nn lri.b trrinnd in Pailade phis Ariiriti tre _; i ll likjer.,--e. gtllrta member nf' .the proprimc.r 4.f n tirot-rute J4trqr , t —a hnsols'lnae. WI , I,ig ' ' lu,ar 11:1 t.t ITR '!ILe 1111:11te, I .‘ 31..3•.r frloi•Zt ).Park' ~f rv!littg:tneol , ito-. ..t,tl a silos:ail:lA ago ive fekte fonciAlfia . , tale AI WP Win gittl u.s itenr nR trams: • --Yon mint know .it rf the pe ••olinriti Pi at he Jr - psti tharl when two them ,„et 1,. qnarreiling, ell who troy i.e pre-ent :thine:barely join in, and thee gel up 'a hie,. ,lot ..l• it rokt' s.n the Shortest hie notice emu. ~f this kind ocencr.l doter...b. tea Iwo stZeic. In one of the little streets running trawl liroad, lives nu Irish family tatbet ,lemarl.ntile for their n arilke propm4lllo., daughter rind sale, hot:: grown tia. got to qourrening,, ireakfine, a id the dieghte,r threw a cep or Golfe in,tbe brother* , :Lc retorted with the nearest missile s tt hand The mother took the side of tit :au:later, and the father of the sun, and it et moment the fun--like that of Torn 0 'Shen .rer's wite.c4 —lmeatee 'fait end rut io tt .,,•— The neighbor., Irish generally:. bearing the rote, rushed to the door, 1... t. 'lid not at tuutpt to Ater) the fight, and in a..few ;violent. t, the rnte.t3 ealmie.tted fiythe falter crabbing; 'ids wife with r carving knife. Be thi, time the poliec came and arrested the wh o le party, including, one innocent, ignorant ho g tnrtter,sh., hull loot ':doily , tending it tliedoerl. king or, in ..pen.mno tiled wonder. ILis ;wrest frightened hint teribly, and lb, us •t rutce of the olli.ters that they only wan leg bite for a witness, r .old not remove hi agitation. The n little party was taken t, the ~t11,7e uf.tn altlertean, nu, the 0 . 1 4 r, wo „ brought up for bearing. ti IJ. to.the tv.itec“: •'1:;11n.t is your name:. Dt1,2r,C.11. ytilllloll.T.'. Burner. tell what v.,lt 4,11,m alp.iit I 11..•,••tie, w;11, ye' Insirn" 1 ra t ikin' hite ith the taild %voinan, yer intnr--wheti 1 heard aditil at ror. ut cc :it Tim's.. rill I the , I()1 , r, 1411.4: there I oatv the clan:4llre r her the bru tier by the hair hoa 1. and the bro ther .traq a sl a her win! r. !iv broad ti ben the mother Siio interfere I, and the ALI man gate her e tir;pe WIT4i 1:414 , rolT.••pot knockin' her hat!: from the tithle: when she grasped lieut.! of the skillet nit' broke it , •ter Lig heat:. and the oultl man then grab ;Nil the ent rip' knit ; ,irom the thietile nn' tuck her le the stummilittl: --tin' nll I know abottt if yer honer." "14111 you swear 1') all ihiv, 1 'racy?" Lt./Led the alderman. "Sure, I v.ill,sur. I•Vliat shall I swear, sure?" kisa t:zo Look —tha that i hz, only kin:: swearing ar .iermit here." :',,knd is I.Lislbe good hook I must kiss? I':1 do that same, sure; hut WOlll4 yer hum jilt untie that bit of string. tlt .t I may sec if it is the good hnok, ind.eler• ,“That hardly necessdry." replied the alderman, "I give yuu nty.svord that that bistk is the bible, and that might to satisfy yeti, I think." "Stile, it does. Sur; but I'4 be better satisfied if I saw it aid in tas eyes fur vier." "Wetl..stun.l pro.ont, until ace r.re v.l;:tt ~thcr lin%c t.• Barney se.t: en the heneh, and .he e t•e rtigreS.i.e4l I t \Val` ;...:ear that the W..111:III 1110 Leer St:LI/110 , i in TOW, lila 111.11 e 11101.. WitIICASeS FW.Are thal they saw he: stubbed, exeel.t. Barney. II1• its, therefdre, ag.tha ,'tilled nip by 11. alder EMI! "Barney Dupit, yott swtar that }nu sae. the• priloner .441, 14e wentan in the &acne?" •Nair" `'Vnii swear yo,:: 53w dig r,risrnier suit tae won:snit; :1:r.• fracas!" repeated tlo sl Jarman "NO. - Fur; 1 didn ' t Say t/I :It at ver I honor." "Why. you moment ttnly said it, but sworn to it. 1%111 : oitt ropts.it :tow .y11.1.t you did Feel— "Vev, sur, I mill. I eats Tim. there, etab the ould %rtnnan Ind a cart in - -knife i n the Ntumiek. but (Evil the bit . did I s .e ofril) her in the trisea ,, , ver hewn:" "This explanation 'tlp.et the gravity of the court,' and it w•as some moments before the alderman could control his nerveN sufft :C Lind Barony rarer to appear at court as a witness part of the procceling. which compictply.o.7,ustcti tl, curt green Erin." Mar Som e sears ago, at a time %%belt there wit.; a triangt,dar contest in progress between the whig.. old line dem .erat., and "fire-e4ters,," it try. tmnomvre I that the Lite John Morriset, norrre, would ad dre..s the people id that mstiloty in bebalf