.MFE XICSIUR4NCE. crtliniAl, WKS% •, 114% been twisied Agent of the Venn M mal Life lit-unnive pf Philudelppia, to: Columbia non neighbor fin old eAubliodiett Company. rerFoini on.agng to proyide.for 'heir cam Ite+ in ear.e cc "Irwin ftd better I'll Ii on the ;~rnt nod get enlotrthin.JUlY COLVIVULtaft IRON FOTTIVIVISIt OPPOSITE THE CANA 14 Ra9l.Ne COLO M MA, PI, rrig.E4l4..griber hpi reinoyed to tte txten rive 5h0p... ronneeted with Mt- cohttnltta Iron Foundry. *Mich he ill,. thoroughly .G11,•11 2p. Wi th !WM, bud fit ...t.ra to al:whit:cry. and IA :.ate prepared to panorama. Strata Engines and ell 111 P. of ev.e.ry de. .arylption. alnehinery , alit!, i , ackotte.r, C Work. &c. Iron and 11144. Casting+ fium...lsed to order. Bridge ;Solt. and ll.laelt-tnithing an grater-I. IrrHsputratg promptly “ttetitted to. J OLIN t. 2. D N E. , enlnml.in. July IP3O ILIMMOVA.TA Or SOHN SE ENBERGERIs VIIRIITrrIIRE WARE ROG/a6, T"andersigned haviag removed his fee t ~,, re Ware I - tomtit: sod 3insittritclore% to lea nrc: foiltdisisT4, on the ...soh nide of Lorti-t at reef 1,- t ween Sterood :snit * l • itirsl :tifoiro Ina treArstbr and the peb . ..se to give lons a cal:. A h,trze tine antosi.nr •onot, • AViN FS- ;V ;LK 4NOCHAIR-WORE, pt all deneription•.. will be :,.•M stasis nasally tot Land. which v‘,ll be sold on the too-t rest ,uot.ableterm, An he snanPfaelure. hi+ o 1., snar lie in enabled to warranr every tunic r to I, %hal it is. frost . ..en:es; 0u:lio Lt . IL ittLs , av is.c lows Ijitostork If vr.ry targe.u.tot it purl eso brew., Itte.. Jong. Plain and F . ane3 fluredus ,:.I.li . Jkoasd•, Sea I„;a s ert.K.lo.Shria C , l.lre. Di et 'mg .Ihn lag and 13ern I pt. "CAI:SIX , : Common French stud other 111 , .1 I.TEA DS; Common and I t o tie,y Cll4l Het, and Sr ,I F.Es of ever) 453 le stsertbr I tA:11. u gellorls • at , tort men, of all o RE. Vatter:3lg well :te itt..nded will, a Ntitlerdid Bent, on ahoy nOttrr nod n•ltsleest tOota) SatlCSltlol.gi Sten II DERTA ICING. Hr renpeetfully s.olielin a shorn of paldie patronage • Wert .1 , .1 rtn:11111 1 / a ttest nfthn e 0510111 w ild Sc Lich he I•stss beea Itherelly I . :synced t:olua. : .,sa. April I I I .X 7 More New Goods At THE CORNER UNION Sr. THIRD STS rereiyed, a fine no.orms , o; I,udie-t Sbne. Al !oaten' S:3 ist I::, , (sr :;•• Lo• • Leung anti ••••11.,•• • •In A :••• i5 , .1,-.r 'n.sso.lo•lo 4 tool for gstistis •:•stut. o• lovito , t .f call srid er 1 131iLiNI:1{. Colombia, Dee 1. 1.C,1 Ropes, Ropes. Ropes. 400 COILS tut nal.. and 7: •Sol' , . ei/s•loog , !,.10 -nit par:: edd-er-. It my -tore, hoaroat•lec :Vlntelt3l, 1030. 'PI lit.: GICOILGW .1. 531111.1, NyIIOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake [taker.—Con~tu toy , •11 11311 d a variety of raise+ no aumerous to menuo)c, c rankers, Sod Vl.nv, Scroll wr4 Saris eascuLt. Codectiouery. of every deverriotoc 1.0 , I.:NT :••• bee, 3.'59 ii6VOTVeII the ftnnt. and Frat..1..1 Moore. FOR ZiXNT Tllg room in the Blue rrolt. now nrennw.l Thown. Welsh. 1:1,1; :Alto tv t.tl lion-4.- Ap. rr to rehrua rt• 21. 1459 Soap and Vinegar. • n n lier..Kl:r+ of Duffy'. Prowl, Snap, 2tll.nrr,l of ym ear,srliulcrute nud re,ll'..it 1111411 CCHI.Cr of Thotd utid I • ulnu I•lrect! E= SAUL': ! trk4l ,Stolt 7round Alton Solt rort•tv,,l, and Orr .11,10 at the extraordiner.. ) low pro, nt our Jul liar ood five cent.; per -stek. Tilos role. April 21, 071..11. NOTICE ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the Livery: 4 lllWe, from she IQI it April. 1e.57. to Om Undersigned. are requested to make immediate pay Meat, and those' lootite. :Axial< will present them tot rettlemtml, us he s desirous of elusing his business without deinv. Om. a. 1.5,:if-if CONENISSION BUSINESS. TILE subscriber has made arraugemeuts aid it , now prepared to reeetve on co:ono-Hon, ut log a•h.ri. nrile side or Walnut street, Column:a, Pa., COAL. LUMBER. 147003 OR Tics, ilc will he happy io revolve ccillows•triii• lot pr the uln,.r artiele. 10 ally ntonuiti. exprrtrnerw the 130-ilie—< be believer. 11101 hr will be able to troller =n tillello,l. Slricl at to•naon jrL git co to all bu:ol^•• rl.lru•lrd in 111, J-Ott. IlM(/ s 5.1. 111 Itlorelll7. TSB COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ecg d St., below Ugiog, Columbia, Pa., is prepared to execute. oil nrdrriv for sTv,,INI FN• I GINE:4 11011.F.115. Full lII,AST I TIIN ACES. noLLING :1111.1.5. SA %V ANL/11.01:1i A 111.14-4.11141 every veraety of NI a ehttler . Ist 11,110-1 1110r0001 Mai Improved manner. In) t ittfl P>44 , Of ~V , .) Ste,rllllloll, anade to order. Ilepat rio t promptly at tended to. Co.to plod for OM Iron. and other metal. 1./Wets by mail .1113414 be told ed to ''Colosol.:a )11.111t14:1$4r lila C011;pully.Coloodo.t, ;Z. It. T. It. 5C1.1.1.F.E. " Loper 1111CW/el:I. Colombin —Noe 1:41E157,e ZIOCAL FREIGHT ,WOTICE, THE PENNSYLVA NI .1. RAILROIR COMPAN) RE now prepared to receive and forward rrait( II .n+ OW V 1.1 d » IN tont, to tt ol Fo 01l sttotonn. they I/Jig 140 ing ro ma per loooltral pottiolt: to:TwEEN 111 I AN p COLUMBIA. 14,t Cim,e. Seeo...i I la., 'Fiord C:Jp. roartli Clux. :::, .•..at... 21 r.. 111.. 117 rrfil, 15 Ve:il, 1 - 1.111 . :I, ear loath , .2lcrat. per It:lrreg. 1 . .i.r Metal. 111 emit. net Iptl pailfuls BETWKEN Plill.A. AND LAM:ASTER. j,,i r:U.• t", 0.1 (*::t=, Tlifftl Cla%A. roarth e;III, Z.I r. 10.4. 2U con*. IT tval.. II t Cults I'loar. .24 relai, per burr.. Pig Metal. 1,,J1.01111 , irt.r WO 1.4104. I+l,iparrat- amt:w to l'ai,horg, and all Iliterilled,ule iialions +l.. tve...4,40re ATKZA ii..A To I'ITI'SBITRG. r.. ion! I • 111,4. %POI 111 4. 1i1- 4 70 I ; •r L.O rf•!. HI renT4, 1:1 - 1 roo.igiiod in 'orig." vk lic;rlLio Coin rniiy ..u-. Articles of (lass. Honks, rr,•ll Fish. ilerrotf at-- Sh:/e:".:. IN ,/tS ill I , llg, i'...tar and 11, uosksi \t - art. l'umr .1 A. , to In•Li'eS I.) (~,nds, Poultr ii rcxr. ) ,g, I.,rx. ifresla. j uroitu re, 1 2 .1..t:ty • (. 1....5.,. ,tlll•cr4. Wmrpog rem.r Articles of 2(1 Clips MPI:1 , "11, NCIOII, Itorer G'raus Seed. I'mi•ry. r In Loycn API , • F • hea. nr i:evTels,Orrrpty.) fled, Or.. • r,s. I l'atovr utlrt r I I.,,nArn. 11, mug 11. I,le, ‘. • (jilt •-ii. we, 14114, H , rn. IV 4. fm.n. %new. nr nil: .1 I 1 111 ?kludge r,111.. S Ni I .1ri•• lot/t• (•[,. !tio.,nirtsemtr. Articles of 111 (loss. Pff , p 111, wt< F,,en,j oo,r, I .sold. \% lwate nor-• +l, 611rT1., rotttic. 0. rannufac h.red,) Articles of VII Ilas%. Tt+ - 0 , 41. ?NI% Trllmccr , , Cr of.) r , o'fir. 4 c a 1 .11. whitre. all Imodo Nitll. SpiLex, • ‘‘: al SKY-I,IIM I PICTI'R ES! THE ORIGINAL GALLERY, I IN ZED /I ANDS. -- riliTE subscriber has taken the Old Haller}', i TER ms. 1 and a- prepared to int, rather liie itrwi wpd ..1,,,,,,. ! One Copy ro r T.... 0 w.,k, $1 fon. e.l picture.. ever bike,, in Colundo.L. 11,, liar added 1 One hop) for Our) ran 2.:dt, to the I..ciltne• of the room.. ' One Copy for Two Veal,. 4.00. A SKY LIQIIT, , 1%, 4:01 , 11 , 1-f One Year, 11.110 ;Twelve Copier igr One Ten, . .'u tau. I vvett4-tive COpn , Inc 1,1•1.• 1 roe. 411011. And In, complete 11 rehired the einald,ltmruLand i. : prepArcil lo talte ivoryt? pen, Photogr..plt, Me/Jo. ~,,,... ,h,„,„„ p ~ , NlioN„.„,, p , ..,„! 1.,„,,, ~„„ .Au Extra ropy will he allowed tor ewer, Club oi (* .ay , - tla the 4 , 1 .15:e, pn4l ut pm,. wL„.i. ;,,,. 1 ' 1•.% (11.. 1.11 . /11101111 . (or rho VP.l}. IC 7,1 ,. . : .. . rive Or Tvren.y-ttr , Sllll..rflhel, ~..., . nod JOS AS :IrILICS. none.t id nt on .I.e time., t - -- -- --- 1.11....n.....e.. war...tett, soul a t=tlti•fttetory pieittre 1,:.9 i .r•I * •11A If,VEITS WEEK LX,"hutolgontely bound Cloth extra. VIII, S i.. 10 V11111..11, now ',illy Ttic Plutuhl Life Insurance Company II 1 'll•be.l ,tlll 1111 l repented .m1,1;9, Ile nett,. a non. IIAIII4:II te ISIIIOTIII:ICS. !mum. el n iio !Ilona: patronage aiwat).. rXIC , IIICII In , ." „,, ip lI" IC i; W Y 0 It Ili . .h...