AI ' I'l- 1.2.5! .e;. 1'131.17.52 varte:y 01 Apple., 1.3 tli. Le.rre: nr io -laullrr ,pautole, rt ILt itmc ; .1 II :471'1).%%r..1 Orne-ry Store : Corovr Cross .11111 U 111 0 •1 4.0 e. 1.450 it.aISNS! 1? !SI 110 1,141, !Lam 11, Seeall••- tkllli V .L uria 1:•+1•/11- .1 !WI Allpilk .11 11.\ Nov .1 i'l's. N; ILr Itainv et Ili l'egoplo.l l'l4-. A -itivpir ni slew etop l'sg-jo-I 10 , 1'1% VA 111 II r-I'l I NI'S 1.14. . • i) ~ 1 1/11, 101 rlOlll :11111 1.08•11-1 \..♦ DRIED FRUIT! • optor or r4r.-, pro ,t Ao l oo- AOl It., tale oil all S,l" 9.111'g ry Stare, Cur. uitti IMMICE I . ,t'Al .1110. 01 BUM le.. U1011011:11 Teol ..... jd :1 Vell ‘ll,l lor ,111: I.y It 11 %I 'S I roil: Str....t. C.-1.1.1CU! C ‘1.1CO!! 11'(1 12 I.2et e: Levy c. )1,1 Or the ,4 make, itos U .•11.2222 u .1• it, .2 2122114 rat 21. 2 . -1222 111t1'N EH'S. l'tißE %VIII ry. viNEGA: A :Irtnnt-to nrltzl •01 I /It, inho ettteernte onntl ton -nib, nn n•-P 1:1{1:111.1:IN tn. t '.[Pll NO 71 11,m•tt-I ttIICKWHE. , ..I' a!EA! rpm:: Lry o 1.111,111.1 N'S 11. t. 21. ( ,troo•I VITAILTEIB. C. IX/IELITEIVIATIT, Dr I FINE GR.OOEPLIE.S W. CU , 11 .. 1;i1: and :\ reil li1:1.1.111A Yi POR 11:1: Or' OSS LACEW EnTGLrsar PICIiLES AND SAUCES . . t'•lr rot) %eh. c Pi:*! Teas and Coffees. C/101 .t. • \ Ir,)t nt Li n.l 011 I. U., 1..2 Till ESL: r.te rs The Te3finiony of the WhOle Word HOLLOWAY'S OINTIYIENT !!rd Le A.. , " Had thrasts,.s.`o,, (1.1 flh,rg 11 ilt...orwito.. of sol v.. Ir.. rule y p 1 op, ~ 5 ,11111.g.5.15 55.55 pre.1.,11 4114,1. Jr. 1.44•41444: r ale 1,511 4.4;4.4 ..'..1.•••fII 55 5 , IA .5.1551 .1 1 1. 444r-11040d 111 r .A 1/1111111• 1rt..5.;) 515•.• 1-5 .1 .1,11111101. .14/I 11/1. 4414414.5114 501 111 .„.1N •.1:1•4I I•%lorr, I- In ••••1 , 14, I in• 11111. n,i!Onl In .Ind :thou! ,t• Winnid And 1., nq , 111.• luii p.s.t. 14) ,bnlng !it liit• I>ll.lint 1,1 .1% -.I II lorct,l ,nto nl,lt. , ),Life, m, Uirrrat,d Sae MI-IW, and Scarlet gild Other Ferns Any m ihe ul n e 111:1). hr eltregl Ity well raltloor, the Oloone11: there 11.1 e.. n day 1.110 the el.e•t. ihro.ot nont nee it 01 p•itleat, eons :11111 tointelone relief. Ali-4114,W tekell I.) Ihr )))))) 1111 tot,t o ver:lie Iloilo the whole .y I 11 w 1111 101,11 pun. where. v+.l: Ito %),rk al tllla r. NN lawyer itimirce r I i 11.• 11:11111,I. lr' 411) , • 11111,1 I 111 Ilqi . . • 1111, tiro 111‘ . 1,4-,iVe- rd by a Pis, Putuias, St. uiutis 11,0 u.r St' , of t 011 01ft:1- ti it! Ito tett10 . ..,1 iu 1,41 Ily ottog 1:o thit I. St WI •` toot woier. toot tot II tott-I 1.1 4, 10.' to flo• I /totot•till Pt -ott. ;ft/U0.1,7.11'0111 unld 10-t• not .1 tolototl I/I ;II le -1105 It fintior-10,0l 111.0 It I- Intl tool Morel% tit Otooll •til On Ow 4 . 1,1 itort, 1.111 l• Syr rollitetl tin litt ron-olt t tine time into nr titre , lunar: In 1!.1) . .111n It en.l% he i.I tit'll Irvin the ->•Cool. ao Loner it is 1:1 relative titty 1it.14-11 -Ore to moutol .1- t. I fe.•: fh. , tt.:l: it Op otO• ill the et r Tlfrit• tig on broad' o nut ,sal t , utdong Inn cif the t:c..tiv.•ol, ii 111 to Input -Of live Tot Itt Ifie Oaf!. -Ore or I e ote- o• at rI ,a acii, or eli can a) lac .1 vat ~a: Isa..tratig Gulisc,efejns of You! ; Styes and Ulcers :0014.11, , ;la • ` , l l . L , ri:dalY• 1.1 IlYahy edoed Il [be odtdritt be it.ed fir rly. and jrhi tdked night and reywomended thy piiided 111,1'1101011 , 't hen lbedled uI :1111 • IlYr ,10 1114.1 tr,dy dry iip 111 OM 10111, In 11 , 1, is 11,1,1.. 11,. 11.101i1 , 1.1 w la 1 , 1110 V.• 4111101 110111 •li . lll. :1111t 11 . 11V1. thr p 111,0 , v ,g opaieal Su, ulytis a nd idints • ~1.61,411 Ilteal•nve .•11111 /1.111. 1111 r, 1.,11(7.k / .•,41.: .1111111,11 W 1 / 1 / I/1 111,/1 / 11 . 1111,11 Pt, /1/11 / 11/ 4'1:1 I// Ille . 1./6111•1/1 / /1 , 1 . ... 01 ,11 . /11!1,./I•l / • • /All will • U 1111,11,111.1 t•I SVI/1•11 I:11 uulun , .4l I •fnady 11110 • ./11. lloiler 11,11, ha,' Luke i 111.01 -t• ~1111- 111.0 1 , 11.• / . 111. -110.1,1 be I doril :hLeortLitl: th. • Jury :11,111/111:11011”: 0:11 II ihr Urr.l ntr rrf and Pia.; should Le used if,. 11.< , 1 - 0 1 ,:alt , zug caers rat- t , t ) MEI 11~1- Thr4lll , - 1•11 , . :411 1:',1.11.11t111,- >6nlDl+, 1,2 4 OW, .111.1 I• 1/ I/11. !:Hi1t.11...1.t.• (V.1.1 , 1411ar ` , ..v4 1:- T...., .p10t.14. IMMIE TM 1 11 VA 1 1 111 - -,1111.• 1111,-- the. moi,l-. ' " V• . .N 111/, 01111 1.0111 II Inn 111 11•1111111. in , rk 1.1 eVer) I. 0 .4 1//1. /.00% n; /101•0 , 01Is 01011101 I I W 011 1 .00%. 1L...11140 111 . 01' 111 1111 I, .0111 1101111 . 11 11 0. 1 , 11 1111110 11 . 111 11.111.1 , 11111. II 11 / ....t 000 C•nnlo ill.. 111 .- 1. - 411 In llw Of n 0:10,1•0..1 . /1111. tn..; 111.• 10,111 /111 . , tri Se,/i • lil; In, Inll . ;,111/1., 111 • .11.111 111 Ill' ',Ad:11111V M.111111.11•11,> isi i'l4l6•,enr rll II•i14101. 1.•1 , ••;,..4•1.11. , Nl,ll-111, 1.1 ti:•.,1;21.1.1:t- -MI, r r 1 • sr , CS, : 4 ; • AiA? 4: .1 7 'EC . 1 / 4 ) Cav •"::y s t —ol‘. 04. "Nk 3tl FLATIVE C! NIC Fi ETIC, • O b • aYSL. 1. - s Q • - AND -- CO 1!x.1 run m Nr %%lA. A 1'01111:c ,1:IES, Ili I'l'll7%l'F rk , 111.11 , . s‘osl" , l'uor I•nlit.te ‘Vo't • Pure l'n , ; \V I •in', non iV0 . ...-1.'.... , ! 4 r(1 1, 1:1 .1 ii hi, VllO-1., ALL LX 110"1 I LE- the ~'tent yet nr,t.,• NVihe• .1.1,i 1.11,1/0r...11e N 0..% k I.oht. =lll r Wed 1.18.1 it 111, tin el 1"r p, 1. ipt rt- $. $ I. I, Co .ss•• • t New \ • ..,s, Ittantly I 11" • .r• rch.a••••r ire for liteori..o. - •.. lor 'ale Heiall 1 , .1 ries alto er-il pl. t. Glionut if A-11ro•. No Sole Agent' fro Rend the follotworp: irnm Ice New Vo-1. r, ro.OtteMot, Volta il• —We toe 61. p) to lalarin our fellow , infra there , one pawl: In Otlf 111) y,. 11« and eollitlry merchant. can gn and pat , more purr Winer. and Litptor., as pure onpnried. 4nd r.f the herd quality. V, do not intend to ql:r ail elabo•nle tte..eriplioll of lb, eirtel,tee ;116(.0, it c .11 Well repay au) .imager Or „,, ,„• it,t o • l o, o Iv o lr• exlen-ice w• •ellOO,. -iieri. and No-. 17.19 and "drer..ieth., 14 -nerd. lit. -:or k of Srilisdpp• on reads for ..hipinet..t giouid not have bre. hr . .. 11, 040 11101) 11.01•••1 ;he Wantle. 'nine tell Itot,anol ea-e-- V WWI , . ni I- 0. ..old 1,-16. Ira tiorou-nird ea-r. int Madeira. Slterrr told Port %Vow. ',owl. and tr,II 311010 • 01 hell St Croix Buie. 1.01111, Vet) alit 011111 r 1..1 Ire • lIIC 111 tall. le Mace , ' Had three later cella.