LIELTI.7. IN:sq.:RANCE% IVELSII, Esq.. has brrn uppaipt!il _r ti , Al. 11l I t.:n• tfol.41:0•1 tivighl,or -1, n, .10 ♦..:11u il t•,'U-.:"V : T I' t. 4:, `1!:: rr.ntr,?,i 1h rNlon t• sl to ~,,, i..,; • .1 \ Q 1,1: \ N =1 HEIM Eit-4 1 7 111.0iillillE WARE ROOMS. uni!ersiguili b r. hss. r..muvr.l Far 00. \\ • llt . / 4 / 1 .11.• 0.1 ‘r .001 0•101% 0, 00. , 08, 00 11. , 1 1..1:1' 0, 1.0 , 11..1 oel iat . • • t. 1•14 :111.•1 •-•os . It. .:•••• 1/ . .1 ”•10. 0 , t 1.. I 0 :0 / .11 A Jar., •` 4 , 1,, co , fl to I's ‘s k I 04..1 %V,. .it ly 10. I •- I • , -“.•••hr , Ir 7•• amlin 11.irt we- . •11 o Illi r 1• lr.~ • IYir_ lI_.I X 1 1 ,111• ills: Thg• cf1i10,1'1112? .111,u i 1/0% 0,410 {hat It \ 0111. ni It. mid II ~ , n t. • 111 i;) ri ..11/\ 1.u...4 1. t. •t•loi 1 1 . untie- 11..E'.G . . 1 :,0n.:.1., le 1•1,11, to 1:lit-. .1....1 I.) 1 tit) line . • 4,t All!. 1.11. 4' 'T 1 1 . ...m.11 ".t.I hor 111,1 I: 1 1,11 11C , , SI.; 1 t s.ltts.... 41,c111.. FIEMIE •• 0, rtr , I 4444 In, 4. N pil 1 More :now Coc•'s 1";•11.!: TrTint) STS tol Ladle.= .1'1.1% 11111, oli, I U. A. 11. F. 1/:.1; \IH. ll= 3, Ropes. 33,0130.3 t t ‘v; ;,71 .s. s:11:c1 and Cali( _ 111 / VAI .1 11, llf - „ /1 . 010/11•1 t‘l ii• IA) '•.. 01.• " T. !;Lt • roc, o. w e •IN i. • 11 •1; • iO.ll .• 1•11 IIII” VV . AI N% ;•1'1:1: Soap ;and T'ONT: , Id ' • o —ow of VI I/ SN•'•••11-.L • .1 .• It 111..11. 111:17 I nll.O t-'lll/1. ‘l.l' , !! oh. 100110 \ 1011 'Ail pl., 1, awl int :it 11. ol .1.01. hr h• 1 ti. ~i~ ~ •I. \~~~il •!I DJ G mir c z:, ALL persons indebted, on the. Boclis of the Inv r) 1.,' I .1p111.1.-:r7.10 the ...1.1-12,."•(1. ale I ~ , :1•••IL .1 tr, make pa) lvtag 4.1 ).) ple-val Int h.• 'llloll.‘ , on . r IV; 2;:f. i;;. NIIIINnTrr 1.115 Hind!' it l'lTAl2l . llll'lliS 1111t1 • •' , 11 , 1 glr , 1 C , 'lrnibirt. Tics, parm . ..,; ''(l\l,;ruiliNG compvvy• ;cc:mid S Lin. Columbia, Pa., • ...1.,- far STEM EN:- 1..", NE NI. ,1% .0.1) 1.1 ll'l{ MILL- .11,11 ••, 111.1,1'01.W tr I ir , l erwi rol•Ii.11, 01 ”Vvil .0 1/1...1. N. 1.11111.4 promptly MI- 4 paid 1 0 , Cll.llnoti 1t•,- 1.1 mutt -how 1,, to •Co11,1111,!.1 miti 4(.1,111110 (omp.111),I'4011.111.1.1 Z. . •r ,1 .1. 1.11.. \\ 1..1.1.VN 1:11 LOCAL ritnic.m. , 0T.1C13. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD UOAIPANI l k 11111 V prepartd to rrrlive and forward v 1:1:1(.11 r r, 114 VlOLlth MI .1 DIV,CIII. 10 - •Fr.," h.., Itrilso, Vl,lll/%1, 11111.. x. AND l'(..)1.1.1:11111,N. .1 I l- , 1 . ..r:11 lin .21 .••,, I- I /.1.. -/ - .. 1 ~.., I ", „ 11 , ~.,,,,,, . JIM pollll.l 1;1 . 1 \,.\ KEN f'llll.t..k \ I) I.A:NCASI*EIZ. ..!( - 1,...... 1111.11" At,.. 1',11,.. I; A I'ES (\I1: el 112. , , 14/ 1'I • I ch.- ..... g •....• I. t I • g ./.1,2111 .1 to v.l.eit• 111, Coo IMIE=S=I I r.•-n 11.1, I 1.0 I \ uwlro) %Van, io r Air its!es r.ur.• lrtirjr; (11 211 flaNs r :41,1 tra+ , it, 11 •/ =UM .• ~, it • 1 1 ,, , 4 1 I.• 04;tiro lit l'rti•or - Cap. r ISISI I "11, I r d .11 . 1;I . !Ili of 1111 (lass. 1). A.•y IMMO ITEM 1. 11 , 11 , " !I 2 - 1,4.1 t. XI-4Z. "I', 01/3 I 01/11111'1•11,1rir ;11•••• .‘1,1:Z• 1. ..... ,•••, Lo I okt .4 .." •I, 0,114,11.1 I r Piutu, I Life Insurance Company,; r ►1: IC 1111.1.10:;'; Or DULLAI:F, 1111111 ON LI:AL La 4 n a tV'r trrt. i)v• r. it 4. moonooo. =llllll IN I N •IN 10l w... 011 , 1 t * NNIO 4 . Ool,• No • No IA °L f r .., , , MEE Ell /Z / )1:1) in:, g•t.1,11 \ .1.11111 ..r4 I'llll.ll 11.1'131 3 II 3 , :rritr.N.e . E- . •• :•••,t, ~•, A: I I I , 1,1 . 1.,/.••‘ A , '4,31 • . t,ll VI, 1 14r, 463..00 111 1,,111. 1 11 10 1. • , 1 " I. a , l 1 ,, 1111 , ,18 r• • I, . 11. 1 . . ..A. • ,„t.., I= School Books, School Books. TO TbActioirs AND. PARENTS. iv C a ss,: 4 , 1 : 1 2. 4 .: i . oi 1 t o s „ :Ir ,a t i it ; i o lill,•,111 pi 14 I-". .1: GP! 1 4.1•6 , 4 . .01 tort couni.y, t. • r-A% I,* .0 r. 1it'04).N.11.1). 1 . 1.0 -i feet, /A , / A I/4 II Al .I ,t F, I -.01). I 1 RD N'V.%. It E., IRON, r do-pop- of rot:mitt,: lei. o t .• %.•ly luw p Ilard ot .111,11 u. Ihprp.- \ Purl 0, cll'allitle Pe . 1 ••11 / • iur 14:Ptlintr 1 . ..1 . .,11 , 1 Nuvil rp , 111.1.1 r,rw. , utge-, 21111,- !Inv: -I." 1, vl C , rt-.n:; ever n‘. and 4.11. t, nt udu. ed lnu t•-• l'ic I .ret...ttire I.:Cll.:Sidi LI IC, him 1.0 vt,,ttouol 111.• J u-t t. I-Cu inu • \l ' 1 1 0.. l ..,orislavtol of plain 1.1541 Ii I..ia 111 slt.tde-, el-. 4,111 and •11 .1 .1 S k. CO, 1 1, , 1 (.0141., 11to•• _• %.I.I)ING'S CEPHALIC PILLS. i'r cnrazaw..a.s: 18 iO. 13" oh. for Holtdny Gill, 11)11 \I. El:, No. :s.or • 11,.• Vidslit• :81 lite Vul) • 1: I %%1.1. 111 10,ii ti tinil r . 1 1 I 1., ,‘” .1.11 . tr , 1 • 1 tle sol, A 11 , 1 . 1 It•I ..It MMEMM= /• S r II , .%11•111 . 1 10. I/11. 1•11 rt.", r . sin sq.. Intlti I . I. l'utitafile. I I.i...rated. :11 .11-, 0, II."11 , .%11 /..:1•11:Iti1 .‘,lll dl. r (.1 111.• 1,1!e lhook -.r Ploy,. ""o -loolptl f.:out•• • c. wto , - . Of •••••oy '," dole flool, w ,reol .'or'. ty -1•Ic ..1•1 10,5...1115t: 1 , iii•-01 too.; I•:111 t• II". r Ili 1. and Chi I-Icoo • rn -. 11.• 1N..111 .1 1 . 11.4 . 1,1-4 I I %V. r( ..111 II" well to f. .1• ...x.(ett §(1. niri s.k!l--t (. -is , k ptirek:(.lll,..i , t,v(irre. J(111 \ 4'6r.rp 1:11.,i• S Or, :NI. 2. :,...11 bos.e-tt 1.11( • 1,11...(vr. t'...(1 b, I: , 'lilt., 0th,..• I 11() Ptoet, v Oa 11—.1 tO II -I !WI% .et 9 t 1 -1.10 =1 I I 11. 1 1 11: 1 • A i •,,7, I -NI 1 Coln • i.l 1.1 S'. 111.,1 11 i1.1.1V .1 :11 ul 'O IO V 11011.'1 no, Itt 113 .11111111kroI 011 W! . 11.13010 .1,1.14 1,1.,.1 Lill A 111.1.1 111 11/ S% -I 01111'1 01..1,..11q1 I JO 511.1.11 1 11101 (),)() al The Testimony of the Whole Word. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. d 11r,aste, S. rs nud 17Le'ls. II) Ow plop, tit' JJlcent it-e 11. I.' it inint1.111011• a 1,1,11,11111,11 C 111.11 pla -I••.ing ilo; pilLo, oond 13; for iiltotiln the t. in mute. Ae, 1 1 vvts,,tui unJelllew6 fu - t... tit 111 111, I;;;. 1..41 11 1 111 II 11 Sr t 1.43.. Th.• 0. 1 ,3 rational nod i; v:0111..111. It- 11:1..1;11 I.>wit .1..10 1.1111, 110 1111111 111.11111 ati n .thinit 110. tolnd :old It; ;;;;;;i111.• III; tit•Palio oi 511. ht.!: 11. 01.111, llle UIIIIIIICIII suit ISie , ll 111 111110 Itlf ;11. Lbrilte, to, I:7c, ioird gis e .. 