? 3 • / - . . 7 • _ . . . - C IT - •.,. .. A SAML.L WRIGHT, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME XXXI, NUMBER 39.] LIFE INSURANCE. TP.OMAS WELSH, Esq., has been appointed Agent of the Penn Mutual Life In-umpire Coin. ,puny, of Philndelppia, tar Colunilari nein neighbor ,tnod. This is nu old cstabliglied eninpnily. Persons .a•i+hing to provide for their (avulses in eave of death better call on the azent and get insured. iCalumbin.July 16. 1859.tf COLA:TIMM& IRON FOUNDRY OPPOSITE 'l' E CANAL BASIN, COLA) AI MA, PA. TEE subscriber has removed to the erten sive shops connected with the Columbia Iron /Foundry, which he has thoroughly fitted up, with new and first-rate machinery, and is now prepared to ,maitufacture Steam Eit,gides and Pu inps of every de i.eription, Machinery for Furnaies, Forges, Mills Factories, C •r %York, &e. Iron and 13t.iss Castings furnished boarder. Bridge Coil. and 131;acksmithing in general. . 11 - . 7 Repairing promptly attended to. J OIIN Q. DENNEY. Cnlumbin, July 3,15 P ILVMOVELIA OF JOHN SH EN BE RG ER9S FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. TPIIE undersigned baring removed his Fur. 1 miner Wnre Room. and Manufactory. to his New brick building., on the soatli-.lnle of Locust street bc• isvecit Second and Third street', respectfully inform his friend. and the public to give him a cull. A large 111111 auperinr sinek of a3ABINET-WARE.ANDCHAIR-WdRK, of oil desert piton., will inc kept constantly on hand, whit:ll%SM be sold 011 the most rca „satiable term.. A. he manufactures his non work 'Se is enabled to warrant t every nom, r to he what it is rept citented ;and to bensgoooll,tl.cheap. llis.tock is very large .ano iu part embraces Dr,. Sing, Plain and into. Burenus ;Side boards Sofa: Card. End ,So fa Centre,Drecsing,Diningandßrent fit.l TABLES; Common. French and other BFI STEADS; Common and Fancy CliA I RS. mei SEA TEES of eveus.tyle.together with ge.ildru !ussort 'neat ofall kind. o f FURNITURE. Funerals wil tine attended with a Splendid Hearne on shorinotice and a! 'necessary ductitiongiven tt UNDERTAKING. fie re+pectially. .olicitg a share of public patronae a.. well COllllllO.llllCe oldie custom with which lie been liberally favored. Columbia, April 11. I 5.57. More New Goods AT THE CORNER UNION & THIRD STS; Tu-IT reeeived, n fine n.i.oriment of !Arlie , ' Shoe., Latest S,yle Black Grnend Figured De I.stinea. die. , Long and :quern Cloths. Cavannere- and Ve-unga 'or gentlemen. All invited mill and ex:- 11111111 C. 1. 0. & 11. F. BRUN Coßumble, Dec. I, le6o _ Ropes, Ropes, Ropes 400 COILS juAt received and far sale, at whole snlc and rctalli, sue and to suit pur nt my 'lore, near the out-lei lock. Aluich3l, toOO. THUS. WELSH. GEORGW , J. SMITH, - WHOLESALE and Retail Bread and Cake Y V Baker.—Constantly on hand a variety of Cakes IturnerOUC to mention; Craokers; Soda, \W me, Scroll .o.nd Simar Biscuit; Co nfectionery, of every description kc., ac LocusT s EET, Dec. Between the Batik and Franklin I lance. FOIL RENT. TUE room in the Blue Front. now occupied by Ttpumas Welsh, E.g.; el-u, ceveral house. Ap ply to W.ll. WIII Columbia. February 25, 1459. Soap and Vinegar. U BOXES of Dufb , , lirla wo Soup; 2.0 barrel of Vin egar, wholesale roid remit, al BRUNER'S, Corner of Third and Union re:treore. IE=EIB S.\l.7'! SALT ! ! 000 Sackc iround Alum Sall iusl received, and for .1 sale at file extraordinarily low prier of one do liar urd five eefitft per , affek. THOS. l‘"1• 11.S11. Cola. April 01, 11111: cnnal 11 1.10, NOTICE ALL persons indebted, on the Books of the Livery: 4 lo.We, from the list at April. 1.457, to the mutters:pled, are requested to make immediate pay mem. and tho.e having el ttttt t. will pre.ent them tot settlement, us lie is desirous of elo•osig his Liu.ine.r without delay. Oct. 3. Ii 37-If THOMAS GROOM. COMMISSION BUSINESS. THE subscriber has made arrangements and - is now prepared to receive on COMITUSSIOII, at lus wharf. ,i'Vorth , side of Waln u t .street, Columbia. Pa., COAL, LUMBER, WOOD OR TIES, lle will be happy to receive commissions for buying or selling the above articles to any amount. Final his experience in the Bu-ae•s he believes that he will br nude to render cut lit:Action. Strict nt lemma will be given to all bueiur•• ehirusted to his cure. AMOS S. Li II KEN. Columbia, March:l7,l9sS. TILE COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Second St., below Union, Columbia, Pa., TS prepared to execute all orders for STEAM EN. 1. GIN ES , BOILERS. SII.tiF FIE 0. 11.714.EV5, 151ACRINERY FOR BLAST FURNACES, ROLLING MILLS , isAW AND FLOUR MILL: 4 , and every variety orAlurbitiery, to the mii=l thorough nod improved manner. Inut and Diaz., Castings, 01 every deeeription, made to order. !repairing promptly at tended to. Cu=b mild for Old Iron. Ora., nod oilier metal. Orrin' .1 by mail should be udilren.ed to -'Columbia Manufaciurang Coinpitity. Columbia, 1.a." SUFFIAII , „ T. R.. ISuperintentlents , 3. 1.1.V.W ELLYN, Columbia..lune 19, 1857-u JANE'S Expectorant, Jaynes Alterative, Jayne's Carminnttre RH kern, Jayuc'. Hair '1 mite. Jayne'n Liniment. laynt , 4 Sanative Joyner Ague Pale, an-I Jnytic'a Tome Vermiluge; ul the Minya popular rrtneditts ore guaranteed genuine and fre-h. Far gale by K. WILLIAM'S. tmpt.91:1959. Front