of the whig... Chancel; ir miss Sent up from loiile to meet hint. ac reprommta tire ~f the Southern Rights pi:tr. chaii• cellar wore attar, t. 1.14 Panta luoto then not a prevalent fsrhion in Monroe , and having a habit of putting his handy behind him., when spealiitir and lifting the sr his coat. he displayed .1 larg new br.” tockle that factenrd hiv srolistlostit orriactt, temarl,cd. in lois own mectiZar and inimitable vein, that tie p e r,. plc of NI-Innis did not - need to rev-i% e rrs I Lien.] instruction frain „f fronnt gentleman vroce er hip boot•, find :orsoystpin n the -rot i.f hi breerbP4 par-They atts tem- i lig frau rover. Tc.tt ehno.tt. hoscel•t.7. get the same at:Lici t ; out ft:: same CM= lerlle milt; tries on i:;.; tiir,t ran- of Ekrte•, preienu4 to the iiitbrie eye .‘ rtrange I)iir...c.,dirig.: . 'of Fall and Winter. cnuple mil nn, sere m,eicted recently . fur throwing I.uckets of 4..2r ow.ejtch sal-When tluz? Whau it is a ennion 104.141, Clic Calttafitia CO Lir-N18T.%. I SATU-10 .daN. ge- , Sre Abt r.rrizyns.r4 or A. M. 04 , E 11.L1.1. n T..-11 GEE e . ..7'.,c Feratrieh .S; .Erna' adv.. rtisement iu to-day's paper. Theirs is :ht largrzt IS - holesalt •Ind R. toil Tolman, &gar a nd Nnnff Manufac tory in the State. %Er We'are rerpte.ted - by nor carrier t. room hia .inee.re thank. for the manner in Atli - n.ll hia Annual ha• liven reeeivel by the patron• of the ,tipy. 11.,v.—Yesterthiy, the X:01011111 Fat' I ony ;appointed I,v )1r: B1101:I 4enernily ole.erved is t'..lll4lbia. by a PUS pen,ion of business amt seniee ,at the vrit i,m.A Chtvreltes. I:ut. ' rott ACC11)11.-1;PIIC f , f,c4n . eiti2OTW Nlr. •latnes Mosp. a 3ti.,44natt nn the Pennsyl ,atnia ihtilrnna, jhad one of the fingers u he left hand taken of and two others se rerely crushed nn Tuesday last, while in th• act of coupling freigl t ears near Lancaster •le wits taken to the office of Dr. J. L. It ler, ten., who attended to the injuries. lotioty. 11:vrot:Nos.—It will be see, on advertisement in to day's Spy .ha he Ilope Lodge Er ?tying.; 1.611 eomntence .ext Friday :iveoing, in 0,1 , l Fellows' Hol; I'he entarse trill comprise ten sneeessiv, veekly lecturest, Abe opening one of whirl vill be delivered by 11 , ,0. Thos. E. Coehrot A u dito r t etioral of leen nsyli anis. Subject I' he True Conservative Power in a Fre . 4.ate. No doubt the address will be a, ,blo and interesting one. (Wier popula: eetur.:rs will follow. nod io,,lttly announced We are glad that the popular entertain Item, of last winter air! to be renew ed,— ['hey will doubtle- Lc receit e•l trith it - teased favor Purcv 1)1 , oh—On Thursday morniup 'list an old couple, Joseph and Eli/Abet) were found dead in their bead, a heir residence in this place. They ha , been Lae at rhureh The previous evening ind to this Girt the family attributed Owl inn appearance at the usual hour in th morning. Ott calling them, later, they wee• alteady mentioned, dead. A joint , Jf the stove pipe was found loose an , .he did people lea I evidently met their sad !earth from inhaling the escaping gas. A jury of ingur.,t, was summoned Deputy ('u:•uner Hunter, and a verdict ren lered in accordance with the abo‘c facts. THE MILITARY Mn:' my:l.—The proceed ings of a meeting, of citizens called fur 111 , purpose of organizing a Military Company n•ill he found elsewhere, It was a spirite. affair, and will end, we hope, in the organ ization of a creditable Volunteer Compan in Columbia. Whilst agreeing with th , sentiments of the meeting in app t• •ecession and devotion to the country, w, are not alive to the necessity of the pre-en• organization of the militia of our State fat salve service. We bare always considered the military ardor and parade of separate Southern States rue ritiiculoo , , and should he sorry to see .our staid Comm to weabh imitate their example of fuss and feathers. Should the present utth;ppy difficulties fail to be adjusted penecably, the e:West with the itit alt•y will, we are glad to believe now. since Mr Buell:man is listening ttt ‘V:NCI o mnsels than tho.ic of traitoron , seonssion ists, he with the C , eneral 6.m - ornament, at.t3 not with sister States, If volunteers be called for they will spring up by thousand.. tad Columbia will send her full share, we do not doubt. We do not believe that tin necessity will arise. Setting aside, how ever, the question of oollision between our. ethos and the South, we are glad to see at , effort, NO apparently sueees;ful„ to ,argani4. a volunteer company in our town. We need •a good comyany, ;tut] have ample material fur it. We trust the ardor may not die out with the prespnt excitement, but be bus handed into a steady military spit it whirl -hall re , it the old hors ,•.f sit:; e n soldier% in out• borough Com )ittr) l'int ‘N BIT Ball given b the Fire ctantetny on New 1 ear'', Ens Iva. a en:111)4,1;e and de •erred tit/et:es, The Hall wos crowde, with dancers, and the enj..ytnent wa , gem eral. wag the largest party held in in the 11411 f,r malty years. We are glati to learn that after pa3ing expen.ei hand some imlunee 'remained to the Company.— The bnys are unremitting, in their endeav nr. to procure a hew engine, and what is mare. are , 14terniineil to have one--a stparner at that: A Stearn Vire Engine, i. what the town need=.- floc light enough to be hauled by hand mill be suflimently effectise, and can be procured .it a eost little greater tha, that of a first clan hand engine. Then .1111 means of arresting a conflagration trill bl in prnpoiti.en danger our town Ire- Auently . run-. filen , is much perishable prOperly w tl.ia oar boraugh limit., and tins citizens ...taii.,t I.r•tt..r insure titcn.elve% • its ts.true,ien than by a liberal con. tribution t0w„..tr.1.1 ;he pureleoe of the ina elite rlosired by the t' " TY! R.Qtt9r - Gll.-- The of Ow he.t.itrer of the Borough. with the an ompa+t}' inp st4ter,..jcnts the Finance *tnniittee of C!nvit-ji, jnst printed, PilOWt. the Borough to be in a ctrst rate fiu.tnehal The , reeeir,,ts end e . :;penditures f or 1 , •:t• j i) fnnt up with a balani-e in the Tre,t‘try the sum expended * . -1.1'.*.27, was paid on orders issued during /S 1 11 ); '; , ; (.. .5.5t0 fur repairs of streets, „w r y., tc ., and $1,::`2:1,001 in reducing the debt f the buniugh. This is pretty ire)) for one year. The liabilities of the borough are $2.457- 27, and the assets $1,132 S. We way con gr,atulatc ourselves that the borough will soon be out of debt, and we hope that our present Affieient „Council, to which much credit ja due for the Wanner in which the affairs of ,t,La borough have been managed for the,paat year. will speedily relieve tie 4 f part •.f our on,c7vus lases. Fier. At tdoesrvitax..—On last Saturday night. at about half past ten ci.chaFk, our -itizens were alarmed by the taprfing of the • towmtbell for lite. A light was visible in the east, and it was evident that some pro pertly in the neighboring country was being burned. The engines -were brought out end hauled to the he:id of town, where it was ascertained that, the fire was too distant Or hope of stireor. The Columbia hose towever, which bad started in advance, lantintied out the Loneaster turnpike, re solved to reach the scene of conflagration:- ['hey were met some distance from town by 1t mounted messenger, oho announced that the fire was in Mountville, and the town in imminent danget. The messenger came on o Columbia for the .engines, but by the -ime of his arrival the light had so dimin sked as to warrant the belief that the dan t'er was over, and the engines were not :alters farther. The !floe Carriage was lrawn to Monptrille by -the indefatigable mys. They found the J.larn of Mr. Jacob Mill burned to the ground. Other property vas in danger, but through the exertions of he inhabitants, the fire was prevented from prcading,. Our firemen were enthusiasti c Illy re..eived and hospitably entertained tfter their long rem, and on I : aaving, a lib nal contribution towards the purchase of heir new engine was handed them by the iitizens of Mountville, grateful for the good c ill sh o wn, although no aid had lit en given. Cite farmers of our neighborhood could not to better than tc contribute inwards the :mrchase of a .teatner by our firemen, as it night be the assail; of doing g soil service in cases similar to that of Saturday night. „fad the wind been high then, .Mountrifle .night h tee been laid in ashes. A pair of lorses would drag an engine to tiny poin .within five miles of town quickly eatou , ,r_ti to :envier efficient aid. k'ilir. • i, . 