771:0nt, anti Stag ht o to lo ' IJ I \ h. AONI' 11 $.l .v.. may In. ' , tired I.) well 4 .14111111.1, 3 41.3 to-1. thro It nod noel. p 111. II 111 +WU, Ile It 11. Alemeille• 1,,. .. 1111011 p,.. 1. NA /or, 111 , • oh, l% .111,11, , ‘1110,•v. It • ilu , unc.tieul the :lbw, loatuto, 6,, Ilse 1111.11tql, OS :111 3 smlll.ll I /11..-1 CM throat, will find thetn-olcu. .4214. vt•LI .1. 1, 1 u 'l'l' .11.1 I 1 , 131i111111, will In• is sziss,•••ll.3 ott4i Ily ls.sliesslisst! thi is.ssts wtll warm wa:er..tilil h.) , ilO-1 o•rf - vi•111.1:ly rubhing lii the Uuuuu•al R••Inlg fs ism slut , 8:110'10 'IIIIIIIIIO . W 111 I 1111111,11 111 , it plogto-. to• ood,r-looLl 111.0 it i- ito -tii. ti 11,, I 1.1 , 111.,11 nut Iho ~:1 .00., 41 in r", eum-oh r thle stole hour Oft, d. '.lllOl. II ittly Lc liken thin .1• •11ot. hew, it a.ll fem. , •uot hidul •It -ore o (Moil tos ellot Itt•tll3 . thOtlgll polpattl, to II nt• ole moot Itt,ittl loot at alto . tow!. 1., Most the rututuum:lll of the 11.111111,11. tvll du; tyront ice - EN,.. 1- ,I.t. on.y -lre %rootlet,. .1 tor tom et"l or tit the-tool reL, lit le ne., ern! lue•urtti7,. do wr. Zadior salons .1" rautrJ; Sores and L7n,, s If 18811•18..., •I'-rt t•lltrtB;c. ran. t • 1 ,8. 8 et'. leBl 11 11.1• (18 °lmo, be it-. 81 ,i. 8") .B,d i188•1 . 11'8. lie ti Peke° :net ost.rBBBBBB4 n. iel I the 1,801880 lii-.cur1... , ,V. , III•11 . 1•.I 88,1) nr Ike) r.BBlv Of% upiei "t••• 11 1 ,.1• 1.. ikll i11:1141 Iti•I, lir in v. 1111. 1 ry ntove• tile 10,0.. 1 11 front -)-tem. .88181 letlve 111. I . Men. 1v I .r• 1 8.81 8. :88.1 (t.• 81.11) •1.. inz I ~11 Titre time v 8 814 Ise 81.8.• of the 8t it. 0818.88 re .8 Da psi, , 11 SIN Ilrf and Si I,l' aluist. roull,i 1111 l• tglely lit lilt, "ittt 11 quirt. Ifit..ll V.-time:ll %I tiie asilt i 1 Id 3 it II -rat, of 1101.. ill • - • )1101111 I. UV/al!) . /Uhl) , al hilt, ihe p :la. gq..l. . 1 .0 1} r meal, It•ivi• in.• I. Its .0: ..•- •I.tio- It. tiro Ito ,t Clioiltlo oo: drool l'iii.l , ooo'd•l r„ 00 , 0 oo I iorro:tooirinio - I a goo,: e• t , 4 4 I 4 1 7 444 4141 .144114 I:i• 1 4 11.11W: 1 ' 1111 411 44 I ": 4 4, (1 Il •I lr '444) MEI =3 pro ol 11..1.1- Vole., L I 11.1N . —: ,, 1oo V". • '" ua "" t rota VOll., a.‘0.1 . 1•10/111 . 1.141 11/11111 .1 /... /S. (3 ;it 0.1 tilt 1.1.16 tof o aoot , otieli 1 it It rtta ato e.O tc; the Z.1.11/1/ 1/0 111.1 m ad vt 4 / i .ti.) no' .1 . 111/1 14112 .111 / 11 111 1111,111011 l• 111/ r it 1.1 10 1111 111/Wl,lllll I I :1 .1. /VOIIIM • 1/1 %1/1111,/, htoo, l 1•• •1 1 11r1/1 , rot ' , I 0011001. to Inc., ,A 11 .111 101 1./11.1 ll'', 1,1,1111 :lit =3 =NI I. thlsing II - r Uu• ftlo Ihe trim •. ot “1.. • ..• ••I If• lq 1..., = r, It I 1. 4 I 1111..1... tot,. ill I it ut• str r lie-, tor -n g• II I' IM of .4 t ., r ,.(• n rto r ,11•11 NOV t I I, JCI/ THE OEIGIZTA.L grALLEILS, = ri`IIE stihNrritri has !Ara lhe 014 Gallery. , 01..1“0 06E1", 'lee b.., moo 4.1 1 4,1• -1 WWII,- ever 1.11011 111 Ile ha. t, 1.0 . 111511 , 11...... m .- :SKY' 1.:GIIT, ,„,1 1... .• .1,, psr I. . d In WI, iVnrylyilth, 1111.11111,..Pha, L. 01.00 -,U, 1.0001) p.. 0111 1 • 1. 001 e. ou tt.o..v I. m li• I.••-1ittylt t ,Itnti al price. ..;lich are ii.00 . .041 of L.r .t 1..• I nt•-•, i mien, :Intl n nuil-factory ti ‘Vintnltt -1.10111. Ile t.-An Colt 111111,Inre en stn. Id eta: potion:l;C • o wl/). ...3.100.1r11 10 11144l;ntt and it tatutot• •Inft- not tot r,• ,o 1 I. l'enn r l'tont tntt ni••I t. P . 4 I 11.1 211 1-111 .1 NI 1.11'11.1.:. =MEE READY -7,1 A CI.C) I ;41 . 1 :111 • 1., .1 ill( • I • .1131.11;V 1. 1'.11"1. EN 1. ••1•••.` (;. "I% Alvt,--',l rook", nod ell Ottrrlit• ••••• • - to 'I 1.••• 1, • •11 . i r /IL 1., 01,1 ••• p,••• 1. • 01110 .1•.• I. ) •.• • _7 I,•.•. 11.‘1.11•1 v :,11.ADEs , SHADES! :PNsTi yr: s I Aot 1111,-ii Or .1 C:Ifl CALICO! CALICU" MEE= "ariILTS 1103 MARK THESE FACTS Oth,r Fe I,l s l'ilr c , ri,fu!d:;, .1- k••• Nwp.. .•, Tu r n„ r Gl;iK%l'Hl.‘T FLoui; sliy•l.l(.ll'C I: Es! I\ N ENV Il AN DS 1:00TS AND SHOES 1•:• El "Unquestionstbly the best sustained Work of the kind in the World." .I,IGIIZINE. frill: tau-r priptettr Monthly f! . l tiro world.—New no* A1..,... - ”Lirrot in nurope Jr America .is so well known; none ha. half in many resider.; end, we may ottfel) sir y. root: Ita. ireeived.slarge•tt tribute of tttl 11111111100 11 0111 III.: 11 . 1./1111.0001101:1, 00 .., lull alt•11,;In 111 :l ..11v. 1. el. v•arriL, 111.101L111,11 al -- 1 1 1, 11 e fur. ri•••••I 1.t...•./Int• or the day. The stile .I.4ighwo 1.111 amore. enretruirtritit fstrotl s tisart 11.11por'. POtrfffldof T,,,,,)41 1, Cola, i• 11). 11.1ileareq, .ltd 11111•4 luxury kir lire ##### ney 11101 We Avow. l'lrree tiloll•oro 1 0:11. (1, a 11, 1011 . 511,11.N:111d 1/111111 three 1:111r• ver wait f.o fat? I'ut the smne amount la elsolle-....•lintt, (anti:are, and how laueli or .1 -idea:to:lel I. obtained! If ideal.,mud -.VIII 1111,111 , have /I 0101111111 11) I,l4lll4l—aboe all, it tile humor that tell e-lies. the pleasatar.ea that bring a La JO.. -11111 a, and 1.. i,,ltten the pa-.age of u twill to e our t,. a .a. an d if, 1, 31 , 1 i0 /4111111111110 On 01111 a raid :ooil 11a11111 11/10. 'Hi, 11041 110 01111 rail live It 111 . 1. lire 31331:11, 3 It In Ire pat 11110111 e Mawle oppo-ne in duller- Will (3311..111,1 1011 I.llly be Cerltlill i thrill if II ou per etch' I brae Or four 1111111- :1.1.113111, It would 41111111' vp.• as price. It i- It INlatatlitie proper. with the Jtea :1111 . 10111.0.1. : 01 .1 l‘lvtiutirre-1161 a 1•1•11 k. nor 3 -i peritol•eirl, nor 2.111 a ..applter of 11110 an— Sip And elrat.v . .trititrtioieo-1•1.11 11111a11/1111• 111411 11113 , So IV total or irrleretaintr. di:Mined. a 11t1 allfaraVa 1111.1.111113 13 13. 2171.(1 —Soutlatlf 7 i. 11.5 Ilia hound .•1111s111Ula of IllallailllVll3l a li- Lullll 31 11111•31111131.4011.• rending. nark no enn trot he inotol ••tettie ettnipao , •si not tither Inthleation come limier our 11011ee.—Bovon Court,. Una ta...oaanal.l) a I , the he-t -tamed vturk of the 1• nal m no_ it...gattge: that t to was lathe world. The -pl. nJal aeoetalt (1111111 till 11:111111rIdTaNe are oho,: 1.11ee.