- ti.i..l with Itrai ii 4r, Wine. ftr rick, titmice liou‘e key. read) lot tun tlottg. Alf Wattle'. oriii.ispp- 1.6, )our loornntonooti tolo nil, itnntiorJ an..:.• nth, lilt...mid 110/e1). toeU ntol.ope In th r,l Iwo I.r tri.e) 1,1 ty .try.oe-Pful With 111 Oran tie. iron lClnr -1014 1111•111•1•••••.• me-”ti Me ;norm:nee m every lover el: t,, clleel , a. Percale l.ftlfrl//ef. Waft 04-Il rn,rr W 1•4 1 ,.. .01 I.lreioor for inerlieliloo. ota ••• lorry 1.1 Alr. II 111) ettere Apitllloa•Af 10 I • •out rank.. rip there mond. in no.. o porri. ,;•0r kreCla, and Ce;rl.lC, II With WCir•; , pare. 1411,...• 1.4111107 , • ‘Ve tt urf,,,ltr 04 Air. %Voile A, ne, of ...II de 01 io die 00000 pot. :qt -4.11.111,1 o f Wine. aot Idnuor'..i• .0 , 11 a'1 .11,11 • f1ar1,11,111.11. • 6.'04 10•• .11A . 00000 •111 414 1•1••••• • i 01.1.61114. .14 - 011r.n....... 11. 'iv.. %Ito -nil i - rot Jana, or• to 00000 000 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODT IL.. C. FOI7DERSIVII7II,S NEW STORE, „OPPOSITE: A .I99 FELLOWS' IZALL, LOCUST STREET, COLUMBIA, PA., WILL ur. OPEN TO TUC TuELic, On Monday, October Ist. IS6O. J. W. , BOWERS superintendent. /1111?, as important is the arrival of New awl Beautiful Dre-- Gooil- at the old e.,tabli-lied satto.l. attoi ilia!! the Columbia Bank. whets the sal,- ther hr happy ;I. -ee all lii,, iiia•:y new 011 - /CZ Vllll favor hitri with their pa- ISoniept.tiud :at the .ainie time Itheral , hare of efirour,,armelit in the new caterpti•e, opposite the (Mc Fellow,' Hall. rut the V. r!. liberal IMPOUl: , g , lncrit felorore re. ern veil from the prn.pie or C,,,lornror.r and ‘l,inily.:l.l.l the plan's. gene/ally. durtng Irt , rt , rdence on Colton- Irra.lin IMMO- let- ....Orin Shank- end hopes no merit atsl receive el ..01.111Milee of their -tittle, tool good rurilrer oratro•olarr-Lr•rerriler ' • O..I , 4,NDERSNUTII'S People', Cash Snore. CO:11110., Qiionlder ,Brailc and Uicst Ezpanding Susped mien veil add feir at 1. S. in.I.I,ET & DMZ nev.i2ll. I I-1:11 11mn Street, C01..111.1,1a. a , -oritoeat oldie unproved Coal Oil 1 I and clietotta.. .tirel or urtai•le ot t whirl. wt!: I.e Ut tetlatzed pt trr- NEW FALL AND WINTER DIM GOODS. NVETiarci,neiwropeoll,igelat .11!v and ornrirv,:of • It Alellie• lot of FAI.L. AND GOOD'S, in svl jilt Vle .note ii.irlieniar :Mention. Reid I . :1 , 11111CW, Printed and Plain man. mut A 1a1.... lit all pra.,:: the be. i.t y for 0I.110; Ra.t, White nod Venwv front .20 els'. to 411 Ticking+. t`lieeki!, 4! , a I age :I,ollllleter Mlle very rhr qt fei,ifoinen rte ternienteil to eraEallie our Stark or Finney C.iloied 1111...1. hilt I , ollly re, Seellel, 01 Velvet VCeelleel:q e 531111141 , , Ke•11111. I. y eh•llter• e l nriet•iin, Ale e We: %..111 nell rv , ellenve..i. noel- and Sl,oc :lee:n:111d Caps, all S.ylos, at very lo•t In et a otiniry prallnee taken in rxe for frrlll , ll , at Anil! ,et !wee-. 1. O. A U. r. BRUNER. Comer bird and Union 'wept.. FOR SALE !mom) V:3'1.1,4-- I I ,41. 411.11.41 ilo MEE= TilE subscriber k now receiving and offers I ior it I • rat. -be. C/1 - hillti• of Co J. Fr ont, d oxpre• •t} fro tan.. y 0..•, iii. 1011 or it Ito get' ,iottnitt:e..., tor! to tiny put of ilto town. :`11[•:1 11,11 more Co.nrolly, No= 1,1. I anti 5. Short Mom( tt. No: I.:), 3 Zlll.l 1.3 Leo'.'•.t , ., 3 rag mid SloVe, Shun 1.1.1. No- I. a 3 and I. Sunbury Egg aoti Strove, 1•111.• C.V., I •g.; nod Stove, l'ot•too and Stove, 1101,1 nod I. !I I- :11l kept under eavel. , ira inn," dit .111. , -I,' plat 1, , -111:,; Coal 111 1111• 1,11240 11110 car 0 10 %%I'l hod 11 111 , 1111•11 . 111iV1.1111Itte to call and 1..X.1111 ill , In} lit`lol . l., I an 11.1,13 g el,wlicre. r -viol 15.1 , 611 11.1 7 . A II AR DIV A RE, R.tlt I ItON,-atc Ill: cuL=rrihrr dr-unu: of rrdurutg lii-. -lock 0l 4.1 all de-el -eel! Lnek , , 111.1ge-, Noll , Paint.. Oil-. and evt artinle . rae• iur Carint.ll,l', , uelz a, Plane 4, Hand Saw,. I•o..1 I•spze -tor I. of I: .r 11111—eml:;:risilig - 1,1,5 -i/e andinduced Ire oirosta L to 1,1001.11, e).1e11.1.41 to Min he re-reetfully uoittlimai.e.• of .1. 'V C1r1"1 . 1t LOCII-.l'Wald , St•pl , nil., 13 1-no 111i1 _ - _ I".I3..fiNN.LIN FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF CA P A lf. I•c•prai.l P. emits.] I'm•x Pig ell "I',uiporart Prvnitim,, , tt pits, QTATEMENT of the Assets of the Company o I, 1-to. iniorinin W11)1 Übe prov,inn Of Ilie 41x1114ectionoit /le A,tol -•t•MIlly.01 411,1115t11.1 Sl2. MOitTG AG ES. 011 1 , 111110,r Va 1.14.11 3111 aver ,:,(1011 DIM bC111 . 4 oloriguLte-roil real a-1:11,. 111 11ir el' :11111 Clllllll} at P1111:1L1,111h1.1,1•X -.1.1.1 I 5.. 921.1 the 11.,4111.01111.4 I 01111- $ I '111:t NE.% I, I:S7'AI'E. ,tt -. under 1:t, /1. 70 by 1 ID fort, :-..11111t-w.•-: 1 . 11/ nc rut Cxc.nal t 5. , . 4'lll.'l'lllli A holt,. aild 101. :1 ) 71 feel. oti Nos di , lr or Np•u,. -It vet, \V..I of - euth Tl, i. t3il, 17i MEM Iltlot) tt , 19in•c I oto•- mot lot. 'ltt 1,5 51 nI Vow I I °tot :1;:c11411.50 by -1 t he `Zotlth ,0 ••or•ter..ll•l,...litt w t • ,111. 12 r•I NOT , II .iil,• •10111., I1:•e1.0:1 -,11.• 1,1 t, htit el, , olitit ell• -111/i .i/. 1 I. A nll 1! 113 •1) reel. N.. 1 . 11/, tlor -•ri•• 1 -"vet. A o hol r -1..1 I I op.llll,iro 1,1).1.N5. MIIIMNIB=I • . • STO( • IC SI. M. ,\'•nom 1 .0 un 2:0 r... , ; , •. olltt , 'it, lo 1:111:1 01 4,1110 Isy : • I 1-1.11.111( V C01:W.111` . , (If :11! .- P.111.)1 1 .1 1 1.1 1 . 210 • ,11,11'1,.trit IZ 11,10 It :oft 12e dnr..dde l • 0 11 •• 1 tlic.:l Cnit 11 C0n11 , 11,. 11 1 • LlOll.Ol Itadroall Cn. C.. u adnd d ronlit") . , 4 11. mm "\ (ado l'en a' a It.ulul 111 INISIII i.IIISIII But :1•101/11 CI V 1C.1it,1•041., 1 . 111%,!•• • .1 1 111.1. Cly 1.0.111. $175 • •• (5.4) IVurran tita• 1:01-renaava111e 4.110 , hand, 1"; s't t 174.•' :t- =IIIOIIIM EMI MEI IMEI •41trot Ito ,• ex till ,tot It 1,11,1010 'invite yea I I •rnl••r of the Iloa rd. N RANCKT DIRECTORS. CtIA , 7:IMI).C.1).1,13:, Vire Pre•icieni Wagurr, Samuel Grant, .1 it Geo. ty. itividard, Alordeaai I.eiati, David S. Dresta,l,ac Lea. kklarare C. Dalt, Geo 1.v:%1 A. ser'v pro lvm THOS. J.LUVD,.I gent, Coumbin ~ho~~ ; :~ PFLEPAR FOR COLD WEAT HER. r ,u , t zeturned from ihr. coy crilz .11 rploodul 1 lisaorisll,lll of .1 4 111...111:W and 1113111 4 0,4 J.:Weill., COOK. PARLOR, STORE; AND 0111.C1 STOVES, wllirli I reel-W..1 - le.] eginpritre nut pIIIH • •.ILq-Imam Ito. -jilt of I'lliladrlphla Cu7l nut .