\Vo u o , l e leys All 11 0 1121 11,, 5 , a , 1v r a il l'or ug ~v ale at Cola. Inn, 19, . Front More, tiraeety .14.a.a, Car. Front Kaki 1..0cu0 AFresh supply of Brown's Bronchial Troche., jum I Nov :91:1,,c0. received and for sale by R. WILLI AM'. Nov. 24, Ihtio. From. -Street - ItrilW GROOIMIC STORM. 9 1 11 E subscriber Invites the attention of ille J. public. to the ' t NEW GROCERY, FLOUR, FEED A\l) VARIETY STORE, • — l.l — lie.l.lV ---- I'll ...Al' 31EA1.. lust opened by him at No. 71, Locum street. bettivnett i Second and Third. He emit keep on heed a camp:. le \ riltlC: " 6 1 .' 4 11 4' 305 ' 1 '.at . 11, a3 l the " 5 e .... J. O r r stock of all binds of Groceriee,Quccusware, Sc.. Sr , ' 1 tt.i'ivir'd set N. 1 , . Elti.:l;l.o.'s. WI inures everything to he g ood of its limit sod pice. t.el. ,2t. it.sd.i. Grocery Stone LOCIJA :Sin'. t lie will furnish BREAD front the Phileatiplibi Nte- ; _—_____ er ehnnical Bakery, fresh every evening a it. o . •iii,,,. 11,. I pat, Cr:lel:sp., &cc., Se. "Fhese desiting it Cull b.• i served nt the houses, fle will give the . I.naiii..i.. Li. strict attention, and by foreiseetng mid promptly supply- . to the %rains or citizens hopes to deserve um! rt.re,ce : a buccal :hare of their support. r5..55F1., F. EurmisuN. 0et.9:50. No.ll Locust -mist, Coll/Mid:, l'u• To Lumbermen & Manufacturers: Si 11 E A'S Patent Shingle machine. THE subscriber having perfected the above madam,. hefers to -ell State, couloy abed Shop Rights on reasonable term, The Inachme saw. and planes F.-bitter. to any width or lineklie.4, nod producer a very uniform a ,oi clean article, which ban given portent s..ta,aic.bia wherever tried. , One of the =whine...and specimen. orlin work eat 113 been at tote :Fol.qUolltiona Planing' M 0 I, C0 , L0010.. L'a. ear :lamer tufslttutioa, LtJatc..4. WM MTV. Columbm. taint,. -wr 1,, , l'a. , "CrThe construction of the i.tiw writ ci.,me, all 1,,31.• a f ute, separate front the plimer, ill rvu;t :ill L 11141.. or straight Mail lit:Vl:tied war:, • orb .rte Floortag C,:apbmirtlrmg.A.c. Columbia, May 91, IS S 7. lIOUSEKEEI'EICS, A" 'hose commoteinz %%01 timi a 1..1 , lock 01 mtp.'lll4. vto st I (.orlon Jinprrs. rrn.hrc, Sc Se. Fhlor (Jtl Luuls,a;; and Queeu..cn rr. ./1 . 4 rra! l'eb'y 14. 1 gril cQ od., JVST received n fre-lt -apply 01 I`..t• Le-1 Oil, //Uniting Flu.d 111141 A VOllOl. Mill I .IIW t) PA at Ott lUtitlf:tl MOM" Eh ug , I,t•. Calq.Jun'y viuu E ue r). filtermg lamp. to 1.0.11 Coal 011 \V. sl 01 0l• ler oily (1111111:1ry 1 7 70 id or It.l lamp to I Chimney ‘Vio k :tit ~00 • 1- . .1.1,, 1.0 et- it 111 , 1Z0t.).1 Gt,LI.4.N OWE.% It W ., 1. r. r. - . T ANt.s Expetturant, Alterativ e, v.t. 1: ,I 11.,1. 1... I 'route, -LIN - 1.1.m.”.01, •-• 111111, 1. 0 :•, Jayne:. Aga.. 1.01- nod ,1 ntis II al I the 060., 1.01,01.:1" 1, 11 tilt:110 ::11.0•110 .... gemome fresh For. fre , . For -.410 112, bept. :1-'59. .FiiESll 1.4; TM; rtt,ertker wouirlllll,ll , 111,111.11111. 191 keeper.; to Itri , variety and eatrat.iye of ALL KIN DS 1,1 , ttltLh..7l:::lC.S. including Teary etar.,*.5112...1r, 11.1111• with ir general in,-nri ni ries. Ile LA:I6 at the II :-.11V1) %M. C. 'I roto ;mil I tilm, Nov. 2A, 1,4i0 Pcittc s.viivrE i f t first•rate amok of MI 11.1. '41 4. .; 44. 111 14 4't 4• 41 .411K 1 for by : 4 0. E1.1;iC1.11. Oct, 2'l, I`GO. .o. ;1 I.laeti•l St. omet4 i. ing worth Lowittg. {4l ha.. r.l Vt•PIV. 11 .111 S Ofrar for I.IIIL, 41'22 itcr ‘ik. ,I. :0. oil, rqual to VllOTlt..iter L.ut ant t ft f. f t. f t , prove which It to Oill} • Ileee ',lli} In II) it H. %\ 11.1.1% \ 1 4 . l'r.ot Coa.. Nov, 21. 1-41(1 To mum rEIOPLE; Tht! I.s o,ww•d A NEW TIN SHOP, AT tile Ilard, are Stl re of J 1111111p'e X So.t. kv here n he lowed. oiet tetormg all kind- of 're .00l ttheet Iruo Wore. nod n toetho I al the thoith.4 lice to do 01l kool , of 110:1-e 12,orstio Snow 115, P.inug• A.C• All work exoloole.l Iwo., It ovth2 shop, and warrnwed. Icy•.rive :19 , 11 111.1 u, ith•hl,.. he hOPe 4 I:O n sli.re o ielbhe 11.11 i (21,11...,c rid • rertie4 1 7 a,. • 6,000 Yards Pip Calico npF.NRin WOlllllO :1,, 1..6'S ,tore. Cola, March la, '6l CAREP TIN GS! Tr; 'MVP )11.111114i,1 In our a rr.t Jy Imn.l-vine 1 401 . 4 (1 ,, 11 litre vi the, gaud ai April 13. A1.1)1.:11 Soap and Vinegar. 120Nr .4 or rut ) .- Nro ft Sop, :14.1 borrrt of %In. c2x, ettli., CO111C: 11!111=i1 !x.11;1''! oi.o k „ rf.nnot ret•t•ived :111d for it Lime y 1.141,1 lise vilt• sick. D/OTICE ALL persons iudebtril, on the Delis of the Liver ) (rule /,1111 . 1.101,1 $.1 . 1i ar.l. ,It 111 , 1.0 PIOT. 4.11.34. lIIC 111. Itltd 11,0-el 6.4 . • 1.41,11 , Wlll Seltleincill, it- lie. la tlezuv, , - L , l c u 111 11, 1 / 1 .1.111C. , wilhout dekty. Ocl 3 1 - L7-tf "I'llll A -.11:114)10.1 TILE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, seccnd Gt., below Union, Columbia, Pa., prepnred all on.er. for S rrym r.N• GINI.S, 1%)11.13:- N.:. pi YUNIPs. MACIIINEIIr 1111[ R ROLLING NS . AN v„.l every ~riel) or llar^on. n. loihr tliolovziA and mnrovv4lnt.oll, r ofl • I Ceveriplara• Made :V Ord/ I)l,lVility ur tended Iv, Ca4l p,it,l fnr Clid !(OH 11;❑ olber O,det> Ly triad r.1:0i1:4 1., 31 d01,....ed to . C 4111.1110. Con'.'.; ' It. SL,till 114. ric 1..1.1.;N1 LOCAL FIiUIGHT NOTICII, TILE ITANSILVANIA RIILIZOIII I'OMP.IN I ARE now preparrd to rfctive and fornard Hit:H.llv L.II l'ipi-tJ• 1/11.1-.11111 .0• 111 ARE 04111,0,, ,1112IC tinttinti • • .It 1. • tng Tatra per' iwplret . ;•••.:Lp • 1 . 1:11..i. AND COL II 11 it I A. i'arnt 4cc0...1 (I'.,e+ I ol,r111( 1J Its cent., 2t -. 15 e. luta in Cl, .0..00 1.1:7 BETWEEN 111111. %NI) 1...V.WA51 . C.R. rir,lehls4. 1,-,.4,41 V . ,•, I 1,,,,t .-1,,, I ~,,I, , 2,.; ern'. I.q , ...Iv,- 1 7 • • o• I 1 tAti,. rota. .21 ~. I/1 , 1 ~ I ' , lre; I'Lg :%Ictal, 1.!...11- 1. r 1 , 4 1 Shipment. m ,ev In r,11.14,:r.: .111 d all 11.14.1111ididi el+ll/0r1 , ....1 ,... . •in,e RATLS ritt) NI l'iii.•.l. •I'il PIT l'silt:11.(:. Finn GI.A.3J• et..olt.tt:/...:, 11,1 t 1.,,.. 1 . ,,,,,,,, g 1,,, 1.1 . 1 40 Flour rtt 1., rel. 'O or•Ilt• fEr Freight coli•lav , ..l I 0 ..,,,,,•, „ 4 ,..,_ , t: , • c , p 3,17 h a ., CO agrOl. orItI•1 be pre it fol Artitles of st Onsc. 73001:s. 1-. .....b 1-,,,.. 11.01. gin.: Shnrs. N.4- 1111,4, {led;.: and Wcrosli.3l Ware ; l'ort , r & -11, m 1,...t'•, 11 , Ty Goods, l'oulir• 1: t wars r.ggs, I'or4. tirtA4,, Frarrare, Vol.tir3. itlrt,-,1. Feather., 1.1',111 , 111t: I .. IIArt Artirlcs of 2(1 Class APP/u, Alyrhaesrg, gibeese, Nleltritr. Clover anti Gross S..eed. (},I w ca.kr or i•ixes. Crockery, l',Ar-r II 1 oxe , , -Candles, I.ame board, (Dolts or Barrels. (empty,) reaches, (dried, Groceries. rrmii,,,,, t'Al.f Owls and nine?. raper 111:t1;,111g4. Herring in boxes and krgr, I tlit,lo , . arr. /lardware, ,booan er l'uttos, NoPe, ToLai 1 111 hilie .. "Iron. (boor, band or sheer ) l'es. .Leather, Ty pr, kiquor in wood, T.Olow. ',obis Slabs & Marble Turn,. mine. hens,; ' Zdouameuts. 1 ;Mast/. Articles of , ild Class. It.eolio.. I'm afoot. Coffee - • 'romps, Kid. green,) l'inrrar. (Ara. 