--;‘ V. qigrtsl la • t Adrocoo .5/ Journal. %\ 1110.1 r,ll 1/0 1011/i.. 0U1011...7 10 lila high tone .nil val lea 0i Maga/int, 1150112- n:0 as rill 11 1:1011:0:V • 01 : 11/0110111o1 aln.ot 170 otni,,,,j, It ego- at Ittottil .Dine 01 the t hint et.• ttenand 1101011 Ile of the tin \\'e -peril. tr. Ili. work tr- air OVOlelial• di( lilt- e liir••111•3111 s a a l the o lopolsoral 1l ha. it, gulled to rnei it. A. Porch 4•11 y lid page.: of u.Atte aiata. .11.1 rlln-l..••• 11 ,1111 Zl/101 Wll 10/ -1 : W.; :11111 11011 . 11.1.••• ill wfi•if 11,e . ney ro•rill14 Ind the 1111111 1 11 ‘ ,; , ..1 1111 1 , 11 1 . 11111 : 61 Wl . ll 010 1o•-t 1..1. rule: 11l the flatly pare..l. It 111 - atiall 11011,11 111 Ilia 011111111 :1111 :01311 of 1111 1,4 at alloy !arr.:o h] • (lot s 14'. to _lido Lao rahrfr • Leo, =MEI be 11110%100d 14 ii4.e.4.1./il•r, re will. tristo the i . illilt•iler...llTllNF:l4 . Del. ..or Or 10.11 t. CF-NI. Nlstigior r. .1 lie llsl,lllll , ~iI huun , l 111 011.01. OW .roll /411.1 Con, fora,i.ll,l Io Itto-i• wt-11111. j. !met. Nitql• I er. maim tuly bound. ”i 1 ,viii)-Itve 1,01110 I Heil.-- nre HOW 1ea11y,1,01.11111 111 CIOIII, .n... r. .apply Seer unfit Manbe.- I.ll:dinu-1y :1101 1.o.1:111-1..1Q: nod ‘Vtil 111,11. .A . llll 161111 for ed . l.l:lllling the ...lie. They 1.‘1.1 .apply Club- of Tat/ I'ol-..11. :11 Pit.' 1) , /11 , 1.• '1 11e1; r.on: a? Ten 1 /1,11:: r-. rg.)111.1: .8 lel T: del:m Supplied -a: 'l%lll 'fit r. a .1••:r. Nourd:i r. fom ILr, rnnune:rr• 111 , 111 vat: tt::‘,. e•uppli. d 11-0. the Lomat Volume.. Cu ,:eveu viii 111.1 over •1, t 'rite l`n-laze :wail Numl. : •i. 1,1,1111 quillilt rly bilVllllee al Ilse I:. )Isi2.llAde t ::•ivi : 1, :- 11.'1? k 1:1I01111KVA. Fir ILL: : , :junte. Navy lark. COAL! COAL! 'I'HE subscriber is now receivinz and offers L tot n rg.• pill or :in I.ssid• rl, pie k o ,ll • Xpi...•ly Sir 1 son , y ot-e. tsp toll or 111 lg. • I re iflitir... 7 llll•l Will tlrtl trl It 111:111) pail lit the 1 °All ucli ILlismore Company, N0..12. 0. I and Shot Aimst.sos.:%o-.1.:!,11 and I, In tom% V.llll , V. 22 :in(' $lOOO, nu11•i•111.2.3 um! I. t•ossit on got A-11 1::::.....51111:'Inve, Vow (; sov, o. r 0 I 0...-. N." •t 1.2 11 ttAl I. o.t. I. 1..11: %pi 1..o1.• r cover, I' I I 0111 di] l .11111 .II 1 , ...11'14 .rZna 1 '2 :1 .1 5. f.: 1/111( S.( :111:11 i::1-111 pnu•lui+iolr Con.] by :he eltigt, and rilr . 0.111 Vlill 111111 I. in Ito rnll and exam lwfore putrim-ingei...e.wht•re. Stitt. 15. Iflin 1:1.1 , . A. CONTINLIWI'AL SALOON. I "I Or. Cottli,10:11. r,•rtit•r rrotil stiltl S:t • curvH: TEA. 1),•1••1•• toi 1:0.1 le :4 nil u,•r 1:11 ,ire-lan , :lit+ are -,•rvedy II ;m Imur, day r ” . 11 1 . . t.r)• ail I 11:1 0 1.1• A N VI I: 111 E NEW CO1INE1: sTonE, (' rpo•ise 11,1t1 11:111, all;m111.1g Ihr 111.11. It retvw..! 1.0 II IA" Clinic • N.•c lion 11., 1.. n ihn tln.fivent •r, tit it. t 110.11..1w: 1'111.1:km1 1' ......y A1 1 •wnol.. -WO r•.l ••11 M••rs11.,••--.1....1.10.117111.• 11,11 1/11...t %v.. I'lllll- %V 1.11-,11,1,1.1.... 1•.1-11.11.1.•-.NVot.1 1'1..0.. Pop KG, In 0011.11. .1! °v., I vit 111 .11e: filTll% , Slnr. I 01.11-1 =1 - •- 5. Mit Baltimore Oysters in Cans 444,44 444,44 - 4 Mi.. for Nile by I) , .2.1. I ,, ti 11.,\ I.TIA" t ('Al'. , . sTocic. OF imors .4%? , ..11) SHOES. \ 1/11 ::: 4 Co it How- Goot wait heel-.f I A1..410.r. Knl Ifoo with 1,‘,1- °rover) Cont - A/01 . 01..1•111 I ,Itil he M ‘11.1(11 , , wathi•ot to el -,ll‘q - Shoe+lhatuq 11- Nip I, Niel,. Cali-km Shot, 511,11.4 II It,r pal t. from fit.! hand. .44.11..1 n .111:tIl (It 1..27. I-1.11 I (I. Az II 1 , . BARGAINS: BARGAINS! I'll utters iEneil, A ssigucc -al Hy enr tit- I a. for .1I:0 a lorac SIOCk of %1 11.1.1 COpi r-%1 ; COOK 1111,1 1•IIII01 :Ito% e.., 411 ;111 lIIt. Improved ',II) le.; Tolole I. ; a :....111.1.t1 .t—ortlll4.ll, of llou,-I'llroesis lo.; 11:11,Ill.a/ Ar,arin, Ii 1., a 111 •. ,try ps t. •••• fi.r Cu -It. io 1•10.1. (MI VW COB. I'.) kt •s•‘• I ry i po-tti‘i•l3 1 , .• 1% 1.• 1,11.11._ • nit. 5 01.50.1 il' il.• 17, ill II 111,1,10,11 it -.• I/ 11). S 11‘.• 1,0••:1 .1 n WM. 1:(11.1.1:, 1;. 1'1.1 • lie, The Best, Cheapest, and most Success ful Family Paper in the Union. II A r_ R ' 7!J E E.l. . v m. 0., -1:,11 1 ,. r 5 1.,. 1 1 1• • WO 1., hif fl 1 . 0111,1.1... • Ih . he SI entflihho•r, ~.•01:) 0 I liss• pssislis• l in . )111-111herth nmplr flll II t h hle 'shell!: Ill; h lll , —ilivre l arc Ilse • st , 101 Islii Inol a !war. Ito,ve•ver. I.ll' I thhll...lhl 2. 1 , 1-1111 , 1 ) tof !he e ht . •/, Ilhh !..h , • .1 . 111 .14Il1t s s of Ilalaa•r.1 , 11•11,11. I'. - .ilt IV .1 , V Itil h , .! ldh.l • ••:1 I hi! rthrhoM. , - h I 4 , 0 11 , 111 . Z., of maw. 1 11 ,alaa a -.0211. a l aaa.. arul :a 1..•1uul issr .4,1 i z. It 1, is iir,i•isf plc r 1 , 1.04 sq .111. Isms. is 111. s.l Ilse .111,4'1,111h t, 11111 r). Il•hell t lil h leflV .11h I;Vt . l . t 1.1 I. IllihotheiVrt MA!. lit . 11111•11 . •leal Isy "hi Is 0111,111,5. Ike • 111t1 gss. Ills iss.eit ill .5.5-Iss,- s ,4011”. I I 1.11..e.thg ,vcil .1 -o oo t• 1 1 , k'q sse sseit ‘,.•11 ...11,•11,111,111 I- = .s.p.sost. ast,l Its 11 lus cit issislo• 1111 l n,l nml mil I 'still L 11,1 Istss ps,Valsosst, whtri t Lqull. 111. tosursll4 of is , IrsisSos,.. Vsli.tless 1111.11 isst -,1-11 , 1•• esls.t s. Hurl 1 , sillisAellsess 1..551 ll* Ils i,rssisiors A. II st ,st t. V..1,1../ttes• Suss tissitt• aris.t• on' 11J.. ti Vsts ,ss SS •• los• alsosl ,st t• I- sss Ij p , t sol s• sls is• f, s. vs) ss, 15...15) u„" I - 1.11 r, II 01,0 %%. r 1.1)) pint., rol 1 ....1 , 1- el C r III:.nm INEEL=I =I .. Ile/ 1 11 1. ove-.••• .r tie.) ceceli • bill 141c1 V. 1111•1-11- 1111...1 Ilia II ,•/ 6111 laiten mad .mitalett....a.ttele.. anil n. amt. rm.: .:.• nee. till COIII6/111' m non., r. .m• inadel entr rr 01111)....el nne eve, y fionelt ton-, pr, . Ito werktv •11111 Illcr) oh . I....reigot mid Itomertte Intel . ..genre • unettor to Shot eaimm..l 1111111)11111er 411% p 661146111 n it.rm for pre,.....rvatin and Imatonz.11"1111.,11 1 Ale f/i :lc Ii decelVeclo lw 60111:11 tit 1111111Ie sear. 110 wry-note 11 elllntlllllll,l Inr Ole 11l 111lly :411d it 0•164 e, 11c the tlnv t it 'am. 11,4 permed —3IICII Javiri VL . 