-. 1.0,1, 43 1, it. C.ot and ext.notte •pecotteng at •`°‘••;.....-`".• Franklin tlquave, New Vora. Ate run..., N• i'L Corner Front and Locta.t •treet• , _ --- A r.al . r.: six stir 1 lON OF DO L 1 \ n 1I ON _S__' _ _ I. •,_ .__ . 1 I i,, rd .tory. Ent...ere on 1.0 en... reet .--- --- - --__ _ - 11. 1 20, 1,0 n 1 M. hirrt.c. 1 Johuson's Patent Hog Trough. I s . :, I I n ru tinsr Woe raIIGV . I 04 lIT O. ref kI s, , SVCrIIT I I OVER S 13,000,000, . -_ ; ?W. oub.enlier. buct nk7 tuurrhaure the right to mare 11i. pr• ,'....ti. it, I it., I a than in inane other rum REA DY-M ADE CLIITIRNG. utl-,,,,,,,npd ,e11,h,,W,C1111011111 Lllll , ll, l ler coma , de•nro to norodnee dto general we: It t• a ea.:. won p tt0e... , t0l the 11, tdroil ,, ' , lre leeen . VIKA 111, 11 f FA-, and goy.' Reari).m.,deClothtne tit great va. trottehwi • li a tilttfrior top . oe I.llil lent enpueitylo holt, Too. I. •. -ttnul, Mutual retoeun) Titer.. vre on .11 rtely yen. ehe.r; ut I goad. w.r.auted .. Terre. I the feed of one tior. It 1. , ...constructed that the .2111. 1. , .11.. i I ofitr:• ••, lll,lt WI :1, rtrlil. 11,01 , 7. In lha• I.- ..raped, t e r .uit by :MA L.THV Jt. CA I; • inn! , 1111 l ot get ~t.t fret Into is. and mutt lake tee feed .11.1.81. 1 Creumlna. Oct 2; OT.:l— _-I without the wood •grantltp, ha and apla‘btng. Ity the airaugetnent of the top the hog t. prevented ttramteed- nig 1 / 1 11 1 1 the trough to tilled. wile., the sop ram be •Llttfi ed 11 41(11. S A 7% D SHOES. iat oil!. The trough I, 01l be iound a great eon vemettee . 11. Ulla 11111.1. Wien LIIOWII. te.ntre papa., r ~,,,—• (;• , ,,... ) irope.'„Voutlen, and Children'. nee , T he tenor!, are tor ...le at the ,11.ttp. at e :-.7cenol tttrort ir a nd . ...I.ne.i of a'l kind*. rheoper than ever Ite:0 , Inclose c m . , c 0 i..b .. , e a. na,,,,1 ~, ,1., W.f... come and are. for -.le itY SUPPLEL &IMO. en' ot , 14 1 27. 1.q., hi A Lruy .1- e4sr. 1 Columbia, July 2L 1,60. I , rr ry /1 II 1:01:STON, ra: ight Azcitt., l'h I .1. I: — .."e'l'ot further in:orrumlon. apply- •. :•• 14 1 rezi,4t Min I; K. 130ICI:. e.nhinthou ;•" IS 7 , 111, - F.lt o . Freh;lit ant lwauc• ...,011,1.m. I)re 0 . 1.-,;41 f ~~~ r~~l rnre Rnetni t..•l l'y .1:1rr. Tet..elo dr IN ••••11,11i .0 1 p. .0.1 • Ira the ) rIo , I lt. R %Tell I TIR v.T %RR. or, r Fool h to., V 1 rl. O I I= 1111 i .A 1.13.1411 % orrilzrvcr, I ~ ..7.4- st.st,6,-. .14.1.4 At ..:- It . 'lle, tve•me le flaw.. . 4:Prerzele II leeet tt u,et J.....:••• NI ....I'm!, 1 ... W,,,,, I • it Nll,—. 1 I . .410.r 1,:0n.0g. Jo-, 1.1. 4.011-4•401. 1/ 1000111 4' otol. A ri/ 1•101, rg. .. Jolt" Ai A Ook m-1.. Co ln:. i Toe...sate 11 , rover,. brrrre %V Tolman% APPI,EZZI A rin.F.:4n Plens Wear, Nt e ee1..111 Ml•liwe, lel,. 1% 001011. k r•.,, ... r v•iv or A r 01,... I, tier barrel or 01 1013.1, i (11.0 . 111 ,. CJI.-10PV:44. Vteeettee., te.e.i tt ,te., j... n ., 1 . 00001i.V. nllll f•VCr ~011 ,ltaitoll .nay ter had glut i : tit t attettoe, t t the 1.1.••• t ealarleeree tem , . at 1 1., te toll tt•eeertrowte. 001 V A 1.01111,10 V 401411 NC InVIIt. I. V‘i ..relira , i.rp.. II r"1 , 111:1 H. B. I/ . / II 01 VI/ %WS I 1! e 010011100 of the 10004 T. A VI II 1 1111 II::1 1.11. ‘I I) .. School Books, School_ Books, TO TEACHERS.:ANipAiPAAENT'S. 117 E are now , rridy-to cupply,Traehers and Parents VT. wiih.Saitent's Iteirders and Spellers, at. intro duction prides Also. tilt etelirol nooks used in town and country, al llkr very lowest prices. . rsAVI.OR & McDONAI.D. Fr4z.l street, beLWrell LOVII4i ullll Seot. e. 1040. HARDWARE.. CT lit: tAthscriber rlesirous of t ..iluciog his stoel, of 1.;c1.011.. is now o(reeiog 111 very low p:icert. Wlll . O 0/ all descrniiloo-, -ilea IV/ I.oeks. Hine Nal lA, 4t• , and VV.` I') a rudelle -0.,01/y maiant. Curpesurer. Too l.: such Phkae s , Hand Saw< Chi-res. rile., ft.e. Al,o, a large sleek of Isar Iron—enmpri-Ing ever!. we and kind, zu. reduced price-. Thankusi for tie patronage barriolore extended io bun lie re-pet bully ask. a column:lnce of 'be "...we. J. W. eurrrini.i.,l,nru=t Co)umt=i.t. .u..pleiniler 15 Itt - - SHADES! Srl-ADESI nave jilFt received /In of plain and pa lent Shade', from Vet- to 6'2 CI, cull and •lilem at J ). ) i lil.l .ETT. CO . 4 in I -CO. r Lt,lig F•iinre. SPALDING'S CEPIIALIC PILLS. relit ‘nle at the Golden Aloft:lr Drug Store. Colo. Jun. 12. 'Pill. From Z.,lrrei CEIRISTIMASi -CIIRISTIYIAS! slit....‘rrnit. No. 2.2 North (peel Sir. 1. of G•,-toJJ filo roldle.io the art s• lutte l.)rirra..ph•n tiollll , ll.llrunied %Voris- 11 . 11. pared and arrargtd v.% nor the FESTIVE SEASON.' Tl,e follovvilag ATV a 1,4 of the sm.!, that wtll ttp. .o'dl very elle.111: 1 . 1 . 01111.11 At I{l,lllly coin) Sllit 1,1,1 1:11Z ray mg+ Hit :se el. If) rpm!. 11. Guirpl. nett 'l'l, Love.: nod 11 1 (.14111w- of the rot'l, It 11. nolo Items :114.04.0tti Sl,l, unult liitt•trotetl. T o o et•itift.i • it'll-ll:tit,' 1, r 111) title 3:u. rite Poet. , of the :S:ine:r.elvi. . Ti,,,, ,Two hoe I:ottravtott: Tor Itt.olton. A 4..tp 11001. for oil 11114-• oh twelve Steel It:ogit,tvittivt• ttotuvolor (itoller!.. An Root,. teen 1;e14 slit 111 I , o tt .toltl 1:”. gr The .11:antic rtilt.tettir. l'ortatt. nu 4;11,1. tints Orli:MINI Pit tuts til 1.,, ..41:111111”. I 111-triltril. of liable. All 11111-itoottol A toul.ll for nil .1 . 11.10... Tov Du r will: all of the mo-t elegant and lair... Hook- of the ~:non. Javenike lloot.,..uited to all age•, at v. ry law pn e.. IIII,1.••• 1" . 111% er Player Etnol,.. 110,111.1 111 ver) !wool' (iarne• . Came-! of every deaeription ni prier , Aloveable Toy (took. w Great variety of Utocev. : ooll and Nlaliopt ,, y. r.,1 .eleg ea. m.d.r ilse.r and Chr1.411111 . . have them ...Milli) time I,ll.Vrelt l'areli.l-er 4 .1.1 eve, Parelm•er. will do well In roll and ex•im.ne out .10e1. belore vI-rwleete. J \ S tl 1 , 1:fr:, Cheap flunk Sin,. No 311, Norili Queen lt,tieet. Nest door to Examine. (Wier CALICO! ('A I.WO!! 10 0 pivee• Levy Cali-o of Ow begt 0111kr, 110 W ,0111/01 ut U ) Jul- for a tlonar at • " - =I MMIMIMI 1 , 1. A li Poeta I mork,o .J Clothe., 5.... (or by ft W11,1.1.A.11'S :17 1.-au Front 'I.. Cola ul.lll ilia 01 . ',[11.11, , •00,11 01 -1.1$1•01 , 1 on' m 0.., -101 m p l os 11011000. , 010.9 011101 .1, 1:.II 100 , Jail 111.104%.0 0111.1 :01100..1110 . 1 JO 1111111 .010 1 4.10;,; ,;.00,01.41 olJu.O The Testimony of the Whole Word HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, SOITI3 and' Viers I= All de.eriptien of -nresare remrJiable h y the proper and datgeht a.+r of thi. fitetoitruali Jr preparation. To attempt to cu te Lid leg. tit pla •tering the cegea of the %%out.' together i• tally: for •LmJJ the Lin mule. Boggy di•eared condition remain. nittlerneallo to break out IA ith ten fold fist y id a it w day.. •I•he only ra lional and , uree-•till I reatnleilt, hulteated h) n.uure. 1. to reZttee the I.ll.lMtnatlnsi u, and about the wound and to .ontfir the l:el , !hanrillt.' purl- i 1'1114)111g ill plenty al the thattlleat (arced int° illeat, Liceroted Sore Throot, and Scarlet Ao) of the ui,ove Iw o Lr r ,, re d robbing the thosiotteet theca 111111 e. 11 li.ly Iris lire Chest. throat um' Reek of the p.ttient. ie will con„ pept,ltrtre trod give nnn,ediate Airdiello•tok., Iny the mouth 111104 Oper.lte erne the whole •).11.111 ere rt. intlurure 1•311 ire fell In any !oral Jr.,?, tt lieu e• rittlire 1 / 1 1,11I1e111 wdi do it.; work at 0/1( . 0. Wittrett• r Inlet the unguent in the rihove tettetier for tire di en-e- nettled. Of any •iintia r di •nroleo. :Ore/Om ra=ME==MlZ2M3=lff MEM The ve 01 I 11111,1 1 / 1 1111. Wlll Ile removed l,v tly (onmining the part. %oil sv.ion waler. fin then li) mo-t etieetaall) riddling tar the I. roans -lacking ft thew eninplarnt lo-i• ilOl a ihnment lii acre One.. p rogre•• • It -Imola he tinder...ood Ile.. it I. 1101 001110041 i 10 .111,11 Ile. 011 the elle, tett rer 4 ,1.111 II 11111.