'Mate I.end. Oruro az Clartv, fin shell,) Waldo. ("fn.. TaLacca, enannfnetcreJj Artioles of fth Class. 11i5.411., COMM. 6:414 F " Palt44, . 'lobe eeo. 1 1 ..0 . Ciraan of all ionele, 1., . Nails and :film., I ..r EWA. ....... %Via log. 4111/ , :laster, All Freights payable on &livery. . ~ 11. tl. tiOIUsTON, .. , (:moral Fr..ql4l Agema, Pinta. tZrFor farther tatoentalsou,,apply.4o S. 11. ICING4TON,-"lttio)a !wt.. fhila. }LK. BOlcAlFreight Al. :... C+:1611 la. VV . . 11.. ItliaaS, rAstglit Agent, Lauonster. 3'Oll =MT, • . 1 1 store Room.?) (MI by Yl teri. w,th ~0 4111P'elf,1111 VV. {Le•154012 ShereuX, • Mown WO goal 4.:c I err and , tIU•I4-4 in LOo•y.t cater', e.rpubste. 11, irablitist FrOtt.f. COM. Jan t..." 41 it cite we Prophet Fig.. .1 1 / 4 .upplc orvi /-lo;veo Fir*jo.t leerivedot II "Sl`yDA 4 k Inrge cup ply of Fr-"h :toe, rcLe.ef, ; IL at Li -L Late L,,Lulity, Oil ILLLILLI Lit II :•=r 3 :ll‘Nl'S flgoL,ry ILltore, Cot FL.L.Lt 41111 Nov 9 3 11031 AS WEI.SII, Emi., has brrn appainiell .1••• u, rt .1) • Pcuu M. , 1114/ Llit• IMMIrMOM COM IM' I hno.l `MI- ,-nu OW Cf.:lll.ly. Perftoo• t-biog 10 pinviale G,r their rtagilte. 11l vll.l . ot tot • ~1I I t 4,111 011110 . IL-! , l4ud gut 0mi...11.1 144. if . - OLUIVI33X-1. xrtorr rozwpav OPPOSITI Tiff; CANAL. wssiN, COLUMBIA, r i l l.q.Ntibscrihrr ims removed to Ilse rNiell •, , ..i.”p• I.olllieeled WIIII Ilit• 00:11,116/•1 Iron L • , I , ‘ h Lv !L.". hued up. v. gilt ..v m: 41%.1 0. 111111•11111rry. mod 110•IL•In..1 In 111.111. ,- .••••le 1:11.41dr , 411111'J •,1 rve.l tle•• 1111013. NI:er111111.13' I'uige-, .1:1114. r IV4il Inn. Moot ferni•heli In I;l..ek.nolsilw In 1, - 2 - IZeinnung pruntinly ,dh•udrd In JOIE\ o.otattr6t t. Ittl‘ :It 410 SIIPNIBERCI IFS v FUNITURE VT / 11:11.C( Till, undrrsignrii Win; rg•novej his Fur. 111iill \ ))))) 11111 It la, lout L 11041‘201 . 4.. • 'de ui L001..1 , :rt 1 . 1 Isd , . .,•1•00.1 011.1 1111111 -II eel., 11 . .1111i : 1/II) 1010,0 the 4, `" .. A 1 0 1 .91.1-111. • I s 01 l'} l /IN E. A:;.t , . ANoc tim it.v,. 0: .111,-1, 0.111 1• 11511.1 1 4 0:1.1:11111) . .OA. ',tilt It Mk: I 11, ..40.1,1 111... I ..... .i•I. 1115111ffiaelure- 11 1. n• II 1511.1 Itle .1..1 t•.l 00 NS 1,4111 .•r)'Het I to 1.• wilto 1:11. 111 U 111 . ....:OV1• 1. 1, alto 111 yoll ...Ha,- ...1 1 tti., Vt.. Diet—m.2.l'lll3l:V, 11110 1;,, ::1-1 TA 1 ;lA, Comm.' 1 'H..' .111 oilter 1;1.1 Comm.' :1111 1 • ,.11..) 1 \1 11 5....1 Ystte I 1 11.2.1:.4•1,11i.U..p.1101 .1,•011 111 , ut 01 .i 11411.- 111 lIN 1 IT 1:1; l ' oll,lo I l'y Inrndld it 5111 .1 ' , Tie' die 1 I,lr, 4.1 ILLS IS (01 ! ) 1.1: I 1 , 1...011 - 1,11) stllo . 11.- ,15.11, ui 1,11olid • .•;1 MIII))11.1111 I' Of OW 111,111111111 111511 1161 11 1d.'.1 Ilt 1.1 .• 'I it. 1 1 1 More New Goods I"111/.: e(WNI.:1: UNION & 'CUM STS; ! 1.).e14 . .1.01.tr. 11.1 ‘l. 1:111:11,C.1 , .1.11•1e,/11 '•""g . 1 , ..• 110,11'1; ...lit 1)01. \ U. 4)4. \ PAC. I), I. I GO Ropes, Ropes, Ropes. .1 rvlli: ja.t rt ..... tv,l aml at at ',hole UV •.,10 i,.l r•• 1 vil a.• gs i oul.irl ltit I \Vl:f.`4ll. GE:tial:l; J. $3lllll, and Retail Ilreffil and rata variety of CO— , ~,,, o.'lol/. Sodj. I;sm un. Contect.mivry, of ,very de-el-101°o I.()( Urr 3::ot Itel,veo the llnnk oUd I•raukitn How., The Testimony of the \Vb.ll.e Wel. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Had Legs, Bud !beasts, goers and Ulcers. All .I...witptiril or -ore. :Ir.: rvti5t.,11.4,14. I. :11 1 ,1 ,1113,...111 -r ui t ill prelmo mot, g- pia -tering, ..wt, 111 , (mod I , Wellief f..lfy, tor Ill' -Gill hillll C. t boggy tli•t: 1 . 01111111011 fi . 111.111, 1110 1 1•111,i1L In 10 OW with 111, y m it &u• Tlw only 1011,11w1 -11.•1•, , .(111 I.llllCLlthil II nurr, 1-10 Irduvu th. , udl nn 111100 In and "bow the hid and w .110110. 10,211:11 ling Part- 1)) pithily 01 the 0111l1111.11t .1, ',III it 1010:d 11110 Mt Dorthetio, Ulcerated Sore Throat, and Stark! and Oilier Fevers. OE= Any Of the el me 1i 11.111,0,3 nety be Cured lov rehltoot.: the (hoteten. thee. a otty tote 11,e the t.t. thrtoot rend Heel. .1 portent; le Will Comml penetrate ttod gm v.: I thonedinie relief. itletheeste N I.) she horooolo 111114 Operate 11p01.1 tbo wbnie fy,IVOI IV le 11% 1,411101 We Vol/ Inc 101111011) 101'01 par1.W11..,. .14the (11111111e111 Win 110 11. n ark ;II 011 re. Whoever Iriee the 1111p1elit 10 the 111111Y0 11/01110, for the di.- V.1...t,111111,1e11.01 . :10) .1111114 f 141011,1 ,d .16,10., th e 1,10•.-101 Ihfo.ll, Midi hod Ilia:twelves telteved re .1 Zll.lllll. • Piles, Fistulas, &rictus's. rat• abc.ve e il••• 0/ et/Int/MM. W/1/ be reirinved by 1 , 1 ,1 II) Moo, m¢ Il.c purl. , Mllll Worm scoter. Iliad Men It) prot•l elfeclUt011!: the 0/010,111 ?nom, /mile !Mu from Ihtre threfut complalto boold tote not a lei /meld on litre •Ilittr their ph)gre•:. It -houhl uml attnrnt runt It I- start -tollicietti fuescll 10 -.lncur the (I tattcool enl Ille tetremmi port:, but It 111 U-1 i.e t ehl runt el In Mr .01111, COll-1M rattle lnuo nru or Hirer toon.t a lii) : 111 11. It may Ito ticket, loto ' the Wltellee 11 Wllt remove ally Ilid•len Sore • or s.oo o d op ell; m 1111 thlAndtpalpable to the tic !'here ogalo .L end muter poulitt r aII. r 111 c itildtite r t lo ul the /Mit Mild. Still du put at netvsce ; I. the WO -MU II •e.ttotetit tor hamtia, ea,, of e nn cc in the cLontict, or whme there 1110) be. .1 gm'- . (a: lledrolZ d /Wit. Indiscretions of Yo:4t3; Sums and MT's 111..1. heal, 09 e.ll. Wlll. et .r1"1:.1, rad.. ally vilred a Ihr Olenneei Lu u-rd 111 ely • end 1 . 0,• tel.ell el 4111 god iller,tee.: • it.t..rllitiwiltlrd thy Vl - 11111.11 111.-.1.11.114111. 't% 111/11 1..... t. El 1111111) ..,lat Ihr9 hilly III) up in (1111• 111W/1 1111.11 .11.mn .e.•• 11c1, 1.1.111/1 . 1..1• 1111 v llllllllll,il will 1, move Ilit• 11,t110( {CUM the .1-arid. 111111 II I,l' the p. 1111.11 a v IG erne. end 11,411, y 1,1114 II will leider, leer •9 1111 tle• tee of die I'd'• In ell•tee a 1 .1•110geer, .014 , psir , 11 Si, olysto und Stiff J4i Ids Al le,e;11 could , ultd• we'e Is ot alt.l Mil. , .3 I ley ad t,til love! PPIIIMYIII M.llll 1.1 1141: wv.r I t.k,e, 1/1 /.1// 11 I'ls/ t/111 ,111 )111141 111 11 I 1111111111 r MVO% I,,ne I. q.• 11. tall, fialsl...l nikeird. ' •Stilt It ell.erlue:stl ti hate hair i. lititU 41011. in:11/01. , be I ilo•fi Neeurilivig to list 11,11t11 . ./ do OS, :1C1 . 011111.1111111g ...It'll box. Puff the Uintrmn! and Pills ai,oald be usid in It bid I tt••. -I. ColOy••• le I and ' , OPT .1.0.1 i• 1 n.•• S I 1:4.414 • • roc “1.1. ,rr, I 10 v.,- 0,1111 k rnt•ll.f IJ r ~,,,n,!,,rut,;e BaY1.1; `,lr) 1.1•11Ig Ihe N, if.- ,or Ilse ,limloi.te Or rallellti 10 ..1.•01114 :..:1 Nvil 1. It louX II LTA.' E r Lou R. ( 4 • SI:SIi Hurl., heat flour, m huge nr •f•Ilq tprmt tur •al 11. : , •(•1 lo t ti's riut,,Cur.ner I 1 - wit Lto.t MO .1 ~ ,rov 'A 1.0 THE ORIGINAL GALLERY, THE subscriber has When lie Ind Gallery I eke ..ell" r 11/t . iPt 0.110 1,16.141/ =ffffiMES=Ml • A SKY !Atari', and ban romprell 't tell Ird dn. 4..141.