4.14.1y r. 0..01,4) pt!. :1:141 IlatA 11111,1 bg . 1111,1.151.41 111 1111) Mlle. Ore Ca.,44, (or Tw4my 1V,4,.r. 4 - I .110. tha• 4 t.,.) •nr Ch... 126,,r, 1 o, 011,..•, , , , , for % ...if-. .1.111, i ..• C. , / ,-• for I 1t,,. Ve ar. :LW. 'l',, rive Capra' :i., 0.10 Y..r. DI PO TtN1•111)-1 . 0,. C0p.... Mr oil , rt. Ir. 111011 Al lizr,, l'ol.) . %1111,,,. allovted Cur every Cillll ID T... I re or . 1 . ‘,...1ivy - II ce Sals.cril...r.r. - laVnla. I . II . putt 111.. for the Venn . . I F. 37, nod • 0 of - I I M.' :K littild.oneely Lou lot ClOlll e.xirit, e 11 4 .3;,41 , coelt are now tautly. lIA II I'CIY mtirrni:Hg. Nov:2l I elluctic. New York. Johnson Patent Hog •Trough. p 1 : o.lli.cril.r•l run loll•O the rilla to 'me. I 11011 . 11111, Mot II 1111•Ioin•011oo Jo Llll,Copttlf e 04011) dr-1.. In ollolocilve It In !•elleral 11 4 t. n 4,1,1 awl I r01.,1,‘ 1141.4 1.11(tp 11 1011. of tothrirtil rapocit) to t, „1 h..- 11, . 4 •11,1 Pie al, 111.1 lt. 6,1 1:110 11. and 111141.1 1181, io• lI , LI .1 reflthllel I 2, .1.:1•11 I 11.• Ih I Ile .1,11 of the lop tl.r hog preyonleo 11.111 :cod utg 0t4.1 illeiroo,th bled, rtien too top ran ImPit:foll nt w ill. The trough will I.e fouml it great rnn vcu.crcr lel 1/1,!..1 I 1.1 when ki10.... beeolor pnpuldr. :it 11,0 rhol. 111 eGIIII l'n'octs' I -"I 'Sen.: II czar., .TuMit C or tot' - 1--..r.srf , i.r nnA• 11111..11.1i, 10 Whitt IVe 114V.if •0 I.! • =I Shoulder Brace and Chest Expanding Suspen received nun for sale al J. tts.JJlll,Ll,ll'...Pc Co., Drux Store, 0et.20, teGlt. Pont Street, Col.nobia GREAT VARIETY STORE. JUST RECEIVED, a larger and • finer stock of Toy, and Miley . goode thou ever before. 'My mends unit nth,* are invited to call and examine the .took belore jaurehu , -Ing elsewhere, as they will here Laud an unlimited it—ortme nt. -wtuble lor prae euteto OfeVer) :age and Isle. Alt immente of Poi tizionna let, Pnelei Ltitok-t, CHINA and oilier Putney ,Arlielee, too nuolert,Ud to mention, for le by. G.. 1. t.:5111111. Lucu.t between,be Ih:ntk and Frunlam Columbia, Dee. J, 1539, Rout st., below Mc Dritlye, Columbia, ra. WE just'returned from au. v. ) with u complete 11.K0i1.11011"r Good+. ;•eleeled caw from the best factories in the country.— Our Shirt. , K • very large, on WATCIIES. CLOCKS, , tlverwa \Ware, Bravelei, of Coral, Catnea, Lava had Jct. • Ka , Ram . . roq-Mr Aledallion=, Gold l'en‘. l'eneal,.. Chain.. Studs. Sla•eve Manuals, Specter tee, Pocket Raul. 3e., &.e. We Invite the public io cwe LIS IL Call and examine our la,ge 14mA. e-pemally of elta.k.. Which are in :mod no , I. Me order anal well regulated, and wall Ise -old at the kelVeci primes. - 1' SHREINER & SUN. Entomb., Ar 111 AVE ITO , day to ,, oeiatei. my mil. Ifeorge 11. Rumple, la coparniership with villein I will rtttttl line the llurilware Bu-iite.os, at the et .slow Second, tooter the him of .1. Itiouple & Lou. 1 r, moi arc flood, to the pulilie for pact liberal and iesioeicully att. a continuance to the 111 tn. JUN' tz , i RUMPLE.. Colueibi,t , April :1fi115,1,1.0.; cell the altentio3 of the LA RGE STOCK OF HARDWARE, ceivrti I.) throw. e•tii"4. Ili r n complelt a.-. 1111,11 of evelybliong, 1/ic:r fine of top-poosp, p op it, tail. 11114 Maul lion, Steel, kr. 'Flley have et...0,110y oil 1111.11 a. a../rimeof of Ito. aliti 1)1 all 0;111.; Vanni-ho, ertlar watt., ; a large 'tuck or CUM Ulla I letup l'ackatog, Iht-1,1- 01 :11l A .rue -apply orcooi 1111 1.m004 ood shod... or vo ion- kind-. Kel 141 of lbe very tioo.or. Ageo.ft for P.nrvdl & I fers ing'. Patent Chatupiou. l'i.e Iwd Burglatu I'mad Su rot .1. RUMPLE 4 SON. Net bc!etv Second, Coluenl.l... Pa A pri I V. 4. I -4;0.2 QAIIUEL F. EBERLEIN invitei the attention b.)•el 1:1. a1:.1 the public genernlly. In 111. sing•lc of ri•e “rot . rn Ice enniosiiiiz or: Fmt• Green mu 101,Zel y st. Hrtll kpy Cul% ter, II dined, Ptilverweel,t/1111 Rrowu SlIglIN: Cheese. 1.1114 i. Aitlllo,•es. Ac., Waal even Oliirr urur.e 111'1'1,-111V 10 olllpitllt the r—odninentof .1 1:11.1. 0. Com ad, Porno r Orrllolol, No. I IS Noi di Second St rect . , 6.;1.73, GOLD AND sii.v 11'ATCH ES, °fryer) ki oil ; till isd • o 4:l.(lCKS.from .1..51111p. want. lir r:teur•thrntlrnttmt orlttonttneil in laoul r.t . Ilf lIOAT IMELIt tiny I:., R rincer I: itip;• Illrea• I'm.. fir. :41 Iln:d-u IS. tar r Spoon-.lhun li SOU ploollt•-.Tolile .PO4lll, Fa e.. v wort 31111211 to svoorne•tr.) etptit Ito Silver: Goltlotol Silver Pro. j ell.andPeo , 411 d nuel :..41vot ogef hes with the greet 2 e , ' , ark:ly of FANCY A ItTICLFS. I ,ver Lc( 'tve offero I. =ME liiioE2 =MI = P. SHREINER & SON, Coparinerpilifp. A 11. G -1 1 - I OF FRESH GROCERIES offer the oho., rood. of n. low n ri:oe ua ire .4. EllEitiani N. 71, I.ot 11•1 Snt 1.l MEM PHILADELPHIA. WA TCII AN DJ EIiVEIGRY STO R E (•.,1:N1:i: o' 421*ARI:r ST will keep it !none no.nsontiont on . lonia and splin . \\ * a n on., 01 A inerteu it I: 44 11 .111i1 '0%1.1 Nittuut o•_ nor . on don ollO•I eA. 1,1,1,4 notion, on eilnlntannin 0 Ilk'''. Wlts 10.1 (00011 nalwnynn 011 illllololl.lllolde lo nr. 11111,1101•00. V. 1.1 . 1) of ion elr. "note; nod $ll. %Wl' 1'140,1 woo., ingoilner wnill no nem r.. 1 -.orottent .1 -orb good% tt,,. 101, tlOllOl 6010 111 a fit•t-ela,, 11nil Jewtiry Snore. ot tt. Coartel ono] Ihnre of the tllt-ert- Iter, t •Ilter wait the ittoblie nettertilly. nre horned in null, whore hey tvtll rereive a pond ariiele for their money. As I run floe tttt tiled to -trottly tt est-h met:. yank will lie soh] very low. “Settnil 1.1 . 01 . 11- And quick Sale..," it the motto or tht4 1.1 , .VV1t. R. 1:121111NIA1.1, I 'ortnerl vI) VON A I). Xo.ll^ NOl . lll •Ze(01011 Si.,.colic:rot' Qutorty, .Itatte :tall I -tilt.l). I.'o It SALE 111114 M l''.:l-I,•rtur roo troll t. do. .1 B. I ' 11110 !I 14;0 1 not: - _ Farmers Give this Your Attention! cjl( 13.111111 LS Pure Ground So. I Plaster, i,js„.." hoe ~,110 A \V a reboil-v. lt•nui MEM 011IIII.ISSION BUSINESS. pill: with ,iaatal having it,,aaaPal tagtilier Ira tia I I,urpo-c of dolitg a COAL & Ilt.ON COM MISSION BUSINESS, ut thy I:nrough of enhomi.m. Losio•twer comity, l'.l . Inrorio .hippo r+ that they hove le ...tett toms she Catiol Il.