wool to out feir readers—lleaith the o.nin.t. at - bratity—..Perriples I.loirkes,-sind an et.iit A cleat COlllpieXloll t. ant only v.-ennui in kinstile loveniteim but it i enumtly an ex entail ...villein , of he:Mb—While sallow tre.r., pimples and all mita - eons emotion. am nut,. live of a disturbed co:Onion of the stout icli anal liver. liven them organs the initial's upeitent and tonic known :14 1110110N111'. IAIIII to daemons.. iireei-ion and mann:y ova rani:led an Bleiaral lei cope, while the Ointment purges doe ce.g.ito. of the skin :11111 impart. a brilliancy and roseate nut to Clint delicate envelope. A tliwho va'ue and beatit) should bewaie of tampering wt It co-indict its Met are not only peroteions but highly dninvirmi. tombli POND'S EXTRACT' OF PIANIAMELIS, Ott PAIN DESTROYER, our of the reiy dome-tie remedies whirl, Lore come title . gene.tal use and favor, without puffing. It is the prarloet of a simple vlorub harmless in till (qv...a, owl us it domestic remcda• unequalled. I:or Ru• 11-• Cule. Immene-v. Spr.iitiv. It hehinsti-in !toil•. Ulcer., Sores rind WOlools, n has inn all t 1111111. It is a too with great •proses. for 'booth ache. Ilend mile, Neuralgia. Sore Throat. Colic, Darr rlarit, lion penes., nail other a•milnr troublesome and painful adertiona,V•hile it promptly arrest. all Beta. Hundreds of ph) sictasta use it tinily in their procure, snit give tt their linqaalified recotommula tam. Sold hr our agent• and dealer.. and I.y 1". HUMPHREYS & CO , Broadway, sole Proprietors and Manafaciarers. TE7 - A. 51. RAMBO, Odd Fellows' Hall, Agent for Co. Cambia. (May 12, NW WANTED. A N apprentice to learn Tin•Smithin,. ‘ OrE s 'y o t 7 o l. errnr.r Seemed ne v i Qtreces .Colareraa, March FOR CONSTABLE. 1 11E subscriber offers hitn,elf to the veer ; of the (So ough of Columbia. n+ n cumitdate for CON..TA -131.8. nl the coming. election. Prolny. Mureh 15, 1t...01. nod solicits their , rapport. ettvgi•or to perform die du ties of the office, if elect t.d. Wadi promptoe.s and SANIUCL HOLLINGSWORTH Columbia, March 9, IStil-lt ron CONSTABLXI. rp 11 V. ,mb.eribcr offer, imnz.elf he vole,. of Me I Borough or Coluirthio. n+a raodid.or for CONSTA- R/ X, 01 the Pollllllr, etre.ian, Friday, :Burch 1.5. -ohms iheir -uppori, engaging In perform th, du ller of the office, if elected, wit h proirspmeg. hod fide hit•. THOMAS B. DUN BA R. Columbia. March 0, i 601-1 SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF CADETS OF TEMPERANCE, TN Odd Fellows' Mill, ON NEXT SATURDAY Atlm'ttonce 15 centn Donro open nt exhibmon tocommene at 71, o'clock. Cola, March 0.'51-It Arrowroot Biscuit (*RAIIAM Ili-cuit, London Ifirruit. Soda and Fgt. , lZ Bi-eui:; Parma, Water uud Butter Cracker, butt ree,lvrifi an 31.11r.9. 'sill Oranges. 7 71 EMONS, rigs, Ste, (or wile by the box, nt A NI. RAIII3O, .11ot 9 I-41. Chid ('clot,' Hall Penna. and Lovering Syrup T (IVERING and the Penna Syrups, two of-the beet I S Mpg at the Uutied Suitor, for pale by the eahutt or tigrrel. a _Mau'. 9, I4;1 Itice Flour, poox t , TAßCll.l , nri.la, Caker's Cocn and rhoen %, hoe. Nlustard, NO;le., :Fordo:el, Se, j, .t re 411 ved A :1I 11:X31130 , $ Family Grocery :Store MEE= NOW FOR BARGAINS! a CD. CD ‘.. C) a-'• Sacs, ..... Various Styles and Qualities WALL PAPER, nre now ready at the Slore or the sulmeriber. I.djoi ll= !lie Colornhiu Hunt.; snd for the purpose of ele-mg out the entire lot Pooll, It ety will re Fold Without Regard to Original amt. 11. C. PON Mar 9;61. Penn te'n Cu-la Sotret SECONI) OPENING OP 1861. Nr4177 SP.ZOELSTOr GOODS. ()PENING THIS DAY a complete assortment „, ` 4 131 log or viy J:,•:tierd Prir