-Invonn.nod pr. p 10 L.O, vn.) t: r..01i.. 11erse.- .) Andnot ‘ 1.1 .n0n. ,, reit.. oa ticel.l4 - ,,00 of uI.Ii ft ur, 11 Ay . rS or far p n our e 1, v.... 1,1 0nn1;.4. lie eel.. a. at.. 0t0.11.1.e of the 14.,.. * retro..., a11e....)• In r-inl.le-Ison , ou ant: I 3,nm., .1.- rtrun., % 1: r I'loll sill .11• 11- . -tor, I:nn.ia , r on 1.u0.a , t lk I 29, I MAI II 1 %I t.rr r. ILEA t)r-maut; cl.urllc c, .31EN'S nod Ityree , ‘,ll4.l.. vrrf "Pc:4.. WI i.. 31.iL rur a C.VA: (!oluttib., lln .17. I -441 I;War.% 'ld 17111',Ire Tlrr 4 ..1./t1 :Shoe. cola 7 imJA. riaraper Limn ...Ire. 4,,,r 0 ofr,red irl 1111- NY, vine and "Cr. Far I.y Cat IL I 1 , .0 CASF. A rlitr rurvrey n( Appler. b y the barrel or in smaller al the lowrst 111411110 prier.. at Gryccr7 Stoic. Comet Croat aural:maws sta. _ Jr•IC.II , . P.I7ER TICS: FIGS: FIGS! DRIED FRUIT! 4111:1 INSOR MARK TII ESE FACTS Uri casrs . • ' •“ .S • 1. 1...'11 . •r tat 6, 1%0,4 .4 . 0 0 100,4 I.* r t....t0., I .1400100, 011111, 1.0,1 410114 0 1 . 41. • -, 4AO. Ile :Id mono m. 0.... she ‘11,11• OM' 1.1,0111 011. It, • C 1•11414. ..to. r 161•,‘ • ' 1 .1 t.I the ..1.. ..1, • 4110 1104 In 041 141001 •, , bolt 1 0 1111111 I'. A 041•0111 0 toe Veto 1 0 04 )-0140 I'ooll,lll, 4 0014 40- ,04 , 4014 .•• ntt 4it ‘101V,4011 00, . 11.4411. 14 1, 1 . • • 1.10 .•. 00 ,1 1 11• • II 00 1 1100 S 44..144..11,1111 8 lot" •plolou= Ntooosho tor, of Proft..or ‘o.. II I I. ”r ol A owl by 111 0..4101. 111 51 0 0101111 . . 11..00_4000 4.0 1 1 1/ 4 14 0.01.0, 40 boa,. sit orani.l.l2 La oh. soot I.] SKY-LIGUT rlcTu it IN NEW HANDS [Joy rs AND SHOES API'LpS! rPuns!! !VIP, roam i‘tlyt Vcoll3, ttow ozcupiel by 9'ham.:; Wash, house.- .1.) , fly wm..Nyiii PPM:. rthrunry CALICO! CALICOII 100 Piece*. Levy tLtItT.I 41 the Lost mairc, new nt 1r yarn for o-O3nar to. • - Ut. Ll% Lst.O. 13111.1:s:Eft'$. I 0.000 1 1 . 11 V .14 Lime. (mot Loa Tinto- 1 , 1 1 Imo, on.: Ito. Lone I- '.1,0/ Vv. , . 1' Ilvc l'oot 0.111 111 , 1.1111 ,. troth ...mono. 1.111,t00r. to lot. ;I•orn WO tot Ow:. to 1000. _Apply to U C Arr4ll,ll, tl . ll.l.Juit ' y 10, 'Ol., ,CIIIIUI 1.3.1-111. 11A it DivA It P. Ftill.cribrt th-stron. or Turin hit ..Int.l: of hoodt, I, now al V ' tote prior-. ILinl nore 0 1 :111 gptloo, ..I.IVII V< Loch-. Ilu tout ever 1.1 Mi7tltn.... Pllllll,q, Mild Sawn .Al-o, .1 1.t1;44. -tort. of Irno—votoT4 -. .-int7 rcrrp -tee 110111 Llllll., at ,educed !Inv,. T0.t1.1.44i tor t'..• .110i,gR, I .relistor.... ra [COW' 11)10111 Le it ..pec.titll3 1.0;.tli0011.1, 01 J W. curnt ELL, Locutt .1., Culuntl,i.L Sf.ivember 1.. 1-(;11-aia 1: tro•isal it•.o.lflirlll (. and 11,111,41 CM ,11.1 t . ,, f.torn ;Mel. to li2 ta, call and -n.• Ilotan J S I - I% St ( 'JO. I -rm. Midi:, U og ?dor:. CEPUALIC PILLS. 11 , 0f t ':, ,, ,, 41 . ... j r: : , t „ t . 1 72. ~.,11G olden Moriar free Pviteil for XJ Coln ~ e.. tut 2..ti0 y ,I.•. Cola ht. "Unquestionably the best sustaine . d. Work of the kind in the World." 11 AIIPIII'S lAGAZINE. rr I tun- 1 porf..r Monthly in the oc.i . ll.—.Ne 1 OL•. r \1..10 ' .. 1.1, I.arnite 5. • .11.1 •• 10 • :. 1- .0 well k molt 111 none tot- 1101, •••0 mai, 1l atler-; nod, Sc.' to./ ) -.Or 1) -1/) . . 1 one 11:..;1 • 00is etl ra• iargt• it it tlttsio. 111 :111- 111,,o110.• It, 1.1111111, , ,,z1,1 1 1 l 1.. 0'111) el., it ;iv.: pt•tt ,,, 11.•111 ill, rat It us 11,11 joivoto-t A141,1100e of Ille tloy. The fires.l.l‘. er 11..1 a 11.Gre 111 114,111(111 1 4 1 . 3311 1111141114 ttttt 1111 4 . 1 trnt re t• tt lemtitt l e t z I * , Wool. Mall Ilart/cr " ., Mug t ' tt,...—.11rtittr.14 . ,1 Pe 1,t,N7 It I Maillillar , ) 4100 01 / 11/t• I• 1 1, • 11 - 1110 (1,0r1; 01, ii• 10 1 .1. 0,1 1111/.1 . 4.1 Li tlg LP" money 111111 we I.IIIJ N. • floe) . I.loll l 'r- t le- ( I,r ',or. 111111 whot t'.4; r• 1 cr 5:01,1 ,r 1 1.1, 7 I'M tim 'nine 111111,1,1,1 • illklnit Il,rol/11/0.111111 110 W Inie 1131 ,11.-1,01 1111 11,11.0 0141 • 11111 dl It Idea+, Awl-. :ult./ ,11.1ttott, It kvt• ;too NI) 0 . 1111 ,- • illove all, 11 late Ittlttutr 11;.11 tettt.-Itt , the 41ta1 l.rttig .1 ; t;olit't• 1 .1 441111111, 4 11111 1/11,1114 . 11 1111 4 1 34/. 4 411 4 4. 4 1131111111 11 11111, Lr. mid 'lt , 114.• la •Cll/1 , 111.11i011 of 111111.11„1111 I.” (1111 • 1 4 111 111, :1 1.11 1 111 44.. • 11)1 4 41 , 11111 0 111 , 11. 144 4. 11141 1 . 1110 1111,41 1144 . Opito-1,1, /r/ doll:or. 111 t sot: lOU 1411, - 111111 II li.op , r sr. rt. 11; I ot• or fin.. tone- a- deo.. 11 0..1,1.1 i • low., I. I- !tourer. o 1111 11., .111. 1 of a Me01,111,—....1 a 1...1/1. lilt 11 11,,G0 ; 4 1,1 1114ja, 1, no. I el a •oittawr 01 11 11•1 wit 111111 1 11411 . ) 3.10( . 11(1 . L444- 1011 1 11 :11.1211 rll3, 333,1 1111,5', 4 1 ) 1411113 01 nnrlr.uu2. 111111 U111,011)0 I /10 1 1 1 / 1 1 , / 1 1 I 01.1.1' — , ott the r.t lraw, '1 he 54141111 W. 1/0111111 1 011-111111 e 'll n It ' hi - tri 111,00:1.1.4 Oil. suell rout lull .10111 11, jilt . ill ;illy Witt r 1011110111 ti t Tt Ln. 1 4/111t • 1311111, nor 11/1110e.—Ller.won ( 'num • I . ll.;llr , lttonslay It I. the Jo • -1 .11-1 , 11104 nor:. or tile L.... 1 In the 1.1 1, 0 10. e, 1111111. to .11) 111 Ille World. '1 . 11.0 .n1e.1111.1 loonthl3 • Ilona 11. e 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 ., —:V V. Chrktio ArlroPritr and ;lemmal. v ....t ttler il, 11,111- 111 eulogy 1111111 1 , 0 ,2, 11 luul 1/0i eset 1i..114,a I:ttliter'ft Jour. on. ...11 11 11111111t11% l it ell 4.1 MI% of tO ttttt :01,W eonie to olio, 1...14e- ore to he 11111114 i 44411111 e 01 1110 1 41114 )1 4 4 11 4 4111 111111 ttttt irrtai L 1 44111111 00: the 4141 y \VI` 4 411,114 04 1111 4 . U011:114 MI 4,1•101/1 the Atm. , ot.:tit prop)... awl Ile 1.01 1 111.0 11, a 100 l nepolett I. 1;11011 1/11/010. r - 011 ant- lolly 1.11 poGrO 11l lit use trial/CI • .41/prOp,llll. l ly 1110-1 rel.! W 111 •400/1 tool it a 1.101.,,, 111 111 44 1 1 11 1111, •,111.4). 11341111111) 111111 1111 1 1111,15' 3 11111:0/40341111,11 il 4 l Iy. 1. 1 . 111/1,11 51, 11 the be-t len ' lore- 11l Ille 111(0011. It 111 el :rent 11/IWOr 111 lilt . rrenll/111 11 1 11 tll.-lltit; ation of a 11/71..; 01 pure litera• I lore. - - . 1 . ..1.t11,11.10z Ulla). rI .tliarir in Li le 14111- obon. The Matardne may he otmattetl of flool.aoller4. r odleal or li ant Ilte 1.111.11-hera. tat Tam,: 1 / 1 , 1.- ',tr., or Twr.N C a Numbrr. 'l'lll. etlll-.11111l1:11 V 0111.0 1 ,, :I. yompieled, 1w:illy hound in Cloth, al •1,11 1)011•1,cleli; a n d Muldon l'oa• r- arc (tarot hrd to ilia, aho wl-11 iln l u ck Nu.- ' lo,•". unito.lll4 1/001.1. dt l'wrot)•five Cen , " Tarittl \'o'll,lll, Olt 110 W te•td), bail :la 111 Cloth. and , arm 11l 11.0 1* Call. . . Tile 1'O'lli•11er- Mill .apply Spee4ool Nooll.e, :4(.1000041y 10 Age.... and 1 . 0-tsna WI, :Mil Will r Illtike litter..l at rcliegenteni- with ifll . lll illr ellecllcking l the Nitethithe They •• IA nl-o ....poly Club. of Two 1 re 1..... nt rive Dull Ir. a 3.•.. r; ... l'Ave l'erAoms nt 'Ten Dollars. 4:1..1'4)1111n .....1 l'enehers supplied :11 Two huh. r , It \ .