIL :SA 1.r.. 1110.11110 Pin.to ring Lmh LOWII I, :y UII Jo. I=l Farmers (Jive this Your At , ention! zj 1111111 ELS Pure Grua So, 1 Plaster, j ign • laOW, illt Ell • PPOLIi 4 ll arel r. I H Ala 5,•60 COICIDUSSION BUSINESS THE undrr.ignecl havng it-0, I ..,110.4‘ tint for the vurpo..e. 01 dotlig COA & I IZON COM MISSION BUSINESS, the I r oily. Fa. folio ,Inlisinn.l% Ilia, I, I, hove lea-ed Itoin d.e Lunal Ibliarlilient ol the Fem.-31,111in Rail mod Company. thy large nod coniiiimlio, ‘Vliarc ou We wet of the Caton! Ha.", lone kindred fret in lennglin by , ixi) ler( in wldrh. 1111,1 are now pro piled In receive. and I, urhlp (lone until Iron ml the mon! -.to-factory lertlisi /llr farrilne. tor doing ore co great 111.11 11.1/ter 0ur , ...i1ve 4 there will not oity th•wm.m. nt tin wul,luuq ell fleiptlit to is- de-liitlioo. We eoll.l4lilioelll%. 11.1.1 pro- Mi.. all Cllr isnal 4:11- Iru,•ted to our cult.. ANIOS S. (.111:EN, Tut),. 'W(•;LSH. Addro.. GREEN & NVELSII, Ala) 20. I.toti. New Goods. T'1'1'11%%j:;;Illtr:11';17.:"1:11 Irmn the city Itt cp. 114,1 ti mut to hi- long.• I' o -1-i tot; ail og+, Cll.•lmrnl+. I)ytt Sot Se, :o Mot: It Ow int -11110.1 of putt:ll4,e ,ILIC.IOOI Apr. 114,11411 JOHN -FELIX, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. F, oat Street, helween Locust and Walnut, COLUMBIA, PA. THE subscriber invites attention to his - very large t oo l chore "Jot kGE • b VVATC E S' •-•,. • CLOCKS, & JEWELRY, .V 1111•11 he Is Prepare d 10 aril r hrapert hmt 'he t t •n o hr litaittla at oily oilier esiallll-ittlient. 11.. I. pre red to offer ran. at !to rga Ins .nod by r.•-prt•tiall)nl- Vllr.lhn litelllloll 0 f wit chlut-r r • to -toek.whiE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o fever) kind; allknpA.oft LOCKS.frota •Sl.Zotl Wltrii , hr rnvpe 1 l ie111.•11,10110111011(111,1 trllll , iarge .cork of IA:VI:11 Ittl T CI (WKS: J Et% I.:LIEY.OO/1• .: 1 41 1 1. 1 ., 011;4i Hili t tm.l'Enget time« Itren4i nI Ikuul•nl SE Eve r Spool. Soup LadleG.Tallle , 411 .1.r e tt SoooliN.Fork. dr.. ...minted to sv2erne•.l.l) etilia Ito Silver. Got daisil Silver Pen cilsruicipen.:!;ol(l.lll.l.4.lve,-;pect.".l.•• :togeiltes with the grestax l variety of Fd NCY A itTICLI'S .ver aterl !. CG CLE(r •0. +!!ilerit”.., , nrtmetil of Ito TO . Verf rtn,J other I"! all Liu d- o )(the veytaia...ll(..rturr. Strict ~en[ ,n WW I yen hrreintore.to the .ermirin; 01,ied‘•. .n.1; :Intl .01 work will b. svtimamell. A con.in nnreul Or , lter a 1 ro rlnlzel• re-pr et futlt• .0,..; e.l. Jull N I'll.l\. rlni.or-hi .April 11.1.-01 u. c. rex a E at smay ii 9 s NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL, LOCUST STREET, COLt M CIA, PA., WILL UK °TENT TO TIM TUFILIC, On Monday, October Ist. ISGO. J. W. BOWERS, Fuperintendent. QUITE as important is the arrival of New snail lieut.'. nui Good. an the old estali.isheal Nand, adjoimag the Colunthi iiik, where the POI.. serit,er will be to all hi. oid rio , ieiner. and as many new one. as will favor him with their pa, trooage„ and 'tithe •iiine time -o , leve a iit,rtal -hare or encouragement to the new eaterpri-e, opposite the Odd fellows' hind. For the very 'Morel encouragement heretofore re ceived from the 1,e , . pie of Coluinhi.. and vicinity. a.id the pis rfic genemily. during ho, re , hleuee in Colon,- hia. he Meturn• his •iarcre I hntska sod hopee to merit and receive a cOntiouniter Of their onwes and good Fa raper partirulury I.erearirr ' FONI/ERSMITIFS Sept-19,W. reap leo Cash Store, Columbia Johnson's - Patent - Hog Trough. TIIB PUbFCTibers itavino purehaselt The right to man ufoeture and sell this invention in Lancaster comity. desire to introduce it to general use It is a cast iron troughwit It a elating top, of rutTicietit capaei ty to hold the feed of one hog. It is vv. constructed that the ani mal cannot get its feet into it, and must take its feed without the usual ferns:Whig and splashing. By the arrangement of the top the hog is prevented from feed nig until the trough is filled; when tire top can be shifted ut vi ill. The trough will lie found it great eon venience in feeding. and must, when known, become popular. 