1 Si, I The fire in Mountville is believed to have aeon the war% of au incendiary. IV° un ,evitand a inan L-as seen running from the own jiiq before the alarm was given. We earn also th it the same night, just after the ire at Mountville was extinguished, at) ef ort we made to fire the dwelling, of Mr. Joseph Detwiler. whose barn was burned ib int a week since.. The incendiary was ,een running towards Chestnut UM, by ierson: wii fortunately discovered the fire. kindled in a pile of :Shingles under a pereli.l wd extingubdir 1 it before it lia 1 gained wail way. The rountry is tern mu di ex die I, and it will n it be well for Ili , vira'n f he is caught. MEETING TU ORG I X12:1: /1./7.11:1* CoU ..AXY.-17.1 answer to a call, n on Mon lay, a fleeting or cit zees, irreinceti-o of , arty, vas hell in the Town Ilall, on Wed iesdny ercning„ 2...1 inst., for the purposo of .rganizing a military c nupany, with a view ,0 readincsi for service in ca‘c of call by the country. Thomas Welsh, Esq., ma , s called to the :hair, and A. Bruner, Jr., appointed Seere tars. The President stated the object of the meeting. Mr. Thus. Collins observed that telegraphic dispatch had been rtyeired at liarrisburg from Washington, requesting hat no steps might be taken by the Logis latnri, towards arming the State, as yet, and he thought any movement of the people of the State contemplating military organiza tion injudicious at present, The President and J. W. Fisher, Esq., ad tressed the meeting, denouncing secession mot declaring their devotion to, and readi ness to defend the Polon. They considered the liresent the proper timit far the fan/1- tlOll of a V.oluntea: C unpany in our town. The following resalutioms °Mire] by J. W. Fisher, E , were Illattitumvdy adopted: /?osseived. That we regent the Union of •he mates of tido Republic no the greatest blessing which Providence has bestowed upon any Government; that under the folds of the American flag this Government has risen from a state of colonial weakness, to he the greatest nation on the face of the t lobe; and that the ctatn plot of our growth old strenth is a beacon fight to guide the people oof the Old World in struggle to shake off the tyrannies under v.-Lich they nave for many veers been groaning. Ite.mired. Thnt we will mist tamely stAmit to gef• 6110 slat' one stripe stricken from our Country's flag. but that we v i,tt all hoes hold omrsetres in re t•litte4+ to respond -o the call oof the Government. in the proton -6141 t)I tht, CoMtifgti , ll) awl lam 4. ja.tgl t he 11.11. , kd iluXlll' die ;;lour .11s 1'46 it• 4,1 the IRO ;:1e.1,•,;.• inclntier,liip in a v..lunteer t wai then dr.o.vit ..p, an.l i n^i I.v firty tiny Ille• • After the a li•otrealeiit ni,iting, a 4.Llute of 33 ger); w.ts fire 1 iq h,nar of the illant Ander., in. The piece it.o 1 1V.19 one c.tct by 31 J,tr- , . sitpplee..o the C dent. hitt :%lanufit ere rieg C , ntp, v S'vp, "- - - ' land 'acre the only Siuthern members voting 1--; "" . '"° 31 r"-vtz• hoar for the proposition. The Territory of New hut one opinion expre•sed of the last annual t m ex : eo which it thus prop )4 e.l t) admit as Nlessa,ge of Gover no r pa c ke r , r e ad in the a State and so to settle the territor al roes [louse of Representatives on last Wedne-tility tion, iv b tunic] North by Ctah and the. It is everyn here eelumended for its clear. Kansas Territories, South by Texas and ness, its firmness, its moderati o n, anti its Mexico, E Ist by Kansas and the Indian maniy indepewtenee. Governor Packer Territorie•, and West by California. will retire trim office aid: the respect of all Mteetiar, 21st.--In the Senate, Mr. reit parties. Ile has been one of the best t;oo- tendon gave notice of his resolution for re ernors our i' , initioatrealth hits ever ferring his plan of Compromise to a direct We gi%e below a brief ;distract of the vote or the people, and it was made the spe- Message. cial order for Wednesday. Senator D mglas floc Governor refers with satisfaction to also has the floor for that day. an I will give the financial c of use State, his views upon the crisis. Senator Re*- : luolte forward to the estinetion of the State min en M nolay, made an argument on the Icbt at a time not far distant as a fised right of seeesvimi, declared distmion itievita fact. De refers to the suit now pending be- hie, and re-affirme 1 his belief that peacea , tween the State and the Pennsylvania secession was impossible. The close of road Cumpany, and anticipates its certain la., speech wits followe t by mingled rip , decision iu favor of the Commonwealth. Ile Otiose and hisses from the gallerint, which recommends that sufficient relief be granted were finally eleare I by order of the Vice to the Sunbury and Erie Railroad to insure President. The !louse spent the day in its etinipletion. The educational interests quarrelling, over revolutions of inquiry as to of the State are recommendgti to the partic- • the Charleston Forts and what measures the ular care of the Legislature. He believes President had taken to garrison them.