•z• wome Ill) .1006 1/11:leil Will Ile •old 11i. Mt IP • - IIItt:01 R 11.$11N. N. tV. Cur Secomd mud loorusi sinalr pl. 11, Sportsmen Look Here! •1111j1r . barrel Kol . J( toweive.lnt 1 11., Stifle 01 .5 Rumple A Ave, 1155otible I.arrei gams lion fo. 111, to t 5115. 3:mgl.) bar eel root $ 2 I d. 52(1. W, Ira v.• , 14 the 13.135Aetg lore. I'eow.ser. Simi. Cap.. IN.v.ler 3.1.531 Wathl; Bag, 3.e.. 13 lie 1. 55e mere. ai •r 1 luw fril••• I • hoe., 1,4,1 „Itiust iti;ecived IL WILLIANIS CISME 11. r.APPOI.D. Cult 11 COAL! COAL! B .2 :3 1 3. mut l'amt I Ila PRIL ADELPIIIA. 5400,000. \y 19509 51 =MM MEM i s l o l, 11=MII!SI , ~- Co:l I= II iFil r.V. I: ; 1. I' I. ".-11 , !") 111.11 •I )1 Is • I.OSiES BY FIRE MIME 1= J3huson'se-Patent Hog Trough. subscribers having ptirelmee - il the ri,dit to rano- T Ziraelta, uud sell Illi.111VC11:4111iti Lancaetereouttly. oesire io introdace it to general use cast iron trotsghwi•lr a stoifitag top. of niffietrid capacity to liold the feed of one hog. II is .tt t•nusaruc ted that the otii mid cannot got it. feet Into n. anti sn,l take its ferd without tae u. 11.01 scrambling :tad spite-bine. Ito the artangetraent of the lop the hog is itreetatted from feed lot! until the trough is tilled; when lure top still iteehtfietl at Will. Tire trough will be found a twat ronecniestee in feediag. and must. stlieu known. become popular. The trough. , are for stile at the thOLIZ in Steroid tAreet below Union, Columbia, Pa. SUPPE:I:E Z.; ARO. Colombia. Silly 01, NUTICII. ourjltreliNl 1a rg w f I C e l: ,h.,nliul. i r . ft. fine-1 lIIAV in market. betieve that nn t•X ulninutom of all the Tohaeeo ;Aloft, 111 16e tlate, wtll not dl-eoxer ac fine a ear-e. of Segars as the out just opened I.y tea for our r. tad eu-lo.n. invite the oaper Cal attention of ranger. ott-Prig this way. and a-k liens 10 drop ett and el:smote this bap, to:sortatent. Thi- is the Ludy dote su Colombia at whit'' , you ea. ,et Ike worth of our looney w ?:egar. and Chewing f0ha..e.... a hole-ale or We have filled our en., will! 'Mall ha-Let. eoutainint; Segar-, vvah the 11.1Itle 1/1 l':11 . 11 :11/0. :11-0 wills boodle- of .e:tar... of 91 and :11 earl,. adjoi n ing St . low it. loop. is filled %%ill) all the best [intuit- ( . 111.,111,4 POW ; .1.11“ t. Plea, call arid ...1../111111e our large a-,or•.aet.t. FEN Mil BROS., Proof sl tee', live .100 rs a 1.., Coll.lll l / 1 “, ra• To Sportsmen and Others. . GUNS, POWDER, &C., &C UST rem veil a large n—ottilwilt or J SIIOI, ;1111 W:111, Silol Pcm (ler Clip-, .1.e., I r .:111 . ',On' low. J. %V. corm 1.1.1., I.or u-t Sept.-mi..-- 15. 1:410 Inn A. LARGE MOT OF FRESII GROCEPAES• giViIUEL F. EBERLEIN invites the attention IJ of hi. f1it...1...m.1 the public generally. In ha. qoel: of rule Grove. h 4 eoo..o.ling of : F.oe Green :1.14 ithietel e Itio. Java. fevenvl Tit: hey Cot he, Itetioed, Polverolvd. nod Brow., Stint. r+: Chee-e, 1.:It.l. Fi•la, Salt, So.ep. v 'oh every other Wu,' oeve4, , are to r mg - ll:tete the r..-ortrnent of Fir•t (lottery. I will otri.r the ii , 3olre cond. at as lOW cc price a- OW) eat; lie battahl :ii;) where eke. s. 1 , ..1.11313RLE1N. Sept. _9,'60, Lorll-1 :Street. P PC IL ADEL P lIIA WATCH ANHJEWELRY STORE 0. Conrad, Former Occupqnt, No. 14S North Second Street CO R ER OF Q ARRYS T. The under-Igned ha. fenced the above orenn.en, where lie will keep n large :1--oritneat of Gold and IVanehe , .., 01 Ataernean gogll-11 until Savic. Mona., .ore Ow too -I eel. brute.) tnakerc, nu addition, to ohne!, will Inuntil nl Way. 1.11 le uul wad made to of. de r) nnt v 311 . 111.1 1, enn - tely of .le , A elry. Sliver and Sil ver Plated ware. together wall a general In...oritnent •nnell good- nto nre in-t all) 1.. pt in a first-ela. , - IV:veln and Jewelry SlOll . . The patmm of O. Conrad and Ihri=e of the .uln,:eri lie r, tot:ether with ihe pui l e un•nerally.lll , 111 1 ,111 . d to call. where they will receive a gond ntritele for their money. A- I 11111 determined not'. -t rielly 11 1 . 11.111i1 4 - 111. , -. Ile •0111 sin ••$lllllll Pll/111. 1 4110 quirk Sale-,'' it the motto of tit- e-untbli-hatent. I.Etvis• 1-,..wriy (I po:N. R A I), Co 14S North Secant) St., corner of Qu.irn J1M...2/111. I ~ 1111-1 y. STOVES, STOVES TIII: -1111-Leber !0.1 reeetvetl a large as.ori 1 meal of Cooking Suove, COlll Suave.. mid 1 . 1.111. anvr+, of the nru•r-1 .111 d nto-i :wpm ved pal o•rn. -ale on rea-onable ter.n•. . . n TOid Cu+vn_. 11IA.•n 111 I.,Xl•llltv4e for good. J. VV. exyr raut,L, Loco r •1., Colutoloo rz,.rlvoliwr 15, 1-00-Cm School Books, School Books. TO TE.ICIIER VARENTS. NV diwrion pike , AI-n. a.l : -.4. 110 01 flank - irged :a IJU^t uricl entint,y, cry :-Arl.oll & Mc:DONALD. ri ant ,t feet, Lott ecu I,t, arid Walnut. 'Sept S. 1,60. SELLING AT COST clO-C out '' aek " rGI WHISK YS, GINS, WINES, &c,. .a_rx , COST. Ile offer. ilirm for .11e at rLc I,hitior Storc kith°. It., Itto, Wit 'Wilt; Cunt Lequo, ut mud , lair p 714., .lIC ironed to M. . col Inn. Feltraary 1 , , InGO•it - GlR.vrtn Fire and Ma •ine Insurance Com pany,PhiladelDltia. Office-4M Y .Valnut Stre.el. CAPITAL AND SURMA'S OVER F2.1'00%000. W. WOODWARD Pre-ident R A Leol.n. Seereinry. A. S. (..1.L1.1F. Pe0.161e1 . 11 hid Tr. •:f =ore,. The tovlef •igoe.t. agent for foe .111ove well 1../10,V11 111-1611111011 .. 166,11:,.1 to t- , ol• If% po!feie-, inswing slow, lo— of Ll.tologe by lur. property of fill kftol, town .1111 ou::iiy low t, tiff , ,t)•. 1 , 1111 e• I —06,1 Ly On, CO.,11:411) 111011/1614:611.1 I 6;6161:11.1y :1, N NI 1:(f Arent. 11:14k went al Howl, Col:1,111H I. I' It COMPIISSION BUSINESS. ..... '11111: v.og a.,occncJ Mgelitce for line I 'wept), of 111,111, it COAL:cr. I IZON COMMISSION BUSINESS, the umott,h t... Ova -le t I uu nlli. P.) • 0•110, 1 110 1 1 , 11110011 :-1011110r- hurl they have lea-ed 1111111 lire 1.11111111 Dei,nranent nl the I'eoo4y Iv: aia 1%11'111 , 111y. OW I,llg , alai conmaelaa, WI. rt nn the %v., col the mini , hovel. dt Wel 111 leagia byLive . -s 11l ti,,1tith...11 , 1 are la) v pre p 1$ eLI to 'met. andna.l a-,0 .11.1 - 1 roe oa Ole 111011 -:Ill-tdetta 11 1 101%. Oar 1.11,10,e- for *Nang IN. _IIIU are -o ea eat MAI we il.tto r onewlve. lbett tllllOl lII` 011) 11,101110111 111 1 . 