•or. Number. , front the 1.01111111`111,- 111 , 10 1•311 110 W lit •llprifie a /11.0.111e1 , 001141 Volume.. The Mug:ante weigils o.er ....veil mul not ()Oil . 1 .. .g , t 01:1,.. The l'oouge upon roe'. Ntionher, m'lli. Il 010.1 he path gal.a.h rly in odv.ince at the ME., %lore lite .../: , 1.1:11.110 4 I. 0 eelelel.i• route ChN C. lIAIII . IiII k 11100 I'll lW$. subscriber is now receiving and offers & lot !Jig, -owl: of ;all 1.111‘1.. or Cott. pie expir• , ly tar i.0111 . y 11. e, lir iiIP toll or 111 .- yn wad a ill deliver it to oily poi a of Ike low u. Compairy, No. 2.. 1 1. 4 awl Short Aloimittii. Nog. 1.2. mid I, 1.) heti- Valle) I:gg mid Siiive, clam 3ln. No- 1.2.3 aii.l Smil.ury 'red I , .gr ;Ind Slov-, 1•11,e I:eg and Muse, owl Stove, W [m tre'-. No.. 1.2,3 iiiid 4. Th.• a t.ove Coal I- ult kept wider cover, clear front dirt :mil -lute. Dui rvimaloag Coal by :he ctosso :111.1 cdr %%CI ioltorl to liar. :olvalaag, to call and CX.4111. Itivuq -lOrk 1.1 . 101 C 111,i:141.4"g c,ecwltcrc. Selo. 15, ltb(1. 11. N A. \RUE STOCK Of LOO I'S' AN) SHOES. 1111:r. (•0..1 11.01 s final with 1411../..n Kid Roos %SIM h.Bow. \h--a. M 0.., 0 ~,, In .1:111i. I 1.. Ml,e•-• Moril, o 1:04.1* Wllill.lll lilv (Exiell). Nlett• (FAINI). Jlru. C:111-1.111 tsitot. tot.) Tho • •• • h ,V.. r‘sreh,,,,,l front lint hands ul d .11 a .111.111 =MIZE B AR C.AI f."! BARGAINS! TIIE tintiersiencti. Assignee of Henry Plait -1 Columbia. h:1. fur ;..a:e. a .11:4e sloch, of Ce iba, ‘li low. Tin mod Copi.cr.lll,r,-, Cone n i Pudo. :Move, of all Om Impruseki :•11001.4. hr j 21 genvral o•-ortowii. of Iluu~c-Punit•h- Ilurdadn•,S.l, 0411.,11 lie will al , ur) low for Ca-li to elo.eout the root en, It levum,ill-at WV! . olt. nit 6, .1- •/, • Colinlry Si• rein ep.'r4 ate itiv“.ll in tx:unlite the t”. vk 15.41 , 11,0 y br.01.l early ll t- ti, , I le. I•c).1.61 wait :111 be g• veil ti.II • N.O ,Ippo•tie tin! Dank. CAA). HI H. 1.1:. It I r.1,(1. Ap•i,ttee. 'iLe Best, Cheapest, and Most Success ful Family Paper in the Union. II ALB. ' r. IL ' 11 El , P.ive nurnlorr; : 4 ,2,50 per jetiT mit!: vak!. V). di , •Olighilior... rind the Vattte of the t•tmta 110 . W IV a complete lemory rf pearl)) .01 the public eveltiv et the yeatt —theft , ale 11111111 p 1.-•...1111011. L.ll lire I,olllig tope.--.lime on, the v.. 1,10 trace:. toot alon)• triv;tll, however i.ot ) 1.1 the Lonistrt rl , lltere are the 1)04•.. 11,1 -1111111.• Of Iltslwer. Dieltetitt Ttoretteroy..Stc. —in. le oe the new Laud Old—and, .040Vett11,11tele ;how .l iii 111 C wood cut reprevcitottsoh. 01 ruts ellen wild thllutt-. cud f. 111 1 ,1111114. 1111 d of ,•11• i ,111111 t.1.1111111i1,..-.11111 1,111.1,11.711 .1111111 11 1.111,4,.. 10,114. ;1,1 ut 1/e1 lied for ...trig. It t- r crlltl rule hook 01 the huito , ll 1 , 1 , of doe .1111c.feld11 rl.llllulll I 1 1 l all It' pl.a.t.v, lot! tteurl3 tit I)ulitm4 , r 1 of I elude, 11101 rover. tituy Lae thicte , .ted 1,3 ti— the old utul thou:0010.11w 3 thotg Laud g:13; the nt.to On bu-illeze, the and UK: WOlll4l/.-.%. Et:ening ~0111.1 ai , 11.0 fall at vaill 1111,1,9 m b .//47.75 at me %%roc not tva.ll 111111 it in 111 n 1,111. , II) 1•,11,7i 1 , ‘,1 , 1,11rd 11, the 1...1,1,1 51.111, 1 .1111t110, 114.,1 aaJara altaa . . at . €lO-14e to Wale( Male •ata luta OW a et Cala Orliter.a./a . lOO rrev.d.,llt. 1,11.111. the int, ll+ a: o• ,•r-. 1 . 1,1 lle. . 11 ,111 1.• 11 . .111111 1 1, :11111 ,14/.41 0 1.111C1 114 16 11. . LOMIUR Arlectgor. A. 1.. 00110 0 . 110:111 11/ ant r no, the ‘ellove-ooveree Itteratere, wo -ho 614 be glad io b. t.t",-no's IN et kl) Ia At.ll,n 1.0 L of lb°, p ll.rr. • tool. 0 , 1.1 r.r r%ogteb eta. o loot, 1 o.t•hy 1101, el-. te Fork .I.:; ,,, Wpgir..f. I II 1 I , tlrehl..) pro— r lot Itio hog . 1 , 1 4 oo rxot./b Id uppto woo) t- aldordt d for 4011 not pleterso art bo.torl. of lie corm br, made. In ill , .0 1..\ Liat.g %V, i,ll —FO.I frt.; 11. fresh letiVe*. 11.. c.e.ir It 1•e. * .1 4 ell) , 11:1C:1014 ).;1• fio , 11,...0 the h . .. the t ttie-.lts eat:tautly 01.1 I able rorre.utealeher. all eosultine to make Ii the nhadel lieuksirver nl 0.1( C 001.1 1 .), Ind one •”11 , c•bad. ssev.ly -um 111,r ) oi I or, tgli ..ttal lit, o• th • ..tualt. lit ati) oth u•• er John.; Breuer leJlthtteett tont at II fin 11l fur 111,..e ra . .11,01. :I el loadtag 1110,41 • arr4ol IV. Ir dr-elVa tor, it ist• 1.11141 111 Witte )ru re abs etepeotne Li COIIIPS.IIIOI. 11, I. 1,1 i) .111,1 fir. tic day t-I1 11.-1 pert-ext —. l /cOot.trisralc 01) Inquarr, • H srper•.= Wrehly , rlrrtr.rrl pc T. a nd tae tuusn 1:11,11-hr dul all) 111.1 e. One Copy for Twenty t% eek., 51,00. I 11, I,op) iur one re.lf, V.AU. One Com f.s• Tao Yew-, 407. 1 - t, r. Corte. for One Yr.ar. !, to Twelve Coptee :or thin Year. tar Ivo. Twenty-five Coide- for urn- Year. 4n.en. An Extra ropy 1,111 he ,bowed Tor every elan oi fweive Or Da:relay-tire .....I.Cithcr.. It'll al, 1., II . Mid M.. for ille Yen,. 1,67,..1.49, . r d n.Y. , .0f -HARPER'S WEEION," handsomely beund Cloth exam, Pricc 5.3.Ai curb, are now ready. HA ill'I.:1C dr. LIOO'IIE.L., !..' I'.ll Franklin tr,.u.rit . Nv.v York NOR. RENT. roa sztLr. IRON, S:c SHA DES! SHA DES! r- T I: It AI s I Caard COALS IS V. AVM/I,D. 1 4,5, 2, 111Ili c. t Waal Ondo = EN= Johnson's patent Hog Trough. -uli•eriberslideing purelittiiiett the tight twines • at - Allure mud jell iityelitipii in Luitgastorpotott). ale-ire to liiiroiltice tt.Lo gruerul ale ill- a part iron trottel.s7i h ~b ittlilg top, of itatiefetit eaiutpit) to 111111 ate food of one hog. -It dopstrae tea that the too so.e. cannot get it- feet 11110 it.adol inu-1 mhc fps 0 ., d Wlllloot d tog'amd rephoatiog. fly the alt augment of the top Ili: hog .is prevented from iv!: OW II the 11011211 IStllk . d.Sl/0.1 , /d/le lop rnu be -It /I. J ni Milt. the :rough will lie found m ereut eon eeeieuee iii frothing. unit inni.t. %%ties k nem,. berms": pivot it. rho trough- ore for rule 1,1 lOC chops its Srrood e I below Untou. Cal taa, l'a. SUPPLI:F: & Co!unti.itt. July :21, 1430. 14Ieaks Wear. CI.OTIIS Crt.ximera.. haunr•tts, Jet, a 10 11...01 . 11111,11 not 011..1.1114,10 Which WC 111 hile 1111011 of tla• gt•utry 1.0 & 111. F. BRUN.: R, Cot.' i rd nal Mao C.;lioulder Bract and Cheat Expanding SuspEn urr,311.4 et teed tt nit for cute .1. S. D1.1.1.171'1'. 6. Go.. Drug Store. P - 1111 F.ol.ll 4 lirel, Cal :tibia 17496.1t18T2' STORE. JINT RECEIVED, a tarter and finer stack 01 To ) . I lotto . FOO.l. Ihuu eVIU brlure. My' Wend-. and ollier.are invited to roll and eZantitte the .took betot r. pOrelm-or: el , ewbere. st. they will here find WI 1111:11.111ed .1".0 , 111/"..1. fan:dile for pre. e.. 11.10 itev-utt. of e.very aud 1,1010. An ttttttt ett-e tc, , nitnient of Porintontnite. , , Poe het CHINA awl other Vikeley .Arlmle.., tot, In Mention, for -ale by (1. J. r•Ai 11 11. Lac u.l betneeit the Hank and rranklitt /loupe. Columbia, bett.l3, In3V. P. SHREINER Et SON, .Front ,st., below the Bs idge, Columbia, pa. \ - s r E h justl rctu i rned front i e " ,-ortmelo of Gonda. ' , elected rate troth time, Iteitt factorti-4 tit 111 , cutintrx.