— the Free yanking 'System, although net yet During the confusion, a resoluti in proposed full:- inaugurated, suited tnl.lle. wants of the by Mr. Pryor, declaring the coercion of a State, and an LoPr°voment on the old Ip r. ' State to be impracticable an I subversive of lie advises additinnal security fur the sus- republican liberty being under coincident tody of the public funds. Ile recommends thin, an animated collerrir to ik place ba the usual nppropriratitins to charitable and tvreen Mr. B irksiale: of Miss' tsippi, and reformatory insitutionio Mr. MiClernand, of Illinois; bath - Demo The (ii. nor nest considers tie alarm- orate, hut widely differing upon this sub• ing condition of our domestic relations,_ jest. II .all !louses adjourned ever until lie denounces .tf,,,e doctrine of secetrion. and Wednesday. brands the net fts r,thor.m. net/ deciare• ,Can. t?. emit it should he "t: rated as such, by those chose sworn dory it isito maintain the $O - of the4.7cnstitution rind laws of the United States," 1 a mnsiders the avowed rouses of the action of i;outh Caroline. and denies the existenee of-any unconstitutional .t.it ,upon the statute boob of our State.— [in reviews the laws upon the subject of the rendition of fagitive Slaves, advises the re peal of any ..tet or Section which may lie unfriendly to the South, and that the con sent of the State he gi‘en to the transit and brief residence of a slave accompanying his master. tie advocates the doctrine of Pop ular Sovereigaity,es the true basis of a set tlement of the Territorial question, but is willing to adopt any reasonable measure of compromise. lie closes with an earnest appeal for the Union. Proceedings of Council y—A Special Meeting of the To wn.Coun cil was held December 28, 1860. Members present,—Messrs. Bruner, Bran emar, Ilershey, llippec, McChesney and Watts. In the absence of the - President, Mr. Watts teas called to the Chair. Minute 4 of last meeting were read and approved. Whole amount fd . Donlicate, $3.433 10 P.tid Treai. by Cu'lector Eddy, $2,825 00 Paid in Council by de- ducting from bilk 125 7,1 Paid 5 per cent. fur cut. lcctinn, 155 41 F.loncration, 326 00 which was approved. of. The Treasurer made the following report: A mmut of money received fur 1860, $6,303 98 Amount of money paid out as per vouchers, 6.1.20 45 Leasing a. balimee in tke 'treas ury ”f The nuance Committee reported that they hod vttlol the tax duplicate of 1.559 with the Collector n, follow_: fbe Finance Com mit tee subat tted r..rnat of the -Financial condition of the Borough np to thiA date. The Finance Couneittee also submitted a condensed report of the receipt; and expen ditures of the li.mr ugh for lti4l. 11.)th re ports were adopted, and 1111 motion SO copic.; ordered to be, pr:toca with the Treaqurerq =I Me. 'honer offered the fulltAling resole• tion.lvhich «•.t9 unanianotily adoptel. IZeA)lved, That a vote oi thanks be ten dered Mr. Peter Fraley. late Pr,!.ident of Council. Etr , hi honorable and gentlemanly deportment to the 11.entbers during the l.•t't year. On motion, Couneit. adjourned. Attest: WM. V. I.t.m•n Congress Tio.:.spal, Dec. 27.—The proceedings of Congress were not imp., , rtant. The Senate delothad the bill fur the orgailization of the Territory of Arizona. In the course of the dcbatz, in which various 2,cnators partici pated, :V.r. Ileoi.un in said that the secession of Sag!: Carolina from the Union world be officially announce„ en Monday next, when the questiet: would await decision whether that Sotto was to • be permitted to peveably retire. The Senate adjourned over until I Monday. The house proceeding's were un important and it :Alcamo! early from the want of a quorion. Fair, ty, tith. ,ogress riot in session. , Tho Senate Cma:littee of thirteen have ben unable to agree upon any proposition of serdemont, and will report that fact to the Senn'. They votel down the proposi tions slomtitted by Sangho: bolozlas and Bigler. The I 1 onsc :cleat ft , molit.tee adopted. by a nearly onanimlllo vote, the proposition to so amend the 0 nistitotion as to prohibit C , ngressional interference with slavery in the States where it exims. S trUito tY, ch.