00., ant ulg ail f.elg , ti It %\'.• .1111vit coll-1,tiltm•111, and pm ame aa 111 pari I miopt atimmun la Me b ea te.tell .0 our 1.110. A3ll/S 11, 1 ‘‘ \vntml, Siaslslrj G ALT. COS:11 I'mtr.Jlonnuirs, Bac!, Pm's, s, 111. .1 I- r • ..) .•••.• r. , our - Pil • .. it Or. un IA .11 1:... 1 . . 11 . 11, 1111 i tr, t , r LIE C.. 4. P.itt, al .sactall. eat It I . IIN I / 1 /1 11 11: , li Itnleca;tl 03111 11taa11 1 1 1 01, "ttar S. gn: :11 10 - v, r.ola LOI UNI, Colaml , l 1. P. .1%1.0,1 1.1-WI. New Goods. rri .101 , 1• m.l return. front the city I 1., now opentog tot unrnnnnottl• lar,;.• toleoll3ll to 1.1. former stork. tnan•nng of Citemtet.l 4 . 1.))e Stutr+, 2,11.,, tie: at tooooo oC putcha•cta rtquestvd. H. W, Prow Street. Arr I I I I ,60 MIME JOTEN FELIX, WATCHMAKER. Er. JEWELER. BEM BIM P . /on! Street, brttref n LOC , IBi and Walnut, COLUMBIA, P.A. THE subscriber invites attention to his very rget n ud t :CV): of WATc nEs CLOCKS., & JEWELRI, , 7 hielt Ire I. prepared to .ei I rhea pc rlllan they can Le Isnucht nt ney ocher pre. pair tl to ofrrr 7.1"4 . Ut La rg.t i .”11.1 lie re-peetful I ri vltc , like allelktioll o fp ul em-en, to hie stocL,%//tuli embrar, CEEB GOLD AND SALVE': WATCHES, e fe very kind; all Immetal • of CLOCI:S.from 41.5 n up wards.lietilvite.t hemte o lioatmeu to Immr :urge 410,1. of LEN CU 110 AT CI.CC EIVCLRY• eon. 41.1 ingot Ear Runfingerge. lim Mg :: ream e. al lkin..lAorSatva rSpoon A owl Ten Spoons Fork- &c.. wine Is are warranted to wear nearly - rpma Ito Silver: Gold:And Silver Penn cile ondPens Gold and Silver.4peetaele. metre:lme s will+ ate greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES ever before offered. COTLERY.—A.I.o. a lope rio rn..o amen' of Re volverp and other FlAmol..r.rAml al I kinAl , of Kstivks, of the bestonntatfarture. CBE Striel at wti lloe.Tiven.o• the repairing 01._ anek., watcher and I eWe lry and nll work will be wa. • A continriuu•r o 1 ono e Tr , ralronnge i. r..gro•c:. t roll . .;YOUN /13.1 . (74114:7.11111 . A vs .111,14,0. WILLOW GROVE WHISKY. sub•ersher mn n ofue tier CP nt c I I r.• •forn`e , c . e braled Viiht.k le, Ile IF,. 4.1 -tnnll3 cti tin Nit I: , 01 ,t) It VI: %VII HALFRV W RISK y. PURI: COMMON W ritsgx, all of which he will worront to be be 11.4 represented —lirst-rote Stilt A. SAM: STAND. AV. Heuer tuner Then II er). York ennnly, ROBl:frr II" MILTON, Agent for Coltenabin. Jan. I:, ibno-if KNICEITS TEM PLIZAS. rpm: -nml fin , •l ex•rac I for_Abe Iranalcrel,4l. gvarnel yof she swot So looms I, Ex 01 ifie .11Ir Inny l.r Md :11 Dtlig Sinn, Tirn K neel.t•Tentnlet• te lentnetinne. 44, uoa ne, xlllllOl IR . find at I J Lurr ",r, S.tLIVIES S3IXO.XII;IEXi 4 • J!I?..NVFACTI3I[I:It 111 , Ladies' and Children's Boots and LOCIIa &red apposile the Franklin I.lo,use, ColuTubia, Pa. ruin: .übcoriber inviws ofieution of the pehlit• 1 to Ilk Boot 121.4 ...hoe Stole nett Aleetsfiory, nlicre he i 4 prep...oil to •opply Or make i,o order,err ry itto iety of bushes: tool Chihirest•A • SHOES, GAITERS, BOOTS, .SLIP PERS, &c. Ile u::, none hut the hem material. and' I n k work k done by good workmen: Inc lurllinn no other I lain good worio‘ltieli he will warnint no ry is "I) It, fit, nod ever} 01111 r 1.11111.1111:/r. Ile tender lint thank.; for 31 :0..11ty mid liberal patioliage and II- emitinuJitee. J. 151 CS SIIIZOEDER. Colvinltio. Jul) Is. 't•O COAL FO B. 1011E1VII.T.I.X0 SPRING IS THE TIME TO IIUY CHEAP. " 6 0 bly iu ilietr fuel at very low raten lo give hint 4 . ,111. eorv.i-1.. of every variety of Coal, of tlif ct•iittii gladea. Fir. , 11114 prices, :aid lie rail giutrataer ,iii-fat . t.on :0 :ow! eoal.l,lted ,ant at the will keep op it- refill neon hnlL us segard, titeilay uud pi lee ut Iw • 1;1,-1431;. DI ANL*: Ds .11111 that you Cllll suer inoliey by putelw - ilig inuw, uud Its:;; J. II DE=S. root of e.nut l'a. April 11, Ir1;0 Cheap Chewing Tobacco. i 17 1 ,. have p1..1 revel veil from oar firm in Until nore 1V gat' aroele LeafOkleell. which We nev relatitag at _5 centc per pausal. '1'111.; Toblievo lid win. no doubt, pee anti .1 whoa to Iloo=e WI. P ice N:I1111:11 101,111• CO. WC will :11.0 well TULlern to Ntmrl. rcprro and nll 0111erf , IA 110 deal in the article, , o that they rue retail it at lie ribr ve prices. .%; Pron.. Si reel. five donr4 nbove I.orust, between T. We.fisino ar d J. S. DelleD & Co's Drug Sion., Co Ituula. V 0 A mut- t 4. 14i0. OUT PIS Paper-, for Picture and Looking ‘.l Chin Franc,, :111 a-•oruae o . ill 5.11'1.0111, Mc:DONALD'S. April Il Columina. Pa. - . he =ieb.crilwr Isavity . rented iln• Lime Kill, and igu..rry 31 ILO Cu II:I /11 , 1 lo Irtipply THE BEST (MA LITY OF LIME, for Building or Matiultag purpose , , in large or FM:Ill claatottie, Slaked Lime for Aluatird supp'ted at reasonable •11. F. I'l4 /Li). Co . :1 April 21. T.O. Canal LUMBER DEALER, C 0 L 111 111 131 A, 11" Office in. Northern entral Railway Dep3t Building, foot of Walnut st., I, on hand a General .N.fiornr.ent of White Pine and Hemlock Lumber, WRITE PINE SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, &c. Good Qualities, at tho Lowest Alarket nutcs• 9.4 alere JUST received a fresh supply of all the Popular of Ihe day, whlttl. are ,arrunted genuine. at lire (.01.1)EN MOIITAR nnt:G STORE.. Dee 1,1,59 1 . 1.111 •treri. Columbia Columbia' Insurance Company. THIS Company is ahtliorized by its charter _L. to in.ob e In the eoutto y. or lit Imrougli, againNt 10-: or tlumaqe by fire, oil the mutoal pilot. for any. !cog 111 of tone. 11111:1Va or perpetual, eater for a each premium or premium nou•. 'rho, who m=ore for a preiniaxin note wit: Le in willed for five year, : mei .11Lp:tit to z.--esvniel.ii. in ca-e Tho,who inure for a ea.. 11 nremiam will lie iii• for trill tint er reeding five pr.rn, and tint -11111tniin to ninis a—a•A•tneni.. (lie per Cruz. prrnuum will hr Charged Oil rag tit properly for the tout of rive DEPOSIT SYSTI.Ii. Vettal properly will i5..11,11 the the WOO of ten ye..., fora uryn.ll of thief...put cent. of She 8100)00 VOW ed. Me whole amount of • the premium note to he returned it the expo-mon of the paltey,SNAKNal la• leroUt. Of the polity to he renewed tin tell with• 4.,n ut y eot/e/POt al the Opt of of the lit-oter. Company whit to empl,q tt number 01 goo] Agent-. 