— (Inc Stork '4llow very lit rye, con-i•diott ul ATCII ES. CLOCKS, •iilverware. %Vtirt•. Lirw•elei, nrcioelte , , iil 1:111:•1 C. 111•0. I..tvu .111 Jet. Mug, I tngrr Rlnc Alt•da 11 , 111-, Gold Penn. r•ltitt.t. 1i.e1,1 Hooka. . %Ve mvU. the puii;te in cive ti% It rail :11.,1 examine nut :0•11... c-iteetttlly are tit ,I V 1,11 1 ,4 order :mil sit)) regulitted, will I.e 'told tit 1110 iosrcet pricee. P. SIIRKINCR S. SON. Apti: Cava rt nersla ip. HAVE thi. day o—olottlet , .1111 llty.o.'f itt htteme.. toy rote. Geortzt li. 11ttittole• t o coporopr-lop with I as ill I,IOIIIIIIV the Itu-itte..., al the old ..t.ottl m Loin-I greet :plow Set cod. rimier the Ulm of .1. Rumple & Solo I into th cre to the 1 . 101111, for pa-t lihero: pairoltoge. tool he-pt euulll , t -t, th e him JONA:, It U ,h 1 1 .1.41,:. C 041111111.0 April .2lott, Th.• -CsZerlirvt, %you d ruJ LLe Offeillio . l of • 11ie 11111111 C to rite LAIIGESI'()CIi. OF lIAIIDWARLI, I.•relVed I .lwisi. 'Hwy c•ili r comoleie of ilwa loot of Liu.ine-s aitlwr %V 11.31,4.1.• or H. 1.111. Mr, linty .I‘,l ILltitt lion. Iklrel. to 711,•y Iluvt• et.l.-i.t.1.1) 1.11 i.;11111 n 11.11C11; of 11041111 i; r...•el of krtol-; Oil•. V... 11.1tes. 0.11111- ,:111•. dr ; u largt• -luck of Gull/ :111d I Itnny Packing. (.n4.4.01:611 A :urge of Cool Oil Lump- S liadr., of vn ri tttt 1.1.01, New-elle Oil 111 ,1u• very 1,-1 Aecn,c for Vlll,ll Patent Champion I , i, and Uurglar Prow rule. .1 C VNI MX. & SON:. I.oeu•t reel below A p n I ...IS. I - - - - LARGE. LOT OF FRESH GROCERIES. gAIIUEI, F. EBEIMEIN then Jlll hi. 1t.0.h.14....11 the public. gt•veraity. to 111. -100. of ruetovetit, etrit,hotitg ofcre..., le.: I. Ittttyttt. n r i l'ut key Col fez It cline.' 1'i11Vt,1,4.1. uud liro.ru S, ego,; t lord, Sell, Sm.', A 11,1.8.•,.. overt olkrr 1111❑ tmuplelu the r..s,f4rllllVlllol .1 Fir-I Cl ti I °eery. I ‘vol oder lie rood• nl a.: low a 1111 Ce 111") C. 1111112, Iroacrb..attycvin•is el•r. cpt. 'CO I()112 3.\ LE, 100 WO rung 1,111, Sti I 1 •i I, 60,1•03 do. 3 •• n. B. 9 1 , 90 1 . .11'11 1111 , 111 Partners Give this Your Aventiort! BARRELS Pare Ground \o.l Plaster, ri Us 1.11014 . , for - - • A PP01.0 .4 NVan.bOu4c, Canal II nin NI ay 5,•110. OJAI:33IOAT 13). 'NESS, rpm: it. uq ua ueiu lrsJ togUlier forrhe . pun., of 114. ter, in COAL & IRON COST MISSION BUSINESS, ire tire 601.1.411 fit C 010.11..., 1.010 . 0.1t,r COUiitY• • e , peeifully Worm lLiteprl , then Ili.) 'sieve 10 •iiiMi true, die. olonal fitful turret nl 11.• road Comp.uty. lee rf oit tiertcr.l %ale 01" Clip litiiitlre. feel 11l 10.QIII I,y -txry -is feet awl an . 110 0. iore• oiir.ri ire iroeio•ve erred tr.iii-hip Celli' moil lea. On lire 100.1 .1111.10.10ry bent, Uui lariel ie. ter Jung 10.. an..ollial we fl iluer urn ..ye. ther e wolf ilui le. airy (10(0011011 in au Watilliig ell Height of. olio-emote.. %Vie -oolwia 0101 WO- Mi." Ott rue (Intl tirififilit ilittitlllloo 10 the 11%131110 ,, it Uelci./ 211 OUr cale. A AIM!, S. 1. 1?1,,EN, Ti 11 IS I% 1:1,:-.11 A dare., 8111:EN L WELSII, ..:alutaLmt. V. 51ti) ',Ago. Now Goods. 111111: zuh.criller havott: Ju•l returned from th.• city Of 1 4 110 W opentesg .toseotttioniv lorLT•• .tddo too to to. (ent:er on.i.totg :of ug., 1.4 e atuli., le.:uwhirl• ;Ile 31- lelnkliti of quested Apr:ll4 1,4:(1 NOUN FELI 2C, • WAT HDIAKE & JEWELER. Mont Sit eel, between Ltocasi and Wu/oaf ' COLUJIIsIA, PA. 1 lIC Subscriber invites alicalin to his very 14ritti and elia.ce truck of WATCHES' CLOCKS,& JEWELRY, lie•ii• prepared Li. jell cheaper 'hula I hey trill be bmr,htnu nay roller e - iabli.limeni. pre pared 1001 rel ttrettilialllllll,.ll.l iin re-pneliull)ur crtc.lhe llteln.lolloldultilaters. tohi. 'tuck which SAA) AND SILVER WATCHES, o Leven Find; nil kind. of CLOCKS from 161.50 up. wit ril..irei avow-the rzieniion oflluol lire n Inlrislarge of LEV i:l2 111 1 AT Cl OCKS,JI; -1 -Inns Of EnT Ring, rinse) Ring. Itrear.i y.. it Nailed Soup ilJc a II': Pt, ...pool's Fork.. A:c. which Are wierflinlnn In r.) aqua Ito silver. Gold and Silver reit. ci7iiiandPe: r ;old an or iilve I , iiirefaviii c: r nuerher sell, the groateAl yarn. ty o f r.ANCY A lITICINS ever bairn offer • I. ViirLE ro. a allpnliOr...kertnient Of lie yn'vers and other Pa-tole arid all Lind. o a like beltunra.nl.elure. nixie a..ent on wi I Ihe riVe./I.nYnnrnintern.Lo the tcpairin`, o I ...lockei, watch.. arnlje welt)and all snark wariaared- A C*11:1 .- • once of ~erne rd "tr." anger j re.prci- Cali, .I.IIIIN va:l,l Cilion•in 0 .April 11.1F.60. NEW FALL AND WINTER DU GOODS. ‘NTE ore now opening at the corner or Thrril and ll.:44141 r•irret, a lac.te trod very desirable hit of FALL AND WINDER GOODS, wh“.h iortle particular all, ling , ,, Mom, u e I only. u 4 4 41 earmileger Printed and l'lnjo , NI , rita• tuti A Immo-. lel price , : tile 9 tilt: I: em W444c 411441 fellow loorir, from .20 c4r 4.10 • 1- ; *dickPl. , 4 a la rge 11.601/100.111 11.1.0 vary r he 4p I omilemen are rerun a. (I la exhtaime our Sleek DI 1.1:.1ek and fancy C..losed eloge.t. 1t14.1. ;and P.lll.Dy 4 • 444limere, ;Nom, ..14k oval Velvvi Ve4444,244 r 5aj0u_144., K" , ".. ) , Y Jean., Trt cods, &e., which at will vCII u. ramp as 11444 rheap.•u. BOON Iced ;Omer, 114114 and Cap., a:15.0, 44 ,m very lost rrlee, l'autry produce lakco iv • .14 Lange. (or F e Dar at I & 11. I' Itl7.l':\ CR. Cunit,lll,clattl Umull H. C. roxinEnsmiT El ' S NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' II A LL, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, FA., WILL VC OVEN TO TOR. PrOLIC, On Monday, October Ist. ISGO. J. W. BOWERS, Fuperintendent. QUITS ns important is the arrival of New .01 MilLtifol Dre.... Cocoa. at the old ...OWL:died the Col tonhia 11 re the •tifili,t will Le happy to •ee all 111. old e o.im d ,,, ~,d e ma.ly new oi l ,. will favor luiri i heir pa. awl at Her •USlit• Elite •c, ”I ( . 111,0:11,Etellle.111 Cy,. ;11.,V Cldelpf 1.1,01,/if: to. odd Fellow • For the v. rp liberal crienorngcsneni heretofore re ceived from the lie• pie ro Columbia and %lemur. nod the public SettelfetY, during ht. reFidence Ili Col me lon .heMN ra 1141, .Inreve I hal 1 4 and l:opra nt ttit tit and receive a eonimuunre of their -mile, ;1411 good virrelies. Further purueulare I.erraller. 11. C. Fos v Sept.:l"J ;CO. reopleu Caralt b.ure, Columbia School.Books,..School Books. TO TEACHERS A! VAIMINITS. 11"7El'ue now tecitdy io Supply Teachers nud Pa . rent s %sob Sargent'. Iteuder4 and zvellent, at tat.d tittelion vice% AI-o, oil Scitool Books js*t•ed in lawn and eopstry, "the ver). i'"*"lP""4 A'll.olt & MeDOI4I.I). rreot tttreet, between Loess' and Walnut. Q, I. 1/18.A1.1 , :lt IN Every Description of Lumber, nlmi and CA pre-- miinttle-, I)rr•-ed Flooring. ~Ceall,rrhu.o dun;, WillliOW Pir!el•. and ..veq thing In In- line or bo-ine!.... Ile i-jo-t reeeiv ng In- sp. ing Sloe 6 101 1.0.'1.1- and ha- on hand a larLe and cowplrle 1...0r 44444 . 