—Congress not in session. The II atsc C onwittee of thirty-three re leete 1 Mr. dV,.!son's proposition, winch was sobstantially that proposed in the Senate by Mr. Crittenden, all the Republicans, with Mr. Davis, of Maryland. voting ng.iiii3t 1.. Gn the announcement of this result 3.le:srs. Taylor of r.ouisiona, Winslow of North Car olina, ald 11,u.tun of Alabama, withdrew from the t' mmittee. Mr. Adams, of Mao. sachnsetts. l:•piflietn. tlom submitted a propositi in that it was expedient that all of Ne'N nt'..llo ) will be admitted a-, soon as ray be as a State, on an equal footing with tha original State:, (of course with slavery if ,c1:0 an desires,) and that the Committee Canoe to be proparel an enabling act fur that purl; :se. The pr :position passel, ayes 13, nays 10. one third of the Committee be ing either absent or not voting. nessrs. Bristow of Kentucky and Davis of Mary- rfia-gen; bled, but the espeeted Message of the Pres t ident was not reeeic-e.l. "In the Senate Mr. Baker, of Oregon, made his first Senatorial effort. His speech was s. defence of the Re publican party and a replf to the secession theories of Mr.- Benjamin, of Louisiana. Scantor Davis offered resolutions directing the ,President to withdraw the Federal forces when desired by the Convention or Legislature of any State, and also recogniz ins the right ef States to keep troops and ships of war. The House was engaged r.ll day in a Par liamentary etroggle over a resolution offered by :\ Ir. Davis, of Indiana, on Monday last, instructing the Judiciary Committee to in quire and report if any legislation had be come necessary in consequence of the seces sion of South Carolina. Mr. Davis with dreti the resolution under the decision of the ppeaker that ,ite bad a right to do so On this dicision - an itppeal was taken. A struggle ensued to fight off the vote on this appeal, and the House finally adjourned with the understandin,g that the vote should be ilriplittel Witilo% further obstruction this morning. Items of Domestio News Vice ,President Breckenridge is said to have ,prepared :In address to the B )rdcr Slareholding States, proposing a C mrention of delegates from those States to be held at Baltimore in February next. The address has already been signed by men of the Senators and Representatives of these States. The bids fur the new five million loan to the United States upon treasury notes were ope n ed at the Treasury Department on Fri day, Dee. 28th. The whole amount of the Inds was a little less than half the amount of the loan, at rates of interest ranging from thirty to six per cent, the average being twelve per cent! The citizens of Pittsburg,. have resolved to make no farther resistance to the rent3val of the ordnacc from the arsenal, though protesting against the removal as inoppor tune and impolitic. • A caueas of the members of Congress from the Border States, viz: Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carglina, Virginia, Maryland, Da!a ware, Arkansas, Missouri, New Jersey Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and lowa, was held a t Waslnugtun, on Finlay evening of last week, to consider the Lust sln nteatil of averting etvil war and preserving the Union. S 'deo. eutnproonse wti =I .rue esittoit has rcrueed to order Major !Anderson back to Fort Moultrie or to with• draw the' United States forces from Chatles ken harbor, and Mr. Floyd, Secretary of cer, his resigne 1 his puettion in the liabi net. Mr. Thompson, the Soeretury of the Intetior, and Mr. Thomas, the recently ap pointed Seertary of the Treasury, are ads. inclined to withdraw. The former does not, because of the inve.stigation now proceeding in his department in relation to the :stolen bonds, and the latter is zepresentod as in e efe of indecision. The resignation of Mr. I Floyd was accepted by the President on the same ‘.'ay it was tendered. General S.:on is repurted to have aulguit ted to the President a plan for blocka ling Charleston and strongly reinforcing all the Southern forts. From Charleston we have the camounee meat that the South Carolina authorities h.tve taken possession of the United States Arsenal and appropriated the arms to their own use; that the United States revenue cutter Aiken has been abandoned by her commander, and that the Captain of the slave ship Ilanita, • reeentl,y brought into Charleston in charge of a prize-crew, ho been freed by