•pnrhnent 01 the l'etin-ylvn hitt road C ~,,, ottny. the tool eommodinteti \Vlotrf on the we.l -hte of the Omni !Leon, nine hundred feet length by ...txiy•-tx feet oil width. mid ow uoa• pre e.tieil to leVe We 11. i Innt• h ip Con' and loon oil the 11104 .rtn. y in, to.. Our I,rid he. for doing hu -no•-- tire no en•nt we littler otw•elve... there v, 111 ttot bn tot) dew.. toil in tlai warthog all height to de•tiontion. We -olieit efttedenthent, 111111 pro m...oh Cur p.tri prompt uttentiutt to the bostoe.t. rn tru.ted to out elate. dMOS S. ItIItEEN, Tints. 1:1:111iN l'a. Ain) Now Goods. rjt 111 Irt v.v.; FAQt r,turaed (rout tit, vas 1 to l'IoloOoioo,“, maw opt:11104 11/14 . 0.1111:0111) ~r 1.:•• U.1(1111011 SO 111- lunrer 011.1-1111 g 1111 1111.1.4., Cial•11111 - 11, DI. at tZ:ltir-, , %%hick :to: a • .1,011 of pair II 1-• - rpo•-ttol. W 11,11.1 A 119., From meet ME= JOHN PELT X, '.TAT IMILKE St JEWELER. let wel n Locust and Walnut, COI-U:111:IA, PA. TilE subscriber invites atteatiou to his err}• toe... and ..... 10els of eII=cACLOCICS, 2 4 .: JEWELRY, uVfiwi, hr i• prepared to .tel I cheaper than they elm he loonght at airy other I,llll.ll.lmeiti. llv i- pre. pa, ato °Wel' .41 . 4,11 a4.aorl re , reetiull) in ittlentiott rput elitt-er, Whit. stoeloehieh etni.r CLTl,F.'+Y.—S'•n.n 111“.1 . 10 r In of Re 7t4VaTt otb••.r Pi-lob—pod ani0n.,,.01 ,I the ae:.t mon-/Deitire. ta..eztt rii w,lll,tiaen.a. heretofore the .oprtirin? of Willelle nndl rweli y and all a Drk will b • wall:4111.41. A contlTo nor, of "oron et o.ltrooottri. 113 4foof 1'I:1.1 vo:ooOin i; 1 I, 1,-60 NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. \ATE arc now opening at the cornrr or Third and Union r‘treet., n Inrg. and Vt. I') lot or FALL AND wINTEI: GOODS, In who 11 tw. Invite parlirular :mention. Mod• .it. UMW- Wel C.4l , lllllele+, Preeell Wel 1 . :1110 Siylett: Merino. mill A Ipmen.. nl all protex: ihe Nielse• yard• for ',q.t.); Had, Whose and Yellow 11 , 1•0ellel., Iron. 20 rte., to 40 el,: Tit king.. Mutdins, Cu. cka, ...e., u large :1 4 0.01111.0.11t and very eltenp. Gentlemen nee reemexted to examine our 4, 1,1. 111 Into k and I'.. Colored Cloilith Murk nod Vane) /It-listirre,Stlitn..ilk sod 'Velvet Ve-tierg..sittoiens. Kelton ky Joam..TWeelle,.e., whirl, Wi:: a• th.• Bow. and aunt:-, Cap., n:I le.) ks, at very hov I rave, Cneelfy prelleee Ink., nt en. 1.•., , ~ ror ethhlt. at mice, I. u. A 11 F. NEIL Celle, 'I 12..1 and Unine -trete a. H. C. FONDEILSMIITIE'S NEW STORE, OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' lIA LOCUST SrICEET, CoF,USIBIA, l'A., WILT. 1J arm , / TO TO 6 On Monday, October ltd. IS6O. J. W. BOWERS, Fuperintendent. ( I:ITE ns important Is the arrirat of Nrw and nen aural! Do,' Goals at the ottl ailjnimna . the Columbil ittok. nit re line •oh .erslttr Inc happy to see 1411 los old u-tome,aand ,• many new ones as will favor him with their pn trontage, alai at the •tune time .4316 . 14 a liberal share 1.1 enenumeement to the uew euterprt-e. opposite the (kid Fellows' Katt. rocil, v. ry l•ileOClrngerreilt here • ernre re eeiVed from rirc pc.ple el Colinsibi r a•id tinuuy. mad reto!le grneinlly, &ring bin er-idettre n, 031.1.1- relunt- •therre I hank. umt Lapel in norm milt ft VerVe a ruuatlnenre 0 . mad 1.7.1..H1 rtlllher 1111,111,- v• 11 C. Fir GEORGE BOGLE, DEALER IN Every Description of Lumber,. PINE and Cypre.. Shiuglna , Dre.sed Flooring. Weatherboarding, Window Pieketv, nod everything in his line of tontines.. Ile 1.1u.t renal/- mg hth dining Stock of Leather, and hae on baud a lame and complete a.aoriment of DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Oillce and %Vainmuse in Front .treet, letween Lo cum and Union. Columbiti, Pa. 4 701U1Ilill:I. Mare' 31.1,1:30. A PHELAN TABLE. Wushinaton A FIRST-CLASS PHELAN BILLIARD TABLE, all the accessories of hest quality. This is the best table in any IOWFIor cuy in the suite, out of Phila delphia or Patbi.urg Lovers Of the auto are invited to cab. a HERR. Columbia, December 21, BROWN'S BRONCIIIAL TROCLIES.--We have Leon selling the above Cough Lozenges at the unitly Medi...hie Sore ail winter, nod they have given general sutisfaction to all that have used them. 'the Rev. Henry Word Steelier say,., so far a- he ha had nil oppoitimity of comparison. Brown's Troches ore pre-eminently the first of the ;peat Loz,ige relive]. [J.1.21. IL Large Supp lyof 1 - ,, , XI'RA sugar Cuicd i 5 rent 'er 1.4 UMW, •• Aiet,4 Pork, Ezire Dried Deef, Shoulder, 10 Volumed at 45 cents per bapAlel For sale at the store of TllOlllAs Colombia. May 19. O. !lead of Canal 13:r-tn. BIJIZNE1"1"S COCOAINE fro: Anti, Prepnratton. which Int - reeeive.l the I g . ,me - t rte ,31118.110airt u+n i,ru uulier eud NV nt ter of growth of the hoar, lid, Junt been retest WILLIANIb. Cola. April 21,119. Prollt Street. COAL OIL: im .u.,,nber: keep a eato-nun Supple or the Sect T Kernime Oil; 111-0, Cual Oil 1.11/1141, of every Vaal- Ll 5 and roattJe, of ...LG., !t-..' C. Se. & Loctist Ftreel below SvColld, Cul:11111;w, Aim it ;!", 6U.1 plat) SEED. Just received a new crop of Cnnary, Dump and Itnoc Seed; the nine-t Seed nt town, at J.S. DELLIN'T & CO'S A pnl 11, TM. Drug Store, Praia ,Areci. BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS. Columbia Penna. eubscriber tomminees that he has rented the 1 above cetabbslied and well-known Howl. and has opened It ior the accommodation or the public. Ile late furab.lied the hon-c and 1 t prepaied to enter tain myelin 4 and boarder.. the table will be well fariloned a tb vver) thing the market abate. AI lo iter xtll I.e found OW be-1 bonnie at all of 1, maw, Connected with the 11m1. in the lin-einem to a FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, • wher.• 0), , C,111 r C. ty •tylu, rod other refre...litileui., or, •••••voli up lit good .yir. 1f nunit.,...0pr , ,..1 with fir-i-raTeo Alt+, hi larg:i or 1 , 11-ratialkiC TliC support of t6r into! C LOCKAiiD. Con ... !i t, Apid FOR RENT TIIE LUMBER-YARD AND OFFICE, formerly .11. our p ie ' d by Smith, Rhona.; Holt :intith. tit the low. or ..totl orCoiutobia; it .111 he rooted spry low, 111111 ul •tieh -izett lotw tt.