-1 he in ell ranbeil an lin -note enit•ittt r Ode Ittyle ion nr three liner• it mar im taken non IVIC .)evekik. whence 11 11111 nowise ally , ore tle WOllllll lao though piiiikahle to the e) Vitene again knead and wilier nanan it ... 1 . 111.1.111tr1 1 1 ot the 4 /11T11111•111. Ii! .10 gre.4litr• Till,. llle 011 1 ) sure leellllllt.lll or teal ale eillleee to lilt •toniaeli, or m liege %hell; lit a g era, tnoaring &inn. lotliocictions of Youth; Rorec and I.7ms al*n.vtelling•. eerie ratheatly t teed a the littotneer lie 11+ed flee iv, teed rite Pdt. tie wk... 'tight and morel at 7 a. ref. ttttt welted et the printed le-trueleth. 11 hen Iteltltill it .tiny oilier ouy ooly dry up w cue 1111 lee to break out le :1110 Her; Ilk heteihi sill. 4 / 1 111111r1II will tellteiVe Ilse humor from the -) -tem. end Irate the pa 111,11 a V 1):• nrnu. end Ill,t1111) In. hi 4. II will reeler, the te-e er the hi .•n-u..• Dtnpsical Sicillings, Paralysis and Stiff .14nrs the alcove eothpluen• duller wide It I origok lIIIIIItei yet tee) sill l'eetheeot Many amp wor t V.V.. of ,orls dthen we I) teal la a (01111iilltallVel) shoe .pave. c hew when tehttneut generally rubbed nun even net r every newt turtles have tulle I. In .11 rine- teuerche. the Pol. I.linuttl br I.then teeeteltep. ie Hie ',lilted )111..1100. liVili/11111:1/111oft eaeil buy ltd;/1 the Ointment and should lie used ru the following; Eliseo: hid 1...5r., Corll4 (Sol"..) Illiessomrs-,n, Bad 111 - 4 . 11-I.,..*Aner.r.. :.1.11 1 41.. 11.11 11, ()141,11 . 1rj ZI Ild_ .i, \ , pp 1•••• Mr ;tar, Stiff 3.,,‘.. ',Oil' Tian..., == 0. I. awl 5.,.1 I t 4 or% , (.0.11. .."n• Ulf otlll.l-. CM= ppm: II In•l• V:vn • AI I JUN . —Nom, use gentssite amir, the vs aril -1•1;vm al> , New 1 k mot Loottrat,' . iilt• 11$ Wei Mb.: ater..ll.o. •••evl lent the I•ottvl• 01 lure • 11( 2 11111: cv It pot ....13; The • 111! 11111111111 In 111,111 •• •iv 111 Ilvvldov.; the leaf to lie I,glo. A Imod•otti.• ..151 in ill be 14:vr11 10 :my one rrevilerouvi -vvelv v v 11.1,4,110.1 of nril••• rein • ervitti•g lIICIIICIIIrs or • etiaimg the u••. 4.ottu ,• m kr •v•lvrioun. ..," I.ltltlatt of I . rofe.•nr hollowly New 1"n, h. and I.y all re-pt•etttit 11,tler-Nlettevitor. llotottglsotol the t i I, t: st• ortd, •i•I Ito), - it 1:1•11t , 1111141 SI II"J - TIo•oe ron.i.l.2l4lJ'e .aamg Li taking N fnr the .glitiinner at pminnin in It iii•nitini ale tncnr•lt hoX Lo lima; Flour. in II rl 1 11.1%1 I,tor• n elor , Conti I roll nod Irolou tI. I fill. 1 RON, Ace. 186 0 . BPa,itifol Books for Holiday Cliff. 19. 'CI SOU •,10:1 'MTV'S 110.1 - ivi.um. TnEsE FAcri. and Other Fete; g l'iles, FJSI uMJS, Slll[llll, P =MI GM= "Ilsquestionably the best stistaineo. Work of the kird in tote ' HARPER'S MAGAZTNE: nrittE most popular Monthly. in flueiworld,—Yeat 1 - 04: 6.otritor-... - No Alaganine in • liurope'ar America-its no well knowa; reoneatins half so many ',mien.; and. we may ao sa kay sa y. bane bas reAriveil .o large "tt tribute Pi ad maration Coin the eullivaiedeussais. that in 'a health), .ever-t fled. eleVnititin It is ihe foremo-t .IJautzine.of the Shay. 'The fireside never had u 111010 nelightflll• coin; mtuan,,nor the milt. 101 l a inure entertaining friend. dean Harper. filatga /tam.-211;MOdiSt ?mustang (Elafihnore). Twe any-five 1,1112. lazy.!t—rite cheapest, richest, and most Insanagalnxury for the money that we know. 'Three dollars sor tie. it fa- Olie'year.nail llirf•e ilollar- ever Went -o far? Put Alta same 11100110 i ill clothes. entitle. drinking. furuiturr. and how muele of a sahmantam ai l ing Is obtained! If ideas, fart. and -entirnents have a mom:may villiir—above all. at the humor ilint refre-liew the pleasantries that bring prattle smile, anal Iniphaen the pa-nape of a truth to your brain. and she lumpy i.onahnmtiou of the real and !Magi native. without winch no our eau !aye n life above the animral, are to be pat into there:oe oppot.iie to dollar- anal eefilf. then 3011 may be eertain, that if I I aril., were I !tree Of four times tie dear, 11 woe hi lamp)) reps) as price. It is a Magazine ironer. with Ole idea piirpo•e of a AlegiViine—nil a hook. not •1.11.1111i1e 101111,11, liar 'yet a supplier of HIM :1141 aneedote , —but a ?Ungar/me lion hike. every hall] on inure-ling, dignified, and al:rat:nye anew:tare in a s —S•inliern pears Thy SO;IIMe. 111111111 i rota-tittle of themselves a re blurt of nu•Ceiiilll..oll- reading. mein as earl not be found in illr saner compile.: in io' 0111, noh.ionliont ailit line Conte under our noinee.—Benny ritque.mootthly it is the be-t •It-tuiued work of the him( 111 4,r Ittt.,..untge: 01.31 1.10 the woo lit. Th, umimoy ....ny4 tram the Ettitor',..T.a. , .r. ore zihne.• prier —N I'. Adrorate out Journal. 11111.1 refer In lotto- of entlocy lo Ilic 1117411 one mod S'ini rod r - XCollronce-ol lherper'- :111:terolirron it Jour mil milt .1 rnnnir IJ r ireillnilnainfal.ill 170 OW copicy wirn•rn loop ~ aro in Inc rotund ut rire otrnce.a ota: yrencrnl reading , . Wo -pool: on rid.. work aor on evorrolor of Ow' Alircro , ort people. tool lire ponnolnor :1; 11 11;1: 111,10,f mord., -oornor, (mOrly lii pifgn , or 1n.11 . 11 tivo mover pppropi 1110-Iraled r.dn good W001114•Inl.: ronorriaP. Inn :I-I-11 the racy 1111,1k1111 And line Tonto plornoroplonorl troarlorly bin 11.1 pd Wl* lit.' he-tMa- Irlrr “.“ Jrurrnr;r l ir no.rt innnyy cc In llre cronaloon :rod dr—roor norm rrr Jo,- or pr , Intorno , inre.—Ti.t Luidr tm> .1110'1;1,11 Lot,ratiorr, don Nlovir toe ?any he 010.1.1,1 of ltnol,celler-. Pe. r oil. al A.2t.te-. ar HI/1110w l'ohleher-...ITITIWIC Doh :An- atear. or Twirs,ii CRsr- tt Number. The rwott•atiutli Volutorpot- eomplerea. 11,11 IV Cloth. ore -eel at Two Dollar- 1,11.11: 141141 COV• r- ale fomi-hecl In 1110-r , 110 WI-II 11.1 r trite Ni,,,- ~.,..• 11111100 lily bound. at T. ent)-five Cent • eat-11.— TA.•ffly Vnitim... are now I truth , hound In Cloth, /1111.1 111 , 41 u, 111111' en it. Thr• all .nnPI.!Y SPoenmell grntoinnts , ly no Agron. :13111 l'o , tona-tee., weal tt•ln nude• lilre•r.el at I,llgrowill- wuh Ibrm for eireola.ing 111, INluga Aro% well ...onoly Club-of Two l'enoont- eq rive Dollar. 1 3 311 3 :431 3 line Pi t-nn. Tenn Inn , lar-. 1.71 , 1".:111111 'l'rurbr•r. supplied ul Tw•o ) eat. Notnibrrz :ram nine commenrr mr•ur coo !low lin.upphod 1-0,1 lo: bouind Volume- 'l ire :%Ingst.7:lle over wveott mid 1,01 nerr roolot, 111 , 011 each Number, 1A1,1,11111,4 Ire pnid (1,11111,r1v in pdvalare at the MT., where Muga lull' e. r. erN subscriber is now receiving and offers 1. for-ale a largo -toe,: of all hind. of i'n pared Gtr by !he ton or in and will deliver it to ini), r,lll 01 lii, , 11/11 II ZNieli 11.0iiinore Company, No. 2.3, 3 and .1, Si n t 1..-41) 1.) heir - Valley Egg and Slave, Simard. in. Non. L 2.3 and .1. r) Red Ana Ege and Siove, Eine (hove Egg and Su7l e, Piii.ton Egg .old I Nat. 1.2,3 tool 1. The above Coal to at kept undo r cover, lear 1,0111 diri and -lair. aIIES3I2 r..‘Pl'ol.l). No.. 1.2 n 1. S. S. 7 and N. Calm] Ita•ui porelot..ma emit by the mitgo :and ear load obi bold it to thew stolvtittot.,re to until el.tott• toe my Mock betore putt:ha-mg cl,ewiirre. rz..0t,15.1N611, r:• A. CONTINENTAL SALOON. T the Cotitiuentul. enrner Trout nod Lnenst I HOT 1.701'1 , 1.:E. TKA.llster. in anod +l3 ie amd geliernl refreshment+ are •e reed up at any hour, Joy or t i ght. The he-t Lager okra), foth. . • MMEMEI THE NEW CORNER STORE. Oppo.nie Coe Odd rellow.' :more adjoining the Batik—are receiving addri ~,,, of Choice New Cook thi. week. Faith. aarar . io tt i- invited to the Inagnitieent dl-play ni 000 1., tattlirneiag ['Hitt and Paltry Dre-+ Silk., Clo•f=y 111.1e1; l'r inlet! All-WOOl4 nail -oh.' red F: cu ell Mvrinoc---iteriileil s ly the preitie-I and panda WC ever had—exam:lle 110-11.