551,0 ,slll feellltheti rsuh the WWII, a 111•4111ett0 . 1. ity cnllmg • t the fellee hf the Compony. in the thorough of Columitiu, Penn-) ivani,e, a. .eddle•.,lll7. Thee t•ecirt3ry by omit • ICA t117.31AN. 1'u•sid 1 •1 11 : Bl Ju . /JA 13, II (:1:0 1 - 1 J. , :•••t•t•ri•lal). Trea..l.ller, J ACO I I It, S 111: Al,' N, 1113‘1111" 11. JAl,lollsErrz, 1113N11Y I, Inca-Ira co ,Pciora,Mordi 13, 1,1:11 131:11ell 13, I,t,it CARTER & BECKER, MANU I: .1 clru Rs OF roActi ES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., ...Second Street, ne a rly opposite the Lotheran harsh, .._alumhin, Pa. SI !NEI: :t1 ELM I , t PR EM lIT M Isso IMONZE 1%1 EDAI.-- tst nunnum I Sal Iwi,dr , l by thr I:I nor Orr wintry zriculta nut 0 lid 11Irchanicel Su.chty. 9-InE subscribers call atteatioli to the furl non ;ho 1 , 1,4 ti Silt or :A1vt1.11.7 Ilirto Lt Ihr 1.10r.,00 Como v .\ ,o•oloo./1 ' , 0r...1y for the Iwo IN! ,111'1., :It ;lII' F:111 of the F Looy .1 1 .0 P,evt, ti... la .1; Ill•or 1;11 ;old l'o; rooze :11.0,1;g 1: 0 :1111,11; Irk 111.; volloollo to to;;;;;;(deloir Coin Iloroto , :•;;;;I, le-. atol .411 oiller %olio lo- In 11 , 1x.Tli , Ir ro•rittnitoti in. wn,hntru 1. - ; MI; ly t•-; 1.11.11-lo d. n • ...111 I WIliti.`1111:, claro for lth4l-',.•1,,:1s hl.l at• (hit - 01 ‘h I,lh I- n. dal tehlc•le oI - •iih., v lli rid 14h: , •11•••1 :11,1 shib.lant..lll). Th, • nitro lino iu 'lie VEIIICI:ES, EERIE aOa %Variant .r:/ their %Noll In Our.. lisle In give siv.‘ , . - iactiezi. El 111 addition In their practical expericnce Lo• •ua•.• they have a•+i•ldace or the Lest worLoneit —cotta• oilier being employed. The piddle i• re•prcttolly o cailltild ex• :mime 11, -tocl• or/ roluml.ia. Nor. :15. 1 , 59. 3 GREAT VIIIVIEWY STORM I UST RECEIVED, a larger and finer stock e of To and (a ucy good," than ever before. lily {Fiend= nod others are, invited to call and exnnun.• Ilitt sing.> briore pUrella-mg ch.ewliere.a they will lucre Iliad all unlimited :14-omile:it, :•uitable pr.t+- .•ulkto per-on• of rerry age and twos.. An n+=nrtm.•nt of Portitionnuier, Pocket Hook., CHINA and oilier Cuncy:A•nrlr•, too ilainclo. to Mention, for kale.. by C 1 J. s%n ITU. Locust bticet Leir,rll the Bank mid Irrallt:111111011he• COlUaitna, Dee. 3, Front si.,betoteWe_Mage, Colw»Lbia, Rt. WE t just y rellirned from —oittneal of flood+, , eleetell %vat, 11 . .1: Care from tilt. best factorlea in the country.— Our Stork nosy vcr3 large, eon-L.41,3g of WATCH ES, CLOCKS, Plan d %Vary, I.:, ,ut:lei , . nrooelle., of Coral. Alo-air, Cameo, Lava n11.3.1..21. Finger l'Weolaiiion+, Gold Pen•. StUtiol. SIVeVe Button. : I.peetatle+, P..cdrl Hooka+. Ar.. A+•.. arr. We Invite the pulthe 10 give n tall nrd egrdrh nr nor !urge •toek, erpecnally of (lock, achirh nre in gond wn•1....g order and well regu hued, mid 1., ill hr -oid at the :oweet ',nee F. SOREINER & SON. Columbia. Apri; 2 0 , 1900. r n ANC thi. day n...oeintet! with .n '&1 ut bur:ne•• HIV ....George 11. Rumple. tta copttente r.tst p with whom I will continue the Hardware Bonne... at the Nd .t.otd In I.oru•t atrcet below Second, under the tom of J. Rumple Sc Son. I return Fillet:re thank. to the public for item littera: pntronnee. and re•pecufully Usk a In the uew firm. JONAS IttJAll.l.l..' Col umbra' April L'fab, I T) .12%ceriLlers woulltl cull tla.e aticutio•t of ice public to the LARGE STOCK OF lIA.ROWA RE. err.. Cif by :hem. 'They can rtrer n plyie ...mortmettl of I' verrh iug ill theiC lisle of lottetite•A t iiJr• iirrOP and 1/stud trim, Sicel. &r. l'hey liner rottto a illy nit band uu oif•orlment nt 1 , 111 and ; 4 ..0 of nil ',it'd.: t:ln•.. "in. 1 11• 11 r.• C , dar . Wa , • l k l `.: .tack of Gatti and I lemp Yarling, (;3•lke•lt nf sii,s A laree.orpl l of Con! Oil !Amp* omit litsreilP• ntyn.- 1 ,41 . 5 • Krr.r..eor Ot lotllie eery hr-14ciiii!itr. i•sr "4.11 h 114.rriitt.f, Palest Ulsisttirion 7 . 7001 - 1 4 .1fe. .1 1111X11 1 1.1 , . Sif 1,1,10 -Imes Ise:e•rt‘erOlvf l C•t!urntt,", ; ; Shoes, L.IIVIE! LTIVIE E. K. SMITH, PREMILINI NCITE SYSTEM CASII SYSTEM C O.II.CHEZAILIZZ G. CA RTl . l{, ED‘VIN A. liECliElt P. SHREINER & SON, Copartnership. ros. S l'ANl.ilii Llas. for ty ittg Ito segari, can be bad a: FENDRICII & BROS« lt'ltoleealc and Retail Tobacco. Sea Triad Segar Man ufactory, Flout et.. five doors above Locust, Colmbia. lb, Jame :bt. ICZti. CXtANI3EJURIESI II II atibseriber liar on bowl a rurply of Cranberries 1 —fie-h. =amid Q uit. 11-SUYDAM. Nov 21. 1 - 66 U. rear. Front and Union 1 - 11SFOlt SALE. •Wo have a large lot of ty quart, lizaradion and gallon Jars with lin lids which svowillpipose.olui 'very low figure.. Mays:GO. rt in I,E rr & co. Six- Segar tilakers Wanted. yomi Ina good and sannly workmen need apply Regular employment Will be given. Colionl IA..1111)7.1;9. FENDRICII & LADIES SHOE STORE. No.l Mechanics' llum,Opposite noldeman7e. Locust Street, Columbia, Pa. order to Dee01111110d:1W all I.VIIO favor me will their ratllol3agv : I liaVe added to toy hotne-inaae tort:. a geaeral :I , ..Orafie al of Philadelphia and Eastern It r ark, WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH ill purl of Hoye' mitt En gin., 1 iantlitel Ulla Ell, A1f,11,/e , .. ginner,l 1311,1011G.111,-. unit Enlelli Leuther Aubte la:tut , ' Ituttou :ilia Elan, Fame., of d,fr,r. put polor-, \l'outPut`i stud .:111-pe,' Cheap Sill/rlCrs!; iu A GENERAL ASSGRTMENI oral' kind-of work in toy hoe. Call and examine ior y ou,elyes. 313 Malik.; ore dlke to a fie firroto public for the ktml , opport and enemnagement r _vended to 111 , .111(0 I have been m Immte-4, and I flow. by -11.11 attention to merit an Merea-ed 'Mare of pstiroomze. It. 111 XSO:s:. Colombia, April 7, IF-GO. nams. Iv ',lave open a cliolot, lot of .agar eared Ilam, I. O. g. IL F. IMUNER I= htilhAVl 4 ,ll, direct 'rem the mum the lot :3f 17tieta ii:Cll/iiellV or Cool nil Latop 4 . of 13 dill'ereiit [macro, unrivalled iti beauty, safety oi ecoooitiy• They are not holile in I'7ololle, *llll un (41:11.1 v.: odor while burn log. very easily regittaied. fora without ...wok, and the light I. much elietiper thou any other lots iu 11., A 1.0. a fre-1s -uouly ofGeouine White Kern-env ni Cmtl Oil, .4111.dile io horn It Ills IWO, C lump-. all oh whieli Can proeuied Ott very lea-unable 11 . 