't'he trough , are for bale at the shops in ISecond.rtreet below Union, Columbia, Pu. SUPPLEE & BRO. Columbia, July 21, UGD. SPALDING'S CEPIIALIC PILLS. - port sale al the Golden Mortar Drug More. I.` Cola. Jun. I:1,1561. Front t4ireet 52h31133D10, SOhDI ,E ks. TDTE 1C LIERS AND PARENTS. ivrE are now rzady to 'ripply teachers arid rurents la with Surgent's Readers and spellers, or intro duelion prices Also. uH School Cooks used in town and country, atthe very lowest prices TAYLOR IIIcDONA LID, From street, between Locust arid NVolliut. Sept. e, Every Des eriptin of Lumber, pus F. and C) pre., Dre...ea L Weatherboarding, '1'1111(.10w• b. Pie Arlo, uud everything in line of lle ini-I reecty .ng lit,. Spring Stock of Lumber. and ha- ou hand a large Ullll compleie a—orlineiii of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. °dive and Wilre:loU.o in Front street, Let wee ai Lo. eu-i and Tinton. Columbia. Pa. .3oluinlaii. NI a re' :Ilea BNROW'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.--We have —aim ; the above tough Lozeage% at the unit) a hletkelne Store all winter. and they have vvea general t.ait4faettna to all that have u-Atl I.IICM. Ha. itCV. !Ivory Wald Beecher Pay-,o far a- he has had an opportt iiity of cornimrt-on. Wawa'. Troches are pre•emattotly the fir-t of the great Lozenge sehool. mile above Preparanost, which ha, received the eteute.4 recruntnentla nulls au , a beautifier and to 0- , noter of growth of the but r, ha. itll-1 been rceetv cc' It. ‘N'11.1..1.A Cola. April Flont Sitert. COAL OIL! um. Shad- on tintfern2:ll 111110. :1., Ac.. J. kVA! & SON, Loring oil eon below Second, Coluinbia, Pa. April N. E. CORNER FRONT gr. WALNUT STS Columbia Penna. rubserilio r 1111110WICI, that Ile Lan rented the :move e,1.1111 shed and well•known lintel, and has ORPIled ttor the 1 ..... oannotlntion of the piddle. lie 1).1- Iu nis.lord the hou-r tam' :Ira pmeal to enter- Nom irovele, ;owl bonnier-. 11, ttabur will be well laarsti-heal well dung the ttearket tallotal4 ..%1 la, Ifar %slit he loutel the 1.11•-t 1/11.111, Di 01 Willl the Ilnlrl. in the Ino-ernenk 14 a I RST-CL ASS RESTA utzANT, whore r very •p•le, euJ other refs C,i11111.111., -e , acd op in good , t 3 Ir •upp Irii avtth fir , t-tate nr,ler., in larga or palatine, at lea•ou.tbl•e raie, "rite bullion of ll.c pu..l lepeeiluely $A 11, 11. LUCK.AIIII. Coiarnhia, April :21, IS11(1-if. THE LUMBEII-YIRD ' AND OFFICE, formerly °COlinnn 1,5 sontll, Hhood, nod Soffit: at the low or nod uft;oilsollon; It o ill be rented very low. tun! on -uric -lied lin- in, will suit hereon: xi-lung In Mil ran term. enquire of E. 111.:H,IIINY, Fdirriew. r Fly I.toure and Looking (11:1,.. Frames, illitili• al SAI I.OIL /S./, April 11. Lioluml.i./. I. =tll...vribe. bayou.: rented the Lone Kilo. nod .1.1./u:my :it the l•auul IA ql tp.retl to tupply THE: BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for Building or Menuling purpose., is large or Lillie for Manure t. upp'leil all rrii.oliable rale, 1.1. F. A I'l'ol.l/. Co'n April 21. Canal 13axa1. .ITZLIWES SCECROEDZIR, Ladies' and Children's .1 is and Shoes, Lacunl Strret apposite the Franklin House, Columbia, l'a. Qult‘rrilter toVile• ilte [Mention or Illy pultlte to It, [toot and "dm.. Store it tit Ala sori.telor). licri• Lplrpn re (I I() weopty or Tooke lo code( elr I) vitt 1 , 13 of Ladies,' 31 itoeQ* .11111 Clitldreit • - SHOES, GAITERS', BOOTS, SLIP- fit PF:IIS, &c. Ito n.na 11031 e hut the Ite-I notterint, tool ilia work IQ Jolt , ity gt ltdverolcineo ; Ile lure- 011. leo olLi r eoed work. wIti(•11 Lr vt ill w.trrstitt a--al of.tclo. I I .111 e, lit, and every oil.. r 11.1 rtieela r. Ile lender lo- •11.111% 1 . 111 . a Qtr.:l(ly anti lit oral patiOottge uud .0111 AI. IS. continuance _ . Colimbin, July 21. TO it. I' A1.1.(11 D. MEIE=MI C 0 IL U 31 El I,(, PA. Office it Northern Central Railway Dept Building. foot of Walnut st., 01 hand a General A,