- Prim ,l/1-.1)olaIllel. all ‘1:11,111ers-,W0al I`l.lla, ft,:rod lie .oltl 111 AI 110Velile4 itt traveling dre._ goad-, crime 0W id Ili, ill t rket. ❑ l • MA,' al Z ION CC I[:.:%1 Lotorst Col./ O.i. I'3, 1.1111 Cl N. 111n11by's Baltimore 03 slers is Cans viii half 1 an.. tor ,ale by 1010 Dee. Q 9.1-641. A 1.11.1117 C CA , I:. ItirE sTocK Or 1100 FS A NI) SHOES,. IA nir.s (:oatßOOls 1.11411 Ci 1;0:11 13061, itli jr,aate.. Kill Ono, with heel. 1.:Mir...Al oraeen Coot with heel.. Ali•-e% Alororen flouts 1 , 11 heek. M01,44.e0 110014,v1 1 limn bee) A 4 1)415 • Kip Nine. , 4 I:xira). Alen , Kip Shoe.. (Exii a), Alen- Vali-h in :-.11134, (Ex hat. • li.. b).:1 Three Shore I,nvr here piirrlin=r4l iron, lihel urJ till hr ..“.11 01 a r.llllllll :10,111e, Oni :27. I. 0. & II I'. RR CNI:R. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! undersigned, Assignee of Henry Mali ." ler. :If Cohooltia. for null: a Juror et:- a,. ,'!ow. Tlll :111.1CopprrAt •tre. cone 011.1 ,'odor of all Ow lioroovell Cistlee &i. : n grtleral n. , gortinent 111 l In; Hardware. S. r. v 11/1 h hr mill ..•Il a t ~ry low pi t . i .for C:1•11.14, 1.10, on; the Clint 411.11. rf.llllll> St! r. Lerprrq ', mu ne Ili, 1,41:1 pns. rvrll 110 ,11r1 pn. , llele pilselin-r- ape c0,101, - - :11.1e ill 4 . 1 ..‘l:ipprovri! •o. any , inl , oppo-Oe the MI I/11 VO. 1 , 01 - The Best. Cheapest. and most Success ful, Family Paper in the Union. ITILILPER'S WEEKLY, ri (4:111- .1 1101111,.•.. S.. Sup, 11 I .111 110110 1 1 % . 111. ye:o—throe lllt: A.IIIIIIIC rti—eit 111011- 011 the l e .ohoe lopte . .--there :ire rho irilbeg. foot &way- InVaal. however. foil prolciuMr) 10.11111:11ve) of the I.rooneer—there ore the 1.1:e. a irl .11 : 1111 . • 01 . 111/1,/ , / lurekeler llorekeroy —irrei Ilwl.ll, 1110% 1 011/--0101.111/0, 1 111 1 / 1 11( . 1,01 , 010, -1111.111 g 1. : 011111•11111 : 011 :1 ,1101/11 - 11, of tar, mert :rod thine, of to:Oev 1 nA f.:WitOrle. nod ol .•0.111111. 1 1111 4,11/11111 1 .11111 • 0011 1 111“1 ‘,lllllll :1 / 1 /31411 1 1/o'oune ono or r.e hod for unrlg. It r• .1 er.vol we olll h oo k 01 the l oon .", lie of the t . I•t:IsITV. p , 1 oeurly 411 I:very irviter -. 10011 : nor r. in.ly hr "811.1e-14,1 io3, toiii aMi 014,1400110 the oioog Mad them.", of lon-nit--, Ille .111..1 .ahrl the 0.1,1 —.l. 1 Et ea,itig ro,f. 00 . •1 on; -0 het; 0 elll nitrroine Iro 1 farrer's lnel.ly I esset e riot ,cll Ile,;Ile,; . o- .ite 1.110- ily Pape' 0111/11.11ed m 110; rolled z,i.tte, and tor (hurl nod that :glom.. or tle-tre to -re If iiiitiertrillie anti cool (0010111 LllOl 01 - 111e111110, 100 pfeinllool. wheel; 1,1111111% the tstorlok of ii• th e ir llnle lull ‘eil-11;1 0 nrnAlnr. and 1. 1 altogether laal al it etlrel Lemion Afferrurrr. A- I I ..rpeert Alttgaztoe bus done othele In drive nut the cltost•rnvered iiier.flure...re w .I)noid 6r glad in see new W'eel.ly la Le llu• idol r of hove pnper- WlOl . ll d^p. • nd r e sX• • nru Chi 11 . 0, I our, fra-6y —\". o• Vont I.:ran:4l,r. Ii (11.. rp.•r'- pruner ,17e for lionlieg. and nn I X. ell. tit ..pro. woo . r ;Worded for enq• Our who 1.1-ln•- a, for-erne ILr• 1.1-hory ol the count re a ft i. m.in.•. 10 110.0 by fling Ilarper • - Weekly—Pon. nor telt I .7ust os ino. . 11. 1 - re.lt Wove.. 11. e:ror I, re vry log‘ J“.I COTIVI-111• Ilrittl ILr tvallf , 1.1 I fife eb-vol.ll anti 11. aid(' 4 04,•1,411(11 4 11..”..11 f otolone to Illxlr II .1• Model Itl , a.ippp,r of our ..01.iitr!.. and noe ina. fg.r.l 11111-111.17.... Itv cootie...y.l week! y etim r) of For.g.g. mid Umnr.lie Ififel'Attroec ' Tether .userior to Iliad cowl:168.1M uny other jeturntii Inning poldissed 100, in a form rot ror,-,er‘alion and hrndurg. d taken cure Of u- it de-ertit, Itt be, it lie Mood 111 falai , .3 eta. , (1a welcome a corm...moo Inc I lrr Lc ndy Ind fireside s. the Ms) on winch it was 3,-Iperu-ed Castle/Sri/I , ) I 1/.l7per . . Weekly if rb•crcncyprd. and bac', num can tnr furniedied nny tonic. MIME 11..UPER h ItIt0T111.:YS. gijunre. Is:rw York COAL! COAL! I= Siionider Brake n.nd Chest Expanding Sullen dere, just received zind'for rule pt • ' •"•.1. S. DELLETT. dr. Co., Drug Store. 0ct.20,1E00. • Front-Street, CalJnthin ):41. 31:11,J iivaiLir * 4•41.- - ii 41.) :401 TAT.: I BECEIVED;', a Wier' did liner dock oforoys and fancy goods than ever before. MY triends'aull others'ere invited to call and examine the stork before purchasing elsewhere, as Amy will Isere Bud un unlimited essoriment-s.euebile for pres etits.to persons ofevery age and taste. An immen , e assortment of Portmolutaier, Pocket Books. Inc., &c. CIIMIA and other fancy ~Artteter, too numerous to mention, for sale by' G. 4. slkonli. Locust street between the Book and Prank lia House. Columbia, I)re.3, P. SHREINER & SON, Front st., below tlii .l )3rid,O, Columbia, Pa. E just' returned from the eby with n complete f.cortmesti of tiood• • RelerteclAville urea: cure from file hest factories m • tlte Our Stoek urger very large, crumuling of WATCHES;*CLOCKS, '.llverware, Plated Wore, Brarclei•. itrouelse , ., Sel of Coral, Mosaic, Cameo, Lava and Jet. For Univ.-Finger Ring., - Medallion., Cold, Pen , Penvile. Chnhs., Sluff.. ShO . ge Mann. : Speesuo,, kei &e.. &e. Wt. nn•ile the pnblir to give nc a rail and examine an,. !siege stork. e•peetalty of eleek4., Which ate in goo d working ord.,' and writ 1 , 14111:11eal, and will be -old :at the lowe-i patent, P. sitnrrsam & sc.: emilmhia,Al,o: 'WM: 'Copartnership. r thk . 41:ty tIQ-ovintet. vt 1111 my in htti:ne.. 1111 . -Oil. 17rnvKy 11. HIIIIIitIe. ill eornarmer , ltip with t I O U I notatitte the /trinity:are Hu-ine.... at the o.tl.lltocl in I.cleum loreet !telow Sevottel, under the Lein IA .1 Itumplr & Son. I ••••iro •Illui•ft• 1111.114- to the pnhhe far pngt littent: re.pertt.lll) 11-1, rs en. 1111112 ((((( ••• In lin• lie,. firm. JONAS Cul titialla , :4,11 t!4111, 1 , 60 I • :wou'd 1,111 the niteniin•l elf . 7llA, pulttt<• to Ilse LARGE STOCK (JP HARDWARE. 10.1 W.W.11 by them. 1 hey eati"olfer n motile". 1.-1,1111911 of everything' to their hut of burinese oiler Whole-ale or Retail. liar. !loop and Donal Iran, Sled. eke. They have on hnial 1111 a4-ortmenl of lion and to rel of all kind.; Vdeni-he-. Cedar ware, tl ; n Inrxe stork of Gum and liernp — l'nekneg, - , (u-kei. of all -iVen. Aau, v i e -upply of Coal Oil Lump- Shall., ofva. lam. kind.. Kern-rile Oil of the ‘'cry ounlity. Ave.., for rnirell k Ilerrinee Palma Champion Vt.,. nod Burglar Proof Safe. .1. R 1'1.T 4 : .0"s1. Locit.l Pt rect below Second, Columba. Pr April 9,4. I te1;0.7, A LARGE LOT OF FRESII GROCERIES. • QA3IOEL F. EBERLEIN invites the attention I , _) of hi- Mend.. awl the publte g , ,erolly. in Ink .toe I. of rt., Groreele% enosimtog of : Poo. Green libel' I e.e.: ftin.Jova.l.,:nynt, on LI Tol key Car tee; Ilefined.l . lllve•well.in oil Brown Sugar.; Lord. 1 , 111, malt, nop. Ac.. v•j t h every other ono, e oeve , -arc 10,nmpleic Ole r 4 .orinientoi Ir.{ 1;t01,1.V. I will iarcr thr ahnve aondz at tia low a price ua .1w). can be !magi t a e 1..: 1•01,1"4 Snort S.ll. YO PIIILADELPITIA. NVA TO A N D.) EW ELM(' STORE 0. Conrad, Fortn,r Occupant, No : 1 IS Noi th Second Street, Col: s. t/ C.l It 1:r ST. 'Elw un.l, r-igm•d lea-ell the above orenikez, as h e r r loe will keel• . large :t--or'nn•nt nr (mid rod silver \futelie ,tit Acne clean lingo-it and 5,144 Aliment, tore of the mcia eelebra.e.l makers.. in addition in as Welt, ar di lir found al, tiy- nn hood land inatle to ni ilt•r) oil CXII,-Ire V. 1111.11. 01 .I,,Arliy, Silver and Sil ver ware, together wnli II general a•.ortnuem of welt geoids tin tire ti-unily kept in ri Wateli and Jewelry Store. The paiVnu• of O. Conr.ol and thin-n of the vuba•rt her. 10gellorf anal the polite generally. are mvm•d In e:OI, where they will reeetve st good article 101 . their money. A+ I :sin deteritimed to do -trimly a en-li Int gond- will be volt! very tow, ••smnit and Qult•k Sale.," 1 , Iltt• 11101,0 of old. estnidt.inn e m. 1.1;WIS If, ISM MM.