1 ill the tiny Mors of Dee 3 1'39 U. \\' The first Raft of the Season. E. K. SAIITII, Will be receiving during the Spring, 3,000,000 feet Pine Lumber, by raft. 4,000,000 " " " bout. 2,000,000 " iltsmioelt" 1,000,000 Pinstering 500,000 White Pine Shingles. 250,00 Cypress Shingles. ktr- . .i.rA General Assortment of Worked Flooring, Siding, &c. Imar.3. ' , on ILE,TIT EE AND OFFICE, formerly T IWellpied iPV Smith, mid Smith nt the low er end of it IA ill hr rented ergf low, anti in -Ludt 1014 to- will stilt iter-nte.rem For term- , enquire of lIERAIEV, Jon 2-clin-ti Fdirview Nlilis. STEREOSCOPES AND STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. { Yt E have received front tit New V rl. Stereoscope wliicit we will sell at le-• than 1'1.1,3.11.11MM prim,. all nail look at Mein. 1 4 A1'1.011 AIeDONAI.D. April 14. Front sheet. Columbia. Pa. BED BUG DESTROYER. 1 1-A11:: by J. Rumple. No humbug.. It 1- mode in 151. powaec.aod not soil illy bed clothing. If o dom. too prove .mii..f.olory lice 3110111.1 Will he re: 11l tirc ittOle of OM hienryC.33lair's Philocorne• CON VI:MENT and Inbatrobto arc.-m;.; or the II:I r it prevent. the Itatr ft oat falling off, renderiog it. growth healthy IgOr0“.. Direction., for it.e ueboatputt) tog each Luttle. l'or I.y It 1N11.1.1.1.N15, Foul ‘treet. NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED. rI I IIE Subscribers have just opened a large ~,1-1 . 1,,,,1,4, 3 -41, r tilirot or .eat.oltaltle good., .o w hi e t, 11 1 *-y tvool,t Incur 111 e untie talon of 111.111 . 1111-1 r. generally, lig of l'oe F.tll Spit'. 5i11.... 111 , 111 51) et..ta 111, 1 , a1•111•Ii 11,1110 0 , 411-VVOOI Da I:1111.••, C .•6111e e•, Colarg.. l'op'itt. Alpaca.. Flannel. Delano-6. Pt G.tuntlet• , 1.,•ohet Cloth -01.0..1n/err, Sattnco-.l'ebttag-•C•tr pct., (111 Clo,ll-. Window sll.l.le.,Cloiln.og, Boot. and (lueeltsw,e, lAov vries to g, ther woh 0111. t good. usually kept tit rountr) e.: ad of .Melt they will .tell al the very lovvett e. 1.11 price. Count•y produce 01 till 1.1,td- ItChett iu eN l 'l ,lll. -te for goc,d4 at the 'tight -1 mat Lit prier Thankful fur lie 1111,,1 !y• lll,eral putt 011Oge 11c.10Wed .11011 the at they would .1q 10 thei r and the community to gene r:i I that It l'atr I)ettle,g, and -1. tot ottent•ca. to It-Inc—, they to mum nominee of the AIAI,TItI" oppo•ite .1. Rumple 11.1rdware Store Wet More New Goods CORNER UNION Se Tirmi) STS IJ: , :r TI,PIVI•11, II hoe :o...notnent of Shoes. J I.llle-i S.) le Block Crothol ' , wort 41 De Lome-. La- Looir and , tioore ra,onere- mad iur Re:011,ml. All UM If .111,1rx- I 0. S 11. I'. MILNER. Columl•in. Det. I, I-60. Ropes, Ropes, Ropes 4(10 co, ~s pl-1 rerviVed ftir vJr ;111 1111 d -tell pit.- "/".: out-lel lot k - Maw I!. 1-14, 1:1.,11.= GEORGE MOGLE, Dv. IN Every .1.4"' seription of Lumber, ill\ I: ...I :•11..t:; now .g• 1. NN t••011 , 11.0.t,4h414. V.l:lttow 1 , 11-11. et, tit lii ft,. ttpt-t S1(11. I. of I.t.lutovr,:tt.ct 1.1 tte 1111.. 4 tptilitivlt• a-ttortlitt•nt of DRY 1 J OF EVE:IIV QUALITY. uilu•c mid %V.11,•:1011., in f • f0111...10,1, I CIA Cell LO .. IZMI=I A PRELALT TABLE, ,V.i'hi❑Cloa A FIRST-CI.:ASS PIIELAN BILLIARD fABLE, . . whh 01l the OCCOR.OIII, of pant tthali.y. Thi , i. , the be-t table io um tout: Or Clly ill the cIOIO.OIIt of I'IOIO deiritto or l ' ilt..urg Lo%era of the game are molted 10 call. ll 111:111Z. l'oluoal•la, I)Nremlier 21, It.6q. IiROWN'S 11ROXCIIIAL TROCIIES.--We Have been I.ellimr. lire above Colig'. I unit,y • Alethehar Store ail a ruler. autl Ifwv have give. gesieral ',ill-filo:on in all lino have acrd Sirens The Rev. lienr) %Vara' Beecher my-.. 0 far us= he ha. hal an ElprOfll 1111)• of colloNn-011. 8r0W14 . • Troeh,.. are pre-einhietaly the of ;he weal I.o.e.age School. (Jan.2+._ EL Large Supp lyof xTr: Sueur Cured Iluut.r or 15 rent Ms I'l.llll 114111, I'4 = ==il Pntatoes at 15 cents per 1,1140. Vag sn:'• nt tL - T110:11 A. • Cllllllollhl. May , It !lead Of . Ila•ta BURN El"L''S COCOAINE. frac abov.• Pr.•pan,unn. %Ouch hn. rervivrtl the 1 g rev" iiiii I,lllla ton , u ..11 I pio n:oler of growth of the hair, j o.t erl ‘‘'i I.i.iA FlOill Street. Coln. Aprel 21,"(19 COAL OIL! T.": keen n ..opply or the 74 , .t lirromir Oil; nl-o. Coal 0.l Lerryip, of every. Vali and •ite. 01 Onfr.e.“ nntirrno, he. h e. .1 KUNII.I.I: Loeu.t.lreni below Second, Columbia : Mt Apo! :2••,1:--61.).- 13In SEED. Just received a new crop of 1 . 311.11), lIGMII and Idt.r o .ll acrd atl ].S. DELIA.: vs . coPe. Drug Front reel Aprtl '64. Farmers Give this Your Attention! 500 11...1111.ELS ?tu f o Gror d No.l Plaster, A PPOLIYA Ir2rel.OUSC, Canal 11-1.111 »ny.;.'ci+. BELLEVUE HOUSE. N. E. CORNER 'FRONT & WALNUT STS Columbia Penna. TIIE rulawriber announce, that he ha, rented the move e-talritelted aad well•known I (owl, and has opened it for the tireettOOOdSololl of the petite. Ile ha% lie house and to prepared to craer. lain tr.aveler4 and boarder,. lire Wilts telli be well firma-lied sII la atveryth.taag.the market a:fords. AI hi• liar A1.1:I he Wand the he-I brands of all Lauded Li quor... Connected with the //alel. in the baseritent PIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, wile, 0) •leff to t very lylq and rrfre.lintrnn. ore ....veal up in rood Joy le. nun , l: , 4 .upp , icd with GrA•rrue ny Aera, in large or n.tlnli apomt r.qvnronahle 1311.4 T. support of the po:.1 c i• fe.perdully col.pormil SANIL 11 LOCk NRD Co-os' 1-re. To Lumbermen Sr. Xanufacturers: Patent, Shingle Machine. Tenbseriber huing perrteted the above machine. offer% to %ell State, county and Shop Richt% on rerteonable tena•. The taws and planes Shingle% to ally width or and product": a very untiorin and clean Vt !nett bus given perfect satialuetion wherever tried. One or the maelsittr% and .spee :men% of it% wort: can . been et le Su.quellanna Pl:meg Miii, Columbia, Pa. tor turtb.t.• r intorination, address. AT. [IVEY, . - Cobambio, T.:meatier eo., Pa. Thr construction of the taw and frame. adonis. of use, separate from the planer, in sawing all kinds of straight rind bevelled work, "ALAI us Flooring, Clapboardm, f sOk GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION. MERCHANT, RE:MAYEN OF 0A 8. A N IP I? It 0 DU C And Deliverers on any point on Ott Columbia and Philadelrhia Railroo d. to York and Balt more and to '' 4 llsbarg; ny:ALER I N GOA FteoUlt AND GRAIN, 1/ WI lISIZN AND BACON. have ta ,- .1 (I,eiVed large lot of Nl9nonga Ire to Hl.etifieti IVlti-key .frota Piti.barg, o fwbtel,i hey walker pv -u proy con-hall} or, 1,,..d.:tit0w nriecF No- 1, land ti 4alla Ilia-In 2. 