• u, t alit per-oos wi-hull( to rent. Our tot Mt Ptittt.ll% 01 11 ii IACtsIII , S Jain F.itrvit•w Malts. el; 1' Ily erooog., 111111 11.11111.00h1114 Wan. rale, Ae. 4 1 11 rt.... 011111 1 1114 sit SA I.III(X.AICI)()NAI.D.S. MIME LIME! LIME ! rrthe *ul,-enla•. having rented I le Liu ,, • Kiln. and Qu.orry at the Canal I:, ant. i- prepared in -uppl) THE BEsr QUALITY OF LIME, for Building or .M.Loullog imrpoze., ia large or :mull quanoties, Slaked Lilac for 'Alantire eul pied at Ira,,,nalde rale, B.F. A !TOLD. Cu:a. April 11. Canal JAMES SUILOEDER, =I L Ile) i t d en's Bo ts nd Shoes, Locust Street opposite the Pt an4lits House, Colombia, Jr,,. I„. I. pop r, dlO siipply or make to order eve r) of (111.-e. Children'A SHOES, GAITER.;, BOOTS, SLIP- fitt VEILS, &c. I ow , none bul file 1.0.1 material!. and hi+ weri. in 4.1 •by 41.011 woikinen ; lie Win , ran Ira oilier ilia. atloll Wolk. svincii nut c ill Warraiii ,iiii-facio ry and I Very Olin r as fff i * •liiiir. lie Wilder,. for II S lend) and liberal paliOauge and e.01111111.1.11i0n. I=l COIIIIIII , III. Ju l JUST received fresh supply of alt the I' I..ornt Aleiliense,.ol lie day, which ire we rr.iowd genuine, at ihe (.01.11EN MOIL r.‘ R DRUG STORE, Pee 3 1:-59 Front ' , greet, Columbia E. K. SMITH, LUMBER DEALER, COLUMIRLA, PA. Office in Northern entral Railway Depot Building. foot•of Walnut st., 11..4 on hand it Liet.nd Ainortment of White Pine and Hemlek Lumber, WHITE PINE SHINGLES, PLASTERING LITII, &c. Goof Qu..ittirs, at the Lowest Market Rates. 9_7 Acre Columbi Insurance Company. Tit IS Campo y is authorized by its charter .2 to in-ure In the emu entry, or in borough. aguhist or by are, on til for any teugill of fine, letr!bed or perpetual, either for a cash pit:mann or premium note. PILEM IUM NOTE SYSTEM. 7.. Th". ,, %%iv, 'entire for o premium note will be in -area Oa five 3 ear-, melt -ul.jeet to it--esSifients to a-C of losvet,l ,CASII SYSTEM.. 'PLO-,•Stilt 10.11, for U e5...1. premium will I.e for ;oily eareedmg live year-, and nal .„, v oae per eeni. premium w.ll be elun r pd 014 1111111 proper!) fur 001 101U1 e 1 lIVC )Clll, I.EPOSIT SYSTEM Fenn proper!) will be for him term of ten year.. or a 1.114 , 0.11 of three per cent. of the Itsnount the wl.ole uamuur of the premium noie to he worm,' at the expiration of the policy. without in crem, Pr Ili• pope) to be renewed for hen )ear-, with inn they expen‘e at the (yowl; nf The inoirer. 'Pile Company w• to employ a number of good Agent, who will be furiiii4wd with the tree•-ape bhutk• and 111.1Ftle1101.. by calling •.1 the olliee of the Company. in tie lhorough of Columbia, Peiiii-ylvuniu, or .tddre•-iog the Seetehory by 1111111. C. S. KA CITNI Pro,igleHt, CIIAIsI, 11. 3100 RE, Vire Pre•itlcat, GEO. TIOTINU jr. Secretory. M. STR Trengo re r, J AI.3) 1 1 R. Sill/ MAN. VATT.W. 14111.1. ER. HENRY R. EtiOrWELI„ .1 ACOR SEITZ, 01.1*. Colonnhilt. I. ne.t..ter t 0., Prou'a 'March II, 11,410 AI:Int:II 17, 1-60. Vi•74X4 tI,I“A. CARTER Er.WtdfW BECKER, MANUFACTURERS OF COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Second Street, nearly opposite the Lutheran FIYMIffriSMIJ strxErt ItignAL Ist PREMIUM-1859 BRONZE MCDAL—Ist PRE3IIII3I-1559 An-reeled by the Line/titer one,/ A ;demlttg rol and Mechanical Society. T"Esableribers call attention to the fad that the First Prrmirtm, a :Saw r .1.1cdt.1.! was aw.toled theta by the [muenster County Agricultural .out Mceintairod 4 oriciy for the beet :shining Top hue ey exhibited at the Fair nf the Society in October,lls9; also. a Bronze Medal—First Frentittnt—for the best At their Coach and Carriage Malang k:stnblish• meet, they continue to tnatitufaciore Coache., Car o 33 . hugely... Sulkies. tal all other vehicles in their line. Their reputation as workmen is fairly es... tahlesiteth n. they . Cllll confidently claim for their wool. the merit. of beauty of form. elegance of finish, and strength GI mat...lure. °serif the distinguishing feature. of their work is its durability; all vehicle. of their build are Col , l , llruned of the Lest seasoned tunic rat, 1,11,1 put together firmly and Yubstantially. Thsi. give part:cola r attention to the REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, and warrant all SIMI, work in this line ao give sad.: In sahletion in their prnetical experience 1•11 they Imee the n..e , l4inee el the beet workmen ontit• oilier 1/coiC mph* ed. 'roc pulthr to revecultltr invites a null and ex :11111111: the •n•eh mt hand Fg , a i z a r n e , e ., e 4 , l"r l o o in t o il/e s i N;t r . ,.., w ne.l View i'ARTI:Ii, I, we at lea. ;Ilan Pleindelplial price Env iiN 1:1:110 , :1{ mad ! 4 AVIAIIIC A AleliONALli, 11S/Ift:ol)4otii:4-3*Vilte/40)Md HALF-MILE NORTR"OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the "Hillside Nurery awl" Gulden:lot:l'er. for sale. at firs p. eini4e4.a general a=soraneat of FRUIT,: II ADE & ORNAMENTAL TREES, of the choicest varieties, a rare collection of Hardy Ornamental Shrubbery—evergreen and deciduous, the fairest climbing plants of every description de r...Merl in this market—all hardy, rosily monthly, or perpetual bloomers, lite standard varieties of •-ss Z I Vt . GRAPE FINES, . ( " I " NATIVE & EfOTIC, 5t r ?",•!.'7 111 7.W.• small fronts of nearly ' .`4."v• every variety worthy v•"i• • • of cultivation in this chronic. GO-OhelN!rrie* that will not madete; als . O. the finevt collection of hardy Goo.