\ l'ornierly it (ON R-1 No. I 4 Nnrtli Sri-nod St., Lot ver of Quarry, 1 . 1,1111.. J 11111: edit. I). • FOR SA LE. 1(10.000 Pfit-tenlig 51100) I•et, 51..1110 do. Pl'ol.ll. t'lllllll3ct.tol. - Farmers Give this Your Attention! JO BARR EI.S Pure l'irounti No. 1 Phistrr, t.) ,110,V, (or ;It lIB=4I A PrOLTVA W:orehon.e, Canal 111-111 EMEM COMMISSION BUSINESS. rpm: M 0 0 ,47.111.11 togelliri fir the J puma, admit!! It 00.11. & IRON COMIIISSION BL7SI N: ES'S. , in the 11.0nnt.h of Cot tonhia. I..toneo-ler county, Pa.. 14•91.•/•,11111> 10101111 t•lopper- hurt Iher hove len.ted 110111 ihe Canal pep:Mott:ol 01 the Petio..3, Ivan. Ihnil• road Companrho large and COI.IIIIIIO.iIOU. ‘‘'llarl on the ar.l , ntne 01 the Carnal li.l-w. 11111 V hundred frei In Irnglh by -rat) -ix o.et Inn 0 0111,mnd ore none pro p:tied 10 ieee or, and ion•lttp Coo' and Iron on the nno-I .n 0 t-lovion y tenon. (Jur I*.leinil:e. for doing 1.11- 01ne-- ore to great than we flatter tunr.elve.. there 0.111 not be on) deteinn non no Int wording al! fl right In 10, , e-noonoti. Ve'e , (1114.11 t•olt..ooltneol.. dud pro• nt...• ant CM' part pr..nttpt tilleltllull In the hnstan..... e n. ou-ted to nor cite. A Mos S. I.li EEN, TM IS. I. Add re.. (111 & W1:14.A1, johnabto. Mot 4 .21; 1.00. New ied s. Tim ..th , eriber It .itt 4 t re turned from the city ot tom , opettott; Ito ttoc•onttonol, Inrq.• midi:tn. to Ili- •lock. t no.o.tior.; of Ihu_•. C 111.11111,14. D) it :o whorl. Ow ut• te•nteon of put ch.e-e i• gete.-led. rrolli ',tre•et Arolll 1..61 JOHN FELIX, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER. I.', oat Sired. behoern Lncoal and Walnut, COIL l W.% , THE subscriber invites ;Mullion to his very 1 . 110 . 01 . • lOC' h of IV A TC ri S i dlaretßLOCKS, & JEWELRY, which I, e „prepared to *ell ehenpet than they en,, hr houcht at nay other r.talth•hotent. Ile t 4 pre paw,' t i e otter greatlwtgatit-,111.1 hr re , peetiolly vitc..the attention of putelta-er- to hi • -tock,whit etul.rteeee GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, o levet sed: CLOCKS.fromSl . .illolp• wuril+ lire lie•t liestttenllon o (Hammen to htel ars -lock of i.t:vrn floAl• CLOCK'S; J I.:AV MLR Y. eon. of ita , /;:•ringer Ring. Bream al lkingteoirlilverS'pool,:illwed SOU p and Ten whielt are we monied to wtrir Den r.y ego:. Ito silver; Gold Silver Pell ells and Pee. , ; Ilold a lid SO ve r , ,peet aele• ; t ogee with the grcatoer variety of NC V ARTICLES ever before eflerel. CUTLERYe--A'•o.a Altrierior:t4“)ttini lit of fe velvet'' , and other ol,a cl all it,l•o f ivvr, ,fthe ',c.a. sna9tirl'etu e. Stric illbezi yen a. herefofore.to the , epairia; of i-Inek.. watelles. audit. welly and all aa•ork will b•_ wart:oiled. A contlainnee o f 'ormeritatronagr . re.pecl fully •oncl'ad. JOON vrt,i C. ralloithon .A p,,l 14, I PGO. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. WE tire now opening at the corner of Third mid Untun St/ects, a large and ver desirable lot of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to whieh we invite particular 11111"116011. Mous de Lamer and Cnkitinerca, Printed arid Plata Silli e; Merino , nod Alpaca.. at all prices; the hest Makes of nuns. 9 yards for $1.01'; Red , Who, arid rrlicisv Phone!+. Irma 00 rtr „ to to ei.r.; M u atms, u large arm:int:tent and very cheap. gentlemen are requested to eanioilie our Stork or Moak and Fancy Colored Cloth, Mark arid rune% t7n-htnerer. Saud. Silk nod Velvet Vedisier,Sakutenrr. lientitelcy dears. Tweeds, &e., ay Loch we will sell ur cheap as the eltestpest. Banos nod oboe-. lint. nod Cap., u:1 Style., nt very low pricer. Country produce tads., in caultaaao far ;Merl. al market purer. I. k. 11. I'. BRUNER. Corner Third Mid Ull.Oll 'treats. 11. C. roNncissmlTll S NEW ',STORE, OPVOSITE . ODD • FgLtiti*Sf HALL, LocUsT:k*.B.EET, COLUMBIA, PA., 'orvt TO TtIII7CI2ILIC, , On Monday, October Ist. IS6O. J. W. BOWERS, Fuperintendent. CIUITE its important is the arriral of New awl Beauties Dm,. Gonda at the old etdabliiihed .lawl.allsoining she Colerritna kink. where the ante. ucrilprr ',II be happy to .nr all kn , old nos-tomer. and 5 many new one., as will fiiVer hlifl w tth their pa• manage, and attlw -same time rosirsii. a !then', .hare 01 elleolll7lg,llelol to The lICw motcrproc. uppo.nc the Odd rellqws' Fol . llle very liberal earpuravinent berefOrpre re retired (ram the people of Colvanissa and cleinily., and She relate denetalty. disrthe hi. lir...fear, in Colons lint. he resurn•lii..snrerethank• and horn.. to merit aml r et yr a contonanare of 111."1r onus and good Farther partirolar• Lereat cr. II r, r 1 /%111M.MITII . S gn ae re, ll,*a fish Sort CV1,,11111.1.. , Gr.9I .I L 3 I :II 3??GLE, Every Description of Lumber,. INN Er find Cyprenit Dre•rred. Flooring. P Weatherlo:trill:kg Window Sa4, rieketn, and eyerzdting in hi= line otltuninen•t. receiv- Nig Spring Stock Eruntter, and fito, on band a large and complete asFortment DRY LUMBER OF EVERY QUALITY. Office and Ware:mum in Front street, Let,CCII Lo• Cunt nod Union, Columbia. Marc' 11st. MID • A PHELAN TABLE. frlfEubsertlier has just put up in the Wunhity,ton llonne. infirmity Inn Restaurant. a A FLRST-CLASS PHELAN BILLIARD TABLE, with all the aecennoiisit of best quality. This in the bent table in on) town or city in the CHIC, out of Milo (fellatio or l'ittiburg Lovers of the game ore invited to coll. ' D. 11l•:IIR. Columl.in, December 24,1259. ------ - - - _ BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES.--We have been felling the above Cougl , Lineitge= at i lie l•ntriliy Medicine Store nll winter, and they have elven general eate , faction to ail that have tr.ed them. The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher Anye...4 far an he ha., had an oppormotty of compariroto Brown's Trochee are pre-ei eeeee ently the hen of the great Lorritge Sellool. , [Jan.24. A Large Supp lyof T 4 ' , XTD A Sugar Cured Hums at 15 cent , er lb., Pork. 19,; •• " 14xtra Dried Beef, to - ShmdderQ, 1 (I Potato, at 45 erl:l9 per For eal.• at • the Qtore of 111051 Art WEL , II, Coltol.m. May 19.':0. I lead of Canal Ha-m. BURNETT'S COCOA IN E TLe oboe.. I'repuratton, which ha. ieeeiveri the erole•-t recdpitime min tiona aS a i,ravndie r and pre m.:het of growth of the hair, has 3 unt kern FP•4•IV cd C 01... April 9.1,179 COAL OIL! Tui I.: r.tor , erilter.. keep n eon-Lout • , upple or the Ben lierovsne 0.1; 111.0, Coal Oil Lamps, of every Tari m/ nod Size, 2.d001t, of Utile-re Se.. A.e. J I.IIAI & SUN, Loenct riteel below Si mom, Colombia, Pa. April 2. 