AlTeolle j l 111 Healing &are, for sale at _ 316rua Drug IrVpia.istiey t 9 131. Front strert. Pre.,Fa .upply of Brown's Bronehosi*Brnoo , .. l'Ar7mod and for role by R.WILLIASI•6 Bt. I • ' stitt. ce" :Rrert. 14)s TIE subscriber italics the attenti oft of the 14Z t vr n a.00ERY, FLOUR, FEED AND • VARIETY '61:013.£, snit opened by tom to No. 71. Locuet street. Between Second Rad bird. tie will ep head cumpl,te stock of sol kinds of Couccries.Qureosvnize. &c.. ago in• use.. verythinu to 1.0 _;, , mod of its I.lnd and prior. - 44 e will furor-lt BREAD from the Phil.mlelphi.t Ale chemical Isekery,trentl every el.clung; al-o . Teti it!e t'rucker., Tho.=e itesb Inc it con served ot the houses it, will give the bustoess hie gar,Cl arxultd.:l, and by fotc,cilig and promptly -uplAy leti the itl.lllls 01 rettzene pen to wad tteeirL iIUC.III.I -ware of lima sum Oft. SA WI. r.114,72.T1.1.11N, No. 71 l.muu%t Pst• OEM T Lumbermen & Manufacturers: 12 U Ev's ~.I.'atent ShinEle Machine. subscribrr having perfected tht x brace M:14.131/Nr. Uwi'y a i.d 6A O p Hieit. ou tCri•Orable tvrin, 1 tie Mitehltie 4 , .11 pl.t urr f•L•ng , ". to any Width or Ihleht,,..maid produce- :1 V• 11 1:11/ fern. anal ci,to given prriret n t I.LIC 11011 wherevi•r tried. One Of tile in find uperiror lit nritit work 11,1i1 c , b 1. Pl.lnie g Columbia. , Pa tTnr enrol: .1,-14/1.1,i the ssy and Lidllr, adml , 61 0-e tu.m ihn• ;Ad, of mr..loit dint tot IlLd suet. a, ktaku, Cl•tilinnotnng Nt• Ahly V't.1,17 A N n how comm. boo-. 1.. P. I :II .1 -lOC'. .it 11 . 41• It" ,/11: .•. To. k., ChS '1 of • CO POI. til.s lot ...1t.... 642 0., iota . azi...l 'l. 13• Q6CA I• rosallyv.. ok.• 1.0 .1.1.FNV1T,1•4 I=ESI3 COAL OIL, &C r err. teed •::::+1•1:, of 1,-1 K• Ii a.; lig I: lUI.I .1:1:1 A em3"l. a 11.4 !,,, ,). 1,40 at 1/1.. Guldt ..r CU PI .1 19.131. I noli PRIC Elt E LA: E.. 1 4 N1R ollY 11, t,u,n t out t.Ol. eet :II eel Irr [toy toclowry l'luol or 11.1 Icoore Ica I•uro Con y Wien noel eol 51J at thr Oct •.' It 1...1 •,, 110 E Jd\l:sExprctor,int, Jape's Altrrative, J.) Ja) lit• • •ILn OM , . .1% Ile.. 1 i :41. S .1:1)1 . e . .. POO, t• • •• 1 . 1),. Vs ',W.A.:0.:// 1 il are grout.' 1031111 1., I. 1%11,1.1 slept. 21:1:-.%). nool . I rItI:SH C;ROCERLES ..tll.l Ise the to, Of Of 110,1le iT mv lo U.l O l V and rlmett, Vt . -(JCiC (.11 ALL KIND , ~r (:1“),-Eni 1:—. forl'hiing 1.1,1 11.1 tn.. /le in 1111 II Wt It. 01..4,1 oerll rrl ithll.e64‘ I,th.; erre--a yg,,. He at the it...•et ratt. . • . . `I'V I) I. r rictlll 1:11Ps•it 1==:1 PV RC NV 111 11.: VINEGAR. Vlm 1.. r• • . • 1 .0, (IA illlll N.. 71 u• 1 St. Qg. nmenh. ha, r• -rer•lvt n 111,1 Llllth , D r ut e. 11 1 2..!/ AI nd.ryu.llo II ,011 1,11. in. 10 I Zu . 01.1) ...: 1,41 y ti;• it It. 1% P.M l't 11. 1-4,1 TO THE PEOPLE! The ,ii.,-esslrt t liar opri.t.l A NEV TIN SIIOP, T the ilordwaro -.lop, or . J. INinpl.• abort,. jrl IIIII,4.111:11 CI ood W I. Ivit•• I lit ln.• ..11nlier-t no tCe kid- llou-e- Iront r opz. Srt ,on.z 11•• poirmyr, RC All wort r.komor I ..ofor.