ilveSoViity L gal'Antly .xnet,,and their loss is ..sated ; ta„have ,been„.considerablp; one entire tloatpany Of ,the:Plackjior , se is said to have iheon dertroyed heforathefire.of the retreats • ing/Zounves. .The rear of the army ' •ettts skillfully , covered by general McDowell, who' aided by the reserve of Colonel, Dixon 11. Miler and several fresh.segiments from New York And New,dersey, which were hurried across the river during the .evening of Sunday, a , total force of about 20,000, it is eatimated, protected the retreat, first to - ,Fairfax, and from thence r fo.Arlington ,Deights, where , the remnant of the army entrenched. Ten thousand sclitional men, it, is repprted, were .despatched across the PAnniac yesterday, to .reinforce the. force on Arlington lleights.— .Durin.. the .day the draw of the long bridge was kept open, and the.steamers forbidden to run to Alexandria, thus interrupting all communication between that city and,W.ui ,ington. Two Federal steamers were also kept within easy, range of the former city; ; to act as necessity might require. , ( ,A ,poem her of the .Nevr,Yurk Seven ty.6 rst, ~,during the hottest of the conflict, came „acroasSaptain C. F. Prowning (Dewing be .thinks the name was), of South Carolina, ,whom he found perishing in the woods from a severe bullet wound in the neck. The ,ex piring man, after being furnished with water ~ at his request, communicated his name and „rank to his humane enemy, and entrusted -him-avith a valuable gold watch to be deliv ..ered, together with a last message, to his family in South Carolina, should the chances of war permit the escape of the latter. The Captain died before the New Yorkcr left his side, and the latter regarding the trust con fided to him as a sacred one, expresses a de termination to fulfil his promise to the dead. AN ACT To prevent the spreading and introduc tion of the Canada Thistle in certain Counties. SECTION 1. Be it enacted &c:, That ev ery owner, possessor or occupier of land in the counties of Lancaster, Washington, Pay ette, Delaware and Erie, shall cut or mow all the Canada thistles growing thereon or ,in the highways adjoining the same, so of ten as to prevent their going to seed; and if any owner, possessor or occupier of land knowingly shall suffer any such thistles to grow thereon or in any highway adjoining the same, and the seed to ripen, so as to cause or endanger the spreading thereof, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars; and any person may eater on the land of another who shall neglect or refuse to cut or mow down suoh thistles, for the purpose of cutting or mowing the same down, and shall not be liable to be sued in an action of trespass therefor. SecTioN 2. That if any person in said counties shall knowingly vend any grass or other seed in which there is any seed of the Canada thistle, such person shall, for every such offence, be fined the sum of twenty dollars, SECTION 3. That all fines accruing under , be provisions of this act, shall be collected before o justiee of the peace, in the name of the scho,l &recurs of the proper district, and, be fn• the benefit of the schools in the &strict in which the fine is incurred. Seen' 4. That the provisions of this net shall extend to the county of Washing ton. not only for the Canada but fur all oilier species of thistle. CO..umbia Limber Market. Panel Boards and Plank, W. Pine, $33.00 Ist Comm. 4 , li 28.00 2nd 4 , 0 o ii. 17.00 Culling 4 , o 11.00 ir Inferior 0 rt 8.00 Bill Scantling, ir 12.00 Joists and Scantling,, Hemlock 8.50 Boards, i.