4 , I BIRD SEED. Jost received a new crop of Caua ry e Helot, and Rape Seed: Ow nice-t Seed 111 10101'11, :II J. B. & co.s. April 14,110, Drug Store, Front ••reel BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER FRONT & WALNUT STS Columbia Penna. TILL: onlascriber IIIIIIOIIIIVI'S that lie has rented the above e.tabDaheJ a ad welt-known Hotel. and has opened it for the accommodation or the public. lie in,.. the lion, and I. prepared to.enter. min travel,. r and boarder-. Ills table wtll be well farnielted with el:coil:111g the market aftord., At In+ Liar wilt be foiled the bet brandr. of all Lind- ol 1.:- color+. Caimeeted with the lloini. in the bacrment in a FIRST-CLASS it EsTA URA NT, where pro,. in r very +lyie, end other ref re-hments, are ..eiVeci up m good 0) le. 10 Vomtl.e. kopp , .d well l: fir , l-rote oy4ter4, in lorga or watall 41111111111 e, :II WO-011:1We rue, The ,oppott of the pO.ll 0 I. oe.peetfolli: F014'11,41 H. • OCKA RIJ. Colton hot, April 11, FOR RENT THE LINDER:I'IRD AND OFFICE formerl y oftenthed Snut . n. It bond- unit Smith: lit the low er end of Columlttn: it et ill be t tutted s , ry low, allt! lit tench , i7. , t1 n• s. dl veittlting to rent. For lel In , enquire et tlEtir. , llEY Jttli 2 , :130-11 Fatreiese Mats. Om• Fly Looking Gla— I'r.ainc4, l• nil :,-0.11 , 41•11% SAN LOU .1 AIcDON:ALTYS. A pril N. COIU.111,i(1. l'n. x.xnzr.! LXIVIE ! The .tll).eriber having rented the Lane 6dn, and Quarry at the Cohn! lincut, is prepared to 'uppiy THE HEST QUALITY OF LIME, for Building or 111anulnig riurpo,e., in large or email Stoked Lime or Moulin:curried al rrn.onable AII'OLD. iLpril 21. Canal Munn. 3.A.MITEIS SilltOLDEllt, =I Ladies and Children's Boots and Shoes, Leruot Street opposite the Franklin House, Go/an/Litz, Pa. q eith.rrther invite' the 'menthol of .the poblie 1 to 410 Boot 0t..1 Shoe Store and Al.11 , 11:Illior. where he psepot. tt to :apply or mat ke to order eve ol voetet 1..11111,,. ism! Childteo • + SHOES, GAI ' ERS, El OOTS, SLIP- fli PERS, &c. Ile 11. e, none but the 1e . ..1 mol-Cod. rind hi. work 1. done . ht gond ; he turn- 1111. on other than good over k. %Otte!, Ite eel!! watrHut , :111•1100- ry un , Islr, tin, and every other O. rileolor He lender -1». llopol, for it ..'rude :ltd 1111,111 pattoortge used 4 ollett. 11- volition:one". . . SIIROEDIIR COI MN In n. 30, 21. 'GO I UST rcuived a fresh supply of all the l'noular I'nl.•uf Alothellie. of lite du) , which our I2r1111nn•, 111 II:, (AULD EN Al 01{ r R ::121,(; S 1 olt Der 3.1559 From -to.o. Coleuntlia E. K. SMITH, LU ÜBE 11, DEALER, COLUMBIA, P A. Office in Northern entral Railway Depot Building. foot of Walnut St.. s.s.s haul us Urt:rra I A lgorlment nl White Pine and Hemick Lumber, WHITE PINE SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATII, Good Qualtties, at the Lowest Market Rates. Columbia Insurance Company rp It I s Ct»npany is ahthurizrti by its chatter to in•u Ipo Uu• roll wry. or in boroughs, agatir.t to-• nr damage by arr. 001111 11,11,1.1111 11111,1. for any Isarill of Hui. Ino:trd or perpelual, either lOr prrauuni or premium tIOSC. PREMIUM NOTE SYSTEM "rl'im+n %Alm m.•urr for n premium 110ie will Inn in -wed for five your-. anvil .ulncr: no u•,,1111:11, :::-o of ,CASH SYSTEM. The , ewlin in•urr for n (fish premiom w,;11. nun•d for tiny lenn inn exceeding live yelr, and 1.1 ,16,1 in suits n«rv.mrul•. One per e.•m preniiinn Le 01:IrgC11 on !arm properly for the Icnn of use PErOSIT SYSTEM rat m properly will lie :I.:cured for the term of len veer., lair n deinnit of three per cent. of the amount lininunl of the premium note to be returnee at the expiration of the policy, wultonl in• it-re•l. or the policy to lie renewed (oriel, year., wilh expentral the option innirer. The Company wndi to employ a number of good Agent-. who will he funiklied with the neve...nil blanks and nedruetion.; by milling ..t the otTice of the. Company. in the Borough of Columbia, l'enn•) la dn.. ur atldreztinr, the t•eefetorY by rm.!. C. S. KATJITMAN, President. MICHAEL 11. MOORE. Vice rre4ideni, GEO. YOUNG. Jr., :7...cretin) M. M. STRICKI.KR. Teen-at or, JACO'!" R. SHUMAN. %% VATT I.V. M 11.1.131. 111 7 .'s:Ft I" R. IiNOTWELL. JACOB SEITZ,. 111:1V RV K. ‘VOT.P. Colombia. Lancaster co , remelt, March 11, ',Aid, March 17, Ittißlt COACIIDTELICING. 4 0P7 CARTER Sr. Imi 4-2 _ BECKER, ,u-Amissf MANUFACTURERS OF COACHES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., Second Street, nrarly opposite the Lutheran Lurch, olumbia, Pa. SILVER MEDAL Ist PREMIUM-1859 BRONZE MEDAL-Ist PREMIUM-1859 Awarded by the Lancaster aunty Agrriculta ral and Mechanical Society. TUE sabscribers call attention to the fact jihat the Fiat Pentium. a Solver .I‘ledith: was awarded them by the Lancaster County Agricultural and Mechanical ,tortety for the beet ethiAi log Top Hoc gy exhibited rit the Fair oldie Society in October . ..co, atm, a Bronze Medal—First Premium—for the hug rileigh At their Coach and Carriage Making Vottaltlialt mem, they rammer to manitincture Conches. Car rtageo. Ifutirflr•. Sulkies. Salt ill oilier vehicles in their line. Their reputation in workmen fairly as they can confidently claim for their ii•nrir the merits of beauty of form, elegance of fiomp, and strength of structure. Olio of 111 C Sallingwahing Matures of their work is ni duralalil); all vehicle. 01 their nuild are constructed Of the Len seasoned mate nal, and put together firmly and auhatanually. Thai Mee particular 011011110 1 110 the. _ "REPAIRING OF VEHICLES, vinrrant all their in lids hug to gti.e tnetten. In addmon In their pfnetteel e,Xperirn a ..trlru •me•• Me) . have the aa•t•tanec 01 the 1m..1 workmen —none other being, employed. The pohhe rep4peetfully invite., 0 eel and CX . /Mille the ,•iocl. on hand. - cArrt:n. rim 1.. A. 1:1,(1.1.11 CoTurnlli I. Nov. RILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN; HALF-MILE NORTH OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER CO., PA. THE subscriber, Proprietor of the "Hillside :Nursery and Garden." offers' for sale. at his pisinimo. a general nooortment of FRUIT,:•IIADE& ORNAMENTAL TREES, of the choicest vr Mlles, a rut e eolleetion of Hardy 001.010•11110 ••'. et y—evergreen and deeidunu4,, the fitysi chntlitna 5 :onto of every de.er.ption de-. ton:tried in thivn a ket—all hardy. inally 01011111 hi, or peepeimal 13Iontner., that , 0k.11.100L1.V0 , 10,1.10,, of - • GRAPE T'IN ES, • . NATIVE - . & EXOTIC, .01:111 110/IA of IR, r 4 41 , ) every variety worthy so s of cultivation in Gooi.elterriee Lb" , mird , o7 also, Ilie Lite.it collection of hardy mots..ever offered for eril• in C.Olumltin. and. after inspeetton of other gnrCen., he :hint, hr nut nosert. the finest grown and best assortment 110 W 111 the county. Ile call; altenlion to the Green house. which is rowdeil with the rareot and moot sought for VOl.l, lie- of Ornamental and Flowering Flaws. and chal lenger.,Laneaster 'and York COUlaita 10 produce a ehatcer or better grown collection of Green nod Got Hon-e Planta. than' now on hand at the 'lll , lside Got Jett," in order for Spring Trade. He offers them (-heap, than they ea alio bought at any oilier estab lishment in the alms Collllllra or tit th e -Lute He keeps emistantly on hand iii tits Extensive Nur sery 'and Gorden. or ran (Inlaid] nt short milk,. every to,. ti,lll, or dower. eoniercted will. the busi ness, offered 1 - 0 e tale in PlilludelphlU. In 4.0111101.11011 with the Nursery and Gordon. the nroprietor will undertake through the uggiiey of %Valiant Stafford, a scienlifie. Land.Cnpe Gardener 00 Nurser} man, educated in England. to plan and hit out Pleasure Umatilla Gardens, tic., and to. do y.t. net afrolilshig in lido line of Ituoiners: bury and jobbing work will he warranted to give amisfuenon to the moot laoteful and faitidiouil. and will be done' t reititolial h caws ,t 4 11. PURPLE. Columbia April Lr., 1g.:8, H. WILLIAAIS. Front Street Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, &c. N. E. Corner Second and Locust treeta. rlll subscriber having entirely refitted his j_ Fiore and load in n complete new stock of every thing in hte lure-invitee the attention of the publtc to assortment of STOVES OF EVERY STYLE & PATTERN. stock is very large Dad complete, con sist mg or Royal Cook, William Penn. Noble. National. t 4 Young Auterteii.Alorinng Star. Complete Conk, 4 ;;;- Cooke lag Itnage+. Pa. lor Cook, four patterns. Parlor Pleven of every make, nice, etyle and variety, liar Room maid Office: l lov,, ,t,a. Tin'and Sheet Iron Ware. A lnrge clock or nrielcc in the above tine of !mai. Lk aecc.compricitrgeverythingihnt I= manuLuewed of Tip.elheet Iron. &e. for Iloucelsold purposen. fitc =lock is or hi= own massuracsure,und Ile cue vouch an it- exeellesteeand Chandeliers, Gas Fixtures, &c. MI II anti complete assortment of elegant Gas Li. Ft xture• of tasteful designs. ron•nung of six. four, three andkwo burner Chandelier.. single