111 or DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. ihuite “nd rr:u.u•e tio ("lOW titteCl. between Lo eo.t ai.q Union. Cnlumh ia. Pu. =I iIEOWN'S BRONCHIA Is ruocuES.--We have I_l o,eo -,104t the Ulm e Cough. 1.0,41ge- 01 41.- 1..01 1 ) Nit:44ll"e t•ttore•atil M 411111,44 111141 11,41 Lave giv,•ll grovial %am-faction to all that have u.ell them. The Het.. Item y %VatJ lierehel t•tty..-o far tt , t he lat. had 111 °ppm 1, oily of C 01141.4,011 /31 . 01 N IC:" Troche. ate preeir.ol,loll) 1110 111,1 of the great I.to, age jJah.2., Large Supp lyof rxTre A Sugar Cured 110.11{i til real uer Ito., 121 plain 114 m-. 1 . 4 Nie-4 rock. I_l Miutt .- - 511‘11.411.* 111 " 1 . 011110 C., al .1:1 cents per bu+lirl FOl Fllll . 111 Ihr %lore of TIIOAIA-4 ‘V I•11.-.11, Clllo.llbill. Nlny .9 'UO. .Iliad of Canal liu-ol COCOAINE. The nhov. re-vt-ive d the 1 g teate-t rev° ll 11l vmt., %low: it- a beloillin,r a,,,1 pr o - Meter al growtlt uC the hair, 11.1. , 11.10, bccu Ft d'ese tut lt. W 11.1.1 A NI:, Cola. A 1,111 21.:60. Trout en eel. COAL OIL: TT.',:,,u;n7r(l)lll eOL van et; :And 1,11.kJe., ot tiro 1)..11, Sc.. Ac. .1. II UM P 1.1; & SON, L0C11 , 4 reel below Seeolid, Columbia, pri I .2.4, 1,60. niliD SEED. Just received a new crop or _ u p „.y, and he nice-, .t.eed town. at J. S. DELIA.; I'T & CO'S April 14,110. thug :mute, Front -,eel BELLEVITE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS Columbia Penna. U 1111.1.11,, th.II hr lin , rentril the I. :wove v•tilil shell ;out wi•lhk moon !hitch tool i.el o;tiotro rt , or tine .4,41.1.110,111 . 0111 01 the pittiite. Ile 11.1". fttri,tirti the luau-cllllll I. Ilti 1 1, 1.1 to votor• teen traveletr, and boalticr•. I Ina t.nalr vent tar well eveollining liar marker ;Mos!, AI hr Ilar me 11l lie tutted the ar-t lo tools to all I.loth. 01 D onor. C,skilecied with the Ilulcl, iti the an-emeiti is it FIRST-CLASS 111.:S'I'AUTIZANT, Stir lc, oast othar ttre Lea (iir 111 roost . 1 ) first-nao ny^ter.t, w larga or -mall amkallay, at o•noroatia, of the pu.AI c Ie it:sp.:ego:ly 4o'i..ib•d. 11. LOCKA111) Comm! iu, Ap II 21, THE LUMBER-YARD AND OFFICE, formerly j or. upird LS r..tth, U 1101113.. :M.1; 4 (11111. 141 po• Imv• yr bud .•1 t:otombia; it y, ill be rented et, y low•, 11111 i 111 -loth -tied lot- it- Will bull per -.011, Vklabillg 10 rent l'or tci to- outwit., or 1: :I EH,III.IV, • Jul 2.7:40-te Ftory tem: ;Mitts. UT Fly l'olwr, for rioure and Panne., Ae • Iw zi—ortIIII•31, 111 5.1,1 1,0 Si. AIcIIONALD . s. Apr,l rt. Columl•ia. T"'' .011=erilter having reilivit Lillie Kai,. and ii the Could It, 1•111. l• I,ll.p:trod to -121,1113 THE BEST QUALITY OF LIME, for 11011.1 log or Mattoling purpo.r=,in forge or rqnall 111111111.1 tie, 1.1,11 e 3/I.IIIIIN f.tipp'ivil at renqrmablr raw-, F.. 1 PP M.l). Gin. April 51. '59. Can:lll34,in. I'. 71. u-I SiIIiNLIFACTUREIL Or Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Locust Street opposite the F;aaklin House, Golumia, Pu. THE invile• the olleinliou of the i!ehlie to 111- :tout netl ,lioe Store 11 111 Marotfue;or, usher,. he i- phopalt 1.1 to -twill) . or Inakrtu older ever) .I. , frt) of 11,-0-• and Cltildrelez SHOES, GA IT EIZS, 13001'S, SLIP- t . PERS, &c, 11,. 1111't. not.,. tow the 1.1.-1 imolerhal, :Ind hi- semi, in Onto. by 4'4,1 , A1.11,111e11; he 11.1111, Out tin olh. r 111.111 ;; .7 WII. k. le lir ulll w.l 1 mill it- ...111.4.te1t, it In -1)11 . , in and 1 ver) ttlber 01u15...10r. Ile lei;,/,.r -h- ;II soil, torn and libetul putsonage and -ullell- 11- eolliotuallee. Colo Lin. Jul) 21 TO J UST retaVed a fresh. supply of all tltr the day, which as t. WIIIrt“ Vied geillll , le, ill the (..OLDEN Jiot raR ::rscr; Dee 3,1a5...1 1 1 10111 Col uwbm LUMBER DEALER, COLUDIBI IA. Office in. Northern Central Railway Dept Building. foot of Walnut st, HA- o:t Ilu•ul at lo•noott Asnoflllll.t ut White Pine and Hemick Lumber, WHITE PINESIIINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, &re Good Qualities,at the Lowest Market Fates• 9,7.tlere W11.1.1A31:4. et Columbia Insurance Company, TIIIS Company is atahurized by its charter lit 1,1-tire 111 the voulslry. or In 1m..1:1 , -• Or 11111111114, by OrP, 011 1:1. 1 11111111 1 1 for illy Iruelh or int o .. 11111.1 rd or perprl OA I, either :Or a cash 1»11111811111 Or O.C I OiIIIII 1,01, Thnn• ho n.sare far a preiltilllll 1101.• w I be in fiir five 3 eta-, wen -alject ;(i n--e,tugnits ut R.C. of 108,e, ' rho , who incure for n each oromioin will lie it, ..uool for alit mum noi ea:eel - ding Ilma yro,, and u.rt -ui.j.oo to ally 11 14 .y4-1111•111 4 . 010 r per trill I~rrm lull, 11 . 4 1 he (11101g0j 011 1.1101 iitoperip tor the 10101 02 her )t:11.1 ,1 . DEPOSIT SYS-PENt prnperl) tx4ll br iv.titeti lor the leirre 01 Wit jear, fora tleinn.il 01 Iltree per eels, of the 1111101.1 111 lire *loin amount of hire prennuit t 1101 e 14 be rerullled nt the exotrarrou of Bre pohey. w rollout r0t5.....m.,r, t s .....m.,r, li st polies• ro be re newest for ion )eurs, with. 4.01 y at 11,11 option ,f 111-are r. The Company anti, In 1•111111,y a ounilier of good Agents. whu will Inc NMI-heti wain the neee•-al.) ~..iruemeu . . u..llloug • I the °thee of lire Company. tit the Borough or COllll3llOOll, Pell 11.3 1,11161. rot See...la ry I.S UITMA N. Pre,ident, Al 11. :MA PILL , . Vs. a Preehlent. (.1;0 Yu 11\c. ro . :11.M. l'itle6l.l.3t. Tre.asto or, MAP; 11, : , 111LAIA \‘'l'A'l"l . \V. N111.1.111{. DEN ItY H. \ On% lAA., J A47.1)1t "0.117.. 111:NI:1" %WU% Colombia. I..tut..Aturr Co.„l'eun'4,3furcli 13,1660, M.inelnl7, COILCIMILIVENG. CARTER St Al " ks 3 ,- BECKER, COACHES, GA ItRIAL; ES, BUGGIES, &C., -. Second Street. nearly opposite the Lutheran hureh, olutnbia, Pa. SILVER MEDAL. Ist EMI UM —ISS9 BRONZE CDAL-151 PREMIUM —11359 Awarded by !Lc Llacaster atiagy A Trieutia rill and Mechanical &cloy. riEll subscribers tall tlllentioll to the fact first rr.1111.11/1, r nwar.h.tt them mitt I mirewoir r COO,Imy A Heti!! ti nil .11.1 ICI y ltor 1/11. 'n . 1 , 1,411(1401: T.r, Hug•. eihibitrit ihr Fair m theminty 10 (Pctoher,t;.s9; n thence Alethal—Fii.t trlailium —for the beat N;rottli• At tbetr Conch and Carnage Alaling Fl.tatilipli inpLi, they 1 1 01111110 e 10 111.4 1 ,0111e1U1t C011C:0,1 1 . Nage*. /toggle.. 1/101 all oilier vehicles 411 (low fine. Their rcaniattan workme laid; c.c. I.llllO l llCd. 111 1 tiuY can 4 011114,1111 y claim for their we, k Ilre merit• of beauty or form. elegance of ti 11101, and .Irenallt ni siructore. (toe or the do.tinque.la rig of dlornbilily; all vehicle. of Their burial we eint.lrucied of the 1.-1 .e.l.oned flan C -01.1111101 107.V11/0 r firmly and toLotoUltally. Ta I.t Alive partivolor &dr011... So I lie ErA truNG OF VEIIICILM sttl .mslfr.A1111•II lheu cirol. in lliH incl ICI give 1.411114 14climp. In atklittne to lite' r t..10,11•Oco of (Jenuoie ICern-ene Or Con `Olll lll l , nt burn in the above lamp., all 01 vtlneltenn 1 1 0 Prue oral on very rea.vat.b,e terale, at lilt.ig Slate of Din . 