- ever otlhred for -ale in Columbia, and, after iii-pection of other golden., he think- he may safely us,erl. the lineal growl. tool bent a-vortment 110 W In the 000111 Y lie calk attention to the Green iiouve.Wllloh is crowded with the ra re't and ruc,l songht for varie lie, of Ornamental and Flowering and chal lenges Lanettster and York Countie4 to produce u choicer or better grown collection of Green and hot llou-e Plunivolian now on band at the -'lll , l-010 Garaen," in order for Spring Trade. lie olf•ra them cheaper Ilan they 1 - 101 he bought at any oilier evmb• It-Innen: I in 11w above counties or in i he -late. He keep- coact:only oil hand at his It:xten , ive Nur -ter). cud Garden, or can at short notice. ever) tree, -hod, or flower. connected will. the huii. ne-•, offered tor -ale in Philadelphia. !u connection with the li,ursery and Garden. the nroprielor will undertake tlircuell the ugeocy of lViimitit Stafford, a scientific Land-rape On Metier and N or-erymitn, educated in Hoglund, to plan and lay oat Plea.ure Grounds, Gardeic4, he., and to do gt nem:jobbing in lid. line of il lottery told jobbing work will lie warranted to give stilisfaetion to the most tit-teful and fastidious, std sill be done at tea-omit c rate , Columbia. April If. Styes, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, ISm, ECIILADT ViTILSON, N. E. Corner Second and Locust treets. rFT subscriber having entirely refitted his I 'lore and NM in a complete new--lock or every- Ii l ine 11111•, the Illielllloll of the public in ii.....11111ei1t of STOVES OF EVERT STYLE & PATTERN. Hi—lock I. very large ant complete 3 emt •i-nag of Royal Cook, William Penn. Nolile,National. Young America, Morning Star. Complete Cook, Cooking Range.. Parlor Cook, four patient.. Parlor :Moves of every make,, size, style and variety, Bar Dike Stoves. Sec. Tin and Sheet I'm Ware. A Jorge nook of orioles in the above line of bu,i• romprising everything lint k manufuctuteil of 'Fin. Sheet lion. tte., for Household purposes. His nook is of 1115 own manufacture, nod he Cell vouch for it- excellence :mil durability. Cbandeliers,aGas Fixtures, &c. t and complete n-uo rumen of elegant Ca, IL [fixtures of tasteful de.dgeis. eonti-tnie of six, Mug, three and two burner Chandeliers. single burner Hall Pendants. Side Lights plain and ornamental, !iron Burner*. kr., always on hand. GAS FITTING Hall 113 brUllelle3 :Mendell 10 with prolllplllenS. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. T 1 OUSE ROOFING and *POUTING put up in the 11 mom Stlbgantinl manner; Pluinhing, Hell Hung; iog and other brunches of the busine‘s, carried on as itcrouthre, on the moot reasonoble terno.. FIIRA 51 WILSON. Corner of Second and LocOo :streets. (Womb in.:4.1...111)er 5, I 557. Split Peas! £ k Supply of Drted to.t oat received and Car vale very .11cop. at S. I'. EI,IiIIt.LEIN'S N0v.111,1 -:dl Grocery Sone. No. 71 ..... I:D Spark ling lielanile for :ode at the (..u.den L. 3 Mo , lor Drug More, Front !4 , 1 r•••• 1. FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT. UNDER IHE FRANKLIN HOUSE, _LOCUST STREFT, COLI 7 3fIIIII, soll-eriber hi. or, nod 1, the len.emeni of big 1:01el. the Franklin rlotrr. n IW-STAUItA Miele Ile i•trepered ,0 :to Other lie 1 .. .•.11110 . 111. 11 1 the be-t 1,) 1 ,.. The ...I:4141 , 11110 . 111 11;1. hero to,vly fi led lip Wllll 1....chr to the aecnol -1110,141:1011 01 tin e0.10,11e,, nod 110 effort will he propel 1 y anti promptly - cutlet lu Weir 311141:11111..Itle, The 10, Ice- provided will beef the be-t qna. - op, •cal ifiat 110 . y ally li, well cool,tl and .creed tin experietweil pvr.on trout Out of the Inu.t /I h.t. 10,11 e11g;14,...1 to lake 1 . 1140 . 4,. 01 the youk log .1.1,:11101(.111. he .111...ellher lie public n True o' .1., Ai I I Eli, 1 I= • NOTICE. Tm: nook.- of the -Lll,..enber hove t e en pineocl io the al hook John E.ltlys, %soh aUt110111) to culler t all :u•romn.. 1'12,011 4 Mitchli•tl avid tithe payoteot to hon. too-, 11.1% log chat , IA ill plea-,• pr.••w.t them 101. OM= I 1,•1011, 15 I -.59-If. Hams. v n have open a choice Irn of .agar pared ilillll4. 6U. a, 11. F. BIarNER ill=1:1 I UST lIECEIVED, direr!, from the manufuc• tuter , , a 101 of Patent Kero-rue or Coal Oil uf 13 different ',intern, unrivalled In 1/12.1111y. ”/Inpla•ily. , ,afely. or era nanny. They :Ire not liable no explode, vino no offen-ive odor wild , rii • tog, very cosily regislitled, born win haul -11101.0. •n the light Is 1110011101011100 01,111 In A 1.0. Conll hI.•InWWI, In I/11/11 N 1110114,1, be 1 0 00.,nd the Drug Snore on Dee 3 I-811 CR AN BE lillIE•4! rim!: 4til.rnher on liand A .14 • • YOUllti hon. 11. ,CYD.O Nov 21. 11 , 410. CON 1 . 1"0111 anal Luton rq. aItSF(II4 SILE. We have a htife lot o quart, ball gallon and gallon Jar., wall tin lid which we willat-no4u of at ••very low figure. 111a)5.'0U. I R Dl:l.l.l'.l°r k Cr) PREPAR FOR COLD WEATHER, II A V jum rourneJ from the t•i:y with a Faktidid ~f .0 the a,,w 1111 d i °proved pattern, set, . vie= or COOK, PARLOR, STORE AND OFFIC} ,TO v Es, r,_.•l e pare sl :ale oilier -I.ibl.laeta tilts -r.i.• c.... maille ley hitlt gill lA.: :told sit a tlll4ll adV.Stle, 11110 1 1 WILSON, N. W. Cor. gerund MO I.ooobt G. rep*. IS, 1,60. Sportsmen Look Here!: al -1 nod •latzle !turret gu11... fool received al ilw wliiirdWare Sion: of J It ample fe.r..0... Double barrel au. , front sli us. to SOO tnag le bar ret froth V.!. In SZO.e. We have yeeesveJ every bins at lite 011111111 g .41111 Its I . oWiter., Shot. Call, PoWtiet , :31101 W:IIIi1111,1.(1 , 1111e , whirls we ofno In .el I HI very IoW 'OIL • I It IINI1 . 1.11.: k SfIN Jtnit Received large roenriment attic Co:,1 Lattilib $3/11i it ruperinr an h.'," DI Oil, all of which will he sada ut nJuciJ • prices by Col rpililsoo. The First Raft of the Season. E. K. SMITH, Will be receiving during the Spring, 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by rnft. 4,000,000 " " „ bunt. 2,000,000- " HemloCk" • - " 1,000,000 Plastering 500,000 White Pine Shingles 230,00 Cypress Shingles. j3.2'-.1. General As:nortment of Worked F'l.,oring, tit 4.. e. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. • ri'llE Sa)seribers have just opened a large tool rptembla..ttrioneat of iieieffelalkle good., .o I.vltielt they vkit.o.l •v lie the 110 e 0000 of pun eelieliill),efiteliliiee fir :'.it` Fall Style. Mei. $lllOl, I loin :Alit, In 4 2. per }aro. Freoelt NI ern..., All-wool [Mame., Ca.lorteres. Coburg.. 