1.'54 MI2M=IMI HILLSIDE NURSERY & GARDEN; HALF-N:II,E NUR I 1 O►' COLUMBIA, LANcAsTER C 0... PA. TIIE subsrlriber. Proprietor of lh . 0.10 , 0•ry tni . • ;Ili 1.1,1•••• It evner. 1111,911 Of & ()RNA Nlll'N'l'A T. 01 - Ihr I.liole,t V. 11 1 ,111., r• en 0. ;I • Ornanirnial Stiruld.ery—,.....rtn,no : 0.. •••• the linryrhmnmg • ' 111.1111.11 111 •in trlo.l—ait h.l nt • ••• pnrrwl6ll I,loonwr., stivnlard` 7 7: l or ,",, GR .4 PF. T 7 VES, NATIVE & •:;" .111.111 lk 1111. Ili ,ti 7,•1:1 lin: >I, U,:• new in Ihr 1•141/11) • Ile rnll- :111,1110/1 ou•ya ❑uu-r. crowded with the rari.-1 nod nm•l •amp:t for yarn.- tir , of Uriiiiineinal and Flowrr:nq longs• 1.11111•Usler nod York Cannily. m produee rhuu•r•r or better grott n g ellrttinn of Greell ouJ (lot Ilou •t Plant-, thou now on hood ut the ^Illhl•Ide Gai.loll, 11l Order lof apt log 'node. lie (die, them t•hr.rprl than tlwy tutu lie bought tut any oilier emob 11.11m. lit in Ow 111.0, 0 couniic, ur 111 die:4 Ile. Ile kin as constantly on hand al 111. Paten-ire Ntir •sti y and Garden, or can iurtitsli at F6m I millet . . every tree, -hill, or dower. connected wal, the basi lic.- ra,red for .1e in l'lntailelphia. to eolineel ant with Ole Nursery and Garden. the proprietor will undertake ilirctigh the agency of Stairord, a scientific Lasidseape Gatiltatin and Nursery Irian, educated in Ktialitilif.lo plan untl lay out Measure Grounds. Garden-. and to do genet al jobbing iii ilii- line of Ig - "All (alley find robbing work will lie warranted to give satisfaction to the mot tasteful and fastidious, and will be done at redsonable rat es S. 11. 1q.'1111,11. Columbia, April 111. IE i 9. NEW GROCERY STORE. 1 1 11 E subscriber invites the attention or the pod, to flat. NEW GROCERY, FLOUR, FEED AND just opened by Mtn at No 71, I.ocuet !-beet. between Seernal and Third Ile keep on hand an complete ,Inelt of all kinds of U rotterie, Queensware. ae.. See., and iii-urea ever) thing . to lie Food of itg kind and price. Ile as!!l farm-11 train the Plidatlelphi.t Me ellanival Bakery, froth every evening: al-o. Tea 131• volt. Cracker-, &cc . Those tit...king it elm be pit at line Itott-et. Ile give the In , •ti let :McMinn. and by fole-eeing and promptly -uppl}• the the went- of 1 . 1117.e1, lopes to desert an and 1121,1Ve a liberal -hare of their support. SANI - 1. C EBERI,I7IN. Oct tt,'.59. No. 71 I.oeu -tree!, Columbia. ptlMlilWllf Stoves, Tin Ware, Gas Fixtures, ite. ITIL.AIR WILSON, N. E. Corner Second and Locust treets. rilll subscriber having entirely refitted his •tore unit lan! in n enmplete Ilex , -melt of every thing to it.;" Iwr. iuv::ra the :MCIIIIOII of :he public to ~, ,1 (1111elil of STOVES 0r EVERY STYLE& PATTERN. very large and complete, con. lloyal Cook. William Peno.Nolde.National. Noon?. Attie, SlVT,Cotriplete Conk. o n ot,mg Ranee+. Pa riot Cook, four 1/111.1C, 11.. Parlor of every mate, site, style and variety, Bar Boom and Iltticl Sine he. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, . Alarge -lock of article. In the above rise of Int6i.. 11 ,:-. 4 . 0 alprt,11. , eVe?)5I.i13g111:1I.:.1111.111141 , 0 1 1:1• 1 1of I'm. Sheri ulna he . posopr.ce, t- of hi- own manofacture, I.e cart vouch for ,t- excel/ence:md durability. Chandeliers, Gaslzixte.rea, &e. ma: nod complete 1,-ormicill or ..legnot Go.' Ifixtore of to-tcful design:. corpol , tne; of -ix. amt, three and two hunter Cll'andeliero...inglt• burlier 'tall Petal.intA. Sole Light. , plaint and otn t. 001. lh op Itat net.. &c.. alAtm .F. on hand. IIAS Frr um; bralitgiCr arruJrd to, prumplae,e. House Roofing, Spouting, &c. rtoorim; :tad :51bOCTI:\ (; pot up in the I tao-t ,10,• tam tal ittatalvr, Plumbing, Belt Haag -111,,, stud oiler 1).111171U, of are hu-iue••, earned oa a ie,elufute. o.i the toost rea,an•tl Ir tvitn‘. Itlit AXI WILSON, e,. roe, of SrenrJ and Locust-treets• Cottan!i St•p., rit'•er Split Peas! Supply of Ilr.ed I's t...u‘irereive.l for -I,le very :.t E131;111.1:1Vc; `S,,v .rneery More. No 71 G for cure al tit , 60:tiell 6 , \lt, tor 11... g, Note, Front-so . - FRANKLIN HOUSE RESTAURANT. NDEII '1 HE FRANKLIN LOCI:ST STI,'F:FT, C()1.1.7111:1_1, TllP.,ll..erther ht.. Opt IWO Inthe I.l.omielo of los hoi l. the 1'r. tim., a itEs FA I:I:A \ lie I. eve Utacr. amtollter the he.] .0,-1. The e-hill.-loneld lint [leen new;y ft led opwnheless• to me lie-t 111,R1.1•1011 1,1 -runt.'ele, nlil no s:fort sod! I.e -pored lo t r ip, ly and promptly 0:4101 10 1110,1 11 lit• tut appetite.. Th. 03 -t-r-, tke . pros 1.1,1 veal lie of the I,e-I qu. lly, aud In, the) title be Well eooLed ,•), per...vett put-nn 110111 elle of M. e-t tlento int . It , et,e , geti to liatize ot I lie el,okietz tlelmrlllirlit lie tio a.I.••• 01 'fleet's and tea, ptiblit. .1 01.. A Al I I Ell r.eiti,ll, I= NOTICE, Per-ot, iiu Mal. Iran. Ilio•C .•!;11111 4 Wll' p.•:a-r ;r st•ttlement. I. •••• 1 .1 I roarer 15 1-511 if , • nrir r r ' l7 4:Swslo'tfrws , • "'; s ' - „ • / 4 s t ...v. s s TR U S rr; COMPANY. CHARTERED R 5 TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, ULES. 1. Mame.- vs meeivert every day, and in any amount, large ex etsiatt. Pave Parr Cent. interest is paid for money from the day n is • at In. 3. The money I. nlwny. (mkt teach in gold, when ever it milled for. and weilannt notice. 4. Ntoney it received from Executors. Administra • tors. Guardian. anal others trim Ile+ire in have it in pinee of perfect safety, and where interest ran be olanined for it. IS. The money received horn depositors in jrwepied in Rent Eadnae. :Rang:ages. around Rem. • land such other first-gloss semantics at the dinner direct.. 6. (Mee iloors—livery day from till C c o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays WI!? o'olocla An the evening. WIN. LIEN RN' L. RENNER. President. umßEßTsrmrielDGE, `flee President WM. F. R D, Seerannrc. Dißwroas. Henry 1.. Benner. 