3 1.59 11. WI T.II AN B ESL — --- 1 1 su ribt• r ha. on haiitl 41,117rahlwrrik, finllla frutl. [I.I , IIVDA At, Nov 21, lt , lll. (or. rrolll mIJ 1.111i1.1 TRSIOII SALE. We have a large lot o cilart. half gallon and gallon Jars wfih tut rd wale, we Willovo,e or .11 • %try low figure. 0V.1.1 Err Ac. PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER. 11r1 juri resunu•[l from thr• oily w•i ih slap Jemita lk..orianvolt oi an the slew 111Ili I Iluraved putteru rn is , Of COOK, PARLOR, STORV: AND OFFICE Whit+ I red .11II•ral`ii will compare tvtil. IlllVnllirr -I:ll,ll,6eneil of l'hilaaelithin Ca II and ex oe %shad. st.il be null ul u autall utlvauee. HIRAM WILSON, N. W. Car. grcond moil Locust Columbia. reipi. 15 I-61.1. Sportsmen Look Here! 1 , 0 double ad litirrel psi recr,ved nt the IlanlWlice Store o 1 J 1111.11.1 e Dool,le lusrtfol sfl. lip to eGO bar rel from Er.l. 10 . . ''v hay« r.•ceived tit she panning litre. -licit a.= Powecr, Siam Caw, l'u,itcr 11.,k-. Shot %Wait,Citig.Gairic Dag, &C., which , c 10 ,i I at very low rule.. r • ntual>in. Aug 25. .1. 11(1111'1AI & Just Received large ay.oriment nithe Ime.t improved row: Oil [.•1111r and CWIIIIIII, UWI. a •lIVErICT Unl It•:P 01 , 0111 Oil , all of which wall lie auk& a 1 rcduerd primes. by . . MUM The first Raft of the Season. E. K. SMITH, Will be receiving during the Spring. 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4,000,000 " " " bout. 2,000,000 " Hemlock" " 1,000,000 Plastering Littil, 500,000 Wlitte Pine 250,00 Cypress Shingles, sarA General Assortment of 'Worked Flooring, Siding, ike. tniar.3. NEW GOODS Jun RECEIVED. 'I I IIE Soheribers have just opened a large /nit vie,..13-lu,nrtint...: al .0 4-u1e..1.1.• good., o whtelt 'hey mould. Ivae the attention of pareh,ter, ran-mins al noir. Fat/ S•yle••• silk.. (rein al ot, to to, lard. Vrenelt Mellow, All-wool Ca-nmere., Flannel, Delatiteg, Printet,Glaves.Cinun.'n... 111.tilket-,Cloth4o.lammeres,S.lllllell.. Yeltale..Cat pen, Oil 13 teelt, Window :Shade., •1t0i4% and t.inectt , w.tre, 6rocertrs alld Pfedlaaill4, to gether a`ull .11 otto r goods I.l.tranr kepi in manta dine.: till of which they will tell at the very lowe-t ea-lo puce:, County' produce of all Lind. taken, in exchange for good. at the highe-t marl, et pace Thanki - ul for the a A . ea.l y literal pat ronnge beAtowed upon alu in. they would -.ay to their en...t0m,,, and the eolllllllallly in general. ;hat by Parr 10,11144, •Il lel at 1e141.011 In hu-nicno, they Lope to merit a Coll mrunnrr n; the .milt-. 1.11.1L1'111 . ar. 01110-lie J. Rumple & Hard vertrc Store. (t 1. t.tr: BED BUG DESTROYER. TAM; by J. Rumple. No humbug,. It iv made in n powder. :11:d soul not •.01l the bed elutiii. 4 . li it dom. not prove vuo.thetory the 1.110/M) Mbe fe. For .1.41 C at the alum or 3,30;00 .1. R 011•11;& soy. • 3lenry C. Blair's l'imiloconte. A CONVIAIIA I . and ailiniraide detsmilig , for tlic hair. it preveili4 the hair from fart:l4 nit. reliolerii,c ttn crowili lid ‘igloWl.l4 Um elk/il5 for a t ticbuinp.iii}iiir, each boil:c. Jog Cole by WILLIAMK Prima ntrrct. Alnrcla24, trtio STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. bare c c !rain SeWLa/14 Stere o scoperzs . a e l o t i cr,r,i.ie Lich 4ire shim rtioliiil-411411in prix '• rlanJ lac! 44 , 14 them. .: 4 ,AYll.iin /4. / 4 41cliONAI,Iii 4144. num tticet : • o.ooll° Watire." 4 . 4, 0-917.'c-41‘908 A S UP £ RI ATIVE TONIC,DIURETIC, 4 41171 / DYSIIVP ISP -° D INYIEORAIiket CORDIAL To THE CiTI;ENS OF NEW JERSEY AND PENNSVit VANIA, APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCER : AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. ' Wolr+ Pule Cognac 13 dy. w„lp., pur e nlsaleirn. Sherry rind Port Wine. pure intnnien and St Croix Rum WOW:4 Pure Sewell and feign WUt=k-v her, leave to call the attention of entzens of the United State- to the above Willey mid I,lquoro, to. Ported lay Utlolpho Wolf. of New' York,whoom metro fatailtar in every part of Mb- country. for the purity celebrated seloomlion Isolittoppo. Imo letter to roe. I.penking or the parity of hio. Winel I.lld Lannert , . on) ot will stoke toy reputation no man. my -itooding non merelattat of Miro} yenr o ree of New York. Mai all the Mandy: mod %Vine- whirl, 1 bottle are pure no imported, anti of tire hest quality. and van be relied upon by every parelunrr' l Evely halite hat ; tire proprietor , - nano on the wax. and a' fire mmile of In...igantore tot the. zertificnie. TLr public are invited to call and exam. tow for themselvet. Cor sale at Rooted by all Apatit: crane , a no Cl roeer. i 3 Philadelphia. OgouriE H. Aanin K. No. -32 Al .rket oto Pitllotdet phut Sole Agent- for l'lsolattelphtro Rend the following folio the Now York Courier. ESORIISIOI , IitIcINVS.PrIttONI,NT:W VoHK eactt tile happy to itiamn our fellow ettiven- Ihnt there I , - 0110 place as tier city where 111,. 1111).401:Ili, apOthecary. and country metchaill. eat, go nod par elliee• purr Wine. mod Liquor., Its pure no itoported, nod r.f the beta quoin We do tint intend to give tat elaborate dr.t.ription of 11. 0 mereholoors fin-lure., ahlocanth rt will well repay mop otruomet ~r ciliten to vi-ti Udolpho Won% extent dye wivehoin,e, NO OO . I . ...2otrood 22. licaver street, and Nno. 17. 11l and -heel. 111, -tock or solomp i , oil howl rend) for .hipment could not have Leen less then thirty thou:n.l4l eat-r-, the Wands - . omtne len thougand en,o—Vmmgeo nf IS3O and ISM; and tell 111....11tad ca•t , of Madeira. Sherry and l'ort Witte. Scotch mod Iroolt Wlooky. Jamaten . and St CioiX Burn, smile very old nitd equal to any in ON cOtillir . :;, Ile 441-43 bud three large cefldia filled with Brata4y, Wine. Ac.. in mode-. under Cuomo Honor key. ready for I.ollllllg. ttl r Wolfc'eealeo of Schnapps Mott year tonowned to one hundred and eielny and Wel home nr le•C 111411 two year+ lie may Le equal- I) -urgeottel with In- Maude, null Itut.ine-A memo the patronage al every lover at hi- PriVate 1..1111114 , vho WI-II pore nud 1.1 priors for wiletlienl .e nil their ord..= dirt of no Mr \Voile. curl every Ap011l• Vary 111 1. f. up Their Mind , la tit-rued the toomomon , emir flora Oleo' shelves, told replace it with IVOII - e'a pure \Vine. and Liquor, Wo under-mad NIT. Wolfe. foto the accommodation of small the country, put, up a-carted eteoeo. of Wtneo and Liquor.. Such a matt, and tacit J nierchital. ,honld be .ugtilined VIZ:011.1. Ills WWI (111 iltott•antlo. of opponent-. in the United State.o, who .4.11 octillion; hod itmtultotts, remelt.. alike to human health and he 1,:11 le.• • Sept.S.T.o Gin. I=El THE ONLY DISCOVERY ,roratty nF ANY MNFIDENCE FOR ItEsTORING T , a , + AiA Nv, suttee the great th-eovery or Prof. Noon, leave attempted riot only to 111111.11 C hi. re-kit`.hive. but Prole:- to lotee di-covered t•omeiltiog th t would Nutlet, re‘ott- itleatiesth but they have .11 Come and Lour, being earned away lip the tvotaterfot ot P, o j. \Voo.re prey:kr:moo. trod hove heett Iciest) to leave the field 10 It, tettletle” .way. Head the fol. owiage-- PROF. () J. Wooa.