a mob. These demonstrations are said to have weakeae , l the sympathy for Sand) Carolina existing in Washington, and given renewed force to the doubts whether she is a fit leader for the other Smthern States. A brief Union address to the people of the country, urging them to concentrate their efforts for conciliation on tho basis of Senator Crittenden's pion of cola promise, has been prepared at Washington and signed by members of both Houses of Congress. The intelligence from Washington repre• smts Mr. Buchanan as having assumed a mire determined position toward South rarolitta. He has refused to recoznise the South Carolina Commissioners, has approved the conduct of Major Anderson cn the ground that he had evidence of an intention to take possession of Fort Moultrie, and has further announced a firm determination to colleet the re% Canes and obtain possession of tho Government property now held by South Carolina `ru tps. He has :115t) in pri vate conversation, avowed his purpose to use all the powers of the Government to ensure the neacable inauguration of Mr. Lincoln at Washington. These statements as to the final determination of the Prcii dont were generally credited in Washington on Wednesday. The Legislature of t eal York a•semblo.l on Wednesday. The message Of Gov. :llorgsn very conciliatory. Ho urges Now York to oppose no barrier ton sottlement of the sectionable troubles, but to Lit her repro. sentatives in Congresi giro ready supp.irt to any just and honorable agreement, lie :also recommends the repenl of the personal liberty bill of the Northern States, %tumult-I:a U.irrAt 'a stoekhol ders of Harrisburg. Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster fittilmal Company held a meeting in Pailadelphitt 'on Thursday Dec. •27, and authorised tiro lease ortheir road, and all their property to the Petinsyl vani., Railroad Camprny, for a term of 009 years: The terms of the contract are very favorable. The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, agrees to keep the road in proper re pair, and also guarantees to pay the interest lon the bonds of the 11. nut! L. road, and seven per cent on the capital stock. Up wards of 1:i. 000 out of 21,00) shares were represented at the meeting, and about 10,009 votes were ree ;riled in favor of the new con tract. The arrangement will be beneficial to bath companic.s—while Cie flartisburg and frincatiter Company will always be sure of a good dividend without any trouble or i expense for repairs; the Peansylvania Rail • road Company will bare the entire control of a line of through trace!. NT E.tst to West whlt.thj defies eompetion. AllOrT Wll.ll3.—The last of the Irish I Lords Fitzwilliam was underitood to have made a will leaving the bulk of ,his property to his friend Lord °miaow, when one morn ing at breakfast the expectant heir, after helping himself to cream, brought the rim iof his cup in contact with the rim of the Icream jug to prevent a drop, from falling.—, Lord lit2NCitlitlM contended that this was ill-bred and showed a want of refinement, inasmuch as Lord Onslow's lip might have touched the part of the cup which touched the rim of the jug. The offending peer turned the objection into ridicule, and his Iname was forthwith erased from the will. I No man in his ordinary, every-ay mood, understood life better than Lord — Byron, or was less likely to mix up poetry or passion with matters of business. His private letters are fUll of go6d sense, nod his will it Well con ' sidered document prepared by lawyers.— Any unkind infeienee that might have been drawn from the devise to Mr. Leigh is ex pressly negatived: “I make the .above pro : visions for my sister and , . her children, in consequence of my dear wife, Lady Byron, and any children I may have, being other wise amply provided fur." The only touch of wilfulness or predutlice is in the codicil by which he gives his daughtsr Allegro £5,000 on condition that 811'.3 dues not marry w.,:th a native of Great Britain. A codicil to David ilnnte's will runs thus: "I leave to mn old friend, .11r. - Julm Hume of Kilduf, ten auzen of my old claret at his .choice, and one single bottle of that other liquor called port. I also leave him six dozen of port provided that he attests under his hand, signed John Home, that he hits himself alone finished that bottle at two sit tings. By this concession, he will at once terminate the only two differences that ever arose