• 8.5 ; Bill .Srantling, if 10.00 Ash Plank, 20.00 a 25.00 iding, $l2 a 12.00 Long Shingles, 0 a 10.00 Cypress 4, 10.00 Plastering, Lath, 2.25 a 2.:.0 Arrival and Departure of Trains. PENNSICSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Ica rd. Marietta Accommodation arrives, 7.30 A. M Lancaster Train leaves 7.50 0 Harrisburg ii IC 0.30 P. M. Mail, ir /C 0.33 ‘, Emigrant, « 11.00 0 IVestwa rd. Emigrant arrives 1.50 A. M Mail leaves 11.22 Harrisburg ‘, leaves 6.45 P. M Lancaster Train arrives 8.20 TUE CONFESSIoN AND EXPERIENCt OF AN INVALID. Publisher- for the benefti and na n warning and n caution to y cum; Inca who suffer from Nervous l'rensioure Decay, ete.; supplying sit the saint lime the Intuit. of self-I:arc. by one who cured Ititnaclf, rif ler ileum put to great expense through medical moo ciLnii stud quark cry. Single Caine.; mat• he hind :hr hint fair , 'Seaford. King N V., by etm!osing a prepual n.laresio . d en Nelupe. [April 13, 1...61-o:fi TliE GPKAT CLOIIIINO EXToRIr3I Or 7111 lhubidrlplus pO-Oroae. he moot -inerird Clothing poritirli in the country It t. ipi - itd itt a. frgsr" the pii.miul firucture in which the immense lupine,, of the re i l.obli.hriteili Is conducted, nee it is equally 'plow ihd in revert to great Mein lea 011$11 Vast resource. !tot to lie patron,. ha chief otrne; a are, Grit. the et ,Kattre of the garments for Gen tleer it and Vowlia, ot•mhfheturcil there; secondly. the twenty and dont l'e"). of the material*, mid the superior excellence of th In. and lushly. the molerute prises at sablelt the Fonda ma -old. ‘Ve refer in lilts de.ertrion to none other tom the Brown etorte einilime I lull of Rockhill & No. CA B madChehritut Wee!, abort t`i.l,li. Philadelphia. Ehrisman & F/annery's C ONTINZINT.AIa SALOON, N. W. Corner Front and Locust Streets, COLUM BIA, PENNA. E . & F wave o tl i b l e t ap fretdv e i n t o . n e d ., b n ee w , " Convniurrat." every ingred,ron (Cr a cool. re ne`hm3. Illa - t-a.euncusur dreoghi, and every acne nary Iv iH nerfect enjoy:neon. 'nor Saltan is large and airy, will, a current of air on the honest any and a eatrellt of Luger every day The Co.vrivtxrat. in temple f ' f.n g — lieralquartcre of jolity, wand, and 111- Oeetst aalti•CrtiraL [Cola, July 13, VI. Speer'sSambnei *. -von it.teratnental and Fatally u Win se. mot Aletneinal purpote , ' 1111,, in s pore unadulterated arilele from the Ponnual Ehler•dberry eemnin t ng o Apirits ei tept It. own fermentalt . on. For .ale at the Cola. luty. 20, Itte FAAIILY AIEDICIN STORE. l. Hunnewell's Toln Anodyne. 111111 Si. the great Neuralgia remedy arel perfect cure 1 for all the minor s iervolieCOMpi.llll.. For s a l e at the FAMILY I%IEI/WINK STORY.. July 3:11,1SGI. Odd PCI/OW4' BROWN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. IF FaruirtslArly rrentantead,nl at thitt season at a 1 Tonic to the Dp!pernic and Invalid, and i• par. Ittnt tarty ellicactoon in summer complaint, For male at the 1,4111 LY MEDICINESTORE. Ce:a Ja'y 20, 1931. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. ItrV: ra aa ,, e_re , eeivreal a fre , h #upply vv" Nviajuatly eel L ly i ,xl.6 ll , ln iment vb, , melnci WINES, BRANDIES, FLATORINt EX TRACTS, moitzT and fancy article.. Hecrhare , „ Ham'. and J. Hasievere Bitser. , Sliciuldes. Brace.. Tra•ars. Sc.. and all article.; trimally kVPI to ri"" droll 8"*" reolit,7 ptgrliClNE STORK. Jul) ISfit Odd renew.' Hall. "COSTAit'S" Yermiu Xaterminatetrs OM °NIX 14.F.M.4.4.8LE KENIEpIES KNOWN, Destroys Instantly EVERY FORM .& SPECI•ES OF VERMIN. These preparations (unlike all others) are: "Free from poisons." •'Not dangerous to the human •family." •ißata.eome out of their holes die." 10 seas and more establubed in N. Y. City Used by—the City Post Office Uaed by—the City Prison and Station Houses Used by—City Steamers, Ships, Sze. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms• Houses, .Used by—the City: Motets—'Astor'—'St Nicholas,' &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &c., &c Used by—more than zO, 0 0 0 private families Cl7 - See what the People,Press and Dealers say. HENRY R. COSTAR.—AII the summer I have been troubled wih Roaches and Mice. 1 was actually ashamed of the house, for the Roaches were everywhere. 1 purchased a box of you Exterminator and tried it, and in one week there was not a Roach or Mouse in the house. Jon B. GIVENS, No. 9t Elm street. nOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin, need be so no longer, if they use "Costar's" Exterminators. We have used it to our sat. isfaction, and if a box cost $5, we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but Costar's article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice and Bed Bugs, quicker than we can write It. It is in great demand all over the country.—Median (0.) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect kil ler.—Lancaster (Wia.) Herald. HENRY E. COSTAR—Your Exterminator is received, used, and pronounced a decided success. We used a box of it, and the way the Rats and Mice around our premises "raised Ned" that night was a caution to sleepers. Since then not a Rat or Mouse has been heard in kitchen or cellar.—.llLigregor (Iowa) Times. I HAVE BEEN SELLING your Extermina• for tor the last year, and have bound it a cure shot every time. I have not known it to hut in a single instanre." Gsonos Boss, Druggist,Cardington, 0. WE ARE SELLING your preparations rap idly. 1V herever they have bern used, Rats, Alice, Roaches, and Vermin disappear imme diately. Emma & STot:r.rna, Druggists, New Windsor, Md. • To Destroy—Rats, Roaches, Sze To Drstroy—Mice, Moles, &c To Destroy—Bed Bugs To Destroy—Motha, Fleas, Ants, &c To Destroy—Mosquitoes To Destroy—lnseds on Plants and Fowls Tu Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c., Szc To Deetroy—Every form and species of rer- MX= "Costar's" Rat, Roach &c., Es- terminator. cC ostar's" Bed-bug Exterminator 'C ostar's" Electric Powder for Insects, &c. In 25, 50e. and 61,00 Boxes, Bottles and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Planta tions, Ships, Boats, Hotels, &c. C 7 Sold Everywhere—by All Wholesale Druggists in large cities. All Retail Druggists, Grocers, Store-keep ers, &c., in all country villages and towns. Wholesale Agents in N. York City. Shieffelin Brothers & Harrill, Risky & Kit- Co. then. B. A. Fahnestock, Bush, Gale & Robinson : Hull & Co. M. Ward, Close & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. McKisson & Robbins. Wheeler & Hart. D. S. }lanes & Co. Hegnman & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Lazclle, Marsh & Gard- Thomas & Fuller, ner. P. D. Orvis, Hall, Dixon & Co. Dudley & Stafford. Conrad Fox. AND OTIIERS. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Sous. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & French, Richards & Co. Co. And all the Principal Cities and Towns in the FLED STitTES. COLUMBIA, PA. 117"SoId by DR. W. S. McCORRLE, Family Medicine Store, Odd Fellows' Hall IL JOHN & CO., Do!den Mortar Dru; Stcre, Front st., above boeust. IL WILPAA,IS, Front street, above Locust. And by Druggists, Grocers and Retailers gen erally, iu city and country. ILTCoontry Dealers ran order as sliest. Or address orders direct—[or if prices, terms, &c., is desired IV - send for circu lar lo Dealers] to saga Bt, COST'allt, Ptintapal Depot—No. 512 Broadway--((oppo site tile St. ilicbolas hotel,) New Torii. 221111.112i7atr; 1117 A R RANTED for re*loritig the colat—pf the Hair T from a Gray to Brown or Blark. For &ale at she July:10, WI s FA 5111;1' MEDICIN E STANK. c