& Co Geni.:—The letter I mote you at 18.50 . once g your valuable liner Rmatarit• live, and vvltteh you have publi-hod in Ibic vicinity 111111 el-ewhere, 11.10 given 11 , e 10 numerous einpurlei 101101111 a the fool- 111 the ease. The enquiries ate, firer. to it n 11101 01 my hahitntion and vain.-. al sailed In the emimilloti.lllo.le s. enlitl. it Iron of sill Merrill Illirtl, hair -.01 em11$101t• 10 be 111 good older and of moural color! To till lean 1001 110 a n.wer mvarothly y.•• My hail I. eVell bolter 'lota 111 any stage of my lin. for 40 3 en, past. more volt ib any .111111 InMer role Pet., the -ante is trite of My 10-ker-. and the only eile,e wile 11 1- and gent' rally 11 lie. dead 1110 -ti1a.1.111..e 10 washed oil Icy It. ouom. .dAnuon of the fate,,vhou if cam were by wip ing the thee 111 clay connection with the whisko is the mime r fodow :114 the hair. I have [melt lit the teceint of it groat litinilwr Of teller- Flom all pail. of Now Es.elionl, a-kiiie me If my hale FUII ernaliete- 10 lie genial 1., 0 m itt !, fraud ill tl:J: timol2l4ololo and .1110 of vilool.- etlittnott Mtn Well .10 110-, 11 Lou 1111.101110, 10 ell 101,1 V 111111.0.1 and been used, toll My willlolll any p, l riled!, 11111 10 10.00110 e tujoy I have Ilia of }oar Ite..loratiee of any 11.1.011111 for -lime Inllollo. 111111 yet uty hair 1- 11,. good It- .•vvr ;Ind insult elle.. have ...X•011110.41 as ill -Ur pri•e. 110 I all nosy 01 year. ill I and not a gray hair to Ile head in on toy filer; and to ',rove 1111. fart, I ...end 101111011. of ray hair ;ilk,ii elf the p.o.t week 1 ro omy. d your favor ill 100 quart Ludes i.r-t .uuunrr, lnra.hlch I tole very 1.0111,101. I gas. , ,11(1 my flietias load tb. irby (mho...a 110411 10 try ri. 111:M1 Were -1.1)- 110111111011.0fier 1 1 1111.0nd Men I/Ur...lnt-MI and will, unseer-s0 ,laClei+. I will 11.1 11. 11 fas Or, that too .eall 1110 a se.i by wluel, I mill di...over fraud I the ite,a o ealiee.s. o l,l by Miley. I iver. without autlmr• oy from you. A pure °Mule Will 111011 re -acre-s.alls I laelleVe Where good elieet4 do isot alloav, t failure. 1. caused by the impure arta•le, which turner the vrmor of the geed. I deer.. it Ills duly it. lieretofiirc, to 1., 011 3/10 011,1,,,11 of the 0111101111 m/ rtfeel Oil lily hair, :11111 as-ille sill who emplille of Inc Of 1113 Ull - Of 11, reillaill, dear •Ir. }our, A C. RA %MN 11 A ,note Hum liy„ Nov 30. I Plw. J. Worm: Duar Sir:-1 would eeriiii lily he dm" 3(111 it g o ' lll . 0 1 /U- 11 ee 1101 to make I.IIOWII 10 110: world. the wontlei u- the unexpemod Pro It pace eXpairielleetlflolll 11-111 g 05E1.0111e of year Ills, Restorative Afro teaily every kind of it,ooroove Lot .oLom nod tooling my 1101111 1.2011) destitute of hair, I Wa• finally minced In lry It Imllle of }Our Iliac Ite-ItaatiVe. Nnw.matolor 11111 Juslier eigeppel 111010 1111110010, 10 whom VII In ty road Mi., that I now posse ss a new and 1,0000 . 01 gross 11, of Liar Which I 1,110. platoriutiee rielo•r awl Mold • 011.1, Ofigili.l I Waa. 1 ~I 1 ther,(6,,, like neeti.tou In revOinllll 0.11111- 11.V.111101,1c ientedy to ALL. vs lin may 1 - 1,1 1110 111-01,-•11V of it it. 2 1..... (1111 5 . 50 0, , REV $ ALLEN !MOGI:. st te.ntornonl of my alllll.llllllolllor Oer enilllllde medicine you are swore of) is uttsoltimed: —Lot it you [honk II worthy -I plat, tonond the rest, in-ert if you w 1 ,11; If not deelro) and 'ac nit.llllg. Youts, ttte Rev.t3. A. 13, Depet, 444 Ltinudwity, and sold by oil douturs 11:1001g1.0111 the world, 'rite Ar•s'orntive 10 11111 tip in bottlett of three .ize4, v 1!• lorgr. tnettlont tont the ...nil I.ollle hold, 0111. And wool.. for one donor per Inntle; the me dium hold- at :east twt lib per vent, ~,,, re 10 PrOP II, 110110 e. the small. retail. for Iwo dollar_ { l , ttonlel the 1.1.ee 11001.11 11111111, 10 per re ill. more in piopor non. nod rein. lor Ihret• dollars 0. J OIrD & CI , ioor+, 4.13 1140.1%,3y, N.ew York. od 114 Mort el . ...Iwo. SI l.nol-• • And -old iyai good Druggist; mid Vulicy Goods Den,ere. IniJ?T;l LIN !MEV IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER, A STANDARD 31i.DICINR. TOUR th.'sperdl. rvmr I, nuJ e ret•ltitti etne of on Import} of the Oland Tin. 10 , .. 10r..t0• wtougloi tile :nom tlitractikus mt., sit de•pet ale Serifluta, FOTifialion., Cutaneous, Di-4 note, Er, opettf, boils, on ILr fare. Sore 1 , 4 e-. 60111111,181 Cleric, Scald Head. Teller A IrectiOter., Dlieurrottie Diporder., IIO•pep-ta, iliutlVene4fif, Jaundice, Salt It heum, Bet renal Di-twee, General Debility, Liver ComplaL i t, I.o•, of Appetite, Lon: Spirit.. Foul Stomach, remote Comptsdats, and nil Diseases 'hailing the i ortgoi art au impure -tattier the Blood. We re:er to the can. of Davila MeCreary. of Napier 10W11.1041 ' VlllO, Oil the 3lsl day of Augu , t,1. 1, 40, elude alTalarit ltefure Jurtieo Dorley.iltut. WO.. treated fur die cure of C lover by three physician, of county, nod lit Dr. Nev OM of the COE* go la esitet math, for a period OC iterarlf eight mouth, out. W 0 1 ,411111114: Which, ht, hp, none, and a PoU'aa of 1.• left chr.'l were entirely tutee a w.*! /Ic hail given up all hope, when lie beard of the “Il loud Sea Teller. , at. 11 wit. induced to to it. roar bottles Cured him, tied although sadly drpfigurcil. there to no but What this invaluable titedietee raved los hte. The full pale ulna. aline reload...tide CO-C may be ,era to a circular, wlurh eats he had of any of the A zeal% We refer to the er-e of Navvy Dlerkney, of Oder. 100, A...lre:lg rashly. l'a eureJ of Seroflua atter I.ri. g amble to gel out of bed for three To the cure or n Indy Ol A 81-011Vil 1,, Cleat field eoutily, who was also aillieted with Scrofula in it, woret lona. R. WILLIANIS rtom ',wet To the ease of George .11ei•e!, re•lling in Carroll. sown, cautions county, PA , Who Was en badly ed watt Cancer that it eat his eatire sio-c r,tr. 1111t1 h.. ea•c W 2. Worse, if pas-thle, than NleCrears.'s. The particulars of the.e ou u of which cons cored by the• 11-c of die Blood Searelter—m .y Also be ftund us a circular to be had of an 3 of Usts agents. U. M. 1.1iT07", Proprietor. Lahormory bombe manutne:ore rune 4nle,110.1( the Penn, ltdCroad Depot, Hulliiloysiturg, Pm. Dr.(Leo. PI /Lester. Who'ei.sile A gems. Pitr.diarc. Pa, A CFNTS FOB COIXXIIIA IL W .treel Pr. W. 111cCoririe. Odd Fellow.' 11.11, Lem" rod J S. De.leit k Co. , lioldea ..11urnar 1141.4 Snit Frtia in rem. Sr 1.15, pERSONS desiring Pure Articles in the Gro cery inn, will cull at No.ll Laeu•t.+treet. Just received a fresh oupply of rite following arts; wurru loud pure and tre•h. New (Menu., isnear syrup, of all kind•, 10.1 Itukulii 11,11,—c, Coffee., Tea., Spites. fruit—such it. Dried PeAtAleS, Currants, Ruisut•. ii.c.•—•k lot 0 S. F. BUF.EII.I.:IN. No 71 Locust Street, Columb i.,, Peccnaber U. Ir--.3U. SOMETHING SEW, 11(elp 'knurl for mulling its so Pew mints tr. t!ei A cote desee:).. moi Ilorrrtetrits fur u-ing 3.0 cacti bottle. l'er ..s'e by • =BM ALL IN BOTTLES Mi3=lll= GROCERIES. K wlt I.I\NT Front '.°sl . Cut*