• shop. and w.triamod Ity Si.o! WI., Inn to b11.1111., itt norir.•n ...etCr 01.10 01 - puoAr p tic p.OOO Yards rip Cai co lill4n' Centa—real, wortt, to N,ve Yo:14 4.1, : t Cruh More 4 Coin, 11.,re1l IG. 'GI .... ..... CAR.E.P TINOS! one ni.r ;.a. dqome •tock I 1 Ph Ime good+7 Arr.l I:I ' , III 11 Vl.Dll\l,\ Soap and Vinegar. A noxr.-• of Brown So.,p; 2U turn I of esor, wholekult, 1111.1 :121'. at 11f11:Nr.11'.. Corner or Third und Jul , e SALT! SALT!! S:tek. f.111.,(1 A.Olll 111 reeeterd. :mid for j.ele 'lie extra..r.l.,larliy low prier ref nite .1..11ur 1A1:1/ five reel. per Tjp V I;l.Si I. 1:44 nn 1,1. 21. WI. 1-10. 11.'N 4 3.4t0.1 ALL persons inilebird, on 11w Books of tin frog of April. 1-57 in the. O . air rryir.orti lo iniMeiinor pry Men . and tuns hav 0a... , will pie-roi ihrin loi Settielip pi. n. he La 4.1r-irow. clirling It.. wiihnui ark' , Ori TIIO%IAS (;170017. THE COLUMBIA ALINET.icicuiNG COOPAAA', econd St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., ,01 qtr %1 I:\ GIN 131111 sri 1.1;1.1.1:‘ pow, AciliNcßy I "It ISI.N-r . ..wt.- G ‘111.1,.-% \‘' .1 \ 1511.111;11 %W. 1., I. %I.ii•11.• •o Ito 1q1{rrov••1 1,1.1 1 •r irn.r rin.l .11; 40.05111111.11 1r ade to 1),14.1. 1.. 5...5110g 441 11011.1 0. 0 10. C i-kt pont In, 01.: I$ on 011o1n$$ no, 010.1, t , ) 1104 -000,.1 1, ....1 , 1• 1 "•••td tO .. 5$ 40:J41:110 000 , 00.. C.O 00 1 1., 1, ' Z , 171 • 1' T . 1•1.1.E. J. 1:1.1.) \.7` CotilmIlin..1III•t• IP it-.; .• MOCIiIs FILMIC= DIOTICIII THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILIIILID COMP.INV EH now prcparrd to receive and forward FitEß.ii 1 ne Illof 1 . 11:.1.2.•Ill.i Li. It ....i t .ort..ei .11- .or, uil -1..11.., vvlic,r. ih , Ls ...c .2c.1 the lollow l og rutt, 1., 111t1.411,41 ptottllilt, 13 ETV: EILIN I'll ILA. AND Co I.K: :II Ell A• rli.t beco• d • 1a,... , 1:1,4 C'as• I ..nnh Ch.c, $5 C.. 1118 •al c,”:.... IC.. 211`1 it r.,.,1- • Flouts 1., ,•.;1. 10.t..6, 1 . ,t; t lelnl. 111 t o 1.1- pour 1 , 1 p 4111.1. BETWEEN rII I LA. AN I) LAN( 'AS I' E It. Firs; • La.. r...t . ond Cl,4r. 711111" 111 • , 1 - ,,urth .lu•.' Z.,1 ve.l:o, ::0 [CIII. 111 E Id. la 11.116 ' FICUS. 2 1 1 o 111. r . ....r I tato., Pl¢ Metal, I, ~,,, It r I 111 petmodti. Ehlpiticit't, en.leit 1nr.::"..1..r,.: ..i.d 1., /wr ;Jut dt.i.e plulottt, 1. ~...1,, , ,. RATES k ROM COLA TO PIT l':-BURG. r 11.11,1..... 111 coo° t:l.a•e• ro,Pi Cla,,. Cow Ii it o ,a•it , 4'l Flour r ,r t,a,..1, , 0.r11ia... Mir'Ffelgin r.s. ig 11 rd 10 .I..trr to r , 11..., t‘st: CCM ' , any t..., 11. ~,,.....,.•, 1., p.,,,,,,1 articles of st Class. pinks., fr••••h P,U. .Koots an, frhom... \.,r. ~, 1.1,, C e d a r g,..1 %Vocrten \5 e.,. l'oru r a_ A ut tul,4: el IX) Goode. ll'ouitr - u Co., , a rap, For.. 4 frr.L. FarilltUlT, r.. 1,,,. 0b...., ceiLers, ‘Vn.ll;,ltic l'ti. , er , Articles a 24 Class Applefs 51411:0..e5, Ctmene, 11.. k./.. CO CI +r .4 Gras. fr'-od, Q. 1.1 .i. err 1 .ST • CrocLery, l'eq ..r to I. ac ...,, CA.Lco nc Llettr.:* :rm:•y ; i',1,.:,•, 10ne.% • grncertet. 