17. Carroll Brews:sae. l'slward. L. Canstr, Joseph It. Barry, Robert Selfridge, Prancie Lee, Samuel R Joseph per km, G. Landreth Munn., llrnrr Darenderfer. O,E nut Street, Sou th• Wesh Corner cf Third Street, Philadelphia. April 2:.t. I a 59. GOO I,i„ •et I 111. Ais jala re retired.n large aaseilteeel of Carpi. were Plane• and 'nada flail kutd• Itl' A: SOX I= M. r. A.P.POLD, VARIETY STORE, SAVING 3.1-_T ..." C.) 1 , 53 L. 7.: Just Iteceived and POr Sale, 1960 NEW CALSEI GROCERY STORE. VIA subscribers have just opeucd an CAL lire stock of New GraecrirQ, every artiele of which FiWil mid Noe, and helm; determined to keep goods Si the hest quality, and at the very lower cash priecs, hope to de.crve and receive a char e e town sad counttom. SUGARS, 6t ry , 7, et.. 3, L. IIIO.I.ASSES, 12k, IG. TEAS. Great care ha- been taken in Feb:cling the (realm.: and purest tear, in Black, Imperial and Young 11 y.on. COFFEE. Extra strong =coated Itio,Extraermencd Rio, Ex- Ira Turkey Coffee. Extra.ugar curedUiims, extra sugar miry] Dried B ee f, ,sheakkr.‘ and Mackerel No. 1.2 and 3, in burrebi and tmlf Lnrrrle, and by retail; Ilerring -innked and in pickle, Salmon. SALT —Ground. by the .itek and by retail; fine A- b lot) and Dairy. in 'mall line. s , yenow %%lithe and Country. MIME CHEESE, FR ESI-1 CRACKERS. FRUIT. 0r0n..8,-.1.r00t00.. Rol-hot, Le, QUEENSW ARE AND GLASSWARE, A larir :11.81 r0mp...14. lilt, CAN m. 1.)18 —411:5m .1. 11,. .1. ,. " , 1 . 1114 Tallow. SPICES, &c., &c. Ground Coootelloo, and black. Itt ow maid 1 - 8.11 on • or 'r.trto 88, 111.11,84 •orioB. Stove li!aoloo.2. no • . 1.0 :of, A:, A . 14. t.ll Pare Cider Vinegar, Potarneg. Con. •, Tr;_,ACCO sweet Corn. th-orrlnr-...:-.,..1 . 'C 7, iq tICT.I" , =Mil Mil : - . tp:, e up ...Ai 11111 p. l llpp.l red to. 11.11111111C,Ort. 31.1 eripuon. NI.p•1101:•r) l'urtuk • mp% 0 0 ••• C Work. k.e. It o , furiu.lied to order. Bridge loll' nod generol. (Er Repairing, promptly tele:Weil 10. JOHN Q. DENN Columbin. July .7.-ISS? It:Edit/OVAL Or JOHN SII EN BERG ERIS FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. THE undersigned having removed his Far— nuure Ware Booms and his new twirl: building, no the tOuth side of Locust street be tween Sevoild end Third street , . re-pectitilly inform lit , (Wilda and the public to give lain a cull. A large and ..uperior =inch of t: A BINET-WARE I'-WORK, at all d es ,,,p t i o u., will be kept eon=tantly on hand, which will be Fold on the nw.t re; • =enable reruns. A= he manufacture= hie gun work he is ettubletl to Warrolit every ;Hite r to be what iti=represelited ; and to be as gonoa=iliccheap. lii-stacl. is Very mit it partembracesUrts •rag. l'ln in and I nary Bureau , : Sideboards, Sea: Curd. fluid. So fa Centre. Bre==ing.Dming and Break fa-1 TA Conti:too French and oilier BEE) sTEA DS, Common and Palley CI IA IRS, and 5El' TEEs of every 4t) inert:lr tWilb getiartr tts•oi mew of all kind= on IT Funeral= wi I wr attended with it Splendid hearse on and al laceeisttry uttentmegiven UNDERTAKING. lir respectfully solicit. a share of public patronage as well us .11,011'1mi:ince M . O.:Custom with which be Its. been liberally favored. Columbia, A oral 11.1.57. C. SEIBERT'S _LAXTENSITEMANUFACTORY CABINE Tdoiu•t WARE-ROO: llSColumbia. ANC The sub-caber ) I ctreet, ou would cull the :mention of the c.t 17e11.0f GOILIIIIii1:1.11111 vicinity, to his large and c-e -lect wii-ortinelit of Cabinet. t‘ tire, coinpri-ing .oine of the finest Ore...nag Liu rerun-, tFinfn French Bed-. Jenny Lind-, ate., ever offered fur -ale to lhi< . place. Ile coati...m:4 to mannicture Furniture of every tle.crupttoa, and ie'eanfitleitt that lie run gine. . - . COI. FINS made and rottentltt oitood,d t o o ithoi in 'own or cownry, OM the titOrlet•lllolicr. CASPAR SEIDERT. Ceiumhin, June 6,1957 PURE CATAWE3A %VINE, Warranted to lie the pure pace of ottr itative littnpr, made lit InCt7: lilttek berry mid t;tirtititi for tale tn t A. M RANI AO'S it,. _l5, l'etUl. Fa nal) (I roc cry KINKLE COMING 1111 , .T received I'fly itoxe , Itaethie Twenty-five Half it/ boxes. Clench Candle... Candy Toy,. New ('rune., Corot!. Curr.una. rigs. llontmoily. Cranbetr.e.4, Sur- AillleC Meat. Fre•li Ceitelit, :tad in fuel every thing you Maui for the at Ai c. 13, 1S:11 GEORGE J. SMITH, \ATIBILESALE and Retail Bread and.rake• r Balser —Con...l:a:illy on hand :t variety of Coke. 001.111[1.111. To mentto, Cracker., Sotto, Scroll ill Sdenlr 13,a wt, C.ottvltunety, 01 every ilt,eription is e., us' lACUtr EL:r, Di .:;_":;1 Rah r, en :he flank told Franklin floti.v. I , oii RENT. WA]. %VIII l' kt.t ., 111. 1 7 ,•1rr0,r, 125.1,59. Soap and Vinegar. noL x , of I) t'- Mown , o ,p, 20 baud of Via Z. V cAar.v.;lol.,,i'e nun r IP:17 Etr , . ro; iter Of L ,r•.e:. IMIIMII Sxl.T! bAi,r!! Of •,rr'.. I • at I 1 urn 11.• 1111•EIIMIIIIIII MERE 1 LL prr%ln• I'~~~ rli: . l,(Z. t ME 'lOl. • • .• • ; 1;:\ •' " I . • ; r `il.l t , lti 1,r13 %. r" .) , .1 . .1 , 1 1 . ,• 1 1 tlld 11.111 , 1 I: 111.1111, , ( Iron arid iron. nisei/17,5, ofrvrry de-ertptton made to order. Itepotring promptly at tendril to. paid Inc Old Iron. Itrn., audother metal. nn•11.1moill he ..t.tret,eal to . Columinr. Altmuf,Ar wt we Company. rolumbin, Po." 10,11•PLEE, T It. SU I'I'LEE. }Supt. rintendentz J. LLEWELLYN, Columbio.June 171. ISs7.ti _ . JANE'S Expertoninl, Jaynes Altcralire Jaynes Ca an lit.. I I VelltaM,Jayne'. 1 )0,1 r I owe. Jayne'. Liniment, JaynesFzuounvi:e Jayne'. Ague Nil.. and Jayne'. Tcpie yrunifuge; al the al.nve popalar femethee Lre guanunerd genuine and fresh. r roc sale by WILIJAAIS, p Front st , colamlna 040 C E RIES. TRSOSS desiring Pure Articles in the Gro eery lute will call at N 0.71 Locu•tslreet. Jan received a ill! , 11 supply of she following art , • des. warranted purr and fresh. New Orlenns Sugar Syrup,, of nll finds, heat Baking 111alau%e4,Coirre%, Tens spices. Fruit—such n% Dried Peaches, Currants , daialaS. &v.—a lot of Fis,4 EIIERLRIN. No TI Locast.Street C I I I I t o U 111,2, ..a Deeemb,r 3. IS:a. Mem ; Wear, C LOM nr B Cawiaterax, Vewios. batmen.. Jean,; V a tc7l a•tkoremettt now en Land, to which we invite the attention of Mc gentry. 021. 27. 1 262,. SOMETLik?i6 NEW. !polio for milting in a few minutes deli -4f cafe dceaea. , ran directions for u.nug accom pank each bottle. Ferrate by SEM Porrrr—rr4. Ell Ell 1111111 E E IEI BE . ....r:J:~. i ,P A Al. RAMBO'S l'anoly Grocer) :Sore 1 • • i; ~ ~ ~~ ~',Q 1' .1.+,7 3-1 S Fs. . • hl , lll‘ :11:11 Ell ME ;!;n1; - C-1, - -. Crll,ll h. 01r f 1 F.I3IIUNIIR. Cot. Third and Vision MEMO