burner Ile II Pendants. Side Lights plain and ornamental. Drop ,I3nruer.. km, always on hand. GAS FITTING; ri all its brunches attended to with promptness. • House Roofing, Spouting, &c. liousEItOOFING and SPOUTING put tip in the most subsituniul manner; Plumbing, Bell Bung ing and other brunches of the business, carried on us het etocure, on tire most reasonable tern), EIRAM WILSON. Corner of Second and Locust streets. Colutnina.September 5.1537. Split Peas! Supply of Dried l'susjust received and far sale very chnnlr. it S. F. EBERIXIN'S Nov*l9,lvaii. (tracery Store. N 0.71 Loriivi et. SIIRED Sparkling C.:el:tune for sale at the ttotilen Mortar Drug Store, Front Street. FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT UNDER THE FRANKLIN HOUSE, LOCUST S2RB.FT, COLUMBIA, PA. Tsubscriber late opt ned in the Im.emeni of his I hotel. the Franklin House, a RES where be is prepared .0 Sr eve Oysters and other He freshm,,l, in the beet style. The retabli-Itment has been newly fitted up with sr mow to the, best accom inorlntscon of Ins customers, and no effort will be -pared to properly and promptly carer to their want , and appetites. The 0) .ter-. tc ,provided will Ire of the best rpm - nip, and that they may be wed cooked :tail served un experieneed•person ?rent one Or the beet estalAsh inents in Phitudelplna. has been enrragetl to take ehar,te of the cooking department. 'I lire subscriber a-ks of his friends and the public a elm., 0 , custom. J. S. Al I I 'ER. en'ombin. Oet.rn, 15.50 1 ranniir ATOTIC • l'eNon• oldebtorl x. 911 toukt• pliyotetit to u,o=o Itovltig elan/. st 111 pleuiu present 111.0 for setth•ln• ut. I S I= Hams. IVE have open a elkoce 4-(,16....niair..1.7:.1T1V:r.it5mni.;.1:1 MEE= i TItItEIVEI), direct from the Ina nil 'lie. 9) WI. rte. a 110 01 K,•to-vtit• or 00.11 1.1 iftfr rent v.tOorl., unnvtllled 111 hr ulry. -oftplo.,i, , I fr. Iti rvet.. ....• too ible . 0 ,•:\ no oatit-0.0 odor tyllite 00 II I v.•ry e 1..p11.1.(1 Burn It rlhuHl -In ,L. 1111 th.lo .111 y •ki lni 11 , 41 .1.1p01) AI f.t 0111 iii• 1,V11.11. el" .111)0. 1 010,000 10 hatrit .11 1111. I ol ,bovil 0 10 :10 1,10 111• 1 1.1 ou ver) lc 1•.. H•. to ih.• I it 111 s•ory ui I),r.t I R.IVIT.t I %kJ, CR.‘NBERRIESI -- h 21,111 t 1/1 p:t r .1 !Own —l,-11 ....il l ,: lit, 11VD.% OV 21. 14‘0 Cor rront and l 11/;)II Hs Pint SALE Nls axle a largo, ha q.“' 15.4 . 2111,,,:m4 I,lrC WO, tar !Id whit rflr?l7l tys:6o PREPARiOIt COLD Ii,I.CATH.EK. 11.0;1.; jto•I row. mrt 01.• rip' svph too 1 A •1111 It! j :WO -I% le. lit COOK, PARLOR, STORE AND OFF!. STOVES, fed 'all-tied eo.i.pftk ..in1)1,11111, Ilr ..el.lt/I 10..11,1/a t;.• din,,, .11:7C Pllll.ll ‘1 . 11: .1: II •111.1, N. Al.. Co, ... 4 e I o• d .1111 Colombia, : 44)1. I.i, 1-00 -• Sportsmen Look (.0 iinolde and Moo Irirrcl con.. 1., received llii. Ilard a are Store of .1 nuoirle n gun. Doof.lo hor, of troos from $0 op to $OO Sir Or bar rt.i from to $2O. 11e• linvt• r , cetted etrrl th , •.:.1,11: • ...kWh PONst,T. shot. Col Pouchr., Waithl;ll,!•.G,l•ll.., Bag 4 .4ce , wit!. II %se 0:1, to oy low I.lla, Ain; 1,1% Alane ac.nrtna•at orthe lnle.l improved I' o o (I+l Lianps nod Chin 1111 l al-n.a p , uperlor anlrie of all at whult will be reduce tl puuep. by The First Raft of the Season. E. K. SMITH, Will be receiving during the Spring, 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4,000,000 •• •• " 2,000,0uU •• Hemlock" • 1,000,000 Plastering Lnth. 500,000 White Pine Shingles 250,00_ Cypress Shingles. pay-A General Atttortment of Worked Flooring. Sitiin.• [rnriT.3. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Stfacribers have just opened a large L nod kplert.ll4 u.aoritnern or .el.onahle good.; n whtelt they *OOl4 V rte the attention of porelta.er• gea,a11).(1111.1411/1g fall r.t!yleitt ['re s. Sill., from 50 et.. to• A. Frgoeh Mental., All. Wool 'ante., . • 0.1,11rg, rllOll. Alpaca , . Fil.llflPl - 0 k..1.. rim h.. Pll.P.lllleryg. S.ll 11/Cll.. Vesting.. G o , pC14.1.1i1 [mho. Maid° w Clothing., Boots and Shoe.. Queetp.vrare, l;roconea and Provtatott., to gether with •il other gond.. n-sally kept ta rournre .lore.; all of la Web they will •ell al the very lover-t eaoh prier., rount-y prod uer 01 1111 kinds token t o ekrhange for gno.l. at the Ingh,t market pi-ye Tliatiklut for the acrently liberal patronage be,towed upon iltt tn. they .ottlti nay to their ett.tonter.. and the eornrfUW It'III genera I, :hat by Fair Deollog. and stiles ottenProt to ton hop. to merit a eon itnuance of the .tame. & CASK. Locust fit, Oppoute .1. Rumple &r. Vim'. Hardware tOet. 27. %CD. BED BUG DESTROYER. it 1101 o.•r the inio:lcy rc. lood,l. for -itlc ehme of J,30;60 EConry C, Itlair's Philoceme• CONVI::CIENT sand n.lnural,'e dreo.-ing for hum, la.prcsea:p the hair (tour faltang 011. refl.:. rig ire growth healthy arid regoro,. Direetta,s fur u•L aehortwati)mg each Lott , e. ror R. 'l% 11.1.1:1M , . Front street. EEO= STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. umb.vc vereire.l front the Nev. York Stereogeore COIIII,IIIIV, H false lot of Stereo.teope• fled View" 1001 Ise ot le • th m l'hilarlelphim pore n taus took at them. !...A 1 . 1.4.nt h 141c1JONA1,110., t Front ..trees. Cotumbin. I'l 1 2 11D.A1111 WILSON, I= Just Received R. 1\11.1.14 NIS Prow ,y rem rrill I,GO I= oactoo woo .11101f:11TC ur ealviN„7'4 0-0 TONIC, NUR ETIC 4 - 711 DYSPEPI" LivrefiAmetonia TO THE CITIZEr.S Or NEW J EI:SET - AND PENNSYC. VANIA, AVOTII RCA EVES, Dnrccrers, Gnocre. AND PRIVATE PAIVILICS. WRII - 4 Vow Cott oar Bnindy. Pute M:ideito. Sherry and Pori Wine. tvoirA Poor. Jamaica nod El. Croix Well'6 Pure Sewell !mil Irign . ALL IN BOTTLES I beg leave to CA II the attention of 'citizens of the United States to tic above Wines and Liquors, tin ported by Gdolrat Wolf. of New York,Whose name is familiar in every part of tbiscountry. for the parity of brs celebrated Schiedam Schnapps. Isr.Writfe, id his letter to rne. speaking of the purity of his %Vines and Liquors, sn}, -I will stake my.xeputation ac a. man, my standing as a merclinnt of thirty yenta , les , Weiler to the City of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I bottle . ale pure 'as importedoind of the best qualm - . and can be relied upon by every purchaser Merry bottle has the propricia's name on the wax, nod n fee simile of his signature oil the zertifirmie, The public are invited to call and exam ine for liemnelve4. For tmle at Retail by alb.apoth . ecane, anti (;rover: in Philadelphia. , Cdonax If. A .7ITON, No. 8.12 Mark e t sl.,' Plulnilet• phis. Pave Azenig for Philadelphia Read the following from the New York Courier. Esouireor s 13VCINISA FOR ONR NEW FORA MERCHANT. - • . —We ale • happy to inform our fellow citizen. that there is one place in our MIT where the physician, apothecary. and country merchant. can go and par. clan pure NV.ine. nod Liquor., as pure us imported, and of the best quality, We do not intend to give nit elaborate desertrition op thin merchant's extensive I business, although it will well repay any stmnger or citizen to Vl.l , Udolpho Wolfs extensive waichonue. Nos:MOO and 2:2. Beaver street, and Nos. 17.19 and 21, Mai ketfield street. Ht. stock of. Schnapps OIL 1 band rendi for shipment could not have been 1e... than thirty thousand roses. the Brandy. some ten thousand eases—Vin'tige.n ' t 1836 nod 19511; and tell thousand case. of Madeira. Sherry and Port %Vine, Siotch and Irish Whisky, JllMllleft And St. Croix Hum, some very old and equal in any in Pus country. lie also had ;hire large cellars filled with Brandy, Wine, tee.. in cask-, under Custom House bey. ready for bottling. Mr %Voile's sales of Schnapps 11141 year, amounted to one bombed nod eighty thou.sand dozen. and we hope in less 1111111 two years he may be equal ly successful with his Brandies and Wines. his husiiiess merits the patronage of every lover of his .perics. Private families who wish pure %Vines mid Liquors for mediral use should send their ord, rs oil ect to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, mid replace it with Wolfe's pure Wmr. and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, put. tip assorted eases of Wines and Liquors. Such u man, and seek a merchant, should be-sustained against his lens or thousand. of opponents in the United States, who •ell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and tawniness. Sept I,,6fl•fim THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOR RESTORING TEM BALD AND GRAY. ~I~ANY, smite the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have unempted not only to imitate his restoranve. but profess to have d b.covered something that would produce results identical; but they hove all come and pone. being earned away by the wonderful re , ult. of Prof. Wraid's preparation, and Lave been forced to leave the field•to its resistless sway. Read the col owing:— Rath. Maine, April /3111,1 3 50. Peer. 0 J. 