between us concerning temporal af• fairs." The two differences were ns to the proper mode of spelling their nnme—whether Hume or llume—and as to the merits of port, which John Home detm.ted. In the celebrated Lord Chesterfield's will we find: "In case my godson, Philip Stanhope, shall at any time hereafter keep, or be con cerned in the keeping of any race hors,., or pack of hounds, or reside one night at New market, that. infamous seminary of iniquity and during the course of the races there: Gr shall resort to the said races or loose in any one day at any game or bet whatever the sum .CittO; then in any one `of the cases aforesaid, it is my - express wi-h that be, my said godson, shall forfeit and pay out of the estate the sum of ,f,5,000 to and for the use of the Dean and Chapter of ‘Vestminster." The disposition of the penalty, we learn from Lord Stanhope, was a sly hit at the Dean and Chapter for having,'as the E,mrl thought, driven a hard bargain with him for the site of Chesterfield House. Ile in se t ted their names because he felt sure that if the penalty were incurred, they would nut be slow in exacting it. Munk Lewis died on shipboard of medi cine ad minis'ered by two negro s:av( s, w!tom he had promised to emancipate in hi.; will, though in justice to them, it should he added that a ccording to another account, he paid the penalty of his own wilfullnoss in insisting on em ctics as a remedy fin sea- sickneis A Court AND .t Pas to.—ln the year 1712,. Whiston predicted that the comet would ap pear on Wednesday, 14th October, at five minutes after Eve in the morning, end that the world would ho destroyed by fire on the Friday following. Ilia reputation was high, and the comet appeared. A number of per sons cit in to boats and barges on the Thames, thinking the wator the safest place. A captain of a Dutch ship threw all his pow der into the :Avis., Una the ship might not be endangered. At noon, after the comet had appeared, it is said that more than One hundred clergymen were ferried co er to L.tmbeth, to request that proper prayers might be prepared, there being none in the church service. The people believed that the day oh judgement was at hand, and some acted on thia belief, snore as if some basporary evil was to be expected. There was a prodigious sun on the bank, and Sir Gilbert Heathcote, at that time the head director, issued orders to all the fire officers in fondon, requiring them to keep to gal 1 look out, and have a particular eye upon the Bank of Englund. at 7C.1.C11R0V153.11 tS ear.—The gossipir g Paris correspondent of the New York Es• press gives the following: A. Parisian artist of considerable talent, but whose early oducatian would appear to have bccn somewhat neglected—at least in eironolo,gy—has excited the satirical ridi cule of the critics by a soi disant historical painting he hes recently terminated. The new work purports to represent Christopher C,luml•us on his voyage of discovery - to America. The illustruns navigator is seen, standing on the deck of his yes-el, in an at titude of deep meditation, smoking a fra grant Havana: This is a laughable anach ronism, certainly: hut the Paris painter may G-ad consolation in the reflection that the history of •trt furnishes famous precedents for the cannuission of chronological blun ders. In one of Van Ilyek's pictures, enti tled the Sacrifice et• Abraham. the venera ble patriarch is taking aim with a musket at his son Isaac; and oven the immortal Raphael has left at work representing St.- John the llaptist, as it ohild, gazing at the infant Jesus, and clasping a cross in his hands. /Par Beyond the Pc ienca of the Oculig..._ window blind. Columbia Lumber Market. Panel Boards and Plank, W. ?we, $35.06 Ist Comm. . ~ 30.00 2nd " " " 4. 18.00 Culling o. ,6 12.30 a 13.00 Inferior 0 < 6, 9.00 Bill Scantling, . 15.02 Joists and Scanthn, Hemlock 82 a 10.00 Boards, . 9 a 20. 1 0 Bill Scantling, 6, 12.00 Ash Plank, 2040 a 25.00 Siding, $l3 a 15600 Long 'Shingles, 9 a 16.00 Cypress ss 10.00 Plastering Lath, 2.25 a 2.1.0 Arrival and Departure O 'Trains PCNNSTSYLVAVILA 1111.1Lt0AZ. Ensiward. Marietta Accommodation arriveso9.24 A. M. Lancaster Train lenres 19.20 .... Harrisburg ~.'.41:1 ..4 Mail, t{ 6.42 ~,, Emigrant, r, 11.00 Westward Eastigrant arrives Mail leaves 'Harrisburg ,‘ leaves Lancaster Train arrives NOP.7II.F.ZN CIF:STIIAL /1.111. WA .11111% . 0. AVM, • Morning Train, 6:30 A. 11. G. 55 A. M. Noon