3••• I., e r r Im. steal RIZ,. rp,t • f I fira •,l 1087111 g 111 4.4 , 3 • • (14, 1,••• itard.rze, .... Irou. tboor , , herd • r nice , ' I • I I.3quiec seou4, plod le r•luhe & Turpeilt4,, 2rtlcles of ill Class. toffee sredd.) Laza. A%. Dior-. &Clan:m.(ln It - Laduw (.1111,11 . AIJAPOCCO, Articles of 4th Class. on.isas, COMM, plrh salted. Gram ca *di Jnda, ?hula r.d tTikea, Tar. Taal, Cr••tizlno alrle oil d. 11 II PIOCSTON Grunt( FP Agan4t, ItPTot further infurnisoicw, apply u li. hlNts".l I )%, Premfat K. .B01(.71 - .. Frn,:ta AyC C.cdandna W 11. Pr, t d.: Agent, l.tua4ulet. rehmibut, XLEDiT,. A Stare Anon 32 Iraq Hy VI wroth connirto draw. /keys And • WC. 111 cnrn :to emir-. C.ller •nd erthou..; .tualed •iteet, oppeege the reeollth How., Foes lum. lietll-IX • •FIGS! FIGS: FIGS! Inl th name el Ine Prophet Fig, A etmply of new ropre Figajo-t tereiveti et 11. t$U 1 - DANt'S tarorery stole,Cor. Front and Loeuet Nov. 514, It A large }apply of Fresh Dried Apple% and Peaches, Li oil brat-raw yonlity, on baud ut H St.7I7D.V.I'S Grocery Store, Cot. Front uad Locum Str. Nov. N. 1-40. rp111; erct Bockwbeut Ncal of the seemon. Pi.t re -1.1 EBENIN'S fist. Xi, ItTGO. Grocery teto,e. Locust 9trc.:t 'lllOll,lll ITELSII, Esq., has been appointed Ag. tit of the Penn Motu Life 1.1-111.114., Com pany. of Ph lade Ippia for CorUM:tl:l :11111 neighbor hoo.l ,tor old eqatt4•ll,l Company. farina, al.hing to provide tor tinny' coto'lien in ru..e or dnuta tnt hotter tail on the agent nod get nalaired. Cn'olnhis...July 10. Inns-11 COLUMBIA. IRON rournmar OPPOSITETHE CANAL BASIN, COLOMBIA, PA. THE subscriber has removed to the rxten • hop. gog !weird with th, Co:111111,m !coo Foundry. Wis., ts tie ha, thorough!) titled up. with hew rile^ loggi.thery. kiiii i. now prrp.i red to nth., of - every d..- Nthelonei y tor rural,., Foagn•, SW! , c •T ot k. &r. Irma formthed thorder. Bridge 9 tit ‘N, M. Y TUE Nving unloved his I'ut. .• 14 I. I ,I.1,111:11 ~0 • rs, SIMEMMM= = Er-WA RE AN I) CHA lit- WORK:3I, 1,4••••11.. .1111.) 1. .1111.11. 1,..1111•11 .1, 11 01 1 li" j 7, 7 r 4.• 11 1... Ila min •1:::4 eve, y m:..• its Is• lus gOr t• 01•4.1 g• a,.. • rt.," .1110111 Il tlf1I.111." 1'1,11..g I:mgc) litormam: homal• :••••• curs! F. 1.0 lulu .. Dot .HI., 1 - 1.01 I'\ Common I 114.11 $lllll Wilt• r 111 I „„,s:1 11:1:".1.: evm.. loVel:11.1 Vg Ili a a: .t lnl \!!g,“1:1• 1111..‘1 lir. ay: I g 1... •••101g.r.c1M I/mg on situ , lolil •• :1110 41; lef•C.4V.r) „,va•ut l' tettitttrittl' ip .01Iva* ta %it.", of imbue p lnoa t t e Weil it.. Ir. /trim...rt tti With 'NI. It I t . on. iltit 1.111 l Ittutttttil AT CORNER UNION & THIRD STS 111 , t ul I ••• ..... • el S ).1.• II ...•!. stt. d I'w:ie.' II- 1..1/W. 1... 1,1118 . ..I, 1.• •litt -.CI , sit .0- irttit, Mr, .1: • 0. Jc F 1:I• U.\ I:IC I) , •a• I, 1,•CO 1;10 ,;1,, ~„•$ IV• .11. d 1.,1 holt• ..44.1 ',II mlf.• :4101 ,4 0111 10 -4,1 I'M ete it till., i 4.0•1, 1.0. %Vi:r.sll. 11.i•er . 4. las 1101,I.SALE and [Mail It and fake VII hand it vuriely of :'nke. 1 .11001, 00 , 10 1,11114,11. Ctarker, %Vm.....ze10'.1 ~,, of.•,t.ry IteIVVV.7I I h•l