'Moon. & Co : Gents:—The letter I wrote you in !RIG concernmg your volunfile Hair Restora tive, and which you have published in this vicinity nod elsewhere, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the :acts w the case. The enquiries ore. fir.t, is it n fact of my habitation and ;mine. or stated in the communietition; second, is it true of all therein contained; third, does my hair will continue to be in good order and of natutal color? To ell I .• 1111 and du answer invariably yes. Ply hair is even better than in tiny singe, of my life for 10 years past, more silt and better colored: the same is true of my ,lii-kers. and the only cott.ra why ii is not generally true, is that the substance is wristlet] nil' by frequent ohloann of 1111• face, when if cure were used by win log the lace m rho, connection will, the whiskets the same will follow as the her., I have been" in the receipt of a great number of letters from fill part-of New 14iighind, asking me if my hate still Collin:tie- to he good, as thew IS so mach fraud in the nionuthoure and sale of 10111011 4 compounds a: well 11 4 1111, 1 11014, no doubt, been basely imitated and been used. no: r sly without any good effect. but in obsoluie injury. I have not used oily of your Restorative of nap nerount fur some rwmills, mid yet my hair is on 110 14 d a- el et 11111111111111 fed. 1111V0 examined with sitr prise. as I ora now GI years oil and not a gray hair ms head or nn my fare; mid In prove this flier, I send )00 a lock of my hair token off the post week 1 re ceived yrier fasor of two quart bottle* last R11M1111.1% lor which I :111, very grotimil. I gave it to my tomes and Owlet,. unloved them in try it, many were •kep• 111101 ill ier I i itt 1. mid then purehosed and used it s ypt, sneers+. I will ask as a favor. hit yon send nor site-n I.y which 1 ran discover (mail in the ttegorative.sOttt ty timily. I fem., without author it) iron nu. A pore iiitieli• will insure .raceess,:nvis I 11C1114,0 W• 10 4:001/ chem. do 110 f 1.111101 . . t'4. failure is vali•ed b' u ' tt e e 1111j011 , whioh class the in ei Fool cil Is,. col .1 I 411 rein it nil chi,its Io•retolim•. h, opt j, a quo tit the c.nwnued "111,1 on my I.11...•1,1 ....111. • I I Sr nn oriitiiiiii in me of nay I is 00111, dear -,r y MIN, A C. R AY‘IOND WI. Roo, R 3.. Nov :ie. Itsss. Poor. 11 .1. c‘nrin Pear wrmtil venom!) . be jun eitat op, 1 ire nut In oitilie known loth,• wnral. os its the unexpected ri••ult 1 'rave exp. rieneen troin u•ing O•tt intone of your flair iine Niter amit Cyril .. kind Or itestortiliee x ouu, lan am heel sio•eess, nod finding my head ova ray o hull, 1 .11 . is Main, liallient 10 try Is II I. Of 1111/ li..ii Itestorolive. Now, emidor at 31 p- nee m 01111outic e 10 Whoever may fend •iit•. 41x1 Lllciw sII item. 1111 d 11,11111 M growth iri It or, while I 111... V protioultee rather lost hand ,b it.ihr orirtio it mi.., 1 will therefore take in roc 111 M, invaluable irned). to /11.1. oho moy feel neve--1y of it ll' ape, :1,11).3 ours. R.CV . A 1.1.1.:N Imorw. P. ,—T111.4 11,411110111a1 01 my approloilitill for 3 1111f . ' 1 0111111 1 1 1 11111111.11. , 11 , 11111 1. 11/14.11 , "01 4 tolsolostietl: —but it s outleic II worths a piai anioog ii you o if Jou do-hroy 11 itny Rev... A it D. ei 147 IS .• idway, son.l by .ull denims tor oa ,01 the onset. 11, 1%. pn up lo luOPea of lho, sj.lec.‘ • . 113 .'lldlll . -In .11. the .mull I.oole 0r0,14‘ La;ladollar per 1.0,1 e, the mr.. ttilan at 1,1- I per rem. Inure I. propn, 'tool I. e, :In • sni.t'i: fur two dollar.. per 'lottle: un, huge nh a gequoit. :0 ee more propor- Inuu. nut: In , uree dnll Ira. J. W 0 1 ,1) k C. , ., Plopriefer+..l44 71roadsra r, s. Yon:. ea: I' 1 t Pireet. O'l.l.uu“ Mer Aud .u.ll I y IJeuggr-st, and Friitcy Goo& 1," . 11,1 ,1•11 1.1": f” . l.ll''S 131P1tOV ED BLOOD SEARCHER,. A StANDAIin Itti.DICINE• I . 'o I/ stf. ele, tool cute of all a ism.g dam litmority of the Blood Ti,. 014.111C1111. ha.. wrought the most. mitaeoloutt • in Is m de-retaie minse tit - Scrotal., Caperton+ ronnattems, tte+, Er, nada.. lloil•, l'nindes on the %w.•, :"01, Eye., (I'd. smifilo.rn neer-, Scold Head. 'I r•l,'T A 15,111111, It lamitiatte Disorder', 1).l erstu, Costimme.s, Jaundice. Salt 8 1141.1.. ‘lrreirrial Betteral lansilste. Liver Colorist; A, Im.. of Apiwuw, • Low •••pirii... Ibul Stotoneit, Female Complantis. nod till blseittes having their 071,11.1 0:. impure 'state of the Blood. We refer to the ea, or Day,u Akercary. of Noon., inwn.titp, who, on the 31st day of August, I m3°. le affidavit before Gorky. that he Neuss treated for the cure of Cancer by three phestriuns 01 lkdronsi outny. and by Dr. N1.V.1011 of the Eclectic College to eittcootait, for a' period of nearly etght metlitlis, not, lip, nose, and a portion of 1414 11.0 cheek were euttrely eaten away! Ile had given up all bore. w hen he heard of the ..11lood Searcher:' nail vim. induced to try it. roar bottles cured Min, tint olifinuch sadly thsfigured. there Is no qq /CMIOII 11111 what this invaluable medicine +owed his lite. Tfic full WMll.llllll . s of iht. remorkmble ease may be risen in a circular, which can be had of auy of the Arm* . We refer to time cues of Nancy Bletalmey, of Ude,- ton, Armstrong county, Pa..eured of Scruflua aims brnhg ..nittle to get out of bed for three Vettr4. To the t uoe of a lady in Ansonville, Clearf i eld 01111t1r. N 110 wan oleo altltcted will, Scrofula ti 111 Norm form. BM '1•o ihe ea.,. of George Meisel, residing to Oarr9ll, town, cadr.,rta county. l'a who witr so bndly ed w•:th Cancer dint it cat his cadre uo•e off. and Its raw. was woe-c, if pos-dtle, than AlcCreary'4. The particulars of these ease.—every on e o r whirl; yrss cured by the u-e of the Mond Searcher—cony td•n he build in a circular to be had of arty of 122 agents. R. M. 1.FM0.7, Proprietor. T.:11;01,1°1y for the m•umf.ieture nod -.de, lied. the Penns it.l I frond Depot, liolliduriburg. Pa. Dr. Geo. II Keret,, Whole.nle Agent, Pitt.lmre, Pr . A ours von Com Mel, —lt. WIIIIIIIII4, Front •Creel , Dr. W. $. AleCorkle. Odd Feilow.• Ilan, Lortvg .1 end .1 S. Denno & Co., Golden Moriut Drug Stor Froe 'PI reel. se 1.15, l:-.60.6m anoccitzEr;. DERSONS desiring Pure :Articles in the Gro• eery hoe will Cult nt N 0.71 Locu.t. ‘t rect. Ju-t received a freA•upply of ttio following arta w•.trr.utt.d pure and Ire-lt. New Orl/ma• Soeor Symp.. ar tll kind., Irc•t kiutt 11oio••e•. Goitre., Tea•. Since, Fran tn. 4 ta, Dried Vent:Las ! Curranto, RaL,lll,. &C.—.o lot 0 F 16,1; s r. \o.:1 I.ocuiaalueta, Columbia, l'a December 3. SOMETHING NEW L KIT ID Rennet for making inn few minute r• dell rate d,-erl<, Pull directions for using nrontri i uti) each Louie. Irerralc liy ..-. A -. R. wILLTAM` • A StIPER'LAIIVE