'up't,. Alpaca., Flenticitt. Delame. ' I.r.u l .,Gloveg, ;Am w 14. Wankel-, Cloths, Cto.senterre, SJlille't.. Venter.. CU r pet.. I 111 C lot 11.. Witalow Shade:l,oot hi lig. Huai. Ind Shoe, (!.teen-veare, t.rocerte• stool Provo.lo/e., 10- g. tit,. atilt .1i oilier goods tt.ttally ltepu in ',mar) plot P.: all of iAbleh they will -el, at the ter) lrose-I en.a 1:011111-y prod., of all limb. Oaken In eXeleiliere for gamktit the highe-t market prec Thanktol for the a rest•ly Illternt patronage bc.toued upon them. they would any to their eu.tomer.. and the routinunny ;a general. that by Fair Dealing. mat it. tit taltrill.O. 10 lilt-mien.., they hope to MCI% it COll 111111010, of the snille. MAUI lir it C.1:.•1:. eui SI , lipito-s to. J. It utni,ll. nnrd,a- nrc Steort, [Ol.l. :17 i•-t;it, BED BUG DESTROYER. vrADI: by .1. Rumple No humbug. It it. tomb, tit a powder. tied will not voil the Ind do:Wit:. If it d.o.s lint prove 4rtti-litt tory the :11Mie) lull be re (untied. For .Itle at the dole of .171,1 W .1. It UNI'l).. SON Henry C. Blair's Philocome. cosvENIENT wd ttilititratikt fires-me (or h I/ linlr. it prevent,. the hair trout i t . growth healthy ruin ,igrarta-. fiat etiu/i% ia• xeloompattying each t•ellk. For •rer I.v 8 wit.taA MS. Frtnt street. March 24,1 sTEimoscorE.6 AND EOSCOI' IC VIEWS. ~,,n c AN-N. .11101g , ,, g 0, - cRO,TITIC & walt‘JJ l ,(%fv-2_s A SUPERLATIVE TON IC, D I UR ETIC, 4 iv „togs D YS Witr D4VICBRATING, CORDIAL To THE CITIZENS OF NEW .1 EItSEV AND PENNSTL VANIA, APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCER AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. %Voir,. Pure Co me Brandy. WoIP+ Pure NlitdOra. Sherry and Port Wino. l'ure Jan - mien and St.Groix Rum Won'. Pure Scotch awl Irian NV hiiiky. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg, leave to call the attention of einzens of the United States to the above Wines and Liquors, an ported by Ude - ,'elm Wolf, of New York,vto-te name is familiar in every part of ihiscountry.for the purity ofhis celebrated Schiedam Schnapps. for. Wolfe. in lies !Miff to me, spcal,ing of the purity of his Wines and Liquors, says: will stake my reputation US a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years , res ident.e in the City of New York, that all the Brandy sold Wines which I bottle are pure ns imported, and of the best qualm:, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle ha- the proprietor's name on the wax, 71011 a tae situate of his signature on the ;et:idle:Pe. The public are invited to call and exam rile for themselves. Por sale at Retail by all Apoih: cot ries anti Grocers is Philadelphia. llgossa 11. P=aces, No. Nl2 Market st., Philadel phia. Sole Agents for Philadelphia. Read the followitig from the New York Courier. Exountsous Bast:, ass von axe New Yong 111racos rer. —We are happy to inform our fellow citizens Butt there is one place tn our eity where the physician, apothecary, and country, merchant. can go and par. elitists pure Wines and Liquor., us purc as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give nit elaborate description of this merelattnrs extensive 1004110 SP, nititoa2it it tt ill well repay any Sitillitter of 1:1111011 to Vl-il UOOIOIIO Wolf's ex tensi ye warehouse. Nos. Is, :Maud 12:2, Beaver street, and No.. 17.19 and iMarkeiGeld street. Ills 'stock of t. , ,immor, on baud ready for shipment could not hove been lees than thirty thousand ease.; the 13mudy: some ten thousand ea-es—Vintages of 1y36 and 1SBB; and ten thousand eu-es of Madeira, Sherry and Port %Vine. Scotch and Irish Whisky. JIIIIIIIICII and St. Croix. Runt, some very old aud equal to any 131 thi. country. Ile also land three large cellars filled wtill Brandy %V me, &e., iu eis-ks. under Custom I litu-e key, ready for bout mg. Mr Wolfe's Mlles of Sclutappn last year amounted to one Itundreirand eighty thousand dozen. and we hope in less Bina two years lie may be equal ly ,•IleCerlillUi with his Brandies and WOWS. Ills business merits lie patronage of every love; of lii- species. Private families who Wl-11 01110 WlilCi nod Liquors for medical use should send their ord, es direct to Mr Wolfe. until every Allotlievory its t. Mild make up their minds to discard ire poisonous :null - from their shelves, and replace it wu6 WOire'd. pure Wines and Liquor.. understand Mr. Wolfe, fu, the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up unsorted canes of Wines and Liquors. Sushi u intui t and such merchant, should be sustained axstinst his 112114 01 thousands of opponents in the United Suites, who sell limiting:Um Bail:A.1011B, ruinous alike to human health' and looniness. Sept.d.tOttaiiti, THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING TEM BALD AND GRAY. ITANy, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood. ill have attempted not only to imitate his re.tormive. but proie,ti to have discovered fomenting Ili t would louder , : results identical; but they have ell come and cone. being married nwny by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's prepay/limn. mid have been forced to Imo, ;lie field to it. re-otless sway. Bead the fin I'oer. 0 J. NVoren.& Co + . 6eitb++—The letter) wrote eoliccroing your valuable flair Re-torit nye, and which you have puttliolied in tins vicinity and el-..where. given rt-c to otimerous inquiries lativinnu 111, flirt= in the core. The enquiries ore. fir-t, it a fact of my habitation tied name. tie stated to the tamontanivation: second.i ; it true of all therein contained; third, does my hair still continue to be in good order and of natural color? To till I C 11112.11111,/ ito-wer Mean:tidy lily hair is even bettor titan to tiny stage of toy life for lit :,core plat. more son nod Maier colored• the sitter a. trite of my wbl7l: e re. and tire only 1,1111-C Why it i- not generally ti tic. 1- this the 0,./1111,1 washed elf by frequent abtanion of the Mee, when if Cully were 11-nd by: wip ing the Ince it close cooneeitna with the whi-Leas Mr -time tasadt will follow an the Moir. I hove been in the receipt of n outsiber of letter+ from all pint-o 1 New England, ar-koto me if my hour rtill ern:Wine- to lie good; ti- there IS OC/flinch fraud in the oninufamore notl sale of various compounds lIS will 11....1111110.1i01101,1, In 1,111/11